#sunday records
joanofarc · 4 months
somethings never change, shoestrings (1995).
don't worry 'bout the future cos you'll only make things worse
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bandcampsnoop · 2 months
Micah, Jason and I saw Gruff (pronounced Griff) Rhys (Reese) last night in Sacramento. It was one of the coolest overall shows I've seen in a while. Gruff and his band rocked hard and also performed a few "skits".
Opening was Sacramento band Desario. I'd never heard of them, but when I saw the rhythm guitar and bass player had Rickenbackers I was locked in. I'd looked them up before the show and had seen shoegaze bands Ride and Lush used for comparison. But someone also mentioned The Chills and Orange Juice.
Without a doubt there is a shoegazey sound at work, but I see the other band comparisons as being legit. "Signal and Noise" is their newest release (LP on Fort Lowell Records, and CD on Sunday Records) but this band goes back to the early 2000s. Members have been in other Sacramento bands Rocketship and Holiday Flyer.
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dreadfuldevotee · 27 days
Ruby: Yeaaaah, The Doctor just constantly trauma dumped on me starting from the day we met
Yasmin Khan, who has finally been convinced to come back to companion support group after finding out that The Doctor settled down with a family 48 hours after leaving her: I have to leave
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hydrachea · 1 month
Thinking about Robin and Sunday's halos.
About how Robin's halo isn't a closed circle, but more like a branch forming a circular shape, where the start and stem don't touch. It's also uneven in shape and splits into three flowers, like it's allowed to grow freely, unobstructed. Something about Robin having left Penacony and having escaped the confines of her cage, being able to flourish. About her being able to let people in, and connect to them.
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Meanwhile Sunday stayed behind to be the head of the Oak family and conform to the strict role that's expected of him, and his halo is a perfectly symmetrical shape that's practically fully closed off. It's sharp, almost more like a crown of thorns than a halo. And it almost doesn't have any openings to let anything, or anyone, in easily. It actively discourages getting close to it.
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And then if you want to get sappy about, which I will - Sunday doesn't let anyone in, with that almost completely sealed, thorny halo of his... But there's an opening in Robin's halo, and so it can fit around Sunday's. Something about him always being able to find solace in her, because there's room for him in her (halo) heart always, by design.
Anyway I'm not normal about them.
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ew-selfish-art · 10 months
Dp x Dc AU: Danny's final Interview with Tim Drake for the Wayne Enterprise's Space Program Operation Janus Crew... Demon Twin AU.
Danny had been waiting for his offer letter from WE to be officially part of the Janus Crew. He'd done all the standard rigorous testing and passed with flying colors. He'd talked to every single head engineer and interviewed at all levels to prove that he was the man for this mission. It was as good as gold, so Danny was surprised when he got a call from the PA to Tim Drake, the CEO himself, to come in for a final interview. Just a formality and mostly just to meet the man who was going to be the poster boy for their program. Makes sense, but is unnerving, nonetheless.
The second he walks into the office space, Tam Fox seemingly does a double take, blinking a few times when he explains that he's there for a final interview. She nods and he proceeds as if nothing about that was weird.
Tim Drake has four laptops in front of him and a scattering of papers, but looking up to see Danny, he closes them all and the image of a scattered young man trying to run a Fortune 500 company is replaced with some one of deadly capability.
"Danny Fenton. Great to meet you, I appreciate you coming by today." Tim says, but Danny can see the sharks fin in the water.
"Of course, I'm excited to be part of the Crew." Danny throws back, making it clear right away that Tim needs to cut to the chase if Danny's not going to be an astronaut with WE. NASA will take him back in a heartbeat if WE is going to try and play games.
"We're excited to have you, everyone speaks of you like the next Armstrong or Aldrin. I just had a few questions, as an informality, that I wanted answered."
"I feel like I've answered every question there could be about me, but go ahead. I'm an open book."
"Great. I suppose I'll start with asking about your adoptive family, the Fentons. Were they good to you when you transitioned to their home?"
"...It's not common knowledge that I'm adopted. Mom and Dad are fine. We have a strained relationship now because of my teenage rebellion but I still go home for most holidays." Danny is on edge, but also a bit excited? How did Tim find this out?
"I see. I'm an adopted child myself, you can understand maybe why I asked. Do you have any relationship with your birth family?" Tim asks, but its clear he's asking something else. Danny calls it how he sees it.
"What are you trying to find out? I mean really, you're very polite but this doesn't have to do with my job."
"I'll cut to the chase then. Do you hold any allegiance to Ra's al Ghul or the League of Assassins?"
"Woah." Danny blinks.
"Woah as in you're surprised I found out, or Woah in surprise that you've been found out?"
"Woah as in, what the fuck, I haven't thought of his name in decades. I escaped pretty young after being abused from birth."
"That's what I needed to know. You have a sister through the Fentons, and a cousin that I suspect is a clone, any other siblings?" Tim asks, his to the point question making Danny's head spin. How the fuck did this guy know about Dani?
"How do you-"
"Any other siblings, Danny?" Tim repeats, cutting him off.
"...Yeah. I should have a twin running around out there. But if this has to do with whatever crazy bullshit he might be up to, I swear i'm not in contact with him or his family. I haven't been since I freed myself."
Tim looks like he's contemplating something, his eyes are still evaluating Danny as though he were a frog in freshman year Bio.
"I have a little brother, Danny, and it's interesting. He's not particularly fascinated by space but he likes to keep up with all the astronauts. I took it upon myself to research you once you came on the roster two years ago for this position. I know you're capable and I had no doubt that you'd be the man for the job. Then I saw your picture."
"You... saw my picture?"
"My brother watches out for Astronauts because he holds onto the hope that someone from his past might be one some day. That it might lead to their reconciliation." Tim clarifies.
Danny can't do anything but stare. No. No way.
"I told Damian not to look into the astronauts for the Janus Crew. Want to guess why?" For the first time, Tim's eyes look soft around the edges. Danny stays silent for a while, head reeling from this information.
"...Is he. Is he free?" Danny finally asks.
"He's left the league and burned all allegiance he held for them, if that's what you're asking. Came to join his dad, my adoptive father, when he was about ten. So just a few years after you made your own way out without him."
"That's... That's good. I'm glad. He's healthy?" Danny can't help himself but inquire. He'd loved his brother until it literally broke him.
"Most days. He runs an animal sanctuary, has a girlfriend and a best friend, gets along with our large family."
"Woah." Danny's near speechless again.
"I'm telling you this because... He's going to find out Friday with the press release of you being our Crew Leader. He'll see you and no doubt try to contact you. I want you to have the choice of reaching out to him before that, or at least make your peace with what you have to say to him if you don't want a relationship."
"Because I don't care to see my siblings hurt. Here, it's my personal line, below it is Damian's. Reach out to me if you'd like for me to plan a meeting spot, reach out to him if you'd prefer I stay out of it. I understand completely if my questions have led you to not trust me." Tim offers him a piece of paper with two phone numbers on it, Danny takes it with shaking hands.
"I... See. Okay." and then after a moment, Danny added numbly "Thanks."
Tim stands and Danny follows, they're both walking towards the door and Danny can't help but feel like he's waiting for another shoe to drop. Tim has a look in his eye like Jazz might on his birthday.
"One last thing before you go and you're officially listed as our star Astronaut: I took care of those pesky case files and lab reports for you. The white ones. It is quite literally impossible for that heinous shit to every bother you again."
"Wait, What? Why would you do that for me? You couldn't have known-"
"It's what family is for. Have a good day, Janus Crew Lead Danny."
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ride-a-dromedary · 2 months
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b1adie · 25 days
sunday whimpering clip (no spoilers)
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stromer · 2 months
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elvensorceress · 7 months
Sunday Sentences
way more than 7 of them because it's been a while and you deserve all of these 💕 tagged by @eddiebabygirldiaz @spotsandsocks @wikiangela @monsterrae1 @messyhairdiaz @theotherbuckley thank you, beloveds 💕 tagging @shortsighted-owl @hippolotamus @disasterbuckdiaz @housewifebuck @hoodie-buck @the-likesofus @bekkachaos @loserdiaz @wildlife4life @giddyupbuck @911onabc @eddiediaaz @thespermdonorstorylineisstupid @ronordmann @shitouttabuck @babytrapperdiaz @fleurdebeton @buddierights if you haven't posted yet and want to share something 😘
from the Unless finale
Eddie leans in closer, pressing harder, more securely against Buck from shoulders to thighs. “I wanted you,” he whispers and leaves a light brush of a kiss on Buck’s lips. “I want you.”
Buck holds onto him but leans to the side to look at him with a puzzled expression on his face. “You want me?”
What sort of question is that? No, Eddie does this all the time to everyone. He’s the one stealing firetrucks and hooking up in bar bathrooms. Because those are things Eddie would do. When he can’t even talk about having sex even with the man he loves without panicking. Whatever. Of course he wants Buck. “Do you think I don’t?”
“N-no. No, I don’t mean. I mean— what? What do you mean?”
Eddie means this is the strangest conversation he and Buck have ever had. Which says a fucking lot. “What do you think I mean? I want you. I wanted more. I wanted you to stay. You and your hard-on. We could have—” Eddie’s still not sure where they might’ve landed on the they could have had sex spectrum. But it would have been something more than Buck running to jerk off alone because he was too turned on and thought it wasn’t welcome. “I mean maybe you aren’t ready to have sex yet. I get that. We haven’t even said if we’re dating dating and it’s only been hours that we’ve been together. So… maybe this was better. Maybe we should wait. But…” 
But he doesn’t know how to finish that thought other than Buck should have stayed. He needs Buck to stay. He wants Buck with him. He wants to take care of him and love him and be good for him. 
Buck blinks at him then leans back even further and stares with a scrunched look of trying to do complicated math and failing at it. He even holds up a hand like he needs a teacher to call on him and answer his questions. “What? I just. I don’t understand. What do you—what?”
“What do you mean, ‘what’?” 
“I mean who are you and what have you done with Eddie and I don’t know what you mean by, I want you. And we should wait? And you think I’m not ready to have sex yet? Why do you think we’re going to have sex? What do you want with me? Of me? What do you— w-what do you want when you say, you want me?”
What else might it mean? Were they not just making out all over the kitchen? Is it not obvious? Eddie didn’t think he would have to spell it all the way out. But maybe direct and to the point is the best approach? 
He rests both his hands on Buck’s chest. His very soft, very warm, very muscled and beautiful chest with his beautiful beating heart that Eddie swears he can feel racing beneath his fingers. “Buck,” he says slowly, passionately, with as much warmth and love as he can possibly pour into his words. “I want to have sex with you.” 
It doesn’t quite have the reaction Eddie was expecting. Or hoping for. Not that he knows exactly what he thought might happen, but Buck just blinks at him like Eddie’s suddenly confessed he was wrong and actually does believe in jinxes and the “q-word curse” and other stupid superstitions. 
But he’s not the one who responds to Eddie’s declarative wanting anyway. 
“Uhhh. If you’re going to do that, can you not do it in the kitchen,” Chris says from the doorway. “I eat here. We all eat here. It would have to be some kind of health hazard violation.”
Chris is leaning against the doorway. Without his crutches. Which somehow makes him far too stealthy and quiet. Either that or Eddie was just way too distracted with... never mind.
Eddie’s stomach, lungs, liver, kidneys, heart all plummet out of his body. Metaphorically of course because literally dying of mortification would give him an out from this situation. That would be too easy. 
He pulls away from Buck and steps backward until he’s at the opposite side of the room, while Buck is left with his arms hanging in midair, curved around where Eddie used to be. 
“We’re not,” Eddie says. “We weren’t doing— anything. We weren’t going to. We were just talking.”
Chris gives him a withering, skeptical look that only makes him look a thousand percent like his mother. 
Which Eddie absolutely cannot handle right now.
“H-hey, Chris,” Buck steps toward the doorway, coincidentally or maybe not so coincidentally between Eddie and Chris, and turns into his bubbly, eager, friendly self. “Are you— are you hungry? Do you still want those pancakes? Cinnamon swirls and cream cheese icing? I was getting ready to make them for us.”
Chris wrinkles his nose and shakes his head. “Not hungry anymore. What’s going on? When did this happen? Why didn’t you tell me?”
Buck looks back to Eddie with clear worry all over his face, and Eddie tries to silently convey that everything is okay. Chris isn’t in the dark about how Eddie feels about Buck. He’s not angry with them. 
Eddie’s pretty sure anyway. “It only just happened. We weren’t keeping anything from you.” 
Chris gapes at him with wide, horrified eyes. “It just happened? That’s how you told Buck? By saying that? Oh my god, Dad! What were you thinking? That is so embarrassing.”
Eddie’s mouth falls open. “N-no. No! That wasn’t— That wasn’t how.”
Chris’ very disbelieving, very Shannon-face comes out again, and Eddie sags against the counter and rubs a hand over his suddenly aching head. 
“No. Chris,” Buck says gently but solidly. Something firm and stead through storms and Eddie just wants to hold onto him and never let go. “Your dad told me last night that he’s in love with me. And I love him, too. I love you both more than anything.”
Chris turns his scrutinizing gaze on Buck this time and still looks skeptical, but also not so horrified. Just wary. 
At this point, Eddie will take what he can get. 
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emoanemo · 23 days
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thewolvesof1998 · 7 months
Tease Tidbit Tuesday
Tagged by @jeeyuns (early but its already Tuesday night for me-it's that NZ time)
This is a secret fic that I started yesterday and only one person knows about it 👀 And if all goes to plan I'll be posting it in the next few days...
He shoves his phone back into his pocket and heads for his truck. He throws his useless toolkit in the back seat before getting behind the wheel. It only takes him fifteen minutes to get home and he really wishes that he lived further away from his aunt. He sits in his driveway for a conspicuous amount of time but he can't seem to get his legs working, something akin to panic making his body feel like lead. Buck will be texting him any minute now, asking where he is, he knows how long it takes from his Tia’s, which seems like intimate knowledge but Buck’s been intertwined with his family for about as long as he has known him. Just last week he’d helped Eddie fix Tia Pepa’s back fence and afterwards they had driven home in Eddie’s truck, Buck behind the wheel and trying not to be distracted by Eddie’s hand on his clothed cock. Buck had definitely run some reds and almost caused a fender bender but it had only taken them ten minutes to get home that day.
It was supposed to be a funny, lighthearted fic but it's by me so of course it's got some angst.
tagging: @wikiangela @wildlife4life ​ @eddiebabygirldiaz @disasterbuckdiaz @spotsandsocks @try-set-me-on-fire @jesuisici33​ @bekkachaos @buddierights @spagheddiediaz @911-on-abc @hippolotamus @shitouttabuck @911onabc @exhuastedpigeon @malewifediaz @your-catfish-friend @loserdiaz @ladydorian05 @watchyourbuck @king-buckley @chaoticgremlinwholikescheese @daffi-990 @fortheloveofbuddie @steadfastsaturnsrings @mangacat201 @theotherbuckley @hoodie-buck @eowon @rainbow-nerdss @nmcggg @pirrusstuff @evanbegins @giddyupbuck @sammysouffle @smilingbuckley @jamespearce9-1-1 @carrierofthepaperclips @callmenewbie
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joanofarc · 1 year
tumbledown weekend, they go boom!! (1995).
but you were right when you said i could never hear those songs again oh no
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sjnjournal · 2 months
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Coffee & Sinatra.
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bartholomeacorsair · 12 days
Till now,
Ruby Sunday has been in 5 eps and technically died in 3 of them 💀
The doctor has stepped on 2 random objects, which he really shouldn't have
Ruby's mum has been really bitter twice (when Ruby isn't in her life 🥹 coz Ruby really changed her life)
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hydrachea · 1 month
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Mihoyo if you don't make him playable.
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prettygoododds · 3 months
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Thanks for the tags @thewholelemon @ileadacharmedlife @youarenevertooold @cutestkilla @artsyunderstudy @roomwithanopenfire @shrekgogurt & @hushed-chorus I was beyond blown away seeing all the tags!
Good news, I worked on the hockey fic this week and I've got a good idea of the direction I want it to go. Now to just put those thoughts to paper...
But here's six (maybe more) of the already freed sentences:
“Now for real, it’s great you’re all heart eyes at each other, but what I’ve been dying to know–” Agatha smiles at me and raises her eyebrows up and down in an obscene manner. “How IS he?” “A gentleman doesn’t kiss and tell.” “Oh fuck off! I’ve seen him do his warm-ups and surely those hips don’t lie.” I look out onto the bay again, my face hotter than a tea kettle. “I will neither confirm nor deny…anything.” “You’re no fun. Simon at least gave me a little,” she says, leaning back in her chair in a pout. “You talked to Simon?” “Yes, and don’t look at me like that. He was annoyingly stingy with info as well. All he’d say is you moved more like a figure skater than a hockey player.”
Hockey warmups below. Hockeytok is a dangerous rabbit hole. Skate lightly.
Tags: @ic3-que3n @dohrnaira @freclface @facewithoutheart @imagineacoolusername @shemakesmeforget @ivelovedhimthroughworse @ionlydrinkhotwater @wellbelesbian @rimeswithpurple @aristocratic-otter @blackberrysummerblog @nausikaaa @supercutedinosaurs @nightimedreamersworld @valeffelees @iamamythologicalcreature @ileadacharmedlife @martsonmars @you-remind-me-of-the-babe
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