#sun basket
thatsbutterbaby · 1 year
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Basket / Pomo / California (State) / Plant Fiber, feather
"Sun" basket. Small low coiled basket with short fine red, white, green, and blue feathers caught in coils.
Penn Museum
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chongoblog · 1 year
I think this is my favorite polka, and to accommodate for that, I added a lot of fun stuff
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ev3l3na · 1 year
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life-spire · 29 days
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long-manic-nights · 4 months
Aomine used to think Kise was just hot, until he smiled at him once during their 2nd year of high school and he just…WOW.
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willowed-wisp · 4 months
misread horoscopes.
character: shintaro midorima x reader word count: 4,129 categories: suggestive themes, pregnancy, fluff
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She had had to keep it dwelled inside of her, sitting on the information she had for two weeks prior to her seated position. Her mind wasn't in the game that ensued forward, her husband playing some of the best basketball that the world had seen, it dwelled on the fact that she didn't know how he would react to the news.
Despite being married for seven years, together for six before he popped the question, they hadn't discussed bringing another member of the family into their world- but that was a possibility on the table. Y/N had always wanted children, however, Shintaro was the wildcard. The man had always liked his life to be lived in a particular way; buying his lucky item to avoid life threatening situations daily and wearing that stupid tape to ensure that nothing was left to chance with his three-pointers. The fact that she was pregnant could stir their relationship for the worst if the Boston Celtics shoot guard took it the wrong way.
The whistle blew, sounding the end of the match- with both teams shaking hands respectively. The spectacled member of the Celtics searched for his usually exuberant wife who wrapped her legs around his waist when victory had been achieved by his team. However, she could be seen out on the side lines- chewing on her nail with an absent-minded expression written on her features. He found team victories tedious anyhow, making it guiltless to examine his love. "Isn't your lucky item working today, my love?" He stated, as soon as she heard his voice, her sleeved arms latched around his neck while her legs rested where they had to due to his height, around his waist. It was an understatement to say that the male was taken aback by his significant other's behaviour. He knew the cameras were focussed on the couple in that moment as he felt dampening cover his shoulder. Why's she crying? Was his immediate thought as the verdant-haired player waltzed with his wife in his arms so that they could have some privacy. Members of his team would approach, motioning to the cradled Y/N Midorima and he would bat them off (partially due to his obliviousness to this entire situation, as well).
Calculatedly, the twenty-nine-year-old reached an empty bathroom. Y/N was set down on the countered sinks while her counterpart rotated the lock to the door; securing them in with each other. The woman saw the reflected picture of herself- dripping makeup spearing from her eyes. She pinned the pregnancy hormones for the out of character behaviour. "Are you going to tell me what just happened?" His position motioned towards her- gripping her wrists with enough precision to be gentle. He just wanted to look into those eyes he focused on when he became frustrated.
She wanted to brace her arms on the hilt of the sink that was beside her. It was as if the pressure of his possible reaction had her hefting the weight of the world on her shoulders. "I'm on my period and the cramps are hurting like hell." A complete lie from in between her teeth, and he could sniff out his wife's bullshit even if she hadn't had been directly in front of him.
An exasperated sigh originated from the male, his middle fingers pushed up his glasses in frustration with her attempted deceit. "I know I've not been the most tolerable person to talk to- but you don't have to lie to me." Her eyes always found their way back to focus on his lower lashes; constant jealousy was the likely cause, but so had been the verdant rays which trickled within his vivid irises. His arms tugged her in close, she had nowhere else to look but him. "Oha Asa said unprecedented events would take place today and to be prepared for what lay ahead..." His mind relapsed into the hidden intricacies of the horoscope for that exact date, he thought maybe one of his teammates would become injured during the match or something insignificant in Shintaro's life- not that his wife was the unwarranted circumstance in which he was not in control of.
Despite the grotesque possibility that he would prevent her from having a child he planted inside of the womb within Y/N's body, the woman in question had nothing to lose but a barely developed month and a half year old foetus. "Actually, Shin… I can’t be on my period..." She had no idea why her body felt so small whilst under his attentive gaze as she awaited him to connect the dots in that intelligent brain that Midorima possessed. "Shintaro, aren't you gonna say anything?"
His hands had since dropped away from his wife and one held his face up- as if pondering something. "My mother has a remedy for excess stress... that train crash caused overtime at the hospital for yo-"
Her body slumped against the tiles that wound around the bottom half of the walls, proceeding to squeak down their glossy surface. Taking her husband by surprise and catapulting him into a sort of alert mode. "It's not the stress, Shin..." The woman began to fiddle with her hair in her own kind of frustration. "Y'know the day after the heated game against the Bulls- and we didn't have a condom but we did it anyway because you were so pent up?" His hair waved along with his neck, signalling his understanding.
His uniform creased by his forearms contorting under his chest. "That was two months ago- I'm shocked you still remember that." And it confounded how oblivious he was to such matters of pregnancy- probably because he had never had to deal with the experience and wouldn't have to. That was her job, an employment she happened to be dealing with in that precise moment.
Her sunken head raised as his fingers plucked her chin in an upwards motion, their faces unbelievably close- as they had been an infinite amount of times before that moment. While he was crouched, she gripped his other arm- placing his flat hand onto her stomach which carried his unborn child. A flicker of light cast from his glasses, he was finally in a daze of reality. "I'm pregnant." His entire being straightened upwards until he stood in front of the woman- whose eyes dripped with molten tears. "I'm sorry... I never meant for this to happen..."
It was her turn to bolt upright, at a lower rate to her love. "Sorry?" His voice echoed subconsciously in her ears; rattling any sense of safety she had in their relationship- this had the capability to end it because no matter what he said, she could never abort the baby growing in her uterus as the debacle ensued. Y/N's vision caught sight of his clenched fist as some moisture fell onto the solid floor beneath his body. "You're sorry about all of this, Y/N?" She was unsure of the tone he held, too out of tune with reality to intake that sort of information. Her hands caught her head as it collapsed along with the pool of fluid that escaped the sanctuary of her tear ducts. 
Y/N knew he would be angry because he didn't want to be a dad- but it had a confounding effect on the woman. 
Is this the end of our relationship? She questioned worriedly in her soul. However, she doubted if she had the strength to leave the side of the man she loved with every cell and fibre in her figure. Y/N didn't know if she could raise a child knowing that Shintaro Midorima had abandoned the two of them in the most dire of situations.
There was a sudden pressure felt on her bump-less middle. His emerald eyes resonating into her own, and the gleam wasn't from the glasses shielding his orbs- it was the reciprocated waterworks that enveloped what seemed to be his entire body. "And you're not playing around? You're one-hundred percent sure?" She knew he didn't let chance dictate his fate, even in this circumstance. Which meant this was the normal Shintaro Midorima she had met while he was a rookie for the team in which he played for in the current moments they spent with each other. Her head nodded- providing the man with a verified answer. "How long have you known for?"
"A couple of weeks but I was having symptoms two weeks before that.I thought I was overworked by how tired I was." He picked his wife up and rested her on the chic-looking sink counters. The stadium was furnished lushly for the players and this was one of the private toilets in which VIPs and/or players could utilise. Shintaro fitted in between her legs which had been only slightly parted but had been tapered to allow for him to have a deep seated connection with his one and only.
His head nuzzled in her neck meanwhile he cocooned her into an engulfing embrace; shifting Y/N's legs to resort to the position they had been whilst on the court. "I guess Oha Asa was right about the 'unprecedented' part of your day." Her words were clear as day while her lips were dangerously close to his sensitive ears. A chunk of green lurched, tickling the woman's neck in the shared second they endured together- caused by the monotonous chuckle that strayed from his direction.
"I'll overlook your doubt this one time..."
Seven months had passed and for Shintaro Midorima, it was the second most important match he had ever had the pleasure to play. The championship match between the Phoenix Suns, against his most challenging opponent who could easily block his always-on-target three-pointers; Atsushi Murasakibara. His wife was, however, ready to pop any day- making the decision to watch the match from home. A couple of hours before his match ensued, she had felt a faint inclination that resembled a subliminal menstruation ache and Y/N had thought nothing of it. She was no obstetrician but she wished she had been over the past eight and a half months of pregnancy- the surgical resident was terrified. At least Shintaro was glad that there was to be a new addition in the family, which she had been anxious about throughout the first third of her first trimester. Y/N assumed that it was from the chocolate she had eaten earlier in the day.
In front of her, placed on the transparent, lowly structured table had been the assortment of indulgences that would have the privilege of being devoured by Y/N while the game was in action. Despite this, it would be extremely impressive if the woman could consume all of the snacking regiment before the long haul game was expected to finish. There were two powerhouse players that could delay the forty-eight-minimum minutes of gameplay. That along with the anticipated interviews that would take place despite the diversion of victory. As soon as the whistle signalled that the first quarter was in effect- with her eyes on her athlete husband, Y/N's cramping became somewhat staggering for her to endure. Her focus dissipated on Shintaro's game and onto the feeling that she expected clothing to experience while being ironed. She neglected the fact that she had described them as 'period cramps', now dubbing them as what a stabbing victim was forced to discern when that metal breached their flesh. However it seemed that the perpetrator lived beneath the skin. She knew in that minute what was occurring.
"Why now?!" She grumbled with gritted teeth concealing the already evident pain lingering in her tone. Her digits grasped tightly onto her smartphone as another wave of agony swarmed her abdomen. Pelvis gauged into the cushioned surface in which Y/N rested up, smartphone in hand- the woman had been compelled to clutch the bump that would hopefully dissipate once the being encased inside of her had been freed. "Fucking hell!"
Speedily her fingertips found the contact she had already accounted for- impatient whilst she awaited an answer from the other end. "Answer the fucking phone, Kise!" Neck craned with trickles of sweat sprinting down its side. Y/N knew that the pain would cease to exist once the delivery was finished, however, something told her that that wouldn't be close until she entered the intense stage of labour; signalling the moment when her water would eventually break.
Pant after pant, it had been an eternity to the woman but finally his voice rang in her ears, "Y/Nchhi, I'm sort of watching your husband's match at TD Gardens-"
"The baby's coming, Kise! I need you to, uh," another power wave of torment struck- leaving Ryota in action mode due to the reality of the ongoing situation. The call had been cut from Kise's end of the line, Y/N became plagued with worry as her eyes lingered on the television- devoid of focus on her husband as the blond locks of the Warriors' Small Forward pulled aside the coach of the Celtics. Something she hadn't wanted to happen- this was Shintaro's first love (other than the Oha Asa horoscope) and his wife did not want to relieve him of it.
"We see Midorima going in for another shot from the mid-way line and from this man's record, that means another three points for Celtics- who are up 10:2 against the Suns and their almost as incredible player Murasakibara."
"And what do we have here, Shaq? Celtic's coach Ime Udoka is calling a timeout... a possible injury, maybe?"
"It all seems to revolve around their Shooting Guard, for sure. We'll get information from Ime- wait, Mike... is that San Francisco's Kise down there with Udoka and Midorima?"
"Seems so... it's as though this is a personal issue of some kind- we both know his wife, Y/N, who is somewhere in TD Gardens cheering Boston on for victory."
"This young man has enough dedication to his sport and hasn't missed a single match in the entire season."
"Midorima seems to be... staying to play for his team in this NBA final at the home of the Boston Celtics... and there is still no news concerning the discussion that has taken place, however, we do know that Jaylen Brown will not be sent on during this match as the Celtics Shooting Guard- there is still hope for his position as a Short Forward to help his team claim victory over the Arizona side."
The power immediately departed from the television, as the woman managed to hobble over to the bathroom of their apartment. Making sure to support her body weight on various items of furnishing which scattered around her course- hand latching on the bag that she had prepared earlier. It ranged from the blanket in which they bought for their new born upon their entry into the world, to the lucky item that had updated every single day for the two probable zodiac signs for the baby for all of the eight and half months. This time, it seemed as though it was the frog plush animal that he held their first date- it was as if April 12th was the perfect date for their first born to enter the world (hopefully, with no complications). She only hoped that it was lucky for the match in which she knew her beloved would be striving in while she would be in labour.
He had been made to wait outside of the room, down the Maternity Ward- however, the blond could hear the wailing of one of his closest friends. While inside of the room, Y/N was too dilated to have the epidural that would have numbed the already molten nerve endings that she would have sworn would be melted at this point. Water had flushed out of her undercarriage twenty minutes prior- warning the woman of the intense labour pains she could expect. "Y/N/N, you're fully dilated. We need you to push, sweetie." It may come off as unusual, however, the doctor delivering her baby was one of Y/N's good friends at the hospital- considering she had been a resident for the past eight years. She saw how her pregnant friend's eyes prickled full of water- but Danielle had no time for nicety, the baby's oxygen would be depleting now there was no amniotic fluid to protect it with.
"I need him here, Danie! I can't do this without Shintaro!" It was as if she was referring to her husband as being dead. The woman automatically pushed, nevertheless, causing more of the baby's body to appear from her legs.
"You got this- I can see the head. Just a few more strong pushes!" The other woman in a state of reddening agony exasperated lengthy gasps proceeding to squeezing. She hadn't realised the sheer force that her bare hands had laid waste to on the bedding, which was stained with sweating imprints as the rest of Y/N's being was shifted at the foot of the furniture. "Just the legs to go, Y/N. You've got this!" She began to ready herself for the strain in which a final action would inflict on her own entirety. That was until she began to notice the blur of verdant that stood vacantly in the wooden doorway- the sheen on his spectacles stood our the most, other than his entire shamrock uniform. He didn't remain still when his wife released the last amount of effort she had held onto- it was enough for her baby to flood out and into Danielle's arms.
Shintaro instantly dropped his bags at the door- having darted to his beloved; pulling her lips onto his own, not giving in until he was satisfied with the duration required. "I'm so proud of you, darling..." His husky tone held her focus as he spoke against their formerly conjoined limbs.
In that moment, it had been as though nothing had occurred, the searing halted almost immediately from the lower regions of her body- feeling the relief about the entire experience that had progressed fairly quickly considering the long-haul births that some women can experience. From outside the squealing had been replaced with the electric tears of newly given life. Those who had produced their masterpiece were united in their display of waterworks all as her miniscule creation was nestled into her arms by one of the scrubbed nurses scattered around the room. Upon sighting into those bright blue eyes; ones that she was fairly sure would develop into ones alike her husband's- Y/N knew that Shintaro was not the only thing in this world that she would love unconditionally no matter what they did. "Y/N/N, Shintaro- meet your son!" The two had neglected learning the sex of their child, Shintaro would have obsessed over how Aries and Taurus men and women differ towards each other and because he actually wanted fate to decide something of its free will for once without his influence.
 All that they were focused on was the new apple of their eyes- their baby boy. "He's gonna have your eyes," he smiled at her heartfelt statement, "and your crappy eyesight." Shintaro was instantly sent into a cascade of having his face sunken at that comment, but known fact, by his wife. However, he let it go- he didn't care as soon as he peered into both sets of vibrant eyes displayed before him. Those of Y/N Midorima and their newborn, unnamed son. "Did you win?"
His mossy hair began to contort with the vertical motions his own head spurted into fruition. "The media got wind of this. That blond brat should be banned off of Instagram, idiot broke the news on his story..." The muscles inside of his neck had begun to tense as he spoke, causing the woman beside him to brush her fingertips across the span of his cheek- which descended his gaze to their boy an additional occurrence. Not once had his under lashes flickered in boredom or falsity- it was genuine. He had never loved another being in the way he had the baby before him. Of course, Shintaro adored his wife- but the kind of way he felt for his own son was unconditional.
Y/N caught onto the subconscious want of her husband in that moment, her arms raised toward her right side. "Hold your son, Shintaro." There had been no hesitation on his part when his tapped left hand spread to cup the child's head while his right arm cradled the rest of his diddy body.  "You're... surprisingly good at that~" A light chuckle shook the waves of sound around their vicinity- surveying the two men in her life from the moment that their child entered the world.
His deep green eyes delved into the baby azure ones- silencing the stifled cries from the being held in his arms with surprising ease. "Nobody is ever going to hurt you..." He had become even more of a softer person in a span of twenty minutes. It melted Y/N's own heart- it was burning in her chest. Especially when Midorima's nose and the junior version of himself began to rub their noses with each other; exuberant laughter rattled from the young infant. A gleam prominently illustrated across the Shooting Guard's features- a marvel in itself; it was painful for people to get him to smile- but this was more than that, he beamed with rays of energy. "I apologise for being late- they chose me to be the MVP for the season."
Her ears spiked up, "That's fantastic, Shin! Been a great season, huh?" He gave a long nod, eyes still focused on his son. "I think I have a name idea, honey..." His attention fixated on his wife. "This city has had such an influence on us this year and this little guy was born on the day his dad won with his team."
"I'm not opposed to that idea. But, it would be in fate's favour to have something linked to his zodiac sign."
"I know you, Shintaro... zodiac duty was already yours, babe." There was no hesitation in her booming, confident vocals. "You were already going to write on the birth certificate..."
"In sports news, well... revolving around sports news... the Most Valued Player of the ended NBA season, Shintaro Midorima has become a father. Fans watching the events at TD Gardens were shocked as halfway through, Celtics' head coach, Ime Udoka, called off the Shooting Guard and speculations arose surrounding personal matters that could take him out of the game."
"Yes, Martha. Despite the events occurring, the Japanese player remained on court, only to receive the NBA championship win and the title of MVP for the Season."
"Details have been revealed by the couple. In an ode to the team that Midorima has won four championship titles with, their baby boy was named Boston."
"What a wonderful way to pay homage to the team that has held their Shooting Guard since his NBA debut. Wishing their expanded family all the best as celebrations continue among Boston fans, and commiserations dwell for Phoenix supporters."
"This has been Martha MacCallum-"
"- and Bill Hemmer, signing off on your six o'clock news."
Her head shook in disbelief, pressing the red button on the remote. "Why did Kise have to be the only one there at the match? He's airing out information to the press- unintentionally!" Her hips had become gripped by the man laid back on the reclining leather couch, causing her to crash onto his lap. He had precision after how many years they had been together. Y/N toppled gently across his legs before scuffling to splay out horizontally- her head resting on his thighs; eyes focused on the ceiling.
"Don't get worked up- Oha Asa says Scorpios are supposed to be having a relaxed day." Her cheeks puffed, as she grinded closer into his body. That was until the consistent shrills sourcing from the nursery became increasingly aware to the parents. "I'll get him, darling..." Before she could blink, he had plonked her onto the furnishing and had disappeared behind the door- the cries in which Boston had released ceased to exist as soon as he was in the arms of his father.
They both appeared from around the corner, with an addition. "He just won't accept any lucky item, other than this frog plush- does he know the terrifying things that can happen when not carrying your lucky item?" Y/N felt the tension of Shintaro envisioning what life would be without his compulsive habit. His eyes flickered wide at the hidden chuckle he had heard stray from Y/N- not acting on his disbelief; still fixated on the adorable vision of his bright-eyed two-day-year-old son. "Maybe it's not a horrendous turn of events, he may even look cute with that frog. Don't you, Boston? Yes you do!" She had never seen acting so... childish before, and it was a positive change for the woman who had only ever seen her partner act like an adult, even when he was a freshman university student with his basketball scholarship.
Not that Y/N would want to alter anything about Shintaro Midorima, it was a never-seen-before element to the man she loved.
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crimsoncrim · 9 months
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new oc owo!!! they’re partners with @gree-gon’s oc Robyn <3
my beloveds who i love so dearly ,,,
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charkyzombicorn · 1 year
bartolomeo in any of your aus
(I want to see him simp for the straw hats)
Bartolomeo in All my aus - and quickly before I regret it
Edit: More
Edit: Even More
Son of the Fog AU - everything's the same except Barto heard rumors abt a haunted skeleton pirate and tried to find him to join his crew. He didn't, but he starts frothing at the mouth when he finds out that Premium Luffy Lore and Brook is his second favorite strawhat
Teach him a Lesson AU - In Loguetown Barto still gets his reverence for Luffy because Luffy acted the same when put in the same situation, but he also noticed how amused Luffy's captain looked, and so becomes a Luffy And No One Else stan
Yoinked AU - Barto never really meets Luffy, since Luffy doesn't have the freedom to be a pirate
Marine Dads AU (just dog dad tho) - Barto hears abt Luffy a lot later, post-marineford, but is very inspired by his story and once he finally meets him he starts crying and Luffy has no idea what to do because Barto hasn't even introduced himself yet
One Piece/Soul Eater crossover - Barto is one of Franky's peers and was a super tough bad boi but then Luffy and Usopp (accidentally) saved him from a witch that had magnetism powers that Barto was weak against in pitchfork-form and human-full-of-piercings form. Barto founded the Luffy cult and co-founded the Usopp cult, and joined in marineford-adjacent because he would follow Luffy and Usopp to the ends of the earth
Selkie Usopp AU - Bartolomeo is very passionate abt selkie and fishman rights, and somehow knows more abt selkies than Usopp and Buggy put together (he needed to know abt Luffy-senpai's beloved's culture lest he offend one of The Strawhats)
Myths & Gods AU - Barto was rejecting gods for his whole life when he got stabbed, his arms broken, kidnapped and thrown into a field to die after a gang fight. He couldn't exactly figure out where the hell he was, only that the place was full of flowers (that were god flowers but he didn't know that). He ended up chewing on a sunflower because the seeds are edible maybe and Luffy appeared like 'Hah! First time In a while I've seen someone do that' and then brought everyone over to see the hobo sleeping in their flowers, and tell Sanji to feed him. Barto will now tell everyone that asks that the gods are awesome and they saved him and he's still a pirate but hes borderline door-to-door Mormon because he just won't stop talking abt how the gods helped him in his lowest hour
One Piece/Fruit's Basket Crossover Au - Barto was a delinquent kid (and still kinda is) that, in middle school, ended up in a gang fight with high schoolers. He and his little gang was losing miserably but then they saw a crying "girl"(Barto wasn't sure at the time) with a broken nose that pointed at the towering highschoolers and Luffy, Zoro and Sanji all came out, Zoro with a baby strapped to his back, and they all proceeded to beat the shit out of those highschoolers. That cemented them as the coolest people Barto knows, but then Luffy went up to him and said he had really cool hair and he looked like Brook. Barto had no idea what that meant but it started his massive fanboy crush as well as his entire gang's matching massive fanboy crushes
Wing AU - pretty much same as canon except Barto's got some wings with a lot of dye in them, so much it's hard to tell what kind of wings they are. He can't control his wings flapping when he's excited and he's always tripping around Luffy because he keeps accidentally flying a centimeter and then falling
Roger's Ghost AU - Bartolomeo occasionally thinks abt killing himself so he can be part of Luffy's ghost posse but he never does, he also does a lot more research into the origins of the strawhat because he doesn't want Luffy to be cursed (he knows about the curse even if none of the crew does, it was by accident)
Sun's Personality AU - Bartolomeo is in denial that Luffy isn't entirely Him, tries his best not to wonder if it was Luffy that inspired him or Nika. He had a bit of a strained relationship with his devilfruit at first but learning that Strawhats liked cohabitation with their devilfruit meant Barto put some effort into actually knowing his devil, and they ended up having more in common even if his devil is very straight-laced and traditional while Barto is Barto
Halloween au - Bartolomeo is a cockatrice that is absolutely obsessed with Luffy and draws fanart that borders on furry art of him All The Time and if anyone says anything derogatory about any of the crew he turns them into stone. He has dog ears that he wears in private
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spider-man-2o99 · 10 months
ok i’m still On Break do not take this post as a sign that i’m like. Actively Tumblring again yet because i’m still not, 4 the most part, but i have had my ear to the ground for special interest things, of fuckign course, of course, bcuz i’m me, and i. just. i am .i’m so fucking sorry to all the new SM2099 comic fans who are only just now realizing just now how dire the straits are, here, LMAO. it has been this way for Years. earnestly and from the bottom of my heart i love spider-man 2099 so much and also nobody on the goddamn planet Cares About Him At All or can even fucking write him half-decently unless every single celestial bodie in the fucking milky way galaxy comes into perfect fucking syzygy, i think, i think, i think. why did u think we (me) had a psychotic episode after that fuckin movie dropped. fucksake. lord above. because it’s all always “ohhh being yourSELF and telling your OWN story your OWN way” until you Look A Certain Way and ARE A Certain Way and Have Symptoms That Look Frightening and Don’t Move Around Like ‘Normal’ People Should Move, fuckin’ freaky-ass creature beast-thing, and so on and so on and so on, Christ all-fuckin’-mighty. gets tiring. but. anywaygs.
it is far easier to be destructive, than constructive. so. ahem. sorry. refocusing. it seems quite simply that just yet another goddamn story missed the point that 90s future spider-man is a story about very plainly and simply loving each other as people. it’s a story about a severely depressed, miserable, cynical little man who finds new reasons to live in every kind person he meets, and there is an open earnesty to that, if nothing else, that no movie can take away 30 years later. anybody can decide to try and be a better person than the one they were yesterday, and that is goddamn important. to portray anything otherwise was an unfathomably cruel decision, on sony’s part, and as soon as we got trailer evidence that they were leaning into his more “intimidating” features back in ~dec. 2021, i.. pretty much Knew it was what they were gonna be doing with him. why wouldn’t they? i mean. who actually even cares about this obscure nobody, right? c-listers are the tried-and-true adaptational chameleons, anyways; they sure suckered in dumbasses like me, who still took blind hope in hook line and sinker, thinking he’d be important to the film, or at the very least portrayed sympathetically to his 30 years of established comic history as a character who is consciously aware that he is an adult survivor of fucking child abuse. but. c’est la fucking vie, i guess.
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inspiredlivingspaces · 10 months
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IG housebeautiful
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novelist-becca · 2 months
I really like the use of sunshine in Fruits Basket man
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belligerentbagel · 2 years
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take this sinking boat and point it home  we've still got time  raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice  you've made it now 
widojest 4: after the end 🍎
#widojestweek2022#widojest#critical role#yes this IS one of the WIPs that i thought would be eternally unfinished. went back in and cleaned it up bc i am fond of pastoral settings#don't think this would be a 'permanent' home bc i think jester would want to travel & caleb is suited for teachering things#but maybe a summer home on an m9 timeshare? a honeymoon or weekend house in the marrow valley?#the comforting smell of grass and leaves and flowers on a sunny day#despite the warmth that settles in by noon; the cider in the picnic basket is still preciously cool under its cloth#there's a stream further off that you can poke your feet into; or splash at the small aquatic critters that make their home there#there is time and world and quiet enough to read a book or paint the clouds or chase dragonflies or pull weeds out of the earth#you have earned a quiet ending#i think sometimes on the comparative quietness of the m9's epilogue to vm's epilogue#they became sovereigns and mythical figures. people at the edges of tal'dorei know their names#m9 saved the world from an unknowable otherplanar horror and -#- save for a few small villages and a band of reformed bandits and other individual souls they have touched -#(and. well. the kryn empire)#they would not be recognised faces in dwendalian towns#they didn't do it for glory; they really just did things for justice and righting imbalances and getting their friends back#you can have the sun-drenched house and the apple tarts and the peace in your dreams at last#draws#widojestweek#jester lavorre#caleb widogast
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asterdeer · 30 days
i've just come back from a day of Being In The Sun and i'm here to report that it Fucking Blows and I Want To Die
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life-spire · 10 months
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@ natischia
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milkywaystake · 5 months
I was reading up about the Kuroko no Basuke One-Shot it's kinda interesting because instead of being the sixth man kuroko was the 5th member of the gom and instead of light and shadow kuroko calls himself the moon and Akiwara( kagami)the sun.
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ereborne · 3 days
Song of the Day: May 30
“Throw Me Down the Stairs” by Sleigh Bells
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