#stout snout
bizarrebuns · 5 months
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"Charlie Blue" - Livermore, CA
I kid you not, a friend of mine had a cat who looks exactly like this guy. Gives a new meaning to "dust bunny"
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odddogs · 3 days
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sweet little sausage w/ a very rectangular block snout
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turtletoads · 2 years
make chopper a fat fuck again 2022
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koegama · 4 months
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Avg. height: 1.70-2.20m | Avg. weight: 80-150 kg | Hyper-carnivores | Semi-aquatic lifestyle | Lifespan: ~120 years
Hanasei are a semi-aquatic species that originate from lakes, but expanded their settlements into rivers and other large bodies of water. They're a medium-sized biped with a hard keratin helmet where horns sprout from and a tail with large fins. Their skin is slightly damp, and can range from smooth to bumpy, that affects their transpiration and how often they must hydrate. They have both two nostrils located at their helmet and from 2 to 4 gills on both sides of their neck, of which are used for speech in land and breathing underwater, while the nostril's only function is on land respiration. Their necks are strong and well develop, and can expand or contract.
Both hands and feet have webbed fingers to facilitate swimming, but the webbing on the hands can retract for better dexterity when handling utensils. Their amphibious lifestyle left them being only decent at both types of locomotion, but their versatility makes up for it as they can comfortably transition to both environments. They're hyper-carnivores and will eat anything made of animal matter, including bones.
They are the only sexless sophont in Koegama, using Aether as a reproduction tool instead of a biological system.
More physiology dump undercut! Warning, long
The common head structure of a Hanasei is somewhat flat, with a stout snout and large jaws. Proportions and shape vary per individual, and slight deviations from standard models are common. Sometimes, small barbels, whisker-like structures, will grow from their jaw and upper lip area. They give a small boon to the olfactory systems, but otherwise have no major benefits.
While the protrusions on Hanasei's heads are not anatomically horns but a different keratin appendage, horns are the most common colloquial term. Their main purpose were for fighting and a display of health and fitness to potential partners. Nowadays, most Hanasei have no real use for their horns other than decorative, but individuals may favor different horn styles compared to others.
They don't shed, growing through their infancy and plateauing around 23 to 27 years old. If a horn is broken mid-development, it will continue to grow, resulting in mismatched horns and branched protrusions depending on the type of damage. Once the horns stop growing, the blood and nerve system will shrink and be absorbed, leaving the area with no sensation and regrowth impossible. Cracks and missing pieces being a common sign of age.
Horns are very vulnerable to Aether tampering, leading to a numerous amount of styles and types to exist. Larger, more elaborate horns can make swimming more difficult, but overall the range is stable and harmless.
The presence of horns and the pair number is not affected, with 2 horns always present.
Eyes & Ears
Hanasei have good night vision, but poor eyesight in general. They can recognize the shapes around them and a few colors, but their daylight and night vision are almost the same otherwise. Their eyes can have different shapes and colors, but the effect is purely visual as their eye sensors work the same regardless of their appearance.
Hanasei don't have visible ears, but a tympanic membrane around their cheek area, which is able to pick up vibrations both in and out of water. They have great hearing, and are more aware of vibrations such as tremors and footsteps. They can voluntarily close their inner ear and stop themselves from picking up sounds, a common method for falling asleep.
Hanasei lack teeth, using their upper jaw protrusions to hold and rip food instead. They have a powerful bite, being able to hold down things with immense pressure. Their tongues function like a catapult, with the tip facing the inside of the mouth on a resting position and launched outwards when needed, their saliva being sticky and helping trap prey inside their mouths. With cooking and more efficient methods of getting food, this isn't a common practice anymore, unless one spotted a quick snack. Unlike the other sophonts, Hanasei are still able to eat raw meat and may supplement their normal diet with bugs, fish and other easy to snag creatures in between activities.
They have very powerful and sensitive taste buds, coupled with a taste disc that lets them distinct between minute differences in food. Their mouth, just like most of their organs, tend to take the most prominent color of their Aether.
Respiratory system & Speech
Hanasei has two different systems for breathing. Outside of water, their nostrils are open and air moves through their cavity into their respiratory organs, and their gills are used for channeling sound. Air can be directed to their larynx, which is specialized for manipulating air into sound similar to vocal cords, which is only connected to the gills and not nostrils. This separate system means Hanasei can talk while breathing, and their vocalizations are very impressive, being able to mimic almost any sound they hear with practice. They can alter these sounds with the opening and closing of the larynx openings and changing how open or closed their gills are. To keep their gills from drying, the parts used for respiration often retract or close, but Hanasei in drier climates must moisturize their gills at intervals to prevent internal damage.
Underwater, their nostrils close and their gills stay open. Most of their larynx close, and filter capillaries expand to better capture oxygen diffused in the water. This makes vocalization underwater impossible, and sign language is the most common replacement. Hanasei can have 2, 3 or 4 gills on each side of their neck, and the shape of the gill can be varied, creating "accents" for each Hanasei in their relaxed voice.
They have a good olfactory system, being one of their most reliable senses. They're able to smell the humidity in the air and incoming rains and droughts. Because this uses their nostrils, they're unable to smell anything underwater.
Hanasei size and builds are diverse, with individuals building muscle mass, fat and other outside factors influencing how they look. Their proportions stay consistent, with necks around the same size of their torso, short arms and elongated legs bigger than the torso itself, but deviations aren't uncommon.
Hanasei arms start with their shoulders placed at the lower area of their torso, and stop with hands on their hips. Despite the shorter length, they have impressive arm strength and weaker Hanasei are known to rival other species' average. This makes them great at carrying things, and grabbing and holding down prey and foes. Their hands are dexterous when the webbing is retracted, but they lose a lot of maneuverability when extended.
Their legs are long and muscular, granting them an upright walk. They're not very fast, averaging 7 km/h running speed, but they have great endurance and the ability to jump high vertical distances and can pounce forward if crouched. Their muscle system can lock into a crouching stance, a comfortable stance comparable to sitting. Their feet are digitigrade but their fingers are big and wide, with a large base, keeping their body in balance and stable at the cost of mobility and grace.
Hanasei tails are long, with a vertical caudal fin that often extends beyond the base and helps them swim. This fin can regenerate when damaged, and broken or rotten tissue can lead into an entire chunk or the fin removed to speed recovery and promote an even replacement.
Fins are classified into two types, regular and segmented. Regular fins are connected into one piece, while segmented fins are broken down into various fins of different sizes and shapes, similar to fish fins. No matter the type, their shapes are kept hydrodynamic and tailored for swimming. Sometimes, the size of the base tail will also be shorter or longer than average.
Hanasei swim in two ways: a horizontal wave movement and by kicking their legs. The former is done with the help of their tail fins and is the slower of the two, but costs less energy. Hanasei will often alter the surrounding current with Aether to make this movement faster, with an average of 11 km/h. Leg kicks are less common as long term swimming and rather used for short bursts of speed and distance, and the longer one uses it the more they'll tire and may be unable to swim without resting. The peak swimming speed of Hanasei is around 20 km/h, taking leg kicks into account. As they were ambush and endurance predators, the lack of speed was not an issue for them. Depending on their fin shape, individuals may have different ways of swimming.
Their natural Aether is Nam Aether. They make use of it to help their swimming and underwater hunting, and to keep themselves damp. They tend to cast Aether from their mouths, as their Aether glands are present on their throat.
In their breeding months, their Aether start producing cells for reproduction and lose their usual abilities. This months-long limitation leads Hanasei to not be involved with using their Aether proactively or learn new skills, preferring to rely on technology to harness and utilize Aether instead.
To create an egg, two or more Hanasei spit out and mix their Aether together in a body of water. The resulting foam will stick together and in 3 days will develop into an egg, and one healthy Hanasei can produce enough reproductive Aether to make 200 eggs. This can only happen in the breeding period of Hanasei, usually on the 2nd and 8th month of the year. Modern Hanasei societies will instead send their reproductive Aether to the labs of the area, which will store it to create eggs with more efficient mixing machines and incubators.
The Aether inside the egg will segregate itself into larva stem cells and the nutritious yolk. After 12~14 days, the egg will be completely dry and the larva will eclode. The volatility of Aether means many larva never form or form incorrectly, and these eggs are discarded and repurposed or eaten. Only 1 in 50 eggs actually eclode, and this high rate of failure leads Hanasei to not view eggs as their young or a new generation, but more of a vessel that can fail or succeed. They have no qualms with re-purposing eggs in food, experiments or any other procedure.
Larva, often called notes, are very different from their adult counterparts. They're not considered sapient when they first hatch, but their growth is rapid and by 3 months in, they'll have the intelligence of a one year old toddler and have legs and arm stubs growing, alongside the keratin helmet and an underdeveloped nostril. This growth is fueled by a great appetite, and Hanasei larvae are omnivores and will eat almost anything they can fit in their mouths.
At the 9th month, they'll have most of their limbs developed to their young proportions, but their respiratory system will need an additional 3 months to allow for respiration outside water. Larvae at this stage will take short dips into land to push their muscles and lungs, until they no longer need to return to water to breathe.
Once a larva can leave the water, they're called a young. "Young" encompasses the children and teenager years, lumped together as they no longer share any major physical differences from each other or to adults. The rest of their growth will be in size and intellect, slowing down from the quick pace of their larval years into a more normal 20 or so years to reach maturity. The main exception are horns, which only start growing around their 5th year and can take over a decade to finish growing. Smaller horns may plateau faster.
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dragonskulls · 6 months
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Based on the variety among sea animals I decided to make some regional variations of the coast strikers (note that these are variations only, not entirely new quivers or clades). The dragons shown here would be the most “defined” archetype of each variety, showcasing most or all traits characteristic of said kind. They all share certain base features, like rudder shaped tails, gills, harpoon tongues, echolocation, double rows of teeth, and flat tail spines that can be detached and thrown. However, some traits change or are more common in each variety:
Deep water
Make up about 5% of the population, and inhabit the smaller communities in deeper ocean. The main activities here are algae and mollusk farming, as well as resource collection from the sea floor, both of which require a more long term stay –despite the dangers of sea serpents and other such beasts–. Slightly smaller than their cousins, they’re better equipped for the depths rather than for flying: shorter wings, webbed talons, very broad tails, and gills being more oxygen efficient, although their dart spines are usually less in quantity and shorter compared to inland dragons. Extra flippers and more fin tissue between spines is common, as well as larger eyes to take in more light. Their most notable trait, is that of translucence. Most commonly, it’s usually just wings and torsos that are see through, but different dragons showcase different levels of said trait, some being completely translucent in rare cases (of course, trading better camouflage for less armor). Coloration typically goes from dark colors similar to coastal strikers, black, red, or sometimes pale colors (the latter present usually in the populations living in the deepest available settlements). Rarely, some slight bioluminescence is present in transparent sections of the body.
The representatives of the Roaring Coast quiver, being around 80% of their numbers. Sleek, tall but well muscled, they inhabit the sea side cliffs on the coast and some settlements in shallower waters. Extremely long and narrow wings are perfect for soaring for hours out at sea, with webbed back talons and a flattened tail making them adept swimmers. Their blade shaped spines are plenty and deadly when thrown, and offer some protection to their necks and backs. Fin tissue in between the spines is few or non existent. An odd ability most present in this variety, is the one of spitting ink. Manifesting itself as dark splotches in the throat, this ink is dense and quickly expanding underwater, and very sticky and thick on land, making it useful at deterring predators or confusing prey. Countershading is the standard regarding coloration, with light colors underneath and darker ones on top, the latter usually ranging from black, gray to washed out shades of blueish or purple hues which shine with more vivid highlights under the sun. Most common patterns are stripes or flecks. A perfect balance between the sea and land.
The remainder of the coast striker population, they live in the rivers and lakes on the edges of the Roaring Coast territory, further inland but still relatively close to the ocean. Shorter but more stout than coastal strikers, with medium length wings, broad whiskered snouts and narrower tails. Their spines are closer to the average AshWing, being more needle shaped rather than a flat blade. Their colors are similar to those of pebbles and gravel (more earthy tones) and messy patterns of spots, blotches, stripes and rosettes. Fin tissue is more similar to that of fish, making itself present more than in the coast variety but less than those of deep waters, as well as having some slight webbing in all talons. Some notable features are some splashes of brighter colors, and semi retractable barbs in limbs and backs –like those of catfish– which can sometimes inject painful venom. These last two traits are similar to the ones present in swamp lurkers; this could be the result of convergent evolution or cross breeding between clades, given the relative proximity of their territories
On a final note, characteristics mentioned here aren’t exclusive to each variety: there could be a coastal striker with slight translucence and barbs, a deep water striker with whiskers and ink, or an inland striker with full talon webbing and jet black scales. These are increasingly likely if one parent has said traits. Additionally, many times these varieties and traits are not so starkly differentiated as are the ones show here, usually being a mild mix between some
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Trouble Comes In Two - 1 🌶
➤ Pairing - M werewolf-vampire hybrid x F human reader
➤ Wordcount 2.8k
You enter the diner and find your two friends at a corner booth, contrasting each other like night and day. Quyne is dark-skinned, wearing a red jacket and ruffled vest with black leather pants and a studded belt. His heeled boots make him go from tall to giant and even though his slender form makes it seem like a stiff wind could knock him over, you know from experience that he's actually pretty strong.
Vale is shorter and somewhat stout with muscled arms that would make anyone think twice about fighting him. Being a werewolf-vampire hybrid means he doesn't have a human form to shift into and while he has an intimidating, beastly body, you know his heart is practically as soft as his belly. He's just a cinnamon roll that happens to have teeth. He's dressed in loose grey pants and a loose comfy shirt so it doesn't irritate his copper-brown fur.
Quyne looks up at you. His hooded eyes brighten and his lips curve into a smile as he waves you over. You approach them, groaning at the empty bottles littering the table. As a pureblood vampire, Quyne can't drink any of that, so there's only one other option as to who did.
"Quyne, why'd you let him drink so much? You know he's too heavy for both of us to carry!"
Vale is pretty much passed out and his snout is almost in the ketchup on his plate, a limp french fry dangling from a claw. Quyne is across from him. His black eyeliner and white makeup look a little smudged in a sultry "I just got kissed" kind of way. It's been a long day and yet he still manages to pull off his iconic goth makeup.
Quyne shrugs, his glossy lips curling upwards again. "Hello to you too. You made it."
"Duh. I won't ever leave you stranded with this doofus," you reply, plopping down to give your feet a break. Quyne's text came just as you were closing from work, so you walked here. "How's your travel thing going?"
"Great. We've been living hand to mouth and honestly, it has made for some fun times," Quyne says, resting his arms on the table. "Vale ate a whole deer once."
"He caught it?" You're about to be impressed but Quyne shakes his head and snorts.
"No, he's too soft for that. Fresh roadkill."
Vale opens one golden eye and snuffles, able to pick up your scent even now.
"Sweetheart, it's you!" He says with a bit of a slur, lifting his head and bumping it against your shoulder.
"Hello, Vale." You wrap your arm around him and let him snuggle against your shoulder.
It's no easy feat because he's heavy leaning into you like that. His body relaxes and his tail begins to thump against the seat. He only wags his tail when he's really happy. You stifle a laugh and poke at the cold food. You're hungry but you're not in the mood for soggy fries.
"I can make you something if you let us sleep over at yours tonight," Quyne says, his fangs flashing in the bright overhead lights.
You nudge his foot under the table. There's a prejudice towards vampires in this city and on top of all of that he's drawing attention with his makeup and fluffy afro and towering body. Quyne only smirks in response, which makes you roll your eyes. Neither he or Vale possess much of a survival instinct.
"Hopeless idiots," you shake your head and pretend to think about his request. "Aren't you guys taking advantage of me like the old days?"
"Not if I cook for you," Quyne replies, leaning over the table and batting his eyelashes. "And do the dishes."
Without realising it you've leaned in as well. You're almost kissing before you're able to snap out of it.
"Don't do that," you pout. "You know better than to mesmerize me."
"I wasn't." He leans back and licks his lips.
"Whatever." You're not about to admit that you like him enough that he doesn't even need to mesmerize you for you to fall under his influence.
Quyne glances at his phone. "It's getting late."
Vale jumps up at that. "Sweetheart, you're not leaving us, are you?"
"No," you look up at the hybrid looming over you and blocking out the light. "You're coming home with me, puppy."
"Amazing. Balls, I'm so happy but the floor is swimming." He mutters, takes an unsteady step, and begins to topple.
In a flash, Quyne is bolstering him, tucking his phone into his skin-tight pants. "Lead the way," he says.
The three of you make a funny sight stumbling down the sidewalk as you and Quyne strain to keep Vale from ending up nose-first on the ground.
"Why is he so drunk?!" You complain.
"I told him to take it easy but you know."
"Know what?"
"Full moon is just around the corner," Quyne huffs, and your eyes widen.
"Oh! I forgot about that. Remind me why he doesn't match with any of the wolves around here?" You ask as you flag down a taxi.
"They either think he's too pushy or they don't like that he's a hybrid," Quyne shrugs. "I've been taking care of things myself."
"What?!" You snicker at the thought. "Now I see why you want to come to mine."
"Are you jealous?" Quyne pulls open the door for you.
"You wish," you shoot back playfully, getting in the backseat.
Vale clambers in after you. He has to lie over your lap to fit in the taxi, but of course, he doesn't mind.
"You smell good," he mumbles, wedging his snout between your legs.
You're happy you're not wearing a skirt. His nose would be chilly against your skin.
"Rude. Excuse me, mister," you tug gently on one of his ears and he moans.
The taxi driver clears his throat and glares into the review mirror.
"Sorry," you mumble.
Quyne sits in the front seat and looks out the window. Luckily there's not much traffic and before you know it you're outside your apartment building. The cleaner almost drops her mop as the three of you go by.
"I get so many stares when I'm with you two," you note.
"What can I say? I was born for the spotlight," Quyne sighs, fluffing his afro.
You step into the elevator and Vale presses his warm body against you, his teeth testing the skin at your neck.
"Vale..." You swallow a moan as his hand forces its way into your jeans.
You have to shift your weight and hold the rail to keep yourself steady.
"Just a taste, sweetheart. I promise," he groans.
"Have some patience. I said you could ravage her when we get to the apartment. Not one moment earlier," Quyne says, tugging on his forearm.
"Hngh... But her blood..." Vale says, his eyes flashing a dull red.
The elevator opens and you squirm free and dart out of it.
"You two planned this. Of course." You tut as you grab your keys, wanting to get inside as quickly as possible.
"Are you mad?" Quyne asks softly.
"No. You two are a hell of a handful, that's all." You push your door open with a flourish. "Welcome to my humble-"
Vale grabs your arm and yanks you in, tugging you over to the couch, a huge and sturdy custom-made piece of furniture. You bought it after Vale broke your previous one. You oblige and sit. Quyne closes the front door and pulls off his boots.
"What would you like to eat?" He asks.
"Uh..." Your brain isn't exactly working as you dumbly watch Vale shuck off his pants, nearly falling in his haste to get them off.
"Do you know how much I've missed you?" Vale pants. "Fuck, I used Quyne so hard, and all that time I was wishing you were there with us, just like old times."
"You owe me!" Quyne hollers to you from the kitchen. "Keeping up with Vale isn't easy."
You gulp when Vale pushes the coffee table out of the way and kneels in front of you. His ears flick back as his hand moves between his legs, gripping his swollen sheath and teasing his cock out. He pauses, eyes back to gold like twin moons.
"What are you waiting for?" You ask.
"Your permission. Can I taste you? Please?" He hisses through clenched teeth.
"I would like that," you say, and you've barely got the words out before he's yanking at your jeans.
"Careful," you remind him as his claws come dangerously close to poking you.
He grumbles and fumbles with the zipper, squinting.
"Are you sure you're sober enough for this?" You pat his head.
"Yeah, 'm fine. You take them off," he demands. "I'm going to rip them otherwise and I know that's your favorite pair."
You grin and wriggle out of them, pushing his snout back and making him wait while you get them all the way off along with your panties. He squirms in place, his soft muzzle digging into your palm. Finally, you lean back against the couch and give him the green light. He dives between your legs, prying them apart. Your hip joint pops and you wince.
"Sorry, sweetheart. You used to be pretty flexible... What happened?" He licks your inner thigh and nips at the skin there.
"I stopped working out," you admit ruefully.
"Tsk. How am I going to get you into a mating press if I have to worry about you pulling a muscle?" He replies.
You giggle at that, but you're not laughing for very long. He's looking up at you, and you see the way his pupils blow out as his tongue flicks out and drags against your pussy.
"God, I forgot how much I love this," he groans. "Fuck, the way you taste. Gorgeous."
His tongue is hot as he tastes you, his nose a cold press against your clit. Now and then he growls, and the sound vibrates through you. He's greedy for more, dragging you further down the couch so you're completely open to him. He forces his tongue inside you and scoots even closer, his breath hot against your thighs.
"Come on, sweetheart. You want to come, yeah?" His voice comes out muffled and broken between hitching gasps. "Come all over me, gorgeous."
He's the one who sounds like he's falling apart.
You play with your neglected tits, cupping them in your hands while your fingers tease your nipples in maddening circles, copying what his tongue is doing. You forgot how good Vale is at giving head. You don't even remember why you let them leave in the first place. Never again. You gasp, grabbing Vale's head and holding him there. Your orgasm is toe-curling and delicious and snatches your breath away.
When you come back to your senses, you're being manhandled by Vale into a better position for him to fuck you. It's instinct for a wolf to make sure their mate has at least one climax to prepare them, but with Vale, just one is never enough. However, it looks like he can't wait anymore.
"Oof," you grunt as he pushes you back rather roughly. "Hold on just a second, something is poking me."
You fish a hardcover book out from under you with moments to spare as he settles between your legs, yanking them apart. Your hip pops again but you're past caring.
"Gentle, Vale. It's been a while since I had anything as big as your-"
He isn't listening. He nudges his hips forward and sinks an inch into you. The flared head of his cock is the largest part except for his knot, and you're not happy about that.
"What did I say about being gentle?" You exclaim.
"Need help?" Quyne calls from the kitchen and he sounds amused, the bastard he is.
"I'm fine!" You reply stubbornly, biting your lip.
Vale attempts to stuff more of himself in and you shoot up on your elbows, teeth bared in a silent, primal snarl.
"Sorry," he grunts and looks a little cowed, but with the way his cock twitches inside you, you know he isn't really.
You lie down and take a few deep breaths.
"God, I forgot how big you are," you murmur.
Vale leans over you, flicking his tongue over your nipples, his teeth teasing at your skin in a way that always makes you hold your breath. He's never bitten you accidentally, though.
"You're so tight," he whines, tracing the blunt curve of his claw over your pussy lips, rubbing it against your clit. "You feel so good. Now?"
You shake your head and grab a throw pillow to hide your smile. You love seeing him get worked up as he struggles not to give in to his desire even as it clouds his eyes. He bows over you, nuzzling at your neck and fighting the urge not to bite. You love being bitten but you have to admit that the healing process sucks.
"Fuck," he hisses, shuddering. "This is torture, sweetheart."
A giggle slips out of you and his ears prick forward, eyes narrowing. He rips the pillow away and you can't help the huge smile on your face. He snarls and you shiver.
"You are going to pay for that."
"Ahhh wait! I'm sorry!" You squeak.
He slips out of you and you whimper at the feeling of suddenly being empty. He fists his cock, precum coating his palm and fingers. The insides of your thighs are slick too.
"Turn over. On your hands and knees," he bites out.
Oh shit. You've really done it now. You turn over a little reluctantly.
"Head on the couch. Yeah, just like that." He admires your ass for a moment, and you feel the couch shift behind you.
He grabs your hips and yanks you back against him. Your hands scrabble against the couch for purchase and you shriek when he impales you on his cock. Your breath is knocked out of you when he pulls out and thrusts back in. The stretch is almost too much and you struggle to keep yourself up under him as his weight forces you down. His hips snap forward at a brutal pace and you have to grab the arm of the couch in an attempt not to fall over. He ruts into you and you wonder how it'll be when he's fully in heat. This is already almost too much to handle.
"Slow down," you beg, even as the pain starts to warm up into pleasure.
Sitting and walking is going to be hell tomorrow.
He grabs your hips and hauls you back onto his cock, hissing dirty words in your ear about how much you like this and how you complain but you're wet enough for both of you to hear it. You moan in response, arching back into him, giving in.
"There we go," he praises, yanking you up onto your knees, a hand circled lightly around your throat.
You reach down to play with your clit and help yourself along. From the way his thrusts get erratic and his growls get deeper, you know he's about to cum.
"Not... Not inside me okay?" You groan. "You can't."
He's too far gone into himself to listen. You attempt to do it yourself by pulling away. He slings an arm around your belly, holding you captive against him.
"I'm sorry, I have to. I can't stop."
"That's no excuse,' you grumble, but you're already resigned to your fate because you knew it would be like this.
"Come on, play with yourself, sweetheart. Cum for me. You can do that, right?" He murmurs against your ear.
You nod, bouncing along with his thrusts. You slip your hand between your thighs, touching your clit just the way you like. Orgasms are a moment of blissful ignorance for you and Vale takes advantage of it to force you onto his knot. You muffle a scream into your palm as your pleasure racks up a notch. Vale whimpers and bites his palm to spare you his teeth, grunting as his cum pours into you. Some of it would have spilled out if you weren't locked so tight around his knot. He murmurs sweet nothings into your ear and rubs your belly as you both catch your breath.
"You cheated," you point out, limp in his arms. "You're lucky I like you otherwise you'd be getting a talking to."
"Mmhmm." He sinks back against the couch with you on his lap, purring contently.
You relax against his soft body and close your eyes, basking in the afterglow. You feel a gaze on you and open your eyes to see Quyne in the doorway.
"The table is set!" He notices your predicament and smirks. "Oh, never mind then." He turns and disappears.
"Can you bring me a plate?" You beg.
Quyne reappears with a full plate of food. "I can do better than that. Poor baby, you look exhausted."
He settles on the couch to feed you, and he even lets Vale have a few bites.
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jades-typurriter · 3 months
Tiger Pox
This is a smaller one I did for fun after a friend of mine designed a cute tiger girl (and then another one, and then another one). Vee doesn't have an account that vee'd like tagged, so I'm going to credit the concept (and accompanying art) to Bowsiosaurus =3
CW: we tf into cute tiger girls yaaaayyyyy =^w^=
“So, the strategy that’s been getting more and more popular is to Terastalize one of your Pokemon into a Dragon-Type, and then have a Mold Breaker Haxorus use Dragon Cheer—”
“OHO,” yowled the ewe. “Because Mold Breaker lets the effect stack more than once, even when the target usually wouldn’t be affected!”
“Exactly!” replied the stout sea serpent. “The most common setup has been Gholdengo with Make It Rain.”
“Oh, okay,” Jade mumbled between bites of her street-corner hot dog. “Why is Gholdengo so strong, again?”
She and Bowsie had spent the afternoon trawling the displays of their town’s shopping plaza, and now leaned up against a building along the main thoroughfare to take a break before continuing. The impassioned, excited discussion about the finer points of the competitive metagame carried for a block or two in either direction, even rising above the crowd noise from the rest of the shoppers.
“Well, on top of being a Steel-Type, it’sssss… Um, it’s um…” Bowsie’s eyes seemed to unfocus as Jade listened. No, not unfocus—focus on something further behind her. She turned over her shoulder to look, and straightened up when she saw a shapely tiger woman strutting down the sidewalk toward the two of them. She towered over even Jade; the confident click, click, click, click of her high heels on the pavement were like a metronome, setting the pace of Jade’s tail as it swished like a cat preparing to pounce.
As Bowsie struggled to rediscover ver train of thought, head swiveling to follow the woman as she approached, Jade coyly waggled a paw up at her. She glanced their way, sending a cold, thrilling jolt through each of their chests, and briefly flashed her teeth at them. As she passed, her tail skimmed gently across both of their snouts, a clearly well-practiced tease to rile up what must have seemed, to her, as an adorably out-of-their-depth pair of spectators. Bowsie, of course, lost all hope of recovering ver composure; ver bouncy snout was a dark blue all over, and ver flippers shot up to cover ver eyes in an effort to hide how flustered vee was. Jade, on the other hand, interpreted the gesture as reciprocation of her flirty little greeting, and was about to call after the woman with a quip about “touching fluffy tail”.
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Something stopped her, though—she suddenly felt warm, and it struck her as more than simply blushing. She tugged at her collar, cartoonishly “awooga” as it seemed, given the circumstances, and realized that it didn’t just feel tighter: her clothes were getting tighter. Her chest (which, admittedly, had always been mostly fluff) was starting to stretch out her top, so much so that it began to bare a little bit of her midriff. Her skirt began to ride up as her hips took up more and more of the room underneath.
She looked over at Bowsie, whose scales shimmered with a layer of sweat—except where they had been replaced by big, poofy patches of bright-orange fur! Vee was shooting up like a rocket, too. Before Jade’s eyes, vee went from a whole head shorter to nearly at eye level; something told her that the only reason she hadn’t been overtaken yet was that she had been subtly stretching skyward as well. The serpent’s tail stretched and thinned as the fur inched along its length, losing its characteristic, reptilian taper in favor of a uniform thickness and a round, soft-looking tip. The black stripes crisscrossing the islands of fur seemed to knit themselves together as they bridged the gap, everywhere except for ver stomach: just like before, it was a lighter color compared to the rest of ver.
Her attention was finally wrenched back from her companion as she heard buttons begin to pop and fabric begin to rrrRRRIP. She looked down and saw that the new gaps had revealed stripes of her own, her wooly fleece slowly straightening and stiffening into a dense layer of white fur that exploded out through her top’s once-respectable neckline. Her mane grew even less manageable than usual, fluffing up so much that it fell around her face as she examined herself; her hooves softened into round, blunt, padded paws, big enough to appropriately cushion her quickly-growing frame. As the last of her own stripes were freed from the tatters of her clothes, she looked out over the mountainous fluff of her chest to see her equally-well-endowed friend looking expectantly back at her, arms crossed in an affectionately-impatient little huff that accentuated her new assets.
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“Oh, uh… I’m sorry, were you waiting for me?”
“You were wheeling again, Jade!” 
“M-my bad! I just got a little distracted, is all. It’s just…” She fiddled with her paws for a moment, looking down at the ground, before glancing furtively back up at her friend. “Do you think that pretty lady might’ve l-liked us?”
“Us?” Bowsie scoffed, tilting her chin up smugly. “Bestie, of course she liked us! We’re catches. I bet we could catch her if we left now, but honestly? I’m kinda hungry.” Jade glanced down at a discarded hot dog laying near her on the street. Not the kind of thing she would usually go for, but Bowsie had a point—they’d been walking around all day, after all!
“Do you think they have a pumpkin spice flavor at the bubble tea place?”
“I think I saw it on their sign!”
“Yaaaaayy!” the white tiger cheered quietly. “It’s my favorite… that’s why winter is my favorite time of year!”
“It’s your favorite time of year ‘cause you have all that fluff, girl! Not everybody’s as well-insulated as you. Makes it harder to spot you, too!”
“That part is a little comforting…”
“Well, I’m happy for you, but I love being easy to spot. Why do you think that girl was smiling at me before, huh?”
“Hush!” Jade giggled, playfully nudging the orange tiger’s shoulder. “You know how loud you are. She might hear you!”
“I hope so! Then I can invite her to the tea place with us!”
“So I can third wheel for the two of you?”
“Well, you’d better get walking if you don’t want me to take off and hunt her down! C’mon!”
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TY for reading! Here's a little epilogue, as well as the designs on their own. If you're interested in more of my writing you can have a look here and here!'designs on their own. If you're interested in more of my writing you can have a look here and here!
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visage-of-hell · 3 months
Starter for @radioiaci: The night had scarcely begun, and already Visage was up to her neck in bullshit. Word had gotten back to her from Carmilla that Voxtek surveillance cameras had been discovered throughout her facility during the meeting with the other Overlords days prior. While none had been found within hearing range of Miss Carmine's private office, an adjacent hallway had been found with a camera angled towards the office door--enough to know who was coming and going from there. As one such 'visitor' to her office recently, it was far from an unreasonable assumption that at the very least, she was now a person of interest to the Vee's. Not a favorable position to find herself in, as a newly-established Overlord. Leaving nothing to chance, she already had her boys in the process of searching the entire club top to bottom, on the off chance that she had received similar treatment. She sat upon one of the lounge cushions at the far end of the main club lobby, trying to keep up the appearance that nothing was amiss. Business as usual ... and business was good. After all, the club was already crowded less than an hour after opening, drinks flowed freely, and her girls were putting on stellar performances on stage. What could be better than that? Quite a lot, in truth--such as not having a bullseye painted on her back less than a week into her new role. But as that was no longer a luxury she had, all she could do was play the game with as stout of a poker face as she could manage. Her time as a bounty hunter had taught her long ago that those that acted like prey were treated like it. Though the stage she stood upon had changed, the performance expected of her had not. An agitated sigh escaped her as she took a sip of her drink, noticing one of her hellhound mercenaries already returning. "I know for a fact you ain't finished scoping this place out yet. Get your ass back out--" "The Radio Demon is here, Boss..." The sudden interruption of her subordinate would normally be answered with swift anger, but given the nature of his words and the tone of urgency with which they were given ... no such correction would be forthcoming this time. Visage's silver eyes went wide for the briefest of moments, a surge of ice running through her veins. Even a newcomer on the scene like her knew the fearsome reputation of Alastor. Indeed, she had already had the dubious 'pleasure' of meeting him in person mere days before at Carmilla's estate. While they hadn't spoken directly, the piercing intensity of his stares had unnerved her greatly. And now he was here, on top of everything else she already had going on? Great ... just great. Swiftly composing herself, her clawed fingers pitched the bridge of her snout with a long slow exhale. ".....Right. Send him my way and then make yourself scarce. You still got work to do."
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thecreaturecodex · 1 year
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Image © Paizo Publishing, accessed at Archives of Nethys here
[Sponsored by Soluman Blevins, from Starfinder’s Alien Archive 4. Isn’t it adorable? I have a feeling that vasporans would be seen like bears and big cats are on Earth; as cute critters suitable for children’s toys that some people have a hard time remembering are actually dangerous apex predators. I know I want a vasporan plush.]
Vasporan CR 9 N Magical Beast This creature resembles a bipedal hedgehog the size of a polar bear, except that its body is a vivid blue color and its face ends in a cluster of tentacles instead of anything resembling a mammalian snout. Parts of its carapace seem to lift and separate from its muscles as it moves, and a patagium stretches between its short, stout limbs.
Vasporans are large carnivores native to wind-swept planets. They drift on their cuticles, constantly shedding parts of them to act as sails, buoyed by lighter-than-air gases that ooze from glands in the softer skin beneath. Despite their animal intellect, they are experts at reading the weather and adjusting to it, and often zip through skies during strong winds to attack animals that are sheltering from storms. They are remarkably stealthy for their size. Vasporans tend to be sky-colored, no matter the color of the sky on their planet, and their strikes are especially lethal to unaware targets.
The ability of a vasporan to molt quickly also serves a defensive purpose. These shed pieces of carapace act as temporary shields and as territorial markers. A vasporan does need to come to land in order to breed, and they prefer to sleep in cliffs or caves rather than on the wing (although they can do so if they must). The characteristic popping sound made by a shed carapace being stepped on acts as a warning mechanism for the resting vasporan.
Sages hypothesize that some vasporans, possibly mutants or exceptionally old individuals, develop the ability to store gases like a rebreather, and that their carapaces become extremely durable to changes in temperature. Such acclimations would allow the vasporan to escape planetary atmosphere, and then ride currents of gas between planets. This has never been directly observed, but it would explain how vasporans have spread from planet to planet, putting new peoples and new ecosystems in the line of fire of these dangerous predators.
A vasporan averages 11 feet long and weighs slightly more than 700 pounds.
Vasporan               CR 9 XP 6,400 N Large magical beast Init +7; Senses blindsense 90 ft., low-light vision, Perception +11 Defense AC 22, touch 13, flat-footed 18 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +1 dodge, +9 natural) hp 126 (11d10+66) Fort +13, Ref +10, Will +6 Defensive Abilities flash molt, gaseous flesh Offense Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft., fly 40 ft. (average); autotomous flight Melee 2 claws +15 (1d10+4) Ranged spines +13 (4d4+4) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Special Attacks sneak attack +2d6 Statistics Str 19, Dex 17, Con 22, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 10 Base Atk +11; CMB +16; CMD 30 Feats Dodge, Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Skill Focus (Stealth), Weapon Focus (claw) Skills Climb +16, Fly +10, Perception +11, Stealth +15; Racial Modifiers +4 Fly, +4 Perception, +4 Stealth Ecology Environment any land Organization solitary or pair Treasure incidental Special Abilities Autotomous Flight (Ex) A vasporan’s fly speed increases by +15 feet in an area of light or higher winds. It does not suffer penalties to Fly checks in areas of any wind weaker than hurricane force. Flash Molt (Ex) As an immediate action once every 1d4 rounds, a vasporan can molt its skin in response to a melee or ranged attack. It gains hardness 10 against that attack, and may take a 5 foot step if it chooses to. This step does not count against the vasporan’s movement on its next turn. Gaseous Flesh (Ex) If a vasporan is struck with a melee attack that deals fire damage, gases in its cuticle ignite, dealing 2d6 points of fire damage to the vasporan and to all creatures adjacent to it. All creatures, including the vasporan, take half damage if they succeed a DC 19 Reflex save. This save DC is Constitution based, and includes a -2 racial penalty. Spines (Ex) As an attack action, a vasporan can fire a cluster of needle-like spines at a single target. Treat this as a ranged attack with a thrown weapon and a range increment of 30 feet. A creature struck takes 4d4 points of damage plus the vasporan’s  Strength modifier.
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greatkittydream · 5 months
thank to @smokinferret for opiz idea
Jaune was surrounded by his friends and Team Rwby.
smokinotter: teams can be divided up in pairs of 2, 3 and 4 depending on the skill level of each member.
Ruby: hey Jaune why don't you ever talk about where you're from.
yang: come to think of it vomit boy you never do talk about that type of stuff. what's wrong Mama kick you out the nest earlier or something. yang said in a playful town.
jaune: well I just don't think it's that interesting I grew up in a smaller rural area that was comprised entirely of humans. there isn't much variation there, I just don't think I'm that interesting compared to you yang I mean you're a dragon for Pete's sake.
yang: fair I am pretty cool. she said pulling back her sleep and flexing her arm. but I still think you should have some cool stuff like don't your people typically tell stories.
Ruby: yeah, yeah I heard you people make stories where werewolves seem like the most badass and killable creatures ever that only the not only the most powerful and strongest of magic can harm tell us one of those.
Blake: I don't know why you want to hear one of those stories human stories typically revolve around monsters being violent and cruel by Nature. she said in the common area feet over couch reading a book forced to be in the conmen area.
jaune: already saying we're just going Ruby would rush to his defense saying he's a good human pariah would lead in saying she's half human and then the three would go out at talking about humans are getting better while Blake brought up the atrocities done And Atlas still hitting monsters for no reason. you know what there is this one story Mama but sing to me to sleep. in hindsight he should have kept his mouth shut because now Yang won't stop calling him a mama's boy.
yang: how do you go on vomit boy let's see what your mom was saying you to sleep with I'll have you know my mother was a dragon and they only tell the most gruesome stories that children.
jaune: well I guess I'll sing the song I don't know if he'll be anything like Your Dragon Tales though I can only imagine how scary those would be in order to scare a dragon.
jaune: "clearing throat noise"
Don't ever laugh as a hearse goes by
For you may be the next to die
They wrap you up in bloody sheets
To drop you six feet underneath
They put you in a pinewood box
And cover you up with dirt and rocks
It all goes well for about a week
And then, your coffin begins to leak
And the worms crawl in, the worms crawl out
The worms play pinochle on your snout
They eat your eyes, they eat your nose
As you begin to decompose
A slimy beetle with demon's eyes
Chews through your stomach and out your sides
Your stomach turns to rancid grease
And puss pours out like melted cheese
You spread it on a slice of bread
And that's what you'll eat when you're dead
And the worms crawl out, the worms crawl in
The ones that crawl in are lean and thin
The ones that crawl out are fat and stout
Your eyes fall in, and your hair falls out
Your brain turns into maggot pie
Your liver starts to liquify
And for the living, all is well
As you sink further into hell
And the flames rise up to drag you down
Into the fire, where you will drown
Your skin melts off as you descend
And Satan tears you limb from limb
Your suffering will never end
And the worms crawl in, the worms crawl out
They'll eat your guts and then shit them out
And when your bones begin to rot
The worms remain, but you do not
So don't ever laugh as a hearse goes by
For someday, you'll be the one to die
And when Death brings his cold despair
Ask yourself, "Will anyone care?
everyone else in the room: what the fuck was that.
opiz pov: Miss Good Witch do you know why I brought you to my office.
Miss Good Witch: no but I have a feeling you're going to tell me.
opiz: miss good witch you have petitioned to have jaune expelled over 10 times and it has not even been a week, I understand you think I'm a fool for letting the boy after all you haven't seen anything he could potentially do and he's performed just below average. before you answer that question though Miss Goodrich let me ask you a question do you know what I am.
Miss Good Witch: you are a phoenix sir one of the five left in the world I fail to see how this pertains to the boy and yes I want him out of the school for his own safety he's not been Taught how to properly use his mana and he's in a school where people can be murdered without charge the because the people in the council refused to change even after hundreds of years of life the school forced to abides by the Old Law system. and he's a human many family still hold a grudge.
opiz: well let me put it like this that boy is very very special I could go through thousands of cycles and never get a chance like this again so with all due respect MS please hold any and all requests of expulsion of him.
hi smokinotter here a little World building the council is Not Elected it is inherited and it is full of people hundreds if not thousands of years old because of this laws are slow to change and it's still under a monarchy system. hate generates hate, just as many humans hate monsters. There are monsters that hate humans for the simple fact of each other's existence.
@howlingday thank for the help with the ideas
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bizarrebuns · 5 months
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"Princess Loppity Lop" - San Francisco, CA
One of those creatures so formless it takes a new shape at every angle. Princess where's your nose??
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odddogs · 2 months
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wide head but a very petite muzzle, always a fun combo
not to mention those TINY little stompers
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mousepregnant · 21 days
im a little mousey short and stout here is my tail here is my snout
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madangel19 · 7 months
Keos Phone died :(
Anyway, here I am.
Singing for the other, Please? :)
This is adorable and I thought of something even cuter for this prompt :D
Enjoy! This is just pure fluff
Word Count: 804
“Sing us another song, daddy!” Cinder’s excited voice exclaimed, making Delia pause in her steps. She was just bringing down some laundry for the ghouls when she heard the request from Swiss’s room. 
A cacophony of happy squeaks and trills filled the air as if in agreement with what Cinder had said. There was a low chuckle from Swiss before he shushed them.
“One more, but the little ones need to sleep after this,” he said. 
“Do the hearse song! That’ll put them to sleep,” Nova chimed. 
Delia had never heard of that one. She crept closer to Swiss’s door that was open a few inches, making sure she was still hidden away. 
“That’s an excellent idea, babygirl. Ya’ll get real cozy now. Make sure the little ones are all snug in the nest,” Swiss said.
“They are, daddy. I’ll still give them another blanket though,” Vortex said.
“That’s a good big brother. They’re gonna love it,” Swiss said, a smile in his voice. Even though Delia couldn’t see him, she just knew he had the biggest smile on his face. 
There was a brief pause which was followed by the familiar coos and chitters of the smallest kits. They always did love it whenever Swiss sang to them. It was one of the quickest ways to stop them from crying. 
An unfamiliar guitar tune filled the air now and the sounds from the kits immediately died down. 
“Don't ever laugh as a hearse goes by
For you may be the next to die
They wrap you up in bloody sheets
To drop you six feet underneath,” Swiss sang.
Delia had never heard of this before, but it sounded nice despite the macabre lyrics. She crept closer, listening to her beloved multi ghoul sing.
“They put you in a pinewood box
And cover you up with dirt and rocks
It all goes well for about a week
And then, your coffin begins to leak.
And the worms crawl in, the worms crawl out
The worms play pinochle on your snout
They eat your eyes, they eat your nose
As you begin to decompose,” Swiss sang as the older kits giggled amongst themselves.
Delia poked her head in and saw Swiss seated on the huge bed with the kits surrounding him. Cinder sat in his lap, swaying side to side with a beaming smile on her face. Nova was holding one kit while Vortex held two. The youngest kits looked calm and happy as they listened to Swiss.
“A slimy beetle with demon's eyes
Chews through your stomach and out your sides
Your stomach turns to rancid grease
And puss pours out like melted cheese
You spread it on a slice of bread
And that's what you'll eat when you're dead,” Swiss chomped his teeth at Cinder who covered her mouth to suppress a shriek of laughter. The ghoul smirked and pecked her on the cheek before he continued playing the guitar. 
“And the worms crawl out, the worms crawl in
The ones that crawl in are lean and thin
The ones that crawl out are fat and stout
Your eyes fall in, and your hair falls out
Your brain turns into maggot pie
Your liver starts to liquify
And for the living, all is well
As you sink further into hell,” Swiss sang. Cinder had joined him, her little voice drowned out by her father. Delia put the load of laundry down and reached into her pocket, grabbing her phone to take some pictures. This was the perfect opportunity to take the cutest pictures of her family. 
“And the flames rise up to drag you down
Into the fire, where you will drown
Your skin melts off as you descend
And Satan tears you limb from limb
Your suffering will never end.
And the worms crawl in, the worms crawl out
They'll eat your guts and then shit them out
And when your bones begin to rot
The worms remain, but you do not,” Swiss poked Cinder on the nose, making her giggle again. 
Delia took a picture of the moment, feeling all the more in love with him. She looked over at the youngest kits and saw that they were now fast asleep. Nova was right. That song did put them to sleep.
“So don't ever laugh as a hearse goes by
For someday, you'll be the one to die
And when Death brings his cold despair
Ask yourself, "Will anyone care?",” Swiss ended the song.
Delia was about to take another picture as the youngest ones clapped silently, but she gasped when she noticed him looking right at her with a playful smile. Cinder looked up at him in confusion before following his gaze. The kit’s confusion turned to delight when she spotted Delia.
“Mama Delia’s been spying on us,” he crowed.
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mousegirlheart · 1 year
im a little mousie, short and stout! here is my tail, here is my snout!
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sharkie-malarkie · 4 months
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bull sharks get their name from their short, blunt snout, as well as their pugnacious disposition and a tendency to head-butt their prey before attacking. they are medium-size sharks, with thick, stout bodies and long pectoral fins.
bull sharks can survive in freshwater for long periods of time. they have even been found in the mississippi and amazon rivers. they prefer shallow coastal water, which means they can often come into contact with humans.
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