#steph plays exalted
paint-lady · 1 month
player: "Is the white veil society where we get white claw?"
exalted ST: "Don't do this to me"
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fixedfour · 1 year
i hope this isn't like a "why are u sending this to me?" kind of ask n im rlly sorry if it is but ive noticed certain vedic placements in athletes charts. pushya (justin jeffersons, nick bosas AND george kittles moon, evan mcphersons sun/mercury), shravana (jalen hurts and tee higgins moon + ja'marrs venus), uttara ashada (steph curry/joey bosas moon, ja'marrs ketu, tee higgins sun), hasta (travis kelces sun/mars, george kittles sun, fred warners and josh allens rahu) + mrigashira (christian mccaffrey and jordan pooles sun, josh allens moon) ... do yk if any of these placements make for talented people/athletes? or like an assist to prominent fame? especially pushya and hasta cause jesus lol
these are EXACTLY the kind of asks I want!! 💌 i take any opportunity to talk about astrology tbh 🥴 almost don’t know where to start lmao
i’m not an expert by any means, this is just what i’ve observed! 
common ‘athletic’ placements are usually mars in scorpio/aries (especially jyeshta), mars in 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th houses, exalted mars, and planets in sun + mars ruled nakshatras/zodiacs, especially in sun/moon/rising (so basically mars/sun influence lol) ❤♂ uttara ashadha, mrigashira def fall under here! 
sun + mars are as typically ‘masculine’ as you can get
BUT! i’ve seen prominent Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn charts completely dominate during games, and a LOT of the men you mentioned have placements here! Tee Higgins has a stellium in Capricorn (swoons) and Christian McCaffrey has a stellium in Taurus (just to mention a couple)
christian has his mercury in krittika, (at 0° Taurus, the purest degree to manifest any sign) and it’s sun ruled! and he can CUT his way through a field (krittika pun lol 🔪 ) 
earth signs literally move different on the field, who would have thought 🤭 so earth signs def stick out to me esp in tight ends, running backs, etc. they’re in their natural state lol 
moon + mercury are also relevant when it comes to achieving fame as moon rules the masses, and mercury rules speech/communication/hands (plus mercury has moon dna <3) so the power of influence is strong lol 
shravana and hasta are also ruled by the moon! and they’re both settled in an earth sign, Capricorn + Virgo. pushya, although ruled by saturn, is found in Cancer! (moon). pushya is such a beautiful, nourishing placement though, it almost seems out of place among all the others 
cristiano ronaldo, tom brady, have pretty significant placements in cancer, and they both respectively stand out in their field of work! so again, the moon will forever play a role in fame tbh
and honestly, it depends on the position in sport they play as well to read the chart omg! for ex, a quarterback may not have the most earth placements, but charged with sun energy, it would make him a great leader on the field
i hope this wasn’t a drag to read, and i hope this made sense lmaoo
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steph-squatch · 3 years
I love my ttrpg characters--one is a slightly misanthropic and very creepy dps of a spell caster and the other is the straight man veteran in a group of absolute degenerates but the next one im making will be a complete herbo. Just an absolute unit of a woman with slightly more intelligence than a box of rocks. She knows two things: respect women, swing axe, and drink
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afewnovelideas · 4 years
Drakestroke: The First Summer Vacation (part 10)
- approaching Columbus, OH -
"Personally, I think Shakespeare is overrated."
Jason shared a scandalized gasp from the other car.
"How can you say that?" Jason whined. It was a good thing Slade was driving this leg of the trip because Jason was getting agitated.
Tam shrugged. "Because he is," she insisted. "Sure some of his works are 'timeless classics' but I really don't feel like he should be placed on pedestal and exalted as the greatest playwright who ever lived over other more interesting ones before and since."
Slade nodded "I can respect that perspective. I don't agree, but I respect it."
Tam yawned and stretched as best she could in the car. It was what... Two... Three in the AM? "Plus, some of his works are just really awful."
Jason sputtered. "Blasphemy! Which ones?"
In the background Tim snickered from the passenger seat while his mother drove. He was wide awake and helping Tam monitor for cops and speed traps since she was getting tired but this conversation was just too entertaining. He filed away "criticizing the Bard" in his head under "ways to get immediately under Jason's skin" for future reference.
"Titus Andronicus for one. Timon of Athens is another. Oh and don't even get me started on Cymbeline."
Jason went quiet as he contemplated Tam's least favorite Shakespeare plays. Slade spoke up. "I can understand distaste for Titus and Timon. Titus is like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre of Shakespeare and Timon is incredibly depressing. Not something you read or watch for pleasure. However, I don't think I've seen or read Cymbeline." He glanced at Jason. "Have you?"
Jason shook his head. "Definitely never seen a performance. I don't think I've read it either. What's it about?"
"Well... It's kinda hard to put in words. Imagine if Shakespeare decided to put all his previous plays' plots into blender, added some cross dressing, threw in a copy of Snow White, and then hit the frappe button. That's Cymbaline to me."
Tim glanced back at Tam. "So... if Titus Andronicus is the Texas Chainsaw Massacre of Shakespeare, does that make Cymbeline the... I dunno... The Scary Movie parody of Shakespeare?"
There was a long moment of silence between the two cars. "What's going on over there?" Janet asked suspiciously.
There was a long suffering sigh from Rose. "They're making me download the fully cast audiobook of Cymbaline."
Tam groaned. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry!"
The next three hours forced a change of heart in Tam over Cymbeline. It ended up not being so bad, so long as you were enjoying it with other salty sarcastic fans of theatrical stories who helped riff the entire production with you.
"Wait... What's the Queen's name?"
"She doesn't have one."
"Cause she's the villain?"
"That doesn't make sense. Even Disney villains have names."
"I guess Will didn't care enough about her to make her a proper noun like the rest of the cast."
"Why is this play called Cymbeline when it has little to do with the king Cymbeline and everything to do with the princess Imogene?"
"Wait wait wait... So what Imogene thinks is a headache medicine is what Queen thinks is a deadly poison, but that is actually a sleeping potion?"
"You know calling it a headache medicine is actually not inaccurate."
"How do you figure?"
"No matter what it is, if Imogene takes it she won't have a headache anymore."
"Umm... Did Imogene just blow off Clouten by saying he wasn't as good a one of her husband's ugliest outfits?"
"That was a really dumb insult."
"That's because it's actually a really dumb foreshadowing."
"Oh my god! Posthumus you stupid gullible dumbass!"
"Ah! I see the Snow White reference now."
"Oh look! A headless corpse!"
"Dressed in her husband's really dumb foreshadowing."
"So the only one in the entire court who recognizes Imogene dressed in boy's clothing is the butler?"
"Imagine if Cymbeline was Bruce, Posthumus was Dick, and Pisanio was Alfred."
"Ok. I can see it now... But does that make Tim Imogene?"
"You shut up right now. Why can't Steph or Cass be Imogene?"
"One: Because we all know neither girl would put up with even a fraction of the shit Posthumus and the other jackasses put Imogene through. If either were Imogene then they would rewrite the play to where Cymbeline is eventually overthrown by his daughter due to his own stupidity and hubris and all stupid men are sent into exile and it'd probably be a better play."
"Fair. And two?"
"Two: I've seen you pull off successful cross dressing disguises. I can totally see you pulling off a guy-dressed-as-a-girl-dressed-as-a-guy disguise that can fool B if you really wanted to."
"Wait, are you considering it?!"
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cursedaztecgold · 6 years
Tagged by the lovely @brokengem​! <3 
(Sorry it took me like a week to do this...)
Rules: answer 30 questions, tag 20 blogs
Nicknames: Just Bekkah works~
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Taurus
Height: 5′8″
Birthday: April 29th
Fav. Bands: Avenged Sevenfold, Disturbed, Avatar, Fall Out Boy
Fav. Solo Artist: Currently it’s Dua Lipa
Song Stuck in My Head: Sorry - Halsey
Last Movie I Watched: Smokey and the Bandit
Last Show I Watched: Brooklyn 99
When did I create my blog: Around Feb 2012 
What do I post: So many fandoms. And just weird/funny things. A lot of Marvel/DC, as well as sporadic bursts of gaming/just Dragon Age. Like right now, since I’m playing Inquisition for the first time after finally getting an Xbox.
Last thing I googled: Exalted Plains Dragon Age Inquisition
Do I have any other blogs: Yeees. I have both singular-fandom blogs as well as an RP blog with my friend Steph, used just so we can RP together.
Do I get asks: Very rarely. If I do it’s just spam.
Why I did choose my URL: My absolute obsession with pirates and the POTC franchise. I won’t go into my many previous urls.
Following: 532
Followed by: 360
Average hours of sleep: Usually 6 during the week (my tendency to not to go bed until midnight is really killer for a 6:45 wake up...) and 8-9 on the weekend, if I can sleep in.
Lucky number: 7
Instruments: Used to play harmonica, keyboard, and guitar. I do want to learn the drums.
What I am wearing: Sweatpants from my college days, NeatDude shirt, and Avenged Sevenfold hoodie.
Dream job: Wearing top-of-the-line underwater gear to swim with sharks. Followed by sitting in a room full of dogs. Until the day I die.
Dream trip: Just traveling in general is something I’d like to do a lot more of.
Favorite food: Seafood
Nationality: America, the land of ruining everything
Fav. song: lately, it’s been: I Fall Apart - Post Malone
Last book I read: Just starting Dragon Age: The Stolen Throne by David Gaider
Top three fictional universes I want to join: Harry Potter/Hogwarts, Dragon Age/Thedas, and the Marvel universe would be wonderful.
Tagged 20 blogs: Nope.
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ezrisdax-archive · 7 years
1,4,7,13,16,17,22 :)
1. The basics! Whats their full name, gender, and sexuality? Describe their general appearance and/or include a picture. Is there anything you canon beyond what the game allows? okay I have like four Ryders:
Temperance has short red hair and freckles everywhere, she’s bi bi bi till the day she dies and has a hearing disability, she relies on an implant to hear properly.
Samantha, “Sam” and yes she thinks Sam and SAM is hilarious but will kill Scott herself if he makes another joke about it, is the sort who doesn’t believe in labels at all, she just goes with the flow of whoever she’s attracted to. She got long brown hair but dyes it every other month so there’s no guarantee it’s the same.
Stephanie “Steph” Ryder, she’s got long brown hair that’s always up in a ponytail and a scar on her chin from an accident as a kid. She’s straight but tends to be a flirt to everyone anyway.
Hayley “Scout” Ryder, is a strawberry blonde and like Temperance is also covered in freckles, she’s a lesbian and pretty open about relationships.
4. What’s their personality like? How do they feel about being Pathfinder? How do they change, if at all, over the course of the story?
Temperance is a bit of a hot head but also quick to forgive. She at times feels like she’s drowning in being the Pathfinder but also won’t quit or give up because that’s not her way. Not much of Andromeda changes her but she is more open to talking about things that are bothering her now instead of bottling them up.
Sam is very much the kind who wants the adventure and loves being a Pathfinder, she thinks it’s the role of a lifetime and while she never wanted to lose her father to get it, she embraces it wholeheartedly. She’s learning to be responsible though with so many lives counting on her.
Steph is very quiet, she’s more of an actions kind of person, and she’s got a lot of guilt that becoming the Pathfinder didn’t help with and she hides it all under sarcasm. She has gotten closer to her team in Andromeda and learning how to deal with parts of her guilt when it comes to certain situations.
Scout is the sort of person who believes in black and whites and as a Pathfinder she’s learning to deal with shades of grey in areas. When she first started she was upset about her dad’s death and taking the role but she’s come to enjoy being the Pathfinder
7. Everyone’s got one… List their (or your) favorite powers, weapons, and armor sets. Any special reason for these choices?
Incinerate cause it’s a classic and I like the Lance biotic, I never changed my weapon cause I didn’t learn the controls until like...now whoops. (I was playing it on xbox before)
13. Explain the way they feel about the rest of the Tempest crew?
Temperance really appreciates the crew for having her back, for a long time it was just her and Scott and she wasn’t so great at bonding with others at the dig site so she’s become very loyal to them for being there for her
Sam was with the group right from the start, she wanted game nights and movie nights and just random hanging out with everyone and she loves this team
Steph is a little more closed off with the crew, she doesn’t think they appreciate having her hover over them and prefers one on one conversations to a large group but she’s extremely loyal to them because they’re her crew
Scout jumped straight in to trying to get to know everyone and learning their beliefs and everything so she knew her boundaries and could keep herself in line if need be, she still likes to talk to everyone after a mission is done and wanders the halls a lot because she just wants to chill with the crew
16. What about their interactions with the Kett?
Temperance is really curious about where the Kett came from, she wants answers and tried for them a few times before she knew she just wouldn’t get them from anyone working for the Archon
Sam has a lot of questions about how they arrived at the Heleus Cluster and where in the Andromeda galaxy they came from. She’d kick the Archon in the face if she was tall enough to though.
Steph saw them as a threat right from the start, she desperately wants to know how to stop them and will never forgive them for kidnapping Scott or their experiments to exaltation
Scout actually wanted to broker peace before she realized it wasn’t possible with the Archon. then she threw an omni grenade in his face for torturing her brother
17. Did Ryder fall in love? If so, with whom? What drew them to that person? Would their sibling approve?
Temperance fell in love with Vetra, she really loved how Vetra wanted to see the good in coming to Andromeda and how she cared about the team. She’s touched that Vetra came to love her back but is sick of the small and tall jokes from Scott (it is his way of approving though)
Liam and Sam hit it off right from the beginning, they’re the two people who make movie references during a mission and try to guess where its from and Sam just loves how much Liam loves life, it makes her appreciate it more. Scott is practically ready to be the ring bearer at their wedding.
Steph is not-quite-in-love-or-at-least-won’t-admit it with Reyes, she just wanted to have fun in a relationship that meant nothing but it’s really coming to mean something to her. She just enjoyed flirting with Reyes at first but came then saw how much he wanted to be someone as well and it pulled her in. Scott is not sure how he feels about this, he just wants Steph to be happy and isn’t sure if she is or not.
Scout and Suvi really hit it off, she loved how Suvi got so excited over a discovery because it was the same how she felt over a discovery even if it was in a different field of science. She’s just glad to have met someone who has that same sort of passion and is head over heels herself. Scott just wants Suvi to stop talking Scout into licking rocks and nearly dying again.
22. Favorite world they landed on? How do they feel getting to be the first human to step in many of these places?
Temperance wasn’t really focused on that, she did like Elaaden though she got sunburnt a lot
Sam’s favourite was Kadara, she thought it had a lot of excitement to it.
Steph actually liked Eos. She thought it said something about the human spirit that we first tried that world and kept coming back.
Scout loved Havarl for all the life that was on it. She thought it was beautiful and was honored to have helped heal it for the Angara.
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paint-lady · 2 months
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Hi hello, Red woke up just long enough to Eat Han-tha with Ghost Eating Technique
Special shout-out to the circle and the dragon kings wracking up onslaught!
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paint-lady · 2 months
Please wish Red and Scurry good luck as they fight Filial Wisdom, a 1st age solar that is being puppeted by a God of Death.
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paint-lady · 2 months
"In the name of the Unconquered Sun-- GASLIGHT GATEKEEP GIRLBOSS!!"
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paint-lady · 19 days
K'tai the sidereal: I have never heard of a solar dying of alcohol poisoning...
Avery the Twilight: YAYYYY!!!!
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paint-lady · 3 months
The dawn caste proceeded to light her cig from the smoldering embers of the Abyssal she burnt to a crisp with a flame piece. Solars are something else, huh?
rip in peace to The Chevalier Trailing Blood, you were a fun NPC. You will be remembered by the solars as Chef Boyardee.
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paint-lady · 1 year
Happy Calibration!
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Happy Calibration @moonstar-mush​ !!
I am absolutely intrigued by Tendaji and xer story. I wanted to showcase Tennie utilizing xer powers as a sundial repairs itself in xer presence.
 I hope you like the artwork I did! <3
thank you @shiftingpath​ for organizing this again!
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paint-lady · 4 months
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Learned my players haven't invested any dots in strength
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paint-lady · 5 days
Sometimes my exalted players strike me with the most insane lore takes that have to become suddenly canon at our table bc theyre too funny: Lytek definitely has a bunch of exalted mantles that are all in a box labeled "Sluts." His exalted slut box.
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paint-lady · 11 months
wake up babes new exalted social charm: Poor Little Meow Meow Technique
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paint-lady · 3 months
Zenith: look, theyre my friends, not anathema. They wont hurt you, they're just... they're just mean
Ringing endorsements from within the circle tonight
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