#starved for a fox pirate
piratec0ve · 10 months
security breach: *presents glamrock foxy design with long hair and multiple ear piercings*
me, immediately:
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nastymensimp · 1 year
FNAF headcannons
*ascends from the gave with a platter* for my beloveds. If people enjoy this I may make a part 2. Most of these are romantic but I guess they can also be seen as platonic, at least some
OG Foxy
Possibly one of the most touch starved animatronics. All that time alone in Pirates Cove made him very lonely
Depending on what shift you work depends on how on you he will be. Night shift? You better believe he is sitting on the floor with you in his lap, doesn't matter if you actually have tasks to do one of the dayshift people can do it
But if you are on day then its a bit of a problem. With the Cove being closed Foxy can't leave his area meaning physical affection is out of the question when you aren't on break and it destroys the poor pirates heart
Any merch that comes through the door with his face you bet you get first access to. New shirt? he got it in a size bigger then you like so it wont shrink to small. An action figure? well lucky you it gets his signature as well ( though he does kind of have messy writing its still a nice gesture)
Stop by the Cove every once in a while during your shift to sneak him a kiss please
Foxy deserved a tail 100% and at the slightest mention of you its going a mile a minute, the rest of the band likes to tease the poor fox
OG Chica
THE best at hugs. Her bigger body plus soft feathers? it heaven
You guys share custody of her cupcake. If she's doing a task that requires both hands then the confection child stays by your side. It also gives her peace of mind that the two main things she cares about are keeping each other company
Calls you her little chickpea
cooking is one of her main love language, she will spend days if need be perfecting a recipe that you like
Chica's a big girl and sometimes she gets self conscious so please give her some reassurance when she feels down she will make it up to you ten fold
In a small area in the corner of the stage she has pictures of the two of you taped where only she can see them, she says you are her good luck charm
Toy Freddy
Another one on the good hug list
Yk how people will put pictures of their S/O in their hats? That's him 100%
Sit on his lap as he plays video games, its not a ploy to make you beat levels he can't how dare you assume that. Can't he just spend time with you? But there is one level in Mario he has been struggling with and if you are offering-
Likes to sing to you when he has the chance
I like to think that all the toys are big gossipers, so when he hears something about one of the parents you are the first to know
With his ego he def bought you an official Freddy Fazbear set of ears that he expects you to wear 24/7
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hotpinkboots · 9 months
I am absolutely *starved* for foxy content, like one thing I’m obsessed with is foxy with piercings specifically, and imagine one night he’s like. Chasing you but you escape bc it’s just as the time turns over to 6 a.m., and as you catch your breath you notice one of his gold hoop earrings on the floor, and foxy’s reaction to seeing you the next night with his earring in your ear, the shock and the slow, reluctant tail-wagging he’ll deny but damn does that jewel look pretty in your ear and I hnnnnng PLS FEED ME IM A STARVING FOXY SIMP 😭
~𝔉𝔬𝔵𝔶 x Reader Headcanons (Wearing His Earring)~
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Summary: You looking pretty in Foxy's pirate booty (THAT BE TREASURE, YA KNOW) has softened his ol' sailin' heart.
~He's a grumpy old pirate and cursed himself for not being fast enough to get to you.
~Didn't realize his earring fell out while he was chasing you.
~Until he saw you the next night, wearing it like it was yours in the first place.
~You considered putting it back on him, but these animatronics almost murdered you just the night before, so you decided not to get close to any of the animatronics unless you absolutely had to.
~Especially the one that was chasing you down the hall.
~He had been only a hair away from you.
~You could feel your heart racing against your ribs just recalling the horrific event that almost took place.
~Deciding to get a closer look, Foxy ran straight to your door when he got the chance, spotting the earring just for a moment before you slammed the door right on his snout.
~He was grumbling for a long time after that, and you noticed that the curtains to Pirate Cove stayed shut for awhile.
~After thinking about how Bonnie, Chica and Freddy took action, he decided he'd do the same, rather than running up to your door just to be shut out.
~Foxy made his way towards your office, and stood in the darkness for a few minutes without you noticing.
~Ahh, you were a sight to see!
~How cute you looked sitting there all focused on the security cameras, your lips pressed together with anxiety and your eyes flicking quickly over the cameras to catch any sign of movement.
~And the earring in your ear that glinted when the dim office light above caught it.
~Foxy felt his shaggy tail reluctantly swishing from side to side, his eye patch flipping up to take you in with both eyes.
~You were able to hear the robotic sounds of his tail moving.
~When you saw him standing there, though, you immediately shut the door.
~He had been standing a bit too close, and because of this, his nose had been bonked by the slamming door. He moved just in time, but also let out a string of angry mumbles.
~You had never seen Foxy just stand there like the other animatronics did. He always raced in to catch you. While this was an unnerving new strategy of his, you wondered what changed-
~Oh, yes. The earring. Perhaps he wanted it back.
~Just before you left the building, you put the earring on the party table that was closest to his stage, so he could take it back.
~But when you returned, you found the earring on your desk, instead.
~It was yours now, and if you tried again to give it back, the same thing would happen. It would end up on your desk again.
~Something told you this old fox had a bit of a soft side.
KJDHDLGH THIS IS PRECIOUS. I believe it's the most wholesome thing I've written in a long time! I LOOOOOVE the thought of Foxy with pirate jewelry!
Request Guidelines!
Join my Discord server! We have movie nights, art prompts, a lot of places to ramble about your hyperfixations, and a ton of cool people to meet and roleplay with!:
~Love, PinkBoots
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000marie198 · 7 months
Each of the Tails Variants have different ways of showing affection.
Mangey shows it physically. Sails does it by admiring and Nine does it by stealing and wanting to be all alone with the one he likes.
Mangey definitely shows it physically, he loves hugging and getting hugs and cuddles. His biggest, greatest form of showing affection is by sharing his fruits & snacks. That means he cares u, he loves u and trusts u so so so much! He spent so long living in a world that kept him starved and had others snatch his finds that he has grown extremely overprotective of food, he never shares it with anyone- hey this gives me an idea for another oneshot, thanks Anon! So yeah, if someone finds themself getting a fruit from Mangey, that fox loves u
Sails does it by admiration and trust. That kid is a pirate, and has seen betrayal by the one he had been with for so long, he doesn't trust easily. I mean, yeah sure he is friendly and ready to offer anyone friendship but he takes a while to trust, to share his feelings, to be vulnerable. He also shows affection by trying to cheer one up and distract them when they're upset, whether it be by offering a challenge or riling one up for a challenge or getting one to watch another challenge.
Yes too for Nine. He also shows that he cares by doing. Not with words but with actions. To show someone affection, he would spend his time and energy and passion into building or getting the thing that person wants or needs. That means he values this person greatly.
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mama-qwerty · 6 days
Two of a Kind
My Dread au I talked about eons ago. What if Dread wasn't picked up by Harper as a little boy? What if he finds another orphaned kid and they stick together for safety and survival?
A proof of concept, so to speak. Kinda gauging interest, so I know if I should consider writing more, or just keep 'em in my head.
The dread child slipped through the streets of the port town on North Island. He didn’t bother to watch where he was going—people tended to get out of his way on their own. That was one of the few advantages of being an echidna, a dread child. No one wanted to interact with him, so they didn’t bother him as he went about his business.
His business today, as it was every day, was to not starve.
He slid close to the various food stands lined up and down the street, his large violet eyes alert and watching for the owners. They hated him. Well, everyone hated him, but the store owners would overcome their aversion to interacting with him in favor of giving him a swat when they saw him anywhere near their wares. Sometimes with a broom, but sometimes with something heavier, or sharper.
It was a hard, cruel world, especially for a dread child of ten. There was no sympathy for this child on his own. No pity for an empty belly. He’d learned that long ago.
There was no kindness in the world. He’d been on his own since he was a puggle, and any memories of life before that, of family, had long since faded. He didn’t remember where he’d come from, and ultimately, it didn’t matter. The past didn’t matter. Only now. Only survival.
A few ships had come into port over the past few days, and the marketplace was busy and bustling with people. That was good. He could move about easier if there was a crowd keeping the stand owner’s attention.
That wasn’t to say he didn’t have to keep watch against any of the newcomers, too. When he was younger, five or so, he’d nearly been snatched up by a pirate captain with a very bad reputation. He’d heard rumors about that man. Harper. He was cruel, spiteful, and cared only for himself and his status. Young boys hauled aboard his ship either died, or turned into as equally horrible people as the captain himself was. Most of his crew had been gathered as teenagers, and their nasty tendencies encouraged.
It was a hard, cruel world. The dread child knew that.
But that didn’t mean he wanted to endure worse.
He refocused his attention on the task at hand.
The first stand he came to was one with various cuts of meat on display, most of it cooked or dried. The smell hit his nose and his stomach gave a loud grumble. He hadn’t had meat in weeks. Saliva flooded his mouth and he swallowed hard.
Just one of those chunks of mutton would fill his belly for at least two days.
People surrounded him, and he lowered himself slightly, to make himself appear smaller and less detectable. Many of the people around the stand were humans, and they towered over him. There were a few non-human species—a few foxes, some sort of bird, and a turtle. None of them seemed to pay him any mind, so he slowly reached over the edge of the cart to snag a cut of leg.
Just as his fingers closed over it, a large fist grabbed his wrist.
“What d’ya think you’re doin’, rat?”
He snapped his head around, coming face to face with the large rhino behind the stand. Angry red eyes burned into his violet, and the boy shrank beneath the heavy gaze.
“I find your filthy fingers on my wares again, and I’ll chop ‘em off,” the rhino growled, and brought a large meat cleaver from beneath the counter as emphasis. The metal caught the sun, and it flashed a blinding reflection into the boy’s eyes. “Get it?”
The dread child nodded frantically. The rhino snarled at him a moment longer, before releasing his hold on the boy’s wrist.
Not wanting to overstay his welcome, the boy hurried off to hide in one of the side streets.
His stomach growled, as if scolding him for his failure.
The manx girl picked through the burnt husk of what had been, up until a week ago, her home. The fire that had claimed it had done a thorough job of reducing everything inside to ash and cinder. Any coin her parents had saved was gone—stolen by the same men who’d taken their lives.
Seemed her father’s gambling addiction had caught up with him. And his luck had finally run out.
Swallowing back a sob, she carefully sorted through the remnants of her room. Her clothes gone, her few belongings burned and buried within the rubble. The dress she wore—snitched off a clothing line from the other side of town—was all that she owned at the moment. It hung loose, too big for her small frame, and she held a fistful of material as she sifted through the charred remains.
The men who had come for her father, to collect the money owed from one too many bad hands of cards at the tavern, hadn’t cared that it was the dead of night. Hadn’t cared that the man’s daughter was asleep in the next room. Hadn’t cared when she awoke to arguing. To gunshots. To screams.
She’d seen her parents’ bodies, lying still. So still. And she’d seen the men, two humans and a large boar, laughing. They’d come toward her, and she’d had enough sense to run, to hurry back into her room and crawl out her window, her nightshirt catching and tearing down the side.
The fire had been bright enough to see from her hiding spot three streets over. It was still smoldering when she dared return the next morning.
Her parents’ bodies gone. Her home gone.
Her life.
Her belly grumbled at her, pulling her from her thoughts.
People around town had been sympathetic toward her for a few days, but that kindness had mostly run out. Her parents had been liked well enough, and most people wouldn’t turn away a hungry ten year old who’d just been orphaned, but ultimately, she wasn’t their problem. She supposed she understood, even if it made her a little resentful. It was a hard world, after all. Some people had a hard enough time keeping their own bellies full, let alone giving hand outs to someone else’s kid.
A bitter smile curled her lips. She wasn’t anyone’s kid now.
A lump formed in her throat, and she swallowed hard to dislodge it. Crying about it wouldn’t change anything. This was her life now. She had to focus on surviving.
Which is what brought her back to her ruined home. She was looking for something specific, something that, with luck, had mostly survived so she could maybe sell it and get some money for food. She carefully picked through the ash and charred wood, until a flash of reflected light caught her eye. She smiled, going to her knees, hurrying to pull it free, and wiped the soot from the intricate design with the hem of her dress.
Tears brimmed, and she tried so hard to blink them away, but only succeeded in sending them racing down her cheeks.
She was so hungry, but this was all she had left. Her mother’s hairbrush, passed down from her mother, made of silver and etched with delicate carvings on the back. The bristles had been singed, but by some miracle were still mostly intact.
The cat cradled it to her chest, her grief surging as more tears spilled over her muzzle.
A sound. Her ears flicked to catch it, and she turned, finding a red . . . something standing where her room used to be. She stood quickly, tucking the brush behind her back.
The boy was barefoot, like her, with black pants that ended in ragged tatters at the cuffs. His used-to-be-white shirt was stained and looked a little big for him, billowing around his arms. His hands were bare, also like her, and she spied what looked like small spikes on their backs, right over his knuckles. He seemed to have quills, like a hedgehog or porcupine, but they were separated into long wavy clumps. When he shifted his weight, she noticed a kinked tail.
His violet eyes locked with her ocean blue, and he gave her a little snarl as he held his hand out.
“I’ll be takin’ that,” he said, his voice gruff. “Hand it over.”
She blinked, sending the last few tears over her muzzle.
She didn’t care what or who this boy was, she was not going to lose her mother’s brush to him.
The dread child blinked, not quite sure he’d heard what he thought. He was used to bullying other orphan kids in the other towns he’d been to. His reputation as a dread child was usually well-known, that even the other children didn’t want to get involved with him. And it was easier to take from those weaker than him than to try and steal from shop owners.
This . . . this was new.
He thrust his hand forward in an angry jab.
“Maybe ye didn’t hear me,” he said, his teeth grit. “I be needin’ that shiny o’ yers.” He uttered a low growl. “Now.”
The girl pulled her own lip up in a snarl, showing a baby fang. “No.”
His growl turned into a grunt. Who did this puny runt of a girl think she was? From the looks of her, she wouldn’t last three minutes against a seagull, let alone him. Her dress was miles too big, her orange fur brushed with dirt, and the messy mop of red hair made her look wild. Did she actually think she could stand up to him?
“Look, lass,” he said, taking a few steps forward. “I ain’t askin’. Ye’ll hand it over, all nice an’ friendly-like, else I’ll take it from ye.” He gave her a sneering smirk. “An’ ye wouldn’t want that, would ye?”
She stepped back for every one he took forward, ears and eyes trained entirely on him. She kept the shiny object behind her—he wasn’t entirely sure what it was, but it looked expensive and should fill his belly for a few days once he sold it. Her face pinched in anger.
“I’m not giving you anything,” she said. “Get lost.”
Oh, she was getting on his nerves.
He opened his mouth to say something else, when her foot caught on a bit of rubble from the burnt house, sending her toppling backwards. Surprise took over the anger on her face, and she pinwheeled her arms as she went down.
Taking advantage of the opportunity, the dread child rushed forward, grabbing the shiny object and giving a yank to pull it free. When it did, the girl cried out, and brought her now empty fist forward to catch him in the nose. Twice.
His free hand went to his hurt nose, just as she shifted her weight to launch herself at him. She hit him in the chest, sending them both sprawling in a tangle of arms and legs. It took him a few seconds to realize what had happened, but she has up first, trying to wrench his stolen prize from his fist.
“Give it back, give it back!”
His grip was tight, but she fought like a demon, scratching and yanking to make him let go. She had almost gotten it loose enough when he reached up and yanked her by the hair, pulling her off him.
“Ye she-devil,” he muttered. “Ye’re lucky I don’t—”
That’s as far as he got before a foot shot out and made solid contact with his belly. He uttered a breathless “UGH”, rolling away before she could follow it with another blow.
This was certainly not what he was expecting.
They both regained their feet, leaving a fair distance between them as they faced off. The dread child rubbed his stomach, the fist on his prize going tighter.
“Ye’re crazy, ye feckin’ little string o’—”
“Give it back.”
He paused. Her voice was different now. Shaky. Broken. He glanced down at the object in his hands and discovered it a hairbrush. Looking back to her, he found the fur of her muzzle damp.
She was crying? Over a hairbrush??
“Give it back,” she said again, and the angry look on her face changed to one of sorrow. “Please.”
He narrowed his eyes. “What be so important ‘bout this brush?”
She pulled her lips tight, as though warring with herself on whether to reply.
“It was my mother’s. It’s the only thing I have to remember her.”
He rolled his eyes, no stranger to lies intended to pull heartstrings. “Nice try. Ye’ll need t’ do better ‘n that if ye wanna pull one over on me.”
Her expression changed, and now it held more pain than sadness. “It’s the truth! It’s the only thing left of her!” She gestured to the ruins beneath them. “Of my home!”
Silence settled over them, and he glanced at the charred remnants of the house. “Yer home?”
“It was,” she said, her voice soft. “Now it’s gone. They’re gone. I’m all alone and starving and scared and I don’t know what to do.”
The tears returned, and she seemed to shrink before him.
It shouldn’t have made him feel bad. He’d shaken down countless other kids, all with equally sad little sob stories for how they ended up on the streets. “My mother died, my dad kicked me out, they had too many kids and not enough food. Poor me, pity me.” On and on they went, sniffling and boo-hooing over their lot in life.
In the end, it didn’t matter. He’d heard a hundred tales just like this one. It was all the same tune, just with different lyrics. And these other kids could sing this song until they were blue in the face, it didn’t make things better. It didn’t make anyone care about you.
Because that was the way things went. The strong survived, the weak died. If you didn’t want to die, you had to get strong. And that’s what he had done. It was no skin off his nose if any of these other brats toughened up or dropped dead. Less competition, as far as he was concerned.
He looked down at the brush in his hand. Ran his thumb over the lines in the handle.
“Ye live or ye die,” he said, not looking up at her. “That be the way o’ things. ‘Tis a cruel world, an’ ye gotta learn t’ beat it, b’fore it beats ye.”
She was quiet for a moment, before speaking again, her voice soft.
“You can’t beat bad with more bad. That just makes things worse. My mother always said that a drop of kindness was more powerful than a whole ocean of cruelty.”
The boy’s brow furrowed. What a stupid expression. Kindness didn’t do anything but show weakness. Weakness made you a victim.
The strong lived, the weak died.
That was the way of this world. Fair or not.
“Aye?” he said, looking up at her. “An’ where did yer mum’s kindness get her?”
The girl flinched, casting her gaze to the ashes at her feet as her ears flicked back.
“Aye, that’s what I thought.”
Without another word, he turned and strode away, hairbrush still in his tight grip.
The boy watched as people moved in and out of the store. He knew the owner bought things, anything the man could turn around and jack up the price to make a profit off. The hairbrush was nice, and he’d used his shirt to polish it up as well as he could. It may fetch him enough to eat for a week. Two, maybe!
His stomach growled in anticipation.
He stepped forward, standing in the middle of the street. People passed by, none giving him a second glance. He found it interesting how all these people could both see him and not see him at the same time. Because of what he was.
An echidna. A dread child.
He didn’t even know why he was considered a dread child. What did that mean? Where did that stupid name come from? He couldn’t even remember seeing any other echidna, so it wasn’t like they were so many to have become a nuisance. And he’s sure he would have heard stories if they were evil conquerors who descended upon small villages to pillage and plunder.
Unfair. That’s what it was. To be so harshly judged based solely on what he looked like.
He gave himself a shake. No matter. He was going to march right through that door and sell the owner this brush. Then he was going to go and buy enough food to fill his belly so he could sleep well for a change.
Yessir, that was the plan.
. . .
So why weren’t his feet moving?
His grip on the brush tightened. He was being stupid. It was just a stupid brush. The sob story that girl gave was just that—a lie meant to make him feel sorry for her, so he wouldn’t take this thing. He saw through her in an instant.
Besides, what good would it do her to keep it? Assuming it truly was her mother’s, what benefit did holding onto some hairbrush offer? Sentimentality was foolish, and made you weak. That stupid girl would hold onto this brush because of the memories of her mother, all the while her stomach grew emptier and emptier, until she died and some other pickpocket snatched it up to take and sell, just like he was doing now.
When he looked at it that way, he’d done her a favor by taking it from her. Now she could move on, and accept the world as it was. She could use that anger at him, that sorrow at losing something that mattered to her, to become stronger and push back against this world that was so cruel.
. . . a drop of kindness was more powerful than a whole ocean of cruelty.
He frowned. That was ridiculous. Kindness didn’t get you what you wanted. There was no room for kindness in this world. Everyone was only out for themselves.
He looked down at the brush.
His feet started moving.
Evening. The temperature was dropping, bringing a chill to the air as the sun set, painting the sky and ocean in shades of pinks and oranges and purples.
The girl moved through town, seeking shelter and safety for the night. Her belly still grumbled, annoyed to have nothing in it for the second day in a row. She tried to ignore it. Thinking about how hungry she was only made it worse.
Her sensitive ears tuned to the world around her, she moved quickly and silently through the shadows between buildings. This town had no shortage of people who would take advantage of her if she were caught—other orphans, your garden variety perverts, or anyone who thought they could make a quick buck selling her to whatever ship could use a new whipping ‘boy’ on board. She never slept in the same spot twice, lest she catch the wrong attention.
Her thoughts went back to that boy from this afternoon. That stupid, mean, jerk who’d stolen her mother’s hairbrush, and just seemed to accept how horrible the world was to people like them. The vulnerable. The children left to fend for themselves. She supposed he was right in that you had to get strong to survive, but the way he said it just seemed . . . wrong.
Ducking between two homes, she moved further toward the outer parts of town. There was less foot traffic here, so she figured she could hunker down for the night without drawing too much attention.
There. A quiet house with a short stone fence surrounding it. She crept forward, ears sharp, her pupils dilating in the lower light to let her see better. A wagon was parked near the fence toward the back, leaving a small space between the wheels and stone.
She squeezed into that hollow, curling into as tight a ball as she could to help preserve her body heat. Her breath puffed out in little clouds as the sun dipped below the horizon.
Something would have to change tomorrow. She’d need to make some hard decisions on what she was willing to do to survive. There were things she was sure, one hundred percent positive that she would not do, but there may be some things she could. She wouldn’t like them, but it was coming down to do a little bad and live, or be good and die.
Maybe the boy was right. Maybe her mother was wrong.
Letting out a little sigh, she closed her eyes and fell into a dreamless sleep.
The sound of songbirds drew her out of her sleep, and the girl awoke feeling dizzy, tired, and hungry. Her body ached from staying curled so tightly all night long.
Uttering a soft grunt, she uncurled, slowly, and pushed herself to sit up. She blinked against the rising sun, and lifted her arms above her head for a stretch. Turning her head, she cracked her neck, before freezing when her eyes fell upon something resting on the top of the stone fence.
Her mother’s hairbrush.
She stared at it for a moment, barely daring to think it was real. Reaching out a hand, she took hold of it, running a thumb through the bristles. They were slightly damp from the morning dew, but they were here, it was real.
What . . . ? Why . . . ?
Turning her head on a swivel, she looked around, trying to catch sight of the boy. He shouldn’t have been hard to miss, being bright red and all. But there was no sign of him.
She looked back down at the brush in her hands. A little smile curled her lips.
He hated fish.
He hated the taste. He hated their stupid little bones and their creepy eyes and how much work they were to catch and prepare and all for what? A few bites of bland, flavorless bits of nothing?
It was a waste of time, effort, and energy.
The dread child sat on a tall rock near the shallows, a snitched fishing pole in his hands, staring at the line that disappeared into the water. Nothing was biting. He’d been at this since sunup, and he hadn’t had a single nibble.
The worms he’d dug up for bait wriggled in the little tin by his side, and he found himself eyeballing them more often than he liked.
Gods he was so hungry.
With a huff, he turned his gaze back to the line in the water.
He was an idiot.
He could have been enjoying a nice full belly right now. Could have had a decent night’s sleep last night, instead of trying to track that brat girl down to return the brush, and then listening to his stomach complain about its emptiness until he finally passed out from exhaustion.
He should have just sold the stupid thing. He wasn’t even completely sure why he didn’t. Was he going soft? Why? He didn’t care about that girl. He didn’t even feel good about ‘doing the right thing’ by returning the brush. He felt like the biggest idiot on the planet. Anyone else would have sold the thing without a second thought. He would have sold the thing in a blink any other day. So what happened?
The only thing he could think of was he was weak and delirious from hunger. That had to have been it. He’d been so hungry, he’d lost his ever-loving mind and did something completely out of character. That could happen, right?
He uttered another grunt, pulling the line back. Maybe he’d have better luck somewhere else.
The call hit his ears, sharp and loud, but he ignored it as he wrapped the line around his hand. No one ever spoke to him, so he wasn’t going to waste time looking for who owned the voice.
“Hey! Hey, boy!”
Wait. That voice sounded familiar.
He turned, and found the cat girl from yesterday standing on the beach behind him. She held a bag in one hand, and waved to him with the other.
And she was . . . smiling?
His brow pinched in confusion. “Aye?”
She pulled the bag before her, and he saw a long loaf of bread poking out the top. “Hungry?”
His stomach answered her, loud and rude and decisive.
He should be more suspicious of her motivations. What was her angle? What did she want? No one offers food with no strings attached.
Another grumble from his stomach.
He gave a grunt, throwing her a nod. Right now, nothing mattered but quieting this beast in his belly.
They sat on the far side of the beach, in the shade offered by the cliffside to the east of town. The girl had brought bread and meat slices, with a small sweet roll for dessert. They had no knife, so they simply tore the bread into pieces and ate it with the meat wrapped around it.
The waves crashing along the shore were the only sounds as they ate. Neither said a word as they satiated their hunger, quieting their bellies with the first food either had had in days.
He kept expecting her to say something, to tell him the conditions of her offer, but she never did. So he focused on the food, licking his fingers once the main meal was done. The sweet roll remained, and they sat quietly. Awkwardly.
“Ye sold the brush.” It wasn’t a question.
She nodded. “Why did you give it back?”
He shrugged. “Ain’t entirely sure, if I be honest.”
Silence again. The sounds of the ocean. Shouting further off, near the pier.
“What’s your name?”
He didn’t reply for a moment, partially out of confusion. Did she not know what he was? “Don’t have one.”
She cocked an eyebrow. “How can you not have a name?”
He turned to her, suddenly irritated. “How can ye not know what I be? Seems everyone knows. No matter where I be, I hear it. It be the only thing people call me.”
Her ears flicked back for a second, a look of shame flashing over her face. A second later her ears twisted forward again, the shame replaced with a furrowed brow. “What do people call you?”
He paused, his own brow furrowing. How could she not know? “Dread child.”
It came out softer than he intended. As though he were ashamed of it. Which was odd, because it wasn’t like he named himself that. It’s just what he’d always been called, as far back as he could remember.
She looked at him for a long moment, before wrinkling her nose. “That’s not very nice.”
He didn’t respond.
“What do you call yourself? In your head?”
Another pause. What an odd question. “Nothin’.”
“You don’t even have a name you call yourself?”
“No, I don’t call meself anythin’ in me own head,” he snapped, suddenly done with this conversation. It was idiotic and shoving the fact that he didn’t have a name square in his face where he couldn’t ignore it. “Why would I do that? I ain’t exactly havin’ full conversations with meself up there. That be dumb.”
She flinched again, hunching her shoulders up, her ears flicking back. He quieted, turning away with a huff.
He should just leave. The food was mostly gone, his belly adequately full, and their conversation was making him feel . . . weird. Angry and confused and uncomfortable. What’s the big deal if he didn’t have a name? Names are only for people who are important. For the benefit of others, who care about you. No one cared to know anything about him, other than the fact that he was a dread child. That was all that mattered to anyone.
“Would be a cool pirate name.”
Her soft tone snapped him out of his thoughts, and he turned to her, brow furrowed. “What would?”
She gave a little shrug. Her ears had returned forward, but she kept her eyes cast down to the sand before her. She dug her toes in to bury them, wiggling to make the dry sand sift between.
“Lotta pirates have those kinda names. It’s always ‘The Terrible’ this, or ‘The Merciless’ that.” She shrugged again. “You could be ‘The Dread’. Like, even the sound of your name makes people feel this weight in their belly, you don’t even have to do anything, really.” A little smile curled her lips. “Captain Dread, whose name inspires fear and respect across the seas.”
He looked at her. Stared at her, really. That was . . . well, that kinda made sense. He’d never considered that this name that followed him wherever he went could be used to his advantage. That he could actually own it, make it his, and make it work for him. If everyone knew what he was . . . who he was, that could go a long way in asserting himself as a force to be reckoned with.
And that is very much what he wanted to be. If people were going to hate him anyway, the least he could do was give them a reason to do so. One that didn’t simply come down to his species.
His eyes narrowed at the girl next to him. She sat, watching her toes burrow into the sand. She didn’t look at him, but her ears were turned just slightly in his direction.
This cat was strange. She didn’t seem to know who or what he was. She’d fought him without a second thought yesterday, in defense of her mother’s hairbrush. And then she’d sold said brush, sharing the food she’d bought with him anyway.
And she spoke to him. Like he was a real person. Like he mattered. Like she didn’t care at all that he was an outcast, ignored and shoved aside for his entire life. Looked upon with disdain and fear or hatred.
She didn’t seem to see him like that.
And that . . . that made him happy.
Of course, he’d be an idiot if he didn’t at least entertain the idea that this may all be a trick. Some act to make him want to help her, take care of her. She wasn’t a fighter, that much was obvious, and there were many on this planet, in this very town, who would have no qualms with hurting a little girl on her own. He wasn’t the best fighter, sure. But he could stand his ground better than she could.
So maybe this was all because he could be useful to her.
But maybe . . . maybe she could be useful to him, too.
“What be yer name, lass?”
She flicked her eyes over to him. “Scarlett.”
A smirk pulled one corner of his mouth up, and he nodded to her. “Aye, pleased t’ make yer acquaintance, Scarlett. I be Dread.” He held his hand out. “It be nice t’ meet ye.”
Her eyes flicked from his hand to his smirk, and her own lip curled similarly.
“A pleasure,” she said, reaching out to take his hand and give it a few quick pumps.
A little chuckle rumbled in his chest, and he flashed her a sly smile as he pulled his hand back. “S’pose I should ask why ye shared yer food with me. We ain’t exactly on the best of terms, after yesterday.”
She gave a little wave. “Yesterday’s history. Today’s all that matters. You gave me back the brush, and you didn’t have to.”
He shook his head. “Still don’t know what came over me for that.”
“You saw a poor, defenseless little girl who was all alone in the world and realized you couldn’t steal from her,” she said, batting her eyelashes at him.
He barked out a laugh. “That ‘poor, defenseless little girl’ got two good hits on my nose an’ fought like a she-demon. So, I’m thinkin’ that weren’t it.”
She snickered with him, before quieting and gave a little shrug. “Maybe it was just a moment of weakness.”
He quieted, watching her toes continue to dig into the sand. “Or maybe it be a drop o’ kindness.”
Her toes paused, and she looked over at him. A little smile curled her lips. “Maybe.”
They shared a smile for a moment, before he snickered again. “Nah. Moment o’ weakness.”
She nodded. “Most definitely.”
“Don’t expect it again. It be everyone for themselves in this world.”
Another nod. “Obviously.”
“Ain’t got time for charity cases.”
“Gods, no. Any cooperation between us would be strictly a mutually beneficial arrangement.”
He nodded. “Aye, that it be. An’ the minute it ain’t ye’re gone.”
“Oh, absolutely,” she agreed, nodding. “Likewise, if you double cross me, I’m leaving you in the dust.”
“Aye, fair.”
Silence settled over them for a moment. Something seemed to have changed in the air between them, and he couldn’t figure out what. But it felt . . . comfortable. Warm. Like he wasn’t all alone anymore.
Finally, he broke the silence, keeping his gaze anywhere but on her.
“So . . .” he said, gesturing toward the sweet roll. “Ye gonna eat that, ‘r what?”
She watched him for a moment, before smiling. Without a word, she picked up the roll, and tore it in half to offer him one side.
He took it, casting her a quick glance, a little smile on his lips.
They ate in silence, watching the waves crash on the shore as seagulls called overhead.
The child, Dread, slipped through the streets of the port town on North Island. He moved with purpose, weaving his way through the crowd, heading toward the stand offering various cuts of meat for sale. The large rhino behind the bin turned and pegged him with a narrowed gaze as he neared, eyes flicking over him quickly.
“You bring it?” he asked, his voice gruff.
Dread nodded, pulling a mended shirt from the bag slung across him. The boy held it out to the man, who took it and spent an unnecessary amount of time examining the repair. Finally, he turned to Dread, giving him a little nod.
“Girl does a good job,” he said, tossing the shirt behind the stall, and gathering a few bits of meat to wrap with paper. “Check with Williams down the way. May have some chores to be done.”
The rhino handed the meat over, and Dread gave him another nod as he took it and hurried off.
“Williams,” Dread muttered to himself, trying to keep the name in his memory. He had no intention of speaking with this shop owner himself—he wasn’t exactly a diplomat, and besides, people around town were only just slightly starting to interact with him. He’d tell Scarlett, and she would talk with Williams to arrange any work to be done, as well as payment.
The girl may have been rubbish at fighting, but she knew how to string words together. She could finesse a deal, diffuse a fight, or cut down anyone who stirred her ire. (Including him.) She wielded words like a master swordsman did a blade. It was truly fascinating to watch.
Not that he’d ever tell her that to her face, obviously. But she was clever. And he admired that.
He skirted a few humans who blocked the street, tucking the paper-wrapped meat into his bag. He and Scarlett hadn’t eaten for nearly a day, and he meant to get it back to the abandoned house where they had camped for the night as soon as possible. His stomach growled, eager to tear into the food immediately, but he ignored it.
For once, he wasn’t thinking only of himself.
It struck him just how different things were these days. If he’d been asked a month ago how he’d picture his life now, he would have said not much different than any other day. Struggling. Surviving. Trusting no one but himself.
But what a difference a month makes.
Dread moved quickly through the streets, snitching a few coin here and there from unaware sailors. Scarlett wasn’t overly approving of the pick-pocketing, but Dread was more pragmatic. They’d never get anywhere if all they were doing were chores and small jobs for locals. Sure it kept their bellies full, mostly, but that was about it. They were paid in food, and it took coin to go anywhere in this world.
Dread was not planning on spending his entire life in this port town.
And he’d make sure Scarlett didn’t, either.
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webanglikethat · 5 days
welcome, wanderer. step into this blog, a realm where moonbeams (my thoughts) weave bridges of different worlds and stardust paves the path to unique adventures and a place where the star (me) whispers secrets (long papyrus about things that fill my heart with joy) and the moonlight guides your journey through the cosmos which is my existence. 
・・・・☆・・・・☆ ・・・・☆・・・・☆
╭ ❝ @JB ; she!him ❞
╰ 18een, infj, daughter of hades, woc + italian, ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 
╰ psychology student, I speak 5 languages ᵔᴗᵔ
⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
ִཐི♡ཋྀ: things you should know about me!
➜ I write poems 📝
➜ I’m a huge romance lover and will read anything with a WOC FL 🤭 
➜ I’m a dream stan as well as a bigbang OT5 stan !
➜ I believe in Emily Henry supremacy 
➜ please use a TW when talking about bullying or domestic abuse because as a victim, it really emotionally rattles me!
⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
꒰ ⚠️ Rules: Do not interact if  ꒱
𐐂𐐚 you are a bigbang ot4 Stan
𐐂𐐚 you are panphobic 
𐐂𐐚 you are racist 
𐐂𐐚 you hate anyone I stan 
𐐂𐐚 you don’t use TWs
𐐂𐐚 you are a zionist 
𐐂𐐚 you support colleen hoover or SMJ
𐐂𐐚 you support schlatt, minx or wilbur soot
𐐂𐐚 you are a dream anti 
𐐂𐐚 you are younger than 15 (the age gap is icky)
𐐂𐐚 you like shit such as haunting adeline
𐐂𐐚 you are white and can’t realize your privilege
꒰ ⚠️ Before you follow  ꒱
I tend to spam a lot, I curse a lot, I will repost NSFW, I mostly talk about dream, bigbang, romance club, detective conan and pjo, I'm very bad at answering DMs, so please have patience !!
⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
    ྀི ꒰͡⠀Stan List ⠀͡꒱  ༘   
➳ Ult of Ults ; Bigbang OT5, Kim Jennie, Kim Dahyun.
➳ International artists ; Corpse Husband, Halsey, Taylor Swift, Olivia Rodrigo and so many more !! 
➳ comfort streamers : the four Amigops, Dream Team, 5up. but I watch many more !!
⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
                          ﹙DEAR RC﹚  
⌞ FINISHED (only first time stats) ⌝
Arcanum ─ high empress, Rob as LI. ♥︎ 
HS 1 ─ demon, high glory, Mimi as LI. ♥︎
HS 2 ─ temper, Lucifer as LI. ♥︎ 
VFV ─ calculating, Alexandre as LI. ♥︎
KCD ─ Independence and Kindness of Godess, Ratan as LI. ♥︎ 
SBTR  ─ passion, Brendon as LI. 
SOS ─ courage, starving, Derek as LI. 
SOL ─ crimson shadow, Gray as LI. 
WP ─ daring, Charles as LI. 
MHS ─ adventure + romance, Ray and David as LI. (played twice for achievements) 
Moonborn ─ diplomacy, gift of the moon, Vincent as LI. 
SINT ─ diplomacy, white magic, high pirate reputation, ship condition 10, Sebastian as LI. 
S10TW ─ vyxen, Benedict as LI. ♥︎
OTI ─ light, high glory, Hodge as LI. ♥︎
THE ONE V1 ─ heart, Evan as LI. ♥︎
KFS ─ passion, freedom, Ram as LI. ♥︎
DALS ─ balancing, Vlad as LI. ♥︎
TDR ─ rebellion, balancing city and rose, Adil as LI. ♥︎
SOTCN ─ honesty, oneiromancy, high renown, Ram or Livius as LI. ♥︎
LSE ─ light path, the rest is quite balanced thanks to the clothes, Chad as LI. 
SOULLESS ─ lust, high mastery, stuck between Vincent and Walter as LI. 
GOE ─ principles, Seonghwa as LI. ♥︎
THE ONE 2 ─ sweetheart, Joel as LI. ♥︎
ABH ─ faith and high reputation, still deciding between LIs. 
HSR ─ voice of god, high adaptability, no one as LI cause they’re all sketchyy!!!
7B ─ foxy, no one as LI yet. 
ET ─ team player, high fame, Daniel as LI. 
Q30 ─ replaying because I messed up in season 2 ☠️
Chasing you ─ never finishing this one because I’m tooo attached to it 🥹
LOW ─ pearl fox, passion, Masamune as LI. 
LFOS ─ balancing earth and star, science and fashion, nobody as LI yet.
HOT ─ compassion, Wyatt as LI (probably). 
THEODORA ─ never finishing this one istg it’s too sad 😭😭
S10TW ─ wallflower, still Benedict as LI because I adore him <3 (FINISHED)
OTI ─ balanced, high glory, Hodge as LI (also, the first time I messed up and accidentally got Brian) ♥︎ FINISHED
THE ONE V1  ─ heart, trying to replay for ALL LIs wish me luck <3
SOL ─ Sepulchral Whisper, I think Leslie!
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fungalittleweirdo · 25 days
Nineteenth Century ROTTMNT AU
tagging @spoopyblues214 here because they love the meme with the four character archetypes (but instead of the victorian englishman it's a spanish revolutionary in this) potentially crossing paths due to them being from the same time period and i want to dedicate this post to him <3 i'd even credit them for the idea if i didn't write it down first (silly)
side note: this derives from canon SO MUCH but this is the best way i could make it work in my head to make everything fit into place
the year is 1827. seventeen-year-old raphael is on the run, wanted by the spanish monarchy for inciting rebellion in the spanish colonies. he ended up in texas where he found michelangelo, a fifteen-year-old ex-mercenary cowboy planning to return east. the two meet at a saloon, drinking sassafras together.
"i seen your poster 'round down south of the border they're buildin'. spanish king'd pay a pretty penny to have you behind bars."
"you haven't seen any thing like that."
"relax, i ain't doin' none of that no more, jus' wanna go east. i am beat from all the heat 'round here."
the two agree to travel together, since bandits in that area are dangerous to deal with alone. raph realises mikey is hella fantastic with a whip while mikey acknowledges raph is a hella good shot. raph prefers his knives though, it's easy to put the blade between his fingers, even if he runs the risk of cutting himself. the two travel from corpus christi to new orleans, resting in town for a little while.
after some time the two come across a former samurai, homeless and starving in the streets. they take him in, feed him and mend his garb. he carries a splintered bo staff and what little he has in a rucksack with a persistent frown on his face. sixteen-year-old donatello expresses his gratitude by giving raph his unused sai and mikey an unused kusari-fundo because of his whipping skills. the three of them live in louisiana for a couple months, enjoying the bayou until raphael felt like he was being watched. there is still a price upon his head, the lingering worry deepening the stress lines on his forehead. the three manage to board on a boat headed to new york. mikey and raph leave their horses with a free woman, april and her friend casey, who plan to travel on land masquerading as a slave owner with his slave. those two plan on meeting with casey's cousin, cassandra, moving in the lower east side to keep her company.
the three turtles board a ship with an annoying stock boy and a crew of rogues who call themselves the purple dragons. as much as the three avoid these bothersome pains in their necks, they always meet with the stock boy when they need food. they always cross paths with the purple dragons when they need to get to starboard for fresh air. a few months of enduring these bullies and their luck got worse once the ship was rounding the coast of the tip of florida. a crew of pirates came across their ship and donatello was sick of it, fighting the pirates off after they threw stock boy and the dragons overboard.
sixteen-year-old co-captain leonardo and donatello hamato were at a stalemate at port, raphael was held back by capitán piel and michelangelo pinned señor hueso down at starboard.
"aye, swift with your staff, hm ?"
"your blades are faulty, marauder !"
leo quirks an eyebrow and drops his swords, raising his arms in surrender with a smug look.
"let's strike a deal, fox-eye."
the co-captain gives piel a look and he lets go of raph, then mikey gets off of hueso, who stands and glares at him. donnie quirks an eyebrow and stands with his staff on the plank his feet are planted upon, waiting for leo to continue.
"my blades are faulty to you ? what do you know about blades ?"
"usually concerns for pirateers like you are gold and jewels."
"answer me or you'll have the shogun to answer to."
donatello stills and drops his staff, lifting his hands up.
"if you would allow me to reach for my family blades ?"
leonardo watches carefully as donatello unsheathes his twin odachi, carefully resting them upon his hands and holding them up with a bowed head. the pirate drops his swords, reaching for the presented blades.
"i have given you the last of my metallic weapons. now please leave my brothers and i alone."
mikey and raph were surprised to hear donatello refer to them as his brothers, but they connected the dots quickly and kept their smiles to themselves. leo observed the odachi in his hands and gave them a test swing, grinning to himself from how easy his technique came to him. he looked up at donatello, the samurai's head still low.
"aye, look at me."
donnie listened, a glint shining in his eyes as he blinked up at leo.
"you best be ready for another lad to join your family, because i am right here."
raph, mikey, and donnie join the crew of leo's ship. while capitán piel is the true captain of the ship, he lets leo lead pillages for fun. definitely not for the fact that the kid has a natural talent for leadership, he just had to learn the hard way how to watch for his crew. unfortunately, leo couldn't acknowledge the fact that a pirate crew is not expendable. señor hueso thinks the only reason why he and his brother are the last ones alive from the original crew is because they're the ones still truly in charge. the turn of events for leo to adopt three strangers from different corners of the world as family all of a sudden had them questioning his motives.
the ship manages to arrive in virginia for a break, which is where the four crew turtles decided to watch big mama's travelling circus. piel and hueso got to stocking up for food and supplies in the market. so the brothers saw the leading act in said circus was a lean middle aged man, going by the stage name lou jitsu. donnie recognised he was a martial artist by the way he moved, fighting all the big burly men ringleader mama pitted against him, but mikey could tell by the strained look on his face that he was tired.
lou jitsu was exhausted, he had been fighting for big mama's circus for over a decade. he was once part of a prominent family in japan until he ran away against his grandfather's wishes, travelling the new world as an actor until he ran out of money. he managed to stay with a witch doctor in louisiana, baron draxum. the yokai bewitched lou jitsu body and soul, granting him more money and fame... but at a price. lou jitsu started acting and travelling again, even going back to japan. unfortunately, four of his lovers bore children draxum cursed to be half-turtle half-man. lou had some idea, because he occasionally received letters from them believing them to be fans who wanted to bear his children.
raphael's mother in south america raised him despite ridicule from the townsfolk. leonardo's mother abandoned him and sr. hueso was the one who took him in and he and capitán piel raised leo as their own little brother. donatello's mother tried hard to keep him hidden until samurai raided her home and took him away to be raised by a high status family instead. they thought of him as their good fortune. michelangelo's mother had to sell him to some farmhands, so he grew up tending to livestock and keeping them together in one spot.
once lou jitsu spots the four turtles in the audience he experienced a transformation like no other, the dormant part of the curse draxum put on him taking place. he quit on big mama, leaving the circus to join the turtles.
"surely... you can give me a chance to be in your lives... ?"
the turtles hesitantly agreed and the group went back to the boat to escape big mama, leaving the harbour to get to new york. the crew arrives and they meet casey and april in the harbour, mikey and raph glad to see their horses again.
the ragtag group of raph the spanish revolutionary, leo the pirate, donnie the former samurai, mikey the cowboy, and lou jitsu the ex circus performer settle in the greatest city in the world– shenanigans ensue !
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shiigures-a · 9 months
type of bed: A canopy with pink and purple accents woven in. It was gifted from the men of G5 for one of her birthdays and also celebrating her rank from sergeant to captain. She really hates it but functionally, the canopy and curtains keep the bed warmer, and screen it from light and sight. The canopy bed came to be from a concern for her well being and privacy, since she's the only woman in the base.
number of blankets: A knitted one that comes from her past. Yes, it's screams emo Dracula vibes and has a shape of a cross next to a giant Yoru picture but it reminds her of her second home of living in Kuraigana island.
number of pillows: Too many to count. Some are animal shaped like penguins, rabbits, geckos and foxes. The men of G5 keeps buying her them, claiming her to be a princess. But she rather be the pea, because Tashigi cannot sleep with her sinking into the bed, like it's going to swallow her up every night.
type of clothing: Athletic sportswear tank top and gray to light gray sweatpants that have words on the sides of them. She is the most comfy and relaxed while sleeping and doesn't have any hair ties so it goes down past her shoulders and there are no glasses in sight.
does it matter where they sleep?: She can't sleep if there is a lot of noise. Being on decks and other public places really stresses her out normally so it's uped to eleven when she is trying to sleep and is less guarded.
what do they do if they cannot fall asleep?: She goes out and trains her swordwomanship. Why waste time panicking if you can use that hour or two productively. Also exercise is a good way to make someone tired if they do it long enough. She has to be careful not to pass out while not in her room though since Tashigi has done that several times before.
frequent dreams, nightmares: Good dreams are when she obtains the Wado Ichimonji and finally beats Zoro or that he takes her seriously and ends her. 99 percent of nightmares are Zoro focused. Mostly of him dying before she herself can be the one to kill him. Others are that her shirt pops open and everyone can see her chest. She's really self conscience so any outfit malfunction is very nightmarish to Tashigi.
deep slumber or naps: Mostly naps. Her job doesn't allow too much sleep as they are always in high alert. Their duty to hunt down pirates is somewhat of a 24/7 job as the offending parties don't really rest and neither does justice.
when do they sleep: They will sleep when they are dead.....or if someone forces her to take a day off to catch up. She spends the whole day in bed and doesn't get up unless Tashigi needs a bathroom break. Is totally starving on the next and can eat about most anything, she's that hungry.
what could wake them up: Someone trying to take her swords. They are more valuable than her own life. You mess with the blades, they are going right through anyone that dares touch them without her permission. Otherwise: Roronoa Zoro :3
tagged by: @ravarui tagging: @sozokami @kaizokugaris @electricea @cauterisen @flambace @melodysian @hauntedreality @celestiialnotes and whoever else wants to do it c:
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shukuchiisms · 1 year
Luna in other nations be Like:
Freljord: Bother Tryndamere [@house-of-warriors], snow surf, Snow boar hunting, Feed from some Iceborne, Flirt with hot iceborn gals, Humiliate some freljord barbarians in a strength context;
Shurima: Whine about the sand to Aira [@aira-the-ancient-star] and Achara [@darkin-of-shurima], pick some stupid discussions with Nasus and Azir, bitch about the sand a bit more, Flirt with Achara, keep bitching about the sand, starve cuz there is less prey around, immolate some voidlings, Bitch even more about the sand;
Demacia: She's not going there even if you pay her to;
Targon: Not going there either;
Shadow isles: Eat, eat some more, eat even more, eat alot, talk to Maokai about stuff, Eat more, talk to Necrit, eat, visit the vaults of her people, have i mentioned eat?
Bilgewater: Get seasick because of the ship's motion, complain about getting seasick, Be a victim of a Robb attempt, devour the robbers, Play cards, Flirt with pirate gals, cheat in the card games, Charm people to give her free stuff, get more seasick;
Noxus: Pick random fights, sabotage the war efforts, plant fox-fire constructs, and mini-golems that will mess up with important stuff, Create chaos, feed from soldiers, and bother Vladina [@ladyvladina].
Zaun: cough like hell, feed from some geniuses, get off as quickly as possible;
Piltover: Feed from more geniuses, go to Hextech lectures, make fun of Ezreal for all his inconsistencies on old Ionian translations, make fun of the Hextech researchers for their wrong uses of certain runes, feed from more smart people, flirt with hot officer gals.
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shibonzakura · 2 months
Tumblr media
type of bed: A canopy with pink and purple accents woven in. It was gifted from the men of G5 for one of her birthdays and also celebrating her rank from sergeant to captain. She really hates it but functionally, the canopy and curtains keep the bed warmer, and screen it from light and sight. The canopy bed came to be from a concern for her well being and privacy, since she’s the only woman in the base.
number of blankets: A knitted one that comes from her past. Yes, it’s screams emo Dracula vibes and has a shape of a cross next to a giant Yoru picture but it reminds her of her second home of living in Kuraigana island.
number of pillows: Too many to count. Some are animal shaped like penguins, rabbits, geckos and foxes. The men of G5 keeps buying her them, claiming her to be a princess. But she rather be the pea, because Tashigi cannot sleep with her sinking into the bed, like it’s going to swallow her up every night.
type of clothing: Athletic sportswear tank top and gray to light gray sweatpants that have words on the sides of them. She is the most comfy and relaxed while sleeping and doesn’t have any hair ties so it goes down past her shoulders and there are no glasses in sight.
does it matter where they sleep?: She can’t sleep if there is a lot of noise. Being on decks and other public places really stresses her out normally so it’s uped to eleven when she is trying to sleep and is less guarded.
what do they do if they cannot fall asleep?: She goes out and trains her swordwomanship. Why waste time panicking if you can use that hour or two productively. Also exercise is a good way to make someone tired if they do it long enough. She has to be careful not to pass out while not in her room though since Tashigi has done that several times before.
frequent dreams, nightmares:Good dreams are when she obtains the Wado Ichimonji and finally beats Zoro or that he takes her seriously and ends her. 99 percent of nightmares are Zoro focused. Mostly of him dying before she herself can be the one to kill him. Others are that her shirt pops open and everyone can see her chest. She’s really self conscience so any outfit malfunction is very nightmarish to Tashigi.
deep slumber or naps: Mostly naps. Her job doesn’t allow too much sleep as they are always in high alert. Their duty to hunt down pirates is somewhat of a 24/7 job as the offending parties don’t really rest and neither does justice.
when do they sleep: They will sleep when they are dead…..or if someone forces her to take a day off to catch up. She spends the whole day in bed and doesn’t get up unless Tashigi needs a bathroom break. Is totally starving on the next and can eat about most anything, she’s that hungry.
what could wake them up: Someone trying to take her swords. They are more valuable than her own life. You mess with the blades, they are going right through anyone that dares touch them without her permission. Otherwise: Roronoa Zoro :3
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piratec0ve · 10 months
me, looking around at the barren WASTELAND of foxy x reader content: unaCCEPTABLE
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abyssalremia · 11 months
𓆩♡𓆪 ✧ Remia's Lore ✧ 𓆩♡𓆪
The former handmaiden of the feared Witch of Doma, known to most in the Far East as the Silver Kitsune, Remia lives out her days in Namai Village researching the ancient city of Mhach to better hone her void magick under the guidance of her two voidsent companions. Despite the public outcry for her to have been executed following Yotsuyu’s death, she’s been employed as Hien’s Arcane Advisor and, unexpectedly, has become a trusted confidant of the young Lord.
Seeing as she's a formidable void mage, it came as little surprise when her sister Ravn, a former Scion, contacted her asking for assistance looking into matters concerning the Thirteenth. At Hien's behest, Remia now begrudgingly accompanies Ravn, Y’shtola, Vrtra, and Estinien on their quest to rescue Azdaja. And to make matters worse, Zero seems to have taken a particular interest in her and her voidsent summons. So much for not being roped into this world-saving nonsense…again.
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Below the cut is Remia's entire backstory from her childhood to 6.1 for those curious about her history. Beware, the rabbit hole goes deep into the void so don't click to continue unless you want a wiki page worth of info thrown at you ^^; ♡ by no means is this meant for rp purposes. just here to give a timeline for those wanting to know more about my precious cynical miqo and for me to keep her lore straight
Two Sisters
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Being born with striking ivory hair and a single white eye into a previously influential and wealthy family, Remia was seen as a curse. She was an outcast among the other children in Gridania. The only person to treat her kindly was her sister Ravn. An adventurous soul by nature with a strong moral compass and love for all things mechanical, Ravn protected Remia as best she could—both from the cruel children that would bully her and from their parents who were steadily growing more abusive with every passing week.
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As their family wealth began to dwindle thanks to mismanagement of funds and falling victim to countless scams, Remia's parents blamed her for their misfortune. They wanted nothing more than to be rid of both her and Ravn. With the last of their money, their parents ventured across the sea and brought the girls to Kugane where they sold off Remia to a band of corrupt pirates from the Ruby Sea for a hefty price. As for Ravn, she became game for the Viera tribes of the Golmore Jungle. Since the day they were sold, the two sisters wouldn't see one another again until much, much later under very different circumstances.
Ruby Hell
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Growing up on the unrelenting tides of the Ruby Sea, Remia quickly became a spectacle to those who believed in the Kami. Many a gullible Doman would pay thousands of gil to simply see her when she was younger. The older she grew, the more crude the requests became. Abused, starved, and treated as nothing more than a pet fox by the vile pirates that kept her captive, she attempted to maim herself in hopes of lowering her value. Turns out a half-blind fox goes for more than she could have ever imagined... So much so that one of her regulars gifted her a rare grimoire rumored to belong to a powerful Mhachi void mage.
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One fateful evening, the pirate ship she was stowed away on was raided by the Confederacy. Remia refused the help of Tansui and Rasho when they attempted to reach out and offer her a place among their crew. It was common knowledge she was stuck on that ship being exploited and abused for years now so why was it only then they decided to come to her aid..? She didn't trust them. With her grimoire as her sole possession, she fled the Ruby Sea altogether and made for the nearby villages in hopes of finding somewhere to hide.
Unlikely Friendship
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Having been raised out in the Ruby Sea, all Remia knew was how to use her looks to get by. It was only expected that she'd once again end up as a courtesan this time working at a proper pleasure house. She was treated better there, but by no means was that an ideal way of living. Though, one good thing did come from working at such an establishment: befriending a girl named Yotsuyu.
Remia and Yotsuyu grew close over their shared loathing and distrust of humanity. Life is brutal and unfair, a fact they were all too familiar with. Only by their own hands could they change their fate, and Remia desperately needed someone she could rely on in this godforsaken world. Where Yotsuyu dreamed of crushing Doma, forcing every last Doman to suffer as she had, Remia simply wanted to survive.
Her memories were beginning to fray and fade. Yotsuyu was the sole person who remained fresh in her mind—even her sister had been all but forgotten by this point. Yotsuyu was kind to her. Protected her. Remia didn't understand why her memories were becoming an unsolvable jigsaw puzzle, but she knew that regardless of how much further her recollection degraded, Yotsuyu would always be there for her. It was them against the world.
An Imperial Upgrade
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After Zenos crushed the Doman Resistance and crowned Yotsuyu as the new Imperial viceroy of Doma, Remia too was taken into the Imperial Army as Yotsuyu's handmaiden. A title that in reality meant she was Yotsuyu's personal guard and assassin both. She held no allegiance to the Imperials nor to Zenos for that matter. Her sole loyalty lay with Yotsuyu—though even that wasn't entirely true.
As Yotsuyu's treatment of the Domans grew worse and far too cruel for even her to stomach, Remia found herself slowly being backed into a corner. She would quietly try to dissuade Yotsuyu from ordering her to carry out her most vile punishments. And when that would inevitably fail, she would leave for whichever village had drawn the viceroy's ire and dole out a more lenient punishment than what Yotsuyu had ordered. For as terrible as life had treated her thus far, Remia didn't see the point in inflicting pain on those who were truly innocent, needlessly perpetuating the cycle of hatred.
Beginning of their End
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Remia knew in her heart that once word reached her and Yotsuyu that these Scions had come to liberate Doma, their time together was limited. The Warrior of Light herself would herald in a new age full of promise for Doma at the expense of herself and Yotsuyu being cast out into the deepest pit of the seven hells.
Something needed to change. Yotsuyu couldn't be allowed to continue her obsessive crusade, but neither did Remia wish for her to die at the blade of the young Lord who somehow survived the rebellion. And then there was the matter of that strange ashen miqo'te she encountered during her last clash with Yugiri and the Warrior of Light while guarding Zenos. Everything was a mess. Only her grimoire brought her comfort. A grimoire that was slowly beginning to corrupt her.
The Fall from Grace
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The siege on Doma Castle was the final nail in the coffin. Remia defended against the Doman Liberation Front for as long as she could. Grynewaht cut down an endless sea of rebels with her by his side until the lower levels of the castle were flooded, forcing them to retreat if only somewhat. Remia eventually left him to delay the Warrior of Light while she ran back up to the keep to find Yotsuyu once it became clear this wasn't going to end well. They needed to escape while they could. There was still time—
When Remia made it to the keep, her desperate pleas for Yotsuyu to flee fell on deaf ears. Yotsuyu revealed to Remia that her true plan all along was to destroy Doma Castle, burying both her and the prince once and for all. She spoke like a mad woman. Remia tried one last time to get her to run away. They could start anew somewhere far away from Doma if only she would just trust her. And then Hien along with the rest of his party barged into the keep. Before Remia could try to fight them off, she found herself pushed over the balcony by none other than Yotsuyu. A final act of kindness to give her the chance to live out a new life assuming she survived the fall.
Before she met the jagged rocks at the base of the sinking castle, a dark portal roiled to life underneath Remia, swallowing her whole.
Dark Patron
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Inside the darkness that saved her from certain death, she met a small voidsent imp. Still in shock after the events that just transpired, Remia didn't say a word as the imp proposed an offer: he'd reveal to her the truth behind her memory loss in exchange for helping him find a way home to his darkness-consumed world. He was far too weak to return on his own—forget about surviving if he did manage such a feat—and only by leeching off of her aether could he eventually regain his strength to return. Remia agreed without much thought if only to get this imp to take her back to Yotsuyu.
A Fleeting Reunion
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Doma Castle now reduced to rubble, Remia found herself in the heart of the Doman Enclave. The imp held true to his word and brought her back to Yotsuyu, or rather "Tsuyu". Her friend was a shell of her former self. Perhaps she was a more accurate version of the woman she could have become if life hadn't been so cruel. And though Tsuyu had forgotten most everything from before the castle's collapse, there was a flicker of recognition behind her eyes when she saw Remia. A feeling that the strange fox-girl was someone important.
Remia was quick to get over her shock and asked Gosetsu and Hien both if she could stay by Yotsuyu's side. Against the wishes of his people, Hien agreed and spared her life.
Day after day, Remia refused to leave Tsuyu unless absolutely necessary. She ignored her supposed "sister" who continued to pester her in favor of spending as much time with Tsuyu as she could. Gosetsu too was kind to her and her friend despite their bloodied history. Fate had given them a second chance at life, just as she had wished for, and Remia wasn't going to waste it. Memories be damned, so long as Yotsuyu was alive, there was hope for their future—hope that was quickly snuffed out when Asahi came to visit.
Goodbye to our Future
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Remia found Yotsuyu just after she had regained her memories and murdered her parents. They fled the enclave together and returned to the Garlean airship where Asahi was waiting for them both. He left the two to their own devices while he set off finalizing the last of the preparations for the prisoner exchange that was to be taking place the next day. Alone in Yotsuyu's personal chamber, the two women reminisced over the years they had spent together late into the night until they eventually fell asleep.
The following morning, Remia woke up alone, the door to Yotsuyu's room locked. Dread pooled in the pit of her stomach while she desperately tried to break free. By the time she finally managed to break out and find Yotsuyu, it was once again too late. She ran into Castrum Fluminis right as Yotsuyu stabbed Asahi with Tsukuyomi's katanas.
In her final moments, Yotsuyu admitted to Remia that she had tried to push her away if only to spare her from the endless darkness she had wanted to plunge Doma into. A futile effort, clearly. She thanked Remia for being her only friend. The only person who saw her for who she truly was and never abandoned or tried to change her.
By the time Gosetsu and Hien returned, Yotsuyu had peacefully passed away in Remia's protective embrace.
Building Trust
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Following Yotsuyu's death, Remia's memories degraded at a rapid rate. Even her memories of Yotsuyu were slowly becoming a muddied, jumbled mess in her recollection. At Gosetsu's request, Hien took Remia in. And, as a silent gesture of thanks for how well they treated "Tsuyu", she pledged herself to Hien. Soon after she was put to work as his advisor on all things aether and magick related. Though her memories concerning her life were becoming fewer with every passing day, her knowledge of the arcane remained intact thanks to the imp's intervention. With the imp named Vetis by her side, Remia began her research into her grimoire's origins while aiding in the Doman Enclaves' restoration as per Hien's request.
When Hien and Yugiri left for the Ghimlyt Dark, it was Remia that the young Lord left in charge of his nation's defenses. When they returned and told her that each of the Scions had fallen unconscious, including her sister, it was Remia who Hien asked to be ready to leave and help the Eorzean Alliance should capable warriors be called upon. And when word indeed came from a former adversary asking for assistance in dealing with a restored Allagan machina bound for Eorzea, Remia was the first to answer the call.
Yet Another Voidsent?
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The last visit she paid Hien just before she left for Werlyt, Remia was greeted not only by Hien but by a strange womanly angel of sorts claiming to be a voidsent that's been searching for her for thousands of years. Feeling like this was best left to her to handle, Hien excused himself after he explained the situation and bid her a safe journey, leaving Remia to deal with this new "voidsent".
Her name is Gremory, and Vetis does corroborate her claims of being a voidsent—or at least was one. Her aether has been manipulated from being consumed by darkness to somehow being entirely drenched in light. A product of her master's experiments dating back to the Fifth Astral Era, the same era Remia's grimoire is from. After speaking with Gremory for hours, Remia had more questions than answers. This new voidsent believes her to be the reincarnation of her dead master and still somehow houses a portion of his original soul? And Vetis thinks that there's truth to her words? Crazy, the both of them.
An End to Imperial Rule
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From beginning to end, Remia and her two voidsent companions stuck with Gaius, Valdeulin, and Severa while she dealt with each of the terrible weapons Valens had at his disposal. An unlikely friendship bloomed between her and Gaius over the course of her grim work. He didn't look at her with contempt nor did he pity her for her past. He understood what it was like to be on the losing side of history, written off as a mere villain deserving of death with no hope of redemption. He was the second person in her life to understand her. She might even venture so far as to call Gaius a friend—though she'd never admit that.
And during the lengthy amounts of time locating the next Weapon, Remia would return to Othard to aid the Bozjan Resistance against the IVth Imperial Legion. Mind you, this wasn't her idea. Once she returned from the First, Ravn had gone to Hien during one of Remia's times away from Doma and asked him personally to convince her reclusive sister to come to Gangos. Remia couldn't remember Ravn, and still to this day can't recall their childhood, but the earnest request for her to join the fight was enough reason for Remia to begrudgingly agree. Together, while the Warrior of Light was handling her own duties on the First concerning Eden, the two sisters took on the whole of the Imperial army and came out victorious.
The Ilsabard Contingent
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Having spent her time studying void magick under the supervision of not one but two voidsents, Remia was more than happy to oblige when Hien came asking her to be Doma's representative among the Ilsabard Contingent. To say the Scions were skeptical of Hien's choice of trusted confidant would be a sore understatement. Though after Ravn and Aestelle, the Warrior of Light herself, vouched for her, Remia was reluctantly accepted into their ranks. And once the introductions were underway, she and Gremory were forgotten, happily so.
When the Contingent landed in Ilsabard, Remia summoned Gremory to help incapacitate the IIIrd Legion troops led by Vergilia. She didn't hold back now that she finally had a proper battleground to fight on. With so much open space at her disposal, it would have been a terrible injustice not to light the sky aflame with dark magicks utilized by the very voidsent all of Hydaelyn fear. From that moment onwards, those both in and outside of the Contingent knew her as more than just "Yotsuyu's loyal fox" or "Ravn's corrupt sister". Now Remia was a force to be reckoned with in her own right.
The Worth of Mankind
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The Final Days began anew and, in all honesty, Remia didn't particularly care for the how and why behind the manmade apocalypse. A scholar asked his familiar to pose a flawed question to civilizations on other planets that in turn led said depressed bird to end all life in existence. The longer she tried to make sense of the insanity, the more hilarious she found the situation to be. It was all so very human. A comfort, really.
Using her void magick to her advantage, Remia teleported between Othard and Sharlayan regularly to deal with the blasphemy threat back home while aiding the Scions when they had need of her talents and fragmented knowledge. She watched with amusement as the Scions ran here and there, desperately trying to forestall the inevitable. They even went so far as to travel to the moon and then to the far edge of the universe! Remia stayed behind to protect Sharlayan, taking in the chaos while slowly coming to appreciate the lengths to which mankind would go to work together when pitted against a common foe. At such a display, it was no wonder she and Yotsuyu were defeated by the Scions. It was just the two of them against the world, after all.
While all of Sharlayan anxiously waited for the Scions to return victorious as they always did, Remia watched the snow gently dance from the pale grey sky seemingly without a care. It was during that quiet moment a familiar face came slowly stalking up the steps leading to the Rostra. Zenos viator Galvus. She could scarcely recall seeing him in Ilsabard and as for their encounters while he was in Doma, those had long since been purged from her memory altogether. But he instantly recognized her. Their conversation was brief, one-sided, and left Remia with a ghost of a smile gracing her feline features. What he said to her, only she knows.
Apocalypse Averted, Now to Save a Dragon
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Once the whole "Final Days, the world is ending!" fiasco passed, Remia returned to Doma for what she hoped would be for good this time. The Scions weren't fond of her—and the feelings were mutual when it came to most of them—so the less she had to deal with that group, the better. Besides, there were more than enough monsters skulking about Othard from the Final Days just waiting for her to personally send them back to the lifestream. Finally, she'd have time to hone her magick, perfect her summon of Gremory's battle form, and research the truth behind her memory loss that Vetis had been avoiding.
All of that would have to wait for not even two weeks after the Final Days had come to an end, another letter from Ravn was sent to the Doman Enclave. Now at Hien's behest, Remia is forced to once again join her sister on some impromptu heroic journey to save a dragon imprisoned on the Thirteenth. At least she'll have the chance to better learn her void magick...hopefully.
I know this was a lot and if you read it all, thank you for making it to the end! I hope her backstory was interesting and gave you some insight into the reason behind her chaotic nature ^^
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voidspacecowboy · 2 years
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Contains Spoilers
Is there any greater expression of love than giving someone a cherished copy of your favourite book?
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These two chapters are the last quiet moments before the big climax, and once again, I find a lot to love about them. Cat and Fox in her bedroom, Cat putting on the dress once they’re back on the ship — it was the only opportunity I really got to write actual flirting, rather than flirting-disguised-as-bickering, and it’s so cute I wish there had been the chance for more.
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In a fun AU world, there was no skyship in the clouds full of successful experiments, no final boss to defeat. This was the end of the story, and the flirting was allowed to continue into a happily ever after, where the Stormdancer crew help settle the Lathams in control of the country and then jet off to explore the world, no longer needed to smuggle essential goods to the starving masses of Anglya. The six of them go on adventures and probably get themselves into messes they then have to rescue themselves from, and they occasionally get recognised on their travels as the crew who saved all those people. Cat and Fox get married and inherit the Stormdancer when Harry and Alice retire to raise a family, and the two of them along with Matt and Ben continue the tradition of collecting waifs and strays to welcome into their crew, giving a family to those who desperately need it.
That would have been a fun spin-off series to write. Why didn’t I do that? Maybe someone else can do it for me, in fanfic. Man, that would be so cool. I’ve never seen anyone write fanfiction of my books, but it’s kind of a personal goal for me. To have someone care that much about my characters that they can’t leave them alone like that. 
But sadly, that world remains an AU, and instead we have our intrepid adventurers gearing up to make a death-defying rope swing hundreds of miles in the air, from one ship to another. 
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This is a thing that I knew I wanted to include somewhere from the very beginning of writing this book. The visuals of the pirate-style ship boarding were just too cool not to write in some way, and it’s probably the most logical way of getting onto another ship without their knowledge or permission. James coming along was a bit of an impulse decision, but it made sense; he’s still trying to prove he can do anything Fox does. Even if putting the crown prince on a potential suicide mission is maybe not the smartest thing in the world. 
So we leave these chapters with our heroes flying onto the enemy ship for one final confrontation. We’re out of time, friends. You know what happens next. Brace yourselves for tomorrow, because it’s going to be a tear-jerker.
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Yandere Behavior For FNAF 1
I have writer's block so I decided to try and gauge how I feel about their 'Yandere Behavior'.
Animatronic or Android, does not matter. Does not include Golden Freddy.
Please give feedback! If I need to tweak them a bit, let me know! I am unsure if Foxy needs to be more sadistic or not. As in AR he is.
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Sentient robots, Possessive behavior, Sadistic behavior, Deceptive behavior, Overprotective behavior, Implied attachment issues, Obsession, Stalking, Delusional behavior, Violent behavior.
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Freddy Fazbear
- During the day he's rather kind, easygoing, and loves to have fun with his darling. Nothing too malicious happens during the day except Freddy following you around often.
- There's games he likes to play with his darling for fun in the day no matter if they're STAFF or not. The bear also enjoys playing songs for you!
- During the night, Freddy's behavior is darker. His songs and laughter feel taunting instead of friendly like during the day. He lurks in the darkness all so he can sit and watch you.
- Normally he likes to speak to you while stalking you in the dark, taking it as some sort of sick game.
- Other times he effortlessly slips into your office and surprises you.
- He just wants to be your friend to the very end, why don't you play some of his games with him?
- It'll be just the two of you and maybe an extra Freddy Fazbear suit~
- "You look so scared! It's just me, your dearest pal, Freddy Fazbear!"
- General Yandere Type: Deceptive, Possessive, Protective, Slightly Sadistic, Playful.
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Bonnie The Bunny
- During the day Bonnie is usually boastful and prideful about his abilities. He isn't all that narcissistic but he loves to try and impress you with his playing during the day. He, like Freddy, is also quite laid back.
- He likes to follow you around, dedicate small songs to you, and gain your praise. He isn't as into games as Freddy is but he also doesn't mind them.
- During the night Bonnie is quite active, persistent and impatient. If he knows his darling is the guard during the night he'll rush over to get a look.
- He would keep his usual persona but after being locked out from the room so much, he gets irritable.
- The bunny wants to play songs to you and express how much he adores you and only you! Yet you act as though he's monstrous and out to get you.
- If he has to push through to see you, he won't hesitate.
- "Don't lock me out! I get so upset when you're out of my sight!"
- General Yandere Type: Clingy, Obsessive, Forceful, Sometimes aggressive, Playful.
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Chica The Chicken
- During the day Chica is rather pushy but lovable to you. She loves food and follows you frequently wherever you go (especially if you have food)
- Due to being rather gluttonous towards food she can get distracted at times, yet this doesn't always work when it comes to you. Even if you manage to get her to take her eyes off you she comes back eventually.
- During the night she's rather determined and assertive. Upon finding out you're there during the night Chica will patiently wait by the door and stare at you through the window.
- She adores you and feeds off your attention in gluttonous amounts. While she loves to gorge herself on pizza, you are also something she can't get enough of.
- The chicken only wants to follow you around while you shower her in attention.
- If anyone gets in the way of her and you she isn't afraid to go a little 'haywire'.
- "I can't go long without you, cupcake. It's like I'm starving for you...."
- General Yandere Type: Possessive, Clingy, Obsessive, Sometimes aggressive, Easily distracted.
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Foxy The Pirate Fox
- Foxy is usually broken down during the day, which makes him rather reclusive. He isn't sure how to react to people during the day due to years of deactivation.
- He may still watch his darling from his cove, however. Being alone for so long makes him yearn for some sort of attention. He's going insane, he wants you to look his way at least once.
- During the night is usually where he shines. He's rather aggressive, mocking, and sadistic when not fixed. Towards you he tones it down a little to not scare his darling all that much.
- The most he wants from his darling, despite being a 'sadistic' type, is your attention. His sadism is usually towards others that he sees taking your attention. Sometimes it's directed towards you, like if he meets you as a night guard.
- He isn't afraid to bang on your door until your power runs out, letting him in your room. Everything about him is glitched but he tries his best to hum and show you that you shouldn't fear him.
- If he needs to force it out of you with a little violence, he's willing to try anything for that sweet attention of yours.
- Just keep your gaze on him...it's all he wants and asks for.
- "Don't turn away, matey! It's been so long since I've been noticed...."
General Yandere Type: Possessive, Clingy, Obsessive, Attention seeking, Delusional, Sadistic (Mostly towards others), Forceful.
(Different than the Foxy from my original concept as this one is unfixed.)
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midnightlee25 · 2 years
Yandere Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair  Masterlist
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Main Masterlist
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Gundham Tanaka
Kazuichi Soda
Mikan Tsumiki
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Gundham Tanaka
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Akane Owari & Peko Pekoyama
Gundham Tanaka & Nekomaru Nidai 
Kazuichi Soda & Leon Kuwata
Kazuichi Soda & Kiyotaka Ishimaru
Kazuichi Soda & Eijiro Kirishima
Kazuichi Soda & Nekomaru Nidai & Gundham Tanaka
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 Their darling ignoring them - Gundham Tanaka, Kazuichi Soda, Nekomaru Nidai 
Another remnant kills their darling - Gundham Tanaka, Kazuichi Soda, Izuru Kamukura 
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Would they want their darling to become dependent on them or stay independent? - Danganronpa V2
Royal au: how would they go about being with their darling - Danganronpa V2
Character headcanons: Ibuki Mioda
Would their children also be yanderes? - Danganronpa V2
Remnants Of Despair: Gundham Tanaka
Yanderes and their love languages - Danganronpa V2
 Who would break their darling or management to keep them sane? - Danganronpa V2
Remnants Of Despair: Kazuichi Soda
Who is most likely to mark their darling
Yanderes dealing with jealousy - Hacker, Nekomaru Nidai, Kiyoko Shimizu, Tobio Kageyama, Esdeath, Susanoo, Kazunari Miyoshi
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Darling says: I hate you - Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
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 Random Yandere Headcanons: Character headcanons: Mahiru Koizumi
Team- ups: Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu & Peko Pekoyama
Random Yandere Headcanons: Naga Nagito Komaeda
Scarecrow Kazuichi Soda: Let's make a horror movie 
Yandere Reaction: Mondo Owada, Hajime Hinata, Nagito Komaeda, and Shuichi Saihara with a reader who hides their eyes at night because they change color
Random Yandere Headcanons: Yandere Naga Nagito fluffy
Random Yandere Headcanons: Jealous Yandere Naga Nagito Komaeda
Yandere Reaction: Junko Enoshima, Chiaki Nanami, Ibuki Mioda and Sonia Nevermind to their darling confessing to them
Random Yandere Headcanons: Nagito Komaeda with a darling that is Ultimate Astrologer 
Random Yandere Headcanons: Yandere Touch-starved Nagito Komaeda with an affectionate darling
Random Yandere Headcanons: Danganronpa v2 with a Criminal Darling that robs banks
Random Yandere Headcanons: Danganronpa v2 girls with a self-loathing darling
Random Yandere Headcanons: Nagito Komaeda with a darling that has a big sister personality
Random Yandere Headcanons: Danganronpa V2 with an affectionate darling
Random Yandere Headcanons: Danganronpa v2 girls with a depressed darling
Random Yandere Headcanons: Danganronpa v2 girls with a foreign darling who has a lose grasp on Japanese culture and language 
Trapped in their own cage - Byakuya Twogami
Random Yandere Headcanons: Zombie Apocalypse AU: Zombie Danganronpa v2 girls finding their survivor darling 
Random Yandere Headcanons: Nagito Komaeda with an ultimate justice darling
Yandere Reaction: Yandere Sonia Nevermind whose in an arranged marriage with a royal darling
Random Yandere Headcanons: Yandere Ibuki Mioda with a darling who has a dull personality
Yandere ABC: Chiaki Nanami
Yandere Reaction: Sonia Nevermind finding her darlings journal that's about the person they love
Random Yandere Headcanons: Nagito Komaeda with a kind but manipulative
Random Yandere Headcanons: Pirate AU Akane Owari, Mikan Tsumiki, Sayaka Maizono, and Aoi Asahina having their darling  taken by a another pirate crew
Yandere Reaction: Danganronpa v2 darling comes home drunk
Yandere Reaction: Nagito Komaeda and Byakuya Togami whose darlings family had found them
Yandere Reaction: Danganronpa v2 girls with a crush that seemingly disappeared
Random Yandere Headcanons: Sonia Nevermind with a darling that likes her but feels unworthy being with her
Random Yandere Headcanons: Danganronpa v2: who is more obedient when it come to their darling
Random Yandere Headcanons: Clingy Servant Nagito Komaeda with a darling where the brainwashing didn't work and now work for the Future Foundation
Yandere Reaction: Danganronpa v2 with a darling who reveals themselves to be a half-human half-fox
Yandere Reaction: Nagito Komaeda reacting to having ultimate military commander
Yandere Reaction: Danganronpa v2 with a dying darling that has an incurable disease
Random Yandere Headcanons: Nagito Komaeda with a kind, vulnerable and defenseless darling
Random Yandere Headcanons: Nagito Komaeda with a darling that can't take compliment
Random Yandere Headcanons: Sonia Nevermind with devoted loyal knight/servant darling
Yandere Reaction: Gundam Tanaka finding out his darling is expecting
Yandere ABC: Hajime Hinata
Yandere Reaction: Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu and Peko Pekoyama shared darling nearly gets killed while being kidnapped by an enemy gang
Yandere Reaction: Mikan Tsumiki with a darling that is super cuddly and loves to give physical affection
Random Yandere Headcanons: Nagito Komaeda with a darling who punishes people for misbehavior
Random Yandere Headcanons: Danganronpa v2 girls with a darling that is the Ultimate Administrator
Yandere Reaction: Nagito Komaeda with a darling who has to marry someone else
Random Yandere Headcanons: Peko Pekoyama with a very affectionate, charismatic and down to earth darling 
Yandere Reaction: Danganronpa v2 girls with a darling who dies in a car crash
Yandere Reaction: Danganronpa v2 boys with a darling who get hit by a bus while trying to run away
Random Yandere Headcanons: Danganronpa v2 girls with a darling whose best friend is trying to save them
Random Yandere Headcanons: Danganronpa v2 girls with a darling that is strong and wants to carry them on their shoulder
Yandere Reaction: Nagito Komaeda with a hot-tempered, but always winning in almost any dispute darling
Yandere Reaction: Danganronpa 2 girls with a very disfigured darling who is constantly wearing a mask to hide their face
Random Yandere Headcanons: Sonia Nevermind with a lazy darling
Random Yandere Headcanons: Peko Pekoyama with a darling that has the same Ultimate as her
Random Yandere Headcanons:  Danganronpa 2 girls with a very shy darling
Yandere Reaction: Sonia Nevermind, Maihiru Koizumi & Mikan Tsumiki with a darling that says that they are all hers
Yandere Reaction: Nagito Komaeda with a darling who carving his name into their skin
Random Yandere Headcanons: Danganronpa v2 girls with a mage for a darling
Random Yandere Headcanons: Danganronpa v2 girls  with a Royal darling
Yandere Reaction: Danganronpa 2 girls finding their darling’s dead body  
Random Yandere Headcanons: Mikan Tsumiki with a darling who is very stoic and almost never smiles
Yandere Reaction: Sonia Nevermind & Mahiru Koizumi with a darling that feels guilty about not being as obsessed with them as they are
Team- ups: Mahiru Koizumi & Aoi Asahina
Random Yandere Headcanons: Danganronpa v2 girls with a darling that only feels safe when around them
Yandere Reaction: Danganronpa 2 girls with a darling that managed to survive no nut november
Yandere Reaction: Mikan Tsumiki with a darling that is super cuddly and loves to give physical affection
Yandere Reaction: Danganronpa v2 with a darling who has the superpower of Healing/Resurrect
Random Yandere Headcanons: Danganronpa v2 girls with a darling that’s ok with kidnapping if they can still game
Yandere Reaction: Danganronpa v2 boys with a superman like darling that has no weakness
Yandere Reaction: Danganronpa v2 girls with a superman like darling that has no weakness
Yandere Reaction: Danganronpa 2 casts reaction to finding out that their darling has autism 
Random Yandere Headcanons: Character Headcanons: Chisa Yukizome
Yandere Reactions: Their darling go through baby fever - Akane Owari, Mikan Tsumiki, Maki Harukawa, Aoi Asahina, Kirumi Tojo, Sonia Nevermind
Random Yandere Headcanons: Platonic Parent: Mikan Tsumiki
Yandere ABC: Nagito Komaeda
Random Yandere Headcanons: Jealous Mikan Tsumiki
Yandere Reactions: Danganronpa v2 when Teruteru Hanamura is being a pervert towards their darling
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random-mha-thoughts · 4 years
random-mha-thoughts masterlist
The entire Touch-Starved Collection, by character then alphabetized.  Stories first then headcanons.
Assume gender neutral reader unless otherwise specified
(R) = request
(HC) = headcanon
Angst=anger, sadness, and anything inbetween
Crack=stupid fun and comedy
Fluff=want to be devastated with uwu’s? try these if you want to be reminded how lonely you are
Spice=PG-13 situations; not quite nsfw but not G/PG
~Latest Post ~
Midoriya Izuku
Balance fluff; (R) BakuDekuTodo x Reader poly,  Just a casual beach day with your three boyfriends
Boy in Luv fluff/crack; fem!reader,  Midoriya has a crush on a girl in his class, but he has no idea how to confess to her, enlisting the help of his two good friends; inspired by “Boy in Luv” by BTS
Just One Day fluff; Valentine’s Special mini drabble based on “Just One Day” by BTS
Long Distance fluff/slight angst; Long distance relationships an be equal parts exhilarating and equal parts difficult
Out to See adventure Pirate AU; Inspired by the Wellerman folk song
Sly Fox fluff; (R) Fem Kitsune!Reader  A girl with an ocean kitsune quirk teases Midoriya until he’s red in the face
Midoriya, Bakugou, and Kirishima w/ a s/o who has DID fluff; (HC) (R)
Drabbles: Angst
Bakugou Katsuki
Baby fluff; (R) Bakugou’s just gotten his wisdom teeth and all he wants is you (major floofs ahead)
Balance fluff; (R) BakuDekuTodo x Reader poly,  Just a casual beach day with your three boyfriends
Bully slight angst; You’re fed up with Bakugou pushing Midoriya around, and one day you finally snap. Sequel (more crack and fluff)
Burn angst, hurt/comfort;  You've been going through a personal situation with someone, Bakugou makes a suggestion to help you feel better about it.
Chocolate fluff/crack; Bakugou and you are having a little fight where he did something wrong.  What are you even fighting about?
Clueless fluff/crack; (R) fem!Reader, You and Bakugou are approached by a secret admirer confessing her feelings, only to realize she’s confessing to YOU.
Creep spice; College!AU, fem!reader, Your roommate persuades you into going to a dorm hangout where you get hit on by a pervert and Bakugou sweeps in to help Sequel
Cuddles fluff;  Bakugou comes home after a long, tiring week of being a hero and you’re not paying him enough attention, so he’ll just have to take it by force.
Culture Clash fluff; (R) fem!Reader, You’re a student who comes from a country where it’s customary to kiss cheeks when you greet people, which doesn’t mesh well with Japanese customs
Don’t Ignore Me! fluff/slight crack; (R) Mina dares you to try the “ignore your boyfriend” challenge on Bakugou. Alt. version (roles switched)
Gamer’s Boy fluff; (R) You try to teach Bakugou how to play Pokemon, but he’s not too fond of it
Ice Cream fluff; summer job!AU, Bakugou and you are coworkers who don’t know how to confess your feelings to each other
Just One Day fluff; Valentine’s Special mini drabble based on “Just One Day” by BTS
Little Fluffball fluff; TodoBaku,  Shouto comes home before his feisty boyfriend to a cat sitting outside his apartment that surprisingly reminds him of his special someone
Mama’s Boy/Lover’s Boy fluff;  fem!Reader, Bakugou hates being dragged to fancy parties for many reasons, but only one thing makes it all worth it.
Murphy’s Law fluff/crack; Bakugou just wants to go on a proper date with you, but things don’t go the way he wants
No Idea action, angst/comfort; (R) You have to fight Dabi off alone while your boyfriend and classmates watch in horror. (Crack sequel ft. Dust Bunny ship (R))
Out to See adventure Pirate AU; Inspired by the Wellerman folk song
Polar fluff; (birthday special!) Just a small pwp where you and Bakugou share the same birthday but are polar opposites
Red fluff; Bakugou is leaving to visit his parents and you go back to his place to help him pack
Rose angst to fluff; fem!Reader, Bakugou’s been planning how to confess to you, but things don’t go according to plan and someone’s gonna get hurt
Quarrel crack; Your boyfriend and your best friend are fighting again.  And calm chaos ensues.
Sketch fluff; (R) Bakugou cooks you dinner at his place and you find one of his little secrets in his room
Small Things fluff, slight angst; (R) fem!Reader, Bakugou picks a fight with you, who has a size manipulation quirk, and you end up shrinking down to 2 inches tall.
Daring fans of Bakugou, Todoroki, and Kirishima fluff; (R) Mini-scenarios of what would happen if you saw a fan kissing your man
First kiss with Todororki and Bakugou fluff; (R) Mini-scenarios of your first kiss with each soft boy
Thigh Highs spice; mini-scenarios, your boyfriend sees you wearing thigh high socks for the first time in your relationship
Bakugou’s Work Ethic fluff/crack (HC)
Catching his daughter vaping crack; (HC) (R)
Comforting his daughter after her first week of UA fluff; (HC) (R)
How would Bakugou and Todoroki react to you never having their favorite foods? fluff/crack; (HC) Oh the antics that would ensue as a result of this
Midoriya, Bakugou, and Kirishima w/ a s/o who has DID fluff; (HC) (R)
Omega Bakugou w/ an Alpha s/o fluff (HC) (R) ABO universe AU 
Spicy food eat off with Bakugou crack; (HC) (R) You challenge Bakugou to a spicy food challenge to see who’s the real master of spice
Todoroki Shouto
Advice angst/comfort; After Endeavor’s fight with the intelligent Nomu wrecks Todoroki, he comes to you to comfort him
Bad Boy angst to fluff/light spice; no quirks!AU You finally get to see your childhood friend Shouto after years of being separated only to find out he’s completely changed
Balance fluff; (R) BakuDekuTodo x Reader poly,  Just a casual beach day with your three boyfriends 
Burden angst to fluff; (R) Endeavor has a talk with you about dating his son and “persuades” you to break up with Todoroki
Clingy fluff/spice; (R) Todoroki’s been acting differently, he’s strangely being much more needy than usual... Alt. Version, more fluff!
Daisies fluff;  Todoroki’s ice quirk somehow gets swapped for a more soft and dainty one, garnering the attention of the 1-A girls.
Day After crack/fluff; Office AU, Office parties are mostly a bad idea.  You never know if you might say something to someone who really matters to you.
Ears fluff; Coffee shop AU, Todoroki works at a coffee shop where you catch his eye, but the day you finally stay in, he gets zapped by a cat quirk
Jerk angst to slight fluff; (R) fem!reader  You hold a very strong grudge against Todoroki for something did did in junior high, and now you want him to pay
Just One Day fluff; Valentine’s Special mini drabble based on “Just One Day” by BTS
Kiss of Death angst; If the Angel of Death came upon you but you had half an hour, what would you do? Sequel
Late angst; You’re getting married in two days and drunk Todoroki has something he needs to say
Little Fluffball fluff; TodoBaku,  Shouto comes home before his feisty boyfriend to a cat sitting outside his apartment that surprisingly reminds him of his special someone
Name angst; (R) fem!Reader You’ve been put into an arranged marriage with Todoroki. While both of your are upset about it, he’s taking it way worse. WARNING YOU WILL CRY IM SORRY Sequel
Nostalgia angst; A spontaneous drabble about what-if’s and could’ve-been’s
Observant fluff; fem!Reader, College AU, Todoroki starts going to the library for a quiet study space, but gets easily distracted
Out to See adventure Pirate AU; Inspired by the Wellerman folk song
Quarrel crack; Your boyfriend and your best friend are fighting again.  And calm chaos ensues.
Self-Care fluff/crack; Todoroki steps in on you doing your skincare routine and his curiosity is rewarded ft. a nosy Bakugou
Sick fluff: (birthday special!) It’s your boyfriend’s birthday, but you can’t celebrate properly because you’re sick as a dog.
Soup fluff;  You come home late from training to find your boyfriend asleep in your bed because he was waiting for you.
Special angst to fluff/comfort; (R) You’re rethinking your qualifications as Todoroki’s s/o and choose to push him towards Momo instead.  How will Todoroki react when he finds out?
Stranger fluff; College AU,  While at a party you were forced to attend, you meet a mysterious stranger having fun by himself in the corner.
Study Date fluff; Todoroki and you are up doing homework late in the library when he exhibits some very strange habits Sneak peak for future project!
Tea fluff; slight fem!Reader, Todoroki is leaving with Endeavor on a mission, and while you want to help him pack, alcohol and emotions get in the way.
Testing crack/fluff; (R) Class 1A finally gets a break for the summer and decide to have a beach day, where you and your boyfriend hope to have some alone time
Tiny fluff; fem!Reader,  Todoroki looks back on the day he fell he love with his small 
Truth crack/fluff; Somehow, Todoroki ends up drinking truth serum and decides to speak his mind about everyone in his class, including you
When They Call My Name angst/comfort; (R) Todoroki comes back home to cuddle and kiss the living heck out of you
Worth angst/comfort; (R) You’ve been abused and bullied because of your wolf quirk all your life, and one day it all catches up to you
Blush fluff/spice; (R) Todoroki with a flirty s/o mini-scenario
Daring fans of Bakugou, Todoroki, and Kirishima fluff; (R) Mini-scenarios of what would happen if you saw a fan kissing your man
First kiss with Todororki and Bakugou fluff; (R) Mini-scenarios of your first kiss with each soft boy
Thigh Highs spice; mini-scenarios, your boyfriend sees you wearing thigh high socks for the first time in your relationship Part 2 (Bonus scene)
How would Bakugou and Todoroki react to you never having their favorite foods? fluff/crack; (HC) Oh the antics that would ensue as a result of this
How would Todoroki react to your self-love journey? fluff; (HC) Just a random idea that fluffed me into devastation, I had to write it
Todoroki laughing fluff; (HC) (R) Stages of Todoroki laughing bc he’s baby
Todoroki with a busty s/o fluff; (HC) (R) Major floofs ahead
Todoroki, Shinsou, and Kirishima with a writer s/o fluff; (HC) inspired post for my fellow mha writers out there
Kirishima Eijirou
Dark Night fluff; (R) You’re walking home alone late at night and you feel like you’re being followed, so you call your boyfriend to come help you
Fool angst; You’re having conflicting feelings about Kirishima as your boyfriend, and you’re feeling very guilty about them.
Hero Light angst to fluff/comfort; blind fem!reader,  Kirishima’s wife has been feeling neglected lately, and she feels herself sinking into her dark thoughts
Out to See adventure Pirate AU; Inspired by the Wellerman folk song
Skater Boy fluff; College AU, You’re going to get pizza and you run into a group of skaters from your university
Daring fans of Bakugou, Todoroki, and Kirishima fluff; (R) Mini-scenarios of what would happen if you saw a fan kissing your man
Kirishima and Shinsou realizing how much you love them fluff; (R) Mini-scenarios of the moments when the boys see how much you love them
Thigh Highs Part 2 spice; mini-scenarios, your boyfriend sees you wearing thigh high socks for the first time in your relationship
Midoriya, Bakugou, and Kirishima w/ a s/o who has DID fluff; (HC) (R)
Todoroki, Shinsou, and Kirishima with a writer s/o fluff; (HC) inspired post for my fellow mha writers out there
Drabbles: Comfort/Angst to fluff
Kaminari Denki
Dork fluff; (R) Your phone chargers keep breaking, causing you to constantly seek out Denki to charge your phone for you
Out to See adventure Pirate AU; Inspired by the Wellerman folk song
Thigh Highs spice; mini-scenarios, your boyfriend sees you wearing thigh high socks for the first time in your relationship
Monoma Neito
Pumpkin Kiss fluff; You and class 1-B take an autumn trip to a small carnival only for Monoma to act more obessive than he normally does. Part of the Seasonal Love Event!
Shinsou Hitoshi
Chains angst to fluff; (R) Your boyfriend Shinsou and you face off with each other at the Sports Festival with both your emotional baggage in tow.
Eyes slight angst/spice; College!AU, fem!Reader, Shinsou didn’t want to go out on a Friday night, but you persuaded him.  And now he hates all the attention you’re getting.
Greedy fluff/comfort; College AU,  You’re an extremely touch-starved college student, so you ask your friend Shinsou to help you out.
Night Drives fluff/comfort; college AU,  You’re having a rough and stressful week, and Shinsou helps by taking you out for a late night trip.
Not For Me angst; (R) Shinsou has a crush on someone who fears his quirk
Opposites Attract fluff/crack; (R) fem!Reader,  Shinsou realizes that you may have some uncanny similarities to a certain pro-hero
Smile slight angst to fluff; (R) Shinsou has a crush on someone from class 1-B and gathers the courage to talk to them
Teddy fluff: Shinsou is leaving on a trip and should be packing, but instead wants to cuddle.
Kirishima and Shinsou realizing how much you love them fluff; (R) Mini-scenarios of the moments when the boys see how much you love them
Thigh Highs Part 2 spice; mini-scenarios, your boyfriend sees you wearing thigh high socks for the first time in your relationship
How would Shinsou take care of a s/o with Bipolar Disorder? fluff/comfort; (HC) (R) request from an anon that I hope is soft and makes you guys feel better
Todoroki, Shinsou, and Kirishima with a writer s/o fluff; (HC) inspired post for my fellow mha writers out there
Touch starved Shinsou fluff (R) (HC) Shinsou as your touch starved boyfriend
Drabbles: Angst to fluff
Tamaki Amajiki
Fake; fluff (R) fem!reader, You’re at an amusement park with your friend and this other guy keeps stalking you. What do you do?
League of Villains (Group)
Fidgety comfort/slight angst; (R) Platonic relationship, You have a few questionable or strange habits around the League
Flock Together slight angst; (R) Platonic relationship, Class 1A sends some people to convince you to come back, but you refuse to
Sleepless comfort; (R) Platonic relationship,  You suffer from terrible insomnia and the rest of the League has noticed.
Warmth angst/comfort; (R) Platonic relationship,  You’re in an abusive relationship and the rest of the League finds out about it
Weirdos crack; (R) Platonic relationship,  You come back to the hideout after getting caught up in a hero attack and the villains react
Cabin Fever fluff; Dabi and you take a small, cozy winter vacation up to a cabin in the mountains. Part of the Seasonal Love Event!
Home; fluff (R) Dabi comes back from another tiring day dealing with the League for you to play piano for him
Drabbles: Angst (sneak peak 👀)
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