#starscream fanfiction
chiconisroc · 9 months
“Was not the hero” and “Trust me” updates
So, my hard drive on my macbook died a few days ago and was sent out by apple to be fixed. Unfortunately I am not sure when I’m getting my computer back so I won’t be writing fanfics any time soon till that’s resolved
So yah, that sucks…
But yah, wanted to let peeps know of the sucky news
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argumentativeaxolotl · 4 months
Please give it a read! It’s about Starscream as a ghost after he died bc he was killed by Predaking.
He gets into a lot of ghostly shenanigans and hijinks and before long it gets into some… angsty shit? Please give it a read and lmk what you think! Things get pretty intense after a few chapters.
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hollister-mc · 1 year
Part 5 is out!!!!
sorry it took me like 20 years lmao
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pixeleart · 1 year
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little sketchies for ‘stop me’ getting an update recently! here’s some of my fav moments
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randofics · 7 months
I love your 'bots reacting to you reaching where they can't posts. Would you do one for the 'cons?
Here ya go darlin' hope ya like it!
When you first met the con, he had been very xenophobic towards you. He wouldn't touch you, let alone go anywhere near you unless ordered by Megatron, and even then, he'd put up a fuss about it. So when he got shrapnel lodged in his turbine blades and knockout couldn't get it without invasive measures, it was up to none other than you to pry it out. He absolutely dreaded it, but he also couldn't fly without his turbine, so if you had to do it over knockout performing surgery, then so be it.
He transformed hissing in pain as the turbine blades flexed, making the shrapnel cut into them. Using a box as a step stool, you came level with the engine. You spotted the wedged metal and began to reach for it before hesitating. He could easily shred your arm. You'd seen the plane accident documentaries on a binge last year and knew well enough of the tornado force winds engines could produce. There had only been one man you'd heard of to survive being sucked into a military jets engine, and it had been through sheer luck. His vest strap snagged on the metal inside, stopping his body from being sucked further in, but his hand had been effectively shredded by the blades.
Starscream's voice broke you from your dark thoughts. "I'm not going to harm you, fleshy. As much as I'd like to, Megatron gave me direct orders not to."
That was only slightly reassuring, but you steeled yourself and slowly moved your hand forward between the first set of blades. With your wrist pushed between two of the thin blades, you reached for the mangled metal shard slotted through the second set. With your fingers firmly on it, you wiggled it, only making it move slightly. "Do hurry fleshy before I dislodge it with your arm still inside." His voice was slightly pained as you got a better grip on it.
"Going as fast as I can... aha!" You pulled the surprisingly long strip of metal from his blades and extracted your hand swiftly along with it. He let out a sigh of relief and expiramentally spun his blades. "That feels much better. Now I can go finish my work." Without so much as a thank you, he sauntered out however you did get a thanks from knockout.
Megs wasn't a fun mech to be around, especially when you were his prisoner. But whenever the chance arose to get in his good graces, you took the opportunity. One day, when he returned to the nemesis after battle and he walked into his quarters, where he was also keeping an eye on you (Those good for nothing bots couldn't be trusted with a pawn like you). The door shut with a hiss locking behind him, and his shoulders relaxed he even let the slight hobble in his walk show, probably having forgotten you were there.
You watched as he sat in his desk chair and spun around to face you in your little cage. Your curiosity getting the better of you made you speak. "Lord Megatron, may I ask why you're injured?"
He let out an angered and frustrated growl, looking away from you. "Your autobot comrades got a few lucky shots on me, and I seem to have something lodged in my plating, most likely from the battle. He felt under one of the plates on his side, wincing slightly at a tender spot. "Was knockout not able to remove it?"
His optics flashed in anger, and he slammed his fist down on the chair arm. "I do not need his help with such a trivial thing! It will dislodge itself eventually." You held up your hands to placate him and just left it at that.
A day later and he came back in with an even worse hobble wincing as he sat in his chair. "You want me to remove that thing for you?... Lord Megatron." He sighed, pushing up off his seat and grabbing hold of your cage. He entered the pass code, and the door creaked open. You hopped out onto the table and motioned for him to show you which plate it was under. He leaned awkwardly over you so you could reach the panel of metal, and gently, you lifted it so you could get a better look.
A small rock (small to him anyway) was lodged in such a way that whenever he walked it ground into some of his finer components. "Ouch, that's probably like me getting a bone splinter in one of my joints. I'm surprised it wasn't bothering you this much yesterday."
"Quit your rambling and remove it, fleshy."
"Ok ok do you have anything I can use to knock it out? I'm not strong enough to pull it out by hand." You could practically hear him roll his optics, but he reached to a shelf above and grabbed a tiny object, dropping it next to you. It just looked like another piece of metal to you, but it was a proper shape and weight. You got back in position and aimed the object at the rock striking it once, then twice without much success. Megatron hissed as he involuntarily shifted and that stubborn piece of rock ground into the metal around it.
The third strike split it in half, and it fell away dropping to the floor far below. He stepped back, testing his flexibility, and you could tell it was still sore but not near as bad as it had been. He looked down at you, motioning for you to go back into your cage he locked the door behind you and had you toss the metal object outside. "Thank you for your cooperation."
"You're welcome, I guess?"
Knockout was relatively friendly for a con and not nearly as xenophobic as some of the others could be. In fact, he was quite the opposite in that sense. He's very curious, maybe a little too curious about human anatomy and organ functions. But you could definitely get a few laughs from and with him. Eventually, your curiosity of their anatomy grew as you ran out of things to entertain you.
He was more than happy to explain things to you in the utmost detail. When you mentioned you'd love to get an in person look at a cybertronians inner workings, he happily volunteered for a light viewing. He transformed and popped his hood, revealing an alien, engine-esqe jumble of mirrored components where a normal engine would be. The metal wasn't sparkling like you expected with him, but it wasn't dirty either.
Your eyes sparkled with wonder as you tried to imagine how each piece would work, and without realizing you leaned over, your soft legging covered thighs smooshing against his red finish. Your hands gripped the inside lip of his engine space, letting you get a closer look at a smaller component that caught your eye. As if you were admiring a precious stone, you lightly grazed the edge of the glowing centerpiece's metal covering. Blue light shown through the purpose built air intakes on either side of the cover.
At your touch there, he shook like he'd been hit with an electric shock and slammed his hood shut as you jumped away. Clearing his vocalizer, he spoke with a very unlike him stutter. He also seemed a bit higher pitched than normal. "OK, that's enough of a ha-hands-on look for now. I-I need to return to my work, or Lord Megatron will be angry with me."
Jittery, he got back to work at his computer, leaving you to your own devices and wondering just what exactly that was all about.
"What in cybertron was that!? Their touch was so light, yet it was like I hit a powerline!" Perhaps it had been a bad idea to let you do that.
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writeyouin · 6 months
Mtmte starscream headcanons on pampering his s/o? Post war?
MTMTE Starscream X Reader - Pampering
A/N -
Warnings -
Rating -
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Usually, everything is about Starscream, especially now that he is the official ruler of Cybertron.
Any time he snaps his digits, there's a servant there to fulfil his every whim.
Yet, Starscream wouldn't be where he is today, were it not for you and he knows it.
The two of you had been together since he invaded your measly planet. Starscream didn't care for Earth, but it was your home and you had left it, for him.
He knew all you had sacrificed, and he wanted to repay that.
Besides, there had been so many nights when he was in a dark depression, all thanks to the abuse of his fellow Decepticons and Megatron.
On those nights, you had been there for him, talking him down from the edge. Nobody else would have been able to do so, but you always knew when to speak, and when to be silent, offering him your company and a shoulder to... Well, he didn't often cry, it left him far too vulnerable, but you were there to listen when he needed you.
Your love language was physical touch, and he adored you for that; you were his anchor to reality.
Then, when Starscream was tense, you had been there to work out the kinks under his plating. Granted, you were too small to give him a real massage, but you could reach where no other bot could, and it had felt oh, so good.
There had been times when you used a ladder and a jet wash to scrub at him, treating him like a king even before he was one.
Now, Starscream was determined to return the favour.
He had access to everything he needed, and he knew enough about humans to give you a spa day.
First, he had all the best items imported from Earth, for facials, a back rub, a foot massage and that other thing, a pedi-mani? Mani-pedi? Whatever it was that you were supposed to do with a human's servos and pedes.
He wasn't going to hire anyone for this either. No, for you he would create a holo-form. There would be nobody else touching your body but him... Not that any other Cybertronian would know what to do anyway. Admittedly, Starscream was a touch possessive of you, and he was somewhat insecure about other bots getting too friendly with you.
You were his S/O, not somebody else's.
Anyway, once you were nice and relaxed, he was going to run you a hot bath with all those infernal bubbles that he hated so much. The wash pool was built for a Cybertronian, and though you had quite a lavish one in your quarters, he would rather spend time with you as himself so once the massage was over, he would shed his holoform.
He would get in the wash pool with you. He'd done that before. He liked to cup you in his servos and watch the water drain from them. He also adored it when you sat in his lap, and he had to lift his knees so you weren't in too deep. It was after all supposed to be a relaxing session, not an exercising swim.
Then, once you were all warm and dry in your plush dressing gown, he would lay with you by the fire and feed you chocolate-covered strawberries, or whatever else your heart desired.
And after all that... Well, there was one more human custom. A ring in a box, and the promise of forever.
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Seeker Allure Part 2 ❙ ES Starscream x Skywarp x Nova Storm x f!robot reader ❙ NSFW 18+
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Word count: 3400+
Warnings: Smut ( spike in valve, threesome and spark merging ) some angst, postnatal anxiety and sparking cuteness. NSFW 18+.
Notes: I'm really glad I did this! For a while I was considering doing a part 2 but never really put much thought into it until I got the request. Once again, I got carried away with this, no self control. Thanks anon for sending through. Sorry for the delay. Enjoy. 🥰
☕ Coffee
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Those bastards! No, Starscream, damn him!
This wasn't part of the plan, and it was not the best time either. After your last encounter you felt a nagging tug close to your spark chamber, and discovered that you were carrying a sparkling, a seeklet, Starscream's sparkling.
You're terrified and you don't want anyone else knowing about your condition, so you stay in hiding at an abandoned observatory where you make it home for a bit at least, and also a place to help gather your thoughts.
Bumblebee had found out though by accident when coming to check up on her, worried, but promised to keep your secret, wanting to help however possible and also wanting to let you do your own thing with your thoughts. Honestly, you're glad, because he's been helpful and provided you with enough energon.
At first you're terrified, not fully prepared for this, but that fear changes when your sparkling has finished developing within your gestation chamber, and opening your chassis you allow the little one to come out, and you're holding them for the first time.
A femme seeklet. She's beautiful, a striking imagine of Starscream, but still perfect. You're a creator now and your mother instinct kick in finally for you to care and protect your creation.
Despite just having a sparkling, you were still overthinking about everything, what dangers might come, what the seekers might do, or if humans gain interest and will want to take her away from you.
What if Starscream takes her away from you?
No, you won't let that happen.
Things didn't really get better for you though, emotion and mood wise, fearing every possible outcome for your sparkling and struggling to recharge, as each cry from your seeklet dangles you right over the ledge into the abyss. It's not good for you, and you know this, but being on your own did have its impact sadly.
While you're staring out into the city lights from your view, lost in your thoughts, you're -- brought back by the sound of your sparkling and hurried to the crafted nest you made and checked on your little one, spark racing rapidly and clenching anxiously.
"Sweetie, are you alright? What happened?" You carefully scoop her up into your servos and hold them close against your chassis. They whimper as warm lubricant tears stream down their small face before it slowly ceases, sniffling and nuzzling into their creator. "Did you have a nightmare?"
You don't expect answers of course, but she is really the only one you get to speak with. She responds though, looking up at you and lets out a bundle of chirps, reaching her tiny arms up to touch your cheek plating. She's so sweet!
Smiling you nuzzle into her servos and let out a gentle hum. "I love you, sweetling, my universe, my greatest treasure. I won't let anything happen to you, I promise."
For a time you hold her, humming a gentle lullaby from cybertron while rocking her into recharge again. It's been too long since you last saw home, you missed it, and it was making you severely homesick.
Once settling her again you end up watching her recharge for a long while, you weren't even sure how long, but you couldn't take your optics off her peacefully recharging. When you are finally able to leave it's only because you needed to refuel, and slowly exit yourself from the crafted nest you made.
Your anxiety won't settle, you fear, your spark constantly clenching and beating rapidly. It's not a good feeling and you hate it, but you don't know how to stop it. You kept telling yourself it'll pass, that it was only for now, but the longer it went on the more you less believe this.
Again, you find yourself staring out into the open view you had, and as peaceful as it was, you don't feel at peace. It's a never ending silent torment that has corrupted you. Constant fear.
"You're a hard one to find." The voice of Starscream suddenly hits your audios like a stinging buzz that stabs right through your spark, spiking your fear as you turn to see him within the observatory, Skywarp and Nova Storm trailing behind him casually.
"H-how did you find me?" You stutter while trying to keep a distance from them.
"We noticed the yellow bug made regular trips out here, and so we followed him, leading us to you. Is there...something going on between you two?" Starscream hints, annoyed if that small bug ever tried to steal what was rightfully theirs.
"Of course not, I mean how can she when she's got us." Nova Storm giggles. Her giggles used to make you quiver in delight, but not this time.
You continue to try to keep away, moving yourself while your optics are fastened on them, fear consuming every inch in you. Every other time you've encountered them it's always been annoyance and uncontrollable lust, but not now, and the seekers soon realised this, much to their confusion.
"What's wrong? Why are you afraid?" Starscream narrows his optics at you.
"Come on darling, we've never hurt you before." Skywarp tries to come closer. "Why would you think that now?"
That's not why you're afraid.
"Please...you need to leave."
It's Starscream that steps closer bluntly. "And why would we leave? What is it you're hiding?" He can tell, you're hiding something and it's causing your fear to spike up. He's never seen you like this before.
"Nothing! Go! Now! Get out!" You suddenly shove at Starscream chassis, causing him to stumble back, stunned by your actions.
However, your outburst is loud and high up in the nest you've created is where your sparkling once again stirred awake again, crying out, irritated that her recharge was interrupted.
The seekers all look up, now noticing the nest and you see the bewildered expressions consuming their faces. You act, and fly up towards the nest where you hastily gather your sparkling into your arms and hold her close, hiding from the world.
Turning around you're suddenly faced with seekers who had followed you, but kept a distance as they all continue to watch on as if they're in a trance. You sparkling continues to cry into your chassis, confused by what's happening as you hold them protectively, using your arms to shield her from the seekers.
"Please..." You can only whimper, fearing they will take her away from you.
"You have a sparkling." Skywarp says in a gentle tone. "Is this why you've been hiding?" You can only nod weakly.
"My sparkling." Starscream declares. He's thrilled, but also annoyed. "Why didn't you tell me?" He goes to step closer, making you step back before Starscream was stopped by Nova Storm.
"What are you afraid of?" Skywarp is the only one who steps closer slowly, knowing you're terrified.
"Please...don't take her away from me." You can only continue to whisper through your shaky voice.
"She? A femme?" Starscream's wings flicker in excitement. He wants to see her, hold her, but Nova Storm stops him. It seems the femmes were the only two understanding your fear and don't want to make it worse.
"Why would we take her away from you?" Skywarp is confused.
Indeed, why would they? You couldn't even explain, it was just the horrible nagging dread that consumes your mind. Your sparkling is all you have, and you don't want that ripped away from you.
You don't answer her, and when you look up you notice Skywarp is much closer now causing you to shrink back in fear, only to hear her giving gentle hushes before slowly reaching out to touch your shoulder, causing you to flinch from the contact. Your spark feels like it's going to erupt from its chamber, throbbing repeatedly, it's horrible.
"No one is taking her away from you." Skywarp assures. "And if anyone did try, I'd scrap them, we all would."
Meeting her optics you don't see the lustful blazing gaze you've always seen on other occasions, and instead you're greeted with gentle kindness. "Promise?"
"A thousand times over, I promise." Skywarp is now standing right beside you as she rubs your shoulders to help try and relax you. She looks down at the sparkling in your arms and smiles. "She's a striking image of you, Starscream."
"Can I see her?" He vents, still annoyed, but anxious to see his creation.
With Skywarp at your side, Starscream and Nova Storm come closer finally. You're still scared, clinging onto your sparkling as she whimpers into your chassis, tiny servos digging into your plating. Their shadows cover you but the feel of Skywarp's gentle servos over your shoulders is what helps you calm your racing spark just a little.
They're all so close, huddling closely, but Skywarp and Nova Storm are stroking your frame and gently rubbing your wings, making you quiver lightly under their touches, but it helps.
Meeting Starscream's gaze, you see the silent plea lingering in those baby blue optics, desperately wanting to touch his creation. Then finally, you move, gently holding your sparkling and allowing Starscream to take her to hold.
"Watch her helm." You whisper while helping him support her.
Starscream is in a trance as he holds his beautiful sparkling in his servos, feeling himself smile as she onlines her teary optics, curiously looking up at the new seekers. She's not use to them, never before seeing any of them, but she feels an odd connection towards Starscream. This is her sire.
You've never seen Starscream like this before, a gentleness, cradling his sparkling closely as she curiously touches his face plating. Skywarp leans her helm against your shoulder and you lean into her, holding onto both femmes as you feel your emotions flood through you, a relief but also guilt.
Afterwards, it was Skywarp and Nova Storm's turn to babysit. Both femmes eagerly cared for your sparkling while making her giggle and chirp away at them. This is the time for you and Starscream to talk to one another.
Outside, on the ramp attached to the observatory, you and Starscream sit together, a long and dreaded silence floats in the air, each of you waiting for who just might break that silence. It's Starscream.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Of course, the top question. Why didn't you?
"I...I was scared." There's a hanging strain in your voice.
"But you told the yellow bug." Starscream is blunt and you feel you deserve that.
"He found out by accident, but I made him promise to not tell anyone. He's just been bringing me enough energon. He's a good friend." You look up seeing the jealousy hanging on his face. "There's nothing going on between us."
"Good." Starscream doesn't want you to be touched by anyone else other than him or his trine. "What were you scared of? I would've been there for you and helped."
You realise this now, that perhaps you should've told him. "I was scared my sparkling was going to be taken away from me."
Starscream narrows his optics. "Why would you think I would take her away from you?"
"Not just you, everyone. The humans, Optimus, Megatron, I...I'm still scared someone is going to take her away. I can't explain it, its all I've been worrying about." You lean yourself against the solid wall behind you.
It's quiet for a moment, a stinging silence, before you feel his arms wrapping around your frame and bringing you closer against his chassis, hugging you, while you lean into the tender comfort.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you." You whisper, feeling guilty you've kept this from him. Starscream lets out a low grunt. He's hurt, and you don't blame him for being angry with you.
"I'm staying." His words get you to look up at him, confused. "I'm not leaving you or our sparkling. Skywarp and Nova Storm will probably stick around, but I'm not going anywhere." His servos touch your face and he traces his digits under your optics tenderly.
"So I'm stuck with you?" You can't help but pout, teasing him, and he answers through a soft chuckle.
"Don't sound too disappointed, but yes, you're stuck with me. Tough luck." He feels just how much you're heating up simply by his touches. "Getting warm are we?" He leans closer and lets out a purr into your neck, glossa running against your sensitive cables.
"Your fault." You moan faintly, tilting your helm to give him better access. "You're like a parasight I can't get rid of."
"A parasight you crave." His words murmur out against your neck before feeling his servos moving over your waist, tugging you closer against him that you welcome.
"Shut up and kiss me." You grab his helm and kiss him firmly, pushing your glossa between his lips and devouring him, dominating his glossa with your own with greed.
Starscream smirks against your lips as he kisses back just as hard, servos gripping into your soft armour and moving up around your sensitive wings causing you to shiver under his skillful touches.
For the first time in a while, you don't feel afraid, and that's a beautiful relief. He breaks the kiss and holds your servos, leading you towards the berth, one that was never used since you've been recharging in the nest with your sparkling.
"I've had my trine for a long time. Skywarp and Nova Storm became conjunx's and I became their amica, and its always been the three of us together. I want you to become part of our bond, and we'll become four. So, let's skip traditions, become my conjunx tonight, join me, join our bonds."
He's serious.
You're quiet in thought for a moment, causing him to speak. "Do you see yourself with anyone else?"
"No, not really."
"Good. So?"
Waiting for the granted permission, that's all he was waiting for. Over the years you've always had your lustful encounters with the trine, and it just carried on as if it was normal. Now, you're being offered to break that trine and become their fourth trine member. There is nothing to lose, so of course you answer what you feel is right, no matter how crazy it was.
Almost immediately, you find yourself laid back against the berth, lost in a intense and passionate kiss with Starscream as he presses himself between your legs, smoothly grinding himself against you panel and causing you to moan out in soft bliss, glossas tangling together while your servo move behind to tease his wings tips lightly, earning you a shiver from him along with a satisfied hum.
Breaking the kiss he lets out a giggle at our pouting, but this changes when he starts descending down your body and you feel his lips against your inner thighs making you arch your back under his heated vents.
Without even asking or being told, you retract your panel, revealing your moist valve for him to feast upon. He lets out purrs of delight before moving closer and gliding his glossa against your outer lips and across your ceiling node, earning him a joyful mewl from you. He loves the sounds you make, always like a beautiful melody.
Feeling his glossa wiggle its way into your valve you let out a number of sorts of sounds, moaning loudly while venting and biting your lips, servos clenching his helm as your optics shutter close.
"Such pretty sounds." You hear Nova Storm whisper at your side, joined by Skywarp on your other. As aroused as you are, you can't help but ask.
"She's recharging." Skywarp answers. "She's safe, I promise. Let us take care of you, darling." You relax as you feel them touching you in your most sensitive places, becoming a moaning mess as you embrace the pleasure boiling through your frame.
Starscream lifts your waist up as he buries his face against your valve more, letting out a lingering moan that vibrates through your perfectly, glossa rolling back and forth, drawing out more beautiful sounds from you.
Skywarp tilts your helm and shares a kiss with you, one you welcome very eagerly. It's a lot to take in but you crave every touch and kiss from them. This is what you want, seekers always stick together.
"Can we see?" Nova Storm whispers into your audio as her digits trace over your chassis, right above where your spark was. You respond through a murmur before shifting your plating and relieving your pulsing and glowing spark.
"So beautiful." Nova Storm whispers, before leaning across your chassis, servos carefully touching your chamber, before you feel her glossa lick against your spark.
Never have you felt something so sensational. Soft mewls of bliss erupt from you, greedy for it all, treated like a princess. Your sounds are swallowed by Skywarp again as she twirls her digit against your wing. All three of them, it's quite a lot to deal with.
Being lost in the moment you don't realise right away that they had stopped, Starscream coming up to lean over your frame, his spike already hard and running up against the outside of your valve. When you do realise this, Starscream kisses you, his lips and glossa soaking with your juices while Skywarp and Nova Storm both embrace in a passionate kiss, their own sparks open and touching one another, vocals erupting in chaotic orgy.
Your attention is on Starscream then, and you feel his pulsing spike enter your valve, every ridge pressing in and filling you completely. Arching your back you let out a low mewl as your servos grip onto his arms, legs wrapping around his waist as you clench around him.
Every throb pulses through your channel, sending electric buzzes through you repeatedly, before feeling him move. He's got a firm grip around your waist as he thrusts into you, tugging you back against him at a shallow and firm rhythm.
Starscream leans down towards your neck, thrusts slow and short, causing you to let out a grunt as you try to move your hips quicker against him, and this causes him to giggle into your neck.
"Stop your giggling." You tap his shoulder as a warning.
"Make me." He continues to giggle like a brat, and you roll your optics.
"I could, or you can frag me harder and join our sparks together?"
"You're so demanding."
"You love it." His silence is your answer. He does love it. He smiles, and it's his mischief kind. Damn that smile.
You watch as his cockpit and chassis shift their platings, relieving his pulsing spark and leaning closer again. There's one more kiss, one more thrust, before both your sparks collide together.
His movements grew intense, shallow firm thrusts rocking you into the berth as you wrap yourself tightly against him, sparks joined and pulsing rapidly together while all your blissful sounds fill the air.
You feel either Skywarp or Nova Storm holding her servo and you hold back. You're not sure who it is, though it doesn't matter, and the overpowering pleasure briskly boils even more. You moan, you cry, you fall apart feeling his spike thrust into you over again and his spark wrapping around your own, feeling the bond grow and complete itself, right before Starscream gives a sharp thrust and stills, hissing out as he overloads.
He fills your channel with his warm fluids, your own overload suddenly crashing through as well as you hold onto him and you mewl out in delight. It's so alluring, the moment, everything you're feeling, so perfect.
Your systems start to shut down due to your lack of recharge already, and you feel yourself being wrapped up by the seekers bodies before going into a blissful recharge.
The next morning, you are online, to find yourself back in the nest, tangled up with Skywarp and Nova Storm warmly that makes you smile softly. You can feel the seeker bond between you all, the bond with Starscream, it's a blissful feeling.
Gently, you remove yourself from the tangled embrace, smiling softly as the femmes embrace one another before hovering your way down only to find Starscream outside standing on the ramp with your sparkling in his arms, speaking to her.
Quietly, you come up behind, listening.
"One day you'll see Cybertron, my little seeklet. It's beautiful, and soon it'll thrive, hope for our world and species. You're going to love it." He speaks fondly to her as she chirps in response.
Coming up behind, you wrap an arm around his waist and lean into his side. "One day, we'll go home."
Starscream gives a rare tender smile, a softness he hasn't expressed in a long time. He feels he can finally find peace with his new family, a chance to become something different, something better. He tenderly leans back into your frame, servos holding and stroking your sparkling affectionately.
Home indeed.
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0deltakhan0 · 2 months
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Fanart for the best fanfiction I have ever read!!! By
@megadoomingir !!! Love it!!!
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doggyethic66 · 2 months
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lets-try-some-writing · 5 months
Action! Chapter 1
Having just graduated from Iacon's acting academy, Orion Pax is beyond excited to begin hunting for his first big role. And after vorns of doing nothing but play extras, a position has finally opened to play a part in not just any media, but his favorite novel of all things. No, he's going to play the role of Optimus Prime! A tyrannical ruler in a fantasy novel that he lived and breathed during his studies.
Unbeknownst to Orion Pax, he isn't going to be part of a high quality production. Instead, everything he is going to experience will be one hundred percent real.
(Yet another Au for yall. This one I have been sitting on thinking about endlessly for MONTHS.)
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Orion didn't like to come off as ungrateful, but he had expected acting to be a more… open field of work.
He had at one point considered taking on an archival role, but that went flying out the window the moment he saw the stars work on screen for the first time. Part of him regretted walking away from the Archives that cycle, but Ratchet, a notorious old school actor, was his original inspiration. He had been lucky enough to go to one of the elder mech’s interviews and heard all about how Ratchet walked to Iacon and dragged himself to stardome. It was inspiring to hear of the tales of struggle and strife, the corruption behind the sets, and ultimately the satisfaction of a job well done and a character perfectly played. 
One thing led to another, and before long, what really got him interested in the career path was when he began meeting other stars in person. That interview had him tumbling down a rabbit hole, and from there he used his meager paycheck working at the docks to get close enough to the big names to ask them a few questions, or at least observe from a distance. Starscream broke any and all stereotypes with his unusual tendency to play both femmes and mechs in film. The advice Orion received when he asked how to become a great actor was simple.
“Kid, if you want to get big, be DRAMATIC! No one wants to spend hard earned shanix to watch a mech look bored.”
It was sound advice, and that day, Orion made the decision to understand the craft of acting. He got a chance to attend several meet and greets for other big stars such as Megatronus, a world renown actor applauded for both his heroic and villainous roles. The elder mech had smiled kindly when Orion held up his datapad for a signature and asked how to become an actor. His advice was promptly engraved into Orion’s mind alongside Starscream’s.
“Don’t just pretend when you are playing a character. You need to become the character in mind, body, and spark as much as possible. The audience knows when a performance is forced.”
Shortly afterwards, he was lucky enough to run into Arcee and Cliffjumper, a stunt double duo whose advice amounted to a simple statement. Arcee, had touched him on the arm with a knowing smile and chuckled.
“Be authentic! Do your own moves as much as you can. You want to sell the scene no matter what, even if it gets you a few cuts and dents.”
Clffjumper on the other servo had patted Orion on the shoulder with a lopsided grin and given far more… eccentric advice.
“If you can jump off a cliff, JUMP OFF THAT CLIFF!” 
Orion wasn’t totally sure if it was meant to be a joke or not. 
Whatever the case, he added their wisdom to his long term memory files and continued his hunt for further inspiration, a goal forming in his spark. He spoke with Soundwave, a famous actor known for his monster roles. The mech was known to be of the type to never speak on set, and his advice was grim, but undoubtedly rational.
“To act, you must know every facet of the being you are to depict. You must feel their pain, know their burdens. Only then can the weariness of their sparks show clearly in your optics through the screen.”
Ultra Magnus, a fantastic director, offered him a nugget of wisdom as well when he managed to harass the office the mech worked at enough to get his email responded to.
“Look, acting isn’t just using your vocalizer and manipulating body language. You need skills, actual abilities to compensate for anything you end up missing. The audience is far more forgiving toward an actor who gives it their all.” 
Bulkhead and Wheeljack, special effects masters at the top of their field, had not so subtly given him a datapad on the production of explosives and other such materials before flicking his audial and offering their advice. Bulkhead was the most rational. 
“The acting is only half the battle kiddo. You need to make a statement, preferably with explosives and a dramatic stride out of a burning building.”
Wheeljack suggested arson, and honestly upon seeing a video of some of the special effects master’s work, Orion couldn’t help but find himself pretty much sold on the concept. Wheeljack’s words were cause for concern, but they were undeniably correct when the results were in front of his optics.
“If you need to blow it up to make it look good, then by all means BLOW IT UP!”
Knockout, a makeup artist hired on every big set for his miraculous transformations, had been the most difficult to get a meeting with. But through pestering Starscream, one of Knockout’ usual clients, and through a few underhanded online transactions, Orion got the chance to ask the artist his usual question. Knockout’s advice was… interesting to say the least. Interesting, but much like all the other nuggets of wisdom, it happened to be fully applicable in light of the results.
“Darling, you have already proven to be as determined as the press. You don’t need to worry about becoming a fabulous actor. What you should worry about is getting a camera! Gigs don’t come easy, and looking as stunning as possible is the best way to get attention!” 
Breakdown thankfully was not nearly as hard to track down as his partner. After having harassed Knockout, Breakdown seemed to almost sense his arrival at his next meet and greet. It wasn’t often a behind the scenes mechanic got recognized enough to have fans, but Knockout never shut up about how well Breakdown handled the lights during filming. Fans were inevitable, and Orion abused that fact to get into the rather niche interest group and meet the mech. His wisdom was much like his partner’s in rationality. 
“A lot of people overlook the lighting on screen, but lighting is essential to a good production. Lighting sets the mood and adds subtle emotion to the scene. Too much, too dark, or the wrong color destroys the atmosphere. If you are ever in doubt, keep it simple and do a classic overhead light.” 
With his shanix running low, Orion was unable to get in with any more big names. However, by pure chance, he won a raffle and managed to get a question in with two famous sparkling actors turned drama T.V specialists. Bumblebee and Smokescreen were beloved by audiences across Cybertron, and the former’s advice was quickly burned into Orion’s mind.
“It doesn’t matter who you are playing. Give that character justice through their connections. You must feel the bonds your character has as if they were your own. I know I cried more than once when co-stars who played a parental role in different films had to leave for another set.”
Smokescreen’s wisdom received similar treatment as he smiled widely and promptly forced himself to cry with such gusto that Orion was genuinely scared until the actor laughed it off as a joke.
“Don’t just feel it buddy! SHOW it! Every connection your character has should be plain to see on your face through their emotions! If they have any that is. Just, keep in character. Oh, and a little tip, learn to cry on the spot. It will save you so much trouble with the special effects team.”
Orion hoarded everything he learned like a drake, and despite being dirt poor by the time he sold half his spark to get in to meet a mech going by the working title of “Predaking”, he was excited to hear what the master puppeteer and monster designer had to say. He never expected to get close, but Predaking saw him amidst the crowd and called him over gleefully.
“Here’s a little secret of the trade. I am not joking when I say that accent and presence matter, even in monsters. If you are working with a character, you should know how to pronounce and announce yourself like them. If you are a beast, growl. If you are a King, dominate.”
Finally, bankrupt and with only a feeble dream, Orion held his poor financial decisions wearily in his spark and sat out on the streets, unable to pay his rent after so long chasing idols. His obsession had gone too far and he was paying the price for it. But it seemed Primus had taken pity, perhaps due to his stupidity. And on that grim cycle an umbrella had been held over his helm as he huddled, trying to escape the acid rain.
Ratchet, the mech who originally sent him spiraling down his path of poor life decisions, stood over him with a raised optical ridge. Orion had been too tired to be fully awed at the time, but when Ratchet had offered him some shanix and a hotel room for a week, Orion had listened closely to the advice the elder mech had to offer.
“Kid, your dedication is impressive, but you need to always have a backup plan. Throwing everything into your goals is admirable, but by the Allspark, make sure there is always a little something left over for you, for your survival. On set, on the streets. It doesn’t matter. You are a living being and your life comes first.”
It had been a harsh wakeup call, but it had been what Orion needed. He stopped chasing stars for a while and instead moved on to saving up, one shanix at a time to get into the most reputable acting academy he could feasibly afford. He’d learned all he could from watching with starstruck optics, and he wasn’t going to test Primus’s patience more than he already had.
And so began his journey. It was rough. He did what he could to prepare for a rainy cycle, and Ratchet’s advice did indeed save him from going without fuel more than a few times, but there were still instances where he had to cut corners. Many long cycles were spent living off cheap rations worse than the stuff given to military personnel. He had to turn off the electricity in his small apartment several times in order to avoid the bill, and he still almost cried every time he remembered the prices for the textbooks he needed once he finally got into the academy. 
But vorns of hard work later, he got in and graduated in one piece. Now a certified and newly graduated actor, he was over the moon and more than ready to hunt for his first big gig. Things had been tight for a very long time, but in his mind, he was finally free of those constraints.
He found out that assumption was wrong very quickly. 
Knockout hadn’t been kidding when he said getting a camera would be the hardest part of his career. Why did no sets accept graduates? Even when he applied as an extra, he usually found himself rejected because he was ‘too bright’ or ‘too distracting’. By the Primes all he’d done for one audition was lift some datapads but that had apparently been too much. They said he was too energetic for his place, too… 
He got odd jobs, worked a few small sets as a minute background character, an extra passing in the hall more often than not. But he kept up a smile, just waiting for the big gig that would shoot him into stardom just like all the actors and specialists he looked up to. He never forgot the cycle when he finally got his wish.
It had been an inconspicuous thing at first. A small advertisement online for a film production based on a fantasy series that was neither particularly popular nor necessarily unknown. Orion had read his fair share of novels over the course of his life, and while he wasn’t exactly proud to admit it, he’d gone down the rabbit hole of poorly written or otherwise unknown works of fiction to make his life more bearable when things got tough. As such, while it took him a moment, he quickly recognized the series being turned into film.
It was a simple fantasy series set in an alternate version of Cybertron, one where the Primes of old still reigned. It was a historical piece in a sense, in large part due to the inclusion of actual practices and traditions from the past ages of Cybertron, before the Quintessons arrived and were promptly driven back. The main character of the series wasn’t exactly static, often jumping between the sons of the Prime, Smokescreen and Bumblebee, and the Lord High Protector, Megatron of Kaon. Looking back it was rather odd that they were named after the actors, or the actors after them. But Orion didn’t linger on that fact.
The series was a dramatic revolution. Optimus Prime, the last reigning Prime, was a tyrant who ruled with cruel disregard for the lives of others. His inner circle planned to assassinate and ultimately did kill him later on in the novel after a series of puzzles, political schemes, and secrets being brought to light. It was a fascinating book, one that Orion was rather fond of and would even consider his favorite. So while it was certainly odd for a film company to turn such a series into anything meant for the holoscreen considering its lack of popularity, Orion said a quiet prayer and sent in an application to the studio.
He almost spit out his energon when exactly a cycle later, he got a confirmation message from the studio letting him know he had not only gotten a role in the film, but that he had been given one of the most influential roles in the entire production. He wasn’t going to be the Lord High Protector, nor was he to be either of the Prime’s sons. No, he was to be Optimus Prime himself.
He may or may not have run around his apartment giggling gleefully and giving thanks to Primus while clutching his cracked datapad like his life depended on it. He checked his device again and again, not believing what he was reading until he received a second message from the studio asking him to come in for pre-shoot training and preparation for his role. Orion did not hesitate to gather up his small stash of belongings that he thought he would require and hop onto the nearest train heading west toward the ruins of Crystal City.
Sure, it was really strange that filming preparation was being done in the abandoned Crystal City, but he didn’t feel like judging when he finally had his big gig. Nope, he wasn’t going to question it. Not when he was going to be playing Optimus Prime. The biggest villain of the series. What could be a better debut than that?
“Welcome Orion. I am the director of this set. We already have everything set up so we can begin your preliminary training immediately.”
“Oh! Of course. But may I have your designation Sir?”
“I am Alpha Trion. It is a pleasure to be working with you. Please head over to the tent over there so that you can receive your schedule for the next few stellar cycles.”
It felt rather rushed, being brought onto set and then immediately kicked into an intensive training program. But once again, Orion didn’t want to doubt. Alpha Trion was a nice enough director and took great care to ensure Orion knew all the rules of the set and how filming was going to happen. 
His Co-stars were apparently already on set filming the prologue and backstory sequences. Orion was a late hire since the last mech who signed on as Optimus Prime had apparently been in a bad accident and was no longer able to perform. He was not going to be able to have any behind the scenes meetings with his Co-stars since filming was already in progress. He would need to get to know them on set and while in character. Orion was also explicitly told that filming was going to be done differently than what was typically normal.
Filming would run almost like a reality T.V show. There would be cameras everywhere hidden throughout the set in all public areas. Essentially, Orion would be in character all the time except for when he was in his assigned quarters and perhaps the washracks if there weren’t any extra scenes planned. He didn’t remember there being anything incriminating or… suggestive in the series, but directors were known to adapt novels to their liking. He would have to be careful either way. 
The only other serious thing he was told was somewhat unnerving. He would have no direct contact with the crew, access to stunt doubles, or the ability to speak to the director once he was on set. The reasoning behind it was that they wanted everything to be as realistic and immersive as possible. It seemed a lot like hogwash to Orion, but once they began his preliminary training, he decided to lodge those concerns away and focus on his studies. He wanted to play his role well. If he flopped here, no studio would ever hire him.
Sword training, dueling etiquette, anything relating to politics, royal manners, proper resource management, strategy, warfare, language, literature, history, arts, economy, geography, survival training, public speaking, and so much more were on his todo list. He lost track of the classes and cycles bled into one another. It felt rather silly learning the twenty seven made up languages used in the novels and the similarly intensive made up history of the fantasy world. But he endured it all diligently. It was kind of fun having to memorize the fantasy maps and learn how to sing elegantly so that ancient rites seen in the novel could be replicated.
It was tiring work, and he was fairly certain that a few million shanix had to have gone into the replication of models and teachers that were hired to educate him. The studio must have had high hopes for their film to put so much into him. The director himself didn't seem concerned in the slightest about profits the whole time.  He never even talked to Orion outside of that first instance until he had spent roughly eight stellar cycles studying.
“I believe you are ready to head to the set and meet the makeup team. Do not be alarmed at any frame augmentations. They are all perfectly natural. A chip will be inserted into your processors to feed you information on set, largely so that you need never break character.” 
Alpha Trion looked like he would rather be chewing on rocks as he spat out the information. Orion was rightfully suspicious in his opinion. But after almost a full vorn of dedicating his very spark to learning everything under Luna 1 and 2 needed to play the role of Optimus Prime, he would be slagged before he backed out now. Besides, he enjoyed feeling tested and trained cables strain beneath his armor, a side effect of never ending sword training. 
“Thank you Sir! I will be sure to play my part perfectly!” 
Orion assured as he was led to a space bridge and ushered through. He smiled as he passed to the other side, meeting the gazes of over a dozen rather malicious looking mecha who grabbed him and laid him down on a medical berth before he could wheeze out a greeting. Next thing he knew, he was injected with a sedative of some sort and promptly awoke aching absolutely everywhere in a berth that was not his own.
He sat up, rubbing his helm and feeling the definitive change in structure. He frowned and stood up on wobbly pedes, gawking at his newfound height as he shakily made his way toward the only mirror in the room. He gasped when he saw his reflection. The mech in front of him was, by all definitions, gorgeous. Strong and quite clearly made for war, a stunning set of armor adorned him. Gold highlights graced his plating and strong shoulders now guarded him. Blue hips swayed with every step and long strong legs shone in the light, covered in small glyphs he couldn’t even properly read from how well they blended in. His arm guards were equally ornamented, and he hardly had time to process his wide yet sharp optics before the door to his room burst open and a terrified looking servant crashed to the ground.
“Forgive me my Lord!” The servant wept, curling up on the ground as they hurriedly tried to gather up what looked to be a cube of energon. Instinct told Orion to help, but before he could act, a message flashed across his vision.
[[You are on set now. Play your part Orion Pax. From this cycle forward, you are Optimus Prime.]]
Was it highly unorthodox and probably breaking at least a few labor laws? Absolutely. Was Orion backing out now? Not to save his life. 
He took a deep vent, feeling a new weight pulse in his spark chamber. When he refocused, he cleared his mind of distractions and settled himself on one designation. Over and over he repeated it. 
‘I am Optimus Prime, leader of the Cybertronian Empire, and I am a tyrant worthy of death.’ 
He repeated to himself internally as he scowled at the servant, a pleasant frown adorning his seemingly untarnishable face. 
“What is your designation?” He questioned sharply. The servant shook in renewed terror at his words which flowed so smoothly from his glossa that Orion, or rather Optimus, almost choked. The language of the novel came easily to him now, more so than he was otherwise sure it was meant to. But he did not question as he grabbed the servant by the back of their neck guard and threw them out of the door, doing his best to use his training to ensure that his fellow actor wasn’t actually damaged. 
The servant skidded across the ground, slamming into the wall of the hallway with a groan. Orion- Optimus cringed internally. He had limited practical experience. He would need to do better in the future to ensure his fellow actors weren’t damaged. As much as he loved a dramatic role, he didn’t want to make any actual enemies. He would need to find out the actor’s name and give them a gift basket or something when he had a free moment.
But for now, he had a part to play and a landscape to very hastily memorize. 
“How dare you. Insolent whelp. Have you no experience using the frame Primus granted you?” Optimus stalked forward, his voice deep and resonating, yet also surprisingly smooth. Even when portraying anger, his voice still flowed like a perfectly calm stream. Whatever mods the makeup team gave him, he desperately wanted to keep once he finished with this role. 
“Forgive me my Lord! It was an accident! Y-Your presence startled me! You’ve been in stasis for almost a vorn!” Oh? So that was how the director was playing off his absence. Optimus couldn’t help but find it odd that he had been told his co-stars were filming other scenes while apparently the main story was still progressing, but perhaps there were details he was missing. He would have to talk to his co-stars.
“A vorn.” He practically growled, his perfectly modeled frame not even instinctually turning to flared plating to get his point across. By the pits the makeup team had done him up nicely. 
“I’m sorry!” The servant wailed, clutching at their chassis to protect themselves from a potential attack. Optimus internally wanted to praise their acting. It was honestly phenomenal how well they could force their tears and the sheer terror in their optics. He would need to ask for lessons off set sometime. 
“Enough. Cease your pathetic whimpering. I require an immediate update of all that has come to pass during my absence.” The servant scurried to their pedes, weeping even as they shakily bowed and gestured for Optimus to follow. He obliged without question, taking care to stride forward with elegance that had practically been beaten into him during training. He felt stupid walking with a gentle sway of his hips while his shoulders were held back in his old frame. But with these augments, it felt right.
He was going to have so much fun making scenes as the notorious tyrant the people of the novel feared.
“Your office my Lord. W-Would you like me to summon your Council?” He had a Council? Optimus wracked his mind for who the mecha in question could be as he stared at the gaudy doors before him. 
“Who would that entail?” He questioned with authority lacing his tone. The servant shook even harder and again Optimus applauded their acting abilities. True skill from a mere background character. The director had not spared a single detail it seemed. 
“Currently they are scattered, according to your will prior to your fall into stasis. T-The Lord High Protector, the Young Lords, and of course your personal physician can be summoned if you desire. We can also begin summoning your spymaster and anyone else-” Optimus raised a servo, silencing the servant as he opened the office doors and stepped into a room all but drowning in paperwork. He wanted to cry as soon as he witnessed the pile of work to be done. Did the director really have to make things this detailed? It felt overkill really. 
“Summon all of my Council, everyone of importance. I refuse to be left in the dark.” He ordered as he strode forward, calmly and regally taking a seat at his desk. His expression remained perfectly composed as he sifted through the datapads before him, seeing incredibly detailed documents that looked real enough to pass into law if Optimus didn’t know they had to be forged for realism’s sake. 
“By your will Lord Prime.” The servant hurried away, closing the door behind them and leaving Optimus to his monstrous pile of datapads. The director had said there would be cameras in all public areas. Considering this area was not exactly private, Optimus elected to keep in character. This was a good chance to put his training to good use anyway. 
“Primus protect me.” He muttered in the old tongue used in the novel. It felt right strangely enough, but he chalked it up to the thrill of being on set as he picked up the nearest datapad and promptly dug through every conceivable loophole in the document in order to get the best deal. Sure, he was playing the role of tyrant, but these documents were all for show. If he simply took the time to actually make it seem as though he were dutifully working on them, then his task would be complete.
He would rather not sit around being bored for groons on end. So he might as well actually try and make something of the documents for the benefit of the Empire. Would they actually come into law? No. This was all a set after all. But was it rather fun putting together the perfect little documents to improve efficiency as if he were playing a real time strategy game?
“My reign shall endure, regardless of the price.” He smiled, taking care to gaze off into the distance in what probably seemed like a really stupid way to an outsider but was sure to appear amazing to any camera. Then, maintaining his new persona, Optimus allowed himself to drift into his work. No use wasting energy until his co-stars arrived. The director had mentioned that the set was rather large and that it was taking place on a whole new colony world to add to the realism. 
He couldn’t wait to see who was playing the roles of the other characters in the novel.
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chiconisroc · 7 months
Wooo, hit over 500 kudos for my "Trust Me" fanfic, a Starscream fanfic : )
I want to thanks peeps for supporting this story <3. You peeps are amazing : )
Of course, I hope to continue this story :3
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argumentativeaxolotl · 5 months
“Ghosting” is my Starscream redemption/ghost/immortal fanfic on Ao3!
It includes lots and lots of angst and is decently long at around 60K words and is still being updated(obv)!
I’d really appreciate a read and/or kudos! Thank you for your time!
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Summary: Starscream had caught you having a look at his aft, and as Second in Command, decided to punish you. But is it really a punishment when you're getting off to it?
Pairing: Starscream/Reader
Fandom: Transformers Prime
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Dubious Consent, Lack of Aftercare, also it's long- 4300 words long
Tags: Dubious Consent, heel kink, cum eating, cock stepping, under negotiated kink, oral sex, domination, voice kink, degradation, humiliation, kink realisation, subspace
Ao3 link here! Leave a comment if you enjoyed!
The Decepticon’s Second in Command was, in all honesty, a massive aft hole.
Oh, sure- Starscream was the second highest ranking Decepticon. He was really good at his job, when he wasn’t scheming against Megatron or literally anyone else for that matter… Mostly Megatron.
But yeah, no- he was an aft.
He also had a nice aft, one that you admired when you could get away with it. You rationalised it, it really wasn't creepy of you, you were just… looking out for him, making sure he didn't trip on his heels. That you knew for a fact he had custom designed, because there's just no way-
Ahem. Getting a bit side tracked.
Look, the point is- you weren't a pervert. You weren't a peeping tom. A voyeur. You were just- just having a teeny, tiny look. Just a nanoklik of a look.
So when Starscream caught you having a look… Well. You thought you were a dead mech walking. Yes, he was the often treacherous Second in Command…. But that still meant that he was the SiC of the Decepticons. He could do damn near anything to you in retaliation.
And you knew that there wasn't much of anything you could do against this fact.
“Is that the best you can do? How disappointing.”
Starscream's voice was its usual slimy, smug smoothness. Usually, you would be annoyed, maybe even disgusted at how he spoke to you. But with the way your valve pulsed and your spike throbbed behind your panel and how Starscream had you on your knees, grinding his wet, hot valve on your face… It sent a shiver down your spinal strut, settling on your valve. Painfully- the panel kept forcefully shut by the device Starscream all but slammed on you just before shoving you into his own personal habsuite.
“Little pervert, sneaking looks at your superior. The very least you could do is use your glossa properly!”
You whined in response, looking up at Starscream with hazy optics. Your glossa felt fat and slow against his valve, barely doing what you wanted. Primus, you wanted to shove your glossa into his valve, suck on his bright, blinking anterior node- make Starscream cry out in pleasure.
You wanted the stassis cuffs on your wrists to frag off, to let you grope and rub Starscream's aft. To bring him impossibly closer to you, to bury your face further into his valve. To have both his legs wrapped around your helm, all but you keeping you there, forcing you to pleasure him.
The one leg that he had put over your shoulder had dug into your lower spinal strut, the pointed heel strut causing you to whimper pitifully against his valve.
“Ooh, I do like that sound. Mm, yes, just like that- Oh~”
You latched onto his anterior node with your derma and sucked on it hard, causing Starscream to throw his helm back and moan.
“You're a quick learner…”
Starscream murmured, looking back down at you. HIs optics were warm, glowing in the barely lit room. Were it not for the fact that you were buried in his valve, you would feel uneasy with how his optics glowed in the darkness, seemingly looking through your spark. The way he smirked down at you caused your spike to throb even more painfully, pulling another whine from your vocalizer.
Starscream raised a brow at you before his smirk turned predatory.
“Make me overload and I'll reward you.”
He dug his heel into your back, urging you on. And you happily complied- ravenously, you licked his sopping valve, your glossa finally feeling like it was lithe and willing to listen to your commands. Your reward was immediate, Starscream's moans were higher in pitch and more frequent, his servo now gripping your helm with force.
You swirled your glossa over his anterior node before sucking harshly on it, making Starscream cry out keenly.
“Fr-frag…! Slag, you-”
Starscream dug his claws into your helm, leaving scratches in your paint. You left his anterior node alone to return to his valve, licking and slurping away at the transfluid dripping from him. Pushing your glossa in, you played with his fluttering calipers, pushing against them.
His moans were becoming loudly, more frantic. His hip struts bucked against your face, grinding against your mouth. You could hear his fans on full blast, desperately trying to keep him from overheating. All signs were pointing to a loud and glorious overload, all thanks to you. 
“Yes- yes, l-like that, oh slag-”
Starscream's voice was hoarse, breathless as he gripped your helm harder and pushed you deeper into him. His fluids dripped down your chin and down your chassis, leaving a mess in its wake. You ignored it all and pushed your glossa into his wet heat once more, drawing out more keening noises from him.
“Slag- SLAG-!”
His overload was sudden and caught you off guard. Fluorescent pink transfluid, tasting of oil and antifreeze, rushed into your mouth and you happily and greedily swallowed, moaning. The taste left you dizzy.
Starscream panted and shakily pushed you away from his sodden valve, a trail of transfluid following you. You stared up at Starscream with half-lidded optics, glossa hanging out of your mouth lazily. Starscream smirked down at you, but it wasn't his usual one. This one didn't quite seem so cocky, predatory.
Then he let go of you, his leg that was pressed against your spinal strut now pushing you down on the ground. He looked down at your modesty panel and scoffed.
“What a mess you've made of yourself. Leaking through your panel seams, dirtying my habsuite floor.”
“I'm- I'm sorry…”
Looking down, you blushed. Seeping through your panels like a shy bot about to lose their seal was embarrassing- having not felt the slickness between your tibulem dripping onto the floor caused you to nearly choke on ex-vents. Without warning, the stassis cuffs had powered off, falling to the ground with a soft clank.
“Clean it up.”
Your helm snapped up Starscream’s sudden demand and you met his gaze. Ah, the way he looked at you, like an insignificant bug, like something he could step on and not think about you ever again… it made your valve throb.
“I-I, I don't have a cleaning cloth-”
“Are you dense? Use your glossa.”
The snarl he had on his face, the way he spoke to you with disdain- this really shouldn't be getting you off. You shouldn't be getting off to this. You were a proud Decepticon warrior, you met your foes head on and never backed down. You- you weren't the kind of bot to get off by having someone stomp all over you and order you around-
“Did you hear me? Lick. It. Up.”
And yet, you practically jumped to obey his command. You shuffled- moving onto your servos and knees and pushing the stasis cuffs away, you looked down at the pink puddle of transfluid. Your transfluid. Without hesitation, you leaned down and using the tip of your glossa, began to lick.
“Hoh… Even willing to lick your own transfluid? My my, what else can I make you do? Make you endure?”
You suppress a whimper as you continue licking, still with only the tip of your glossa. Starscream clicked his glossa and made a sound of disapproval. Suddenly, you felt a pressure on the back of your helm- Starscream’s heel thrust.
“When I say lick it up, I mean it.”
Starscream pressed down, forcing your helm closer to the ground. Grunting, you obeyed and gave a longer, larger lick. The transfluid was cold but still tasted sweet with a slight tang. Whimpering, you continued to lick the puddle while above you, you could hear the grey mech chuckle darkly.
“Make sure there's not a single drop left- I don't like mess in my habsuite.”
Primus, his voice is so smooth…!
You could feel the shame spread through your tank, but it did nothing to quell the growing lust. If anything, it enhanced it- making you quiver in delight. Something which did not escape Starscream's notice.
“You're getting off of this… My, what a masochistic little slut you are.”
A furious warmth spread across your cheek plates, the shame-lust combination growing stronger and causing your modesty plate to heat up to an uncontrollable level. You didn't think you were like this, that you were into someone making you do things like this. Maybe it was a Starscream only thing. He was an attractive mech, with a voice that was clearly making you melt.
Finally, the floor was clean. The taste of transfluid was heavy on your glossa. Looking up, you met Starscream's optics and wondered what was next. What the next depraved act you were going to succumb to was going to be. Starscream hummed, his wings flicking slightly.
“Hmm, that's good enough, I suppose.”
Tilting his head, Starscream regarded you with a look you couldn't quite discern. Suddenly, he gave you a wicked smile- it seemed he had decided on what to do.
“I believe I should reward you. You've been a good little slut to your lord and master.” He waved his servo lazily, his smile becoming somewhat crooked. “Sit down and spread your legs.”
Shuffling yourself, you quickly sat up from the floor and spread your legs. Looking down, you could see that the device on your modesty panel held fast and was still keeping your code from automatically opening it. Primus, you needed relief…
“Good to see the panel closer is still overriding your code. How does it feel? Does it make you feel desperate for relief?”
Whining, you nodded your head. Unsatisfied with your response, Starscream scoffed.
“Don't skimp on the details now- tell me how it feels, or this ends right here, right now- with the override still in place and you all charged up. Maybe if you're lucky, the Vehicons will take pity on you but I wouldn't bet on it.”
“It- it's so- It hurts, I want- I-I need my p-panel open! M-my valve- it feels so, so hot, it's p-pushing against the panel, m-my node, oh Primus, I-I can feel my spike pressing a-against the p-panel- leaking, it's all so wet and- pl-please, please take it off!”
You were rambling, begging and all the while, Starscream didn't say anything- he only smiled. A beeping noise was heard, and then the panel overrider suddenly fell off your panels to the ground, useless. It was quickly followed by a hydraulic hiss and clicking of your panel opening.
The relief was immediate. You spike instantly pressurised fully and stood tall, transfluid weeping from the slit. Your valve was a mess- lubricant was all but gushing from your heat, the bio-lights and anterior node blinking fast. You had never been so charged before in your life
“My, what a lovely spike. What a pretty valve. Perhaps you are wasted as a Decepticon soldier.”
While your mind was hazy with arousal, you weren't so lost that the implication for what Starscream was saying flew over your helm. You glared at Starscream, your derma pulled back into a snarl.
“How- I'm a Decepticon! I'm a warrior, damn it! I'm not some- some doe-eyed buy mech that you can jus- Ah-ahhnn~!”
Your angry words were cut off by Starscream suddenly bringing his foot up and stepping on your engorged anterior node, a lewd moan ripping through your vocaliser. 
“My, what a proud warrior you are. Howling like a turbo fox in heat when you're stepped on by your betters.”
Starscream grinded the ball of his pede into your aching node, drawing out gasps and moans from you. Your vents hitched, the friction feeling like heaven after your panel was forcibly kept shut for so long. Mewling, your optics were closed shut as your frame shook and heaved.
“Wh-what- what are you-?”
“You really are a filthy slut, aren't you? And making me do all the work…”
Suddenly, he stopped grinding his foot into you. You gasped, optics snapping open and looking at Starscream. He smirked down at you, his back straightened as his servos clasped behind his back.
The one word command sent shame through your frame. But you obeyed, grinding your anterior node against the ball of his pede. You choked out a moan, desperately chasing the overload that was just there, just in front of you-
“Look at you. Grinding yourself against my thruster heel, chasing after an overload while laying on the ground like an animal. Pitiful.”
You whined, nearly crying when he lifted his heel away from your desperate node. He smirked down at you- this one was much more like his usual ones, predatory and cocky.
“Your bio lights are blinking so brightly and rapidly, you were about to overload, weren't you? Oh, look at your face- it's plain as day. I'm sorry, am I depriving you?”
Bottom derma quivering, you stared at Starscream with a searing hatred. Your hips jerked up when his pede moved closer to your dripping heat, only barely touching the soft protoform mesh but he quickly moved it away, smirking at your apparent desperation.
“Pl-please…” You bit your derma, tears pricking at the corner of your optics. You were willing to beg, plead for relief. You were willing to do just about anything to get your overload. You were willing to call Starscream by his preferred, delusional title. “Please, L-Lord Starscream.”
Starscream visibly perked up, his wings fluttered. He smiled, almost fondly. The illusion of friendliness ended when he chuckled darkly, his smile was quickly replaced with a much more starscream-y smirk.
“How can I refuse my little slut when you're begging like that?”
His pede returned and this time he put greater pressure on your node, making you hiss. He gave you one word, a command.
With no hesitation, you rolled your hips and groaned at the wave of pleasure that washed over your frame. Frantically, you chased that feeling- rubbing and grinding your anterior node on his heel. Your vents hitched and stuttered and your hip struts were beginning to burn.
“Look at you- so desperate for release that you're sitting on the floor and grinding against my pede.”
All you could do was whimper in response and grind even harder and faster, you were close, so so close…!
“I can see it on your face- you're close. You're about to overload. You're even drooling.”
You hoped that Starscream wouldn't shut his mouth for once- his voice, his demeaning words, were edging you closer to climax. Your optics were blurring with fuzz, glitching out with coolant tears freely falling down your cheeks. So close, so close…!
“Go on, then- overload for me.”
That was all you needed- it was almost like you needed permission to overload. You cried out, your charge blitzing with an electric buzz as you came undone. Your valve clenched as a wave over pleasure crashed through you- your optics finally gave out and offlined- needing a hard reboot to online them. You choked out a sob, a spray of transfluid coating Starscream's pede. You had finally found release, and by Primus, it had felt so damn good.
You collapsed on the ground, your vents shuddering. So many of your systems needed to be rebooted, soft and hard alike. Your spinal strut was sore, slightly throbbing and your processor was slowing down to a crawl from all the system reboots you were undergoing.
For a nanoklik, you laid there, revelling in your post-overload bliss- so much so you had completely forgotten Starscream's presence. Naturally, he didn't like not being the center of attention.
“I see you're enjoying yourself.”
All you could do was hum in response. You onlined your optics- they were still fuzzy and lines of code were running over your vision. Very roughly, you could see Starscream through it all. His smarmy face told you everything you needed to know.
Starscream looked down and his smug face very quickly switched to surprise- only to just as quickly return to his usual haughty face. At first, you didn't know why… until you jolted at the feel of his pede tapping the base of your spike.
“My oh my, still hard even after such an overwhelming overload? Impressive.”
Shuddering at Starscream's words, you felt the tip of his pede trace the underside of your spike. The gasp you took was stuttered, your optics weren't still fully rebooted when they started to glitch again from the light tap Starscream gave the head of your spike. 
“You're a filthy bot, aren't you? Getting off on your better stepping on you…”
You whined in response as Starscream ground on the tip of your spike, more transfluid leaking from the slit. It was all you could do, your face burned from embarrassment, coolant tears slowly falling from your optics.
“Pl-please, Starscream-”
“Lord Starscream.”
“L-Lord Starscream, I-I-”
“How pitiful. Such a strong warrior on the battlefield, so fierce against the Autobots… And here you are, whining and stuttering beneath my heel. Blushing and babbling. Tell me, is this what you envisioned when you looked at me?”
He applied more pressure, making you cry out- pain and pleasure combining to leave you breathless, dizzy.
“Leaking transfluid all over my pede? Filthy bot.”
Primus, that voice of his- it should not sound so attractive when he’s berating you, stepping on your spike.
“Perhaps a new position is in order for you- clearly, your talents are wasted on the battlefield. Perhaps you’re better suited being my little pet and being teased by your better, instead of being punched in the face plate. Or maybe you’re into that too…?”
You shook your head rapidly, gasping for air when he gently tapped the head of your spike with his toe pede.
“Nnngh! Lord Starscream~!”
The moan you gave was wanton, shockwaves shot up your spinal strut. Your vents were stuttering, faltering as they struggled to keep your frame from overheating. They were loud, so loud…
Compared to Starscream’s, they might as well be a truck's engine. His fans were on a low setting, barely making more than a slight noise. While Starscream was calm, keeping his emotions in check, you were a mess, barely able to keep yourself from moaning and whimpering.
This feeling, it was somehow more intense than when you were grinding your anterior node against him- this felt overpowering, almost overwhelming.
You were afraid, deathly afraid that he'd put too much pressure on your spike. That something might go pop. But, by Primus, that fear… it somehow morphed into a twisted form of pleasure, heightened even. It was… almost terrifying, how much the idea that he might just add a bit too much weight on such a vulnerable part of you turned you on.
“You'er close, I can tell. I wonder- will this be a shallow overload? Or will you fall into a hard reboot?”
Again, you couldn't give Starscream a coherent response- only more moaning. Starscream smirked.
“Too blissed out to even respond properly.”
There was steam billowing from your frame- you were overheating, your fans couldn't vent the heat quick enough. You whimpered.
“Please what?”
You took a shuddering breath, your ventilation system no longer doing enough to keep your frame from overheating.
“M-more, please- please, make me o-overload.”
“My my, making demands, are we?”
Starscream's smirk was wicked and cruel, but in his optics, there was something softer. Finally, he responded.
“Well, if you insist.”
He pede momentarily left your spike, giving you both respite and despair but just ask quickly as his pede left, it came back with force. You moaned in pain as you felt him dig his heel strut into the soft protoform flesh.
You squirmed under him, your hip struts thrusting into his heel as you looked up at him, at his face. Starscream had a gorgeous, gorgeous face. One that you often wished you could punch, for one reason or the other. Now, you just wanted to kiss him endlessly. Or, at least, for him to keep looking down at you like you were nothing but a speck of trash in his way. If you were being completely honest, he probably did see you as that.
“Well, what are you waiting for? Overload already!”
Who were you to refuse? With a screech that was scrambled with static, you overloaded. You felt your transfluid splattered onto your chassis and some of it caught on Starscream pede, staining it fluorescent pink. You frame heaved with each wave, silent sobs wracking through your offlined vocaliser. Your processor went blank- so overcome by your climax you didn't notice Starscream smile like a turbofox that had caught it's prey
You finally felt yourself begin to calm down. You had to manually pant, your ventilation system was still struggling to come online after two consecutive overloads. You felt yourself relax on the floor, if only a little bit.
It couldn't last.
“You not only dirtied my habsuit floor, but now you've gone and made a mess of my heel thruster.”
You were still panting, a fresh stream of tears now falling down your cheek plates. You were a mess- a shaking, sticky mess. You stared up at Starscream with wet, pleading optics. Pleading for some mercy, for a small break.
Starscream was not a merciful mech, however.
He raised his pede and brought it to your mouth, his toe pede lightly tapping on your chin. It left a wet mark, the smell of transfluid flooding your olfactory.
“Go on- clean up your mess.”
Shakily, you open your mouth and swipe your glossa against the bottom of his toe pede, licking your transfluid away. Sweet and tangy like last time, only warmer.
“That's it- lick it all up. You really are a masochistic slut, aren't you?”
You shivered- his words went straight down to your valve, your callipers clenching on nothing but his words. Primus above, you could potentially overload on his words alone with how charged up you still were despite the overload you just had.
“You like it when I call you that, hmm? My, you certainly are a treasure…”
Starscream chuckled lightly, his red optics shone with amusement. His smirk was condescending,, and you could tell he felt victorious as he… played with you. You certainly felt like you were being played with… But you were ok with that. Primus, you couldn't believe you were ok with admitting this- you were ok with being treated like this. You were ok with licking your fluids off of Starscream's heel.
The realisation made you dizzy, your valve once more clenching and leaking more lubricant. You moaned as you licked, swallowing your transfluid and making sure not to miss a single drop. You lovingly licked Starscream's heel, all the while making sure you kept near constant optic contact with him. He gave you a smirk, clearly pleased with your performance.
“Keep going- don't half aft your job.”
And kept going you did. You kept your licks clean and firm, swallowing each time not wanting to slobber all over his heel. You wanted to clean, not make things dirtier.
Finally, you were done. His pede was clean of your transfluid. Starscream scrutinised your work, looking for any trace that you might have mistakenly left behind. Finally, he made a noise of approval.
“You've done well enough. Now, Make sure to kiss my heel and thank me for this.”
You were tired, too tired to really understand his request and the meaning behind it- what he was telling you to thank him for. With a tenderness you didn't know you had in you, you kissed his heel in an almost loving manner.
“Th-thank you, Lord Starscream.”
“For- for your hospitality and, and kindness.”
You weren't sure if that was the correct thing to say until he smiled- seemingly preening himself at how subservient you were towards him.
“I was kind and hospitable, wasn't I? Instead of punishing you for your voyeurism, I rewarded you. Almost unfairly so… It's going to be a one time thing. I catch you looking at me like that again, there will be consequences. Understand?”
Weakly, you nodded.
“Good. Good. I like you. Maybe, I'll reward you again. Wouldn't you like that? Wouldn't you like my touch?”
His voice was almost a coo, it was so soft and cloying. Were your processor not in a haze, were you not overstimulated and in a weird… numb state, alarm bells would ringing loudly. Starscream being so soft and kind was… dangerous.
“Y-yes. Yes, Lord Starscream.”
And yet, you still agreed, enthusiastically. You wanted him to touch you again, to demean and degrade you, to treat you as less than a bug. To look at you with disdain from above, with his heel thrusters digging into the soft protoform flesh of your spike and to make you clean his heel thruster when you inevitably dirty it.
It was a one word beg, but it said everything. And you knew Starscream understood what you meant by it by his victorious smirk.
“Good, very good. My personal washracks are just over there. Clean up after yourself before you leave. Until next time… pet.”
With that, he turned away from you and swiftly walked out of his habsuite without sparing a glance your way, the only noise being your vents, the habsuite door closing and the click-clack noise of Starscream's heel thrusters. He left you on the floor in a wet spot, frame numb and processor slow. 
It was confusing and yet it made total sense. You think it did, anyways. 
Really, all you knew is that despite all of your overloads you really wanted your valve filled. Maybe, if you asked Starscream kindly enough, he might entertain indulging you. With that encouraging thought, you slowly got up from the floor and trudged over to the washracks he had graciously (and thankfully) allowed you to use.
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pixeleart · 2 years
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Miko gives the best love to big robots! (A drawing for @megadoomingir, obviously)
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If I had a nickel for every time Sideways tried to betray Starscream in a fanfic, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice, right?
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eagle-shadow · 1 month
Don't know much about Transformers lore
But Au were Starscream Soundwave and shockwave are left behind after Megatron switches sides
Starscream: Why don't we take a page out of his book!
Shockwave: Illogical
Soundwave: :⁠-⁠[
Starscream: We use the human's past struggles and we relate to their sympathy to give us sanctuary on a small uninhabited land we regain our strength and leave!
Shockwave: Illogical Humans can not understand what we have been through let alone our cause.
Soundwave: Shockwave's Data inconclusive. Humans once operated in cayst system. Humans fight one another for how they are created.
Shockwave:...Data inconclusive will study to reach a logical conclusion.
Just give me them learning about the humans and there history. Finding connections and being reminded of why they become Deceptions. Like Shockwave finding out about lobotomy and getting flash backs or something like glimpses of a life that once was of what he was trying to create. The three of them bonding returning to the roots of the movement. The three of them reaching out not to government leaders but to civil rights activists and posting things online about there lives about what they once wanted to achieve of how it all went wrong.
Megatron just watching on the sidelines seeing as his commanders move on and continue the dream he once had without him.
The humans unsure of what to do because on one hand they can understand because in their own history they've done some shit, on the other hand they don't know who to believe cause Optimus is neither denying nor confirming anything.
Everything has been posted to the Internet being shared and can't be taken down. Even Megatron's old speeches! The trio just want to go home even if home is no longer there they'll make do with whatever is left...also someone hacks into Ghost and shit hits the fan.
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