#spy x family part 2 spoilers
moontheoretist · 2 years
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 2 years
Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 67 Part 2... You have been warned...! 👌
Welp... I knew this chapter had to go one of two ways... And it did not disappoint...!! 😆
Okay, to start things off... We get introduced to these two SSS agents:
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Who I, weirdly enough, was suspicious of not being who they say are...! But as it went on, I just believed that they were, in fact, actual SSS agents...!! 😌
Especially after THIS:
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But then, one page later...:
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You got me again, Endo...!! 😌
Tatsuya Endo, you absolute mad man...!! 🤣
Anyway, these two panels were probably my favorite in this whole chapter:
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So, as the "SSS agents" (Fiona and Franky) start to take Director Gorey "away", and Twilight makes a plea to "save him"...!! 😖
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(D-Don't make it weird Fiona... 😑)
Director Gorey becomes greatful to Loid for saving him and believes that he's a good man now...!! 😆 And as for Franky and Fiona, well...:
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But before the chapter ended, we get a possible hint as to what the next chapter might have in store for us...: 🤔
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And that was Mission 67 Part 2!! 😄 Like I said here at the beginning and in my review for the first part of this chapter... I figured that either something bad was gonna happen or something funny was gonna happen...
This chapter was just so much fun!! 😄 Endo never fails to pull the rug from under my feet and to keep me guessing on what's gonna happen next!! 😁 But that's what I love about Spy X Family, it's so unpredictable...!! And I wouldn't have it any other way...!! 😊
As for the last panel with Anya, I definitely think this might be the setup for a possible Anya Arc, but like I said, Spy X Family is very unpredictable...!! 😅 So whatever comes next, you know that I'll most likely be surprised...!! 😄
Until the next Mission, I'll see you all then...!! 💗 BYE!! 👋😁
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kar-krashew · 1 year
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[ID: a gouache painting of yor from spy x family. her side faces the viewer as she looks to her side and smiles at them. the background is black and blends with her dress that is indicated by red shading. she is in her assassin outfit, holding one blade above her and another at her side, with both pointing towards the center. a red circle halos behind her face, with roses, leaves, and white stars around it /end ID]
yor more like. Wife material
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apparently-artless · 2 years
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weedle-testaburger · 7 months
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i can accept you being an assassin, but hating frogs? i can't live with anyone who hates frogs!
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princess-unipeg · 1 year
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Becky and Anya have fun shopping
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The Department Store’s mascot
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kissae · 2 years
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spy x family part 2 (op)
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makorragal-312 · 2 years
The new SxF OP/ED low-key slap...
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spyxfamilyanalysis · 2 years
Spoilers ahead for FACTS (5)!
The fact post will be divided into 2 parts as they are very loooong! So I'll be doing part 1 of (5) first, then part 2!
(Spoilers: Scientific explanation of the name "Twilight")
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yumeka-sxf · 2 months
Thoughts on Spy x Family CODE: White
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My thoughts on CODE: White will likely be different from most people since I knew pretty much the entire plot beforehand. I'm a spoiler fiend when it comes to my hyperfixations like SxF, so I read the novelization of the movie back in January and kept up on all the promotional videos and images that were released. But when it was finally time to see the movie for myself, did that ruin my enjoyment? Not at all. For me, it actually made me enjoy it more because 1) I knew what to expect so I wasn't disappointed, and 2) I found myself looking forward to seeing all the scenes I only read about or saw short clips of.
With that said, yes, I enjoyed the movie so much! If you're a Spy x Family fan, or even just a casual enjoyer of the series, it's a ton of fun. It has all the elements we love about the series: clever humor, sweet family moments, and spy action/drama. And because it's a movie, we get to see all of this with a movie animation budget instead of a TV series budget, which is another plus!
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One thing to keep in mind with these original, stand-alone anime films based on series is that they're meant for a more general crowd than just fans of the series. Since theaters attract a wider audience than late-night TV and online manga chapters, movies like this serve as a means to introduce the series to people who may only have a vague idea of what it's about. That's why these movies contain a storyline that can fit mostly anywhere in the series chronology and don't have anything canon-altering.
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CODE: White is an interesting mix of plots that, for the most part, blend together well. There's the main plot that continues throughout, which is saving Operation Strix by having Anya learn how to make the meremere for the cooking contest, but then there's the Yor jealousy plot B which is resolved in the first half, but is then replaced by the next "plot B" in the latter half of the movie, which is saving Anya from the military.
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A lot of people didn't like the "Yor gets jealous" subplot when it was first revealed before the movie even came out, since it seemed to be a rehash of her being jealous about Fiona. I personally didn't have a problem with this since I don't think it's unreasonable for her to get jealous a second time, especially when she thinks she sees Loid doing something extreme like kissing another woman (as opposed to just talking). But the way it was resolved could have been a bit better in my opinion. The ferris wheel scene in the movie very much mirrored the bar scene from the series, but the reason the latter is so effective is because we get to hear Loid's inner thoughts during it; we know he's going full Twilight-mode and isn't being sincere, and that's why Yor kicks him. But then at the park, he talks to her much more genuinely and they work things out. But in the ferris wheel scene, we don't get to hear his inner thoughts so we don't get any indication as to whether his repeating of the marriage vows, etc, is him being sincere or not. Then she smacks him, they insist they aren't fighting when Anya brings it up, and that's the end of it.
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I do like the fact that Anya reads their minds and seems happy with what she "hears" in their heads, but I still think the subplot would have felt more complete if it ended after Yor realized her mistake rather than have Loid do the ambiguous Romeo act again. Or it could have been brought up one more time later in the movie, for example, Yor apologizes for hitting him, he talks to her more sincerely, etc. If you're gonna rehash the bar scene, at least rehash the scene that brought it closure, which is the park bench scene. Again, I'm totally fine with the jealously subplot overall, just thought it could have been wrapped up a bit better.
Other than that, there were just a few little issues I had, like how was Anya able to afford what was probably an expensive liquor? (was she really packing that much dough in her little bag? She went straight from the bedroom out the window so it's not like she "borrowed" any money from Loid). Also seemed weird that she didn't pick up on Yor's infidelity worries until last minute. A few things stretched the line of believability a bit far too, like Loid's ability to make perfect masks so quickly, and Anya just happening to hit her head on the button that conveniently opened all the windows on the bridge. Also something here and there that didn't align with the manga, like Yor not having any reaction to sharing a room with Loid, whereas she has a totally different reaction to this in chapter 94. Maybe a bit more resolution for the fates of the villains too. I guess Luca and Dmitri survived the crash, but what about Snidel? Did Loid actually kill him or just knock him out? And if it's the latter, Snidel seems like the type who would want to get revenge. A quick cameo of what happened to them in the end would have been nice.
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Speaking of the villains, normally I wouldn't like the fact that they're pretty one-dimensional and not that interesting, but for a movie like this where most people just want to see the Forgers being themselves in fun and exciting scenarios, taking time away from that to make more developed villains who likely won't be seen again in the franchise, would have not been the best choice, lol.
But even though I had some criticisms of the movie, all of them are minor and not enough to overshadow everything else that was enjoyable about it. Besides all the humor, of which there was plenty, there were so many cute "awww" family moments that perhaps didn't lend anything to the plot, but were still important to establish the characters and their relationships, and thus make us care about what happens to them. Like the scene of Anya, Yor, and Bond playing at the hotel...it could have been skipped without anything seeming out of place, but it reveals so much about the characters without being blatant about it: how Yor wants to please Anya despite being a bit embarrassed at first to take part in her game, and then how Anya's eyes light up with happiness when Yor starts playing with her...for a series like SxF that's character-driven rather than plot-driven, scenes like this are so important and I'm glad the film creators realized this too!
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There were also so many cute, subtle scenes as well, like when Loid and Yor smile at each other after chiding Anya, as if they're happy to share this moment of exhausting yet satisfying parenting; when Anya reads Loid's mind after he saves her but doesn't reveal what he's actually thinking yet we can imagine what it is based on her expression; Loid showing feelings of comradery with the restaurant owner because their pasts are so similar; Anya quietly and sadly hugging Bond in the bedroom; and in the ferris wheel after Yor feels so embarrassed about misunderstanding what happened with Loid and the woman but then can't help but smile with motherly love when she sees Anya waving at her...the movie is filled with moments like this that are like little love letters to fans who know the true heart of SxF isn't so much the action and spy drama as it is the family relationships.
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And of course, as I mentioned before, the animation of the movie is fantastic! Not just the action scenes, which are great by the way, especially Yor's fight with Type F, but the character expressions as well. Anya's always had the most varied and hilarious faces of all the characters, but the movie goes even harder with her expressions, especially when she has to hold in her stool! Her faces were making me both cringe and laugh at the same time! The animators did such a good job making me feel sorry for her but also laugh at her.
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I'm not a fan of potty humor, but I was confident SxF would make it funny, and I was right! The poop god sequence in particular was as equally cringe as it was hilarious!
To conclude, CODE: White is a must-see for anyone who likes or loves Spy x Family. I can't say it's a cinematic masterpiece or anything, but for what it's supposed to be - a fun and enjoyable film for those who like the series, it definitely delivers! Can't wait to see it at least two more times during its showing in the US...and more times in the future!
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animaymay · 3 months
SxF 96 Analysis: Some Small Details About the Reveal
Ok, hear me out. I haven't even read the manga for Spy x Family (yet); I've only watched seasons 1 and 2 of the anime, but I've somehow stumbled upon spoilers for the last two chapters (ch. 95 and ch. 96), and other small bits here and there.
And since I am not totally caught up on the story, I hesitate to call this a proper analysis since I'm mostly going off of what I know from the anime at this point. But!
I've been following the chatter and excitement following chapter 96 and I just wanted to throw this quick analysis out there, since I haven't seen some of these details mentioned yet.
So, I'm going to focus on this particular moment, just for what it is. Down the line, after catching up and having all of the character and story details, I might revisit this scene again with additional insight.
Of course, I'm sure we've all seen this panel at this point.
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At first glance, this panel is beautifully drawn. You can tell that it was drawn with a lot of care and attention to detail. Typically, such manga panels are used to emphasize the fact that this is an important moment for these characters and/or the story.
There are even bits of confetti(?) flying around them, reminiscent of cherry blossom petals; this is another known technique used in manga to indicate the emotional importance of a scene for the characters featured.
That all feels pretty obvious, I'm sure. But I also wanted to point out other small details given here, which could potentially add another layer to this scene for folks.
I've seen a lot of discussion around how Anya's admission here is a big deal (and it is). But I haven't seen anyone mention the small detail here that she whispers, "I can read people's minds."
I believe that is also why we see that speech bubble transparently -- to visually show us the softness of her voice in that moment (in addition to representing Anya's willingness to be transparent about herself).
However, let's consider the conversation up until this moment. Right before, Damian had jokingly asked her, "How did you know about my dog and the pond, anyway? What, did you read my mind or something?!"
Of course, he was not expecting Anya to say, "Yes". But it's not the fact that Anya said, "Yes" that makes this scene impactful. Anya could have easily said the exact same words, at normal volume, with a smirk on her face, and nobody would think twice about it. Damian would have immediately understood that she was teasing him. And anyone overhearing their conversation would have thought the exact same thing.
But that isn't what happened. Because Anya was serious in that moment. With a genuine expression on her face, she says, "Yes" and then she whispers her secret to him.
And that is what shocks Damian. That is what causes him to freeze.
In that moment, he's able to sense her sincerity and hear the truth in her words.
His gut reaction is to believe her, whether it's because it's Anya or because of how she said it. It isn't until he has a second to think and his brain kicks into gear that he starts to notice the disparity between what he knows to be true and what Anya is telling him. In a split second, he questions this, and then ultimately rejects the notion that she could be telling the truth.
The obvious answer would be that what she's told him does not line up with what he knows to be true of reality. The rational and logical part of his brain overrides his heart and his gut, ultimately recognizing this disparity and forcing him to reject Anya's claims.
However, they are at a young enough age that it wouldn't be uncommon to easily believe in "impossible" things like magic or superpowers. So, there's also a chance that it goes a bit deeper than this.
Perhaps this sudden display of sincerity and truth from Anya didn't line up with her typical behavior with him. He's not used to seeing that side of her, and as a result, his mind resorts to him thinking that she's lying to him. He thinks that she's just teasing him. Not only because that's what he expects from her, but also because the only other alternative would be for him to admit that they've just shared a true moment of openness and transparency between them.
Anya's whisper implies, "this is only for you to know." As a defense mechanism, Damian's brain decided that it was more likely that Anya was teasing him than it was that she was being vulnerable with him in that way.
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Another detail from this moment stems from the fact that this reveal takes place while they are dancing together. Partner dancing is an activity that requires cooperation and teamwork. At first, we see Damian and Anya struggle with getting the hang of it, but eventually they start working together.
That, in itself, seems to be a fairly good representation of their relationship with each other. However, even more so, it follows the flow of their conversation in this moment. It isn't until they start cooperating that they start to open up to one another.
And the pinnacle of the conversation -- the reveal -- happens at the exact moment when Damian dips her. Not only does this make for a picturesque panel, but it is also a symbolic visual of what's happening.
Dipping your dance partner inherently requires a level of trust. The person being dipped has to literally put themselves in their partner's hands. Depending on the dip, they are giving up varying levels of control and safety over to their partner. They have to trust that their partner won't drop them, or bring them too close to the floor; they have to give up their balance and trust that their partner can hold the weight that they're giving up. And their partner takes on the responsibility and burden of that person's trust (as well as trusting that the person that they're dipping does not throw themselves around carelessly).
And here, in this scene, despite the bickering we see Anya and Damian do, we see that there is at least that small amount of trust between them. Anya trusts Damian to dip her, and Damian trusts Anya to be dipped.
But underneath the surface level, the fact that Anya whispers her secret to Damian while he's dipping her reinforces the idea that she trusts him with that knowledge. In that moment, she gave up some of her own control and safety, and placed it in Damian's hands. Only his. Her whisper implies, "this is only for you to know." And he's been given the responsibility and burden of deciding whether to hold it, or drop it.
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moontheoretist · 2 years
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I feel bad for Anya-chan.
Mind-reading this obsession must have been traumatic.
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teatreeoilll · 5 months
𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐨𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐥'𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
You can call me Ri ⟡ please be nice ⟡ please MDNI with everything tagged as such ⟡ you can ask to be tagged in anything ⟡ please only follow if 18 + ⟡ DMs open ⟡ I tag spoilers as (show name) spoilers ⟡ I take fic reqs based on personal preferences, but I'll answer and let you know anyway ⟡ Fanfic requests: closed
𝐉𝐮𝐣𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐮 𝐊𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐧 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭:
Gojo Satoru X Reader - Crush | Selfish | Blind | Temptation | Nuisance | Sundown | Missions | Movie Night | Give it Back | Kiss (drabble) | Hollow (Part I) | Goodbye Kiss (drabble) | That's the Spot (MDNI) | Quickie (MDNI) | Childhood (drabble) | Friendly (MDNI) Geto Suguru X Reader - Flustered | ChildhoodFriend!Geto drabble | Say the Words (drabble) | Watch (drabble) (MDNI) | To Err Is Divine (MDNI) | Friendly (MDNI) Yuji Itadori X Reader - Laundry | Tutoring Yuji (drabble) | Happy Birthday! | the Day After (drabble) | Drummer Boy (drabble)| Habits (drabble) Toji Fushiguro X Reader - Pot Luck (MDNI) Choso Kamo X Reader - Good Boy (MDNI) Ryomen Sukuna X Reader - Roommate!Sukuna drabble | Retribution (MDNI!) | ChildhoodFriend!Sukuna (Heian-era) | Roommate!Sukuna drabble (2) | ChildhoodFriend!Sukuna part 2 | Rommate!sukuna drabble (3)
Megumi Fushiguro X Reader - ViolinProdigy!Megumi (drabble) Yuta Okkotsu X Reader - Touch (drabble) Higuruma Hiromi - And Then You Didn't (MDNI) | Neighborly Dispute (MDNI) | Objection (MDNI)
𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐨𝐮 𝐧𝐨 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭:
Sein X Reader - Tender
Currently fixated on writing for JJK, but I do watch and might write for other animes; 𝐀𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭 - (or, the latest fixations I might write for) - Attack on Titan, Tokyo Revengers, Spy X Family, The Apothecary Diaries, Durarara, Bungou Stray Dogs, Chainsaw Man, Jigokuraku, Vinland Saga, Oshi no Ko, Sousou no Frieren, Blue Lock
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apparently-artless · 2 years
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That's my boy... (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡
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weedle-testaburger · 7 months
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princess-unipeg · 1 year
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Anya tries on neat outfits
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