psychterminal · 9 months
BALTHVS - Third Vibration (Full Album 2023)
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"Hold that thought"
Let me gather them first please, they're slipping through my hands like soup.
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alleyjeandesigner · 2 years
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Bringing visions to life for brilliant women across the globe! If you’re looking for an exclusive experience for something special you’re envisioning, I’d love to meet and talk with you about it. ​ Here is a testimonial today from my client LeisaQ from Australia. ​ “​A huge thank you to my beautiful friend and designer Alley Jean for Connected to Soul's new logo. Alley Jean also created the LeisaQ logo and has once again captured with perfection the essence of who I am and what I want my brand to represent. The butterfly was hand crafted by Alley so I know, it, like me, will always be one of a kind. If you are looking for a creative who will listen to your vision, your thoughts, inspirations, take all your changes of mind along the way into consideration with grace and create a logo and brand that is uniquely yours, than you can't go past having a chat with Alley Jean. Can't wait to see what she come up with for the next phase of Connected to Soul's emergence as a business changing lives around the world. To get in touch with Alley Jean, email her at [email protected] Love and Gratitude Leisa xoxo #logodesigner #butterflyart #spul #spiritualbranding #alternativehealth #healing #connection #graphicdesigner #brandstrategist #webdeveloper #handmadelogo #customlogo #brandimage #womenempoweringwomen #feminineenergy #femalebranding #entrepreneur https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf9jPklpt28/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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justn0t · 1 month
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tweaked the design a lil
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bridgyrose · 10 months
Something it feels like a lot of people miss in RWBY is how often the villains are pushed into their roles by others or society.
Salem was forced into the role of villain by the gods, punished with immortality after trying to get Ozma back, then pushed deeper when she tried to fight back, lost everything, and wanted to try to end her curse on her own terms. Now with the God of Light using Ozma as his tool, Salem keeps getting pressed deeper into her role becoming the villain everyone wants her to be.
Cinder was abused by the orphanage and the madam, only ever catching a break with Rhodes until she saw no other way to save herself than fighting back against the madam. Rhodes pushed her into the role of villain by treating her like one and forcing her to fight again.
Hazel was used because of his grief of his sister's passing. We dont know much, but it can be inferred that Gretchen died while as a student in Beacon since she died in a training mission, but Hazel was pushed to find Salem. After meeting her and trying to kill her, his grief and anger was pointed towards Ozpin, turning him into a weapon for Salem.
Tyrian's a serial killer and seems to be the odd one out at the moment.
Watts gave into his jealousy after Pietro's project was chosen. From the sound of it, Ironwood never fully appreciated everything he did for Atlas, but that's all speculation and possible unreliable narrator.
Emerald was a street kid living on her own. She fell into Cinder and walked the line of villain because it gave her a place to belong until she found something more.
Mercury was abused by his father and trained as a killer. He sees no other purpose for himself and gladly lives that lie for now.
Neo was neglected and abused by her family, initially turning to shoplifting as a way to get attention, only to find herself getting deeper into crime after meeting Roman. She found someone who understood her and cared about her in him, so it wasn't a hard choice.
Adam was branded by SDC workers and gave into his anger when the White Fang wasn't getting the results he wanted. He treaded a slippery slope of wanting to help and defend the White Fang, eventually getting pushed to want humanity to fear faunus and serve them like the faunus did humans.
Ironwood gave into his paranoia and anxiety, isolating himself more and more as things went wrong. Noble goals were pursued in the worst of ways, bringing his fleet as security for the Vytal Festival, closing kingdom borders to help ease tensions of war between kingdoms, redirecting supplies from Mantle's wall repair to Amity, every act playing right into Salem's hands until he was pushed to do things his way to stop Salem and save Atlas, isolating himself further until he sank with his kingdom.
Every single one of them have been pushed into their roles because none of them had the support they needed to do better. For some, like Ironwood, Adam, and Watts, that was on them for giving into their feelings, blinding them to what was going on around them. Salem, Cinder, Mercury, and Tyrian haven't had much of a choice, pushed into being villains by their actions and by others. Emerald, Hazel, and Neo never had the support they needed to tread a different path, and once they did, that support led them down the path of villains.
Villains aren't born, they're created. Pushed down a path to follow as the easy way out because no other doors open to them. Which will make it all that more interesting to see how the remaining, living villains will be dealt with. Will they be given a hand and support needed to change? Or proven right that all they are are villains with no hope of change?
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trans-ruffboi · 9 months
I know logically that Anders was probably just scratching his chest at the beginning of Justice (the quest) as a basic nervousness animation, but I would like to insert my headcanon that touching his heart where Justice saved his life from a templar sword is a comforting gesture towards himself and Justice for lying that he wants to get rid of his protector and supporter and other half of his soul, so I shall.
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naomiknight-17 · 9 months
Me: Hi jobsite I am a disabled woman looking for a receptionist or administrative job in the medical field, preferably without much physical exertion required. Because I am disabled
Job site: Oh ho ho I have some jobs for you! Here
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Me: Okay well. That first one is insurance sales. That has nothing to do with what I asked for, and i don't have the required license. And the prep cook job is impossible for me because of my mobility issues. And the last one -
Me: The fucking Salvation Army?? The ones who leave queer people like me to die in the cold because we're an affront to God!??! Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME
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hattiestgal · 6 months
Critter eats souls, right? That can't be... good for the people those souls belonged to, right?
Oh, Critter pretty much never eats the souls of those still living. That's just outright wasteful.
Demons and the other denizens of the underworld play an important role in the end of a souls lifespan. A soul can not reconnect with a body after being removed without far too much work, and before the demons were created, all those souls were just kinda floating around without conclusion. Now they have somewhere to go, and a final use to have
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oldtreeinanalley · 2 months
my classmates can be so annoying sometimes. "there's nothing to do in cyprus!!" yeah thats because you live in the city equivalent of a fucking queue
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ah0yh0y · 6 months
God the middle bit of Keep Your Friends Closer is so pretty
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lepetitfruit · 6 months
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doodle17 · 11 months
Games I would give anything to experience for the first time again
Ocarina of Time and Bendy and the Dark Revival.
Ocarina of time was my first Zelda game that belonged to me and I got to finish all on my own. It was such a fun experience, and it was the thing that finally nudged me into the zelda series. I can definitely see why it was revolutionary to the franchise. It's so good! And I know, everyone says Botw is probably the best zelda game to date now, and they're probably right. But Oot with forever be the best in my heart!
Now, Batdr... BATDR. OH BOY this game was the BEST game of 2022 for me. And I'll say it again, it was 100% worth the wait! The Bendy franchise has and always will hold a very dear place in my heart... And after going through all the "controversy" and negative talk about the game and the series. The game finally coming out and being actually good was kind of like a middle finger to all the negative Nellies haha! But man... Just watching the opening cutscene... when Audrey is plunged into the ink, and then out of the darkness, the title we've been waiting for, is revealed. UGH LITERAL CHILLS EVERYTIME. To say I fangirled the whole time would be an understatement lol. And yes. The end credits made me cry
Both are such fantastic games and I will always adore them forever and always ❤️
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olgalenski · 10 months
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"Sie können das, hm? Einfach abschalten?" "Ja, sonst werd ich irgendwann bekloppt" Liebeswahn (2014)
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allhaillordcthulhu · 1 year
I found Neil ellice’s instagram and I’m struggling
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hndellaaeartz · 1 year
Wgeghat the fuck
Tumblr just lined up my pfp and banner
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froqgy · 2 years
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