#spoilers for the vault
ladyramora · 2 years
Ger and Haurchefant and the WoL. Also lots of pretty pictures of Ram and headcanon lists/little fics about the elf husbands. I can't pick out what came first because I binged all of your work so hard that first day. It took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out Ger was not in fact an NPC and that's why I couldn't find her chilling around Camp Dragonhead.
I love a good blog binge! Asdfghjkl...! I cannot put into words how it tickles and delights me that people think Ger is an NPC. I did give her a long, Ishgardian-esque name. Though, really, I picked Germanotta because that is Lady Gaga's last name and Ger has that Poker Face. And then I just shorten it to Ger because it's easier to write and cuter, lol.
If Ger had a spot in Camp Dragonhead, it would either be by Haurchefant's desk (pre-Vault), or inside Fortemps Manor (Post Vault). Potentially, she could become a Scion like Estinien, and do her best to aid and protect WoL in her lord's stead.
Your blog is very relatable. I could reblog all the things lol
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the-irreverend · 2 months
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This scene demonstrates why I love how Vault-Tec is written as an evil corporation. It's not the usual mustache-twirling, over-the-top villainy you see in other media. It's quiet, subtle, and very realistic, which only serves to make Vault-Tec that much more terrifying.
When Cooper finishes describing how Vault-Tec was responsible for the deaths of countless people, the executive here does two things: a) he makes their deaths about himself (ALL WHILE NOT EVEN ACKNOWLEDGING THEM!), and b) he makes it about "Product Management."
It really emphasizes the theme that corporations like Vault-Tec and the suits who run them at Vault-Tec only care about the company and its products and NOT the people who use them (or are being used by them).
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copdog1234 · 2 months
This is exactly what I want from a Fallout TV show. Pathetic Brotherhood of Steel characters, a Vault Dweller who kicks ass, a hot ghoul, dubious corporations, and the hint of more New Vegas.
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technoturian · 2 months
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n0ahsferatu · 3 months
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I read the wonderful Gideon The Ninth a few months ago (thank you to the most excellent @friendamedes for the rec <3) and tried my hand at drawing all the necromancers as a character design exercise! it was a lot of fun :)
1 like = 1 kick to my ass so that I can be bullied into finally reading the rest of the series (i really want to! i just have a hard time focusing on books!)
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silusvesuius · 29 days
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proxy 𝓛𝓞𝓥𝓔
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Need to see Lucy seeing blatant mutant discrimination in s2 and losing her fucking shit over it because Golden Rule Motherfucker
She'd be confronted with ghoul prejudice and have None of it. The fuck you mean Cooper isn't allowed in your bar? The fuck he isn't. Fucking smoothskins
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Obsessed with the use of the sunset in this scene. In fairytales the stories end with our heroes living happily ever after and riding out into the sunset. I think the sunset here plays on that theme, both Lucy and Maximus have reached the goals they had at the start of the show: Lucy found her father and in a few scenes Maximus is about to become a knight of the brotherhood yet their original goals are the opposite of what they wanted. The images of rubble and destruction in front of the sunset reflect the broken state of our protagonist’s hopes and dreams and the destruction being lit by an idealistic symbol of a sunset shows how the dreams that our protagonists had were built on lies and reveals the corruption behind what they thought was everything. And yet within all that destruction they’ve found each other, two sides of the same coin. It’s just so cool I love fallout
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chlothequeen · 9 months
I think between Ooo Finn mourning Jake literally until the day he died and Farm World Finn constantly adding to the last soup his wife made that he has some very unhealthy tendencies maybe
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braxiatel · 6 months
Defiance. That is the sum of every victory in the life game.
From Grian who swore his life to the very same man he killed to win.
From Scott who did not give into the boogey curse and won to avenge his ally in a game about betrayal.
From Pearl who refused the soulmate that was given to her, refused allies in a game where the rules of the world demand you have one.
From Martyn who chose to win even if it meant sacrificing his honour.
To Scar, appointed villain by the universe, who kept trying to make friends. Who was finally given free rein to form alliances and bonds, only to play every group against each other. Who found an ally willing to die for him in the end, only to turn on her the second there was no one but the two of them left.
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ratpyramid · 5 months
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the-irreverend · 1 month
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THIS is the scariest scene in the entire show (yes even more than the goddam lab scene from episode 6).
He's not bluffing when he says that he loved Rose, and that's what makes his actions that much more despicable. He is capable of loving and caring for others, yet he demonstrates that he is more than willing to suppress it if it means protecting the interests of the corporation he works for.
What do you think is more terrifying? A person with no compassion or empathy, or a person who IS capable of those things BUT CAN TURN IT OFF AT A MOMENT'S NOTICE?!
I can't imagine how Lucy felt hearing him say that he no longer considered Rose to be part of the family (or even as a person) just because she posed a possible threat to Vault-Tec's plans for total control.
And that's what ultimately separates him from Barb Howard:
Barb wanted to use her position at Vault-Tec to help her family.
Hank wanted to use his family to help his position at Vault-Tec.
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mochasucculent · 8 months
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Yet another Owl House drawing I never finished (of which there are many lol)
It was a dual redraw of/homage to my first ever fanart from the day the pilot episode aired (below the cut), but this time done right after the show ended and with Eda's updated look! Though I lost steam fast I kinda like it this way lol, one of those things that probably would have lost its energy if I tried to line it yknow
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neuroticreno · 1 month
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the promotional shorts they're releasing for the show are driving me insane
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kirkhammr · 8 months
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i love u...scary guys
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"I'm in your walls"
The Bad Batch s1x01
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The Bad Batch s3x14
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