#sorry lichen
firelightfoxes · 1 year
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bat? lemur? fox? who knows
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whilomm · 2 months
i like to think that the tentacles in dungeon meshi are kinda like mushrooms or perhaps even lichens in that they are very confusing to identifty and have 200 completely different species that look very similar ("delicious brown tentacle vs BROWN DEATH TENDRIL") and you need to be an Expert to determine the difference between some of the more confusing species and some of them have like 300 different sexes and some of them are actually composite creatures composed of several different species and somehow yeast is involved and also no one really knows half of whats going on with them and in like 50 years someones gonna figure out that uhm actually these are two completely different types of tentacle creatures that arent related like at All they jusf happen to look similar and oh btw that one common house mold is actually a tentacle
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korrasamibottles · 3 months
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And with your help we can make it 60-80%
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lichens-art · 2 months
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Woe, doodle sheet be upon ye!
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ROUND 2: PEEPY (prison) VS ROBIN HOOD (robin hood)
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alhavaradawnstar · 4 months
btw ive decided that hanging moss is actually a type of lichen and because it grows in caves falmer weave with it. heres some very yarnlike lichen i found
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alexanderpearce · 1 month
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mt. field national park 29.04.24
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lichenaday · 1 year
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Calogaya saxicola
Rock jewel lichen
I was raised in a culture that lived and breathed toxic positivity. You weren't allowed to suffer without acknowledging how grateful you were it wasn't worse, how much you were growing from the experience, how blessed you were in other ways--and that was the suffering. The blessing had to be constantly expounded upon. To rebel against that culture, I surrounded myself in cynicism. I was critical and judgmental and pessimistic. And part of that was mental illness, but a part of me also clung to it because it felt like some enlightened superiority to the people I grew up around. But it wasn't. I was just making myself fucking miserable. And so slowly, slowly, slowly, I gave myself permission to enjoy things again--uncritically, unironically, and without the need to quantify or justify or worship. When I see C. saxicola, I get that feeling. I feel grateful to just be and exist in a world covered in tiny, beautiful, magnificent, magical things. And I don't need to justify it or question it or proclaim it (though I am proclaiming it, to you now. You can take the girl out of the church but you can't take the church out of the girl), I can just sit with it and enjoy a bit of child-like wonder. And that's why I love lichens--they allow me to fall in love with the world over and over and over again.
images: source | source | source | source
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😭Tumblr finally let me post images. It's been a literal week. Why is tumblr so cruel to me
Secret Santa gift for @the-troll-of-the-bridge 's dilf <3
Reblogs > Likes
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lichenstone · 5 months
ok it took me a min to get around to this because of moving and getting sick and whatever. Anyway I might be doing more of these because one (1) person asked me to (@icedcancer thanks for enabling me) Anyway
I'm gonna talk about Usopp now because I love him and his character growth is 🤌, and I'm probably going to talk about Nami next because they have some similarities I want to touch on. (Once again spoilers for a series 2+ decades old)
Usopp as a character is very interesting to me. He's a bit (a lot) of a coward despite his lofty ambitions, and he lies and makes up stories about his grand exploits to compensate. Very easy comedic relief material right there. This is established in his introductory arc, while at the same time kind of subverted in a way that adds more depth to his character. Instead of just being pure comedic relief with no other abilities or qualites that contribute to the story, action, or character relationships, Usopp is actually a pretty damn talented guy.
Just from the first saga of the series (East Blue), Usopp is shown through various means to be not only a storyteller but also an excellent sniper, gardener, artist, and inventor. In later arcs he's shown to be a steadfast friend, even when it'd be easier for him to just cut his losses and run. This happens most notably pre-timeskip in Little Garden, Alabasta, Skypeia, and Water 7/Enies Lobby. He's a relatively level-headed dude when faced with obstacles and is a fairly logical person, at least until things get dangerous. He's also a very proud and simultaneously deeply insecure person, which can end up causing problems for himself and sometimes his crew, often digging himself into holes he can't easily escape from with his posturing. This is most notably seen in Water 7, when he challenges (and very nearly beats, I will die on this hill) Luffy to a fight for the Merry and temporarily leaves the crew because of it.
All of these traits are also relevant to Usopp's dream: to become a brave warrior of the sea. Unlike most of the other Strawhats' goals, this one is fairly nebulous and speaks to more of a personal journey than a specific endpoint. This is kind of acknowledged from the get-go with Usopp aware of his own cowardice and need for growth before his dream can become a reality. He's not very confident in himself, despite his skill, and this comes to a head during Water 7 when he begins to outwardly think of himself as a burden to his friends. He feels stifled by his own need for help and lack of physical strength; which coupled with the stress of having to let go of the Merry leads to his leaving the crew. It's obvious during Water 7 that Usopp sees the end of their time with the Merry because she can no longer safely operate as analogous to a potential future for his own place in the crew. He is worried that the gap between his ability and the rest of the crew will widen to a point that Usopp will be seen as an active hindrance and need to be left behind. He works through a lot of this with Franky and a bit with Robin at the end of Water 7 moving in to Ennies Lobby, but it was still important to see because it sets the tone for his later characterization and growth.
There's a consistent theme to Usopp's character that contributes to a lot of his motivations that I actually see in common with the Green Lanterns from the DC universe. That is: the opposite of fear is bravery yes, but bravery is not the absence of fear. Bravery comes from the willpower to be afraid and keep going anyway. Usopp is a coward, but he's also one of the bravest characters in the show because he keeps doing things scared. Fighting Arlong's crew, helping Vivi save Alabasta, standing up to Enel on his own damn turf, infiltrating a marine base, leaving his crew for the sake of his pride and dedication, declaring war on the World Government, he does it all terrified but he still does it. After Water 7 and his discussion with Franky, Usopp resolves to not only trust more in his friends and their loyalty to him, but also to become more of a person that they can rely on. He isn't as worried about being left behind but he still wants to be able to support his friends, and I think that's beautiful.
I'm really excited to see more of Usopp's journey and his character bc I love it so much. :,)
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frightful. ghastly, in fact.
[id: Lichen, the gargoyle gecko, fired down to a pale mottled colour while dangling off Star’s hand]
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lichensings · 16 days
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bugintheruins · 9 months
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@sin-against-god ONE LARGE CRUSTACEAN
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sonlikesleep · 3 months
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Went lichen hunting the other day :)
I really need to have a go at it with a proper macro lens, but I also don't have anything with enough magnification that would beat me just taking a photo through my pocket microscope (the round ones, it x30 magnification)
Haven't gotten around to ID them yet
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firelightfoxes · 11 months
a verbal celebration of Lichen now that she’s a year old!
we've come such a long way in the 10 months i've had her <3
i remember seeing Cinka (her mom) trot around right on her breeder’s heels like her little shadow and wanting that so badly, just my little black fox familiar that loves me and always wants to be with me. i got EXACTLY that. i love her so much. if i go anywhere with doors open she's always nearby. if i go wash my hands she puts her paws up on the sink to investigate what i'm doing. she's just so cute and happee and is like, the opposite of those storm clouds that follow ppl around in cartoons. just a little bundle of happiness always by me
she's super good around the house, i would definitely consider her housebroken since she only has accidents when she's sick which is like, fair. she never chews or gets into anything. since she was itty bitty i've been super impressed by her ability to differentiate between Things For Puppy and Things Not For Puppy.
she LOOOVES toys. i can't even express how happy it made me to finish her little birthday photo sesh and then for her to go absolutely wild on the toys. she was so excited to play with them and was just so happy. that's another big reason i wanted a Cinka puppy is because i really wanted a dog who always wanted to play and Cinka is just like her in that regard. if i need to mentally decompress i can go sit on the floor and play tug with her and not think about anything and she's just wonderful.
she really likes water, likes playing with a hose, likes swimming, and doesn't mind baths. i am so eternally relieved to FINALLY have a dog who wants to do water things with me. living in South Texas you're pretty limited on things you can do during the summer with your dog unless it's on some sort of water because they'll just overheat so fast and it meant that i basically did nothing when it was hot outside (WHICH IS OFTEN) because Ava hates water (but she's perfect so it's okay).
she's also REALLY quiet for her breed which is very awesome, i definitely took a big risk getting a notoriously loud breed when dogs barking is one of the worst sounds to me. but she really only barks when it makes sense or when she's super duper hyped and Ava won't play with her lol. she's learned that there are lots of noises she can make that are acceptable and will use those rather than barking which is the best bc it's cute, we can communicate and it doesn't blast my ears off.
she has great drive, loves to work, has amazing focus on me and is already making progress in agility which i am SO stoked about. i was so heartbroken when Ava’s agility career had to be suddenly ended after her diagnosis because i just love the sport so much. so i’m really glad to have a little dog who loves it as much as i do. 
she also has an incredible off switch! i’m a huge gamer and really need my gaming sessions to decompress and it would be really difficult if she was super pushy when i’m trying to chill. she’s really good at reading the room and knowing when to be all up in my space vs relaxing with a toy or napping. she also LOVES her crate and has no issue being crated for durations if we have to go somewhere during the day or whatever. she doesn’t bark or whine when she’s in her crate either which is very good as i live in an apartment. 
she’s also really in-tune with me emotionally and will come be sweet with me if i’m sad or anxious. Ava does this too, and i literally CAN’T continue to be sad when i have 2 melty goobers all over me. it’s great. 
and she’s incredibly vibrant with a very silly personality. wiggly, wormy, likes to roll around sometimes, puts her toys in funny places, stands up like a human child on the reg, and more i can’t think of right now. everyone who meets her is just charmed by her and finds her delightful and silly.
AND SHE’S REALLY PRETTY. i loooove her face and her expression and structure wise i think she’s pretty decent although i’m sure i’m biased so we’ll see what the judges tell us next month. i’m really happy with how she’s matured physically, i think she has a nice blend of good traits from her mom and dad. i was so happy when she grew into her ears bc i love her mom’s little fox ears. 
ok i’m sure there’s still stuff i’m missing but this took a lot of brain power to write so i think i’m done. i’m just like - I DID IT. i raised a puppy. to 1 year. i didn’t die, we didn’t explode or anything and i have a really lovely, amazing dog at my side now, thanks to the last 10 months of fun, stress and hair tearing and existential crises and 5 million puppy problems and 10 million Shiloh solutions. (the joke is that they grow out of like half of their problems just by aging). anyway i love you if you read this far and i just really love my little Lichen. <3
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mossappreciator · 2 years
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Very soft! 19.4.22 Southern Finland.
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