#sorry im about to vent pretty heavily in the tags so
stinkrascal · 2 years
if you guys are going to donate, i highly encourage you look up the states with trigger laws and donate to those states specifically as they’re going to be the first to ban abortion. typically these states are also some of the poorest deep-red states in america, so they’re going to need your support now more than ever
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missmastectomy · 13 days
I'm detrans (female) but still struggle heavily with dysphoria and can't seem to pin the cause on anything besides the fact that my body just feels wrong
I haven't done any surgeries or went on hormones or anything, but still wonder if it's wrong to want these things even if I don't identify as male anymore. Idk it's all confusing rn (sorry if this was too much of a vent)
There’s nothing wrong about dysphoria or wanting to be the opposite sex. In fact, I think it’s a pretty natural reaction to external pressures. You’re not bad for still having dysphoric feelings or indulging in it. When I say “indulge” I mean things like daydream about some alternative reality where you were born male, things like that. I used to do that and occasionally the thought will pop into my head. Ime the best way to deal with it is to say to yourself that you cannot be biologically male, so in the long run it hurts you too agonize over this. I’m sure you know this, but there truly is nothing wrong with your body. But I know that’s cold comfort.
The only way to deal with the dysphoria without a medical transition (which is often a band aid solution anyway) is to dig into what causes it. This can be an extremely painful process and it can take years. Healing is slow going but you will see results by taking small steps. You might have already looked through it, but I have had some asks that are basically this exact issue. I respond more in depth in those, so take a look at my “mail” tag and “detrans” tag for tips on dealing with GD.
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same-side · 5 years
I just finished DBH and Im seriously so in love with it! But when I came on Tumblr, all I could find is all this content around Gavin, and Im just so confused, because he seemed like such a jerk in the game. Why are people so into Gavin? Did I miss something?
Hi there!
First off, allow me to welcome you to the fandom!
In regards to Gavin: you literally did not miss anything; he is absolutely a one dimensional jerk in game!
Its important we make a distinction here between fanon Gavin and canon Gavin. You’ll find the fandom is incredibly divided - a lot of people adore him, a lot of people hate him. The reason for disliking him is understandable, of course - there’s a slew of incredible and well rounded characters in dbh (North, Luther, Kara…) that are swept under the rug in favour of a veritable avalanche of content for rat man reed. He has 14 minutes of screen time in which literally all he does is antagonize and threaten the player. But people have to understand, when someone says they love Gavin, they mean fanon Gavin. I don’t think theres a single person that is actually a canon Gavin stan. 
Keeping that in mind, you also have to take into account the drop off - at this point, the only people still left/creating content in the fandom are generally the ones that are balls deep and clinging to the headcanons, au’s, etc. that they’ve built with friends. This applies heavily to Gavin for reasons discussed below. Additionally, the algorithms for sites like tumblr and instagram won’t recommend old posts; old posts don’t show up in tags. Artists with a lot of clout that have since moved on from the fandom’s work have basically disappeared into the void (rebelflet, for example). So it may seem like there’s only content of Gavin / Gavin ships, but in reality there’s a ton of jericrew and Kara crew out there from when the fandom was still new / bigger - you just have to know where to look.
So… why do people like Gavin… I mean, it helps that canonically he has beefy tiddies, a cool bad boy jacket, and a pretty face at certain angles.
That being said, I think one of the biggest reasons Gavin (and RK900, by extension) are so popular is that they aren’t well rounded, fleshed out characters. Because we don’t really know anything about them and they have minimal screen time, they’re easy to project on or to add onto, and no one can tell you that you’re wrong because there’s no evidence against it. It’s almost like a universally shared OC that the fandom has developed together. Since they have no canon backstory, and in rk900’s case, no canon personality, it allows for a lot of creative freedom and the ability to explore character interactions, foils, and growth within the dbh universe. The growth aspect, I think, in conjunction with the projection aspect, is key point for the popularity. It tends to be fairly formulaic. Take the canonical asshole Gavin, stick him with an android - whether its RK900 as his partner or Connor as a coworker. Have him come to care for the RK model, and deal with his own insecurities (and usually a traumatic past, the flavor of which might depend on the creator’s own life struggles). Repent, redeem, grow. This redemption arc is the same exact vein of growth and change that makes Hank and Connor such an appealing partnership for players as well - only, in Gavin’s case, it allows for complete freedom in how to get from point a to point b. People like a character they can relate to - and when you can smack your own possible trauma (being an illegitimate child, having an abusive lover, abusive parents, abandonment fears, body insecurity, whatever it may be) on a character because they’re a blank slate, you relate to them and vent through them. Even little “silly” projections or projections that aren’t necessarily traumatic can make someone love a character even more - for example, “Gavin loves Hello Kitty,” “Gavin can’t handle spicy food,” “Gavin is Latino.” Even when the creator isn’t projecting, adding these kinds of headcanons make him a fleshed out, three dimensional character that people can relate to or empathize with, especially when giving his actions an explanation besides just fear of losing his job.
I came into the dbh fandom a little late; by the time I knew what it was, the hype had died down and reed900 was already a firmly cemented, heavily present part of the content. Given that, I’m not sure what its exact origins were, or if it seemingly popped up overnight. It could have been crack. My best guess is that people saw the positive change between Hank and Connor, and thought, “Hey, wouldn’t it be rad if we stuck the other Connor with the other dysfunctional DPD bastard?” . I admit, it makes a nice parallel, which may be part of the appeal in additional to the previous reasons. Speaking of those kinds of interpersonal relationships, there’s also a popular headcanon (that’s been mentioned/liked by d*vid c*ge himself) that Kamski and Gavin are siblings/half siblings/cousins. This stems from the fact that Kamski and Gavin are both mo-capped/voiced by the same actor. By taking this headcanon into account, it adds depth to Gavin’s hatred of androids and allows for interesting backstory exploration, growth, and reconciliation.
Another reason is the enemies-to-lovers trope. For a lot of people that trope really jimmies their neutrons, and what could be better than an android hater and an android to fit that cliche? Once again, analogous to hankcon. The angst potential is also incredible when you take convin or hankvin into account instead of reed900 - reading into Hank and Gavin’s interactions it would seem there’s a tumultuous past between them. And in Connor’s case, Gavin can actually kill him or he can KO Gavin, which allows for a good deal of enemies-to-lovers and angsty regret material. Besides, a lot of people are really into hate s*x.
That…. makes a good segway. I may as well mention the elephant in the room for Gavin’s popularity. There’s a culture of fetishizing abuse in fandoms and Gavin is a prime target for this because “”he’s asking for it.”” It’s also easy to make one character a psychopath when they don’t even have a canon personality. This shows up a lot, whether because of writers treating it as a kink in fanfic or artists using it as a gag because its “funny”. I… won’t really go into detail on this, but it is a phenomenon that adds to the slew of Gavin content. This is another reason for why a lot of people hate Gavin / hate reed900. I started out feeling this way as well. Their perception of it is coloured by the abusive stuff or the mishandled stuff that seems to be prominent. I just have to say that this blog is a safe, sane, and consensual zone.
Sorry, that was a really long breakdown but I hope that gives some insight into the Gavin phenomenon. Last point. He winks like a dumbass. How can you not love that face.
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nightwingswing · 6 years
“The Two Spains” (Boombshells! Jason Todd x Hispanic! Reader) (Part 1/?)
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Hello my lil’ wings!!
I promise soon will come all these hc I promised! And also, the next part of “Stop that wedding!”
so today I discovered that Jason in boomshells is an basque spanish boy! 
And his brief story was settled in the spanish civil war. So being the history buff i am...I had to give this a chance!
So i hope you enjoy this!
This part is longer and more history settled (sorry for the history leson xdd) so you dont get lost. The next part will be more dinamic and romantic. The reader is settled to be a valencian girl, as I know the language and also i know more about how the war was lived there. My grandparents have told me about how it was.
Btw, so you know a bit more about me, Im spanish! Valencian to be more exact. 
Tags: @hamsterforlive @plethora-of-things @wonderlace19 @totallovelesson @algentforthewin @crazyfreckledginger @electra-writes33
If you want to be taged in this or any of my other fics message me anytime!
Also,let me know in the coments your thoughs and if this fic deserves a second part!
(Also, Im sorry if any of the Euskera words are wrong, I do not speak Euskera. Tell me if there is anything wrong so i can correct it!)
[17/10/1936 | Euskadi, Spain. | Nightime]
Your eyes opened in alarm as you heard the strong sound.
You tiptoed over your toys on the ground to get to the door, where you slightly looked out to see what had made that sound.
You saw your father, talking in hushed tones to your mother.  Worry painted her skin pale. Her eyes wide as she and your dad listened close to the wavering, echoing, hushed radio. Your father fist was closed tightly as you closed your eyes to listen intently.
“- Pamplona, Burgos, Zaragoza, Valladolid, Cádiz, Córdoba, Y finalmente Sevilla han apoyado el pronunciamiento del grupo militar de José Sanjurjo. El gobierno-”
[Pamplona, Burgos, Zaragoza, Valladolid, Cádiz, Córdoba, and finally Seville have supported the “pronunciamiento” (a declaration of military opposition) by José Sanjurjo’s military group. The government-]
“¡MIERDA! ¡JODER!” [SHIT! FUCK!] Your father said frustrated. Your mother quickly hushed him, as she saw your cowering form on the doorframe.
“Jason? nire maitea [my dear] Did you have a nightmare? “Your mother smiled as she came to pick you up. You hugged her neck “Let’s get you back to bed” She petted your back as you looked at your father, who looked at you with a dark glance. You hided your face in your mother’s soft neck as she entered your room once again.
“Ama” [mom] you said with a quivering voice. “Why was aita [dad] so mad?”  Her smile faltered as she covered you with your thin cotton sheet.
“It’s nothing you should worry about mi bebe [my baby] Now sleep, my dear. You have school tomorrow.” She brushed your hair back as she kissed your forehead. “gau ona, nire maitea.” [good night, my dear]
“Gau ona,ama” You smiled as your eyes fluttered closed.
What you didn’t know is that it was the beginning of the end.
[ 18/10/1936 | Valéncia, Spain. | Morning]
The sweet smell of chocolate made your eyes fluttered open.
You smiled as the gentle face and warm smile of your mother greeted you.
“Good morning, Carinyet.” [ my darling] She smiled. “Did you sleep well?”
“Good morning, mami.” [mommy] You smiled. “I did. I dreamed of being in the countryside with grandma again!” Your mother smile widened as she brushed you (h/c) hair to the side. Big bags under her eyes as she hugged you tightly.
“Mami? Something wrong?” You asked, hugging her back.
“n-no, perla [my pearl] …just get dressed and join us downstairs.” She smiled.
“Okay!” You smiled innocently. Your mother exited the room as your thirteen-year-old body carried you to the bathroom. You brushed your teeth and changed to your thin but warm (f/c) dress, you put your old weathered shoes on and skipped downstairs.
You greeted your dad and your sibling as you took your seat next to your mother.
The sound of the radio harmonized your breakfast as you all keep silent eating your food. Meanwhile, you zoomed out the news as you looked at your parents face intently.
Your father face looked tired, heavy bags under his eyes. He was dressed in his uniform, it looked a bit out of place, his tie was fumbled as his normally slicked back (h/c) hair was all over the place.
When his (e/c) eyes made contact with yours you looked away to your plate. After eating, your mother coughed to get your attention.
“You all know…how dad works in the army right?” she smiled, holding your fathers hand. “Well…you see…um…y-yesterday-y um..something…big..happened…and ah..we..” her unwavering (e/c) gaze locked into yours put you on edge as your father hugged her shoulder. She sighed heavily as you father spoke.
“We are moving.”
“What?” said your sibling. “Why?!”
“The reason why is not…important right now. We are leaving in two days. We are moving to Castilla La mancha.” His eyes looked into yours as they filled with sorrow. “(y/n) …you will stay with your grandmother okay? She will come pick you up tomorrow.”
“W-what?” you said as your eyes filled with tears.
“WHY?! WHY CAN’T SHE COME WITH US?!” Your sibling yelled, getting up from their spot.
“IM NOT GOING WITHOUT HER!” He yelled back, your father got up as he slapped your sibling’s cheek. You let out a sob as your mother ran to hug you. You hugged back tightly, soaking in her warmness. As you breathed her essence deeply you heard your sibling’s heavy angry steps upstairs. You pulled away from your mom as you followed them upstairs.
You could hear their sobs as you opened their door silently, you peeked your head and with a soft voice asked:
“(tete [bro]/teta[sis])? Can I come in?” You asked softly. They wiped their tears as they sat on the bed.
“come here” they smiled softly as you ran to their arms.  They hugged you tightly. “I promise I will come to find you.”
You smiled. “I know (tete/teta)…I will wait for you to come for me.” You smiled, kissing their tears. They smiled back as they untied the thin chain around their neck, hanging from it a little old white-pink shell.
“Remember this?” They smiled. “You made it for my birthday when you were a small baby.” They smiled and put it around your neck, tying it softly as you looked at it. “You said it was so I could remember you forever… now it’s yours. It’s a promise, that I will come for you.” They smiled, hugging you.
“Wait!” You said, pulling away from the hug and running to your room. Your loud steps resonated on the house as you came back quickly. You smiled cheekily as you showed them a wool (f/c) wristband. You tied it around their right wrist and smiled.
“This is my promise to you that I’ll be there when you come to get me!” You both smiled as you melted in a loving hug.
[19/10/1936 | Valéncia, Spain | Midday]
You sat on the window chair, bathing in the warm sun. Your Ausiàs March book rested on your lap.
It was the one of the few books you could own. A present from your grandfather.
You sighs as your favorite poem was presented before you, it’s pages slightly broken, your smile widen as you take a deep breath and start reading out loud your favorite poem:
Veles e vents han mos desigs complir
faent camins dubtosos per la mar.
Mestre i ponent contra d’ells veig armar:
xaloc, llevant los deuen subvenir
ab llurs amics lo grec e lo migjorn,
fent humils precs al vent tramuntanal
que en son bufar los sia parcial
e que tots cinc complesquen mon retorn.
[Let wind conspire with sail to give me what I long for, carrying me across the sea's perilous highways! Even now I can see the winds from the West and North-West gathering hostile forces: the Sirocco and theSouth-Western must hold them back, enlisting the help of their allies, the North-Eastern and the Midi, and humbly imploring the North wind to lend its support, so that all five of them blowing together may bring about my return.]
Bullirà·l mar com la cassola en forn,
mudant color e l’estat natural,
e mostrarà voler tota res mal
que sobre si atur un punt al jorn.
Grans e pocs peixs a recors correran
e cercaran amagatalls secrets;
fugint al mar on són nodrits e fets,
per gran remei en terra eixiran. 
[The ocean will bubble like a pot of stew taken to the baker's oven to cook, changing colour and losing its natural form as it seethes. Anything that ventures upon it, even for a single moment, will feel the force of its rage, and all the fish beneath will rush for shelter to secret hiding-places. But in the end they too will have to abandon the very sea which spawned and nurtured them and, in utter desperation, leap out on to dry land.]
Los pelegrins tots ensems votaran
e prometran molts dons de cera fets;
la gran paor traurà al llum los secrets
que al confés descoberts no seran.
En lo perill no·m caureu de l’esment,
ans votaré al Déu qui·ns ha lligats
de no minvar mes fermes voluntats
e que tots temps me sereu de present.
[There's not a pilgrim on my ship who will not call upon Heaven, making vows and promises of countless votive offerings of wax. Sheer terror will force out secrets that not even the confessor has learned. But in the midst of this danger, I shall think only of you, and I shall make my vow to that same God who joined us never to weaken in my resolve, and to keep you constantly in my thoughts.]
Jo tem la mort per no ser-vos absent,
perquè amor per mort és anul·lats;
mas jo no creu que mon voler sobrats
pusca ésser per tal departiment.
Jo só gelós de vostre escàs voler
que, jo morint, no meta mi en oblit.
Sol est pensar me tol del món delit
car, nós vivint, no creu se pusca fer:
[ I fear death only because it would mean absence from you, and because death blots out love. Not that I think that even such a separation could vanquish my desire. Rather, the fear that preys on me is that you do not desire me as you ought, so that, should I die, you would never think of me again. Even though it seems impossible that I should be less than happy while we both live, there is one thought that makes me wretched:]
aprés ma mort d’amar perdau poder
e sia tost en ira convertit,
e jo, forçat d’aquest món ser eixit,
tot lo meu mal serà vós no veer.
Oh Déu, ¿per què terme no hi ha en amor,
car prop d’aquell jo·m trobara tot sol?
Vostre voler sabera quant me vol,
tement, fiant, de tot l’avenidor.
[ that you would no longer be able to love me once I was dead, and that you would soon find your love turning to hate. As for me, driven from this world, I would feel no other torment than to be unable to look upon you. Oh God, if only there were bounds to love—for I alone among lovers would have almost reached them by now. Then, instead of being by turns full of fear and hope for all that the future might hold, I would know for sure how much love your heart harbors for me.]
Jo són aquell pus extrem amador
aprés d’aquell a qui Déu vida tol.
Puis jo són viu, mon cor no mostra dol
tant com la mort per sa extrema dolor.
A bé o mal d’amor jo só dispost,
mas per mon fat fortuna cas no·m porta.
Tot esvetlat, ab desbarrada porta,
me trobarà faent humil respost.
[ No one has ever taken his love to greater extremes than I—except those who have given their lives for its sake. While I continue to live, I cannot offer as much proof of my heart's suffering as I could by dying. I am prepared for whatever love has in store for me, good or bad. But Fortune has not yet revealed what my fate is to be. When she does, she will find me waiting up, my gates unbarred, ready to do her bidding humbly.]
Jo desig ço que·m porà ser gran cost
i aquest esper de molts mals m’aconhorta.
A mi no plau ma vida ser estorta
d’un cas molt fer, qual prec Déu sia tost;
lladoncs les gents no·ls calrà donar fe
al que amor fora mi obrarà;
lo seu poder en acte·s mostrarà
e los meus dits ab los fets provaré.
[ The very thing I pray will happen could cost me dear, and yet this same hope consoles me in my great suffering. In that fearful event, with which I pray God will provide me soon, I do not want my life to be spared. When that hour comes, people will see the outer signs of love in me, and will not need to take my word alone. Love's potentiality will be revealed in act, and I shall have proved my words with deeds.]
Amor, de vós jo·n sent més que no·n sé,
de què la part pijor me’n romandrà,
e de vós sap lo qui sens vós està.
A joc de daus vos acompararé.
[ Love, if only I understood you as much as I feel you! As things are, I'll be left with only that part of you that's no good to anyone. Nobody can know you for what you are until he is free of you. What can I compare you with, except a game of dice?]
As you sigh you heard soft claps, you turned to the door and saw your grandmother. She smiled warmly at you.
“You did so great my darling!” the old woman smiled. “you have an amazing voice!”
“¡Iaia!” [ grandma!] You yelled excitedly as you ran to hug her. Her frail arms surrounded you in her warmness. You smiled as your nostrils smelled that familiar smell mixed with the smell of flowers.
“La meua xicoteta pit-roig…” [my little robin] She smiled, brushing your hair. “ Don’t worry, you and I will have a lot of fun on the town.”
“But…(s/n)….(he/she)..” You started tearing up as she wiped them away.
“shhh, (he/she) will come back after everything passed…” she cooed
“but, iaia…what’s going on?” you sniffled.
“(Y/n)” Your father breathed. He was hugging your mother waist tightly. You mother looked on the verge of tears, her arms holding your father weakly, you were sure if your father wasn’t holding her she would be on her knees. Your grandma let you go to hug her daughter, who softly started sobbing and whispering to her. Your father came to you and kneel, hugging you tightly. His uniform felt cool to the touch, his hair tickled your temple as he let out a restrained sob.
“Be careful…” He whispered. “We will come for you soon. Just…be careful…”
“I will, papi…” You sniffled as you hugged him tightly. “Just…promise me whatever is going on…you’ll come back home.” You voice broke slightly as you said the last words.
“I will…” he smiled sadly. “I promise.” You hugged him tightly. Your mother broke to tears as your sibling and grandmother held her.
All of you knew he may not be able to hold his promise at all.
Spain then was broken in two, the known as rebel zone and the republican zone. Families alike where separated by war.
 On Thursday July 23rd a National Defense Board, which would be set up the next day in Burgos. Their Decreet No. 1 established that it assumed "all the powers of the State" and that it would represent the country before foreign powers, although in the following weeks no country recognized it and continued to consider Spain's legitimate government the leftist republican José Giral. Franco was chosen as chief military commander at a meeting of ranking generals at Salamanca on 21 September, now called by the title Generalísimo. Two days after relieving the siege of Alcazáe, Franco proclaimed himself Caudillo ("chieftain", the Spanish equivalent of the Italian Duce and the German Führer -meaning: 'director') 
 On 1 October 1936, General Franco was confirmed head of state and armies in Burgos. 
They were aided by Portugal, the Nazi Germany and fascist Italy, the second made of Spain their laboratory for their  world war II weapons.
On July 27, 1936, the first Italian aircraft squadron sent by Benito Mussolini arrived in Spain.
[27/10/1936 | Euskadi, Spain. | Daytime]
“Kabenzotz!” He yelled as he held his red beanie tightly. He ran between the crowded streets. He bit his lip as he hided behind a group of nuns when he saw his father and his group exit a bar, the shotguns clearly shining on their backs. The nuns sensed his discomfort and stayed put until he saw his father turn the corner. He thanked them and keep running.
He was walking towards his hideout as he clutched a note tightly.
His teacher, Miss Echevarria who knew him since he was practically a toddler had pulled him aside. She knew his family, and she knew how lonely Jason was during the day. She told him she had an old friend whose sister was going to be isolated just like him, she told him they had sorted that both of them needed a friend…so why not them?
Jason sat on the dusty ground as he pulled the note open. It had a small note from his to be pen pal.
He pulled his old notebook and his pen as he read the small smuggled note.
Hello stranger, my sibling told me you were going to be my friend?
Well. This is kind of weird as I don’t know if this will arrive to you.
But my name is (y/n) (l/n) I live in Valencia. I’m 14 years old and I like (f/sport), reading and (f/h). I hope we become good friends! Ill be waiting your response giddy!
Que tinges un bon dia! [Hope you have a good day]
Jason smiled as he pulled the note on his pocket. He put his notebook on his lap as he started writing.
Kaixo! [hello!]
Its nice to meet you! I did receive the note yes! My teacher Miss Echevarria gave it to me!
My name is Jason, Jason Todd! I live in Vizcaya! But I want to see more than my small town! I like adventure, reading and poetry!
Um…could you tell me something about your town? I’ve heard the Mediterranean Sea is very blue and calm! And that you got some pretty flowers too!
I do hope we can become friends! You make me feel less alone!
Waiting eager for your answer!
Agur! zaindu! [Goodbye! Take care!]
The next day, Jason gave his note to a noticeably tired and paler Miss Echevarria, who smiled at him and saved his note on her bag.
Later that day, his note was send through the mail.
“Soon” both of them smiled.
Even if the country was breaking, their bond wouldn’t.
As love had just bloomed.
(So, what do you think?? Do you think i should write a part 2?)
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breeeliss · 6 years
I’m rly scared to watch voltron the fandom seems so gross sometimes, so you have any tips for getting into the show?
watch the show in its entirety without looking through tumblr. seriously. don’t touch the fandom until you’ve gotten through all four seasons i promise you’ll thank me. the fandom is a cesspit of nonsense, but i promise you the show itself is exemplary. you’ll love it. the writing and animation are astounding. 
if you’re the type that likes to ship, just watch the show and vibe with what feels right. heavily emphasizing ignoring fandom here. if it peaks your interest? cool, go with it, enjoy it, keep watching the show. 
remember that your ships are not tied to your morality, and shipping something doesn’t make you a bad person. don’t think “if i ship this does this make me a ______?” no. it doesn’t. it’s just a ship.
don’t start looking through the tags/the fandom until you’re secure in your opinions/impressions of the show. voltron is very opinionated and will try to make innocuous things seem “”””problematic”””” when in reality it all just boils down to a difference in taste/comfort. recognize that sometimes you just have different tastes/levels of comfort than other people and leave them be. be secure in what you enjoy. 
now if you wanna get into fandom, here’s my advice:
learn to recognize antis and stay far away from them. antis are a section that enjoy bullying users, calling them pedophiles, calling them abuse apologists, saying they condone abusive relationships, and resorting to full out harassment. do not be this person. do not engage with this person. tumblr’s most underrated function is the blocking function. block those kinds of users whenever you see them and just move on. 
by the same token, don’t let yourself get paranoid. you don’t have to vet every single art or edit you see to make sure the person is squeaky clean. if you see something you like, reblog it. but if you see someone ranting about “these sh@llies need to go die” then that’s probably a person you want to block. 
on the flip side, you’re entitled to your discomfort with a ship. there’s a difference between attacking shippers and being uncomfortable with a fictional ship. it’s okay to say that a ship makes you personally uncomfortable and it’s okay to say that you don’t like it for x, y, z reasons. my advice would be to just blacklist those ship tags, and to keep your ship critiques out of the fandom tags and on your personal blog so as to offend as few people as possible. shippers are still people and they don’t want to see your negativity as much as you don’t want to see their content. 
don’t go looking for drama. this one’s hard, but if you know there’s a user who’s going to be saying something negative about a thing you like….don’t sneak a peek on their blog. it’s gonna make you very unhappy, it’s gonna make you angry, it’s gonna make you post things you regret. trust me. if you’ve blocked someone or committed to avoiding someone, avoid them. 
don’t be afraid to make friends!! if you vibe with a meta post or really enjoy someone’s art, send them a message and say hi. personally, i think voltron becomes a much more enjoyable fandom when you surround yourself with people who think like you and like the same things. 
discord servers are also great. find some to join or make one yourself comprised of just your friends. that way you can talk about whatever you want, share whatever you want, and have a close knit community to vent about voltron with. highly recommend it. 
if you decide to make content, just make sure you tag everything. tag ships, tag characters, the whole works. people who depend on blacklisting to make their fandom experience positive will thank you for it. 
on the off chance that negative anons get into your inbox, turn off anons and block those messages from coming in. don’t engage with anon hate unless you’re in the mental space to calmly and rationally react. again, when things begin to upset you, block block block. keeping your friends close to you in these trying times helps a lot. 
sorry that was a lot, but that’s a pretty good start. enjoy the show. the show itself is so freaking amazing i promise you’ll love it. and if fandom exhausts you or if you’re still scared, feel free to message me off anon or IM me to chat about it :)
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miraimisu · 6 years
Ask a Writer!
Tagged by the lovely @i-masshiro​, thanks babe! Love you tons, such a sweetheart D’: 
1. How did you come up with your username and what does it mean?
It doesn’t mean anything in particular! An old best friend of mine helped me pick it up when I was struggling with new decent nicknames. This is the one I use for all my accounts now.
2. Which fanfic of yours has the most feedback? (bookmarks/favorites, follows/subscriptions, visitor hits, kudos)
These Stones We Skip, definitely. It’s got like 90 comments (half of them me responding to those, so it’s narrowed down to 45 haha) +2k hits, 100 kudos more or less, and a bunch of bookmarks! I’m super happy with how the fic is being read and that people like it this much! Also if anyone waiting for an update is reading pls forgive me I’ve been busy I promise I will update pls don’t sue ;;.
3. What is your FFnNet/AO3 profile icon, and why did you choose it?
Actually, I think all my icons are Uraraka icons, excepting the one I got for FF.net which is actually Asuna from SAO. Last time I updated the page I was heavily into SAO so... pretty self-explanatory. My love for Uraraka needs no explanations either.
4. Do you have any regular/favourite commenters?
I do! And most of them are an incredibly fun bunch of them. Long, usual commenters are my shit, not gonna lie. Although I have lost some of them as my updates have become slower, but I hope they come to read someday.
5. Is there a fanfic that you keep going back to read again and again?
Not really, unless it’s for some kind of reference. There was this line I hit where my style got smoother and a bit more polished, but from there below it’s kind of rubbish and I can’t read anything. All good things I write I can’t usually read because of self-awareness.
6. How many stories are you subscribed to? How many do you have bookmarked?
None and none lmao, I always drop kudos but I don’t think I have ever bookmarked anything, nor subscribed to because I don’t really have much time to check out stuff-- and when I do, I totally binge read it.
7. Which AU do you find yourself writing the most?
Fantasy AU because it’s consumed my life now.
8. How many people are subscribed and bookmarked to you in total? (you can view this on the stats page)
I got 10 subscriptions on AO3 and 60 bookmarks!
9. Is there something you’d like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it? (Feeling brave? If so, share it!)
I would like to someday find the strength to write something venty someday, as I recently found out I somehow write much better and feel more satisfied when I vent my anger on writing. Something that doesn’t happen really often, but it happens and it’s great therapy!
10. Is there anything you would like to be better at? Writing certain scenes or genres, replying to comments, updating better, etc.
Tons of things, most particular. I would like to become less paranoid over people not seeing my scenarios, thus making my style less complex to the untrained eye. Also, fighting scenes make me cringe because I suck so hard at making them depsite having clear pictures in my head /cries. 
11. Do you write rarepairs or popular ships more often?
I am now very focused on Kacchako and iirc ir used to be a rarepair? but I think it will break out of that zone soon.
12. How many stories have you posted on FFNet/AO3 to this day (finished and unfinished)?
3 on AO3, and 31 on FF.net. 
13. How many stories do you have saved in/with your writing program?
Tons of them that sounded great in my head. It’s that small snapping process of realizing a powerful story is too weak to be posten, and kinda let it rest.
14. Do you write down story ideas, or just keep them in your head?
I keep them in my head and plan to write them. Only the fantasy AU for kacchako has made it out of my head, lol.
15. Have you ever co-authored a story?
Yes, and it was a wonderful experience.
16. How did you discover FFNet/AO3?
Weirdly enough, from DeviantArt! I would usually go there searching for art pieces and found some deep small fics, whose authors would usually have a FF.net account. I only knew of AO3 last year, but I think I read one a bit before that. Not exactly sure when.
17. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author in your fandom(s) on FFNet/AO3?
Not at all, there is too many talented people in this damn kaccha house  (⁎˃ᆺ˂) they are all so good jdskak
18. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers?
People usually call me Mira, but use others for Discord. 
19. Was there an author who inspired or encouraged you to write?
Lots of them! Every author that lies in my recs gallery has inspired me in one way or another. Though that place is kinda outdated so I may have to add some more, but all my friends have inspired me overall. They are all wonderful writers and artists and it’s amazing to be so surrounded.
20. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author?
Don’t feel pushed to write queality straightaway, and always read other stuff to build new vocab and structures. Everytime you read, you will most likely learn something new as every author’s view gives you a new perspective on things. I have found it to be a great practice!
21. Do you plot out your stories, or do you just figure it out as you go?
Plot, always. Everytime I am listening to music and come up with a new snippit, I jot it down anywhere I can. Google’s Keep is a pretty nifty tool for this!
22. Have you ever gotten a bad comment on a story? If so, what did you do?
Well, I only got maybe two! One of them was pretty lukewarm and more of an advice that I followed, and it was a good one despite the harshness of it. On the other hand, I got one comment that told me they were giving up on my story because it was too thick style and lore wise, but I didn’t mind at all tbh-- I already knew I was facing these kinds of risks when I started writing long things like these.
23. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing? (action, smut, etc..)
Fighting scenes in general kind of take a lot of time for me to work with, and same with some simply dialogue bits that I am like: and what now!? D:
24. What story(s) are you working on now?
My fantasy AU! pls if sb is reading Im sorry I will update soon don’t press charges thank
25. Do you plan your next project(s) before you finish your current ongoing story(s)?
I usually jot the deets down and push it aside until I am done with my main thing. It’s probably my best habit when it comes to planning, lol.
26. Do you have a daily writing goal set for yourself?
Not really. I usually try to plan when I wanna update, divide my chap’s aproximate word count and split it in days!
27. Do you think you’ve improved as a writer since you first started?
Oof, definitely. Mostly because my English has improved along with my writing and that helps. A lot.
28. What is your favorite story(s) that you’ve written?
I did write one in Spanish that got lots of good feedback and invested readers, and I had a blast writing its lore and characters.
29. What is your least favorite story(s) that you’ve written?
I wrote a pretty dark fic once and it’s a fic I know I wrote well? but I am kinda ashamed of looking back at it.
30. Where do you see yourself (as a writer) in 5 years?
Maybe working on something that is a little bit more professional, or just enjoying myself. Got no clue tbh.
31. What is the easiest thing about writing?
I think I can be pretty ominous in some parts and be very subtle with foreshadowing. The art of subtlety is something I worship everyday.
32. What is the hardest thing about writing?
Trying to live up to those little scenes I had in my head, and writing them as good as possible. And description in general, sometimes. And word count consistency is something that worries me sometimes. Oh, and the endless fear of poking a plothole bigger than a damn blackhole.
33. Why do you write?
To make people entertained and happy if they want something to read!
I nominate the great artists and gals @animeniac​, @kacchanswife​, @hondaroo​, @kacchas​ and @liltoothbrush​! If you don’t reply I’ll press charges so hahaha! 
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