#sorry i jus
ender-goo · 3 months
[hits you with the fanart gun]
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Sorry i couldn't render these but, i hope you like 'em anyways;;
And um, i don't wanna sound cheesy, but,,,, thank you for being my friend and being there when i needed it, you're the best thing that has happened to me in a long time and i mean it,,
i hope we can spend more birfdays together, i love you <3 happy birf
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rockintapper · 2 months
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vebokki · 7 months
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do you ever wonder how often binghe created a dreamscape to see sqq when he was in the abyss? and how often he was abruptly waken up by hunger, wounds, or terrifying sounds and had to start all over again?
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vvenushalo · 6 months
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remembered this old sketch of mine & im being so normal about it xx
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sickgraymeat · 1 year
Do you ever think about how when BMO plays pretend, they favor nomadic/loner roles like a cowboy, a hard-boiled detective, a traveling salesperson, etc., which is pretty in line with their directive from Mo. But when they really are on their own (eg in BMO Lost) they immediately, desperately establish a family from their surroundings.
And how one of those universal struggles of people, especially in the context of growing up (including but not limited to childhood) is dependence vs. independence. Wanting a hand to hold and wanting to be able to drop it at will. And how some people need to hold that hand less often than others, and how some people really don’t want to even when they really need to.
Finn and Jake get frustrated with each other and try to solve a dungeon separately, only to be met at every turn with a challenge that they can’t face without the other. Marceline travels for a thousand years and settles down here and there and picks back up because the people around her aren’t constant so she doesn’t want to be either. PB and IK each create an entire kingdom because they’re lonely, and neither of them feel whole because, just like the quarters of Ooo in Elements, living in those kingdoms is too much like living inside their own heads.
Every episode of Distant Lands is about characters who both resent and long for the versions of themselves they used to be— the versions who needed other people, the versions who could still insist they didn’t — and have to reconcile with the fact that they never really stopped being those people, but also that they can never really be those people again.
Every major character in the series is building connections and love and safety using whatever tools they have, and distancing themselves with equal effort. So they’re all kind of just alternating between playing cowboy and playing house, figuring out how to balance both and where they fit in between.
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tomatoart · 3 months
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150yr old still serves their Coke the old fashioned way
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evilsartcorner · 7 months
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something something romeo and juliette
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transredguy · 6 months
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my fanart
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ryonello · 1 month
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dvnieldraws · 8 months
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midnightmah07 · 2 months
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Luxe couture outfits for the ocs I believe could participate in the event<33
Super happy with how this turned out, especially because I had such a difficult time with these😭😭
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cordyce · 1 year
"i don’t like the way they keep staring at you." w/ peeta 'if it weren't for the baby' mellark? :3
truthfully, your hands are beginning to grow a little shaky from doing this for so long. the minor tremble is smudging your paint strokes, causing a few swipes to stray from the imaginary lines you have mapped out in your head. but no one can fault you for that; not rightfully. you're not the skilled painter here.
and as if on cue the man who's art you adore so much is sliding up next to you. painfully close–abnormally close, more like. you are not a stranger to his affection but something about how a calloused hand finds the divot in the small of your back so swiftly has you tipping your head to address him. in such a public venue, no less.
"yes?" you adhere as you turn to peeta with a smile. but a smile is not what you're greeted with in return. no, this upturn of lips is a little too slanted for that, a little too suave.
"nothing, just came to admire the expert at work." it's all he says, all he gives, and you know it cannot be all there is because he has that glint in his eye he only gets when he is being smarmy.
"right, well, we both know i'm not the expert here, so," you blow through a chuckle as you drop your paintbrush into a murky cup of water. "what is it you really came over here for, mr. mellark?"
you turn to face him properly and expect this to be where he drops his hands, looses his hold on you. but he does exactly the opposite. instead of feigning, his fingers simply shift–down to your belt loops. there's a single tug; harsh and surging enough you can now feel the heat of his thighs radiating against yours.
"i don't like the way they keep staring at you." and it's jolting; how he says it with such a sickeningly sweet tongue and cherry pressed lips, as if his eyes aren't glinting like the blades of daggers in moonlight.
you lick your lips, force a laugh as you pat at his chest to stave off the turn of your stomach. "please, they're probably just admiring my expert painting skills. this is a dog and pony show, you know."
it's meant to be a jab, a taunt. throwing peeta's own words back in his face to throw him off and maybe turn his grin a little more genuine and a little less guileful. yet all it does is seem to cause his lips to twitch ever deeper, carve their way up to the dimple in his cheek.
"i know what they're admiring, and it isn't your canvas."
he side steps you, picks your brush back up and in one swift motion tosses it behind him in such a way it looks like a mere accidental dropping. an accident, that seems to have splattered the red stain directly on that of a capital patron who is positioned a little closer than you thought they were allowed to be to the.. entertainment.
eyes slightly widened, there is no denying the skip of your heart now as peeta's lip brush against the shell of your ear. "you belong in a gallery all of my own. a stunning, private collection," he whispers.
then with no more than an innocent kiss to your temple and a squeeze to your hip, he's gone. rushing to retrieve your brush and usher out apologies through his golden boy personage, his charm winning as it always does in favor of the capitol. and you are left dazed, wanting nothing more than to shrink into your skin. not because of the peering and prying eyes of the entire nation; but because of the yearning and burning eyes of your lover.
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celestewritesstuff · 2 years
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Scribe!Haitham has an interaction with you(Gn!Librarian!Reader) that ends up with him seeing your panties, and he goes to his office across the library to relieve himself.
(CW: Jerking off, a little bit of exhibitionism (you can’t see him, he can see you), reader climbs up a ladder and Haitham sees their panties, usage of sir, reader is wearing panties and a skirt)
Working in the Akademiya as a librarian had plenty of benefits. For one, you were respected amongst the people of Sumeru not only because you worked for their proudest attribute, but because you graduated from there too. Many people knew you, and recognized you in the streets whenever you went out. Your co-workers were the pleasant type of people that anyone could get along with (thankfully). However, you had one perk of being a librarian that couldn’t be topped.
Seeing the General Scribe almost every day.
He had plenty of work to do most of the time, often going straight through the library to his office room across the hallway, but it didn’t stop you from stumbling in your shelf work whenever you glanced up to see his toned body strut across the room. Too many nights you had spent up late, thinking about all the unholy things he could do to you, and too many nights you went to sleep restless because only he could really satisfy you. Occasionally during work hours, if you were lucky, he would ask you where some obscure book was of sorts, and then you both got to talking about it. Today was one of those wonderful days.
“(Y/N), how have you been?”
Your head popped up from behind a desk full of books from some student that had been studying previously that night, glancing around for whom you hoped had called your name. Your eyes met his piercing green ones from across the table and you smiled.
“Oh, I’ve been alright, Sir Haitham! And you?” You clasped your hands in front of you shyly.
“You know, the same. Nothing to report as usual. Do you happen to know where Ancient Eremite Customs Volume XII is?”
Your heart dropped a little as he revealed the nature of your exchange, just needing a book again. If only he talked to you simply to… talk to you. But someone with such an important job as General Scribe probably didn’t have time for someone such as a librarian.
“Uhm, I-I’m not quite sure, let me check.” You answered. You walked briskly to the index in the middle of the room, flipping through the pages and, eventually, spotting the location of the book. Returning to Haitham, you informed him you found the book.
“It’s in section 1C row three, i can grab it for you.”
“Oh, no, that’s alright, I can get it. I just needed to know where it was.” He headed for the ladder, but you stopped him.
“You should know, of all people, that only the librarians can use the ladders. It would be a big hazard if just anyone could go up these.” You gestures toward the tall ladder.
“Fine, fine. Just don’t fall, M’kay?” You nodded as you began to ascend. You counted on your muscle memory to keep you upright as the interaction had your mind fuzzy.
What you didn’t count on was Haitham, below you, getting one of the nicest views of his life. Did you choose to wear such a cute but revealing skirt that day just to tease him? He knew such a busy person as a librarian wouldn’t have time for someone like him, but your lace panties were testing his resolve. He tried to tear his eyes off of the sight above him, feeling himself get hard. Did you know that pastel green was one of his favorite colors to see on someone? Surely you didn’t know what you were doing to him, right? The innocence wasn’t an act?
You climbed the ladder swiftly, all attention on getting the book for Haitham and not on the breeze greeting your regions. Maybe if you retrieved the book quickly, you would have time to speak with him just about… things. Your trip up and down the ladder was record worthy, but not fast enough to not affect the man who you were now handing the book too.
“Here you go, Haitham, Sir. What did you need the book for?” Your eyes gazed into his as his dazed expression snapped back to life.
“Uh, Oh, I-Uh, Thanks.” He stumbled, almost dropping the book before scurrying off like a guilty pet to his office. He didn’t realize he hadn’t answered your question until he had thrown the book onto his desk and sat down, hands running through his hair. He was glad the glass door was mostly translucent, unable to see movement on either side unless one was right next to it. This was safe if only for a few spots here and there of actual glass, for architectural design. Through these he could barely see your confused expression from across the library, your knitted eyebrows making his mind race. He wondered, what other expressions could he glean from that pretty face of yours? His pants felt tighter by the minute.
You, on the other hand, felt very brushed aside. So, as you always do when you’re sad, you got to work putting away the books that you were working on before. Soon enough the interaction from before was a small speck in your mind as you began with the ladder once again.
Within his office, Haitham threw his head back as he released himself from his confinements below, his cock springing free. The cool air rushed to greet him and he fisted himself lazily. No matter how much someone wanted to, they’d have to be pretty obvious if they were watching him or even wanted to know what he was doing. Haitham, in his desperation for some release, knew that he would be safe enough to jerk one out before he got to work. His eyes were glued on you through the clear glass as you worked. You, oblivious to the man across the room thirsting after you in his office, continued to shelf efficiently. His eyes traveled all across your body as you worked. He wished he could rip your skirt and panties off of you right that instant. His hand began working faster as he remembered the view from earlier, and he hoped he would get to see it again. His shirt, held up by his teeth, revealed his abs contracting and relaxing as his breathing became more uneven the more he thought of all he could do to you. He leaned back on his chair, continuing to get off on the image of you from before and seeing you in the distance from his window. His eyes closed as he sped up, throwing his head back again, chasing his high.
“F-Fuck, (Y/N)…” He moaned out lazily. He felt his balls contract as he climaxed, shooting his cum all over his desk as he imagined what you would look like bent over it, begging for him to cum. How your quivering figure would look all fucked out beneath him. A thin layer of sweat coated his figure. As he shot his last rope, he heard someone open the door.
“Did… did you call for me, Haitham Sir?” You spoke as you opened the door, “Are you alright?” Your wide eyes met with the scene in front of you, and you watched as his pupils darkened. He motioned for you to walk over.
“I sure fuckin’ will be the second you get over here,” He growled.
part 2 (the right link ig??)
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montysoup · 2 months
'Can 2 men not just be friends?'
Sure they can, infact it's rude to assume they're anything more than that if they're real-life people. Of course, just because it's rude doesn't mean your wrong but as my dad (and lots of other people I'm sure) likes to say, 'assuming makes an ass out of you and me'.
However if the 2 men in this situation are fictional then them just being friends is entirely up to interpretation.
A straight person might just see them as friends because it's content and we all like to see content that represents us -even if they already have abundances of it.
And a queer person might see them as potential lovers, both due to being more open-minded to something like that and because, as I previously said, people like to be represented.
Now I don't mean to say straight people aren't open minded because, fact is, your sexuality does not define how open you are to things. All I'm saying is a queer person is more likely to already be open-minded due to having to realise their sexuality is different from the perceived 'normal' and having to be accepting of it.
So in conclusion, yeah 2 guys can absolutely only be best pals but that might just be how only you see it, and maybe there's something you need to look deeper into if you're getting upset at people interpreting the relationship of 2 fictional guys as romantic.
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quixtrix · 6 months
dolph was always meant to be doomed; something of an analysis
i'm on my third rewatch of captain laserhawk, and on this one i've been focusing more on the little details that you don't get on your first or even second time watching it. i've noticed little things, such as pey'j helping and then going on to shield a hybrid who's dressed similarly to jade in the third episode. but i've also noticed bigger things, such as alex and dolph.
keep in mind that this show is just filled to the brim with political messaging, it was purposefully designed that way. so when someone mentioned on here that alex was an accelerationist, it explained a lot. we don't know much about alex in terms of his backstory, we only know he helped dolph after dolph attempted to mug him and they ended up falling in love. it's also implied that alex and dolph have been repeatedly reported on the news as terrorists more than we've seen, with rayman referring to them as being the usual suspects when the kaiju attack happened, despite dolph literally not even being there when alex did that shit. they're known to do this shit, and we know alex is a charismatic guy. it's not too far fetched to say once or while dolph was falling in love with this gayass white saviour saint that alex talked him into this shit for alex's own purposes. because yes, he has a cause, but he's also a bit in over his head, maybe with power. he's aware of the power he has over dolph, how he actively uses the 'i love you' card multiple times when they're together and when they're not together. he just had a bit too much confidence in his hold over dolph, but to be fair, alex, you were topping some indulgent mob boss for your cause (because let's be honest of course your sources would be tight if they were being fucked for it) then continued fucking said mob boss and got caught with your dick out by your ex who you think you can get back with. alex uses people as tools, he just doesn't put his shit in the right places at the right times.
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i'm getting off track, but the point i'm getting to is that alex most definitely saw dolph, a man who clearly has some jacked up eden tech smacked onto his twink ass, at his lowest, and picked him up like a shiny new toy. he was always going to use dolph. but how come dolph is so easy to use? he's starved for kindness. he's the stray dog that comes up to you at restaurants to act all nonchalant because 95% of the time he gets neglected, but the second he gets offered scraps, he shows how hungry he is. we don't know much about his childhood, and what we do know is under the lenses of literal eden propaganda. we do however know how people get like underneath the hand of eden.
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everyone say thanks to rayman, who concidentally, is dolph's foil. both of them worked under eden as their lap dogs, one as a propagandist and the other as military, but dolph had gotten out of the hold the propaganda had on him while rayman's barely shaking it off. both of them are also portrayed as poor little tragic immigrants and the impoverished stand ins both in universe and story wise. they're the feel good picking yourself up american dream stories that people can feel inspired by or feel proud about the country with. dolph had a photo with a kid holding a doll of him. before he became ex military, he was definitely the guy they paraded around as a previous lost cause that eden helped. red, who's as political as his assigned colour, bitches about identity politics in that one off line for a reason. he also jus hates brown people fr he kicked me down a flight of stairs
now we can assume that dolph had picked himself up out of the propaganda machine somehow. he realised he was used and he didn't want that shit. he's attempting to get himself his own life, for fucks sake. he jus happened to get lead on by the wrong guy, which then lead him to get used by eden AGAIN. this time not only in a physical way via soldier work, but emotionally too, with sarah easily manipulating him with what? a sob story and helping him out, maybe being friendly with him along the way.
he wants a normal life. he wants a goddamn normal life. he jus continues to be selected as a tool.
you can see how fucking starved he is for kindness. you ever think about the fact that in his dream life, he sees jade and pey'j? he knew these people for less than a week, yet they get a place in his dream life. most notably, jade gets a speaking role in his dream life. the only other person who speaks, besides marcus, is alex, someone who had known him and shown kindness to him. jade has also shown kindness to dolph. she's the friendliest face there in the ghosts, being the first one to check on dolph when he wakes up, offers an explanation to him, and also makes an effort to include him in her little shenanigans with the video and all!! dolph was all emo alpha wolf and all, but despite his constant cold shoulder, she was kind!!
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there was someone who was more than kind though; bullfrog. because bullfrog actively looked out for dolph, despite his constant pushback against bullfrogs advice whenever they weren't separated. and in the end, it's bullfrogs kindness and compassion that hits dolph the deepest. dolph gets out of his depressive state to go back for bullfrog. he cares about people, he goes out of his way to do shit for the people who show him the slightest bit of kindness. he backed up sarah after one good conversation with her to marcus for fucks sake. dolph is just a guy who keeps getting used though. he's so loyal to anyone who looks his way that it's a fatal flaw that ends up with his head blown up. he's a shakespearean tragedy at the moment. i hope in the potential season 2 that he gets to have more moments where he gets to be his own person. not defined by an organisation or a person or a cause, but what he chooses to define himself by. he's on his way there. he jus deserves to be allowed to live for himself. after all, he has already met his end of that story. he can make a new one.
anyways if u reached the end of this im down to discuss this :D i also did get a few points from other people on here, but let me know what u think nd all
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heartscrypt · 1 year
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a moth drawn to a flame
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