#sorry i had a terrible march and this made my day fr
dindjarism · 29 days
today’s been so much fun booping, super booping, evil booping and spam booping friends, mutuals, mutuals in law and total strangers, but the day's come to an end. just know that every time you booped me i smiled, and every time i booped someone i did so very affectionately (yes, even all the evil boops!). let's remember how much we all enjoyed today and try to keep this energy for the rest of the year because that is what truly makes this hellsite so special. interact with others if you can, participate in events and games if possible, support creators by reblogging their content, etc. trust me, it makes everything easier and everyone happier. <3
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peterxwade24 · 3 years
A Family of Five
For Maribat March 2021 day 21 prompt Domestic Bliss.
this is part five to my Jonc de mer and Acropora series (again told in Marinette's perspective).
This is extremely late but it's done. So, enjoy~
Marinette loved her friends, she really did, but sometimes their obliviousness drove her crazy. Currently, Marinette was sitting between Chloé and Lila and was resisting the urge to bash her head in. Chloé and Lila were flirting terribly, and Marinette wished that Kaldur’ahm had better advice than to let them figure it out on their own. Marinette frowned as her friends continued to flirt terribly before their attention turned to Marinette’s frown.
“Marinette.” Lila began, her tone soft and her eyes kind. “What’s wrong, Snipe eel?” Lila placed her hand over Marinette’s and searched her eyes. “Is it the boy with blond hair and green eyes?”
Marinette smiled at her best friend, and shook her head. “No, he’s fine. His sisters and I have really hit it off and we all talk fairly regularly. I was just thinking about some things.”
“I know you’re not talking about Adrikins because the only sister he has is me, so who’re you talking about?” Chloé asked as she leaned against Marinette’s side and set her hand on Lila’s forearm. “And why did Lilium call you Snipe eel?”
Marinette smiled sadly and wrapped her arms around her friends. “I haven’t always been a Dupain-Cheng, just like we haven’t always been friends. Maman and Papa weren’t always together, it wasn’t always Maman and Papa it used to just be Papa. I came from the sea, from the depths where the light barely reached and the creatures adapted to the lack of light. I remember very little about my first home, simply that I was always surrounded by purple. Papa found me on the beach in Italy, he brought me here where I met my boy with blond hair and green eyes. His name was Kaldur’ahm and he called me Menene when we met. He made me happy and that made Maman and Papa happy.”
“Marinette was a weirdo, well more so than she is now.” Lila continued, having been there for most of the friendship with Kal. “But Kal seemed to think she hung the stars. They would go off on tangents about the sea, and it seemed to make them happy.”
Marinette rolled her eyes and smiled. “He would tell me about life under the sea, about how his gills worked. He feels like home, more so than Maman and Papa do. There’s just something about the way we click that makes it feel like there’s something more fated for us.”
The three girls spent the rest of the afternoon together, sharing stories. Marinette took several selfies to send to Kaldur’ahm and his sisters but didn’t let the pictures become her sole focus. Chloé lived in the moment, taking the time to water the plants that flourished on Marinette’s balcony. Lila just laid on the balcony, taking in the sunlight and enjoying the relative silence.
Tom and Sabine left the girls mostly to their own devices, only calling after them for dinner which was served in a manner Chloé and Lila had come to affectionately called “family style”. Neither girl had dinner with both of their parents every night as Marinette seemed to. So, the blonde and the brunette ate dinner with the Dupain-Cheng family at least four times a week apiece. On those nights, they all seemed to flow around and twist together with one another, and it seemed like it was a family of five.
Chloé and Lila had become honourary members of the Dupain-Cheng family after the first month of them attending dinner. Marinette had started collecting clothing for the other two girls to wear on their biweekly sleepovers, and she loved to see the way her friends would light up when she presented them with a new item to their steadily growing collections.
Tom had even helped the girls assemble a larger bed in their bedroom, because it was their’s and not just Marinette’s, so that they all had a comfortable place to sleep. The bed was a king-size mattress sat atop several box shelving units, creating a rather spacious cave that Marinette usually slept in when her friends weren’t at her house.
When Marinette, Chloé and Lila showed up to school on the following Monday, they got stared at. This wasn’t uncommon, it actually happened more often than it didn’t, but something felt different on that particular Monday.
It started before classes had even started, people would stare and when they were caught they would turn away and start gossiping. But by lunch, it had evolved into people talking regardless of whether or not one of the girls was looking at them. The noise seemed to peak when Adrien sat down at their table and looked directly at Marinette.
“So, I heard through the grapevine that you have a crush on me?” His voice was firm but his eyes shined with laughter. “I’m sorry Marinette but I only see you as a fr-”
Chloé cut him off with a laugh, with Lila joining in soon after, before staring him in the eye and smirking. “Adrikins, Macrophyllia would have to be an idiot to like you as anything more than a friend when she has her boy with blond hair and green eyes.”
“Snipe eel has met the love of her life, and you are not him.” Lila chimed in before she took a bite of her salad.
“What my friends mean, is that no Adrien Agreste. I do not have a crush on you and have never had a crush on you. You’re just the little brother of one of my best friends.” Marinette offered a smile before she turned to her salad.
“Sorry Adrikins. The truth is harsh.” Chloé offered her own smile to the boy who was like a brother to her. She looked at her friends and laughed. “You two are so weird.” Chloé tucked into her beef bourguignon and watched as her friends scowled.
“Just because we’re strict vegetarians and you allow yourself a cheat day every time the school serves beef bourguignon doesn’t mean we’re the weird ones.” Lila rolled her eyes and gestured at her friend’s plate. “Besides that’s not even good beef bourguignon.”
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muse-oleum · 4 years
The Flower Shop, part 3
Kingsman - Harry Hart x Fem!OC
Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; 
Hey folks! Here’s the third installment of my series. I hope you enjoy it! We’re getting into it, finally. Also, I’ve just added another prompt list that you can find here, go give me some inspiration!
Word count: 1.7k 
Warnings: none 
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The camelias shivered in the evening wind. By their place on the windowsill, they overlooked the entire room, with its large bed, desk and the man sitting there. 
Harry’s books and notebooks had all been lost when his house was bombed to the ground, so he’d had to start again. Over the course of the past few weeks, he had purchased several anthologies and was still looking for new publications on the subject of entomology. 
He missed his old notebooks, relying entirely on the scribbled pages of the battered pad he’d used during his time away. 
Harry rarely referred to his time as an amnesiac entomologist as anything else except his “time away.” He was still grappling with the strange sensation of having recovered his life but he wasn’t so sure now, after so many months wishing for freedom to go find his butterflies, which life he wanted to lead. 
Kingsman had been his home for decades, ever since he’d left the army to become a secret agent. But before that? He’d been so invested in becoming an entomologist that it almost surrounded him in a shroud of wing dust for the rest of his career. His home was full of them; his head was full of them; and his heart was full of them. 
None of his friends had ever understood his passion for the small insects. To be honest, Harry himself did not understand it fully.
His father had been very fond of gardening, and his mother never allowed him to squash any insects he found in his room. Even if it was the biggest spider in the world - at least to the eyes of a little boy - she would just pick it up in a tissue and let it free outside. He had always supposed his interest came from them. But now, looking back on how he had cleaved to his ephemeral friends, he wondered if the root for his interest did not run deeper. 
Perhaps he was fascinated by their transience? The manner in which their sense of purpose carried them to their death? He envied that. The whole of the animal kingdom, except humans, seemed to have a purpose. Harry had lost his and didn’t know how to regain it. 
Sighing, he turned off the nightstand lamp, plunging the room into darkness. Before falling asleep, he remembered his promise to Rebecca to come fix her garden shed. A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. At least, he had that to look forward to tomorrow. 
Monday ----, 9 a.m
The chime of the doorbell accompanied Harry’s entrance into the flower shop. At the end of a cold February month, the sight of so many blooms was a welcome start to his day. 
“You’re an early riser!” 
Rebecca stood at her cluttered counter, snipping twigs off small branches. Harry watched, strangely fascinated, as she arranged them in an elegant bouquet. She seemed to know just where to place them. 
“It’s for a wedding,” she said, matter of factly. “Apparently, the bride is fond of forest weddings and decided to go for a woodland theme.”
“A forest wedding in February? Good luck to them.”
Her singsong laugh echoed through the shop. 
“Yes, the groom seemed rather resigned, poor chap. Let me just finish with this one and then we can go look at the shed.” 
Harry followed, calling after her, “I didn’t bring any tools, I hope you’ve got something I can work with?”
Rebecca popped her head out of the shed. “Come and have a look for yourself. It’s in quite a state, but it still stands. My dad was strangely proud of that.” 
Harry fit his broad-shouldered frame inside the small shed as best he could without towering above her. Rebecca caught his eye as he attempted to squeeze himself in, chuckling slightly.
The shed was small, built out of wood that had begun rotting many years ago. Daylight filtered through cracks along the walls and dust shimmered in the air. In the corner, a box of tools, its bright red colour contrasting strangely with its surroundings, was waiting patiently for its next use. Rebecca had arranged a large pile of fresh wood and wooden panels next to it, probably to restore the cracked walls. 
“It’s dismal, I know, but the roof is still in a really good state so i’d hate it to collapse entirely.” 
Harry gently pushed against the walls. The wood cracked and moaned but it held. The problem was the rot, which had weakened the overall structure. 
“I’m afraid if you want it to stand for any number of years, we have to tear it down completely first. The wood is rotting. Best to rebuild entirely.” 
Rebecca nodded, biting her lips nervously. 
“I don’t want to ask you to do that, I thought it just needed a few repairs. But tearing it down and rebuilding it is a job for my brother; he loves to demolish things to rebuild them.” 
A small part of Harry’s heart - which he refused to acknowledge - rebelled at the idea. 
“Nonsense, I said I’d help and I will. We will just need a lot more wood than that.”
Wednesday, some weeks later ----, 6 pm
Dropping by Rebecca’s shop had become part of Harry’s routine. Nearly everyday after work, he’d go in, buy a few flowers and go. Every weekend, he’d drop by and work on the shed. He was grateful for the distraction it provided and, slowly, began to acknowledge that Rebecca had wormed her way into his heart. 
Harry Hart had never dared to think too much about love. The Kingsman code was explicit: no attachments, no weaknesses. Eggsy and, on occasion, Merlin, had expressed how incredibly stupid and bigoted the Gentleman Guide was but the former Arthur had been uncompromising. 
Kingsman was slowly adapting and changing, especially after Poppy’s missile catastrophe. A new Arthur had yet to be found but under the capable supervision of the older agents, amongst which Harry and Merlin, the newer recruits were coming into their own. Kingsman was still not operating at full capacity, what with the HQ and the London shop in ruins, but it was getting there. 
Exhausted, Harry shook out his umbrella outside the shop before coming in, tucking it neatly in a corner. It had been a long day: recruits to assess, Merlin to check on (he was adjusting to his wheelchair but threw a few dignified Scottish tantrums along the way) and paperwork to work through. 
The smell of freshly cut flowers greeted him and, immediately, he felt better. March had brought an early spring and the blooms were peeking shyly from under their green little sprouts. 
Harry heard a commotion in the back room and, nerves on alert, made his way slowly towards the garden. Carefully popping his head in, he saw Rebecca, on the ground, looking under the sofa and murmuring soft words of encouragement. Eventually, a small kitten emerged, sniffing her fingers curiously. He meowed a few times, noticing Harry by the door, and meowed even louder, asking for food. 
“I believe this little lad is hungry.” 
Rebecca gasped, nearly bumping her head on the sofa. 
“Harry! You scared the living daylights out of me!” 
He held his hands up, taking one step in, chuckling slightly. 
“My apologies. You looked terribly busy.” 
The shabby little cat, meanwhile, completely disinterested in the antics of those two humans, had made his way towards the kitchen, no doubt drawn to the smell of soup hanging in the air. One or two loud meows later, a large bowl full of ham and leftover meat had been placed for him by the table and he happily forgot all about everything else. 
“I found him in the street this afternoon. It was cold and he was shivering and crying, so I brought him in. He wasn’t a fan of being carried somewhere new and he hid under that couch for a solid hour before you came in.” 
“Well, he’s one lucky cat.” 
Rebecca laughed softly and shook her head, her long curls bouncing around her forehead. Harry resisted the urge to tuck one behind her ear. Tying an apron around her waist, she made her way towards the stove to check on the soup. 
Harry observed her, sleeves rolled up to reveal creamy skin, feet tapping lightly to no rhythm in particular, curls pinned up by a clip, out of the way. He felt his heart give a little tug and, unable to stop himself, took a few steps towards her. 
She didn’t seem to notice, absorbed in diagnosing what exactly was missing from the soup. The warm smell of tomatoes made Harry’s mouth water. He could tell what was missing from that distance. 
“Have you added basil?”
She looked up at him, noticing his closeness, and a pretty blush spread over her cheeks. She tasted one more spoonful before smiling broadly, dashing out of the door and back again. She came back with a shriek, shaking the droplets out of her hair. Harry couldn’t contain his smile. 
Suddenly, as she was taking off her boots, a sparkling flash of blue caught Harry’s eye. Looking more closely, he froze. There were two blue butterflies, Adonis blues, flying around her head. One settled into the mass of pinned curls, the other kept looking for a perch. 
Harry’s heart soared. how he had missed his butterflies! Their gentle movements mesmerized him and, unconsciously, he took a step forward. He didn’t notice the curious look Rebecca shot him when he reached up to touch one of the butterflies. She didn’t stop him, didn’t move, as if she knew something was happening that she couldn’t see. 
Harry felt the flutter of the butterfly’s wings on his fingers and smiled. Rebecca had never seen him smile like that before. He had never smiled happily, always offered small, sad, smiles. She wondered what it was that made him so happy tonight. 
The moment ended when their eyes met, Harry blushing furiously and taking a step back; Rebecca reaching up to touch her hair, her blush deeper than before. 
“I’m sorry, I-”
“I’ve never seen you smile like that.” 
Her tone was curious, not displeased. Harry couldn’t help but answer honestly: 
“There were butterflies around your head. Blue ones. I’ve always loved blue butterflies.” 
Rebecca frowned slightly. Butterflies? In this season? Surely that was impossible, and she would have seen them. Harry lowered his eyes to the ground, realizing how utterly mad that must have sounded. He was ready to take his leave when she said: 
“I love blue butterflies too.” 
Taglist: @justawriterinprogress; @tonystrksslut; @emilyyblackkk; the-sea-belt; @flybi91
Comment below if you want to be added to my HH taglist!
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johannesviii · 3 years
Top 10 Personal Favorite Hit Songs from 2020
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You know, when I finished my latest list and realised every decade had the same pattern and that we were slowly going towards a series of great years for pop, I didn’t realise how good that year would be.
What’s at the top? Am I boringly predictable because I already said I loved that song all the way back in January 2020? Let’s find out.
Keep in mind I’m using both the year-end top 100 lists from the US and from France while making these top 10 things. There’s songs in English that charted in my country way higher than they did in their home countries, or even earlier or later, so that might get surprising at times.
Of course there will probably be stuff in French somewhere on this post. We suck. I know. It’s my list. Deal with it.
My musical tastes have always been terrible and I’m not a critic, just a listener and an idiot.
I have sound to color synesthesia which justifies nothing but might explain why I have trouble describing some songs in other terms than visual ones.
So. Uh. How was your 2020?
Mine was actually surprisingly good, considering. I’m lucky enough to have a job that I can partially do from home, and I was extremely paranoid from the get-go and nobody got sick under this roof so far. Turns out I’m even better at my job from home and I got permission to work from home one day per week even after the health crisis is over! My first name was also finally officially approved and I can’t tell you how happy I feel about that. I almost feel bad to have had such a good year considering the circumstances. I feel like an asshole just because I’m happy, haha.
The only frustrating part was that I was supposed to see Hatari in concert in Paris in early April which, as you can guess, was cancelled. I’m not too mad about it though, since their tour was called “Europe will crumble” and the message saying the tour was cancelled started with “since Europe is actually crumbling due to Covid-19″ and that’s hysterical.
Good or interesting albums that came out in 2020 now, let’s see.
Nightwish released Human/Nature, which was a huge letdown compared to their previous album, but I will relisten to it at some point to make sure I wasn’t just in a bad mood that day.
The Birthday Massacre released Diamonds, which might be their weakest album since their debut, but contained some real gems (I listened to The Last Goodbye on a loop, it floored me. Flashback and Enter are also very good).
The 1975 released Notes On A Conditional Form, and let’s be real, it’s a f█cking mess. You could cut half the tracks and end up with an excellent album, but as it is it’s like, yes, a collection of notes ; however there’s some truely excellent shit on it (see unelligible songs).
Thanks to a friend on a discord server I was exposed to Dorian Electra’s music and I haven’t been quite the same ever since. I’m so happy to be alive to see other enbies making such great music with an insanely good aesthetic surrounding it and asking so many interesting questions about gender. Also the arc the ‘gentleman’ character goes through over the course of the entire tracklist of the 2020 My Agenda album is absolutely hilarious, don’t @ me.
I also discovered 100 Gecs this year. Why are most of you guys saying it’s unlistenable garbage. It’s just as abrasive and over the top as industrial music is, but with none of the edginess or drama. I love it. What the hell. But yeah Tree of Clues was released this year. Good.
Speaking of industrial, in March 2020 Nine Inch Nails were like “hey remember when we released Ghosts I-IV a decade ago entirely for free and how amazing that was? Well we’re all in lockdown and bored as hell so here’s Ghosts V-VI and it’s also free. Enjoy” and I f█cking died instantly. And it’s even better than I-IV. What the hell was that year
Jonsi released Shiver. It’s strange and highly experimental. I’m pretty sure it’s a good thing I was into hyperpop this year, otherwise going from his previous material straight to this album would have been brutal.
Yadda yadda yadda After Hours by the Weeknd good yadda yadda.
I’ve joked about that already but if you had told me in 2019 that 2020 would have fires, a pandemic, riots, monoliths appearing and disappearing, and also a super good Machine Gun Kelly album, guess which part I would have found the most ridiculous. But yeah uh. Tickets to my Downfall good
So uh this year I tried to listen to some hyperpop and liked it a lot, and I also dipped my toes timidly into screamo and listened to Svalbard, who released When I Die this year, and the entire album was a very beautiful, very intricately decorated punch to the face. It sounds like God Is An Astronaut except with a shit ton of yelling. I love it. Open Wound is my favorite track on it.
But no, despite all of this, my album of the year was from a band I had never even heard about before that year, called Spanish Love Songs. The album is titled Brave Faces Everyone and it’s line after line after line of extremely relatable generational angst but yelled with complete sincerity and it’s so propulsive and energetic you can’t help but feel both exhausted and ready to fight the entire universe. I don’t know how it works, but it’s incredible. The entire album is wonderfully brutal, so it’s kind of difficult to pick my favorite songs on it, but Beachfront Property and the title track stand out.
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Unelligible songs, now, and there’s, uh, quite a few of them too so I’m also gonna use bullet points. Good lord this post is gonna be long.
First, let me say I have literally no idea why Midnight Sky by Miley Cyrus wasn’t a bigger hit. It’s not on the year-end US top 100 and it feels extremely wrong. Would have made it to #4 on this list otherwise.
I still entertain the vague hope that stuff from Machine Gun Kelly will chart higher in 2021 but I doubt it will happen so I might as well tackle it now and say that Bloody Valentine and especially Forget Me Too are both excellent and that it’s a shame radios aren’t playing them more often.
Heaven by the late Avicii featuring Coldplay should have charted in 2019 and still didn’t chart in 2020 and that’s a real shame.
If the world was a bit less unfair, Lovesick Girls by Blackpink would have been a hit rather than the awful Ice Cream.
One day I will stop complaining about my bafflement concerning the lack of mainstream pop charts success of The 1975. Today is not that day. I just love how they keep making songs about extremely awkward relationships full of weird details, and I haven’t grown tired of that yet. So yeah If You’re Too Shy is about a guy who’s crush is asking him to get naked on Skype in his hotel room and he’s, uh, not too sure about that idea.
And Me & You Together is about a guy who never finds the right moment to tell his best friend he’s in love with her, and he manages to do so at the end and it’s cute as hell. My fave part is “I'm sorry that I'm kinda queer / It's not as weird as it appears / It's 'cause my body doesn't stop me (Stop me) / Oh, it's okay, lots of people think I'm gay / But we're friends, so it's cool, why would it not be?”. Relatable as f█ck.
And now for an international hit that should have been bigger in the US and/or in my country but wasn’t: Head & Heart by Joel Corry and MNEK.
I’ve heard Nos Célébrations by Indochine extremely often on French radio for months now so I was very surprised to see that it didn’t crack the local year-end list. What happened.
I can finally hear the appeal of Bring Me The Horizon. It took me ages. And also Death Stranding. The song Ludens isn’t in the game per say, but it’s among the ones you can pick to broadcast briefly when people drive by your constructions, and long story short it's been living rent-free in my head for months now.
It’s time for a round of Honorable Mentions for elligible songs, containing a couple of guilty pleasures, which is saying something considering the kind of shit I put on some of my previous lists.
Ne Reviens Pas (Gradur et Heuss l’Enfoiré) - Heuss is a French artist that kept baffling me while making my lists for the previous years, and I was like “??? ok, that’s it then, I guess I’m getting too old to get what teenagers find funny”. This one worked for me, though. And the music video doesn’t hurt. Really dumb and really fun.
Adore You (Harry Styles) - Perfectly good little pop song, very pleasant to listen to, never outstayed its welcome for me.
Mood (24kGoldn) - This doesn’t sound like a very good relationship, my dude, but that’s still a super pleasant song.
WAP (Cardi B & Megan Thee Stallion) - This song is absolutely hilarious and I will hear no argument from any of you.
Control (Zoe Wees) - Was clearly a hit here. Should have been even bigger though. What a powerful but comfy voice. If I had better taste it would be on the list.
Hot Girl Bummer (Blackbear) - I. Uh. Listen. I keep saying I have bad taste and nobody believes me. Do you believe me now. But yeah. “F█ck you, and you, and you~, I hate your friends and they hate me too” is gonna pop in my head every single time someone is being a jerk anywhere near me now. It’s been happening all year already. Someone trashed my documents at work? Someone isn’t wearing a mask in public? That guy has filled his car with rolls of toilet paper? Brain goes “F█ck you, and you, and you~”. Every. Single. Time.
Come & Go (Juice WRLD & Marshmello ) - Damn, that’s a pretty good little song. I’ve seen plenty of people saying it’s ruined by the drop, but may I remind you I’m the person who loves Blue by Eiffel 65 with all my heart. If the song was ramping up consistently until the end instead of ending like that, it would have made the list, definitely.
And now, the actual list. This one actually feels pretty solid, I genuinely like everything on it, there’s no filler here for once.
10 - The Box (Roddy Rich)
US: #3 / FR: #23
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Now this is a weird case, because for the longest time I couldn’t figure out why this song was so popular and I was completely neutral about it. Then, one morning in September, my mental jukebox (which always, always puts a song on a loop in my head when I wake up) decided to play it. And I was like oh wow?? I never noticed the atmosphere in that song before? It’s so great. And that hook too. Let’s listen to it.
So yeah, I don’t know what happened. It just clicked one day and everything fell into place, I guess.
9 - Alane (Wes & Robin Shulz)
US: Not on the list / FR: #93
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Come on. You can’t do a remake of one of my previous #1 songs and let it chart in 2020. That’s cheating. Even with this subpar drop, I have to put it on the list, now.
I’ve already said my piece about the original, so I’m just going to send you back to my 1997 list.
8 - Kings and Queens (Ava Max)
US: Not on the list / FR: #76
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[BBC documentary voice] After Lady Gaga decided to make piano balads and left her musical niche vacant, Ava Max quickly took her place as the top predator pop diva. Even after Lady Gaga was re-introduced to her natural habitat in 2020, she still hasn’t fully recovered in Europe, where Ava Max still reigns supreme on the charts -
(tldr I think it’s hilarious that this isn’t on the US Billboard while Lady Gaga isn’t on the French year-end top 100)
7 - Roses (Saint Jhn & Imanbek)
US: #19 / FR: #3
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What an earworm. It doesn’t even bother trying to have an intro or an outro, so it loops almost perfectly. It’s like entering a party that started long before you arrived, and it will go on long after you leave it to go back home. Kind of hypnotic in a way.
And yes, my mental jukebox was very fond of using it to wake me up this year, so this is another song that’s here almost solely because of that.
6 - Physical (Dua Lipa)
US: Not on the list / FR: #69 (hehehe)
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“Hey I’m not that old” says the guy who’s definitely a sucker for this kind of retro throwback that was so popular this year. Oh well.
I don’t have anything interesting to say about this one, though. Apart from the fact that everyone seems to have a different fave song on that album. Guess that’s quality for you.
5 - Rain on Me (Lady Gaga & Ariana Grande)
US: #48 / FR: Not on the list
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That is far from being Lady Gaga’s best song, but it was a joy to listen to everytime it was on the radio anyway. Also Ariana Grande has surprisingly good chemistry with Gaga! This year was full of strange duets mostly made for commercial reasons, and this one isn’t an exception, but unlike a lot of them, it really, really works.
4 - Dynamite (BTS)
US: #38 / FR: Not on the list
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I’m still not 100% sold on k-pop even if a ton of it sounds super good, but come on. Even if some bits of this song (especially the beginning of the second chorus) sound a bit like they were made on autopilot, it still sounds just as happy and fun several months after I first heard it and I never got tired of it. That’s quality. You hear it and you can’t help but tap your feet and smile.
Actually, I’m sure there’s people somewhere that don’t smile when they hear this song. And they must be avoided at all costs.
3 - Godzilla (Eminem ft Juice WRLD)
US: #62 / FR: Not on the list
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What are you doing so high on this list, old man. Why are you still here in the year 2020. I thought we left you in the previous decade. Who gave you the right.
I’m gonna tell you who did, and it’s actually Juice WRLD. Because that chorus is incredible, and like a lot of people I’m pissed off because the guy died super young and this shit shouldn’t happen to anybody. No, his early material wasn’t great, but I’m sorry I’m gonna say it again: have you heard this damn chorus? It’s suspenseful and dark, it’s got this lowkey menacing quality, it’s an earworm and a half, and it’s more convincing in like six lines than Eminem’s own flexing is in the entire song.
The beat is extremely good as well, and the flow, obviously, impressive. The weakest link is Eminem’s writing, which is as usual full of puns and weird wordplay, except here a lot of it isn’t great, and that last ultra fast part at the end is technically impressive but it also drives the song up a cliff and stops it dead in its tracks once it’s over. But frankly the lines fly by so fast it’s difficult to be too annoyed by them.
Can I sincerely put this extremely flawed song so high on my list? A better question would be “did I spend hours trying to learn how to sing this shit without choking on my own spit?”. The answer is yes. To both.
2 - Heartless (The Weeknd)
US: #28 / FR: Not on the list
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I’ve said it on my 2015 and 2016 lists already, but just for the record I’ll say it again: it took me ages to like The Weeknd, mostly because I found most of his songs fairly boring, or disliked the lyrics, or both. Also I never really liked the general vibe of his “sexy” songs like The Hills, they felt dark but in an unpleasant creepy way. Felt like miserable hedonism, if that makes sense.
So, because I’m a person with extremely consistent and logical tastes, here’s the exact same shit he was making before, except that this time I absolutely adore it.
What is he doing differently that makes the whole After Hours album click for me whereas almost all of his previous material failed to do so? Is it the energy? Is it the reverb? Is it the fact that the narrator sounds properly unhinged and, frankly, scared to be spiralling out of control? Why are the colors so beautiful yet full of anxiety? Why is that bridge so fantastic? How can you make your voice look like a glowstick in the dark?
I give up. I have no clue. At least I’m done talking about-
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1 - Blinding Lights (The Weeknd)
US: #1 / FR: #1 (listen sometimes something’s just that good, ok)
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Surprise. Or not.
Wow, look at that, Johannes has put this year’s number one pop song at number one on their personal playlist. The audacity. The edge. What a hot take.
I discovered that song when it first came out at the end of 2019 and I adored it instantly. And I was so scared it wouldn’t be a hit. Which means I’m a f█cking dumbass considering it ended up breaking all sorts of records in 2020. But what can I say, overplay can be a blessing when you love a song that much.
Like every single song I put at number one on one of my lists, I will draw this one at some point and you will understand how incredibly satisfying it is to listen to a song called Blinding Lights, talking about city lights looking blurry when you’re driving at night, while looking itself like a bunch of blurry city lights passing by super fast. Perfect in every way.
Also it sounds exactly like A-ha, and that never hurts.
See you next year! Pretty sure it will be even better music-wise.
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wiltingdaises-blog · 6 years
26 December 2017
hello, ive logged out of this account bc i find that i think me rereading all these makes me feel shit but, other things contributes to it. my december has been amazing, i got anxious a few times but compared to 2017 it was a big jump. I met a guy, he really makes me feel all butterfly again but must remember not to have high hopesssss,, lmao rmb the last time i said that LOL anyways, im here to let go everything that happened this year that still boggles my mind to this day, throw away the bad memories before 2018 ya know what i mean january, was 'eh' i guess, it was the start of the new year, busy but honestly great, met ice & kicked of feb being all happy. ice left, i cried. went to his bestf, his bestf got a girl then left me hanging. february was when i met fererro, nothing sparked yet but yeah. march, it was terrible, but i still had that positive mindset that everything would be okay soon but it went down from there. my anxiety spiked & i had breakdowns frequently in school. it was SHIT. april came about, it was my busiest month and must i say, i broke down everyday of that month. POP was around the corner & planning everything w SOME people not cooperating made me feel like shit and that decreased my confidence level and i loved my cca so that was me breaking apart from them, plus i fell super sick. with everything done and free, i cried. i cried for the freedom i felt but also breaking apart w my third family. it was the month i was pretty happy bc i got pics w my eye candies, including ferrero & sulfur. may, it was one of the quietest month, however all the study stress got to me and i really felt so much more anxious than i was before and my confidence dropped so much. june, the holidays, fasting month. what can i say, a mess. i fell sick most of the time, i couldnt bring myself to study bc of how sick i felt & i really felt like shit. but it was really a calming month until, ferrero confessed. haha amazing right? well, the next day he realised he liked someone else better. u could tell, i cried the whole day the week after & luckily red flag, so i couldnt fast. but that my whole confidence shattered. july, was the onz study period. i felt so stressed, so anxious and so depressed, i broke down in school, infront of my friends. all the tears i held back all fell down. but also i kept thinking abt ferrero, who was the girl he liked. my thoughts abt it ended, when he told me. my heart shattered, it was funny, it was someone i disliked then. it made me dislike her even more ((but, now we good so is alright, if u see this sorry! )) i kept thinking why? why her. but i put my heart and soul to sulfur. bad choice. august came around, i can say i was pretty positive this month, it was my birthday month,, it was a great month, until the end around the 29th, things suddenly changed, i lost a friend, a bestfriend. what was even worse was it was on my birthday. september, was one of the month with the most tension, most tension w my so called brother, seven. too many nicknames sorry haha. but it was all good after the days went by. i felt like shit tho, the worse i ever felt so far this year. i really felt so anxious this month sometimes for no reason. october/november, my exams month. i was absolutely stressed out, balancing my studies, taking care of my mental health and being a stupid ass, thinking abt ferrero and sulfur. i felt so sucidal, so out of it. ( i wouldnt be surprised if i didnt do well but i really hope i did. ) anxiety was at its absolute peak. mid-end november, i had camp after camp. firstly, cca camp. (not my sch cca but the cca community of the cca i was in, u get it? u get it. ) i was so so anxious during that camp and i felt dizzy most of the time it was shit !!! bc that was what i loved before all this shit happened & i couldnt continue bc i was worried fr my mental health. haha yes i quit aft that. then i had poly camp. that one was great. rlly it was. i was less anxious. probably bc it was really relaxed and all. december, someone left, but it was alright. chill bc i really just calmed down and relaxed thruout this month. so yeah, if u read this far thank you omg & i hope this would make me feel much better to start the year a new. hope to not see you again, but maybe to see you for positivite entries ❤️
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johannesviii · 4 years
Top 10 Personal Favorite Hit Songs from 2007
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18 to 19 years old. Things were slowly starting to get better and better.
15 honorable mentions, but this is still only a top 10. What an incredible, amazing year for music. My favorite hit song for the entire decade is in there! I think everyone already knows what that is because I am, in fact, extremely predictable.
Keep in mind I’m using both the year-end top 100 lists from the US and from France while making these top 10 things. There’s songs in English that charted in my country way higher than they did in their home countries, or even earlier or later, so that might get surprising at times.
Of course there will be stuff in French. We suck. I know. It’s my list. Deal with it.
My musical tastes have always been terrible and I’m not a critic, just a listener and an idiot.
I have sound to color synesthesia which justifies nothing but might explain why I have trouble describing some songs in other terms than visual ones.
Second to third year of my History studies. Met a great guy. So great, in fact, that I married him in 2019 because we’re still living together 13 years later. Got my first summer job but spent my first pay on driving lessons, because, again, I needed to get out of my parents’ appartment and knowing how to drive would be good to find a job. I had a much better access to internet. I still had great grades. Things were getting much better.
I stopped making my personal lists of favorite songs that year, and I had an mp3 player, which really opened a world of possibilities even if you could only put something like 40 songs on it, at best.
I was still reading Rock Mag a lot. As you can see, the biggest controversy at the time was what was emo and what wasn’t.
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We were alright.
As far as non-elligible songs go, well there’s I Still Remember by Bloc Party (and the fact I can’t put it on the list is a heartbreak and a half) and basically everything from Year Zero by Nine Inch Nails. Nightwish, Epica and Within Temptation all had pretty good albums too.
Here’s a metric ton of honorable mentions first!
Snow (Red Hot Chili Peppers) - Perfectly pleasant song.
D.A.N.C.E (Justice) - Never understood why this was so popular. Still good.
Love is Gone (David Guetta) - Heyyyy another repetitive dance track, perfect.
Miracle (Cascada), Smack That (Akon), Chasing Cars (Snow Patrol), SexyBack (Justin Timberlake) and Say It Right (Nelly Furtado & Timbaland) - Still elligible songs for that year. Still great songs. Still not making the list.
Butterfly (Superbus) - I didn’t like this band, but I liked that song.
Thanks for the Memories (Fall Out Boy) - Same here basically.
Who Knew (Pink) - Not her best, but not her worst by a mile either.
Walk It Out (Unk) - Stayed in my head for days, I swear. I have no idea what the general opinion about it is nowadays. Maybe that’s a humiliating pick and I genuinely have no idea.
Crank That (Soulja Boy) - I do, however, know that the fact this very nearly made the list IS hilarious.
Alive (Mondotek) - Laugh all you want about the tektonik phenomenon, this is still a banger and a half.
Sound of Freedom (Bob Sinclar & Cutee B) - Not as good as Rock This Party. That’s the only thing I can say against it.
Umbrella (Rihanna) - This is an edit because holy shit I forgot Umbrella. It very nearly made the list too. Sorry.
And now, possibly one of the best top tens yet.
10 - This Ain’t A Scene, It’s An Arms Race (Fall Out Boy)
US: #32 / FR: #71
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Almost everyone got the lyrics wrong. The title is way too long. I really don’t like this band of pretentious idiots; if you’re gonna be pretentious at least write about something more grand and epic than your own navel, and go all out (more on that later). Nobody ever really cared about their supposed feud with Panic! At The Disco. And, to make matters even worse, the singer looked exactly like the terrible ex I had punched in the face the previous year.
This is still a damn good song and it’s on the list instead of any of the honorable mentions.
RIP me.
9 - How To Save A Life (The Fray)
US: #24 / FR: Not on the list
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You already know I loved The Fray. This song could have apparently also made the previous list but it’s on this one instead. It was overplayed. I still loved it.
8 - U + Ur Hand (Pink)
US: #29 / FR: Not on the list
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In 2002, I bought Pink’s Missundaztood album and as you might remember this was the second album I ever bought in my life, right before the gigantic trainwreck that highschool was.
The fact that about five years (that felt like twelve) later, Pink was on the other side of that trainwreck, back in my earphones, just as energetic and fun as she was before, was nothing short of heartwarming.
7 - Je Suis Un Homme (Zazie)
US: Not on the list / FR: #43
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I’m not gonna beat around the bush. This song is terrifying.
Here’s a translation. Yeah, it’s about humanity destroying the Earth and itself in various ways, and it’s preachy, but holy shit, how can something be so bleak, so scary and still so catchy. It’s a mystery.
6 - Double Je (Christophe Willem)
US: Not on the list / FR: #2
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When I first heard this song, I genuinely thought that was also Zazie and I was like oh wow, she’s learned to have fun again after that bleak, bleak song.
But no. She only wrote it, and it’s sung by this guy. It’s relatable as hell (”When I grow up it’s gonna be easy, I’ll finally know what I am”, “Who’s fault is it? / I’m something and its opposite / Double me”). The fact that a guy had this kind of voice and that a ton of people loved it (enough for him to win a big talent show and make this the second biggest song of the year!) also did wonders for my dysphoria, by the way.
5 - Ta Meuf (Faf Larage)
US: Not on the list / FR: #19
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This is a song applying the most obnoxious rap and hip hop clichés about gangsters (and guys in general) to a woman, and she ends up terrorising all the guys and they’re realising these clichés might, in fact, be really toxic.
It’s a great song about gender roles usually seen in this kind of music and instead of being preachy, it’s hilarious, and well-written (I mean, it’s Faf Larage, it’s a given, but still). Check it out.
4 - Relax Take It Easy (Mika)
US: Not on the list / FR: #12
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All hail the new king of pop. He was here to stay and what a breath of fresh air he was. This was very much his year in Europe as soon as the album Life In Cartoon Motion dropped.
My significant other absolutely loved this album and we listened to it wayyyy, way too much, and even with all the radio overplay AND the overplay when we were together, I still can’t get enough of this album.
3 - Love Today (Mika)
US: Not on the list / FR: #39
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Here he is again!
If this was any other year this would top the list very easily. What were the US even thinking back then to not let this guy chart. Why isn’t Mika a huge star over there too. What is your problem guys. Do you have something against fun or what.
Anyway, here’s possibly the best comment on the music video:
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I mean. You’re not wrong.
2 - What I’ve Done (Linkin Park)
US: #38 / FR: Not on the list
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Aaaaaaand they’re back. And they’re once again topping my list. Lord have mercy on me. I loved them so much.
This was the first step into their modern sound, less raw, more U2. A couple of years later, when Lacuna Coil released Shallow Life, I used to joke that Lacuna Coil was trying to sound more and more like Linkin Park, that Linkin Park was trying to sound more and more like U2, and that U2 was trying to sound more and more like boring garbage and. I mean. I wasn’t wrong there.
My absolute favorite part of the song is at 2:24, when the music calms down a bit and the lyrics go “I start again / And whatever pain may come / Today this ends / I’m forgiving what I’ve done” and then the guitar explodes again. So powerful. Love it.
And now you’re probably thinking “so... Linkin Park was back, and with such a top quality song and it’s NOT your #1? After you put a Linkin Park song or a Linkin Park remix at #1 for three years in a row in 2002, 2003 AND 2004? What’s going on, Jo? Are you okay?”
Oh I’m more than okay. Friends and enemies, here comes the absolute best hit song of the entire decade and possibly of my entire life so far.
You probably already know what it is.
1 - Welcome to the Black Parade (My Chemical Romance)
US: #59 / FR: Not on the list (shame on you French charts)
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I know I keep complaining about stuff I love not charting, or charting but not high enough to make any year-end list, but... How was this even allowed to chart. Why and how did it end up on the US year-end list when so many more radio-friendly hits I loved couldn’t even scratch the hot 100.
I’m not complaining at all. I’m just baffled.
Play the first note on a piano and I’m already a wreck. Heck, I’m pretty sure everyone from my generation is. It was basically our very own Bohemian Rhapsody. It still is. Where do I even start.
Oh. I know. Look at this page from a 2006 Rock Mag, it’s gold.
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Yep, they highlighted The Open Door by Evanescence and praised it, and were like “this is very risky and ambitious and we’re not sure you’re gonna like this” for The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance. Hilarious in hindsight.
A few months later, the same magazine was desesperately using double pages to interview them because everyone adored the album.
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So in case you’ve never listened to it (I’m... not even sure why I’m doing this since I’m pretty sure even people who don’t like this type of music have tried to out of sheer curiosity), it’s a concept album about a guy (...possibly. I mean there’s a lot of trans and/or nonbinary hints in the lyrics and did you really NEED to make all of this more relatable? What the hell guys) dying of cancer, remembering all the good and the bad things that happened in his life, and since his fondest memory is seeing a marching band once as a child, death arrives in the form of a marching band. He then settles some scores with his friends and family, says his goodbyes, and... and doesn’t die in the end. He ends up surviving the whole ordeal, and the last song, Famous Last Words, is one the most incredible things I’ve ever heard. It’s so propulsive, uplifting and motivating. “I am not afraid to keep on living / I am not afraid to walk this world alone”. Holy. Shit. Sadly, it’s not elligible.
Welcome to the Black Parade is basically the centerpiece of the album, as you already know or might have guessed, but here’s the thing. It also works out of context because there’s already an entire narrative arc within this one song. It’s larger than life. It’s about death and the meaning of existence. It basically contains all the stages of grief, and the conclusion it reaches is that this guy will be remembered and therefore, he will transcend death. It’s full of rage and passion and triumph. There’s key changes. There’s tempo changes. There’s everything. It’s a rock opera in a single song. I put it on my mp3 player immediately after listening to the album, and it’s still on my mp3 player today. I never, ever removed it. I listened to it countless times and every single time, it feels like rewatching one of my favorite movies.
Best hit song of 2007 by a mile. Best hit song of the decade, hands down, and now that the 2010s are over, I’m pretty confident in saying nothing has topped it so far. I’d say “fight me” if I thought this was a controversial opinion, but it’s not even that controversial.
And that feels damn right.
Next up: Is... is this a list with actual filler? Are you telling us there was ONE mediocre year for music in the 2000s? Sounds fake but okay
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