#sorry for any mistakes and/or weird phrasing
sooo I noticed something
There are these obvious parallels between Wednesday and Enid on the one hand and Morticia and Weems on the other hand in terms of being roommates in Ophelia Hall, being captain and co-pilot at the Poe Cup, their general aesthetics (Morticia + Wednesday = dark hair, dark clothes, dark everything / Weems + Enid = blonde hair, bright clothes) etc.
I think these parallels are also emphasized by scenery:
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so at first you would think: there is supposed to be a parallel between Wednesday and Morticia and then Enid could be compared to Weems in some ways
BUT if you think about it and analyze the characters more deeply you could say that in some ways Wednesday has more in common with Weems than with Morticia, whereas Enid has more in common with Morticia than with Weems.
Here are some things I noticed while thinking about this:
#1 their roles at the Poe Cup
This is what initially made me think more closely about the parallels between the four of them: Weems tells Wednesday that the last time Ophelia Hall won the Poe Cup, Morticia Addams captained the team - just like Enid captains the team now. Weems was Morticia’s co-pilot - just like Wednesday is Enid’s co-pilot. This made me wonder: Why didn’t they make the parallels between Wednesday and Morticia more obvious by just having Wednesday be the captain and Enid the co-pilot? The reason for Wednesday being the co-pilot is Yoko not being able to participate in the Poe Cup but instead of making Yoko the original captain and Enid the co-pilot, having Yoko be unable to participate and then making Wednesday the captain and Enid the co-pilot, the writers decided to have it the other way around. Enid now has the position that Morticia used to have and Wednesday has the position that Weems used to have. Which doesn’t put Wednesday in her mother’s position - but in Weems’s position. And Enid in Morticia’s position.
#2 their character traits
Like Wednesday Morticia has a dark aesthetic and is drawn to dark and morbid things. There are obvious parallels. But if you look at their personalities more closely you see a lot of differences. While Wednesday never expresses emotions, doesn’t show any interest in romance and is very aloof in general, Morticia is very likable, very passionate and romantic (in her own unique dark and morbid way of course) and also sentimental and kind of soft. Wednesday doesn’t care about others at all and is a loner whereas Morticia’s love for her husband is unmatched and her family is very important to her. Enid, though not matching the Addams’ aesthetic at all, seems to have more in common with Morticia personality-wise than Wednesday has in common with her mother. Enid is engaging and passionate, enthusiastic and has a high interest in romance. She is also likable and dedicated and emotional, in a way like Morticia. I have always thought, even before Tim Burton’s “Wednesday”, that Morticia Addams could in some ways be described as having a “bright” personality as opposed to her dark appearance. She draws others in, she’s devoted and dedicated, happy and positive. Enid is like that too while Wednesday is completely different. Morticia herself talks about Wednesday’s and her opposing dispositions when talking to Wednesday about her psychic abilities - Morticia's disposition being positive (which causes her visions to be more positive and which makes her a Dove) while Wednesday’s disposition being darker on the other hand (which causes her visions to be more potent and powerful and which makes her a Raven). I think it is very obvious that Enid’s disposition is positive too, just like Morticia’s.
And then there’s Weems. Obviously, Weems and Wednesday don’t have the exact same personality. On the outside, Weems is always nice and friendly, she’s polite and civil. But there is also a different side to her. She doesn’t show it to others but she does have a rather dark and angry side that she is hiding. She is very bitter about her past and seems to hold on to a lot of jealousy towards Morticia. She can also get very angry and harsh. And she is serious, unlike Morticia, who is soft and angelic. Because of her bitterness and her seriousness and the fact that she hides these negative feelings from others (when she confesses to Thornhill that her own Rave’N was only disappointing she then quickly changes the topic and doesn’t want the conversation to get more personal) and especially the throwing-a-yearbook-page-into-the-fire-scene with that evil and hateful expression on her face, I would describe her disposition as rather dark as well. Weems is nice and a good person but she is not light-hearted and carefree, there is a certain severeness to her. Therefore a dark disposition - just like Wednesday. And when you think about it, she is a loner, too. She is surrounded by people but no one is even remotely close to her - just like Wednesday.
#3 their lives at Nevermore
Enid is very passionate about Nevermore and the whole school spirit thing, participates in a lot of school activities, is captain of the Ophelia Hall team at the Poe Cup etc. Morticia was like that too. She was captain of the fencing team, Queen of the Dark Prom and President of the Séance Society (what a legend) and Wednesday says that Nevermore “was the perfect school” for her mother. Just like Nevermore is the perfect school for Enid! Both Enid and Morticia are popular and successful and show a high level of identification with the school.
By the end of the first season Wednesday seems to enjoy being at Nevermore. But she did NOT (and I like that fact and love that the writers did it that way) and will probably never follow her mother’s footsteps. Wednesday has no interest in networking and being popular and taking part in group activities. And while it is nice that she found people she cares about (mostly Enid and Eugene), she will not be like her captain-and-queen-and-president-of-everything mother and prefers to be an outsider, even at a school for outsiders.
I think it is very likely that Weems was an outsider when she was a student at Nevermore too, just like Wednesday. We know that she was always jealous of Morticia because Morticia was popular. When Morticia says that they had good times at Nevermore, Weems basically says “speak for yourself”, implying that her time at Nevermore wasn’t that great, and at the Rave’N she tells Thornhill that all she remembers about her own Rave’N is “disappointment”. The negative feelings she has about her time as a student at Nevermore go as far as to RIP OUT a page of her old yearbook and dramatically throw it into the fire. So like Wednesday she probably didn’t take part in many school acitivities that she was excited about, she wasn’t very popular and maybe even an outsider. I think this is a parallel between Wednesday and Weems - though, of course, Wednesday WANTS it that way while Weems was and still is bitter about it...
#4 Wednesday and Weems being in Morticia’s shadow
There is this huge parallel between Wednesday and Weems about being in Morticia’s shadow and trying to find their own path without Morticia’s ‘legacy’ overshadowing their every move. Wednesday says multiple times that she has no interest in following in Morticia’s footsteps because she couldn’t live up to the expectations based on her mother's legacy anyway. Just like Weems could never compete with Morticia. I especially noticed one scene where Wednesday expresses very strongly that she doesn’t want to be compared to her mother all the time and that she has the need to be her own person. In this scene Weems compares Wednesday to Morticia and when Wednesday tells her that she and her mother are two different people, Weems seems to think about Wednesday’s words for a moment. I don’t know whether I interpret too much into this but I think that Weems’s face shows that she realizes that she is very familiar with the need to be “independent” from Morticia Addams. She knows very well how it is to be in Morticia’s shadow and I think it is in that moment that she realizes that Wednesday feels the same way about Morticia as she does. It was not easy for Weems and it is not easy for Wednesday to be “linked” to Morticia’s legacy at Nevermore because she was perfect - she was popular, well-liked, happy, successful, dedicated and beautiful. So in a way, Wednesday’s experience at Nevermore is similar to Weems’s experience: always being in Morticia’s shadow. And I think that’s what Weems realizes:
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Also, Wednesday tells her mother: “I’m not you, mother. I will never fall in love or be a housewife or have a family.” So... she’ll be like Weems then? She’ll choose a whole different path than her mother just like Weems chose a whole different path than Morticia did.
To sum it all up: there is a lot to unpack. Which makes the show so great. And I think about the Wednesday-Weems and Morticia-Enid parallels constantly.
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zylev-blog · 6 months
Danny was pissed. He was chilling in the Speedforce, waiting on his dad—the Flash—to show up when he felt something shift around him. He exited the speedforce to find that the timeline had changed again, and he had been written out of the timeline. He technically was a time anomaly now, and didn’t exist. So he talked to Clockwork, a ghost he’d gotten to know extremely well after Danny’s creation.
Danny was a clone of the Flash and Green Lantern(Hal Jordan) as part of an experiment that Lex Luthor had taken prior to cloning Superboy. Lex had wanted to know if the power ring was able to transmit anything genetically (it couldn’t. It was a wearable weapon, not a genetic thing.) but Danny had inherited Flash’s superspeed, so he wasn’t a complete loss. Danny wasn’t sure if he looked more like either man, considering they both wore masks. He had brown hair and green eyes. Beyond that, he tanned well, was tall for his age, and packed on muscle far easier than the Flash did. He hadn’t ever seen either man out of the costume.
After a talk with Clockwork, he decided he was just going to force his way back into his Dad’s life. Both of them, if possible. He arrived years before his creation by mistake, right near the start of the Justice League. By his estimates, the team had only been formed for a year before he’d arrived. It was strange; he both didn’t exist and was from the future. He guessed that it was around nine years before his birth, and since he was technically six months old, he was 9 years in the past. Thinking about this was going to give him a headache.
The Justice League was severely mistrustful of each other. They didn’t go out of their way for teamups, didn’t have weekly meetings, and almost pretended if the other members didn’t exist. The most recluse of them was Batman, of course. If any hero set foot in Gotham, they were booted out before they even got to downtown. Danny highly suspected Batman had the entire city on camera. The situation was weirding him out more than before. What had happened to the team?! He was used to everyone being one big family, and even the sidekicks having their own teams… speaking of sidekicks, why was Robin so small?! Wait a minute, that wasn’t the third Robin that he was used to, that was the first Robin! Baby Nightwing!
Thankfully for him, he still had his costume on this entire time as he zipped around the country, spying on the younger members of the Justice League. It was surreal watching everyone try to capture him, but he wasn’t going to be caught that easily!
Eventually his presence forced the Justice League into another teamup. Batman laid the trap out, and Flash lured him into it. The plan was so beautiful that he didn’t even realize it was a trap until he was caught in it. Green Lantern took off Danny’s mask, and for the first time, he looked at his fathers without a mask. They didn’t make the connection to him right away. It wasn’t until Wonder Woman’s lasso made its way around his wrist that the truth finally came out.
“Who are you?” Wonder Woman asked.
“Oof , hard question—ow ow oww—I’m being honest!” He struggled against the lasso as it started to burn him. “My designation was Dn-y, I go by Danny, though. I’m a clone.”
“Of who?” Batman demanded.
“Flash and Green Lantern.” The lasso was glowing brightly, indicating that he was telling the truth.
“How did you escape?” Flash asked.
He didn’t answer right away. He was trying to think about how to phrase the whole time traveling—timeline erasure thing when the lasso started to burn him again. “Ow ow! Sorry, I’m thinking! Ow! Turn down the settings on that thing, holy shit—okay, okay.” He winced, his words coming out in one breath as he quickly talked, “What do you know about time travel?”
Diana’s eyebrows were rising. “How are you able to resist the lasso for so long?”
“I’m not really resisting it.” He answered, noting the obvious deflect of his last question, “I just-oww—okay! My mind moves too fast for me to put into words sometimes and it makes me stop to think about it, but like, I’m not good at controlling the speed in which I speak all the time—owww make this thing stop burning me! I’m speaking honestly!”
Diana revoked the lasso, and he rubbed his wrist where his costume was starting to singe. He was still trapped in an anti-speedster prison, so it wasn’t exactly like he was going anywhere anyway.
“Why were you asking about time travel?” Batman asked.
“Based on the crickets chirping I heard earlier, that leads me to believe you guys haven’t had any experience in it yet.” He leaned against the wall of the prison, wincing as it shocked him with electricity. “Seriously? How paranoid are you, Batman?” He rubbed his shoulder. “Honestly, I don’t know what I was expecting with you people, but I feel so attacked right now.”
“So we have experience with it in the future?” Superman piped up.
“Yeah?” His tone of voice equated to a ‘duh’ tone. “Why would I ask what you knew if I wasn’t from the future?”
“How far in the future are you from?” Green Lantern asked.
“Nine years, maybe close to ten? Timelines are weird. I’m technically six months old, but at the same time I’m sixteen. Cloning is odd, but I was like, the first clone ever, so I don’t really have a basis for this sort of thing, if you catch my drift.” He shrugged. He seemed like he talked a lot more than the heroes did, but he didn’t know if that was because he was a chatterbox, or because they weren’t comfortable in each other’s presence. Either way, the silence was odd to him.
“How did you end up here?” Batman asked.
“Honestly? I don’t fully know. Don’t give me that look, Diana! I’m telling the truth.” He added quickly as Diana fingered her lasso again. “All I know is one minute, I’m chilling in the Speedforce, and the next, the timeline is changed and I’m nine years too early for my birth. You’d think the timeline would at least have the decency to spit me out in my own year, but nooo, it wanted to—“
“What’s the Speedforce?” Superman interrupted.
He tilted his head at Superman’s question, then turned to the Flash. “How long have you had your powers?”
Flash shifted uncomfortably. “Two years.”
“Oh boy.” Danny’s green eyes widened. “You don’t know anything about them, do you?”
“I do know things!” Flash deflected, “My suit doesn’t catch on fire anymore! I can run up to Mach 2! I can get from either end of the country in thirty minutes!”
He groaned loudly. “Oh no. Oh no.” He chewed on his thumb, trying to recall everything he’d learned about his powers from his Flash. While he hadn’t learned his or Green Lantern’s identity yet, he knew almost everything about their hero personas and a lot of personal information. They were just worried of the Cadmus connection and didn’t want their identity to fall into the wrong hands if they still could see inside of Danny’s head.
“What’s wrong?” Diana asked.
“Okay.” He ran his hands through his brown hair, making it spike up. “Hypothetically—“ he cut himself off as Batman glared at him. “Okay, totally real, but uh, Flash, let’s just say that I’m faster than you right now. A lot faster.”
“How much?” Flash took a step forward, obviously curious.
“From what we can tell, I’ve topped out at Mach nine.” He responded with a dry laugh, “But your speed was still a lot faster than mine. You’d never tell me what it was. I’m still growing though, and I’m getting faster. I’m able to beat my precious time by almost double each time we test. But my situation was complicated, and things were happening, and it was a mess.”
“Like what?” Superman asked.
“World war three. I think?” He rubbed the back of his neck, a gesture that he had picked up from Green Lantern, “Things got complicated. That’s why I was going to wait for…” his eyebrows scrunched together as the last piece of the puzzle clicked into place. “It was you!” He turned to Flash. “You!” He jabbed a finger at the speedster. “You set this up! You set ME up!”
The heroes took fighting stances, but Superman took a step forward, blocking them from Danny. “What are you talking about?”
“Okay okay.” He was trying to calm down his anger, but he had been told by Green Lantern in the past that he had inherited the man’s anger issues. “Let me start at the beginning. This is going to be a long story, you might want to take a seat.”
Nobody moved, but everyone was tense.
“Or not. Okay. So my creation starts with Lex Luthor.” He noticed Superman stiffen. “He used me as his trial, if you will. Once he got a successful attempt at cloning—me—he moved onto his real target. Cloning Superman.” Danny’s green eyes hovered onto Superman’s blue ones. “He was successful.”
“What happened?” Superman’s voice was unnaturally quiet.
“Well, at first, Conner wasn’t showing that he had all the powers of Superman. So Lex tossed him aside and tried again. The second attempt was more successful than the first. But cloning Kryptonian dna was hard, I guess.” He shrugged. “The second clone lacked basic emotions. Empathy, remorse… it made him the perfect little weapon for Lex. But eventually, the clone’s anger and Lex’s greed got to a point of no return. Lex was elected President of the United States and uh…you can probably see where this is going, right? While the fighting hadn’t like…’officially’ started,” He used his fingers to create air quotes around the word ‘officially’, “Things were getting tense. See, we couldn’t take the clone down because Lex had wrote out the Kryptonite deficiency out of his weakness. And the clone had all the strength of Superman and none of his remorse…”
Superman looked pale. “I see.”
“So Flash and I came up with a plan.” He turned back to his father, “We were going to travel into the next dimension for help. From what we could tell, that dimension was full of god-like beings, and one of them actually helped me out earlier! But for a lot of them, they ask for a price for their help. But anyway, Flash and I were going to take our case to the King and plead for help. I was waiting for Flash when the timeline reset and I found out that not only did I not exist, but I was nine years too early.”
“What are you going to do now?” Green Lantern asked.
“Dunno,” His voice dropped as the reality hit him. He wasn’t going home—his home didn’t exist anymore.
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jazzyoranges · 7 months
Can you write a friends with benefits situation Wednesday or Tara has with gp reader? Wednesday or Tara enforces a no strings attach policy but of course reader has to catch feelings and admits their feelings. It freaks Tara/wednesday and causes her to push them away and ghost them effectively hurting the reader who after a while tries to rebound with another girl causing major jealousy from Tara/Wednesday. You can choose the ending I just wanna see some jealous smut and angst mix in there 😩
She’s my Collar
Wednesday Addams x fem!werewolf!reader
Words: 4.6k (whoopsies)
Warnings: gp!reader, definitely ooc Wednesday, heat cycles, unprotected sex, knotting, explicit smut, everyone is 18+, Wednesday calls you a mutt and a puppy, breeding kink, is it really pet play if you’re actually a pet?, italian/spanish pet names and phrases, possessive Wednesday, fluff, angst i think
A/n: so sorry it took so long for me to write this anon who requested 😓 could be read as a prequel to this fic, but not specifically written as one. also i kinda strayed away from the original request, sorry about that too 😭🫶
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Wednesday didn’t want to admit it, but she was feeling a certain emotion that was completely undesirable. You’ve been out sick for an entire week. Wednesday hadn’t seen you in the last 8 days, 17 hours, and 42 minutes. But who was counting? Definitely not the Addams girl
Others would say Wednesday looked the same as any other week, but Enid’s roommate senses were tingling. Constantly fiddling with her rings, the very prominent scowl on her face that was meaner than usual, and the common frustrated grunts when Wednesday would make a mistake with her writing. Something was up, and not even god herself couldn’t stop Enid from figuring it out
While Wednesday was smart in every aspect except social, Enid’s people smarts came in useful every now and again. It really didn’t take long for her to piece two and two together. Angry roommate while someone she frequently hung out with was out sick? It was child’s play, really. All she needed to do was have Wednesday come to the same conclusion as her
Easier said that done, really. Wednesday was a knucklehead not so smart when it came to emotions. Any emotion other than creating despair, Wednesday struggled with. Luckily Enid was dedicated and also a knucklehead
Currently Wednesday was seated at her desk, simply staring at a blank piece of paper without moving. On any normal day her fingers would be speeding across the typewriter with ideas constantly coming to her. Now she was met with absolute digital silence from her mind, which proved to be discouraging and inconvenient to say the least
“Alright, Wednesday. What’s going on?”
“I have not a clue what you’re talking about.”
“You’ve been different this entire week. Spill the beans”
“As I’ve just said, I don’t have the information you want.”
“It’s because you haven’t seen her all week, right? You miss her, don’t you?”
“Why would I miss that mutt of a werewolf? I do not miss Y/n.”
“I never said her name, yet you know exactly who I’m talking about. Funny how that works, Wednesday” Enid teases. Her roomie has been caught red handed
“If you want your tongue, I’d recommend you stop talking.”
“Cmon, Wednesday, I’m being serious. It’s not weird to miss a friend. How about you check up on her?”
“First, I do not miss her. Second, she is definitely fine. I do not need to check up on her.”
“She’s been out sick for an entire week. She texted me just today the sickness isn’t showing any signs of stopping”
“Why has she not called the nurse, then?”
“She told me they ran out of the medicine she needs. The sickness is werewolf specific. I’ve gotten it before and it hurt like a bitch without medicine”
“What kind of school clinic runs out of medicine?” Wednesday says under her breath while getting up. Presumably to check on you, Enid assumes
“It’s really high in demand right now. It only infects werewolves, so you won’t catch it”
“I suppose I’ll ask Y/n on the specifics of her current condition. Perhaps it could be a part in my writings.”
“I’m sure it will be, Wednesday. Tell me how it goes!” Enid waves goodbye to Wednesday as she exits, and the Addams misses her roommates wolfish grin
Luckily your dorm isn’t too far away from Ophelia hall but it’s still a considerable walk to and from. The walk there gives Wednesday enough time to really question why she was doing this. She did not care for you, that was most definitely certain. At least that’s what Wednesday kept telling herself when she neared your room
The Addams girl hesitated before she knocked on your door. She could hear you whimpering and whining in pain, your tail quickly thumping against your bed. The shorter girl bit the bullet and held her fist against the door, quickly knocking on it
“Open up, Y/n or I’ll be forced to axe down your door.”
“Go away, Wednesday” Your voice was muffled
“Either I pick your lock or you open this door. Make your decision.”
Wednesday hears your feel shuffle to the door, and you open it just enough for your eye to peek out. Wednesday immediately notices your flushed skin and dark eye bags. You’re only wearing a tank top and boxers, trying to hide your lower body behind the door
“What do you want?” You spit out a bit more aggressively than you mean to
“I’ve come to check up on your illness”
“I’m uh- I’m okay. You can go now, Wednesday”
“You obviously aren’t, you haven’t gone to your classes all week.”
“Listen, I’m not actually sick. If I tell you what’s actually happening, promise you won’t freak out?”
“I promise.”
You suck in a breath to calm your nerves. “I’m in heat. The school clinic ran out of suppressants, so I haven’t been able to come to classes”
Wednesday looked you up and down, and in a split second she felt something she hadn’t before. Something about how your wolfish features came out. Ears were pressed against your head, tail hung low and swaying softly, and Wednesday noticed your fangs poke out when you spoke
“Let me help you.”
“W-What?” You momentarily stoped holding the door, and Wednesday let herself inside. Wednesday was immediately hit with a musk that was so… you. Werewolves weren’t her major, but she could tell you’ve marked your entire room with your own scent. Something about it made Wednesday’s mind think of all the unspeakable things she wanted to do to you
“Uh, sorry for the mess. And sorry for the smell, I know it’s bad…” You shift on your feet, and it’s only then Wednesday notices the tent in your boxers. Quickly mumbling out apology after apology, you move your tail so it covers your growing erection
“Stop apologizing, it’s getting quite annoying. I said I’d help you, did I not?”
“Help me like..?”
“Yes. Help you as in having sexual intercourse”
Your cheeks flush red and you have to actively stop your tail from wagging in excitement. Wednesday takes a step closer, but you take a step back
“A-Are you sure? You’re human, and I’m a werewolf. Your body isn’t designed to handle our heats”
Wednesday takes another step closer to you, grabbing your neck to make you look straight in her eyes. You can’t stop the whimper that escapes your throat
“I decide what I can handle.” The shorter girl firmly gropes at your clothed erection, and you moan at the contact
“Wednesday, I-”
“A dumb puppy is what you are. Why didn’t you tell me you were in heat?”
“I didn’t- I didn’t think you’d care” When Wednesday starts to massage your clothed cock more roughly, she earns another moan out of your throat
“Please, please make it better, Wednesday. It hurts so fucking much” You whimper, and Wednesday wonders if you’d look good in a collar with her name on it. She’d have to save that idea for a different day.
“Take everything off. I want to see all of you.”
Wordlessly, you start to strip, which doesn’t take long since you’re barely wearing any clothes. Your mindless obedience made Wednesday happy. You start with your tank top and the Addams chooses to observe every part of you. Wednesday notices you’re considerably more furry than usual, your happy trail showing just above your boxer briefs
“Are you sure?” You ask nervously when you reach your boxers, and Wednesday is getting considerably more impatient
“Do I have to do everything for you?” Wednesday mutters while she takes off your boxers instead. The shorter girl sucks in a breath when your hardened cock slaps against your stomach
Wednesday didn’t expect you to be so… lewdly big. Looking at the size of your erection only reminded her your body was meant to breed. You were designed to reproduce, and the thought turned Wednesday on more than she liked
The shorter girl pushes you onto your bed, and she takes a second to look at the state you’re in
“Please, Wednesday…” You whine
“Be patient, Y/n. You’ll get there eventually”
“It hurts so much, please I can’t wait” Begging harder, Wednesday doesn’t likehow her first instinct is to give you what you want
“You’re lucky I tolerate you. If you were any other person, I’d think this was dehumanizing.” She pushes you further back, licking a stripe up your tip and across a vein. You have to stop yourself from cumming embarrassingly quick
Wednesday keeps giving your shaft long kitten-licks and you’re in heaven when she finally decides to suck your tip with a new type of hunger.
And due to previous attempts at suppressing your heat by yourself, your cock was absolutely raw at how much you masturbated. It only made Wednesday’s tongue feel even better
She hollows out her cheeks, making your tip hit the back of her throat. This earns a groan from the back of your throat. You didn’t know if touching was allowed due to her track record of broken arms and hands, so you decide to play it safe by just holding onto your bedsheets for dear life
“F-Fuck, I’m about to-“ Before you can finish your sentence, Wednesday pulls away from your cock. The look on your face is something Wednesday would like to cherish. Your penis was twitching like crazy. It was drooling with pre-cum and the shorter girls saliva. She couldn’t help but admire how you shook under her
“Why’d you stop?” Whining seemed to be a strong suit of yours
“In me.” Wednesday wipes a bit of her saliva off her chin, and you swear it’s the most attractive thing ever “Now.”
“You know what I mean. Really, do I always have to spell it out for you?”
“You have to cut me some slack here, Wens…”
“I suppose I could provide an understanding for your view. You’re nothing but a dumb pup, are you not? Your kind is known to follow orders.”
“I think you’re confusing me with a domesticated dog, Wednesday”
“If I were to demand you pluck stars from the night, you would, would you not?”
“I mean I would, but for different reasons…”
“My point still stands.” Wednesday mumbles, sinking down on your erection. You don’t remember when she got naked, but you’re also not exactly complaining
The Addams holds onto your shoulders for support, and you hesitate before putting your hands on her hips. Luckily you made the right choice, your warm hands directly polar to Wednesday’s.
It takes a little effort for Wednesday to completely take in your cock, but the stretch is worth it when she sees your labored breathing like she’s the best pussy you’ve ever had. Which, Wednesday wouldn’t admit she was proud of. She could feel every vein on your cock and every twitch made her spiral into thoughts of you
The sight is funny, you think. The Wednesday Addams is impaled on your cock. The Wednesday Addams that saved Nevermore. The Wednesday Addams that was notorious for being gorgeously scary. That Wednesday Addams was riding your dick like her life depended on it.
Skin slapping together was music to your ears, and the feeling in your lower stomach you recognized well was rapidly building up. Wednesday came with a hitch in her breath, and you reluctantly pulled out before releasing your own cum with a groan. Both of you are left breathing hard.
“There will be a silver bullet in your skull if you so much as think about telling anyone about this.” Wednesday mutters in between breaths.
“Duly noted.”
You’ve been in this arrangement with Wednesday for about 4 months, now
The first month consisted of a casual fuck here and there. After a particularly hard week, teachers being annoying, or a hard test. It wasn’t difficult to keep your situation away from your friends. For all they knew, you two were still the platonic match-made-in-hell duo that were strictly friends
The second month was a little harder to keep your situation away from your friends. Wednesday would randomly pull you into any empty closet or classroom she could for a quick orgasm to get her through the day
The third month was rough. You two went on dates as you liked to call it, but Wednesday would call them study sessions or hangouts. Trips to Jericho on the weekend, Wednesday helping you with botany, it was practically impossible to separate both of you. Unfortunately your friends became suspicious
So during the fourth month, a new vampire transferred to Nevermore. You were assigned to give her a tour of the school and her classes. When Wednesday saw you two hang out when you’d usually see the Addams, she suspected the tour went better than anticipated. What Wednesday expected to be a minor inconvenience for one day, caused her many unwanted thoughts. It made a vein pop out of her neck. (not literally, but that’s what it felt like)
Wednesday noticed how you two started spending more time together after and during school. Of course there was definitely a reasonable explanation, you were her only friend. Unfortunately a very minuscule part of her brain is telling her you like the new vampire more than the Addams. The thought didn’t sit right with her
You were supposed to be Wednesday’s. You were supposed to only have eyes for the Addams and not some vampire that doesn’t even make you half as happy as her. You would always be Wednesday’s. When you finally realized the vampire wasn’t enough to satiate your needs, Wednesday would be there. She would be there to catch your fall, and the thought made her uncomfortable.
Wednesday Addams, a feared individual that wore her heart tucked under enough layers of blunt sarcasm and a deathly scary look, yet once glance from you sent her spiraling into something between fear and love. She hated it. She hated you. Wednesday hated you for bringing this side out of her she swore to be kept away from the surface of her character.
The Addams couldn’t afford this. You were her weakness. You definitely knew this as well. Unwanted doubt flooded her mind. Thoughts that ended up with you exploiting her only weakness made her heart ache, and not in a way she enjoyed.
You would end up breaking off your relationship with the Addams, leaving her to be made a fool as you were the only one that could do it. The worst part is Wednesday couldn’t even be angry with you. She knew you deserved someone of your own kind. Another werewolf that would understand and satiate your needs. Wednesday would end the arrangement the next time she saw you.
“Wednesday?” You open up your door with a smile on your face. A sight for sore eyes is what you were.
“We cannot continue our arrangement.”
“What? What do you mean?” Your eyebrows furrow in confusion. Wednesday wished she could take back her words, but she was doing this to keep herself safe. To make you happy.
“Our late night meetings can no longer continue. I’ve grown uncomfortable with your presence.”
“Wednesday, I-“
“A nuisance is what you are. You’re needy, and you can’t do anything by yourself. You really are just a dumb mutt. You are incapable of doing anything except cling to me like a lost child.” Wednesday spits out, and something akin to regret dawns on her face
Stray tears leave your eyes and you wipe them up as quickly as they fall, but Wednesday notices. She can tell you’re trying to be strong, your quivering lip giving you away
“I’m- I’m sorry you feel that way, Addams.” You say before turning your back on Wednesday, closing the door. Broken sobs escape your throat, and Wednesday brings her hand up to your doorknob. She thinks a little longer before a single tear falls from her eye. She turns to leave instead.
Three weeks, nearing four since you’ve last talked to Wednesday. You’ve been out for a week and a half and Wednesday knows exactly why. Since the Addams has been helping with your heats for the past few months, you haven’t needed to request for more suppressants. Neither you nor Wednesday knew why your heats were commonly hell-ish and lasted for weeks without the suppressants you desperately needed
Really, she could picture you right now. You would’ve found the boxers that created the least amount of friction, and you’d be whimpering and whining while your tail rapidly thumped against the bed mattress. Finding the nearest thing to bite, which usually happened to be your bed frame, you’d sink your teeth into the cold wood and find a splinter on your tongue the next time you brushed your teeth. Rinse and repeat until you eventually fell asleep or Wednesday saved you from your own body
It was pathetic how much you constantly needed Wednesday…and consequently, how much Wednesday needed you.
Disgusting is the only word Wednesday can choose when thinking of how much space in her mind you took up. She was seated in the Quad while eating an apple and contemplating her life. Which, was not in an ideal situation.
“I know you want to talk to her, Wednesday” Enid takes a seat near the shorter girl
“I do not.”
“I know for a fact you didn’t mean what you said. Unfortunately, you’re too stubborn to realize it”
“She has that new girl, does she not?”
“For the last time, Wednesday, they aren’t dating”
“They may as well be. The two are practically attached at the hip”
“So were you two, but then you decided to fuck it all up and haven’t talked to her since” Enid groans. This is was going to be harder than she thought
“Wednesday, you know how much I love you, right?”
“Annoyingly so.”
“Not-so-respectfully, you fucked up really bad. I know you didn’t mean it, but would you rather see her kiss another girl, or would you rather be the girl she kisses?”
The question makes Wednesday hesitate, and relief washes over Enid. Did she want to be with you? She mentally scoffs at the thought. The Wednesday Addams uncharacteristically soft for a girl. Outrageous. Disgusting. Absolutely unheard-
“Well, it seems you have your answer. Talk to her right now, ‘kay?” Enid knew her roomie would do the right thing even if it was gut wrenchingly difficult
The shorter girl only responds with a grumble, but it’s enough of an answer for Enid to skip away and continue being the social butterfly she was. Wednesday was going to… apologize to you. Just thinking of the word made her recoil, but it was you she was going to. As much as Wednesday didn’t like apologizing, she didn’t want to admit the thought of being away from you any longer was the worse option
She was almost in the same exact situation almost five months ago. Only this time you were sad, and it was Wednesday’s job to make you feel better (in more ways than one)
It didn’t take long getting to your dorm. She knew all of the correct routes and shortcuts to take. Wednesday was met with a tightly locked door and a knob that had collected dust after the past week and a half. She brought a hand to the door, knocking loudly
The Addams was only met with silence. That is, silence, with the exception of stray whines and whimpers
“It’s Wednesday.” Silence again.
“I know you’re in there. Ignore me and I’ll find other means to see you.” More silence
“You’ve made your decision.” The shorter girl sighs, taking a lock pick from her uniform pocket. Why she had a lock pick? For important situations like these, of course
When Wednesday finally managed to unlock your door, she noticed how you looked considerably worse than the first time the Addams decided to help you with your heat
What Wednesday didn’t expect was you fully naked sprawled on your bed. Bite marks littered your bed frame and a chew toy Wednesday bought to mock you, but it ended up being somewhat helpful. A low quality fan spun, only making your scent waft around the room even more. An air freshener was mentally added to her list of things to buy
“Go away, Wednesday.” You growled. You never growled. “If you’re here to mock me and call me a nuisance, I’d recommend you leave”
“I came to help.”
“You’ve full of bullshit, aren’t you?”
“I’m not lying, Y/n.”
“Go away, Wednesday, I’m not going to say it again.” The Addams only took this as an invitation to step closer to your bed where you were laying face down and a light blanket to cover your ass
When you only heard footsteps near, something inside you snapped. You were a werewolf. Not a puppy that said please with a tail between your legs. No, you would make Wednesday leave. Also you were sexually frustrated while in heat, so that was definitely fuel to your sour mood
Before she could register what had happened, you pinned the smaller girl to the floor. Your pupils contracted into small circles while there was a permanent snarl on your face
“I said, go away.” Your erection accidentally brushes against Wednesday’s thigh, and she was suddenly aware of how much self control you had for not already relentlessly stuffing the shorter girl full of your cum
“Knot me, cucciola.”
When the words leave Wednesday’s mouth, something in you changes. You’re overcome with sinful thoughts, and your cock starts to drool with precum at the image of Wednesday being full of you. It’s sinful, truly
“Is that why you came here? Just to be bred?”
“No, but it seems my words are working. You’re incredibly hard.” The shorter girl grabs your erection, jerking you off roughly
“Don’t… don’t call me that.” You say in between moans. Wednesday starts to sit up, and your back meets the side of your bed frame
“Cucciola wants to breed?”
“F-Fuck you.”
“We’re getting there, mi sol” The pet name accidentally slips, but you’re far too blissed out to notice
“She can’t make you feel as good as me, can she?”
“W-What? Who are you talking about?”
“You know who. The vampire that can’t get her hands off you.”
“Wednesday, we’re no-“ The shorter girl only started to stroke you faster. Her hand barely fit around your cock, but it still felt like heaven
“I don’t- I don’t like her that way” You say in between moans. Your orgasm was nearing and Wednesday knew this. She slowed down her pace, and you whined at the sudden loss of stimulation
“Knot me.”
“Show me you don’t like her the way you like me.” You only notice your proximity after she speaks. Your noses are only inches apart. Wednesday’s eyes flick down to your lips, and you quickly close the distance
Wednesday was an addiction. Nicotine, acid, weed, none of it compared to how you felt while kissing Wednesday. You’d get drunk off her taste and crave it until she was in your arms once again. It was hell without her
When the shorter girl accidentally grinds on you, a surge of lust runs through your body. You quickly pick her up with your lips still attached to hers and take off her skirt. You couldn’t go another second without being in Wednesday
Sinking her onto your hardened erection, you let out a gasp of pleasure when her velvety walls stretch at your intrusion. You’re holding up her body by her thighs, and Wednesday just wishes you’d go faster.
“Cucciolo, ti amo.” The Addams moans when she looks down to see she’s only taken half of your length in her pussy. The sight is rather lewd, Wednesday thinks. Your cock is absolutely dripping with pre-cum when you push yourself further in her
“Mierda. Más, cachorro. Tan bueno para mi.” Wednesday slips into her native tongue. You haven’t seen her like this any other time she’s… helped you out
Bringing your lips to hers again, you decide to be in control when you push your tongue into her mouth. Eyes half lidded, bangs sticking to her forehead, and hair a bit disheveled, you think she’s never been prettier.
You let Wednesday rest a bit before sinking your cock deeper into her cunt, and the Addams ends up scratching you hard enough small amounts blood start to drip down your back. The sensation takes you by surprise. Accidentally bucking your hips up further into Wednesday, the girl lets out a groan as she fully takes your length in her pussy.
Placing her on the bed, you notice a tiny bulge in her stomach. You decide to be bold. Pressing your thumb against the intrusion, you hear a sound you’ve never heard before
Wednesday whimpers at your touch.
You do it again.
Her cunt squeezes around your cock, making it harder for you to keep thrusting. But you’re a wolf in heat and Wednesday is incredibly horny, so you continue your movements.
“Sh-She’ll never- she’ll never be as good as you, Wens…” An unexpected growl comes from deep within your throat
“No one can take my cock as good as you…” You’re thrusting considerably faster when Wednesday looks back down at where you two meet. The scenario folding out is a sight for sore eyes, the Addams thinks. You, feeding into your primal urges like it’s an unstoppable beast; and Wednesday willingly taking it in however she can.
“Cara mia.”
“Mine… mine all mine. No one else but mine…” You whimper a little pathetically, but the girl below you is only focused on your thrusts. Her cold hands find their way to your back again, leaving a trail of blood behind
“Yours, puppy. All yours.” Wednesday feeds into your possessive behavior. She knows she shouldn’t, but with you thoughts of reason leave her head and are replaced with thoughts of you
“Were you serious about the knotting, Wens?”
“Are you- mph~ sure? It’s kinda big…” The girl under you looks down again, and your ever growing knot seems to just be getting bigger and bigger. Even horny out of your mind, you still wanted to make sure your mate was alright.
…you decide to ignore that thought.
Your eyes were trained on how your erection stretched out Wednesday. Her pussy would be yours, and yours alone. Nobody would make her feel as good as you did. You’d make sure she wouldn’t need anyone else’s cock but yours.
A breathy moan erupts from your throat when you start to actively try to push your knot into Wednesday
“Relax for me Wens, it’ll never go in unless you want it too” You feel her tensed under your touch, but your words are enough for her to relax
Every thrust you get closer, until you eventually start to reach your peak. You can tell Wednesday is too. Her hair is messy and both of your bodies are littered with marks of possession.
“I-I’m so close Wens…” Are the last words you say before succeeding in pushing your knot into the Addams girl. You cum inside of Wednesday’s pussy, and the swell of your knot inside her is enough for Wednesday to cum impaled on your cock. The feeling of being full is an experience Wednesday wished she did with you far sooner.
You wiggle your hips to seemingly get more comfortable inside of Wednesday, but the movement only makes her moan. She was sensitive as hell.
“…was that enough proof I like you more than I like her?”
“More than enough, (Y/n).”
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semischarmed · 1 month
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River was a walking enigma. 
Instagram, TikTok, Facebook- hell, I even tried looking for a yearbook. Nothing. I had nothing on the guy. Like an illusion, he merely appeared, did his work diligently and then promptly vanished. In fact, his most common phrase around the office was a “Sorry, I can’t- busy.” His distance seemed to put some people off. That only made me want him more.
When Chelsea threw a quitting party, he dropped in, chatted for a few minutes and then left without saying goodbye- except to Chelsea. He wasn’t rude by any means. I’ve only ever seen the guy be polite. I personally found it quite hot. His mysteriousness brought an allure about him.
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During another quitting party- a dinner for Mark this time, I tried to make conversation, asking him why he was named River. I actually asked the question in a few roundabout ways. Most I ever got was a “just what my parents named me- they thought I’d have brown hair”. I tried to pry for his hobbies, asked what he did for fun and he only responded with a “I watch baseball, go to the gym, watch TV. I guess”, before asking me about mine. The conversation was cordial, and probably a little boring, but I was captivated. This had been the closest I ever sat next to him. 
My breathing quickened, ever so slightly, as I watched his shirt struggle to contain the form within. I traced the vascularity in his hands, the craftsmanship in the sculpt of his neck, the fabric of his shirt stretching taut when he would reach to grab a napkin. There was a full plate of food in front of me but I was only salivating at one thing.
The conditions were not ideal- but what choice did I have? The guy was like a ghost. I laughed a bit at the irony. I sat right across, trying to filter the scents and the sounds of food and camaraderie to focus on him. This would take all my brain power. I steadied my breathing and sharpened my focus, as I continued to answer and ask mundane questions about some work projects we both had. I started my work, mimicking every microexpression, every slight movement. I tailored every word from my mouth- even my delivery to slowly match his. This had to be subtle, of course- I’ve found out the hard way in the past how creepy this process could look in public if done too quickly. 
River’s eyes blinked slower, like a haze was forming in his mind. I followed suit, weaving my slight impersonation in and out of our conversation. Like a pulse, I felt our movements begin to sync. Almost there. Now came the tough part, slowly drawing him out and isolating him without lo-
“C’mon, let’s all get shots- uh… River you ok bro?” Mark asked.
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He shook off his daze, surprised at himself before laughing off the weirdness. 
I was pissed the rest of the night, forcing myself to hide the permanent glare I would have worn for Mark. 
As the night drew on, River left early- of course, and I continued on, staying a bit longer to wish Mark well in one final toast for the night. 
That would be the last time in a while I’d be so close to him. The following drought was unbearable. For the next few months, no one quit. No big holidays were coming up, and our office wasn’t much for parties. Instead, I had to satiate myself with glances and the occasional short conversation.
= = = = 
“Does that work for you two?” My boss asked. I nodded readily, eyeing River’s response. Another nod.
Fuck. I practically jumped when the boss said those words. A presentation. A presentation with River. A chance.
I think I deserved an Oscar for my acting in the few weeks after we were both tasked with the presentation. A wrong font here, corrupted save there, a missed chart. I “worked” tirelessly on the presentation with River, making sure to leave enough mistakes and gaps to drag the process out. 
The guy was too polite, and I knew I had to use that against him. I ran the clock, watching the days progress into weeks and his brow furrow as stress deepened. Of course, I had to play my part, acting innocent at every step. A quick “sorry” for every mistake I planted was enough to ease suspicion. I even faked a confession about roommate drama causing my decline in performance. I thanked how private he was in that moment- I lived alone. Ever the hero, River was quick to take on the responsibility- even covering for me on few occasions. I knew I had to get inside this man.
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Then came the day before the big presentation.
“I- uh… okay. Maybe we can finish this at my apartment,” He stated, clearly uncomfortable. I held back a moan.
= = = =
“You can set your stuff down there”.
It was a bit boring compared to what I expected. He was definitely put together at work, so it was a bit surprising to see some mess littering his apartment. 
A few posters dotted the walls. Some basketball guy, I guess. An action movie. A generic college banner. His furniture boxy and grey, and the carpets running through the floors were in need of cleaning. Perhaps unsurprisingly, his kitchen was pristine, practically sparkling, aside from a small collection of protein powders and supplements. 
“Uh.. sorry I don’t really have any snacks.”
He sheepishly opened the near-empty fridge and offered me a choice in drink. Some kind of pre-workout beverage and water. I took the water. 
“Okay, I need to head to the gym for a bit. You still have a few slides you wanted to add, right?” A Hoodie-wearing, duffel-toting River asked. I nodded, trying not to look too eager and straining to keep my eyes from staring at his well-defined legs. 
And then, there I was. Alone in River’s apartment. Alone with River’s apartment. I ran to his dirty laundry pile. 
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“Mmmphhhh” My eyes rolled back as I took the deepest inhale of my life. These were River’s boxer briefs. The same ones he had just worn. Doused in the scent of a day’s work. It was damp- guess River was a sweaty guy, though the long walk and couple flights of stairs to get to his apartment may have also been culprit. I was paralyzed in bliss, as I took in every note of his natural musk. 
It reverberated deep in my chest as I continued to circulate every ounce of River I could inside me. The underwear was practically glued to my nose and mouth before I finally relented and drew them away, gasping for air. Exquisite. 
My dick jumped at the sight of a single strand of his pubic hair, like flickering flame. A perverse smile planted itself on my face as I gingerly pulled my clothes off. I shivered as the cold, damp fabric that had just touched his bare flesh was now touching mine. I felt his hair on my flesh, now caked in his sweat. The elastic snapped around my waist as I released, a bit tight. My breaths fell shallow, ragged as I sat there basking in his cold embrace.
Next came the tank top. I mentally hit myself for not putting it on first, as it was a significantly less erotic experience. Still, as I slipped my arms through the holes that his once filled, my dick couldn’t help but twitch in approval. 
I ran to his bed, gripped his sheets, and stifled another moan with his pillow. This man had, until today, been a full on mystery to me. And now, here I was- deep in the recesses of his apartment, nestled in the indent on his bed, buried in fabric stained with traces his scent and natural grime. I was drowning in the all aspects of his daily life. It was an intimacy with River previously unheard of and practically a miracle I hadn’t cummed yet. 
The next few moments were sluggish, mind hazy and drunk in pleasure, as I wore my jacket and pants over the River clothes I had already had on me. I mentally thanked myself for wearing tighter clothing earlier today, as I felt them compress River’s undergarments tighter on my flesh. I walked back, sitting on the dining table and pretending to work.
A few minutes later, the door clicked open and a panting River waved. He no longer had a hoodie on and left nothing to imagination. I eyed the feast before me.
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I fucking knew it. This kid was ripped. 
I salivated as my eyes followed every contour of the body that would soon be mine. His flesh was flush and glistening with sweat.
“M-must have been some workout,” I mumbled. I couldn’t stop myself from staring.
“Yeah, fucking kicked my ass today,” River said with a short laugh. My dick twitched. River never swore, never gave off a jockish vibe at work, but here he was, beaten tired and unable to contain his natural state behind a facade of politeness. 
My lip quivered when his post-workout scent wafted into my nose. It was divine. True to his name, River had an earthy, deep musk about him. A delayed, almost sour afternote followed, the kind that clings to the nose. It riled me up, knowing this offensive, raw blast of testosterone had been working next to me for the past two years, hidden by layers of work clothes and pleasantries. River was cleaned, masked and sanitized for corporate America. And now I had a private showing to it. I was feral. I wanted-no, needed to be piloting this hunk for myself.
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My trance was broken when River dropped to his couch, laughing slightly. This wasn’t his normal laugh- it dropped all pretense and I recoiled out of reflex, thinking back to that same laugh that emanated from the football jocks back in high school. 
A lazy pair of eyes drifted up to meet me. “Sorry bro, just new a few minutes.”
I gulped. This was my chance. No need for precision, no need for focus. River was vulnerable. In any other circumstance, I’d be syncing to his movements, slowly, imperceptibly altering his as he would start following mine. Then I could pull him into my trance, lead him to a safe area as I continued the process. This was different. River served himself up on a platter for me, beaten to near immobility by his workout. No way was I gonna miss this. I stripped quickly, abandoning my original plan.
Without a word, I walked closer to him, grabbing his wrists. 
“W-what are you”. In that instant, i jumped on top of him, allowing my body to follow the contours of his.
He grunted in defiance while I began to grind in pleasure. “Ughhh! Fuck bro. I can’t! I can’t wait. I can’t wait to be River!” 
The process was quick- his drenched, energy drained flesh practically grabbed at mine, drawn by my own energy into itself. It was osmosis. I moaned as I saw the process start, and River’ meaty form encapsulate my own. His arms and legs splayed as he screamed at the intrusion. “What the fuck are you-“ He grunted in pain as he felt our two forms begin to meld. I laughed a perverted laugh, eyeing how deep I was inside him. His lack of energy had been his downfall.
I licked the inside of his head, feeling him shiver and whimper at the intrusion. I whispered venomously. “What am I doing?” I thrusted myself deeper into his muscled form, “I’m becoming River. I’m gonna wear you like a fine red suit.” I felt my facial muscles match his and pulled him into a smile he did not intend to make. “You boring prude. This body was built for sex. You’re starving this poor thing. I bet it’s backed up.” I whined in half-whispers. “Let me take you for a ride.” River moaned in horror, kicking his legs into the sofa in discomfort as his muscled back began to close over me. Possessing the ginger felt like a warm, dank hug. “You feel that?” I teased, this time his voice mimicking mine. He could no longer respond as it had become my mouthpiece. Instead, his head repeatedly slammed the sofa in resistance, forced to wear a smile that was not his own. 
I laughed, feeling our combined chest heave in deep pleasure as I jammed my fingers deep into each bicep. I drilled into each arm, relishing in feeling his muscle fibers slip past me. Power. He shook as he tried in vain to resist my fingers filling into his. Putting on those vascular hands like well-fitted gloves. “Fuck yeah bro… that’s the stuff. Dominate me. Command me. Control my every move. My nerves are itching for their owner. Put this ginger meatsuit on…” I mock in his voice. Tears welled in my eyes, as I felt him continue to slam our slowly merging head into the sofa. I purse our lips before moaning further. “Wear my clothes…” My legs wove into his, twisting and binding into one. “Wear my personality…” the bottom half of our merged face laughs, while my new eyes blink away angered tears. I felt his memories begin to flow and surround mine. His rage and desperation flowed through me. The slamming slowed, coming to a complete halt as a reborn River’s eyes blinked into a lewd, sinful glee. “Wear my life.”
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I stood up, piloting my new body towards the mirror. “You’re still in there, aren’t you?” River’s outward defiance no longer showed over his perfect flesh but his mind was a raging storm. “Good.” His body lit in searing pain, sore muscle tendon and fiber forced to flex. I felt the storm calm as he was stunned. I myself winced slightly before my arousal imprinted itself through River’s face. This was my pain now. I could feel every fiber of his musculature tearing and repairing themselves. Building back stronger with the pre-workout mix he had drunken earlier. Building back with me embedded deep inside. Our leg wobbled in pain, before I slapped it back into submission, forcing it to flex. “Fuck yeah, that’s the stuff.”
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I roared and patted my new chest and abs. “YEEAAAH!” Just one last piece of me was left. An intentional dessert I had left not internally bonded with River. 
I let his normally stoic face relay the erotic pleasure I felt in wearing this flesh. I then pulled a “serious” face, bringing pained biceps into a flex. “We gotta live up to our name bro… gotta let the river flow”. A greedy tongue licked the dripping sweat hanging off ginger hairs of his armpit. I wanted to savor this. The tangy, salty nectar lingered in our shared tongue before I began to make out with my new reflection. With a grunt, I slammed River’s pelvis into the mirror, groaning as my growing hard-on began to fill into his dick. At first contact, I felt our senses mingle and the cold metal of the mirror. I grunted, trying to reign in the lust. With our linked sensitivity, I could feel my original body’s dick worming itself into my soon to be River-flavored cock. I thrusted my rod up, relishing in the soothing bare metal beneath the perverse cock and cock sleeve combination.
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I grabbed at my new rod with one hand, while the other greedily dragged across my new body, feeling every new muscle and crevice and damp piece of the hunk. River thrashed inside me, disgusted at feeling his own flesh violate itself. At watching this new carnal entity that wore his face and name.
“S-someone’s gonna find out. Someone will fix this” He threatened in my mind. 
“No bro… you’re the perfect host. No one at work knows a thing about you”. I cooed in his voice. “When we quit, when I take this thick ginger cock for a joy ride-“ tug “No one…” tug “No one will know.” I groaned as the last of his dick bonded to mine. We were complete. “I’m River now!” I shouted before devolving into whimpers of pleasure as I felt River’s warm seed stream out of me. 
River’s softening, sore wood was forced back into full mast as I eyed the full extent of my- now his- depravity. Not wanting to waste a drop, I smeared my new lotion onto my new flesh, caking in layers of his drying sweat with layers of drying semen. I could only hear gagging in my mind as River was forced to taste his own produce. It’s my body now anyways, why shouldn’t it reek of sex and his natural musk?
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klmp11s · 2 months
Fic Idea: MC!Reader who wants to sleep with Rook for the first time. Not as an innuendo but genuinely sleep with him in his bed and get ready for bed together. They're so nervous but also enthusiastic. There's something much more intimate to this than a slumber party.
Lmao I had to re-read the information about Rook and look for what his room looks like 🧍(English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes)
Summary: the reader spends the night (literally, like just a sleep with him in his bed or sleepover) with Rook Character: Rook Hunt Warning: MC gn!reader, 2,2k words, ooc (And I don’t listen to anyone covers ears with hands/j), fic, hints at feelings (Platonic or romantic, at your discretion), one (1) mention of other students (and Grim), one (1) phrase in French, I'm not sure if it's correct, but I hope so
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Rook Hunt
You might have expected your somewhat humorous proposal to be rejected, but surprisingly Rook wasn’t at all opposed to spending the night with you. This idea came to your mind quite by accident when you were once again convinced that your dorm was not the best place to sleep. But, for sure, you have friends from other dorms! At first your freshman friends came to your mind, but you understand that with them you are unlikely to be able to relax normally, at that moment, one particular hunter boy came to your mind. Basically, why don't you take a chance?
You were really glad that he didn't refuse you. Still, this is also a chance to get to know him better, why not? Also, your cat companion said that he would rather go to sleep with the first-years than with you at Rook’s. You decide not to force him; on the one hand, you can understand him. You had also heard a couple of rumors from other students about Rook, but you never gave them much thought. Yes, he's a little weird, but is that such a bad thing? It's much harder to find a student who is NOT weird at this college, so you don't see any problem with that.
Not much time has passed since you found yourself in this world. So you don’t have a lot of things that you might need for the night, quite convenient? You agreed with Rook that he would meet you at the mirror in his dorm, closer to night.
Grim had long been taken away by two first-years of Heartslabyul and you calmly waited for the time of the meeting. For the first time in a long time you are in silence, with all the happenings in this college, you even forgot how nice it is to spend time alone. And it’s true: there was always someone next to you, be it Grim, other first-years or older students. You were almost never alone with your thoughts. While you sit in silence, you realize that you don’t know at all what to talk about with the hunter. You saw each other quite often, but your conversations were almost always “about nothing”. Maybe you can ask him about his family? Friends? Or the times before your appearance in this world? In return, you could tell what you remember from your world. Equivalent exchange.
Your gaze drops to the clock. There are ten minutes left until the appointed time, well, it's time for you to go. You take your bag and throw it over your shoulder, yes, it is too light. If you remember, you used to really want to have sleepovers with your friends, but you didn't expect that one of them would be in another world, did you?
Already in the mirror room you see a familiar silhouette in a hat, waving to you. Both arrived on time, good. You hear the manner of speaking that is already familiar to you and approach your friend. – Oh, mon Trickster! You arrived just in time, so shall we go? – you are greeted by his burning green eyes and his hand extended to you. Well, there's no turning back, right? You take his hand and from that moment on your “first French overnight stay in another world” begins.
On your way to his dorm, you take another look at the building. Yes, sheer perfection. You would also like your dorm to look like this. Majestic and sophisticated - this is how the Pomefiore dorm was. Walking into the dorm itself, you still take in the interior while your companion leads you in the direction of his bedroom. And really, maybe your dorm could someday look even remotely similar to this?
Rook lets you into his room first and comes in behind him. His room looked almost exactly as you had imagined. You turn your head to your interlocutor and see how he silently looks back at you. Staring game? He bows his head and begins to tell you about how his day went. His hand carefully removes the strap of your bag from your shoulder and he places it on the chair. You hear about how he met Leona today, but he was not very eager to maintain a dialogue. His hat rests on the table and he sits cross-legged across the bed from you.
– So what did you want to do, mon Trickster? – His eyes look at you and it seems to you that he is ready to burn a hole in you straight to your soul. You feel a certain nervousness under this gaze and your interlocutor notices this. You look him up and down and answer calmly. It’s already dark outside, it’s time to sleep soon. I think you know what people usually do at sleepovers, Rook. - you look out the window. The sun has already gone down and the sky is starting to darken after the picturesque sunset that happened some time ago. – enlighten me? Of course I know, but many people have different ideas about this, don't they? Tell me yours. – you look into his eyes and sigh. You need to think about, well, sleepovers - conversations, some kind of movie, obviously sleep and? Your idea of sleepovers is not very different from the standard perception of other people. Maybe there are differences in another world?
– any differences? I think we could just go about our nightly routine and talk. Even though we sometimes talk on campus, I barely know anything about you. But I'm not sure, maybe there's something that in your world you usually do at sleepovers with friends? I wouldn't mind hearing from you too. Will this answer satisfy you? – you see how Rook breaks into a smile. His gaze sweeps across the room and back to you.
– I think yes. This answer is in your spirit, Trickster. So, you want to know more about me, right? It would be fair if I also satisfy my curiosity about you, – You see your interlocutor stand up. – night routine? If that's what you want, then let's go. - he waits until you reach him and heads, as you understand, to the bathroom.
Okay, you should have expected this. You haven't seen so many skincare products for a long time. You are more than sure that his dorm leader worked hard for this. You sit on the side of the bathtub and watch as your friend takes out skincare products. You look up at his face and are scared for a second. Does he have to look at you when he is literally standing sideways to you? Do you think it's time for you to get used to this - but the heart still sometimes forgets to beat next to this person. Even such small things on his part may surprise you.
When you finally take your eyes off his eyes, you notice that Rook is without gloves for the first time. Wow? This is actually the first time you've seen his hands without accessories. You watch as he rolls up his sleeves and you swear you feel your face start to burn. Okay, you don’t deny that your friend is attractive in appearance, but this is the first time in your memory that you have seen so much of his skin. You hear people quietly giggling above you and look away. The sound of water fills the room and you close your eyes. A couple of seconds pass and you feel something cold on your skin. You open your eyes and watch as your friend applies one of his products to you. Wants to do all the work for you? Okay, you raise your head a little higher and Rook continues to massage your facial skin. Does the smell sound familiar to you, did Vil recommend it to you? You close your eyes and feel the touch of skin on skin. However, it's not so bad. After a couple of minutes you feel something cool, face cream? The hands finally release your face and you look back at your companion. Jokingly you tell him: – My turn? - your hand pats the empty space next to you and you see Rook smiling at you.
– how nice of you, mon Trickster. How can I refuse you? – now you are in his place. He calmly explains the sequence of application of certain products and looks up at you expectantly. Okay, since you signed up for this, why not?
You touch his face for the first time, as expected of a Pomefiorе member - no matter how much he climbs trees and other places, his skin is really soft. The entire time you were busy with his face, he was looking at you. You don’t even know if you’re just used to it or if you just don’t care anymore. When you're done, you help him clean everything up and the two of you go to his room.
The sun has long gone below the horizon, and his dorm is certainly quiet, but not like yours. You feel the difference - a calming silence after a hard day or a lonely and oppressive silence. You would really like to have magic if only to get accepted into any other dorm.
While you and he were walking back, you decided to find out about Vil and Epel. You didn't see them in or around the dorm. Rook begins to talk about how Vil spent almost the entire day with Epel in etiquette lessons and that Epel, although not happy, is making progress. At that moment, a memory comes to your mind of how Epel once ran into your dorm just to hide from his dorm leader, you tried to hold back a laugh when you remember his hairstyle that day and his angry exclamations about the fact that he was ready to be transferred to your dorm so as not to endure this anymore. Honestly, you'd be glad. The more people, the better, especially if it's one of your friends. Maybe your dorm would be more fun then.
You don’t notice how you are already sitting on Rook’s bed and looking at the clock. It’s approaching twelve o’clock in the evening, you’re really glad that you offered Rook a sleepover for Friday evening, otherwise you’re sure that even in your dreams you wouldn’t be able to get up as usual. You hear the door to the room open and your friend comes in, already changed into pajamas. Oh, you completely forgot about that.
You grab your bag and follow Rook's example, exit and head back to the bathroom. Sometimes you are not even sure that you understand your own thoughts and actions. After all, you really chose a hunter out of all your friends and didn’t doubt it for a second. Yes, he could refuse, but for some reason you were sure that he would agree. You spent several hours with him, but for some reason you didn’t speak for almost the entire time. This silence did not press, on the contrary, you did not even feel the need to talk about something. You would be happy to listen to Rook's stories, but you feel that you will not be upset if you spend this evening in silence. The usually very talkative Rook sat calmly on the bed waiting for your return. He's also not sure why he's talking to you less than usual today. What are you doing with him? You really are interesting. A person from another world, you do not have claws or great physical strength like other students of the same Savanaklo, but other students also respect you and listen to you. How did you manage to become an important variable in this college in so much time?
Directing his gaze to your newly entered silhouette, Rook finally begins to speak. – you don’t mind sleeping in bed with me, do you, mon Trickster? – you glance at his figure. As expected, his purple clothes suited him. Just sleep together for one night, you don’t see this as a problem and agree with your interlocutor. He begins to tell you about how the nights passed in the place where he was born and grew up. Rook really knows the art of oratory, you heard him for a while and even asked him questions. Maybe you can also tell him something about where you are from. You are starting to test the waters. Starting your story first in general terms, until your friend gestures for you to lie down with him. You fall silent for a moment as he lies down on his stomach and rests his chin on his hand. He gestures for you to continue talking, and having made yourself comfortable, you continue talking.
You shared with him some moments before and during your stay in this world and he never interrupted you.
Finally, you begin to feel your thoughts getting confused and drowsiness begins to overcome you. You close your eyes and feel someone else’s hand carefully pulling you towards him and stroking your head. Maybe you'd really like to do it again. Already drifting off to sleep, you wrap your arm around the body next to you and pull him closer to you. Above you you hear a gentle whisper.
– Bonne nuit, mon Trickster.
Maybe you really would like to spend some time alone with him again. Or even invite him to your dorm? Maybe he really can brighten up your stay in this world, but now you really want to think about something else. And maybe he won’t mind brightening up your stay here.
The characters do not belong to me, they belong to their rightful owners, please do not edit, translate, repost my works on other platforms, also without my permission and @
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queenimmadolla · 2 years
yeah, this little family kind of owns my ass now so i’m glad you love them! and thank you for being my first request, i literally dropped everything i was doing cause i wanted to get this out tonight! sorry if the formatting is shit, posting on mobile is weird for me. will tweak any mistakes tomorrow!
Look Who’s Talking
𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
summary: eddie takes his three year old shopping. obviously, cuteness ensues. **sequel to Penny for Your Thoughts**
warnings: none, i think. oh, except PREGNANCY WHAAAAT.
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gif by corrodedcoffins
“We’re gonna get you some cool new threads, pretty girl. I’m thinking slacks.”
The look Penny gave him made him snicker, her eyebrows furrowed together as she eyed him like she regretted not being able to opt out of this. Sure, she had no idea what slacks were, but clearly she was not fond of the word.
Penny was in need of some new clothes, the now three year old was beginning to outgrow most of her wardrobe. She even had little high waters, and that made his eyes water. His baby was growing, and he didn’t like it one bit.
Normally, shopping was a family activity but you were incredibly irritable lately and Eddie figured you could use some alone time to relax. You hadn’t protested too hard when he offered to take Penny to pick out a couple of new toddler ‘fits. Now that she didn’t demand a nipple every once in a while, it was easier to take Penny places with him.
Like the outdoor shopping center, a recent addition to Hawkins.
“Can we get snacks, too?” Came her cute little voice as he unbuckled her from her carseat.
She’d always been a bit of babbler from the moment she started trying to communicate, was speaking a couple of broken phrases here and there a little after she had turned two but it wasn’t until after her third birthday that she figured words out. Like really well. Scarily, well.
Penny went from baby talk and referring to herself in third person to asking him if he could sit down with her on his lap so she could tell him about how ‘tiwed in the hawt’—she still had trouble with her ‘r’s—she’d get when she spends her day making a city with her building blocks before her bedtime only to wake up and find the city back in her toy box. All her hard work gone.
From just ‘Daddy, no eat Penny’s toes! Penny’s toes not fo’ eatin’ to ‘Daddy, why awe you twying to eat my feets foe? Thewa not vewy yummy, not wike ‘spetti.’, all within the span of less than a year. Broke and warmed his heart. She immediately clung to him like a baby koala as he pulled her entirely out of the van and shut the door, letting her dad press a multitude of kisses into her still baby fat filled cheeks. “Yeah, we’ll grab something on the way out.”
“You got a big nose, daddy.” She also had no filter, something you both had to be incredibly cautious about because it wasn’t a matter of if she would repeat something. It was when. And Penny had already told Wayne how ‘fuckin ‘cited’ she was with her approaching promotion.
Eddie smirked at the memory of last Christmas and the way you’d immediately disappeared into the kitchen—because it had totally been you that fucked up—as he made his way to the kids clothing store you bought most of Penny’s clothes from. The bell above the door sounded as they entered, and Eddie crouched down to set Penny on her legs.
He loved holding her, but he wanted to get her comfortable with walking around in public, and a confined setting—while she had a lot more of her impulses under control, the need to immediately run free and wild when her parents put her down in most settings was still hard for her to ignore—such as a store was the perfect opportunity. He just couldn’t take his eyes off of her or he’d have a heart attack.
“Alright, lucky Penny. What colors are we thinking about for your fall wardrobe?” He asked, pulling something tan and fluffy off of a rack for her to inspect.
She reached a little hand up to scratch at her head, fingers gripping the curls for a moment as she tried to figure out a way to convey to her daddy that what he was holding up was very ugly.
“Uhm, I dunno. Not that. Maybe Gween? I wike gween, and yellow. And pink. Owange is a hawd colow, huh daddy?” He had no idea what she meant by that, but he agreed nonetheless. His baby was always right.
Eddie put the ugly article of clothing back, letting Penny wander around to whatever caught her eye.
Except, she just kept walking, didn’t even bother looking at anything. “What about this one?” He asked, pulling a random little green sweater out for her in an attempt to catch her attention. Before he could even get a good look at it, she was letting out the most dramatic of little screams.
“DUCK! WOOK! WOOK, DADDY! ’S A DUCKIE!” She pointed at the embellishment on the front of the sweater, and sure enough, it was a duck. And not even a cute little cartoon one, it was an embellishment of an actual duck. Eddie knew it was her latest obsession, along with city construction, but he hadn’t realized the form of it didn’t matter to her.
“Alright, we found our first pick.” He double checked to make sure it was the right size before letting her hold onto it. The way she cradled it to her chest, mumbling gibberish to it reminded him a lot of Gollum. Two minutes later she got tired of holding it, so it ended up thrown over his shoulder.A blue blouse, a pair of pink overalls, pink sweats, pink pants, three pairs of little jeans, an orange sweater, two care bears shirts, three packs of socks—those she wanted to hold, cradling them like babies despite the fact that Eddie knew how much she hated socks—and the green duck sweater later, Eddie was pretty satisfied with their little shopping haul.
Penny had kept up a continuous stream of commentary ranging from her opinions on the selections to fleeting thoughts she had a couple of ‘yestertimes’ ago with absolutely no relation to their bonding time, but it was still endearing to Eddie. Everything she did, was. Eddie absolutely adored how random she was. She’d be going on and on about how ducks aren’t scary like chickens, how you promised her you’d protect her from them forever, then she’d remember he existed or something because she’d turn around and hug his leg—and she put her all into hugs—giving his jeans a kiss before looking up at him with those big, beautiful brown eyes. His eyes looking up at him through a face so similar to yours.
Fuck, you guys made a whole, perfect little human together. That’s all the proof he needs to know magic is real.
“I wuvs you, daddy.”
His heart wouldn’t ever not melt for her.
“I love you, too, baby.” He choked out through the emotions making his throat feel tight. “Daddy loves you so much.”
“Yes.” Is all she said, leaning up on his leg for a few moments before she was off again. Eddie followed immediately after her, eyebrows pinching together in confusion for a moment. Something didn’t feel right. Something was missing.
“Yes?” She responded, curls bouncing as she felt the need to start trying her hardest to hop along instead of walk.
“Where are the socks?”
After they’d double backed around the store and found the pack of socks—Eddie only needed to watch her glance nervously at a certain shoe box a couple of times—he figured it was check out time.
So did the woman who rang them up, only it wasn’t just the clothes she was checking out, her blue eyes raked over his frame with lust clouded eyes.
“She yours?” The blonde asked, folding all the little articles of clothing before placing them into a bag.
“Yeah.” Eddie’s response was bleak, doing his best to mask his annoyance. He had gotten used to being hit on when it was just him and Penny, but it didn’t mean that he liked it. The thought of any women thinking they could take your place—whether they know you existed or not—in his and Penny’s lives made his blood boil.
“Figured. She’s cute. Must have got it from you.” And he really hated it when they did it right in hearing range of his daughter.
He glanced down at your little mini me, relieved to see her distracted by something in the display case that was eye level with her.
“She looks more like her mom,” Eddie took great satisfaction in seeing how red with embarrassment her face got. Served her fucking right, hitting on guys with babies with no knowledge of whether or not they’re going home to someone.
“O-Oh, she must be really beautiful then.” She didn’t look back up at him as she rang him up, and before Eddie could hand her the money, a chubby little hand started tapping at the glass display.
Eddie popped down in a squat to Penny’s height, mouth breaking out into a wide grin when he realized exactly what it was Penny had decided she wanted.
Oh, you were gonna lose your shit.
“Honey, we’re home!” Eddie announced as he unlocked the front door, the bag of clothes in one hand, and Penny in the other arm.At the sound of their arrival, you put the ice cream you’d been eating straight out of the carton back into the freezer and made your way towards the living room to greet them.
The overwhelming amount of cuteness stopped you short.“Oh my god.”
Eddie had his sunglasses on. Paired with the dark long sleeve and his leather jacket, it was a dangerous combo. You would have jumped his bones if it weren’t for the real attention grabber in his arms.
“Imma medohead, mama!”
Penny’s curls were significantly more wild when compared to how they were before the two of them had left, she had what looked like cinnamon smeared around her mouth and all over her pink ‘Girl Power’ shirt. But it was the mini pair of sunglasses on her face that did you in.
Identical to her dad’s.
They were fucking matching.
If you weren’t already waiting for the current bun in your oven to be ready, you would’ve been setting it to preheat for tonight.
But wait, there’s more.
Eddie leaned forward to give you a thorough—but kid-viewing friendly—kiss before he pulled out another small pair from the pocket of his jacket.
“For whenever our little guy decides to make his entrance.”
May whatever God is around help you.
“Don’t move, I gotta get the camera.”
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misshoneyimhome · 4 months
You’re newest oneshot left me dead in a good way it was so hot and him being a cheeky shit saying that they probably heard her being loud. If requests are open, can I submit a request about trying anal for the first time and celebrating his new contract a new series of firsts for both.
Well, as long as it's in a good way bb! 😉
Sooo, this was definitely a first time for me to write about 😉 So I do hope I managed to get it out in a good way 🤍 However, I wasn't sure if you meant it was the first time for them both; so I just went with it 🌺
I did though get carried away a bit, so I apologise in advance for any mistakes or weird phrases 🙈 Additionally I also used this request ~ and tried to stick to the storyline, however, I'm sorry if I repeat myself too much - please do let me know 🙃
Anyway, If you like it, I’ll see you all in church *hell* 💦
Please enjoy 🤍
Warnings; where to begin... 18+ smut; oral sex (f receiving); unprotected sex (p in v); cum inside; cum licking/sucking?; fingering; anal toy, anal fingering; protected anal sex; did I forget anything?
[the 🌶️ is for more explicit content]
Word count; 5.5K
[Inexperienced!reader x Willy]
All good boys go to heaven - But bad boys bring heaven to you pt V I William Nylander 🖋️⚡️🌶️
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Describing your relationship with William Nylander as having a substantial amount of sex would be an understatement.
Not only did he introduce you to various ways of experiencing pleasure and engaging in sexual intimacy, where both giving and receiving pleasure created an exhilarating connection, but he also proved to be an exceptional lover, partner, and boyfriend.
William expressed abundant love and affection, making you feel incredibly comfortable in your own skin as the two of you explored each other's bodies. His presence instilled confidence in you, and you reciprocated the exploration, discovering your deepest desires.
In the process, you found yourself engaging in activities you never thought you would, and despite feeling a bit dirty, each new experience left you with a sense of empowerment. It was akin to reading a romantic novel, where the once innocent larva transforms into a beautiful butterfly.
However, your romantic narrative wasn't solely about innocence; it was laced with hot passion and intense, raw sex. Similar to the hidden, steamy books many women keep in their bedside tables, your reality with William involved fulfilling those fantasies and more.
In your world, William brought those fantasies to life, and reciprocally, you did the same for him. Just the day before, you showed him just how good you could be for him. How good your mouth could work his length as he spilled himself into your warmth. And you’d drink all of him as you made him reach his climax again and again.
You’d celebrated William's new contract both with his family and then in private. And as the night had unfolded and left both of you content after moments of mind blown sex, William, once again returned to the loving boyfriend and broached a significant topic.
The prospect of moving in together.
For William, this step felt natural, almost expected, given the amount of time you spent at his place. To him, it seemed more practical for you both to share a home rather than maintaining separate spaces, especially since you were rarely at your own anymore.
However, for you, it carried more weight. William was your second serious relationship, following and including your high school sweetheart. And despite the growth and independence you had achieved since then, moving in together felt like such a mature, adult decision.
You had established your independence, secured a good job and your own place. You enjoyed the feeling of being a strong and independent woman, breaking free from the chains your ex had once held around you. Yet, your relationship with William had made things take a turn.
His demanding career, coupled with the unique lifestyle of being associated with the Toronto Maple Leafs, shifted your daily routine. Now, your friends were mainly the wives and girlfriends of the Leafs players, and hockey dominated your life with game nights, travel plans, and brunch dates.
Your world had turned upside down. Even maintaining a regular work schedule became challenging amidst late nights and quick trips to away games. Which also led to you finding yourself spending a substantial amount of time at William's place, making it more convenient to be together.
And tonight was no exception, as the Leafs faced off against the Sharks at the Scotiabank Arena. Proudly donning the #88 jersey among the other partners of the players, you cheered on the Leafs, celebrating their dominating 7-1 victory.
After the players completed their media obligations and changed back into their post-game outfits, William quickly sought you out, pulling you into his arms for a deep kiss.
"Min älskling," he whispered sweetly, expressing his affection.
It was one of those tender moments that showcased your love for each other, much like the other couples in the room. However, as romantic as it was, you were aware of how quickly the atmosphere could shift when you were alone.
William's eyes, filled with the excitement of the great win, locked onto yours. Feeling the tension building between your legs from his firm touches with his arms around your waist, you knew it was time to cut the conversation short.
And soon, you found yourselves on the way back to William's condo.
His arms remained around you as you rode the lift to his floor. As you entered the condo, his mouth found yours without hesitation, and William effortlessly picked you up, carrying you to the open kitchen – a place where you’d often shared heated, intimate moments before turning in for the night.
Seated on the dining table, you let his tongue explore your mouth, his hands roaming every inch of your soft skin as he slowly began to undress you. Simultaneously, you didn't let him remain fully clothed either.
Clothing items were discarded and tossed aside on the floor as you passionately kissed, stealing breaths from each other as you were deeply devoted.
“Willy,” you managed to moan between the eager kisses. “Fuck me…”
And he fully intended to do so.
But first, he'd indulge in his late-night snack. Bending down between your bare legs, his mouth came close to your needy heat. His lips planted hungry kisses on your inner thighs, teasing you and devilishly slowly building up pleasure.
And as your impatience got the better of you, your hand found his long blonde locks, gently tugging them to pull him a little closer.
A smirk formed on William’s lips as he sensed your growing desperation, but he didn't keep you waiting. Licking up your folds, he tasted your sweet honey, and the soft moans escaping your mouth only encouraged him further. Using his skilled mouth, he explored your core, licking and sucking your sweet, sensitive flesh. And as he heard your moans gradually growing louder, felt your heels digging into the back of his shoulders, he knew he could easily bring you to your first climax.
Then adding two of his large fingers to the equation, he eased them into your warmth while his mouth devoted itself to your clit. And only with several pumps of his curled digits, your moans called out William's name in between heavy breaths and deep, husky tones.
“Oh yes! Willy, I’m coming.”
And William had no doubt as your juices sprayed and coated his fingers, as well as moisturising his moustache.
“Mmm, tastes so good, baby,” he murmured into your cunt, as his fingers pumped slowly, guiding you down from the high, before carefully retreating them and licking them clean. His eyes gazed up at you, while yours met his in an intense moment.
“Please, I need you in me,” you found yourself pleading, and William couldn't contain his amusement as he rose from his position. With eyes still locked, he removed the last piece of clothing, freeing his hard cock from his boxers.
Your sweet whimper enchanted him, and with no more foreplay needed, William pulled you to the very edge of the table. He lined the tip of his member with your pulsating entrance and eased himself in.
Deep moans harmonised as he filled your depth, your walls hugging him tightly. Your hands wrapped around his neck and pulled him in for a deep kiss, letting your lips get moist from your own essence, and your tongue sensually licking his lips as you tasted yourself.
William held a firm grip on your thighs as he began rocking his hips, his length stimulating your walls with every motion. And your foreheads came to rest against each other, sharing breaths as his thrusts grew harder and deeper, eliciting small cries from you.
“Yes… Fuck, Willy… feels so good,” you whimpered as his cock touched your very back and hit a highly sensitive spot.
“Yeah, baby… your pussy is like made for me…” he moaned in return, the clenching of your muscles bringing him closer to climax.
It was passionate and lustful. Every pound became more eager, and as William felt your nails digging into the back of his neck, he knew you were about to reach your second orgasm. 
He knew your body so well. Knowing exactly how to hit at what speed, and what angle to make you moan so sweetly. And he loved every bit of it. He loved it so much, it could bring himself to climax, sooner rather than later. 
Then increasing his speed, letting his skin slam against yours, both your moans grew louder. Sweat formed on your skin, letting the intense heat fill the condo's air as sounds of sex echoed.
“Fuck, baby, I’m gonna come….” You cried as his thrusts became overwhelming, your walls clenching, and your mind growing hazy.
“Yes, baby, I’m gonna come with you.”
And with deep grunts, both of you arched back and let the orgasms course through your bodies. Ecstasy filled your minds as visions became blurry, and William spilled his seed into the depth of your warmth.
As always, it was skilled, perhaps a bit quick, yet also intense for both of you.
Almost frozen in your position, William gently withdrew his member, watching as his cum slowly dripped from your tight space. And he couldn't help himself.
It was so hot. Seeing how he claimed you as his with his liquids, he then used two fingers to trace up your folds, collecting some of the sticky mixed fluids. And with a dark glare, he locked eyes with you, a smirk forming on his lips as he brought his fingers to your mouth.
“Open,” he commanded in his rough voice. And you did as told.
Letting your lips slowly part, slightly sticking out your tongue, you allowed him to put his coated digits into your mouth. You tasted the sweet and salty mix, circling your tongue around his fingers as you sucked him completely clean. Maintaining a sensual look in your eyes, you watched as William let out a small gasp. 
This was hotter than he thought it would be.
He had to gulp as he slowly pulled out his fingers, and you made sure to let your lips feel every inch of them. “Fucking good girl…” was all he managed to whisper roughly.
And slowly, the two of you came out of the euphoric state, and with satisfied smiles across your lips, you retreated to the bathroom to clean up before tucking in under the covers.
Amidst soft lights in the bedroom, you couldn’t help but lie in comfortable silence, gazing at each other as you admired one another.
As you delicately traced his handsome facial features with your fingers, gently stroking them across his gorgeous pink lips, William then broke the silence.
“You’re so fucking hot… you know that, right?”
His voice was low and husky, his eyes darting from side to side as he studied every little detail of your face.
“You’re not too shabby yourself,” you chuckled lightly, but William wasn’t joking around.
His smile was wide, and his eyes sparkled in the dimmed lights, as he couldn’t help but adore you.
“What’s on your mind baby?”
You withdrew your hand and let your head rest on your arm as you offered William a soft smile.
“Nothing, I’m just thinking.”
“…many things - like about why you like me so much,” you let out a soft sigh, a smile still on your face as you gently bit down on your lower lip, your eyes darting down into the sheets before looking back up at him. “And if you’re actually serious about me…”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” he inquired with a concerned expression.
“I don’t know… I guess I just… can’t help but wonder… if you really feel completely satisfied with me?”
It was a question you’d been pondering for a little while now. Despite William often providing solid evidence of how he felt towards you, you still had a small amount of doubt - perhaps a fear that he was only interested in you for a short while before he got bored. That he was feeling lonely, and you’d been there for some time now and he’d just want someone around all the time. 
But that was nowhere near the truth. William was sure of his feelings for you. Given that he wasn’t a type to overthink anything, he honestly just went with his gut feeling.
“What do you mean? Of course, I feel satisfied,” William let out a soft chuckle. What had you thinking like that, he thought.
“Well, I was just wondering… that maybe, there were still some things… you know, you’d want to do… sexually – that maybe, you didn’t feel like you could do with me?” Your voice unwillingly trembled a tad as you spoke the words. Though you knew he was your boyfriend and there was nothing to fear, you felt slightly nervous. 
“Like what?”
“You know… like tonight, when you stuck your fingers in my mouth – I mean it was hot, definitely… but it just had me thinking that maybe there were still more things we haven’t tried – you know, fantasies you might want to explore?”
Though your questioning was primarily aimed at understanding William's needs, it equally reflected your own curiosity. You had sensed that William often hinted at his desires but not really speaking openly about them, almost as if he was holding back.
“Hmm...” he started softly, his eyes looking down as he pressed his lips together, pondering whether to share his thoughts or not.
“Willy, you can tell me…” you spoke softly as his eyes met yours again.
But he simply shook his head. “No, baby… I’m completely satisfied as it is.”
However, he wasn’t fooling anyone.
“Come on, I can practically hear the wheels turning in your head…”
And William knew you wouldn’t let it go until he let you in on what he’d been fantasising about for a while now.
“Well, there is something…” he spoke with a sly grin smeared across his lips, a little excited to see your reaction to his proposal. “We’ve touched on it a little, but I really want to…” His deep voice faded, his fingers tracing down your body, gently feeling your skin as his palm caressed your buttocks before he let his fingers slip between your cheeks and gently nudged your tight entrance furthest behind. “… feel myself inside you… here.”
A small gasp escaped your lips as you heard his idea. Yet, for some unknown reason, you were rather intrigued. Licking your lips, you studied his face as you enjoyed his finger gently poking your tight hole.
“Oh…” you breathed out lightly. “Well… Uhm.” You gave yourself a moment to think, though a part of you already knew the answer. And curiosity once again got the better of you. “Okay.” 
You were surprised by your own voice speaking, your mind quickly agreeing to his suggestion, though it was way out of your comfort zone. And William seemed equally surprised.
Withdrawing his hand, he repositioned himself a little and looked intensely at you.
“Wait… seriously?”
And you couldn’t help but chuckle a little, as his reaction to your reaction was slightly amusing.
“Why not… we’ve done so many other things – why not this?”
William couldn’t really believe it at first. What had he turned you into? You were definitely no longer the innocent girl he’d met and shown new territories. But he liked it. You were amazing how you let yourself into curiosity. And most importantly, you wanted to do it all with him.
“Well alright then… but not tonight – let’s do it another night.”
“Okay,” you chuckled, as you then repositioned as well, with confidence you rose and straddled his hips, prompting him onto his back and gazing seductively down at him. “Guess this is going to be an interesting celebration week.”
And it most definitely was an interesting week.
Following the loss against the Islanders Thursday night in New York, William was looking forward to coming home to you again. Well, at least home to his own place, where he knew you’d be. Arriving during the night, he simply admired your figure tangled up in his bedsheets before he too surrendered to the night, a smile on his lips as he thought about your plans for the following evening. 
While he’d been away, you’d done everything to prepare yourself for the Friday night.
You'd done research about the various ways to prepare yourself for the new activity you and William would explore. Mentally, you thought about what to expect—the possible pain and the pleasure.
You’d read about the dos and don'ts, understanding that reality wasn’t exactly equivalent to porno. So, real-life experiences were sought, and you felt confident in yourself. Having gotten to know your body a lot better over the past few months it had bolstered your self-confident.
Furthermore, you trusted William.
Though he hadn't experienced it himself, he felt confident too. He’d only tried one attempt with a girl in a casual friends-with-benefits relationship, where the encounter turned out to be somewhat unpleasant for both, and they couldn't go through with it. However, with you, he wanted to try again, taking it slow and creating a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere. While he hadn't delved into research as much as you, he ensured he was prepared. He wanted you to have the best experience possible.
And as William's training drew to a close, and he made his way home, he sensed a slow build-up of nerves. Which was an unusual feeling for him when it came to sex. However, since this was new for both of you, he wasn't entirely the experienced one this time.
Meanwhile at home, you were trying everything to keep yourself relaxed. Reassuring yourself that it wasn't a big deal—many people did this all the time, right? Yet, it was still a bit nerve-wracking. It was a territory you'd never even discussed with your girlfriends, and you hadn't really tried anything similar before.
So, you decided to enjoy a cup of tea to calm your nerves. 
And when William returned home, you swiftly embraced each other, not bothering with too much talk before finding yourselves in the dimmed lights of your bedroom. You had tried to make it nice and cosy, even preparing with a towel just in case of an emergency.
As you and William were together in bed you felt yourself slowly relax. His warm body against yours, lips connected in soft and gentle motions, tongues dancing sensually. The soothing smell of candlelight filled the air as you eased into the sexual pleasure.
Naked under the duvet, you calmed more and more with each deep kiss. William's fingers slowly explored your heat, gently circling your clit before he entered two of his thick fingers, as he wanted to make sure you felt good. Loosen yourself into his touch as he carefully pumped his digits and stimulated your walls.
And as he worked your tense muscles, you let the pleasure slowly take over, coursing through every vein. You felt an orgasm cloud your mind, filling it with dopamine. William felt how the high made you clench around him, and as you slowly came down, he sensed your tense muscles relax.
“You’re okay, baby?” William's low, husky voice softly echoed in your ears as he broke the kiss and gently pulled out his fingers.
“Mmm…” you nodded, flashing him a sweet smile.
“And you're sure you want to do this?”
You couldn’t help but offer him a light chuckle as you gently stroked your fingers through his hair. “Yeah, Willy, I’m sure… just… go slow.”
The way William was so relaxed had made you relaxed too.
“Of course, baby… and you tell me to stop if that’s what you want,” his voice came out slightly serious. He didn’t want you to do something you deeply didn’t desire, nor would he risk hurting you.
“Willy, I’m good,” you grinned sweetly, biting down on your lower lip as you gazed up at him. “Actually, I’m a bit… excited.”
And that seemed to reassure him enough. With a gentle nod and a sly grin, William then pulled away from you, kneeled between your legs as he leaned over to the nightstand where he had a small butt plug ready, as well as a small tube of lube.
You watched him intensely as he took hold of the little bottle, coating his two digits he’d just used inside your cunt. Then, he hovered over you again, one arm supporting him next to your head while the other gently traced up between your ass cheeks.
You couldn’t help but let out a light gasp as you felt the cold lube touch your skin, but you did your best to maintain control of your breaths as William’s middle finger gently poked against your tight hole.
And very carefully, he pushed it in, his eyes still locked onto yours as he observed your reaction.
Soft moans escaped your lips. It was a strange feeling, good, but strange. The way his finger slowly eased in, stretching your entrance, was an odd sensation that had you feeling a new form of pleasure.
“Is this alright, baby?”
With a light 'yes,' you reassured him once more, encouraging him to keep moving. He took his time, pumping his finger as he watched you whimper and focused on your breathing.
Then delicately, William tried to add his second finger, making sure his motions were patient and slow. He let his two digits stretch you a little further, and a louder moan escaped you this time. The way his fingers stimulated your ass was slowly becoming a little overwhelming.
“Is this good?”
“Yes, Willy… shit, it feels good,” you panted.
Slightly surprised by your own words, you moaned softly and let sweet cries escape, feeling a rush of pleasure slowly forming. It wasn’t like the usual way an orgasm would build up, yet it did feel really good.
“Baby, let me put the toy in you, and I’ll take good care of you.”
With a soft nod and a deep breath, you relaxed your body and William carefully pulled out his fingers. Then, he leaned over again, grabbed the little metal plug with a small fake diamond to make it look cute, coated it with a good layer of lube, before he gently placed it by your entrance.
“Ready?” he inquired; his eyes locked onto yours as you gave him acceptance. You noticed yourself briefly holding your breath as he let the toy slowly slip into you yet surrendering to the pleasure of the cold metal.
“Oh… fuck,” you breathed out.
William couldn’t help but express a smile, quickly gazing down as he saw the silver disappear into your hole. It was more than just a turn on for him. He felt his hard cock throbbing just by the mere thought of feeling himself inside you.
But he remained patient and controlled. And as the toy was all the way in, William then came back into missionary, kissing you again to make sure you were feeling good and calm with the new toy.
And you most definitely did. It was stimulating you in a whole new way.
Then, still with your lips connected, William lined his member with your heat and slowly eased himself into your core. Your juices provided him with a good amount of lubricant, mixed with the lube from the butt plug.
“Fuck…” he heavily breathed out. “Oh shit, baby, I can feel it inside you.”
However, you were unable to respond. Feeling William filling you up with his cock, coupled with the little metal in your ass, had you seeing stars. And as he then began to rock his hips, gently and controlled, you couldn’t contain your louder moans.
It was beyond intense. William’s cock alone could normally hit you so perfectly; however, with the butt plug in your other hole, you were feeling more than just pleasure. This was a different kind of high you were about to reach.
“Yes, baby… God! You feel so fucking incredible…” William moaned along your sweet sounds, as he thrusted into you. “Shit, I’m gonna need you to come for me, baby… show me how good I make you feel.”
Though the dirty talk seemed to come naturally to him, William also felt the need to make sure you were feeling the comfort and pleasure like he was, ensuring you'd come at least one more time, before he could move on. 
And he did not have to say much more. Holding a tight grip onto his shoulders, you let out cries, indicating you were so close to an orgasm. Feeling the intensity on your two holes being stimulated, it did not take much longer for you to almost scream out his name, letting your mind go completely foggy as you came.
“Oh Willy…” you whimpered softly, feeling his shaft softly pounding a few more times as you calmed down from your intense high. “Shit, that felt good.”
William was feeling rather satisfied with the results so far; however, he was also becoming more eager to have himself inside your ass.
So, with a few more seconds to make you both regain your breaths, he then slowly pulled out his cock, making you feel a void as he gently toyed with the little piece of metal.
“You think you can handle me, älskling?”
And with an excited nod, you bit down on your lip again, watched him intensely as you took in another deep breath and relaxed so he could slowly pull out the butt plug.
“Oh,” you moaned as you felt it stretch you once more, your hands finding the sheets to grab a hold onto. 
Then, with the toy completely out, William tossed it aside, again reached over to the bedside table, finding the condom package and the bottle of lube, and skilfully wrapped himself up, giving the latex an extra coat of lubricant.
“Alright,” he spoke dark and husky, as he again came to lean his body over you. “Just breathe and relax. We’ll go slow, and you tell me if it hurts.”
"Yes," you managed to exhale, feeling the tip of his cock against your ass.
Raising your lower half slightly to provide better access, William tried to ease himself in very slowly, almost agonisingly so. Only allowing the tip to barely enter, he observed you squirming beneath him, your nails digging into his skin as you attempted to control your breath.
He then retracted just a little before gradually pushing further, allowing more of his length to slip inside. 
"Fuck!" he erupted with a loud, raw moan. "You're so tight, baby!"
The intensity was overwhelming, overstimulating for both of you as your moans synchronised, resonating through the air. And in a matter of seconds, William was completely in, stretching your hole with his hard member.
A tear escaped from the corner of your eye, not a result of pain but sheer pleasure as William filled you up. And as he stared directly at you in search for any hints of discomfort, you flashed him a gentle smile and reassurance. 
"Willy..." you whimpered softly, your breath catching. "You can move."
Your eyes remained locked as he delicately withdrew before pushing back in again. And slowly, he established a gentle rhythm, allowing the lube to coat his member as he swayed his hips, stimulating your ass.
You couldn't stifle your moans as this new wave of pleasure built up, your hands moving eagerly from the sheets to his shoulders to his hair, tugging on it as William pounded into you.
"God, baby, you take me so good," praises slipped off his tongue.
And he knew he wasn't going to last long. The muscles were a lot tighter than he was used to from your cunt, pushing him quicker toward his climax. His palms gripped tightly onto the sheets beside you, beads of sweat forming on his forehead as he kept thrusting. His movements gradually became a little harder and quicker.
"Fuck... shit... oh, baby... fuck."
A series of curse words were shouted as William maintained a steady motion. And you couldn't even articulate coherent words any longer. Only deep breaths and loud moans escaped you, and air was emptied from your lungs as your eyes rolled back in your head.
"Willy... I'm... gon... Mmmm come..." you managed to blurt out in between cries and whimpers, feeling your climax about to peak.
And as William felt himself right on the edge as well, he couldn't control his hard thrusts and deep grunts any longer. 
"Yes, baby... come with me..."
One of his hands forcefully grabbed onto the headboard of the bed as he now too cried out. On the brink of climax, ecstasy coursing through his mind, body, and soul. And as William felt your opening clench around him, as you moaned out his name in the purest sense of an intense orgasm, he then too, let himself surrender to the rush. Spilling his seed into the latex as a string of curse words and groans escaped his lips amid praises.
What felt like an eternity of a high rush was merely a few seconds, perhaps almost a minute, where the two of you were completely stunned. William's cock still buried inside you as you both slowly came out of the euphoric state of mind. Your legs trembled as you regained consciousness, your sight clearing as you felt your heated bodies share sweat and vibrations.
Breaths were deep and heavy, both of you finding your way back to reality.
And slowly, very slowly, William pulled out his shaft. Your ass felt sore and stretched, yet your body still lingered from the intense pleasure.
Smiles adorned your lips, and William took a few silent seconds to study your face, making sure you were feeling okay.
He rested his forehead against yours, sharing light chuckles before connecting your lips in a soft and tender kiss, ensuring the atmosphere remained romantic and sincere.
"You're feeling good?" he asked softly.
"Yes, Willy, that was incredible," you reassured him with a sweet smile. And again, you both waited a few more seconds, sharing a quick kiss, before untangling from the position.
Feeling beyond excited and satisfied, you took your time to clean up in the shower, softly and gently washing each other as you shared kisses and heartfelt giggles.
After all, William was a master at aftercare. 
And as you retreated to the bed, he made sure to snuggle and cuddle with all his love.
"You're alright, baby?"
"Yes, Willy, you don't have to keep asking," you giggled as you rested your head on his chest.
"Sorry, I just want to make sure it was good for you too," he glanced down at you with an arm resting behind his head and a smile across his handsome face.
"It was, baby," you gently leaned up and placed a soft kiss on his lips before returning to rest on his broad torso, his hand softly stroking your hair while a brief, comfortable silence settled between you.
"Will you stay here tomorrow? Until the game," his husky voice softly spoke, his eyes sparkling in the soft lights of your bedroom.
“Mmm, yes - but I might have to go by my own place during the day,” you flashed him a content grin.
“Why’s that?”
You leaned up a little, stretching your arms as you looked down at him with a soft smirk.
“Well, I have to go home and… collect some stuff, you know… if I have to be here for a little longer,” you couldn’t contain your amusement as William slowly came to realise what you were saying.
“Wait… so that’s a yes?” He chuckled.
“Mmm,” you nodded with a wide smile. “But I’m not sure if I’ll give up my apartment just yet… I want to do this right, Willy, and for me, that just means taking things a little slow…”
“Of course, baby, whatever you need,” William smiled as he gently sat up and connected your lips in a tender kiss. His hand finding the back of your hair, pulling you close to him, before swiftly retreating again. “Hang on… so anal sex was what had you make up your mind?”
You couldn’t help but chuckle at his sudden exclamation.
“Hmm, I suppose - I mean, you’ve literally seen every part of me now.”
William’s grin grew a little wider.
“Well then I guess I should have suggested it sooner.”
With playful banter and shared laughter, you and William continued to bask in the afterglow of your intimate moment. And as the night progressed, you found comfort in each other's arms, exchanging sweet whispers and tender kisses. The condo became a haven for your shared secrets, desires, and newfound closeness.
And the next morning, as the alarm set off, you woke up entwined with William. The previous night's passion had created a deeper connection between you two, and the sense of intimacy lingered in the air. 
With William then heading to morning skates, you took the opportunity to visit your place and gather a few more items than usual. And returning to his condo, you discovered he had made space for your belongings in his closet and bathroom. A wide smile adorned your face as you left your new home, eager to watch him play in the upcoming home game later that night.
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hunieday · 1 month
Iori, Yuki, Touma 2024 Shuffle talk RabbiTV Episode 3
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Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3
Please note that I am not a professional translator and I'm only doing this to share the side materials to those who cannot access them, if you notice any mistakes please let me know nicely. Enjoy!
Yuki: ...I thought we were supposed to take a bus to the flower field…
Izumi Iori: We came by bus to the foot of the mountain. We've only been walking for about ten minutes.
Inumaru Touma: Well, a little stroll ain’t so bad, is it? We'll be there in no time if we chat in the meantime!
Yuki: Yeah, if we chat... So then, tell us something interesting.
Inumaru Touma: Huh!? Interesting...!? That's too sudden!
Inumaru Touma: Um, well let me tell you something that happened backstage the other day...
Yuki: You came up with something pretty quick for a sudden request.
Izumi Iori: Indeed, Inumaru-san's responsiveness is impressive, but is it appropriate to share that story here?
Inumaru Touma: Ahaha! It's fine, don’t worry! I just wanna say that we’ve never seen our manager laugh so hard before.
Inumaru Touma: So, I tried my best to show off my weirdest face but everyone recoiled... Do you wanna see it?
Yuki: Yes I do.
Izumi Iori: Your reactions are quick too...
Yuki: I forget because Momo does it quite often, but I think idols making funny faces are quite rare.
Izumi Iori: Hmm... I don't quite understand, but I am certainly curious about a weird face that makes people recoil.
Inumaru Touma: Alright, here goes! ...Gyuu!
Yuki & Izumi Iori: ...!
Izumi Iori: What on earth happened to your facial features...!? How is it even possible that they’re all concentrated in the middle like that...?
Inumaru Touma: E-erm, please stop inspecting me from this close...
Yuki: …pfft, hahaha... Touma-kun's weird face and Iori-kun analyzing it on top of it is hilarious…
Inumaru Touma: T-Thanks for praising my weird face! ...Phew. Can I stop now...? Izumi...
Izumi Iori: I'm sorry. I have witnessed the wonders of the human body.
Yuki: Alright, your turn Iori-kun. Do something entertaining.
Izumi Iori: I refuse.
Inumaru Touma: Quick reaction!
Izumi Iori: Unfortunately I do not possess such talents.
Yuki: Even though it's your senpai's order...
Izumi Iori: ... I won a "Seasonal Vegetable Assortment Set" in a lucky draw the other day. Would you like to come over and eat some? Nii-san will be cooking something delicious for us.
Yuki: I'm in.
Inumaru Touma: Yuki-san is bribed with vegetables...!
Yuki: Mitsuki-kun's cooking is delicious. Touma-kun, why don't you come over too?
Izumi Iori: By all means. There's plenty to go around.
Inumaru Touma: Seriously!? I'm so happy! Thank you...!
Yuki: Oh, look, you two. A flower field!
Inumaru Touma & Yuki & Izumi Iori: Wow...!
Izumi Iori: The view is magnificent. There are hydrangeas in shades of light blue and pale purple as far as the eye can see...
Yuki: It truly is like a "carpet of flowers". It must feel amazing to lie down there.
Inumaru Touma: I'm glad I came here...!
Staff: Congratulations, everyone. Mission accomplished!
Staff: Thank you very much for your hard work even in this hot weather. There are benches here, so feel free to take a break and enjoy the scenery!
Izumi Iori: Yes, thank you very much.
Inumaru Touma: I feel a great sense of accomplishment...
Izumi Iori: ...Indeed. I've discovered how invigorating mountain climbing can be.
Inumaru Touma: No matter how tough the journey is, all the hardships will blow away if there’s a view this beautiful waiting for you!
Yuki: ...Sounds the same as being an idol.
Inumaru Touma: Oh, maybe! Even if we're struggling with lessons and work every day, seeing the smiles of our fans makes us feel like we can keep going the next day!
Izumi Iori: Speaking of mountain climbing, have you heard this phrase?
Izumi Iori: "Life is like climbing a mountain. Once you've climbed it, you have to come down eventually. If you keep climbing without descending, then you lose."
Yuki: ...It’s hard for people to maintain their spot when they achieve something and reach the top, they have to come down eventually to aim for the next peak.
Inumaru Touma: ...That's deep...
Izumi Iori: Yuki-san mentioning that it sounds like our job reminded me of it.
Inumaru Touma: Does Re:vale ever have a thing called going down a mountain?
Yuki: Of course we do. But it's not about descending the mountain. It's about not resting on our laurels and continuing to strive to create something great, one song at a time.
Yuki: Isn't that true for you guys too?
Inumaru Touma: …! Yes... I want to challenge myself more and more with us four in ŹOOĻ.
Izumi Iori: It’s the same for us in IDOLiSH7. Each member's composition and choreography skills are improving, but we still haven't seen the end goal yet.
Yuki: Fufu, that's scary. Re:vale can't just sit back and relax when we have such strong-willed children.
Inumaru Touma: I'm really glad I came here.We were able to talk about the future together because of it.
Izumi Iori: We'll be rivals again tomorrow.
Yuki: Can't we be friends for today? I don’t think I can go down this mountain without Iori-kun and Touma-kun.
Inumaru Touma: Haha! Of course! Let's talk as we go down!
Yuki: That's good to hear. Then I wanna see Iori-kun's weird face on our way down.
Izumi Iori: I-I thought the vegetables were enough...!?
Izumi Iori: ...I'll have to resort to my last trick. How about looking at a photo of Nanase-san's weird face instead?
Yuki: Wait. Even the concept is already funny. I really wanna see it.
Inumaru Touma: You guys take photos of each other’s weird faces!? That's awesome...!
Izumi Iori: They were sent by my brother during a party.
Yuki: Thanks. I think we can still have fun thanks to you two.
End of Episode 3.
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cluelylikesporn · 5 months
Hii so this is somewhat my first time doing a request so I’m sorry if it sucks or sum 😭😭 Could you do Mike schmidt x babysitter! reader? Where Abby teases the reader in front of Mike for having a crush on him? srry if it doesn’t make sense or sound like sum interesting I just thought it would be cute 😭
RAHHH first of all thank you for your suggestion!!
second, its legit so cute wtff😭 dont even say it sucks
Im a lazy cunt😭
word count:
mike shmidt x babysitter!reader !!
gender neutral reader (correct me if i fuck it up)
mentions of y/n. literally once.
word count: 637
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mike walked inside after his first shift at freddy’s, slightly rattled by the dream he had.. but glad to be home to finally get some freaking sleep.
when the door opened, he was BLESSED by the sight of you. abbys babysitter. if he had maybe a drop of self respect or confidence he could ask you out, maybe even date. but lets be honest hes a complete wuss and his best excuse is “not wanting to ruin the thing they had now” which was an occasional awkward exchange of the same 5 phrases such as “hello, good morning, how are you? im ok. how are you? good, hows abby? good. good.” and then a super awkward silence. but in the recent days, when he still worked at the mall he and you actually had nice conversations that didnt feel forced. mike had hope yet.
“hey, y/n.” he said as he put his keys down, observing abby as she swung her feet in excitement from the table, watching you as you made her pancakes.
“hi mike !” you say, turning to him slightly and cracking a smile before you looked away to put the pancakes on a plate and pass them to abby. luckily you looked away when you did because your eye contact was enough to make mike look like a tomato. “i hope you dont mind i made pancakes, if you want some, theres a little more i was gonna put away !” you said, reaching for a plate. “im ok, thanks. and dont worry about it.” he said, sitting next to abby who was looking between him and you, plotting an evil, DEVIOUS, horrid plan with a grin comparable to the cheshire cat. mike gave abby a terrified look as he began regretting even MENTIONING the idea of you in a romantic way to abby. he began mouthing pleads of her to show an ounce of mercy but she already turned to you and began to open her mouth.
“are you busy this weekend?” abby said while making direct eye contact with mike and snarfing down pancakes.
“uhm.. i dont think so? my only plans from now and the unforeseeable future is watching you so if your asking to hang out chances are ill be with you already, weirdo.” you said, as you begin washing up the dishes used to cook.
“not for me, silly! for mike!" she says innocently, batting her eyes and grinning like a madman to me.
god, ive never been more terrified by a fucking 10 year old. trying to brush off the comment of a date to a child, you piece together a response.
"uhh, if im babysitting you.. and its a weekend.. mike would be there too..!" you said awkwardly, trying to just scrub a damn pan.
"but, what if i was at a friends house?" abby added
"then i wouldnt be there." you say.
"but mikes so lonely..! he has so friends-" abby begins, before mike puts his hand on her mouth.
"abby, stop being weird- what the hell!" he says before being interrupted by abby licking his freaking hand.
"thats so unhygienic, dont do that." he says as abby giggles evilly, and you begin to speak.
"well if mikes sooo lonely, he can.. i don't know... just maybe.. ask? if i wanna hang out? because id.. say yes?" you say, looking at mike.
he blessed the skies above that you were actually confronting and he didn't have to face the awkward rejection that haunted him.
the kitchen was finally quiet for a moment, until abby break the silence.
"do it, do it, do it." she chants silently.
"would you.. wanna go out.. with me.?" mike said silently and awkwardly, cursing himself in his head for being so nervous when she literally confirmed she was down.
"sure, mike schmidt."
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twelvelevens · 5 months
Hunting The Hunter (Chapter 1)
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F!Reader x William Afton, explicit themes, bad language, eventual smut, reader is in her mid to late twenties
You tried to turn your life around by moving to Utah, where the unexpected was waiting just for you to show up. You will make sure to solve the state's biggest mystery, fulfilling your darkest desires in the process.
Ao3 link Chapter 2 Hey there! I dreamed about someone writing a fic with a strong reader, so I thought I might as well write it myself lol. It's something unusual for my blog, I rarely write fanfiction and this is honestly my first time writing something in English. So, if you notice some weird mistakes I apologize as this work hasn't been beta read. There will be multiple chapters (and the stuff will get more explicit as the story progresses), but I don't plan on making this fic very long, cause it's kinda difficult for me yet. Hope you like it!
You always knew something was off about this man, you just couldn’t pinpoint what. An exemplary family guy, a reliable co-worker, anyone could always come for advice to… “Good morning, ladies.” A one charismatic motherfucker. He was passing you and your female colleagues by, greeting you with the most simple phrase, yet delivering it in a way every woman within 20 feet melted as she stood. Steve came up giving you an appraising look for what felt like eternity, a warm smile lighting up his bearded face once he was done with the measurements. Your stomach dropped, the man wasn’t looking at you for more than half a second moving on to talk to your colleagues, but for you the time has stopped the moment the eyes behind those gold framed glasses locked with yours. Was it fear or… excitement? Frankly, feeling any of them does not make you happy at all, considering quite a strong intuition you have as a former police officer - a part you tried to leave in the past. A part that didn’t work out. You smiled back, stabilizing yourself on a water cooler (heck, you held onto its corner for dear life), but Steve wasn’t looking anymore. He left just as suddenly as he appeared, making waves in your life sea once again.
A regular day at work was soothing you with its normality, it would’ve been the most ordinary day if not for the morning encounter. You were going through your usual paperwork sitting at the desk in a cubicle, when the quiet humming of fluorescent lamps and fax sounds were interrupted by a loud ringing of the work phone. You almost jumped in your seat at the sound that hit your ears harder than usual. You picked up to hear a familiar voice call your name. “Please, come over to my office when you’re free.” “Sure, Mr. Raglan.” You answered, being anything but sure. The quiet day has ended right there.
You cleared your throat and took a deep breath before knocking firmly on the door. “Come in.” Replied the voice. You entered, closing the door. Steve was sitting at the desk looking through some papers. “Please, have a seat.” He said calmly without raising his eyes. You obeyed, sitting yourself in a chair right in front of him. Not being able to resist, you took a closer look at Steve’s face, his mature features captivating the hell out of you. The way he frowned reading whatever he read in these papers, the way he hummed in interest, the way he adjusted his glasses. Jeez, get a grip, a grown woman quivering like a little girl over a man double her age, you thought to yourself. He shouldn’t be seeing your weaknesses, not before you find out just what is up with him. “You wanted to see me?” You asked, breaking the silence. “I did.” he said, finally letting go of the documents to look up at you and smile. “I’m sorry, it wasn’t very nice of me to make you wait while I read all of these,” Steve gestures at the papers, “But this info is rather crucial for the matter I called you to discuss with me.” He points at one of the sheets. It’s a printout of security camera shots in a very low quality, taken a couple of days ago as the date in the corner suggests. “You see, one of the important objects suffered from a break-in recently, since there’s no regular security staff there at the moment. We’re partly responsible for it, because it’s our job to offer this position to people and make them accept it, however unattractive the conditions might seem.” 
He got up from a chair, a large figure towering over the desk. The office was full of light sources leaving no room for the darkness, but he was so tall you can swear he almost casted a shadow on you. You were no small girl, but sitting like this before him made you feel like a cat hiding under a car, pleased with the cover it gave you, but anxiously wondering if it was going to crush you the next second. Thankfully, he only went past you to the other end of the office. “Coffee?” Steve asked innocently, making one for himself. “Yes, please.” You answered shortly, refraining from asking questions. Choosing the strategy to silently observe, you knew: interesting facts tend to resurface once you stop interfering in people’s flow of thought and just give them room to continue. Steve turned around, handing you a normal-sized cup that seemed almost like a toy in his hand. You took it, smiling thankfully, and nodded at him to go on. He drank from his mug, staring at you in expectation for a moment, and chuckled, surprised by the boldness: you stared back unapologetically and kept your silence. “So, uh,” he grinned and looked down, showing a tiny bit of shyness for the first time since you’ve met him, “I’ve noticed you’re not of the timid type, so I’m guessing my request will not be of trouble to you. Also considering your past as a police officer.” You noticeably strained. “Yeah, I went through your files. Don’t worry, it’s a simple job, you only need to do one thing - go inside and check for stolen and broken things. Well, and try to find something that’ll probably help identify the guys that did it, in the process.” “That’s two things.” You noticed Steve’s grip on his mug tighten, making his fingers go white. “So, do you think you will be able to do this for me?” He asked kindly, ignoring your statement. “Why won’t you just make the police deal with it?” “I am doing this right now.” He chuckled. “You see, the owner is a… Pain in the ass. He threatened to call the police, meaning putting our company at risk as well, for not fulfilling our part of the contract. I reassured him we will deal with this internally, so. Here I am, asking for a favor.” The man shrugged, spreading his arms in a wide gesture. “A favor? You will not be paying me for this?” You smiled at him inquiringly. Steve laughed and glanced to the side before looking back at you. He was certainly impressed by your confidence. “I might’ve underestimated you.” There was a short pause, as if he was considering what to say next. “Of course I will. Every job requires a payment, doesn’t it?”
You were sitting in a chair cross-legged, running your eyes through the sheets Steve studied when you walked into the office. Taking a sip of the coffee he made you, you felt bittersweet warmth spread inside your chest. Mr. Raglan sat at his desk across from you, arms crossed. “So, do I need to know anything about this place, Fazbear’s Pizzeria?” You asked, nose still in the documents, just the way he talked to you earlier. There was some silence, so you had to look up at the man. He looked back with a blank expression for a few seconds, before turning his head to the window. “I heard you’re not from around here.” “I’m from Nebraska.” Steve smirked and turned to face you again. “Yeah? I’ve been there. A couple times.” His expression suddenly made your skin crawl. Him and his secrets. “So, the place was really popular back in the day, but it has been long abandoned. The owner kinda wants to preserve its memory, I guess. A sentimental guy.” He talked about it with somewhat of a nostalgic feeling in his voice. “Right… So there’s a chance the building will collapse on my head as I walk in?” “It didn’t collapse on those who broke into it, I’m sure it can withstand a proper entrance through its back door. Besides, it’s well taken care of, you wouldn’t even be able to tell it’s no longer in use. We send people to work there if you haven’t forgotten.” You haven’t, and this time you were supposed to become one of them. “Ok. Why can’t I enter through the main door though?” “It’s blocked by a jumble of furniture and broken stuff, we asked the owner to declutter the passage, but I think he still hasn't done anything about it yet.”
Steve answered each of your questions as a diligent student fully prepared for the exam, yet the whole backstory seemed extremely shady to you for some reason, even though you got nothing on him. You had to crack him somehow. “Mr. Raglan…” “Please, call me Steve.” “Steve, you know, it seems like a very nice place to kill me and ditch the body.” You said, smiling widely, as you looked him straight in the eye.
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Honors From the King: A Short Story
The sword felt strange in Mia's hand. It fit perfectly in her grasp, but it still seemed impossible that it was hers. A few days ago it had made her into a hero, but in the confusion of the battle, she barely remembered making the lucky blow that felled the giant who had terrorized the Southern Forest for ten years.
Now she, an ordinary eleven-year-old from Iowa, was the hero of a fantastical realm, waiting to receive honors from the king himself.
Elbera bustled around Mia in the antechamber-turned-dressing room of the village hall. The elf woman—barely taller than Mia—had served almost as a mother to her since the strange wind had left her in the elfin village. "Now, my dear, as you're being honored for valor in battle, it's right for you to carry the sword, but you must never put the point toward the king. If you're nervous about it, you'd best sheathe it."
Mia sheathed the sword before Elbera finished the sentence.
Elbera continued, "Since you've slain a well-known terror, it's customary for the king to offer a boon. If he offers up to half his kingdom, don't take it—it's only a polite phrase. Best to ask for something useful—perhaps a sum of gold to rebuild the bridge outside the village."
From what Mia had heard of the king, he'd do that anyway. No, if Mia was to get a boon, she would ask for only one thing.
She wanted to go home.
For nine long months, she'd been stuck in Athelor. The cheerful, dainty elves had been kind to her—sheltering, feeding and teaching her without complaint—but they weren't her family. Her parents had to be frantic about her. And her six siblings—what had they done when that strange summer wind took her away from them? An entire school year would be gone by now. If she stayed away much longer, she'd be so far behind, and it would be harder and harder to fit back into ordinary life.
The elves had been unable to provide any suggestions about how to get back home; they only told Mia to wait for the wind. But the elves had sung praises of King Edonniel's library, spoke with awe of his scholarly works about Athelor's history. If anyone knew how to get her home, the king would.
The door to the chamber opened, and a palace guard escorted Mia into sunlit wooden expanse of the main hall.
At the room's far end, the king stood among his guard. Though over fifty, he was tall and fit, with a reddish-gold beard and a noble bearing, resplendent in royal armor. He was like the good king in every fairy tale Mia had ever read, like her father, and she forgot to be afraid of him. The king was a great man—warrior, poet, scholar, diplomat—but Mia knew in an instant that he was kind enough to help a lost girl.
The assembled crowd—all the elves and talking beasts from the village—cheered as Mia approached the king. Mia tried to ignore them, instead focusing on the king’s kind face.
The king stared at her. He stood frozen for several moments, then stepped toward her. “Mia?”
Mia stumbled to a stop. "Yes?" This seemed an informal greeting from a great king.
In a blink, Mia found herself in the king's arms, crushed in a warm embrace.
"I can't believe it." The king's deep voice sounded right next to her ear. "I thought I'd never see any of you again, not here."
Mia tried to push him away. King or not, this was too weird to put up with. "Any of who? What are you doing?"
The king pulled away and looked into her face, drinking her in. "I'm sorry. Of course you don't know me. Mia, I’m Danny. Your brother."
In the privacy of Elbera’s good parlor, Mia sat alone with the king. Her brother. Her ten-year-old brother. Who she never in a million years would have connected with the great scholar, warrior, and king the elves, in their musical accents, called Edonniel.
She couldn’t doubt that he was Danny. He remembered their parents, their farm, all their family, even the dinosaur village she and he had created two summers ago. With only a year and a day between their ages, they had often been mistaken for twins, but Mia had always reveled in her superior age. Until now.
Danny seemed so dignified; he made Elbera’s soft chair look like a throne. His eyes had wrinkles around them. His red-gold beard hung down to his chest. He sat so steady, so still, gazing at her like she was his long-lost child—instead of the sister whose hair he pulled when she beat him at Mario Kart.
As Mia sat across from him on Elbera's other chair, the only thing she could think to say was, “You’re older than me.”
The king guffawed. “I’m older than Dad. But you—you don’t look a day older than when I last saw you. How long have you been here?”
“Nine months.”
“It’s been forty-eight years for me.”
Mia’s head spun at the idea. “How?”
“The wind that carried us into a different world carried us into different times. I landed on the shores of the Beryl Sea forty-eight years ago. Ever since I became king, I’ve made a study of Athelorian history, trying to find the rest of us.”
“Us?” Mia had been with her siblings when the wind had taken her, but she’d assumed they were back home in Iowa. “How many of us are in Athelor?”
“All of us,” Danny said with surprise. “Didn’t you know?”
Mia shook her head. “I couldn’t see much.”
“And when you landed here alone, you had no reason to guess that we weren’t all safely at home,” he said, understanding.
“Is anyone else here?” Mia asked, half-hoping another brother or sister would pop out from behind the furniture.
“I crossed paths with Thomas not long after I arrived, but you’re the only one I’ve met in person since. Everyone else, I’ve had to track down in history and legend.”
“You met Thomas?”
“He landed among the trolls of the northern mountains,” Danny explained. “Became a master smith—the greatest in Athelorian history. He forged that sword you carry. I have no idea how it got into the elves’ hands; I’ll bet there’s a story there.”
Danny never could stick to the point of a story. “Where is he?” Mia asked in frustration.
“He was a very old man when I met him,” Danny said. “A hundred and twenty-seven, by some counts. Some say his life was extended by working with the stones from the heart of the world.”
Was? Her little brother had been only six years old when she’d last seen him. He couldn’t be—
Mia sank back into her chair, stricken.
Danny, caught up in his story, didn’t seem to notice. “Jane lived among the centaurs and elves of the Skyveil Plains seven-hundred years ago. Became a legendary warrior and explorer, defender of the weak. Beloved by all the beasts. First to step foot on the Daybreak Isles and meet the talking mice.”
Seven-hundred years?
“Now Ben,” Danny said with a laugh, “has popped up all through history. Rarely seen for more than a day or two, but he always has some dramatic effect. Some scholars speculate he’s extraordinarily long-lived, but my theory is that time is playing with him in a different way than the rest of us.”
He said it all so calmly!
“Nora?” Mia dared to ask about their oldest sister.
Danny’s gaze turned dreamy, his voice hushed and reverent. “The legendary Queen Eleanor, present at the waking of the world.”
Danny was talking about Nora—bossy Nora!—like he was in awe of her.
Her sister—all her siblings—had become legends. They weren’t waiting for her at home. They were long dead, had been dead ever since she’d arrived, which meant they were gone forever, and there was no way home—
Mia burst into tears.
Danny reacted about like how she’d have expected him to react. He sprang up from his seat and hovered awkwardly over her chair. “Mia? What’s wrong?”
Through tears, despair, and frustration, Mia blubbered something that included the words, “They’re all dead!”
“Dead?” Danny asked. “Who said they were dead?”
Mia wiped her tears on her sleeve and glared up at him. “You did! You said Thomas was ancient, and Jane lived seven-hundred years ago, and Nora’s as old as the entire world!”
“That doesn’t mean they’re dead.”
“I’m not stupid! No one can live that long, not even here!”
Danny crouched down next to her chair. He placed both hands on her shoulders and looked straight into her eyes. “Mia, look at me. I’m telling you: they’re not dead.”
Before his fatherly gaze—even with the beard, he looked a lot like Dad—Mia’s sobs became mere sniffles. “Then where are they?”
“They’re home. Safe. I promise. The same wind that brought us here brought them back home after their adventures were over.”
Just like the elves had said. But when Mia had thought she’d have to wait to go home, she’d thought it would be a few years at most, not—
“You said Thomas was more than a hundred years old.”
Danny said, “I’ve done a lot of reading about people like us. We’re not the only people who’ve come here from Earth—or gone home. The stories all say the same thing. No matter how long we spend here, the wind takes us back home to a time only minutes after we left, and we’ll be just the same age we were then. Reunited from across history, as young we ever were. A foretaste of heaven.”
His voice had gone dreamy again. The elves had said he was a poet.
Mia dried her face and sat up straight. “We’ll all be together? At our normal ages? Like we never left?”
“You and me and Thomas and Ben and Nora and—“ Mia realized something. “You never said where Claire was.”
“She’s the only one I haven’t found in history yet. That means her story’s probably still in the future. Maybe we’ll run into her someday.”
That did sound exciting, but Mia didn’t like the idea of waiting decades like Daniel had.
“How long do you think it will be? Before we go home?”
Danny stood and walked toward his chair. “I can’t say. Whenever the wind blow lately, I get the strangest feeling that I won’t be here long—maybe five years.”
Five years—half her life—not long?
“For you,” Danny continued as he sat down, “I can’t say. But I have a feeling that your adventures are just beginning.”
“I don’t want more adventures,” Mia said, as another tear dripped. “I want to go home.”
“I know,” Danny said, his voice husky with sympathy. “The first year is the hardest, and you’re so young.”
The idea of Danny—Danny!—treating her like a little kid! “I’m older than you!” Looking into his very-much-not-a-kid face, she amended, “Well, I should be.”
“You will be again, one day. But until then...“ Danny leaned forward, his hands on his knees, and suddenly sounded more like an American kid than he had all day. “This sounds so weird, but if you like, I can adopt you. You can live in the palace under my protection, and I can show you everything about Athelor. Maybe name you my heir if you like the whole royalty thing.”
He was planning a whole life for her. Plotting out a future. Here. Even without the weirdness of Danny acting like her dad, it was too much.
Danny noticed her hesitation. “You don’t have to, if you don’t want to. I know we’re all called here for different purposes, and I don’t want to keep you from your intended mission.”
“I thought the giant was my mission.” Mia had constructed such a tidy tale—and now it was unraveling. “I came here, I slayed the giant. The story should be over. I should get to go home.”
“It will always be waiting for you. Until then, you have Athelor.”
“Athelor isn’t home!”
“It can be,” Danny said. “It’s been a good home to me. It can be a better one, now that you’re here.”
Mia suddenly realized how old her little brother was. How long he’d been waiting, searching for his family through books. And now she was here, after all this time.
Maybe that was her mission. To help this great king while he was here caring for the people of Athelor.
“I guess I can try,” Mia said. Even if she had to stay a long time—well, Danny had managed to do some amazing things, and she couldn’t let her little brother outshine her. “When we do get back home, I don’t want you to have a better story than me.”
Danny grinned—and for just a second, he looked a little like the kid she remembered. “Mia,” he said, “I think you’re going to be fit for legend.”
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I love the way Gwendoline Christie’s height was used by the creators of "Wednesday" to underline the plot of the show:
there are several scenes where Christie's height is very noticeable due to the way the scene is arranged or the camera is positioned and sometimes they even arranged the other actors in a way that makes her appear even taller than she is
those are scenes that are rather serious and dark and in many of those scenes Weems is angry and sometimes even threatening
and then there are other scenes where they made it less visible to the audience that Weems is so tall by having her sit down or, again, arranging the cameras or the other actors in a certain way
those are scenes that are light-hearted and positive and in those scenes Weems is nice and friendly and very often "official", meaning that she acts as the representative of Nevermore in public in those scenes
let me give you some examples:
#1 Wednesday's first day at Nevermore
compared to the rest of the plot, Wednesday's first encounter with Weems is a light-hearted scene, it is only a conversation between Wednesday, her parents and Weems
Weems is introduced in this scene as the head and therefore the representative of Nevermore, she is very nice to Wednesday and her parents, she smiles a lot and welcomes Wednesday to the school
we see her only sitting down and therefore her height isn’t noticeable
they could have easily introduced her in a scene where she is standing and therefore the audience would have picked up on her height immediately
instead, they decided to have her sit down in her first scene
and even when they later all stand in Enid's and Wednesday's room the characters are arranged in a way that makes Weems's height less visible:
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It seems as if Enid is not that much shorter than Weems, and Morticia and Weems seem to have almost the same height.
This is something we see in a lot of scenes that are rather light-hearted and non-threatening: Weems's height is made less visible because they have her sit down or they arrange the other characters in a certain way.
another good example:
#2 Outreach Day
On Outreach Day, we see Weems standing next to Mayor Walker at the dedication of the new memorial statue (right before Wednesday (or Thing) makes the statue explode):
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They placed Walker on a podium and Weems very close to him, but she is not standing on the podium, and therefore they are the same height. But in most of the shots the podium is not visible so as a viewer you have the illusion that they actually are the same height:
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In some shots, the camera position even makes him seem taller than her:
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The dedication of the statue is a cheerful and happy event and like Wednesday's first day at Nevermore, compared to the rest of the show, this is a light-hearted and positive scene.
Again, Weems appears in her role as the official representative of Nevermore in public.
And then, on the other hand, there are scenes where the camera shots and the arranging accentuate Weems's height or even make her seem taller than she already is. Those are scenes which contain "darker" and more serious events and conversations. And in many of those scenes, Weems is not the nice and smiling representative of Nevermore like on Outreach Day, but she reveals another side of herself, she gets angry and strict and even threatening and intimidating (mostly towards Wednesday).
Take the scene right after the one where she is standing next to Walker on Outreach Day:
#3 Weems being furious with Wednesday after the explosion
Wednesday (or Thing) destroys Crackstone's statue on Outreach Day. Before that, the event is cheerful and happy and as I pointed out, they arranged Walker and Weems in a way that conceals Weems's height a bit. After the explosion of the statue, Weems scolds Wednesday in her office. It is the first time we see her that angry and her height is made much more visible by the way the scene is shot:
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*Weems is standing, Wednesday is sitting down*
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*shooting from an even higher perspective than Weems's point of view to make Wednesday look even smaller compared to her*
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*Weems's posture and the way the camera is positioned to make their height difference more obvious*
Here is another scene where Weems is angry with Wednesday:
#4 Weems scolding Wednesday after she put herself, Enid and Tyler in danger
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They place Wednesday at the bottom of the stairs and Weems at the top.
And then there's another very interesting scene:
#5 Weems threatening Walker
This is another scene with Weems and Walker, like on Outreach Day, but this time their conversation is private and very serious and Weems warns Walker to be careful with accusing Nevermore students of attacking Eugene because her "charity has its limits" (she's basically threatening him that she will make his life harder if he doesn't stop accusing Nevermore students):
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Weems and Walker walk down the stairs together. But notice how Tommie Earl Jenkins (the actor who portrays Walker) is always one step ahead of Gwendoline Christie which results in him being always a tiny bit further down the stairs than her and therefore her appearing even taller. This was most likely not a coincidence but an instruction for the actors and it brings us this LEGENDARY shot:
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(I will never get over this shot... I mean, just look at her standing next to him!! Who gave Gwendoline Christie the permission to be this iconic????)
I mean, compare this shot to the one of Weems and Walker on Outreach Day. Notice again that this is a scene with a very private conversation that Weems definitely wouldn't want to be made public.
So there is always this contrast between, on the one hand, Weems in public, all smiling and put together and presentable with her height being rather concealed and, on the other hand, Weems in private, where she can be harsh and strict and with a temper with her height being made more obvious.
The bottom line is that they used Christie's height to underline the general atmosphere in the individual scenes as well as those two different sides of Weems. I personally am fascinated by Gwendoline Christie's height (and everything else about this woman). And I like the way they used it to intensify certain scenes and show this contrast in Weems's demeanor. Another aspect that makes the show really, really great!
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kaeryncaffeine · 1 year
VtM Clans Dating Headcanons
Because i’m full in Vampire: The Masquerade, i’m doing these headcanons based on the source book Camarilla V5, where a Toreador gives you tips on getting into romance with the stereotype of some clans. Feel free to add other headcanons or clans if you like!
*English is not my mother tongue so sorry for any mistakes or weird phrasing.
Very good companions if you’re a young kindred and starting a career in the Camarilla.
They’re powerful, reliable and rich, expect a lot of gifts.
You can’t be boring if you want to get a Ventrue, be flightly, passionate, temperamental, make them feel anything to keep them interested.
Most likely to use you as a trophy or showcase partner tho.
If they get bore, you’ll just be another of their servants.
Most likely to be your sire, embraced you out of a infatuation.
And... most likely to get bore of you in the end if you dont keep up.
Surely they’ll be beautiful and charismatic.
You’ll be their muse
Expect art dates and getting a good amount of juicy info about othe kindred.
Will ask for attention in subtly ways.
Boring at first glance, will act as if they dont care and then will surprise you with particular moments of attention.
Gets freaky in bed, experiments a lot on that field.
Remembers everything about you.
Worth the romance to get a glance at their libraries of vitae.
Most likely to break your heart.
Easy to manipulate if you know their weakness.
They say you loose your mind if you drink their vitae, is it true? no matter it’s kinda exciting anyway.
Will be more open to experimentation in bed too.
Unpredictible, will say or do some crazy shit if you put them under pressure.
Expect some profecies out of the blue.
Honest and grateful for your love and attention.
Looks at you in awe.
Insecure and most likely to be jealous.
You’ll get your hands on some juicy information.
The most romantic clan second to Toreador.
Easy to manipulate if you've got a pretty face or you’re a good actor.
Cold at first but if you get to their hearts, they’ll cherish you a lot.
Jealous and possesive, will fight anyone that disrespects you.
Dates on tiny cabins in the woods, maybe naughty activities in the wild.
They like to be direct and honest, they’ll confess to you and wont beat around the bush.
Most likely to talk your ear off.
Passionate and emotional, will be the most human like relationship out of the other clans.
Passionate and obssesive, they will try to court you desperatly so you should act hard to get for fun.
Very serious about your relationship, commitment is very important to them.
Will kill for you, mostly out of jelousy.
Makes you feel desired, wanted. You’re always present in their mind.
You’re in for some serious crazy shit
Most likely to resculpt you and make you some dragonborn appearance kinda shit.
Expect some weird things behind those pants too.
Top energy
They have a strange personality, very attention seeker but will cherish you regardless.
If you behave, maybe they’ll teach you vicissitude so you can scuplt some vessels together.
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rallentando1011 · 4 months
Waddup!! Can I have a one where the turtles have a s/o with verbal Tourette’s tics that are just… hella rude. Like, I literally yell “Shut the fuck up, baldy” as one of my tics. 😭😭 Just rude things they don’t mean.
Thanks for the request! I've been working through 'em and having a fun time! (Guidelines are HERE btw)Just fyi, this is based on my personal experience and research. Please let me know if I have any inaccuracies or if there’s anything useful to add!
ROTTMNT Boys W/ Reader with Verbal Tics
Donnie stares
Not judgmentally, not emotionally at all for that matter, he just stares
Consider it his waiting period for his central processing unit to catch up
After a brief moment of registration, he nods and continues on with whatever conversation or demonstration or interaction was occurring before
Donnie directly lets you know that it is always okay for you to experience your tics
None of that trying-to-restrict-it-for-politeness’-sake business around here
When you feel uncomfortable or tense or just overall weird, he wants that you always feel comfortable to express whatever you need to in his presence
If you ever try to apologize for one of your tics, he bluntly asks, “What do you have to apologize for?”
He knows that it’s involuntary, that you have no genuine intention to say something flippant
He doesn’t expect an apology for that
Mikey immediately pales and pouts
That’s just his spontaneous reaction
His thought process is kind of just: Mean words? Mean words directed at me? They must mean it personally and I must be a terrible person and they must hate me and-
But then he realizes: Oh. Right.
And the bad thoughts stop flowing
If his reaction makes you think that he’s upset with you, he quickly assures you of the opposite
He didn’t mean to seem aghast
He was just surprised
So he reassures you that he would never, could never get mad at you for something out of your control
He loves all aspects of you and will always be your biggest supporter through anything and everything
Leo’s pretty chill, pretty nonchalant about it
Normally he just moves along; that’s all one really can do
Sometimes, however, like if the tic occurs at a comically bad time, he laughs
Not just a normal giggle either
It’s the kind that one tries to stifle, but it bubbles up their throat and nose and actually ends up being significantly louder
Either that or he smirks
Although, if you feel like he’s poking fun at you, he fervently clarifies that he just found the timing funny, not you or your tics
He also apologizes profusely (if you’ve been looking for a favor from or leverage over him, now’s the time)
Leo feels slightly guilty if you happen to pick up a rude word or phrase from him
He also finds it objectively funny, only if you’re not upset by it, of course
Raph instinctually mutters a “language” if he’s not paying much attention when he hears your tics
Pin it on his big-brotherly/motherly instincts
He hears a swear and/or vulgar language, he calls it out
After a moment of you just looking at him, he realizes his error
Quietly, Raph admits and says sorry for his mistake
Other times, he hears you and tilts his head, waiting for elaboration
His conversational awareness, at times, is shoddy, so he can use some help understanding whether or not you intended to say something or not
He’s not perturbed with you at all, no matter what you end up saying
He could never blame you for it, seeing as you have no volition in what your tics are, though he’ll do his best to educate himself on the topic, ask you about your triggers so he can avoid them, see if there’s anything he can do to help
Whatever you need, he’s got you
(side note: hey @nickelodeon #rottmnt is trending again/still)
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unreliablesnake · 1 year
Timing (Simon "Ghost" Riley x reader)
Summary: Ghost apologizes for getting touchy with you, but doesn't realize your problem isn't what he did, but rather what he didn't do. You escape into Gaz's arms, and when Ghost finds out about the two of you, he silently loses it.
part 0 / part 1
Note: Some of you asked for it, I was already planning it, so heeeeeeeere you go! A little Gaz x reader can be found in it.
Warnings: Afab!reader. Mentions of sex. It's not smut, but they're talking about it.
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"I'm sorry."
You looked up at Ghost with a frown, wondering if you'd heard him right. Did he just apologize? Your mind was going through your memories at record speed, looking for any situation that required such an act from him. But there was nothing. Absolutely nothing.
"For what?" you asked him, confusion probably clearly visible on your face.
"For getting a little touchy with you in the hangar," he replied, ashamed.
What hangar? His words just confused you even more, by now you had no idea what was happening here. Then suddenly you remembered. That day, when the Shadows joined you. "That was almost a month ago. Why now? Did you undergo some sexual harassment training that made you think?"
"Careful," he growled, making you back away from him. After a short break, he took a deep breath, thinking about how to phrase what he had in mind. "Because things have been weird between us since then. What I did was inappropriate, especially since I'm your higher up," he said in the end.
Inappropriate? Maybe. But did it feel good? Oh, it did. You could still feel the way the skin on your knees burned under his touch, how badly you wanted him to be bold, to make a move on you. But Graves interrupted you before you could find out whether or not he would do anything.
How could he think that bothered you? Hadn't he seen the lust in your eyes? Hadn't he sensed what you wanted? "And you think that's the problem?" you asked him, suddenly sounding sad.
"No," you corrected him.
Ghost's eyes mirrored his confusion when you turned around to walk away. "Wait." You came to a halt, but didn't dare to turn around just yet. "If you're so smart, why don't you enlighten me?" he asked, almost pleading.
"There are some things you need to figure out alone."
With an annoyed groan, the lieutenant grabbed your shoulder and forcefully turned you around to face him. "Don't do this."
"I'm not doing anything," you replied with a huff as you folded your arms over your chest.
"You're playing your little mind games with me and I don't like it. I'm not Graves, you don't impress me with this," he spat angrily.
Mind games? And did he really have to bring up Graves? Wait, was he jealous of what you had with him? "Excuse me?" you asked slowly, taking a threatening step forward.
He realized his mistake and held up his hands as he looked down at you from behind the mask. "Sorry," he offered quietly.
"Is there anything else?"
"No. There's not."
"Am I dismissed?" you asked impatiently.
There was something in his eyes that you couldn't quite decipher. Something like the mixture of longing, sadness, and regret. But while you saw this, you were also too angry to worry about his feelings. You just wanted to leave and be alone with your thoughts.
In the end the lieutenant broke the silence. "Yes, you're dismissed," he said.
Soap plopped down next to you on the sad, dirty old couch someone had placed in the building you used as your base of operation a long time ago. He didn't say anything, only pulled up one knee to turn to you, watching you in silence for a while.
It was annoying, the way he kept his bright eyes on you, leading you to believe he wanted something from you. "What?" you asked after you had enough of the silence, closing the lid on the e-book reader you had in your hand.
"You've been suspiciously quiet on the comms lately," he informed you, his eyes narrowing as he spoke.
"You two still entertain each other, you have nothing to worry about."
Rolling his eyes, he put an arm on the backrest of the couch and poked your shoulder playfully. "Yeah, but it's not the same without you."
With an annoyed sigh, you signaled him to lean closer, as if you were about to let him in on a conspiracy. "I talk as much as needed. No more, no less," you told him quietly.
"Oh, come on. Just tell me what's wrong. Did we offend you or something?"
You leaned your head back to look at the ceiling. You wished you could tell him the truth, that you were mad at Ghost for not seeing what you wanted from him. It was slowly eating you up from the inside, the need to be touched by him, to feel his lips all over your body. Just once. Was it too much to ask for?
But you couldn't tell Soap any of that, no matter how good your relationship with him was. When you noticed Gaz coming in your direction out of the corner of your eye, you reached out to intercept him by grabbing his waist.
"Gaz, save me, please," you pouted theatrically. "Soap doesn't leave me alone."
He let out a laugh and sat on the armrest of the couch next to you, putting a hand on your shoulder. "What are you going on about again?" he asked Soap teasingly.
The thing is, Graves was just a friend, Soap was like a brother, Ghost made it clear a few weeks ago that he didn't want you, and Price was off-limits as the captain. But Gaz was there, always nice, always helpful, always the knight in shining armor. So you started flirting with him recently, happy to see him doing the same in return. Yes, he was sort of like a backup plan, but it didn't mean you didn't have a soft spot for him.
"I'm just telling her that she's way too quiet on the comms. How do we know she's okay if she's not talking to us?" Soap repeated what he had just told you too.
Gaz looked down at you with his head slightly tipped to the side, as if he was waiting for you to say something to defend yourself. But you only raised your hands and shrugged, refusing to elaborate on why you didn't feel like talking to them. Well, talking to Ghost.
"Are you answering them?" Gaz asked you as he slowly moved his hand from your shoulder to the back of your neck, gently tugging on your hair to make you look up at him.
"Yes. I just don't engage in their stupid banters," you pointed out breathlessly, your eyes now glued to his face. He gave you an almost disapproving look, something you weren't expecting to see. "Come on, don't tell me Price also tires you with stupid jokes."
Gaz laughed at this. "He has his moments, trust me." You flashed a small smile at him, having a hard time imagining the captain cracking one of Ghost's sick jokes. "Okay, how about getting you some caffeine?" he asked.
When he ran a finger down your spine, careful not to let Soap notice it, you cleared your throat and tried to keep yourself together. You nodded eventually, slowly standing up and flashing an apologetic smile at the other sergeant for leaving him there. But you wanted to leave, you wanted to talk about anything other than the lieutenant.
Ghost went outside with Price when he wanted to smoke a cigar and discuss the next day's plans, just to see if they were seeing eye to eye. When they were done, the lieutenant decided to stay outside, taking a walk around the building in the chilly night air.
That's how he stumbled upon you and Gaz near the shed-like thing close to the building. The sergeant had you pinned against the wall, one hand holding your wrists above your head, another lost under your shirt as he cupped your breast. His lips barely left yours, as if this kiss was your way of breathing, surviving.
This was the second time he heard you make those sounds, the needy but satisfied moans that clearly told your partner you wanted more. He couldn't decide what was worse: having no idea who made you feel this good, or knowing perfectly well who your current lover was.
He began to wonder if this was a normal relationship or another friends with benefits arrangement.
Soon he heard you whisper something to Gaz between kisses, something he couldn't hear from where he was standing, but when the sergeant let go of your hands and you sank on your knees in front of him, it became obvious that you wanted to give him a blowjob.
It was too much for Ghost.
He wished it was him. He wished he could grab a fistful of your hair and impale your pretty mouth on his cock. He wished he could taste your cunt. He wished he could feel your warm insides against his fingers. He wished he could fuck you until you were begging him to stop.
There were so many things he wanted to do to you, with you, but somehow you always had someone when he realized that. First Graves, now Gaz. He wondered if it would ever change.
Taglist: @actuallyanita @emily2003alzaga
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scarredlove · 8 months
Across the Waves
I wrote this... then stopped... decided to come back to it at midnight... whoops
Sun got a fic from me so... who's next~?
Forgive any mistakes or weird phrases
Even the night was gloomy. Not even one sparkling speck in the sky.
Your sandals separated your feet from the now cold sand, but didn't stop the few strays from sticking in between your toes. "Moon?" You called out, looking out at the span of the beach front, black waves washing the shore to your right, large rocks and trees lining your left.
Today, all of the boys had wanted out of the tank and to stretch their legs out. Eclipse wasn't always the most talkative, but as the biggest out of the lot (and the most stern), you had no worry when he ventured out by himself. He certainly had a presence to not be messed with. However, Moon was different.
Not that he couldn't take care of himself, being the most sneaky out of the trio had it's advantages... Until it pushes Sun a bit off the bend and he accidentally dirties his brother's bright yellow garb. If it had been Eclipse, or even reversed, it probably would have just made the whole event funnier. But not when one of your slugs was the largest germaphobe you'd had the pleasure to meet.
"Moony?" You called again, still no obvious 7ft slug man in sight. Of course, you didn't blame Moony. You did try to warn him that your drink was on the edge of the stout coffee table but by then, it was too late. The Hypselodoris Obscura startling its brother back and knocking the drink in the process.
An incident like this was very much like any regular family, a small thing blown out of proportion. But until it was clean enough again, Sunny wouldn't be able to return the water. So as much there was slight tension, you'd quickly thrown it into the wash before coming out here to hunt the culprit. You knew it would be fine, and so did Sun (behind all the frustrated grumbles). Now time to reassure blue boy.
A gentle hum reached your ears. Or at least, within your mind. You looked over to the trees and caught the faintest speckled glow. They were certainly not there a second ago. Chuckling softly, you made your way to the sulking incarnate of the moon, the musical mumbles growing in volume. Behind the scrawny trunks, Moon was crouched down to the half grass, half sand ground, both arms wrapped around his torso.
"Hey there." Though he already knew you were there, it never hurt to inform him that he was indeed found. He didn't look up to you, the back of his cloak losing its glow to return hidden in the shadows. "You ok, big baby?"
The bells on the large hood rang as he turned his head slightly to you, though you still couldn't see him. "Is Sunny angry?" He asked solemnly. Stepping around the train of his coat, you knelt down beside him to see he'd bent down before a little pool of water. You weren't sure if anything was within it, but didnt chance dipping your fingers in.
A small laugh left you. "You know he can never stay angry at you." You thought for a second. "At least, until he gets to scold you for being a menace to his wellbeing." A raspy chuckle was your response. Good. "So, am I going to have you drag you back, or do you want to stay here a bit longer?" Moon outstretched a hand to glide over the small pool before you both, the circular movements almost hypnotic.
Moon said nothing, though did return to his melody. It was a gentle song, he would hum it on occasion but it was always welcomed. And every time he did, you would catch his shoulders loosening up, the tension easing from his form. Seeing his back droop a little bit, you rose a hand and pressed it to his back, rubbing up and down for a few moments, a sigh leaving your sweet Obscura. "Sorry." The hood murmured, his face still hidden. "Knocked your drink." He elaborated.
"It's ok, Moony." You shrugged. "It'd probably been cold for ages. May as well be poison by that point."
He chuckled again, the tone not as croaky, and leaned into your touch. "Then I'm not sorry. I saved you."
A gasp left your lips in return. "What a generous hero you are!" Your free hand rose and pressed against your chest for added theatrics. "You should be rewarded instead!"
Red eyes turned to meet yours finally, the off-white glow of his pupils soft like his namesake. There was a charming grin on his face but you could see tiredness in the expression too, the mental strain of an internal war having taken its toll on him until he clawed back to himself. From him shifting, the hand on his back moved to his shoulder, cupping him whilst rubbing small circles with your thumb like his fingers across the dark liquid.
Dropping the arm from his chest, his hand moved to lay over yours on his shoulder, scooping up your dinky digits in his much larger hand and nuzzled his cheek over the knuckles, eyes closing as he red against them like a tiny pillow. "Warm." He noted softly, moving to press the back of your palm to his chin. "My sweet sea star..." His voice echoed in your head, making you sigh gently.
"C'mon..." you started, "we should get home before the other-"
He tugged you into his chest. Face planting into the ruffles of his gown. His hand leaving yours to secure your middle to his. An arm wrapping around your shoulders... Which all sounds nice enough... Until you feel wet fingertips rub the back of your neck. Body temperature falling drastically as stray droplets worked their way down your back. "MOON-!"
He ripped away from you just as fast as he pulled you in, leaving you stretching and almost scratching the coldness away from your throat as quickly as possible, though making you look like a maniac in the process. He was giggling and cackling to himself, standing back up on his feet though not too far away for you to see his face and glare at his betrayal.
"Alright boy. That's it." He stopped his laughter, the grin was still etched on his face as he watched you slowly take off your sandals and rise, the sand smooth against your toes. "You better run before you have to face both Sun AND my anger!"
The laughing resumed and he ran away as you gave chase, though, the way he was 'running' was more like a weird crab scurrying away. Making him looking like a little gremlin in your eyes. But he never outrun you. Always remained the same distance as you both ran back home. Where Moon was promptly scolded by his sunnier twin before being welcomed back home.
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