#sonadow has taken over
pink-link-lemonade · 3 months
I’m gonna go absolutely feral
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etaleah · 10 months
What Is the Appeal of Sonadow?
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I have a lot of thoughts about this ship, what draws people to it, and why some of the criticisms of it are exaggerated or less than honest. Putting them under a cut because it’s gonna get long.
First of all, the critique of “Lol why do people ship them when they beat the shit out of each other whenever they disagree on something, they’re abusive!” is dishonest framing for two reasons. One is that it ignores the fact that Sonic and Shadow are allies far more often than they’re enemies, and even when they are enemies, it’s usually over something serious, not just a minor disagreement. The other is that it’s bad media criticism to apply real human standards to a cartoon animal universe.
When you watch the classic Looney Tunes short where Bugs and Daffy are arguing over whether it’s Rabbit Season or Duck Season and Bugs tricks Daffy into shooting himself, do you see Bugs as abusive and evil? Probably not, because the laws of physics don’t apply in cartoons and Daffy getting shot in the face doesn’t actually hurt him. He’s still completely fine afterwards because he’s a cartoon and is therefore invincible. The same is true for Sonic and Shadow. Have you ever seen either of them seriously injured after one of their fights? Has either one ever needed to go to the hospital because the other beat him up so badly? No, of course not. They groan in pain for about two seconds and then they’re fine. If the creators wanted to convey them being injured, they could show bruises or blood or have bones snapping and the characters limping, but they don’t. The fights are never meant to be taken that seriously. I find this criticism every bit as annoying and overzealous as people who insist that Pinky and the Brain are abusive because Brain bops Pinky on the head. They’re cartoons, y’all. They’re not realistic, were never meant to be realistic, and shouldn’t be treated as realistic. Different standards apply.
To the second point, Sonic and Shadow don’t actually fight that often. In all the interactions they’ve had together, it’s only been a handful of times. They’re allies in the Archie comics, Sonic ‘06, the canon ending of Shadow the Hedgehog (they’re only enemies in that game if the player wants them to be), Sonic Forces, Team Sonic Racing, The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog, and most of the IDW comics, along with the endings of Sonic X, Sonic Adventure 2, and Sonic Heroes. They’re allies for much of Prime as well. But hey, let’s break down the times they do fight:
Sonic Adventure 2: Shadow’s memories have been tampered with and he and Sonic are literally fighting over the fate of the world.
Sonic X: Same thing for season 2, and in season 3, they’re fighting over whether Cosmo should live or die. Sonic says killing her is wrong, Shadow says stopping the Metarex is what’s most important and if that means little Cosmo has to die, well, them’s the breaks, pal.
Sonic Prime: Sonic has broken their world, Shadow is trying desperately to save it, and Sonic is valuing the Shatterverse inhabitants over Green Hill.
IDW: Shadow says Eggman is too dangerous to leave alive and if that means Mr. Tinker has to die too, well, them’s the breaks, pal. Sonic says killing anyone is wrong no matter the reason.
You see a pattern here? Most of the time what they fight over is literally life and death. They’re not going at each other’s throats over petty bullshit like who gets the last slice of pizza or who gets to pick the film for Movie Night. They fight over serious moral differences. I would argue that Amy and Knuckles have gotten angry at Sonic for way less than what Shadow does.
Now, there are a few instances where their fights are stupid, namely Sonic Boom and Sonic Heroes. But I think it’s pretty universally agreed that Shadow is out of character in Boom, and honestly, all of the fights in Sonic Heroes are very forced. There was no reason for Team Dark or Team Rose to fight Team Chaotix; their goals don’t contradict each other in any way and it’s clearly just manufactured conflict to give the player another boss fight. And these are the exception; most of their fights are over serious ideological divides.
Those serious ideological divides are exactly what makes Sonadow so interesting. I personally prefer ships where characters can learn and grow from each other, where their differences can clash until they learn to reconcile them. I don’t find a ship like, say, Sonamy nearly as interesting because I don’t think there’s many (if any) moral stances Sonic would have that Amy wouldn’t. They already agree on the important things. I’m not bashing anyone who likes that ship; if that’s your thing, good for you. It just doesn’t appeal to me because I think Sonic and Amy already having a lot in common morally means they can’t really grow and change from interacting with each other in the same way.
Sonic can bring out the best in Shadow, teach him to trust others and lighten up and learn how to live in the moment rather than being tethered to the past. Shadow can teach Sonic how to think before he acts, to view the world more realistically, and to consider the impact that his insistence on moral purity will have on others. That setup makes for some amazing stories.
Also? These guys love fighting each other. They’re both athletes and very competitive. Look at how much they smile when they fight:
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Like…they love this. It’s so much fun for them. Sonic and Shadow are both competitive athletes who love pushing themselves, but in terms of speed, no one is any competition for them except each other. No one else can beat either of them in a race. Imagine spending your whole life winning so easily that there was no accomplishment in it, and then suddenly this guy comes along who’s actually as good as you or maybe even better. Finally you have a challenge and can really enjoy the feeling of being the best. That’d be amazing. They give each other something no one else can, and to me, that’s what good romances are made of.
And all of that is combined with the fact that Sonadow offers an Odd Couple setup, which is always fertile ground for fun, comedic situations that require opposite characters to work together. Plus the Enemies/Rivals to Lovers aspect, which adds a bit of “forbidden fruit” to the mix because we all know that the most tempting and appealing relationships are the ones that are Forbidden (TM). That’s literally the premise of Romeo and Juliet, people who aren’t supposed to be together but end up wanting to be anyway.
I wouldn’t want Sonadow to be canon, but I definitely enjoy exploring it in fandom. It’s a fun ship that offers a lot for a writer or artist to work with. And while I would never force it on anyone, I wish the criticisms of it weren’t quite so shallow and disingenuous.
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tenebraevesper · 5 months
Sonic Prime (Thoughts)
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So, since the finale of Sonic Prime has finally aired, I had figured to offer my opinion on the show.
I absolutely LOVED IT!
I know that not everyone was fond of the finale, and were also confused by the ending (EDIT: Note, I understand the ending, I'm just talking about what I heard through the grapevine), and there were some wars over Ian's comment about Sonic Prime taking place after Sonic Advance 3... but I didn't mind it too much.
In my personal opinion, I found Sonic Prime to be a very enjoyable show with an interesting take on the Sonic characters, the highlights being the Amys (Rusty Rose, Thorn Rose and Black Rose and their development as sisters), Captain Dread (I loved his redemption!), Rebel and Renegade Knux (Knuxouge anyone?!; also Rebel showing off her leadership skills and Knux punching Nine) and Nine (we now have evidence that Tails will commit war crimes if Sonic isn't around). I'll also add Mangey and Sails for their adorableness.
However, what impressed me the most was the character development of the two particular hedgehogs shown above - Sonic & Shadow.
Sonic started out the show as someone very reckless and doing his own thing instead of listening to his friends, causing him to shatter the Paradox Prism and create what becomes known as the Shatterverse. He projects his vision of his friends on people that look like his friends, getting himself more and more into trouble, especially with Nine, until he finally starts to listen, starting with Shadow, and over time gains the trust of the others, showing that he did become a bit wiser by relying on his Shatterverse friends' (and enemy's) advice. He really came a long way from how he used to be.
As for Shadow, I had actually planned to talk about him more in a separate post, but to keep it short - Prime!Shadow is peak Shadow! Just like Sonic, he underwent through character development, even though his was a bit more subtle. Shadow is a character who too has issues with communicating people, preferring to punch Sonic (admittedly, it also doesn't help that Sonic refuses to listen to him) over talking, but over time, he and Sonic start working together, showing to be the dream team. Not only that, but I loved how Shadow starts to become more and more protective over Sonic during the finale, trusting Sonic's plan and even not minding the hugs from Sonic. Also, that finale, where he saves Sonic's life had my heart racing!
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Yeah, I've been freaking out over the Sonadow content the whole time and Sonic Prime never failed to deliver. Oh, I know that Sonadow will never become canon, especially given how SEGA had taken a step away from romance, which I don't mind, but I love to see how fan content is thriving.
I'll be also looking forward to reading any Post-Sonic Prime ideas, especially in regards to Sonic and Shadow's relationship, as it is implied that both remember the events of the Shatterverse (again, Sonadow shippers are thriving).
All in all, Sonic Prime was awesome, but I do have a question - why are there 23 episodes?! Netflix, where is the 24th episode?!
Sonadow Prime AMV (Enjoy!)
#Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer (Masterlist)
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helpful-hardware · 2 months
imagine this: sonadow rock radio au
Shadow is a DJ for MCRK-FM: Central City Rock Radio. He likes the music (some of it, anyway), but hates the slightly exaggerated character he has to play for the morning show he hosts on the station. Like any other morning radio show, there's your typical amount of jokes and humorous retelling of news, a lot of written by other staffers who get on his nerves. One of the stranger spots for him is the call-ins, especially after a certain annoying hedgehog starts becoming a regular caller to the studio...
Their relationship would start as being limited to just their interactions over the phone, and even without seeing the blue hedgehog's face, Shadow would find himself falling for the guy on the other end of the line. Eventually they start meeting up in person, including for an in-studio interview after Sonic gets a bit of fame on his own.
Sonic notices how... fed up Shadow is with the expectations of the radio station, and how he feels like he's living a lie every day. By the end of this AU, the two realize they'd be much happier together, doing things that affirm them as who they really are. Shadow quits his job at MCRK-FM and gets a more fulfilling job at a public radio station, while spending a lot more time with the one other hedgehog that just gets him completely.
Oh, and the morning slot he used to run is now taken up by a syndicated show by Jet the Hawk, whose playlist includes every song by Imagine Dragons.
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chowadoe · 13 days
I’m in love with your Sonadow role swap AU like wtf??? /pos
So when you say that Sonic was “raised” by Robotnik, was he found abandoned as a child and like…indoctrinated into his ways?
hi hii! i talked about sonic's meeting and upbringing by Robotnik here but i can expand some more too :)
TLDR he was found as an orphan and taken under Robotnik's wing (not all that willingly.. but hey. free food, free housing) before Robotnik decided that he's better left like an outdoor cat that barges in whenever he feels like it or wants something from Robotnik (or from his lab).
The state of the over-industrialized Earth has left a sense of distrust across the population and Sonic (growing up abandoned and without anyone to rely in) was no exception, truly believing he can only depend on himself for things. he has a lot of pride and is highly independent, so when it comes to how he views others- they are toys to him. and he wonders just what buttons he can push until they spark some sort of excitement for him. or if they break first.
So I wouldn't say he was indoctrinated into Robotnik's ways, but he was definitely enabled in others!
He takes after the Doctor in the sense that he's a scientist of his own of sorts, conducting his own personal research. That he views everyone as a specimen to be studied and perhaps even taken apart. So you could imagine all-access to Robotnik's technology made with the sole purpose of conquering humanity, in addition to his twisted little worldview that everything's a series of adventures( or 'games') to him, would definitely fan the flames of Sonic's scheming :)c
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sharpedgedfool · 1 year
Hello I was just wondering if we could get some more stuff and ideas about the sonadow future museum au (im just going to call it that cuz thats shorter)
heres a quick sketch cuz I really liked the designs👍
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AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YES YOU CAN AND IL OVE UR STYLE WITH IT???? I love how uncle-chuck-esc Sonic looks it's the exact vibe I wanted him to have 10/10
I'm in the process of writing this au as an actual story but I'm barely a chapter in yet, but I'll give some more snippets about Shadow and a page of sketches! (its a long read im so sorry but thank you for the ask!!)
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Shadow goes by 'Oliver' as his fake name, he took it from a book he read once and liked the cover. They use He/They pronouns and identifies as something non-binary, he's not in a rush to label himself (they joke they've enough to label around the museum)
He lived as a vagabond until settling in Rainmeadow Town, and being taken in by the museum's solo-curator Beatrice, who's a field mouse with a physical disability and was unable to fully access the museum after she took it over from the previous owners.
Shadow adored museums as it was one of the only places he could visit freely so he has a soft spot, and Beatrice was so nice to him so he stayed to help restore it and got too attached he ended up settling down there. He was anxious at first, but its been five years and he's comfortable living there now
He lived with Beatrice for two years, before managing to earn enough from odd-jobs to buy out the small apartment above the local B&B
He has a stray cat he's taken in who wanders around town when he's at work. The cat is known to be vicious but is a sweetheart around Shadow, somewhat mimicking Shadows own demeaner
He dresses himself as unassuming as possible, and that sometimes makes himself a target for any outsiders of the village He gets tired out easily, due to them restricting their energy so much, but they can still fight viciously (almost feral after so many years outside of civilisation) for a short amount of time though would prefer to run. Shadow also needs rest throughout the day
Due to his tight inhibitor rings, Shadows red stripes and eyes have all dimed to a dull grey, his blood however remains a harsh green so he has to be diligent to ensure he doesn't injure himself in front of anyone. If he loosened his rings they would rapidly shift back to a red and he would regain energy to use his abilities, but he hides them and is extremely paranoid about his true identity
He likes to read and cook, and has a habit of reading while walking around even in the dark. He cooks meals for his cat and refuses to give them cat food from a can
He's a huge coffee fan, and loves brewing it himself with the manual machines at home (but also will still absolutely eat the beans straight if it's been a long day)
They haven't 'aged' but they've 'grown bigger' through mutation, their spines and fur are longer so they appear more mature even if internally he hasn't changed much.
He's always wanted a motorbike, but couldn't travel with one and can't afford the upkeep
Their glasses are generic reading glasses that he doesn't really need, but he finds it grounding to have them in his vision (he feels hidden behind them)
Rainmeadow is a known queer-safe town, despite it's remoteness, and the museum has a hall they regularly hold events in (Shadow is fond of the rollerskate hang-outs they schedule)
He has frequent panic attacks and extreme anxiety, they're selectively mute and uses sign (I use BSL when I'm drawing it out) and can't be around large groups of people for too long. He lets Beatrice work at the front of the museum and he lurks around in the back, people jokingly call him a 'shadow' often (and he's gotten used to the fear that shoots down his spine at the mention of his name)
No one knows of his origins, though Beatrice knows some of his vagabond experiences and topics that makes him uneasy
Shadow has met Rouge a handful of times. When he was saving money, he was contacted by her due to his experience in the museum. Due to his lack of background information, she assumed he had been involved in criminal activity and needed his knowledge on artefacts and assistance in restoring something. Shadow agreed reluctantly, but despite his uncertainty he enjoyed working on the things she brought and Rouge found his genuine interest in history and lack of concern for her intentions to be good company. Shadow became her main contact for these things (though she rarely needs his help) and the two are on good terms despite not being close
Rouge has worked with Team Sonic on occasion, and never worked with GUN. She's infamous but her identity is unknown to the public, except her name on her calling card. A few of Sonic's gang know what she looks like as eventually after knowing them for so long she doesn't wear the spy gear around them all the time, but felt strangely comfortable around Shadow rather quickly so he's seen her face
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The Crazed Captain and his Insane Deity
This is a Sonadow Pirate AU that came to be after watching Sonic Prime, so I will be using the characters of No Place to help flesh it out.
Dread and his crew are looking for a challenge, one of his crewmates sees a wanted poster in the town they are currently staying in and asks Dread about it, if this is a good challenge. Dread grabbing the poster, thinking there's no harm in seeing what they found, only for Dread to rip the wanted poster and tells his crew that: "That...beast is not one to mess with."
The wanted Poster read as such:
"The Immortal Nightmare" aka Captain Shadow the Merciless
That he'll take on any challenge, expect that pirate captain and his crew.
Said Pirate Captain is counting the jewels and money from the rich townspeople his crew pillaged and stole from. Removing a emerald necklace from the pile and gifting it to his first mate, Sonic. "For you, Mi Amor." The captain spoke as he placed the necklace around Sonic's neck.
"Aww, how sweet of you. My favorite color no less." Sonic complimented, as he returned to helping the other organization his documents.
In Shadow's crew there were two rules:
1. Swear your unyielding loyalty to the Captain, or die a painful death.
2. Respect his first mate as if he was also the captain.
Follow those, and you were taken well care of in the crew.
Then one day, a power hungry Dread, takes on Shadow and his crew in a storm. Only getting a cheap victory because he tossed Sonic overboard, Shadow jumping after him.Dread takes the ship and crew for his own, a powerful amulet keeping the crew from fighting back.
Winding up on a stray life boat, Sonic is patching up his captain, said captain is plotting a revenge. "How dare that insolent fool steal my crew and my ship?!" Shadow angrily spoke. "When I find him, I will ring his neck from his body!"
"Calm yourself Shads. Anger won't get us anywhere, but that amulet..." Sonic speculated. "I believe the time has finally come."
The immortal captain looked up at his lover and first mate. "Is it one of the seven? To restore your powers?" He asked.
"I believe so, finally. I can begin my journey to reclaim what humanity stole from me." Sonic said with a twisted smile that did not phase Shadow.
You see, Sonic was actually an ancient deity by the name of O'brezean. He controlled all of the seven seas, the wind the blew through them, and could make sailors go insane just by looking at him. But somehow, someone bound the deity to this limited, physical form. If not for Shadow finding him when he did, who knows what would have happened to him.
Despite his powers being severely restricted, he still could make one feel insanity if he tried, which did not work on Shadow. For when you're cursed with immortality, and live for over 1000 years, your mind becomes the least stable thing about you. He quickly became Sonic's favorite mortal, especially since Shadow praised O'brezean instead of feared him.
"Then let's be on our way, this serves as even more motivation to kill that damn coward." Shadow said with a crazed look in his eyes. "Oh to have the honor of restoring you to your true self, if I hadn't already promised you my existence I would have done so now."
"My darling captain, so quick to violence for me. That's why I love you. You're the only mortal that can make me this ecstatic."
Truly, the two were a match made in heaven, or rather hell.
Thanks to Sonic's navigation skills, they quickly arrive at a island town, where they are confronted by Sails, who was part of Dread's crew. He begs them to stop the captain because he has gone mad with power. That he'll do whatever they ask, just to stop Dread. They agree and soon find Dread and the rest of his crew. A ego boosted Dread asking Shadow if he wants another round of losing.
Shadow laughs like a maniac. Telling Dread its clear he didn't do his research. Telling his crew taken hostage "you know what to do." His crew all cover their ears, confusing Dread and his crew, until a hypnotic "Lullaby" occurs, Dread and his crew falling to their knees like a heavy weight was keeping them down.
It was Sonic, Shadow grabbing Dread by the head harshly, asking him: "Did it never occur to you why I was so attracted to my first mate? He has the blood of the sea in his veins." There's a demented smile on Shadow's face. Sonic's singing helps their crew get out and back to the ship. Shadow telling Sonic to go back as well.
Now it was one against many. Unfortunately this where they learn why Shadow is called "The Merciless." One took out half of Dread's crew like they were nothing.
Taking the other half, the ones Shadow saw and knew meant the most to Dread hostage. He was simply returning the favor, as his sword pierced the other captain's stomach. "Relax, I didn't hit your vitals. No, I want you to experience something more painful. For foolishly believing you can mess with me and my crew, believing you could kill my beloved first mate. Only then will i have your head displayed on my ship."
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cheetahsprints · 5 months
Prompt #14: Need
Inspired by this post
• Sonadow Prompt Fills •
• Ambience Music •
You need me.
But not as much as you need me.
“I don’t need you,” Shadow once said to Sonic, what seemed ages ago, when he had assisted the blue hedgehog and his team against Eggman. More accurately, he had his own issue with the villain that needed sorting, and their goals happened to align.
Sonic tried to help him up after he’d taken a nasty hit, and Shadow pushed his hand away. He turned to hide the deep cuts on his side. Something about those lasers had been different. He skated toward his place. He didn’t get even halfway before he had to stop, but he was out of sight.
He limped the remaining distance, leaving specks of dark green blood behind him.
He lived in an underground bunker that had been abandoned by Eggman a long time ago. It had a generator, a bed, a power shower, a burner, and a fridge, all that he needed. His Dark Chao made an alarmed noise when he burst inside. His glove was soaked.
He quickly pulled out the medical kit to treat himself. For some reason, his natural accelerated regeneration had ceased to function. If only he had a Chaos Emerald to assist healing… he knew there was one in Green Hill somewhere but had yet to locate.
He wasn’t used to needing… help. He certainly hadn’t been about to show it to his rival.
Shadow stood and prepared to fight when the doors slid open. He winced and bent over since the motion pulled at his messy stitches. He gave Sonic a withering look.
“Get the fuck out.” He paused. “How did you find me?”
“You left a trail of blood dude. Don’t you usually heal like, instantly? The rare times you even take noticeable damage, anyway.”
Shadow nodded. “Something is wrong… I don’t… I don’t know what.”
Sonic pushed him onto the bed that jutted out from the wall. It was actually more of a worktable that Shadow had layered with straw and blankets. Shadow growled, but he wasn’t in the best condition to resist. For some reason, he flushed at Sonic’s closeness, so close he felt Sonic’s breath on his fur and could see the flecks of darker green in his vibrant irises. 
He briefly wondered if the brilliance of a Chaos Emerald would pale in comparison. Shadow could feel the heat of his hands through his gloves where he held Shadow’s shoulders. It had to be that he was indignant, and it was mortifying to get treated this way by his rival. He fought down the urge to kick him across the room.
“Hold still,” Sonic mumbled. He took off his gloves and clicked his tongue. Shadow felt like his muzzle was on fire at the sight of his surprisingly delicate and nimble looking fingers. He began yanking out the stitches. Blood beaded and streaked across Sonic’s hands.
“What are you doing?!”
“You did it wrong,” Sonic barked. He gave Shadow an unusually fierce look that suggested he think twice about making an argument.
He dampened a rag and cleaned the area, which Shadow had, to his shame, forgotten about in his haste. He sterilized the injury and carefully stitched him properly, then wrapped bandages around his middle. Shadow felt ridiculous. He didn’t get hurt… not like this. Sonic stood back and admired his handiwork.
“Well what?”
Sonic sighed and brushed a finger over his nose. Shadow hated that he thought the little habit was adorable. “This is the part where you thank me, ya doofus?”
“I don’t need your help, faker,” Shadow reiterated with a glare.
“Evidence is to the contrary,” Sonic said lightly, rocking on his heels and placing his muzzle in his palm. His smile at that moment was strangely unsettling.
Shadow scoffed. “How did you know how to do this?”
Sonic gave him a look that he really didn’t like, as though Shadow was missing the obvious. He explained, “My team and I aren’t as durable as you, Mister Ultimate Lifeform. Sometimes, we gotta get patched up on the fly. It was just me and Tails once… I learned what I could to watch out for him… and myself, I guess. Everyone on the team has at least basic knowledge of first aid.”
“That’s…” Actually smart. He didn’t dare fully compliment the hedgehog, he’d never live it down. “At least you’re prepared for how much of an idiot you tend to be. It’s almost like you have a brain in there.”
He felt incongruously irked and somewhat embarrassed that because of his usual physical resilience, he had neglected to learn much about patching up. Oddly, he knew CPR though, and he knew a lot more about the physiology related to medicine than the treatment or surgical techniques themselves.
On the ARK, care for small injuries never came up aside from minor scrapes or sprains and no one bothered to teach him. He had plenty of time to learn on his own but… he never really had anyone else. He hadn’t seen the point when he rarely got seriously injured, and it was likely no one except maybe Rouge would be comfortable receiving medical care from him, not with the way he acted toward them.
Sonic seemed to glow with pride as he grinned. “I can’t believe those words just came out of your mouth!”
“I’ll stuff them in yours if you don’t shut up.” He blamed his light-headedness for the nonsensical nature of the meaningless threat. He probably needed iron replenishment.
“You - what? So you’re gonna kiss me?”
“What? Where do you get that from?” Shadow’s cheeks heated again - what the hell - at the thought, and he hoped to Chaos it wasn’t visible to Sonic. He tried to look disgusted.
“I mean words are formed with your tongue right, so -”
“Shut. Up.”
“Okay. I’ll get out of your fur, bye!” And just like that in a streak of blue, he was gone.
Some nebulous months later, Shadow is holding Sonic in his arms as his form gradually fades. Shadow feels like he is being cut to pieces. He strains all the energy and every muscle in his body to go faster. After a quip, Sonic passes out, and Shadow feels a sickening swoop in his stomach. He can’t lose Sonic… not now as their rivalry has evolved into something deeper…
“Sonic… I need you to stay with me. Do you understand? I need you…”
The lack of any witty response makes the silence heavy, but Shadow can hear the echo of his voice in his mind. About time you finally admit it. All it took was my untimely demise.
Shadow intends to make the distance. He wants to get Sonic back to his - their - home. Sonic would see it restored. Shadow needs to get him through the gateway.
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midnightshard06 · 28 days
STH Rarepair Week Day 2: Flowers / Love Letter
You can check it out on ao3 here if you prefer.
Summary: Sonic decides to stick around after the events of Sonic and the Black Knight. Partly to help the people effected by everything and partly to get closer to a certain knight. He's confident he can at the very least get Lancelot to loosen up around him, and perhaps his attempts at flirting won't be as lost on the other hedgehog as he thought.
Pairing: Sonic/Lancelot (SatBK)
Warnings: None to be had here
Word Count: ~2400 words
AN: Anxiety trying to get the best of me here cause this one feels... well potentially a controversial pick for this. I do very much consider this ship separate from sonadow (though still like, related of course), even if Lancelot is technically just that world's version of Shadow. Idk their dynamic just seems much different to me, and the ship on ao3 has less than 100 fics so *shrug*. Anyway this exists, and these two have taken up residence in my head rent free now.
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“King Sonic.” Lancelot bowed his head respectfully as he approached.
Sonic grinned. Well if it wasn’t his favorite knight approaching. Not that he’d admit that to the others. “I told you that you don’t have to be so formal with me Lance. At least not when we’re alone.”
"I- of course." Lancelot cleared his throat. "I've come to inform you that your presence has been requested."
Sonic sighed. "Ah of course. Never a moment of peace huh?"
"There is much to do after all that's happened." Lancelot nodded.
"Yeah. Just wish I could kick back a bit more. Especially if I get to spend time with certain people." Sonic winked at Lancelot before quickly tucking a red flower behind the other hedgehog's ear.
"Sire!?" Lancelot was clearly flustered, something that Sonic found endless amusement in. It was pretty easy to fluster the knight afterall, and he took plenty of advantage of that.
"It matches your eyes." Sonic explained before walking over to retrieve Caliburn. The sentient sword had thankfully stayed quiet throughout the exchange. "Now come along. You said someone needed me?"
Lancelot composed himself and, much to Sonic's continued amusement, left the flower in its place. "Ah yes. Allow me to escort you back to the castle." He turned and began to walk.
Before Lancelot could get too far Sonic rushed to meet him, grabbing his arm in the process. "Well if you're going to escort me do it properly." He grinned.
"If that's what you command." Lancelot nodded stiffly. Sonic would get him to come around. It would just take some time.
Sonic internally sighed as he did his best to listen to the concerns of the people that had come to his court. It’s not that he didn’t want to help the people, it’s just it could be pretty boring at times. At least he had faith that his knights would help fill him in later if needed. Something which seemed to annoy them at first, but they’d quickly grown used to.
Still, he did his best to listen or at least make it appear so. Not to brag, but he’d mastered the art of nodding when appropriate even if he had no idea what was going on. Finally though the day came to a close. He stretched as he got up from the throne, eyes quickly finding Lancelot in the room. The other hedgehog was already making his way towards Sonic, and he couldn’t help the smile that found its way onto his muzzle.
“Come to give me a summary of everything?” Sonic asked once Lancelot stopped in front of him.
“So long as that’s what you require.” Lancelot nodded.
“That would be wonderful, but let’s talk somewhere else. Already been cooped up in here way too long. Care to join me for a walk?” Sonic held out a hand. 
Lancelot hesitated and, much to Sonic’s internal disappointment, didn’t take his hand. Instead the knight of the round simply nodded. “If that’s what you prefer sire.”
Sonic kept his disappointment off his face as he did pay attention to Lancelot’s summary of what he felt were the most pressing issues. At least the walk was nice and now Sonic had a better idea of what needed to be addressed next. He selfishly made sure getting Lancelot to open up to him more was high on that list. Not that anyone but him needed to know that.
Sonic stared at the letter that sat innocently on his desk. It had just been there when he'd woken up that morning, so he had no idea where it had come from. Or perhaps more importantly who it was from.
"Well? Are you going to open it?" Caliburn spoke up from his position in the corner of the room. "It will not open itself."
Sonic didn't bother to hide his annoyed look, Caliburn was used to him by now anyway. "I was going to open it." He crossed his arms.
"Then why do you continue to stare at it? Much more of this and your absence will be felt." Caliburn retorted, sending Sonic an annoyed look of his own.
With a sigh Sonic picked up the letter, briefly admiring the nice wax seal that was used, and opened it. Inside was a letter, in small, neat handwriting. He skimmed it and felt himself freeze. He forced himself to slow down and read it properly. A love letter? He flipped the parchment over, disappointed to not find a single hint as to who had sent it. All he had to go off was the writing and the fact that whoever this was could get the letter directly to his room. After one last read he carefully placed the letter into his quills. Ok, he could think about this later. Even if the mystery of who'd sent such an elegantly written letter would bug him all day. It only took a bit more light prodding from Caliburn to get him moving after that.
There had been no more letters since the first, but Sonic had yet to figure out who sent it. Which was frustrating but he had plenty of distractions. Although he'd been skeptical of his new role at first he found himself settling into it. Well some aspects anyway. He still fought, typically verbally but not always, with his knights for his ability to come and go as he pleased. That particular conversation usually ended with Sonic bolting from the castle and Lancelot being sent to retrieve him. It wasn't so bad though, at least he got some alone time with the other hedgehog that way. Speaking of…
"You'd like me to what?" Sonic stared blankly at Lancelot, still trying to process what he'd just been asked.
Lancelot averted his face. "I'd… like you to accompany me when I go to visit my mother tomorrow. If you find it agreeable."
Slowly a smile spread across Sonic's muzzle. "Oh!" He ignored Caliburn's mild complaints about brushing off his duties. "I'd love to. It's been a while since I saw her." 
"Thank you for indulging me sire. I'm sure she'll be delighted to see you." Lancelot nodded.
"Will you be bringing Galahad with you too?" Sonic tilted his head. He honestly really liked the younger hedgehog, even if him and Lancelot's familial ties still threw Sonic off. Though it warmed his heart to see the two of them together and see how much they clearly cared for each other.
"I planned to yes. He's told me recently he'd like to see her again soon." Lancelot stiffened. "That is… alright yes?"
"More than alright Lance." Sonic's grin widened. "He's a good kid."
Lancelot subtly puffed his chest out in pride, and Sonic barely held back a laugh. It was certainly something to see Lancelot play the part of proud father, but he liked to see it. "He will make a fine knight once he is old enough."
"You know I would be happy to knight him now. He's shown he's able to handle himself." Sonic put a hand on Lancelot's arm.
Lancelot shook his head. "He would not appreciate the shortcut. He wishes to earn his knighthood as I did before him."
"Alright." Sonic held up his hands. "In that case I look forward to doing it properly once he's ready."
"Thank you sire. I have no doubt he would be delighted to hear that." Lancelot seemed to relax a little after Sonic pulled his hand away.
"Well." Sonic clapped his hands together. "Until tomorrow then my knight?"
"Until then my king." Lancelot bowed before hurrying away. Sonic frowned at his retreating back. Well that could have gone better, but it also could have gone worse. He sighed and let a smile slip back onto his face. Tomorrow should be good at least. He decidedly ignored the metaphorical hole the love letter was burning in his quills.
"Ah Sir Sonic. How lovely it is to see you again." Nimue went for a hug, one which Sonic returned with only mild hesitation. It was hard to mentally separate her from Amy sometimes.
"Good to see you too." Sonic chuckled as the two broke apart. 
"Mother." Lancelot hissed. "He is the king, you cannot just embrace him like that."
Her sharp gaze turned to her son. "Well, if it isn't my family. Finally deemed me worthy of your presence?" Nimue shot Lancelot and Galahad a sly smile. Sonic hid his amusement behind his hand.
Lancelot flushed, far easier to tell right now since the knight had his visor up. "I've been busy mother. You know this." Galahad simply looked between the two, a nervous frown on his face.
"I jest Lancelot." Nimue laughed. "Come and greet me properly as the king has already done." Lancelot somewhat reluctantly moved forward and gave his mother a hug. Sonic couldn't help the brief laugh that escaped him. Galahad joining him a moment after. "Don't think you will escape the same fate. Come here Galahad." She held her arms out once she released a now very flustered Lancelot, who's visor was now flipped down. Weird.
Unlike his father Galahad happily fell into the embrace of his grandma. By the time they let go of each other Lancelot had flipped his visor back up. "It's good to see you." Galahad smiled.
Nimue's smile widened. "Any day I get to see you or your father is a pleasant one. Now." She looked out over the group. "Shall we head inside? I've prepared tea."
"Lead the way, oh lady of the lake." Sonic grinned and gestured for her to go ahead of him.
With a smile she began to lead them back to her home. "Lancelot? Care to walk with me?" 
Said hedgehog glanced between his mother and Sonic before nodding. "Of course mother."
The two hurried ahead some and Sonic let them be. They were family after all and she saw Lancelot a lot less often than he did. "So." Galahad spoke up. It made Sonic happy to know the younger hedgehog wasn't worried about talking to him casually. "When are you and my father going to…" He gestured widely. "You know…"
Sonic rose a brow. He did not know actually. "I'm not sure what you're talking about kid."
"Oh. Really?" Galahad looked confused. "Father told me he'd finally managed to say something to you. I thought… well I don't mean to assume of course…" Suddenly the younger hedgehog was rather nervous.
As the two walked, and Galahad endured a mild breakdown of some sort, Sonic thought and slowly put pieces together. The letter stuffed in his quills felt heavy with the weight of his own realization. That's why the handwriting had seemed so familiar. He stopped in his tracks and carefully pulled the letter out. "Oh." Was all he could manage as he looked between the letter and its previously unknown author.
"Are you alright?" Galahad had stopped too. 
"I'm good yeah." Sonic slowly nodded. "I just put some things together is all." He pat Galahad on the head, careful to avoid his helmet. "I think I need to go have a chat with Lancelot. Keep your grandma company for me ok?"
"Yes sir!" Galahad nodded, smiling.
"Yo Lance!" Sonic called ahead, letter still gripped in one hand. The black hedgehog turned around, confused before an odd look fell over his face. That was probably due to Sonic waving the letter. "Can we have a quick chat?"
With a quick excuse to his mother he rushed to Sonic's side. Galahad was next to his grandma in the next moment. Nimue gave them a knowing smile and waved them off. "What did you wish to discuss sire?" Lancelot had flipped down his visor again, but Sonic could tell the other wasn't looking at him.
"I think you know." Sonic let a relaxed smile settle onto his face. The last thing he wanted Lancelot to believe was that he was in trouble. Unfortunately the other hedgehog remained quiet. That was fine, he could talk for a bit. "I didn't know who this was from when I first got it. Not until just now actually, when me and Galahad were talking."
"He told you?" Lancelot seemed upset, fists clenching at his sides.
Sonic held up a hand and cut off whatever that was. Lancelot turned away. "He only implied. Which helped me figure it out." He carefully unfolded the letter between them. "You should have signed it you know."
"I'm afraid my cowardice got the best of me after finishing it." Lancelot looked away. "To pour my heart out for the king and then ascribe that to myself felt far too daunting at the time."
"But you still gave it to me. Gave me a headache trying to figure out who wrote it." Sonic teased, tucking the letter away. It felt far more precious now that he knew who'd written it.
"I apologize for any agony I caused you sire." Lancelot dipped his head low.
Sonic sighed before gently pushing the other hedgehog's head back up to look at him. With his other hand he flipped up the visor. "You're fine Lance. Honest." He smiled, something softer and more genuine than he typically plastered on his face. "I'm just glad to know my flirting hasn't been completely lost on you."
Lancelot hesitantly linked their hands together. "And this is… alright? I'm allowed to show my loyalty to you in more ways than one?"
Sonic pulled the hedgehog into a tight hug. He was glad he'd decided to leave Caliburn behind today. No doubt he'd ruin the moment. "What I am doesn't matter. There's no way I'm going to let what other people think dictate how I live my life."
As the two broke apart Sonic was pleased to see a small smile on Lancelot's face. "Then allow me make myself clear. I love you si- Sonic."
Sonic squeezed Lancelot's hand. "I love you too Lancelot. Now as much as I'd like to spend some more alone time together we shouldn't keep your mom waiting."
"A wise course of action." Lancelot's face was grave. Though his attention was drawn elsewhere for a moment and he let go of Sonic's hand to grab something on the side of the road. Before Sonic could properly register it Lancelot was tucking something behind Sonic's ear. "It… matches your eyes." 
Sonic grinned as he reached up and felt the flower Lancelot had tucked behind his ear. He grabbed his hand again and started walking. Maybe this whole king business wouldn't be so bad with Lancelot at his side.
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imlisteningt0tyler · 3 months
Tumblr media
Art style changed a bit chat 👍👍
(sonadow has taken over my brain 😭)
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fluffyk97 · 1 year
I just keep thinking of all these different scenarios of either Sonic dying, or becoming immortal thanks to the emeralds- all that. Now suddenly I have the idea of both, kinda (sprinkled with a bit of Sonadow).
Sonic's special bond with the emeralds (because he totally does) leads him to be a but burdened with immortality. Of course he hates it when it's found out, feeling a part of his own freedom being taken away from him, even if it's death. It hurts seeing those around him growing older and eventually passing.
But Sonic being Sonic, he makes sure to find the positives through it all. Tails for one, luckily being a kitsune (I'm attached to the idea), doesn't pass either. Then Shadow and Omega, he manages to grow closer to them (Shadow especially). Raising Silver (Adopted? Tube baby as a Sonadow kid? Can't decide). All while keeping the world safe. He even looks forward to seeing Chip again.
But terrible event happens and the world starts dying. Drought, all vegetation drying up and falling apart. All energy in the world is just... dying. Even the Master Emerald, but the Chaos Emeralds still hold their power.
Sonic draws the last energy of the Master Emerald into himself and the Chaos Emeralds, he overfills himself with energy begging to be released, ready to tear his body apart. Tails frantically tries to pull anything else up on any of his tech to try and find another solution, but all he gets is static and a black screen. Shadow feels himself frozen as he stares at Sonic glowing like the sun right in front of him. He tries to tell Sonic to stop, let him do it instead. Shadow feels so angry as grief bubbles in his chest while Sonic just smiles at him and shakes his head. They both know only Sonic can do it anyway...
Sonic floats down to Shadow, placing the shared inhibitor ring Shadow gave him so long ago in his hand. Shadow feels his hand burn from how much energy Sonic has as his eyes burn from the tears gathering in his eyes that he hates are there.
He hates how Sonic is just smiling at him. He hates how he's just going to leave his little brother behind. He hates how he managed to worm his way into his heart. He hates how he's making him feel at that moment. Hates how he's making watch someone close to him die in front of him again. He hates how he loves him.
Sonic floats up into the sky until he's no longer seen except as just a second sun in the sky. It suddenly bursts and the light surrounds the Earth. Technology sparks back on. Water returns and fills up the oceans, lakes, rivers, streams. Plants bloom and gain back color. Life and energy returning to all other living beings around the planet that were suffering. The Earth was revived.
The Master Emerald gains back its wondrous glow, but instead of just green, it starts to shine multi-colored. Red, yellow, green, teal, blue purple, white.
Tails and Shadow inspect it later and find the similar energy signatures of the Master Emerald merged with the Chaos Emeralds and Sonic's. It hums and glows brighter in their presence, washing over them and the world as they grieve.
Sonic became a part of the Earth he loved so much, and they'll make sure to keep him safe.
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beevean · 9 months
I came across your IDW post about which ships have been teased in the comic so far, and something that I always find.... surprising, I guess, is that fans do not seem to notice or care just how many ones contain Sonic. One day Sonic gets carried bridal style by Shadow and bam they're bfs now it's canon Sega approved this everybody!!!!!!! The next Blaze is making googly eyes at him and Sonaze canon everybody!!!! Sonic held Lanolin's hand it's canon!!!!!!! Amy is gushing and blushing and oh my god it is totally canon!!!!!!!! (Where, funnily enough, Sonic carrying Amy bridal style elicited much less of such a reaction than Shadow carrying Sonic did in the It Is Canon Now debate, at least from what I could tell on Tumblr. Though considering this is Tumblr, I can think of some reasons, lol.) This happens in the games as well, except the fact I do feel those lean a lot less into deliberate ship teasing like the comic does.
And you know.... if there is so much to be teased in IDW and so much "canon" and every single issue at this point contains a different character for Sonic to be making his smug face at while they simp and/or get all tsundere... maybe it is a clear sign that all this means nothing and is only put in to make fans go "!!!!!! THEY APPROVED MY SHIP I AM SUPERIOR NOW TO ALL OTHER SHIPS CUZ IT IS IN OFFICIAL [*cough, cough*] MEDIA!!1!!1" as opposed to actually going anywhere for Sonic ship-wise? Not that the fans will ever realise that, sigh.
I noticed, actually. The only non-Sonic ships that so far have been teased are Whispangle (and how), Knuxamy in #62, and absolutely accidentally Staregg in the MV arc lol (I don't care how accidental it was, Staregg OTP in my heart :< starline totally wanted to clap those eggcheeks don't @ me)
I think I saw a tweet jokingly calling Sonic a slut when #63 dropped? Don't quote me on that though, I don't remember the phrasing but it was a joke about how many people he has flirted with recently lol (including the heavy Sonknux vibes of Frontiers)
(it's also funny that Sonamy gains far less traction than all those other ships lol. Maybe it's because it's almost "canon" and so not as interesting. Or maybe we know why :^) )
But yeah. I understand enjoying the crumbs of ship teasing, I really do, especially for the minor ones such as Sonaze (Sonanolin is kinda funny though lol, I doubt that one has many fans). But there's a difference between "HOLY SHIT THEY HELD HANDS THAT'S CUTE" and "HOLY SHIT THEY HELD HANDS IT'S TOTALLY CANON GUYS!!!". And cynically, the overabundance of teases involving Sonic can be explained as 1) him being the protagonist and the more interesting character to ship, to generate views and attention (only, like, 6 people cared about the Knuxamy tease and i was one of them), and 2) the dude is so irrelevant in his own comic that this is the best they can think for him. The OCs deal with a semi-serious plot, and the titular character protagonist of the massive franchise IDW Sonic is attached to is reduced to shallow fanfic fuel. Granted, I'll take slut Sonic over Preachy Pope Sonic any time of the day, but you get what I mean.
The Sonadow teasing is IMO the worst. Sonic emotionally manipulates Shadow in #6 by making leverage on the way he had been twisted to carry out Gerald's evil plans? OMG THEY'RE TOTALLY SHARING BEDROOM EYES SONIC SO WANTS TO FUCK HIS BF <3 Shadow is an utter cunt for the entirety of the Chao Racing arc? AWWWWW MY LITTLE GAY BABIESSSSSSS SONIC IS SO HAPPY TO FALL IN HIS ARMS AS SHADOW INSULTS HIMMMMM <3 NVM THAT SHADOW SAID IN #19 THAT SONIC DESERVED TO BE PAINFULLY INFECTED <3 <3 <3 And you know what I also roll my eyes at "I heart you too Shadow" from Prime, for how out of context it was taken. I didn't watch Prime in full, but I did read IDW, and there is no way you can see a healthy chemistry between Sonic and Shadow if you actually pay attention to the whole story and dialogue. ... the fact that Flynn hosted a whole Bumblekast episode dedicated to Sonadow at the end of Pride Month also doesn't help, he deliberately fanned the flames because he knew how much his fans would eat from his hand :\
As for the games, yeah, the ship teasing is usually played for laughs or subtle and understated. Amy went from comically chasing Sonic, to having more serious moments such as her hugging him in the ending of Frontiers. Knuckles and Rouge had some odd tension by the end of their arc in SA2. Sonic and Blaze had that whole "slowly holding hands" moment at the end of Rush. Sonic and Elise... yeah that one took a decade to be accepted for how prominent it is. ShTH is still the king of teasing ofc :P the series is mostly about friendship, not romantic love.
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suna1suna1 · 6 months
Woohoo! It's WIP Wednesday again!
I've been working on the Magical Girl AU for the past week, since that's the one that was requested last time, so I've taken it off (but attached some progress ;)) Sweets and Secrets is back this week!
Go ahead and reply, reblog, or send an ask with the numbers or titles of the fics you want me to work on and I'll set a 25-minute timer, meaning I get about 500 words written in that time frame. Then I'll share my progress at the end of the sprint(s). You can select up to 3 titles/numbers! ^^
Sonadowtober 2022 one-shots | Sonic, Sonadow (Published)
Sonadow bounty hunter AU | Sonic, Sonadow (Unpublished)
Boom Sonadow Dark Gaia fic | Sonic, Sonadow (Unpublished)
Hades and Persephone AU | Sonic, Shadamy (Unpublished)
Shadamytober 2023 one-shots | Sonic, Shadamy (Published)
The Heart of the Ark | Sonic, Shadamy (Published)
Sweets and Secrets | Sonic, Shadamy (Published)
Angels and Demons (H&P sequel) | Sonic, Sonamyshad (Published)
All Our Love one-shot collection | Sonic, Sonamyshad (Published)
L'histoire d'une Ladybug a Paris | Miraculous Ladybug (Published)
Speculative Murder Drones fic | Murder Drones, Nuzi (Unpublished)
Magical Girl progress and notes under the cut
Concept and plot notes/rambles:
Amy looks through newsfeeds and notices a figure with a mask over their muzzle and quills shaped kinda like Shadow’s (thinking kinda like Mephiles). They look enough like the purple smoke (and like Sonic’s werehog form) that she takes a screencap and saves it in a note on her phone. If she can find him, maybe they can figure out what’s going on. She also notices Eggman’s name in the newsfeeds as it talks about him getting fired. She clicks the interview video, and it shows him raving about his success. He’d intentionally gone that deep into the ground to see if there was any way life could live within the earth’s crust. Unfortunately now there’s a new volcano in the laboratory, and it had to be completely evacuated. That whole town is in the process of being evacuated. 
She sends the video to Nicky, then falls asleep. She dreams of the earth shattering into pieces, and shadows of faces appear. At the forefront is the face of the shady guy she noticed in the newsfeeds. 
Later, she’s woken up by a text alert from Nicky that tells her he found something. She hurries over to his house only to find Chip cowering behind a trashed couch. Nicky has evidently transformed again with the loss of the day’s light. Chip tells her he left the house, and Amy transforms and hurries after him. Amy asks Chip what Nicky found, but he doesn’t know either. Something about an ancient god. He was too busy raiding the pantry for sweets.
Comic script page:
Nicky: “Hey, it’s my favorite! Plus it’s got my favorite character from (insert other manga name here) on it.”
Emi steps up onto the hardwood floor, carrying her bag with her. 
Emi: “Okay, okay, I’ll give it back at lunch.”
Nicky: “You’d better!” 
~~end scene~~
Emi is in science class. 
Emi is doodling little drawings of Nicky with hearts with her pencil. 
Emi’s inner monologue: “Not that I really mind it though… being in love…”
The teacher is up near the blackboard. 
Teacher: “Did everyone get their permission slips for the field trip this afternoon?”
The students mostly answer yes.
Emi frowns and starts rooting through her backpack. 
Emi: “Did I…?”
Emi starts looking more panicked. 
Emi: “I know Mom signed it! Where is it?”
A student taps her on the shoulder. 
Student: “Psst.”
The student is holding a piece of paper. 
Student: (mouthing) “From Nicky.” 
Emi takes the paper.
Emi unfolds it and sighs with relief.
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darkjanet2 · 10 months
Sonic Adventure 2: Sonadow
Chapter 10: You Have 24 Hours to Live
Central City 2:30
Sonic, Tails, and Amy were inside the Starbucks, enjoying a little afternoon treat while they discussed what was to be done about the new Robotnik situation. Amy ordered 3 frappuccinos while Sonic and Tails were at the table doing laptop research. Tails opened the browser on his computer and logged in to the news site. He typed the search bar called "Project Shadow" into the search box and found looking at a page filled with information on a science project that he had been working on for years.
"Here it is. Project Shadow," said Tails. Sonic glanced at Tails' laptop and noticed that there was a picture of Shadow on the screen. The image was taken from behind with some sort of dark shadow, and it looked like Shadow inside the test tube. Sonic's eyes widened as he saw what appeared to be the outline of Shadow's body inside the tank.
"So that's Shadow?" puzzled Sonic.
"Yeah, that's Shadow," replied Tails. "It says here he's being experimented on in the lab base. It says that their scientists are testing out some biological material. And according to this article, the lab is currently using an experimental substance called Project Shadow, using DNA test results from some animals."
Sonic thought hard. "Well, you know what I think? I think that Shadow is not so different from us after all. Do you know he was created?"
Tails nodded. "Yeah, they did some research with him before he became a villain. A scientist named Professor Gerald Robotnik came up with the formula to create him and he used it in his experiments on Shadow. That's why he got sent to live on the moon instead of living in our world. It is called Space Colony ARK."
"Gerald Robotnik?! Is he related to Eggman?" asked Sonic.
Tails nodded again. "Yep. That's how Shadow came to be in Space Colony ARK. They used Shadow to develop the life form we will fight against now. If we don't find out who or what that creature is soon, then we'll have to go after them ourselves."
"Hey, guys," Amy spoke up suddenly, bringing them both back to reality. She carried the tray of 3 frappucinos towards the table. "Here ya go, boys. Three of us have our frappes." She set one in front of each of them, a blue raspberry frappe for Sonic, a chocolate frappe for Tails, and a pink cotton candy frappe for Amy. Then she took her seat next to them.
"Thanks, Ames," replied Tails. He pulled the straw out of his straw and took a sip of the drink. He sighed contentedly as he enjoyed the cool refreshing liquid on his tongue. He closed his eyes for a moment to savor the taste.
"So, what are you guys searching for?" asked Amy as she grabbed a cotton candy-flavored frappe off the tray and took a long sip of it.
"We're just trying to figure out what this experiment is supposed to do, but so far nothing has turned up," said Sonic. He picked up his own straw and took a small sip of his drink.
"Maybe it has something to do with his personality," suggested Tails. "The scientists say that they are experimenting with some kind of genetically enhanced DNA."
"Oh, so you think that Shadow is a clone created by someone else?" asked Amy.
Amy looked over at Sonic and shook her head. "No, I don't think so. This Shadow seems completely different from anyone else. There may be another reason why he's so different. He was created by Prof. Gerald Robotnik, just like in the article."
"Robotnik? Does that mean he's related to Eggman?" asked Amy.
"Probably his grandfather," Tails said. "It happened 50 years ago when Gerald Robotnik came up with the idea for creating Shadow."
"How could his grandfather get involved in such a big project?" wondered Sonic. "Why would he want to create a faker like me?"
"I dunno, but maybe because Shadow's father is the first alien," replied Tails. "According to this article, Gerald Robotnik created Shadow from a combination of DNA from an alien and a hedgehog. So it makes sense if Gerald wanted his grandson to look like the original hedgehog species." Tails paused for a minute, thinking. "That's what he really created him. Maybe it was just a cover story for his true purpose."
Amy was taken aback by Tails' theory. "Shadow is an alien that looks exactly like Sonic?" she asked in surprise. Sonic gave her a confused look and Tails answered. "Uh, well, no offense, Sonic, but you look kinda different. In fact, you look almost identical to Shadow."
"What? How?" exclaimed Sonic. "How am I supposed to look exactly like Shadow? What makes you say that?"
"Well, it just makes sense," shrugged Tails. "After all, you share many physical characteristics with him. For example, your eyes are a lot similar to his. Also, you two have the same ears and tails."
"I guess you've got a point, Tails," agreed Sonic reluctantly. "But still, we have to stop Eggman somehow. We can't let these scientists continue with whatever crazy stuff they are trying to do."
"You're right, Sonic!" agreed Tails. "They must have stopped the experiment before the end. But what do we do now?"
"I wish I knew," replied Sonic. "This is the first time I've been stuck without knowing where to start looking for our enemy."
"Do we have any leads?" asked Amy. "Can you give us a list of possible targets?"
Tails thought deeply for a moment, "Not yet. But we have a good idea of what we should look for."He looked over at Sonic who seemed to be deep in thought. Tails figured that if his best friend wasn't going to come up with anything, then he might as well talk about it himself.
"Hey, Sonic?" said Tails.
"Hmm?" Sonic responded.
"What do we say to take the spaceship?" asked Tails.
"That sounds like a good idea," answered Sonic. "Let's just say, 'Take the ship!' and boom, off we go." He grinned mischievously at Tails.
"I wanna go, too," said Amy.
That night
Eggman was at the news studio setting up the camera equipment for his latest video. He pressed a button on the remote and a large television monitor began showing the footage of the news station's newsroom. Eggman watched as his henchmen Orbot and Cubot went back to the control panel to adjust the microphone settings.
"All set, boss. You're on air," said Cubot.
Eggman grinned evilly, "Now let the fun begin."
"Camera rolling in 3, 2, 1… Action!" yelled Orbot as he hit the button. Instantly the cameras were focused on Eggman, who stood in front of a large white backdrop. He reached out his right hand toward the cameras and pressed his index finger down onto the white surface, which slowly lit up green. Then, a huge holographic display started playing behind him.
Outside the news studio, many televisions showed a smiling face of a middle-aged man, with a bald head and a mustache, he wore a red jacket and black pants which citizens caught their attention.
"Greetings, citizens. My name is Dr. Eggman, the world's greatest scientist. Today, I am taking today's events very seriously, and I promise that my plans for world domination will be put into action in 24 hours."
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" shouted someone in the crowd.
"Who is this guy and what does he want?!" asked the male crowd.
Eggman chuckled, "My dear listeners, this is the greatest scientific invention ever. As you can see, my inventions make the world a better place! Just imagine if my inventions were made in the past, what a world we would be living in. Instead of robots controlling everything, humans would be the masters of this planet."
"Is this some kind of prank?!" asked the female crowd.
"Of course not, young lady. I am merely offering this information to help you decide if you should follow my program or not. Now listen carefully, because there are only a few weeks left until my attack on the city of Central City! And believe me when I tell you, I am determined to succeed! My Satellite Beam will destroy everything that stands between me and total domination over the entire universe. It is a great time to join my revolution!"
Eggman pressed the button, and up in the Space Colony ARK started to activate Eclipse Cannon. The cannon appeared around him, surrounding him completely. The crowd fell silent as they watched in awe as the massive cannon fired a beam of energy that destroyed a moon in half.
"Holy shit! He destroyed the moon!" yelled the black male crowd.
Eggman laughed evilly, "Now you have 24 hours to live or everyone in your cities dies. Your decision, ladies and gentlemen!"
With that, the televisions had turned off and Eggman disappeared, leaving behind only static and a blank screen.
Sonic, Tails, and Amy ran outside and see what happened to the satellite. They saw the moon in pieces strewn across the sky.
"Look! The half of the moon is gone! Did he do that?" asked Amy worriedly.
"Yeah," nodded Tails. "Looks like he did."
"Eggman! That bastard never gives up!" said Sonic angrily.
"But how did he manage to harness all that energy?" asked Tails.
"It's got to be the Chaos Emeralds. Yeah, that's the reason they were looking for them," said Sonic.
Tails reached his fur pocket and took out a topaz-colored gem. It was a Chaos Emerald.
"Tails…" Sonic trailed in surprise.
"The Chaos Emeralds are like magnets, they attract power from anywhere they can," Tails said. "If I'm right, I can use that to find where Eggman is."
Suddenly, a red and blue flashing light flashed in the distance, a siren sounded in the distance, and two police cars pulled up outside the news studio.
"Freeze! Three of you, put your hands in the air! " yelled one of the officers.
"Oh, fuck! Not this again!" Sonic turned to Tails. "Tails, you go find Eggman. I'll take care of the police officers."
"Got it." Tails nodded in agreement and ran in the opposite direction while Sonic distracted the police cars. Amy stood there worriedly.
"The three of you, that means me, too! Uh! Hey, wait for me!" She chased after Sonic and Tails.
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❗Empty and/or disturbing blogs will be blocked❗
(I think you know what I mean by "disturbing")
Hi everyone, I'm Cress Lee | 18 | she/her.
I love Greek Mythology, working with acrylic, reading, writing, organizing my bookshelves, cryptology, story telling, baking, Taylor Swift's music, Katty Perry's music, etc.
I enjoy the shows: STH, TOH, GF, The Big Bang Theory (it's a treasure, I love it), The Ghost & Molly Mcgee, etc.
My top favorite movies; " Cruella ", " Spirited ", " The Nutcracker & The Four Realms ", " The Greatest Showman ", and literally any Spiderman movie ever (except for " Venom ", the poster was scary enough, I didn’t need *cough*want*cough* to watch it *acts tough, but can't handle horror movies*).
I do not like: Radiosilence (It's the worst, I hate it with all my heart and soul. Nobody deserves radiosilence, it's torture), fanfictions that includes incest, little kids (I hate little kids, as well as kids who aren't little, they're just so annoying, I can’t stand it. I am so not parent material), the taste of caramel, lip-sticks (how do you people eat and drink with it on???), sunlight (and no, I'm not a vampire, I just don't like it, vitamin D is literally the only thing keeping me from an A+ blood test), and tumblr bots (they're the embodiment of evil) etc.
I'm not exactly new in tumblr but this account is only about a year old.
I love STH in any and every way but my favorite is, and will always be, Sonadow.
Which is what this tumblr blog's mostly about.
I also have an Ao3 account with the same name.
Most of my works are about " Sonic the Hedgehog All Media Types ".
Short, but as frequent as possible chapters are my motto.
Seriously, I'm terrible at writing long chapters.
Anyway, here's a complete list of my works on Ao3;
✅: Complete,
☑️: Almost complete (less than 3 chapters left),
▶️:On going,
⏯️:On going with slow updates,
⏸️:On hiatus,
❌:Extremely rare updates
🟧: Mature, 🟨:Teen, 🟩:General Audiences
(Word Count); 0️⃣: <2K, 1️⃣: 2K < X < 5K, 2️⃣: 5K < X < 10K, 3️⃣: 10K < X < 15K, 4️⃣: 15K < X < 20K, 5️⃣: 20K < X
My very first series called: " What It Means To Be A Family "
It had two complete parts so far, but then I decided to re-write the series, all over again, FOR THE THIRD TIME!!!
So here we are;
Part 1:(✅🟨4️⃣) Becoming A Family Isn't Easy - Act 1 (Original Version)
Part 2:(✅🟨4️⃣) Becoming A Family Isn't Easy - Act 2 (Original Version)
Part 3:(❌🟨) Becoming A Family Isn't Easy - Act 1 (Re-written)
Please read the notes. PLEASE.
And another one, called: " You Matter "
Part 1:(✅🟨2️⃣) Sonic's Purgatory
Part 2:(✅🟧3️⃣) It All Began On A Field Of Violets
Part 3:(⏯️🟨) Rotten Lemons (5/?)
Part 4: ( In Process )
Part 5: ( In Process )
And other than that, I have a tiny fanfiction (Sonic Prime) named " I'll Listen " (✅🟨1️⃣). It's a sickfic.
And also " Calming Down A Hurt Soul " (✅🟧5️⃣) too. (Video Games & IDW Comics) It's basicly a Sonadow Hurt/Comfort fic that has recently taken a dark turn.
And an even tinier vent fic called, "On The Verge" (✅🟨1️⃣).
And, "Dark & Alone (but not for long)" (⏸️🟧), a fic on Sonic Forces. My take on what happened during those six months.
And my latest vent fic, "The Emotional Beast" (✅🟨0️⃣) on Sonic as a werehog.
And, "(Not)Unexpected of You" (▶️🟨), It's gonna be a wild ride, so take cover guys!
I'd be delighted if you took a peek.
Well, that's all for now.
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every time you post a new chapter, i go back and read it all over from the beginning. i think your fic is my favorite currently ongoing one.
i hope you have a really good day, dear talented writer! 💛
And every time anyone someone who has taken the time to read what I have written and reach out to tell me something like this absolutely makes my heart soar. Thank you so much, this really mean a lot! It makes me giddy knowing that my head canons are being enjoyed (and reread wow!) - from the bottom of my Sonadow filled heart, thank you 💙🖤 have a wonderful day too!
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