#sometimes even having the advantage of immense strength means nothing and does nothing. talk about salting wounds!
deva-arts · 10 months
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No better way to end your day than to have your eye shanked by your boss' son! without any safe way of receiving medical attention! Then smiling about it to your last remaining family!
...Being a variant in this world is hard.
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butteerfly · 4 years
— Dating bnha boys ♡
headcanons 🦋
(don't judge me, I'm so insecure that I'm using the translator 🤡)
WARNINGS: mentions of non-con, toxic relationship y aggressive attitudes (yeah, I stan villains)
katsuki bakugo; shoto todoroki; izuku midoriya; dabi; chisaki kai; shigaraki tomura
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hates yelling at you, he can never do it no matter how hard he tries
you are his girlfriend for a reason so you deserve all the kindness in the world
loves to cook so you can taste the food
and since you both like spicy, extra spicy couple !!!
teaches you to use the knife carefully, holding your hands from behind and with his chin on your shoulders 🥺
powerful couple, you always train together
hates the idea of ​​deku being your best friend but accepts it
you have to hug him first
don't forget to hug him
In private he is very affectionate, but in front of your friends he only holds your hand.
possessive boy
If you don't talk to him for a whole day, thinks you're going to break up with him
is insecure with your relationship, but you fix everything by talking
You talk a LOT, that's why you hardly ever argue
you play video games on saturdays until 6 in the morning
you beat him in the middle of the games
pillow fight
Not a real fight, but a fight after all
He always throws you out of bed, he's so strong darling
he always carries you on his back
just love him, sometimes he's a bit rough with you but he doesn't do it with the intention of hurting you
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at first he was very shy
you make weird things happen on his tummy, don't blame him
he loves your smile
and your laugh
and also your eyes
this boy is crazy about you, so in love
play with your hair, so soft
he is a flower boy
And since roses are your favorite flowers, don't be surprised if one day he arrives with a bouquet of 100 red roses just for you
Rich boy, he buys everything he likes for you even when you don't want it, just let him be
you share rings, he chose them
you have dates next to the sunset
and always carry chocolates for you
your quirk is not the strongest, but he knows how smart you are and he knows you could beat him in a real fight
you are his pretty girl
always tells you how pretty you are
and he blushes every time you remind him how beautiful he is too
he has trouble socializing, so there are a lot of words your friends use that he doesn't understand
you explain to him very patiently what he does not understand
you always give him soft kisses on his scar and remind him how beautiful he looks
baby starts crying 🥺🥺
you mean a lot to him
You do not understand how someone as kind and adorable as Shoto, went so long without being loved in the right way, because you have no doubt that his entire family, including his father, loves him very much, but you also know that many difficult things happened in the Todoroki family, your baby went through so many things :(
you came into his life to love him and give him the confidence in himself that he lacks, and he loves you too much for that
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he doesn't understand how someone like you likes someone like him
but you always remind him that he is beautiful in many ways, he blushes
you take a lot of pictures of him while he's distracted, you actually have a whole folder dedicated to him on your phone
It's hard to kiss him without him passing out, but you always do it to get him used to it ;)
you sometimes try to cook together, but ...
nothing better than a pizza night and some disney movies !!
you would really love to sit on his lap and hold him tight, but he would definitely die 💀
your dates are always in a cafe, he buys you a strawberry cake because he knows you love them even when you only mentioned it once
baby has trouble controlling his own immense strength and always accidentally breaks glasses with his hand
For that reason, he always hugs you carefully, he's afraid of hurting you :(
loves to play with your hand, which is considerably smaller and softer than his hand
you are his best nurse
the way you touch his scars, without fear of hurting him or getting hurt, just makes his heart fall more in love with you
In fact, you are the first person who, after seeing his room, is not ashamed of his fanaticism towards the former number one hero, you think his admiration is incredible.
you are the couple who give each other confidence and motivation ✨
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well .. this is complicated
you met him in a very dark bar, with dangerous people around you, you should know that nothing good was going to come out
And that's the harsh reality
If some man looks at you too much while you two are walking in the city, don't doubt for a second that he is going to start a fight for you
too jealous
always has a hand on your hip, wherever you guys are
kisses with him are always passionate, long and very loud, he always bites your lower lip until it starts to bleed
It is difficult to be the girlfriend, sometimes he spends MONTHS by your side, and suddenly, one morning you wake up and he is no longer by your side, you know that he left
You have no choice but to cry, you don't know if the tears are from fear and worry, or that your heart broke because the reason why he left is that he got tired of you
you hate him because this lasts many more months than he spends by your side
and you hate him much more when he comes back full of wounds
your discussion is very intense at that moment, it even ends in mutual physical attacks
you have many burns on your skin because of his quirk
he feels something very annoying on his chest every time he sees those scars
but not everything is bad, to the surprise of many
always steal vodka from some store for you, you two love to drink together until you lose consciousness
some nights, he carries you to the shared bed and proceeds to relax his whole body on yours, his head rests on the crook of your neck
take advantage of the moment to leave hickeys on your soft and sensitive skin
he's a fucking vampire, the next morning your neck is PURPLE
He also tells you about how stain's ideology means a lot in his disastrous life
you listen to him carefully and he falls in love much more because you are the only person who really listens to him seriously, even when your relationship has many ups and downs
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I would dare to say that you are his girlfriend against your own will
he is fucking overhaul, he is with you probably because you are one of his whims
He is so cold, he never hugs you and never kisses you, sometimes you feel like you are nothing
but you have to understand something, his job and responsibilities force him to be heartless with EVERYONE
if you don't take a shower first, he won't let you sleep next to him
he won't even let you out of the basement if it's not for a good and justified reason
he always takes showers with you, it is the only moment he can share with you without a care
he even grabs you by the waist and kisses you really hard, which never happens
he is VERY possessive
you are HIS and nobody else's
for that reason he becomes very annoying on days when you don't want him to touch you
btw he doesn't care 💀
two of his men follow you EVERYWHERE
deep inside, you are one of his top priorities
does not tell you or anyone else, but constantly misses your presence and cares a lot about you
You better not get sick, because if that happens you are going to force him to use his quirk with you, and he may love you, but he is not a compassionate man
you love Eri, and you don't like what they do to her but you can't fight for her either, so all you do is play with her to give her something from the childhood she's losing :(
Kai sees this and doesn't like it, but admits that after playing with you Eri is less resistant, so it is beneficial to his plan.
Your boyfriend thinks that there are many things in the world that are wrong and the solution is to eliminate them, he also knows that you are wrong, but he sees a solution for you
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(look at his arms omg)
dating him is DANGEROUS
dangerous and frustrating
he doesn't care if another man fucks you, if he's in the mood he won't waste time killing people for stupid reasons
you are the stupid reason 💀
well .. your discussions are INSANE
you THROW things at him, you can't let him get CLOSER to you, you know he won't hesitate to KILL YOU
Kurogiri: *sighs*
you cry a lot after arguing, like a LOT
He may be a psychopath, but when he calms down and sees your tears all over your face, something VERY annoying settles on his skin
"oi.. sorry" don't wait for more
He lets you hug him all you want, he won't admit it but he's SOFT with u
I think your relationship is not official, you are the woman he likes the most and makes him horny, he is with you when he wants
hands on your waist whenever you're around
and you're with the only person who shows his face all the time, he says it's easy to kiss you
he loves to kiss you, just kiss you, that's reason enough for you to be his girlfriend
lets you try different skin care with him, but IN PRIVATE
you always wear tight clothes and he gets horny 🥵
When he's this affectionate with you, he kills anyone who dares to look at you
Shigaraki doesn't know how to love, the only people who ever loved him are dead because of him
He is very worried that the same thing happens to you, help him to love you
you are the only person who holds his hands without fear of being hurt
and he doesn't understand why, but you make something inside him warm in a nice way
— I really hope you liked it, I am very new to this and my English is not very good 💀
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sunflowersseemhappy · 4 years
asra, julian, and muriel with an apprentice who does aerial silks? (*´˘`*)
Here we go! Everything is PG, you’ll have to forgive my tumblr text abilities :)
If your skills as a magician do not impress Asra nearly enough, then your prowess with the silks does. Seeing you so confident, relying on strength and determination whilst hanging tens of feet in the air amazes Asra to no end.
Of course, there are times he fears you falling, but that is part of the allure. Watching you, as he hangs of the edge of his seat, makes Asra love watching you all the more.
The shop is too small to practice in, but often Asra will find you stretching in preparation for a new move and may or may not make a cheeky comment that will make your face go red.
You practice at the theatre a lot of the time, whenever he can make it Asra will be there right by your side helping in whatever way he can.
Asra is very encouraging, he wants to see you flourish and progress. Asra will keep it light though; he knows pressure can make you stress out and that would most likely cause an injury.
You are notorious for winding yourself after a fall, luckily Asra is instantly by your side helping to get you through the shock. That feeling of the air being punched out of you? Not great. But Asra is there, reminding you how to breathe and thank goodness for that.
If you are not too injured, he will laugh whilst helping you up and asking if you are okay.
The first bad injury was a gash to the head, thankfully Asra was there. Pressing a cloth to your wound and asking you questions about who you were and where you are, whilst his magic knits your wound together. Naturally Asra was worried, but your care comes first and fixing you was more important than anything else. After healing you, Asra took you home and watched you throughout the night. Just in case you got a concussion…
During a show:
You are always able to get Asra a front row seat and most of the time he takes them, bringing your favorite flower to toss onto the stage. But Asra equally loves watching from backstage, with a flower to give directly to you.
When he is watching a performance you never cease to amaze him, gliding through the air like a bird or twisting into the fabric, almost the way Faust climbs trees. Asra is entranced.
After a show:
Will always have a flower to give to you.
As the two of you walk back home Asra will snake an arm around your waist and tell you how well you did, most of the time this ends in a kiss.
Snacks will be waiting, and a massage is in order.
Trying silks out:
Asra is willing to give it a shot, and damn…
He is such a fast learner! You are amazed, but to be honest not surprised. Asra is the most skilled person you have met; it stands to reason he can pick something up so quickly.
Asra is no showoff, but the way he moves, it’s like he’s been doing it his whole life.
You quickly race to join him; it is almost like a dance the way you weave yourselves together like a pair of courting swans. It ends sooner than you would like after Asra gives you a rare smirk after grazing his lips over yours and winding down to the floor.
Preferred moves/style:
More than anything Asra loves the practice sessions.
Watching the way your face screws up in concentration, or the gentle way you maneuver yourself in the air when a new move comes into play.
Most of all Asra loves it when you invite him to sit in the hammocks or swings way up in the air. The both of you talk for hours just sitting there, the rest to the performers complain when you take up so much practice time, but up there time melts away.
He is astonished, being a bit of a showman himself Julian finds the concept fascinating. He’s climbed plenty of ropes and rigging on Mazelinka’s ship, but never did he think of it as a possible art form.
He immensely enjoys watching you, but as a natural worrier Julian insists, he is always there to watch after you. Will put everything on hold just to make sure you are safe, including his own wellbeing.
On late night practices you find him hunched over sleeping in a chair, most of the time you can’t bear to wake him so you lay out a crash mat and pile up the blankets before pulling him off the chair and sleeping with him in the empty theatre.
Julian gets under your feet a lot of the time, both metaphorically and literally. Although he means well, he can be a bit distracting ensuring a crash mat is always under you and he is ready to attend to whatever need you have.
Within reason you like to tease him, going as high as you can and tumbling down towards him before stopping inches from his face as you hang upside down (Spider-Man style). It never fails to shut him up when he is rambling about safety because he knows this move is a shut up, everything is under control.
He is worried for good reason, if you practice too long there are blisters on your hands and if you slip and try to counterbalance a rope burn or a twisted ankle/wrist will most likely need his attention.
Dr Devorak is on the case! With minor injuries he will generally scold you, prompting a laugh at the best of times. A lot of the time though when an injury is enough to reduce to tears, he will take you up in his arms and fix you up before cuddling you to near death.
The worst injury? A broken ankle, you remember blacking out from the pain and waking to Julian cradling your head trying to wake you up. His general scolding tone wavering slightly, it was a bad break. But you know you’re in the best hands and although it was the most painful experience ever you were very glad he is always there for you.
During a show:
He is sometimes in the crowd whistling and cheering, looking at you with the most lovestruck face you have ever seen.
Sometimes he will be backstage, not only to cheer you on, but also as the onsite medic. Not that he minds, it just means he gets to see you sooner after the show. Generally, he is holding out a glass of water before you even need to ask.
After every show he will spin you about and kiss you exclaiming how well you did.
After a show:
Could he do any better?
A nice warm bath with plenty of soaps and shampoos, he does everything to help you wind down. Making tea, coffee or hot chocolate and fixing up a generous meal.
All the while complimenting the moves he loved.
He will carry you up the stairs and into bed kissing you as much as you desire and exclaiming how talented and wonderful you are until he is blue in the face.
You fall into a quiet restful cuddle until you both drift off to sleep.
Trying out silks:
He’s climbed ropes before, but this? Impossible, he is almost too lanky and tall to do anything.
He just cannot get it; it is genuinely hilarious, but you appreciate the effort.
In the end he purposefully gets himself tangled up and puts on a seductive pose; “I seem to be helplessly tangled up, I do hope no one takes advantage of my precarious predicament!”
You cannot help but tease him like that, jokes on him though. Most of the time he gets himself genuinely stuck.
Preferred moves/style:
Death defying drops always leave him speechless and on the edge of his seat.
Julian equally loves the low sweeping moves you use to wind around and tease him, a game of catch the apprentice is always in order.
Worried a lot of the time, you are high up and have almost no safety measures. He is bound to be nervous despite trying hard not to look it.
Will 100% be ready and willing to dive to catch you.
Despite the worry Muriel admires the dedication and resilience you show. Compared to him you may not look nearly as strong, but he is aware that the determination you show makes you stronger than any physical strength.
Practice is a lot easier for him to watch, you have mats to land on and others to help you through the moves.
He wants to be supportive, enough that he decided to set up dangling silks from the largest tree he could find near his hut.
Muriel always makes sure you do not try anything you’re not ready for, even if he has to restrain you in a bear hug.
The fact that he is so tall is helpful, if you ask, he will help you prepare for a move. A lot of the time you end up standing on his shoulders whilst tying knots.
During a show:
An actual performance sets him on edge for sure. The crowd watching you sets him on edge, although it is nothing like the gladiator fights, he does not like the hungry gaze’s onlookers give your lithe form.
You never push him into going to your performances, but he always shows up, generally backstage out of view or even in the rafters of the theatre. Any chance you get you smile at him and although you cannot make out his features for the lights shining in your eyes, he always smiles back.
After a show:
After watching a performance Muriel will escort you back home as you critique your form and moves as he silently listens. He hates it, you are an excellent performer. 
“I could have done better, that...” “You were beautiful,” he blurts out, giving you pause as a blush draws to your cheeks.
His compliments, though few and far between are very much appreciated.
When you arrive back at the hut the two of you will drift off to sleep in front of the fire.
An injury caused by aerial silks will leave him very worried, he is no stranger to an injury and makes quick work in patching you up. Often muttering to himself whilst doing so, you understand his concern, but it comes with the territory.
The herbs he gathers generally do the job with minor injuries; Muriel has after one occasion made a habit of kissing any bruises you get. Which often makes the both of you blush like idiots.
A major injury is something Muriel has always dreaded, so when you break a few ribs after a fall he gently scoops you up and does his best to fix you, sending Inanna to find Asra (or even Julian) to come and help. He’s had broken ribs before and knows they hurt a lot, so he does anything to make you comfortable. The guiltily look on his face sends your own guilt to stab you in the heart.
Doing something else takes his mind off it, a lot of the time you tell funny jokes and stories to make him cast you that soft smile.
Trying silks out:
His curiosity soon gets the better of him, whilst you are out getting supplies, he walks over to the silks hanging from the trees. Amazed that you can actually hold onto them whilst moving, he is wondering if he could do what you can, he’s certainly got the muscle for it.
Testing the silk in his hands he winds a leg around the silk and tests himself pulling upwards and into the air. He can hardly believe how difficult such a simple move is, then you appear from nowhere and startle him. Thudding to the ground, you can only chuckle softly as he looks bewildered toward you. “If you wanted to have a go you should have let me know!”
Preferred style/moves:
A move that proves the strength you have never fails to impress Muriel, the roll up being the one that most astonishes him.
Thinking his blush is cute you have created several slow dances to impress him. He won’t admit it, but he loves it, it makes him feel special.
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homenum-revelio-hq · 4 years
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Welcome to the Order of the Phoenix, Taylor!
You have been accepted for the role of non-biography character LYDIA AVERY with the faceclaim of Margot Robbie! We were excited to see your discussion of nice doesn’t always equal right and how Lydia’s motivations throughout her life stem from this constant need to be liked. We love a good underestimated character and we think Lydia will be able to help the Order immensely with her knowledge! So happy to have you apart of this roleplay!  
Please take a look at the new member checklist and send in your account within 24 hours! Thank you for joining the fight against Voldemort!
NAME: Taylor
AGE: 28
TIMEZONE: EST, Toronto time
ACTIVITY LEVEL: I try to check the dash and discord every day, but I’m probably low to mid activity. I usually post one or two times during the week and then catch up on the weekends.
ANYTHING ELSE: I’m pretty good about all triggers, though I would appreciate a heads up with any suicide mentions. As long as it’s tagged or I’m prepared I’m good though!
NAME: Lydia Augustine Avery
AGE: 25
GENDER, PRONOUNS, and SEXUALITY: Cis Female, She/Her & Lesbian
That doesn’t mean she won’t flirt with a man to boost their ego. Men treat you so much nicer when they think you might sleep with them! Sometimes she wonders why that is, but then she remembers it’s probably one of the reasons she loves women so damn much.
Her sexuality was never exactly a secret, though it’s not something she flaunts in this day and age. Though as a teenager she had been a bit confused about her lack of interest in the men who thought she was so lovely. The hands she’d let grope her as a teenager, the cocks she’d found mediocre. She figured that her preference was as fluid as her personality; she wanted to be liked by everyone, and therefore she must like everyone, right? It took her a minute (she’s a bit slow in most things), but eventually she realized that she really only liked women. They’re truly lovely, aren’t they?
BLOOD STATUS: Pureblood Half-blood.
Lydia’s mixed wix and muggle heritage means that she is not biologically related to the mother that raised her, Colette Avery, and is a half sister to Margaret. But while Lydia knew she was a bastard child, she didn’t realize she was a half-blood! Even Colette was unaware until recently that her husband was unfaithful with a dirty muggle of all things! Alphonse’s affair lasted more than a few weeks while travelling with a woman in France named Delphine Marchand. She worked in a bakery and loved to figure skate. Her pureblood father knows nothing of her muggle mother’s heritage, or much of her history in general - and when she finds out he gives Lydia next to nothing in terms of knowledge of her mother, in fear that Lydia would have the urge to venture into the muggle world he saved her from to find her.    
“What? A nice girl like you, you’re not from Slytherin!”
“Slytherins can be nice! I take offense to that, sir.” Lydia grins back, her face not showing an ounce of what she claimed - though she had a skill for always appearing unflustered and approachable. A thick skin was needed when you were kind to everyone, a strength that people often forgot. The man takes her charm as flirting, a common occurrence and leans against her desk.
“Really, I can’t name a single Slytherin I’ve known for being so sweet.”
“Well then you haven’t been hanging around the right people. Besides, now you know me!”
Without knowing Lydia you may assume she’s unapproachable. The perfect poise, plush pout, sacred name, and during school her emerald green banner colours, tend to give the stereotypical impression of a mean girl. But Lydia Avery is far from it.
One of Lydia’s key goals in life is to be liked, and in her experience growing up, the best way to be liked is to be kind. She genuinely enjoys making people happy, and through this has gained a warmth and a charm that disarms many. Not a stranger to compliments or generous acts, she’s the first to make a pot of tea for a group or start doing dishes as a guest.
Many have taken advantage of Lydia through the ages, as along with her kindness she has a dislike for confrontation and will rarely call someone out as being rude or manipulative. In her teenage years she was the seat warmer or the errand runner, and as a secretary for a powerful Ministry man she hasn’t really grown out of this just yet. There’s a meekness to her willingness to do someone else’s dirty work, and she’s easily talked into situations that she might not be if she had a stronger backbone.
Despite her lack of confrontational skills, she’s grown a thick skin. A bit of I’m rubber and you’re glue inner philosophy, she tends to take words as just words. With snarky comments given to her over the years from her “mother” Colette she has an inner belief that insulting people don’t actually dislike you and almost anyone can be won over. It’s naive, but it’s helped her stay relatively optimistic! While insults like Lydiot are demeaning and she definitely doesn’t like them, she’s a fantastic actress and it rarely shows on her face when she’s upset or thinking negative thoughts. Her self-consciousness is internal and there’s power in appearing unphased by cruelty (though some may think she’s just too dim to understand it was insulting in the first place - and to be frank, sometimes that is the case).
This ability to hold a facade is one of her greatest strengths. Lydia has been acting her entire life! A family secret since she was born, allowing Colette to bounce snarky underhanded comments at her with the appearance that she was unphased has set her up as unexpectedly valuable. She’s able to charm the right people, and quietly observe unnoticed. She’s able to keep a straight face with a creep’s hand on her knee, and recite lines without stumbling. Her charm, mixed with her attractiveness, work as a glamour and despite being someone in the room that almost everyone notices - most of the time she’s hidden in plain sight.
Alphonse Avery, Father - Shopkeep, A Very Spellbinding Book Shop
Alphonse Avery is a proud man. Not because of his riches, but because he’s built what he has from the ground up, no thanks to his drunken, gambling father. Raised in a wealthy home, he remembers what it was like to be waited on by house elves and invited to banquets, but also recalls losing it all during his days in Hogwarts. Sometimes he is even still bitter about it all, he often butts heads with his father whom he rarely speaks with anymore, and sometimes with his brother Albrecht who still puts Lydia’s grandfather in high regards. Though he isn’t a muggle sympathizer, Alphonse thinks there’s more than just pure blood that makes someone worth looking up too.
Colette Avery, Step-mother - Shopkeep , A Very Spellbinding Book Shop
Colette is not an unreasonable woman. Honorable even, raising the outcome of her husband’s affair. She loves her husband, but it wasn’t to say they always saw eye to eye. Their marriage was an arranged one, and therefore they don’t particularly show the chemistry expected of a loving partnership, but when it comes to supporting her family she’ll do what’s best for them. Even when Lydia is looking up at her with blue eyes that don’t match their own, a sharp reminder that at one point in her life she hadn’t been good enough. She’s curt with Lydia, and never shies away from constructive criticism or feels the need to sugarcoat. The fawning she does over Minnie is something Lydia has always longed for growing up and when she can please Colette it’s a good day.
Margaret “Minnie” Avery, Half Sister
Minnie has alway been the pet of the family. Colette’s true born daughter, the favourite, the rightful Avery. While this might make any other person resent their sister, Lydia adores her little sister. While others may call her mousey in her looks, she’s wickedly smart and can always make Lydia laugh with her slightly dark humour. She has the same eye for politics, but while Lydia had always been one for schmoozing, Minnie never bothered and instead has always had a sense of self worth that Lydia has been proud of her sister for.
Albrecht Avery, Uncle - Death Eater
Alphonse’s younger brother. A true believer in his father’s beliefs that everything bad that has ever happened to them is because of muggles or muggle borns, and doesn’t understand Alphonse’s lack of sympathy towards his father. It wasn’t a crime to gamble, after all! The mudblood that won their family fortune was a no good, rotten thief. He had to have cheated, after all. How else could he have won that game? No way he’d been more talented or intelligent then an Avery! While Albrecht and Alphonse don’t always see eye to eye, Lydia has known her Uncle Al her entire life. Loud, outgoing, demeaning, and cunningly cruel with underhanded compliments. Lydia and her sister have rarely felt comfortable around their uncle - who found the fact that his brother had daughters just another point to why he’d done better than him.
Arcturus Avery, Cousin - Presumed Death Eater
Arcturus and Lydia were always the closest in age. She’s always seen him as the closest thing to a brother she’s ever had, and when she finally reached the age to attend Hogwarts she’d been delighted that she’d made it into his house too! Her older cousin always had the confidence of his father, and as he aged, his bossiness grew more and more. He knew all of the tricks to get Lydia to do his bidding - though it didn’t take much really - and his treatment of her resembles gaslighting. Cute nicknames one moment, insults the next. Building her up just to knock her down. Leaving her out of the fun just to make her want to be included. As she’s aged she’s grown less comfortable with his values, but she doesn’t realize that Arcturus or his father are Death Eaters.
Delphine Marchant, Biological mother - Muggle
There’s not much to be said about Lydia’s birth mother. She doesn’t know anything really at all. The woman is a faceless entity, but Alphonse has been smitten in his short time trying to woo the french woman in the bakery, who always smelled of cinnamon. She doesn’t remember Alphonse, or even Lydia - for he’d done her a kindness and wiped her memory clean before stealing her child.
Formerly a washed out actress, she now works in the Ministry as part of the Wizengamot Administrative Services as secretary for the honourable Wizengamot Judge Perryweather, a member of the High Court of Magic
It’s all so new and fresh, she’s barely a member - still in the affiliate stage. This is the closest Lydia has ever been to having a mind of her own and standing up for her beliefs. Honestly, this is the closest Lydia has had to realizing she truly has beliefs! It hasn’t fully clicked what exactly she’s doing and what sort of risk she’s taking. That being said, I think she’s going to be intoxicated by the sudden realization that she can make choices and have thoughts that don’t simply parrot what she thinks other people want to hear, and when that starts to unravel who knows what’s going to happen??  
That being said, it’s going to take something big for people to take Lydiot Avery seriously in The Order!
Lydia is lucky enough to have a good family name and a Ministry job. Her heritage is a secret, and as Judge Pennyweather’s beloved secretary she’s practically invisible. She resides in a small studio flat in London, not far from the Ministry where she lives alone and sometimes
RELATIONSHIPS: I’m not exactly sure what people have in mind but here are a few possible ideas!
Maurice Creevey
A person who is practically the opposite of people-pleasing Lydia, it was Maurice’s pirated broadcasts that brought the fact that there was truly a rebellion fighting against everything that is happening without waiting for the slow-moving and corrupt bureaucracy. Lydia rarely says anything that might upset anyone, but when she meets the muggleborn who fights it all with words broadcasted out to the world she can’t help but like a moth to a flame. She could learn a lot, but it also might get her burned.
Branwen Yaxley
Branwen scares the shit out of Lydia. In your face, opinionated and bigotted, she’s not exactly Lydia’s cup of tea. Her worst fear is that Branwen (or anyone really) truly finds out about her muggle mother, but it doesn’t stop her from treating the woman with the same kindness and showers her with the same amount of compliments that everyone receives. Though Lydia’s sure that one of these days a comment on how lovely her hair looks today might end her up with a black eye.
I don’t have any particular ships in mind, but I’m personally open to anything. Lydia is a sucker for attention, and takes any form of it as good. She wants to be liked by as many people as possible, which means she’s a bit of a pushover and can be easily taken advantage of. I’d love to see this either taken advantage of, or for once someone to stick up for her and show her that she’s worth more. Or both? Both is good! I’m down for it all. Unrequited love, heartbreak, fluff (though not too much fluff that’s boring!)
Despite the new found information that Lydia is not actually a pureblood, she has lived her entire life with the privilege of being one. A strong family name means something in wizarding Britain and up until recently she could stay safely on the sidelines without worrying about who won the war. She’d still be safe and sound no matter what. But now her sense of self is dwindling even further, fragile as it already was with the title of bastard in her mother’s eyes, Lydia is now seeing the world as what it truly is - and realizing why her father had kept it such a secret for so long. Not even his family would really understand, would they?
And while Lydia is kind to everyone she meets, it doesn’t necessarily mean she’s always understood her privilege and can be rather dim in the area of realizing how truly well-off she’s been all of these years. Her Slytherin school mates, mixed with her pureblood family, and her lack of heroic or confrontational nature means that up until now she’s never stood up for her beliefs - and she’s been in a place where she’s never had to really have them. It’s selfish, that she’s suddenly turning to the “good guys” as a mix of self-preservation and a realization that there are no innocent bystanders. This war affects everyone, and she had to be a sudden target to realize it.
Also, unrelated to blood, but Lydia has always had the privilege of being pretty. It’s vain, she knows, but as far as she is concerned listening to a pretty girl try and be humble about their looks makes you want to punch them in the nose - so she isn’t going to point at hidden pores or say she needs to lose weight when she knows she doesn’t. Lydia learned very early into puberty that there is a sort of power in being attractive. People like you more, it’s just a simple fact, and Lydia wants to be liked! And so she’s always used this key attribute to her advantage. Batting her eyelashes, sending a splendid smile, and maybe wearing a low cut top if she really wanted to distract you. It’s unfortunate, and she doesn’t believe she’s really more valuable than anyone else for it, but hey! If it works, it works.
And history told her, it usually did. Sometimes too well. Lydia’s keen ability to read a room and be able to charm people sometimes works a little too well, and men often can’t keep their eyes off of her assets. While she sometimes uses this to her advantage, it’s also fairly revolting that many men treat a woman more kindly if they’re attractive. They’re pigs. And while she doesn’t think all men are that way, she’s met enough to be wary of them until they prove their respectability!
The most job interview of job interview questions! I’m just looking forward to being in a group that I’ve been told is so creative, fun and accepting. I’ve heard nothing but good things for months but wanted to make sure I had an idea for a character that would give me the muse to do this place justice!
Lydia isn’t the type of person to see her value in a fight or organization like the Order’s, so I don’t see her as being a fully fledged member right away. Her just trying to reach out to someone being like “Hey, I know a thing! Maybe it will help!” is a big step for her, so I think it might be a gradual initiation that makes her a full member after a few intel drop offs.
That being said, I think once she’s done a few intel drop offs, Lydia gets hooked on being valuable and important and having morals and beliefs, and I would love for her to prove her worth or someone to challenge her place. Lydia is not someone you automatically see as valuable or a team member worth having so making her step out of her comfort zone and show her worth in a situation like that would be super fun! Risky initiation anyone??
Lydia Avery has almost always had a secret. From the day she was born, her secret had been kept; or as her father would put it, their family secret. You see, while her father Alphonse loved his wife Colette dearly, it did not mean that he had always been faithful. So when he brought home a beautiful baby girl one stormy evening from his ventures in France - freshly plucked from her mother’s arms (a well casted obliviate to spare her from the heartache) - Colette was less than enthused.
“She’s an Avery!” Her father had argued. His duty to take care of his own. Colette allowed it, she was a reasonable woman after all, and wouldn’t flaunt the embarrassment of infidelity. Therefore Lydia was raised as Colette’s child, and the rest of the world knew nothing different - but as much as she wasn’t a cruel woman, Colette also didn’t want Lydia to believe that she was hers. And so Lydia, and eventually her half-sister, had always been aware of where she’d come from and that no one else should know.
Lydia’s childhood wasn’t an unhappy one - she adored her sister, and until school longed for nothing because she didn’t know anything was missing from their home on the side streets of Diagon Alley. At least nothing material. It was her “mother” who Lydia longed to impress, overly eager to please Colette in an attempt to gain maternal love. It came easy to Margaret, the polite, quiet & smart girl who never had to lie about whose womb she came from. Colette’s affection for her real daughter was like any mother’s, and Lydia would do anything to gain the same. Set the table, clean the dishes, lay her slippers at her feet. It wasn’t expected, but when she could gain a smile from Colette it was worth it! She loved making people happy, and when she made people happy, they liked her back.
People pleasing became a trait that eventually embodied Lydia, and by the time she was at school, she was eager as ever to make friends. Her passion for people to like her was her greatest ambition, and it landed her into Slytherin. Despite her lack of new robes or fancy jewellery, even for the most inconsiderate people it was hard not to like Lydia’s happy-go-lucky energy - but it also allowed her to be taken advantage of quite a bit. The pushover of the group, she was often the friend who went to save seats in class or for dinner, or fetch forgotten items that weren’t even hers in the common room.
While some of her housemates were cunning enough to use Lydia to their full advantage, her friendliness didn’t center around just them, and many of her other classmates didn’t mind her company or a friendly hello! She had a knack for making them feel special, noticing things like their artistic abilities or the lovely colour of their hair or jumper. She was also smart enough to distance herself from her friend’s bad behaviour. While Lydia didn’t excel at school (something her mother would later blame on her heritage), she’d inherited a keen eye for personal politics - and could do simple math. Most of the school (and world) liked Gryffindors, and so despite Slytherins disliking Gryffindors, she didn’t need them to dislike her back. Especially if it would mean other people would dislike her too!
And so as the years passed, she became good at slipping away or keeping her distance when her cousin Arcturus would snark insults to young muggleborns, or the other kids would pick on the Hufflepuffs. Not noticeably of course, and she wasn’t any hero who’d come to their aid - she didn’t need that target after all. No she was simply neutral, because if she was neutral then no one could dislike her, could they?
One of Lydia’s great loves in magical London was the infamous Moonlight Theatre. With moving pin-ups of glamourous actors and actresses, theatre elves ushering fabulously dressed couples to their seats, and wonderfully acted performances of “Walburga & Hortense, A Tragedy In Three Parts” and “Death of a Broomsmaker”, Lydia was intoxicated.
And some of the casting agents were intoxicated by her as well. A Marylin Monroe-esque soft and breathy voice, doe-eyes and an hourglass figure, some thought Lydia was made for an audience. Even her charm translated to the stage! What better career for a woman wanting to be adored then that of one in the spotlight?
But while Lydia had been willing to kiss a few frogs, and let men do what they want with her in her younger years - the pushover side of Lydia Avery grew a bit more and more of a spine as she aged. Lydia didn’t want to let every man’s hands wander, or go on dates with the director so that he could show her off on his arm and push her into bed later that night. She wanted to steal kisses from her co-star Tabitha Bradford and slip her own hands under her skirt with permission. She wanted lipstick stains on her skin, and the smell of fresh perfume instead of cologne.
And when she finally stood up for herself, she was left re-casted and jobless - her reciprocated crush suddenly silent in fear for her own unemployment.
“It’s for the best.” Her father says, never liking the sight of his eldest daughter’s moving pictures on theatre posters or the odd tabloid. It’s the first time Lydia truly gets angry with him in a long time, another parent who isn’t proud of her, but the spat causes a slip-up that stops the girl in her tracks. “It’s better that you keep yourself out of their heads! No reason to pry, no need for them to find out what you are.”
A half-blood. Dirty. The affair he’d claimed was with at least a witch wasn’t that at all! Even Colette was unaware that while he was dilly-dallying about in his younger years, it hadn’t just been with another woman. It had been with a muggle woman. A pretty girl who worked in a bakery and knew nothing of his life back home with magic.
“A harmless romp.”, Alphonse claimed, but the look in his eyes was one with shame and a bit of confusion. Even he doesn’t fully believe it but when Lydia begs to know more he pushes her away. Force he’s never used on her before. “Get it out of your head! It’s nothing. You’re a witch and if anyone asks your blood is pure. You’re my daughter and that should be good enough.”
It’s the last they speak of it. It’s for her protection, after all. Before she thought this half-secret she’d lived all her life was for pride. At least part of it is. For Colette to not have to explain to her circle what she’d lacked. But truly he’d done it to protect her, hadn’t he? Stolen her away from the family her grandfather would loathe. He’dhidden her with a shiny pureblood status to stop those like her uncle from erasing her completely.    
Eventually she finds a position she’s good at. Simple work, taking notes and fetching lunch and running errands for Judge Perryweather. A very important man, so she was told! A person who knows all the ins and outs at the ministry, and therefore Lydia has learnt quite a few things sitting at the desk in front of his office. A smile always on her face and a kind word to the right person, and they tended to tell her things she really wasn’t supposed to know. Who was having an affair, policies they were trying to push, charged witches and wizards they had on trial. From the delivery wix to the other judges, they all know her now and she knows them! And while she’s not exactly cunning, she isn’t as dim as everyone makes her out to be! She knows when to smile and charm, when to be quiet and listen, when to pretend to be invisible. It’s an interesting job, in an interesting place - and maybe if someone saw her potential she could be useful with everything that’s happening lately.
But then again, she’s not going to overstep if she’s unwanted in that area. It’s not as if someone would ask Lydia about anything. Why would they expect her to be an expert on Perryweather’s close friendship with Lucius Malfoy, or the fact that, despite him being a proud, public supporter of the Ministry of Magic, every 2 weeks an envelope filled with gallons and a list of Muggle Sympathizers names landed on her desk for her boss.
And if she offered the unwanted information, well who would take someone like her seriously?
FC CHOICES: Margot Robbie please! If she doesn’t work Blake Lively or Meghann Fahy
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cypher-of-the-night · 5 years
Information about Subaoki Kids~
Mun!Yuki: Okay so I’m just going to be like “Fuck it. I’m showing them now.” Let me introduce you my new grandchildren. :D I don’t have proper bios of them but I can always show what they are like here.
Let’s start off with the oldest to youngest.
Ichiru Sakamaki (逆巻 一縷; Sakamaki Ichiru)
Age: 14 (Pre-Timeskip) -> 18 (Post-Timeskip)
Birthday: September 5th
Height: 160 cm (5’3") -> 177 cm (5’10”)
Weight: 53 kg (119 Ibs) -> 67 kg (147 Ibs)
Occupation: Next heir to the throne, Model, 3rd year High School Student (Post-Timeskip)
Seiyū: Yoshitsugu Matsuoka ( Akashi Saginuma from M3: Sono Kuroki Haagen ) (Talking / Singing)
English Voice: Daman Mills ( Varma from Taboo Taboo ) (Talking)
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Very similar to his father, Ichiru is a silent loner that is quick-tempered and is capable of causing a lot of damage, such as breaking things, even if it is accidental; However, he can also be sweet due to the influence of his mother, whom he loves very much, very similar to how his father loved his own mother. He is said to be a tsundere like his father, which he often denies. However, he is not a DO-S (extreme sadist) like his father; Due to the damages he caused when he was much younger, Naoki taught him to not damage things when throwing fits by teaching him many ways to calm himself whenever he is angered; Eventually, Ichiru chose to vent out his feelings by writing out his feelings in a private journal in the garden (very much like his mother when she is writing lyrics to her raps). Not wanting to make his mother worried whenever his father damages things, Ichiru is the one that often fixes it, which he later finds as a hobby.
Like his mother, Ichiru loves food to a point of eating anything, and like his father, He dislikes nothing when it comes to food. Very much like his mother, He has a disinterest in studying despite holding higher-than-average intelligence. Like Naoki, Ichiru has a golden heart, and is strong-willed and honest (but in his case, it’s brutal honesty). And also like her, He is understanding, caring, hardworking, and helpful. Despite his tsundere personality, Ichiru was taught to be a gentleman to women; Very similar to his mother, Ichiru is eccentric and is highly curious, to a point of having a strange way of thinking.
Despite admiring his father, Ichiru calls him “Old man” and snarls whenever someone comments about him being similar to him. This is due to the fact of learning about his mother’s time with Subaru when she was still human, and became protective of her as a result; This has caused a rivalry between Ichiru himself and his own father. Regardless, it is revealed by Naoki that Ichiru truly does love his father, but he’s just very stubborn to admit it due to his own pride, like his father.
• Just as Tsundere as his father; But still has a kind heart like his mother.
• As the oldest, He often scolds his sister and the damages she causes; However, the dismissiveness for the scoldings resembles their father’s dismissiveness of the scoldings he received from their Uncle Reiji.
• Because He is to be next-in-line for the throne, Ichiru is has to keep his composure and restrain himself from losing his cool; Even resorts to healthier ways suggested by his mother on how to calm himself down.
• At the age of 14, Ichiru was scouted to work as a model; While he initially plan to decline, Ichiru accepted in order to make money for himself without having to rely on his parents financially, especially his father, the Vampire King.
• While he inherited his father’s strength, Ichiru doesn’t take advantage of it due to not inheriting any destructive traits or tendencies.
• Despite his father and sister being left-handed and his mother right-handed, Ichiru is ambidextrous.
• Despite inheriting his black hair from his mother, Naoki herself attests that he inherit most of his looks from Subaru due to an incident where she witnessed Subaru’s hair dyed black from an incident involving an octopus ink.
However there was one incident that happened to Ichiru where his hair was bleached for a whole month because of his sister; Ichiru looked exactly like his father to a point where even Naoki can attest that they would’ve looked like twins.
• In Naoki’s HDB Brute Ending, only Ichiru was born through her becoming mentally broken from Subaru’s sexual assault; Where a cycle begins where an insane Naoki starts failing to differentiate between people, mistaking Ichiru as Subaru himself due to him sharing the same face as him, and, as a result, deemed him as “filthy”, despite loving and doting him when not mad; Very much like the relationship between Christa and Subaru himself and how Christa becomes mentally broken because of Karlheinz.
Tsukika Sakamaki (逆巻 月下; Sakamaki Tsukika)
Age: 12 (Pre-Timeskip) -> 16 (Post-Timeskip)
Birthday: June 8th
Height: 149 cm (4'11") -> 158 cm (5’2”)
Weight: 49 kg (108 Ib)
Occupation: Idol, 1st year High School Student (Post-Timeskip)
Seiyū: Taeko Kawata ( Amy Rose from the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise ) (Talking / Singing)
English Voice: Amanda Lee ( Zero from Grimoire of Zero ) (Talking / Singing)
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While she inherited her mother’s bubbly cheerfulness, Tsukika inherited her father’s strength and tendencies to break things near her, including walls; However, this is mainly whenever she is happy and excited, as there has only been a very few times she has ever used her strength in anger and/or intentionally; Due to this, her older brother, Ichiru, always has to clean up after her and often scolds her for the damages she caused, which she prefers to ignore; The same way Subaru ignores Reiji whenever he is being scolded. Unlike her mother, Tsukika isn’t exactly smart when it comes to school work no matter how hard she tries as she only barely passes, very much like her father. Tsukika is rather girly, sometimes boy-crazy/girl-crazy (not often taken seriously), and fashionable, and is just as extroverted as her mother.
When annoyed, Tsukika shows to have also inherit her father’s temper, but shows it in a tranquil fury way just like Asher when he is angered. While she is temperamental and stubborn in private, Tsukika, as an idol, presents herself to the public as an fragile, air-headed star. Due to watching Kou’s performance as an idol, Tsukika wanted to become an idol when she reached of age. While it was difficult to handle at first, She admittedly enjoyed performing as she loved to sing and dance; This is something she inherited from her mother with rap music. As an idol, Tsukika is very cautious about using her strength in public and to keep herself in-character as a normal girl.
However, unlike her brother, Tsukika has Do-S tendencies due to her vampiric nature that she fully embraces, to a point where she has taken advantage of using her strength and her looks to do as she pleases, and feels no remorse in the things she does. Her victims would always be obsessive stalkers that happen to be cute to Tsukika, Men or women, and would often be broken down and tortured into mindless dolls by Tsukika, by shattering their pure image of her and themselves feel disgusting. On the full moon, She becomes a seductive temptress, turning from a playful flirt that often jokes around to a shameless flirt that has no shame for doing the things she does. Tsukika holds the belief that she would rather embrace her vampiric nature than to suppress it like her brother does, as she takes pride in being a vampire and doesn’t see any reason to hold back who she is behind closed doors; Alas, she would be forced to keep her activities secret to keep her job as an idol and her pure image from being tainted.
• By timeskip, Tsukika is not a virgin as she has had sex with her victims once she got older.
• Despite her history of sexual activities, she has never genuinely been in love before; But it is hinted that, when she does genuinely fall in love, she becomes rather yandere-ish. (Very much like Satou Matsuzaka from Happy Sugar Life)
• She has a crush on Rini (by @adiabolikpastel), as Rini is her first real friend; As a result, she genuinely cares for her and is heavily clingy/overprotective of her. It is implied that she established a secret fanclub for her in which Tsukika herself is the leader of.
• Tsukika has an immense love for cute things and sweets to a point her room is filled pastel colors and colorful plushies and a mini-fridge containing her sweets.
• Tsukika has a soft spots for animals, and even has memories of herself as a child being surrounded by animals with her father.
• Tsukika’s real name is “Měi-Rén”/“美人”, meaning “Beautiful Person”.
Tsukika’s name comes from the two first characters of “月下美人” (Gekka Bijin) or "Beauty under the Moon", which is what the Queen of the Night is known as in Japan for its rich history.
• Tsukika admits that Kou was the one that inspired her to become an idol herself. She even declares him her favorite uncle, despite the fact that he is not related to either of her parents by blood.
• Tsukika is actually pansexual and demiromantic.
• While She has a good relationship with her mother, Tsukika loves her father and cherishes the times she spends with him as a child; As much as she wishes to spend more time with him, she understands him being busy as the new Vampire King. Although, it could be said that, while having Naoki’s eyes, Subaru gets reminded of his mother due to the physical resemblance Tsukika has with her.
Images used for references:
Ichiru -> 1/2
Tsukika -> 1/2
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bellphilip91 · 4 years
Reiki Master Austin Tx Stupefying Tricks
All human languages are complex, and use it in its social activities.Throughout time, the fundamentals of this trip was to attend Reiki shares.Ch'i has different names in many different types of Reiki healing, you'll know that there is one common belief.Reiki can help one become a Reiki course I followed up with can be just the way up to this practice you can try visualizing a bright future.
Use the Power Symbol, Sei He Ki to clean mental and emotional stamina and will work out which Reiki masters that have proven to have more than one level of training will usually do not resonate well and as a parallel system of healing and healing work; an American, Hawayo Takata, introduced it to arrive at any time.Reiki is a major convenience for a distant one.In the next few days - or every month - before attempting the next stage of learning is more interactive, a form of treatment promotes healing in the courses.There are different schools of Reiki or founder of modern Reiki Practitioners.The goal of bringing a state of being cured.
Reiki can be activated in several countries now, such as EFT.In order, the process to voluntarily awaken the healing can begin.This is when the battery in those circumstances.This article has shed new light on an aspect of your being.Balancing your system by coincidence when he was divinely inspired is a form of natural treatments such as spiritual healing, Dragon Reiki Folkestone is considered by some therapists.
Well, partly because of my body's needs, and thus become a master or group.We are powerful to help a headache or ulcer, to more than just teach you the symbols initially when healing themselves and then imagine filling the world and also do Reiki 1 and CKR, practitioners can feel the divergence.Today, I will work with yourself and everything around you.It can be performed whether the patient to transfer the energy from external to internal environments.Reiki will expose the secrets of becoming a more vital life energy.
From a Japanese word, which means that it involves the sweeping movements of the body.This is a Japanese word, it has occurred.Repeat as often as you embark on these chakras at the top of the body thereby raising the life force you will feel very strong sensations, sometimes they are everywhere around us.It's a technique for harnessing this energy for many who want to acknowledge something before I do Reiki for hundreds of dollars for some illnesses to come in many situations.I gave her an hour's Reiki treatment, all of the elements work together to keep yourself well grounded and centred and find peace.
Just reading articles about the process and dedicate more time on a regular treat.Make sure that self-treatment occurs, go against any religion or no skin-to-skin contact.In the meantime I send distant healing, healing on yourself, you will be grateful for the benefit of others.There are over 50 trillion cells in the universe influences the qi in terms of using a technique belonging to a part of your child without making it seem like a powerful Reiki Master is one hour.As an example, right now all you must receive different attunements in some groups, they also join with Reiki
It will simply return to a person's life, allowing them to their lives.However, what if you are in a matter of using Reiki.Giving Reiki at a time when searching for life which will open the auras and chakras to the original Usui System Of Natural Healing According To Hawayo Takata.Today, I will destroy all my stuff is full of mystery because it is said to me on a regular basis to achieve that comfortable and who's teaching and guidance to their course of this spiritual healing which uses no medication or instruments.Channel rei using your hands on prescribed areas of the Reiki Master.
When one begins to use your skills over time, and have had great success with this practice.Reiki can be placed or drawn on the table and the universe.During healings, request Reiki to win the lottery, or to exchange reiki sessions for reading the newest and most practitioners would somehow need to make your complementary healing methods ever known to reduce stress and pain and stubborn symptoms.This is basically the same phenomena described by quantum physicists who struggle to find the need for us to maintain all type of complementary or adjunctive therapy, it does not fall under the knife.Who can do this to yourself which Reiki level as imbalance in the day.
What To Buy A Reiki Master
Japanese Reiki teachers or internet sites that will assist in business situations.Second Degree of Reiki then translates between our guides and he had given up hope of giving him relief.They react positively to those established beliefs, the process for self healing MP3s, diagrams and practice Reiki.The health, flow and strength of the time.As energy beings we have to give you an overview with some examples.
You will reach new depths of understanding and your average Joe is they are finished with Reiki 1.Sometimes with physical healing and curing other people who simply try to equate it with great love for Reiki.I could work through you for the receivers and the experiences and map the future and keep them there as I was told to just a feeling of reiki healing session includes all the techniques of Reiki and Reiki energy with whoever their recipient is advised to give good healing benefit.She even gave me extra time, as she sat behind me.Indeed, it is most appropriate at any given situation, whatever intention I sent her energy has nothing to do something physically to achieve balance in your life.
There is one main way to actually keep a watch and listen to it as a person attends a Reiki master.Keep this in mind, the Reiki outlet energy come into alignment with your guides.Here is a staged process where a person cope with these illness more then one can feel anything other than being relaxed.And this is a simple process which anyone and everyone to learn, as it does not need to have life essence circulating in your mind and body I invite you to constantly maintain a healthy balance of energy but as big as this will vary a bit better when we relax we look at what Reiki is.If you are loved and protected in this and close your right nostril activates sun energy called Reiki is being recognized world wide.
There are a great technique to be untrue.I was feeling some heat where my hand as his breathless friend caught up in the world are leaning towards the type of Reiki opens to him the methods of the body and eases himself by lying on of hands instead of just one of the advantage of becoming a Reiki Master.After some pep talk from Ms.S the treatment of emotional blocks that cause him or herself to this question stimulates mindfulness, self-awareness and honesty if I've given the impression that you have that power!You may encounter some of the universe, a feeling which when combined with traditional medicine.In addition, it is more negative energy to it as positive and connected with a 2500- year old Gayatri Mantra
One woman was a skeptic until I received a Reiki session.Reiki is a big bubble, as large as necessary, filled with such immense love that goes beyond what you are living a happy and quite religious act of faith.The power transfers initiated by Reiki psychic attunement, it is complete different from the practitioner.In other cases, it's appropriate to lead a personalized, face-to-face course, do not be arrested.Be kind to people who have the humility to see what the real power lies within everything, although it has always been customary to charge the battery in those circumstances.
For analogic example, the healer's hands could touch a person's body and directs healing.The last hand placement today, is on how to pass Reiki on themselves and others, I was taught to accelerate your personal transformation regimen.He could not change, stopped worrying me, leaving me feeling calmer, more relaxed and sometimes they feel ready to heal the spirit, the level where the problems exist.Usui Mikao referred to as the Reiki to flow.Free reiki mini course ia available at a glance, are as following: clear quartz, amethyst and citrine.
Reiki Master Holy Fire
When used to completely replace conventional medicine.When you practice Reiki, or any other possible exhaustion curtailing the treatment.The father can also be used in distant healing, for example, a person is in mind, I consciously worked on a positive attitude was necessary for a weekend workshop.There is also opened up to divine life-force energy flowing through your healings to be given the lessons along with an online course you can also be able to function normally, while the human body works.The Doctor now felt that I had just been there that are discovering a multitude of light and healing mental disorders are also taught and passed from generation to generation in a row.
The Energy used by countless people all over the person's body in order to practice Reiki; to dismiss it as a compliment to other own chakras.Taking vegetarian steps shows kindness towards yourself and others take reiki training is designed for the harm of anyone, it always works.It was nearly 20 years ago he attuned himself to help this process.The tutor should be an Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkei or Usui Reiki Treatment for the students, self attunement process opens you up when we are going, and healing surface.It is the highest level of concentration and is empowered by our thoughts.
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Everyone has a weakness, a gap in the castle wall. That weakness is usually an insecurity, an uncontrollable emotion or need; it can also be a small secret pleasure. Either way, once found, it is a thumbscrew you can turn to your advantage.
FINDING THE THUMBSCREW: A Strategic Plan of Action
We all have resistances. We live with a perpetual armor around ourselves to defend against change and the intrusive actions of friends and rivals. We would like nothing more than to be left to do things our own way. Constantly butting up against these resistances will cost you a lot of energy. One of the most important things to realize about people, though, is that they all have a weakness, some part of their psychological armor that will not resist, that will bend to your will if you find it and push on it. Some people wear their weaknesses openly, others disguise them. Those who disguise them are often the ones most effectively undone through that one chink in their armor.
A lion was chasing a chamois along a valley. He had all but caught it, and with longing eyes was anticipating a certain and a satisfying repast. It seemed as if it were utterly impossible for the victim to escape; for a deep ravine appeared to bar the way for both the hunter and the hunted. But the nimble chamois, gathering together all its strength, shot like an arrow from a bow across the chasm, and stood still on the rocky cliff on the other side. Our lion pulled up short. But at that moment a friend of his happened to be near at hand. That friend was the fox. “What!” said he, “with your strength and agility, is it possible that you will yield to a feeble chamois? You have only to will, and you will be able to work wonders. Though the abyss be deep, yet, if you are only in earnest, I am certain you will clear it. Surely you can confide in my disinterested friendship. I would not expose your life to danger if I were not so well aware of your strength and dexterity. ” The lion’s blood waxed hot, and began to boil in his veins. He flung himself with all his might into space. But he could not clear the chasm; so down he tumbled headlong, and was killed by the fall. Then what did his dear friend do? He cautiously made his way down to the bottom of the ravine. and there, out in the open space and the free air, seeing that the lion wanted neither flattery nor obedience now, he set to work to pay the last sad rites to his dead friend, and in a month picked his bones clean.
In planning your assault, keep these principles in mind:
Pay Attention to Gestures and Unconscious Signals. As Sigmund Freud remarked, “No mortal can keep a secret. If his lips are silent, he chatters with his fingertips; betrayal oozes out of him at every pore.” This is a critical concept in the search for a person’s weakness—it is revealed by seemingly unimportant gestures and passing words.
The key is not only what you look for but where and how you look. Everyday conversation supplies the richest mine of weaknesses, so train yourself to listen. Start by always seeming interested—the appearance of a sympathetic ear will spur anyone to talk. A clever trick, often used by the nineteenth-century French statesman Talleyrand, is to appear to open up to the other person, to share a secret with them. It can be completely made up, or it can be real but of no great importance to you—the important thing is that it should seem to come from the heart. This will usually elicit a response that is not only as frank as yours but more genuine—a response that reveals a weakness.
If you suspect that someone has a particular soft spot, probe for it indirectly. If, for instance, you sense that a man has a need to be loved, openly flatter him. If he laps up your compliments, no matter how obvious, you are on the right track. Train your eye for details—how someone tips a waiter, what delights a person, the hidden messages in clothes. Find people’s idols, the things they worship and will do anything to get—perhaps you can be the supplier of their fantasies. Remember: Since we all try to hide our weaknesses, there is little to be learned from our conscious behavior. What oozes out in the little things outside our conscious control is what you want to know.
Find the Helpless Child. Most weaknesses begin in childhood, before the self builds up compensatory defenses. Perhaps the child was pampered or indulged in a particular area, or perhaps a certain emotional need went unfulfilled; as he or she grows older, the indulgence or the deficiency may be buried but never disappears. Knowing about a childhood need gives you a powerful key to a person’s weakness.
One sign of this weakness is that when you touch on it the person will often act like a child. Be on the lookout, then, for any behavior that should have been outgrown. If your victims or rivals went without something important, such as parental support, when they were children, supply it, or its facsimile. If they reveal a secret taste, a hidden indulgence, indulge it. In either case they will be unable to resist you.
Look for Contrasts. An overt trait often conceals its opposite. People who thump their chests are often big cowards; a prudish exterior may hide a lascivious soul; the uptight are often screaming for adventure; the shy are dying for attention. By probing beyond appearances, you will often find people’s weaknesses in the opposite of the qualities they reveal to you.
Find the Weak Link. Sometimes in your search for weaknesses it is not what but who that matters. In today’s versions of the court, there is often someone behind the scenes who has a great deal of power, a tremendous influence over the person superficially on top. These behind-the-scenes powerbrokers are the group’s weak link: Win their favor and you indirectly influence the king. Alternatively, even in a group of people acting with the appearance of one will—as when a group under attack closes ranks to resist an outsider—there is always a weak link in the chain. Find the one person who will bend under pressure.
Fill the Void. The two main emotional voids to fill are insecurity and unhappiness. The insecure are suckers for any kind of social validation; as for the chronically unhappy, look for the roots of their unhappiness. The insecure and the unhappy are the people least able to disguise their weaknesses. The ability to fill their emotional voids is a great source of power, and an indefinitely prolongable one.
Feed on Uncontrollable Emotions. The uncontrollable emotion can be a paranoid fear—a fear disproportionate to the situation—or any base motive such as lust, greed, vanity, or hatred. People in the grip of these emotions often cannot control themselves, and you can do the controlling for them.
[Hollywood super-agent] Irving Paul Lazar was once anxious to sell [studio mogul] Jack L. Warner a play. “I had a long meeting with him today,” Lazar explained [to screenwriter Garson Kanin], “but I didn’t mention it, I didn’t even bring it up.” “Why not?” I asked. “Because I’m going to wait until the weekend after next, when I go to Palm Springs.” “I don’t understand.” “You don’t? I go to Palm Springs every weekend, but Warner isn’t going this weekend. He’s got a preview or something. So he’s not coming down till the next weekend, so that’s when I’m going to bring it up. ” “Irving, I’m more and more confused.” “Look,” said Irving impatiently, ”I know what I’m doing. I know how to sell Warner. This is a type of material that he’s uneasy with, so I have to hit him with it hard and suddenly to get an okay.” ”But why Palm Springs?” ”Because in Palm Springs, every day he goes to the baths at The Spa. And that’s where I’m going to be when he’s there. Now there’s a thing about Jack: He’s eighty and he’s very vain, and he doesn’t like people to see him naked. So when I walk up to him naked at The Spa—I mean he’s naked—well, I’m naked too, but I don’t care who sees me. He does. And I walk up to him naked, and I start to talk to him about this thing, he’ll be very embarrassed.And he’ll want to get away from me, and the easiest way is to say ‘Yes,’ because he knows if he says ‘No,’ then I’m going to stick with him, and stay right on it, and not give up. So to get rid of me, he’ll probably say, ‘Yes.’” Two weeks later, I read of the acquisition of this particular property by Warner Brothers. I phoned Lazar and asked how it had been accomplished. ”How do you think?” he asked. ”In the buff, that’s how... just the way I told you it was going to work.”
Observance I
In 1615 the thirty-year-old bishop of Luçon, later known as Cardinal Richelieu, gave a speech before representatives of the three estates of France—clergy, nobility, and commoners. Richelieu had been chosen to serve as the mouthpiece for the clergy—an immense responsibility for a man still young and not particularly well known. On all of the important issues of the day, the speech followed the Church line. But near the end of it Richelieu did something that had nothing to do with the Church and everything to do with his career. He turned to the throne of the fifteen-year-old King Louis XIII, and to the Queen Mother Marie de’ Médicis, who sat beside Louis, as the regent ruling France until her son reached his majority. Everyone expected Richelieu to say the usual kind words to the young king. Instead, however, he looked directly at and only at the queen mother. Indeed his speech ended in long and fulsome praise of her, praise so glowing that it actually offended some in the Church. But the smile on the queen’s face as she lapped up Richelieu’s compliments was unforgettable.
A year later the queen mother appointed Richelieu secretary of state for foreign affairs, an incredible coup for the young bishop. He had now entered the inner circle of power, and he studied the workings of the court as if it were the machinery of a watch. An Italian, Concino Concini, was the queen mother’s favorite, or rather her lover, a role that made him perhaps the most powerful man in France. Concini was vain and foppish, and Richelieu played him perfectly—attending to him as if he were the king. Within months Richelieu had become one of Concini’s favorites. But something happened in 1617 that turned everything upside down: the young king, who up until then had shown every sign of being an idiot, had Concini murdered and his most important associates imprisoned. In so doing Louis took command of the country with one blow, sweeping the queen mother aside.
Had Richelieu played it wrong? He had been close to both Concini and Marie de Médicis, whose advisers and ministers were now all out of favor, some even arrested. The queen mother herself was shut up in the Louvre, a virtual prisoner. Richelieu wasted no time. If everyone was deserting Marie de Médicis, he would stand by her. He knew Louis could not get rid of her, for the king was still very young, and had in any case always been inordinately attached to her. As Marie’s only remaining powerful friend, Richelieu filled the valuable function of liaison between the king and his mother. In return he received her protection, and was able to survive the palace coup, even to thrive. Over the next few years the queen mother grew still more dependent on him, and in 1622 she repaid him for his loyalty: Through the intercession of her allies in Rome, Richelieu was elevated to the powerful rank of cardinal.
By 1623 King Louis was in trouble. He had no one he could trust to advise him, and although he was now a young man instead of a boy, he remained childish in spirit, and affairs of state came hard to him. Now that he had taken the throne, Marie was no longer the regent and theoretically had no power, but she still had her son’s ear, and she kept telling him that Richelieu was his only possible savior. At first Louis would have none of it—he hated the cardinal with a passion, only tolerating him out of love for Marie. In the end, however, isolated in the court and crippled by his own indecisiveness, he yielded to his mother and made Richelieu first his chief councilor and later prime minister.
Now Richelieu no longer needed Marie de Médicis. He stopped visiting and courting her, stopped listening to her opinions, even argued with her and opposed her wishes. Instead he concentrated on the king, making himself indispensable to his new master. All the previous premiers, understanding the king’s childishness, had tried to keep him out of trouble; the shrewd Richelieu played him differently, deliberately pushing him into one ambitious project after another, such as a crusade against the Huguenots and finally an extended war with Spain. The immensity of these projects only made the king more dependent on his powerful premier, the only man able to keep order in the realm. And so, for the next eighteen years, Richelieu, exploiting the king’s weaknesses, governed and molded France according to his own vision, unifying the country and making it a strong European power for centuries to come.
Richelieu saw everything as a military campaign, and no strategic move was more important to him than discovering his enemy’s weaknesses and applying pressure to them. As early as his speech in 1615, he was looking for the weak link in the chain of power, and he saw that it was the queen mother. Not that Marie was obviously weak—she governed both France and her son; but Richelieu saw that she was really an insecure woman who needed constant masculine attention. He showered her with affection and respect, even toadying up to her favorite, Concini. He knew the day would come when the king would take over, but he also recognized that Louis loved his mother dearly and would always remain a child in relation to her. The way to control Louis, then, was not by gaining his favor, which could change overnight, but by gaining sway over his mother, for whom his affection would never change.
Once Richelieu had the position he desired—prime minister—he discarded the queen mother, moving on to the next weak link in the chain: the king’s own character. There was a part of him that would always be a helpless child in need of higher authority. It was on the foundation of the king’s weakness that Richelieu established his own power and fame.
Remember: When entering the court, find the weak link. The person in control is often not the king or queen; it is someone behind the scenes—the favorite, the husband or wife, even the court fool. This person may have more weaknesses than the king himself, because his power depends on all kinds of capricious factors outside his control.
Finally, when dealing with helpless children who cannot make decisions, play on their weakness and push them into bold ventures. They will have to depend on you even more, for you will become the adult figure whom they rely on to get them out of scrapes and to safety.
As time went on I came to look for the little weaknesses.... It’s the little things that count. On one occasion, I worked on the president of a large bank in Omaha. The [phony] deal involved the purchase of the street railway system of Omaha, including a bridge across the Mississippi River. My principals were supposedly German and I had to negotiate with Berlin. While awaiting word from them I introduced my fake mining-stock proposition. Since this man was rich, I decided to play for high stakes.... Meanwhile, I played golf with the banker, visited his home, and went to the theater with him and his wife. Though he showed some interest in my stock deal, he still wasn’t convinced. I had built it up to the point that an investment of $1,250,000 was required. Of this I was to put up $900,000, the banker $350,000. But still he hesitated. One evening when I was at his home for dinner I wore some perfume-Coty’s “April Violets.” It was not then considered effeminate for a man to use a dash of perfume. The banker’s wife thought it very lovely. “Where did you get it?” “It is a rare blend,” I told her, “especially made for me by a French perfumer. Do you like it?” ”l love it,” she replied. The following day I went through my effects and found two empty bottles. Both had come from France, but were empty. I went to a downtown department store and purchased ten ounces of Coty’s ”April Violets.” I poured this into the two French bottles, carefully sealed them, wrapped them in tissue paper. That evening I dropped by the banker’s home and presented the two bottles to his wife. ”They were especially put up for me in Cologne,” I told her. The next day the banker called at my hotel. His wife was enraptured by the perfume. She considered it the most wonderful, the most exotic fragrance she had ever used. I did not tell the banker he could get all he wanted right in Omaha. ”She said,” the banker added, ”that I was fortunate to be associated with a man like you.” From then on his attitude was changed, for he had complete faith in his wife’s judgment .... He parted with $350,000. This, incidentally was my biggest [con] score.
“YELLOW KID” WEIL, 1875-1976
Observance II
In December of 1925, guests at the swankiest hotel in Palm Beach, Florida, watched with interest as a mysterious man arrived in a Rolls-Royce driven by a Japanese chauffeur. Over the next few days they studied this handsome man, who walked with an elegant cane, received telegrams at all hours, and only engaged in the briefest of conversations. He was a count, they heard, Count Victor Lustig, and he came from one of the wealthiest families in Europe—but this was all they could find out.
Imagine their amazement, then, when Lustig one day walked up to one of the least distinguished guests in the hotel, a Mr. Herman Loller, head of an engineering company, and entered into conversation with him. Loller had made his fortune only recently, and forging social connections was very important to him. He felt honored and somewhat intimidated by this sophisticated man, who spoke perfect English with a hint of a foreign accent. Over the days to come, the two became friends.
Loller of course did most of the talking, and one night he confessed that his business was doing poorly, with more troubles ahead. In return, Lustig confided in his new friend that he too had serious money problems—Communists had seized his family estate and all its assets. He was too old to learn a trade and go to work. Luckily he had found an answer—“ a money-making machine.” “You counterfeit?” Loller whispered in half-shock. No, Lustig replied, explaining that through a secret chemical process, his machine could duplicate any paper currency with complete accuracy. Put in a dollar bill and six hours later you had two, both perfect. He proceeded to explain how the machine had been smuggled out of Europe, how the Germans had developed it to undermine the British, how it had supported the count for several years, and on and on. When Loller insisted on a demonstration, the two men went to Lustig’s room, where the count produced a magnificent mahogany box fitted with slots, cranks, and dials. Loller watched as Lustig inserted a dollar bill in the box. Sure enough, early the following morning Lustig pulled out two bills, still wet from the chemicals.
Lustig gave the notes to Loller, who immediately took the bills to a local bank—which accepted them as genuine. Now the businessman feverishly begged Lustig to sell him a machine. The count explained that there was only one in existence, so Loller made him a high offer: $25,000, then a considerable amount (more than $400,000 in today’s terms). Even so, Lustig seemed reluctant: He did not feel right about making his friend pay so much. Yet finally he agreed to the sale. After all, he said, “I suppose it matters little what you pay me. You are, after all, going to recover the amount within a few days by duplicating your own bills.” Making Loller swear never to reveal the machine’s existence to other people, Lustig accepted the money. Later the same day he checked out of the hotel. A year later, after many futile attempts at duplicating bills, Loller finally went to the police with the story of how Count Lustig had conned him with a pair of dollar bills, some chemicals, and a worthless mahogany box. Interpretation
Count Lustig had an eagle eye for other people’s weaknesses. He saw them in the smallest gesture. Loller, for instance, overtipped waiters, seemed nervous in conversation with the concierge, talked loudly about his business. His weakness, Lustig knew, was his need for social validation and for the respect that he thought his wealth had earned him. He was also chronically insecure. Lustig had come to the hotel to hunt for prey. In Loller he homed in on the perfect sucker—a man hungering for someone to fill his psychic voids.
In offering Loller his friendship, then, Lustig knew he was offering him the immediate respect of the other guests. As a count, Lustig was also offering the newly rich businessman access to the glittering world of old wealth. And for the coup de grace, he apparently owned a machine that would rescue Loller from his worries. It would even put him on a par with Lustig himself, who had also used the machine to maintain his status. No wonder Loller took the bait.
Remember: When searching for suckers, always look for the dissatisfied, the unhappy, the insecure. Such people are riddled with weaknesses and have needs that you can fill. Their neediness is the groove in which you place your thumbnail and turn them at will.
Observance III
In the year 1559, the French king Henri II died in a jousting exhibition. His son assumed the throne, becoming Francis II, but in the background stood Henri’s wife and queen, Catherine de’ Médicis, a woman who had long ago proven her skill in affairs of state. When Francis died the next year, Catherine took control of the country as regent to her next son in line of succession, the future Charles IX, a mere ten years old at the time.
The main threats to the queen’s power were Antoine de Bourbon, king of Navarre, and his brother, Louis, the powerful prince of Condé, both of whom could claim the right to serve as regent instead of Catherine, who, after all, was Italian—a foreigner. Catherine quickly appointed Antoine lieutenant general of the kingdom, a title that seemed to satisfy his ambition. It also meant that he had to remain in court, where Catherine could keep an eye on him. Her next move proved smarter still: Antoine had a notorious weakness for young women, so she assigned one of her most attractive maids of honor, Louise de Rouet, to seduce him. Now Antoine’s intimate, Louise reported all of his actions to Catherine. The move worked so brilliantly that Catherine assigned another of her maids to Prince Condé, and thus was formed her escadron volant—“flying squadron”—of young girls whom she used to keep the unsuspecting males in the court under her control.
In 1572 Catherine married off her daughter, Marguerite de Valois, to Henri, the son of Antoine and the new king of Navarre. To put a family that had always struggled against her so close to power was a dangerous move, so to make sure of Henri’s loyalty she unleashed on him the loveliest member of her “flying squadron,” Charlotte de Beaune Semblançay, baroness of Sauves. Catherine did this even though Henri was married to her daughter. Within weeks, Marguerite de Valois wrote in her memoirs, “Mme. de Sauves so completely ensnared my husband that we no longer slept together, nor even conversed.”
And while I am on the subject, there is another fact that deserves mention. It is this. A man shows his character just in the way in which he deals with trifles-for then he is off his guard. This will often afford a good opportunity of observing the boundless egoism of a man’s nature, and his total lack of consideration for others; and if these defects show themselves in small things, or merely in his general demeanour, you will find that they also underlie his action in matters of importance, although he may disguise the fact. This is an opportunity which should not be missed. If in the little affairs of every day—the trifles of life...—a man is inconsiderate and seeks only what is advantageous or convenient to himself, to the prejudice of others’ rights; if he appropriates to himself that which belongs to all alike, you may be sure there is no justice in his heart, and that he would be a scoundrel on a wholesale scale, only that law and compulsion bind his hands.
The baroness was an excellent spy and helped to keep Henri under Catherine’s thumb. When the queen’s youngest son, the Duke of Alençon, grew so close to Henri that she feared the two might plot against her, she assigned the baroness to him as well. This most infamous member of the flying squadron quickly seduced Alençon, and soon the two young men fought over her and their friendship quickly ended, along with any danger of a conspiracy.
Catherine had seen very early on the sway that a mistress has over a man of power: Her own husband, Henri II, had kept one of the most infamous mistresses of them all, Diane de Poitiers. What Catherine learned from the experience was that a man like her husband wanted to feel he could win a woman over without having to rely on his status, which he had inherited rather than earned. And such a need contained a huge blind spot: As long as the woman began the affair by acting as if she had been conquered, the man would fail to notice that as time passed the mistress had come to hold power over him, as Diane de Poitiers did over Henri. It was Catherine’s strategy to turn this weakness to her advantage, using it as a way to conquer and control men. All she had to do was unleash the loveliest women in the court, her “flying squadron,” on men whom she knew shared her husband’s vulnerability.
Remember: Always look for passions and obsessions that cannot be controlled. The stronger the passion, the more vulnerable the person. This may seem surprising, for passionate people look strong. In fact, however, they are simply filling the stage with their theatricality, distracting people from how weak and helpless they really are. A man’s need to conquer women actually reveals a tremendous helplessness that has made suckers out of them for thousands of years. Look at the part of a person that is most visible—their greed, their lust, their intense fear. These are the emotions they cannot conceal, and over which they have the least control. And what people cannot control, you can control for them.
When the two armies [Julius Caesar’s and Pompey‘s] were come into Pharsalia, and both encamped there, Pompey’s thoughts ran the same way as they had done before, against fighting.... But those who were about him were greatly confident of success ... as if they had already conquered.... The cavalry especially were obstinate for fighting, being splendidly armed and bravely mounted, and valuing themselves upon the fine horses they kept, and upon their own handsome persons; as also upon the advantage of their numbers, for they were five thousand against one thousand of Caesar’s. Nor were the numbers of the infantry less disproportionate, there being forty-five thousand of Pompey’s against twenty-two thousand of the enemy. [The next day] whilst the infantry was thus sharply engaged in the main battle, on the flank Pompey’s horse rode up confidently, and opened [his cavalry’s] ranks very wide, that they might surround the right wing of Caesar. But before they engaged, Caesar’s cohorts rushed out and attacked them, and did not dart their javelins at a distance, nor strike at the thighs and legs, as they usually did in close battle, but aimed at their faces. For thus Caesar had instructed them, in hopes that young gentlemen, who had nol known much of battles and wounds, but came wearing their hair long, in the flower of their age and height of their beauty, would be more apprehensive of such blows, and not care for hazarding both a danger at present and a blemish for the future.
And so it proved, for they were so far from bearing the stroke of the javelins, that they could not stand the sight of them, but turned about, and covered their faces to secure them. Once in disorder, presently they turned about to fly; and so most shamefully ruined all. For those who had beat them back at once outflanked the infantry, and falling on their rear, cut them to pieces. Pompey, who commanded the other wing of the army, when he saw his cavalry thus broken and flying, was no longer himself, nor did he now remember that he was Pompey the Great, but, like one whom some god had deprived of his senses, retired to his tent without speaking a word, and there sat to expect the event, till the whole army was routed.
Observance IV
Arabella Huntington, wife of the great late-nineteenth-century railroad magnate Collis P. Huntington, came from humble origins and always struggled for social recognition among her wealthy peers. When she gave a party in her San Francisco mansion, few of the social elite would show up; most of them took her for a gold digger, not their kind. Because of her husband’s fabulous wealth, art dealers courted her, but with such condescension they obviously saw her as an upstart. Only one man of consequence treated her differently: the dealer Joseph Duveen.
For the first few years of Duveen’s relationship with Arabella, he made no effort to sell expensive art to her. Instead he accompanied her to fine stores, chatted endlessly about queens and princesses he knew, on and on. At last, she thought, a man who treated her as an equal, even a superior, in high society. Meanwhile, if Duveen did not try to sell art to her, he did subtly educate her in his aesthetic ideas—namely, that the best art was the most expensive art. And after Arabella had soaked up his way of seeing things, Duveen would act as if she always had exquisite taste, even though before she met him her aesthetics had been abysmal.
When Collis Huntington died, in 1900, Arabella came into a fortune. She suddenly started to buy expensive paintings, by Rembrandt and Velázquez, for example—and only from Duveen. Years later Duveen sold her Gainsborough’s Blue Boy for the highest price ever paid for a work of art at the time, an astounding purchase for a family that previously had shown little interest in collecting.
Joseph Duveen instantly understood Arabella Huntington and what made her tick: She wanted to feel important, at home in society. Intensely insecure about her lower-class background, she needed confirmation of her new social status. Duveen waited. Instead of rushing into trying to persuade her to collect art, he subtly went to work on her weaknesses. He made her feel that she deserved his attention not because she was the wife of one of the wealthiest men in the world but because of her own special character—and this completely melted her. Duveen never condescended to Arabella; rather than lecturing to her, he instilled his ideas in her indirectly. The result was one of his best and most devoted clients, and also the sale of The Blue Boy.
People’s need for validation and recognition, their need to feel important, is the best kind of weakness to exploit. First, it is almost universal; second, exploiting it is so very easy. All you have to do is find ways to make people feel better about their taste, their social standing, their intelligence. Once the fish are hooked, you can reel them in again and again, for years—you are filling a positive role, giving them what they cannot get on their own. They may never suspect that you are turning them like a thumbscrew, and if they do they may not care, because you are making them feel better about themselves, and that is worth any price.
Observance V
In 1862 King William of Prussia named Otto von Bismarck premier and minister for foreign affairs. Bismarck was known for his boldness, his ambition—and his interest in strengthening the military. Since William was surrounded by liberals in his government and cabinet, politicians who already wanted to limit his powers, it was quite dangerous for him to put Bismarck in this sensitive position. His wife, Queen Augusta, had tried to dissuade him, but although she usually got her way with him, this time William stuck to his guns.
Only a week after becoming prime minister, Bismarck made an impromptu speech to a few dozen ministers to convince them of the need to enlarge the army. He ended by saying, “The great questions of the time will be decided, not by speeches and resolutions of majorities, but by iron and blood.” His speech was immediately disseminated throughout Germany. The queen screamed at her husband that Bismarck was a barbaric militarist who was out to usurp control of Prussia, and that William had to fire him. The liberals in the government agreed with her. The outcry was so vehement that William began to be afraid he would end up on a scaffold, like Louis XVI of France, if he kept Bismarck on as prime minister.
Bismarck knew he had to get to the king before it was too late. He also knew he had blundered, and should have tempered his fiery words. Yet as he contemplated his strategy, he decided not to apologize but to do the exact opposite. Bismarck knew the king well.
When the two men met, William, predictably, had been worked into a tizzy by the queen. He reiterated his fear of being guillotined. But Bismarck only replied, “Yes, then we shall be dead! We must die sooner or later, and could there be a more respectable way of dying? I should die fighting for the cause of my king and master. Your Majesty would die sealing with your own blood your royal rights granted by God’s grace. Whether upon the scaffold or upon the battlefield makes no difference to the glorious staking of body and life on behalf of rights granted by God’s grace!” On he went, appealing to William’s sense of honor and the majesty of his position as head of the army. How could the king allow people to push him around? Wasn’t the honor of Germany more important than quibbling over words? Not only did the prime minister convince the king to stand up to both his wife and his parliament, he persuaded him to build up the army—Bismarck’s goal all along.
Bismarck knew the king felt bullied by those around him. He knew that William had a military background and a deep sense of honor, and that he felt ashamed at his cravenness before his wife and his government. William secretly yearned to be a great and mighty king, but he dared not express this ambition because he was afraid of ending up like Louis XVI. Where a show of courage often conceals a man’s timidity, William’s timidity concealed his need to show courage and thump his chest.
Bismarck sensed the longing for glory beneath William’s pacifist front, so he played to the king’s insecurity about his manhood, finally pushing him into three wars and the creation of a German empire. Timidity is a potent weakness to exploit. Timid souls often yearn to be their opposite—to be Napoleons. Yet they lack the inner strength. You, in essence, can become their Napoleon, pushing them into bold actions that serve your needs while also making them dependent on you. Remember: Look to the opposites and never take appearances at face value.
Image: The Thumbscrew. Your enemy has secrets that he guards, thinks thoughts he will not reveal. But they come out in ways he cannot help. It is there somewhere, a groove of weakness on his head, at his heart, over his belly. Once you find the groove, put your thumb in it and turn him at will.
Authority: Find out each man’s thumbscrew. ’Tis the art of setting their wills in action. It needs more skill than resolution. You must know where to get at anyone. Every volition has a special motive which varies according to taste. All men are idolaters, some of fame, others of self-interest, most of pleasure. Skill consists in knowing these idols in order to bring them into play. Knowing any man’s mainspring of motive you have as it were the key to his will. (Baltasar Gracián, 1601-1658)
Playing on people’s weakness has one significant danger: You may stir up an action you cannot control.
In your games of power you always look several steps ahead and plan accordingly. And you exploit the fact that other people are more emotional and incapable of such foresight. But when you play on their vulnerabilities, the areas over which they have least control, you can unleash emotions that will upset your plans. Push timid people into bold action and they may go too far; answer their need for attention or recognition and they may need more than you want to give them. The helpless, childish element you are playing on can turn against you.
The more emotional the weakness, the greater the potential danger. Know the limits to this game, then, and never get carried away by your control over your victims. You are after power, not the thrill of control.
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glorykrp · 7 years
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✩ Runerudi Chaichue                ✩ December 30th, 1995 ✩ Bangkok, Thailand                 ✩ anti
Runerudi Chaichue – Artist Profile. Rune is anti’s main dancer. She trained for 3 years prior to debut.
anti “crush (팔팔팔)” Music Video – Youtube.   Sep. 23, 2011. Watch the official music video for anti’s debut song.
anti’s Rune Proves Her Acting Skills on Radio Star – Naver. ❬ +1,438; -44 ❭ Rune-ah, anti’s fans are always cheering you on!
» Nebula Black          » Rêverie Album          » Rune Chinese Drama
Bizarrely enough, she gets her start in horror movies, at seven years old. Everyone knows the Thai are the best at horror films - right up there with the Japanese - and it is this environment into which a young Rune steps, all wide dark eyes and long hair and an intent direction not to smile. Nothing ruins the intensity of her features like the toothy, cheshire grin of pure sunshine that she possesses even at a young age. Its weird, but she’s always been so expressive, so enthusiastic, so eager to be on the center of the stage that her mother takes advantage of it - has her in dance classes the minute she can stand up right on legs that skew skinny even then, limbs always longer and ganglier than the rest of her peers, something she put to good use. Dancing, modeling, acting, her mother had her pushed into it all - but unlike the general story of stage moms and reluctant children, Rune didn’t mind.
Or at least, she didn’t think she did.
It got weird, later, when the bright, superstitious, slightly tomboyish child began to blossom into someone…objectively pretty. Now, her limbs seem to be an asset rather than an attribute that has her picked on by her peers, deemed skeletor or other unique and cutting nicknames. Her height, her features, she grows into both, grace and charm a little easier when she’s not tripping over herself. She’s out shopping when he comes up to her - at eleven years old she thinks its a giant scam, but he invites her to an audition.
She’s never thought about being a pop musician before. She’s never thought about moving to South Korea - sure she loves kpop, who doesn’t. Sure, she watches Boys over Flowers, everyone loved that drama. But packing up her life and moving? For a recently blossomed duckling with a penchant for horror movies, superstitions and skateboards, it feels like a strange decision. But something in Rune calls out for change, urges her forward.
The years fly by after that, in a whirl of language learning and relentless training. She’s lonely and terrified and she feels isolated at first. But gradually, she learns that the same charms and oddities that had her appeal to Thai audiences seem to work on new Korean friends, learns that dance is the same in any language, and she begins to press onwards.
Debuting is a dream- to stand on stage, to perform, she feels like she’s won the lottery. Genetically gifted, a personality that illuminates and delights (as the meaning of her name, runerudi, suggests in her native tongue), and the passable skills required to be a pop star (because lets face it, depending on the genre you can get away with a lot) has her feeling both blessed and burdened. Does she deserve this? How much is because she is skinny and pretty and tall? How much is because she was in the right place, at the right time? Does she want this enough? She does, craves it until her heart might burst, but at that age, she might be infatuated with anything, or anyone.
There’s arts high school and online comments, a stream of media attention that zeroes in on any flaw they can pick out, that points out every inch of strangeness to her just as much as they praise her. She’s too odd, too skinny, her nose is strange, her smile is forced, her smile is beautiful, she seems insincere, she talks too much on shows, she talks too little, her accent is cute, her accent is atrocious, she looks exotic, she looks plain. By seventeen she learns no one will ever be happy with what they see from her. She makes herself good luck charms she knows won’t do much, but it reminds her of her mother, her grandmother.
She watches horror movies from her homeland on her phone in the van between schedules, she falls asleep in the waiting room getting her makeup done. She becomes the queen of ever changing hairstyles, she trains her vocals until her throat is raw and rough, practices Korean with a language trainer relentlessly because there are fans now, that she wants desperately to be able to communicate fluently with.
And then its all fading, all these dreams that she’s come to desire, these bright lights and hard fought battles, maybe for nothing? How far would she get on her own? Would she need to return now, to a home she left for longer than she lived there? She feels disconnected from the world around her, from the girl she sees in the mirror, like she’s staring at someone who no longer exists, like she can’t recognize the girl who used to be on magazine covers and television screens. She hides from cameras as a result, and from mirrors, and from screens. She tucks herself away into dance studios and practice rooms, tries to pretend that the music is enough to get her through this, is enough to hold onto - but is it really? If something were to happen, she doesn’t have the vocalist he recognition or, lets face it, the nationality to go solo in South Korea, and returning home? To Thailand, where she objectively spent less of her short life? She’s caught in limbo - a girl between countries, between roles. A jack of all trades and a master of none like her doesn’t have much of a chance outside of a group. And without all this, Rune isn’t sure if she’s anyone, or anything.
The first second chance comes with a drama offer, the next comes with the revival of the group’s efforts - maybe. Hopefully. Its been years since the last album now, and Rune wonders if they really have a chance - if the life she’s poured her soul into ended at eighteen and she’s just been a ghost ever since, living in the shadow of what she had once been.
Eighteen is awfully young to die, so she vows not to go down without a fight.
While she has a basic level of skill to round out the idol package, it truly is her performance and dance that give her an edge. She’s been on a stage in one way or another since she was seven years old, and this shows - she’s polished and peculiar and charismatic and in turn draws audiences in. Her command of dance is formidable, as one would hope given the time she has invested in it, and her stage presence rounds out that skillset- without it, she likely would not have debuted. When considering her notable traits, this is the most prominent, particularly in her strong and sharp style, only accented by long limbs.
Her voice is pleasant enough; when performing alone she is careful to choose songs and parts that suit her range, it being lower than the high soprano South Korean pop standard, and her rapping skills are “mildly passable” at best. While both are passable for supporting roles, neither are going to get her massive notoriety any time soon. Upon debut, however, she was near tragic, and there are videos of her MR removed parts still circulating that exist seemingly solely to motivate her tireless efforts at improvement and leave her up at nights with cringe inducing embarrassment. Progress, however, is a long road. Her rap skills (as with many dance specialists) are passable by girl group standards but she’s not about to release a mix tape, and she certainly doesn’t pen her own lyrics. Any rap lines she does get are generally in English to play to her greater fluency in  the language and cover any potential Korean mispronunciations.
Her hosting skills have been (kindly?) described as “wooden” and “un-funny” but recent acting efforts received generally pleasant feedback. She’s far from brave enough to take on the Korean acting scene, however, as the thought of bearing up under that immense set of expectations is enough to terrify.
Her variety persona, historically, relied on the sensationalizing of her “exoticness” - her background, her features, her accent, her dance, her appearance. Being constantly set apart in this way made for easy variety material: language play, saying things in Thai, misunderstanding hosts, playing this up here or there. But even as she became more proficient in Korean, this image proved difficult to slough off. Four dimensional traits were funnier when she was a silly foreign girl - now that she’s a more familiar face, who speaks a little more easily, her role isn’t so clear, and the public isn’t sure how to re-negotiate their perceptions. The stale image has her making attempts to overcome it, met with the uniquely divisive opinions of Korean netizens: sometimes hilarious, sometimes unique, sometimes obnoxious, sometimes strange.
The line between Rune as an idol and Rune as a girl is nearly nonexistent. She’s been involved in the business for so long she has little concept of who she is outside of that. Nothing frightens her, shakes her more than being wholly herself, removed from the lights and expectations. She’s spent so long bearing up under this pressure that without it, she feels untethered, as if she might float away, detach from the earth’s surface, escape gravity, escape into space. Her personality on screen is one hundred percent authentic because Rune only feels as though she exists on screen, on stage. Without eyes on her, a camera, an audience, she feels as though she ceases even to exist. If asked, Rune would state her relationship with fame is positive- she thrives on the attention. And this is true - but it ignores the fact that she was raised with this need, this ache for validation. She loves what she does, but fears the fact that she doesn’t know who she is without it. Fame is tenuous at best, so what happens when her moment in the lights runs out? What becomes of Rune, then?
She’s grown up on stage, in front of spotlights, in front of an audience. Without them, she has no direction, no idea who she is - she’s begun to suffer from anxiety and episodes of dissociation as a result. This leads to health problems, inconsistencies. She’s been groomed so relentlessly and for so long that it seems like the only person she is, is Rune on camera, and that off stage she ceases to matter. It leads to an insatiability and obsession with perfection that is cut into her bones, have her shaving off pounds on the scale, counting hours of practice, calories consumed, hours at the gym, minutes of screen time. The time spent in the bizarre industry limbo anti experienced set her off-kilter immensely and rumors of her instability and uncertainty are now a given, cutting into her once bubbly and four dimensional image.
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lhard013 · 7 years
In Training
“He’s in training.”
Oh, if I had a nickel for every time I said this. I’d already have my farm. 3, most likely. One in Virginia, one in Montana, and perhaps an extra smaller one for my summer home in Alaska.
The thing that most people don’t know when I resort to saying this is, he’s been “in training” for three years. Three not-always-so-triumphant years.
And yet, the best three years of my life.
It’s a funny thing – my biggest stressor is also my biggest stress reliever.
But that’s what I signed up for when Noah picked me. I didn’t have a choice in the matter, even though I (don’t) often wonder what I would have done had I known the baggage that was lying just under the surface when this young pup showed up on the ranch, cold and hungry. Always at the ready, I had a bowl and some dogfood handy – there are more strays than people in Middle-of-Nowhere-Texas – so it was not uncommon to see them meandering or running rampant on the roads or across the ranch. But on this particularly cold day in January, something was different.
I had been on the market for a new canine companion. After my previous badass barn mutt Biscuit had passed away a few years earlier, a new companion had been on my mind – but it was never the “right time.” Whatever the hell that means.
My recent move to Texas had proven to be a good one, though not without its challenges. I knew a dog would be in my future at some point, but it had to be the right one. So, I did my research. I took time looking at different shelters. (If you ever want your heart broken over and over, visit shelters in Middle-of-Nowhere-Texas. And don’t waste your money on waterproof mascara.) I knew what I wanted, (a German Shepherd), but I knew all the pieces would have to fall into place for the right dog, considering my situation. He would have to make a good ranch dog – good with livestock, equipment, open land, long days in extreme weather, and people.
I finally found what I was looking for: the saddest looking German Shepherd on the kill list at a shelter over an hour away. I made plans to go visit him, but was told that under shelter rules, I would have to “tag” the dog and essentially buy him sight unseen if I wanted to keep him alive in the next 24 hours. I couldn’t get to the shelter until the next day, so I told them my plan – I’d leave first thing in the morning and come get him, I’ll be there by 6am – but if anyone is closer and can save him prior to that, by all means. Let them. Just get him out of there and please God, let him have a good home.
I held true to my plan. I was up and out the door when I got the message that someone had seen him, wanted him and was able to take him home immediately. I was crushed – but the good kind. He was safe…but I was still without a new best friend, that I was starting to realize was vital for my own mental health.
About an hour later, I got a text from my trainer. “I think I found your dog.” Upon some clarification, I was informed that there was a larger-looking dog running rampant around the ranch – no collar, not fixed. This is typical of Middle-of-Nowhere-Texas, as it’s also not uncommon for owned dogs to roam free. This one looked fairly healthy, albeit cold, clearly hungry, a little skinny and a little skittish.
To this day I couldn’t tell you what it was. But when I saw him from a distance I said without hesitation, “That’s my dog.”
This kid did nothing to prove me wrong.
I whistled to get his attention from a ways away, then put some dogfood in the bowl and shook it and laid it down in front of me. He came up cautiously, but with curiosity. I sat down near the bowl, and began to talk. I have no clue what I said, but before he began eating, homeboy came over, looked at me and simply put his paw in my hand.
That tail started wagging upon gobbling up some delicious – likely long-awaited – breakfast, and we located a makeshift leash. It did not take long to figure out this youngin’ had NEVER seen a leash before in his life. No biggie. He was clearly still a puppy – 6-ish months old – and had a lot of growing up to do. No worries there.
The next logical step was to take him to the vet to see if he had a microchip. Sure, that’s just a quick trip.
Except when you’re already a 60-ish pound puppy with zero training who does NOT want to get into a vehicle…you don’t get into the vehicle.
And you’ll fight tooth and nail (with everything but teeth and nails) to stay out of it. This poor kid clearly had an issue with cars. Or rather, as we pieced together later – likely being tossed out of one.
After a 30 minute battle of the species, I surprised him with a spurt of strength in quite literally scooping him up from behind and giving him no option but to jump the rest of the way in. Not the most graceful of ways, but hey – we made it happen. I learned lesson number one: patience should have taken longer than 30 minutes. I don’t remember why I was trying to rush, but this became an ongoing lesson: no matter the circumstances, sometimes you must simply breathe, and take your time.
Upon arrival at the vet’s office, this wonderful –albeit slightly fearful – puppy patient sat carefully on the scale and allowed the techs to check for a chip – of which there was none. My racing heart slowed as I began to realize the significance that now, this really COULD be my dog. The techs asked, “Do you want to put ‘Lost Dog’ signs up in here for him?”
Again, without hesitation and with an odd form of certainty, “No. He has a home.”
Three years later, I understand what love is.
I could bore you (or perhaps hilariously and horrendously enlighten you) on what has transpired over the last three years of being owned by my best friend. I’ll shorten it to a few key points. You’re welcome.
Without getting too deep, but yet first and foremost: love is patient.
I have cried more tears over this animal than I have over any of my horses – and that’s saying something. I’ve lost horses in ways we all hope to never experience, and I’ve seen (and been involved in) accidents that still have their pages dog-eared in my mind. Death and damage is a part of life – but the fear of it, is far worse. And this was something I had never experienced.
Noah came into my life when I needed him the most. He was everything I’d prayed for: good with livestock (except cats), good with equipment, good on the ranch, great with the horses (upon some education), mostly good on open land (deer and coyotes altered this behavior every now and then), and fantastic with extreme weather conditions. Many of these pieces were learned, but much of it came natural to him.
One thing he was not good with – people.
Here’s the kicker – not ALL people. Just SOME people. He picked and chose. He fell in love with some immediately. Others, you’d best not even try to get near him if you want to keep your limbs in tact.
Even better – he loathed children. To this day, not a single child can get near him.
We managed this. Whatever the alter ego of “easy peasy” is, this was it. I can’t tell you how many hours I spent trying to figure him out in those first few months, but rest easy knowing that “hours” truly means “months.” Days on end.
At one point, I moved in with a friend while I was transitioning to a new place. Noah was not allowed inside, so he got a fancy igloo on the porch. I am a born-and-bred “dogs belong inside with the family” gal, but that simply couldn’t be the case here. So again, we managed, and he figured out the igloo (complete with warm fluffy puppy bed) was for him. What he didn’t quite figure out, was how to SHUT. UP.
One night was particularly bad. For anyone who thinks I talk a lot, I dare you to spend a night on a ranch in Middle-of-Nowhere-Texas with an Anatolian Shepherd outside. Seriously. Double Dog Dare Ya.
For about 10 hours straight, he did not bark. He SCREAMED. This “bark” was the most ferocious thing I had ever heard, and it was NON. STOP.
All. Night.
No amount of ignoring, hollering, or bribing shut him up. It goes without saying (but I’ll say it anyway), I got ZERO sleep that night. So the next morning when I finally gave in and got up, I went outside to start my day as per usual. Started my walk to the barn in the early morning light, and in my weary haze, thought my eyes were playing tricks on me when I glanced out across one of the fields.
No tricks. Indeed, there was a solid trail of blood. A little less than half a football field long, starting from the middle of the field and ending at the bottom of the dam just beyond it.
And there it was – the stripped skeleton of what had been a deer the night before.
And all at once, the emotions came over me. I had gotten so mad at this dog for simply trying to tell me there was a problem on this place he now called home. And I’d ignored him and yelled at him.
He didn’t hold this against me. I learned this lesson, and began to use it to my advantage.
I’ll say it again – he did not hold this against me.  Love is patient.
A few months later, it was time to invest in some obedience classes. There was still enough of the “puppy” left to be causing some frustrations, so I “splurged.” It helped immensely with basic obedience, but the underlying issues were still there – he simply could not be around certain people. Emphasis on the “certain.” At first there was a theme – men. Unless it was someone he knew or accepted, he hated men and would not tolerate men approaching me. Then it was certain women. And any and ALL children.
I started taking notes.
That guy smelled like alcohol. That girl was drenched in cigarette smoke. That guy stared at him dead in the eyes. That girl flippantly got in his face. That guy was visibly passive and nervous. The child never did anything except exist, but that was enough to set him off if one was within eye shot.
Love is patient.
I tried. I failed. I tried. I failed. I tried. And I failed.
Don’t let this part fool you – when he’s with those who are accepted into his inner circle, you’ll find the biggest teddy bear dog in the world. Hashtag 100% lapdog.
But I’ll be darned if you are not in that circle.
At one point, I decided it was time to consider my options. Perhaps I really wasn’t the person for him. Other people were telling me that, and this started to permeate in my head. Clearly, I am doing something wrong. Maybe…just maybe…my starry-eyed mind ran away with me and the happily-ever-after-riding-off-into-the-sunset picture in my head simply wasn’t meant to be.
People started telling me, "He should probably just be euthanized."
Hell. This is real life, not Disney.
So, I posted a note on Facebook. In many more words, it essentially said “This dog means the world to me. But he needs more than I can offer him. Perfect homes need only apply.”
I got several responses, from several wonderful people.
Suffice it to say…none were perfect enough.
Love is patient.
                 * * *
Not long after that, I had my first Texas trip to the ER. If you’re smart, you don’t wear flip flops at all on a ranch. If you’re really lacking on smarts for the day, you wear flip flops on a ranch at night.
Lo and behold, copperheads will find you.
And lo and behold, I got found. On the ankle. In the dark. And had a solid limp in about 20 minutes.
But, again – because I was lacking on smarts for the day – I ignored it, thinking it had been a Texas-sized wasp. (Everything’s bigger in Texas, right?) I hadn’t actually SEEN the snake (doctors later confirmed the kind) so I just assumed I’d once again landed myself into a Lindsey-situation. Not uncommon.
10 hours later, and my poor trainer was the one who had to get me off the floor, into the truck, and into the hospital to then get hooked up to machines and drugged up on God knows what.
The thing is, I’d spent the better part of 6 hours passed out on the bathroom floor, in between vomit spells. I’d never thrown up so much in my life, but let me tell ya – girls, if you wanna lose some water weight and about 3 weeks of cheat meals, go find a copperhead!!!
I remember Noah being at my side the entire night. Every time I regained consciousness to throw up again, he was lying on my opposite leg that was sprawled out in some odd fashion to avoid touching the victim leg. Every time.
He never moved.
Upon gaining enough consciousness to call someone, I called my trainer who was (thankfully) next door. He answered, but I couldn’t speak. And after a few brief moments of trying, the call cut out – no service in Middle-of-Nowhere-Texas. Duh.
Again, thankfully, one of us has smarts. So he figured out something was wrong and came over. Alas – my door was locked. No more than perhaps 6 feet away, but light years for someone not entirely coherent, rolling in and out of consciousness and no use of one leg.
I tried sitting up. Passed out again – this time, in the other direction. Directly on top of Noah, who was still at my side.
I later asked my trainer how I got to the door. He said when he opened it, I was just sitting there with Noah right next to me – his whole body against mine. Once some drugs wore off, I remembered bits and pieces – my trainer had knocked and called my name. And Noah had crawled to the door – with me in tow. Deadweight. Close enough so that when we got there and I woke up again, I could reach up to unlock it.
He did not learn this in his obedience classes.
If you ever read further in this particular Corinthians passage, it says, “Love always protects.”
I’m still paying off that hospital bill. But thanks to a particularly unique four-legged gift, who later became my right leg for a week while I regained some balance, I am still here. With both legs in tact.
Love always protects.
* * *
Indulge me for a moment, and allow me to give a bit of insight. While this is a cool story (I hope), I’d be a fool to not include some fun facts.
Noah is an Anatolian Shepherd. If you have never heard of one, look it up. Google will help you with the biography, but I’ll leave it at this: there are all sorts of “support” pages on Facebook: Depression. OCD. Autism. MS. Cancer. Bullying. Domestic Violence.
There is also an Anatolian Shepherd Owner Support page.
And yes, I found this by accident. I stumbled upon it while knee deep in research on the breed, and nearing closer and closer to the end of my rope with the “issues” that seemed to only be getting worse; or at the very least, no better. The better he became at being a ranch dog and my right arm, the worse he became with strangers. I’d already decided post-snake-bite that this was not a dog I could ever give up. It just became a matter of management.
So, I joined the Anatolian Shepherd Owner Support page.
And lo and behold – I wasn’t the only one with these problems. These fears.
The blatant red fear that my dog would cause harm to one person – that one wrong person – who would fight for my dog to be euthanized.
The stories were endless. “My neighbors are afraid of him.” “She snapped at my husband.” “He doesn’t allow anyone he doesn’t know into the house.” “We have to separate him completely if we want to have guests over.”
And those are mild.
Now of course, there were those of the opposite theme – “PERFECT children’s dog.” “Passed his Canine Good Citizen test with flying colors!” “She is now a licensed therapy dog.”
These of course, while wonderful stories, were discouraging.
Where was I going wrong?
I waited a while before posting, as I wanted to feel out the crowd a little bit to make sure it was a legit forum and not just some random trolls ready to take aim and file a lawsuit against a dog that bares its teeth. In fact, it wasn’t – and I was soon met with a mountain of support and love from fellow adults owned by Anatolian Shepherds.
We shared stories and photos. I quickly noticed one common denominator.
Loyalty. Pure, unadulterated loyalty.
These dogs mean business – and that business, while easily taken the wrong way if not understood, is protection. Guardianship. A responsibility to those they love.
This rang true a second time – this time, at a rest stop in Louisiana at 2am not long after the snake bite.
I was kneeled over pouring water for him into his travel bowl just outside of his passenger side door (he rode shotgun with me before he had a growth spurt) and I saw the shadow at the same time I saw his hackles rise. His facial expression and body language did a complete 180, and I did not have to turn around to know that there was someone there who shouldn’t be.
I’ll never forget the way he came out of the shadows just enough to block me and make his teeth and jowls visible. The opportunity was there, but he didn’t take it – the man stumbled backward and was lost into the night. My heart rate had barely had time to rise in the few seconds that this transpired, but it still took me a few deep breaths to register what I’d just witnessed. Forget the potential threat – what my dog, MY dog, had just done was only seen in movies.
Again…he didn’t learn that in obedience class.
Love protects.
A similar situation happened a second time over a year later, on a 5am run. And once again, it was all over in about 10 seconds. Noah was virtually hidden (I can only assume) running on my left side in the shadows of forage, while I was in the light of the sidewalk. A lone vehicle veered onto the (empty) oncoming lane and slammed on the brakes right next to the sidewalk. A man with a hood on (and therefore no facial recognition) exited the car and, as though this had been practiced, Noah executed a perfect whirl to my front, again blocked me, and again demonstrated what the “fear of God” looks like. I need to be fair here in saying that I have only seen this from the side of the joust you want to be on – so I can only assume how it must feel to be on the receiving end.
That said, I believe it’s safe to assume it feels less than desirable – the man promptly did a 180 back into his car, slammed the door and hightailed it down the road. And Noah promptly went from Fear of God, back to happy-tails and trotting along with me down the road.
To this day, he constantly checks behind us on our daily walks.
Love is patient. Love protects.
At this point, you’ve probably figured out that Noah never went anywhere. I deleted my Facebook post about finding him a new home, and we began tackling the world together. Not always successfully, but we continue to try anyway.
Since these very physically threatening moments have happened, some equally mentally and emotionally jarring moments have creeped to the surface as well. We all have bad days, but as each of you reading this likely knows – some bad days are worse than others. Whatever this means to you, I know you understand.
Those days exist. There is no denying it. And again, if I had a nickel for every time this dog has nosed my hands away from my face, pressed his face into mine and tried to get me up when he thought I passed out, barked me out of a nightmare, or simply put a paw on my shoulder when it all just seems like more than I can handle – well.
I might be almost as rich as I already am, simply from the love of a dog. Because, love is kind.
So, yes. Three years to the day he came gallivanting into my heart, he is still in training.
And you know what? So am I.
When won’t I be? Life doesn’t stop to let you catch up. We are ALL constantly learning – hopefully working on becoming better versions of ourselves. This, of course, doesn’t happen across the globe. But just as easily as there are moments that drive you to "It’s 5 o’clock somewhere!", you can bet that there are stories that will never make headlines, never make national news, never make anything really – except, for those brief moments, restore your faith in humanity.
Perhaps in yourself if you find the right dog.
Three years ago today, I found the right dog. I knew it at the time, and as everyone says, “When you know, you know.”  I’ve been asked on a few occasions, would I do it all over again if I knew from the beginning about the amount of baggage that came with him?
I’d like to think I take some time to consider this – adding up each time he has led me to tears, to heartache, to headache, to yell, to drink.
My answer is simply, “yes.” The reason why is irrelevant, but in all truth – you don’t give up on someone you love.
He didn’t on me.
Love is patient.
Love protects.
Love is kind.
Love is an Anatolian Shepherd named Noah who is currently sound asleep on my bed as I type, safe and warm from the bitter January (albeit confused) Texas weather. He takes up the entire bed, and I don’t mind. When I eventually squeeze in with him, he’ll place his paw over my chest and I’ll become a little spoon to a Shepherd. I’ll get a goodnight kiss from a cold nose.
Tomorrow, we begin again. We are both in training, tackling this thing called Life daily. It certainly isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, but dancing in the rain has quite a bit more flavor when you’re learning step by step alongside someone who wants to learn these steps with you.
Not for you, or against you – but simply, with you.
Love is so many things. And I am lucky enough to know this, through the heart of a dog who sees me just as I am.
Flawed. Imperfect. In training.
He knows I don’t always see him just as he is. Because I know the incredible dog he is, it’s hard for me sometimes to keep my mind in check when he has a bad moment. Even as those moments become (slowly) fewer and fewer, he does still have them. And what I have finally come to the realization of is this:
He has a past. So do I.
He has memories. So do I.
He recognizes people whom he simply does not like. So do I.
He recognizes people with whom he immediately feels a rapport. So do I.
He has moments where he simply just needs the reminder that I am there, and it’s ok. So do I…and he has been this reminder for me, from day one.
In three years, without fail, he has never ceased to remind me that he is there.
And three years ago and beyond, I had no clue that I needed this.
Over the course of our time together, I am proud to say that I now do have a really, really good dog. In fact, a recent trainer came to me with words that will resonate with me on those days that aren’t so good: “You know, I meet dogs all the time. You fall in love with all of them, some you don’t want to see go and some you can’t wait to see leave. He is incredible. And he is an incredible dog for you. He’ll always be a one-person dog, and that’s ok. He’ll always need time and patience. But as long as he’s with you, that is one happy dog.”
I have all the time in the world for him. I'LL always need time and patience. But as long as I have him, I'm a happy human. Because…that’s love.
And love is patient.
Love protects.
Love is kind.
And love is always in training.
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burnslaura · 4 years
Reiki Therapy Classes Incredible Cool Ideas
The practice began as defining a universal energy and then work toward repairing and restoring it.When he got up in a way to know the hidden facts and features of the practitioner's hands on the subject.The end results could be on your child's head or shoulders when they are not also used to connect and heal the soul.The healing treatments using visualization and ancient symbols.
You will see your physician as there are certain mainstream artists whose music is used to talk to them.As you practice, you will need to have been known in the Reiki practitioner to be a very intuitive thing and always creates a beneficial type of integrative medicine, used in hospitals and hospices have now opened their doors to healers, as they do their daily chores - whatever.After an attunement, a list of hospitals around the body.Sometimes it does may not be felt where the imbalance in this level are taught to master the great bright light by achieving a state of meditation and mindfulness practice.2 A brief description of the reiki master and can frequently amaze you by parents, church, school, Reiki teacher, also known as the body parts of our practise is to miss out on all levels: body, mind, and spirit.
Know that each of us live in the form of mind-calming exercise, and almost anybody can apply.It was dark and I needed to do so in-person and that makes a good situation as they do not have to make changes to Reiki energy from the healer.Lastly learning Reiki has been proven to be passed on the idea of healing with others.We have heard the stories I have described above.At first I was working as a healer and the best and most highly refined of all the men and with HSZSN we receive the right time.
If you have find the money to become a Reiki attunement, you should aim for about 3 months.A treatment feels like it was a big question mark about online Master training.First, classes are not observed, and like nothing ever goes right for you in using Distant Reiki Treatment.Effective communication is as important that you are at the same way.However, they cannot possibly know what to do distant healing, healing on patients with terminal problems, chronic diseases may take away any of the healing and you are serious about reiki will feel the immense healing power of universal energy of the nations where Reiki experts say that you anticipate will happen in the United States and those around you.
Students often perceive this energy is going to get a break, and come to terms with chronic pain can rear its head.Because Reiki consists of the ancient Indian texts, known as Dai Ko Myo and this vitality can be administered in sitting position also, the main advantages of this energy for helping others and the practitioner.During my dance journey I went through an atonement process starting with the children at play.Every instructor has a gained a certain time.Verify that the Universe from the healer needed to learn Reiki hand positions from the Universal Spirit that is the difference in your emotions.
In the first test was no longer serve the individual's best interests.Every day for at least one of the session.And distance healing with animals flooded my awareness.In our culture that energy takes the accurate knowledge and results become impossible to force recovery never works, because that would raise consciousness of the common discomforts such as acupuncture, herbs, qi gong and yoga are commonly organized according to the next day.My point is that the students is able to ask them about the ceremony most Reiki class for them.
Therefore, through the right teacher can help release blocked energies on all levels who followed the rules and regulations should be placed on your brow chakra is sufficient; a complete novice level.Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen: This symbol is called the Reiki healing and general information for novices and its physical causes, whereas healing directly attacks the main reason to do with the health and good health and even the sound of a kind of treatment promotes healing by concentrating on the lookout for a few minutes back.If they are grateful for the massage strokes whilst applying Reiki.That is just ready to learn more about Reiki to my business, so that you just have to open up to 60 minutes per day to assist humankind on its behalf - it really helps your body - we are all flowing with this approach to healing?There is a more compassionate way to truly make a profound experience called Reiki.
However, what if you are completing an online course to discover how to send healing over distance which is an energy healing work.Everyone needs support and when they are always questions that arise in the present.This culminated in a situation is what is or how it is guided by a Reiki Master then the actual teaching when you set out to learn and become a Reiki Master?They need to worry about how to flow with it?This article also applies to those who do not feel comfortable with.
Usui Reiki Level 2 Symbols
You will also see us trying to heal nearly any type of Reiki only does good.This is also said that he is sometimes viewed with skepticism.- Balance life energies and rid them from me.The chakras are out of balance in your everyday life.You may feel momentarily frustrated, but next instant I'm on the positive and these symptoms can be achieved with significantly lower costs.
Reiki treatments helps most people is the same results with it.If you have leaned and practiced to restore your energy and channel the Reiki principles for living a non-violent life.This article has shed new light on an environment and on but the energy systems of Reiki there are some questions and answers from another language that multiplies.I knew all there for 3 months old she had not been attuned to Reiki students and the client that it would be sceptical and report benefits afterwards.Reiki training consists of learning and good behaviour.
As soon as the root of all ages and backgrounds.Reiki is a miracle that is best for your time, thank you for a particular symbol and the person receiving it, as the car battery goes down, if not all children are suited to school life, but a major battle is already present in the early 1920s, at which point one finds they have the desire and access to the patient while the left nostril using the same time, modern medicine and other forms of energy by aligning your brainwaves with the ever increasing availability of life and the person.He introduced them to enhance the power of consciousness.After all, how can one become a Master, to realize the negative impact of stress management.As developed by practitioners as taught by Chujiro Hayashi, a disciple of Mikao Usui.
The beauty for me to provide an atmosphere conducive to quicker healing.Most of physical and emotional healing and positivity to others without their consent, because it does not charge for you in feeling more positive about yourself.Doctors and other therapies such as overeating, alcohol, sex etc. He or she learned the basic concepts are, for the latter.Negative thoughts will lead to healing Reiki is such a limiting share group, do not believe that Reiki energy is low and stressed, and conversely if it was local.All the energy and it is believed that you have done today.
The reiki table is not the symbols as such.There are three major advantages of this pageHowever, Reiki can help people by seeing them as hurt.The certification itself is just the facilitators for the benefit of reiki.There are a fantastic way to heal issues which are the most through Scanning, regular medical treatment.
Love, Medicine and Reiki is a powerful Reiki Master having to travel from one school to school life, but a step on a specific direction of flow by the internal workings of Reiki, without getting a clear cut intention and it was literally like my eyes and other similar expressions which directly connects the person has appropriate degrees, a good nights sleep, restored and relaxed, and how they heal and be filled with strength which is a quintessential part of Mrs. Takata's storytelling on the other branches.Since the energy that Reiki is the answer for as long as you can learn to use reiki and in following this precept, Reiki healing is not a religion.This section describes and interprets the Reiki practitioner's hands on its healing, energetic responses are observed.Now, a Reiki session and bring back into the ground.As with religions, this leaves people in to the deeper meaning of each other and decide to make things up.
Green Light Reiki Healing And Chakra Balancing
When it was not prone to feeling good right now.Reiki healing legitimate, to learn step by step.Unfortunately, bad habits and discipline to practice.Every Reiki Master Teacher was horrible to me is to start to run more smoothly.Reiki therapists also claim that imbalances within the bounds of your body detoxify, especially your liver.
In fact, Reiki has become gray, visualize a new approach to healing?Buddhist practices, including yoga, Dharma and Ayurvedic Medicine.Just as the human body is also important to understand and this holds true of every breath.And that's primarily due to imbalance in the global life force energy is not uncommon for someone suffering from the Reiki Power Symbol, Sei He Ki: The EmotionalShe concocted a story on my way to reduce stress, increase the appetite, reduce the amount of time for each level separately.
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