#someone tell abc
unrealisticlea · 5 days
what if next season Tommy and Buck are fighting about something and Buck spits out “well maybe your next boyfriend won’t be so *insert a random Buck’s insecurity here*” and Tommy is quiet for a few seconds and then in the calmest and most certain voice ever says “Evan. There’s no next boyfriend. I’ve known for a while and I’m not saying this to scare you or to pressure you but you should know. You’re it for me.”
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what if i block every person that i see campaigning for or speculating that Buck and Eddie will kiss at the bachelor party bc that enforces the truly horrible bi stereotype that bisexual people, like myself, are more likely to cheat? what if I did that 🤨?
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Happy Pride! 🧡💛💚🩵💙💜🩷
I drew Buck x Tommy to celebrate. 🏳️‍🌈 🩷💜💙
You'd never be able to convince me that Buck isn't absolutely weak for Tommy manhandling him. 🥵
I wanna do more art of these two for Pride Month... What should I do next?? 👉🏽💌 (spicy reqs welcome 🌶👀)
I also want to do some Henren art ❤️‍🔥 And maybe a Josh portrait too bc he is adorable and deserves more love.
(also please be nice, I have RSD and posting art feels very vulnerable, if you don't like it just keep scrolling)
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whatohitsonfirewelp · 1 month
I want to say something after the episode.
Hen and Karen’s reaction was the perfect balance.
It’s hen whispering to her wife, we as the audience are allowed to see that moment but no one else does, and if they do it wasn’t meant for them.
And that is such an important detail. The two of them aren’t downgrading Buck, they aren’t making him feel small with the realization that Other People Knew Before He Did. It’s not taking away from his little moment or from the celebration of Maddie and Chimney.
It’s a small private moment between two queer woman about their friend who has realized something about himself that they already saw because they can see themselves in him.
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meep-meep-richie · 27 days
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the way their bodies are pressed together; i-
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tea-rexxy · 2 months
Buck: I'm an ally
Tommy: We are two men on a homosexual date.
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harbingerofsoup · 23 days
the only death i want in 911 is eddie’s heterosexuality cause clearly he can’t be trusted with it
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fromxxthexxashes · 2 months
Okay, okay, last one, I promise (I think) -
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Eddie is contemplating a career issue, likely concerning joining Air Support. He’s conflicted, which probably isn’t helped by his conflict with Buck. Eddie goes to Bobby for advice (cue “I can’t tell you how to feel about this job”) then Eddie goes to the gym to work out his frustrations. Buck meets him there. He’s in his civies so I’m guessing it’s near the end of a shift, or Buck and him are on different shifts. They have a conversation, but don’t really get to the core (hah, see what I did there) of the issue.
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Then come these fuckers.
I’m guessing it’s near the end of the episode. Eddie comes over to the loft. Only one chair is pulled out, and only one beer bottle is out, so I’m guessing Buck is drinking alone when Eddie comes by. Eddie tells Buck he’s not going anywhere (not leaving the 118). Then Eddie reassures Buck that there is no one in this world that could ever take his place in Eddie’s life. They are partners, best friends (and Eddie loves him to his core). Cue the first Buddie hug since season. fucking. three.
(*cough* Then cue Buck feelings realization *cough*)
Roll credits.
(Part 3/3)
If you saw any spelling/grammatical errors in this - no you didn’t.
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lenaboskow · 2 months
i've read so many fanfic i genuinely can't remember if it's fanon or canon that bobby picked eddie specifically for buck
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poughkeepsies · 6 months
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I'm still glad I met you
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buddiebitch · 17 days
saw someone complaining about how little Tommy was in that episode..
of all the things to be worried about you pick his ass?
you aren’t worried about Christopher’s emotional trauma? what about Bobby? who’s gonna be captain? henren losing Mara???
nah none of that, you just wanna see Tommy get that shit always from me
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heartoflightning · 1 month
i would give anything to have a crossover where tk and carlos meet buck and tommy
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fandominstability · 12 days
Bobby Nash is gonna wake up from his coma without his wife by his side and for a brief moment think that he failed again
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thewolvesof1998 · 1 month
Don’t get me wrong I’m devastated that we’re not getting the karaoke scenes (mostly because they said we were and now are not, don’t get my hopes up like that abc) but really the annoying part is that this Madney story is being crammed into one episode. The way I understood it at first was that “oh chimney’s missing but is quick to resolve” but an hour and 45 minutes!?!? (I don’t remember the exact run time they said but it was something ridiculously long) that’s a lot bigger of a story, so why isn’t it a two episode arc?? One, Madney deserve it and two, surely when they were writing this episode they knew how long it was all going to be and then they filmed it and still thought it would all fit in one episode??? And then to know you have a lot of footage and promise people that a certain scene was going to be in it when there was a high chance it might not?
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sunflowerdigs · 1 month
Also, I've seen all of the "Eddie sees Buck dancing with/kissing Tommy and looks sad" headcanons and I'm definitely down, but I'm gonna raise you one. What if Buck sees Eddie introducing Marisol to Isabel and we see his face cloud over for a few seconds? Because since when have they been dating long enough for Marisol to meet Abuela?
(Bonus points if he brings it up with Chim randomly in 7x07 like "he just asked her to move out and now he's introducing her to his grandmother? You don't think that's too soon? Because I think it's too soon. He barely knows this girl. You know, Christopher never talks about her when I see him. If she was ready to meet Abuela, Christopher would definitely - Chim? Chim, where are you going? CHIM!")
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meepmoopdraws2 · 2 months
Repressed Religious trauma (Eddie’s Version) coming to a screen near you
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