#some of which was about the minecraft puzzle world some friends and I were playing in
nexus-nebulae · 1 year
god it just fucking blows my mind how minecraft just exists.
Like, this is a $25 game with more personal customization options than any other I've seen, complete freedom to adjust it in any way you want, has completely mastered procedural generation, so much so that every single time you open the game you will have a completely unique experience. It still has an active developer base after over 10 years, and is still regularly receiving updates not only for bug-fixes but tons of new content, completely for free. There is no paid DLC, no exclusive content, you just get everything for one fucking price.
And each little aspect is so lovingly crafted that these completely procedurally generated worlds can feel like there was intent to it, like there is a story to this world, because every single aspect of the game fits neatly together like a perfect puzzle. There is care and detail put into every item, and the developers show us their progress along the way to make sure that we agree that it works. Anyone can be a beta tester if they choose--it's open to anyone, you just have to download the (again, free if you already own the game) snapshots.
And the multiplayer is more versatile than almost any other game out there. You can have a private little world with just you and a few close friends, you can have a server with 20 friends, or you can join entire MMO-style servers and interact with thousands of people in hundreds of different possible servers, each with minigames and tools that aren't even possible in the main game. Commands and creative tools allow server owners to literally make their own games as if this were a game engine.
And then.. we get to mods.
The minecraft developers are incredibly open about the game's code. It's not entirely open source, but several libraries of it are, allowing for people to get into the code and see how it works and mess around with it. I mean, just look at this official blog post from 2018 where they basically encourage plagiarism- (/hj)
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[ID: A screenshot of text reading, "The plan is to open up different libraries gradually. These libraries are open source and MIT licensed, which means that 'basically, anyone can go in there and they can contribute and they can help improve our game engine,' Nathan explains. 'Or, if they're making their own game, they don't have to rewrite these little parts. They can just use ours, which have been tried and tested because we're a very popular game, apparently!'" End ID.]
This allows anyone who knows Java, one of the most accessible coding languages, (or C++, if you're a little more skilled and/or prefer Bedrock edition) to get their hands into the code and add whatever the hell they want. Just on CurseForge alone there's over 40,000 mods, with more being added every day--not to mention the various other websites that you can post minecraft mods on. These people add so much content for the game that it feels like there's multiple additional games stacked on top. Just look at some of my personal favourite mods:
Blue Skies is one that adds two entire new dimensions to the game, with plenty of incredibly unique biomes and (currently) 2 bosses each. There's also an incredibly clever system that encourages you to get the new tools and weapons of the mod without taking away any progress in the other dimensions, allowing you to jump into the mod and experience the progression of it naturally no matter how long you've been playing already. The Twilight Forest adds a dimension with a complete dungeon progression quest, with (currently) eight unique bosses and dungeons--not to mention plenty of other mini-dungeons and structures scattered around the world. Create adds tons of new machines and trinkets to mess around with, perfect for anyone who likes redstone or factory-building type stuff. And mods like Quark or Supplementaries add hundreds of mini features to add a little bit more life to the world, little QoL improvements, and new unique tools for very specific tasks!
And all this? It's just.. free?? People just make this, and post it online, and--apart from anyone who chooses to donate to the developers' patreons/kofis/etc--you can just download them and play them whenever you want.
What the hell.
You wanna know why Minecraft is the best-selling game of all time?
I mean, just look at it.
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svturn-exe · 11 months
collection of some tmc-related dreams i've had just bc i'm not sure i posted abt most of them:
(long post! there's a lot)
#1: a dream where crewdela were filming more live action stuff for vol. 5, but for some reason andrew long was just comically tall. and no one seemed to notice how freakishly tall he was except for ty, who just kept getting progressively more and more freaked out the longer they went on filming without acknowledging it everyone else kept being like 'ty? are you okay dude? you need to sit down or something' and ty wa sjust like dO YUONOT SEE???!!?!?! and andrew just kept getting taller until i woke up #2: dream where mark and cesar were like. in a fantasy au? but specifically a fate: the cursed king-esque dungeon crawler, and they were making their way through a dungoen maze level. mark had ice magic and cesar had fire magic they killed a giant snake beast with their inexplicable magic powers which caused a portal to spawn and when they went through it they ended up in a place that looks suspiciously like the lobby of my apartment building but with more plants, and apparently they lived there but then i woke up #3: dream numero tres i was watching a youtube video on a site that kinda Looks like dark mode youtube but still clearly isn't in a way that i legitimately cannot describe . eldritch ass not-youtube. anyway it was a video mr. kister made for tmc. it was in black & white and was showing a bunch of like. statues and stuff in what vaguely looked like a severely overgrown garden and someone in the dream universe found out where the video was filmed and released the location in the form of a weird arg puzzle . and then suddenly jonah is driving an 18-wheeler to go find it, despite my headcanon that he fucking Cannot Drive. bc jonah's smart and they figured out the puzzle :] but also the implications of . tmc as a series existing in the tmc world ????? wild. anyway jonah gets to the like. statue garden and was just wandering around looking at all the statues n stuff that were in alex's video but then there's an alternate that i can't remember what it looked like . so jonah gets back in the truck and starts driving away, and i tihnk this is the part where my unconscious mind remembered my headcanons about jonah's driving ability bc suddenly their driving is really shit and while jonah is still driving and the alt is still chasing him jonah just ?? inexplicably starts growing dragon features. like scales n shit?? and they're in the middle of this like weird fuckin . non-euclidian maze ass highway tunnel system when suddenly the dotp rolls up and detains both jonah and the alternate
but it's not all bad bc the dotp jail or whatever the fuck looks suspiciously like a fancy cushy hotel room and jonah's like :( Man. but at least they're comfy and the alternate is also just in the same roo m and bc they have both been Hotel Jailed jonah and the alt are now friends? despite the alt trying to murder him like 20 minutes ago then adam shows up and fuckin like. from the outside of the building just removes the window? somehow? like bro just picks it up like a minecraft enderman and takes it out of the wall. and then i woke up
#4: in this dream i was stuck in a game that was apparently supposed to be VR? with a bunch of other people as well. and we were all in a like. big school gym essentially and one of the walls had doors to other rooms and a tent. and all the rooms + the tent were like. sports themed and one was like a big locker room. & me and all the other mfs there were in various sports uniforms. i was in a baseball uniform & had a bat in the gym with us was a like. slow-moving alien slug beast that would kill you if it touched you and that's apparently the game we were supposed to be playing . i spent most of the dream hiding in the tent with 2 other people. the tent was soccer-themed and had that green plastic turf shit on the floor but in the middle was just a fuckin like . 2ft x 2ft x2ft metal pyramid. and after a while me and the other 2 guys started getting nervous bc the tent flap was like. kinda flimsy and wasn't rly staying up super well. and at some point cesar came by and started trying to fix the tent flap for us bc he's a polite young man but despite his efforts the fuckin slug showed up anyway and we all had to skedaddle. so we went through a door in the side of the tent which for some reaosn was just a normal ass door? like the wall was still flimsy tent material but the door was still attached somehow and that door led to the big locker room. i don't know where the others went but dream me's first instinct was to get off the ground and climb on top of the lockers so i could see clearly if the slug was coming after me, which it was so i leaned over the side of the lockers started poking the slug with the bat. and it started like. ungulating and vibrating and making weird noises so i wa slike ok it's time to fucking leave. climbed down off the lockers and ran back out into the main gym area, n as i'm leaving the locker room i hear a fuckin like. tiger roar. and then i woke up, so i guess i'll never know what was up with that slug but i think dream me pissed it off and inadvertently doomed everyone there #5: i was a pokemon trainer but also jonah? and i was challenging a like. little pseudo-gym/dojo thing being run out of a small school locker room with TVs all over the walls. there were four ladies lined up on the walls and one standing at the end of the room and they were all wearing kimonos.
and as i/jonah go thru and pokemon battle them they kept saying shit abt like. how the prize for beating them all is a 'tv tag'. whatever that is. and one of them said smth like 'give your flareon a tv tag and it'll evolve' which ????????? idk what that meaNS . forbidden flareon evo i got through the first four battles and like. you know how in pokemon some npcs get all pissy at you for beating them? the fifth lady was basically being like that even tho i hadn't fought her yet. and the tv behind her turned on and started displaying static and a like. pink blob started emerging from it and immediately dream me/jonah knew. i had been bamboozled. THIS is tv tag. which in the dream made perfect sense to me somehow like what else could a giant pink blob emerging from a tv be . duh.
so i ran and ducked into a classroom and quickly explained the situation to the teacher and was just hiding out of view of the window in the door like how you do in active shooter drills hashtag america. but eventually i had to go bc tv tag is High Stakes apparently. as in if the blob catches me it will kill me, and this is just something i just knew Instinctually so i ducked out of the room and to the stairs so i would get up on the school's roof, and it's apparently not a very big school building because the roof is level with the roofs of the surrounding houses. so dream me/jonah started doing high stakes parkour across the roofs to make some distance away from the school before the giant blob could notice i was no longer in the building i somehow got down off the rooftops (i don't actually remember how? i'm just going to assume i fuckin tumbled off) and run into a nearby forest, where i start fuckin galloping down the dirt path on all fours like a majestic creature. it was actually a really cool feeling despite the horrifying circumstances like it was really fun eventually i/jonah come up on a house in the woods and decided to ask if i could hide out there bc i was tired and apparently gordon ramsay lives there. so i tried explaining the situation to him and, like any sane person, he asked if i was high on drugs. but then he spotted the pink blob emerging from around a bend in the dirt road and was like oh fuck. get inside Now so i crammed myself into a closet in the upstairs bedroom and mr ramsay started stacking the surplus of backpacks he just had for some reason in front of me to hide me from view. and i don't remember how but suddenly i'm in a shed? and the wooden doors of the shed started slowly opening and dream me/jonah was like. shaking and crying. and for some reason the giant pink blob had turned into shmorp's alt mark and he was just levitating there in the open door. but he also apparently came to his senses and started acting all apologetic then he started levitating me off the ground and we were both just floating around outside while he started telling me abt how his powers came from the moon? for some reason. then i was suddenly on a planet from spore and was holding a big tupperware container, and my only objective was to wander the surface of the planet and find weapons that wer eon the floor and put them in the tupperware. and then i woke up
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semifinel · 1 year
February - 2023
Disco Elysium- I’ve actually been slowly going through it for over a year (I would play for a few days and then take a break for a few months and then forget where I am and restart). However I finally finished it and I can very easily say it’s one of my favorite games ever. The writing, the style, the music- what’s not to fucking love.
I could talk about this game for hours and I have actually done that enough to convince friends to play it as well. But I probably can’t say anything that hasn’t been said before me.
Great game- I might be in love with Kim kitsuragi.
Rain world(?)- to be honest I haven’t played it (yet?) but I spend way too much time watching gameplay of it and videos about it, went into a deep dive in the wiki. This world absolutely fascinates me, the ecosystem is just wow- even though it seems like a very difficult game I might actually get it one day.
Decide to include it cause it’s my list and I make the rules, also it ate a chunk of my month.
Monster hunter rise- this is my second time trying to get this game and last time I (apparently) quit before even going on a mission. To be fair it was a combination of my own stupidity and the game’s absolute horrible tutorial that made me drop it so fast.
However given a second shot I’m already having more fun, flipping and riding and monster hunting.
I have no idea if anyone ever cared about a character in this game but the monsters are cool and I love them lots.
Why is there a tower defense section is beyond me- I never liked any kind of tower defense, but this is very much the wrong game for it.
Can’t wait to try a hunt with friends- I heard it’s awesome.
Start again: a prologue- a delightful lil rpg that made me feel a lot. I love time loops as a concept already and this was executed so well- I will cry about it.
Can’t wait for in stars and time!! I need more of this cast and world.
Lookouts- another game I’ve been making my way through oh so slowly, no reason here since it’s not really long. It’s a visual novel and I have trouble focusing on reading, that’s my main issue.
However I’m happy I played it- trans cowboys on opposing sides falling in love and find a way for them to have a life- I am the target audience. I love them.
Hue- sure was a puzzle game. And it was a nice one, pretty sure I got it for free and I mostly used it as something to play while I listen to podcasts. It’s cute and not very long and the puzzles were nice.
Mob psycho s2- still doing my rewatch, still love my sons.
Darry girls s3- finally got around to it, honestly liked it less then the other seasons however it was a nice end to the show as a whole and I’m glad they wrapped it up nicely.
Animation vs Minecraft- what if I told you the animation you used to watch on YouTube as a child kept going on while you looked away. That there is now a storyline spanning several hours which is very neat and dear to my heart.
How simple are your blorbos? Mine are literally just different colored stick man (they are my sons and I love them very much).
I want everyone to watch it, you can’t understand how hard it goes in the final episodes you don’t understand ahhhhha.
Something rotten- did I start this podcast just cause I wanted more Jacob Geller? Yes.
Am I happy I did that? Also yes.
I do not care even a little about the games they talk about but it’s still fascinating to hear them talk about them (along other kind of related topic)
Personally never heard of Blake Hester before but glad I know him now.
Can’t wait for next season where I might play along since I have one of the games in my library for some reason.
The prince by Abigail throne (philosophy tube)- so like one of my favorite trans creators writes a play and uploads it in full- I had no doubt it was gonna be good.
Love the characters, love the themes, and the setting (of being stuck inside a play) is very fun.
But man do I not understand Shakespearean speak but that’s more of a me thing.
Felt a lil cliche/sappy at times but it was cute so I had no problem with it.
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keefwho · 13 days
May 05 - 2024 Sunday
Last night I woke up at 5am and downed half a bottle of water because I was so dehydrated. When I woke up, I did my dishes which included cleaning the big ol crock pot bowl. During my shower I played VRchat on mobile with the goal of finding some people to just listen to which I did. When I was sitting after I had cleaned, I did speak up after I was addressed directly. For breakfast I heated up leftover rice a roni which was god tier. Something about leftover beef ricearoni goes super hard. I ate it while playing horse island and I had a really chill morning. Same when I drank my coffee. Then I switched to WT for a little. The morning devolved into playing things that were really more of a way to kill time than things I actually enjoyed. I had loosely planned to figure out a collab YCH with BD today and I made plans with her to do so just before DS messaged me to chill during fursuit time which was also loosely planned. So I drew with BD for about 40 minutes just to figure out how we could start to generate ideas. Then I called DS and we put on the Twilight movie recreated in the Sims 2. I made and ate tuna spaghetti while we watched which was delish. I left out the garlic powder and paprika, keeping it simple with just lemon pepper and tabasco sauce. We got through the whole Twilight film while talking about how weird and ridiculous the romance actually is. Then DS went to make dinner. I joined back on BD and they were playing Risk of Rain 2 which I joined them in. That was pretty fun. Also IT messaged me back and explained how she can't play VR due to some house damage and ranted to me about her Minecraft world on the Switch. I left BD and friends to chill until DS got back. As she worked on her suit we watched the latest Brutalmoose video which was pure cinema. I completed the moon mission I was having trouble with in KSP while we watched. Then I put a few episodes of Moral Orel and they were HEAVY. To end we witnessed the Lord Farquad makeup ASMR video and a sausage video. While DS was on her way to bed, I made dinner and was looking at Twitter but doing so very deliberately. I gave myself time to look at and process every post on my feed which had me noticing and thinking about a lot. It was a great experience to actually absorb some information. In bed DS and I did puzzles and I continued KH2. I beat another VERY annoying boss and started discovering how confusing the Kingdom Hearts plot is. I also shared some thoughts I had while looking at Twitter and some other stuff in general. Like how I've noticed that I can be very happy when I happen to drink and what that might mean I could change in my daily life. I think the problem is lack of focus and self judgement, things that go away when I get tipsy.
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pumsavic · 2 months
I personally love the trials update. So many things that were definitely needed were added, and ultimately it makes for a fun experience.
3 problems. One, the more you add to the mid game the less new players want to start playing Minecraft. two, you're challenging the wrong people. Finally three, you're not listening to your fan base.
Problem one: I've spoken to many people who have not played Minecraft, or players that haven't played Minecraft in years, and they give me the same responses when I ask them if they'd like to play. "There's so much added to the game I'm not even sure if it's beginner friendly." The problem is you're making it harder to get from point A to point B in the game. For everything. The old way of getting netherite was simple. A little out there sure, but simple enough. Craft netherite ingots, put it on your diamond stuff, easy. With the upgrade thing, while I'm fine with it, new players won't know what to do, and they'll be forced into going to a bastion. Some new players don't even know wearing gold makes piglins passive, yet you think they're capable of not rage quitting on the journey to even get to a bastion let alone going in to one. Again, as a player that's keeping up with the updates, this process isn't much of anything new to me, in fact I think it's cool. But my non gamer friends who just want to play the game, don't have that luxury. The trials update was the first update in years that has the attention of new players, and it's not all that hard. A simple way to get good gear early Into a world. However, making the game harder to get to Point B isn't a fun way to play the game. Tedium isn't fun.
Problem two: your fan base wants to be challenged with new stuff and what your doing is making it seem like patience is challenging. We've been asking for years, "can we have a new boss? A new dimension? Can we have more challenges post game? How about new fantastical biomes? Why don't we add stuff from dungeons" all valid questions. The challenge in finding new players revolves around making the game easy to understand, while the challenge in maintaining all players new and old have to deal with having brand new stuff to explore without making the whole thing seem so... Forced. That's where a lot of the content from dungeons would be fantastic. Structures, biomes, weapons, bosses. All of which are licensed Minecraft stuff. Just because someone has a Minecraft dungeons mod doesn't mean you're copying anyone. And if it does then let's think about pistons, which were quite literally copied from someones mod. Adding more Minecraft dungeons content doesn't make the game more or less like dungeons, what it does is make both types of games, equally better. If you're struggling to think of ways to make the game more like Minecraft and less like dungeons, than make more Minecraft. Take out the puzzles, and large structure designs and make smaller ones. Make the bosses ever so slightly more Minecrafty and tone down their bullet-hell type moves. This also won't make getting to point B harder because this isn't required in order to do anything. It's optional, just like the trials. Some loot, a good weapon or something. Easy. Challenge should come from risk and reward, not from tedium. It would make old players excited for change, while not forcing new stuff down the throat of new players.
Problem three: you're not listening to your fan base. Mob votes. There was a supposed boycott for the recent mob vote. The only reason you "had more votes then others previous" is because you opened up the mob vote for bedrock players. I.e. the players that didn't know there was a boycott, and the players that play casually. Personally I'm fine with this, as majority vote whatever, but my point is there was a large group of people who just wanted more. From a players pov, you should feel greatful we love the content you make for us so much. From a game dev pov, I don't even see how this could be hard to do. Buggy mobs? Good, that's how we got the creeper; quite literally the most iconic fantasy animal in any game ever. Another problem that the game faces is obvious art directions that make the game less consistent overall. Take the armadillo. Cute little thing, pops in and out with a cute little animation. The camel? Lays down with a slow and satisfying animation. The cow? .... The chicken?.... The pig???..... Nothing. They stand and walk. New mobs get special treatment as if it's worth neglecting old mobs. Where's the creepers hunched over creepy crawl? Wheres the zombie's lurch? Wheres the love? Finally, and take this with a grain of salt, the act of taking violence out of the game. It's subtle, not obvious enough to notice, but we've noticed a lack of animals that drop meat. In fact, we've noticed a lot of things. So much so, we're convinced vegans have taken over the dev team. Now look. I'm against veganism because of the shameless hypocrisy, but in this case it's Minecraft. It's a game. There's no such thing as animal cruelty in Minecraft, because they literally aren't animals. Making an armadillo drop meat isn't going to insight the young to rip open an armadillo the chance they see one, and players eating meat doesn't make the player a murderer. It's a game, and it's allowed to be fantastical. Finally banning guns. Why? What motive do you have for this? It's already proven that games don't make people more or less violent, and just because your game is E¹⁰+ doesn't mean little Timmy is going to pick up an AK47 just because he did so in a game. Games like call of duty is filled with players below the age of 18, and if you can't handle that then tough titmouse. Forcing servers to change, or forcing a fan base to change along with your sense of ideation isn't going to make your fans happy. Banning players because of what they say isn't an appropriate thing to do either. This is utter bulwark. It may make yourself a "safe and non hostile game" but the problem isn't with your rules, it's with the servers these kids are going on to. Most servers have anti profanity plugins, and the ones that don't are that way for good reason. My friend was part of a server where she was describing to another friend about her trauma dealing with domestic abuse and she was banned because another player reported her. Woopty doo, child endangering all because your system is flawed, and because you won't listen to your fan base.
Hear me out Mojang. Fixing these problems, sure, it's going to be hard. Shrugging them off is one way to deal with them sure, but listening to your fan base, old and new: that's the way we want to give feedback.
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guerreroriise · 2 years
It's a Great Idea but you might not have Heard of It.
This post actually started out as a long email to some researchers I work with that study user experience, especially with families (they're the ones who created the fun Nokia/Sesame Street things). Today I was thinking about the email and realized I was not able to publish it without permission. I find it fascinating.
My nine-year-old son Alex had a play date recently at our home - after a while, he wanted to show his friend Minecraft Pocket Edition, which I just got for our iPads (we both have one, best investment I've made so far in his education). He and I had played for a couple hours on Saturday creating virtual castles and underground caves, etc. It was a lot of fun.
If you haven't heard of it, Minecraft is an independently developed block-building-slash-survival game that hit it big over the last year, and they just came out with a tablet version a few weeks ago for both Android and iPad. The tablet version of Minecraft is a lighter version. There's no zombies, fighting and so on. like in the PC version, just the ability to build things. At first , I was not going to purchase the iOS version because it costs $7 on the iPad, but Google has been promoting apps for Android, and Minecraft was on sale for only 10 cents which is why I purchased it for my Motorola Xoom (which I use for testing). This was when I realized how fun the game really was! I bought the iPad version and Alex and I have had fun playing it since then.
However, I was unsure if Alex's friends would be as interested , as it's a bit geeky however it was a huge hit. And because the Android and iPad versions are compatible, we were in the same world with all three tablets at once. We spent around two hours in the living area, each using one of our tablets creating cool things and then running around the virtual world and looking at the creations of others. No blasting bad guys there were no puzzles, and no challenges. It was pure virtual creation.
For me, there are numerous aspects of this experience which I consider to be pretty unique:
- Minecraft PE isn't really a "game in the traditional sense, simply an sandbox. Minecraft PE is a sandbox, similar to Lego blocks but cooler because you can actually build the world you're creating. The interface is simplethat anyone can pick it up and enjoy the game without prior experience. This isn't typical for video games or virtual worlds - It's amazing how quickly you go from constructing a tiny tunnel or shack, and then needing to clear 10 virtual acres of land to create the biggest castle ever. It was great to see the boys ambitions get ahead of themselves, then scale back, help each one another and so on. - Sharing what you have constructed is a wonderful social aspect. minecraft-servers I had to remind the boys at times to check out the work of the other person, as they were so engaged in their activities that they couldn't stop. When they did there were plenty of "Oh! Cool! I'd like to help! Come see my work! This is the first time I've ever seen this kind of instruction while playing any type of co-op game. - Being able to easily join in with the two boys and guide them along when they were stuck was great (in terms of new ideas, or simply getting lost - one boy tunneled all the way straight into the virtual world, but could not figure out how to return to the surface. ((:) ) - Cross platform compatibility - this may seem obvious, but it enabled all the above. The boys did eventually figure out the game they could play - Hide and Go Seek. It was quite amusing, especially considering you can make your own tunnels.
It was incredible to watch the boys get into the game, make new things and have fun. Even though it appears that with all of us heads down on our own device it would be less personal - it was actually far superior to the typical co-op video game in which everyone is seated in one direction, and you communicate using grunts and the occasional elbow. Instead we all sat together in the living room and talked with each other. We also glanced over to see what others were doing. It was a much more normal social experience than a shared-screen one.
It's been a while since I'm amazed by how advanced tablet computers truly are: Touch can make UIs much more user-friendly and intuitive and the tablet's form factor melds easily into social situations without imposing barriers like a laptop or game console.
This is yet another example of the technological advancement that tablets are a part of. It's not like tablets are a third type or computing device that's matched to the mobile phone and PC, but it's now obvious that tablets will be the main computing device in the near future. They might be considered mobile OSes or computers with touchscreen interfaces but they are the form factor we've been waiting since the beginning of time.
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estradakane · 2 years
It's an Excellent Idea, but you might not have Heard of It.
This post began as an email to a group of researchers with whom I work. They study user experience, especially with families. (They're the ones who created the fun Nokia/Sesame Street things). I was thinking about the email this morning and realized there was no reason not to post it here too, since I think it's an absolute delight to read.
My nine-year-old son Alex was playing with me recently over at our house After a while, he wanted to show his friend Minecraft Pocket Edition, which I recently purchased for our iPads (we each have one, most beneficial investment I've made thus far in his education). He and I had played for a couple hours on Saturday creating virtual castles and underground hideouts and so on. It was very enjoyable.
If you haven't heard of it, Minecraft is an independently developed block-building-slash-survival game that hit it big over the last year, and they just came out with a tablet version a few weeks ago for both Android and iPad. balonium.com The tablet version of Minecraft is a lighter version. There's no zombies, fighting and so on. It's just a way to create things, similar to the PC version. It was initially hard for me to buy the iOS version, as it costs $7 on the iPad, but Google has been advertising games for Android, and Minecraft went on sale for 10 cents, so I bought it for my Motorola Xoom (which I use for testing). That's when I discovered how much fun the game was! I bought the iPad version and Alex and I have enjoyed playing with it for years.
But I wasn't sure if Alex's friend would be as interested as it's sort of geeky, but it was an instant hit. Because the Android and iPad versions of the program are compatible, we could all join in the same world on all three tablets at once. We spent two hours in the living area, each with one of our tablets, building cool things together and then navigating the virtual world and looking at the work of others. No blasting bad guys, no puzzles, no challenges. It was pure virtual creation.
To me there's so many parts of this experience which I consider to be pretty unique:
- Minecraft PE isn't a 'game' in the traditional sense, but rather a Sandbox. Minecraft PE is a sandbox similar to Lego blocks, but more exciting because you actually create the world you are building. The interface is simple that anyone can play it with no prior experience. It's amazing how fast you can build a tiny tunnel or shack, to clearing 10 acres of virtual land and creating the largest castle ever. It was amazing to watch the boys advance ahead of themselves and then scale back, support each other and more. The social aspect of sharing what you built is really compelling - though I did have to remind both kids at some point or another to check out what the other one was working on, as they were so engaged in their work that they were unable to stop. When they did, there were lots of "Oh! Cool! I want to assist! Come and see my work" This is the first time I have ever seen this kind of instruction while playing any kind of game. The ability to join the two boys and guide them along in the event that they stopped was a huge help (in terms of new ideas, or simply being lost - one kid tunneled all the way straight down to the edge of the virtual world, but was unable to get back to the surface. Cross platform compatibility - even though it's obvious, it was a essential element to all of the above. The boys did manage to come up with the game they could play - Hide and Go Seek. Which, considering that you could create your own tunnels that are endless, was quite entertaining.
It was really fascinating to watch the boys slam into the game with each other and begin creating new things and having fun without fuss. And though it seems that with all of us having our heads down on our personal device the experience would be less personal - it was actually much better than playing a co-op video game where you all play in one direction and communicate with grunts and occasional elbows. Instead, we all sat comfortably in the living room and talked with each other. We also glanced around to see what our friends were doing. This was a more normal social interaction than a shared screen one.
Once again, I'm truly amazed at how far tablet computers really are: Touch can make UIs much more accessible and user-friendly and the tablet's form factor is able to easily integrate into social settings without imposing barriers as a laptop or game console.
I believe this is another convincing example of the technological leap tablets really are. Tablets aren't an additional type of computing device that's connected to mobile phones and PC, but it's evident that tablets will be the primary computing device in the near future. They might be considered mobile OSes or computers with touchscreens but they're the type of device we've been waiting over the last several decades.
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actortax37 · 2 years
4 Extra Cool Instruments For Minecraft Java Download
Ustwo In Monument Valley, it's essential to assist Princess Ida on a mission through Monument Valley -- a world of mazes, crow people and unusual, impossible constructions. If you want this one, the studio has a sequel -- Monument Valley 2 ($5) -- which stands by itself as an authentic story and takes a step ahead as a more sophisticated narrative and style. The game works like a pinball sport: The upper you go, the extra well being you lose for those who fall out of the ring. Whether or not you play as a junior or senior detective, you may question suspects, solve puzzles, uncover clues and find your method out of multiple sticky situations to catch the culprit. Prospective virtual miners will discover Minecraft: Pocket Version on the Windows Phone retailer at a price of $7. What your children will study: Logic, spatial orientation expertise, design and downside solving. What your kids will be taught: Historic occasions, important considering, downside-fixing skills and extra.
As you explore extra islands, you'll study tricks and meet totally different characters together with Penny the Penguin, who wants to be a pirate. It joins numerous other fun games which can be additionally platformers in Nintendo's roster, however Yoshi's challenges are a bit gentler, and more targeted on discovering secrets and surprises. The first Portal obtained a Teen rating for the inclusion of some bloodstains, but Portal 2 is rated E. The video games is perhaps a bit scary or troublesome for players underneath 9, Frequent Sense Media suggests. One Fortunate Block would possibly offer you a stack of diamonds - one other would possibly lure you in a cage full of lava. Keith decided to write down his novel after a newspaper article he penned about his experiences prompted a book writer to contact him to ask if he might present a fictional account of his personal life. Latest updates to the sport allow you to trade, upgrade your wagon and purchase meals and medicine to increase your group's possibilities of survival. You can buy any model of Just Dance and be comfortable. Ubisoft If it's onerous to get train indoors, Just Dance is an energetic alternative to Ring Fit Journey and works with the Swap's included Joy-Con controllers.
Cross-platform features would get a lift, too. Sporting top minecraft servers - Get information alerts and observe social community buzz around your groups and gamers. Gamers advance by learning how to govern physics and spatial constraints. Gamers' first moments with Minecraft came in May 2009 when the alpha model was made out there, over two years prior to its full launch in November 2011. Mojang and creator Markus "Notch" Persson have celebrated many sales milestones since then, recently noting that 15 million copies of the Laptop model were offered as of April. In fact, the same precise factor was mentioned when the final technology of consoles arrived, so I may still be a era off, but I believe you possibly can already see new types of gameplay emerging from the applying of excess computing energy to game state relatively than visuals. Nevertheless, when you've got an HD set-up and pals, split-display screen play is like including visuals to a radio show: Instead of just hearing a good friend scream in terror as a spider jumps into his home, you can see how a lot his digital camera twitches across the screen while he locates his sword. Die laborious gamers have been found to be, form of, addictive to those play.
Partial key found in key.dat.dat. This sofa co-op combating game is one other sport that permits for online play, or you can join everyone in on one screen (it gets crowded). Leap right into a celebration, join a brawl or keep training. The mc servers gives you the perfect form of games in the world. The games can be found on PSP, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita and PlayStation 3. You can too take a look at Little Big Planet Karting and the free Run Sackboy! You need to information the Zoombinis out of the evil Bloats' clutches and dwelling to Zoombiniville. Each presents its personal brand of enjoyable, with distinctive minigames that let you compete or collaborate with mates (and frenemies), massive lobbies the place you can dangle out with other gamers and huge customized-crafted worlds to explore. The sport offers countless methods to create your Lego character in a quick-paced 4v4 multiplayer. Tetris 99 is a must-have Tetris battle-royale online game, but Sega's other Tetris sport works with 4-player battles, and includes Puyo Puyo, which is another puzzle sport worth your time. Apple/Screenshot by Shelby Brown/CNET Inbento is an adorable puzzle sport about cats and bento bins. You'll be able to play the game on Laptop, cellular, console, Amazon Hearth and Oculus.
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armoboe4 · 2 years
4 Extra Cool Tools For Minecraft Java Download
Ustwo In Monument Valley, you could help Princess Ida on a mission via Monument Valley -- a world of mazes, crow individuals and unusual, inconceivable constructions. If you like this one, the studio has a sequel -- Monument Valley 2 ($5) -- which stands on its own as an unique story and takes a step ahead as a extra subtle narrative and style. The sport works like a pinball sport: The upper you go, the extra well being you lose if you fall out of the ring. Whether or not you play as a junior or senior detective, you may query suspects, solve puzzles, uncover clues and discover your approach out of a number of sticky conditions to catch the offender. Potential digital miners will find Minecraft: Pocket Version on the Windows Phone retailer at a price of $7. What your kids will be taught: Logic, spatial orientation expertise, design and drawback solving. What your youngsters will study: Historic occasions, essential pondering, downside-solving expertise and extra.
As you explore extra islands, you will learn tips and meet totally different characters including Penny the Penguin, who needs to be a pirate. It joins plenty of other fun games that are also platformers in Nintendo's roster, however Yoshi's challenges are a bit gentler, and more centered on discovering secrets and surprises. The primary Portal received a Teen rating for the inclusion of some bloodstains, but Portal 2 is rated E. The video games is perhaps a bit scary or difficult for players below 9, Widespread Sense Media suggests. One Lucky Block may offer you a stack of diamonds - another may trap you in a cage full of lava. Keith decided to put in writing his novel after a newspaper article he penned about his experiences prompted a e book writer to contact him to ask if he might provide a fictional account of his personal life. Latest updates to the game allow you to commerce, upgrade your wagon and buy food and medicine to increase your group's probabilities of survival. You possibly can buy any model of Simply Dance and be happy. Ubisoft If it is hard to get exercise indoors, Just Dance is an active alternative to Ring Match Journey and works with the Switch's included Joy-Con controllers.
Cross-platform features would get a carry, too. Sporting News - Get information alerts and monitor social network buzz around your groups and players. Players advance by studying how to control physics and spatial constraints. Gamers' first moments with Minecraft came in May 2009 when the alpha model was made accessible, over two years prior to its full launch in November 2011. Mojang and creator Markus "Notch" Persson have celebrated many sales milestones since then, recently noting that 15 million copies of the Computer version were sold as of April. https://alusky.xyz/ In fact, the identical exact thing was stated when the last generation of consoles arrived, so I should still be a generation off, however I think you may already see new types of gameplay emerging from the application of excess computing power to sport state quite than visuals. However, if you have an HD set-up and mates, break up-display screen play is like adding visuals to a radio show: As a substitute of just hearing a good friend scream in terror as a spider jumps into his house, you'll be able to see how a lot his digital camera twitches across the display whereas he locates his sword. Die exhausting avid gamers have been found to be, type of, addictive to those play.
Partial key found in key.dat.dat. This sofa co-op combating recreation is one other recreation that allows for on-line play, or you can be part of everybody in on one display (it will get crowded). Jump right into a occasion, join a brawl or keep coaching. The mc servers affords you the most effective kind of video games on the earth. The video games are available on PSP, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita and PlayStation 3. It's also possible to take a look at Little Huge Planet Karting and the free Run Sackboy! It's essential to information the Zoombinis out of the evil Bloats' clutches and dwelling to Zoombiniville. Every provides its own model of enjoyable, with distinctive minigames that let you compete or collaborate with associates (and frenemies), massive lobbies the place you'll be able to dangle out with different gamers and huge custom-crafted worlds to explore. The game offers numerous methods to create your Lego character in a quick-paced 4v4 multiplayer. Tetris 99 is a should-have Tetris battle-royale on-line game, but Sega's different Tetris game works with 4-player battles, and includes Puyo Puyo, which is another puzzle recreation worth your time. Apple/Screenshot by Shelby Brown/CNET Inbento is an adorable puzzle game about cats and bento bins. You'll be able to play the game on Pc, cell, console, Amazon Fire and Oculus.
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nonbinary-octopus · 2 years
had a dream about tktsaaiw. Have I read it yet? No. Did that stop me from dreaming about it? Also no.
Not, I suspect, that any of the details were right. But my brain presented the dream as "this is Lime's new wibar au" and I went "okay"
I was in Virgil's perspective, as a little ampen gardener or something, just minding my own business when suddenly BAM! There was a very large blue ampen face in the window. Like. Very large. Absolutely a giant. Never seen an ampen that size before. Probably at least five feet tall, and you know, I'm like. two feet tall tops, because I'm an ampen.
I went out to investigate, and there's actually two giant ampens, one bright blue and one bright red. (other than color and size, they looked a lot like this art by @ax3-e0ns. Especially the head floof.)
They were doing a science experiment, they said, and needed volunteers to help study a thing. (this involved putting a chicken in a backpack and racing, to somehow measure how the asymmetry of the chicken affected your time. It sounded logical in the dream. also I was briefly back in my own pov and human shape for this bit)
But it turns out, instead of science, they were waiting for an opportunity to separate me/Virgil from the other people to kidnap me!
So here I am, yoinked onto a spaceship, and it turns out those giant ampens? Aren't ampens! They were humans! (which explained their size, lol)
Logan was some kind of telepathic goo alien who was also maybe part of their ship? And he had done the disguises for them. He also made it so that everyone on the planet totally forgot who I was, so they wouldn't come looking for me. (my sibling and a close friend still were looking, they just got abruptly confused about who they were looking for and had to figure that out.)
So now I'm kidnapped on an alien ship, with two terrifying humans (who are, for some reason, still solid blue and solid red, but I didn't think that was weird) and an even more terrifying telepathic alien who's talking inside my brain which is very creepy and weird and I'm just freaking out. Also pretty sure they're gonna eat me or something.
Logan figured out that trying to talk to me to calm me down was only making me more scared, and retreated and left me alone, and eventually I calmed down a bit.
And then later, I was sitting on a kitchen counter and Patton gave me a sort of ice cream stick treat, and that helped relax me even more.
That's about it before I woke up.
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jestbee · 2 years
Ok so, Dream and George. Who are these people? Like I know that I ship them and that Dream has fluffy hair and probably a face, but what are all the letters? Do I need to like Minecraft to enjoy watching them or is it kinda like with Danandphilgames where the personalities are gonna draw me in? Please help. I’m already becoming obsessed but also am very confused.
Dream and George are minecraft YouTubers, but they are oh so much more. I don't necessarily think you need to like Minecraft but it may help to have a base knowledge of how it works to get some of the jokes/banter?
Definitely is about their personalities though! I've been into mc for about 10 years and watching them for a while but didn't start shipping these guys until last year when my brain did that "heres a new special interest for you good luck thinking about anything else for the next few years". Then around October I pulled my two friends in with me, one of which had absolutely no minecraft knowledge or interest, and now they both love it. But it was the personalities and the story that pulled them in.
Mainly (because I think it's the part that sounds most extra) the fact that Geoege lives in the UK and Dream is in Florida and they've known each other since way before YouTube and now George is trying to move permanently to the US despite never seeing Dream's face (or so they say, I actually suspect he probably has at this point)
BUT it gets crazier. Because Dream does have a face, but none of us have seen it. The only person than has is his roommate Sapnap and a few friends because HE REFUSES TO FACE REVEAL UNTIL HES MET GEORGE. which means he's not met any of their other friends despite some living right in his state, because he has to meet George first. Sapnap has met everyone, but Dream has just been locked in his house for years because on top of a pandemic it's also meant George's visa is taking SO LONG. The man has literally put his life on hold until George is there.
We are waiting and truthing and it's like Moving Hill x100 over here every time, something suspicious happens. Which is like every day because they are little shits.
As for all the letters, I assume you mean the acronyms here are a couple I've used recently that you might mean but please come ask me about others.
Please come ask me questions about minecraft/this fandom in general. My ask box is open, my dms are open!!
Dnf - dreamnotfound (the ship name) a combination of the usernames Dream and Georgenotfound
Dteam - Dream team - basically Dream, George and Sapnap who are all best friends and create content together. Dream descrvied them as puzzle piecey because they fit each others livesin a soulmatey way. Sapnap lives with Dream rn and George is moving so they can have the dteam house. (They already bought it together were just waiting on George's visa)
Smp/dsmp - an smp is a survival multilayer server. Basically a minecraft world multiple people play on together online. The dsmp is the Dream SMP which is the survival world Dream and George started which blew up and now has lots of members and intense fictional storylines (referred to as Lore) not every stream that takes place on that server is Lore, but some are.
Describing all the Lore would be too much here, I think EvanMCGaming's videos on YouTube are a good summary/place to start for some of the big bits, but it doesn't cover everything if you want to get a really deep dive knowledge. BlueberryTV also has a playlist that is good, but LONG
Mc - just the tag I use for minecraft related things
Let me know if you want some video recs that are just them being goofballs together to get their dynamic. It kinda is like dnpg except its the same game over and over. Not in a Let's Play kind of way because they set new challenges or code the game differently every time.
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baka-monarch · 3 years
I will never understand my dream of wanting to be a creator
For as long as I can remember all I have ever wanted to do was to be a character- not like, make believe imagination stuff like other kids... I knew about acting, writing, voice acting... I knew about all of it and I wanted to do something like that- to entertain and bring smiles to faces, to give people something to love
Then I learned that I was never going to get that chance... Before I even left elementary school- I was told I was too fat, too ugly, that I cried too much and acted too much like a child- and as I looked at the people on tv that made the characters I love I saw that I could never do that because they were strong, skinny, mature- they could be what I never could....
Then in 6th grade my dream returned. I saw YouTube and fell in love- it became my only light during a time when it felt like the entire world hated me and I wanted nothing more then to be dead so that I couldn't bother anyone... But seeing people play games, and be happy, and make people happy, make ME happy- I wanted to do that. I didn't die because I always had some video to look forward to, it was the only thing I had at the time that could make me smile and I wanted to do that for everyone like me... I wanted to give people who were in a dark place a light to turn to if just for a moment so that they wouldn't leave behind so many broken hearts
And then that dream died. Because I had no freinds, I could never make the right joke, I had no access to video games and.... The one time I tried I got everything taken from me. I got beaten by my parents into accepting that I was nothing. I couldn't build amazing Minecraft structures. I wasn't smart enough to do puzzles. I didn't have good aim for fps. I was nothing. So I should try to find a future job that'll sustain me, not a dream
And then came along Dream SMP
Just when I thought I had escaped my dumb little dream it was rekindled and I was reminded why I want to make videos for people. Not even just from watching them, but I made things on Tumblr that made so many people smile and that's what I want- every time I get an ask, a submitted fic, fanart, or even just see mcyt g/t content I smile because.... I made that person happy. I created something that they looked forward to, that they could contribute to, and knowing how much they loved it felt amazing because they were happy! And even now- everything around me is trying to tell me to stop, that being a streamer is a worthless dream that will amount to nothing
Because I am not as skilled as Dream, I am not as energetic as Tommy, I am not as good at acting as Quackity, I am not as good at writing as Ranboo, I am not as smart as Technoblade, I am not as charasmatic as Wilbur
I am not like any of the successful streamers that there are, I am not friends with any of them or anyone who could become as famous as them- which means, I'm not going to be as successful as them....
But I don't want to give up. This is something that I've wanted to do for as long as I can remember. I would repeat lines from shows and act out scenes from them to teach myself how to act. I would mimic characters voices for hours just to teach myself how to voice act. I taught myself how to dance, how to choreograph a fight, how to write stories and be creative, how to talk, act- everything that a CC or influencer does I taught myself how to do because they made me smile and I wanted to give that smile to someone else
I don't care about fame because I like the idea of knowing alot of people- because I can talk to them, get to know them, hear from them- I absolutely love getting asks and answering them (even if I don't do it as often as I'd like to)
I don't care about money because I was raised to not want to buy things (forcefully raised like that sadly) and I've learned to only want what I need
I just want to finally do something I can enjoy, and I would be more then happy to do it for a living. I don't care if I have to get another job to sustain myself and try to balance it with streaming, I don't care if I'm not successful for a long time- because I know I won't be. Nobody gets that many views that fast unless they know some people. I don't care if this dream is completely unrealistic and is going to completely fail and leave me crying
I only care about finally doing something
Something that people can enjoy
And I've already done that once- on a smaller scale with mcyt g/t tumblr posts- but I would absolutely love to do it again and create a community of my own
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za3k · 3 years
2020 Videogames
In 2020 I’m newly retired, so I’ve had free time. I think it’s fun to do reviews, so without further ado here’s every video game I played in 2020!
I recommend:
(4/5) Among Us – Very fun. It’s only fun with voice chat with friends, so I’ve only gotten to play once or twice. I’ve been watching it more than playing it. Also free to play for mobile gamers–I’m tired of the “everyone buys a copy” model of group gameplay.
(4/5) Brogue. Brogue is an ascii-art roguelike. It’s great, and it has a nice difficulty ramp. It’s a good “quick break” game. I play it in preference to other roguelikes partly because I haven’t done it to death yet, and partly because I don’t need a numpad?
(4/5) Cook Serve Delicious 3. One of the more fun games I played this year. You get really into it, but I had trouble relaxing and paying attention to the real world when I played too much, haha. I own but haven’t played the first two–I gather this is pretty much just a refinement.
(4/5) Green Hell. Price tag is a bit high for the number of hours I got out of it, but I haven’t finished the story. Great graphics, and the BEST map design I’ve seen in a 3D game in a long time. It feels like a real place, with reasonable geography instead of copy-pasted tiles. I love that as you walk along, you can just spot a cultivated area from the rest of the jungle–it feels more like it’s treating me like an adult than most survival games. Everything still gets highlighted if you can pick it up. I played the survival mode, which was okay but gets old quickly. I started the story mode–I think it would be fine, but it has some LONG unskippable scenes at the start, including a very hand-holdy tutorial, that I think they should have cut. I did start getting into the story and was having fun, but I stopped. I might finish the game some time.
(4/5) Hyperrogue. One of my recent favorites. The dev has made a fair number of highly experimental games, most of which are a total miss with me, but this one is fun. I do wish the early game wasn’t quite as repetitive. Failing another solution, I might actually want this not to be permadeath, or to have a save feature? I bought it on steam to support the dev and get achievements, but it’s also available a version or two behind free, which is how I tried it. Constantly getting updates and new worlds.
(4/5) Minecraft – Compact Claustrophobia modpack. Fun idea, nice variety. After one expansion felt a little samey, and it was hard to start with two people. I’d consider finishing this pack.
(4/5) Overcooked 2. Overcooked 2 is just more levels for Overcooked. The foods in the second game is more fun, and it has better controls and less bugs. If you’re considering playing Overcooked, I recommend just starting with the second game, despite very fun levels in the first. I especially appreciate that the second game didn’t just re-use foods from the first.
(4/5) Please Don’t Press Anything. A unique little game where you try to get all the endings. I had a lot of fun with this one, but it could have used some kind of built-in hints like Reventure. Also, it had a lot of red herrings. Got it for $2, which it was well worth.
(5/5) Reventure. Probably the best game new to me this year. It’s a short game where you try to get each of about 100 endings. The art and writing are cute and funny. The level design is INCREDIBLE. One thing I found interesting is the early prototype–if I had played it, I would NOT have imagined it would someday be any fun at all, let alone as amazing as it is. As a game designer I found that interesting! I did 100% complete this one–there’s a nice in-game hint system, but there were still 1-3 “huh” puzzles, especially in the post-game content, one of which I had to look up. It’s still getting updates so I’m hoping those will be swapped for something else.
(5/5) Rimworld. Dwarf fortress, but with good cute graphics, set in the Firefly universe. Only has 1-10 pawns instead of hundreds of dwarves. Basically Dwarf Fortress but with a good UI. I wish you could do a little more in Rimworld, but it’s a fantastic, relaxing game.
(5/5) Slay the Spire. Probably the game I played most this year. A deckbuilding adventure through a series of RPG fights. A bit luck-based, but relaxing and fun. I like that you can play fast or slow. Very, very well-designed UI–you can really learn how things work. My favorite part is that because it’s singleplayer, it’s really designed to let you build a game-breaking deck. That’s how it should be!
(4/5) Stationeers. I had a lot of fun with this one. It’s similar to Space Engineers but… fun. It has better UI by a mile too, even if it’s not perfect. I lost steam after playing with friends and then going back to being alone, as I often do for base-building games. Looks like you can genuinely make some complicated stuff using simple parts. Mining might not be ideal.
(5/5) Spy Party. One of my favorite games. Very fun, and an incredibly high skill ceiling. There’s finally starting to be enough people to play a game with straners sometimes. Bad support for “hot seat”–I want to play with beginners in person, and it got even harder with the introduction of an ELO equivalent and removing the manual switch to use “beginner” gameplay.
(4/5) Telling Lies. A storytelling game. The core mechanic is that you can use a search engine for any phrase, and it will show the top 5 survellance footage results for that. The game internally has transcripts of every video. I didn’t really finish the game, but I had a lot of fun with it. The game was well-made. I felt the video acting didn’t really add a huge amount, and they could have done a text version, but I understand it wouldn’t have had any popular appeal. The acting was decent. There’s some uncomfortable content, on purpose.
(4/5) Totally Accurate Battle Simulator (TABS). Delightful. Very silly, not what you’d expect from the name. What everyone should have been doing with physics engines since they were invented. Imagine that when a caveman attacks, the club moves on its own and the caveman just gets ragdolled along, glued to it. Also the caveman and club have googley eyes. Don’t try to win or it will stop being fun. Learn how to turn on slo-mo and move the camera.
(4/5) We Were Here Together. Lots of fun. I believe the second game out of three. Still some crashes and UI issues. MUCH better puzzles and the grpahics are gorgeous. They need to fix the crashes or improve the autosave, we ended up replaying a lot of both games from crashes. It’s possible I should be recommending the third game but I haven’t played it yet.
The Rest
(3/5) 5D Chess with Multiverse Time Travel. More fun that it sounds. If you play to mess around and win by accident, it’s pretty good. Definitely play with a second human player, though.
(1.5/5) 7 billion humans. Better than the original, still not fun. Soulless game about a soulless, beige corporation. Just play Zachtronics instead. If you’re on a phone and want to engage your brain, play Euclidea.
(3/5) A Dark Room. Idle game.
(1/5) Amazing Cultivation Simulator. A big disappointment. Bad english voice acting which can’t be turned off, and a long, unskippable tutorial. I didn’t get to actual gameplay. I like Rimworld and cultivation novels so I had high hopes.
(3/5) ADOM (Steam version) – Fun like the original, which I would give 5/5. Developed some major issues on Linux, but I appreciate that there’s a graphical version available, one of my friends will play it now.
(4/5) agar.io – Good, but used to be better. Too difficult to get into games now. Very fun and addictive gameplay.
(3/5) Amorous – Furry dating sim. All of the hot characters are background art you can’t interact with, and the characters you can actually talk to are a bunch of sulky nerds who for some reason came to a nightclub. I think it was free, though.
(0/5) Apis. Alpha game, AFAIK I was the first player. Pretty much no fun right now (to the point of not really being a game yet), but it could potentially become fun if the author puts in work.
(4/5) Autonauts. I played a ton of Autonauts this year, almost finished it, which is rare for me. My main complaint is that it’s fundamentally supposed to be a game about programming robots, but I can’t actually make them do more than about 3 things, even as a professional programmer. Add more programming! It can be optional, that’s fine. They’re adding some kind of tower defense waves instead, which is bullshit. Not recommended because it’s not for everyone.
(3/5) A-Z Inc. Points for having the guts to have a simple game. At first this looked like just the bones of Swarm Simulator, but the more you look at the UI and the ascension system, the worse it actually is. I would regularly reset because I found out an ascension “perk” actually made me worse off.
(5/5) Beat Saber. Great game, and my favorite way to stay in shape early this year. Oculus VR only, if you have VR you already have this game so no need to recommend. Not QUITE worth getting a VR set just to play it at current prices.
(1/5) Big Tall Small. Good idea, but no fun to play. Needed better controls and level design, maybe some art.
(0.5/5) Blush Blush. Boring.
(3/5) Business Shark. I had too much fun with this simple game. All you do is just eat a bunch of office workers.
(3/5) chess.com. Turns out I like chess while I’m high?
(3/5) Circle Empires Rivals. Decent, more fun than the singleplayer original. It shouldn’t really have been a separate game from Circle Empires, and I’m annoyed I couldn’t get it DRM-free like the original.
(3/5) Cross Virus. By Dan-box. Really interesting puzzle mechanics.
(4/5) Cultist Simulator. Really fun to learn how to play–I love games that drop you in with no explanation. Great art and writing, I wish I could have gotten their tarot deck. Probably the best gameplay “ambience” I’ve seen–getting a card that’s labeled “fleeting sense of radiance” that disappears in 5 seconds? Great. Also the core stats are very well thought out for “feel” and real-life accuracy–dread (depression) conquers fascination (mania), etc. It has a few gameplay gotchas, but they’re not too big–layout issues, inability to go back to skipped text, or to put your game in an unwinnable state early on). Unfortunately it’s a “roguelike”, and it’s much too slow-paced and doesn’t have enough replay value, so it becomes a horrible, un-fun grind when you want to actually win. I probably missed the 100% ending but I won’t be going back to get it. I have no idea who would want to play this repeatedly. I’m looking forward to the next game from the same studio though! I recommend playing a friend’s copy instead of buying.
(2/5) Darkest Dungeon. It was fine but I don’t really remember it.
(2/5) Dicey Dungeons. Okay deck-building roguelike gameplay (with an inventory instead of a deck). Really frustrating, unskippably slow difficulty curve at the start. I played it some more this year and liked it better because I had a savegame. I appreciate having several character classes, but they should unlock every difficulty from the start.
(2/5) Diner Bros. Basically just a worse Overcooked. I didn’t like the controls, and it felt too repetitive with only one diner.
(2/5) Don’t Eat My Mind You Stupid Monster. Okay art and idea, the gameplay wasn’t too fun for me.
(2/5) Don’t Starve – I’ve played Don’t Stave maybe 8 different times, and it’s never really gripped me, I always put it back down. It’s slow, a bit grindy, and there’s no bigger goal–all you can do is live.
(3/5) Don’t Starve Together – Confusingly, Don’t Starve Together can be played alone. It’s Don’t Starve, plus a couple of the expansions. This really could be much more clearly explained.
(1/5) Elemental Abyss – A deck-builder, but this time it’s grid-based tactics. Really not all that fun. Just play Into the Abyss instead or something.
(1/5) Else Heart.Break() – I was excited that this might be a version of “Hack N’ Slash” from doublefine that actually delivered and let you goof around with the world. I gave it up in the first ten minutes, because the writing and characters drove me crazy, without getting to hacking the world.
(2/5) Everything is Garbage. Pretty good for a game jam game. Not a bad use of 10 minutes. I do think it’s probably possible to make the game unwinnable, and the ending is just nothing.
(1/5) Evolve. Idle game, not all that fun. I take issue with the mechanic in Sharks, Kittens, and this where buying your 15th fence takes 10^15 wood for some reason.
(4/5) Exapunks. Zachtronics has really been killing it lately, with Exapunks and Opus Magnum. WONDERFUL art and characters during story portions, and much better writing. The gameplay is a little more varied than in TIS-100 or the little I played of ShenZen I/O. My main complaint about Zachtronics games continues to be, that I don’t want to be given a series of resource-limited puzzles (do X, but without using more than 10 programming instructions). Exapunks is the first game where it becomes harder to do something /at all/, rather than with a particular amount of resources, but it’s still not there for me. Like ShenZen, they really go for a variety of hardware, too. Can’t recommend this because it’s really only for programmers.
(1/5) Exception. Programming game written by some money machine mobile games company. Awful.
(4/5) Factorio. Factorio’s great, but for me it doesn’t have that much replay value, even with mods. I do like their recent updates, which included adding blueprints from the start of the game, improving belt sorting, and adding a research queue. We changed movement speed, made things visually always day, and adding a small number of personal construction robots from the start this run. I’m sure if you’d like factorio you’ve played it already.
(3/5) Fall Guys – I got this because it was decently fun to watch. Unfortunately, it’s slightly less fun to play. Overall, there’s WAY too much matchmaking waiting considering the number of players, and the skill ceiling is very low on most of the games, some of which are essentially luck (I’m looking at you, team games).
(3/5) Forager – Decent game. A little too much guesswork in picking upgrades–was probably a bit more fun on my second play because of that. Overall, nice graphics and a cute map, but the gameplay could use a bit of work.
(3/5) Getting Over It – Funny idea, executed well. Pretty sure my friends and I have only gotten through 10% of the game, and all hit about the same wall (the first tunnel)
(3/5) Guild of Dungeoneering – Pretty decent gameplay. I feel like it’s a bit too hard for me, but that’s fine. Overall I think it could use a little more cute/fun art, I never quite felt that motivated.
(1/5) Hardspace: Shipbreakers. Okay, I seriously didn’t get to play this one, but I had GAMEBREAKING issues with my controller, which is a microsoft X-box controller for PC–THE development controller.
(2/5) Helltaker. All right art, meh gameplay. But eh, it’s free!
(3/5) Hot Lava. Decent gameplay. Somehow felt like the place that made this had sucked the souls out of all the devs first–no one cared about the story or characters. It’s a game where the floor is made out of lava, with a saturday morning cartoon open, so that was a really an issue. Admirable lack of bugs, though. I’m a completionist so I played the first world a lot to get all the medals, and didn’t try the later ones.
(3/5) House Flipper – Weird, but I had fun. I wish the gameplay was a little more unified–it felt like a bunch of glued-together minigames.
(2/5) Hydroneer. Utterly uninspiring. I couldn’t care about making progress at all, looked like a terrible grind to no benefit.
(1/5) io. Tiny game, I got it on Steam, also available on phone. Basically a free web flash game, but for money. Not good enough to pay the $1 I paid. Just a bit of a time-killer.
(3/5) Islanders – All you do is place buildings and get points. Not particularly challenging, but relaxing. Overall I liked it.
(3/5) Jackbox – I played this online with a streamer. Jackbox has always felt a little bit soulless money grab to me, but it’s still all right. I like that I can play without having a copy–we need more games using this purchase model.
(3/5) Life is Feudal – Soul-crushingly depressing and grindy, which I knew going in. I thought it was… okay, but I really want an offline play mode (Yes, I know there’s an unsupported single-player game, but it’s buggier and costs money). UI was pretty buggy, and I think hunting might literally be impossible.
(2/5) Minecraft – Antimatter Chemistry. Not particularly fun.
(3/5) Minecraft – ComputerCraft. I played a pack with just ComputerCraft and really nothing else. Was a little slow, would have been more fun with more of an audience. I love the ComputerCraft mod, I just didn’t have a great experience playing my pack I made.
(3/5) Minecraft – Foolcraft 3. Fun, a bit buggy. Honestly I can’t remember it too well.
(1/5) Minecraft – Manufactio. Looked potentially fun, but huge bugs and performance issues, couldn’t play.
(4/5) Minecraft – Tekkit. Tekkit remains one of my favorite Minecraft modpacks.
(3/5) Minecraft – Valhelsia 2. I remember this being fun, but I can’t remember details as much as I’d like. I think it was mostly based around being the latest version of minecraft?
(4/5) Minecraft – Volcano Block. Interesting, designed around some weird mods I hadn’t used. I could have used more storage management or bulk dirt/blocks early in the game–felt quite cramped. Probably got a third of the way through the pack. I got novelty value out of it, but I wouldn’t have enjoyed it if I had ever used the plant mod before–it’s a very fixed, linear progression.
(5/5) Minit. This is a weird, small game. I actually had a lot of fun with it. Then I 100% completed it, which was less fun but I still had a good time overall.
(3/5) Monster Box. By Dan-box. One of two Dan-box games I played a lot of. Just visually appealing, the gameplay isn’t amazing. Also, Dan-box does some great programming–this is a game written in 1990 or so, and it can render hundreds of arrows in the air smoothly in a background tab.
(3/5) Monster Train. A relatively fun deckbuilding card game. It can’t run well on my computer, which is UNACCEPTABLE–this is a card game with 2D graphics. My MICROWAVE should run this shit in 2020. Ignoring that, the gameplay style (summon monsters, MTG style) just isn’t my cup of tea.
(2/5) Moonlighter. Felt like it was missing some inspiration, just didn’t have a sense of “fun”. The art was nice. The credits list is surprisingly long.
(2/5) Muse Dash. All right, a basic rhythm game. Not enough variety to the game play, and everything was based around perfect or near-perfect gameplay, which makes things less fun for me.
(3/5) NES games – various. Dr Mario, Ice Climbers. Basically, I got some Chinese handheld “gameboy” that has all the NES games preloaded on it. Overall it was a great purchase.
(2/5) Noita. “The Powder Game” by Dan-Box, as a procedurally generated platformer with guns. Lets you design your own battle spells. Despite the description, you really still can’t screw around as much as I’d like. I also had major performance issues
(3/5) Observation. I haven’t played this one as much as I’d like, I feel like it may get better. Storytelling, 3D game from the point of view of the AI computer on a space station. I think I might have read a book it’s based on, unfortunately.
(2/5) One Step From Eden. This is a deck-building combat tactics game. I thought it was turn-based, but it’s actually realtime. I think if it was turn-based I would have liked it. The characters were a bit uninspired.
(1/5) Orbt XL. Very dull. I paid $0.50 for it, it was worth that.
(4/5) Opus Magnum. Another great game from Zachtronics, along with Exapunks they’re really ramping up. This is the third execution of the same basic concept. I’d like to see Zachtronics treading new ground more as far as gameplay–that said, it is much improved compared to the first two iterations. The art, writing, and story were stellar on the other hand.
(3/5) Out of Space. Fun idea, you clean a spaceship. It’s never that challenging, and it has mechanics such that it gets easier the more you clean, rather than harder. Good but not enough replay value. Fun with friends the first few times. The controls are a little wonky.
(1/5) Outpost (tower defense game). I hate all tower defense.
(3/5) Overcooked. Overcooked is a ton of fun.
(4/5) Powder Game – Dan-box. I played this in reaction to not liking Noita. It’s fairly old at this point. Just a fun little toy.
(1/5) Prime Mover – Very cool art, the gameplay put me to sleep immediately. A “circuit builder” game but somehow missing any challenge or consistency.
(2/5) Quest for Glory I. Older, from 1989. Didn’t really play this much, I couldn’t get into the writing, and the pseudo-photography art was a little jarring.
(4/5) Raft. I played this in beta for free on itch.io, and had a lot of fun. Not enough changed that it was really worth a replay, but it has improved, and I got to play with a second player. Not a hard game, which I think was a good thing. The late game they’ve expanded, but it doesn’t really add much. The original was fun and so was this.
(3/5) Satisfactory. I honestly don’t know how I like this one–I didn’t get too far into it.
(4/5) Scrap Mechanic. I got this on a recommendation from a player who played in creative. I only tried the survival mode–that mode is not well designed, and their focuses for survival are totally wrong. I like the core game, you can actually build stuff. If I play again, I’ll try the creative mode, I think.
(3.5/5) Shapez.io. A weird, abstracted simplification of Factorio. If I hadn’t played factorio and half a dozen copies, I imagine this would have been fun, but it’s just more of the same. Too much waiting–blueprints are too far into the game, too.
(2.5/5) Simmiland. Okay, but short. Used cards for no reason. For a paid game, I wanted more gameplay out of it?
(0.5/5) Snakeybus. The most disappointing game I remember this year. Someone made “Snake” in 3D. There are a million game modes and worlds to play in. I didn’t find anything I tried much fun.
(1/5) Soda Dungeon. A “mobile” (read: not fun) style idle game. Patterned after money-grab games, although I don’t remember if paid progress was actually an option. I think so.
(4/5) Spelunky. The only procedurally generated platformer I’ve ever seen work. Genuinely very fun.
(4/5) Spelunky 2. Fun, more of an upgrade of new content than a new game. Better multiplayer. My computer can’t run later levels at full speed.
(1/5) Stick Ranger 2. Dan-box. Not much fun.
(3/5) Superliminal. Fun game. A bit short for the pricetag.
(3/5) Tabletop Simulator – Aether’s End: Legacy. Interesting, a “campaign” (series of challenge bosses and pre-written encounters) deckbuilding RPG. I like the whole “campaign RPG boardgame” idea. This would have worked better with paper, there were some rough edges in both the game instructions and the port to Tabletop Simulator.
(4/5) Tabletop Simulator – The Captain is Dead. Very fun. I’d love to play with more than 2 people. Tabletop simulator was so-so for this one.
(2/5) Tabletop Simulator – Tiny Epic Mechs. You give your mech a list of instructions, and it does them in order. Arena fight. Fun, but I think I could whip up something at least as good.
(3/5) The Council. One of the only 3D games I finished. It’s a story game, where you investigate what’s going on and make various choices. It’s set in revolutionary france, at the Secret World Council that determines the fate of the world. It had a weak ending, with less choice elements than the rest of the game so far, which was a weird decision. Also, it has an EXCRUTIATINGLY bad opening scene, which was also weird. The middle 95% of the game I enjoyed, although the ending went on a little long. The level of background knowledge expected of the player swung wildly–they seemed to expect me to know who revolutionary French generals were with no explanation, but not Daedalus and the Minotaur. The acting was generally enjoyable–there’s a lot of lying going on in the game and it’s conveyed well. The pricetag is too high to recommend.
(0/5) The Grandma’s Recipe (Unus Annus). This game is unplayably bad–it’s just a random pixel hunt. Maybe it would be fun if you had watched the video it’s based on.
(3/5) The Room. Pretty fun! I think this is really designed for a touchscreen, but I managed to play it on my PC. Played it stoned, which I think helps with popular puzzle games–it has nice visuals but it’s a little too easy.
(3/5) This Call May Be Recorded. Goofy experimental game.
(4/5) TIS-100. Zachtronics. A programming game. I finally got done with the first set of puzzles and into the second this year. I had fun, definitely not for everyone.
(3/5) Trine. I played this 2-player. I think the difficulty was much better 2-player, but it doesn’t manage 2 players getting separated well. Sadly we skipped the story, which seemed like simple nice low-fantasy. Could have used goofier puzzles, it took itself a little too seriously and the levels were a bit same-y.
(2/5) Unrailed. Co-op railroad building game. It was okay but there wasn’t base-building. Overall not my thing. I’d say I would prefer something like Overcooked if it’s going to be timed? Graphics reminded me of autonauts.
(2/5) Vampire Night Shift. Art game. Gameplay could have used a bit of polish. Short but interesting.
(4/5) Wayward. To date, the best survival crafting system I’ve seen. You can use any pointy object and stick-like object, together with glue or twine, to make an arrow. The UI is not great, and there’s a very counter-intuitive difficulty system. You need to do a little too much tutorial reading, and it could use more goals. Overall very fun. Under constant development, so how it plays a given week is a crapshoot. The steam version finally works for me (last time I played it was worse than the free online alpha, now it’s the same or better). I recomend playing the free online version unless you want to support the author.
(1/5) We Need to Go Deeper. Multiplayer exploration game in a sub, with sidescrolling battle. Somehow incredibly unfun, together with high pricetag. Aesthetics reminded me of Don’t Starve somehow.
(2/5) We Were Here. Okay 2-player puzzle game. Crashed frequently, and there were some “huh” puzzles and UI. Free.
(3/5) Yes, your grace. Gorgeous pixel art graphics. The story is supposed to be very player-dependent, but I started getting the feeling that it wasn’t. I didn’t quite finish the game but I think I was well past halfway. Hard to resume after a save, you forget things. I got the feeling I wouldn’t replay it, which is a shame because it’s fun to see how things go differently in a second play with something like this.
These are not all new to me, and very few came out in 2020. I removed any games I don’t remember and couldn’t google (a fair number, I play a lot of game jam games) as well as any with pornographic content.
2020 Videogames was originally published on Optimal Prime
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keefwho · 1 month
April 11 - 2024 Thursday
This morning I took my shower and asked my stepdad to take me to the store for drinks. I was hoping that girl around my age was working there so I could try to make conversation. Not for a weird reason, its just because I am not aware of anyone around my age in the area aside from JR. She was there but my attempts at chatting were thwarted by my dad who was showing her some video on his phone.
Before that all I had for breakfast was a can of beefaroni because I wasn't too hungry. For work I didn't want to stream too strongly but I did it anyways. I warmed up with dalmatian sketches and did 57's commission some more. I wanted to get it done today but I couldn't, I got close though. I definitely stayed focused and drew swiftly at least.
After work I joined TK in VRchat while they were on just briefly. We did some puzzle style world and chatted in a desert.
For lunch I made a salami sandwich and did a pretty good job again. I watched Twitch dreading work time.
For afternoon work I cranked out today's request which was kinda hard to come up with an idea for and worked 45 minutes on one of my idea requests. I joined AE and friends to watch him play Minecraft on the side. I left since I had plans with NK to watch the Bob Ross Documentary but somehow the plans were miscommunicated and he wasn't free. While waiting for him I hung out with TK and her boyfriend and talked about stuff with them.
Around the usual time, DS and I chilled while she sewed the ears to her fursuit and put on furry convention videos. I enjoyed watching them. I asked if we could talk when she was done which she agreed to. In bed we had our chat and I said a lot that I needed to say. It was very good as usual to get a fresh understanding about things so I can work through them more effectively.
When she fell asleep I joined BD in VRchat but she had to get off after a couple rounds of this Prompt or Die game. Then I hit up NK again to see if he wanted to watch Bob Ross late and he did so I grabbed my extra drink and dinner so we could watching. I'm up super late because it went a little over bedtime and then I had too much fun catching up with him.
0 notes
yogpetshame · 5 years
Have you seen Hat Films's latest GTA video? What do you think about what they've talked about?
Content variety
To me, at least, it seems like they’re holding one less puzzle piece than they need to have complete justification for the issue they claim to have. The problem they describe is that their video pipeline becomes jammed when they play too much of the same game in their recording sessions. By spending consecutive days recording VR, they generate weeks of nonstop VR videos. Which creates a different problem they glance over in the video: the most important part of YouTube success is that your content is habit-forming. If people take two weeks off because they don’t like the direction your content has gone, you broke their habit.
The reason I don’t think they’re legitimately stuck in this situation is that their content isn’t timely. They’re playing GTA V. GTA V was released in 2013. It’s not exactly launch-day. If they record a GTA video on October 19, they could upload it months later and it’s very likely nobody would notice. So, if they buckled down one week and recorded an extra session, they could begin to upload weeks-old content in with newer content and mix up the games as they go. So instead of feeding from two VR sessions nonstop until they run out, they could intersperse two VR sessions with one session of something else and not aggressively alienate VR-haters for an extended period of time. 
They get into how they don’t do like, “Monday Monopoly,” “Tuesday Twitch Sings” or whatever because they don’t record in variety, but this method really only requires they like two different games at once. It’s not that demanding.
In case I explained it badly, I’m going to give an example, and my relation of session/upload dates will be way off but it’s simpler to go 1:1. Let’s say they normally plan to record VR twice this week, and use the footage to upload VR videos for the next two weeks. Instead, they drank some Red Bulls and also recorded a third session, this time of Jack Box. Instead of uploading one week of VR, another week of VR, and a final week of Jack Box, they use Jack Box to break up the VR. So one week of VR and Jack Box, next week VR and Jack Box, on the third week they record more two more sessions to replace the two weeks that went by but still have a third week’s worth of spice to continue mixing with.
Nobody’s going to go, “Hey! That video you just uploaded is three weeks old!” Because nobody expects this stuff to be fresh anyway.
“The millionth game of Fortnite”
Not a whole essay on this one - Smith explains that he sees streamers playing a lot of the same game forever because it’s popular and insists that they won’t do that because it’s bad for your sanity.
Meanwhile, he’s playing a racing game for the last six years that used to be super-popular but now isn’t. But go off.
I don’t think there’s an easy solution for this, but pretending to be all high-and-mighty about the content you choose to produce when it’s no more dignified than anyone else is some very unwarranted confidence. Go take a look at Jerma if you need a refresher on how doing what everyone else is doing is not the only path to success. The guy streamed himself in a dunk tank.
Ross talks about why they can’t poll their viewers because the responses are effectively useless. Trott describes the type of people who would bother to vote as “active, and potentially fans of us already.” As the conversation goes on they lay bare that there is a certain type of audience member whose advice is pointless because they watch out of habit and aren’t sensitive to content or quality anymore.
What’s hilarious is that, because they prompted people to comment, they got a bunch of responses from that exact type of person trying to “encourage” them to drive their channel into the ground.
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These people, while they are also the bread on your table, want your channel to fucking die.
You really don’t care what they play? What if they started playing World of Warcraft tomorrow? What if they started playing something so obscure that they never attracted any new viewers who weren’t parasocially attracted? Would it matter that you’re so entranced with their Chemistry, Vibe and Personality when they’re uploading Flower, Sun, and Rain for an audience you could fit in a large room?
These people make a terrible, terrible barometer for your channel. It may be better if they never spoke up at all. You’re not successful because of your chemistry, you’re successful because you made well-edited and choreographed Minecraft update videos and a cohort of your viewers from your 15 minutes of fame developed a habit of watching everything you upload. The fact you aren’t working in a Tesco now is because you continued to attract new viewers from that moment on to replace the habitual viewers that were lost due to attrition. If you rely entirely on the belief that your Vibe will pay your rent, you’ll hollow out until you become one of those broke has-beens that screeches about their “entitled viewers” on Twitter.
A YouTuber may have good chemistry. But never ever ever listen to people who say “”personality” or “chemistry” is the reason they watch. They’re in too deep.
YouTube Expert
Smith brings up a time when a “YouTube expert” came to Yogtowers to give advice that was “totally fucking useless” because staff aren’t allowed to share any tricks of value.
This, while knee-slappingly hilarious to picture, is also a little pathetic. The “secrets” to YouTube success aren’t secrets. It’s just that they’re prohibitive to make because creating that type of content saps your integrity, your dignity, your wallet, or all three. “ROSS AND SMITH GET IN A FISTFIGHT! (BROKEN NOSE)” could crack 5 million views. “MY DOG MOCHI ALMOST DIED (POISON FOOD???)” could crack 6 million. If you want YouTube to be a day job and not a series of traumatic incidents, you settle with making mild content that’s mildly successful. If you want to live in a private neighborhood in Los Angeles, you live like a wolverine on PCP and upload content that’s illegal in many countries.
You really don’t need an expert to tell you that. The idea of people at Yogtowers sitting around trying to understand why they’re not the next Rooster Teeth and finding out the answer is not because Rooster Teeth knows secrets, but because the Yogscast just isn’t as good, is pleasant though.
Gambling ads
Smith talks about “gambling ads” appearing before their videos. He says that “just because something is legally advertised doesn’t mean it’s not bad” and they say just because they recorded themselves using scratch cards doesn’t mean they recommend it. Trott brings up that minors can’t tell the difference.
Which is so fucking cute of them to discuss.
Granted it’s been some time, but really. You were thoroughly in bed with Tom “Syndicate” Cassell and Trevor “TmarTn” Martin, a pair of men who are only famous for luring kids into a gambling scheme, and friends during the time that they were under investigation for it.
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“Say, ‘the four digits on the back of mommy’s credit card!”
You don’t have to condemn every advertiser that YouTube automatically throws on your channel. Nobody expects that. But going out of your way to throw in with Mr. Child Gambling? And then trying to take a stand on it? Please.
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guerreroriise · 2 years
It's a Great Idea but you might not have Heard of It.
This post actually started out as a long email to some researchers I work with that study user experience, especially with families (they're the ones who created the fun Nokia/Sesame Street things). Today I was thinking about the email and realized I was not able to publish it without permission. I find it fascinating.
My nine-year-old son Alex had a play date recently at our home - after a while, he wanted to show his friend Minecraft Pocket Edition, which I just got for our iPads (we both have one, best investment I've made so far in his education). He and I had played for a couple hours on Saturday creating virtual castles and underground caves, etc. It was a lot of fun.
If you haven't heard of it, Minecraft is an independently developed block-building-slash-survival game that hit it big over the last year, and they just came out with a tablet version a few weeks ago for both Android and iPad. The tablet version of Minecraft is a lighter version. There's no zombies, fighting and so on. like in the PC version, just the ability to build things. At first , I was not going to purchase the iOS version because it costs $7 on the iPad, but Google has been promoting apps for Android, and Minecraft was on sale for only 10 cents which is why I purchased it for my Motorola Xoom (which I use for testing). This was when I realized how fun the game really was! I bought the iPad version and Alex and I have had fun playing it since then.
However, I was unsure if Alex's friends would be as interested , as it's a bit geeky however it was a huge hit. And because the Android and iPad versions are compatible, we were in the same world with all three tablets at once. We spent around two hours in the living area, each using one of our tablets creating cool things and then running around the virtual world and looking at the creations of others. No blasting bad guys there were no puzzles, and no challenges. It was pure virtual creation.
For me, there are numerous aspects of this experience which I consider to be pretty unique:
- Minecraft PE isn't really a "game in the traditional sense, simply an sandbox. Minecraft PE is a sandbox, similar to Lego blocks but cooler because you can actually build the world you're creating. The interface is simplethat anyone can pick it up and enjoy the game without prior experience. This isn't typical for video games or virtual worlds - It's amazing how quickly you go from constructing a tiny tunnel or shack, and then needing to clear 10 virtual acres of land to create the biggest castle ever. It was great to see the boys ambitions get ahead of themselves, then scale back, help each one another and so on. - Sharing what you have constructed is a wonderful social aspect. minecraft-servers I had to remind the boys at times to check out the work of the other person, as they were so engaged in their activities that they couldn't stop. When they did there were plenty of "Oh! Cool! I'd like to help! Come see my work! This is the first time I've ever seen this kind of instruction while playing any type of co-op game. - Being able to easily join in with the two boys and guide them along when they were stuck was great (in terms of new ideas, or simply getting lost - one boy tunneled all the way straight into the virtual world, but could not figure out how to return to the surface. ((:) ) - Cross platform compatibility - this may seem obvious, but it enabled all the above. The boys did eventually figure out the game they could play - Hide and Go Seek. It was quite amusing, especially considering you can make your own tunnels.
It was incredible to watch the boys get into the game, make new things and have fun. Even though it appears that with all of us heads down on our own device it would be less personal - it was actually far superior to the typical co-op video game in which everyone is seated in one direction, and you communicate using grunts and the occasional elbow. Instead we all sat together in the living room and talked with each other. We also glanced over to see what others were doing. It was a much more normal social experience than a shared-screen one.
It's been a while since I'm amazed by how advanced tablet computers truly are: Touch can make UIs much more user-friendly and intuitive and the tablet's form factor melds easily into social situations without imposing barriers like a laptop or game console.
This is yet another example of the technological advancement that tablets are a part of. It's not like tablets are a third type or computing device that's matched to the mobile phone and PC, but it's now obvious that tablets will be the main computing device in the near future. They might be considered mobile OSes or computers with touchscreen interfaces but they are the form factor we've been waiting since the beginning of time.
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