#sofia castro
ilysmsweaty2 · 8 months
casting the characters cut from the red white and royal blue movie because i am a visual person and have been really enjoying rereading the book with people for the characters
june- sofia castro
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rafeal luna- Esai Morales (formerly andy garcia because i forgot what age luna was)
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Leo- james marsden
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Cash-Jason Statham
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Hunter- will poulter
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queen mary- jessica lange (i love stephen fry tho)
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catherine- cate blanchett
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liam- ezra miller
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i think my choices r reasonable. lmk if I missed anyone.
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kawaiiinla · 4 months
Obsessed with Sofia Castro
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beeblackburn · 9 months
For the movie asks: 3, 11, 17
Thank you, @smalltownfae!
3. A movie you think is overrated?
Oh, the words I had about Lost in Translation right after watching it? Maybe it was because I was buzzed on an edible, but I absolutely thought that felt really overrated in the watching. Not bad, Johansson and Murray give some top-shelf performances, that choice of ambiguous dialogue at the very end is a great one, and I dig the point of this being a temporal crossroads between one's beginning and one's end, and the alienation behind being alone in a foreign country... but, by god, Japan's way too caricatured in this, especially the "lip my stockings" scene and the bit with the dart guns, and you can tell Sofia Coppola's still a bit inexperienced in not trusting the audience, given the on-the-nose A Soul's Search tape.
It's probably objectively artsy and "good," but compared to Paterson, First Cow, and even The Station Agent, it doesn't do that much for me.
11. A movie you wish you could un-watch?
Before yesterday, Encanto. The songs are catchy, I love the colors and visuals of this movie, Luisa is an all-timer design alone, so that's why I'd purge it and avoid a movie that needed either 10-15 more minutes to pace out the climax better, to prune out a few family members to give more narrative breath to the remaining ones, or turned into a Disney original TV show, an episode focused on a family member.
However, Ghostbusters: Afterlife made a solid case as a movie that I was better off not watching. Maybe I was just in a very tired mood by then, but it just rung as the most cynical "loving" nostalgia-bait cash grab, and that's even before you get into the ethical ramifications of CGI Harold Ramis of it, with a self-defensiveness streak to its jokes and a tepid climax that doesn't rise above the more dynamic middle part of ghostbusting.
17. A movie you never get tired of talking about?
Pig, Pig, Pig, Pig, Pig. Holy shit, Pig is really great.
I could go a lot into Nicholas Cage's acting (just a papered-over, stoic split scar of a man), Alex Wolff's acting (he's great all across, but his last scene is perfect, beautiful and gutting), the forest visuals, the parts' food titles, the way the foodie world there pops alive, the dialogue about the persimmon tree, the palpable grief intertwined with wounded nihilism suffusing the narrative, the restaurant scene, and its entire second half, and what it says about masculinity, prestige, performance, and art. All in a tight about 90 minutes? Hard to believe it's Sarnoski's directorial debut, but easy to believe Cage saying it's his best performance, hands down. There's such lovingly subtle and trusting collection of details for the audience to cotton on, I don't think I can ever shut up about it, given so few people have watched it, compared to Everything Everywhere All at Once.
I hope more people watch it, it's so textured and tender, just an amazing movie.
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ozkar-krapo · 2 years
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(CD. Grimaces Éditions. 2019) [PT]
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somosorigen · 1 year
Trailer Oficial: Love Again
Esta película la voy a ir a ver solo por Celine Dion (si soy un ridiculo ¿y? – risas-), y es que como podemos ver es una cinta romántica a toda regla, con todos los clichés y situaciones de toda la vida, pero que sin duda se agradece que nos entreguen en estos tiempos de superproducciones, algo simple. Continue reading Untitled
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ladedicatoria · 2 years
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A mi perrito, en su primer aniversario de fallecimiento
Para quienes la producción de imágenes representa una parte importante de la vida, el espejo es un objeto primordial. Yo, Sofía, paso horas fragmentadas frente al el. Me gusta mirarme y reconocerme para así proyectar quién soy en las fotografías que tomo. La búsqueda constante de mostrarme a través de estas imágenes se ve reflejada en los objetos que retrato. Me es urgente comunicarle al mundo esta estética que construyo día a día y en la que me esmero por transmitir un statement: la belleza está en la calle, en la basura, en lo ordinario, en lo inerte y en la muerte.
Y no me importa lo que digan. Narcisista, ególatra, leonina, creída. Porque tampoco sé si me importa mucho lo que veo yo misma. Horrible, hermosa. Me quiero, me odio e indago en la búsqueda infinita por conocerme. Lo que intento averiguar es qué hay detrás de esta forma de vida que elijo. Y si bien la respuesta muchas veces es incierta, con el paso del tiempo, es decir, con la muerte cercana me aproximo a lo que me pasa. Las elecciones artísticas son políticas y yo estoy decidida a mostrar el lado b del mundo que las redes sociales y el sistema se empeñan en banear y censurar para que todo y todxs nos centremos en la idea aspiracional de ser mejores, más capaces, más bellxs, más fuertes y al mismo tiempo vacíxs.
¿Qué es el afuera? Un estado metafísico en el que rodeada de naturaleza o ciudad camino casi corriendo en cámara lenta con los mechones y el flequillo al viento; y es en ese preciso momento cuando surgen las imágenes y la inspiración. Una a una van pasando por mi cabeza todas las proyecciones y fantasías de vidas imaginarias, que a raíz de lo percibido en el afuera, como el viento en la cara, una gota de transpiración, la calidez del sol y el frío en los labios logran materializarse en fotografías cuando agarro el celular para captar lo que vi y sentí en la caminata metafísica y elevada. Entonces, el paso posterior a observarme en el espejo es salirme de mi cuerpo y volar en mi cabeza hacia esas otras vidas que no conozco y que nunca tendré. Estas fantasías me permiten otorgarle otro mundo a los objetos por fuera de mi misma. ¿De quién es este jardín tan cuidado? ¿Quién dejó en la calle una botella de vino vacía junto a esta bolsa de basura? ¿Por qué alguien eligió dejar esta silla en la vereda? QUIERO SER TODXS. Mi corazón es de todxs.
Si soy capaz de captar un barrio es porque me conozco a mi misma.
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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National Go Fishing Day 
Fly fishing, worm fishing, boating or wading…whatever your preference, get yourself up and out early to catch yourself the biggest fish you can.
The sun is just beginning to rise over the horizon, painting the sky a vivid palette of reds and oranges. The quiet buzz of insects can be heard as they dance over the water’s surface, punctuated occasionally by the splash of a fish breaking the surface for its morning meal, unknowing that it is destined to become a meal itself. National Go Fishing Day celebrates quiet, meditative moments like this and those individuals who find solace in the pursuit of this elusive prey.
We have certainly all fished before. Fished for compliments, fished for some decent wine to go with our Sunday roast but the act of fishing is indeed considered an actual sport.
Whether you fish with the old fashion maggots, or whether you’ve progressed to the corn bait, you will find that fishing in general is a sport that requires both patience and strength. There are plenty of fish to choose from, depending on where you choose to fish and although some people fish for a living, this little hobby can develop into much more than just a Sunday morning past time…
History Of National Go Fishing Day
While fishing has served to feed civilization since near the dawn of time, and in modern days it is a major industry that has a yearly yield in the billions of dollars, National Go Fishing Day is dedicated to sport fishing, as well as those who fish as part of survival (known as subsistence fishing). Fishing is a great way to help add food to your table while having the satisfaction of knowing that you caught it yourself, as well as a wonderful bonding opportunity for friends and family.
While the most common forms of fishing are rod and reel fishing, fly fishing, and at a distant third bow-fishing, there are many other forms that are practiced around the world for survival and pleasure. Whatever your preferred method, fishing is a great experience and gets us back in touch with nature and ourselves. Contrary to popular belief, fishing is far more than “One jerk waiting for another jerk at the end of the line.”, and instead is actually a result of luck combined with three important processes, the state of the fish, how it encounters the tackle, and the composition of that tackle.
The Ancient Greeks considered fishermen of very low status so they rarely depicted them in art. All civilizations that lived near the water have developed some forms of fishing over time and even relied on fish as a part of their diet to some extent. Eating our fishy rewards after a long fishing stint, seems immoral for some but it is practical for many.
The Benefits Of Fishing
The benefits of fishing are plentiful. Now that isn’t just because of the great suntan you can get whilst sitting on the riverbanks or pondside whilst fishing, but because it is a sport that requires a lot of skill and diligence. Some of the biggest benefits include: boosting the immune system! Yes that’s a fact, if you’re doing something that you love, then your body is healing and strengthening itself constantly. Add this to the muscular strength you need to reel in that tough carp that has bit the line and you’re really working your cardiovascular system also. Good start isn’t it? Fishing also has the opposite effect also, it certainly helps promote relaxation and when you are sat out in nature, you are certainly getting your daily dose of fresh air and vitamin D that will make you feel good on the outside as well as on the inside! For those who have a little bit of a short temper, you could choose fishing as a way to tame that fiery temperament.
Fishing takes patience and promotes a calm nature, which is beneficial for you mentally and physically; it can lower blood pressure and allow you to feel more calm and ready to tackle life! It will help promote self-reliance and the ability to learn for yourself, and it’s a sport that can be enjoyed individually or with family. Think of it as family bonding time! “Come on kids, let’s go catch some Chinook with old pap!” Don’t forget to stick on your ‘gone fishing’ plaque on the doorstep, so the neighbors know where to find you!
How To Celebrate National Go Fishing Day
Get out there and go fishing! It’s as simple as that. Whether you prefer to go boat fishing and troll along with your bait and tackle trailing in the water behind you, or standing in hip waders while casting your fly over the top of the water, there’s a form of fishing that will appeal to everyone. Even if you don’t like fishing, you have to admit that sitting quietly on the edge of a lake with a fishing pole and a case of beer beats even the best day at work!
If you want to further your journey within fishing and you feel you’re ready for another step, then you can celebrate Fishing Day with entering into a competition. There are plenty around and there are often money prizes up for grabs! Now what better way to celebrate fishing than with a big win? Get involved and really start to enjoy what fishing has to offer, with its huge benefits! Time to learn a new skill, so let’s go fishing!
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thejawdroppers · 9 months
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disparition · 4 months
the Winter Road
it is early January of 2024 and I am about to return to the road with my friends Welcome to Night Vale, performing the live soundtrack for our new touring episode "The Attic"
Jan 9 - Austin - The Paramount
Jan 11 - Tucson - The Rialto
Jan 12 - LA - The Regent
Jan 13 - SF - The Castro
Jan 14 - Sacramento - The Sofia
Jan 17 - Eugene - The Hult Center
Jan 18 - Portland - Revolution Hall
Jan 19 - Seattle - The Neptune (2 shows)
Danny Schmidt (the Weather from episodes 8, 51, 131, and 166) is our musical guest on this leg.
I hope to see you out there! If you have any questions about this tour, our live shows in general, or life on the road with WTNV please feel free to ask!
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lagrimas-del-alma · 2 months
"Si tú te vieras a través de mis ojitos, entenderías que pa quererte hay mil motivos"
- Sofia Castro
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carlosdmourablog · 9 months
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Aceito para poder seguir.
Acredito para conseguir.
Agradeço (muito) mais do que peço.
Persisto nos lugares onde quero chegar.
Foco-me mais nas soluções e muito menos nos problemas.
Dou luz à sombra e nunca deixo de afirmar que sou feliz.
Feliz sem reservas.
Falo muito mais das minhas alegrias do que das minhas tristezas, a vida ensinou-me a agarrar-me sempre aos dias felizes.
Um dia, parei de carregar o mundo às costas e aprendi a dizer não.
Escolho o que quero com todo o coração.
Acredito em mim. Mas não é porque fica bonito dizer o amor-próprio.
Bonito é sentir e praticar.
Por isso, sim, acredito em mim e acredito que sou capaz de tudo o que quiser ser.
Não me deixo definir pela opinião dos outros.
Não desperdiço energia no que pode correr mal.
E confio ( muito, muito ) no que a vida me ensinou:
Quando é para ser meu, quando é para acontecer, até quem tenta atrapalhar ajuda.
💗Sofia Castro💗
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dalekofchaos · 10 months
Gunnverse Batman fancast
Fancast for James Gunn’s DCU/Batman!
DCEU recast
Burtonverse Recast
90′s Justice League
Reevesverse Batman
Wonder Woman
The Flash
Green Lantern
Justice League
Green Arrow
Teen Titans
Suicide Squad
Justice League Dark
Batman Beyond
The Dark Knight Returns
Telltale’s Batman
Legion Of Doom
Birds Of Prey
Jensen Ackles as Batman/Bruce Wayne
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Peter Capaldi as Alfred Pennyworth
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Jon Hamm as Thomas Wayne
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Lena Headley as Martha Wayne
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Courtney B. Vance as Lucius Fox
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Laura Dern as Dr Leslie Thompkins
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Bryan Cranston as James Gordon
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David Harbour as Harvey Bullock
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Stephanie Beatriz as Renee Montoya
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Bill Hader as Jack Ryder/The Creeper
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Jodie Comer as Vicki Vale
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Jesús Castro as Nightwing/Dick Grayson
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Kiera Allen as Oracle/Barbara Gordon
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Dacre Montgomery as Red Hood/Jason Todd
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Noah Schnapp as Red Robin/Tim Drake
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Kristen Stewart as Batwoman/Kate Kane
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Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Huntress/Helena Bertinelli
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Riley Lai Nelet as Batgirl/Cassandra Cain
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Mckenna Grace as Spoiler/Stephanie Brown
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Izaac Wang as Robin/Damian Wayne
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John Boyega as Batwing/Luke Fox
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Caleb McLaughlin as Duke Thomas/The Signal
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Alexander Ludwig as Azrael/Jean Paul Valley
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Michael B Jordan as Azrael/Michael Lane
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Ana De Armas as Catwoman/Selina Kyle
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Brian Cox as Commissioner Gillian Loeb
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Sam Witwer as Captain Howard Brandon
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Michael Weatherly as Detective Arnold Flass
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Robert De Niro as Carmine Falcone
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Gina Mantegna as Sofia Falcone
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David Dastmalchian as Alberto Falcone
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James Carpinello as Mario Falcone
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Al Pacino as Sal Maroni
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John Goodman as Rupert Thorne
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Michael Imperioli as Anthony Zucco
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Willem Dafoe as The Joker
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Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn
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David Tennant as The Riddler/Edward Nygma
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Alfred Molina as The Penguin/Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot
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Oscar Isaac as Two-Face/Harvey Dent
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Giancarlo Esposito as Mr Freeze/Victor Fries
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Viggo Mortensen as Black Mask/Roman Sionis
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Jane Levy as Andrea Beaumont/The Phantasm
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Adam Driver as Scarecrow/Jonathan Crane
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Kevin Grevioux as Killer Croc
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Laz Alonso as Bane
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Doug Jones as Man-Bat/Kirk Langstrom
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Peter Stormare as Clayface/Basil Karlo
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Toby Jones as Mad Hatter/Jervis Tetch
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John Lithgow as The Ventriloquist/Arnold Wesker
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Natalie Dormer as The Ventriloquist II/Peyton Riley
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Dohmnall Gleeson as Hush/Thomas Elliot
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Raul Esparza as Hugo Strange
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Anya Taylor-Joy as Poison Ivy
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Pedro Pascal as Deadshot/Floyd Lawton
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Frank Grillo as Deathstroke/Slade Wilson
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Finn Wittrock as Talon/William Cobb
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Karl Urban as Owlman/Thomas Wayne Jr
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Stephen Fry as Professor Pyg
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Stephen Lang as David Cain
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Daniel Radcliffe as Anarky
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Nikolaj Coster-Waldau as Cluemaster
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Keanu Reeves as Prometheus
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Ming-Na Wen as Lady Shiva
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Ghassan Massoud as Ra’s Al Ghul
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Nadine Njeim as Talia Al Ghul
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Yasmine Al Massri as Nyssa Al Ghul
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Michael Fassbender as Dr Simon Hurt
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Kat Graham as Jezebel Jet/Black Glove
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Christian Bale as The Batman Who Laughs
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fetichesonoro · 4 months
Fetiche Sonoro: The 40 Best Songs of 2023
These are the 40 best songs of the year:
1. Los mejores - Alizzz 2. Lejos - Andrea Cruz 3. De Quererte Tanto (Guajira y Cabal) - Anna Colom & Exequiel Coria 4. Los Perros - Arde Bogotá 5. Patio - Asia Menor 6. Olas y Arenas - Balún & La Brega 7. Nadie Me Ha Preguntado - Belén Aguilera 8. Au Revoir à la Merchandant - Bronquio & 41V1L 9. Duérmete Clavel - Budaya 10. Ardió Tu Pelo - Crudo Pimento 11. Baño De Luna - Debi Nova 12. Daniboy - Diamante Eléctrico 13. Para Vivir - El Kanka & Silvana Estrada 14. Sin Voz - Florencia Lira 15. Daydreaming - Foudeqush 16. Nada Para Ti - Francisca Valenzuela & Ximena Sariñana 17. Mentingitis - FraXu 18. El Final - Hello Seahorse! 19. Penetración - Isabel Do Diego 20. Ke Será De Mí - Jaze 21. Último Round - La Vida Bohème 22. Ein Sof, Infinito - Lido Pimienta 23. Si Tú Me Quieres - Maika Makovski (featuring Ovidi Tormo) 24. Rueda, Rueda - María José Llergo 25. Bang - Melenas 26. Casta Diva - Mon Laferte 27. Se Dio Así - Muyaio & Tronco 28. Pequeñas Esperanzas - Niña Tormenta 29. Porque Yo - Pahua (featuring Eva de Marce) 30. Patio de Adelante - Playa Gótica 31. Máquina Culona - Ralphie Choo & Mura Masa 32. No Me Digas Qué Hacer - Renee 33. Cómplices - Reno Rojas 34. Problema Cabrón - Residente & Wos 35. Tú y Yo - Reyko 36. LLYLM - Rosalía 37. Tu Olor - Rubio 38. Madres - Sofia Kourtesis 39. La Raíz - Valeria Castro 40. Dibujos De Mi Alma - Y La Bamba
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easthavenhq · 4 months
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With the 1 year anniversary of East Haven's opening, we have decided to have an event that centers around a wind storm that is blowing it's way through town, inciting chaos where ever it goes. The event will start on January 5th at 12pm (noon) and end on January 15th at 12am (midnight). No new starters should be posted after January 10th.
You were placed into groups that are listed below. You will be expected to write with at least one character in that group that you normally do not write with. You are still free to do other threads with others in the group, but are required to at least one.
Participation for this event will be mandatory. Acceptances and checks will be held as usual. Reminder: Injuries need to be in by January 3rd*. You can find the form here. Details of this will be posted on the 5th.
Characters and locations are listed under the cut and will be updated with acceptances & unfollows. Please use the tag easthavenevent007.
East Haven Memorial - Maple Hills
Stevie Wagner - Kayla Johnny Wagner - K Sunny Hussan - Jennie River Jackson - Star Sarah Ruiz - El Gale Peterson - Nadine Callum Jackson - Madison Alec Kincade - Justin Aubrey Miller - Lital Wesley Levitt - K
City Hall - Downtown
Nate Clairmont - Kayla Brody Evans - Jackie Aarin Duskin - K Chantel Bedford - Katelyn Ann-Marie Seigert - Jennie Maggie Sommers - Kayla Mallory Sinclair - K Verity Wagner - Mat Max Diax - Star Isabella Castro - JimJam Andrew Jackson - Nadine
Willow Springs Apartments - Downtown
Ashi Hussan - Kayla Emre Ediz - K Orion Blakely - Justin Jude Sanchez-Khalid - Star Amerie Chen - Mat Dana Allen-Lopez - K Apollo Williams - Desi Riley Day - Marie Celine Ediz - Gigi Beyza Senkan - Kayla
Heywood University - Downtown
Liliana Santos-Blake - Nadine Cami Quintana-Lopez - Marie Cristian Hernandez - Dix Asher Spring - Kae Wyatt Wheeler - K Prue Cassidy - Kayla Marcus Reyes - K Alex Fontenelle - Madison Frederick Sullivan - Star Genevieve Hernandez - Beki
Fire Department - Downtown
Connor Bowen - K Penelope Ruiz - Nadine Benjamin Jackson - Justin Harlow Hanlon - S Eddie Castro - Kayla Ari Seong-Paterson - Katelyn Keely Seigert - Desi Brady Levitt - Jennie Roman Rhodes - G Javier Rivera - Dix Renee Thompson - K
Mount Aston Lodge - Mount Aston
Josiah Huddington - Katelyn Neena Wagner - Gigi Dilara Baysal - K Malik Farouk - Jackie Travis Jackson - Kayla Samuel Bradford - S Cameron Hatcher - Dix Mason Paterson - K Josh Pryce - Nadine Diego Castro - Star
Gas n Go - Sutherland Park
Shane Marshall - Jay Alice Cheung - K Bridget Levitt - Kayla James Morrison - Sam Quentin Levitt - Nadine Hunter Renner - Star Bee Bowen - El Estella Harris - Lital Julieta Alvarez - K Alliannah Vaughn - Katelyn
Animal House Shelter - Maple Hills
Evren Osman - Katelyn Morgan Fontenelle - K Alaric Farrow - S Lance Browne - Justin Roberta Rhodes - Kayla Gavin Gunther - Jackie Chanse Ainsworth - Kae Chloe Austin - Madison Mateo Torres - K Isla Ricci - Mat
South Pines - Primrose Heights
Abraham Wilson - K Julian Heywood - Nadine Luciana Medina - Kayla Owen Bentley - Star Ricky Thompson - Jennie Luna Morales - Lital Simon Heywood - Marie Matt Wheeler - Kayla Valentina Delgado - K Rohan Belton-Stone - Justin
Old Maple Way - Maple Hills
Dean Walker - Dix Nicole Peterson - Kayla Haven Sinclair - Katelyn Oliver Hensley - JimJam Aster Moon - G Hazal Senkan - K Kanyon Webb - Jackie Aindreis Blythe - Marie Yasmin Ansari - K Sydney Heywood - Gigi Demir Ediz - Lisa
Tequila Cowboy - Sutherland Park
Donovan Morgan - Star Marcel Vaughn - Mat Amayah Fontenelle - Nadine Abel Morgan - K Teagan Weatherford - Katelyn Jaslene Clairmont - K Maverick Bennett - Dix Sofia Carmichael - Kayla Romeo Clark - Jackie Graham Winters - JimJam
Maple Hills Mall - Maple Hills
Parker Campbell - K Xia Huang-Clark - Kayla Viktor Pierce - Dix Lenny Clairmont - K Nancy Lee - Kayla Nora Sinclair - Beki Tyler Day - Star Summer Cassidy - El Ali Webster - Sam Daniel Kwon - Nadine Harrison Lee - Jennie
Moose Lodge Rentals - Primrose Heights
Nick Wagner - Kayla Eli Browne - K Vivek Virani - Jackie Charlie Davis - Star Waverly Erickson - Em Cael Montgomery - Nadine Adem Sahir - Madison Jeremy Lieberman - Kayla Jo Spring - Marie Logan Walker - K
*We did change this so we could have time to talk to and plan these injuries.
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chrryblssmninja · 4 months
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top nine first time watches of 2023 tagged by @dizzymoods
this accidentally posted while I was working on alt text during a work break, so not everything is complete but the photos align with the text below.
#1 top film and theater experience of the year) watching Fremont in Fremont as a former Fremont resident
(2023, Babak Jalali)
2) Animalia (Parmi nous) via Sundance streaming
(2023, Sofia Alaoui)
becomes a truly mystical experience. like ppl are gonna make comparisons with certain Soviet films but let this one stand on its own pls
3) Bravo, Burkina (2023 , Walé Oyéjidé) via Sundance streaming
4) Cry of the City (1948, Robert Siodmak) at Noir City.
My fave of the films I was able to catch at the various festivals here throughout the SF Bay, though for top experience I was grateful to finally get to the Castro Theatre for two SF Silent Film screenings before Another Planet changes the seats...
5) The Blazing Sun (Siraa Fil-Wadi) (1954, Youssef Chahine)
screencap found here
6) There is No Evil (Sheytân vojūd nadârad)
(2020, Mohammad Rasoulof)
The "Bella ciao" scene alone is iconic! Yet it is just one moment within a devastating and strident cinematic statement.
7) And Then We Danced (Da chven vitsek'vet)
(2019, Levan Akin)
If you have had any rigorous dance training, you can tell how good this film is- down in the details, telling story through movement.
8) Journey to Epcot Center: A Symphonic History
(2023, Defunctland/Kevin Perjurer)
screencap found here
9) Baticano (2023, Stillz)
Imagine my surprise when I turn my TV and one of the best modern homages to German Expressionism and 30's-50's Western studio horror, starring Bad Bunny as Nosferatu and Steve Buscemi as a "mad scientist." The depths of the black parts of the screen alone... pure! black! contrast! Not the telltale flat digital black-gray!
Benito may be no Max Schreck, but Stillz was on a roll for the rapper's videos last year, and now I feel less... embarrassed? that I was repeatedly hypnotized by the hyper-Coachella vibes of the "Where She Goes" video... Stillz has skills.
Or at least knows how to shoot what I like.
Runners-up are many, but I want to highlight:
a) a small but solid run of horror viewing in October, from the adrenaline of As Above So Below to all the subtext James Whale snuck into The Old Dark House. Doctor Jekyll and Sister Hyde should be counted as one of the best Hammer horrors imo. On the borders of the horror were Mother Joan of the Angels, La Llorona, and the more witchy fantasy The Five Devils.
b) sidestep into Indonesia with May the Devil Take You, which may not be at the tip top levels of Impetigore but still a uniquely wild ride. Headshot sets standards on the action side, and you can definitely spot Gareth Evans' Indonesian industry training in his English folk-action-horror foray Apostle.
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wgmbol · 6 months
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Francis II and Marie Sophie, last King and Queen of The Two Sicilies. A carte de visite photograph by Alphonse Bernoud, Naples 1959. From my own collection.
Queen Marie Sophie of The Two Sicilies in 1924.
I found this interview with Marie Sophie online, it's in Italian so I google translated it. Far from perfect!! But it gives some interesting info on our Queen one year before her death.
Posted by Giuseppe Grifeo on 19 February 2022, grifoneartigliopenna.com.
Interview with Her Majesty Queen Maria Sofia
Published in Corriere della Sera in November 1924.
by Giovanni Ansaldo.
Maria Sophia of Bavaria, Queen of Naples, widow of His Majesty King Francis II of Bourbon. Not only does she still live, but she reigns. Duchess of Castro for the vulgar of hotel maîtres and bellboys, empress of the soul for me.
I love the beauty and dignity of tragedy in her.
There will always be kings, they will triumph over theories and revolutions, because tragedy is necessary, and they alone are its characters.
Poor men need living beings, freed by birth from the miseries of sentimental promiscuity and from certain conventions towards equality, from certain leveling of pain, from certain ménagements of respectability.
A few days ago, Queen Maria Sophia was rummaging through some old crates, which had not been opened for years.
She drew out two poor water-colours, two views of Vesuvius, sweetly veiled by a languor of exile, which had trembled in the hand of the amateur. Her trusty Barcelona, who was next to her, found them beautiful.
"Do you think so?" replied the queen, squinting her eyes and looking at the two watercolors in perspective. "Do you think so? My king painted them."
And she laughed.
The old queen of eighty-three years still laughs, softly or with a sharp convulsion, and a wave of blood still rises youthfully from her heart to her temples, to the root of her white hair; she still laughs today as in his father's house in Possenhofen, in the palace of Naples, in the casemates of Gaeta, at the time of her eighteenth birthday.
The great disdainful are inclined to laughter: it is, in them, an attitude of defense against life. Unlike her sister Elisabeth of Austria, Maria Sophia sought happiness.
She says it: "We, Duke Max's five daughters, used to call us die Wittelsbacher Schwestern, the Wittelsbach sisters, when we were young. We wore all five, black braids, drawn round just above the ears and on the forehead, in the manner of the peasant women of Oberbayern.
"Then we all took flight: Elisabeth became Empress of Austria, Helena became Princess of Thurn und Taxis, Matilda married Louis, Count of Trani, Charlotte the Duke of Alençon: but of all five, I was the one most disposed by nature to enjoy life."
Her design was therefore a slow and laborious conquest, her indifference being a crown far more glorious than that Norman monarchy.
The anxieties of recent years, the vicissitudes of a barely well-to-do old age, have not deprived her of her laughter, which even today veils her purple face, the purple of her intimate and victorious kingship, which the adventures of the world and of men cannot offend. Maria Sophia lives in Munich. She was the guest of her nephew, the son of Duke Karl Theodore.
The old palace built by Duke Max on Ludwigstrasse houses the headquarters of Deutsche Bank in the left wing; in the right wing, the Queen of Naples.
The young Wittelsbach princes, the new generations, have built themselves other mansions, in Bad Kreut, in Berchtesgaden, in Tegernsee: they bring with them valid servants: they have left the old queen two servants who wore with extreme decorum the livery of the Wittelsbachs, white and blue, and whom they enter with dignity into the antechamber naked, with a few yellow satin armchairs, but without, God willing, all the bric a brac of the private apartments of the poor and banal kings with kingdoms.
Two old retired servants, two maids, the secretary—this is Maria Sophia's court. The secretary is a man from Catania, Mr. Barcelona, who has been in the service of the queen for more than twenty years. And, he says, with the naïve and honest devotion of an employee.
The Count de La Tour, Baron Carbonelli, the Count of San Martino, the last gentlemen who surrounded the old Maria Sophia before the war, all dead.
"I'm the only one who replaces them," says Mr. Barcelona with infinite discretion.
"Her Majesty's estate was all invested in Austrian funds. You understand the consequences. The queen also owned a beautiful villa on the boulevard Maillot in Paris. It was there that, indeed, the war surprised us. Oh, all the adventures to send the German servants back to Germany.. The queen has Italian citizenship, she is Italian. The French Public Security was then very kind, for the passport. I said, "But you understand, gentlemen, you don't want an old queen to come to the commissariat in person!" They understood, and sent a delegate. Then came the moratorium of interests: we were already here in Munich. But the Wittelsbachs still helped the queen: the prince regent was on the throne. Leopold, the same one who led her to the altar, by proxy of Franceschiello. Many Italians, many, visited the queen in prisoner of war camps. The queen speaks fluent Italian, just a few French terms, but rarely: and they were surprised". And she explained it like this: "I am a lady, who knows Naples well". Or: "I'm a lady, who learned to speak Italian when I was young." Then she said: "Poor people! They are astonished to find me so much like them, for I ask if they have had their full ration of broth!" She gave all his Italian books to the prisoner of war camps.
At the time of the "republic of councils", the queen was accommodated at the Kaiserhof on the Stachus. The Spartacists defended themselves from the barricades erected right in front of the hotel, on Karlsplatz. The owner said: "But Your Majesty, I decline all responsibility." The queen laughed, and said: "My dear, absolutely not. I will not go down to the cellar. I want to see if at least the revolutionaries of today shoot better than those of my time." And she always watched from her apartment all the phases of the struggle.
General Epp, who commanded the government troops, liked her very much because she rode well. Then we left for Paris, boulevard Maillot, where we spent two years: from October '20 to October '22 (it is presumed that they are still the words and the story of the trusty Mr. Barcelona) Now, the beautiful house on Boulevard Maillot is sold. The last three Italian servants took their leave. This winter the queen would also have liked to spend the winter in Paris: we wrote to some good hotels, not the first ones: but what prices! One hundred francs a day. The queen, you will understand, has to fix at least three or four chambers. For this year you will have to give it up. As with newspapers.
In the past, we received about twenty newspapers, quite a few, even Italian newspapers: but how do you do it now? The queen still gets a few Italian newspapers, but so you know... So, when there's something interesting...
The secretary does not want to say his own words: "second-hand".
He's right. Kings cannot accept anything second-hand: neither the throne nor the newspaper.
I reflect: how beautiful and noble it would be if the greatest Italian newspapers sent a copy as a tribute to an old lady of eighty-two, who was... But yes. Not even to think about it. We would be accused of latent Bourbonism.
"That's the way it is with the mail. What a lot of mail you used to do, madam! The queen did a lot of charity, she paid small pensions. She wants to pay one even now, to old Giovanni Tagliaferri, of Caserta, who was with her at Gaeta: he is the one who still remembers more things than when the queen was young, and drove six horses, with a firm hand, through the avenues of Capodimonte. But also the mail, little by little... It was very sad when she had to suspend the subsidy to the hospice of small Italian glassmakers, at the Plaine Saint-Denis, near Paris."
"It was Sister Maria d'Ajutolo who is now dead too, who had taken her to see what the misery of those people was. Sister Marie d'Ajutolo was an energetic woman, who when she spoke of the horrors of the Plaine Saint-Denis, or of some other affair of the kind, would fix her eyes in the Queen's face, and say, 'Shame on you, Your Majesty.'"
And the queen replied firmly with conviction: "Yes, there is something to be ashamed of, Sister Maria."
When I told her that the subsidy could no longer be spent, the queen was sitting at her work-table on the other side, and repeated two or three times, looking into space, "Shame on you, Your Majesty." Then she added, "No one ever spoke to me so well as Sister Maria."
In fact, she had a high esteem for them.
Now, the queen writes to fewer people. In Italy she still has some friends from distant times: such as the Duchess Della Regina, who is also Countess of Macchia, of Naples.
For the 4th of October, which is the Queen's birthday, and for Marie's nameday, the Duchess always sends to ask what the Queen would like best. And you know, what do I always receive? A box of macaroni, with a little cheese and preserve, so much so that you can make some dry pasta.
And the Duchess always sends everything on time. The duchess is old too, she met the queen in Caserta, she never saw her again, from those days. But she still does the packing, I know the handwriting. You have to write on the address: "Liebesgaben".
Then at the border they don't open the parcel, the German customs don't open the parcels of gifts. "Liebesgaben", "gift of love". You are a great soul, old lady. You write with trembling hands the foreign word, the mysterious word, the word that must open distant frontiers to homage to the queen of your youth. "Liebesgaben", "gift of love...".
"The Queen, when she receives the Duchess's parcels, with Liebesgaben written on them, is very happy. She sends for an old Neapolitan, here from Munich (in Paris, there were the Tagliaferri, uncle and nephew) and has delicious dry pasta made, which she lets as many people as possible taste. The last time, she invited the Papal Nuncio, Monsignor Pacelli, to lunch: but such a confidential lunch, it is understandable: the Nuncio is very intelligent and knows the queen's condition. After all, few visits. the Kronprinz Rupprecht, who comes to be the Queen's nephew-in-law, when he comes to Munich from Berchtesgaden is always engaged in official ceremonies of military leagues, or whatever: he pops here to the palace, but only a few minutes."
"The Queen also had, some time ago, the visit of an Italian princess, who has now entered our House: Princess Bona. She comes to be her great-granddaughter by purchase, because Prince Conrad her husband is the son of a daughter of the Empress Elizabeth."
Mr. Barcelona orients himself in the Wittelsbachian-Habsburg kinship with the safety of a bat in a cave. And then, a few other friends. Every evening at five o'clock, the Queen's sister, the Duchess of Trani, comes. Matilda who lives at the Vierjahreszeiten hotel on Maximilianstrasse. To have tea. Then I do a little reading of the newspapers, because the Duchess of Trani, though less old than the Queen, cannot read easily, without glasses, like the Queen."
"The Duchess of Trani is eighty years old. The queen says that their speeches are as gloomy as that line by Schiller in the ballad of Rudolf of Habsburg: "Als dächt'er vergangener Zeiten" (as if thinking of times gone by) but she says it without regret. Then I always accompany the Duchess of Trani back to the hotel, which is quite far away, and because of the darkness some misfortune could happen to her."
"Rudolf of Habsburg, when past times seize him, and make him weep, sits at the palatine banquet, in the midst of his court, and can hide his tears "in the mantle of purple folds." Maria Sophia has only the purple of her face, which protects her from the ravages of the vulgar, from curiosity and compassion, better than the imperial mantle "des Mantels purpurnen Falten".
Standing next to her work table, straight as the trunk of a young pine tree, the queen receives. Beneath the fringe of her white hair, and the great and perfect arch of her eyebrows, the eyes look at the newcomer, and at the same time they look into the distance: She feels that she is on the edge of that proud life; guests, episode. The thin mouth is painful, yes, and for being good and benevolent, but it cannot smile with the easy and banal encouragement of charmeurs.
The queen who resists death so tenaciously has something in her face of those children, for whom one fears that they will soon die: this fear, this reluctance before life is the same on her face today, as in the portrait of her seventeen-year-old Piloty painted, before she was married.
Because of this anxious and disdainful face of hers, Maria Sophia is saved from obscene old age, she is the contemporary of all the generations that have passed: she is the ageless woman of the ancient Hellenic poem, who, struck by the misfortune of her house, yet not despairing of the justice of the gods, happy and proud of her own beauty that cannot be taken away from poor men, Praise the designs of fate.
The tone with which it asks the visitor for the name, the majors, the homeland, is frankly Homeric. The queen believes in the goodness of blood and the importance of at least clean ancestry. She also asks for years, and says her own, without any senile vainness. "I'm eighty-three years old. One more than Mr Giolitti. I'm very old."
The queen is silent. I furiously search my brain for the questions to ask her, the issues, the arguments. Nothing. That last sentence of his makes me feel like a portcullis, suddenly lowered on a window where I wanted to nibble with my curiosity. "I am very old": implied: "Let your words be counted".
I raise my head: the queen is motionless. I can't see or think of anything other than the two objects on the table: a white tricot work, and a newspaper.
I end up asking the Queen what newspapers she reads.
"I'll tell you. I myself read Les Journal des Débats and Le Figaro every day. My foreign policy is somewhat directed by Mr. Gauvain, whom I consider to be the first political columnist in Europe, the most informed, independent and systematic. I read Le Figaro for the mundane part. It is the only newspaper in the world that gives a good account of the marriages, the deaths, the vacations of my relatives and my relationships, and of good society in general: a much more important thing than you think. Then the Figaro is the only one I trust for literary reviews. I buy the books he says well about, the others I certainly neglect."
"And what about German newspapers?"
"So, the Müncheners, for what's going on in the city. But Munich is sad, you know. These people of Munich have lost their minds." The queen lowers her voice, and repeats several times: "lost my head."
"Mr. von Kahn is a man very devoted to the monarchy: but he has no head, no, no."
The queen still nods nods, with her nod, with indulgence, with pity. "I know him as godly, but headless men are."
When the Queen learns that I have also visited the Ruhr, she asks me if it is true that French troops are committing so many atrocities. I answer what I know.
"But I always thought so! It can't be that the French deliberately do what these newspapers say," says the Queen, leafing through an issue of Münchener. "I am glad that you give me moderate and unbiased information. This story of French atrocities in the Ruhr is like that of German atrocities in Belgium. All the same, all so the same, sir! What about "black shame"? There, too, it must have been exaggerated."
A pause, full of poor humanity. The queen narrows her eyes as if not to see how deceitful and filthy men are. "Mon cher monsieur, le monde c'est fou. There is no way to heal it. Each generation repeats the mistakes of previous generations, taking them for sensational novelties."
The queen is very well informed about Italian affairs. Of the reigning House, above all: it asks hermetic, sealed questions, of which only an initiate to court life could grasp the hidden meaning.
He is pleased that Prince Umberto is a young man: "It is a great fortune for a king to be handsome and handsome: if not, he ends up staying... to remain, as the French say, aigri [soured]. Queen Elisabeth of Belgium (Maria José's mother) is my niece: she is a daughter of Duke Charles Theodore. And also my favorite, because it was the liveliest, the most daring, the one that most resembled us as a child, the Wittelsbach sisters, when we were also children, in my father's house, in Possenhofen."
A great esteem for Empress Zita of Habsburg. "You see how fine it is: she was the only royal character who did not write her memoirs. The American publishers would have paid her for them too. But a queen writing her memoirs... The Empress understood that."
"The memoirs about me, you say? Oh, how many I began to read! But novels, all novels that I threw away in annoyance...". No Bavarian eagle. "I was a healthy, cheerful girl. But let's get back to Empress Zita. He has two misfortunes: the name, which is ugly, and that plane trip to Hungary: those adventures... But his son will return to the throne."
Arco, Deauville, Tegernsee, the house of the Orléans in Twickenhan, the villa of Neuilly sur Seine: against the backdrop of coffins of exiled kings, the wedding of young princes, the solitary rides of her, the re-enactor.
"Tell me. I saw a photograph in the Illustration in which some nuns greet the King of Italy and Mussolini with their arms outstretched in the Roman style. Is this accurate? Or is it a trick?".
"I think that's right, Your Majesty."
"Is it true that the Honorable Mussolini tries to have excellent relations with the Pope?"
"I think that's true."
"But it's natural, it's natural..."
I don't insist. I am afraid of the memories of her youth and her years of reign...
"You see, I'm poor. And I live here by permission of one of my nephews; for otherwise I would have to live in a suburb of Schwibing or Sendling. I need Monsieur Barcelona out of devotion, certainly not for the salary I can pay him. I don't even have the means to subscribe to some Italian magazine and to buy the latest news from Treves, as I had always liked to do. The Savoys were not chic with us Bourbons."
"That Don Giovanni Rossi, who was an employee of our Royal House, and who had custody of the borderò [payment slip] of four million ducats, my husband's very private property, went at once to present it to Garibaldi, as soon as he entered Naples, to make himself credited, does not surprise me; That Garibaldi immediately confiscated it, together with the borders of the other Bourbon princes, does not surprise me either; Revolutionaries have always done so with fallen kings."
"But that the Savoys, after they had annexed the kingdom of Naples, did not feel the need to show a little respect to the Bourbons, who had been very legitimate kings, like them, this is what still amazes me today, after so many years. Victor Emmanuel also knew that those four million ducats came from the dowry of Francis II's mother, they came from the inheritance of Maria Cristina of Savoy, they were the result of the sale of the allodial assets of the first branch of the Savoy, in Piedmont, and of Palazzo Salviati, in Rome."
"And he knew well that the villa of Caposele, in Mola, had nothing to do with the goods of the crown, with the royal palaces of Portici and Capodimonte for example; but it had been the very personal property of King Ferdinand and left by him to King Francis, my husband, in his will, in his will, as a free property."
"But he didn't make any distinction either, like Garibaldi. He was a king who behaved towards us like a revolutionary, and that is not good. The French republic was much more ladylike with the Orleans than the kingdom of Italy was with us... And now you tell me that the children of the King of Italy are healthy and beautiful and that they enjoy life. I am happy about them and I wish them well. But the way they treated us is a bad omen. God forbid that one day they too will not have to defend their personal patrimony from exile..."
But the queen thinks of it, gently. She speaks of her Italian servants, the last three she had: she knows precisely their names, what they do, where they are. "They were three southerners who remained devoted to me beyond any personal convenience, until it was I who sent them away, because... They were young, they had come to my service on the recommendation of some old friend, they had to start a family, it was no longer possible for them to waste their time around an old lady."
"You can make a lot of railways, a lot of roads, a lot of schools in those countries: men don't change, you know. They will always remain attached out of personal devotion to the master who will be able to convince them: the best soldiers in the whole peninsula, together with the Alpine mountaineers. I had Gaetano. Gaetano Restivo, a Sicilian from Ficarazzo, in the province of Palermo: now he is over there in his village, he sent me a box of oranges some time ago. The last tribute I get..."
"Then Luigi Tagliaferri, from Caserta, nephew of another Tagliaferri, who was with me in Gaeta. Then Gaetano Marsala, from Pescocostanzo in Abruzzo, who is now a shoemaker in Paris. This Marsala is a simple soul, and he always spoke to me about the Angevin crown that is preserved in the collegiate church of his town. He seemed to have tales when he told of the Angevin crown, which, as I understood, must have been in some sacristy of the Church, and Marsala as a child, must have admired it for a long time, when he was preparing to serve mass. For him, there was truly a lost kingdom around the crown of Pescocostanzo, full of all splendors... much more so than for me. A Sicilian, one from Terra di Lavoro, an Abruzzese: all the provinces of the Kingdom were right around me."
The voice lowers, wearily, falls. At the point of dying, I feel that the queen bids me farewell, leaves me again on the sidelines of her rich life, in which I deluded myself, in some accent, that I could look with clear eyes. She didn't let me glimpse anything of this life of her: only glimpses, perspectives on her thought: judgments, if you will: but of the deep life, nothing. In her tragedy, there were never confidants, and monologues were abolished.
When I am at the threshold, the queen understands my foolish disillusionment, and has an ironic pity for it. High in the middle of the room, she beckons me. Perhaps, now, the real one appears to me for a moment, the barbarous Maria Sophia of Wittelsbach, made to be a horse driver, the companion of conquerors, the mother of kings? But the usual bewildered voice murmurs: "You are young, sir: you will still see old queens, so many things, so many things..."
As I attempted my first courtly bow, Maria Sophia still nodded, sadly, to the adventures of the world; that she will never see again. But perhaps she was watching. also my plebeian clumsiness in my deference to Majesty, and the obstacle in which I was to leave the room, without turning my back, as I have read in the books that are practiced with kings: and she lamented these wretched times, when bowing before queens is not even taught.
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