#so yeah I don’t think bi Han can sing really
suja-janee · 2 months
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Bireena request: 2/5 (request from anonymous)
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Uhh slight boobie warning under the cut vvv
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The titan versions get along a little TOO well hehehehehehehhehehe
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inky-duchess · 4 years
21 History Ancedotes for my 21st Birthday
So today I celebrate my 21st birthday and I have decided to gift you all with 21 of my favourite historical Ancedotes. Some are funny, some are sad and some are plain bizarre but I hope the make your day 💜
Mary Maloney, an Irish-born suffragette in England followed Winston Churchill around while he was campaigning for a seat in Parliament, drowning out everything he said with a very large bell and calls for him to apologise for his comments on women's rights and suffrage movements.
Clodius Pulcher was a well born Roman noble during the last day's of the Republic. He gave up his Patrician status to become Tribune of the Plebs (an office in which one had to be a Pleb) by being adopted by a much younger Plebian man who became his "father". Clodius was a bit of a riot, sneaking into religious festivals dressed like a woman to sleep with Caesar's wife, building a shrine to Liberty in the ruins of the Conservative Cicero, vetoed the last speech of one of the Consuls (who basically did nothing all year and was apparently going to roast Caesar) and burned down the Senate House with his funeral pyre (the Plebs who loved him literally tearing up the furniture to build his pyre). He was honestly the best fun.
When laying on her deathbed, Queen Caroline of Ansbach turned to her husband George II of England and told him he should marry again. George refused to ever wed again... But added he would have mistresses. Caroline said , likely with a roll of her eyes, "oh my god that doesn't matter."
Florence was a pretty cool city in the Renaissance until Savanorola came to town. He disliked the loose living artists that crowded the city, with their naked pagan gods and rampant homosexuality. He expelled them all with help of the French hoping to make Florence Holy Again. When the Borgia Pope excommunicated him and sentenced him to death, one man in the crowd was reported to have said. "thank God, niw we can return to sodomy." One Floretine man in the 1490s said Gay Rights.
So this list couldn't be complete without an entry of the only American politician I love, Alexander Hamilton who was just a walking entity of sass. I could go on about his sharp sarcasm or his disaster bi vibes with John Lauren's but my all time favourite Alexander Hamilton ancedote has to be this exchange with Thomas Jefferson "There are approximately 1010300 words in the English language, but I could never string enough words together to properly explain how much I want to hit you with a chair."
Caterina Sforza was an Italian noble woman during the Renaissance. She was apart of the powerful Sforza family, which drew many enemies to her. One fateful day at Forli, Caterina's children were snatched as hostages. The besiegers threatened to kill her children if she did not cede the castle. Caterina refused, lifting her skirts and shouted to the besiegers that she had the means to make more children.
Hannibal Lecter's creator Thomas Harris was happy to end his great character's story with the original trilogy. However his publishers forced him to write an unneeded prequel explaining why Hannibal became Hannibal. Thomas Harris agreed lest he lose the rights to his character so he wrote Hannibal Rising, where Hannibal as a young man hunts down the Nazis who ate his sister with a katana.
Nell Gwyn is my favourite mistress of Charles II, mainly because of her sass. Once while trapped in the middle of a riot where Londoners swamped her carriage thinking she was Charles's Catholic mistress. She popped her head out the carriage and told the people "Pray good people be civil. I am the Protestant whore." She also dosed her rival Moll Davis with laxatives in order to free up some of Charles's time and she once flashed her underwear at the French ambassador after asking him why the Franch King did not pay her to spy on Charles because she was with him every night. A true Queen.
Emperor Ai of the Han Dynasty of China once rose from his bed to go do some ruling when he realised his lover, Dong Xian was sleeping on his sleeve. Rather than disturb his lover, the Emperor cut his sleeve off at the wrist to leave Dong Xian nap. Nothing has ever been more romantic than that. Y'all could never.
Princess Margaret the sister of current Queen Elizabeth II was a socialable Princess and often tasked to visit the up and coming music stars of the day on behalf of the Crown. When meeting the Beatles one evening, she noticed George Harrison was acting a little odd. When she asked what was the matter, he replied "We arent allowed eat until you go." Princess Margaret laughed and promptly left so the Beatles could get some dinner.
During the Siege of Jadotsville, Irish soldiers under the flag of the UN were attacked and besieged by local insurgents allied with the Katanga Regime. The insurgents numbered thousands while the Irish only had 158 soldiers, all who were lightly armed. They radioed to their allies assuring them that "we will hold out until our last bullet is spent. Could use some whiskey though".
Napoleon was famous for writing raunchy letters to his wife, the Empress Josephine while he was away. She used to reply with really mundane letters or not at all. She really just could not be bothered with him.
Josip Broz Tito was so fed up with Joseph Stalin sending assassins to kill him, he wrote to Stalin personally to say "If you don't stop sending assassins to kill me. I will send one to Moscow and I won't have to send another." It didn't work but Big Dick Energy.
Successful Roman soldiers returning from war often got to march along in parades known as Triumphs. During this, it was customary for them to sing bawdy songs about their commander. One surviving one about Caesar goes like this "Romans, lock up your wives. Here comes the bald adulterous whore. We pissed away your gold in Gaul and come to borrow more."
Matilda, Lady of the English was a woman so badass that history cannot handle her. She was the daughter of Henry I who left his throne to her after the death of her brother. She was away in France when her father died and her throne was snatched by her cousin Stephen. They battled back and forth for years with neither side ceding any ground. Matilda was once besieged in a castle during a snow storm, with Stephen's men all around her. Instead of fighting her way out. She simply donned a white cloak and walked out of the castle. Just walked out without any of Stephen's men seeing her.
Pedro of Portugal once fell in love with a beautiful lady in waiting called Inez de Castro. For years, they lived as man and mistress, popping out a few kinds. Pedro's dad really did not like Inez and wanted Pedro to find a legitimate wife so he had her killed. Pedro returned home to find the mother of his children dead. Pedro went a little crazy. He had all his father's assassins killed, ripping out their hearts as they had done to him. When Pedro ascended the throne, he demanded the Pope legitimize his children by Inez. The Pope not wanting to upset the King, said he couldn't because Inez was never crowned Queen. Pedro dug Inez up and crowned her as Queen, having all the nobility swear loyalty to her corpse. The Pope had no choice but to agree to his request.
A famously clever general once saved an entire city with an ingenious stragety to sit outside the city waiting for the attacking army to come. The attack had come to fast for the city to ready themselves for a Siege so, the general had to move quickly. He evacuated the city and took his place waiting for the army to come. The enemy forces stopped and took one look at him and bolted, thinking he meant to lure them in one of his famous traps.
Michaelangelo was really badly treated by the Vatican when he was painting the Sistine Chapel. He constantly fought with the Popes over the design and his work, which he was paid peanuts for. Michaelangelo got his revenge in his work, painting the gates of Hell behind the Papal Throne and an angel flipping the ol' fig (the Renaissance version of the bird) toward the Pope's chair.
Peter the Great was not a perfect guy. He kept serfdom as a practise in his kingdom, he had his son tortured to death and he could be an unpleasant guy. But Peter was a dreamer. He wanted nothing more to build a fleet for Russia and bring Russia beyond its borders. Peter took a gap year from ruling Russia to wander around Europe. When he stopped in England, he was granted Leicester House to chill in while he did his shipwright studies. It was here that Peter found a new passion. The wheelbarrow. Cue Peter and his new found English buddies drinking in Leicester House, punching the artwork and rolling each other around in barrels across the house's Great gardens.
Diogenes is hands down a walking shit post. He was a great thinker in Greece during the reign of Alexander but a rather dry, sarcastic wit. He lived in a pithos/a jar because he shunned all vanities and values of society. He trolled other philosophers, attending their debates to heckle them and eat loud foods through them. When Alexander the Great came to fan boy over him, saying that if he were not Alexander he would like to be Diogenes to which Diogenes just said "yeah me too, now get out of my sunlight."
Cosimo de Medici was the son of a Floretine banker with a great knowledge and love of art. Cosimo wished for Florence to release its potentially and join the Renaissance. He hired Filippo Brunelleschi to finsh the Great Dome of Santa Maria del Fiore which had láin unfinished for over a century, a symbol of a failure of ambition. The builders had lost the knowledge of creating a dome so large so it remained unfinished. Despite much opposition from the other nobility and denouncers of the Renaissance, Cosimo's dream of the completion of the dome was completed, making it the largest brick dome in creation at that time. There is nothing like achieving your dreams and certainly nothing like leaving a lasting reminder that screams 'I was right and you were wrong' to stand for centuries.
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kaypeace21 · 4 years
Hey Kay! I was wondering... I'm thinking of writing a Byler fic. Is there anything that's missing from the current fic library that you think would be good to see, in terms of tropes, characterisation, things to explore, etc? I would also appreciate hearing from your followers. Just any ideas that people would like to see in a fic.
yeah sure ...
1)We need more povs from Mike’s perspective. (Almost all are from Will’s pov - let’s mix it up sometimes)
Mike in canon is the pinning-gay -(overly romantic) whipped one , but we never see it. And he’s pretty much never written this way! Mike in s3 has 6 drawings from Will on his wall  (he kept them up since s1-for years- despite replacing the poster on the same wall). Has even caressed extra drawings of Will’s that he’s kept in his binder.  In s1 wrote a whole story for Will about defeating a monster and giving the king it’s  7 heads (cause Will rolled a 7 when the demogorgan attacked him.) And as a Star Wars fan he had his own character be given a medal by the king (like how leia gave the medal to Han for his heroism.) He attacked people for insulting Will. Literally hates apologizing -but is quick to do so for Will . Boy ran in the pouring rain twice for Will- disobeying cops, the government, and his parents to do so. He initiates every byler moment (arm thing, hand touch, ‘best thing i’ve ever done’, ‘crazy together, right?’, always asking Will “what’s wrong?” or “are you ok?” etc). And was upset at Will dancing with a girl + insecure about Will replacing him -after he moves away.
-but 90% of byler fanfics (don’t get me wrong some are good) are from Will’s pinning perspective. Also do people realize Mike is clearly the more romantic/ emotional open of the 2 while Will is clearly the more emotionally closed off/aloof one?  He loves Mike too- but he’s def less obvious about his feelings- based on how he behaves. Will rarely opens up to people (Mike being an exception). But, it’s never written that way (usually it’s the opposite).  
2) as a gay women all the reductive stereotypes annoy me. it’s obvious when fic writers try to have the gay romance be modeled after het romance- and try to make one into the ‘girl’/ ‘guy’. Duffers don’t stereotype  Mike or Will but a lot of fanfiction writers do in order to make the gay romance resemble a straight one more (canon character traits, be dammed). Please, stop pushing heterosexual dynamics on gay and lesbian couples and trying to make one “the girl” and “the guy”. It’s very offensive and innaccurate.
Because he’s taller and most people head canon him as bi they make Mike a jock (despite in canon having horrible aim and not being able to run as fast as the rest of the gang). And Will (since most see him as gay) is weak/ sucks at sports compared to mike...despite knowing how to use a bat, shoot a gun, and being able to tear castle byers apart with his bare hands . Also nothing in canon shows Will likes to wear makeup and dress in drag (but it’s a constant thing that i’ve heard come up or heard others mention). It would be fine if he wanted to express himself in such a way. And if it only came up in an occasional fic it wouldn’t be a big deal. But it’s such a common theme that comes up (despite no canon evidence) that in most cases it just screams ‘straight writers trying to make Will into “the girl”’.  Not to mention the huge emphasis of their height difference (shows this too). It can get annoying calling him “short” & “petite” (a term used for women) when will isn’t even the shortest guy member- and now his actor is way taller than gaten (dustin) a bit taller (I think?) than caleb (Lucas) and barely shorter than finn (Mike’s actor). But writers even in future fics write him as short...ok? ya’ll really can’t let go of making Will “the girl.” Cause ya’ll incorrectly equate shortness to femminity. It’s tiring. Some writers straight up say he’s “pretty “, “feminine” or “looks like a girl” 🙄
3) it’s not byler if it’s unrequited- stop tagging it as such
4) more emphasis on Will’s passions(art, writing, horror movies). Maybe in his upbringing with Lonnie.And jon being a good bro to him. Will’s Mental health issues maybe ?
5) mike is a socially awkward, clumsy, unathletic, (caring) science/sci-fi /D&D loving nerd. In au whatever- but mike is not a bro-y jock, or a cool bad boy. 😂 plus , more writer mike would be nice to see
6) headcanon him all you want -but at this point it’s pretty obvious (to me at least) Mike never loved el,and was just lying/confused/ projecting Will on her. And El is/was also confused and never loved mike.   so it would be nicer to see that instead of Mike just ‘falling out of love’ with her. Mike is gay. people say in s3 Will saying “a day free of girls” is gay coded but everyone ignores Mike in s3 saying “BOYS ONLY”. same energy. writers even threw in a telemarketing joke so Mike says in s3 “El? no. sorry not interested.” And Mike has more rainbow refs than Will.  Boy is clearly gay not bi (way too much evidence to talk about here) .  They even  compare mileven to ted/karen who “never loved each other.”   The  writers make fun of mileven constantly and say over and over it’s not actually romantic - (if you choose to read just 1 link read this one  and get with the program) . plus, most Bi dudes  wouldn’t stop being attracted to a girl the more fem she gets (and only be attracted to her when she looks like a “guy”(specifically their guy friend).which yes the characters in s1 said over and over again that El looked like a “boy”/“will”.  And then they have him Makeout with her while putting up a  drawing of said male bff on the wall (cause now she looks less like him) and so he needs to look at said bro, to stomach the makeout seshes/ and in an effort to transfer said romantic feelings from guy friend to gf. Then push his gf’s hands off himself during the kisses- sing to stop kissing, and  kiss to mostly show off how straight he is. And without said pic- not kiss back and just keep his eyes open and not reciprocate. Nor would they have Mike equate het romance to something he thinks he has to do as a part of growing up . Bi dudes consider falling for a girl as simply romance not a foreign idea that has to be done cause there’s no other option and that’s ‘just what old people do’. Mike claims el is the only girl he’s ever had feelings for - but like dustin said mileven is “bullshit “ (stancy parallel -where nancy was not in love but faking it). So mike’s never been into a girl and is also into Will... so...
7) it’s the 80s they can’t just be open/ have pda in public (you could have gotten k*lled or beaten severely.) And most of their friends/fam would not take it well initially. (I think jon, Karen , and steve/robin would take it well... but not most of the crew.) although they’d all prob come around eventually . -Takes me out of a fic to have such historical revisionism when everyone is just totally fine with byler and they’re out to the public/strangers.
but that’s just me. What about you guys?
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fromthewifecage · 4 years
Imagine Kombants sees Reader with bunches of cats
I LOVE kitties, all kitties, ALL of them. So do Erron Black, Johnny Cage, Nightwolf, Bi-Han and Kano. As usual Kano is last so if you don’t like him then you don’t have to read that one.(Yeah I kinda got over excited writing this and went a bit crazy. The Johnny Cage one is inspired by a scene in Red Dragon/Hannibal.)Hope this is ok, if not then feel free to throw a shoe at me.
Erron Black: (So this I actually took from a stupid Cowboy/Victorian Lady (called Clementine) thing I’ve been writing. It’ll never be finished because it needs to be probably 50k words or more, but this bit I liked writing. Erron’s trying to be a better man, got caught up trying to save a kids life, but the kid died, and Erron’s pretty cut up about it. Yes it’s not the reader with a bunch of cats, it’s about Erron with a cat, but the other Kombatant’s scenarios definitely the reader with kitties!! Please don’t hate me.)
Arms slid around his waist, her body pressed hard to his back and enveloped him in a much needed embrace. His head drooped forward, shoulders slumping, his head in his hands. He’d tried his best, hadn’t he? But it wasn’t good enough, never was. He was a God-damned failure.To his eternal shame his eyes prickled with the threat of tears. He hadn’t cried since Ma had screamed at him for crying over the body of a barn cat. The large ginger cat had been Erron’s only friend since he’d had first found the cat. He’d first seen it sat upon a dark brown saddle in the barn, the saddle’s leather gleaming from the earlier oiling. The cat paused between washing its ears to stare, and when Erron held out a hand it took a moment to sniff at his fingertips before going back to its wash.
Erron had named the cat Peter and they’d quickly become firm friends. Peter would chase after mice and spiders, batting at them with a large ginger paw until he got tired of the chase and quickly killed them. Erron would bring Peter scraps of meat and cheese filched from the larder as a reward. Erron would often find half a mouse in one of his boots, Peter obviously thinking Erron was too skinny and needed fattening up, and Peter was right, Ma was far too stingy with her portions. If Erron had been judged to ‘deserve sleeping outside’, usually after answering his Ma back or being caught filching from the larder, then Erron would climb the long rickety ladder to reach the hay loft, and spend the night with Peter on his chest, purring happily.
They’d been friends for 3 long summers until Erron had gone into the barn at the end of a particularly hot and long day helping in the fields. Ma found Erron sobbing over Peter’s stiff and lifeless body, and dragged him back into the house by his ear, beating him harshly for caring about “that ginger shit more than you care about the rest o’ us.” It was true, so Erron didn’t put up a fight as he took his hits. He merely filed away the hate with all the other times she’d beat him, hurt him, scorned him and neglected him, so when years later, he stood by Ma’s bed as she took her final breaths with cancer riddled lungs, he shed no tears.
Erron sat there, fighting with the sadness of not being able to save the child, until the small bedchamber was dark enough that he could barely see his own hands. Clementine still held him, had made no protest or whispered fake platitudes that he’d get over it or he’ll feel better soon. She’d let him take the time he needed.
More after the cut! (these ones really are about the reader with kitties, promise!)
Johnny Cage: Johnny is more excited than you are for your birthday. His grin has been extra sparkly for the entire past month, and each hint about what he’s got for you has been more ridiculous than the last. You keep trying to tell him you don’t want a fuss, and to not spend more than £20 on a present, but it’s like telling a child they have to eat their broccoli if they want ice cream for afters. He’s not going to eat the broccoli, he’s sneaking into the freezer as soon as your back is turned.
He wakes you up extra early, despite your protests that it’s your birthday and you want to sleep. In the end he picks you up and carried you into the shower, washes your hair and refuses to leave the bathroom until you brush your teeth. He doesn’t stop singing ‘Happy Birthday’ either. Even when you threaten to leave him he doesn’t stop being annoyingly amazingly cute.
He blindfolds you in the car (the driver starts to get worried that you’ll ruin the seat leather but Johnny calms them down with promises there’ll be no sex in the car) and does his best to confuse you with increasingly remote landmark spotting. Quite how you’ve gone from home to the Louvre, past the Pyramids via the Lin Kuei Temple, you have no idea. Eventually he leads you from the car, your hand tightly in his grasp and a hand on your shoulder so you don’t stumble.
As you walk to your secret destination you hear all sorts of animal and bird sounds, chirruping, squeaking (including a couple of gasps from some humans along with “OMG it’s Johnny Caaaaaaaaaaage” whispered under their breaths), some growling, even trumpeting.“Surprise!” Johnny stage whispers as he unties your blindfold, leaving you blinking in the dim light.
Before you is a scene from one of your very best daydreams. A room full of lion cubs, each one rolling, biting, investigating, chewing or playing with it’s brothers and sisters. A hand clasps over your mouth when your heart bursts with joy, Johnny chuckling and letting you know that the kitties are so little that they’ll be scared by squeals of happiness. The zookeepers are more than happy to let you play with the cubs, showing you how to feed the furballs, how to hold them and cuddle them.
You spend the rest of your birthday in lion cub heaven. Johnny takes so many photos of you surrounded by the kitties that his photo groans, and of course you take a bunch of him with the cubs too, he’s just as excited by the balls of fluff and teeth as you are and he almost cries when it’s time to go home.
Best. Birthday. Ever.
Nightwolf: The man is an expert on nature in all its forms. He can live self sufficiently from a small plot of land, he built his own home and keeps not only real animals happy, but spirit animals too. An ideal day for him would be to tend to his crops and land during the day and spend the evening surrounded by his animal and human companions.You’ve spent significant time with Nightwolf, and he’s grown not only to love you, but trust you to share his life and loves. Hana took a while to warm up to you, but will now sit on your shoulder almost as happily as she will with Nightwolf (it took many batches of mini pancakes for her to get to this stage, and now she demands you make her some food whenever you cook).
Nightwolf is in the kitchen when he realises you’ve run out of salad ingredients. The evening air is warm and sweet, the frogs by the small creek are noisily calling for mates, and the idea of a short walk to the vegetable plot to stretch your legs before dinner sounds appealing. Hana follows you out the door, first taking to the sky and circling the house, then drops down to land upon your shoulder, tugging at strands of your hair in her own way of looking after you. As you gather some lettuce Hana squawks and flaps her wings, then flies over to a patch at the very end of the plot, squawking some more. You call out to her, maybe one of the frogs has got lost?
But it’s not a frog you find, it’s even cuter than that. It’s a tired stripy cat with large ears, surrounded by the smallest of kittens, each one latched to a teat. You gasp excitedly and whisper to Hana to go fetch Nightwolf. Hana gives one final indignant squawk, then flies off, returning on the shoulder of the beautiful man you love.
“Welcome back Koko, it is an honour to meet your children.”
Nightwolf greets the cat as a friend, and your heart melts a little more for this wonderful man. He asks you to stay with the kitty family whilst he returns to the house to fetch some things. Koko watches you with sleepy eyes, trusting that since Nightwolf trusts you, you aren’t a threat. You don’t reach for the kittens, they are far too tiny to play with, but you make a wish upon the stars that you’ll get to play with them when they’re a little older.
Nightwolf returns carrying one of the chicken coops he’d been mending and with blankets in a backpack. He sets up a little home for the cats in the dark corner of the vegetable plot. You’ll be able to visit the kittens whenever you like (with Koko’s permission of course).
Yay for kittens!
Bi-Han: The man might be a deadly (the Lin Kuei are NOT ninjas) ninja assassin, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a heart. As a trained spy he has to take notice of everything, no matter how innocuous it seems, so he knows more about you than you know about yourself. So he knows that you’re getting a little lonely in his absences, and recently, he’s been absent a lot more due to an influx of contracts.
You’ve tried so hard not to show your loneliness, thinking it would upset Bi-Han and make him consider breaking off your relationship to try to save you from more pain, and that has crossed his mind. Then he looked upon his life and decided that he didn’t need anything but you, and that no matter how often you were apart, it was the together that mattered.
It was early morning, the blood of his latest target swirling down the sink as he scrubbed himself clean, when his phone blinked with a new message from you. His smile curling the corner of his mouth when he sees that you’ve sent yet another cat picture, this one of 2 kittens wearing ninja outfits with the caption “You and Kuai!” Bi-Han is about to flick back up through the conversation to where you’ve sent some pictures of yourself rather than kittens, when his smile widens as an idea pings into his head.
You’re woken by a cold gentle kiss to your forehead, a brush of icy fingers across your cheek when you stir then wake with a happy yawn.
“You’re home!”
You sprint to the bathroom to first wee then brush your teeth, sprinting back to jump into Bi-Han’s fierce embrace. When he doesn’t immediately tug off your pyjamas you’re puzzled, the man is normally insatiable. He laughs at your pout and tugs you into the living room where he nods towards a box resting on the table.
“Happy Tuesday!”
His grin is huge when you squeak upon looking inside the box to find two kittens curled around each other. It widens even further watching you cry with happiness when the kittens wake to first sniff you, then immediately demand attention. He pulls out his phone and takes some pictures, seeing you this excited has to be recorded.
Yay for kittens!
Kano: The big burly scary Australian beefcake actually has a soft spot. You.
You’ve heard the stories, the ones about him scaring someone so much they wet themselves and when Kano laughed at their fear they burst into tears. About the time he had someone skinned alive and thrown onto the street. Kano could be a Bond villain, he already has the one-eye thing down, he had the comfiest squidgiest chair for his desk (it swivelled so Kano could spin around when he got bored), all he needed was a cat for him to stroke when watching a Special Forces member wet themselves.
You’d gone to the animal shelter to pick up a cat for him (he’d laughed at your idea then shrugged.
“I already got my kitten, but if you want a kitty, I ain’t gonna stop ya.”
Then he’d pulled you into his arms and kissed you until you forgot how to breathe.)
At first you were going to adopt the fluffy white cat with the huge blue eyes, she was gorgeous, but it was when you were walking to the corner of the room to discreetly take a phone call when you saw the 2 kitties that had been forgotten by everybody. They sat by their small window, peering out into the world they’d never get to experience again. One of the kitties had lost a leg, the veterinary nurse later telling you she’d been attacked by an enormous dog and had carried on fighting even when she’d lost the leg. The other had only 1 eye, again, having lost it in a fight. Your heart went out to these sweet brave kitties, and you knew you could give them the best home.
“What you got there, love?”
Kano stood in the doorway, bare chested as usual, huge 'sexy-as-hell' grin as usual.
“I couldn’t leave them, no-one wanted them and they’re all little.”
Kano looked from you down to the kitties exploring every nook and cranny of the bedroom, tails twitching secret messages to each other as they couldn’t believe that they were finally out of the shelter. He chuckled then strolled over to you to wrap you up in a huge embrace.
“Think that one wants a cyber eye?”
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britishchick09 · 3 years
1984 livewatch
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the time has finally come to watch the full movie! it’ll be sad, it’ll be disturbing, it’ll possibly be cringy, but it’ll be a lot of fun! :D
we start out with the mgm lion! noice ;)
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epic quote B)
wait why is opera music playing i thought we’d start at the 2 minutes hate
OMG what if they’re gonna hate on opera
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this looks like a drive-in movie tbh
narrator: “this is a land of peace and hope, a land of plenty...” OH SHUT UP YOU
they’re showing wheat like it’s little house on the prairie BOI YOU’RE IN LONDON
this is epic propaganda B)
what if the war footage was taken from ww2 and thus... isn’t real :o
HOLD UP is the eurasian war racist?
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oh no it be u (his face is like ‘WHAT IS GOING ON’ and it’s very lol)
julia’s so into this! :o
o’brien’s like ‘ohhh!!!’
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look who decided to SHOW UP FINALLY
he pauses a bit before reluctantly joining in yas ♥
good they stopped!
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this IS a school assembly they’re going back to work!
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winston in glasses *chef’s kiss*
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ooh a rotary dial! great use of tech from when the book was written :D
winston’s looking over at syme WITH SO MUCH JEALOUSY lol
what if the words they speak are just random stuff with no meaning
OMG confession!!!!!
poor winnie with his cough :(
this confession sounds JUST LIKE WINSTON’S OMG!!!!
winston: “bugger!” he’s a brit lol :D
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epic B)
OMG this guy read goldstein’s book SO DID WINSTON!!!!
i love how the diary is in a brick hole that’s so cool :D
the diary scene was filmed on april 4th just like in the movie so that’s way rad man :D
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i want you valley!!! :D
ooh they’re put a smol scene of his childhood in there coolio! :D
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he  s l e e p
this violin squeak tho :o
it’s not but i can easily imagine it lol :D
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he’s a stick omg ;o
when the lady talks to him you know it’s not a recording ;)
lady: “anyone under 45 is perfectly capable of touching his toes” BOI
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parsons: “choco rations are going up” c h o c o
parsons: “i seem to have run out of razor blades for some reason’ yeah,,, for some reason... ;)
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this is so a cafeteria scene at school
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♫ i suddenly see him standing there, a beautiful stranger tall and fair, i wanna stuff this weird food in my faaaace! ♫ :D
me: “this is so romantic!” winston’s thoughts: “lemme smash HER WITH A ROCK”
wait did the lady say pineapple grenade???
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syme rip boi
the 11th edition isn’t thicc :/
aww winston’s smol nod ♥
parsons: “by 2050 we won’t have conversations like this!” yeah because of screens lol
OMG the food looks and taste like meat but isn’t IT’S PLANT BASED MEAT!!!! :o
parsons just pulled a ‘hey need help with that?’ and put winston’s food on his plate EPIC
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julia’s lookin’ at u ;)
he liked the ‘bright red lips’ yet...
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poor baby desperate for money :(
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hand on cheek = doublepluscute ^_^
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epic foreshadowing B)
OMG a couple is making out in the bar EPIC
winston’s just like ‘nnope’
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he’s at an antique store in prescott bless his heart ♥
mr. charrington sounds so kind WHYYYY
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mr. charrington says ‘4 dollars’ but they’re in london??
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winston: “what was that?” mr. charrington: “something old.” no DUH
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they see each other againnn!!!!! :D
winston writes that he hates her SAME WITH A LOOK LIKE THAT
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his mom is lying dead in the field like the erza kid in ‘kirsten’s promise’ :(
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he’s just... staring
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that ‘ow!’ was so fake jules!
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this is like anna and hans but not as bad underneath!
julia: “it’s nothing!” but this is turning out to be something... ;)
we’re half an hour in and wowza it’s gone by so fast! :D
winston: *gets a cute love note from julia* YEET!
THE HELICOPTER IS BACC!!!!! they’re really not making the spying subtle
winston is the best plummer confirmed
kid: “you’re a thought criminal!” winston: *gives a slight ‘wha’ face and smiles* ICONIC
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the crowd is clapping and cheering over the war yet winston’s not doing anything SAME
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jules is just scooching by lol
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the sky does exist! :o
the telescreen has some great music :D
winston’s joining the ‘big man’s hiking group’ suure you are... ;)
the train is going to the beat of the kids’ singing coolio! :D
big brother is called ‘bb’ yas bby!
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the lq audio made the twig crack and the leave brushing really weird lol
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winston: “i want you.” I-CON-IC!!!! :D
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winston: “i want everyone corrupt.” julia: “i’ll suit you, then. i’m corrupt to the core.” *mal screech*
she really went commando huh
the sex looks like it hurts NO WAY MAN NOT FOR ME NNNNOPE
i’m glad it was only a part you couldn’t really see and not a full on thing I DON’T NEED THAT
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awww she’s so peaceful after big naughty :)
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this is vaguely gay...
aww winston’s hair ruffling in the wind ♥
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c r o n c h
also did he just cronch into a potato???
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teacher: “when the orgasm is finally eradicated...” totally julia: “NOT ON MY WATCH”
winston is the kid who smokes in glass while julia is the one kid who Just Doesn’t Care lol :D
thoughtcrime THIS IS THOTCRIME
wow syme is still alive?
julia: “you dropped your ink pencil” you mean pen?
winnie’s back in prescott! :D
the room is 4 bucks a night noice B)
the modern say 2 minutes hate is probably just a livestream with kids texting ‘h8 xd’ in the chat lol :D
winston’s thoughts: “she who is so careful...” boi she threw a dictionary at the telescreen in the book THAT’S SO NOT CAREFUL
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she has so many smiles YAS!!!!
she’s so eager with showing him I LOVE YOU SO MUCH JULES ♥♥♥
she says ‘real sugar, real bread’ and... jam
winston: “how did you manage to get all this?” jules has her ways... ;)
winston: “i want you” julia: “i want you too” YAS :D ♥♥
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the thiccc singer is here!! :D
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she’s so pretty! ♥
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aww the stroke ♥
his hands are shaking as he touches her :(
winston: “freedom is the freedom to say two plus two equals four. if that is granted, all else follows” iconic!
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it be gin time ;)
he scratches the face off the gin bottle woah :o
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winston’s little ‘yes!’ at getting the 10th newspeak dictionary ♥
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that’s a look of longing my friends! :o
winston: “the call has come. all my life i’ve been waiting for it...” and now he’ll go into the unknown... ;)
AAND we cut to naked julia eating an apple! slight bi panic
she’s touching the paperweight queen love it ♥
julia: “i just know it!” BOI YOUR G-PA HELPED OUT
winston: “the only thing to do is to walk out of here before it’s too late” thus my ‘julia lives’ au comes in! :D
winston: “never seen one another again” ...oh he was talking about that NOT IN MY AU SON
julia: “you do, i do.” omg marriage :o
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fluffy! ♥
julia: “i love you.” awww :)
winston: “julia. do you think the resistance is real?” julia: “none of it’s real.” STRAWBERRY FIELDS FOREVER!
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work is scrambling like eggs!
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poor headache bby! :(
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epic B)
winston’s dreaming of his bishy selfish chocolate mom adventure!
the rats were there when his mom and sister were vaporized! :o
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she’s in the dress! ♥
they’re talking about betrayal and julia’s like ‘they can’t do that!” OH BOI BUT THEY CAN!!!!
julia: “they can’t get to your heart” aww :)
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winston sees o’brien WITHOUT JULIA THE F????
this feels like the principal’s office lol :D
o’brien’s voice is so deep and british ♥
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the way he clutches the newspeak dictionary is so cute! :D
aww he’s stroking the pages as he reads :)
the oceania anthem sounds russian :o
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so soft ♥♥
winston: “julia, my love.” MY LOVE MY LOVE AHHH!!!! :D
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she’s hungry... she wants coffee... who’s gonna tell her coffee isn’t food?
omg i saw winston butt :o
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winston: “she’s beautiful.” julia: “she’s a meter around the hips easily” winston: “that’s her standard of beauty.” YAAAS!!! :D
winston: “the future is ours.” YAS
mr. charington is loud compared to how i thought in the book
his ‘you are the dead’ should’ve been quieter like winston and julia’s then he could be loud!
charrington: “here comes a candle to guide you to bed, here comes a chopper to chop off your head!” OHHHH NICE ONE MR C!!!!!! :D
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i should be a bit more heartbroken BUT THAT MR C RHYME MAN
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why does he look old
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awww :(
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delete the drunk old lady BUT GIVE US PARSONS SUUURE
i dread the scene to come...
parsons didn’t say that he said ‘down with big brother’ so that’s a bummer :/
aww poor parsons he’s crying! :(
oh SNAP room 101!!!! :o
poor parsons but at least that scene wasn’t a thing!
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is this leading into the bloody mouth scene? I STILL NEED TO KNOW WHAT THAT IS
winston doesn’t know where he is IT’S THE I WANT YOU VALLEY!!!
hold up this is just a vision ok BUT WHERE’S THE BLOODY MOUTH SCENE
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frankenstein and spirit halloween called!
also o’brien flipped the switch without warning BISH
o’brien: “you suffer from a defective memory” and you suffer from a BISH MEMORY SIR
remember winston it’s all in the mind... ;)
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'how many fingers’ is a trick question because winston sees four YET WE SEE FIVE OHHH
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mother gothel vibes...
awww winston’s little scared squeak :(
winston: “i don’t know... i don’t know!” SAY FIVE WINSTON SAY FIVEEEEE
o’brien’s voice is so calming yet it spouts evil words...
julia immediately betrayed winston BECAUSE SHE HAD A ROSEMARY KENNEDY yet she’s somehow still alive without damage by the end???
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ooh a new shot! :D
they just faded to black and showed a new angle which is a bit weird...
o’brien: “you’re thinking that my face is old and tired...” because it belongs to poor richard burton!
o’brien just yoinked winston’s tooth out tho :o
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mother gothel strikes again!
winston to o’brien: “i love you.” you don’t say that back to jules YET YOU SAY IT TO O’BRIEN BOIIIII
o’brien: “you’re one of us. one of the chosen.” one of us gooble gobble! also ANAKIN IS THAT YOU????
winston just said ‘i love you’ oMG OMG OM WAIT WWAIIITIT
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AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
seconds after she says ‘i love you too’ SHE’S FREAKING SHOT DAAANG NO PUNCHES PULLED BACK!!!!!
aww he called her ‘my love’ even in a dream
so that was the infamous bloody mouth scene and it was quicker than i thought it would be? at least i have a bright julia smile! ♥
OMG winston’s calling for her yet it sounds so weird WHYYY
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he’s much improved!
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they’re skyping lol
after all he’s been through he still hates bb! :o
ROOM 101 :o
room 101 is a personalized experience just for you! :D
omg the rats are GOING AT EACH OTHER GEEZ
winston’s squeak at the rats no!!! :(
‘do it to julia’ sounds a bit selfish but it’s the betrayal we’ve been waiting for!
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uh oh here comes the awkward reunion...
they should’ve said “...sup.” to each other
the bartender saying “on the house!’ tiredly each time is great :D
winston: “thank you for coming.” julia in her thoughts: “yeah whateves bro.” :/
at least they can still bond over something :)
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jules gin time ;)
they ratted out on each other true love???
julia: “we must meet again.” winston: “yes, we must meet again.” ...they never met again
but if they did it would be a bro time!
winston: “i have seduced party members of both sexes” BI NANI???? :o
since his crimes are like the guy’s from earlier... what if he didn’t do them and was convinced that he did? :o
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in the book he says i love you to bb, but here he turns away and says it... what if he still loves julia? :o
and with that question, the movie has come to a close! it’s a fantastic little film that closely follows the book. while i would’ve liked to see julia with winston at o’brien’s and the drunk jail lady, the cutting of the gross parsons scene, the addtion of the bloody mouth scene and the possibly hopeful ending make up for it. overall, this is an amazing adaptation of such a great book! :D
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Request; Part three of the Proposal and Wedding series. What its like to be married to them/ live with them.
Very long post. It’s like six pages on word! Fucking hell! So I’m adding a cut half way down, there is more don’t worry! But I don’t want it clogging anything up!  Warnings; Swearing, mentions of Kano but its a shitpost. Do not worry.  GIFS do not belong to me!
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·         So Kabal’s apartment is how his life is; a hot fucking mess. He tries. He really does. He attributes the messiness from him hardly being there.
·         Kabal is a cup hoarder. Like will take cups to his desk/the bedroom/ the living room, and he will not bring them back. The fucking bastard. You think your favourite mug is missing, nah it’s just on his desk. Un-washed.
·         Neatest part of his apartment is obviously his nerdy shelves. Everything is well-organised, dusted regularly and alphabetically ordered. It makes no sense but whatever.
·         He totally has the draw of miscellaneous crap and wires that nobody knows what there for. He does try and be neat and tidy, but it always ends up creeping up on him.
·         He does his fair share when he can, like if you’re busy and he’s free, he will clean up and make sure it’s tidy for when you get back.
·         He can’t cook. Don’t let him cook. Fucking do not let him cook. Just don’t do it to yourself.
·         He once exploded the pressure cooker. The lid went through the oven hood and there was chili everywhere. He was mortified. How is he that bad!?
·         He finds folding laundry to be relaxing however. Like he gets to think about all sorts of shit whilst doing it. Also, it smells super good and soft.
·         He changes the bed and makes it religiously. You gotta look after your favourite place in the house. Lives for the smell of clean washing.
·         Hook. Swords. On. The. Fucking. Table.
·         He also sheds his clothing rapidly when he comes in. Doesn’t want to drag too much dirt into the apartment.
·         He’s pretty easy going and fine to live with. Expect trashy music playing most of the time however.
·         Him attempting to sing and dance on a Saturday morning is the best image to wake up to. Not the best sound however.
·         He lives for goofy dancing around the apartment with you.
·         He can be lazy though. Will totally ring you when he’s in the next room, to ask you to turn the fucking light off.
·         His car is a fucking mess. Just don’t even go there. His car is just the worst.
·         He likes to just lounge around, without a shirt, and do nothing. He’s a massive geek and will live for gaming with you. Even if it is Mario Kart.
·         He once had to leave the apartment urgently, like within your first few weeks of living together, you were worried sick. Turns out, he had to go catch a Pokemon on Pokemon Go.
·         I could go on forever, but I’ll stop. Overall, Kabal does his fair share of housework and is a fucking hoot and a half to live with.
·         Post-Burn, exactly the same once his confidence returns, because its his safe place, a sanctuary where it’s just the two of you. Where he can be himself. He feels safe with you back home.
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Erron Black;
·         Domestic life will depend and vary on where you live. If he’s still slumming with the Black Dragon or living it up with Kotal in Outworld. They are sort of stark contrasts.
·         Either way he’s going to be doing his fair share of housework when he can. He doesn’t expect you to do everything. Because that ain’t fair. But he does have to work a lot, so that something to bear in mind.
·         He’ll live for coming home to you. The thought of you being at home when he gets there, because he works a lot later than you, thanks Kano! So that thought drags him through the day. How did he ever get so lucky?
·         If you’re ever working and he’s not, he’ll surprise you for when you come home. The house, spotless. There’s music playing, the lights are dimmed, and he’s sat there waiting. The finest cooking you’ve ever seen. His Maw always taught him to cook and he thought he’d treat you. All candlelit and everything. He’s a hopeless romantic at heart. Anything for his spouse!
·         If you’re living in Outworld, he’ll love to watch the Sun set, in the garden. Glass of whisky in hand, you lounging on him. The both of you sat in comfortable silence. Waiting for the stars to come out. How did he ever get so lucky? He never thought he’d ever get/deserve a slice of perfection. But yet, here you are.
·         If he’s still in the Black Dragon, he’ll make sure you’re both living in a house. Don’t worry about that. He wants a Garden. Somewhere you can both lounge and relax in.
·         He’ll also tend to it the best he can. Gotta make sure his Sugar has somewhere nice to sit with him.
·         He’d be so up for helping you decorate. Precision are important in decorating and he’s plenty of it!
·         His house is a no Kano zone. He doesn’t have his address and never will do.
·         Prepare for intimate nights in with him. He just wants to relax, unwind and have a chilled evening with you. Forgetting everything that’s going on out there.
·         Prepare for BBQs. Just random ones. Like, its nice weather, you’re both in the house, fuck it! Late night BBQ. Because he is damn good at grilling.
·         Erron can also sort of sing, so he’ll love to sing to you a little whilst you’re falling asleep on his lap. He’s such a softie when he’s allowed to be.
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·         What’s it like living with a God? Well, you know. Because it is fucking interesting. To say the least.
·         Raiden, man he tries. He tries to understand Mortals and their fucking customs. But it eludes him at times.
·         Like, laundry. Same problem as Kuai. He cannot use a washing machine. Has short circuited it a few times. When he offers, you’re screaming no. Like ples no. No more. You can’t deal with another Power Cut!
·         When there is a Power Cut however, your apartment/house is never affected. Why? Because you’re married to the Lord of Thunder! You’re the envy of your whole street/apartment block.
·         He does love the idea of having a domestic life. It sounds/looks so picturesque and happy. However, it saddens him greatly. He knows he’ll never be able to have that/ give you that. But also, this is all temporary, unless he can prolong your life. Something he’s trying his hardest to do!
·         His life is a mess, but that doesn’t mean he is. He likes everything to be organised and neat. Because its something he can control. He likes to feel like he’s got two hands on the wheel, he cannot feel like that with Earthrealm. But, when it comes to tidying and domestic chores he can!
·         He’s very curious and inquisitive with nearly everything you do. So, he’ll like to watch you do your hobbies/ watch you work. It’s not a creepy thing, he’s merely curious about Mortals. And wants to learn.
·         If you paint or are creative, he’ll ask if he can join you and if you’ll teach him. He picks up on everything fast! He’s actually pretty good at embroidery. It’s impressive.
·         Speaking of Mortals, he also has a soft spot for Mortals, but you take the biscuit, cake and whole picnic. He wants to spend the rest of his life, which is forever, with you. And watching you in awe, brings about feelings of this.
·         Whether you’re washing up, cooking or even reading, he’ll feel the wave of awe hit him.
·         He’s never had a place to call home properly, so when you refer to your house as ‘our home’ he gets sort of emotional. Well, as emotional as he can get. He has a strange, but pleasant sensation in his stomach and he’ll smile. Repeating the words to you.
·         Whenever he feels lost, he’ll always think of home and you, and it anchors and guides him. Clears his mind and focuses him. He’s not just doing this for Earthrealm, he’s doing it for you and you’re future together.
·         Lots of nights introducing him to pop culture. It’s a learning experience for the both of you. Him, finally watching Star Wars. You, listening to his meanings and deep conclusions drawn from it.
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Sub Zero (Kuai Liang);
·         Kuai is pretty much the ideal husband and person to live with, to be fair with you.
·         He’s organised, neat and tidy. Everything has a place, and everything is well organised. To the point, you can find literally anything you need pretty much straight away.
·         Uses coasters. If you don’t put a mug on a coaster, he will have to slide on under there. It’s automatic and he cannot help it. With you, he’s a lot more chilled out with it. If it was Bi-Han he’d be calling him out for it. Like did he clean the table? No he fucking did not.
·         You see a different side living with him. A lighter, happier side. With a dry sense of humour. But he has one. He’s also a lot touchier with you. Like he will hug, kiss and hold your hand at random times.
·         He’s got the theory for domestic living but not the practise. He’s never lived with his S/O. Living with his Brother and the rest of the Lin Kuei is different.
·         Very accommodating to you moving in. More than happy to help you unpack.
·         He’s pretty good at most tasks, except one.
·         He cannot do laundry for the life of him. He’s shrunk stuff, even when he’s following the instructions. Legend says, his outfits did have chest panels, they just fell off in the wash. But yeah. Anything else he’s down for doing.
·         He is an angry cleaner. Like when he’s feeling a bit miffed, whether it be because Bi-Han has been a bastard or Johnny has wound him up; he will happily angrily mop the floor. It’s sort of a passive aggressive thing to do. He’s never angry at you. But it’s pretty funny to watch.
·         It’s how you know someone has pissed him off. Which is a rare occurrence. But yeah. If he wants to scrub his anger away, let him.
·         He can sort of cook but its not great. He tries. Man does he try! And you appreciate it.
·         He’ll always wake you up to fresh tea, with a kiss to the forehead and a compliment.
·         He loves to leave little notes around the house for you to find as well. Like you’re folding laundry and then there’s just a note under one of the towels. Detailing how he loves you.
·         He gets back to your room late, he has a lot of responsibility resting on those fine shoulders. He doesn’t expect you to wait up for him… but when you do, his heart feels ready to leap from his body.
·         How did one man deserve someone as heavenly as you?!
·         If you fall asleep on the couch, he will carry you back to bed and cuddle up with you.
·         In Winter, he is hell to sleep with. Cold hands and its cold outside. Like baby its cold outside and cold up in here. You have to banish him to his side of the bed. He’s not overly insulted, he understands. He just wanted to cuddle though! But he can live with it. Damn those cold hands!
·         But in Summer, you’re all over him. Pulling him close. Snuggling up to him. God he’s great. Like a human Air Conditioner. Johnny was right! He honestly doesn’t mind.
·         He’ll love to read with you, or watch you do your hobbies. He’s extremely inquisitive and is down to try anything new. He can’t sew, knit or do anything like that. He’s not really creative. Years of training has destroyed his creativity.
·         So, his only outlet are fantasy novels. So, you both like to borrow and read each other’s book collections. Combining them when you moved in was an impressive task. You had no idea how strong his love for them actually was.
·         Your quarters are always cold, because, Artika is cold. So, he always makes sure a fire is lit for you. He needs to keep you warm and cosy.
·         Some days you barely see him and when he comes back he’s exhausted. But he will always make time for you and make up for lost time. Whether it be you both having a bath, or you giving him a massage. He does love to spend time with you.
·         He does have some very spontaneous and romantic moments when you live together. There not Johnny Cage or Erron Black style ones. But they are lovely. He’ll make you a rose out of ice, or buy you your favourite bottle of wine, or even get you something sugary and sweet to eat. He just seems to know what you want/need, and he’ll make sure you’ve got it.
·         You call it his S/O sense. He laughs. Oh yeah, he actually laughs and smiles a lot more with you.
·         He’ll love to talk about the future as well. Because, he wants to try and have a normal life. God, he deserves it. Fucking give this man some happiness for fuck sake! He needs a hug and vacation.
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Scorpion (Hanzo Hasashi)
·         He’s a pro at this. We cannot deny this. He’s probably the most prepared out of them all. Kuai has the theory, but Hanzo has both theory and practise.
·         He can cook, and he does love to do it when he has the time. You know what, he’s the Grand fucking master, he will make time to cook for you.
·         Nothing better than coming back to see he’s cooked something traditional for you. He’ll tell you about the recipe either whilst you eat, or whilst you attempt to help (Watch) him cook. And how its an old family recipe.
·         He, like Kuai, is neat and tidy. But not as OTT as Kuai. He’s not going to be like here’s a coaster, please use it. He’s laxer.
·         He wishes he could devote more time to helping around the house. Just like Kuai. But he is the Grandmaster to the Shira Ryu. He has no time.
·         Speaking of the Shira Ryu, marrying him and living with him, means you’re apart of the big family now.
·         So, you’re never by yourself, you’ll get chatting to the other members spouses. So, you’ve always got friends.
·         It warms Hanzo’s heart seeing you settle in. He loves it. Because this is all he’s ever wanted.
·         Your room has the best view. Overlooking the Fire Gardens. It’s beautiful to wake up to every morning. All the petals falling down outside your window.
·         You’ll make a comment every morning about the beauty outside, with Hazno commenting on how its not a shadow in comparsion to your beauty. What a fucking softy.
·         You see the Hanzo side of him. Not Grandmaster Hasashi. Not Scorpion. Just Hanzo. A rawer side of him. One that has lived, loved and lost. Who wants to be loved and have redemption more than the air he breathes.
·         This is an honour and one that you love. He loves and adores you and dotes on you. He says you share the work, but he always ends up doing more than you. He just wants you to take it easy. You put up with his Grumpy arse. After all. That’s a full-time job.
·         If he has to leave early, he’ll write you a note and make you an origami flower. As well as ensuring you’re warm and comfortable.
·         He loves quiet nights in with you. A chance to relax and be connected. So maybe some mediating, good food and you two just cuddling in bed.
·         You see his shameless side as well. He lives for trashy TV. Because shit is going down and it does not involve him. So, he can enjoy watching everything burn. Because it doesn’t involve him, Takeda or anyone he knows. He can breathe.
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Kano (For the shits and giggles);
·         His apartment is just a mess.
·         There’s a blowup doll on the bed.
·         It’s fucking horrific, you’ll need a tetanus jab after being in it.
·         He doesn’t make it home most nights. Just passes out either on the gross or in the elevator.
·         Dishes are never done. So, you have to eat your pasta from a cup.
·         Drinks straight from the milk carton and puts it back.
·         There’s another blowup doll in the cupboard.
·         Fucking run. Go to Kabal’s apartment. He’ll make you laugh and its actually a lot cleaner. Kabal’s apartment is chaotic good whilst Kano’s is just chaotic evil.
·         Blow up Doll in the pool.
·         He’s passed out in the hallway. Just run away with Kabal. Fucking do it.
·         Blow up Doll in the bath.
·         Or Erron. Fucking get Erron to whisk you away! He’d treat you right.
·         Blow up Doll on the sofa.
·         Fucking hell, even Baraka is more of a gentleman than Kano.
·         What I’m trying to get at, is you deserve better.
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druckenglish · 5 years
Season 3 Episode 7: “Together or alone”
Message from Hanna: Happy Easter, let me know if you need anything
Text from Mom: Will I see you at church today?
Text to Mom: I have to study
Matteo: Hey
Hans: It’s okay. You don’t have to apologize
Matteo: I wasn’t going to
Hans: Oh?
Matteo: I need your advice
Hans: You need advice. As in tip
Matteo: Yes
Hans: You need advice from me? De moi?
Matteo: Hans
Hans: So you trust me? In a way you look up to me?
Matteo: Is that enough now?
Hans: If you call me gay guru
Matteo: What?
Hans: Yes, you heard correctly. Go on, say it
Matteo: Okay, if it makes you happy, you’re my guru
Hans: Nice. Come on
Matteo: Where?
Hans: For a walk
Matteo: And the roast?
Hans: That has to rot in hell for four hours (”schmoren” means stew but also rot in hell)
Hans: Okay
Matteo: So I’ve told you about David
Hans: Yes
Matteo: There was something going on between us…well we made out all night and then I broke up with Sara for him and then he told me he doesn’t want to be with me. I just can’t believe it
Hans: Is David gay?
Matteo: I think so
Hans: Oh I know that. David probably isn’t out yet and got scared
Matteo: And what should I do now?
Hans: You can’t force him to be himself, he has to figure that out on his own. Do you want me to be honest?
Matteo: Maybe
Hans: Give him time. Or forget about him
Matteo: What are you doing?
Hans: What does it look like?
Matteo: Like you’re jerking off
Hans: Funny. I’m praying
Matteo: Why?
Hans: Just because. Besides I like the quiet in here. Too uncool for you?
Matteo: It’s okay. I used to sing in a church choir
Hans: Really?
Matteo: My mom was super proud. Unfortunately she’s totally cracking up/going crazy now. I don’t know how to tell her about all of that
Hans: You can light a candle for her. You know, sometimes parents can really surprise you. My mom for example. She’s recently started watching RuPaul’s Drag Race
Matteo: Mine is taking antidepressants now
Hans: At least
Matteo: At least
Amira: Hey, na, how are you?
Matteo: I looked up a few topics and read through them
Amira: Okay
Matteo: And I believe we’re done with the theory of evolution, now we only need to go over the genetics stuff
Amira: And that’s for me?
Matteo: Yes
Amira: Who are you and what have you done to Matteo?
Matteo: Funny
Amira: I know
Matteo: Okay, wanna study now?
Amira: Yes
Text from Kiki: I have your back!!!! Gaypride!
Amira: Did you see the link I sent you?
Matteo: What link?
Amira: Just an article I read, it’s not that important. Well, it’s about what we talked about the other day, that being gay and evolution aren’t compatible
Matteo: Yes
Amira: I know that doesn’t happen often, well, actually that never happens, but maybe I could’ve possibly been wrong
Matteo: Wrong? YOU?
Amira: Apparently there’s new research that proves that homosexuality has existed for thousands of years that’s why it’s basically a part of evolution. Epigenetically it’s passed on to the next generation. I thought that was good to know so that we won’t fail the exam
Matteo: Thanks
Amira: You’re welcome!
Matteo: What about Islam?
Amira: What do you mean?
Matteo: Well, what does Islam say about homosexuality?
Amira: Islam says that everybody - no matter the origin, orientation or skin color - is equal. If some idiot tries to judge people or spread hate through Islam then that only happens because of fear. Just don’t listen to it
Matteo: Cool
Amira: Good. Before I forget: my mom made these for easter
Matteo: May I?
Amira: Of course
Matteo: Sweet
Amira: And, how do you like them?
Matteo: Awesome
Abdi: Watch out
Carlos: Dude, that was your turn
Abdi: How was I supposed to get that?
Matteo: Yo
Jonas: Na, I’m beating these guys
Carlos: We’re gonna see about that
Abdi: What’s up?
Matteo: You okay? Boys, I’m really sorry about the other day. I wasn’t doing well and it was really shitty of me. You wanna come over to booze on Friday? Crate’s on me (crate of beer)
Carlos: Easy
Abdi: Yeees
Jonas: Sure!
Matteo: I’m really sorry!
Carlos: Ehm…I know it’s stupid, but Kiki texted me that you broke up with Sara because of a guy
Abdi: Dude, Kiki’s round the bend
Carlos: You’re round the bend
Abdi: What, she just goes around saying Matteo’s gay…that’s not normal
Matteo: Guys, do you remember the dance group?
Abdi: Dude, I only have to close my eyes and I can see them in front of me
Carlos: The dance moves
Abdi: No, it was more like that
Matteo: Do you remember the guy that came over?
Carlos: The gay one?
Matteo: How do you know he’s gay?
Carlos: You said so yourself
Matteo: No, not the instructor, but the one that asked about the beanie
Abdi: Yes
Carlos: What about him?
Matteo: Well, there was something going on between us
Carlos: How? Are you really gay?
Matteo: Yes, well, at least I believe so. I’m not into you or anything, just into guys
Carlos: But you always said you like girls
Abdi: Maybe you’re bi?
Carlos: Or pan
Abdi: Pan?
Carlos: Pansexual. When you’re into everything. Kiki explained that to me
Abdi: But when you’re bi you also like both boys and girls, I mean where’s the difference?
Carlos: When you’re pansexual the gender doesn’t matter
Jonas: Guys, it doesn’t matter, you know, the important thing is that we love somebody. And Friday I’d say we’re at Luigi’s.
Abdi and Carlos: Appreciative mumbling
Jonas: Attack! We need the ball
Abdi: Actually pretty cool Luigi, I mean if you’re gay there’s more girls for us
Carlos: I thought you liked Sam?
Abdi: I do, but if she’s not interested
Alex: Is she home?
Matteo: Yes, good luck
Matteo: Hey
Sara: Hey
Matteo: Sara please wait! Do you have time?
Sara: Not really
Matteo: Please! It won’t take long
Sara: Okay
Matteo: Are you moving?
Sara: Confirming nod
Matteo: Cool, where?
Sara: I don’t know yet
Matteo: Okay
Sara: What do you want?
Matteo: I wanted to apologize. I’m sorry, it was shitty of me
Sara: Yes, that’s right
Matteo: I just didn’t know how to tell you
Sara: What?
Matteo: You already know, right? Don’t you know that feeling that you just wanna belong and don’t have to explain yourself? I just want you to know that it’s not you. Even if that’s a stupid off-the-shelf line
Sara: My dad lost his job
Matteo: What?
Sara: We have no more reserve assets. No idea what’s gonna happen now, we have to move into a smaller apartment
Matteo: Why didn’t you tell me?
Sara: I don’t know
Matteo: Did you talk to anybody about it?
Sara: No
Matteo: What about Leonie?
Sara: She doesn’t understand
Matteo: Are you sure?
Sara: I think it’s better that you go now
Matteo: I just wanted you to know that I hope that one day you won*t hate me anymore and we can be friends
Sara: You (as in “hey”) What about David?
Matteo: I really have no idea. See ya
Abdi: And you really fucked her?
Carlos: Not bad
Abdi: And she really has an article on Wikipedia?
Carlos: What?
Abdi: Dude how was it?
Jonas: Was nice, but doesn’t compare to relationship fucks. Everything okay? Is that from David?
Carlos: What are you doing?
Jonas: That’s from David
Carlos: Super cute
Abdi: Totally
Carlos: He’s great at drawing
Abdi: Dude that’s not what it’s about
Carlos: Can be mentioned
Abdi: What about you and him?
Matteo: No idea. We were super close and suddenly he didn’t want to see me anymore
Carlos: Hot and cold? I know that from Kiki
Abdi: Maybe he just wants to fuck you
Carlos: Dude
Jonas: I just have the feeling he’s playing with you. You know, he keeps you on the hook
Matteo: What do you mean?
Jonas: I don’t know, I think you should tell him straight up 
Mia: Na, flat share drinking?
Carlos: This is flat share coffee party
Hanna: Can I take a beer?
Jonas: Yes
Hanna: I can do that on my own!
Mia: See you later
Jonas: See? Just clearly communicate with one another and everything’s good. Okay honestly dude you just gotta tell David straight up he shouldn’t send you drawings anymore he should tell you what he wants from you. And otherwise he should just leave you alone
Carlos: Yes
Abdi: Isn’t that a little too harsh?
Jonas: Why? It’s just super clean-cut: Remember the girl I made out with? She just wanted to talk to me and in the end it was definite
Carlos: That talk
Jonas: You just take it serious and make a definite decision. And you don’t wanna wait until he comes just to shoot you off five minutes later, either. You want clarity, too, don’t you?
Matteo: Yeah, you’re right. But it’s so fucked up because I don’t know what to text him
Jonas: That he should tell you what he wants 
Abdi: Maybe you should just tell him what you want 
Matteo: Yeah, makes sense 
Abdi (? not sure who’s talking): Are you texting him now?
Matteo: Yes
Deleted text to David: The drawings are nice but why are you sending...
Carlos: When Kiki and I aren’t doing well I listen to Miley Cyrus
Matteo: I thought I was the gay one 
Jonas: I always listen to (couldn’t understand what he was saying) when I am or was lovesick back when I was with Hanna
Abdi: I’ve never really been lovesick before
Jonas: Be glad!
Carlos: Totally! Not nice
Sent text to David: Stop sending me drawings if you don’t want to be with me!
Abdi: Did you send it?
Matteo: Yes
Jonas: Nice. Cheers
Carlos: Absolutely right!
Abdi: Great. Is that him?
Matteo: No, just my mom
Jonas: Dude, everything’s good, you took the first step, that’s okay, that’s good
Abdi: In your place I’d feel really bad
Jonas: Dude!
Matteo: Thanks
Jonas: You know what: I still have this
Carlos: No
Matteo: You only buy the cheapest shit
Abdi: Dude, pure (as in “not mixed with anything else”)?
Carlos: My throat is on fire
Jonas: Look at your face
Carlos: Look at your mother. Dude do you have anything to eat?
Matteo: No, don’t think so
Jonas: Let’s just order pizza
Abdi: Yes, with lots of Hollandaise sauce
Carlos: Dude, are you stupid? Since when does Hollandaise belong on pizza?
Abdi: Hollandaise is just great, it belongs on everything
Carlos: Jonas tell that asshole that Hollandaise only belongs on asparagus and not on pizza
Jonas: No I actually quite like it
Abdi: Boom
Matteo: Dude get out of my flat
Jonas: You want anything, too?
Matteo (Italian accent): Yes, I’ll have a pizza Margherita with extra tzatziki
Abdi: And that’s not disgusting or what?
Carlos: No
Matteo: Dude shut up you put Hollandaise sauce on pizza
Abdi: Yeah because it’s great
Matteo: No it’s like putting milkshake on fries
Abdi: That’s great as well
Jonas: Boys, pizza is ordered, Hollandaise sauce, Tzatziki, everything. Nice, okay, should be here soon
Carlos: Well that was quick
Matteo: Hello?
Jonas: Do you want me to open one for you, too?
Matteo: It’s David
Carlos: That David?
Matteo: Yes, that David
Abdi: He’s here?
Matteo: You have to go!
Carlos: Let’s go
Abdi: And what about the pizza?
Jonas:Go go go go go!
Abdi: Are you gonna have sexual intercourse now? (yes, he uses that expression)
Jonas: Just come with us
Mia: What?
Matteo: Quickly, please
Hanna: Yes, we just need our jackets
Mia: Why?
Hanna: I don’t know. Matteo what’s going on?
Matteo: It’s okay, it’s okay
Mia: Right now?
Matteo: Yes
Matteo: Hi
David: Hi
43 notes · View notes
carleencl · 5 years
🎤 iKON 2018 Continue Tour in Manila Experience
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Get ready? Showtime!
iKON - another boy group from YG Entertainment that I truly love and support too since their trainee days. I was also one of the supporters who would watch “Who Is Next?” and “Mix and Match”, and would feel nervous about the results per episode. I was the fan who would cry while watching maybe because someone didn’t make it or a harsh comment/review was said towards them. I would always be torn apart between Team A and Team B (now WINNER and iKON) because I just want both of them to debut and be successful.
November 11, 2018 came and iKON had their first concert in Manila held in Mall of Asian Arena. The concert started at around 7 in the evening.
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While waiting for the concert to start, iKONics were ready for iKON! We were actually having fanchants while the songs were being played. The fanchants were loud and in chorus as if the concert has already started.
At around 7pm, lights were off and a VCR of iKON is being played as an introduction to the concert.
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First songs performed were “Bling Bling,” and “Sinosijak.” The screaming and fanchants were already amazing at this point. iKON were wearing red suits/outfit.
Bobby then asked the crowd, “Are you guys ready for iKON? Let’s get ready to Rhythm Ta!” and “Rhythm Ta” was performed followed by the introduction of themselves to us.
B.I: “Ready?”
iKONICs: “Showtime!”
B.I: “What’s up Manila, we are..”
iKON: ”iKON!”
B.I: ”Welcome to 2018 Continue tour, Manila! Ladies and gentlemen, my name is B.I!”
Donghyuk: “What’s good, Manila? What’s good?! What’s good? This is DK from iKON! And let’s have a great show, alright? I love you!”
Junhoe: “Manila, make some noise! MAKE SOME NOISE!! Annyeonghaseyo! Yeah, I’m Ju-ne! Let’s have fun tonight!”
Chanwoo: “Hi, Manila! I’m Chanwoo, the youngest member in iKON. Thank you!”
Yunhyeong: “Manila! Make some noise! MAKE SOME NOISE!!” ”Hi! I’m Song Yunhyeong! Let’s have fun tonight!”
Jinhwan: “Yeah, yeah, yo! We are finally here in Manila! I’m Jay. You guys are so passionate and I’m surprised! Let’s have a good show, thank you!”
Bobby: “Annyeonghaseyo Manila! My name is Bobby! Before we go to the next song, I see it’s really crowded over here so, I need all of you to step back a little bit, from behind! Please, just a little bit! No, no pushing!” ”Guys, calm down! Calm down, we’re going nowhere. From the back, step back a little bit.”
Jinhnwan: “If you are safe, we are all going to enjoy the show. So you guys, should be safe, okay?
Bobby: “You gotta be safe. That’s our main goal. Okay? Cool!”
Jinhwan: “You know what? I have a special tie with Philippines.”
Bobby: “What is that?”
Jinhwan: “I used to stay here, well actually not here, but in Davao city. During the highschool days and I got such good memories here. So Manila, it is my city! Yo! I love you!
Bobby: “You can say it in Tagalog, one more time!”
Jinhwan: “Actually, I was in Davao and I can speak a little bit Bisaya.”
Bobby: “What is it? How do you say Hi?”
Jinhwan: “Hi is just Hi! Well, mabuhay!” 😂
Bobby: “Mahal namin kayo.”
Jinhwan: “Sakit akong tyan!”
Bobby: “You have a stomachache. It got stuck to you huh? What is the most memorable thing?”
Jinhwan: “At that time, I was a little popular in Davao. So many girls like me.”
Bobby: “Okay, cool.”
Jinhwan: “What about you guys?! Do you like me?”
Bobby: “Do you like Jinhwan?”
Jinhwan: “It was good. Every moment was so precious and special to me.”
Yunhyeong: “Jay, what is the best food?”  
Jinhwan: “We ate Jollibee! You guys, the self-support. You gave us a gift, the present. We ate them. We like BBQ and Ju-ne, you should drink San Miguel!”
Junhoe: “I like Alcohol!”
Jinhnwan: “And if we have enough time, we should go to the beach!”
Bobby: “Yeah, yeah, yeah! In our hotel, you can even see! It was right in front of us! So sad we don’t have the time to visit but uhmm, maybe next time! Right, Donghyuk?”
Donghyuk: “And you know, it’s our first time! Thank you all for coming! And Bobby Hyung has a present for you guys, right?”
Bobby: “That’s right! I brought a little present for you guys! So, it’s actually a beach from Korea! And we brought a little cocktail. Can you guys hear the waves?”
Jinhwan: "It’s getting hot in here!”
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“Cocktail” and “Only You” were the next songs sung by iKON. The “Cocktail” stage gave a summery beach vibe inside the arena.
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A Double B battle was next! A little game between 2 teams. They divided the arena into 2 teams, Team A and Team B, like Team B.I and Team Bobby. The fans must sing the chorus of “Love Scenario” the loudest!
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Bobby: “How do you feel to perform in front of an audience?“
B.I: “Uhhh, uhh..“
Bobby: “You can do better? You want to do better?" 😂 😂 😂 ”This is the first time coming to Manila and how’s food here?”
B.I "Uhhh…."
Bobby: "Cool? What did you do last night?" 😂 😂 😂
B.I: "I watched movie"
Bobby: "Let’s play a little game. We’re going to play a little game. We’re going to divide from here to here. This side (B.I’s side) will be Team A, this side’s going to be Team B (Bobby’s side). We’re going to sing a little. We’re going to sing “Love Scenario”. Let’s sing a little, 1, 2, 3"
iKONICs sings so loudly.
Bobby: "Okay okay cool! Coool, shhh! Okay if somebody lose what do you wanna do?” "We got a mic and let’s express how you love Manila! Who goes first? You? Me? Me? You?" ”Okay okay we’ll go first!" "Are you ready?? On the count on 3. 1,2,3!"
Team B: sings “Love Scenario”
Bobby: "Wooooh! Nice! Awesome, thank you very much!"
B.I: "Team A, are you ready? 1,2,3"
Team A: sings “Love Scenario”
B.I: "Who?"
Bobby: "It was loud but wasn’t cool enough!"
B.I: "It was awesome!"
Bobby/B.I: "Who won?"
Bobby: "Since we can’t decide. We’re going the kai bai bo"
Bobby/B.I: "kai bai bo!"
*B.I wins
Bobby: "Why do I always lose this game, man?! Okay this what I gonna do, I’m going to say how I love you without a mic. So be silent so that everyone can hear me. Shhh... give me 5 seconds. Shh.."
Bobby: "See you guys later Thank you!"
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A video was played and it was so amazing; the vocals are just so addicting to listen to. Then the vocals of iKON was out on the stage and performed “Perfect.” It was a surreal moment to see and experience.
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Next was Bobby’s solo stage. He performed “Love & Fall” which was so amazing! Rapping skills are truly on point!
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B.I solo was up next with “One & Only.” Again, rapping skills also on point! The crowd just really went more on konfire-er!
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“Anthem” and “B-Day” were up next! Crowd on B-Day was wild! Everyone was holding the yellow cloth/flag for B-Day performance and it was one of the best stage that I love! The yellow cloth with the konbat turned on resulted to an amazing sea of iKONics.
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Next songs were “My Type” and “Rubber Band.” “My Type” stage was chill but fun. Donghyuk and Yunhyeong even hug each other and Yunhyeong even jokingly kiss Donghyuk. Chanwoo hugged Jinwhan which in returned, resulted screams from us. On the pause of the song, Jinhwan said “Sakin ka na lang! Maganda ka!”
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Afterwards, Jinhwan was singing and teasing B.I. They were dancing together and Jinhwan was hugging and attempting to kiss B.I. But B.I was like pushing Jinwan away. 😂
Jinhwan to B.I: "Why you hating me? I love you!"
Bobby: "Everybody loves you but we don’t love you when yo do that!"
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Jinhwan : “I want to hug all of you guys.” “Manila, loves hugging”
Bobby: "Group hugging? What are we doing man?"
The boys had a group hugged while going in circles 😆
B.I : "Just for fun!"
Bobby: "Just for fun! That was fun!"
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Yunhyeong: "Ang gwapo ko! My face!"
Bobby: "What about your face?"
Yunhyeong: "Better than Jinhwan!"
Jinhwan: "No! I was popular in Davao!"
Bobby: "Let’s find out who’s better looking! What do you think guys? Do you think Yunhyeong is better looking than Jinhwan? Please make some noise!
iKONics scream
Bobby: "How about Jinhwan? Do you think Jinhwan is better looking than Yunhyeong?"
iKONics screamed louder
Bobby: "You lost man!"
Jinhwan: "Yunhyeong, try harder!"
Bobby: "No, it’s because Philippines is his country man! Second home!"
Jinhwan: "Yeah! It’s my second home!"
We love you both Yunghyeong and Jinhwan, nonetheless! Both of you completes iKON. ❤️
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Bobby: "Ju-ne!"
Junhoe: "Yeah!"
Jinhwan: "Did you prepare something special for Manila iKONics? Is that right?"
Junhoe: “Yeah!"
Jinhwan: "Show us what you got!"
Junhoe: "I got six pack, yeah!!"
Jinhwan: "You should show your six pack to them!"
Junhoe: "Yeah!!!” *points camera to focus on his abs*
Bobby: "At the count of three."
*shows abs*
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Bobby "So let’s move on you!"
iKONics screams Bobby’s name to show his abs
Bobby: "Are you guys saying Hanbin? Or Bobby? I think it’s you (points to B.I)"
B.I: "No I think it’s you bro!"
Bobby: "No, I think it’s you!"
BI: "Bobby!"
Bobby: "I think it’s Hanbin! HAN! BIN! "
BI: "BOB! BY! "
Bobby: "No, Hanbin!"
BI: "Bobbby!"
BI: "I’m not ready bro"
Bobby: "Who’s ready then?! Nobody’s ready! Maybe next time!" ”I think we should move on, you know? Maybe next time.”
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Bobby: “Who are you chanting? Chanwoo?”
iKONics chanting Chanwoo’s name
Bobby: “Alright, you’re up!���
Chanwoo shows his biceps
Bobby: “Alright, before we go to the next song.. We got to find out our best friend in iKON. We are all good friends but let’s find out best friend!”
Jinhwan: “I know why, cause our next song is about them.”
Bobby: “True.” “How about you Hanbin, do you have a friend or you wanna be alone? I believe you don’t have a friend. Wait for someone to pick you.” 😂 B.I: “Alright.”
Bobby: “How about you Jinhwan, who is your best friend?”
Jinhwan: “Me? Uhmm, it’s Bobby.”
Bobby: “Don’t look at me like that, man. I have a best friend here.”
Jinhwan: “Who is it?”
Bobby: “It’s Junhoe”
Donghyuk: "You’re alone Jinhwan! HA-HA! HA-HA! Because my bestfriend is Yunhyeong Hyung!"
Bobby: "Uhmm, whats’ you name, yo? CHANWOO!!"
Chanwoo: "WHAAAT?! WHAAT?"
Bobby: "I can forget sometimes you know?!" "Chanwoo! Who’s your best friend? Who would you pick?”
Chanwoo: ”I think, Philippines is JInhwan’s second home. So today, Jinhwan is alone!"
Bobby: "Jinhwan! Before you go, yo have to sing the song."
Jinhwan” "The next song, you are my best friend!"
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“Best Friend”  was the next song. The stage was such a cute one since all 3 pairs were doing a couple dance - Bobby & Junhoe, B.I & Chanwoo, Yunhyeong & Donghyuk. 💖
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After a few moments, Jinwhan went out the stage wearing a unicorn onesie! It was so adorable! He even acted like an unicorn and danced and did a handstand. It was so kyeopta!
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Next song was “Everything.” Such amazing dance moves from the 7 boys! You boys are iKONics’ everything!
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The 2018 song of the year, “Love Scenario” was next! As usual, everyone was singing with iKON (and not chanting!). I think with Love Scenario, fanchanting is not an option since you would just sing the whole song!
Bobby said “Time to say goodbye.” And the song, “Goodbye Road” was performed. As the music were gone, B.I still continued singing with the “Na na na na” in the tune of Goodbye Road then other members followed through it while iKONics were also singing along with him!
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Bobby: “Fantastic! (referring to iKONics singings a long) How are you guys doing? Good? How you guys doing in 3rd floor? Still good?  *screams* How about 2nd floor? You good? *screams*  1st floor? *screams* All together? *screams* Wonderful!
It’s so sad that we only have 2 songs left.
Guys, how’s do you like the Tendae (Love & Fall)? Good? Not bad?”
iKONics scream
Jinhwan: "You guys like the song?"
Bobby: "Thank you!"
Jinhwan: “It was first time in Manila! For me it’s good to be here. I really want to come to he Philippines.”
Bobby: “Sorry it was long but thank you”
Jinhwan: “Thank you because we wouldn’t be here.”
Bobby: “Thank you very much!” ”So we discussed how many encore we will do. Either 1 or 2 or 3 or 4, or 5 or more. Depends on your response.”
Yunhyeong: “Manila, sigaw!”
*iKONcs screams*
iKON: "WHAT?!”
Bobby: "What did you say?”
Yunhyeong: “Scream.”
Bobby: “One more time."
Yunhyeong: "Manila,one more time sigaw!"
Bobby: "So nice, so cool!" ”Manila, you guys are killing me! Let’s go!”
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“Killing Me,” and “Freedom” were the last 2 songs performed by iKON before the encore. Everyone was just so energetic. And can I just say again how amazing their dance moves are? Before performing “Freedom”, BI asked iKONics to sing with him.
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Lights were turned off and iKON left the stage. This was the time for the fan project, Iridescence. 🌈 Stickers were provided for each iKONic to be able to have a rainbow sea for iKON. It was such a coincidence that Jinhwan was wearing a unicorn onesie earlier and having a rainbow sea. While waiving our phones, we were also singing “Don’t Forget.”
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And once again, iKON were out on the stage performing “Just For You.” Bobby even said “There’s a rainbow!” He noticed the sea! 🌈
Bobby: “It was so beautiful!”
B.I: "Thank you all, Manila iKONics for coming! I didn’t know but there are 8,000 people in here!" (That should be 18,000 😅)
Donghyuk: "This our first concert in Manila but you guys gave us a big surprise. Thank you very much!"
Jinhwan: "How do you guys know deep words? Who taught you?"
Donghyuk: "You guys wanna take a picture?"
Bobby: "This is beautiful! First of all, everybody hands up, show the banners up! Say hi! So let’s have picture, 1,2,3"
iKON: "Thank you!"
 iKONics: “iKON! iKON!”
 Bobby: "Thank you so much for waiting! Sorry for the wait, but we finally came here to see you guys. We are so so so freaking happy! Thank you all!"
Donghyuk: "We only have party time right now! Party time left!"
Bobby: “We’re gonna sing, ‘Love Scenario’ but  we want all of you, every single of you to sing along, please? Is that possible?"
iKONics: "Yes!"
Bobby: "Thank you! Should we go then? Let’s go! Love Scenario!”
“Love Scenario” was performed and it was more awesome that earlier. Everyone was literally singing!
B.I. went to Bobby and like whispered something.
Bobby: “B.I just wanna say that everyone’s gonna shoot. There’s full of camera there, there and there. So put your cameras down. Please put it down.” ”Everyone stand up!”
 ”Don’t Let Me Know” was followed after Love Scenario.
Jinwhan was trying to say something then he called Bobby out:
Bobby: He said It’s different in Manila!
Jinhwan: "I love you!”
Bobby: "Show them how much you love them with the mic!”
Jinhwan: “Without mic?”
Bobby: “Without mic, c’mon! Altogether! Sarangahe! Shh, pls give us 3 seonds.”
Bobby: “Who’s gonna get dumb?”
Then “Dumb & Dumber" was up next! Crowd is x100000 wilder than earlier. Everyone was literally just screaming and jumping up and down in place.
 Bobby: "One more song?”
B.I: "One more song!”
Lastly, they sang “B-Day” again which made everyone hyper to the fullest where adrenaline was its on maximum!
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After the final song, iKON said their goodbyes with us, iKONics.
Bobby: “Thank you so much ladies & gentlemen.”
iKON: “Thank you very much!"
Bobby: “Thank you so much!"
Jinhwan: “Manila, you guys are the best!!"
Bobby: “You guys are the best! Thank you for coming out!” ”MANILA, we  were..”
iKON: "iKON!”
Bobby: "Thank you! Thank you so much” ”Get home safe, goodnight!”
Yunhyeong: "Manila sigaw!”
iKON: “Goodnight!”
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The whole iKON experience was amazing! Another concert to cherish forever. It was one of the best concerts I have been to (as I always say, because every concert is just the best!). I really loved the energy iKON gave making sure everyone had fun. It was like a party with all my fellow iKONics. Waiting for iKON was worth the wait and hopefully, Manila will also be included on your next future tours! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Sharing my vlog about iKON in Manila below! Feel free to watch it and feel the amazing fangirl feels again with me.
Bling Bling Sinosijak Rhythm Ta Cocktail Only You Bobby vs BI Perfect Bobby Solo (Love & Fall) B.I solo (One & Only) Anthem B-Day My Type Rubber Band Best Friend Everything Love Scenario Goodbye Road Killing Me Freedom
Iridescence Fan Project
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Request; Kombat Krews reaction to receiving a Love Bite.
Fun fact, where I’m from in the UK, we call love bites/hickys, shaggers. We aren’t all Downton Abbey and Pride and Prejudice. We are all actually goblins. I’ve referenced this colloquial term in Kano’s.  Mentions of sex, smut, biting, cum and, sigh, Kano. 18+ under the cut. GIFS aren’t mine/ don’t belong to me. 
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·         Leaving marks is a pretty common practise. He actually doesn’t mind having them somewhere visible either.
·         Nobody is really going to ask about it, not when he’s got his frowny face on, and his hookswords just there.
·         “Is it any of your fucking business?”
·         Kano does ask, but Kabal will sass back. He didn’t have to pay you to fuck him. The Clapback of the century.
·         You don’t even have to ask him before you do it, he’ll be down for you surprising him with it.
·         He’s a sucker for you leaving it on his neck or shoulder. God, he loves looking at them all in the mirror.
·         Fun fact; He once caught sight of one you left him on a mission, had to have a danger filled wank because he got turned on by it.
·         He fucking loves it.
·         Fun fact two; He’s once had to ask you to bite down hard on his shoulder, why? Because he was balls deep in you, with you sat on his desk and he swore he just heard someone outside his office. Was he going to stop? Was he fuck.  Not when you’re making such sinful noises.
·         He’s overly proud of them.
·         He’s not opposed to leaving them on you either, if you’re down for it. He’d love to leave them on your thighs, biting just before he gives you oral, he does love to tease.
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·         She’s down for this. She loves anything involving biting. She prefers to give you a Love Bite but isn’t opposed to having you mark her.
·         She will bite hard and expects you to do the same.
·         It’s one of her motivators during sex.  
·         Quality of quantity. She would rather have two prominent ones that take their time to fade, rather than loads.
·         She wears a lot of high-necked collars, so hiding them is easy. She’s not ashamed of them at all.
·         Leaving a mark on her chest, neck or thighs will have her moaning in delight. She’s a sucker for it (What a pun)
·         She would prefer to leave them in similar places. She’s going to have a blood kink (You cannot @ me if it’s in the game) so she will tend to break the skin when its her turn to leave them.
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·         He’s not sure about it at first. Prepare for twenty questions, how big are they? How long will it last? Is it permanent?
·         He’s not overly bothered about slight PDA, but there’s a difference between holding hands, and him having a dirty big love bite on his neck… not that anyone would question it.
·         He’ll eventually give in, on the condition, he gets to give you one back; dealers choice where he gets to leave it.
·         You’ll have to bite down on his shoulder whilst he’s fucking you. He ends up enjoying it more than he thought he would, ends up fucking your harder and faster, asking you to do it again.
·         Is this a new kink of his? Potentially, claims he needs to research it further.
·         He wants you to leave them where he can hide them, he has an advantage in comparison to his brother. His outfits don’t have sleeves, whilst his Brothers are just full-frontal side-tit.
·         He’s glad he’s got a cowl to cover his neck, because he finds the junction between his neck and collarbones to be the most erogenous.
·         Oh, you have to keep them hidden, but that doesn’t stop the little shit from leaving them everywhere on you. He fucking loves your reaction when he gives you them.
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Sub Zero (Kuai Liang);
·         Fear isn’t something the Grandmaster feels. But when you ask if he’d be down for you giving him a Love Bite during sex, his brows furrow and he folds his arms.
·         He’s not sure if you’re taking the piss or being serious.
·         When he figures you’re being serious, his brow will change to a look of surprise. Surely that can’t be pleasurable?
·         Tips of the ears are pink when you’re explaining why you want to do it/ why its pleasurable.
·         He’s seen them briefly on the likes of Kano. Doesn’t think they look nice at all. Nothing he’d want to show off. Even if he wanted to.
·         He can’t have any marks on show, doesn’t matter on his outfit, he doesn’t want to risk it. He just likes his privacy. Every Johnny, Hanzo and Bi-Han don’t need to know he’s been dicking you that good, you’ve had to bite down to silence yourself.
·         You’d have to prove to him that its not near as painful as he thinks. He actually bites you a little too hard at first. Accidentally of course. He’s not adept with sexual encounters bless him.
·         You end up giving him a Love Bite just above his hip bones. Finding a place that’s covered by his outfits are hard. Like the man has his tits and neck on show, at every opportunity possible. Not that you’re complaining.
·         You end up doing it just before you give him a blowjob, you’ve been teasing him, slowly tracing your tongue down his abdomen. Before teasing him and softly biting down and sucking.
·         His hand is straight in your hair, he can’t describe the sensation he’s feeling. More pleasurable than expected.
·         Will look down at the mark and tilt his head a little. Doesn’t look as bad as he thought either.
·         When he sees it in the morning in his reflection, it does turn him on a little, by bringing back memories of last night. Fuck him, you’re turning him into a right little Deviant. But he fucking loves it… just don’t tell anyone.
·         He does get better at leaving them on you, eventually. Practise makes perfect.
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Scorpion (Hanzo Hasashi);
·         He kind of just stares at you at first. Mouth slightly ajar, brow raised and a look of ‘What the actual fuck?’ plastered on his face. You want him to bite you/ you want to bite him?
·         Like Kuai he is very hesitant. More experienced than Kuai, but just as inadept in sexual situations. Vanilla sex is his go to safe zone.
·         You’ll need to explain how its pleasurable, and it’s more sucking and leaving a mark than actually biting and drawing blood… for most people.
·         You explain why people tend to do it, like that it can be very pleasurable and actually heighten the sensations felt during an orgasm. As well as how sometimes it needs to be done, to muffle loud sounds in situations where you can’t get caught.
·         He eventually concedes and offers to try it. He’s very curious about it now.
·         When he’s close to cumming he’ll tell you, asking for you to bite down on his collarbone. He’s not overly bothered, is anybody going to say anything to him? Not unless they want their hair singing off.
·         That and he knows he can hide it. He’s a fucking ninja, he can hide himself, hiding a little love bite shouldn’t be a problem.
·         As soon as you start to suck at the skin, he cums. Yeah, he’s into this. It really does heighten the sensation. Overloaded to fuck with sensations.
·         When he leaves them on you he feels bad, he doesn’t want to think he’s hurting you. More into receiving them than giving them. You’re a beautiful canvas and should not be marred, he on the other hand, he doesn’t give a fuck. Just as long as no one sees them.
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Erron Black;
·         You want to bite him? Of course, you fucking can. He dated Nitara and Skarlet, he clearly has a soft-spot for biting. He won’t say that, he doesn’t bring the two up during your encounters.
·         He’ll direct you to his erogenous zones, no point marking him if he isn’t going to enjoy it. So, he’s got some experience with where he wants them. No messing about with this cowboy.
·         His neck, collar and hip bones get him going. Nothing sweeter than watching you leave a mark just above his pubic bone. God it’s the ultimate tease, he can feel the blood rush to his cock straight away.
·         He does love to admire the marks you’ve left on him, how they contrast nicely against his skin.
·         He also can hide them with a bandana if he’s feeling having his neck marked up. He’s not about sharing, so he’s not going to boast about it.
·         He doesn’t mind leaving them on you. He’s very much a ‘Lady in the streets, filthy woman in the sheets’ type guy. So, won’t leave them anywhere too obvious. Unless you’re down for that. He respects you and your decisions. So, you’re in control where he marks you.
·         Makes sure you leave a pretty prominent one for when he goes away on missions. Nothing in an obvious place. He just wants to be able to look at it and be reminded what he’s got waiting for him at home.
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·         You want him to bite you/ you want to bite him? He Must consults the Elder Gods. Only shitting you. But he is confused at first.
·         Like Hanzo and Kuai, he’s unsure how this can be pleasurable. He’s been bitten in non-sexual situations before, and he can remember that it hurt. A lot.
·         Very reluctant, to bite you/let you bite him.
·         He’s a god as well, so he needs to be presentable at all times. He could not imagine if Kung Lao or Liu Kang saw it.
·         Or even worse, Johnny saw it. He would never hear the fucking end of it.
·         After some deliberation, and not consulting the Elder Gods don’t worry, he ends up reading a little into it. Asks for more information and an explantion. Because he is a little curious.
·         You Mortals, he thinks he’s figured you out and then there’s something fucking else.
·         After your explanation, he can see the appeal, he can’t rule something out unless he’s tried it. Prepare yourself for some experimenting.
·         At first, he asks you to mark his chest, mmm not a fan of that. Then it’s his collar bone, mmm not a fan of that either. In the end he finds the most pleasurable spot is on the inside of his thigh. Just before you give him head.
·         Hands in the hair, control gone, his head back and a moan from the God of Thunder, because you went Down Under (Sorry, I’m so sorry, but I wanted to use the pun)
·         Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner. (I fucking hate myself for that one too)
·         He would prefer to mark your chest, somewhere on the easy side to hide.
·         He’s had to bite down a few times to quell his noises.
·         Thunder doesn’t come quietly and neither does he (I’ll show myself out)
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(GIF found on Google) Rain;
·         Here we go. You want to bite him? AHA, no. Not happening. He’s a fucking (demi) god, did you not know?
·         Arrogant fucker, arrogant yet hot.
·         The thought does turn him on. Ever so slightly.
·         If you want to do it, you’ll have to beg for it. He’s all ears.
·         He does concede, doesn’t take much, stroke that Ego of his and he’s all yours.
·         He’ll let you mark above his hips, that’s one of his erogenous zones.
·         He does love to watch you mark him, how hard you try to make sure the mark lasts.
·         Will stroke your hair whilst you do it, his head is thrown back, lip being bitten as he does so.
·         He’ll prefer it if you do it before you give him oral, it gets him ready to go.
·         He loves to feel the mark under his finger tips as you suck him off.
·         He’ll jab it and press down on it as he cums, he finds the balance of pain and pleasure to be just right.
·         He’s more into leaving a mark on you though. He can get jealous, not that any other
man is worthy of you.
·         He does like to leave them in a prominent and obvious place, he wants everyone to know that you are together.
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Kano; (I hate myself for writing this)
·         Much like his hygiene, he gives zero shits, in terms of who sees his Love Bites.
·         Will not refer to them as Love Bites, he’s going to call them Shaggers.
·         You want to bite him? “Of course, you can Darlin”
·         Better make sure it lasts longer than the one he’s going to leave on you.
·         Anyone who works with him, (RIP Kabal and Erron) needs to know he’s extremely sexually active with you. What better way then him coming into work, tits out, bites all over his neck and chest.
·         It’s a power move according to him, as if he’s saying he cums from pain. He’s fucking gross.
·         He’ll encourage you to bite him, often pushing your head down, to get you to bite harder.
·         He wants them prominent, big and often bright. Make him bleed, he doesn’t give a fuck.
·         He loves to leave them on your neck too. The bigger the better.
·         Some couples have matching t-shirts or watches or bracelets. Date Kano and get a matching fucking Shagger.
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