#so it would make so much sense!!!! for kirsty to have the ring!!!!
the--highlanders · 11 months
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do you guys KNOW how frustrated this thing makes me. like it's literally from the regiment that jamie would most likely have been in AND the story lines up so well with the plot of the highlanders and I'm just. constantly itching to retcon the episode a little bit in my head and make this the standard
but no!! the serial kind of depends on the standard being prince charles' rather than nust a regimental standard!!!! and it kills me every single day
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survey--s · 2 years
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1. What time did you wake up this morning? What was the first thing you thought about? I woke up at 6am when Mike’s alarm went off. At first I tried to continue my dream, but then I realised I had to go and pee, lol.
2. Did you have any unread text messages when you woke up this morning? I did not.
3. When was the last time you had to get a new phone? What happened to your old phone? I got a new one about two months ago. My old phone was just dying - the battery life was horrendous, it kept freezing, the camera wouldn’t work properly and it was just a real pain to use. I need my phone for my job so it made more sense to pay off my contract and replace it than cope with a shit phone for another four months.
4. Can you name 5 people that you used to be close to, but aren’t anymore? Explain why. Linnet, Becky, Sophie, Kirsty and Becca - we’re not close anymore as we all grew up and moved away and just grew apart. That’s pretty normal for most school friendships, I suspect.
5. Do you know anyone who seems very unreliable when it comes to texting, and never texts back? A few people, but if it was that important, I would just ring anyway.
6. Have you ever fallen asleep in the middle of texting someone? Not in the middle of sending a text, but I have fallen asleep waiting for someone to reply, yeah.
7. What sort of day have you had so far? What plans do you have for this evening? It’s actually been a really nice day apart from the fact that I got my period, lol. I woke up early but had a lie in and a cuddle with Archie. Then I got up, got all the housework done, had breakfast, took Archie for his walk, came home, showered and I’ve just been relaxing and watching TV ever since. I have no plans for tonight apart from cooking an Apple Crumble lol. We’re up and out early-doors tomorrow so I need to get my sleep.
8. Do you have a bag of some kind, that you use daily, to carry your belongings? What does it look like? Not daily. The one I use the most is navy blue and has dogs all over it.
9. Are you wearing any perfume/cologne? Yeah, a coconut and vanilla body spray.
10. Do you have any personalised jewellery, or colour changing mood jewellery? No.
11. What was the last cosmetic product that you bought? Does body wash count? I’ll be buying make-up and stuff tomorrow though when we’re out in Workington. I much prefer to buy all of that stuff in person so I can see the colours etc.
12. What was the last thing you wore, that belonged to someone else? Uh, it’ll be one of Mike’s t-shirts.
13. Do you talk to your close friends about personal things, like sex and periods? No, I don’t really feel the need to talk to other people about those things.
14. Imagine for a second, that you’ve married the person you currently love/like. Replace your own surname with their surname, and say it to yourself, in your head. Does that sound good to you? We’re already married so we already share a name. It just sounds normal to me now, but it was definitely a bit weird at first.
15. What was the last compliment you gave to someone of the opposite sex? I can’t remember.
16. Who was the last person to send you a message containing an attachment? What was the attachment? Mike, and it was just a link to something he wanted for Christmas.
17. Have you ever upset the person you love/like? Well, of course. You can’t marry someone and see them everyday without upsetting them at some point, lol.
18. Do you know where your parents are at this moment? I assume they’re both at home.
19. Have you ever kissed a picture of someone? Yeah.
20. When was the last time you had a conversation with a stranger? What did you talk about? Saturday, and we were just talking about the horses we were riding.
21. Have you ever kissed someone whose name started with ’M’? What colour were that person’s eyes? Yeah, my husband lol - he has green/grey eyes. I’ve also kissed another Mike and he had blue eyes.
22. What colour is your underwear? Where did you buy it? Black, and the bra is from Amazon and the knickers are from ASDA.
23. What’s your natural hair colour? Do you like it? Brown, and sure, it’s fine.
24. When was the last time you uploaded a selfie? Yesterday, but only because the dog was snuggled up to me and looked super cute, lol.
25. Have you ever been told that you were good in bed? Yeah.
26. Have you ever felt as though you wanted to spend the rest of your life with someone? Definitely.
27. Do you know anyone with the last name “Williams”? Not anymore, but I went to school with quite a few.
28. Do you have chocolate in your house atm? What kind is it? God, so much. I got about six selection boxes off clients for Christmas, plus we have Malteasers and some Lindt chocolate in the cupboard too.
29. If you have pets, do you talk to them? Of course. I always have chats with them - especially the dog, lol.
30. Finally, where did you find this survey? In someone’s Tumblr archives.
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spamzineglasgow · 4 years
(REVIEW) All The Poems Contained Within Will Mean Everything To Everyone, by Joe Dunthorne
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Is it fiction, is it poetry, is it truth — what are the rules here? Kirsty Dunlop tackles the difficult, yet illustrious art of the poet bio in this review of Joe Dunthorne’s All The Poems Contained Within Will Mean Everything To Everyone (Rough Trade Editions, 2018).
Whenever I read a poetry anthology - I hope I’m not the only one - I go to the bios at the back before I read the poems…it’s also a really strange thing when you publish a poem…you brag about yourself in a text that is supposed to sound distant and academic but is actually you carefully calculating how you’ll present yourself.
> It’s the middle of a night in 2019 and I’m listening to a podcast recording from Rough Trade Editions’ first birthday party at the London Review Bookshop, and this is Dunthorne’s intro to the reading from his pamphlet All The Poems Contained Within Will Mean Everything To Everyone (2018). As I lie there in that strange limbo space of my own insomnia, Dunthorne’s side-note to his work feels comfortingly intimate because it rings so true (the kind of thing you might admit to a friend over a drink after a poetry reading rather than in the performative space of the reading itself). Like Joe, and yes surely many others, I am also fascinated by bios - particularly because I find them so awkward to write/it makes me cringe writing my own/this is definitely the kind of thing you overthink late at night. Bios also function as this alternative narrative on the margins of the central creative work and they do tell a story: take any bio out of context and it can be read as a piece of flash fiction. When we are asked to write bios, there is this unspoken expectation that we follow certain rules in our use of language, tone and content. Side note: how weird would it be if we actually spoke about ourselves in this pompous third person perspective irl?! Bios themselves are limbo spaces (another kind of side note!) where there is much left unsaid and often the unsaid and the little that is said reveals a lot. Of course, some bios are also very, very long. Dunthorne’s pamphlet plays with this limbo space as a site of narrative and poetic potential: prior to All The Poems, I had never read a short story actually written through the framework of a list of poet bios. The result is an incredibly funny, honest and playful piece of meta poetic prose that teases out all the subtle aspects of the poet bio-sphere and ever since that first listen, I can’t stop myself re-reading.
> This work is an exciting example of how formal constraints in writing can actually create an exhilarating sense of narrative liberation. I see this really playful, fluid Oulipo quality to the writing, where the process of using the bio as constraint is what makes the rollercoaster reading experience so satisfying as well as revealing a theatrical stage for language to have its fun, where the reality of our own calculated self performance can be teased out bio by bio. The re-reading opens up a new level of comedy each time often at the level of wordplay. I’ll maybe reveal some more of that in a wee bit.
> It’s a winding road that Dunthorne takes us on in his narrative journey where the micro and the macro continually fall inside each other. So perhaps this review will also be quite winding. Here is another entry into the text: we begin reading about the protagonist Adam Lorral from the opening sentence, who we realise fairly quickly is struggling to put together a ground-breaking landmark poetry anthology. His bio crops up repeatedly in varying forms:
‘Adam Lorral, born 1985 is a playwright, translator and the editor-publisher of this anthology.’
‘Adam Lorral is a playwright, translator and the man who, morning after morning, stood barefoot on his front doorstep […]’
‘Adam Lorral is a playwright, translator and someone for whom the date Monday, October 14th, 2017 has enormous meaning. Firstly Adam’s son started smiling.’
The driving circularity of this repetition pushes the narrative onwards, whilst the language is never bogged down: it hopscotches along and we can’t help but join in the game. Amidst a growing list of other characters/poets- that Adam may or may not include in this collection he seems to be pouring/ draining his energy into, with just a little help from his wife’s family money- tension begins to build.  
> Although Adam is overtly the protagonist in the story, to my mind it is, in fact, Adam’s four-week-old son who is the real heroic figure. Of course this baby doesn’t have a bio of his own but he does continually creep into Adam’s (he’s another side note!). He comes off as the only genuine character: there is no performance, no judgement, he just is. Adam is continually amazed by his son’s mental and physical development which is far more impressive than the growth of this questionable anthology. The baby is this god-like figure, continually present during Adam’s struggles, with the seemingly small moments of its development taking on monumental significance. Adam might try to immerse himself fully in this creative work but the reality of his family surroundings will constantly interrupt. This self-deprecating, reflective tone led me to think about how Dunthorne expansively explores the idea of the contemporary poet and artist identity through metanarrative. In Ben Lerner’s The Hatred of Poetry (Fitzcarraldo Editions, 2016), he writes ‘There is embarrassment for the poet – couldn’t you get a real job and put your childish ways behind you?’ In a recent online interview with the poet Will Harris[1], when asked about his own development as a writer, he spoke about how the career trajectory of a poet is a confusing phenomenon and I’ve heard many other poets speak of this too: there are perhaps milestones to pass but they are not rigid or obvious and, of course, they are set apart from the milestones of more ‘adult’, professional pursuits. I think Dunthorne’s short story accurately captures this confusion around artistic, personal and intellectual growth and the navigation of the poetry community, through these minute, telling observations and the rejection of a simplistic narrative linearity. The story doesn’t make any hard or fast judgements: like the character of the baby, the observations just are. Sometimes, it feels like this project could be one of the most important aspects of Adam’s life (it might even make or break it) and we are there with him and at other moments it seems quite irrelevant to the bigger picture, particularly as the bios get more ridiculous. Here, I just have to highlight one of the bios which perfectly evokes this heightened sense of a poet’s importance:
Peter Daniels’ seventh collection The Animatronic Tyrannosaurus of Guadalajara, is forthcoming with Welt Press. He will not let anyone forget that he edited Unpersoned, a prize-winning book of creative transcriptions of immigration interviews obtained by the Freedom of Information Act, even though it was published nearly two decades ago. His poetry has been overlooked for all previous generational anthologies and it is only thanks to the fine-tuned sensibilities of this book’s editor that has he finally become one of the chosen. You would expect him to be grateful.
> Okay…so I said above that there weren’t hard or fast judgements; maybe I should retract that slightly. The text definitely doesn’t feel like a cruel critique of poets generally (its comedy is too clever for that) but, yes, there are a fair few judgements from Adam creeping into those bios. I am so impressed with the way in which Dunthorne is able to expertly navigate Adam’s perspective through all these fragments to create this growing humour, as the character can’t help inserting his own opinions into other poets’ bios. Of course, we are also able to make our own judgements about Adam and his endearing naivety: shout out here to my fave character in the story, Joy Goold (‘exhilaratingly Scottish’) who has submitted the poem, Fake Lake, to the anthology. Hopefully if you’re Scottish, you can appreciate the comedy of this title. Adam Googles her and cannot find any trace of her, which feels perfect…almost too good to be true.
> Dunthorne plays with cliché overtly throughout the text. You could say all the poets in this story are exaggerated clichés but that certainly doesn’t make them boring: it just adds to the knowing intimacy that, yes, feels slightly gossipy (which I can’t help but enjoy). For example, there is the poet who has:
[…] won every major UK poetry prize and long ago dispensed with modesty […] Though he does not need the money he teaches on the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. His latest collection is Internal Flight (Faber/FSG). He divides his time between London and New York because they are both lovely.
I am leaving out a fair bit of this bio because I don’t want to take away some of the joy of simply reading this text in its entirety but it is one of many tongue-in-cheek observations that feels very accurate and over-the-top at the same time (I feel like everyone in the poetry community knows this person). It is also even more knowing when you consider that Dunthorne actually has published a collection with Faber, O Positive (2019), a totally immersive read that also doesn’t shy away from poking fun at its speaker throughout. I always like seeing the ideas that repeatedly crop up in a writer’s work and explorations of calculation and cliché are at the forefront of this collection. I keep thinking of this line from the poem ‘Workshop Dream’:
We stepped onto the beach. The water made the sound: cliché, cliché, cliché.
Interestingly, there is this hypnotising dream-like quality to O Positive - with shape shifting figures, balloonists, owls-in-law – in contrast to the hyper realism I experienced in the Rough Trade pamphlet. However, like All the Poems, in O Positive, we’re always one step inside the writing, one step outside, watching the poem/short story being written. It’s this continual sensation of being very close to failure and embarrassment/cringe. (I can also draw parallels here between Dunthorne’s exploration of this theme and the poet Colin Herd who speaks so brilliantly about the relation between poetry and embarrassment- see our SPAM interview.) Failure is just inevitable in this narrative set up. It makes the turning point of the narrative- when it arrives- all the funnier:
As Adam typed, he hummed the chorus to the Avril Lavigne song–why d’you have to go and make things so complicated?–and smiled to himself because he was keeping things simple. Avril Lavigne. Adam Lorral. Their names were a bit similar. He was looking for a sign and here one was.
> If it isn’t clear already, this is a story that I could continually quote from but to truly appreciate the work, you should read it in its beautiful slim pamphlet format created by Rough Trade Editions. For me, the presentation of this work is as important as the form: this story would have a different effect and tone if it was nestled inside a short story collection. I think a lot of the most exciting creative writing right now is being published by the innovative small indie presses springing up around the UK. Recently I listened to a great podcast by Influx Press, featuring the writer Isabel Waidner: they spoke about both the value of small presses taking risks with writers and the importance of recognising prose as an experimental field, rightly recognising that experimental work often seems to begin with, or be connected to, the poetry community. Waidner’s observation felt like something I had been waiting to hear…and a change that I had noticed in writing being published in the last few years in the UK. I could mention so many examples alongside the work of Rough Trade Books: Waidners’s We are Made of Diamond Stuff (2019), published by Manchester-based Dostoyevsky Wannabe, Eley William’s brilliant Attrib. and Other Stories (Influx Press, 2017), the many exciting hybrid works put out by Prototype Publishing, to name just a few. There is also a growing interest in multimedia work, for example Visual Editions, who publish texts designed to be read on your phone through their series Editions at Play (Joe Dunthorne did a brilliant digital-born collaborative text with Sam Riviere in 2016, The Truth About Cats & Dogs, I would highly recommend!). But this concept of combining the short story with a pamphlet format, created by Rough Trade Books as part of their Rough Trade Editions’ twelve pamphlet series, feels particularly exciting to me and is a reminder of why I love the expansive possibilities of shorter prose pieces. Through its physical format, we are reminded that this is a prose work you can read like a series of poems without losing the narrative tension that is so central to fiction. The expansiveness of the reading possibilities of Dunthorne’s short story also reminds me of Lydia Davis’s short-short stories. Here’s one I love taken from The Collected Stories of Lydia Davis (Penguin Books, 2009):
They take turns using a word they like
“It’s extraordinary,” says one woman. “It is extraordinary,” says the other.
You could read this as a sound bite, an extract from an article, a writing exercise or a short story, the possibilities go on; there is a space created for the reader and consequently it encourages the unravelling of re-reading (which feels like a very poetic mode to me). Like Davis, Dunthorne’s work also highlights how seemingly simple language can be very powerful and take on many subtle faces and tones. I think short forms are so difficult to get right but when you encounter all the elements of language, tone, pacing, style, space, tension brought together effectively (or calculatingly as Dunthorne might say), it can create this immersive, highly intimate back-and-forth play with the reader.
> All The Poems Contained Within Will Mean Everything to Everyone. The title tells us there is a collection of poems here that are hidden: the central work has disappeared leaving behind the shadowy remains of the editor’s frustration and the marginalia of the bios. We feel the presence of the poems despite not actually reading them. The pamphlet’s blurb states that this: ‘is the story of the epiphanies that come with extreme tiredness; that maybe, just maybe the greatest poetry book of all is one that contains no poems.’ The narrative, as well as making fun of itself, also recognises that poetry exists beyond the containment of the poems themselves: it can be found in the readings, the performances, the politics, the drafts, the difficulties, the funding, the collaboration, the collectivity, the bios.
> A friend of mine recently asked me: Where are all the prose parties?…And what might a prose party look like? We were chatting about how a poetry party sounds much cooler (that’s maybe why there’s more of them). I think prose is often aligned with more conventional literary forms, maybe closed off in a way that poetry is seen to be able to liberate, but I think Dunthorne breaks down these preconceptions and binaries around form and modes of reading in All The Poems. I want to be at whatever prose party he’s throwing.
[1] University of Glasgow’s Creative Conversations, Sophie Collins interviewing Will Harris, Monday 4th May 2020 (via Zoom)
Text: Kirsty Dunlop Published: 10/7/20
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isitgintimeyet · 5 years
The Ties That Bind
Thanks for the support with this story. Hope you enjoy the next chapter.
thanks to @mo-nighean-rouge for the beta and the support.
Chapter 22: A Heartfelt Discussion
Love Jo all your days, if you choose, but don't let it spoil you, for it's wicked to throw away so many good gifts because you can't have the one you want.  Louisa May Alcott, Good Wives
Jamie shifted uncomfortably in his seat. This was not his idea of a welcoming environment. He didn't think that it was deliberate on Geneva's part to choose to meet in a place he disliked, merely that she would not have taken any preferences of his into consideration.
It was, no doubt, an achingly hip coffee shop. He could cope with the exposed brick, concrete and steel heating ducts running overhead. It was the fact that it had all the atmosphere of an aircraft hanger and seemed to be furnished with rejects from a primary school, judging by the lilliputian dimensions of the table and particularly the chair he was currently folded into. And he felt very out of place, dressed for work in his suit and crisp white shirt.
Clearly, Geneva was totally at home here, addressing the staff by name as she walked through the room to his table. At nineteen weeks, there was now a hint of a belly, just visible as she turned to beckon a waiter over.
The waiter sauntered over, ready to take the order. Geneva ordered a fennel tea and looked across at Jamie.
“A large latte please.”
The waiter smiled patronisingly at Jamie's simple order.
His hackles raised, Jamie returned the smile and continued. “Wait. That's no foam, one percent milk, three shots columbian, extra hot, two pumps sugar-free cinnamon. If ye havena got the one percent, i'll have half skimmed, half full-fat… oh and two scones please.”
He sat back, satisfied.
Geneva looked at him questioningly. “Very specific taste in coffee you've developed there.”
“Actually all I wanted was a latte but yon wee man was so patronising I jes’ had to complicate it fer him. So, how are ye doin’? Any movement yet?”
“I've started getting a sort of bubbly feeling. Like I've drunk too much fizzy stuff. It's the baby moving round. Now it's bigger I can feel it. That started last week.”
“Why did ye no’ ring or text tae tell me?”
“I didn't think that would be a good idea. It might have upset Claire.” Geneva said pointedly.
“Claire is…”
The waiter arrived with their order and placed it on the table between them. Geneva took her cup of tea.
“Jamie, I didn't want a scone.”
“Aye, I ken. They're fer me. Have ye seen the size of them? There's no’ but a mouthful in each.”
“You haven't changed.” Geneva smiled at Jamie. “I remember your appetite so well. How you used to have a snack before we went to bed. Said it gave you energy.”
Jamie’s cheeks reddened slightly. He needed to get Geneva away from this line of conversation. To use Jenny's analogy, he felt Geneva was about to try and reel him in again with a series of sweet reminiscences. Actually, he thought, now would be an ideal time to mention the discussions he'd had at Angus's wedding, head her off at the pass so to speak.  
Jamie finished his scones and wiped his hands on his napkin, trying to figure out how to start this conversation with Geneva. He knew she would deny everything - after all she hadn’t actually said anything about them getting back together. She had just somehow managed to spin it so friends believed Jamie and Geneva would soon be a couple again. And this is why, Jamie told himself, she works in PR.
“I went tae Angus and Kirsty’s wedding…” he began.
“Oh yes, I’ve seen some photos on Instagram. Lovely day they had. She went to London for that dress, you know. And Alice Temperley wedding dresses don’t come cheap. Not sure about the veil though, bit too 2009 for my taste…”
“Geneva,” Jamie felt the conversation slipping away from him. Trying to bring it back on track, he continued. “Aye, it was a bonnie day, right enough. Lots of people there and I had a few… er… interesting conversations. Wi’ Rupert and Angus and Hal…”
Geneva sat back in her chair, listening. Jamie noticed her hand move to her small baby bump and start to rub it gently, discreetly drawing attention to their brief reunion and its outcome.
“They all were verra surprised that I was at the wedding wi’ Claire. They all knew about the bairn and somehow thought we would be getting back together. What did ye say tae them?”
Geneva’s eyes widened in surprise. “Me? What did I say? All I said was that we were having a baby together and were very pleased. I can’t help it if people jump to conclusions about our relationship status. Very natural conclusions, you might say. After all, I’ve been in your life a lot longer than some.”
Putting on a concerned face, she placed her hand over Jamie’s. “But it must be a strain on Claire. All these assumptions and strange looks. Is it really fair to her, all this? This isn’t what she signed up for. Are you being cruel to her, carrying on with the relationship? Have you really thought about what’s right for Claire?”
Jamie swiftly pulled his hand away from Geneva. He hoped the look on his face would tell her that she had gone too far.
“Geneva, I’ll thank ye to keep yer opinions about Claire and me tae yerself. We have talked about all this at some length and the fact that she is willin’ tae stick wi’ me shows what an incredible woman she is and how lucky I am tae have her in my life. I have made it clear tae our friends that I am with Claire and that willna change. Ye need tae understand that and stop with the misleading. I dinna want tae be mean, Geneva. Ye may have my bairn, but Claire, she has my heart.”
Jamie caught a glimpse of sadness in Geneva’s eyes, before her calm mask fell back into place.
“I’m sorry, Geneva, I dinna want tae hurt ye.”
“Hurt me? Why would you think that?” Geneva asked defensively as she stood up. “Look, I have to go, I’ve an appointment at quarter past. See you at the scan.”
She raised her fingertips to her lips and kissed them before lightly touching Jamie’s forehead.
“Take care,” he called after her. “Text me with any news.”
Jamie lay in bed, his hands behind his head, as Claire finished her bedtime rituals. In many ways this was his favourite time of day, just the two of them here with no external distractions and the anticipation building as he waited for Claire to slide into bed next to him - once she took that damn onesie off, of course.
Having been unseasonably warm for so long, autumn had arrived quickly with cool mornings, dark chilly evenings and Claire’s onesie - wrapping her from toes to the top of her head in pink fleece. To Jamie, who had his own internal heating system all year round, it was a unnecessary item of clothing that hid Claire’s luscious curves and long legs from his gaze and made any access to said curves nigh on impossible. To Claire, it was, together with her hot water bottle, a winter necessity. But, Jamie consoled himself with the thought that she never came to bed wearing it and in many ways, the excitement as she slowly unzipped it in front of him made it worthwhile.
Claire finally put her moisturiser away in the drawer Jamie had set aside for her and moved over to the bed. Jamie rolled onto his side and waited expectantly for the unveiling. Which did not disappoint, Claire seemingly unaware of the effect she was having on Jamie as she stepped out of the onesie, followed by the little vest top and pants she was wearing underneath. She slipped into bed and reached to turn out the light as Jamie halted her and pulled her tightly to him.
With her head on his chest, she could feel the vibrations as he spoke to her. “Sassenach, can I tell ye about my meeting wi’ Geneva today?”
Claire nodded, his chest hairs rubbing against her cheek. She wasn’t thrilled to be talking about that, but knew it must be important to Jamie.
“She felt the baby move, like bubbles, aye? Last week it started.”
Her eyes pricked with tears. She tried to blink them away, unsuccessfully. It was the hint of excitement in his voice that cut her to the core. Excitement in this experience he was sharing with another woman. She remained silent, afraid her voice would betray her.
Jamie continued. “I reminded her tae text me wi’ new developments. Are ye ok with that?”
Claire nodded silently again. Jamie shifted onto his side, forcing Claire to change position and he brought his face close to hers.
“Claire, look at me. I ken this is hard fer ye. I love ye and only ye and I dinna want tae cause ye more hurt than I already have. But these things that are goin’ on in my life, I want tae share with ye. If it hurts too much, if ye dinna want me tae tell ye about these things, let me know. I dinna want tae keep things from ye, but it’s yer choice. Ye had a choice tae make when I first told ye about the bairn and ye chose to stay with me, for which I am eternally thankful. Now, ye can choose how much ye want tae know, fer me tae share.”
Claire shifted her gaze to Jamie’s face, a look of concern etched there. She suddenly felt guilty for worrying him, surely it was better that he shared these moments with her, rather than keeping them between himself and Geneva, perhaps even forcing them closer together.
“No, you can tell me. I won’t always want to hear what you tell me, but I want you to want to tell me everything. Do you know what I mean? And I’ll always listen. You know that. I’m... glad you want to share it with me. And, truthfully, it may sometimes make me sad but nowhere near as sad as what I’d imagine if you didn’t tell me. Am I making sense? I feel like I’m rambling.”
“Aye… I mean no...aye, ye’re makin’ sense and no, ye’re no’ ramblin’. So, are we agreed… honesty and truth it is between us?”
“Yes.” Claire forced a smile. “Jamie, it’s small steps. Neither of us really knows what we’re doing… just making it up as we go along...together.”
Jamie gave a sigh of relief. “I spoke tae Geneva about what she’d told people… about her and me. Of course she denied sayin’ anything. She reckoned people came tae their own conclusions, but I put her right about us.”
“Again.” Claire turned her head away from Jamie. He lightly stroked her cheek and brought her face back to his, sharing the same pillow, their breath intermingling.
“Aye, again. I’m bein’ honest wi’ ye here. I think Jenny is right. It’s no’ that I’m biggin’ meself up, but I dinna think Geneva is goin’ tae stop trying tae…”
“Get you all to herself? Get me out of the picture?”
Jamie sighed. “I dinna think this is about ye at all. In her eyes that’s jes’ collateral damage. I’m no’ defending Geneva, but…”
Claire tried to pull away.
“...I’m no’ defending her, but ye have tae understand how she’s been brought up. She’s always been the favourite in the family, the pretty wee pet. Always indulged, always got what she wanted.”
Claire finally relaxed in Jamie’s arms as he continued to talk. “Ye ken Isobel. She’s a couple o’ years older. She told me that, as a child, she can remember Geneva havin’ tantrums if she couldna get her ain way. And she meant real tantrums... screamin’, bitin’, pukin’ tantrums. So her parents always gave in. And that’s how she’s grown up. She’s never learnt ‘no’. Even now her mother spoils her. No’ Isobel, jes’ Geneva.”
And now Jamie was keen to draw the conversation to a close, finding the naked woman in his arms far more enticing.
Claire, however, wasn’t finished. Ignoring the big hand that had descended down her back and was voluptuously kneading her left buttock, she continued.
“But what about Isobel?”
“Ye’d think that all this would make Isobel bitter, would ye no’? But far from it, she’s a lovely wee sweetheart- a teacher in a tough school. And surprisingly, she still loves her Mam and sister. No’ that they always deserve it. But I promise ye, Sassenach, I will always say no to Geneva.”
As Jamie’s hand continued it’s exploration, Claire finally decided to join in with the proceedings. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she rolled onto her back, bringing Jamie to lie on top of her.
“But you’ll never say no to me, will you, James Fraser?” She muttered in his ear.
“Oh God, Sassenach, no… I mean, aye.” Jamie spluttered before Claire brought her lips to his and the time for talking was over.
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hoeassproductions · 5 years
Break A Leg: Chapter 6
A/N: Disclaimer, this is a work of fiction. I do not own, possess, or have any links to Chris Evans, nor do I profit off of this work. Any claims otherwise are grossly misleading. This work is not to be posted anywhere else without my explicit permission.
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Word Count: ~1,600
Self Preservation
Monday comes and goes. Chris and I only see each other in passing.  Which is probably for the better. Since Saturday when Hannah called me out for liking Chris, I feel like an already complicated situation got even worse.
Seems like our M O. Are you even surprised?
A few days pass and more of the same. Chris is busy with meetings with the other directors and I'm busy with the welcome distraction of making concept art for new costumes. It works in both of our favors.
Avoiding him won't make my feelings go away but a girl can damn sure try.
Eric and I are getting along phenomenally as usual. I ask to see his portfolio of work and he shows me props and costumes he’s helped with dating from before he started at this company 5 years ago. I can tell he’s very talented and i can stand to learn a thing or two from him. He will be a great asset to me for sure, and an even better work friend. We look over the designs I have so far and we agree that he can make a few adjustments before we send them to the head seamstress for approval.
Just after lunch on Thursday, I am able to find a few minutes of quiet by myself as I sit on the edge of the loading dock. The first time I’ve really taken a moment to myself since this week started. Listening to my music with one ear bud in and enjoying the sunshine caressing my skin, I get lost in the sway of the rhythm. I begin to do a little jig in my seat. 
Enjoying this moment of freedom doesn't last more than a few seconds when I begin to hear a loud, deep laugh from behind me. I turn around and catch a glimpse of Chris engaged in a full body hysterics as he tries to get words out.
“You just… you're really… “ he says between laughs, tears now brimming his eyes.
I begin to chuckle at the scene before me. “You alright over there?” I ask. After a few moments of continued laughter, I stand up and address the man who is beside himself in front of me. “Get it together, Evans.”
Chris stands up straight as he wipes the tears from his eyes. “Okay, I'm good. Sorry but man that dancing was something else. I was not expecting that. It was exactly what i needed.”
“Ha ha ha, I'll have you know that I'm an excellent dancer,” I say as I narrow my eyes at him.
Chris walks closer with his voice low, never breaking eye contact. He says “I'd like to see that.” With a mischievous glimmer in his eyes, he inches even closer now standing only a few inches in front of me. As I look into his eyes, I realize that the underlying huskiness in his voice indicates he’s thinking of something a little deeper than a few dance moves.
Words fail me and I can't think of anything else than standing here with him in this small moment of uncertainty .
As we continue looking into each other's eyes, a loud bang breaks us from our trance. Coming back to reality I realize the noise is from a truck being unloaded on the dock opposite from us. In an attempt to stifle my inner weirdness from finally coming face-to-face with him after realizing my feelings, I look at my watch and begin to turn to leave when he grabs me by the arm before I can make a clean getaway.
“Y/N, wait.” I slowly turn and raise my eyes to meet his. “It’s been such a busy week, I haven’t gotten a chance to really see you. Is everything OK? You seem… different. I can't put my finger on it.”
“I'm fine. Just adjusting to everything. It's all so new and I'm still settling in.”
He stays quiet, then whispers “Why don't I believe you?”
I stop dead in my tracks.
Damn it to shit.
I’m now slightly irritated, not ready for him to know anything, and i’m not prepared to accept it myself. Giving him any indication will only add more confusion. He can’t know. Not yet. I need this conversation to end. Now.
In an effort to brush off his comment, I overcompensate. “I don't know Chris. We've only just met. Maybe you don't know me as well as you like to think you do.” With his jaw now on the floor and myself in a pissy mood of my own making, I walk off.
For the rest of the week, we mostly avoid each other. Only acknowledging when necessary, which isn't too hard.
I have a quiet weekend at home without much going on. Zero distractions lead my mind to drift to Chris and how I treated him last we interacted. I felt instant regret the moment the words came out and I could see the hurt in his eyes before I turned away.
I know I fucked up. I got scared and took it out on him.
Laying in bed Sunday, I begin to think up an apology for hurting him when he’s really innocent in all of this. It's not his fault I've developed feelings and are managing them like a little bitch.
He doesn't need to know that though.
As I turn out the lights and settle into bed, my phone lights up on the nightstand. It's a text from Chris.
C: I know we haven't said much to each other as of late but I took my mom to that restaurant we went to. She loved the food so much she said it gave her family recipes a run for their money. Thank you.
I read and re-read this before I hit the dial button. He answers after the first ring.
Before Chris can get much else out, I start my apology.
“I'm so sorry for how I treated you. I was a bitch and you didn't deserve that. I was frazzled and what you said caught me off guard. I just… it's hard for me to let people in and you’re you. It's not like you're some random nobody...you're a freaking movie star that actually cares about me and is my friend. In a general sense, and many others, you kind of scare me.”
“Y/N, why didn't you tell me? If I would have known, I could have helped. I'm not entirely thrilled about my celebrity status myself. I know it makes all of this, even just being...friends, more complicated. You know how many roles I've turned down or people I've avoided to try to have some semblance of a normal life? Trust me, it's a blessing and a curse but if there's one thing I've learned it’s that sometimes you have to lean into the fear. Trust someone is there to catch you.”
“That's what I'm afraid of,” I say just above a whisper.
“I didn't catch that. What did you say?”
“I said that makes sense. I'm sorry I'm not so easy to be friends with. Totally understand if you say ‘This bitch is crazy’ and want to call this friendship off.”
“Y/N, I promise you, you're worth it.”
After wiping a tear from my eye and composing myself, I ask Chris about his experience at the restaurant with his mom. We discuss how his meetings have been going and we talk for about an hour before saying our goodbyes. Laying my phone back on the nightstand I feel a weight has been lifted off my chest. I actually feel excited to see him tomorrow.
Don't kid yourself, you're a goner for sure.
Walking into work the next day, I feel lighter. Once I get into the shop, I find a covered plate on my desk with a note.
“Just a little something to start your day off right. I'm happy we cleared the air. Find me later.” - C.
I uncover the plate to find a big slice of banana cream pie topped with whipped cream.
How did he know? 
I eat half of the slice before I go to find Chris. After a 20 minute search I find him backstage talking to the stage manager. As they end their conversation, Chris’ eyes land on me. He stuffs his hands in his pockets as he walks towards me.
“Hi” I reply with a smile on my face.
“I'm guessing you found your surprise” he says with a cheeky grin.
“Yes I did. I already ate half of it. How did you…?”
“Y/N, did you just get here?” Adam asks coming out of nowhere.
“Yes, why?”
“Where are your bags? We need to get them on the bus.”
“Adam, what are you talking about?”
“The two week all company/all staff annual retreat. It happens every year at the beginning of the season. We leave within the hour. No one told you?” He says.
“Clearly not. What do I do? I have nothing here.”
“You can ride with me” Chris pipes up. “I arranged to drive down later tonight because I have a few business things to attend to before I leave. If you go now, I can pick you up at your place around one.”
“Are you sure? It’s very last minute.”
“Yes, I’m sure. Now get your butt in gear!”
“Thank you, you're the best!” I say as I hug him.
“Great!” Adam says as he claps his hands together. “I'll let them know we are ready to go then. See you guys down there.”
Adam turns and walks from whence he came leaving Chris and I alone, and I realize that I willingly committed to that before thinking about the implications.
Fuck. Me. Why can't I catch a break?!
Previous Chapter
A/N: These two just can’t get it together! It’s always something! I know it’s been a bit since i posted. The holidays and whatnot, but i was feeling a little uninspired with all of the distractions. Anyways, let me know what you think! Thanks!
Tags: @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan @beccaheartschrisevans @avenger-nerd-mom @mycapt-ohcapt-writes @mad-for-marvel @vanillabeanlattes @captain-ariel-barnes @emilyevanston @thewife101cevans @loricameback @plussizeappreciationfics @a-tale-of-two-comics @melodramaticfanatic @writingcreatingstorytelling @kirstie-lotr @mywritingsblog @disney-fire-fox @harrinoodles @lookwhatyoumademequeue @janeyboo @aglarelen
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janethepegasus · 6 years
BMC Miraculous Ladybug AU RP Thing: Miraculous Festival
An RP thing me and @pika-ace did related to the BMC Miraculous Ladybug AU where New Jersey creates a festival dedicated to the Miraculous Armada and our Miraculous Fam gets to see it as themselves!
(The Miraculous Fam walk around the festival, looking at everything)
Christine: There’s so much stuff!! I can’t decide what to do first!! :Dc
Post: Me neither! So many things to do!! :Dc
Rich: I wanna eat ALL the food!! >:3 Sebastian: Me too!!
Jeremy: I wanna eat ALL of the sweets! >:3 Max: Not if i eat them first! >:/
Adri: *looks at a stand* GUYS. THERE ARE PLUSHIES 8^D
Post: *gasp* PLUSHIES?! 8D
(Adri points and there are multiple booths carrying plushies of the entire Miraculous Armada)
Chloe: Ooooh myyyy gooooood 8Oc *picks up a plushie of Coral Wave*
Jordan: *picks up a plushie of Timber Wolf* Awww! I look so cute as a plushie! X3c
Lin: *looks at Dasher plushie* I know what I’m getting my boys X3
Post: Hey dad! *points at the Owl Plushie* It's you! X3c
Joe: *picks it up* This is remarkable! The resemblance is uncanny!
Romeo: *looks at a Ace and Swan plushies, both side by side* Aww, they know us so well! X3
Christine: *hugs a Papillion plushie* Oh my god, wrap them up, I’ll take twenty!! X3c
Post: I want one of everyone! :D Joe: *stares at the plushie armada* ......I am keeping these for the rest of my immortal life.
Sebastian: *picks up Leo, Jade, and Atlantic plushies* I’m getting these! Now I’ll always be with my bros and our boy! X3
Philip: *picks up Scarlet plush* Don't forget about yourself! X3c
Hayden: *holds up Atlantic plushie* Look at that Maxie, they got your permanent frown PERFECT XD
Max: Shut it! >:(
Adri: *nuzzles Stag plushie* Such cuties!!!
Adri: *holds up Cloudy plushie* Oh my GOOOOOD it's so SOOOOOFT!!! 8^D
Eric: *looks over Cyber plushie* The detail is incredible! I think I may just buy a few myself
Jordan: Me too! I wanna a whole pack of myself! X3c
Brooke: *holding Natura plush* Oh my god they even got the cape right!! This is so cool!!
Tobias: *holds up Draco plush* Oh my goodness.....this.....this is absolutely adorable! :D
Vendor: Heh...I take it you want to buy some? Jake: We’ll take two of everything O_O (A few moments later, they all walk away with their desired plushies in bags) Post: *holding the biggest bag* Worth it.
Joe: *holding a bag with one of everything* Agreed. OwO
(They move to other booths and Jeremy and Eric find a little stand with handmade Miraculous themed charms and keychains) Jeremy: *picks up a Leo charm* I’m feeling SO narcissistic right now 83
Eric: *picks up a Cyber keychain* ....Is it wrong that i kinda feel the same way? :3c
Rich: *pops up having just bought some Tiger Eye ears* Dude, after all the akuma’s we’ve fought, I say we deserve to indulge our own fame X3
Jake: *holding a Pacific Jaws t-shirt* Yeah! We're like celebs in our city! X3
(Sebastian runs up with a red slushee) Sebastian: We’re SLUSHEE FLAVORS!! There’s Scarlett Panda Cherry, Jade Apple, and Atlantic blue raspberry!! This is the best day EVER!!
Jake: OOOOOH i wanna try!! :D
Michael: Oh my god PLEASE tell me there’s food named after us!! (They run off)
Jeremy: Heh, so much stuff dedicated to us! It's kinda overwhelming! X3
Eric: Indeed. :)
(They walk for a bit) Jeremy: Holy SHIT, Eric; CYBER SHOCK MOUNTAIN DEW!! Zip: *peeks out of Eric's pocket* O_O
Eric: Wait, WHAT?! O_O
(Jeremy drags him over to a food cart and points it out and looks at the other food) Jeremy: Holy shit, Leo King's Bacon Bar-BQ chicken?! Leo: *peeks out* O_O
Eric: Holy crap... O_O Jeremy: They know us well O_O
(They order some food and sit down at a picnic table to eat, Eric letting Zip drink some mountain dew and Jeremy giving Leo little pieces of bacon from the chicken) Eric: They really went all out with this...
Jeremy: Hell yeah they did!
Jeremy: Now I'm REALLY looking forward to these ceremonies they have planned
Eric: Yeah, if they can do all of this for all of us in general, who knows what they got planned for the both of us?
(Christine, Chloe, and Brooke join them at the table, eating ice cream cones) Christine: We're ICE CREAM FLAVORS TOO!!
Jeremy: Really?! O_O
Brooke: Yep! I got Natura's Nutmeg! It's SUPER sweet!
Jeremy: Oooh! :0c
Christine: Yeah! I got Papillion Peach! Try saying THAT five times fast! XD Chloe: And I got Coral Coconut Pineapple; it tastes like the tropics, no joke!
Jeremy: Fitting how you can use your shell as a surfboard! XD
Chloe: Right??
Christine: What’cha got there?
Jeremy: Leo King Bar-BQ chicken and Red Hound punch; and Eric got Cyber Shock mountain dew and, get this, Timber Wolf tenders XD
Christine: Ooooh! XD
Eric: There's so much alliteration...
Chloe: Makes sense he orders something named after his husband! X3c
(Eric blushes)
Jeremy: Heh heh! X3c
Christine: I can't wait to see what else they have!
Brooke: Me too!
(Later on...)
(Jeremy and Eric walk through the festival until they see a booth filled with Miraculous related stuff from other countries)
Jeremy: Whoa whoa whoa hold the fuck up...INTERNATIONAL STUFF???? People in other countries know us this well????
Eric: Apparently! 0_0 (They look around the booth until something caught their attention, a Pikachu plushie wearing a Cyber Shock costume, and an Eevee plushie wearing a Leo King costume)
Jeremy: Oooooooh myyyyyyyyy gooooooooood 8Dc
Eric: O_O *picks up the Pikachu plush* ......I want this. 83c
Jeremy: *picks up Eevee plush* You read my mind. *sends a quick text to Post* Japan's the freaking BEST
(Meanwhile with Post and Joe, Post gets Jeremy’s text)
Post: 8Dc Jeremy said he found more plushies!!
Joe: He did?
Post: Yeah, let's go see what they are!! (They travel to the booth)
(Eventually Post and Joe meet up with Jeremy and Eric)
(Eric and Jeremy have already bought their plushies) Jeremy: Check THIS out!! *shows the plushies*
Joe: Aaaaaand I think we've broken him XD
Joe: Well then hurry and buy them, you're clearly already attached XD
Post: YES!!! 8Dc
(Post starts buying the plushies) Joe: *looks at the other objects* I suppose our travels to find the Mythical Miraculous spread quite far
Eric: Indeed. Jeremy: Yeah, there’s Miraculous stuff from all the countries we went to, plus a few more! *gestures a few Miraculous items from places like Mexico and such*
Joe: This is something I never thought I would experience in my lifetime
Jeremy: And yet, here we are! The whole world appreciating everything that we do as heroes! :)
Joe: Yes, and possibly in the best way possible; nothing too flashy, but still full of heart and appreciation
Jeremy: Yep!
Eric: Let's see what else they have. *they head off*
(They wonder around the festival, until they see Jordan, Jane, and Kirsty hanging around a booth filled with jewelry and gemstones)
Eric: Why am I not surprised? :)
(They approach the booth, where Jordan is telling Jane what kind of gemstones are there in the booth)
Jeremy: Whatcha doin?
Jordan: Oh! Just teaching Jane about gemstones, that’s all! Jane: Yeah, I kinda want to have a collection of all known Gemstones! :3c
Kirsty: Each one here represents a Miraculous holder!
Joe: Oh really? Jane: Yeah! Like Sunstone represents Leo King, and Moonstone represents Cyber Shock!
Eric: Of course... (Jeremy and Post go over to look)
(Post looks around and spots a Biggs Jasper) Post: Hey dad, I think that one is you! *points at the Biggs Jasper*
Joe: Oh really?
Post: Yeah! It's brown! Like Wise Owl! :D
Jeremy: Which one are you, Post?
Post: Ummm.... *looks around and spots a Selenite* That one!
Kirsty: Oooh pretty !
Post: Yeah, it is pretty! <3
Kirsty: I’m gonna get Timber’s gem! He IS still my favorite :3c
Jane: Same with Cyber's gem! :3c
Eric: *jokingly* Why didn’t you use moonstone for my ring? Jordan: *smirks* Cause Azurite matches your eyes, peach ;)
(Eric blushes)
Jeremy: Get a room you two X3c
Jordan and Eric: HEY! >:(
(They move on to the next booth a see an array of jelly lollipops that have all been decorated and crafted to look like the Miraculous Armada) Jeremy: ...I have never wanted to eat myself more than I have now... :Oc
Post: Me too! :Dc
Joe: Again, the detail! These people must have worked for days!
Eric: Indeed *to Joe* You're really impressed by all of this Miraculous stuff, aren't you? :3c
Joe: Well, I’ve never seen people put in this much effort to create such lovely art like this! The Miraculous Holders have always been in the shadows; this is the first time they’ve ever been in the limelight
Eric: Yes, and it feels great knowing so many people appreciate what we do.
Jordan: Sure does
Jeremy: *stares at the Leo King Jelly Lollipop* I will eat you me OwO
Eric: We are all going to be broke by the time this festival is over
Jordan: Yeah, soon ALL of our homes would be filled to the BRIM with Miraculous stuff! XD
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thelittlestkitsune · 7 years
Ad-Listed. [smut]
A;N: So, hello! This is kind of different for me, I’m well aware of that, but I had the idea in my head and I couldn’t let it go! This is an AU as Stiles is not in BH, he’s in his senior year of college! Please let me know what you think. Hope you enjoy xo Lau
Pairing: StilesxReader
Author: thelittlestkitsune
Warnings: Smut. 18+ Explicit Content.
Word count: .10, 810
Listen to me.      part two. 
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One week to Kirstie’s wedding.  
You groaned as you slid into the pleather booth at the local diner, glancing at your phone. Ten till two and he said he’d be here at two. Guess I better get a coffee then. You flagged the waitress, ordering a latte as you sat and scrolled through your phone, looking at the date your bridesmaid dress was supposed to arrive. Why did you leave getting your dress until so late, you always leave everything until it’s so late. You sighed to yourself as the waitress brought your coffee, a wide grin on her face. You smiled back as you looked out the window, watching as Mike walked past the window.
 He gave you a small wave as he stalked by, his long legs reaching the door of the diner before you could even blink. He leant over you, kissing your cheek before sliding into the booth opposite you. “Hey Gwen!” His voice was chipper, a light reflecting in his grey eyes. “Hey Mike, what’s up? I thought we weren’t supposed to be meeting till tonight? Is everything okay?” You asked, your hands wrapping around the cup in front of you as he flagged the waitress. “Funny you should ask that, cause everything’s great actually-” He paused, turning to the pretty brunette. “Hey love, can I have a large iced coffee please?” She shook her head as you looked out the window “Sorry but we only have hot coffee here.” She shrugged apologetically. “Ah that’s okay then! Can I have a slice of that cheesecake and a large cappuccino please?” He asked, a wink following suit. “Sure, be with you in minute.” He grinned as he returned back to you. What is it with this guy?
You asked yourself that every time you met with him, sure he made you laugh, but there was something about him that put you on edge. You brushed away the feeling as he turned to you, his eyes still sparkling. “Anyway, what were we talking about?” He continued as you sipped on your coffee. “Everything’s gr-” He cut you off as he reached across the table, his hands finding yours. “There’s no really easy way to say this, but-” He fumbled for a moment, his brows knitting above his eyes. “- I really don’t want to jinx it but there’s this girl.” Your heart leapt in your chest as panic flooded your system. Please don’t confess your love to me, please no, I don’t think I can handle that. You swallowed nervously as he stuttered. “And I think that she might be the one, so i’m going to ask her to marry me.” You felt bile rise in your throat, your heart hammering in your chest. You tapped your fingers nervously. “So I wanted to ask you-” You cut him off, the words spilling from your mouth as you shook your head. “No. I don-” He pulled back, reaching into his pocket as you felt your head spin. Is he deaf? I said no? “Is this ring okay?” He asked, showing the princess cut diamond nestled in the padding of the box.  
Shit, that’s a fancy ring. You breathed in, the air tasting thick as it swirled in your lungs. “Do you think she’ll like it?” He asked as you looked at him with a confused look on your face. “It’s a beautiful ring but-” You exhaled shakily, your eyes avoiding his as you reached for the coffee on the table. “I can’t wait to ask her, I’m going to do it in front of the Lincoln memorial tomorrow.” He gushed as you wracked your brain for something to say. “Wait, I think we’re getting our wires crossed. Who’s the ring for?” He looked taken aback as he snapped the box shut. “It’s for-” He paused, looking out the window as he drummed his fingers on the table. “It’s for this girl I’ve been seeing. We’ve not been seeing each other for very long, but she makes me laugh and I saw the ring and I thought she’d love it.” You looked at him in confusion, your fingers wrapped tightly around the handle of your mug. “I’m sure she does, but if you’ve not been seeing her for very long then shouldn’t you wait?” You questioned as your heart slammed against your rib cage. “She seems super into me and I think I’m in it for the long haul if she is. Which is why I’m here today-” You interrupted him before he could go any further. “I don’t think I’m in it for the long haul Mike, like you’re a great guy but I don’t see myself with you.” You rushed the words, refusing to look at him as you did so, your fingers tightening more as you white knuckled.  
“Well as flattered as I am Gwen, the ring isn’t for you.” He deadpanned, his eyes serious as you looked at him finally. “I came here to break it off with you.” He admitted as you felt the air get sucked from your lungs. Any panic that had been in your system evaporated as anger flooded your body. “So the ring is for some other girl? Another girl you’ve been seeing?!” You could feel yourself getting hysterical, your voice raising in the small diner. He nodded as he took a sip of his drink, wincing as he burnt his tongue, recoiling against the back of his seat. “Yeah, I thought you were seeing other guys, we were never exclusive.” He rolled his eyes as he looked over you. “Yeah, we talked about it at length obviously. I never said we were exclusive but you never said we weren’t.” You responded, your words like venom as they left your mouth. “I mean it’s not like I don’t like you Gwen, but I knew there were other girls out there. I was just playing the field.” He tried to justify his actions as you sat there, your head almost ready to explode with anger.
“Well it’s nice to finally know this Mike. Here’s something you should know, you’re an ass. You at least had the decency to not cheat on her, but I hope she knows that you were sleeping with the both of us. Doing us both a disservice.” You smiled as you stood up. “But  you know what? I’m glad you found her and I wish you both the best. Saves me the grief of breaking up with you after the wedding.” He rolled his eyes, his lips curled up in a smile. “I wasn’t even going to turn up, I never wanted to go to the stupid wedding.” You seethed as you grabbed your bag, chucking it over your shoulder. “I’m glad you didn’t. Have a nice life. Hopefully this girl can look past the fact that you’re a one pump chump that couldn’t get me to orgasm even if I gave you a manual on how to do it.” You spat, grabbing the last of your drink as half the diner turned to look at your outburst. “Fuck you Gwen.” He stammered, his face flushed red. “No Mike. Fuck you.” You drank the last of your drink before heading for the door, pushing it open as you flipped Mike the finger. Wanker.  
3 days till Kirstie’s wedding.
You flopped down onto the bed, cursing as your headphones ripped out your ears. “Fuck, just gimme a minute, I’m crushing myself.” You spoke, moving so you were supported in the middle of your bed. “Nope, not good enough. Fuck your comfort bitch!” You heard your best friend swear as you put your headphone back in your ear. “Screw you asshole. Now are you going to stop being rude and fucking help me?” You sighed, rubbing your fingers over your temples. “Chill out, god damn woman, you’re stressing out about nothing!” She laughed as you felt your cheeks get hot. “I’m not stressing about nothing! I’m stressing about the fact that I’m a bridesmaid at my sister’s wedding in 3 days and I don’t even have a date.” You sighed, your eyes closing as you took a shaky breath. “Why don’t you just go stag? You know it’s not a societal thing that you have to have a date you know?” You shook your head, knowing she couldn’t see you. “You don’t understand my family Nik, my grandma is going to be so far up my ass about not having a man at my age. She wants grandkids even though she already has like 4. She’s ridiculous and old fashioned and if I turn up stag then she’s just going to harp at me that I’ll die alone.” You tried to play it off but the reality of that was cripplingly realistic. “You’re not going to die alone, you’re the one who doesn’t want to date so you’re not even on your own side right now G.” You grunted in agreement. “It’s not like there’s much option here. Washington is good if you like brainy guys that look like they ran into a wall. Not so great if you want a good looking guy that also has a brain.” You heard Nikki chuckle down the line. “Beauty over brains huh? You’re so shallow!” You rolled your eyes as you cursed her out.  
“Oh yeah cause you’re going to go for Hawking over Hardy. Obviously.” you collapsed into a fit of giggles as you returned back to your dilemma. “Nikki, what the fuck am I going to do?” She hummed for a moment before almost shouting. “TINDER” Your heart almost plummeted into your stomach as she suggested it. “Oh yeah good one, just put my bio as just looking for a wedding escort.” Your voice dripped with sarcasm as she sighed. “You’re so picky. Maybe you should just get a hooker.” You laughed at the thought, genuinely mulling it over for a moment too long. Nikki pulled you from your thoughts of half-naked Adonis types as she thought aloud. “I wonder if people did that girlfriend experience thing?” She trailed off as you interjected. “I think my granddad would have an actual heart attack if I turned up with a girl.” You laughed, imagining the shock on his face. “- No like legit, what if there were people that you could pay to go on a date with you?” She continued, her tone questioning. “You mean like a hooker?” You asked, sitting up on your bed as you pulled your laptop up from its resting place on the floor. “I mean, in a sense, like you’re not hiring them to fuck, it’s sort of a last-minute option? You know, like the experience of a boyfriend without having to court a guy” She chuckled as she muttered under her breath. “You sound like my grandma when you say court a guy, but doesn’t this seem super skeez? Like you could literally be paying anybody to be your date.” You questioned, your fingers flying over the keys of your keyboard as you typed. Boyfriend experience, Washington dc.  
Your eyes scanned through the pages as you clicked through, your heart in your stomach. “It’s prostitution Nikki!” You exclaimed after you had seen enough to put you off the idea. “Well then maybe don’t search for the boyfriend experience then asshat. Honestly, you’re about as dumb as a pile of bricks. Why don’t you try craigslist?” Nikki suggested as you rolled your eyes so hard you thought they would get lodged in the back of your head forever. “Yeah, sure cause getting murdered at a wedding was the way I want to die. Plus it’s just full of creeps. But fine, I’ll have a look.” You typed in the search bar, 133 entries popped up most of which didn’t contain an attached picture. “Nikki, what have you got me into, most of these people are looking for casual freaky sex usually something illegal looking. This is sleazy, what if they try to offer me drugs?” You laughed as she snorted on the other end of the line. “If they offer you drugs take them they are expensive, not like you need the money though!” She ended. “Fine, but you know if I die this is going to weigh on your conscience forever-” You started before collapsing into a fit of giggles. “-shame you don’t have one” Nikki agreed wholeheartedly. “You know it, I’m only coming to the funeral if you have nachos but I’ll settle for truffle mac and cheese.” You sighed, knowing that she always made you laugh when you needed it most. “You’re such a bitch, you aren’t getting more than ice cream and jelly” The line went silent as you heard her voice boom suddenly. “Deal.”  
You concentrated on the screen for a moment, one ad in particular catching your eye. “Nik, do you think this sounds murderous or pervy or genuinely quite sweet.” You paused as you enlarged the ad. “It says he’s a college student across town, he just needs to make some extra cash for classes and books-” Nikki cut you off before you could finish. “He sounds like a stripper. He sounds perfect. He’s a stripper that supplies his own pole.” You burst into laughter, snorts coming from your mouth as you sucked in a giant breath of air. “I hate you so much for doing this to me. I refuse to talk to you right now, so I’m going to hang up on you and I’ll message you about the emails. I can’t take you seriously right now and I can’t believe you’ve dragged me into this.” You heard a commotion on the other end as Nikki got really close to the receiver. “Kicking and screaming bitch, kicking and screaming.” She gave you no time to respond before kicking you off the call leaving you to stare at the screen blankly. You sighed as you clicked contact ad lister, your heart hammering in your chest as you sent an email. I hope he isn’t a murderer.  
Two days to the wedding.  
You groaned as you slid into the pleather booth at the local diner, glancing at your phone. Ten to twelve and he said he’d be here around twelve ish. Guess I better get a coffee then. You flagged the waitress, ordering a latte as you sat and scrolled through your phone, your leg jittering under the table. The last time I was here for a date type thing it didn’t end too well, maybe I should of told him to meet me somewhere else? You swallowed your nerves as the waitress smiled, watching as several men passed by the window. You didn’t dare look as the bell jangled above the entry to the diner, deep voices filling the space around you. Did he bring a friend? Am I going to die? You buried your head in your phone, texting Nikki as you waited for Stiles to arrive. Stiles is such a weird name. You thought to yourself as the bell jangled again. This time though you braved turning around, your eyes following the noise as you saw the middle aged balding man in the doorway. He looked around the room, his eyes falling on you as he gave you a smile. Stiles said he was a college student, but there was nothing to say that he couldn’t be a mature student. You turned back to look at the man in the doorway, grateful in the fact that he had disappeared. You turned to the waitress as she gave you a smile, grabbing your latte in her hands as she made her way over to you.
“Are you waiting for someone love? Hopefully not that guy you were with the other day.” She spoke softly, her eyes darting out the window as she placed the coffee on the table in front of you. “Yeah, I’m meeting a blind date, but I don’t know what he looks like and I’m just praying that I’m not meeting Shrek.” You laughed nervously, your fingers drumming on the table in front of you. “Well I’m here all day, if your date turns up and is a complete creep then I can sneak you out the back through the staff entrance.” She winked as she stood back up, smoothing over her apron. “Just ask for an iced coffee, I’ll know what you need!” She finished with a smile as she turned tail and headed back towards the service hatch. You smiled to yourself as you pulled out your phone, sending a quick text to Nikki, telling her that you were feeling a little bit safer at least. The door went again as you whipped your head around, almost smashing your face into the backrest of your seat. Your eyes fell on an elderly couple, their hands entangled as they looked on at you in horror, their feet shuffling on the vinyl flooring as they squeaked off away from your judgemental stare. You whipped back around, wanting nothing more than the ground to swallow you whole and take you to hell where you belonged.  
You rested your arms on the table, your head nestled in the crook of your arm, your cheeks flushing red. Just let me die of embarrassment, they probably think I’m possessed. You sighed as you lifted your head, your peripherals catching a glimpse of flannel and dark hair as you returned upwards. Looks kind of young? You thought to yourself as the dark-haired guy walked past your booth. Everything in you wanted to say his name, on the off chance it was Stiles but you kept your mouth shut. Ultimately you were glad you did as he walked to the only other girl sat in the diner, her laptop obscuring her face. He hovered by her table for a moment before finally settling into the booth opposite her. You watched him for a second, hoping he was Stiles just in the wrong booth but when she closed her laptop screen she gave him a smile and you felt your heart drop. Guess it’s back to looking out the window I guess. You took a sip of your coffee, swirling the liquid over your tongue as you sighed. You glanced nervously at the clock on the wall as you saw the flannel clad boy stand from the booth. “Sorry I bothered you, I’m looking for someone else.” He spoke as you heard his voice resonate through the small diner.  
Maybe it was him after all. He paced away from the booth the girl inside of it wishing him luck as he scanned the diner. It took him a while before his eyes fell on you, your cheeks flushing red as you finally took a proper look at his face. He was not what you were expecting at all. Tall, well-built but a boyish charm in his face. You watched as he dug in his pockets, long fingers wrapping around his phone as he text. Your phone buzzed on the table, the vibration almost deafening. His eyes found your phone, a smile forming on his mole speckled face. He reached your booth quickly, his long legs crossing the diner. “You must be Gwen.” He smiled, as you nodded, your heart in your throat. “You must be Stiles” You replied as he sat down in the booth, his knees knocking against your own as he jittered his legs. “That would be me, sorry if I’m a bit weird right now, I stupidly decided that I needed to drink an espresso on the way here cause I was trashed from late night studying, but now the caffeine that has replaced my blood stream is making me all weird.” He gave you a half smile, one corner of his lips staying static as his eyes narrowed. “I feel you there about the late night studying, I once decided to make my morning coffee with red bull instead of water and I swear to fucking god I could taste music.” You laughed, lifting your mug to your lips, taking another sip of the liquid. “Let me know what trap music tastes like, I can imagine it tastes like an amalgamation of cocaine and tequila with gummy bears.” He cracked a joke, your nerves dissipating in his easy company.  
“So Stiles, what brings you to Washington? You said you’re a college student and nobody really goes in state here.” He reached for the back of his neck, his fingers trailing over the skin and hair there as you watched him mesmerised. “I’m in the FBI programme, senior year. I got family in law enforcement and I wanted to be like my pops.” He admitted, a flush flooding his pale cheeks. Hot and smart. “What about you?” He asked as the waitress came over. You half expected him to ignore you as you spoke now that she was here but he was rapt as you told him about your course. “I study law, it’s nothing spectacular. I want to go further I’m a senior and hopefully I can pass this year and get my masters by like 23.” He looked at you in awe, his caramel brown eyes wide. “You’re hella smart, reminds me of a girl I used to know back home. She was smart too, too smart for her own good.” He smirked, giving you a small wink. Something within you twinged at the innocent gesture as he turned to the waitress, ordering a coffee for himself. “Brains over beauty I guess!” You chuckled, downing the last of your latte before settling it back down. “Seems like both to me” He admitted, a smile almost constantly etched onto his face.
“Cheeky aren’t you?” You joked as he looked panicked all of a sudden. “Honestly? This is my first time doing something like this so I don’t know what’s expected of me and I almost didn’t come because-” His words were speeding up as he started to hyperventilate, his eyes darting around the room. “-Stiles, calm down. I don’t know either, I don’t know how this works so how about we just work it out together?” You reached for his hands, your smaller ones cradling one of his as his breathing slowed. “Thanks, I don’t know why I was so nervous, you seem really nice already.” He admitted, looking up at you through thick lashes. “You seem nice too Stiles, now how about you tell me how you got into this mess.”
“I have my best friend to blame for this, I rang him up a couple of days ago, saying that I was super strapped for cash and I couldn’t ask my dad for much more money-” You nodded, your fingers lacing together underneath your chin. “- and he said to me about how he made a bit of extra cash in his first year. You know, dating people for money. I told him that I didn’t think that anybody here would go for something like this, or someone like me but he basically told me I’d be stupid not to at least go for it. I thought it sounded a bit like a hooker and I’m no hooker. ” He shrugged, looking down at his coffee as the waitress placed it in front of him. “Can I get you anything love?” She asked as you pulled your attention away from him, looking in her eyes with a smile on your face. “Just another latte, and maybe a slice of that cake?” You nodded as she gave you a wink before returning to her station. “Why did you think no one would go for you? Is that why you didn’t put a picture up? Plus, I said that it sounded like a hooker but it’s a legit thing people do!” He nodded, shy all of a sudden. “Not only that but I haven’t really been in any photos for a long time” He chuckled nervously, lifting the mug to his lips. “Shame, you’re about to be in a lot of them at the wedding.” You laughed as he almost did a spit take, his caramel eyes blown wide in panic. “Stiles! Calm down! I’m a bridesmaid, I have to be in the photos and so does my date!” He calmed slightly as you talked. Finally, he swallowed the coffee he’d been holding in his mouth, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he took a deep breath. “Sorry about that! You know when your brain short circuits and it doesn’t process information correctly? My brain automatically thought it was our wedding.”  
His laugh echoed through the small space between you, his warmth and smile feeling like sunshine on your skin, even though the skies outside were rainy and grey. “That’d be a story wouldn’t it? We knew each other for two days before we decided to get married! Talk about a Disney romance! All I need is for you to break out into song!” You laughed, your smile stretching from ear to ear. He ducked his head, his fingers running over his neck again as you both laughed. “That’d be a sight, I’m tone deaf, it’s like a strangled cat when I sing sometimes! However, dancing-” He admitted, his smile mirroring yours. “-dancing is something I can do” You shook your head as he danced in the middle of the diner. “You’ll dance with me at the wedding then won’t you?” He stopped, his laugh coming in bursts as he stifled a laugh “Never in a million years. I refuse to share my golden dance moves with anyone!” You shrugged your shoulders as you thanked the waitress. “You never know Stiles! Anything could happen!” He shrugged in response, his head cocking to the side as he lifted the mug again. “So how did a girl like you find the ad? And why in the fresh fuck did you need the ad in the first place?” He asked as you readied yourself. “Stiles, are you comfortable? Cause this is a long story.” You warned as he shifted in his seat, leaning back against the backrest, his long legs still brushing against yours. “I’m ready, lay it on me.”  
Hours passed as you sat in the diner, eventually grabbing a meal together as you chatted, figuring out the perfect cover story as to how you two met. “A museum? Really? I was checking out the artwork and instead found you?” He laughed as he pushed his plate aside, the curly fries on it long gone cold from the flow of conversation. “What! I think it’s cute!” You defended your choice as you spooned ice cream into your mouth. “It is cute! If this were a movie! But you need this to be believable right?!” You nodded, agreeing with what he was saying but still holding onto the idea in case of an emergency. “We’ll figure it out, you have my number right?” Stiles asked as you nodded, your mouth still full of ice cream. “It’s getting late and I have some coursework to be doing so I should be heading back across town” He gathered his things as he beckoned the waitress over to pay for his coffee’s and the food he had bought. “Stiles let me, it’s the least I can do you know?” You asked as he shook his head. “My mom brought me up to be a gentleman, I’ll get it this time” He smiled as you sat back reaching into your bag to get your purse. “Fine but I’m paying for your cab fare. I know you didn’t drive here!” You winked, handing him the crumpled notes as he blushed. “Thanks Gwen!” he smiled, his eyes twinkling in the dimming light.  
“No need to thank me, you’re doing me a favour by going to the wedding with me. Speaking of, you need to pick your suit up from De Louice on Fessenden St tomorrow. It’s important! You can’t be showing up in a flannel!” You winked as he dropped his head. “How much should I take with me?” He asked in a small voice. “You don’t have to pay for it, it’s already paid for!” You smiled as he looked up, something in his eyes that wasn’t there before. “Thanks again Gwen.” He leaned over, placing a kiss on your cheek as you felt shivers run down your spine. “Thank you Stiles and I’ll see you on Saturday!” He nodded, running his fingers through his hair as he left the diner. I’m actually kind of excited for the wedding now.  
The day of Kirsties Wedding.  
Your stomach was in knots as you stared at your phone screen.  
Gwen: So you got the plan right? Meet at the Watergate’s hotel bar at half past two, ceremony is supposed to start at half past three. Then the reception!  
Stiles: Sure thing chicken wing, you got it! See you at half past two. I’ll be the one in the suit.  
Gwen: It’s a wedding Stiles, all the guys will be in a suit.  
Stiles: Well I’ll be the dork in a suit.  
Gwen: I’ll see you at half past two Stiles xx
You glanced in the top corner of your screen, watching as the clock ticked over to 2:45. What if he changed his mind and decided not to come. You pushed the thought out of your mind as you took a swig of your drink, the alcohol calming your raging nerves as your brother came through the door of the bar. He rushed over to you, his face red as he loosened off his tie. “Gwen, we need you to start getting everything ready, Kirstie needs you up with her, she’s really nervous. You’re the head bridesmaid, you’re supposed to be by her side.” You sighed as you looked around the room, slightly panicked that you still had heard nothing from her. “Can you tell her I’ll be with her soon? I need to make sure my date finds the place okay?” You told your brother as he grimaced. “Okay, it’s your funeral if she kills you.” He warned with a chuckle, weaving through the crowded room. You glanced at your phone, your lips curled in a frown as you gripped your glass. 5 more minutes and then I’m going to have to go upstairs.  
Gwen: Stiles, where are you?  
Your fingers gripped onto your phone as if it was a life line, your drink emptying as you watched the hands on the clock tick down. Literally just a text is all I need. Your stomach somersaulted as you threw your head back, finally standing from the seat you’d been in at the bar.  
Gwen: You’re really late and I can’t wait any longer, I’ll be in the main atrium for 5 minutes, after that it’s too late.  
You walked through the crowded bar, lifting your dress as you weaved between wedding goers. The air was cloying but as soon as you stood in the atrium it was like a breath of fresh air. Your fingers clung to your dress, your clutch hanging loosely from your shoulders as you walked to the main atrium the click of your heels echoing in the large room. Come on Stiles where are you? You locked and unlocked your phone, your eyes scanning the room as you leant against a pillar your breath coming in short bursts as you worried about your sister. Chewing your lips, you text Stiles for what felt like the millionth time, your fingers trembling as you hit send.  
Gwen: Stiles, you’ve got 2 minutes or I have to go upstairs, if I’m not in the atrium when you get here then you don’t need to stay.  
You sighed as you pressed send, quickly leaving your messages as you flicked to your sisters chat. 15 unread messages. You quickly read the messages your heart plummeting at your sisters texts.  
Kirstie: Gwennie, where are you? I need you up here.  
Kirstie: Please Gwennie!  
You sighed, your head hitting back against the marbled pillar, pain radiating through your head. Great, at least in the photo’s I’ll look as bad as I feel. You closed your eyes for a moment before taking a deep breath. Looks like Stiles is out of time. You pushed away from the pillar, turning to head towards the elevator, mentally preparing yourself for the wrath of your sister when you heard footsteps running towards you. “Gwen!” You heard Stiles shout as you whipped your head around a small smile on your lips. “I thought you weren’t going to come!” You almost snapped, your tone slightly more biting than you were going for. He grimaced, his hands carding through his hair. “Roscoe broke down and I had to get a cab, then I realised that I put in the wrong place-” He babbled, a downcast look in his doe eyes. “Stiles it’s fine, you just about made it on time, no need to have a full-on breakdown! Plus, who the fuck is Roscoe?” You asked, your brows knitted over your eyes as he grinned. “Roscoe is my Jeep!” You rolled your eyes as you walked off, him following suit. “You named your jeep?” You joked as he gave you a surprised look. “Well if he turns into a transformer I at least want to make sure we’re on a first name basis.” You laughed as you jabbed the button for the elevator, climbing inside before turning to Stiles once again. “Stiles, don’t be daft, you know most cars are girls.” You winked as the doors closed, leading you up to the main balcony.  
“Now where do we line up again?” Stiles turned to you after the pictures, his tie slightly crooked as you led him down multiple hallways. “We line up at the door, you don’t get stage fright do you Stiles? You know we’re second down after my brother and his wife.” Stiles looked panicked as he looked at you, his lips set in a hard line. “Nope, totally calm and collected, I sure am co-ordinated and good at walking in a straight line.” He swallowed thickly as he nodded, his brown hair flopping over his forehead. “That’s a bald-faced lie isn’t it Stiles?” You gave him a knowing look as he grinned back at you, his smile faltering as he tripped, grabbing onto you as you both toppled to the floor. “Yeah, I’m vertically challenged and I like to inspect floors on almost a minutely basis.” He nodded, as you collapsed into a fit of giggles. “I can see that, maybe we should get out the way of people and sort ourselves before we have to do the walk for real.” You laughed as Stiles stood, his hand outstretching towards you. You took it gratefully, smoothing over your dress as Stiles led you to the edge of the hallway, his back pressed against the wall. “You’re nervous, aren’t you?” You asked Stiles as you watched his eyes close, his lips parted as he let out a shaky breath. “Yeah, just a little bit, i’m not usually good with large groups of people, especially people I don’t know.” He sounded strained, his voice cracking as he opened his eyes, looking at you as he gave you a half smile. “But, I’ll be okay. We going to do this thing?” He chuckled, pushing away from the wall as he reached his hand out for you to take. “Yeah, do I look okay?” You nervously pushed your hair behind your ears as he looked over you, his eyes trailing over every inch of your skin. “You look beautiful, now let’s go walk down that aisle.”  
The wedding flashed by in the blink of an eye as you took Stiles’ hand, tears streaming down your face as your sister married the love of her life, Stiles’ fingers intertwined with yours as you walked back down the aisle, leaving the ceremony behind. “So, what now?” Stiles asked as you milled towards the reception, the crowds of people moving around you. “We go to the reception and the true fun begins.” You winked, giving him a small smile. “Is this where I die?” His brows quirked, his eyes searching your face for answers. “This is the true torture, we weren’t planning on sacrificing you to the pagan gods until later.” He faked a sigh of relief, his hand wiping over his forehead. After all the nerves that had been running through your system, you finally felt like you could relax, even though you knew that the worst was only yet to come. You held your breath as you walked into the hall, your eyes falling over every decoration as lights sparkled in your peripherals. “Whoa, this is nice.” Stiles breathed as you gave him a small smile. “Yeah, it is. Kirstie’s been planning her wedding since she was a little girl, so what you’re seeing right now? This is her dream.” You looked around the room, waving at family members as they gave you small nods. “I’ve never walked in someone’s dream before. Someone’s walked in my mind before but that’s completely different-” He tailed off, his lips pressing shut as he walked with you to your table. “Someone walked in your mind?” You asked him questioningly, your fingers coming unlaced as you sat in the chair, his body filling the space next to you. “It felt like that at least.” He chuckled, his hands running over his neck, a trait you had learnt was his nervous tick.  
“What a strange thing to say young man” You heard your grandma say as she walked to the table. Her brunette hair was wound tight against her scalp, her tiny frame almost going unnoticed in the throng of people. “Stiles, meet Margaret, my grandmother. She has the hearing of a bat.” You smiled as you grandma walked to the table, her arms outstretched as she laced them around your neck. “Gwennie, you look absolutely heart breaking. You’re not so little anymore are you?” She cooed as you shot a smile at Stiles. He supressed a laugh as your grandma pulled away. “You’re growing up so fast. Soon it’ll be your wedding, perhaps to this fine young gentleman?” She nodded towards Stiles as you supressed a laugh as he looked panic stricken. “Grandma, this is Stiles-” Your grandma had already walked around to where he sat, her arms linking around his shoulders like she had just done to you. Stiles froze, his cheeks flushing almost neon pink as he relaxed after a moment. “So, you’re my Gwennies boyfriend?” Stiles shot you a look as you panicked, your throat closing up as you shrugged your shoulders. “I am indeed, lovely to meet you Mrs-” He struggled to think of your last name, your eyes wide as his eyes darted towards you. “No need to be so formal, call me Margaret or Margie.” She smiled, her weathered face lighting up as she straightened off striding towards her seat at your table. “So Gwennie, tell me more about Stiles”  
A few hours went by as you sat and talked with Stiles, your grandma shooting questions at you from right and left. Stiles took all the questions he could, grinning and being friendly all night, which is more than what you could’ve asked of him. “Stiles if you don’t mind, I’m going to leave to the restroom and leave you in my grandma’s very capable hands.” You announced as you stood from your seat, your head spinning after one too many glasses of wine. “Take your time, me and Margie have it covered here.” He winked, your grandma smiling at you as you walked across the dance floor. Well, this is going far better than I would have expected. Sounds strange but it feels like I’ve known Stiles for far longer than just a few days. You walked from the main hall, heading to the bathroom as you thought about the man you’d left at the table. He looks really good in a suit, maybe he’d also look good without the suit. You suppressed a smile as you pushed on the door to the ladies, giving yourself a quick once over in the mirror. Over the course of the night, your lipstick had smudged some, but other than that you still looked very much the same, your cheeks maybe a tad darker than before but you knew why. Reaching into your clutch, you dug for your lipstick, leaning closer to the mirror as you touched up the lines, cleaning the outsides with the tip of your finger.  
“You getting all dolled up for your date?” You heard your sister say, her head peeking around the corner as she walked in, her long dress trailing along the floor. You smiled at her as you wrapped your arms around her, your first hug since she tied the knot. “I’m not doing it for him, I’m doing it for me.” You grinned, returning to the mirror as you fixed a knot in your long hair. “I wouldn’t blame you if you were doing it for him. If I wasn’t a married woman-” She trailed off, a giggle escaping her lips. “Kirstie! You can’t say that! You’ve been married a grand total of about 3 hours now!” You shook your head as she shrugged. “I can appreciate a good looking guy can’t I?!” She wandered next to you, fixing her hair as she turned to you. “You two look good together, the photographer showed me some of the stills and you two look so happy.” You blushed, hiding your smile as she continued. “You look like me and David when we were early days. So unsure of things but happy, I can see it in your face and the way he looks at you. You two are in it for the long haul.” Yeah, that could be so, but we’d have to be dating first, and maybe actually know each other for more than a grand total of 2 minutes. You thought to yourself as she smiled at you. “I’m so happy for you Gwennie, you deserve a guy like him.” She finished as she gave herself once last look over, before hugging you goodbye. “You need to get him onto the dance floor, maybe give him a rest from Grandma.” You laughed as she left the bathroom, the door swinging shut as you were left to your own devices.  
Maybe it could be more than just this? You sighed to yourself as you smoothed over your dress, walking from the bathroom as you returned into the main hall. “Gwennie! Glad you could join us again! Stiles was just telling me about his father, he’s a sheriff!” Your grandma exclaimed as you sat back at your seat. “-And Margaret was just telling me that Gwen isn’t your full name!” Stiles turned to you, his lips pressed firmly in a line, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Grandma, you know I hate it when you call me that!” You sighed, watching as she shrugged. “Gwendolyn, it’s your name, a lot can be told about a name!” She spoke, your name making the hairs on the back of your neck stick up. “Please grandma, just call me Gwen?” You pleaded as she nodded her head. “Okay Gwennie, it’s your choice. I’m going to go dance with the bride, give you two love birds some alone time.” She smiled as she walked from the table, her curls bouncing as she found your sister. Stiles stared into the crowd as you were finally left alone for what felt like the first time in days. “So Gwendolyn?” He turned to you, his smile finally breaking as he let out a shaky laugh. “I’m guessing your going to hit me with all the lord of the rings esque jokes you got, or maybe ask how king arthur and merlin are doing? Just like everyone else?” You sighed, your hand propping your head up as you looked at him. “Nope, I was just going to say it’s a really pretty name. Suits you, but if you prefer being called Gwen then Gwen it is. Reminds me of Gwen Stacy.” He smiled as he looked at you, his eyes softening as his mole speckled skin shone in the light.  
“Thanks Stiles, usually people just make fun of my name.” You admitted, pushing your hair behind your ear as it fell in front of your eyes. “I feel you there, obviously Stiles isn’t my given name. It’s a family nickname because no one can pronounce my real name. Hell, until I was older even I couldn’t pronounce it.” You looked at him in confusion as he twiddled his thumbs, clearly mulling something over. “I used to say my name was Mischief, because it was as close as I could get. After a while I just kind of became Stiles and everyone’s called me it ever since.” You looked at him as he smiled. “So what is it? Or would you rather not say? I understand if you want to keep it a secret, I mean I’m pretty much a stranger.” You fumbled over your words, desperately wanting to know more about the man sat in front of you. “Mieczysław” He whispered, almost too low for you to hear over the din of the other guests. “What?” You shook your head leaning closer to him, your face only inches from his as he repeated it. “Mieczysław. Some kids when I was little used to call me my coleslaw, cause they didn’t know how to say it either.” He shrugged, a sad look in his eyes. Such a strange name, for such a strange guy. “I like it, Mieczysław.” You repeated, your tongue rolling over his name, the word sticking in your mind. “I like it more now, Gwendolyn.”
Hours passed as you danced with Stiles, his hands on your lower back as you swayed to slow songs, his arms waving in the air as they played heavier songs, the crowd of wedding goers packing onto the dance floor as the night progressed. Panting out of breath you pulled Stiles from the throng of people. “How about a drink?” You breathed, your hair clinging to your back. “I don’t think so Gwen, it’s pretty late and if I drink anymore then I may not make it home. As it is I’m going to have to get a cab and it’s late.” He pouted, looking at the time on his watch. “You don’t have to go?” You spoke, his brows quirking as he looked at you in confusion. “I live on the other side of town and I definitely don’t have enough money to stay at the hotel, I don’t think they even have anyone on the front desk at this time.” He fumbled over his words, his fingers adjusting the cuffs of his shirt. “You can stay with me?” You suggested, your eyes searching for any sign that he didn’t want to. “You’re staying here?” He asked, looking towards the hallway. “Yeah, my dad got the bridal party rooms, it’s a suite so there is more than enough room for the both of us?” You spoke as he nodded. “Sure, I’ll stay with you, saves me getting a cab this late. They over charge.” He sighed, his hand pressing against your lower back once more. It didn’t feel the same as before, this time his hands were heavy, spreading warmth through your skin. “Well how about we call it a night anyway. It’s starting to get too much down here and I don’t know about you but I’m dying to eat some real food.” You nodded towards the buffet, barely touched as your stomach grumbled. “I never understood people’s love of fancy food, give me a burger over caviar any day.” He chuckled as you grabbed two flutes of champagne. “So one more drink and then we’ll order room service?” You asked as he nodded. “Yeah, room service sounds great.”  
His lips were on yours before you had even hit the elevator, his hands pressing against your waist. “I’ve wanted to do this since I first met you, but I didn’t know-” He started to speak, his lips moving against yours. “Stiles, do you ever shut up?” You sighed as he pushed you back against the cool marble of the walls, the material of your dress shifting under the grip of his fingers. “Never.” He sighed as his lips founds yours, tongues rolling over lips as you melted against him, his body pressed against yours as you reached for the elevator button. His teeth caught the skin of your lips, pulling slightly as his hands slid down your body, long fingers leaving a trail of electric in your skin as you sighed, a moan trapped in your throat. “Stiles-” You breathed, your eyes fluttering closed as he kissed from your mouth, his lips trailing across the line of your jaw. Your fingers ensnared themselves in the tendrils of his hair, your nails raking across pale skin as you bucked towards him. You barely heard the click of the elevator as his lips moved across your neck, his tongue rolling over the skin as you pushed him from you. “How about we move from the hallway, don’t want to get in anyone’s way now do we?” You spoke, your words hazy as his touch left you. “Certainly not, I can’t let your family see what I’m about to do to you.” He whispered, his words blowing over you as you shivered, walking into the elevator.  
His hands coasted over the straps of your dress, nimble fingers pulling the material down your shoulders as you crashed into one another in the elevator. Your fingers found the buttons on his shirt, trembling as you undid them, his lips on your neck once more. You melted against the wall as his teeth grazed your skin, the bite of the cool metal on your bare skin. Your fingers splayed against his chest as his shirt came undone, the tie around his neck hanging loosely as you trailed your nails over his skin. Ragged moans left his mouth as you arched your back, a need pooling within you as he placed wet kisses along your collarbone. He pulled on the straps again, his grip rougher than before as he cradled you to him, his cock hard against you as you sighed. The elevator climbed higher, reaching the top floor before long. Pulling away from him, you staggered towards your door, his hands never leaving your skin as you fumbled for your key. He pressed himself against your back, fingertips kneading small circles into your hips as he pulled your hair from your neck. You bit back a moan as his tongue slid over your skin again, your hips bucking back against him as you slid the key into the lock.  
Your bodies were a flurry of movement the second the door clicked open, hands finding hands, items of clothing falling to the floor as you stumbled into the room. Your dress was almost ripped from your body as his fingers tugged at the zip on the back. “Just tear it, I won’t need it again.” You whispered as he tugged at the fabric, the scraps of it falling to the floor. A rush of cool air hit your skin as it was replaced with the warmth of his skin. You walked backwards, unsure on your footing as you stumbled in your heels. His eyes danced over your skin, his lips caught between his teeth. His usually bright eyes had darkened, his lips red as he pushed you to the bed. You lay on your back, barely propping yourself up as you looked at him. His chest was toned, scars littering his skin as he pulled the last of his shirt from his body. Years of FBI training had done wonders for his biceps, the muscles moving under the skin as he loosened of his tie, lifting it over his head as you watched on. His long fingers reached for his belt buckle, nimbly undoing the metal clasp as he kicked his trousers from his body.  
“Come here.” He demanded, his tone gravelly as it reverberated through you. You nodded, sitting up as he walked towards you, his tie wrapped around his fingers. “You trust me?” He asked, lifting your face to look at you properly. Your eyes connected as you nodded, something within you throbbing as he smiled. “Good. Now close your eyes.” You did as he asked, your lids shutting as you felt his hands on your face, the soft friction of his tie grazing your cheekbones as he tied it into your hair. It was heavy on your eyes, your vision completely obscured as you felt him push you to the bed, his fingers running over your ribs. “Can you hear me Gwen?” He asked as you nodded, a small yes leaving your lips. “Good.” He spoke as you felt his body move closer to yours, the warmth of his breath washing over your chest as he fingered at the lace of your bra. You arched off the bed as his hands wrapped around, his nimble fingers making quick work of the clasp as you collapsed again. A moan left your lips as he pulled it from you, his lips pressing against the valley of your breasts, the beginnings of stubble scratching at your sensitive skin.  
His fingers pressed against your skin, rough fingertips moving in circles as he cupped your breast in his hand, a thumb rolling over your nipple as he took the other between his lips. Your lips parted as his tongue lapped at your skin, your body arching towards him as you yearned for his touch somewhere else. Small moans left your lips as his hands snaked down your arms, pulling them towards him before he pressed your hands flush against the bed. “Can’t have you taking off that blindfold.” He smirked against your skin, his lips trailing over you as he moved down your stomach, his breath washing over every inch of you as you surged towards him. “Now I’m going to trust you, not to take that blindfold off as I take your panties off. Can I trust you?” you nodded weakly as his fingers hooked into the band of your panties, his breathing staggering as he peeled them down your legs, almost achingly slow. You bit your lip, your fingers gripping onto the duvet as you struggled not to take the blindfold off. All you wanted was to see him, to see that mop of hair between your thighs, the curve of his shoulders as he hoisted you further down the bed.  
“Good girl.” He cooed as his hands found yours again, his words reverberating through your skin. You smiled as you felt him shift beneath your legs, his hair tickling the insides of your thighs. “This is what you meant by room service right?” You stifled a laugh as he pressed his lips to your skin, his touch edging higher as you bit back a moan. You stilled as he pressed nearer to you, his breath setting fires within you as you held your breath. Neither of you moved as you anticipated his next move, your fingers carding the white sheets as his tongue ran over your clit. A moan escaped your lips as you surged, his tongue sliding through your folds as he teased your entrance. One of his hands escaped from your wrist, resting on your inner thigh as he pushed your legs up, his tongue moving expertly over your clit. Every nerve in your body was on edge as you moaned, your hips rolling against his mouth as his lips wrapped around your clit, his teeth carefully grazing the sensitive nub. Your eyes rolled behind closed lids, the thick material of the tie making it harder to move your eyes. Your head canted back against the duvet, your hair falling in your face as you shook, your legs stiffening as his hand moved from your leg.  
You could feel the edge of his nails rake across your skin, something delicious in the way he moved his fingers as he trailed over your hips. His lips moved over your pussy, his tongue spreading you as he flattened against you. Your back twinged as electric surged through your system sparks flying behind your eyes. You waited with baited breath as his hands replaced his mouth, his coarse fingertips raking over your clit as you rolled your hips against him. Fingers teased over your entrance as his lips pressed against your thigh, his fingers teasing mercilessly over you as mewls spilled from your lips. “Stiles-” You begged as he kissed higher, the muscles in your legs twitching as you struggled to anchor yourself to the bed. “Stiles-” You moaned again as you heard him chuckle, the throaty sound almost vibrating through your body. Your toes curled as he pressed his fingers into you, his long digits curling as your body sighed in relief, the fire within you climbing higher as his mouth returned. He made quick work of licking over your clit, almost dancing over you with the tip of his tongue as you gripped at the sheets, your knuckles turning white.  
You pressed against him as his fingers pistoned within you, fingers scissoring apart as he moved over you. The flames grew hotter as you pulsed, your body throbbing as air came harder to come by. Moans filled the room, his guttural and raw compared to yours of pure ecstasy as you wriggled beneath his touch. Fireworks roared in your head as you felt yourself push from the bed, your body a flurry of pleasure as you hurtled over the edge of your orgasm. Your breath hitched in your throat, a strangled cry barely making a sound as your body flooded with pleasure, the fire dampening briefly before surging again. You fell to the bed, your breath coming in short bursts as your heart slammed in your chest. Stiles’ fingers stilled briefly, his mouth leaving your pussy as he chuckled. “You sound like you want more.” His voice was honey smooth, his words falling over you as your muscles relaxed. You nodded meekly, your lips pressed together as his fingers curled once more. “If that’s what you want, then that’s what you’ll get.” You barely heard him as he pushed his fingers against a spot within you that made you see stars, your fingers loosening from the sheets. You reached out, your fingers tapping along things until you found him, his hair ensnaring in your fingers as you pulled him towards you, the embers of a flame that had not distinguished warming up as he circled your clit.  
You jerked, the area still over sensitive as his fingers sped up, pushing into you as you let moans fill the air, your heart slamming faster against your rib cage with every stroke. You didn’t take long, the combination of his lips against your clit as his fingers pushed into you had you a mess beneath him faster than you thought. Your chest heaved as you released his hair, pushing him from you as you came, your legs shutting as you cried out. Curses littered the air like a prayer as you mewled, your breaths staggered as you curled onto your side, your entire body a live wire, ready to be set off at the slightest touch. “Gwen, come here.” Stiles’ voice was soft as he pulled you up, his fingers brushing your hair back as you panted, your chest rising and falling quickly. “You don’t need the blindfold anymore, I want you to see how good I’m going to fuck you.” He loosened the ties, his fingers nimbly letting the material fall before he pulled you from the bed. Your eyes watered as they adjusted to the light, the dim room levelling off as you saw him rise from his knees. He reached out a hand to you as he spun around, pulling you so you were stood. Your legs shook at the pressure, your body weak as he sat on the edge of the bed.  
His boxers lay abandoned on the floor as he pulled you closer to him, your legs straddling his as his hands laced around your wrists, pushing your arms behind your back. Neither of you said a word as he lined himself up with your entrance, his lip caught in his teeth as he stared at the place the two of you met. You closed your eyes slowly as your hips sank down against his, his cock stretching your walls as you both fought for a breath. He paused, a shaky moan leaving his swollen lips as he bottomed out within you, his cock twitching as you wriggled against him. “Someone’s impatient.” He scolded, a lopsided smirk on his face as he lifted you slightly, your legs curling around his. “Stiles-” You whined as his lips pressed against yours, his tongue rolling over your bottom lip as he cantered upwards, his cock burying deeper within you. You caught your breath against him, your head falling to the crook of his neck, small kisses littering his mole speckled skin. His fingers danced over your arms as you clasped your hands together as he thrusted, your bodies moving in synchronicity. Choruses of moans meshed together as he groaned, pulling at the skin of your hips. You rolled against him, the coil inside you tightening with every slight brush of his hands on your body.  
You ran your tongue across the crook of his neck as he pulled and pushed you onto his cock, your walls clenching around him as you grazed your teeth against him. “You’re going to be the death of me” He whispered as he pulled you back to look at him, his hips speeding up as you locked eyes. Your eyes closed as you threw your head back, every cell in your body almost screaming as shivers ran down your spine. His dark eyes were clouded with lust, his lips pulled back in a look of concentration as he slammed into you, your body shaking as you screamed once more. You fell slack in his arms, your breathing stopped as your head spun. Stiles went quiet, his hips staggering against yours as he came, his breathing punctuated with moans as you fell against him once more. His hands pulled at your arms as he placed them around his shoulders, his hands shifting to your ass as he stood, his grip faltering slightly. He paused, taking a breath before walking to the top of the bed, placing you on the duvet, your head hitting the pillow graciously. “Well this is exactly what I meant by room service.” You chuckled, your voice cracking as you talked, his body slotting into the space next to you. “It’s exactly the room service I wanted.” He chuckled, his arm falling over your waist as you lay there in peace.  
You don’t know how long went by, the both of you just lying in peace, barely talking, the feeling of each other’s skin against your own. You were nearly asleep as you heard a slamming on the door, your reverie broken at the loud noise. You shook your head, burying deeper into Stiles’ arms as he snored, his grip tightening around your waist. You smiled as the door shook again, the knocks coming faster again. “Maybe it’s the hotel telling us we have a noise complaint.” Stiles joked, his voice thick with sleep as he moved your hair from his face. “I should really see what they want.” You sighed, leaving his warm grasp unwillingly. You stood, stretching out your limbs as you reached for Stiles’ shirt, haphazardly thrown into the corner of the room. The door rattled again as you fumbled with the buttons, your hair falling in your eyes. “One second!” You shouted, your words tinged with annoyance as you read the time on the clock. 4am. Why the fuck would they send someone up at 4am? You trudged through your suite, buttoning the last button on Stiles’ shirt that would mean you’re semi decent. You caught a glance of yourself in the mirror, purple marks on your neck, mascara smudged and your hair in knots around your face. This is going to be a bitch to cover tomorrow. You thought to yourself, a small smile forming on the corners of your lips. Worth it. The door hammered again as you swore. “I’m coming!” You reached for the door handle, pulling the door open as you blinked adjusting to the light of the hallway. “Can I help you?” You spoke dryly, your eyes coming into focus as you recognised the man in front of you.  
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mhsn033 · 4 years
Coronavirus weddings: ‘It’s heartbreaking to see my fiancee’s face’
Image copyright Justin Dew
Image caption Justin and Kay grunt they are nonetheless searching forward to a few extra refunds from cancelling their reception
Couples ensuing from accept married had hoped that from 1 August, receptions of up to 30 of us might maybe maybe maybe maybe be allowed in England. That’s what the government had deliberate for the subsequent stage of lockdown easing.
However final week, they put relieve the date, and receptions can nonetheless most enthralling be attended by a bunch of six of us originate air, or two households inner.
It plot many brides and grooms like rehashed their plans as soon as, and nonetheless wish to abolish or alternate them again.
Others, nonetheless, like long gone on to love fun within the limitations.
‘Heartbreaking to leer her face’
For Justin Dew and his fiancee, Kay, their day on 14 August will seemingly be a much bawl from the 90-guest marriage ceremony they had in the starting up deliberate. The couple had minimize the guest checklist to 30 but, following the hottest announcement, like cancelled their reception fully. However, they are going forward with the ceremony.
“We conception to be it and we like determined that the last note thing is to accept married,” says Justin, 43, from Essex.
“We we desire something particular to reach out of this so reach hell or high water we’ll be husband and accomplice on 14 August.”
The couple knowing to broadcast the ceremony – which is able to be attended by 10 of us, the maximum that can match safely in the little register intention of job – via Fb. “I’ve purchased family out of the nation so we like determined to skedaddle the marriage ceremony as a Fb Dwell so that if they cannot reach to us they are regularly with us in one more plot,” says Justin.
“Our honeymoon is booked to Spain, would you watched. We will potentially abolish that as we are succesful of’t isolate.”
Justin says he is gutted. “It has been in planning for over a 300 and sixty five days and despite the indisputable fact that we’ll accept married we would now now not share it with each person.
“It is heartbreaking, my missus has put so grand effort into every thing. It is heartbreaking to leer her face.”
However he provides: “I am staunch gratified that via abilities we are succesful of nonetheless share the day with guests and family. It is now now not what we would also like had but fortunately we are succesful of nonetheless share the day.
“August became supposed to be the most pleasurable month for us but now now not lower than we are succesful of nonetheless accept married, that’s the foremost procedure.”
‘We now like had an improbable day’
Image copyright Steph Taylor
Image caption Steph and her groom Steal
The announcement that restrictions would now now not be easing on 1 August – and therefore no marriage ceremony receptions – got here most enthralling the day prior to Steph Taylor’s marriage ceremony.
However Steph, and her groom Steal, determined they might maybe maybe maybe nonetheless accept married – irrespective of getting to abolish their 30-particular person reception – and like fun in a socially-distanced vogue.
“The day prior to [our wedding] the rug became pulled from under our feet,” Steph says of the 2d she realized marriage ceremony receptions had been now now not allowed.
“We staunch didn’t desire to wish to abolish, we staunch made the most enthralling of a sinful danger.
“We married at 12: 00 – staunch us and 6 guests, then went for a comely lunch with champagne together afterwards.”
Steph, who runs a balloon industry in Buxton, says some guests and family had been ready to be part of them at a pub for some “socially distanced celebratory drinks”.
They had been moreover obvious to steal a range of photos and share them with relatives who weren’t ready to pop by.
It became then relieve to their home for a dance in their relieve garden.
“We had a dwell band and danced our first dance on the relieve lawn, it became ultimate!” Steph says. “Our neighbours down the road had been in their gardens dancing and clapping.
“We had an improbable day!”
What are the foundations for weddings?
Image copyright Getty Photos
Wedding ceremony ceremonies or civil partnerships (but now now not receptions) with up to 30 guests had been allowed since 4 July in England and the government has printed tips on suggestions to love a “Covid-valid” marriage ceremony.
The pointers checklist a series of restrictions, including that no food or drinks might maybe maybe maybe also nonetheless be consumed as section of the ceremony and fingers might maybe maybe maybe also nonetheless be washed prior to and after the exchanging of rings.
Northern Eire has allowed originate air weddings with 10 of us show since early June. Wales and Scotland moreover now allow marriage ceremony ceremonies to happen, but social distancing might maybe maybe maybe also nonetheless be seen, and tremendous gatherings are now now not allowed.
Currently, receptions can most enthralling be attended by six of us originate air or two households inner.
A deliberate leisure in restrictions to allow a total of 30 of us to serve marriage ceremony receptions from 1 August has been put relieve till 15 August at the earliest.
‘Three separate receptions’
Jane Watson and Dom Horsley, from York, are ensuing from accept married subsequent weekend. Before the virus, the couple’s knowing became for a little ceremony with instantaneous family in Leeds after which a “tremendous birthday celebration” a couple of days later – but that prospect became axed when lockdown started.
They then hoped to love a reception of 30 of us in Jane’s oldsters’ garden. However after the government rowed relieve on allowing receptions, they’re now taking a observe at diverse ways they’ll like fun.
Image copyright Jane Watson
Image caption “I guess each person’s purchased to pull their socks up and accept on with it,” says Dom
“Fortunately the marriage ceremony is nonetheless going forward in some create or one more,” says Dom. “We desire to accept married. We love each diverse. And we’re if truth be told hopeful we are succesful of make it by some potential.
“And whether or now now not that plot that we dwell up having to love create of three separate receptions afterwards where we put groups of six of us and experience spherical and leer them for about a hours… We staunch desire to make it whatever create we are succesful of.”
“It has been lovely demanding,” Jane provides.
“I realise there are extra critical issues going on but for us it is pretty demanding, we’re staunch searching to create plans that encompass of us that moreover stick by the pointers.”
She says one of many worst issues is that Dom’s elderly grandparents will seemingly be unable to reach. “We’re searching to encompass them by some potential by maybe going to their dwelling so they’ll now now not lower than leer us via the window in our marriage ceremony stuff.”
‘Frustrated, disappointed and perplexed’
Alex Barclay and Katharina Lederle like already postponed their marriage ceremony as soon as.
The couple had been ensuing from like fun with 90 guests and family in Would maybe maybe also just over two floor of a West Cease membership in London. They then postponed to 6 August and arranged a picnic for 30 of us.
However now they are saying they’ll potentially most enthralling like four guests – including a photographer.
“We’re frustrated, disappointed and perplexed referring to the government announcement.” Alex says.
“There might maybe be an absence of common sense, an absence of consistency to allow of us in pubs, but now now not a socially-distanced marriage ceremony.”
Image copyright Katharina Lederle
Image caption Alex Barclay and Katharina Lederle had in the starting up deliberate to accept married in Would maybe maybe also just
They like got needed to abolish their suppliers, which, Alex says, is having a “big monetary and emotional affect”.
“We knew pretty quickly we wished to accept married this 300 and sixty five days,” Katharina says.
“After we heard you are going to also like 30 of us originate air, we conception, ‘mammoth’.”
Now the advice has changed they nonetheless hope to accept married at Chelsea Town Hall and will maybe like a “minute picnic” with their witnesses.
‘Our plans are up in the air’
Kirsty Drake is supposed to be getting married on 15 August in two weeks’ time – when the resolution on easing restrictions again is ensuing from be reviewed.
She had finalised plans this week for a little marriage ceremony reception but now the limitations mean she is unable to experience forward with the gathering at her venue after her ceremony.
“I am reasonably bit emotional about it as we voice time,” she says, speaking the day after the announcement. “Every part is all up in the air again.”
“What I don’t realize is that if I wished to now I’d also e book six tables in a restaurant originate air and sit and like a meal with these similar group of of us I’ve staunch purchased married with. We would want to [socially distance] at the venue anyway.
“In our danger it is a long way also safer to love a meal at the venue where we are ensuing from accept married.”
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lalorrunningclub · 6 years
Melbourne Marathon 2018 by Kirsty Branagan
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Last year I had the pleasure of running the 10km event at Melbourne Marathon with some amazing runners, Laura and Renee. This year, I knew I didn’t want to do the 10km again, and as I have a half marathon coming up, I didn’t really feel the need to run the event at all.
I have always wanted to volunteer at a major event, so this seemed like the perfect opportunity! I knew Paul Tait had volunteered last year and intended to again, so I got in touch with Tim Crosbie, who is the Elite Athlete Coordinator, and asked if there was anything I could do to help him out. About 5 minutes later, I was duly appointed ‘Elite Athlete Assistant’, a role I shared with Melissa. What the job actually entailed I wasn’t certain, all I knew was that for the weekend of Melbourne Marathon I would be busy!
Well, busy is an understatement! Due to the aforementioned half marathon coming up, I needed to do a 19km training run.. and I needed to be in the city on Saturday afternoon, and back again early Sunday morning. I know what you’re thinking.. ‘it makes total sense to get hotel rooms and stay in the city all weekend’. Well, Mel, Kaz (who was also volunteering) and I agreed! I did my 19km around Princes Park, incorporating Parkville parkrun, and then we headed to the MCG to begin our official duties (actually, Kaz and Taity had already begun theirs on the Thursday night when they did an airport run for one of the athletes).
We arrived to the MCG and Tim came and met us with our AAA passes. Access All Areas? We would be sure to take advantage of that over the course of the weekend! We went down to the Elite Athlete and Pacer area, which just a couple of weeks ago was a change room for some debacle occurring in the last weekend of September. We helped to set up the room, doing odd jobs such as laying out Athlete bibs, running up to the outside broadcast area (OB for those playing at home) for water (and yes, we may have come back with boxes of chips, muesli bars and lollies, but they said we could take whatever we wanted, who are we to say no!) Soon it was time to head around to the main gate and bring all the Elite athletes into the rooms for their briefing. When Tim went through the details with the athletes, including introducing Mel (who was conveniently out of the room, I think dealing with a turtle) and I, I was amazed to see these inspirational athletes looking to me for assistance! I had to remember to only introduce myself as KB for the weekend as these athletes had no idea who Kirsty was!
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Once the briefing was over, we continued to help with set up, and it was time to go through the plan for early the following morning. I explained to Tim that I don’t have a great sense of direction (as anyone who has been in the Kuber would know), so he promptly worked out a schedule which had me taking the Elite 10km runners for the 10min walk to the preferred start area by myself, without even a pacer group to lead the way. Great plan Tim. Fortunately we then all walked the path we would be taking, which also helped Kaz as she was Chief In Charge of ‘No you can’t come in’ at the preferred start area. Tim causally wandered across roads, saying ‘these will be closed tomorrow’, however he failed to acknowledge that they were very much open to cars at that particular time. We managed to avoid being run over, and with a few key landmarks I felt like I may be able to get the athletes there on time.
Mel, Kaz and I made it to our hotel room with just enough time to flake out before dinner. We got changed as it was getting a bit chilly. I was very grateful for my Melbourne Marathon Event Team jumper. After eating way too much food, we were walking back to our hotel and my phone rings. Tim is at the front of our hotel with a car parking pass to let us in under the MCG on event day. We met him (and William, who had flown in from Kenya that evening and was due to run a marathon a few short hours later!) then made our way up to our room, via the IGA to purchase essential supplies (I still can’t work out how cans of Moscato are essential, but apparently they are!). Suddenly it was way past bedtime and alarms were set for the horrific time of 4.30am.
It continues to amaze me that waking up to a ridiculously early alarm on an event day doesn’t seem like a chore, and it turns out this is also true when volunteering. We quickly got ready, packed our stuff and checked out of our hotel at 5.15am. We got into the car to find yet another parking ticket! How infuriating, as this time we actually put money in the meter (we won’t talk about the parking ticket we received earlier when we may have overlooked the whole ‘meter’ part of the sign). When we arrived at Brunton Ave, we flashed our car park pass and drove around the barriers to get to the car park queue. A queue at 5.30am?! Ah, they are security checking cars. We got through that fine (I think the security guards questioned their career choice when they got to our boot full of day old running gear and leftover cans of moscato!) and traveled into the bowels of the MCG to park the car. Speaking of bowels.. ah, no, wait.. that’s a story for another time.
There were already a few athletes in the Elite room when we got there, so we said a quick goodbye to Kaz who made her way to the preferred start area ready to defend those elite portaloos like her life depended on it, and Mel and I got to work checking Athlete names off, stocking the fridge with more water, letting any athletes who had missed the briefing know what the process was, and generally marvelling at the calm atmosphere in the room.. it sure wasn’t like the last carriage on the South Morang train usually is!
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Soon it was time for Mel and Tim to escort the marathoners across to the start line. I waited in the rooms with the 10km and Half Marathon athletes, and very soon I was calling the 10km athletes to be ready to walk with me. There were about 15 elites entered in the 10km, and I was rather horrified that despite almost all the names being checked off the list, only 4 women were ready to walk with me. It appeared I had failed already. Charlotte Wilson, one of the athletes, promised to vouch for me that I had given plenty of time warnings. I sent a panicked text to Tim saying most of the athletes had disappeared (note to all, probably don’t ask me to babysit!). He wasn’t concerned, so the girls and I walked over. As we crossed the bridge, and I was trying to count the ramps to make sure my careful landmarks were going to guide me to the right path, I was accosted by a leaping giant jumping on my back. Thanks Murph, was great to see you! Amazingly, I saw Mel walking towards us, which meant I must be going in the right direction! She was heading back to the rooms to collect the Half marathoners, and return the marathoners clothing to the room #gbb.
We made it to the start line, and incredibly the other 10km elites turned up there too, they had been warming up and found their own way to the start. I met up with Kaz and Taity, who was preparing to ride alongside the lead female in the Half marathon. The excitement built as the 10km runners prepared to start and before I knew it, they were off, and we were keeping our eyes out for awesome LRC runners. We managed to spot a few, and yelled out (sure, most of them took a second to work out who we were in our event staff uniform, but we got lots of happy waves!) Mel soon arrived back with the Half marathoners, and while we waited for the start we couldn’t help but make conversation with our favourite event MC, famous in LRC for his Sunset Series work! He may have spotted us as we excitedly cheered some LRC people over the start line (‘oh, I know that cheer, the ladies from Lalor Running Club must be here’!)
Soon enough the half marathon runners were on their way, and as we cheered everyone over the line, we couldn’t help but realise how starving we were! We went back to the rooms and scoffed various muesli bars, packets of chips and one or two lollies as well. Tim had gone up to the finish line to see the 10km winners through, and we made our way up there to soak up some atmosphere before our day got busy again.
Mel had the walkie talkie wired up and was able to listen to the race progress. It seemed like no time at all before first finishers in the half and full were nearing the G. The finish line was a buzz of activity, with Brett Robinson coming through the Half Mara finish line just 64 minutes after we had seen him off at the start! The really funny part was that Melanie Panayiotou was due to come through as first female Half marathoner at almost exactly the same time as Liam Adams was due to finish as the first marathoner. The finish line ribbon staff didn’t know which way to look, and as for the press they were scurrying everywhere! I was firmly planted at the marathon finish line though, as my next task was to chaperone Liam Adams from the minute he crossed the line, right up until the presentations around 90 minutes later. 
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I was a little intimidated. What if this Elite Athlete didn’t want weirdo KB following him everywhere? What if he demanded I get him a pizza? (I’m pretty sure that’s what I’d be asking for if I’d just won a marathon in the time it takes my children to get their shoes on in the mornings). Well, I had nothing to fear. Liam was not in the least demanding, simply asking for a bottle of water. Suddenly, I was very sought after though, as all the press had to go through me to get to Liam! I was asked to check if he would be willing to do a live cross for the Today Show. He was most willing, and on the way to the quiet area they were filming from we stopped a few times for photos and a couple of quick bite interviews. While he was being interviewed, I managed a sneaky text to my mum to let her know what I was doing. She was very excited to know that I was just off screen of the interview she was watching (it’s as close as she will get to having a celebrity for a child, the poor dear). I hadn’t seen Kaz for a while, it turned out she was looking after Dominic Ondoro who had come second, and he preferred to wait downstairs in the Elite room. Meanwhile, Sinead Diver (my 9 year old’s hero) was powering home for a record breaking marathon win, and Mel was lucky enough to be chaperoning her.
It was incredible to listen to Liam speak, not only during his interviews, but also just in his relaxed chats with us while he waited for his next task. I expect to be basically on my death bed if I ever manage to complete a marathon, but he was coherent, friendly and more than happy to chat to anyone. I think my favourite part was actually leaving him to meet with and chat with his family. His partner Charlotte happens to be an elite athlete herself, having come third in the 10km (and also a lovely down to earth person, see above about vouching for me!) so she was able to be on the ground, but the rest of his family were in the stands watching him. The other good thing about him being happy catching up with them, was that it gave me a few sneaky minutes to check out the half marathon finish line. I got to see a few LRC come through, and had blubbering hugs with Renee and Hayley, among others.
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I saw Kaz come up from the rooms with Dominic, so I knew that it was almost presentation time. I went to get Liam, and delivered him safely to the presentation tent (amazing that these runners can go 42.2km on their own, but need an escort to go 20m to get a prize!).
Once the presentations were over, we had a few odd jobs to do, mainly tidying the Elite room (which looked like the aftermath of a really tame party - just water bottles and muesli bar wrappers strewn around!) and making sure that all the athletes had what they needed. Then we got to spend a bit of time at the finish line waiting for LRC peeps.
It’s an incredible experience seeing the first runner through the finish line, but so amazing to also see the some of the last runners through and know that they have worked so incredibly hard for 7 hours to cover the distance. Soon enough, we were off to the pub to celebrate with our LRC heroes.
I have already put my name down to volunteer in the same role in 2019, I had such a blast supporting everyone! A massive thanks to Tim for the opportunity, Mel and Kaz for spending the weekend with me, Sim for the random Saturday night wine, and Taity for the jumper.
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janethepegasus · 6 years
BMC Miraculous Ladybug AU RP Thing: From Suggestion to Reality
An RP Thing related to the BMC Miraculous Ladybug AU ( @pika-ace ) , it started as something simple......and then it became something GREAT.
(During class, Eric notices Jane is slouching a little, rubbing her back as if she was in pain) (Eric approaches her desk)
Eric: Is something bothering you, Jane?
Jane: Y-Yeah....my back hurts for some reason....ow...
Eric: Hm, maybe you slept on it wrong. That tends to happen
Jane: Yeah maybe.....(keeps rubbing her back)
Eric: Try stretching every now and then throughout the day. It may help
Jane: Yeah.....(remembers something) Hey.....remember when you fixed that guy's shoulder? Jane: Can you.....do the same thing with backs.....? :3c
Eric: *blinks* Well...I DID have to sometimes help Jordan when he pushed himself physically back in college so...I could try
Jane: O-Okay!
Eric: *stands behind her* Where exactly does it hurt?
Jane: *points to the top of her back* Right here
Eric: Alright. *feels around a bit and pokes a spot* About there?
Jane: Ow! Y-Yeah!
Eric: Alright, one second... (He feels around the area and positions his hands and then gives Jane a firm pull and push and a small crack is heard) Eric: Is that better?
Jane: OW! Y-Y-Yep! (gives a thumbs up)
Eric: Good. Glad I still have my touch.
Jane: Y-Yep! Y-You really do....!
Jane: Did you really learn all that stuff in college? Eric: Yes, I was self-taught, really. Every time Jordan went out he would almost always come back with SOME kind of injury
Jane: Oh geez 0_0
Eric: I know. I told him CONSTANTLY to go to the Nurse's office but he never did. He always came straight back to me.
Jane: Hmm, maybe because he loves ya, from what i can tell from your little bromance with him! X3c
Eric: *blushes slightly but rolls his eyes* That's what he told me the fifth time I was patching him up. ...Said he trusts me with his health more than doctors...
Jane: Awww.....
Kirsty: *from the doorway* Awwwwww!
Jane: The more i hear tales about you and Jordan's past, the more i ship you two! X3c
Jane: You two are just so precious together!
Kirsty: Same! X3c Eric: When did you even get here? Kirsty: My platonic senses were tingling so I rushed to find the source >:3
Jane: Yep! He and Jordan have the closest platonic relationship i've ever seen! X3
Kirsty: They sure do!
Jane: Heh, can it be possible for two close best friends to get married? X3c
Eric: WHAT?! Kirsty: Actually, Platonic Marriage IS a thing, soooooooo...
(Jane and Kirsty look at Eric with wide smiles) Jane: Better plan that wedding soon "peach" -w-
Eric: *blushes and covers his face* If I didn't have standards I'd give the both of you detention for this...
Jane: For what? Planning your wedding day? :3c
Eric: MANY things involving my love life actually... Kirsty: *texting* I'm telling Jeremy and Michael about this! :3c
Jane: Oooooh! X3
Eric: *bright red* That's it. Out of my classroom. *pushes Jane and Kirsty out and shuts the door*
Jane: Awww.... :(
Kirsty: *looks at phone* Jeremy and Michael are flipping out about the fact that you can get platonically married X3c
Jane: Oooooh, I wonder if they’re gonna really plan a Platonic wedding? X3c
Kirsty: Just asked them. *gets text* They asked if we want in. :3c
Jane: Uh, of course! X3
Kirsty: *texts* We're meeting at Jeremy's place after school. This is gonna be gooooood X3c
Jane: Oooooh! Mr. Williams is gonna be in the arms of his new husband! X3c
(The girls giggle and head down the hallway)
(At Jeremy’s place after school)
(They sit in the basement, looking up wedding related things on their phones) Jeremy: Would it be a white wedding? I don't really get the difference between different colored weddings...
Jane: Well, I feel we should have a colored wedding. Like, Eric or Jordan’s favorite color!
Michael: But what ARE their favorite colors? Kirsty: And what if they clash?
Jane: Well, Jeremy knows Eric and Jordan more than us! *to Jeremy* Did they ever tell you or asked them what their favorite colors are?
Jeremy: Weeell, Eric wears blue more than anything else, and Jordan...I think he's a fan of silver. Kirsty: Ooooh blue and silver! I can get behind that!
Jane: Me too! :D
Michael: Maybe their suits can have a little silver and blue in there too!
Jeremy: Oooh Yeah! :D
(They start looking up wedding suits on their phones)
(While looking for suits) Jane: Hey Jeremy
Jeremy: Yeah?
Jane: You know after the wedding, there’s like a “party thing”, right?
Jeremy: Yeah
Jane: Well....maybe you should write a little speech at that party. Telling them how much they mean to you and everyone else that attended the wedding.
Jeremy: Oh yeah; that reminds me, we should pick out wedding roles, like groomsmen and stuff!
Jane: Oh yeah! Jane: But who though? Any ideas?
Michael: *pulls up list of wedding roles* Well...depends on if Jordan has any family he wants to invite. Maybe Eric's class could fill in some roles too. *Exchanges a look with Jeremy* And we know quite a few friends who would love to do this shit
Jeremy: Oooooh Yeah!
Kirsty: Oooh what kind of rings do you think they'll have?
Jeremy: Maybe something with silver and gold?
Michael: Jordan would probably MAKE them rings from minerals he found :3 Kirsty: Holy SHIT that's adorable!!
Jane: Yeah, his closest best friend making their wedding rings, THATS true love! <3
Kirsty: Yeah! They're MADE for each other!
Jeremy: They truly are! <3
Michael: I can't wait to see their faces when we show them these plans, it's gonna be hilarious XD
Jeremy: Oooooh me too! XD
Kirsty: What do you think they'll say? XD
Jeremy: Probably shocked and embarrassed for the both of them :P
Kirsty: Imagine how hilarious it would be if they actually decided to do it anyway XD
Michael: OOOOOH! I wish they do it! Jane: Me too! They’re cute together! X3
Jeremy: Yeah. Like at first they're all embarassed but then Jordan just goes, 'You know what? Let's do it!' XD
Michael: Yeah and his little peach would be like “What?! Are you serious Jordan?!”
Kirsty: And he'd be bright red too!
Jane: Red as a tomato! X3
Kirsty: But you know would be even better? If Jordan had the rings ready to go right there like he'd been thinking about it! XD
Jane: OOOOOOHH!!!! 8Oc
Jeremy: Oh my GOD, and he just gets down on one knee and boom!
Michael: Yeah! And then HELLO platonic husbands! X3
Kirsty: That would be the dream X3
Jeremy: Yeah, this is gonna be GREAT if they decide to actually do it! X3
Michael: I wouldn't get our hopes up, but that would be amazing X3c
Jane: Yeah! (A few days later, Jeremy takes Eric and Jordan to his place) (Not knowing that Michael, Jane, and Kirsty are at his place)
Eric: Jeremy, would you PLEASE tell us what this is about?
Jeremy: Oh you'll see! :3c
Jordan: Jeremy, you know how we feel about you and Michael's surprises
Jeremy: I know, but this one is gonna change your LIVES
Eric: Oh great... (They enter the house)
(They head down to the basement, where Michael, Jane, and Kirsty were sitting on the couch)
Kirsty: Hey guys! Eric: Oh this makes this so much better... -_-
Jane: Don't worry, we won't bite! :3
Michael: We just wanted to show you a thing we've been working on! (Jeremy pushes Eric and Jordan into the room fully and shuts the door behind them)
Eric: Ooookay....what is this....thing you want to show us?
Kirsty: Weeeeell, ever since our little talk a week ago, the four of us decided to have some fun and, well...plan what you and Jordan's wedding would look like if you had one XD
(Eric and Jordan's eyes widened in shock)
Eric: ...Excuse me? Jane: Well, your PLATONIC wedding since you're best friends and all, but yeah X3c
Kirsty: Like i said, those exist! X3
Michael: Honestly, we couldn't resist, it was too cute to NOT think about X3
Jeremy: Yeah, it's just too cute! X3
Kirsty: We came up with ALL the details! Like who would come, who would be what, all that good stuff!
Jane: PLUS, we thought it would SUPER adorable is Jordan made the wedding rings out of silver and gold!
Jeremy: Yeah, since you're all into geology and stuff, you'd know what would make good rings! X3c (Jordan blushes, along with Eric)
Michael: And you two would get to wear blue and silver suits at the wedding! Your favorite colors! :3
Eric: Oh my god... *covers his face*
Jane: *to Kirsty* Heh, Eric looks adorable when he's flustered! X3
Kirsty: Yeah he does X3c Eric: *muffled* Why are you kids like this...?
Jeremy: Cause we love ya! <3
Jordan: *a bit impressed but still blushing* You kids actually planned EVERYTHING?
Michael: Yep!
Jordan: Damn...you're really committed to this idea... Eric: Them and probably the rest of the universe...
Jane: Probably! You two are meant for each other! Well, Platonicly but you know what i mean!
Jeremy: *very softly to Michael* Plus there's the whole 'their Miraculous are bonded' thing. Michael: *softly* Yep
Jeremy: *to Eric and Jordan* Sooo....what do ya guys think?
Eric: *sighs, still bright red* ...Where do I even start...?
Jeremy: We're all ears Eric! :)
(Eric shakes his head, still unable to really speak) Jordan: *puts his arm around Eric* Hey, the kids were just having fun. No real harm done.
Jeremy: Nope, just a simple cute idea! :)
Eric: ...To be honest, I'm just overwhelmed I guess. The idea of marriage hasn't crossed my mind in...well years.
Jordan: Yeah....it has been a long time since you had one of those Will.
Eric: *nods* I...honestly wasn't sure if I would EVER find someone again who I'd love that much...
Jeremy: Well....you got Jordan. He's the only guy i know that you love and care for so much.
Eric: I know, but I'm not...you know... Kirsty: *flatly* Gay?
Eric: Exactly!
Kirsty: Well DUH, that's why this is PLATONIC! Getting married doesn't mean you HAVE to be all lovey dovey for each other, it just means you wanna, you know, live together forever.
Michael: Yeah, and if you guys get married, you two would just be....two loving platonic husbands!
Eric: Wait, I thought you were just messing around! Jordan: You know...I can't believe I'm saying this, but...they might have a point...
Eric: What?
Jordan: I mean...you've never thought about settling down again, have you? What were you planning to do for the rest of your life then?
Eric: *a bit speechless* I......I......
Jordan: Well honestly, I haven't thought about marriage or the future either. I may have eyes for both men and women but...none of them have ever really caught my heart in that romantic way.
Jordan: But you....you mean the world to me....somehow the years we spent together made us just as close as any other couple out there, but it's not romantic, but rather platonic.
Jordan: Whenever I'm with you...I don't feel anything romantic like my heart pounding and what not. But I definitely feel love, love for you as a true friend, hell, maybe even a brother.
(Eric softly gasps and lightly blushes)
Jordan: I guess...what I'm trying to say here, is that we've been by each other's side through everything. When we're not working we're nearly joined at the hip. Even in college when we were roommates we were able to make it work, even though we were so different. So...maybe...it's time we...we take the next step.
(Jane and Kirsty covered their mouths to hide their gasps and Jeremy and Michael's eyes widened) Jeremy: *Softly to Michael* Holy crap, he's actually gonna do this!
(Eric is blushing heavily even a few tears in his eyes from Jordan's touching words) Eric: Jordan...what are you saying...? (Jordan takes a deep breath and takes Eric's hands before getting down on one knee) Kirsty: *whispers* Holy fuck...!
Jane: *whispers* He's actually gonna purpose! 8Oc
Jordan: Eric Williams...will you be my best friend and brother for the rest of time? Will you marry me?
(Eric was speechless for a moment, and then he starts crying tears of joy)
Eric: ...Yes...Yes Jordan I...I will...
Jeremy: *whispers* Oh. My. God! 8Oc
Michael: *whispers* It's actually happening!
(Jordan stands up and he and Eric hug tightly, and the kids make shocked, inhuman, soft squealing/wheezing noises as they watch)
Kirsty: *softly and clinging to Jane* I feel like we just changed the world or something!!!
Jeremy: *softly* Yeah! They're getting married! :D
Michael: *softly* I can't believe we just set up our two dads...and SUCCEEDED!! :D
Jeremy: *softly* Yeah! 8Dc
(Eric and Jordan don't seem to notice as they're still hugging, but they eventually break apart slightly) Jordan: *tearing up slightly* How do you feel, Will?
Eric: *tearing up* The happiest man in the god damn world.....
Jordan: Same here, peach... *they press their foreheads together*
Eric: *softly* I love you so much.....
Jordan: I love you too...my city boy.
(They embraced for a while, while the four kids were silently squealing over the scene) Jeremy: *softly* I'm gonna tell the guys about this! (He pulls out his phone)
(Jeremy created a group chat titled MARRIAGE IS HAPPENING!!!)
(He gets a LOT of people into the chat room, like the Trinity, Post, Joe, Romeo, Anton, and basically almost the WHOLE Miraculous Armada)
Post: *text* Woah woah what?! Adri: *text* What's happening Jeremy? :^0
Jeremy: JORDAN JUST FUCKING PROPOSED TO ERIC (Jeremy sends a video he took of said proposal)
(Everyone in the chat lost their minds) Hayden: *text* 8DDDDDDD Anton: *text* OH MY GOD! :D Post: *text* 8DDDDDD
Sebastian: *text* YAAAAAAAY!!!!! 8DDDDDDDD
Max: *text* WAIT WHAT THE FUCK WERE THEY EVEN DATING???? Philip: *text* Rewatch the video Max, it's a platonic marriage. Max: *text* SINCE WHEN WAS THAT A THING??
Joe: *text* The bond between the Eel and Wolf Miraculous holders will NEVER cease to amaze me! Send them my congratulations!
Jeremy: *text* I will! :D
Tobias: *text* My two favorite students are getting married...I'm so proud!
Jo: *text* I KNEW that son of a gun had it in him!!!
Momo: *text* Is EVERYONE in the Miraculous Armada invited to their wedding??? :3c
Michael: *text* Well DUH!! The only reason this is happening is because we and Jane and Kirsty decided to plan what their wedding would look like if they had one!
Jeremy: *text* Well we were just messing around really, there's probably SHITLOADS of stuff we forgot about tbh XP
Romeo: *text* Oooh i bet X3
Jeremy: *text* I guess you could say this is gonna be a...Miraculous Wedding! XDDDDD
Joe: *text* Oh, Jeremy and your puns never fail to make me laugh XD
Max: *text* You go to the corner, right now, young man -_-
Jeremy: *text* Wait wha?! All because i said a pun?!
Max: *text* YES Sebastian: *text* Ignore him, Jere-bear, he's being a killjoy! XP Philip: *text* As usual
Max: *text* SHUT UP
Gavin: *text* What are Jordan and Eric doing now? When did this happen??
Jeremy: *text* This happened today! And they're just hugging right now.
Michael: *text* Yeah, they've been hugging and whispering to each other for a while now. X3c
Jeremy: *text* Yeah, it's too cute! X3
Jeremy: *text* Don't worry, Jane and Kirsty are recording it. Hayden: *text* Send that shit my way when you get your hands on it!!!
Adri: *text* I wanna see the precious bois! :'^>
Jeremy: *text* Don't worry you will. Michael: *text* And you'll get to see them in person at their wedding!! (god it still feels unreal saying that out loud X3c)
(They talk about Wedding stuff for a while until Eric and Jordan decided to join the chat room)
Eric: *text* I assume you all know the news.
Adri: *text* YES WE DO :'^D
Philip: *text* I'm pretty sure half of them are making lots of noise in real life. Congratulations to the both of you though. :) Jo: *text* Listen up Eric, Jordan's my best bud so if you do anything to hurt him I'll be on your ass faster than you can say 'Hi Lo Hi'
Eric: *text* Note taken.
Jordan: *text* Jo, c'mon Jo: *text* What, SOMEONE has to give him The Talk ;) Jeremy: In that case, same with you Jordan! Don't you hurt my dad! (even though that's like impossible)
Jordan: *text* I won't! I'll never hurt my little peach! <3
Sebastian: *text* I still can't believe this is really happening!! :D Christine: *text* Our teacher is GETTING MARRIED!!! EEEEEEEE!!
Jake: *text* Duuuude I've never been to a wedding before!! :D
Rich: *text* Me neither! :D
Brooke: *text* This is gonna be SO CUTE!! Jenna: *text* I'll hold off on spreading this around, for Mr. William's sake ;)
Eric: *text* Thank you Jenna.
Chloe: *text* Jeremy, you and Michael had better not have picked out the outfits yet. Jeremy: *text* Uhh...we KINDA did but we don't know the details. Chloe: *text* GOOD. Brookie and I got this
Jeremy: *text* Really?!
Chloe: *text* Yeah! We'll make them look AMAZING!! Vixen: *text* That reminds me, have you two set a date yet?
Jeremy: *text* Uhhhh....... Michael: *text* We....haven't really thought about it yet....
Eric: *text* That's OUR decision!! Jordan: *text* That means no we haven't.
Jeremy: *text* Y-Yeah....
Tobias: *text* Well you DID just get engaged less than ten minutes ago. These things take time
Joe: *text* Agreed.
Chloe: *text* Either way, we gotta REALLY plan this shit!! Hayden: *text* She's right! Next chance we get, we're ALL getting together to put this together!! >:^0
Adri: *text* Yeah!! >:^0 Romeo: *text* I'm sure all of you would do the same if me and Post decide to get married ;)
Post: *text* ROMEO!!! >////< Jeremy: *text* Is that foreshadowing?? :3c
Romeo: *text* Heh, maaaaybe~ What do you think my little rose? Should we do it someday? :3c
Post: *text* Um...UMMMM... Joe: *text* You had better wait until you're the proper age! My son is still a baby!!
Romeo: *text* He's 17! >:( Romeo: *text* That's turning 18
Joe: *text* You know what I meant! And besides, age wise, you're ALL children compared to me! Lin: *text* He's not wrong...
Tobias: *text* Yes, even if i'm the OLDEST out of everyone in the Armada, Joe is STILL older than me!
Romeo: *text* ...Okay fair enough. -_-
Post: *text* B-But still.....we'll think about it.....
Joe: *text* Don't worry, son, when that time comes, you'll have my blessing ;)
Post: *text* Y-Yeah....thanks dad....
Jeremy: *text* Newsflash, while you guys were on that tangent, Eric and Jordan are now cuddling :3c *sends photo*
Sebastian: *text* AWWWWWWW
Christine: *text* Why did it take them THIS long to get married???
Jeremy: *text* I don't know Christine! I DON'T KNOW!! XS
Michael: *text* Cause they're idiots who needed a bunch of kids to push them in the right direction XS
Lin: *text* Yeah XD
Matthew: *text* This is just going to get crazier from here, isn't it?
Jeremy: *text* Yep!
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