#so is hajime but nagito also swears
hajimesbestdefender · 3 months
this is my fic and if i want to make hajime & chiaki & mikan & nagito best friends (kmhn bfs ofc) then i will do so
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melonkittii · 2 months
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sketch dump bc me and matt have been playing danganronpa and the hyper is fixated again. also matt isnt allowed to look at these yet.
(ids in alt)
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mars-ipan · 4 months
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komahina i love you so much
(images from this post)
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porcelain-r0se · 8 months
I will only be talking about Makoto and Hajime cause I actually haven't started the third game yet and do I even have to tell anyone about Komaru's personality cause hers is so obvious, love they tho <3
Anyway, usually visual novel protagonists are just a blank slate this is so the player can 'see themselves' in the protagonist, I hate this tho. BUT this is not what Danganronpa does. Okay, they do it SLIGHTLY but Hajime and Makoto each have very different personalities.
Makoto is very naive, trusting and optimistic while Hajime is much more a realist if anything. Hajime is much more suspicious of people and is often very sarcastic, which is why he's honestly my fav.
Proof of this is that Makoto was literally the most optimistic person after eight of his friends died, like by the end of that game after all the shit he went through he was still like 'Guys, we can get through this with the power of friendship!' Also he tried to stop Junko from killing herself, he says 'the whole point of this was so that NOBODY would have to die.' He was literally willing to try and rehabilitated JUNKO ENOSHIMA. HELLO!?
Hajime on the other hand. He was told that he just had to stay on a tropical island just get along with his 'future classmates' and he was in distress, like he was freaking out about just being on an island with a full stocked shop, a farm, an airport, a beach, a restaurant full of food, a lobby with an arcade machine and his own personal cottage with his own personal bathroom and he was all like 'THIS IS THE WORST DAY OF MY LIFE!' like calm down. (Love him tho<3)
Also can we talk about how it took the entire game for Makoto to swear? Like he swears like once? Maybe twice and it was to Junko where he says 'You're so full of...shit!', which like good for him ig. But Hajimes FIRST thought when seeing Junko was 'Woah, what a crazy bitch.' Like WOW, Jesus Christ Hajime also I'm pretty sure Hajime swears multiple times throughout the game.
BUT Hajime being more sarcastic and realistic than Makoto could also be to the fact that Makoto didn't have to deal with Nagito, Mikan, Hiyoko or Monomi, Teruteru..so, maybe that's why.
Anyway Hajime>Makoto even though I still love Makoto. Hajime is the funniest man on earth AND THEY DO HAVE PERSONALITIES
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sips-tea-cutely · 2 years
Can you write sdr2 boys if they were dating an ultimate spirit medium? Personality is cheery, bubble, outgoing, stubborn, and overbearing!
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Sdr2 boys dating a bubbly ultimate spirit medium
a/n: the sdr2 cast is so hard to write :distressed:
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#Hajime Hinata
he finds every ultimate cool, what do you think 😨😨
wouldn’t be really TOO interested in your talent pre/during killing game.
i feel like post-danganronpa, he’d really want to talk to chiaki but he knows he needs to move on so he decides against it, plus he was you after all. why talk to your dead bsf when you have an alive s/o 😐😐
ANYWAYS, during the killing game, he’d def be running to you for hints and to be his investigation partner (along with chianki, detective trio!!) after nagito went nuts
imagine if your a bit like toritsuka from saiki k, he’d definitely freak out if you could see ghosts in his dorm 😰😰
#Byakuya Twogami
imposter would find you… interesting to say the least???
how can someone be so cheery while talking to dead people 😟😟 they genuinely wanted to know but like they remembered they were dressed up as byakuya
“what foolishness. how can one be so exuberant and happy-go-lucky whilst having such a dreadful talent? tch…”
pls answer them, they need to know/gen 👁👁
#Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
“hey fuyuhiko, theres a spirit named _____, they want to s-“ “👁👁”
HASHSH ok but besides that, he’d find it pretty interesting tbh
post-trial 2, he’d ask you to mediate a conversation between him and peko as a final goodbye. after that i think he’d finally be satisfied and would move on
i feel like post killing game fuyuhiko would ask you if natsumi is okay, still not over her 😪😪
tbh though, at first i think he’d be terrified to approach you cause like what if one of the people he’s hunted down wants to talk to him? what then, would they be angry??
#Gundham Tanaka
help i think this would boost his god/chuunibyou complex 💀💀
i feel like in the non-despair/UTDP AU, he’d brag about it to people that are kinda similar/related
omg youre the ultimate anthropologist who does seances? too bad, s/o is better. ultimate prisoner? yea, s/o could totally find the people you killed
omg ok but he really does love you sm, not just for your talent, would def love how you’re so cheery despite having such a despair-inducing talent
im praying to god that you also get into his false reality cause you’d be defending his little reality from kazuichi and i swear, i heard his heart skip a beat (im cham-p btw 😍😍)
#Kazuichi Soda
he’d find you pretty cool tbhh
i dont think that your talent would change any of his feelings but he’d definitely think its interesting
tbh i think he’d try to make devices to help make your talent a little bit easier like maybe a little spirit box or incense scent releaser
i feel like you’d have a thing where you refuse to accept his gifts but his love language is giving gifts and receiving words of affection so yea, it’d be little lighthearted fights aww <33
like i said, nothing would change, as long as you love him <33
#Nagito Komaeda
oh my god, youre amazing 😨😨😨
he would definitely use you as an example to everyone else for what it means to smile at despair in the name of hope
nagito for sure has a lot of people he’d like to talk to; maybe his parents or even his dog would be enough 😞😞 but i feel he’d be scared to do it for two reasons;
1: youre an ultimate! why should a talentless and worthless human being like him even get to ask you for a favor? to him, he seems to be very selfish for even thinking of asking for that
2: he also doesn’t want you to think that he only cares for you to use you as a medium to talk to his parents. sure, at first, he admired you for being a symbol of absolute hope but after getting to know you, he truly fell in love. and the longer he fell, the less of a need to cling to the past as long as his final wish was fulfilled; to be loved by someone before he dies.
#Nekomaru Nidai
he would think that training would lowkey make your skill much more easier to practice
he wouldn’t really be too interested in using your talent for his own purposes but he would constantly push the ‘s/o uses their ability to solve the trial’ agenda WJSJSJS but monokuma didn’t allow it
would also ask a bunch of questions about your talent— does it give you a headache, how many spirits can you take, etc
AJSJSSJ im sry i cant think of alot 😭😭
#Teruteru Hanamura
ok i actually have a lot of ideas for teruteru.
so pre/during killing game, he wouldn’t really do anything about your talent, why would he, he’s a chef!
when ibuki suggests to use your talent to talk to byakuya’s spirit, teruteru would almost lose his cool and release his accent (he thankfully didn’t)
and also thankfully, monokuma banned you from using your talent since it’d make the trial boring if they all just relied on you
and then post killing game i feel like he’d ask you to help him talk to his dead mom since im pretty sure its hinted that shes dead
also also omg youre his personal taste tester and i swear to shuichis baseball cap that it’s all food wars clothes-removing inducing kind of good like *chef kiss*
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
Sweet S/O gets a cruel punishment
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[ ONE-SHOT ] [ Hajime Hinata ] [ Danganronpa 2 Goodbye Despair ]
⚠️ This contain a little bit of spoilers
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This was requested by @sleepyone2three, thank you for requesting it!! The version of the other characters requested you can find it in the masterlist
I'm sorry if you don't like that i I resorted to using the despair disease to explain what happened, but is the most logic way i thought it could happen, and also i loved the idea of that disease!!
I have a love-hate For Hajime and still I really like writing for him!
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The supposed trip to the island isn't easy for Hajime, it seems like he is the only one who seem to be wary of everything that is happening, and when Monokuma appeared and confirm that this little trip isn't really innocent and becomes a killing game just make it worst
However, as much as he hate it he is glad that you are here with him, having you by his side make him feel a little more comfortable and make things more bearable for him having by his side someone he knows he can trust, it doesn't really matter if you aren't wary of the place or your classmates. Also your calm and sweet personality always manage to calm him down and reasure him, even if is just a little Hajime is grateful to have you by his side
Although Monokuma isn't planning to put it easy for anyone, he has already a lot of tricks and incentives planned and he doesn't care how much time it takes him because he has pleny of time, besides this time Monokuma has more information about every single one and he is planning to use it against everyone, he is planning to make everyone fall into despair once again
Your kind and sweet nature atract the others attention in a really positive way, and since most of the students are rather positive it isn't too difficult for them to quickly win hope with the right lead, unfortunately friendship isn't enough to get away from Monokuma's plan
Everyone started motivated to don't let Monokuma win neither to fall into despair but from the first trial everyone started to get more wary, if isn't of the others it were from all the island, as well of Monokuma and Monomi, Hajime being the most worried and wary of everything since the start, he started to get more clingy with you for being afraid of something happen to you (specially because Nagito was willing to kill someone just in order to start the game). It get to a point were Hajime feels uneasy to just being far from you for a long time because he fears that something happened to you and because you are the one who help him stay calm and collected
With every trial that pass things get more and more difficult, not just the killing game but also Monokuma talking about the mysterious Future Fundation, or making things worst by saying that there is a traidor and since people starting to think that it may be Hajime since he still doesn't remember his talent it makes things a little more difficult for you too for staying by his side and even when he is grateful it only makes him feel more frustrated
As well the incentives get more and more difficult to avoid, from that sickness of despair disease to even the fun house is even like a miracle that everyone can keep going at this point. And with that is how this happens, you got sick with the despair disease too making your personality change, replacing your sweet and calm behavior to being rude and mean, even making fun of others, and when Hajime notice it he goes from being surprised to be incredibly worried, desperatly trying to ask you what is wrong, just recibing insults from you, but when they discover that is for a sickness he calm down but just a little, it hurt him hear you being so rude towards him but he tries to reasure himself that you don't mean it nor even think all of that in reality
He tried to keep you calm most of the time, or at least in some limit at least until Mikan is able to take care of you but now you were stubborn, swearing that you are fine and you don't need anything nor anyone, but Hajime doesn't have much patience that was your forte not his and Monokuma was planning to take advantage of that, he was just planning to mess with both of you a little, some teasing and comments to make you mad and to bother Hajime with it just to have some fun, but he didn't count on the fact that you where already pretty angry since Hajime didn't stop bothering you with wanting to help you, and he has started to feel frustrated for you attitude too, leading you to react really aggresive when he ends with what little patience you had left
Hitting him while demanding to him to stop being so annoying and just shut up, although Monokuma doesn't regret anything he is happy with this, not because he got hit but because he will be able to get away of you, someone who had been giving hope to everyone, in the other hand Hajime was panicing, rules are clear and its obvious that Monokuma won't let you get away with this
While Monokuma stand up laughing Hajime tried to make you calm down and make you understand what you have done as a desperate way of trying to find a way to help you but you weren't doing nothing aside from getting more mad a him from being so insistent and pushing him aside, even laughing at Monokuma, but it isn't like he cares anymore he just let you enjoy this little moments, taking a moment to enjoy it himself remembering you the rules, you don't care about that but before you could say something else Monokuma attacked you, making sure to injure you fataly so you will die but giving you enough time to regret what you have done and feel the sweet despair of dying
After attacking you Monokuma just go away, satisfied with what he did, and leaving a shocked Hajime behind as well, he had watched the whole thing but he was unable to do anything, even after you fall to the floor he still finds troubles to move, too shocked for what just happened in front of him. However it doesn't take long for Hajime to react, quickly running to your side and gently caressing your face, his eyes fill with tears and all of him start to stain with your blood but that's the last of their worries right now. He is desperately calling your name asking you to stay with him and don't close your eyes, he even start to beg you to don't leave him and screaming for help the moment you get weaker and colder
The problem is that even when you are almost dying the despair disease doesn't go away nor vanish, so even when Hajime was trying to help you you don't stop trying to push him away, still saying that you don't need him or even calling him annoying with what little energy you have left still see him as a bother and that is going to stuck in his mind for a long time
Hajime tries to remember you as the sweet and calm person you were, that one that always was there to comfort him and give him motivation to continue but the memory of you being so mean towards him, looking at him like his only presence bothers you hunt him, reaching the point where he thinks that he deserved to be treaten like that for being so weak that he wasn't able to even save the person he loved the most
The whole situation is really difficult for him, Hajime feel lost and guilt without you, he is continuing just because he doesn't know what else to do, Chiaki is the one who is trying to help him the most but things just get more and more difficult, with the supposed traitor still and the sudden change in Nagito's behavior and harsh words (specially towards him) he doesn't know what to do (even worst when he finds out that he doesn't has a talent)
Hajime becomes a little more harsh and he insolate himself a little, his mind is a mess because he got used to relay a lot in you for the comfort, but without you he doesn't know how to keep himself calm and collected, the two last trial will affect him even more and it would be more difficult for him to find motivation to continue fighting, but at the same time the idea of seeing you again helps him keep him going but will need the help of his friends
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starlightshadowsworld · 9 months
I'm gonna end up bashing Kirigiri a lot in this one.
I do actually like her I swear but this bit... Nope. So... You've been warned.
You know what really pisses me off about Makoto's trial situation.
It's not even the execution.
Like I get it, you know?
Someone had to die.
And the two most suspicious individuals especially in the trial were Makoto and Kirigiri.
And Makoto was very much protecting Kirigiri and thus dodging the questions.
Which isn't exactly the best strategy, even without Kirigiri throwing him under the bus.
It was rigged by Monokuma.
We're honestly just lucky everyone voted the same person.
I don't like it.
I think it's scummy but so are the rest of the trials.
So I can deal with that.
I can even understand Kirigiri's rather blunt point that she gets Makoto was protecting her.
But that she couldn't bring herself to do the same.
I get it.
Its easy to say you would die for a person you care about but being in that situation is hard.
You can never truly know what you'll do.
And Kirigiri has a lot of self preservation.
So it makes sense to her character she wouldn't.
And she told it to him straight.
Which for Kirigiri, someone who is notorious for hiding things from people.
It's a big step for her to honestly admit her feelings like that.
I respect that.
Does it hurt?
Absolutely but it's the truth, and she owes it to Makoto to give him the truth.
To tell him that yes she did do what she did.
She can't change what happened but she almost lost him, the only person she has left.
And in doing so she realises how important he is to her.
That Kirigiri snuck down here with the hope he had survived, that she would never have forgiven herself if she had caused his death.
Kirigiri was left in a world without Makoto in it and it wasn't a world she wanted to live in.
And so, she's going to protect him too.
Because they are a team, she can't do this without him and so they are going to end this nightmare.
Except... None of this happens.
Instead of a possible heart touching moment between two survivors.
Even an apology.
Kirigiri says "and not to make excuses but" and tells Makoto that it was very important that she survived.
She's found out her talent, she's the Ultimate Detective.
And so her survival is important as she's the only one to defeat the mastermind.
... And that's when I flipped the table.
This is the bit that just pisses me off.
Because it's not "I could have gotten you killed, my hands were tied in a death game and I made the difficult choice that will haunt me forever."
It comes across as I have to live because my talent is more important than yours.
Thus your survival is not as important as mine.
Which is so incredibly fucked up.
It's basically the Danganronpa equivalent of eugenics.
Your talent is objectively lesser than my talent so you deserve to die so I can live.
I hate this.
I hate this sooo much.
I wasn't even playing I was watching a play through and I wanted to rage quit.
How fucking dare you.
You didn't even know what your talent was for the entire game.
But now you do, somehow now your the most valuable person here?
Like Makoto hadn't been destroying himself. Trying to keep everyone alive.
Basically carrying all the trials on his back.
And she spends the rest of the time talking about her talent and such.
And just wow how did you make Makoto almost dying about you?
That's impressive.
Also, you know who else does something like this.
Someone who finds out the main character has a lesser/no talent and than proceeds to treat them like shit for it?
You know, Nagito the guy everyone whether you love him or hate em can all agree is cuckoo in the coconuts?
That Nagito.
Nagito spends the whole game friendly to Hajime but also extremely hot and cold with him.
Only to learn that Hajime is a reserve course student, thus without talent.
And proceeds to turn a 180 and berate and insult him for it.
And minus that last part, very similiar to Kirigiri.
Even down to the fact both are hiding huge secrets from everyone.
The only real difference is Nagito doesn't see his talent as impressive, but in the face of no talent Hajime?
It's makes him better than him.
It means that Hajime is beneath him.
But when Nagito does it it's fucked and when Kirigiri does it it's cool I guess.
But you know what the icing on the cake is?
Kirigiri is someone who generally keeps a stoic face.
She's unflappable, she's always serious and cool headed.
Gives me the ice queen with a heart of gold vibes.
But in this scene, Kirigiri is smiling.
She's telling Makoto how her life means more than his, and she's smiling.
Now I actually like Kirigiri.
Shocking I know.
I do, I like her and I know she's in Danganronpa 3 and I can't wait to see her in it.
But this?
Fuck this.
Fuck her.
Fuck all of this.
I know the Kirigiri stans are gonna rip me a new one like they do everytime I talk about Makoto's trial.
But I don't care.
And Makoto's a better person than me cos I'd have just sat in the corner of the trial room.
Like oh I thought you were so talented and this was your whole reason for being here.
And you're the only person who can beat the mastermind.
I'm gonna go get actual pain killers and a bed that doesn't come with murderers.
Okay, baiiiii.
You know for someone who's Jin Kirigiri's apparently neglected daughter...
... He sure passed on his fucked up ideology to her.
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theblackinnkeeper · 2 months
Why I hate nagito komaeda
I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that nagito is one of the most popular characters in the fandoms and is loved by many except for me so yeah this is kind of a hot take
Now I want to clarify that some of these complaints are subjective and that this is my opinion if you disagree that’s fine so let’s
Issue 1 nagito’s plans are kind of dumb
What’s is nagito’s goal? To see a great hope shine How does he intend to see it through? By pitting his classmates against each other to see who’s hope will succeed all this sounds like an interesting concept and it would be we’re it not for the small teensy weensy detail that we’re in
To me in a killing game the number one priority (outside of you know ending the game) is to minimize as many murders a humanly possible and for someone like nagito who wants to see hope shine brightly and to see the ultimate’s triumph over despair it really strikes me as jarring that someone like him is willing to side with the murderer potentially risking everyone’s lives after all wouldn’t it be more hopeful if every ultimate survived and overcame despair instead of putting one life over many
It’s things like this that make me question nagito especially considering how vocal he is about hope and how he’s constantly portrayed as one of the most intelligent characters in the series to me at least
Issue two nagito’s treatment of hajime
Nagito and hajime meet each other in the first few minutes of the game and hit it off instantly (curious how Komahina’s like to call hinanami forced and yet everyone in that camp swears hajime loved nagito despite knowing him for two days) then nagito reveals his darker nature hajime feels betrayed and it goes south from there. Now I am fully aware that despite hajime being annoyed with nagito throughout chapters 2 and 3 he still cared about him I ain’t denying that however it’s chapter 4 and 5 when a few red flags start rising for me
Now one thing I need to point out is that hajime was the only student that nagito genuinely cared about as a person (even during the deaths nagito’s laments were more to do with the talent as opposed to the person) so to see him treat hajime like this annoys me
Now normally somebody actually like someone is worthless isn’t enough for me to warrant their behavior as abuse heck it can even be funny at times
However if this is the only guy on the island who you cared about and you’re treating him this poorly over a subject he is very sensitive about over what basically amounts to “not knowing your place” (especially ironic considering the academy pushed him into it) I think we are going to have some problems
Now some have tried to argue that nagito doesn’t actually look down on hajime for being talented and that’s he’s actually just conflicted and I take issues with this because through the chapter nagito treats hajime how he describes a talentless person which to be blunt dead weight he acts condescending constantly tries to upstage the trial repeatedly talks down to hajime and insists he’s only good for sacrificing himself to the others
(“But hajime was ultimate despair” quiet you I’ll get their in a minute)
Issue 3 nagito’s reaction to the news
A common rebuttal towards these criticisms is that these students are ultimate despair and that we shouldn’t be so condemning of nagito and okay I suppose that’s fair however once we learn the truth in chapter six the argument is like this now
Yeah turns out the ultimate despairs were brainwashed (this isn’t a retcon look it up) which makes nagito’s whole gambit look really stupid in hindsight especially considering junko’s plan as well as considering he contributed indirectly to one of the murders
This also brings into question why nagito would trust what monokuma said because isn’t he despair? Hasn’t he been proven to be untrustworthy? Don’t you hate despair more than anything? Why are you trusting him! You should be smarter than this
Compared to asahina where I can feel more empathy towards her getting fooled because of how the situation was framed however I see no reason whatsoever for nagito to trust monokuma’s words especially since those typical lead towards disaster
Issue 4 nagito’s development (or lack therof)
Nagito has caused a lot of harm throughout the series and is the reason ai Chiaki is dead no one in the class really trusts him so what do you do with a character like this post sdr2
You give him the (bleep)ing Steven universe treatment
One of my biggest gripes with nagito’s character is how he was easily forgiven despite causing so much harm he caused to everyone
Now I’m not saying that nagito’s was the only bad person in the group by no means is that true however since these characters typically face consequences for the actions a la execution (and some even getting redemption arcs can you tell I love fuyuhiko) however nagito instant forgiveness without having to actually change or own up to his mistakes while others had to face consequences makes this especially jarring and makes this feel completely half assed
What doesn’t help is that in the same ova we learn that deep down nagito doesn’t genuinely feel this way and deep down wants to be normal and to be accepted this is good stuff and what do you do with it
More reasons why I hate the ova a lot have fans have tried to argue that he has changed subtly and one every argument I’ve seen feels like reaching especially with how limited his screen time is in the hope arc and two if he did it feels way to short to be believable
Now this is just my opinion and you can disagree if you want heck by the time i post this I expect the inbox the be filled with complaints from nagito fans within the next 10 hours or so but whatever this is why I hate nagito
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hajihiko · 1 year
Any song headcanons for everyone? (What songs fit best for each peepos)
I swear I posted this sometime, i swear i did but i cant find it with any keywords, and my memory is terrible, so maybe not??? Sorry if someones seeing this a 2nd time but theres some new ones too!
Hajime - Burned out -Dodie / Wires - The Neighbourhood / Comes and Goes (In Waves) - Greg Laswell / Somewhere - Ruth (pre-game events)
Fuyuhiko - Against the Kitchen Floor - Will Woodson / Beekeeper - Keaton Henson / Magnum Bullets - Night Runner (Danny!)
Akane - PvP - Ken Ashcorp
Souda - Silver Platters - Les Gold / The Romantic -Lauryn Marie
Mikan - Earthworms -Elliott Lee / Who Is She - I monster
Chiaki - Space Song - Beach House / Goodbye nostalgia - Coda (Kakyoin's song) / Heart-shaped hologram - Stephanie Mabye
Peko - Francis Forever - Mitski
Ibuki: Can you keep up? - Blue Kid
Nagito -We know where you sleep - the Paper Chase / In Der Palästra - Sopor Aeternus & The Essembly Of Shadows / I Started A Joke - The Bee Gees (I personally like a cover by Angela Zhang)
Izuru: Easy - Son Lux (also the ft.Woodkid edition)
Fuyuhiko & Hajime- Ghosts that we knew - Mumford and sons
Chiaki/Hajime - Deadlock - Go! Child / Talk to me- Cavetown
Nagito/Hajime: Putting the dog to sleep - The Antlers
Gundham/Sonia- Furthest star- Dirt Poor Robins
No Home - Nico Vega (post-game) / One Foot in front of the Other - Emilie Autumn (post-game) / Handlebars -FloBots (pre-game) / Would You Be Impressed? - Streetlight Manifesto (during-game) / Buzzcut Season -Lorde (during/bad-end game (if you havent seen the animatic you GOTTA)) / Team - Lorde / Alone Together - Fall Out Boy / Alternate World - Son Lux
Everyone (evil): Laplace's Angel (Hurt people? Hurt people!) - Will Wood / Alternate World (Alternate Age) - Son Lux
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hazelle-mapelle · 5 months
i find it funny that when i was watching an sdr2 play through, my immediate reaction to nagito wasn't: "he's so chill let's be besties >w<" my reaction was just "YOU ARE SUSPICIOUS, I HAVE NO PROOF AND ALL YOU'VE DONE IS STAND OVER HAJIME AFTER HE PASSED OUT, BUT I SWEAR TO GOD YOU'RE A SHADY ASS BITCH, THIS FEELS IRRATIONAL BUT I SWEAR YOU'RE SHADY." like whenever hajime would interact with him i would be like: "HISSSSSSSSS" also, yes, when my gut feeling turned out to be true in trial one, i was more than just a little bit vindicated. and now i'm shipping him WITH hajime, oh how the turn tables.
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#1-1 mlb x sdr2 crossover
words: 3425
( Nagito pov )
'Hajime Hinata... it's a pretty name. And weirdly fits into the class, no one has a particularly "french name" huh..-' 
"Pleasure to meet you, Hajime" I offer my hand, he takes it, shakes it and soon after lets go. 
'I should probably stay away from him, he deserves a chance to fit in with the class, everyone hates me and will probably hate him by association.'
"Now, Hajime, how did you convince your parents to transfer here?" Chiaki says - I can't tell if she's excited, mad or curious, maybe a mix...? 
"Well, it did take some time but my main "argument" was that you were here and you could help me study or something similar." he says in a pretty normal tone, then he sighs and starts sounding sad/disappointed. "I guess they also let me come here so I could have "fEmInInE fRiEnDsHiPs" that could help "fix" me..." 
'what does he mean by that...?'
"I swear I'll punch them if they say shit like this again."
'woah, don't think i've ever seen Chiaki cuss before'
"At least they didn't..." Hajime pauses. He's confused for a second, then he looks at me "ah, nevermind ... I forgot you were here... sorry..." 
'... I got in the way of their conversation. I only bother people, I should apologize for staring, my lowly self is in no place to get involved with them.'
"Ah, no, don't apologize. I was probably intruding. You can continue, I'll mind my own business. Trash like me shouldn't overhear anything, my deepest apologies."
( Hajime pov ) 
"You're not trash... you seem nice just - this is just an awkward topic to talk about in front of someone i just met" i say trying not to sound rude.
'he'd probably hate me if he knew anyway, i'll talk to Chiaki during lunch break...' 
"It's okay, I get it, it seems personal." 
As Nagito says that 2 more people walk in, a short blond and a pink haired person. 16 people now, me included. Every site is taken.
Chiaki looks at the people who just arrived.
"Well talk about it during lunch, but Hajime you don't have to worry, no one here would judge." 
'is Chiaki serious? Last time I told someone I was trans it spread around and I was left behind even by my closest friend. I don't want to risk it so soon'
"Chiaki i told you what happened last time, i'm not sure if it's a good idea-"
"I swear, it's fine Hajime, there are other-"
"Chiaki, new student, sorry to interrupt, but you can talk during lunch" the redhead teacher says, she's nice. Nicer than my previous teachers at least. "Now, new student, do you mind coming here for a second? It'd be nice if you could introduce yourself to the rest of the class."
I follow her to the front of the classroom. Everyone's eyes are on me. 
"So, what's your name? And do you mind sharing your pronouns?"
'This is it, if I pass well enough there won't be any scandalous reactions... if i don't... let's not think about it...'
"Ah... okay. My name's Hajime Hinata, he/him... nice to meet you" My heart almost pops out of my chest as i wait for their reaction. 
"Nice to meet you Hajime" a girl with hair as red as a tomato says. A few other people join in. Saying things like "is your hair like that normally or did you do it on purpose?" or "You're probably as much of a lost case as pig barf" and "Woah you were talking to Chiaki, are you guys dating?".
'they're nice enough - anything is better than my old classmates i guess' 
"..." - Chiaki looks uncomfortable, maybe she feels bad for me? - "Guys let him breathe"
"Right-! Ibuki is sorry!"
"I don't really mind, I just think this is interrupting class, isn't it ... miss...?" I look at the teacher trying to figure out her name.
"Miss Bustier, and don't worry, first period can be used for you to start getting to know each other."
"Oh, if it's okay then..-"
Then, one person in the middle row gets up and extends their hand. 
"Byakuya Togami, they/them." - I grab their hand and shake it, their grasp is quite firm. 
"Pleasure to meet you."
"Me and Chiaki were class representatives last year, so it still feels like a duty to talk to new students."
"I see, well, thank you anyway."
'They/them huh... i guess Chiaki was right, i mean she normally is but, i don't know how the others feel about it and ... yeah, i'll just wait.'
We drop the handshake and they go back to their seats, next to the energetic person from earlier, who called themselves "Ibuki". 
'Should i go around introducing myself or...?'  - Chiaki notices me just standing there like an idiot and approaches.
"You know they don't bite, right?"
"Yeah, I'm just a bit nervous, that's all."
"Fair enough, I can go with you if you'd like." - She smiles softly.
She takes my hand and drags me to the person with pink hair seated next to Nagito.
"Hey man, I'm Kazuichi Soda, he/him." - the boy says with a grin - "don't flirt with Miss Sonia! I already have my eyes on her!" 
"Oh ... sure-"
"He's obsessed with Sonia and likes to play mechanic" Chiaki gives a short explanation. 
"Hey! I don't PLAY mechanic, i AM a mechanic!" Kazuichi complains. 
Chiaki is already taking me to the second table where we found a short blond person from earlier and a gray haired one with braids who I hadn't paid attention to. The blond was sitting on the corridor seat and the one with braided hair was near the window. 
"Hey, the name's Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu, he/him" The blond says. 
"...Wait - Kuzuryuu-?" - 'Is he Natsumi's brother..?'  - "This might seem random, but do you have a sister?"
"Huh? I do, why does that matter?"
"Ah, nothing, I just used to study with your sister, we're friends, though, I don’t think she’d admit it."
"Weird, my sister never mentioned any one named Hajime, but she did mention -" He stops for a bit, thinks and lets out an "oh- wow i didn’t recognize you at all-”.
'i'm so fucking stupid - i can't keep my mouth shut even if my life depended on it.'
Trying to change the focus of the conversation I look at the one with braided hair.
"Peko Pekoyama, she/they." She responds, noticing I'm staring.
"Oh, nice meeting you guys, hope we can have a good school year" we walk away - 'i don't talk like that what the hell- Chiaki is gonna make fun of me in 3... 2... 1...'  
"What was that? You never talk like that" - Chiaki says chuckling.
"Haha, very funny. I was nervous - can you blame me?"
"Fair enough I guess..." She yawns and takes me to the next row, where I see another blond and a... person with hamsters-? Why do they have hamsters-?
The blond is the first to speak up. 
"Hello, I am Sonia Nevermind, she/her. And as the princess of Novoselic I must welcome you with all my might! I hope you feel comfortable here in our class!" 
Then the person with hamsters speaks up.
"Peasant! You shall feel welcomed here! For I, the great demon Gundham Tanaka, he/they, welcome you to the highest ranking class!" - 'I don't know what i was expecting but this wasn't it.'
"Thanks...!" I try smiling but this is awkward, luckily, Chiaki pulls me away before i could fuck up.
Next row, we're back to "our side" of the classroom. A Person with messy looking purple hair and someone with brown curly hair and a darker skin tone sit chatting.
"Hey hey, Mikan, Akane.." she uses her head to point at me. I don't know which is which, so I just awkwardly wave and whisper a "hi".
"O-oh hello Hajime, I-i'm Mikan Tsumiki, she/they." The one with messy hair says. 
"And I'm Akane Owari, she/her, nice to meetcha!" The one with curly hair says shortly after.
"Sorry girls, we only have a few more minutes and 5 more people to talk to, I'm sure he'd love to talk to you later though." - 'she sounds a bit mad, i guess she's mad about my parents only letting me come because it could maybe make me "go back", like hell that's happening...'
We turn around and I see "Ibuki" and the previous class rep.
"Oh oh! Hey Hajime! Ibuki's name is Ibuki! She's a She/Her but doesn't mind any other pronouns! Nice to meet you!"
"This is Ibuki Mioda, she really likes writing and playing songs. Though they don't really match her personality ... which, I guess would be the best fit..." Chiaki looks lost in thought, I should probably talk to them before going to the next rows.
Byakuya just gives me a nod.
"Nice meeting you both"
"Ibuki is glad she finally met Hajime! Chiaki talks about you a lot!" - I turn to look at Chiaki, she doesn't seem embarrassed, and looks like she's still thinking about Ibuki's song writing.
'Doesn't seem like she told them anything weird...'
"Wait, really-? ...Anyway we should get going for now, but we can talk more during lunch" I grab Chiaki's hand and slightly pull her to the seats by the back of the class, she snaps out of her thoughts and yawns. 
"I didn't say anything weird if you're wondering" 
"Yeah, i guessed it" 
We take a few steps in silence. When we get to the table, yet ANOTHER blond is there, alongside the tomato-like short haired one from earlier.
"Sorry about earlier, i'm Mahiru Koizumi, she/her." The redhead says with a comforting smile on her face.
'She has freckles, that's pretty.'
Then I turn to the blond, who seems to be irritated.
'Why do all blonds have such strong personalities-?'
"Soooo.... Chiaki, are you dating him? He looks like a creep, I bet he takes advantage of you while you sleep." - ' ... is she serious-?!'  - I look at Chiaki, who yawns.
"Hiyoko, I'm not dating Hajime, and he'd never do that."
"Seriously Hiyoko? Already pestering the new student?"
She starts tearing up and sniffling.
"... Whaaaaaaa!! Don't get mad at me..! I was only worried for Chiaki!" She continues crying. - 'God - where did she get that lung capacity - this is so loud-' 
No one in class seems to mind, seems like this is a common occurrence ... I'm not looking forward to that.
"It's okay, Hiyoko, just stop messing with him."
"Are you sure big sis Mahiru..?" - Mahiru looks at me and I reluctantly nod.
"Yeah, Hajime says it's fine."
In the blink of an eye her expression changes and she giggles. 
"I can't believe you fell for those fake tears, you're all such pushovers pfft."
Chiaki pouts and drags me to the final desk. There I see a tall muscly masc presenting a person with blue hair, not like that's their major feature tho - seriously how did they gain so much muscle mass? By their side, I see a short chubby person, they have brown hair and some sort of sidecut.
"I am NEKOMARU NIDAI! Mostly use he/him pronouns but I'm fine with anything. Please also introduce yourself loud and clear!!" - the muscly guy says.
"ah- i'm Hajime Hianta, he/him, pleasure to meet you"
"You look a bit scrawny, how much do you eat daily? Do you sleep well? What does your shit look like?"
"Nekomaru... i think you're scaring Hajime '' - Chiaki says, yawning once again.
'Did she even sleep yesterday-?'
"Shit man- sorry, just want to make sure my classmates are in top shape!"
"I-it's okay"
"Aham, bonjour, monsieur Hajime" - the short person says. - "I hate to interrupt your conversation, but I'd like to introduce myself."
"Oh, i'm sorry-"
"I don't mind, my name's Teruteru Hanamura, he/him pronouns, but don't mind they/them. I'd like to get to know ya, clothes are optional~"
"Uhh- pleasure to meet you, i'll be keeping my clothes, thanks."
"What a shame"
"..." - 'well... this class… eccentric- to say the least' - "Uhh...- I think I heard from Chiaki that you cook? Do you have any favorite type of cooking?"
"Not really, why limit my possibilities? I cook a bit of everything'"
"Yeah! Teruteru is a great cook! His cooking is very nutricional too." - Nekomaru chimes in.
"I think you mean "chef". But, monsieur, If you'd like, I could bring you some of my cooking."
"Wouldn't it be too bothersome?"
"Nonsense! Why would I cook if not to satisfy people? I'd be throwing my hard work away if I didn't get my classmate to taste it. Either way, I intended on bringing food for everyone tomorrow."
"If you say so-" 
The bell rings. I turn around to see Miss Bustier, she leans on her desk and puts her clipboard. - "Class! Sit down please! You can chat with Hajime during break, let's focus on class for now, alright?"
"Such a shame, see you later, mon ami." - Teruteru says, grabbing his tablet.
I feel Chiaki pull on my sleeve.
"Hey hey, let's go" - she takes me back to our seats, I see Nagito looking at us.
I hadn't noticed this before, but his expression is almost unreadable, even if he has a calming vibe, kind of unsettling.
"Hope your tour went well, Hajime." - Nagito smiles. That calming smile again, I can't help but smile back.
"Yeah, it went pretty great, this class is ... eccentric" - not sure if that was the right thing to say, but now it's done.
"I guess you're right, hah" 
Lunch break finally arrives and I'm starving. I grab my bag and check for my lunch.
"Uhhm... Hajime, we serve food here." - Chiaki says, looking over my shoulders.
"Huh-? But i thought-" - 'well, that info would've been useful this morning'
"Yeah... you can eat the food you brought if you'd like, but it must be cold by now..."
"I guess so... You could've told me this sooner-"
"Well, I didn't know you'd transfer here."
"I apologize for interrupting, but would you mind if I had lunch with you?" - Nagito says. - 'Damn, he's super quiet- what the hell-'  - "I understand if you think i'm too disgusting to be around-"
"Shut up, Nagito, of course you can have lunch with us..." - Chiaki pauses to yawn - "...we just have to talk about something private first, then we'll join you, okay?" 
Chiaki gives him one of her soft smiles, they're really comforting, I hope it reassures Nagito.
( Nagito pov )
'They're being polite, how wonderful of them. But trash should know its place, they're probably gonna ditch me'.  
"Hmmm... Hajime, i didn't want to say anything, but, you looked a bit pale while talking to the class" - i say - "not like trash like me can say anything, though". 
He becomes as pale as he was during introductions. - 'Of course, i fucked everything up again, typical me'.
( Chiaki pov ) 
"It's about the thing we need to talk about in private" - I say, Hajime seems to calm down a bit, he gets kinda jumpy, can't blame him, last time must've been awful if his color just drained on the spot. - "We really need to go if we wanna have lunch, Nagito, can you save us a table?" 
"Of course, Chiaki" - Nagito says, that same smile he always has on his face showing. I sometimes wonder why he smiles so much. He has self-deprecative tendencies so I doubt he's happy all the time. It would be insensitive to ask, though, so I just ignore those thoughts. 
'Hajime is kinda blunt when you know him well enough... I wonder how long it'll take for him to ask Nagito. 
"Want me to grab you guys something to eat as well?" 
"Just grab me an apple" - I respond - "I'm not really hungry, also, there's an event happening today in one of my favorite games, can't lose it".
"And you, Hajime?" - Nagito asks, he seems happy to meet Hajime.
"Ah- i can't ask you to buy me lunch- I didn't bring money and-"
"Don't worry about it, money's not an issue and it would be an honor to help out Chiaki's friend". 
"No, no, it's okay, I brought some food from home, not as tasty as it would've been earlier but...-"
"Hajime wants today's special, an apple and orange juice".
"Chiaki you can't just order Nagito around-"
"I'm not, '' he offered, “and I won't let you eat that cold tasteless food". 
"Yeah, Chiaki's not ordering me around or anything, and even if she was, it would be an honor" - Nagito keeps putting the class on a pedestal, or maybe he just thinks he's too lowly or something, I don’t know, I just don't like it. It’s a bit uncomfortable but it has gotten better recently, maybe it has something to do with Miss Bustier and her more… well, caring teaching, I guess…
I yawn. Both Hajime and Nagito look at me. - “Chiaki, when did you sleep last night? You slept as soon as I ended the call… right-?” - Hajime asked, not like I could hear him, tho- too sleepy…
‘Oh crap - I haven't talked to Hajime’. - “Hey hey, Nagito, Hajime and I will be right back.” - I grab  Hajime's hand and take him 
“Of course Chiaki! If any of you need anything from me I’ll be…” - he looks around for a bit - “...probably sitting in that table... on the corner, like usual - heh…” - he then proceeds to walk away heading towards the self-service part of the cafeteria. 
( Nagito pov )
‘I overstayed my welcome, didn’t I? Of course I did, who am I kidding? Certainly not myself.’ - as I walk away I turn around to see them one last time. They are walking side by side in a kind of awkward side hug. I feel a bit creepy and bothered staring like this so i just go towards the food section.
After grabbing everything, I head towards the table, sit and wait.
( Hajime pov ) 
As Chiaki takes me to whatever secluded place she's thinking of, i wonder if i’m being stupid worrying like this. I mean, Chiaki didn’t care and she knew me pre-transition… or well, whatever I've been able to pull off at this moment. 
“You know, Hajime…” - she speaks in an almost whisper - “I've said no one would judge and I mean it.” - she drops the hug - “You don’t have to come out or anything to anyone but don’t worry about mentioning it or i don’t know, joking about it. Gundham is an enby-trans guy, Ibuki is genderfluid, Byakuya is intersex and agender, Peko is a demigirl and… uhh… the list goes on, i guess…” 
“Also, you outed yourself to Fuyuhiko and Peko, so…” - Chiaki yawns again. 
“Urg don’t remind me- he’s probably gonna talk to Natsumi about it too- and she’s gonna be all… well, Natsumi about it.”
“She’s not gonna be transphobic or anything, I’m pretty sure, at least- but she’s for sure gonna start sayin’ some shit like ‘are you fucking serious Hajime?!?! Why didn’t you tell me, you fucking moron?????’ or something. And I just don't feel like dealing with that.”
“Wait if she’s not transphobic, why didn’t you tell her?”
“She still kind of talks to our old classmates - and not only that but i forgot too and just got anxious whenever i'm about to do it-”
“Fair, fair…”
“This chat… was a hell of a lot shorter than I expected- shouldn't we go talk to Nagito or something? I feel kinda bad for just essentially telling him to fuck off - i feel like he has low self-esteem and- yeah-”
“Mhm… Don’t worry, he understands. But I get what you mean, and yeah he has some… concerning tendencies. It’s gotten better since Miss Bustier started teaching us, tho-” 
( Nagito pov )
‘This is… kind of awkward… What should I look at..? There isn’t much to do…’ - I start fiddling with the napkin that I grabbed alongside our lunches. - 'I can't eat without them, that'd be rude... even trash like me knows basic ethics'.
Something tells me to look at the door, maybe intuition or anxiety, although it's probably just my luck - I can’t tell the difference at this point, and they seemed to be heading here.
‘When they said private chat i thought it would take longer… or maybe be an excuse to ditch me… But they aren’t that kind of people, I'm sure … please shut up, brain, this is very annoying to you.’
I get up, wave at them, and smile.
chp. 0 > chp. 1 pt 1 > chp. 1 pt 2 > chp. 1 pt 3
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nagiluvz · 2 years
First of all, hi, hope you're having a wonderful day!
Second, I just gotta share this with someone, because recently, all I can imagine is living with Chiaki, Nagito and Hajime (we live in Nagito's house since his is the biggest, but also because being with his friends all the time makes his loneliness a lot easier to tolerate), it's like an endless sleepover, y'know? I just think it would be really lovely <3
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hello there nonie!! my day has been very immaculate :) slept the entire day and now here i am responding at almost 2 in the morning on the verge of crying due to tumblr crashing multiple times 💀 but this omg. IT'D BE SO CHAOTIC BUT SO CALM AT THE SAME TIME?? HOW TO DESCRIBE WIKIHOW /J
nagito is canonically loaded with money, so i don't think you guys are gonna need to get jobs in the future 💀 and speaking of the future, i can see you four all becoming a well known quadro of sorts. like if chiaki became a famous gamer, you three are known for being her best friends or featured in videos, etc.
game nights 🤩 hajime a victim of being the player in single player horror games fr 😨 HE ALWAYS ENDS UP SCREAMING LIKE A LITTLE GIRL I SWEAR- you and chiaki planned this ❤️ /j
nagito enjoys the company. poor darling has been alone for so long, and while he's used to it, i can imagine it'd hurt still. i mean, who'd wanna be alone with nobody wanting to stay with him? so you three really made him happy when you guys showed up one day like "hey we're gonna live together now"
hajime would probably feel bad for not being able to pay nagito back in a suitable way, but nagito always reassures him it's fine. chiaki isn't bothered by not being able to repay nagito with a huge amount of money, but she does repay him in her own ways because chiaki girlboss 💪
expect to be woken up pretty early during school days by the noise of crashes in the kitchen 😭 but during weekends/break i feel like you'd be able to wake up whenever. i don't think nagito and hajime would be ones to wake you up unless it's something really important, and chiaki probably sleeps a lot during the day because of staying up late gaming.
yes, nonie. it's be a lovely experience <33
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yangxiaoshorter · 2 years
Fanfic for DR2 ships, but from Ibuki’s PoV
Ibuki knew that none of her friends thought that she was particularly smart. Ibuki didn’t disagree. The word smart had many definitions, but Ibuki wouldn’t consider herself excelling in any of them. She wasn’t good at school. I mean, maybe she could be. She never listened long enough to test it. She wasn’t really good at problem solving such as murder cases (Ibuki didn’t know where that one even came from. Weird example). Yeah, Ibuki certainly wasn’t super smart. But looking at her friends right now, Ibuki could swear she might as well be… umm… she couldn’t think of anyone known for their intelligence off the top of her head, but she might as well be that person compared to how stupid her friends were being right now. It was obvious they were in love, yet none of them seemed to realize it. Who was Ibuki talking about? How about basically half of them?
Let’s start with Peko and Fuyuhiko for example. Oh did you guys think they were together? No sir no. She finally accepted that she isn’t a “just a tool” (with that body, the only think Ibuki could compare her to would be a highly explosives and devastating bomb attached to two other bombs but whatever), and they finally accepted they were personally close. So you would think after making so much progress, they would also realize how they are in love right? No sir, Ibuki couldn’t believe it herself. Ibuki had heard Fuyuhiko chasing Soda all over the island because he commented that Peko’s boobs were bigger than him. Which is not true btw, Fuyuhiko is actually 4 and a half times bigger than her breasts, but who is counting right? Wait what was Ibuki talking about? Oh yeah, basically, Peko and Fuyuhiko are both in that, will they won’t they phase that TV shows love so much. They’ll probably finally come together at the end of the season. Although Ibuki doesn’t know how end of a season translates to real life yet.
Then there was Gundham, Sonia and Kazuichi. Notice the number of participants increased? Yeah that is the main problem here. Ibuki couldn’t actually tell if Sonia and Gundham were together. To be honest, Ibuki couldn’t tell a lot of things when it involves Gundham. But Ibuki could certainly tell that whatever their situation was, Kazuichi certainly didn’t get the memo. Ibuki once watched a 3 hour long tragedy movie once. She missed like half of it, but she did see enough to understand. It was the saddest movie she had ever seen. It had a bunch of dead puppies, dead kitties, dead a lot of offsprings of animals basically. Yet Ibuki would argue she still had never seen anything sadder than the Kazuichi desperately trying his chances with Sonia while Gundham was around. Ibuki even made a whole song dedicated to Kazuichi called “The tragedy of a third wheel mechanic trying to find his place in the relationship of a dude who loves pets and a hot princess”, but she wasn’t sure he understood what she was referring to. Hopefully one day he would. Or maybe he will when Gundham decides all the demons around Sonia are finally gone and they can safely kiss. At this point, Ibuki wasn’t sure even that would convince the poor man though.
And then there was Hajime and Hajime’s boyfriend. Oh, I mean Nagito. Sorry, Ibuki is too used to calling him that in her head that Ibuki sometimes forgets his actual name. Well that and other nicknames. Hajime’s boyfriend, The weirdo who likes Hajime, The boy who needs more sunlight and Hajime in his life, the guy who looks like a corpse who is in love with Hajime… stuff like that. Ibuki didn’t dislike him though. Ibuki just wouldn’t want to meet him in the dark is all. But he was a good person. Being weird is not a sin. Would be weird for Ibuki of all people to say that right? But Ibuki had to admit out of all the names Ibuki mentioned so far, Nagito was the one who actually knew he was in love. Now the way he decided to show that love was questionable… attempted murders, insults, tauntings… Ibuki guesses some of these could be considered flirting if you leave the definition very loose… The kid was trying at least.
Hajime though… Wow. Hajime was Ibuki’s bro. Ibuki loved him dearly. But Ibuki had never seen a person be so smart, yet so stupid at the same time. It was actually a miracle how oblivious that guy can be. He was like a harem MC without a harem. Also Ibuki was the MC, but he would make a nice Co MC, Ibuki wouldn’t mind that. But yeah, once, Nagito told him to come to his bed and sleep with him, and Hajime took it as an insult about his sleeping habits and didn’t talk to him for a week. Once Nagito told him how beautiful he is. Although Ibuki wasn’t sure if he said that. He might have chickened out and said something about the hope in him being beautiful, whatever that means, but it means the same thing. Anyway, he said that, and Hajime said thank you and looked confused. Then Nagito threw his underwear at him and ran away. Maybe that last part went a bit different, Ibuki might have forgotten it. But it was close. And Ibuki knew for a fact that Hajime liked the walking talking restraining order in the making, because whenever they had a weird misunderstanding, he would come to Ibuki and tell all about it all angry. Last time he even had tears in his eyes. Although Ibuki wasn’t sure if it was cause of sadness, or because they had been head banging for over an hour. But he was definitely sad, Ibuki could tell.
Well no more. Ibuki had a plan. Ibuki had sneakily invited all her friends to a concert she was planning. She would give them the greatest love song ever made, and if they didn’t get the memo by then, Ibuki would throw her guitar at them. She hoped it wouldn’t be the case for more than one of them though. Ibuki only had one guitar to throw.
Ibuki stared proudly at the result of her efforts. Her concert was over. Her precious guitar still in one piece. And she could see three pairs of her friends making out. Ibuki had been worried about the lack of subtlety of including their first and last names as well as their specific feelings for the other person as part of the song’s lyrics, but Ibuki figured that this was the only way to keep her guitar safe. Ibuki had been worried too when during her song, they were all heatedly arguing with each other (and Kazuichi was screaming like he was being stabbed for some reason, Ibuki didn’t get that one, but she liked Hiyoko’s cheering at least), but then the three pairs started making out one by one by the end of the song. It was a job well done.
Now Ibuki just had to do something about Kazuichi, who had stopped screaming about her songs, and now was screaming about something completely different. Sighing, she took her guitar again. She had adjusted the lyrics to make it more clear, and uplifting. It was time for the final rendition of “The tragedy of a third wheel mechanic trying to find his place in the relationship of a dude who loves pets and a hot princess”.
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drippingviolets3 · 2 years
request, kitsune hajime headcanons? :D
Sorry this took forever kxndnxndm
Kitsune Hajime!
•He barely has any tails.
•Reason why? He’s talentless-
•ORKQONTKWJE okay but fr he’s a really weak kitsune, which is saying a lot since he probably saw the rise and fall of societies
•In some folklore they’re rather mischievous, but not Hajime. The best prank he could think of (that’s not really a prank tbh) would be to phase through the wall when your in the shower or something to ask if you had any toilet paper
•Yes he did have a bar of soap thrown at him
•Foxes lived close with humans in Ancient Japan, and while Hajime did try to keep his distance I’m 99% sure kids would try and play with him.
•He would just be laying there in fox form, a grumpy look on his face, while two little kids and decorating him with flowers, leaves, and twigs
•Anyways, he’s capable of shape shifting into a fox and a human, but he prefers to stay in fox form because it’s more natural to him.
•Hajime doesn’t like interacting with humans, but somehow finds a found family with them.
•I’m referring to class 77 B. Obviously.
•Mf barks at Nagito. Maybe even growls if he’s particularly snappy that day.
•He’s forced to let Hiyoko pet him in fox form otherwise she starts crying.
•Honestly it takes everyone a while for them to find out that this isn’t some random fox they picked up off the street, and is in fact a messenger for the literal god of fertility and agriculture.
•He doesn’t have much to deliver to Inari of course. Apart from the random bullshit that happens in the class but that quickly becomes the same old-same old.
•”Hello Mx. Inari? Yeah Nagito survived another plane crash again. Also he blew up the gym.”
•So what does Hajime do for fun? He doesn’t prank people, he prefers to keep his distance, so what does he do?
•He sleeps.
•Hajime quickly learned that having a peaceful nap is a rarity in the classroom. He started hanging around them to try and hone his skills and gain more tails, but really they’re just helping him hone his patience.
•Chiaki is chill though. He likes Chiaki.
•Gundham is shocked that Hajime actively ignores him. Animals usually respond to him but not Hajime, he’s too tired to deal with his Sh!t.
•Hajime has back problems from carrying the whole class in moments of crisis /j
•The only person who has seen his human form is Nagito. But that was a total accident because of Nagito’s luck and Hajime had him swear to secrecy.
•I mean it still gets revealed to the class at some point accidentally, but still.
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charlotte-buff · 1 year
The Implications of Cospox
I know literally no one cares, but this idea has been bouncing around inside my head for a while now and I just need to get it out there.
[Spoilers for the entire Danganronpa series ahead. Stop reading, Moji, I swear to God.]
Okay, so.
The big twist of Danganronpa V3 is that all previous installments of the Danganronpa franchise are works of fiction in-universe. V3 is actually the 53rd season of the ongoing Danganronpa TV series which rather confusingly started out as a bunch of video games and animated shows before transitioning into a live-action format where real people really kill each other for real.
Shirogane Tsumugi, who is part of the production staff, proves this to the survivors during the final class trial by cosplaying as a bunch of characters from the first two games, most prominently Enoshima Junko, the franchise’s main villain. Because she has a condition called cospox that doesn’t allow her to cosplay as real people without breaking out in a rash, this supposedly demonstrates that the characters from previous Danganronpas are truly fictional.
It’d be easy to assume that Tsumugi is just lying about cospox to mess with the others and plunge them into Despair™︎. Considering all the other stuff that doesn’t quite add up – which is most of the stuff – it would in fact be very weird if she wasn’t lying.
So let’s get weird.
I propose that the only part of Tsumugi’s testimony that is 100% accurate and trustworthy is the existence of cospox. By extension, I also propose that all the Danganronpas before V3 are not just fiction, but rather distorted retellings of actual events.
The first clue that this is the case is the people Tsumugi cosplays as. She only cosplays as characters from Trigger Happy Havoc and Goodbye Despair, allegedly because those are the only ones Shūichi and the gang would be familiar with from the Flashback Lights. But why would Team Danganronpa have decided to only reveal the events of those two games to the participants of V3? If their goal was to prove that all of Danganronpa is fake, wouldn’t it have made more sense to have Tsumugi cosplay as everyone?
Simple. They couldn’t have Tsumugi cosplay as other characters because all those other characters – those introduced in Danganronpa 3, Ultra Despair Girls, and any of the light novels – were actually real people.
So only the following Danganronpa characters are for a fact known to be fictional: Akane, Aoi, Byakuya, Celeste, Chiaki, Chihiro, Fuyuhiko, Gundham, Hajime, Hifumi, Hiyoko, Ibuki, Izuru, Jill, Junko, Kazuichi, Kiyotaka, Kyōko, Leon, Mahiru, Makoto, Mikan, Mondo, Nagito, Nekomaru, Peko, Sakura, Sayaka, Sonia, Teruteru, Tōko, Ultimate Imposter, and Yasuhiro.
You know who this conspicuously doesn’t include, despite visibly being part of Tsumugi’s magical costume vortex? Ikusaba Mukuro, the other half of the original Ultimate Despair.
Why would Tsumugi choose not to cosplay as Mukuro in her Junko disguise even though she already has the appropriate clothes at the ready? Is it simply because Spike Chunsoft has never cared about Mukuro and consistently fucks her over at every opportunity?
Yes, but also no.
It’s because Mukuro was also real.
What does this all mean? Well, we’ve got an Ultimate Despair who is willing to orchestrate a killing game. And Matsuda Yasuke, the Ultimate Neurologist, still exists so erasing the contestants’ memories in preparation would be no problem. Mitarai Ryōta, the Ultimate Animator, also exists so that stupid mind control plot point from Danganronpa 3 is possible to execute as well.
In short: The biggest, most awful, most tragic event in human history actually happened in the V3 continuity, but Mukuro was the sole puppetmaster behind it instead of Junko.
Without the Ultimate Imposter’s positive influence, it probably would have been even easier for her to manipulate Ryōta and use his anime powers to recruit a bunch of random Hope’s Peak students as her underlings. With the exception of Hajime, the reserve course still exists so any one of the students there could have been picked to be the final candidate for the Hope Cultivation Plan in his stead – I’m placing my bets on Kuzuryū Natsumi becoming Kamukura Izuru considering she hated being confined to the reserve course even more than Hajime did – whom Mukuro then made out to be the culprit behind the student council’s mass murder, thus sparking the other reserve course students’ protests. And naturally, Monaca would have been easily available to mass manufacture killer Monokuma robots just like in the prime timeline.
The participants of the Killing School Life at Hope’s Peak Academy were whoever ended up as Mukuro’s pitiable classmates instead of our familiar class #78. While there is no Fujisaki Chihiro to develop Alter Ego, Gekkōgahara Miaya, the Ultimate Therapist, should be enough to still get a Neo World Program rolling. After all, in Danganronpa 2 it is said that programmers were among those who used their talents to spread Despair™︎ during The Tragedy even though the Remnants of Despair didn’t include anyone with programming skills (except maybe Kazuichi?), so someone at Hope’s Peak must have been up for the task regardless. Hell, let’s just say Mukuro told Monaca to develop a strong AI. She’s clearly smart enough.
Without Tōko and Genocide Jill to rely on and no Nagito to mess with the Demon Hunting game from behind the scenes, Komaru probably would have had a much harder time liberating Tōwa City. Maybe she teamed up with Yūta or Kanon or Takemichi or something. I don’t know. Why were all these people imprisoned in Tōwa City despite the reason for their imprisonment – their relationships to the Killing School Life contestants – not existing anymore? I also don’t know. I’ll figure that out another time.
By now you’re perhaps wondering: If all of this makes perfect sense and is definitely canon, why did Tsumugi bother to make up all that other shit? Simply put, because Tsumugi is Tsumugi.
She is absolutely obsessed with The Tragedy, that historic event she missed out on by virtue of being born too late. So she did what every teenager would do in this situation: Write fanfiction.
Junko is Tsumugi’s sparkly, edgy OC created to take the real Mukuro’s spot in her personal retelling of the events surrounding The Tragedy.
Think about it: She’s the secret twin sister of the woman who caused the apocalypse. She is prettier, smarter, bustier and more popular than Mukuro and has such an over-the-top, quirky personality that even the most unhinged individuals around her seem modest and composed in comparison. She is obviously the result of that special kind of flaming hot writing enthusiasm only found in teenage girls who spend way too much time watching anime. That’s why Mukuro ends up dying so early in Tsumugi’s version of the story, usurped by her very special original character who is so much better and cooler than the real deal in every way. That’s why Mukuro is so damn horny for Junko in Danganronpa 3.
Speaking of incest, we know that Tsumugi is into it in a major way. So why do you think she came up with Makoto, the big brother of the real-life hero of Tōwa City, and then had her other OC Tōko insist that they’re secretly in love with each other for the entirety of Ultra Despair Girls? Why did she invent Kanon’s cousin Leon just to claim she had a huge crush on him? Frankly it makes too much sense.
Tsumugi took those unprecedented real events that shook the world to its core and used them as the setting for her creative writing endeavors, replacing everyone involved she didn’t particularly care about, deemed too uninteresting or just inexplicably hated with wacky fictional characters like Sakura, Gundham or Genocide Jill.
The daughter of a yakuza boss who is also an artificially enhanced superhuman possessing every ability ever defeated Alter Ego Mukuro with the power of friendship inside a computer simulation? Nah, that’s nice and all but I don’t really like her vibe. What if instead that superhuman was a hot guy with an ahoge whom the Ultimate Gamer with big boobies immediately falls for and also his second identity had really long hair and red, glowing eyes? Let’s just turn that Natsumi chick into a side character who gets killed off-screen by someone whose first name isn’t even recorded because honestly, who gives a shit about her? I’m gonna write her a brother with a cool eyepatch though; that yakuza theme might not be a complete waste and also he can call her “Ultimate Little Sister”.
Is it any wonder then that a person like Tsumugi would eventually end up orchestrating her own killing game where she has full authorial control over every participant’s personality and behaviour from the get-go? This is exactly what she had always yearned for – a Danganronpa that reality cannot interfere with.
One last point I wanted to bring up: You know how Tsumugi insists that the participants of season 53 are nothing but fictional characters? Well, we know for a fact that she doesn’t actually believe that.
Because she broke out in cospox when she tried cosplaying as Kaede.
These people are real to her and not just simple playthings, whether she wants to admit it or not. Which makes how she treats them even more horrifiying.
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marysunshine23 · 1 year
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Okay, lemme explain.
S Rank - Best of the Best
Magical Miracle Girl Usami - I. Love. Her. Like... I feel like if I were a magical girl, I’d be Usami. I want to cosplay her. I just... I love her so much.
Nagito Komaeda - I mean... He’s clearly neuro-divergent, he’s chronically ill, he’s basically chaotic neutral, and I’ve loved him almost as long as I’ve loved the series. What can I say?
Angie Yonaga- PRAISE BE TO ATUA. She’s a vibe. I want to be her friend.
Kokichi Oma - A perfect example of “I initially hated him with every fiber of my being, but then he did a thing and now I like him”.
Korekiyo Shinguji - Similar to Kokichi, but the incestuous thoughts kind of... eh...
A Rank - I love them, but...
Ibuki Mioda - They did her dirty, I swear.
Mikan Tsumiki - I may prefer more masc-presenting women, but I would date her.
Kotoko Utsugi - I will protect this brat for the rest of my life
Monophanie - I dunno. I just think she’s neat. You know… besides the incestuous stuff…
Monomi - Monokuma did her dirty. And… again… incestuous stuff…
Aoi Asahina - I love her relationship with Sakura! But I also feel like she was just… token big boobs girl…
Miu Iruma - I love the spin of having a super-perverted girl. But also kind of the token big boob girl.
Hajime Hinata - Of all the protags, he just seemed the most fleshed out. Also. Tig o’ bitties on a guy
Junko Enoshima - Fun design? Check. Interesting Personality? Check. Would wear similar clothes? Check.
Kaito Momota - I feel like we’d be best friends.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru - He and Mondo are the best homo ship in the series fight me
Mondo Owada - He and Kiyotaka are the best homo ship in this series fight me
Rantaro Amami - He’s the midpoint between Nagito and Shun Kamiya from Tribe Nine and you can’t tell me he’s not
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu - Severely underrated. And he and Peko are the best canon relationship in the series fight me
Peko Pekoyama - At first I thought she was just meant to be a sexy Sakura, but I felt like she was super underestimated as a rival and a character. And she and Fuyuhiko are the best canon ship in the series fight me
Sonia Nevermind - First of all, her name. Secondly, I love that she was just… always 100% herself. Like… she was a princess into horror shit. I dig that.
Sayaka Maizono - I kinda wish she was in the series longer. I just really liked her.
Mahiru Koizumi - She’s the mom friend and I love it.
Kaede Akamatsu - I wanted her to be the protag, is that so much to ask?
Gundham Tanaka - He’s the type of person we all wish society would let us be; absolutely unhinged and in our own world.
Gonta Gokuhara - Best bean.
Chisa Yukizome - Ultimate Mom is best.
Monodam - I mean, he had everyone’s best interest at heart.
Ruruka Ando - Excuse me, she makes sweets and she’s cute.
Yuta Asahina - Good boi. Possible sister complex.
B Rank - I mean, they’re good, but…
Kirumi Tojo - I mostly like her because of her design and her execution.
Leon Kuwata - Not gonna lie, he was my first Danganronpa crush. Had I not read his Free Time events, I might have ranked him higher.
Maki Harukawa - At first I was thoroughly pissed off that she was the Ultimate Childcare Provider, but then her true identity came through and I liked her a lot more.
Chiaki Nanami - She’d be higher but I feel like the developers got tired part way through per backstory and just threw something together
Himiko Yumeno - She did the whole “too much effort” schtick for too long.
K1-B0 - Underrated.
Sakura Ogami - Great character overall, but I feel like her design was just… 100% shock value.
Shuichi Saihara - Like… I’d be fine if the game started with him being the protagonist, but I’m still kinda peeved that they just threw him in last minute.
Tenko Chabashira - I’m sorry, misandry is not a personality trait or a quirk and the joke got old quick.
Tsumugi Shirogane - I hate her and everything having to do with the ending of this series.
Toko Fukawa - Why are people cool with her but not Miss Piggy? At least Kermit is into what Miss Piggy does.
Genocider Jack/Jill - Yandere.
Jataro Kemuri - He’d be higher if it weren’t for his voice.
Hiroko Hagakure - 
Akane Owari - Token Big Boob Girl mixed with zero impulse control. But her and Nekomaru are cute together so…
Celestia Ludenberg - 
Chihiro Fujisaki - Let our friend be happy, okay?
Nekomaru Nidai - He made me tired.
Izuru Kamukura - He’s fine. He’s mostly here because he’s in Hajime’s body.
Masaru Daimon - I’ve worked with children like him. They’re fun!
Monosuke - I like the mobster penny pincher persona that he’s got going on.
Monotaro - I liked him for 90% of the game. But then the incest stuff happened and… yeah…
Shirokuma - I knew he was putting on a ruse from the beginning, but I enjoyed him
Taichi Fujisaki- WHAT A GOOD PARENT.
Kiyondo - I think I prefer them in separate bodies, but it’s a sweet sentiment and an… interesting way to cope.
C Rank - They’re Fine
In C Rank, if I don’t mention them by name, it’s just “they’re fine”.
Kyoka Kirigiri - I wish we knew more. Like… she seems very two dimensional
Mukuro Ikusaba - I’m glad we had some time with her in the anime… but it wasn’t enough. More please!
Haiji Towa - The only reason he isn’t lower is that he got his comeuppance
Koichi Kazakura - That’s blond Johnny Depp and you can’t say he’s not.
Monokuma - I actually threw him in C because I didn’t know where else to throw him. I actually don’t have a lot of feelings about him as a character.
D Rank - Either I hate them or I don’t know them
I’m only elaborating on some.
Teruteru Hanamura - Perverted characters that are just there to be perverted are annoying.
Monokid - I absolutely hate that he represents the percentage of people that shit in the shower. Like… I’m so glad he died first. I hate him so much.
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