#so if they knew MURRAYS name it makes sense they would know joyces name too
daenerys-targaryen · 2 years
ok but since the Russian general dude knew Murrays last name we would have to assume that the KGB knows Joyces name right??
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ladykailitha · 2 months
Batshit Soulmates: Epilogue
Here it is. The end of an era. I struggled mightily with this one because I was so focused on canon that I forgot that I'm a writer and I can do what I want.
Once I got over myself the story just flowed so well it was done in two weeks.
But as I said last week, I'm a little mean to you in this. Spoiler under the cut.
In Medias Res| Prologue|Pt 1|Pt 2|Pt 3|Pt 4|Pt 5|Pt 6|Pt 7|Pt 8| Pt 9|
This ends the way season four does only with all the allies together not just some of them.
Nancy, Robin, and Dustin all returned to Steve’s house to make sure Eddie was safe.
Steve told Eddie that his uncle knew he was alive and would get into contact soon.
Eddie nearly cried in relief. “Thank you, Stevie.”
Then a car pulled up at that exact moment. Then of all things a pizza truck. Steve pushed Eddie into a nearby bathroom and looked out the window.
Out of the pizza truck hopped out both Byers boys, Mike, and the driver, a long haired native boy in a Hawaiian shirt. Then Joyce, Murray, and a very much alive Hopper exited the car.
And Steve’s heart nearly burst. He quickly ushered them all inside. His street had a lot of empty houses since the earthquake, the rich having somewhere else to go, but he didn’t trust the ones that remained.
Everyone was hugging everyone else. Jonathan and Nancy, El and Hopper. Joyce and Will. Everyone was safe. Max and the Sinclairs weren’t there, but they were safe too.
Robin, Steve and Eddie on the sidelines feeling happy that they were all reunited at last.
The first thing everyone did was tell their stories. El started, then the Byers, then Joyce and Murray, Hopper next, Steve and Dustin, then Nancy and Robin.
There was just so much to do.
“He’s still alive,” El said, “I couldn’t kill him. He hurt Max and I couldn’t leave her. I couldn’t leave her and the bastard survived.”
Joyce scooped her up into her arms and rocked her back and forth, gently. “You did the right thing, sweetheart. Max is alive because of you.”
“We’re going to have to find a place to stash Hopper and El until this blows over,” Nancy said. “They can’t stay here, it’s already a risk with Eddie being here. But at least with him, Steve can claim truemate status.”
The heads of all the people who hadn’t been in Hawkins turned to Steve in shock.
“Eddie is your truemate?” Mike wailed. He sat down and put his head in his hands. “Of course he is. Fuck that makes too much sense.”
Steve could only agree, honestly.
Eddie put his arm around his waist and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “I didn’t think so at first, but clearly the universe is smarter than we are.”
Dustin scoffed. “I think that could be said for most of the universe’s population, too.”
Both Eddie and Steve knocked off his hat together.
Robin cackled. “Hey, kids. If Steve’s the mom, then you all have a new step-dad!”
Joyce and Hopper chuckled but everyone else groaned.
Nancy tapped her foot irritated. “Can we get back on to the topic at hand, namely finding a place to put Hopper and El so the government doesn’t find them?”
“My cabin is in pretty shit shape,” Hopper admitted. “But I think if we all work together, we can make it livable again for me and Jane.”
Steve nodded. “That should work. No one found El when she was there before, so they should be safer there.”
“Just not everyone show up at once,” Joyce warned. “Too many people coming and going will alert others.”
Everyone agreed, but as they piled out of Steve’s house the sky lit up in red storm clouds. Ash fell upon Hawkins and ground trembled.
Everyone stopped on Steve’s lawn looking up at the sky, knowing Vecna had finally made his move.
The Upside Down was bleeding into the top world.
The war had begun.
I want to thank everyone for coming long with me on this ride. It's been fun!
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symbioticsimplicity · 2 years
Billy lives AU where Billy was also taken by the Russians after Starcourt.
He managed to live by the akin of his teeth. Part of his consciousness ripped off a chunk from the mindflayer, just a small bit, just enough to keep his body alive when it shouldn’t be. His injuries healed, slowly, but more interestingly (at least to the Russians) his body adapted to the chemicals the mindflayer had forced it to consume.
They try to study those effects, as well as the effects having part of a hive mind trapped inside of a foreign body. Physically Billy gained accelerated healing, an extreme tolerance for acids and most toxins, as well as a few psychic abilities that he has little to no control over.
These tests however render Billy all but feral. Billy who was already so accustomed to being abused and tormented, now with the subtle influence of the mindflayer still left (not enough to control him, just enough to constantly whisper to him, to tempt him).
He's their most difficult subject by far. He can't be approached without sedation, something they learned early on, but even sedation doesn't last long enough to be fully viable. He has caused more damage to their crew and other subjects than anything else and as a result they keep him isolated as often as possible.
When Joyce and Murray break Hop out, they find Billy too, although they don't immediately recognize him. (The physical effects of everything he's been through have changed him a little. His hands and mouth are black, with black veins visble on his neck and forearms, his head is buzzed, and not to mention the Hannibal Lector get up they keep him in. His eyes are the same though, and that's what Joyce recognizes)
Its Joyce's idea to take him with, and he's pretty well drugged up when they grab him so he doesn't fight the way he ordinarily would.
The problem is from there, once he perks up, he's viscous. He fights like his life is on the line, and he's much stronger than his half starved body would suggest he should be. He wings Murray and almost injures Joyce too, though she manages to stumble onto the one thing that jars him out of his frenzy enough to start talking him down.
She mentions Max.
Its like her name is a trigger word for him. He freezes entirely, mid swing. Joyce capitalizes on this and starts telling him anything she can think of about the girl to help calm him down. She tells him about her new skateboard, about the song she's had on repeat all summer, and even how much the girl has missed him.
That opens a huge crack in him, and he actually speaks for the first time since Starcourt. He whispers with absolutely heartbreaking disbelief, "She missed me?"
Joyce, her mom senses now throughly activated, assures him that she has, tells him that they're going back home, that they're willing to bring Billy with them if he promises not to hurt anyone. She shouldn't be promising this but all she sees is "Hurt kid who really needs some help".
He stops fighting, and agrees with a nod.
He doesn't speak for the rest of the journey, and he still can't be touched without triggering him so they're careful to avoid that. He also doesn't sleep or eat which Joyce finds incredibly worrying but can't do much about.
When they make it back, the group is waiting for them. They told Max ahead if time who they found there too, warned her that he wasn't quite the same, but she couldn’t give two shits honestly.
When he sees her, its like the light flips on in his eyes. She's so familiar to him, the one thing he'd been able to keep a hold of in his mind through all of this, that when he sees her he just breaks.
She's the only person who can touch him without triggering him and she uses that privilege to hold him while he shatters. She doesn't know what happened to him, none of them really do, but she’s determined to help him heal regardless. She feels like she wasted enough of their time before hating him for something she now knew all too well wasn't his doing.
Billy's recovery is rough and slow going. Physically he's doing far better than anyone in his position should be. They discover that he can still eat, just not....food. They tried that once and he got violently ill. The mindflayer permanently reworked his body to be able to digest toxic chemicals, and that's the only thing he can stomach. They try several before finding which ones he actually likes and which ones will feed him but he doesn’t really care for. (Draino, for instance is fine but it tastes weird, where as Pinesol? All day long.)
Mentally however he's a wreck.
He sleeps but only for an hour or two so its hard to miss. He's terrified that if he sleeps too long the mindflayer will find a foothold and take him over again. Plus he's so afraid of the nightmares. He hasn't had one, but he knows if he does, it'll be bad for every one.
He can't tolerate groups, or the smell of antiseptic, bright lights or temperatures too hot. Too cold sucks too but at least it doesn't cause him physical pain, just extra mental anguish. He's still incredibly touch averse, and will panic if restrained in any way.
Max ends up having to ask the group for help caring for him, because he's far too hurt for her to handle on her own.
Joyce has a little leeway with Billy since she kept her promise and brought him back home, back to Max. She's also a gentle motherly presence, which is something he's been starved for long before the Russians. He's still wary, but he'll let her help more often than not.
El, also becomes part of the recovery squad. She understands uniquely what its like to have been a test subject, and to have part of the upside-down living inside. She is familiar enough to him to not immediately trigger him, and small enough that she doesn't register as a threat. The mindflayer reels whenever she's around, which hurts a little but Billy hates the goddamn thing so he'll put up with the headache to torture the thing back.
She teaches him what she knows about how to use her powers, and consequently his own, teaches him how to navigate his mind to the best of her ability, and how to build up mental walls against the mindflayer. It helps IMMENSELY, and before he knows it, Billy has built a box to lock the mindflayer inside of.
It also has the unintended side effect of letting Billy explore his consciousness and address his traumas in a unique way. He's able to see his memories from the outside, see how he's been treated without bias, and come to realize how desperately unfair it was.
For a while it makes him angrier, because he can see how much all of that cost him, how badly it really hurt him, and how much of his life it ate. The year the Russians took from him is nothing compared to the 18 that Neil took.
But with time and care, especially from Max, El, and Joyce, he learns to refocus on the life he's still got left. And once he starts thinking of it that way, he lives with a vengeance.
He refuses to let any more of his time pass in pain. Yeah, things are still rough, he still doesn't like to be touched without someone notifying him that they're going to do so, and he still jumps at loud noises. He's having nightmare, but at least he sleeps enough to have them. The mindflayer is quiet, all sealed up in its box, and he's got a near constant eye on his sister, safe and sound.
Things could be better, and someday he'll make them that way. Because if nothing else, Billy Hargrove is a survivor.
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wack-ashimself · 2 years
I was not a fan of the ending of Strangers things 4...
Of course, spoilers.
It felt like the WHOLE season was leading up to 'to be continued' cuz outside of papa finally dying (love how they NEVER covered how he survived being attacked by a monster in the first place), and them tying all the seasons together, you get absolutely no closure. No real character growth either (outside max and 11). They only have a cameo of dustin's gf, and she's fucking adorable! I will admit, tho, I am glad they went full murray this season. He makes every scene pop!
#1-Eddie's death was unneeded and dumb. Him stalling the bats did NOTHING for ANYONE. We all knew SOMEONE had to die, but bringing in a character and killing them off seems to be their motif (see max's brother). Eddie was...better than almost every lead. Seriously. You fucking dicks. And it was such a pathetic death too. Know how I guessed he was gonna die? ONE scene just before he died with dustin, wrestling, and saying 'don't you ever change.' I was like 'that is totally a last line of a dying/going to die person.'
#2-Either the trio being caught by the vines/tentacles happened WAYYYYYY WAYYY after almost everything else OR the bad guy didn't want to kill them. Cuz they were on those walls a LONG fucking time. But the editing/timing of that scene was fucking dumb.
#3-the whole 'we killed the bad guy, oh wait, he's wounded, and he ran away to do bad deeds another day' HAS BEEN DONE YOU LAZY FUCKING FUCKS! Seriously, I could not NAME all the movies and shows that did that. It's growing as I speak I bet...know who that panders to? Simple children.
#4-This wasn't the finale, but it bugged me: bringing in a neck bomb device to control 11 only for it to be removed MINUTES later? No fucking point in even fucking doing it. Just keep her drugged or something. Cuz if she is there to save the world, threatening to kill her helps literally no one. Not even the doc. Makes NO sense. 'Last ditch effort' to do WHAT? If he kills her, they're all dead. WHY even threaten?
#5-You coulda easily killed the hippie stoner pizza dude. He...was okay. But kinda like the vanilla in neopolitan ice cream: the last part anyone wants...
#6-Max isn't dead. Bad guy kidnapped her to feed off of her or some lost in limbo thing. Otherwise, they would have straight up killed her. So it's not really...interesting. Or a 'what's gonna happen.' Trust me. If they 100% killed max, I'll eat my words but...as my best friend said about her 'she's my favorite on the entire show.' She is LOVED by fans. They won't kill her. She's...too big to fail. lol
#7-I wanted the reunion of 11 and hopper way sooner and longer. It was like one of the best moments of the series, and you guys didn't even milk it. I usually ain't one to say milk a scene, but get a big pail and MILK THOSE SCENES IN THE FUTURE!
#8-a white straight dude threatening to break the arms of a small black girl? That does sound like the 80s...made me uncomfortable tho. The things you could do/say before the internet....would blow your minds.
#9-I know it's all about the looks/screenshots, but far FAR too many scenes do NOT look natural. Entering/exiting always felt....choreographed. The scene where they all look at the dust/ash coming from the sky, 11 marching up front and touching the ground? None of that felt real. Why would all of them stop perfect....it's just...it looks good, but not relatable, real, or authentic. It's almost accidentally breaking the 4th wall by going 'remember this is a SHOW! So let's give them a performance. Dance monkeys.'
#10-The parents, like all of them but joyce and hopper, are terrible fucking parents. They just don't care. It's more about appearances with them.
#11-The bad guy controls almost all living things in the upside down, but doesn't consider, once, to have a couple attack dogs guarding his body? I know by the time they got to him, he was weakened, but they didn't even show the unconscious bodies of the things. BATS was your go to? And your only line of defense besides vines? What a dumb mother fucker. I'm sorry, but if I was a bad guy in any of these shows, it'd be one episode. I'd win, everyone would be dead. These bad guys are so...cocky, they don't think. Which...ok, saying it out loud: maybe he was SO confident of winning, he didn't believe he'd need attack dogs? But,. still, WHY THE BATS then? There's just so many plot holes/errors in his judgement....
#12-the final fight scene was boring. I waited HOURS to get to the big fight, and it was lackluster. Everyone remembers the rock concert on the trailer. No one cares about the vecna/11 fight. I mean, we ALL knew exactly what was gonna happen. It happens EVERY season. 11 doubts herself, looks to be down for the count, then magically thru sheer will power & friendship becomes a god....so by the books. The final season better make it good.
#13-so...on the run from a government organization looking to kill her....and....she...goes....to...her old house? They have hopper's addy. When ANYONE sees hopper, they will know where he's at....and why wouldn't the government go to check on ALL her known associates and locations? Just....it's a nice scene, but entirely impractical.
#14-The little kid sister is my personal fav character. She stands up for what is right, EVERY TIME. NO character has done that. Every single one has kinda sold out at one point. Ok, maybe not dustin...but he's like a teddy bear.
#15-...............no one working a pizza place at anytime in history would just let you do what you want in their building for a joint unless they hated their job, knew they were quitting and moving away. Hippies aren't even that stupid or giving.
#16-paul reiser's character better be alive. I like him. (he's also hilarious in the boys season 3. Is this his comeback?)
#17-again, not the ending, but papa had to be shot THREE TIMES WITH A MILITARY SNIPER? Is that explaining how he fought off the dog monster in the previous season? Cuz he's fucking ripped or something? Those bullets GO THRU. They do not stop. He had HOLES in his body. And if he truly cared for 11, why wouldn't he remove her collar IMMEDIATELY. She could have saved your dumb evil life. Everything with papa pissed me off cuz it was 'all over the place, we'll figure it out later' (and they never did. HOW THE FUCK DID YOU BRING BACK SOMEONE WE THOUGHT WAS DEAD AND NEVER ATTEMPT TO EXPLAIN IT! DICK MOVE!!!!!)
#18-seeing that white boy jock get confronted that his gf wasn't perfect, flip out, and get the shit beat out of him was fun.
#19-I also did like that they failed in the end, but...that, again, just leads back to the whole 'to be continued' vibe of this season. This whole season was backstory and foreshadowing. Nothing seems to matter this season except moving to next final season. Outside of the story of vecna, 11 and hopper meeting...this season was filler for the most part. It was WAY better than last season, but that's only cuz they finally made all the seasons connect.
#20-you could have killed hippie dude, any of the parents outside hopper and joyce, even any one of the leads minus dustin (they aren't that good at acting as I thought....some people do get worse the more they do something. Mike and Will were fucking awful in practically every scene this season), but you TOOK EDDIE YOU FUCKS! It deserves two points on this list!
So yeah. I don't care that they killed eddie, per say, but how/why he died was fucking stupid in every sense of the word. Go out in a blaze of glory? Nope. Fall off my bike and get picked to death by murder bats. woot woot.
I may just watch the last episode of the next season. Just get to the meat of it. Cuz....it took about 5-6 episodes for this season even to be interesting. It's not a horror movie. Maybe sci fi thriller, but it's not scary. I don't think ever once this series scared me. So quit trying to do dark/foreboding scenes and MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN!
End of rant. I had type this or scream this, and I am not in a yelling mood just yet....
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kaypeace21 · 3 years
Will and the car on fire (theories)
*this is just under the assumption this is Will in the pic and not some other character. Which is still very possible .
Why it could be Will (it's for sure possibly not)
But, most of the rebuttals saying it's not Will are iffy. Cause we really don't have much evidence to point to any 1 character. Like the hair counterargument: that the hair is too long to be Will's .Will's s4 body double has a similar hair tuff on the back of his neck. And we know st uses camera shots of the back of Will's neck/silouette ,in past seasons . So doing so here could make sense. And Will of course is the most associated with fire: using fireball for Will the wise in s1 (3 times), the will the wise drawing from s2 had flames on his cloak, Will being being burned in s2,etc.
So...Will looking at lightning. And (Will?) looking at fire. Both have a dark full body sillhouete and red in the forefront .
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We also see this character is possibly wearing a watch like Will?
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And i've been hearing this a lot here ... but southern california (where the Byers are) does have a lot of trees lol. Not sure why people think otherwise.But, regardless a trip from cali to Hawkins would most certainly have some forrest.
*Also, any movies I’ll be mentioning (in the theories , below) were stated to be inspiration for ST.
So theories...
Theory 1) It's Joyce's car ( and it was rigged  to explode/look like an accident by Brenner or Lonnie). And Will wasn't there but sees it in a nightmare cause it's already happened/or it's a dream vision of the future.
Evidence:  CAR TROUBLES: Joyce’s car model was infamous for exploding in car accidents-being sued by the state of Indianna before the start of the series. We also have Alexi tell murray about a way to cause cars to explode-and turn people into dust (and make it look like an accident). Brenner’s name means “to burn” and he already hurt 1 mother to keep a subject -so not out of the realm of possibilities for him to hurt Joyce (and make it look like an accident to try and get Will and or el). 
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In s3, we have Jonathan and Hopper try and fix  the car-and after this cars explode with people inside. Jonathan lifts the car hood- and notices someone rigged nancy’s car . Than,  right after,Billy’s car lights on fire with him inside. With Hopper (he also lifts the car hood) and joyce barely escapes the lit car (but she may not be so lucky next time).
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 We also have Joyce tell Will 3x she’s going to be ok... which is a bit overkill if she will be OK ... 
And, notice during the hoodlift we see Will observing- which is similar to Alexi watching and warning them before hand that the car (with Joyce inside) will explode. So it’s possible foreshadowing since Will may predict the future and was was paralleled to Alexi.Alexi ‘can we watch lonnie toons now?. Will : can we play d&d now?
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movie inspos: 
It’s hinted s4 will be around Will’s b day: In gilbert grape- Arnie after his b day, has his mom die, and a fire was stagged that lit his mom on fire. ( Before this,Arnie was also raised by his older brother Gilbert cause his dad wasn’t around). stoker-  kid’s parent dies in staged car ‘accident’ on her bday (this allows ab*sive relative closer to kid-since dead parent banned him from seeing kid). The kid  was taught how to hunt, by dad. And is also a painter and bullied at school (like Will). what dreams may come-painter blames themselves for fam dying in freak car accident- the relative was getting a present for them when it happened. so they blame themselves. The descent- also had (right before a b day, the main character’s fam dying in a car accident) .And the sole survivor/family member of the deceased hallucinates a shadow chasing her in a empty hospital hall. Get out-photographer (jonathan)blames himself for mother dying in car accident.
There’s also a lot of other films where the kid (for no logical reason) blames themselves for their mom’s/parent’s death: goodson, dream catcher, analyse this,etc. Of course ... this could simply relate to max and el having survivors guilt after the mall killed their family members (in a fake ‘mall fire’). However, a fake out fire causing  family to die (in s3)  could be foreshadowing for it actually happening in s4?
rigged car explosions: scarface -have guys try and bomb a car with kids and parent inside. backdraft -guy raised by older brother had 1 parent die in explosion and sees the freak explosion occur- later in the film someone rigs a car to explode and masks it as a  freak car accident. Same thing occurs in godfather- he sees family member die in rigged car explosion. The dark knight- rigs car to explode. batman v superman- calls superman a demon and says they need to burn the witch that bore him (aka his mom).
dreams (if in the past): Never ending story (reffed in s3)- starts with kid with bowl cut saying he had another dream about his mother who died. Peanut butter solution- kid has visions in dreams about people he knew who died in fire.  this next movie (emily rose) is  said to be Joyce byers inspo according to Winona - has (kid with 2 personalities) have nightmares from the past  of her and her mother burning in a car fire. while screaming/sleep walking she burns windows with her hands -accidentally using her powers. Some people suspect the videogame “life is strange’ is show inspo too- it has character named max caufield with a ‘never maxine rule’, etc. Anyways in the game prequel queer chloe, who plays d&d, would have dreams/nightmares of her nice parent’s car accident . Despite , chloe not being present for the car accident. After the parent’s death,  she’s stuck with her mean step dad.
dreams (if predicting the future): Will says in s3 Will the wise can see into the future. We also see Will/Will the wise via a dream predict Hopper was in danger-saying  to Joyce “he’s going to die”.  In ‘12 monkeys’ and ‘Rebel Robin st novel’ they mention the myth of cassandra- who could make accurate future prophecies , but was cursed to never be believed by those she warned. In 12 monkeys- he tries warning others of a dreaded event in future- and it’s dismissed as  him being mentally ill. Since, Will’s other abilities were dismissed as his ptsd in s2-and with the Byers fam having a family history of mental illness (they may not believe him over such a prediction). In ‘the ring’-the  movie opens with the guardian saying the boy is drawing the car accident that killed his mom -as a psychological coping mechanism. Only for the teacher to say he made that drawing before his mother’s death (and it’s revealed later the boy is psychic). Terminator 2- sarah conner says she is having future visions, which include explosions, and everyone dismisses it as her being schizophrenic. Like how in s2 a scientist said about Will “let’s see if this boy is a wizard or a schizo”.
If joyce survives the accident she may be hospitlized (and unable to have legal custody). In black swan the girl (with 2 personas) -blames herself for what happened to Winona Ryder’s character (who is in a coma after a car accident. They had had a verbal fight before the accident). In girl with the dragon tattoo- the main character (who is compared to a phoenix and dragon) has 1 parent burned in a fire- and after this her kind guardian is hospitilized so they can no longer take care of her- and she is placed with an ab*sive foster dad (who resembles her bio dad). If Joyce was in a coma - it would further parallel her to terry- and be another willel parallel.
 if dead: Tokyodrift- mom loses custody, and dad who is a mechanic and abandoned the family years ago, later gets custody. Super 8-mom dies in freak accident- douche dad gets custody. Book of henry-mom dies pre-film, ab*sive dad got custody. Outsiders- parents die in car wreck, relative gets custody of teen who he slaps etc.In black swan-girl who blames herself for Winona’s accident is stuck living with ab*sive parent. good son- mom dies, stuck with violent and manipulative relative after this.
Of course-joyce may be fine. And Lonnie may just visit for Will’s b-day and ruin shit that way.
Theory 2) It's an undercover government car that Will uses his powers against in self defense... or in anger after they hurt someone he loves.
Joyce about ‘Will the wise’: If he’s so wise, why does he need the fireballs? Why can’t he just outsmart the bad guys? Will: cause the bad guys are smart too. Joyce: so he needs the fireballs? Will: Yeah, to burn them to a crisp.
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* the fact-this flashback happens at a funeral of a Byers, could also be narratively significant as foreshadowing.
Gov agents in s1 are  called “the bad-men” so Will may use fireball on “the bad-guys”(government agents) . Fire has been used on all the other adversaries relating to the upsidedown-so why not the gov agents (aka human villains) next? 2 movies on the inspo list caught my attention: firestarter & carrie (which are both stephen king adaptions with psychic kids who have fire abilities). 
Firestarter- she has pyrokineseis (firepowers) . And unlike every other psychic in the film- she is the only psychic that doesn't get nose bleeds (aka mini brain hemorages) from using her powers (Will). We know el and kali gets nose bleeds.  
(Anger): She only unleashes her fire abilities on gov agents after they kill her parent...
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*And uses a literal “fireball” on them.
Could also be another willel parallel. kali about the US gov:" They took your mother away from you!" El str*ngles man from gov agency that incapacitated her mom . El before str*ngling him: " you hurt mama".
(self defense): While  in carrie  she kills people who tried to run her over with a car. And causes the car to explode.
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Also, in s3 Steve does technically cause a car to explode to protect Nancy from being run over by a car (so maybe foreshadowing?). I believe, tumblr user ‘bran-who-writes-theoretically” was the first to point out the Carrie/car on fire parallel.
* This car scene could also be added to the list of Willel parallels. El  in s1 uses her powers to flip a government-car upside down. And looks back at it. And it’s a ref to the film Et. So Will causing a government -car to explode and flip upsidedown (referencing carrie) could be a parallel. 
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Of course El flipped over a car in s3 to attack the Soviet agents and protect her friends too ( right before losing her powers). Sort of like Steve using his car as a weapon in s3 to protect his friends. so who knows, if not Will, maybe El (wearing a ponytail) got her telekenesis back and she flips the car and it explodes ? To be honest, I just find this explanation too boring, cliche, and predictable. And I still hypothosize the mindflayer took her telekensis (but not her other powers). Since in d&d mindflayers have ‘mage hand’ (what el is called) and ‘telekenesis’/ along with the ability to steal powers from other life forms. But, we’ll see...
Theory 3) The car flips (maybe caused by a deer jumping in the road) and it blows up after the crash- with Joyce inside. And maybe Jonathan survives it/ Will wasn’t there but had a nightmare /vision about it?
Evidence: in s1 Jonathan sees a dead deer that was hit by a car. This could be symbolic : because it related to Jonathan mentioning the hunting story with his dad and how he cried for a week cause he liked the film Bambi. Which in the film : Bambi (a deer) has his mother k*lled. And after his mother’s death, he’s taken in by his douchey dad who was M.I.A for most of his life ,until his mom passed away. And the hunters are the bad guys in the film . In ‘get out’ the photographer , Chris,blames himself for his mother dying in a car accident - and he sees a dead deer hit by a car -and the dying deer was used to symbolize the guilt he has over his mother’s  death. in ‘the long kiss goodnight’ a character is driving home with a friend- they swerve and hit a deer and 1 of them is ejected from the car into the forrest. But their friend is unconscious in the car and it quickly explodes on the road. The survivor turns and sees the car in flames- disoriented they stumble and kill the dying deer. And it’s left ambiguous if they were helping the deer end it’s pain or if it was vengeful-hunting (since it caused the car accident that killed their friend). Cause their face was emotionless from shock.
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Even in the st novel "suspicious minds' rabbits- like jonathan was forced to kill on the hunting trip with his dad (around his b-day) represented the bond between mother and child.And the mother sacrificing herself for the baby-to not get k*lled (by Brenner).
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-so maybe?? jonathan before he gets the pizza job/car (may have his car break down , like hinted it would in s3).
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 So him and Joyce share the car (once his car stops working) and the accident happens while Jonathan is behind the wheel -with Joyce. And after this he gets the job at surfer boy pizza. Billy was a surfer boy and that memory was used to think about his mother who is no longer around (once he's stuck with his ab*sive dad after moving away from Cali). While Jonathan moved to Cali after his mom passed-maybe stuck with Lonnie.Jonathan's actor in recent pics has a blonde mullet - which sort of resembles joyce/Billy's og hair. This may be why he starts doing dr*gs - which is pretty out of character for him- but it could be a coping mechanism(like in the s4 films). One of many examples was 'enter the void'- the older brother was surrogate parent to their lil sibling and after a car accident k*lls his parents , he starts doing dr*gs to cope. Also ‘hunger games’ was on the list- and Katniss (who was a surrogate parent to her litle sibling, like Jonathan is to Will) in the sequel, saw her family die in an explosion. And it really broke her emotionally.
I've mentioned this before but Billy is used to parallel and foil Will and Jonathan. And it may be more than a ... what if Lonnie had custody scenario. But to show how Lonnie (like most ab*sers) will later bring out the worst in the kids (once he does have custody). Like how s3 has Will mimick lonnie with the baseball bat (and we see in s3 Billy being bullied by his dad to play baseball and flashbacks showing him mimicking Neil). I've also discussed how there's a theme with pretty much every character mimicking their parent- for better or worse.
Killing a deer would certainly hint at Jonathan's possible character regression (and mimicking Lonnie to a certain extent). if he not only blames himself for Joyce's death. But is also stuck with his ab*ser.
The animal k*lling motif , and after that, mimicking an a b*sive father is already shown with el. Brenner , in s1,tried to make her k*ll a cat (using her powers) and she refused (similar to the s1 rabbit hunting story of Lonnie forcing Jonathan to k*ll a rabbit ). But in s2, she uses her powers to k*ll a squirrel (and like a deer- it's typical hunting game). Than in s3 el does literally everything Brenner ever asked of her- she spies on people and repeats the words back (like brenner told her to do), she becomes a weapon to ‘fight the commies’ (which was said to be the reason he k*dnapped her in the first place), and when looking into the void to see the mf (she mirrors the words brenner told her - when he made her go into the void to face the demogorgan).
And some s4 movies are literally about being trapped in a house with your ab*ser and slowly losing your mind because of the ab*se and gaslighting- lighthouse , black swan , good son, are prime examples. But movies like scar face , girl with the dragon tattoo, and book of Henry touch on this theme a bit as well. And ordinary people- is about a guy who survived a vehicular accident but his relative in the same accident didn't- and it causes him alot of issues /survivor's guilt.
The shadowy figure could just be Will in the shot - seeing it in a dream before or after it happens?
Theory 4) Will sees a future vision or has his ’now memories’ of someone else's car.
Evidence: i guess the s4 shot parallels El (in s3) spying on Billy while he’s hurting Heather. During that spying scene: the shot is of El near Billy's car. So it’s possibly a diff willel parallel?
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If not Will. Who knows ...if El’s telekenesis is gone maybe her spying abilities strengthened and look different because of it (and now she can see background details)?
Theory 5) it's Lonnie's car and Will escapes from the trunk and uses his powers in self defense
Evidence: I’m pretty iffy on this one. This goes back to how people suspected Lonnie took Will in s1 (and could be foreshadowing). Even the recent rebel robin book-has characters say Lonnie probably took Will. Jonathan suspected Will may be at Lonnie’s - so checks Lonnie’s car trunk (to see if Will is there). We also see how the mf in s3, knocked people out by dr*gs/str*ngulation, ties them up, and throws them in a trunk (to k*dnap them). Or how the cops raided jonathan’s trunk- which had stuff to track the demogorgan (and the demogorgan parallels Lonnie) . And after looking in Jonathan’s trunk-they suspected something fishy is going on.
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*heather was described as “another me” by Will- who was thrown in the trunk.
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movies: “tangled” was on the s4 list- and had an ab*sive parent later try and kidnap their kid ,and that parent ends up dying. in girl with the dragon tattoo (the girl associated with dragons & phoenixes-  lights her  ab*sive bio dad on fire. In ‘drop dead fred’ (girl who is in love with childhood friend, named Mikey, who she met at age 5) lights a imaginary version of her ab*sive parent on fire - while in a trippy memory world. Chrissy accidentally lights her ab*sive relative (nickname “daddy”)  on fire in self defense- in a trippy hell memory scape. in ‘long kiss goodnight- the girl with 2 personalities (Will/will the wise) was kidnapped and put in a trunk and escapes by jumping into a quarry. Not sure if that could relate to a flashback or something else? like in ‘don’t breath’ the older sibling who essentially was a surrogate parent to the younger sibling-mentions how their dad left the family, and her parent would throw her in the trunk for hours as a punishment.
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lightsupinthenorth · 4 years
Harringrove teachers AU part 2
Part 1
First of all, thank you very much to everyone who read, liked and/or reblogged the first part. Also, to the people who reacted or said nice things in the tags: you made my day with your sweet words <3
Tag list: @twoprettyboys, @inkedplume​, @marianaosborne​, @liglitterbug​, @hmg621 @spreckle @goldenweatherharringrove
If anyone wants to be added to or taken off the tag list for the future posts of this AU, let me know ;) 
Trying to avoid Steve Harrington soon proved to be impossible. He was pretty much everywhere. The fact he was close to Robin and Heather, who Billy himself had quickly befriended, didn’t help. Steve was always hanging with them in the teachers’ lounge before class and eating with them at the cafeteria at lunch. And, as if it weren’t awkward enough already, Steve and Billy almost never interacted directly. Apparently, Steve was tolerating Billy’s presence, but it didn’t go any further than that. Beside a half hearted “hello” when they saw each other, Steve barely ever said anything to him.
Billy tried to start conversations with him. Several times. But Steve always answered shortly, so Billy dropped it.
And he was angry about it.
Because, even though it pained it greatly to admit it, Billy would have loved for Steve and him to be friends.
Every single person in this school seemed to adore Steve, from the students to the staff.
At least a couple of Billy’s students arrived late to English whenever they had Math with Steve beforehand. They always served Billy the same excuse: they had a question of utmost important to ask “Mr. Harrington”, and it couldn’t have waited their next Math class. Billy didn’t buy the bullshit. Strangely, no one arrived late because they had something to discuss with the teacher when they had History with Murray or Science with Sam before English. Half the students had a crush on “Mr. Harrington”, and that was it.
The students regarding Steve like some kind of God was bad enough without the other teachers doing it too. Robin and Heather hugged him all the time, and Murray was constantly holding him hostage about some weird documentary he had watched or whatever theory he had last come up with, and the school counselor, Joyce, smiled extra warm every time she saw him. Even Hopper, the headmaster, would light up when he talked with Steve.
And Billy understood why. Because, while Steve didn’t lose any love on Billy, he was a ray of sunshine to everyone else. He gave his coworkers bright smiles, asked them how they were as if he genuinely cared (and he probably did) about what was going on in their lives, he gave his students encouragements when they came to the teachers’ lounge asking for him during recess (which happened far more often that it should have) because they had trouble with some mathematical concept that Billy didn’t give a damn about.
Steve was a saint with everlasting patience… Except when it came to Billy, apparently. And Billy was so envious he was nearly green with it.
He was also feeling self-conscious, wondering what Steve had seen in him to shun him even though his kindness knew no bound where anyone else was concerned. It couldn’t just be that Billy looked unprofessional, right? Some people that he’d seen Steve interact with enthusiastically had traits far more negative than that, at least in Billy’s book. It made no sense and frustrated him to no end.
He was starting to think that Steve’s dislike of him was just a visceral reaction and had no valid reason. Then, Steve had to go and do something confusing.
Billy was eating lunch in the cafeteria, waiting for Heather and Robin (and Steve, by extension) to join him, and Steve sat down in front of him. Billy immediately noticed the huge piece of chocolate cake on his tray.
“How come you got some cake? I saw someone take the last piece right in front of me.”
Billy was feeling absurdly sour over it. He could have really gone for something sweet.
“Oh… Maria saved it for me.” Steve admitted.
At least, he had the decency to look sheepish.
“Right…” Billy replied, pouting a little.
Of course, one of the lunch ladies had put a piece of cake aside just for the Lord and Savior of Hawkins High. Billy should have known.
“Do you want it?”
Billy blinked at Steve, answering a second too late to appear unsurprised by the question.
“Ugh… no, thank you.”
Had Steve really… offered to give him his dessert? Had he really been nice to Billy? Or had Billy just hallucinated the entire thing?
“You sure? I honestly wouldn’t mind…” Steve said, looking at his plate rather than at Billy.
He was just saying that to be polite, obviously. Billy wasn’t going to take his dessert away from him. It would only make Steve dislike him more.
“I’m sure.”
“Okay.” Steve looked up from his plate and offered a small forced smile, before focusing on his food once again.
Things were already back to normal (ie. Steve not talking to him), then.
Heather and Robin arrived barely a minute later, saving them from the awkward silence that had taken place after their thirty-second conversation (if it could even be called that).
As soon as he had finished eating, Steve announced:
“I’ve gotta scoot. I have to prepare some stuff before my next class.”
He had already got up from his chair when he reached the end of his sentence.  
“You still on for tomorrow?” Robin asked.
“Sure thing. See you then!”
Steve took his tray and walked toward the exit in quick strides.
“What’s tomorrow?” Billy asked.
“We’re going to Benny’s coffee shop to grade some papers. You can come if you want.”
Billy had just played himself, hadn’t he? He had asked out of curiosity. He hadn’t been expecting to be invited along to whatever Robin and Steve had planned.
“I wouldn’t want to intrude”, was Billy’s last ditched effort to avoid what was sure to be an extremely awkward afternoon.
He could have come up with some fake excuse, but he was uncomfortable with the idea of lying to Robin. Because she’d been nice to him so far, and also because he was almost certain she would see right through him. She was far too observant for Billy’s good.
“Nonsense, you wouldn’t be intruding.” Robin rolled her eyes.
“Uh… okay, then. Thanks.”
Billy was about to eat his vanilla pudding, aka his sad non-chocolate cake dessert, when Max came up to their table and awkwardly said “hello” to Heather and Robin.
“Something you want?” Billy questioned, because she was obviously there to ask him something but wouldn’t spit it out.
“I’m going to Art club this afternoon. It ends at six… Will you come get me?”
Billy arched an eyebrow.
“We have an Art club?”
Also, since when was Max into art?
“Yeah… well actually today’s the first session… whatever. Will you drive me back home or not?”
“Can’t you skate?”
Now Billy was just being an asshole. Max had been skating to and from school most days since, according to her, it was “uncool” to be seen hanging with a teacher… which was stupid because 1. Billy was her brother, and 2. There was nothing uncool about him.
“I… ugh… well. I broke my skateboard.”
Max bit her lower lip.
Billy sighed.
“Yeah… sorry.”
“Okay, fine, I’ll drive you home.” Billy conceded, making a quick mental note to go buy Max a new skateboard. For the third time this year.
“Thanks. Later.”
She was gone as quickly as she had come, leaving Billy to deal with Robin and Heather’s puzzled faces.
“What was that?” Heather asked.
“Maxine Mayfield…?” Billy said, hoping to avoid this particular conversation.
The universe didn’t want him to avoid things that day, though.
“I know that, dumbass. You know each other?”
“Yeah, she’s my sister.”
“What?! How come we didn’t know that?”
“We don’t have the same name, whatever. It’s not that big a deal.” Billy mumbled.
“Yeah… but still… you could have told us.”
“Here honey, have some cake, it’s delicious.” Robin said, extending her fork to Heather.
Billy was thankful for the distraction. But he mainly focused on the cake, that he had only now taken notice of.
“Did Maria save that for you?” He asked.
Robin frowned.
“Yeah, how did you know?”
“Never mind.” Billy said.
Billy chose to stay at school after his last class and to wait in the teachers’ lounge until Art club was over and Max was ready to go home. He would have used the time to grade some papers, but he was supposed to do that tomorrow afternoon with Robin… and Steve. So he spent the hour and a half reading, instead.
He went to the classroom, which Max had given him the number of by text, five minutes before the session was supposed to end. He waited at least fifteen minutes before the first student left the room, greeting Billy on the way out.
Max came out last, along with El, the headmaster’s adopted daughter. She was one of Billy’s students. She had some troubles in English because, from what he had been told, she had only started learning the language recently. She was pretty quiet, maybe because of that exact reason, but she seemed like a very sweet girl. It would be good for Max to hang out with her. Billy didn’t dare ask because he didn’t want to put Max on the spot or make her feel bad, but he feared she had yet to make friends at school.
Billy’s thoughts were interrupted when none other than Steve Harrington emerged from the classroom right after the girls. Well, that explained the ten minutes Billy had had to wait.
Steve had paints all over his hands, and some on his shirt. There was even a little blue spot on his cheek. He looked painfully cute. Billy didn’t like it one bit.
“Billy?” Steve asked, sounding as shocked as Billy felt. “What are you doing here?”
“I came to pick my sister up.” He said, gesturing to Max. “You run the Art club?”
Billy didn’t mean to sound this disbelieving, but he was having a hard time reconciling Math teacher and art enthusiast. Was that judgmental? Was Billy a hypocrite?
“We don’t have a real art teacher so… uh… for lack of a better option, I’m taking care of it for the time being.”
“You’re great at it, Steve.” El said with a beaming smile.
Did all his students call him Steve or was it only the headmaster’s daughter? Billy was intrigued.
“Oh thanks, El. You’re too nice.”  
Billy almost said: “that’s the pot calling the kettle black”, but he thankfully kept his mouth shut.
Steve locked the classroom door and then turned back to them.  
“Well, girls, Billy, have a good weekend. See you on Monday.”
“Actually, you’ll be seeing me tomorrow.”
What had happened to Billy’s mouth staying shut?
“Oh… you’re coming? That’s… that’s great.” Steve stammered.
He smiled, but it was too late: Billy had seen the disappointment in his eyes.
“Yeah… great. Have a good evening, Steve.” He sounded cold, as he said it.
“Y-you too.”
Yes… The coffee date was going to go swimmingly.
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storybookwolf · 4 years
Halfway There
[My contribution for @jancyweek2020 day 2. There were two possible themes: Dor (the heartbreak and sense of longing you feel because you’re separated from your love) and Reunion (an instance of two or more people coming together again after a period of separation). I started writing this as a reunion story, but a lot of dor crept in there. Reunions can be very sweet when you know they are only temporary! 
NB: Greenville is one of the most common town names in the US. I haven’t attempted to guess where the Byers now live – all I know is it’s a long way away!]
Nancy really wished she’d had a second coffee at that diner.
Yes, the first one had been disgusting – it tasted burnt, left a gritty residue coating her teeth and tongue, and was served in a chipped, ancient mug. But coffee meant caffeine, which meant energy. And she was feeling a severe lack of energy now, two hours after leaving that roadside diner and following the highway through indistinguishable, nondescript towns and fields. Her eyeballs were starting to hurt.
Jonathan was right about this being the maximum any sane person would want to drive in a day. When he’d told her how far away he was moving, she’d been full of confidence that she could tackle any distance if he was at the other end of it. But the reality of hours and hours behind the wheel was proving her wrong. Her leg kept cramping, the tape deck had eaten the roadtrip mixtape Jonathan had sent her, and she desperately needed to pee (another coffee would only have made that worse, so maybe it was just as well she’d stopped at one).
But she was nearly there. She only had to keep it together for another twenty minutes or so and it would all be worth it. She’d arrive in Greenville, a town that was just as nondescript as all the ones she’d driven through en route, but which had one very important thing going for it: it was roughly halfway between Hawkins and the town where Jonathan now lived.
The Byers had stopped at a motel there when they left Hawkins back in October. Joyce had taken a book of matches from the front desk, and seeing it sitting by an ashtray in their new kitchen sparked a plan in Jonathan’s mind. They were too far apart for study sessions, or going to each other’s proms, or any normal teenage date. But what if they could each get away from their families and schools and jobs for one weekend? A motel halfway between two small towns could be their little oasis. So Nancy had hit the road early on a Saturday morning, her mother pressing Tupperware full of chocolate chip cookies into her hands (Jonathan’s favourites) and her father sternly warning her about road safety.
When you factored in all the time spent driving there today, and the time it would take to drive home tomorrow, they wouldn’t actually have that long together. It was going to be worth it though, to see him. She needed to be with him, a longing so intense that it still shocked her, even though she’d been living with it for months. It was a need to have sex with him, obviously (they definitely weren’t getting a double room this time), but it wasn’t only that. More than anything, she just needed to be near him. She felt safe and comfortable with him in ways that were impossible when they were apart.
There was so much that she wanted to talk to him about, but also a few topics that she knew they would just skirt around. The biggest one, of course, was that graduation was around the corner, and they hadn’t decided what came next. That Nancy was desperate to get away to college, to start a new life completely free of interdimensional monster and government conspiracies and small-town small-mindedness. That Jonathan wanted all that too but couldn’t afford it. Couldn’t leave his family, who were dependent on him. (Didn’t want to leave his family, who he was dependent on. Neither of them had ever said that part out loud.)
Nancy didn’t want any of that to impinge on these few hours that they were going to have together. So she would bite her tongue, choose different topics, or just make sure that their lips were otherwise occupied. Reality could wait for a little bit longer.
A faded billboard announced Rest Easy Motel next left – colour tv, ice, kitchenette. She glanced at her eyes in the visor mirror, relieved to see that her eye makeup had largely survived the journey. Not that Jonathan would care; she could have rolled straight out of bed into the car and he’d still be happy to see her.
The car park was fuller than she’d expected, but she managed to manoeuvre her mom’s station wagon into a space. She got out of the car, and was still scanning the lot for a rusted LTD when she heard his voice. ‘Nancy!’
She turned to see Jonathan emerging from reception, room key in one hand. Her heart quickened as he jogged towards her. His hair was longer, he was wearing a jacket she didn’t recognise, and he was beaming at her, looking more relaxed and happy than she’d ever see him before.
Meeting him halfway across the car park, she launched herself at him, and he kissed her with an intensity that rivalled that night at Murray’s. When they stopped to catch their breath, he stroked her face gently and gave that familiar half-smile that took her breath away.
‘Hey,’ he said. ‘I’ve missed you.’
Less than twenty-four hours later, Nancy was back behind the wheel of her mom’s Mercury and on her way back to Hawkins.
Their one night together had been perfect. It was exactly what she needed. She’d spent the night in Jonathan’s arms, she’d vented to him about everything from the annoying jocks in her homeroom to how much her mom was drinking, and he’d made her laugh and believe that everything would be okay.
So why was there an ache in her chest that grew more intense with each mile that ticked over on the odometer? It was as though this lightning-fast reunion with Jonathan had just reminded her how much she missed him. She’d been in a desert for months, parched and dehydrated. Now she’d had a few drops of water – and instead of quenching her thirst, they’d made her whole body cry out for more.
They were both busy (him especially), so it would be a while before they could do this again. She knew they’d get through it, like they had so far. But god, she wished they didn’t have to.
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darth-el · 4 years
Battle Of Starcourt
Pairing: Steve x Henderson!Reader Warning: Bit of violence but nothing too bad A/N: This was based on a request and I’m so sorry it’s taken so long to post, but I hope you enjoy it and feedback is always welcome.
Starcourt was in complete and utter chaos when you arrived with Joyce and Hopper. The chaos had seeped into the atmosphere, everyone was talking over one another trying to make sense of what happened and how it was all connected. You immediately ran over to Dustin and tackled him for a hug taking him by surprise. “Oh my god Dusty!” You screamed as you never thought you were going to see him again after being chased by the Terminator himself.
“Y/N!” He pushed you off as if he was embarrassed but his smile said otherwise. “I never thought I was going to see you again!” He clung onto you tight and you hugged him equally tight, until it sunk in fully what he said.
“What?” You looked at him shaking your head slightly and blinked several times hoping you misheard because he didn't know what you were doing so he must have been talking about himself. Your eyes start scanning the room while he explained about the Russians and the elevator, the moment he mentioned Steve your eyes zoned in on him and he was beaten and bruised but you were angry that he endangered your baby brother's life.
“STEVE!” You shouted storming over to him, fortunately you and Steve were close so you knew you could shout at him if need be and say what needed to be said and you'd be fine within in minutes. He backed off slightly when he saw you marching over to him. “How could you let my baby brother almost get killed?” Usually you'd hit him with whatever was in your hand, but you didn't want to hurt him more.
“He said we'd be American heroes.” The moment he said that he knew how ridiculous that sounded.
“We get chased by the goddamn Terminator, and you almost get killed because you wanted to be heroes.” You were about to hit the roof. You could hear the in the background Erica insulting Murray which if you weren't so angry you would be laughing.
“I'm sorry.” He held up his hands in defeat, in that moment you instantly turned soft.
“What happened to you?” You asked looking at Steve's face very worried, and concerned that he had become Hawkins' own living punchbag.
“I got tortured and drugged by a bunch of Russians.” He said like it was nothing.
“Your brother saved us.” Robin interjected proudly, hoping it would be infectious. You did feel proud but he shouldn't be living through the things that he has.
“How badly does it hurt?” You cupped Steve's chin to get a better look at the damage.
“Really bad.” He winced as you gently moved his head.
“Give me a second,” You walked over to your bag and dug through it looking for painkillers as you never left the house without them. “You did good Dusty, I'm proud of you,” You smiled at him as he watched you go through your bag. “If you do anything like that again though it won't be Russians you have to worry about.” You lightly nudged Dustin who nodded as he knew you were like a protective mama bear when it came to him and his friends. “Here you go.” You put the painkillers in Steve's hand smiling.
The plan had come together and you were going with Hopper, Murray, and Joyce down below, Murray was not happy about the codename at all. “Keep my baby brother safe or I will send you to the Upside Down.” You threatened Steve with a soft smile.
“You stay safe.” Steve hugged you tightly ignoring your threat, you couldn't help notice there being a smell lingering on him but you weren't entirely sure what it was; you just hoped it wasn't a new cologne he was trying. When he let you go you gave Dustin another hug.
“I think you need keep Steve safe more than he needs to keep you safe.” You whispered making him laugh and agree with you. You took off his hat and ruffled his hair which annoyed him as he stuck the hat back on. Give you one more hug as you parted ways.
You could tell Hopper was getting inpatient by Murray conversing with the Russian soldiers who were interrogating him. The moment Murray slipped up Hopper open fired, Joyce screamed loudly at this but it got the job done faster. You became used to Hopper's bull in a china shop mentality, sometimes it worked and others it didn't. This was one of those times it didn't fully work, meaning you all had to improvise. You had to admit to yourself that you looked good in the Russian uniform and you were planning on keeping it, once everyone had their uniforms on you and Joyce hopped into the back of a vehicle and made your way to the first location until you felt it stop, you both wondered what happened. Laughter was heard and it made you really confused.
“Why are you talking so much?” Joyce asked Murray as she climbed out with you following behind her.
“He was nice,” Murray said nonchalantly.
“He was nice?” Joyce reiterated trying to wrap her head around this interaction.
“He was a nice guard.” Murray was getting tired of having to explain himself.
“Yeah, I mean, we should probably invite him over after all this done,” Hopper rolled his eyes trying to antagonise Murray.
“I could bake him a casserole.”
“Get a six-pack, share some laughs. You know, have a drink.” Murray was seething at Joyce and Hopper's attitude but you were thankful they weren't arguing for once. Murray opened the vent and communicated with Scoops Troop.
“I hate children.” He sighed as he climbed and instructed you all to smile and nod if anyone said anything. You were sitting in the corner trying to stay out the way of Joyce and Hopper because there was still tension in the atmosphere and you didn't want to get stuck in the middle of it again, like you had done for the entire day. Hopper was pacing and worried for El which was understandable. The tension left the air once he admitted that they were a pretty good team. You were like a fly on the wall for the whole conversation about making it out alive. You squealed once they finally arranged a date making them both jump and turning their attention to you.
“Sorry,” You beamed happily while clapping gently. “It's finally happened,” They looked confused at your statement. “Murray isn't the only one who thought it was a lovers quarrel.” Your smile was huge, over the past couple of years Joyce had become like a second mom and Hopper was like a father figure so you were insanely happy to see that this was their time.
“We have a problem!” You heard Dustin yell down the walkie talkie.
“What kind of problem?” Hopper went into survival mode almost instantly as did you as Dustin explained.
“Bald Eagle has landed.” Murray interjected.
“How much longer?” Jim asked sounding desperate.
“I don't know, I've never done this before!” Murray shouted down the walkie talkie and then made a comment about love birds meaning he was close. The alarms were going and you ran through the door to do what you needed to do as it was time. You ran into a Russian and the only word you understood was the name 'Mikhail' and you just smiled and nodded until he let you three go. You fell through a door and found a safe. The code you were given was wrong and you hit your head against the wall while Hopper and Murray argued. Dustin's voice was on the other end and what turned out to be Suzi's voice who was pleading with him to do something which was the worst possible time. You were stifling your laughter when you heard them both singing, but it was really sweet. Hopper was looking like he was contemplating his life choices and Joyce was ready to give up until they heard the code and immediately punched it in.
You were standing in the room with the weapon which was severely malfunctioning thanks to Murray. It was a relief to know everything was about to end as Hopper got the keys out. Hopper was keeping watch and you were getting ready to turn the keys on three. Hopper was suddenly thrown across the room and you looked round to see the Terminator fighting Joyce who ran for the gun. You tried to fighting him, but you ultimately lost because of the advantage he had over you which meant you ended up in a pretty bad way. You weren't ready to give up though, you tried tripping him over which worked until he grabbed your leg and forcing something to break making you scream as you heard a loud snap as he got up you felt the sole of his boot hit your face knocking you out.
You woke up and everything was silent, Hopper was nowhere to be seen, Joyce and Murray were trying to carry you back to the surface. You winced at the pain when realised there was more weight on your leg than there should have been. The gate was closed and you felt like it was over.  Government soldiers helped you onto the surface. You hobbled about looking at the utter chaos that had ensued above until you were taken over to an  ambulance. While getting checked over Steve ran over to you hugging you ignoring the paramedic who was about to give you something for the pain. The pain shot through you like lightning.
“Jesus Christ.” Steve laughed relieved to see you were still alive.
“How bad do I look?” You asked still wincing in pain.
“Worse than me.” He teased moving a bloody strand of hair out of your face making you laugh. Dustin climbed into the ambulance pushing Steve out of the way. The paramedic rolled his eyes.
“Only one person can be in here with her.” He sighed giving them a death glare. Steve gave you kiss on the top of the head and climbed out letting Dustin stay with you. The paramedic administered the painkiller and Dustin's babbling became more and more funny to you, you were really enjoying this drug.
Once you had your leg in the cast due to a clean break in your foot thanks to the Terminator, Steve came in with some flowers he had got in a gas station on the way to you, Dustin was asleep in the chair curled up. Steve placed the flowers on your lap, you grabbed his hand and started stroking it.
“I hate the Terminator,” You joked shaking your head as you picked up the flowers and started smelling them. You couldn't really smell them as you were pretty sure you had lost your sense of smell. The painkiller was wearing off but you were still giggly and you hadn't regained your social filter.
“I'm glad you're safe,” Steve smiled taking the flowers from you making you fight back, so he could put them in the vase by your bed.
“I'm glad I'm safe.” You giggled sitting up a bit more in the bed. “I'm also glad Dustin kept you safe.” You smiled at him poking at his nose and cheek with your index finger making him laugh. Your pupils were the size of dinner plates still.
“He's a fighter, and he gets that from his sister,” Steve laugh was soft and gentle.
“Yes he does,” You grinned at Steve making him laugh even more, both of you forgetting that Dustin was asleep in the chair.
“Now that all this over,” Steve sighed contently making himself comfortable on the bed and wrapped an arm around you making you look up at him wide eyed, he wasn't sure if it was from the drugs or if you could read his mind. You hummed in response. “Do you maybe want to go on a proper date?” He asked slightly tensing up from the thought of rejection.
“A date date?” You asked to clarify as your head was becoming foggy.
“A date date.” He smiled pulling you tighter.
“I would love nothing more.” Your mind was getting foggier by the second but you knew you wanted to kiss him, so you decided to try pull him in for one.
“Nope, that is not happening.” Dustin blurted out pretending to wake up but was obviously listening to entire conversation.
“Dude seriously.” Steve laughed.
“Date her, yes. Anything else is a strong no.” Dustin stated as he got up and left the room. Steve turned his attention to you but you had fallen fast asleep in his arms.
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forhelvede · 5 years
Where the Storm Meets the Ground Ch. 7
Crying. Sadness. Bleh.
Chapter 7- Save the World (You Couldn’t)
Alexei didn’t seem to like that there was still distance between his and Laurie’s lips. His head came off the pillow, his lips pushing into hers. Laurie knew she shouldn’t, but she pushed back, enjoying the feeling of their lips pressed together.
How long had it been since she had been kissed?
She pulled back once, but missed the feeling of his lips against her and kissed him again. But she knew she had something she had to do, so Laurie gave Alexei one more quick kiss and then straightened up. He started to frown, but Laurie smiled down at him. “You need rest. I need to check in on the others. You’re safe here.”
“But what if they find me here?” he asked, his brow creasing as he contemplated being shot again.
“Jim took care of Grigory. They think they killed you. You’re safe, Alexei. I promise,” she said. “Just rest and I’ll be here when you wake up.” Laurie leaned down again and kissed him once more. She could definitely get used to this.
Alexei seemed to begrudgingly accept this and laid his head back on the pillow. “Be safe.”
She gently ran through his hair one last time and then turned to leave, a part of her not wanting to leave the room, but she knew Alexei was safe; it was time to check on Jim and Murray.
It took longer than she would have liked to get a taxi to take her to the Starcourt Mall. As she waited for her ride to show up, Laurie considered just going back to up to Alexei’s room. But before she finally decided to go back inside, the taxi showed up.
Laurie could tell something was wrong before they were even close to the mall. There was smoke in the air and a lot of lights that she could see from miles away. The cabbie didn’t want to get too close, and there were already cops blocking the entrances into the parking lot, so Laurie had to pay cabbie and get out of the car.
After flashing her badge to the cops and soldiers around, Laurie headed towards the epicenter of the drama: the mall.
The parking lot was full of cops, soldiers, and what Laurie could only assume was the fucking Department of Energy. She made her way through the maze of people, flashing her badge again and again as people tried to stop her efforts.
“Laurie?” she heard someone call her name.
She turned on her heel, stopping her progress and looked around. Her eyes flitted from face to face, not recognizing anyone until finally she saw him.
“Murray!” Laurie shouted and ran towards him. He was wearing what looked like a Russian military outfit. When she reached him, she threw her arms around him, hugging the paranoid man. “Jesus, Murray. What did you do?” she asked.
He hugged her back, seemingly surprised by the response. “It’s a long story.” They pulled away from each other. “Alexei?”
Laurie smiled, clapping him on each shoulder. “Our little Russian is going to be just fine. Surgery went well and he’s resting.” She looked around, looking for any sign of Joyce or Jim. “Where’s the others? Did they find their kids?”
Murray was silent and she looked back at him, noticing the look of sadness on his face. Murray never looked sad.
“Murray?” she pressed, confused.
“Jim…I’m sorry Laurie, but Jim didn’t make it.”
Her hands fell from his arms as his words set in. Jim didn’t make it. But Jim Hopper…Jim was a badass, how could he not have made it?
“But…Murray, that doesn’t make any sense,” she finally said, her brain feeling like it had slowed down immensely. It just didn’t make sense.
“I’m so sorry,” he repeated.
A ball welled up in her chest, rising from her stomach, through her heart, and into the base of her throat. Murray stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her awkwardly, but firmly. She resisted at first, but let herself be enveloped by his grasp. Laurie set her head down on his shoulder and let the tears start to fall. Her body shook as she sobbed.
She never really loved Jim. He was only ever her brother-in-law and she didn’t figure that was part of the deal, but she had liked him at one point or another. He had been her sister’s love. Her niece’s father.
He had his problems, sure, but hadn’t Jim Hopper always been a good father?
He didn’t deserve this, certainly. He didn’t deserve to die.
And they had never gotten to speak. Never gotten to really clear the air.
She had never gotten the chance to tell him that Sara’s death wasn’t his fault.
“But Jim…”
“Oh Laurie…” Joyce said quietly as she came up beside them. Laurie didn’t have a chance to lift her head before another pair of arms, much smaller than Murray’s, had wrapped around her as well.
“Joyce?” Laurie asked through her sobs, double checking her initial suspicion.
“I’m here,” she said in her very comforting mom voice. “I’m so sorry about Jim. I know you two weren’t close, but he was still family. I’m so sorry.”
The trio stood there, holding one another, as Laurie let herself cry over a dead ex-brother-in-law.
“Was it worth it?” she finally asked in a quiet voice, her crying subsiding. “Did it mean something?”
“The world is saved. For now,” Joyce answered.
Laurie didn’t like the sound of that.
“Is this…is this something I should know about?” a man asked.
The trio pulled apart to look at who was talking to them. Laurie saw an older man standing there, looking quite official. She looked questioningly at Murray, raising an eyebrow. He shrugged slightly.
“Oh, this is the Dr. Owen we were talking about,” Joyce said, filling the other two in. Joyce pulled completely off of Laurie and Murray. “Dr. Owen, this is Murray Bauman and Special Agent Laurie Miller with the FBI.” Laurie realized that Joyce was also wearing a Russian military uniform.
Laurie moved out of Murray’s grasp and held her hand out to the Doctor. “Nice to finally meet you,” she said.
Dr. Owen took her hand and shook it. “And you. Joyce says you have a Russian scientist in your custody?”
She nodded. “Dr. Alexei Petrov is at the hospital recovering from surgery to remove bone from his heart.”
“And what does the FBI want to do with this Russian scientist?”
Frowning, Laurie shook her head. “My orders are to turn him back over to the Russians.” The reminder made Jim’s death hurt more. Even if the world had been saved, was this really a happy ending?
“What?” Murray and Joyce yelled at the same time. Murray grumbled something about typical American government.
“The FBI is of the opinion that none of this is real. That we were played. They don’t want anything to do with the Russian or Hawkins or this. I’m to return to St. Louis immediately and forget this ever happened.”
Owens stared at Laurie. She couldn’t tell if he was sizing her up or what. “I think, Special Agent Miller, that that sounds like a good idea,” he finally said.
“WHAT?” Joyce shouted, even louder.
He held up a hand. “I think Agent Miller can hand Dr. Alexei over. And I think she should go back to St. Louis and forget this happened.”
Laurie understood what he meant. She wouldn’t be handing Alexei over the Indy office, but to Owens. They would help him defect and get him citizenship. The FBI didn’t have to know. As far as her boss could be concerned, the Russian was sent back to Russia.
Maybe this way she could keep her job and Alexei wouldn’t get killed.
But would she ever see him again?
Laurie nodded regretfully. “I think you’re right, Dr. Owens.” She took a step closer to him, leaning in. “He becomes a citizen. He stays safe. That’s the deal.” Laurie leaned back, watching his face closely.
Owens nodded after a moment, regarding her carefully. “Deal.”
She nodded again. “Okay. Okay.”
After a moment, Dr. Owens left them alone, promising to take good care of Alexei. It didn’t make Laurie feel any better, but what could she do?
“Do you want to meet El?” Joyce asked.
“I don’t know. It’s kind of complicated, right? And I didn’t know Jim that well.” Laurie shook her head. What could she say to this kid? “No, I’m going back to the hospital. Alexei shouldn’t be alone any longer. Besides, I’ve got to be back in St. Louis. I want to say goodbye to Alexei.”
Laurie hugged Joyce tightly, telling the woman to take care of herself. She gave her her card, just in case, and then turned to Murray. “Consider your information deleted,” she told him.
His forehead creased in confusion.
“I don’t know how it’ll get deleted. I certainly won’t pull a favor from a guy in tech, but poof. So if you want to stay in Sesser, it’ll be fine,” Laurie said, pulling the paranoid man into a hug. “Be safe, Murray. Keep an eye on Alexei, if they’ll let you.”
“I will.”
She gave him one last squeeze, surprised by how much the past few hours had made her care about this crazy man, and then she let him go and headed back towards the edge of the parking lot to go back to the hospital.
She had to say her goodbyes.
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tonyajace-182 · 5 years
WHERE IS MY SEASON FOUR!? [Contains Spoilers]
Overall Conclusion:
I don’t feel satisfied, like at all.
So much happened and I loved every single bit of it, but it felt too much like a build-up. It actually felt a lot like a season 1 than it did a season 3 (if that makes sense).
I don’t care about Nancy and Jonathan. Their story line bored me from S1. Don’t get me wrong I’m happy they lived and have such a strong relationship between them; but their story line is of no interest for me. They are definite side characters to me that would rank like in the way way lows on my ‘characters of importance list’.
I’m actually really really proud of Karen Wheeler. She said no to temptation and that is admirable. I feel like I owe her an apology because I literally expected the absolute worst of her. As in, I was mentally and inwardly hating on her before I even watched ep1. I feel bad, especially after she had the heart to heart with Nancy.
Sorry Mrs Wheeler.
Unexpectedly…. I think I might have a new ship or bromance. Murray and Alexei were just so cute to me. The child like marvel Alexei had was endearing, plus Murray’s attentive enlightening was cool to see. They may have been minor but when they got screen time they really brought the sweet fluff vibes.
I noticed that everyone was split into small groups (probably because they are too big to properly develop altogether as one big group). What stood out to me a lot was the dynamic’s always tended to take on a rather family vibe. Two characters would play the parents roles and the others would act the role of children. For example, Jopper were the parents, Alexei and Murray the children. Steve and Robin were the parents, Erica and Dustin the children etc. Between that, they would also switch it up with a bit of Teenage dramatude (Drama plus attitude). Jopper bickering and Murray calling them out. Jancy having real adult talk about life. Steve and Robin talking about that hard knock life. The teens being actual teens.
Real talk though, I’m proud of the kids.
I felt Lucas had a lot more to offer this season. Although, at times he really did seem a bit clueless, I don’t know. He definitely came off as a bit of a dick sometimes (both him and Mike) towards Will. Glad he chilled out later, said his apologies and stuff. I love the Mileven scenes, but Lucas and Max deserve a tonne of credit for this season.
But Max deserved the most.
I loved Max the second she was introduced, I thought she was awesome. This season I seriously name her the ultimate Wifey/best friend a guy and girl could have. She sticks to her guns, you know. Dating a boy doesn’t change her. She knows who she is and what she wants and fights to get it. She was a GREAT influence and pal to Eleven, exactly what El needed, in my opinion. My heart broke for her when she faced Billy. For whatever reason, I got the impression that she and Billy had bonded or something since Season 2. Either way, it hurt to see Sadie/Max slapped out of the way like that. Then when she cries over Billy- It broke me.
I’m glad Will kind of got a break this season. A little disappointed he didn’t really get to do much, other than be an informant. I spent a lot of the time expecting him to reveal he was actually still infected by the Mind flayer the whole time. Also, no one is going to convince me that Will is not gay or bi. The way he stares after Mike and El every time they run off together says so much. I just- after everything he’s been through, both physical and emotional intimacy is something I think he’d crave a lot of. It’s the gender I think he wouldn’t care about. Regardless, Will needs love and gods someone better give him some next season. Also, did no one else keep thinking he was like Spiderman with his mind flaying senses?
Mike was the real Nerd or Geek boy representative this season. I enjoyed seeing how gangling and similar to S1 he was. It was nice not seeing emo Mike. However, the constant doubt and questioning slowly became a bit much. Frankly, I was relieved when he and Max had that argument. I don’t like Mike when he’s in doubt or unsure on stuff. He was okay, but not really an interest for me this season. As I said, I thought he and Lucas were assholes for their treatment of Will. The car ride he has with Hopper will forever be my favorite scene of Mike’s this season.
I really felt for El this season. She’s been put through so much and-…… It’s still too raw and fresh. I can’t talk about it without getting upset. But to summarize: I’M SO FUCKING PROUD OF HER!!
Dustin. Any chance I get to hear Gaten sing is a blessing to my ears and food for my soul. I love his voice and he is so talented. He’s been my fave since the first episode okay. When no one believed him about Suzie, honest to god I wished I could be there to tell him I believed him or some shit. Beyond that, I laughed when he basically said he won’t tell the others about the Russian message because they didn’t believe him about Suzie. That was so petty but I loved it. The bonding between him and Erica was also great. Regardless… out of all the kids Dustin made me the most proud and is still my favorite.
I live for Erica’s sass, but at some points she did test me a bit.
Or maybe I just wanted her to ease up on the feisty attitude towards my baby Dustin.
Steve and Robin had me fucking scared! When they got captured I was shitting my pants imagining all the worst ways they were going to get tortured. I knew since the promo pics that I would love Robin- because I loved the expression on Maya’s face that promised so much attitude and sarcasm. She wasn’t too much of a nag, and while I had mentally labelled her a lesbian queen in my head. When she confesses to Steve I lost my shit. I fucking lost my shit and had to take a break and everything. Then Steve was perfect with his response. I don’t care Steve Harrington will be revealed as BISEXUAL before this fucking show is over!! He just has to!! He is both a MOM and a DAD!! Let’s just say I need more Steve and Robin scenes in the future. Jancy can get like cut or less scenes ok! I need Steve and Robin!!
Joyce….. I can’t talk about her without-….. I just can’t.
Hopper…. Fuck…… I can’t.
Stranger things season 3 was so good but just not enough. It was too short- too brief and left me with so much to process!!
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