#so i can drink it faster
me, giving my dog a bowl of ice with treats frozen inside it that will occupy him for a While: haha silly dog with your silly enrichment toy. surely we have nothing in common!
me, not even ten minutes later: oh boy genloss!!
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Actually it's pretty fucked up that other people's only concerns about skin conditions like acne is "be glad you don't ACTUALLY look like that" or "it's so hard to look at [you]"
This applies doubly so for people who have disabilities, such as mobility aids or prosthetics. Beauty culture is a fucking poison.
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child-ofdust · 21 days
i wish i could just sleep forverr or maybe just be able to rot in bed every day every hour but i cant and it makes me so sad
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gay-artificer · 10 months
Basically everything we see in RW is a direct descendant of heavily modified organisms, with a bit of a split between fully organic genetic modifiers to the introduction of foreign parts. This is undeniable. However I'm begging people to understand that nature routinely produces weird shit on its own and that's so much cooler than just 'anything slightly weird must be the result of modification and meddling in the process'
Please have some whimsy!!! bioluminescence!! Tool use!! Communication via static electricity! Electrical shocks as an attack method!! Beetles that spray caustic acid that can burn skin! Lizards that fire slime out of their tails!! These are all real things that are on this earth just because nature gets weird with it!
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nerosdayinanime · 7 months
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fun little experience from my tags in idiots play gta
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put way too much effort into copying the background to not show it try n guess which office its at<3
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
Voyager insisting that Tuvok and Janeway never go into each others quarters - meanwhile I (the arbiter of truth) know for a fact that they are always in each others rooms, occasionally wrapped up in the same blanket, sometimes falling asleep in the same bed etc.
#Voyager writers are liars and cowards#they are best friends and by god...if I have /anything/ to say about it they're gonna be so comfortable and intimate with one another...#and I have a /LOT/ to say so v_v they are#Tuvok&Janeway are like...all other Vulcan-Human friendship goals to me and that's how I think of them interacting in my mind's eye#No one else can even touch Tuvok's shoulder without him looking like alarm bells are ringing but then you see#Janeway resting her chin on the top of his head and complaining about something which Tuvok replies to - getting a laugh out of her#Tuvok is Janeway's oldest friend and the only person she has an uncomplicated relationship with aboard Voyager and I want them to act likeit#She vastly outranks everyone else and Chakotay is Maquis + in love with her so that's complicated...Tuvok should be the guy she#can really just let loose and be herself with (especially earlier in their journey)#I love two people who seem to be (and are) very serious but when they get together they get a lil goofy with it#Everyone on Voyager thinks Janeway & Tuvok sit around drinking tea and being serious when they're alone together#but really they're hardcore goofing off (AFTER work is done of course) bc they really deserve it...life is hard in the delta quadrant#they deserve a little 'drink a milkshake as fast as you can in an unspoken competition to see who gets brain freeze faster'#st voyager#Tuvok#Janeway#Janeway only going to Tuvok for advice? BOO. Go to him so you can annoy your best friend with random bullshit
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whentherewerebicycles · 11 months
also I KNOW that all my college and high school friends are not actually announcing pregnancies or births at a higher rate than usual I’m just more hypersensitive/attuned to this kind of news than usual but also sometimes I feel an uncontrollable rage in my heart towards these people who are 1) getting pregnant for free and 2) getting pregnant, period. I recognize this as an irrational and unfair emotional reaction! it’s not like these people can help being straight and/or having uncomplicated pregnancies! but also I can burn with suppressed rage and grief about it!!!
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2023 is gonna be the year i start allowing myself to buy 'disability aids'
things that may not seem practical but will greatly improve the ease of which i'm able to tackle everyday tasks
things that i may not have looked into because 'those are for people more sensitive/disabled than I am'
things that make my routines easier to follow or easier to build habits that seemed like monumental tasks
this is the year im gonna actually be gentle with myself
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coldcrypt · 7 months
was talking to a friend this time last year about disordered eating and weight loss goals & going shopping together for some new clothes. Saw her a cpl times the past month and she looks amazing. Flat stomach, thin face, ribs and hips. Everything fits her perfectly. She followed through with what I wanted for myself while I drank to oblivion for pretty much 12 months and just gained 20 pounds.
Have got to get at least as thin as her
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freckleslikestars · 9 months
how am i learning only now that what you call apple cider in America is not, in fact, alcoholic, but is simply cloudy apple juice?
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hopefulyellowlamp · 2 years
why the fuck did you drink three monsters
well you see, so it all started about a week ago, when my friend got some unfortunate news and i decided to hold a movie night for just the two of us (we will make it if we tryyy jsut the tw)
anyways so fast forward to yesterday we agreed on me, getting the snacks and she'd get the drinks, easy peasy lemon squeasy. so i got some chocolate buttons and some pringles (not sponsored) and some lemon cake and oreos(also not sponsored)
but then you see, she showed up with four monsters (two for each of us) which was all chill all cool im great at energy drinks (i get the best grade(which is both possible to achieve and normal to want) so i think nothing of it)
and basically she felt sick after drinking two and i suggest ill just keep the last one, but the thing is she had already opened it, and i was already in the midst of my second one so now its 10pm and i have one and a half energy drink in my stomach and to-be-in-my-stomach.
so i drink it slowly while playing minecraft and gridning diamonds (i got 2 stacks from the mines LETS GOOOO)
but yeah i drank 3 monsters and my mind is going 23059325 miles per hour (i dont even use miles idk what it means something something 5 tomatoes?)
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thesquidkid · 2 years
Roswell, New Mexico as a brickfilm, part 4/?
In honour of me joining the discord server about 1 year ago, 1x05 Kyle and Alex discover the room beneath the cabin
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fragrantpines · 1 year
i think my favorites in tale of food are stacking up because i decide to check out the food souls available in wikia and oH MY GOD i dont know who to choose anymore 🥹
the food souls that caught my interest so far are:
toSO WINE AJAJAJAJA he's like a tsundere based on his voice lines [sighs lovingly] i want him to be my pookie bear 🥹💗 BUT why his legs translucent tho? hmmmm
yunlin xiangyao [correct me if i'm wrong!] the snow motif food soul. i like his design and tbh i love all of the character designs lol and he's like a disney princess huh and i read some of his voice lines and stories in wikia and omg he's so sweet 🥹❤️ want him to be my pookie bear #2
zhen mingzhu – another food soul related to the sea [side eyeing yusheng] and he seems to carry a burden though he keeps mentioning about sins and prophecy. i'm eager to know more about him >~< my pookie bear #3
i'm really desperately clinging to yangzhou, dezhou and yusheng right now cuz I CANT AFFORD HAVING NEW FAVES im broke as hell right now 🤣
- zella
(Shakes in chair) You have no idea how much joy it brings me to see that you're interested in Toso wine. Shifu is the best I will die on this hill no matter what happens 😤✊️ I'll leave a spoiler in the tags about why his legs are like that but for those who wish not to be spoiled too much, just know that it's,,,, sad,,,,, very sad,,,,,,,,
Yulin!!! He really is just like a disney princess and like every princess, he's well loved by everyone (side eyes the fact that he's one of the must pull characters). His kindness is soooooo warm, I can't wait to see he and Toso appear during half anniversary 🥺🥺💕💕💕
Ngl, Mingzhu is one of the food souls I know least about because he doesn't really appeal to me. However, after you mentioned his story involving sins and propechy, I am now HIGHLY interested and will go check him out after.
(Pats you) No one can escape this fate, Zella anon. The more you try to push away food men, the more they'll come and hit you from the side with their attractiveness. Simply accept all of them and pray that they'll come eventually wwww
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windmill-ghost · 1 year
I feel so wretched that I got so hyped for doing a TDH project act talked about a bunch and spent so long planning it and then ran out of steam before I even started. I want people to be interested in my ideas so much, but if anyone actually is I just do nothing but let that person down.
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rosaacicularis · 1 year
i just thought of probably the most homoerotic fanfic scene like ever and i think i might just fit it into the hockey au….
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lunarlegend · 1 year
.... 🙃
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