#so here is this
zephyra-in-the-house · 3 months
Don't Mention the Kid
"It was at this moment that he knew... he fucked up."
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Here's a little depiction of that time in Chapter 6 of my fic "Second Chances" where the leader of the mercenaries, Junfeng, mentions MK and Macaque goes absolutely ape shit
(Lords I hope the quality isn't as bad when upload it as it is right now LOL)
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wetdog2003 · 3 months
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Speedpaint, trying to feel out working digitally again :3 About 50 minutes in total, ~7 minute clips edited together sped up 16x, so flash warning Finished piece under the cut
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perigilpin · 1 year
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thedreamerstoryteller · 6 months
When the night has come.
And the land is dark.
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And the moon is the only light we'll see.
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No, I won't be afraid.
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Oh, I won't be afraid.
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Just as long as you stand.
Stand by me.
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askmorro · 9 months
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beetle-oxart · 9 months
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filmbyjy · 2 years
JAM OUT - seven! a very much needed explaination [written]
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synopsis > who knew you’d break the first rule of being in a friends with benefits relationship? maybe it was lee heeseung himself that made you catch feelings. either ways, he doesn’t do feelings and you knew that. as your relationship with heeseung strains so does the band. what happens then?
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warnings: light smut but not entirely, I’m just talking about when the fwb situation started.
note: uhh this is different writing because unfortunately I did not save it anywhere before my account got deleted but hey, new writing (sort of)
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you would be lying if you say you didn’t create that song for lee heeseung, the man who took your virginity. the same lee heeseung you’ve known since middle school.
yes, you knew heeseung since middle school. it was a shocker but didn’t want to tell anyone you’ve met him since then. so you kept it secret and just simply told everyone you knew him since high school.
one thing you did miss about heeseung’s middle school phase was the fact that he wore cute glasses, it adorned his chubby cheeks. you missed that but by the time high school happened.
lee heeseung was the hot topic of every grade. girls constantly lined up for him but of course heeseung never let you go. you were his one true friend out of everyone. until a little bit later, the boys came into the picture. along with yeji and ryujin. it was all great.
but falling for him was a huge mistake. you told yourself, you were not in love with him. it was impossible. not when he started playing with every girl’s heart! how could like someone so heartless.
and you did. you foolishly fell for lee heeseung. never confessing to him, watching your heartbreak left and right when he ignores you. it was painful.
painful enough for your own brother to notice. which is when jungwon devised a plan, he cant let his sister be sad. never. jake and sunoo became your distraction, all thanks to jungwon. however, you didn’t know. you simply thought they just wanted to be your friend. jungwon cant let you know that, it would break your heart.
first year of college happened and then decelis was formed. becoming a band was out of the ordinary but not exactly. not when you and heeseung were the ones who started this.
of course, in college everyone wanted to loose their virginity and you lost yours. it was all in the courtesy of heeseung. it happened on any fine normal day, one that you and heeseung grew accustomed to in your shared home.
it was warm out so you chose to wear some scandalous short skirt to classes, paired with one of your laciest underwear you had. you clearly underestimated the weather after and you were to lazy to change into something else by the time it started to get colder.
as you laid on your tummy, you moved around a little and your skirt rides up your thighs. you were sure lee heeseung was a pervert because he could clearly see your underwear.
“pull down your skirt, I can see your lacy panties.” heeseung says as he continues to type away on his phone, probably talking to some random hook up for the night.
you yelp, “what the fuck.”
“what? its a normal reaction for a boy to notice a girl’s panties are being shown.”
“uhhh no its not. moreover, you do not see me as a woman.”
“(name), you live with like hormonal boys. I am sure its a normal reaction and what do you mean we don’t see you as a woman?”
“well for one, you definitely do not see me in that light.”
“what do you mean?” heeseung sits up.
“you don’t think I’m worthy enough to be fucked.”
“(name), that’s complete bullshit.”
“then prove it.”
once you uttered those words out from your mouth, heeseung pushes you down onto your mattress. your hands on either side of your head. heeseung’s silver chain dangling just above you. the same silver chain that you gave him in middle school as a birthday present. it’s surprising to see him still wearing it after all these years.
“didn’t take you for a bratty bitch.”
“heeseung, let go.” you struggled under him.
“you wanted me to prove it, baby.” oh how the nickname gave shivers down your spin.
“i didn’t mean it literally.”
“oh really now? why does your body respond to my touch hmm? do you want me that badly?”
“its bad to lie, babe.” your heart races a million times worst. heeseung’s eyes dripping with lust as he continues to stare down at you. your body betrays you and you whimper.
“im sorry. please, I need you.” with that, heeseung smirks. he leans down captures your lips.
part of you thought this was bad. friends shouldn’t kiss. it must’ve preoccupied your mind too much that you didn’t kiss heeseung back. he pulls away and looks at you with worry.
“you know, if you dont want this. we don’t have to do it.”
“no, its okay. take my virginity, lee heeseung.”
it was all that took for lee heeseung to actually take your virginity that night.
and apparently, he couldn’t get enough of you because he came back for more. despite not talking about it the day before. which hurt you though you knew it was a one time thing.
“lets become fuck buddies.” he asks on a random day in the living room.
you look around the living room, hoping none of the other boys were around, “what?”
“they aren’t around. I miss your body. you were the best sex partner I ever had.”
“oh so you didn’t miss me.”
“(name), you know what I mean.”
it was silent.
“fine. let’s be fuck buddies.”
there were rules implied in your sex buddy relationship. one, you were loyal to each other and no one could have another sex buddy. it seems as though you’ve underestimated heeseung because clearly, no fuckboy would keep his true words. 2 months later, the rule was long forgotten, heeseung continued to fuck around with other girls whilst fucking you on the occasion.
deep down it hurt you. it got you all mad.
and that’s when you realise…
you were falling for lee heeseung
taglist[open]: @junnniiieee07 @lhsdiary @woniesbakery @cyuuupid @qimmylol @lhsng @beans-and-jeanes @starggukies @maybee-may @gu8ki @taetaemylovie @thealatte @nyfwyeonjun @sakunasrealgf @diestheticu @mingyuswrld @iloveoceaneyes @viagumi @mymeloem19 @enhasengene @lalalalawon @te44sng @ahnneyong @ii4enha-jwn
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belethlegwen · 2 years
The Faerie Spell
Story Directory: Click Here
Words: 1721
Summary: There exists a banished spell that fae once knew, where you could enter into a pact with a human through a ritual that would allow the fae to become human themself for a time.
This story is about that spell.
But this story is not about that fae.
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There’s been a legend for as long as the Grand Helstion has been alive that a spell exists to make a fae-folk take the full appearance of a human.
It’s not a glamour, as most of the fae tricks to achieve this are; it’s not some visual trick-- though those are useful more often than not. 
No, there is a spell that will change a fae’s shape, their size, and make them truly human for a period of time. How long it lasts, no one recalls; most of the records of this spell are long gone, destroyed in the purge after the relations between so many of the fae races and the humans had fallen to rot.
But the ritual exists in one of the banished books, the ones locked in the Grand Helstion’s Oaken Palace, and it is there in all its glory should you manage to get your hands on the tome. The reason it remains banished, however, is that the ritual required the participation of a human, and the Fae of the Wood are forbidden from interaction with those greedy, vile creatures. It is impossible for a fae to complete the ritual without a human to offer their blood; without a human to offer their hair; without a human to offer their voice.
It works by allowing the fae to steal the human’s size, and much of their shape for their own. The fae becomes a human, and the human becomes fae-like in size… there were rumors that they would literally switch bodies, though there is no mention of this in the ritual at hand. To find a human in this day and age, with the relations between the clans and the kingdoms and the races so strained, who would consent to such a pact would be impossible.
…But what if there was a fae whose boldness and trickery could outsmart even their own kind? A fae whose access to the tome was unchecked, unquestioned, unsupervised? A fae who frequently snuck to the edges of their territory to observe humans in the space where the magic fades? 
The punishment for a Fae of the Wood-- especially of one employed by the Royal House of the Grand Helstion-- who would deign to be known by a human, was banishment and to be stripped of as much as magic as could be ripped from a fae.
But there was no punishment set for a fae who simply drifted back into the woods as a human woman awoke from napping beneath her favourite tree, a cut on her hand and an itch on her head, her voice sore from sleep-talking.
And so the fae, in this story, is the one who’s totally fine.
This time, it had happened during an argument.
It was bad enough living my life according to the whims of some faerie I had never even met. It was bad enough that for safety reasons I wasn’t allowed to drive anymore, that I wasn’t allowed to go anywhere alone just in case. But the fact that it had to happen in the middle of an argument was just the icing on the damn cake.
It wasn’t even an important argument, I was just mad that she never vacuumed while I was home, which I am all the time now because of this stupid, selfish faerie. Using my curse against me as an excuse to not clean was bullshit, she knew it, but she was desperate to try and justify it and pin it on me somehow.
“I never know when you’re gonna suddenly zonk down on me,�� she was trying to explain irritably from across the table. “What if I’m half-way through vacuuming and then you’re running for your life from the roller? You ever think of that?”
“If you ever vacuumed,” I had seethed, hands on the table, “you would know I spend the whole time in my studio! Just don’t vacuum in there and I’ll get to it! There! Problem fucking solved!”
“What about the noise, huh?” She shot back, crossing her arms as she leaned back in the chair. “You complain all the time that the noise when you’re down there is unbearable, suddenly vacuuming is gonna be ok?”
“No!” I shouted, waving my arms out. “It’s not gonna be ok but if you’re vacuuming when it happens then I’m not gonna get mad about it being loud because you wouldn’t have known!”
“Oh, like you’re not mad at me now.” Her eyes rolled back so far into her head I felt I should walk behind her to finish the argument.
“I said that I wasn’t mad at you at the start of this and that I just wanted to talk to you about cleaning, and you’ve instead made this about me.”
“Of course I made it about you, this is all about you, isn’t it?!”
“No, because you live here too and so you should be doing your part of the cleaning!”
“The only reason you care about the floor being so clean is because you spend so much god damn time down there not working now.”
“They’re moving me to work-from-home!” I yelled. I was done now, the working thing was a piece of shit issue to bring up because I was still paying rent and eating into my savings. I had bought all of the stupid doll furniture that I hated, I had paid someone to help make ladders and stairs and shit. “I haven’t missed a single damn bill since this all happened, or even before, so you’ve got no room to complain about it!”
I was so mad, so red in the face, so shaky from how how utterly pissed I was at her that I didn’t notice until the stupid warm feeling that usually serves as a warning had turned into that last-second tingle. Her mouth had opened to shout something back at me when she saw the look come over my face, and her own expression became one of surprise just for a flash, before I was staring at her shins from underneath the kitchen table.
Her legs crossed and the movement almost made me vomit as my body and brain both tried to readjust to the sudden shift. Over two months of this, and I still wasn’t used to it. I found it hard to swallow the bile back down as I spun on my heel and tried to storm from the room. “Guess vacuuming is out of the question now, huh?” Her voice chased me like a taunt, practically loud enough that it was rumbling.
“FUCK YOU!” I screamed back, throwing a middle finger up over my shoulder that I knew she wouldn’t see until I was closer to the doorway.
“Did you forget your stones?” She asked. I didn’t care what tone she was aiming for, it was just such a shitty thing to rub my face in when I was already so mad. I refused to answer; of course I had forgotten my stones. I wasn’t even dressed yet this morning, I was still in my pajamas! Normally I get dressed and shove the stones in my pockets so I can activate the charms-- the charms I bought with my own damn money-- in the event this shit happens, but of course, not today.
The ground underneath me shook as I felt her adjust her position and stand up, her sigh just making me want to scream more, but there was no point in it. She’d hear it, but it wouldn’t exactly carry the same weight. I was speed walking to the threshold to the living room, where one of my little dollhouse setups was; maybe if I made it fast enough she’d leave me alone there for the rest of the day, but the thumping of her footsteps indicated that wasn’t going to happen.
I hate this.
“C’mon,” her voice came on another sigh, sounding defeated, and her feet were practically on top of me. “I’ll take you to--”
“No! Fuck off! I can get there myself!” I shouted back, not wanting to look at her.
“Why?” She sniped back, and her knee dropped into view just to my left. I knew it was coming, but I hated the idea of her seeing me run from her even more than what was about to happen. My muscles went tense as I felt the rush of air that preceded her hand sweeping in to grab me. “So you can call Cal and I can get another earful about how terrible I’m being to you this morning?” 
I had only managed to keep one arm up and out of the way, the other getting pinned to my torso as my feet left the ground. I refused to turn to look at her, or respond, and she luckily didn’t bother to try and turn me around to continue the conversation while I dangled in her hand. I tried to point to the small doll-house room I had set up on the bookshelf as we passed, and she either didn’t see it or was pointedly ignoring it. What was even the point of trying to say anything to her? We were both pissed and one of us wasn’t even six inches tall. 
“There,” she muttered in defeated irritation as she let me go on the desk in my studio, my bigger ‘doll house’ sitting on the far end. “Go bitch about me all you like.”
I stormed off toward the stupid ‘beach bungalo’ kit I had put together, and was relieved to hear my now massive roommate walk out of the room without any further comments. I never bothered with the door anymore; there was no doorknob on it, it just swung on a tiny double-way hinge set up like the door to a saloon, so I just stomped around to the wide-open back of the thing and beelined for the stairs.
“...I just wanted her to fucking vacuum and you couldn’t even wait for that to be done, huh?” I muttered as I flopped onto the stiff and unwelcoming bed, staring out the wide window of my studio. Somewhere, out there, a faerie was walking around town at my height causing all the bullshit trouble they wanted, and I was here, in a doll-house.
Crying, again.
Next Chapter
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foxymc · 1 year
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Thrash to break from gravity;
What now could slow the drop?
All I’d give for toes to touch
The safety back at top.
But this is it. The deed is done.
Silence drowns the sound.
Before I leaped, I should have seen
The view from halfway down.
- “The View from Halfway Down” from Bojack Horseman
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breezypunk · 1 year
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Looking at lights and trees for their house, but Vaughn stopped paying attention to that along time ago.
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i-mybrunettelady · 2 years
A self referential Nyra over the years! Forgive shitty phone editing 🧍‍♀️
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(Graphite on untextured paper)
Another messy sketch
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forthewinn · 6 months
@dynastymuses || liked this for a Taylor Swift starter || Back To December
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"It was when fear crept into my mind." Winn knew that it wasn't fair to anyone in his life, when his anxiety took over. When he gave into the fear and overwhelming urge to run away. When life was so heavy that he couldn't help but just give up on everything and push everyone away. "You gave me all your love and all I gave you was goodbye." He screwed up, he knew that. He was willing to own up to it. But he couldn't help but at least try and made amends, to help them understand why he did what he did.
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angelmichelangelo · 1 year
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calliopen · 1 year
how do you cope with the monotony and tedium of life?
its simple and cliche but you try to see the beauty in it. you look up the sky while you're stuck in traffic and see how the clouds look like an oil painting. you listen to your roommates laughing in the living room. you open all the windows in your apartment all the way and let the sun and the wind fill up the space. you find a detergent you like so every time you open the drier you get to smell something nice. life is boring but its also beautiful. it has to be, for us to keep living it.
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