#so I can eventually do it completely without ref
camscendants · 1 year
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otomiyaa · 7 months
(literally how I named the image, couldn't think of something else)
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Hi guys :') To my followers and tumblr friends, I'm really sorry if my sudden disappearance scared or upset you. It wasn't quite... planned. And today was a busy day and I needed some time to consider what I wanted to do.
Short version of the story:
My tumblr account got terminated for copyright infringement. A certain Mr. Green got me in unlucky trouble (ref 1, 2).
I won't get it back, or try to get it back. It's gone.
Needed a moment to consider 2 options: ask Mia to extend my dramatic farewell letter and stay gone, or make a new blog.
Not planning to post new writing here. I won't be using words like 'never' or 'forever' because I'm a known clown with things like this, but the intention is to no longer post fics. I will finish Tickletober on AO3 and then take a break from writing. So yes, I cancel the swiftscribbles event too, sorry!
When I opened my laptop, I could see my old blog in its final hour lmao (I found out about the loss on my phone). So that's what the snap is from on a fitting grave. It was fun while it lasted!
Long version of the story:
Losing my blog(s): My Tumblr account with main blog + sideblogs got terminated overnight, it was quite the surprise! I've either been reported or tracked by bots. The posts are a bunch of numbered URLs I can't open, but the message is clear: for including anime content, genshin impact or media from other sources (whether it's videos, screenshots, official art, gifs or even fanwork) you technically can get a strike. Upon googling the claimer I quickly found this first, and knew it was a lost cause. Although it feels shitty and unlucky, I am in no place to appeal. It's like when I used to make AMVs in the past, you never knew whether a song or even anime footage was going to give your YT account a copyright strike or even a ban, it was a gamble. I have lost YT accounts before, and now I lost the Tumblr one. With 7+ years of tickle trash content and a bunch of sideblogs. But oh well, moving on!
Starting a new blog: It was a serious consideration whether this was my ultimate chance to do what I've always said I wanted to do eventually - quit my blog. My first thought was to ask Mia to share my explanation and literal goodbye with you guys, and stick to my chaos of a Twitter account to indulge in fandom stuff. But then I thought of how happy Tumblr made me, even without the fic writing, but just.. reblogging things, getting random asks, shouting about life and of course, about tickles. I decided to make a new blog after all, but also decided the following:
The 7K+ milestone swiftscribbles event is cancelled, for which I apologize! The follower milestone, together with the motivation to write the fics, and even the asks with the requests I got, all died with my former blog.
I will see how long I can survive without posting a new fic or drabble. A loose headcanon or two might fly around sometime. And if necessary, a link to a new fic on AO3.
Tickletober? Hell yes I'll finish it, I would cringe in bed for 49 days at least if I would stop. I just won't post the fics here, but on AO3.
Reposting/reblogging my old works? Undecided at the moment but I'm tired and lazy. I don't feel too upset since most of my fics are still on AO3 at least and not completely gone.
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Anyways, I'll see what happens and how long I can enjoy this nerfed version of blogging.
Surprisingly I'm not upset about losing my other blog, there were a lot of memories but it was also very cringe. I'm gonna be just as cringe here, but at least I feel cleansed.
For those who choose to follow me again, thank you, but please know that there won't be much original content coming from me, for now!:)
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morninglarkspur · 3 days
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This took!!! Way too long!!! But I made refs for the eldest three Light kids!!!! Now all my old art is outdated but that's fiiiiiiine. These guys are probably the only ones getting a ref pic for each era of the AU but I do wanna do some refs for some of the side characters like Tempo and Bass!
Putting the info written on the sheets plus some added details below the cut
DLN-000 Blues Light/Breakman
Blues goes by Breakman for basically all of the Wily Era and skips right over Protoman to go by Blues. Due to how his relationship with Rock develops in this au it just doesn't feel right to try and slip Proto in. Break continues to be a name that Rock specifically can still call him even after the switch in names.
He's buster is on his right arm.
Instead of using his faulty core as leverage for getting him to kidnap Kalinka, Wily uses Mega as leverage. This means he doesn't learn about his core still being faulty until after the Wily Era. Haven't decided if he learns about it pre or post Decommission Era tho
Helmet got broken by Mega post MM4. It gets repaired when Dr. LaLinde repairs him after that incident. She also repairs the visor on it, no those are not just his sunglasses. I kept forgetting his sunglasses when drawing him so they just don't exist anymore sorry.
His eyes are visible when his bangs are neat.
Early into the Epilogue Era Roll fixes his core. She can't completely fix all the damages but he's no longer dying and is able to live a much more comfier life now that he's got access to proper robo-health care
Stays weaponized, but rarely needs to use his buster and armor.
DLN-001 Rock Light/Megaman
Answers only to Megaman while under Wily's control. He does respond to Rock when used by Dr. Light and Roll. Post Wily has him slowly re-learning to be Rock. He still always responds to Rock from Roll. By Epilogue he is mostly transitioned back to using Rock. Blues is the only one who can call him Mega without causing distress. Bass calls him Megs and is the only one who does.
During the Wily Era his eyes are capable of becoming blue again in certain situations even while infected. This ability is lost by MM5.
His buster arm is his left arm.
Post Wily has his Copy chip removed, however he refuses to get the virus removed.
His arm was blown off by Roll. He refuses to get it replaced. Dr. LaLinde repairs it to the point where a new one can easily be attached should he change his mind.
He does eventually get it replaced but tears it off himself not long after. When he is finally able to get proper repairs for this, it is permanently sealed. To replace the arm would require entirely reworking his shoulder.
Early into the Epilogue, he has the Megaman armor removed from him entirely and any remnants of his weapons system is also removed. He is entirely un-weaponized. He still retains the virus.
DLN-002 Roll Light/Gigawoman
Roll hates the name Gigiawoman. It is the name given to her by the public. No one important actual uses it so don't expect to see it mentioned often. (Shout out to my friend Axo for the name suggestion tho) She stops using Megaman to refer to Rock very soon after he got fully infected by the virus. She calls Blues Break for the Wily Era and drops it the first moment she feels like she can get away with it.
She loses her right arm to Mega when she happened to encounter him on their activation day. She insists that her arm be replaced by a weaponized one and Dr. Light concedes. Her right arm is her buster arm.
A lot of the choices going into her weaponization is based on avoiding a repeat of what happened with Rock. Her base buster is stronger and her copy chip is altered and given an advanced anti-virus built-in. She is capable of holding up to 3 weapons indefinitely and make it a point to avoid copying new Wily bots when possible.
Her hair got damaged during the same encounter she lost her arm in. She requested that it simply be cut/shaved rather than replaced so she could have a visual reminder of what she was fighting for.
She is the de-facto leader during the Decommission Era, every bot in their group acknowledge her as the leader, even those that give a hard time about who should be leader will default to her lead when it comes down to it.
She makes it a point to not wear her helmet around Rock, hoping that it'll help him readjust to being Rock again.
She remains weaponized but rarely needs to use her buster and armor anymore.
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children-of-subcon · 1 year
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Howdy hey, it's that time again! Today we're introducing a character I've actually been waiting to introduce for a loooong time :D Although unfortunately I ended up REALLY struggling with their colors TmT
Anyways, at least I managed to get something passable?? You win some you lose some, I guess,,,
As always, lore under the cut!
Jargon is one of Ever Isle's locals- so local, in fact, that they've been around as long as anyone can remember! They're known not only for their shapeshifting abilities, which they use mostly for mischief, but also for their business...dealing in eyes. He'll buy or sell any eye you want, advertising them as "upgrades" to give you new abilities! You should know, though, that such powerful objects don't come without a price.
Not only can Jargon see out of any eye it sells to you if they want, but buying or selling one will also sell part of your soul, as well. Eyes are the window to the soul, after all... and Jargon can see right through you.
It's even rumored that Jargon themself was once a completely different person, who stole too many eyes and lost too much of themself that, though he could become anyone they wanted, they could never return to their original form. But those are just stories...right?
Jargon is the definition of chaotic-neutral, and will really only do things based on how they benefit itself. They were originally pretty neutral to the Lost Kids' coup, even sometimes supportive since they thought it was funny, but that quickly changed once the kids decided that THEY counted as an adult and took over her workshop. Now, Jargon and their lackeys are working on taking back the island- with debatable success.
Jargon is first encountered on top of a pyramid of crates, holding Princess hostage! Apparently, their plan is to take her place in order to end the coup (I guess they didn't get the memo about her getting the boot). Of course, they can't have any WITNESSES! Looks like Prince'll have to fight them...woop dee doo.
In case you're confused (which is fair), Jargon and their lackeys are the miniboss for USAU's Barrel Battle! Originally I considered using Lost Kid versions of some certain old minion OCs, but it felt wrong to have Prince just beat up a bunch of children -w-;;. Jargon may swipe their claws around or even turn into Prince himself, but they'll get sent blasting off like Team Rocket at the end all the same.
I actually have NO idea what the music would be, since as far as I know Shapeshifter never got any canon music...although thanks to that one Shane Frost animatic I associate them with Battle With a Gorgeous Foe lol
I'll expand on this more later, but all shapeshifters have tells when they shapeshift, whether it be off-colors or a messed up shadow. Jargon's reflection is the best way to tell, as it will always show what's hidden beneath their facade. Their form may also drop if they get very angry, and though they're a really good actor, they might accidentally break character by laughing at something they shouldn't have.
One last thing... Earl does not like them at ALL. Sure, it's always trying to get them to buy a new eye, but somehow there seems to be more to it than that....hm.
Anyways, that's all folks! The next refs will actually be BREAKING the pattern, and will not be Jargon's swap! They aren't even in this area, so it wouldn't make any sense to do them lol. Don't worry though, we'll get to them....eventually -w-"
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hopeaterart · 1 year
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Aaaaand I'm done for busts of other characters in TMNT: From the Hidden City because I didn't feel like drawing fullbody refs! In order from left to right (and under the cut because this is long), we have:
Slash, the leader of the Animal 5, an amateur garage band/vigilante group in the Hidden City. He's a tortoise yokai, and somewhat hostile to the Turtles at first since they seemingly came out of nowhere during the Tournament. Nonetheless, his heart is in the good place.
Mona Lisa, a member of the Animal 5. She's a salamander/axolotl-like alien, and her temper (which matches Raph's easily) doesn't undermine her intelligence. She and Raph quickly bond over how much they have in common once the initial hostilities are gone.
Leatherhead, a member of the Animal 5. Unlike the others, he's a mutant, mutated from a baby alligator that was splashed in Mutagen the night the Turtles were made. Unlike the Turtles, he didn't get the luck of a caring parent when he somehow escaped back in New York, and was forced into horrible things by his captor. Nonetheless, he was eventually able to find his way back to the Hidden City. Despite his scary appearance, he's a sweetheart.
Mondo Gecko, a member of the Animal 5. He's a lizard yokai and an otherwise regular civilian in the Hidden City, content with living a simple life. He got in the Battle Nexus on a bet and for a chance at the prize money, but found a talent for fighting along the way. He's the more relaxed member of the Animal 5, and was the one who came up with being a band to cover their vigilante activities.
Miyamoto Usagi, an apprentice member of the Hidden City's old guard. He's very dedicated to his training, and his peers describe him as incredibly mature and talented for his age. The only person who's been able to get underneath his mask is Leo, who's earnestness and kind heart are able to drag out Usagi's own inner child. He has a strange power that allows him to peer in other universes, and often uses it to ask advice from a certain older, more experienced version of himself.
Shinigami, a sorceress who was born in the Foot. She's Karai's most trusted associate and long-time girlfriend. Compared to said girlfriend, she's much more laidback and casual, and more willing to have fun on missions. She's still very much loyal to her. Some could argue she's more loyal to Karai than she is to the Clan... her magic allows her to hypnotize people and transform into a cat.
Jennika, a member of the Animal 5 and a frog yokai. She's actually a spy for the Foot, having been recruited during the Battle Nexus by Karai. She keeps them updated of what's happening in the Hidden City, but slowly comes to questions herself as the story progresses. She fights like a boxer, and can secrete poison.
Koya, a bird Yokai and a recent addition to the Foot. She was recruited during the Battle Nexus by Karai, and is part of her squad as a scout, archer, and air fighter. She's quick to attack and dislikes hesitation, conflating it with cowardice. Once Karai leaves the Foot, she very quickly realizes how insane everyone in it truly is without a buffer (Karai), but she believes that leaving now wouldn't do any good.
Bepop and Rocksteady, two thugs who were mutated by Draxum during his test runs of the second iteration of mutagen. They were hired by the Foot as muscle before Donnie could administer the retromutagen, and they often serve as comedic relief to Karai. The both of them are also complete idiots.
Goro and Blaze, Karai's mentors and technically her adoptive fathers. When Shredder isn't around, they run the Foot Clan to the best of their abilities. Goro knows bits of magic, and Blaze possesses enough brute strength to level a building.
Kirby O'Neil, April's father. He's a comic writer and illustrator, and created a relatively obscure comic that's just popular enough to pay the bills. Even so, he has an additional dayjob as an editor for a journal so he can make sure his daughter doesn't miss of anything. He's a hardworking man who often worries for his daughter, but can clearly see that she's at her happiest being friends with four green weirdos. His necklace is a gift from his late wife...
Lou Jitsu, Splinter's former identity. Martial Arts master. Even better at improvising with things such as ladders and fish. Movie star and celebrity. Bisexual icon. Once yelled out 'Hot Soup' instead of 'Hatsu' during the heat of a fight and it became his catchphrase. Has had it enough with the casual racism and homophobia of the early 2000 that he ran off to another dimension to marry his girlfriend. Certified monsterfucker.
Dr. Honeycutt, a technical war criminal from another galaxy. Regretful of his past as a weapon maker, he escaped to Earth where he was found by the Hamato clan. He is a friendly being, who's regret over making weapons have made him take a vow of pacifism he swore not to break.
And the Crying Titan, also known as Venus. She crashed onto Earth a few millenias ago, and is responsible for a bunch of things. From creating Yokai-kind (accident) to giving the founders of the Hamato clan their powers (willing). Baron Draxum was her student, and his mourning of her death at the hands of a nascent Foot Clan quite literally resulted in him creating the Hidden City.
If you have questions about any of them, or the plot of TMNT: From the Hidden City, don't hesitate to send me an ask!
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tinukis · 5 months
some details about one of my one piece ocs, Z here i should like draw proper ref of Z soon bc i think abt the little guy often. if i do talk about him more and draw him, i may just reveal his real name eventually
anyway theres really nothing happy about this boy from what i shared and i still have nothing happy. however the reason he even still holds onto life is because of books. he loves reading about adventures, whether the tales are from real journalists or something made up. it inspires Z to continue living on despite being chained down in hell
thats not what i actually wanna talk about, i just wanna talk abt something more lighthearted. while Z does appreciate all the strawhats, the ones hes most particularly fond of are luffy, nami, and robin
not that any of them told their stories, but that those four can really sympathize with Z. nami especially can relate with how Z believes he needs to shoulder everything himself to save his island considering hes only 13 enduring all this pain and suffering-- how he even refused to ask for the strawhats help until things were extremely desperate and that he had to accept that he really was powerless to do anything.
doesnt help that Z's "foster family" fed the strawhats too and how charismatic they are- Z thought that they were completely entranced by them so they wouldnt believe a word a bratty kid would say. and when Z felt completely helpless, he had pinned the blame on the strawhats and wished they never met bc things did go downhill for Z since his arrival
with robin, Z would talk about his favorite book and robin adores how he'd light up talking about it. not to mention him getting really excited when robin said she read the book before and gave him recommendations. (and as a parting gift, she gave Z a book she already finished reading. and it's about a kid his age starting their own adventure and writing everything about their exploits as they travel the world)
and with luffy, i'll admit was p hard to think about as hes not an easy character to write... but hes always been good w kids (AAAAUUUGJWHDIWHDK) and how theyve been inspired by him. what makes it harder to think about is how this kid has ace's face and acted similar to a younger ace. luffy felt a bit uneasy and Z just didnt like him at all. though theyre attracted to each other like magnets so kinda impossible to be separated without being pulled apart. when the strawhats went off to do their own things, luffy and Z somehow come across each other and it's like "stop following me!" / "you're the one following me!"
neither share what adventures they had and neither cared enough to ask. though Z was a little curious about who ace was and luffy bluntly says that theres nothing to know now bc hes dead. Z was about to pry bc ace had to be important to luffy but then again why should he care about this guy? he didnt care much about luffy and he was gonna leave soon anyway so they just left it at that. and as luffy gets distracted by a beetle on a tree trunk, Z suddenly disappears.
at some point though, luffy knew there was something wrong if Z couldnt just leave the place and people he claims to hate. and Z was startled by luffy's sudden interest in him and the island. he wasnt even sure if he could trust this pirate (esp when the 'rulers' were previously pirates !!) but he didnt feel ill intentions from luffy either so Z does tell him about the strict laws of the land which pisses him off gravely bc basically all of the people's freedoms are revoked and have to live a certain way if they wish to even live 👍👍
Z: "dunno why you're interested. you're gonna leave and forget about this hell of an island anyway. theres nothing you can do."
and again, Z cant trust others- especially not pirates. but the more time spent with the strawhats, the more respect and trust he gave. but he never once believed that they cared for him the same
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saveraedae · 4 months
I feel the need to reword/reiterate my stance on how my artwork is used. (this will get updated in my FAQ eventually)
What's ok:
☆ The Mark Side art being used/traced in the context of TMS.
(Ex: Tracing their hair for style accuracy; picture or video edits; tracing to make a TMS OC; adding onto pre-existing images; Using something as a PFP; etc I'm really relaxed when it comes to it)
☆ My fanart can be used for video edits or PFPs. If it's a video edit, credit me somewhere.
You don't need to credit me if you use my art as a PFP anywhere, fanart or TMS, it's your choice to do so or not.
What I don't like:
☆ Tracing or using The Mark Side content outside of the context of The Mark Side. (Ex: Tracing to make 'your own original content' that isn't TMS related; Anything that doesn't share a like concept.)
☆ My fanart or OC art being used/traced. (Ex: Tracing a ref sheet or image into your own character; posting traced versions of my fanart; reposting my fanart even though I already posted it. If you want to post it to a site I don't have it's ok only if you credit me)
☆ Taking character designs that don't belong to you. (Ex: Essentially grabbing one of my characters, making little to no changes, and calling it your own)
☆ My fan animations being used without asking me.
☆ My customer's art being reposted/traced/used without their permission. Once I complete commissioned artwork, customers can use it however they like, but if you aren't the person it was made for, don't use it as a PFP, edit it, or trace it unless they told you it's ok.
In addition to the character design thing, coincidences happen and inspiration is ok, but it makes me uncomfortable when people just copy entire things, it's happened a lot with my characters before where people will quite literally just see their designs and use them. Exception to this is TMS AUs or next gen/relative OCs because they're obviously gonna look similar lol.
All of the above may have exceptions, as is key with life, and unlike most characters in TMS, COMMUNICATE IF YOU NEED CLARIFICATION! I'll always be happy to give a yes or no.
This post sounded really serious and negative so have a dumb doodle of Mark being stupid!!!!!
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malaky-nightm4r3 · 9 months
Hey psst, After Effect update and news after eons
After Effect's 3rd birthday/anniversary is coming up, November 16th
So in celebration, I've begun making new refurbished ref sheets for everyone, we have a new main cast that isn't JUST Night and Killer, and the story is updated and in the process of getting loosely written out so drafts can begin, though I might end up asking someone to outsource writing Dream idly, I am NOT confident enough to write him accurately.
Its been ages but, this is your regular reminder regarding AE. This is a self indulgent sort of 'hurt/comfort' story, post Nightmare getting uncorrupted and donning the name Night, treating Nightmare as no longer his name due to what was done with it, and a slow burn romance story between Night and Killer. I'm doing my best to stick to each respective's canon but I can't promise perfection, though I treat Night as demiromantic which isn't exactly canon per say. Its safe to say this story is ""ship heavy"", though its just a driving force for me to create this story in the first place, the plot is more than just that.
The name is still sort of a pun, the story IS an after effect of one big detail changed in Dreamtale, and the multiverse's, story. Nightmare getting uncorrupted. But it also works for other background or side plots. You'll just have to be patient and find out.
Our new main characters, without giving much away, are Night, Killer, Color, Blue, Lust. Only teaser regarding the new lineup you'll get is Blue and Lust are married but not legally. They chose not to. Blue isn't just any old Underswap sans, he's the same one Killer stabbed in the eye in the one comic. Its been years since that took place, though, I'm sure Killer being his husband's best friend is no issue, right? Color might have a heart attack over Night and break out his old therapy routine, he's already handled Killer once before, surely Night will be easier, right?? Right?
Night is still plagued with night terrors, and occasional hallucinations of the creature that stood in his place for centuries. It isn't real, but he'll grow numb to it eventually...right?
Dreamtale, Nightmare, and Dream belongs to @/jokublog Underlust belongs to the AU community Underswap belongs to the AU community Color belongs to @/Superyoumna Killer belongs to @/Rahafwabas
Even after all this time, I still get anxiety regarding tagging creators for these things, so I've credited and linked to their blogs.
I do not see the AMT getting completed anytime soon, it will take a long time to even start whatever production I'm deciding on, so please understand it's still not magically all done and getting revealed on the anniversary.
You get one teaser ref, and that's the man himself, the origin of this whole alternate multiverse timeline story...Night
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Isn't he just so much more mature looking than my last design? These refs are not what they start with, just their mid-story refs, made mostly for me!
One final detail for this, I feel its necessary, to those who have been fans for a while, or any newcomers who stumbled across this post, I'm pushing my unspoken policy I've had for years, which is No NSFW using the alts and story I'm creating. I have no issue with it privately, but please do not share it publicly.
Thank you to everyone who has stuck by me, through thick and thin, while I built this comfort story, fell apart from it, threw it all away and started anew. Thank you for being here, and encouraging me whether outwardly or in spirit.
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zoroara · 1 year
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So I decided it was about time I made a complete bio and timeline of Vittorio into a post, and of course this included drawing refs for all of their outfits/weapons/and box weapons. Their TYL design is positioned first because of them first appearing in that arc. Here’s some basic information before we get into the timeline:
Name: Vittorio Ardizzone Residence: Italy Age: 27 Birthday: January 18th Gender: Demiboy he/they Height: 190cm/6′3 Weight: 92kg/205lbs Blood type: AB+ Aligned with: Avvoltoi di Scarto / Varia Flame: Flame of Stagnation(Rain+Sky hybrid details here)
Now for the timeline that’ll be under read more cause boy there’s a lot:
Okay, when I made them I wanted them to affect the least amount of the plot we actually have. So what I did was slightly change what the hold up for the Varia was in italy. Which is originally them having to continue to hold down the base they had taken from Millefiore members. Also I’ll go over Weapon abilities at the very end. Other Ocs will be referenced here, there’s a short overview that can be found (here)
Here however, Vittorio, the leader of a group(Avvoltoi di Scarto or the Scrap Vultures) who attacks people already in combat in order to steal weapons, equipment and supplies from them to either use for their own group, sell them or for Vittorio specifically to use to make new weapons all together. With Vittorio picking off both sides only doing so confidently due to the chaos knowing the Millefiore and Varia are weak enough from the fight to essentially get away scott free. They get what they want and abandon the fight halfway through getting their men out with minimal losses.
In the present(second image is present design) while the Avvoltoi di Scarto are not well known, currently too afraid to do operations against such big mafia groups, this encounter sticks in the Varia’s minds. After healing from the Representative battles, they seek Vittorio out. For several reasons, one mainly being a grudge, the potential of getting them to engineer something for them, but also the threat Vittorio poses if left alone. It should also be noted, Vittorio has no knowledge of the future as they were not considered important to how the future turned out. But course, they aren’t going to just talk it out, and a fight ensues, the threat they find that Vittorio held is still very much the same almost taking them down before being captured instead. (I have drawn a comic of this)
Upon being captured Vittorio is forced to work for the Varia, under their watch they are tasked to design and create combat gear for them.(x) Vittorio does so, making them durable and protective against both flames and physical weapons more so than the regular varia uniforms are(Designs found here). While he is working on the Varia uniforms, Vittorio makes an offer, that if they can get them readings and information on how the actual vongola rings work, he can attempt to upgrade their Varia rings and Box weapons. (His attempt at bargaining)
Squalo is sent out to give these readings and while he is Vittorio works on his own version of the combat uniform that he made for the Varia in secret(it looks like the blue and orange combat uniform minus colour, and instead pure black), at this point gaining enough trust to not be constantly under watch. When Squalo comes back he does as he promised though not without great difficulty struggling for a while to upgrade Talbot’s work. However eventually he succeeds giving the varia improved cambio formas that can keep the box weapon out in addition albeit in a weakened state.(I have designs and abilities for these but I’ve not fully coloured them. When I have this will be edited.)
Of course, as he worked and figured out how to upgrade the ring, he made his own copy, and made the vulture box weapon, Avo. (Whose Cambio forma is the orange combat suit). But once Vittorio finished he struck a deal with Xanxus, who begrudgingly agreed to let him go free, for the ability to call on them(and vice versa), and for the ability to ask them for upgrades, to fix equipment, or build something for the Varia.
Vittorio then disappeared without a trace leaving Xanxus as the only person who knew how to contact him despite getting along with the other Varia members. (perhaps a little too well in some cases.) At least he did until one night he sent an emergency alert to Xanxus who only had time to grab Lussuria.
They then found Vittorio in the midst of being attacked by a mercenary known as Kira. She is a Flame of Deceit user and has made real monstrosities that have to be fought. It’s a struggle but once Lussuria heals Vittorio up through team work the Trio take her down. Only to find it was a fake and she is still out there. For his safety Xanxus forces Vittorio to return with them, and Vittorio promptly shuts down. (Also art of these events 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13)
You see, Vittorio has no ability to handle any form of care, especially care that is forced upon them. Growing up in a house that they could not leave for the fact the world was “too dangerous”, he eventually had no choice but to run away if they ever wanted to see anything outside of what they could see from a window. Left scarred from the first attempt, only escaping because their flame awakened, they soon went back home, the only place that he could think of for safety. Only to be met with even more of their freedom taken, with that and their second attempt, only cemented further a twisted idea that if anyone ever cared for them their freedom would be stripped away. (little bits of their past + how they got the idea to form the scrap vultures 1 - 2 - 3 - 4)
However, after two days, Squalo aggressively comes into his room and says that he needs to leave if he’s just going to completely shut down. Vittorio is given his freedom back, provided he at least eats something first cause it was two days. Though he does dip out for a few hours to clear his head, realizing they were right and it is too dangerous to stay alone and goes back. In order to help fight his anxiousness about it he asks to temporarily join the Varia so that he can at least tell himself it’s just for work.(9th picture is his uniform for present day Varia). During this he does admit that the reason he was alone when Kira attacked was because he ended up dismantling the Avvoltoi di Scarto after a recent betrayal as a last straw. Leaving himself as the one and only Scrap Vulture.
From there he works as a trainee, as despite his strength and usefulness.... Vittorio doesn’t meet the requirements of the varia in one aspect. He only know Italian and cannot be a full Varia member in any capacity until he learns. So while they’re trying to track down Kira for their proper fight Vittorio is also trying to learn enough languages to count as a member in some form. It takes several years for them to track down Kira, and in that time they grow comfortable being in the Varia. and in their good relation, the Varia give Vittorio an Axolotl Box weapon which they then name Alba. Which they then make the blue combat gear cambio forma with. Now Vittorio has both box weapons he had in the future, even if they don’t know it.
Upon tracking down Kira, the Varia and Vittorio attack her head on, but of course this being her domain, she is able to easily gain the upper hand practically warping reality to her will. Only Vittorio, Xanxus, Belphegor and Squalo can put up a fight against her flame with easier ability to neutralize it but, unfortunately due to her power they end up overwhelmed. on the brink of defeat and about to die. The horrific living ghost tale that is Presagio appears, making a deal with Vittorio, who is healed and powered up to kill Kira. Only to be stolen away by it as part of the deal.
While Vittorio is trapped with Presagio they find it is a person, an incredibly powerful one but a person nonetheless. They have no choice but to toil away as whatever Presagio needs them to be until after a couple more years, eventually the Varia come to rescue them. Explaining that the reason they made no plans to escape was because Presagio would simply re-capture them there’s a quick plan made. Soon Presagio enters the room that had been broken into, and is challenged to a game. The Varia also offering themselves if it wins, but that they get Vittorio back if it loses.
The game they play is 3 nights, capture the flag. The flag being Vittorio who is tied up in the same building but you can knock out other players(non-lethally only, more to the Varia’s benefit than presagio’s) and if you do so they can't act in the next rounds.
Round one: Team of Levi Mammon and Squalo take vittorio as objective. Xanxus tries to take down Presagio alone. Lussuria and Belphegor act as back up but arrive after Xanxus has already been taken down and get sweeped. However Squalo's team captures the flag before further damage can be done.
Round two: Now with the strongest player out of the way, Presagio focuses the objective, with their swift movements and sturdiness they can't be budged from it. making an easy win for them.
Right after round two: Mammon decides to use Presagio's greed against them, and offers that if it can awaken their full power as it did with Vittorio, they will have a better asset if they can succeed in beating the Varia. Presagio agrees on the one condition that if they do this, and Vittorio cannot create Gear more suited for Mammon's new form in time for the next match. Only Squalo and Levi will be participating. knowing this is their only shot the Varia agrees.
Round three: Fully powered up and newly equipped Mammon aids the remaining two members after them. Though Mammon cannot take down Presagio due to their strength they simply need to cause problems with their illusions and while Presagio is good at seeing through illusions, a fully powered up Mammon is too much. Presagio stays distracted too long, as Squalo and Levi capture the objective and thus they finally get to bring Vittorio home.
After some time to recover both physically and mentally from all that happened. Vittorio asks to permanently join the Varia. Later on getting a tattoo on their back that though they had in the future with wings and the scrap vulture emblem, has the varia emblem added to it as well. They continue their work for the Varia, eventually asking to make a division similar to the Avvoltoi di Scarto, but loaned varia members so that they can easier get the materials they need. They are given a small group to command and continue well into the future.
The first thing they make once they form this group is the Cambio Fusione, the first of it’s kind using both Avo and Alba’s cambio formas to create something that’s an extremely powerful combination of the two previous weapons. However it has heavy physical drawbacks on the user so it is only ever used when Vittorio is desperate to protect someone, but also knows after they can be trusted to take care of him. The trust required originally, they never would have dreamed of.
Now that I have explained their whole story, it’s time for the weapons!
Gun Blade: The gun blade is pretty simple in concept but has a lot of moving pieces. First the blades on both sides of the gun with a press of a button near the trigger of the weapon will be unleashed from a lock mechanism and shoot forward from their position. The only downside is they do have to be physically reset but it doesn’t take much, even quickly slamming the weapon onto the ground will get the locks back in place for it’s next use. Next is the extra part of the handle that the end that can be adjusted so Vittorio can hold the weapon like a bat or like a proper gun. Due to the weight of the weapon it takes a lot of strength to use. Finally the gun part, fun fact, Vittorio has stolen many documents and recordings from mafia groups, they actually learned how to make a gun like this by using Xanxus’ as inspiration. much like Xanxus’ gun it can fire fairly fast but is more often used in charged blasts.
Pioggia Avvoltoio di Cieli, Avo: Avo is a large box weapon, based on the Cinereous Vulture however is a bit larger to allow Avo to pick up Vittorio. Vittorio only uses Avo to handle crowds, as it’s flames are weak in their effects but the Vulture itself is incredibly powerful. However prolonged exposure to it’s flames however weak will eventually cause sluggishness. In the alternate future, Avo was a stolen Sky box he modified to suit his flame.
Cambio Forma, Pistole del Mietitore(Gun of the Reaper): Avo’s Cambio forma much like the box weapon, is focused on power. Vittorio carries a Shotgun and pistol, one for long range and the other for up close. While both can be switched between a normal charge shot, they both have different option settings. The pistol can be switched to a seeking shot which while much weaker will follow the enemy, while the Shotgun can be switched to an explosive spread shot that will petrify anything caught in it. Though they both have blades on them, they’re static unlike the gun blade’s, and are typically only used when someone gets too close and vittorio needs them to back off quickly. This is typically used when there’s plenty of room for the opponent and Vittorio to run.
Pioggia Axolotl di Cieli, Alba:  A small box weapon based on an axolotl, that isn’t very strong physically but makes up in it’s strength of flame.  Alba is typically used in stealth, the small axolotl is hard to feel as it quickly numbs your body. by the time it’s noticed the target is too sluggish and will soon be picked off by vittorio. Thankfully for them Vittorio prefers non-lethal. In the alternate future, Alba was a stolen Rain box he modified to suit his flame.
Cambio Forma, Spada dello Scorticatore(Sword of the flayer): These are two Identical swords with a hook at the end of them. The holes on either side of them will emit a fog version of the flame as long as vittorio squeezes the black triggers on the hilt. This fog will fill the air and slowly overwhelm anyone who enters it. The fog lingers for a long time so Vittorio does not have to constantly refresh it unless they are forced to move out of their area. Vittorio prefers to use this weapon in close combat situations.
Cambio Fusione, Arma dello Scavenger(Weapon of the Scavenger): The final combination of the two previous forms. Through appearing to mainly be the sword, hidden inside of the weapon is a gun which triggers are what used to be for only the sword’s fog. Additionally, only the first 3 sections of the weapon can cut and slice. The fourth is entirely a bludgeoning weapon and is completely flat aside from the hook. Both swords are only colour coded so that Vittorio can keep track of what setting he has them on in case they switch hands. As before, the guns can be switched between a charged shot, a seeking shot, and a the explosive shot. However the blade can also be set to only produce the fog.
If you made it this far, thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed!
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trying my hardest to "#FOR MY FILES" this but raven boy/shane wright and also raven boy/mason mctavish. why does he have so many canadian bulldog shaped bfs. more importantly mason/shane and that picture of them cradling the u18 trophy. the vibes between them are completely undecipherable and also logical at the same time. i want more
all very important thoughts, anon. and pondering the vibes among those three has prompted me to write a little more into the single existing scene with mason and connor and shane that i have in my top secret raven boy files, and i will give that to you below the jump. contains no explicit material regarding minors but if anybody is squeamish about minors existing in an a/b/o world this probably isn't the WIP for you.
Wright starts shuffling the pizza boxes around, consolidating the spare slices into one box and stacking up the empties.
Guenther flicks his last hand of cards toward the center of the table. “Knock off the omega bullshit, Shane.”
“Fuck off.” Wright tries to close the lid of the overfilled box, jamming it down over the rest of the pizza. “I’m an alpha.”
The room’s too quiet, like all the sound’s been absorbed into the padded partitions that section off their quadrant of the hotel’s conference center. Guenther’s mean laugh breaks the silence. “Son, your balls haven’t even dropped yet.”
“I got tested,” Shane insists, indignant as everyone else around the table laughs. “They said my levels are super high.”
“That doesn’t mean shit.”
Privately, Mason agrees with Guenther. The genetic test is maybe 70 percent accurate before you present. Not worth paying for, his dad said. Said Mason could prove himself just fine without some bullshit lab report.
“Scouts care,” Shane mutters, and no one tries to tell him he’s wrong. They’ve all heard that a doctor signing off on an alpha prediction can be enough to bump you up a team’s draft board.
“Nobody knows, though.” Zelly flicks the edges of his cards through his fingers. He probably worries about it more than most of them do. He’s the kind of small skills guy who’s probably spending his draft year trying to prove he won’t turn out to be an omega. “It’s not like any of us are going to be MacKinnon.”
It was big news when MacKinnon presented early. Showed up at the combine reeking of alpha and everybody knew what Colorado was getting at first overall. Knocked Seth Jones right out of the top slot, even though eventually he turned out to be an alpha anyway. Most first rounders do. Although the ones who don’t usually come from the U.S. program like Jones did.
Zelly looks around the table in search of agreement, but everyone’s looking at Mason. Mason keeps his hand still, fighting the nervous instinct to rub his knuckles over his beard. He wishes he’d shaved after all. But he was winning when he left Switzerland, and he wants to keep winning here.
“You have got to be an alpha,” Guenther pronounces.
“Seriously,” Stanks agrees with him. Guys are nodding.
Two seats down from Mason, Connor isn’t. His face is impassive as always, hard to read. But he’s got an awkward set to his jaw with his lip curled back a little, same as he did on the bus from the airport when nobody wanted to talk to him. Mason’s starting to figure out how to read him. Or at least he can tell Connor fucking hates any topic that might remind somebody he’s fifteen years old.
“What do you care?” Mason leans back in his chair. “You lining up to suck my alpha dick?”
Guenther’s voice is loud over the laughter. “Wright might be.”
“Fuck off,” Shane snaps. It must be hard for the little robot to deal with something he can’t control. No matter how hard Shane tries to work hard and do the right thing and ace the genetic test, he can’t predict how he’s going to present. Mason’s never seen him get even the least bit rattled before. Usually Shane’s the guy you want talking to the refs. He’s a good captain. Nice to everyone, no special treatment for the guys he likes. You can’t even tell who he likes. Maybe he actually hates all of them.
“Okay, stack ‘em up.” Mason shoves his chair back from the table and slots his poker chips into the cardboard box without bothering to sort them. “I’m going to bed.”
Chips click together and someone gathers up the stray cards and shuffles the deck to put away. Guenther and Stanks start arguing about the pot for tomorrow night’s game. Mason picks up his water bottle and falls into step with Connor on the way to the elevator.
The awkward conversation lingers around them like a bad smell. Mason can’t think how to change the subject. Connor’s quiet next to him. He hits the elevator button with the base of his water bottle. The doors open and the up arrow chimes almost immediately.
They’re the only ones in the car. Connor leans back in one corner and lifts his feet off the floor, boosting himself up with his hands on the railing that runs around the edge of the elevator. “Can I ask…” One of his slides threatens to fall off his foot and he points his toes upward to catch it. He lowers his feet back to the floor. “Never mind.”
“No, what.” Mason’s pretty sure he knows what’s coming. He looks up at the floors ticking off on the panel. 
“You don’t have to tell me.” The elevator starts to slow.
“It’s okay.” The numbers stop at their floor. Mason slips his keycard out of his pocket and balances it on opposite corners between his thumb and forefinger 
“You didn’t say…” Just before the doors open, Connor finally spits it out. “Are you an alpha or what?”
“Shit, I don’t know.” The vestibule on their floor is empty except for a glass-topped table with a vase and a fanned-out set of magazines about things to do in Texas. The flowers in the vase might be fake. Mason can’t tell.
The ice machine rattles in its alcove as they pass. “You haven’t presented?”
“Don’t look so surprised.” Most people don’t present at eighteen. Every year there’s some group advocating to move draft eligibility back to age 20 or 21. It’s always based on some bullshit about growth curves and developmental years but everybody understands the real advantage for teams would be knowing more about what they’re getting, dynamic-wise.
“I don’t know.” Connor rolls his eyes. “You just look…” He waves his hand like Mason’s self-explanatory.
“It’s the beard, isn’t it?” Mason rubs his knuckles over it. He does like the beard.
Connor snorts. “Yeah, probably.”
“You love it.” Mason shoulders Connor into the wall next to the door of their room. “Maybe it’ll rub off on you.” He scrapes his jaw against the side of Connor’s face, feeling reckless and giddy. Connor yelps, startled, and hip-checks him out of the way. Mason stumbles sideways across the hall. He keeps getting surprised by the power stored in Connor’s short frame. He lunges back at him, jamming his chin against Connor’s cheek. “C’mon, get some beard.”
Connor shoves him away with both hands on Mason’s chest. “Dumbass,” he says, but the tense set to his jaw is gone. He might even be smiling.
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retiredcultistredux · 10 months
Shadow anon: what kind of deal. Oh I'm more than interested.
(I look like a black cloud with a creepy smile,)
((ended up interpreting my own design based on the description and also inspired by kracko, even made my own little mini ref image so you don't have to make your own i just hope you like the design i came up with lol. anyway,,,,,))
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Ester: "...Anyway...Kirby! The deal is...you help us with our plans, and in return, we'll find a way to turn you back into your normal pink self afterwards. Oh, and we'll make sure to bring your friends back too."
Kirby paused for a second.
Kirby: "...Bring them back, poyo...? Does that mean...they might..."
Ester: "Die? Yeah. But we can bring them back! Trust me, it's a win-win. And, I mean, they'll understand. ...Eventually. Though you're gonna have to fight them off if they try and stop us. So, what do you say?"
Kirby: "...I..."
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The puffball hesitated, weighing his options. On one hand, Ester had a point. He didn't have much else to lose. The Friend Heart was broken, the ritual was pretty much complete, and Void Termina would be revived stronger than ever. No one stood a chance against a god of destruction, especially if they had to deal with Ester and Javez as well.
Normally, if he was in the right state of mind, he'd turn the deal down without any second thought. He wouldn't want to put his friends through this for the word of some guy who could very well just be lying to get what he wanted. But, if Kirby made sure Ester kept his end of the deal...if this was really what would be best in the end...if there was a way to save everyone after the fact...
...Maybe they'd just have to go through some dark times in order to reach the light at the end of the tunnel. And Kirby was too far detached from his sense of right and wrong to think otherwise...and he figured Ester wasn't going to take 'no' for an answer in the first place. So, still appearing as emotionless as ever, he sighed before eventually stepping forward and shaking Ester's hand, sealing the deal.
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Ester: "Now c'mon! We don't wanna keep Javez waiting, and if your friends try to stop us, we've gotta be there!"
Kirby: "...Ok."
[Kirby has...joined Ester?? That definitely couldn't be good.]
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myanxietyhasanxiety · 8 months
I'm well aware nobody is going to even see this probably with how buried my blog is but it's a last ditch attempt. I've been homeless for months(hence the dead blog lately, further explanation below cutoff) and it's getting increasingly harder and harder to be able to do basic things, like even just getting my hands on safe drinking water and food.
My cash app is: $Maxierenee04
Full explanation below cutoff and any further situational questions will be answered in comments. Im not outwardly asking anyone to help but if anyone is in a situation where it wouldn't be a financial strain even just a dollar helps since I can atleast get a cup of water from McDonald's and an instant ramen.
Thank you so much to anyone able and willing to help, even just a reblog helps honestly
The situation details:
I was fired suddenly from my job with no warnings no reasoning and no explanation while my boss was aware of my situation and that all of my meals and water was coming from my workplace(*WITH PERMISSION*) and as soon as I was fired did a price increase where I can't even afford the water anymore because they charge customers for just a frickin water now!
I moved out of my mom's house about 6 7 months ago because it was full of people I didn't know and couldn't even be in my own room without panicking. But things fell off with my ex and I had to move in with a friend. Eventually me and that friend got close and were couch surfing for basically the entire summer and now that it hit the colder seasons we can't do that anymore so we caved about a month ago and went back to my mom's house, but this is not a safe or okay environment for any human being. Every time I bring food into the house if it's not kept in our room it's gone in an hour, be it eaten by someone else, thrown on a wall, or just the fridge being left open by somebody. but it's not safe to keep food in our room because while I was gone someone stayed in here and caused an ant infestation. Me and my boyfriend are the only ones extremely underweight in this house(for ref I'm 5'6 and less than 110 and usually sit around 130-150, and he's almost 6' and is around 130 rn) and I can't keep loosing weight being uninsured. My mom keeps saying she's going to help me sign up for link and insurance "tomorrow" but I've been staying here for a month now and tomorrow never comes and I legitimately don't know what I'm doing or how to do any of this. I was homeless straight out of graduating and was never taught how to cook, how to apply for jobs, how to do anything relating to being an adult basically and she's expecting me to have it all figured out already.
I'm well aware I didn't help my situation leaving home in the first place, however coming back was a worse decision somehow.
I don't know what I'm expecting of this. I'm just loosing all hope at this point for any "better life" everyone keeps telling me is "just ahead". If it was just me in this situation I wouldn't care but my boyfriend is stuck here too with me and I can't keep taking his money to eat because than he doesn't eat. No jobs will pick me up because I have disabilities and need accommodations. Im honestly completely lost rn and just don't know what to do or how to do anything myself.
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frontproofmedia · 1 year
Emanuel Navarrete Stops Liam Wilson in 9 Brutal Rounds to Win WBO Junior Lightweight World Title
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Published: February 04, 2023
GLENDALE, Ariz. — Emanuel “El Vaquero” Navarrete visited the canvas tonight, but he got back up to become a three-division world champion.   Navarrete (37-1, 31 KOs) captured the vacant WBO junior lightweight world title with a hard-earned ninth-round technical knockout victory against Liam Wilson (11-2, 7 KOs) Friday night at Desert Diamond Arena in Glendale, Arizona.   Navarrete now joins an elite list of Mexican boxers who have captured titles in three weight classes. That list includes the likes of Julio Cesar Chavez Sr., Erik Morales, Marco Antonio Barrera and Juan Manuel Marquez.   In the early rounds, Navarrete controlled the fight by pushing the action with his awkward style. But in the fourth round, he was hurt badly by a left hook, which allowed Wilson to land several more shots and eventually drop Navarrete. The Mexican warrior was able to recover, but was hurt once again with a right hook in the sixth.   Navarrete kept his cool and eventually began a vicious assault to the body, which weakened Wilson in the eighth round. “El Vaquero” then caught Wilson with a right hand that sent him down hard. Wilson did his best to survive the onslaught, but Navarrete’s relentless punching was too much and forced the ref to call a halt to the fight at 1:57 of the ninth.    At the time of the stoppage, all three judges had Navarrete ahead (76-75 and 77-74 2x).   “I’m made of a lot of work, strength, lots of heart, and the Mexican spirit that never lets me down,” Navarrete said.  “Liam is a warrior. He was able to land a shot that stunned me a lot. Obviously, we tried to take things calmly. Fortunately, we were able to recover our calmness. We went out to recover a bit. We returned to 100%. And we began to engage.   “The satisfaction of winning like this is enormous. I think that I needed this test in order to be able to say my career is more complete. Now that I know that I can hit the canvas and get back up and keep fighting, I’m more than happy because I know that I can continue forward.”   “Tonight, I came up a bit short, and I’m disappointed,” Wilson said. “But I knocked him down in the fourth round, and I felt that the count was a bit long. We’ll have to review it and see what people think. He’s a true champion, though. I thought I won the fight in that sense because I think it was about a 20-second count. I’ll review it and see what happens there.   “I want to come back. I’m a true champion. This is my 12th fight, but no excuses. I love to fight, and I love challenges. I’d fight any other champion any day of the week. He’s a tough champion. With all due respect to him, he’s very awkward. But this is boxing, and stuff happens. All credit to him. I hope he goes on to do great things. I’ll be back. Make no mistake about it.” Barboza Topples Pedraza Arnold Barboza Jr. (28-0, 10 KOs) defended his WBO Intercontinental junior welterweight title with a unanimous decision win over former two-division world champion Jose Pedraza (29-5-1, 14 KOs).   Barboza boxed intelligently from the outside, landing quick combos that Pedraza had difficulty avoiding. On his part, Pedraza was able to close the distance on many occasions, but he often did so without throwing a jab, so it made it difficult for him to enter without receiving a lot of punishment.   As the rounds progressed, Pedraza did his best to land punches to the body, but Barboza would often smother the Puerto Rican’s offense and use his footwork to evade more shots.   The later rounds were tough, but Barboza prevailed by scores of 97-93 and 96-94 2x.   “I was making the fight easy for the first five or six rounds, but I wanted to stay in there and start brawling. Pedraza is a tough guy. All training camp we were working against southpaws, but he did a good job of switching to southpaw in the middle of the fight. It’s hard fighting a guy like him with a lot of experience," Barboza said. “I think I’ve paid my dues. I want a title shot. I want Regis Prograis, Alberto Puello, or the winner of the IBF title or the WBO title. If I can’t get them, everyone knows who I want: Teofimo Lopez.”   Richard Torrez Jr. Stops James Bryant    Richard Torrez Jr. (5-0, 5 KOs) remained undefeated with a first-round TKO over James Bryant (6-3, 4 KOs). Torrez initiated the bout in aggressive fashion, using feints and head movement to close the distance.   After a few exchanges, Torrez noticed that Bryan would often crouch forward. The U.S. Olympic silver medalist then responded by unleashing his left uppercut, which eventually dropped Bryant before the round ended.   Bryant was able to survive, but his corner advised the referee to stop the fight before the second round could commence. “When you land a punch like that, it almost feels like there’s no glove there. It just feels like a solid shot from your knuckle to his head. And that’s when you know you hurt the guy," Torrez said. “I thought he was in the recovery state because he had a minute left, but if the fight were to continue, I would have applied pressure. I started off the first round a little slower than usual, but I did that on purpose. I wanted to set my distance and my jab and feints. And luckily that uppercut landed and there was more to come.” In undercard action: Junior Lightweights: Andres Cortes (19-0, 10 KOs) outboxed Luis Melendez (17-3, 13 KOs) en route to a 10-round unanimous decision. Both men started the bout cautiously, but Cortes’ superior ring IQ allowed him to dominant more and more as the rounds progressed. Scores: 100-90 3x. Middleweights: Nico Ali Walsh (8-0, 5 KOs) overcame a hometown disadvantage with a dominant six-round unanimous decision win over Phoenix’s Eduardo Ayala (9-3-1, 3 KOs). Walsh scored a knockdown in the second round, but Ayala, who was backed by a packed crowd of his supporters, was undeterred and was able to go the distance. Scores: 60-53 and 59-54 2x. Ali Walsh said, "He was a big guy, and I wanted to show that I could muscle him around on the inside. Ayala was the hometown favorite. That was a new experience for me, but it was a valuable one." Junior Welterweights: Lindolfo Delgado (17-0, 13 KOs), a 2016 Mexican Olympian, retained his undefeated record with a unanimous decision win over Clarence Booth (21-7, 13 KOs) after eight rounds of action. Delgado scored a knockdown in the final round, courtesy of a hard right hand. Scores: 80-71 and 79-72 2x.   Lightweights: Emiliano Fernando Vargas (3-0, 2 KOs) went the distance for the first time in his career by scoring a four-round unanimous win over southpaw Francisco Duque (1-2). Scores: 40-36 3x.
(Featured Photo: Mikey Williams/Top Rank via Getty Images)
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critcallylowhp · 2 years
Tell me more about Humanformers diabetic Fulcrum
So, very similar to me, he was diagnosed at a very young age. He’s never really known not being diabetic. He was a lil bullied for it in school and other kids hated him cause he got special snacks. (He was actually dying though so ya know. I’m still salty about being hated for that and it’s been at least 10 years)
When he reached middle school, he was able to get an insulin pump and did really well with it! He was able to do everything in his own and kept up with his diet and sugar levels like he was supposed to. He was the doctor’s dream patient.
Slowly, he just learned to not tell people he was diabetic. Since he’s so skinny he’d get a lot of “I thought you had to be fat to be diabetic” comments and stuff like that. He also hated people pointing out his pump or any continuous glucose monitors and it made him insecure. So, he just started hiding it.
When he finally reached college, he wanted to be as independent as possible. Sadly, this meant he’d have to make some serious medical choices. Due to the price of pump supplies, he switched back to insulin shots. That way, he could pay for it without his parents help even though they insisted they’d cover it. And… he did really well at hiding it.
Don’t do this. Seriously- I know most juvenile diabetics already know this, but never ever hide it from the people you live with! It’s super dangerous and can get you killed. Super low blood sugars can cause seizures and super high ones can cause ketoacidosis which can lead to diabetic comas.
The rest of the Scavs do eventually find out, but not the easy way. After a typical night of cheap beer and weed for them, Fulcrum doesn’t wake up right away. Misfire is the one who finds him and he isn’t really responding. So of course, there’s panic.
Spinister, the only one in any kind of medical school steps in and figures it out pretty quick. They call for paramedics while they search his room for any kind of help. Turns out, Fulcrum didn’t have any glucagon because he didn’t want to have to pay for something he may never use. (Think of it kinda like an epipen.) So, they gotta use what the do have… Cue spins shoving icing covered fingers in fulcrum’s mouth and rubbing it against his gums. (Gets the sugar into the bloodstream without forcing him to swallow. Also, don’t do this unless it’s an absolute life or death situation!!!!)
Fulcrum wakes up to fingers in his mouth and in his low blood sugar haze, freaks out as well. There’s a bit of shouting and screaming, but all eventually calms down. Paramedics show up, take care of him in the spot, and then leave the Scavs to have a very awkward conversation.
Fulcrum does confess it and he’s mortified. Not only did he never want them to have to know, but for them to find out like this is terrible. Krok goes full dad and is putting glucose tablets in every drawer in the house. He’s watching fulcrum like a hawk for the next month and checking on him before he goes to bed.
Misfire? Oh he’s loosing his mind. He’s been dating Fulcrum for like a month and has even done the deed and he never noticed? Now he’s starting to see all the little dots on the back of Fulcrum’s arms from the shots and how his fingertips look scarred from checking his blood sugar.
It still takes all of them by surprise when they see Fulcrum draw up insulin. Sometimes he does it at the kitchen table since there’s more space than the bathroom. Crankcase had to double take when he saw Fulcrum tapping the bubbles out of he syringe cause he completely forgot. He thought Ful was just shooting it up at the table
Overall- fulcrum is the diabetic I wish I was djdbsjjsjs im horrible about checking my blood sugars and keeping up with supplies. My doctor hates me-
Also- some pics of stuff for ref.
This is the insulin pump I actually have rn! I don’t have the lil white thing on the side there which is the continuous glucose monitor. I should though… I haven’t checked my blood sugar in months shhhhh
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This is typically how glucagon comes. I now have a nasal spray instead, but I think it’s only recently come out.
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Then glucose tablets! These things are like Candy to me- I used to look forward to low blood sugars as a kid so I could these bad boys. (The best flavor is grape btw)
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Now, my insulin comes in a vial, but I think fulcrum would mainly use the preloaded pens. I used to use them as a kid and my friend uses them now. This is also the exact one I used 10 years ago Omg- they still make them!!!! I can remember the clicks so distinctly
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ajumeolli · 2 years
The rap part in the beginning was really fitting as an intro. This collab stage was very emotionally driven but in a good way. I’d actually thought the original artist(Sunmi) meant to express this story of idols in general, on dreaming to one day shine on stage, them having had to push themselves(ref to sunwoo and lee do raps)to the point that they were close to giving up, in addition to having had to deal with so many emotions along the way(sometimes it might have been so overwhelming that they questioned themselves, ‘was my dream futile all along?’)Their ‘dreamer’ side constantly prompting them to overstep their boundaries is better put out in the lyrics;
You make me crazy
And out of my senses
Yes, you may know that
You make me out of my mind
You make me dance
And drunk without alcohol
Anyways, the gist is that this collab stage delivered exactly that, a story that every idol can relate to(or should I say, at least to the ones who had a genuine passion for it), listening to the ‘crazy’ pushover voice meant they would have to become ‘mean’ and that would ‘give them pain’ but the outcome of it all was them eventually standing where they are today(the fan-cheers btw, besides hitting the heartwarming aspect, was so clever and fitting as an add-on element and completed the concept). The song choice was perfect, going by how they even changed the original lyrics from ‘you’ to ‘me’; further strongly establishing that the ‘real hero’ throughout the journey was always themselves. PS: the performance had so many meaningful titbits and references here and there but idk I guess the voting audience was looking for more ‘powerful’ stages and that’s probably why this collab ranked last🤷🏻‍♀️and it’s quite ironic looking at how this was a ‘collaboration’ collaboration, iykwim.
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friends I'm about to expose you to a niche so small you couldn't find it with a microscope. "NEW" byler half-mer au I said. well I'm a fucking liar. this au is older than ST but it's getting a fancy byler makeover
SO. you wanna know what's even better than electric mer Will Byers???
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electric mer Will Byers........TIMES 7 (didn't even change that number for st, that's deadass the number of mers there were originally. love all these sentient pancakes)
now allow me to explain the How and Why—
actually I lied again I can't possibly fully explain in one post but the absolute most basic explanation is that Will got cloned in the lab :)
eventually he escaped with all but a clone that was still in incubation (which he was unaware of at the time), and now they just live in some underwater caves that are easy to hide in. why yes, it IS a blatant s2 tunnel ref, and yes, they DO keep the remains of lab divers in the hub :))
anyway lemme list the Will squad from oldest to youngest (I haven't officially decided if Will encounters Mike 7 years after he was initially captured (making him 19) or 7 years after he escapes the lab (making him 21), but no matter what I'm Legally Obligated to go overboard on 7 usage, and all the clones were created during that two year time frame when Will was 12-14)
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0 Will the Wise: the original Will. carries the others when going long distances (also carried them all out of the lab), and uses items the others can't lift yet to make equipment/traps/etc
1 Will the Warrior: bit and shocked the handlers without hesitation even if it earned punishment, 100% feral with no fucks to give. defender of the smols (ง •̀_•́)ง probably tries to defend the Big Will too
2 Will the Watchful: keeps an eye on the others when Big Will is away, makes sure they eat enough, aren't swimming where they shouldn't, takes care of little wounds from being stupid, all that fun shit
3 Will the Wordsmith/Witty/Wry: likes to make up stories.....but also can and will commit verbal murder at a moment's notice. calls Big Will "William" when feeling extra confrontational. often watches Warrior Will do literally anything and comments "this is why Mom won't let you go on land"
4 Will the Wistful/Wary: when the wariness gets too exhausting, it's wistful time. daydreams excessively to ignore sensory overload/burnout. Big Will makes/collects things to help manage it (this is the clone Mike encountered and wouldn't leave alone, who eventually brought him to the lake to Not be killed)
5 Will the Wiggly: zooms nonstop and then passes out cold in some random position....like a mer version of a gay sit. also likes to make the lights blink on lab equipment scraps after Big Will makes sure there's no functional tracking shit (or discards those pieces in the hub where lab people know not to go anymore)
6 Will the Wandering: spends notably more years in the lab than the others and just wants to see everything there is to see, but it's difficult to see Everything when confined to Hawkins.... (Mike can help there tho)
note: the clones don't actually call the original one "Big Will" because uhhhhh they call him Mom. for the earliest clones, the first mer word they heard was him calling for his mom, so that's the first thing they imitated. and by the time he wasn't calling for her anymore, the clones that could talk already called him their mom, and the others just followed suit
btw Big Will and Wary Will share the name "Will Byers" when they're on land, depending on the situation and who needs a whole human name. the other clones are still too suspiciously small to pretend to be a human child, so they don't need to worry about having different Spoken Above Water names yet
(and no, Will's "mer surname" wasn't Byers, he got that After escaping the lab :)) by complete accident :))) but anyway he owns it now. he doesn't even know what it means to be a Byers but he sure fuckin is one. he has no idea how fucking confused Joyce is about the brand new son that apparently half of Hawkins knew about before she did. Will you can't lay low and Also beat the shit out of popular bullies it doesn't work like that, pick one or the other)
this post doesn't have enough byler content to justify the tag so Ima fix that. I mentioned in the previous post that it was their "first second" meeting. it's because Will doesn't recognize Mike (tends not to think about california if he can help it anyway) and Mike obviously couldn't recognize Will at first, what with his human shape and long hair in front of his face.
but they did meet in california once, the summer before Mike started kindergarten. he saw a tiny "mermaid fairy", with eyes shinier than all the fish he'd seen that day—and when he told his family, no one believed him🙃
because he was so focused on the Shiny, he eventually forgot the specifics of Will's general dull-colored appearance, but he didn't forget the eyes....he didn't forget that the meeting happened. then in the distant future, when Will is trying to be all threatening, he tilts his head in just the right way to accidentally expose one eye and Mike like. stops working for a hot second while his brain tries to process the colors he's staring at and why it's in a human face—
but his mouth doesn't wait for the processing part to be done. he just suddenly yells I FUCKING KNEW IT and makes Will want to Die from the volume
while Will's mildly disoriented and covering his ears, Mike subconsciously reaches forward to push his bangs out of the way, which earns him a warning static buzz, but he's moving slow enough that Will doesn't feel the need to stun him yet.
rn Will just thinks Mike's a fucking dumbass who's too stupid to feel threatened. and then Mike asks something stupid too
"do you remember the first time we met?"
(Will does Attempt to say they never met, but Mike just plows forward with something that proves it like "how did you get here from california" or "we were by the [insert some underwater landmark (equivalent of the swingset)]" or something and Will's like. oh shit he's right that's a thing that happened wtf)
also because things like this are Extra self-indulgent, Will Can do the underwater oxygen kiss and he Does do it at times without any awareness of what that does to Mike's mental health. like I said before, we love and respect an absolutely Parched Mike Wheeler
I think this is enough to justify the byler tag😌
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