jojen-hewitt · 4 months
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💖💙Happy Holidays!! 🎄✨
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stormborns · 3 months
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JON SNOW 2.06, The Old Gods and the New
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alberto--c · 30 days
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canterai · 4 months
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lory78blog · 1 year
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Cercando la neve a Pian Munè (Paesana CN), un bel pomeriggio con il mio compagno ❤️❄️.. ringrazio la signora che ci ha fatto due foto senza che io lo chiedessi ❤️❤️❤️
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trenchalone · 1 year
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The beauty of winter captures my soul, wild and raging, belovingly cold.❄️
-Foto Mie
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tfc2211 · 4 months
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Play ▶ Retro Obscuro No. 139 - Christmas
The Belmonts - Wintertime The Surf Boys - Stuck In The Chimney Francis Smith - Solar System Simon, Santa's Supersonic Son Santo And Johnny - Twistin' Bells Sylvia Reid - Christmas Rock And Roll Babs Gonzales - Teenage Santa Claus Gisele Mackenzie - Too Fat For The Chimney Jim Easter And The Artistic's - White Christmas The Copycats Featuring Kimo & Sabbe - The Abominable Snow-Man Ed McCurdy And The Boomers With Joe Cribari - Red Hair And Green Eyes The Debonaires - Crazy Santa Claus Gary Ramey With Floyd And The Little Soul Sisters - Moon-Y Min-I Men Visit Santa Claus (Part 1) Walter Stone "The Cry Baby" And The Tradewinds - Christmas Time Again Judy And The Duets - Christmas With The Beatles Mie Nakao - Jingle Bells The Cavaliers - Santa's Soul Gus Colletti - Santa Is A Superman Doye O'Dell - I'm Pickin' Fights For Christmas Johnny Preston - (I Want A) Rock And Roll Guitar Fred Bergin And His Music - Deck The Halls Janette Eden - You Turn Me On (And I Light Up) The Wilder Brothers - I Wanna Goat For Christmas Jack Ware - What Did Santa Claus Used To Be? The Martels - Rockin' Santa Claus The Lollipops - Mister Santa Idle Few - A Letter To Santa Yasunori Nakajima And The Latin Rhythm Kings - Winter Wonderland Bobby The Poet - White Christmas (3 O'Clock Weather Report) Judy Jamison - The Santa Claus Twist Gus De Wert Trio And Jeannie Jay - Space Age Santa Claus Jeri Kelly - Poor Ole' Santa Claus The Splendors - Winter Time The Teardrops - Hey Gingerbread Little Rita Faye - I Fell Out Of A Christmas Tree Jim Backus - Why Don't You Go Home For Christmas Jimmy Allen, Tommy Bartella - When Santa Comes Over The Brooklyn Bridge Donna And The Dees - I Know There's A Santa Claus The Pixies Three - Cold Cold Winter Bet E. Martin - Mrs. Santa Claus The Surfers - Here Comes Santa Claus In A Red Canoe The Sherwoods - Cold And Frosty Morning The Qualities & Sun Ra - It's Christmas Time
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natsuyuki-w · 11 months
Serenitea Shop | Snow covered Kiss
Xiao (Genshin) x f!reader
Modern AU
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Serenitea shop >
- Per me un te alla menta grazie! - Chiese Yanfei con fare cortese. - Oh no scusami oggi ho solo caf..- - AH-HA! - intervenne la sua ragazza puntandomi il dito in modo inquisitorio, le larghe maniche svasate della sua giacca dondolavano davanti alla mia faccia. Indossando poi il più malizioso dei sorrisetti commentò. - Avrei giurato di aver sentito specificatamente "Té mandorla e cannella" poco fa.-
Colta sul fatto la mia faccia inizio a tingersi di rosso per l'mbarazzo. Già, perché per quel qualcuno, il the c'era sempre. - Allora come possiamo avere questo privilegio? Diventare musicisti? Far parte della famiglia Alatus? Oppure bisogna chiamarsi Xia..- - Shhhhhhh - mi allungati a coprirle la bocca. - Oh! Tao! È ancora lì! - bisbigliai indicando nella direzione del soggetto della conversazione. - Oooh, hihihihi.- sogghignò di gusto, - sembrerebbe che ci abbia azzeccato. - La compagna dai capelli rosa si rivolse a me con tono di scuse - Non fa niente per il the e... Mi scuso a nome di Hu Tao, è più forte di lei non riesce proprio a farsi i fatti suoi. - susseguì un offeso "Hey" della fidanzata. - No ma figurati, ha ragione! - scossi la testa sconsolata. - Sono arrivata ad un livello imbarazzante... -
Gli occhi ambra furbetti della ragazza si addolcirono e con genuina curiosità chiese - Come mai non gli chiedi di uscire? È sempre qui! Sono sicura ricambi! - - Già fatto!- sospirai ripensando alla settimana prima.
~ Ormai aveva imparato a memoria quando sul menù c'era il SUO tè, e così, a furia di incontrarlo settimana dopo settimana, avevo finalmente preso coraggio. Con mano tremante mentre gli porgevo la sua tazza lo guardai diritto in quei suoi occhi color miele e gli feci la fatidica domanda. - Ci conosciamo da un po' adesso eh? Mi stavo chiedendo,... Ecco,... tu mi, piaci, molto!e quindi...sì... ti andrebbe tipo di... uscire?-
Vidi le punte delle orecchie che sporgevano dai morbidi capelli diventare sempre più rosse e il suo volto si illuminò. - Oh, eh-hem... Sì! Mi piacerebbe. G-grazie, ti apprezzo mol... APPREZZO molto, la tua offerta!? - Altrettanto estasiata feci un sorriso tanto grande da sentire male alle guance. - D-davvero? Allora, che ne dici di... domani sera? Al porto fanno bancarelle e musica. Potremmo stare lì, ballare e se c'é troppo casino prendiamo da mangiare e ci allontaniamo.- gli proposi terminando con tono consapevole del leggero disagio sociale del ragazzo. Aprì bocca per dire qualcosa ma ritirò il fiato. E quella rara solarità sul suo bel viso, sì spense.
~ -...band, lavoro, aiutare i club di scuola, andare da suo padre,... Non un giorno libero vi dico! Tralascia anche il tempo per sé e la sua salute. -Finii di raccontare alla coppia. - Quindi, per darvi una scusa di incontrarvi in giro gli porti sempre l'unica cosa che beve sul menù.- assunse correttamente Yanfei. I due frappuccino che avevano ordinato mentre raccontavo erano pronti, glieli porsi insieme alle mie scuse -Argh! Sono pessima ragazze, vi sto usando come valvola di sfogo... Perdonatemi.- - Ma di che ti scusi? Come se io non abbia fatto gli stessi drammi per Yan..- - Che drammi avresti fatto per me?- interruppe la ragazza dai capelli rosa ricordando a Hu Tao della sua presenza. - COMUNQUE, sta sera. Wangshu Inn. 22:30. - Continuò la mia amica dallo stile gotico. - Sì. Capo.- risposi facendole il verso.
Una volta tornate a casa e preparate per l'occasione ci ritrovammo a salire le scalinate di legno del peculiare edificio. Era uno tra i più belli e peculiari della zona in architettura e intrattenimento offerto. A guardare sembrava avessero impilato 3 palazzine prelevate dai quartieri di Pechino. Un'incrocio di finestre, pezzi di tetti spioventi, e balconate, tutto costellato di di luci dai toni caldi e lanterne rosse. Sembravs partorito dalla fantasia di Ayao Miyazaki. Ad ogni piano vi era qualcosa di diverso: una sala giochi, un ristorante un nightclub, e sulla cima un'osservatorio. Un'edificio rinomato di proprietà del signor Bowseichouse, fratello maggiore di Xiao, nonché, luogo di lavoro di quest'ultimo.
- Ricordami perché non abbiamo preso l'ascensore? - sbuffò Hu tao. - Queste sono gratis, i tuoi 6 mesi di palestra costano 15'000 mora. - ribattei. Arrivammo finalmente al secondo piano, una fila ad attenderci. Guardai nei vari angoli in cerca di volti famigliari alle porte e fortunatamente intravidi il ginger. - Arrivo subito. - avvisai la mia compagnia.
- Prego, entri pure. Documento per favore, ben... Oh! Hey girlie! Venuta riprendere il tempo perso oggi senza la mia compagnia? - Distolse lo sguardo dalla fila Childe. - Ma certo! Se poi nel frattempo fai passare avanti le mie amiche, tutto okay giusto? - Ridacchiando mi avvolse in un abbraccio laterale. - Ma certo! D'altronde e colpa di una mia distrazione. - scherzò facendo finta di non vedere. Allungai il braccio a richiamare la coppia e chiacchierai per un po' con il collega di Xiao. - Non è giusto! - si lamentarono ragionevolmente le ragazze in cima. - Permesso speciale! È la cognata del grande capo d'altronde.- rispose convinto il bodyguard. - Ma magari...- sospirai arruffandogli i capelli per dispetto. Dopo un breve controllo, entrammo ed immediatamente incrociai lo sguardo proprio con la mia crush. Si trovava di schiena al ragazzo ginger, nel muro interno dell'edificio. Le orecchie e guance erano rosse, ma l'espressione era quella seria di sempre.
- Buonasera Alatus. - salutò reverente Yan Fei. - Ya-hoo!- si annunciò in allegria Hu Tao. - Ciao Xiao, non sapevo fossi di turno sta sera.- sorrisi calorosamente - fino a che ora? - continuai cercando di sviare la causa del nostro comune imbarazzo. Fece un cenno alle ragazze prendendo le loro giacche e mi rivolse un sorriso prima di riporle. - Ho appena iniziato, rimango fino a chiusura. - porse loro il numero di appendiabiti e si girò di nuovo da me. - Tu tieni tutto? - . - Ah giusto! - mi tolsi goffamente le giacche. Il rossore che si era finalmente dissipato ritornò vivo anche sulle sue guance. Lui mormorò: - Stai...molto bene sta sera. - e si affrettò a recuperare gli abiti sfiorando la mia mano. - Grazie, gentilissimo. - risposi ridacchiando timidamente.
- Allora? Ci muoviamo? - arrivarono le voci zittite del resto della clientela in entrata. Mi scostai per lasciarli passare. - Ti...tu...Fino a che ora rimarrete? - balbettò affrettandosi a recuperare i vestiti dei visitatori. - Non saprei onestamente, ragaz...- e quando mi girai per chiedere notai che se ne erano andate. - Er... Penso alle 2/3, dipende dalla sopportazione di Fairy,... Er...Yan Fei.- - Non le piace? - disse riferendosi al tipo di serata che si prospettava essere. - Oh no! È brilla Hu Tao che non le piace. - risposi esausta al solo pensiero. Ridacchiò al pensiero, girandosi a riporre i vestiti ricevuti per non darlo troppo a vedere. Notai che qualcuno stava ancora per commentare sulla distrazione che stavo dando al povero Xiao, così prima che potessero aprire bocca mi avvicinai a dargli un pugnetto per salutarlo. - ti lascio alla clientela. Grazie per la chiacchierata e la giacca, buon lavoro! Lunedì ti porto il solito. - Con un espressione da cane bastonato annuì e avvicinò il braccio per ricambiare.
Mi girai per allontanarmi, ma con presa salda mi ritrovai più vicina al bancone di prima e il respiro di Xiao sul collo. Posò le labbra vicino al mio orecchio e poi sussurrò.- Ti aspetto come sempre. Divertiti. - e dopo un'ultima stretta alle nostre mani ora congiunte, si riminese all'opera. Mente sognante e piedi leggeri mi portai distrattamente all'interno del locale, e per mia fortuna, il volto famigliare di Venti mi si palesò davanti trascinandomi in pista. Childe arrivò dopo poco al fianco del ragazzo dai capelli turchesi, gli posò una mano sulla spalla e gli indicò con il mento la sala. - Vai è il tuo turno. - e con un cenno di assenso si diresse immediatamente alla postazione di sorveglianza. Prima fila sui tuoi movimenti sinuosi e spensierati e Venti scaccia "mosconi".
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communal-clive · 1 year
FAve iconic trio moment/episode? mie's got to be the ikea/communal clive thing i know it's basic but iT SETS UP THE WHOLE SHOW IYFJGDKYRSIYKTUFGVH
OMG I love the snow day episode but mainly the big when Gil gets really excited over hash browns XDXD ITS SO ME
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snowqueen-gh · 8 months
alright it's time to show my genshin impact oc i guess
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Mei Rong, 24 y.o., Snezhnaya Element: Cryo Weapon: Catalyst Constellation: White Lily
Combat Talent: Snow Blessing Creates a shield that deals Cryo damage when colliding with an enemy Combat Talent: Full Moon Blade Creates a one-handed sword that is telekinetically controlled and deals Cryo damage
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~Character Story~ Mei's father is from Snezhnaya, her mother is from Liyue, her father moved in with her in Liyue, where their daughter was born later. Due to an accident in childhood, which gave Mie the Vision (and the sidelong glances of passers-by), she grew up preferring reading books and having small hobbies, including drawing, to communication. Mei's family lived in two countries until her parents decided to settle in Snezhnaya, and Mei stayed in Liyue, working in the local library and archive. Her position seemed perfect to her until she realized that she was gradually being dragged into the swamp of routine and fatigue from the bustling port city. Deciding that this could no longer continue, she quit, collected all her savings and moved to Mondstadt, buying a small apartment on the attic floor of one of the houses in the city. Earning money by errands in the Guild and a part-time job in the library, Mei started to draw more and more. She sent paintings and illustrations to Liyue and Snezhnaya, looking for a job, and soon began receiving orders, finally living the life she had always aspired to.
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~Vision~ One day, walking through the forest in Snezhnaya late at night, little Mei fell off a cliff and got her hand into a wolf trap. The child did not have enough strength to uncoil the springs, let alone try to pull out his hand. Night was falling too fast; after a few minutes of fruitless attempts to free herself, Mei noticed shadows among the trees - wolves were approaching her. Feeling the horror growing inside, choking with prayers to Her Majesty the Tsaritsa, she made a desperate attempt to pull her hand out of the trap. A sharp pain shot through her muscles, immediately replaced by a burning ice. A bright flash lit up the forest, and a pack of wolves turned into ice statues. The Cryo Vision glowed in Mei's palm; her arm, freed from the trap, was covered with ice up to the elbow. Mei hardly remembers this story - but her icy hand does not allow her to completely erase it from her memory.
In Snezhnaya, children with white or gray hair are called "kissed by the Tsaritsa." The icy hand, Cryo abilities and the nickname because of the color of her hair - all this affected the fact that Mei always treated Her Majesty with special love and reverence, believing that it was she who turned her gaze on her and saved her from death in the night forest.
______________________________________________________ (eng is not my first language i'm sorry for possible mistakes) А на русском можно почитать вот тут: https://vk.com/harbor_of_dreams А ещё я рисовала её вообще не в своём стиле и чуть не померла от этого
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soleilnmity · 11 months
Hi it's me Kaisaan the guy that has a list of all translated and untranslated megaten stuff. Do you have any plans for translating anything else, or anything that you'd like to see translated? Regardless, great job on the Punishment given by Sin translation so far! Looking forward to the completion of the second volume!
Late reply but, I actually have a lot of things I want to translate...
Official media for the most part I want to get the 2nd part of the ateshi batsu novel done as well as:
Kandori novel
Mie Takase EP novel (might try IS too but it depends on how interesting I find it)
EP World Book (actually working on it, most scans are done but cleaning and editing takes a while x_x)
IS DLC (The one with a bunch of OCs and P1 cast, I have the full jp script extracted)
A lot of the P2 anthologies (I have 17 (missing 8)) and might try getting some P1 anthologies too (own 10 out f 29...)
P1 PSP Snow Queen novel (This novel is in Nanjo's perspective, it doesn't have very good reviews but I'm curious about it) Also possibly part of the EP guidebook (it has an interesting interview with kaneko-tadashi-cozy about the themes and development of EP). A lot of these things I'd post raws of because I can't do everything on my own but I like to be organized and only post things WITH translation available but idk orz on top of doujinshi being my passion primarily and that one takes a while too because I own at least 110 P2 doujinshi....
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evilscuderia · 2 years
2. The Bench
"All the experience in the military [during WWI] had left me was a reference letter written by a Colonel, which I thought would be enough to get a job at Fiat. I was full of hope when I walked into engineer Diego Soria's office in Corso Dante [in Turin] [...] It was a fiasco: Fiat, as Soria kindly explained to me, was not yet big enough to employ all the war veterans. It was the winter of 1918-19 – an extremely cold one, I still remember it with anguish. I found myself in the street, the clothes were freezing on my body. I was walking through Valentino Park and, after brushing the snow off with my hand, I let myself fall on a bench. I was alone, my father and my brother were gone*. Despair took over, and I cried. I went back to that same bench many years later, in 1947. Dear Sommer had just won the Turin Grand Prix – the first after the war – on the Ferrari 159 S. The tears of that day had a very different taste."
(Enzo Ferrari, Le mie gioie terribili)
*both Enzo's father Alfredo and brother Alfredo Jr ('Dino') died during WWI, in 1915 and 1916 respectively.
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In the picture: French racing driver Raymond Sommer (1906-1950), winner of the 1947 Turin Grand Prix at Valentino Park, the first ever Grand Prix win for Enzo Ferrari as an independent constructor.
part 2 of ?
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alberto--c · 1 year
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isoldio · 2 years
10, possibly with 20 as a dialogue?
OFC !! i was so tempted to do darkeleine but,,, i cant write dc to save my life (also italian eclair because i say so. they/them for eclair, hc heavy but its fine- also cotton isnt a kid anymore)
"Il mio tesoro," Eclair asked the mage next to him, "how long ago did you get this?" They ask, pointing under the table. Said mage looks to the swollen red wound on his leg, recognizing its origin quickly. "Must've been on the expedition I went on a day or two ago. No matter." Espresso answers, completely ignoring how it ached- as per usual -and returned to his writing. "Espresso. I am getting tired of you consistently putting off yourself for the sake of your magic. We're going to Cotton." They sigh to nobody but themself and get up, removing the pen from his loves hand. "No wonder you've wanted to hold me so much, you cant walk without me!"
Espresso takes just a moment to respond before scoffing. "Please. I can walk just fine." "Oh? Then walk to me. You can do it, because you can 'walk so well,' cant you miele?" They step back from the table, lifting up their dress just slightly. The professor sighs, knowing he as no choice, and gets up from the chair, using the table to help him stand, and barely took a step forward. Before falling flat on his face. Or at least that's what he expected.
A large familiar book broke his fall, emitting a soft glow. He groaned as the book lifted him off the ground. "You know I can fly on my own. That would be far faster and easier, yes?" He adjusts his glasses, looking to the historian for answers. "In that condition, you aren't going anywhere. I'm bringing you." They respond, their pen emitting the same glow as they began walking to the door. The book, and consequently Espresso, trailed behind them.
Not long later they arrived near a snow-covered cabin with frost on the windows, covered in lights. They knocked, while Espresso only looked down at the floor, the snow suddenly very interesting to him. Cotton, holding her cane, opened the door, not entirely surprised to see the two. "Professor Eclair, Professor Espresso! What are you both doing here, the snow is rather heavy today." She questions, smiling just a little.
"Cotton Cookie, thank divines you're home today! Espresso has been injured for almost two days on his leg and he hasn't informed me nor anyone else. We- Well, I- Were wondering if you could do anything?" Said professor asked, slightly nudging to Espresso. "Of course. Come inside, you must be freezing." She offers, leaving the doorway for them to come in. They enter the cabin, picking up the injured from the book and desummoning it.
They put him down gently onto a chair and rolls up his pant leg and robe, revealing the huge gash. "Oh no... Professor Espresso, you have to be more careful!" She begins healing it after wrapping it in gauze. The mage closed his eyes and smiles just faintly as he's enveloped with warmth, the injury closing up slowly. "Thank you, Cotton. I'll make it up to you, prometto." They smile. "Oh, no, you don't have to! I just want him to be more careful this time." She replies, finishing her healing after a few seconds.
"He should be okay, just be gentle on it. Just make sure he stays warm and doesn't walk on it." Eclair gently picks him up, uncaring to summon the book again. "Of course, he wont be working until he heals. Right, amore mio?" They look to Espresso just slightly, making sure he heard that. He only looks away, sour his work would have to wait. "Good! Do you need anything else?" The shepherd asks them, happy he would be taking it easy. "Not that I'm aware of. Thank you again," They kiss Espresso's forehead, "I believe we should take our leave." He chuckles at Espresso's reaction.
"Alright. Safe travels!" She opens the door again, and Eclair leaves the cozy cabin, using light magic to guide them home. Happy Espresso would be eased of his pain again.
il mio tesoro - my treasure
prometto - promise
amore mio - my love
miele - honey
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poke-muns · 3 months
Human Names from Pokémon
Like how Robin, Leo, Raven, Kitty, etc. sound like animals using different languages, and names like Goldie can have ties if the namer so wishes. Same works here! The Pokemon name itself can be a name or the more “namey” sounding version.
Under the cut will likely be long and always getting longer as it’s updated. Names will be organised alphabetically!
Some names have links to pkmn irl roleplay blogs of folk who use the name/have used the name with this as the reason. I won’t be tagging so if you’re interested go have a look! 
Accelgor = Ellie, Cel, Elgor, Elgo
Aggron = Aggie, Ron
Galeking (Japanese) = Gale, King
Stolloss (German) = Stoll
Amaura = Amaur, Maur, Mau, Maura, Maurrie
Amagara (French) = Ama, Magar, Magara, Gara, Ara
Amarus (Japanese & Korean) = Amar, Mar, Marus, Arus, Rus
Tundra (species name) = Tunny, Undra
Blissey = Bliss, Liss, Lissey, Sey, Issey
Caterpie = Caterina
Decidueye = Dec, Deci, Duey,
Arrow Quill (species name) = Quill
Delcatty = Del, Catt, Catty
Prim (species name)
Delibird = Del
Dudunsparce = Dud, Dun, Arce, Dudun
Deusolourdo (French) = Deus, Sol, Deusol, Lourdo, Solourdo, Solour
Dummimisel (German) = Dummi, Dumm/Dum, Imi, Misel, Isel, Sel, Ummi, Mimi
Land Snake (species name) = Lanake, Snand
Nogogochi (Korean) = Nogo, Nogogo, Gogo, Gochi, Gogochi, Ochi, Ogochi, Ogogochi
Nokokocchi (Japanese) = Noko, Nokoko, Kocchi, Kokocchi, Occhi, Okocchi, Okokocchi, Okoko
Espeon = Es, Esp, Espy/Espie (I get what it sounds like and some don’t like that term), Peon
Eifie (Japanese) = Eif, Fie
Evee (Korean) = Eve, Vee (Pokémon adventures reference too? :D)
Mentali (French) = Ment, Tali, Ali
Psiana (German) = Psi, Psia, Ian, Iana, Ana, Psian
Sun (species name) = Sun, Sunny/Sunnie
Feebas = Feebie, Bas
Flareon = Flare, Eon, Reon
Booster (Japanese & Korean) = Boost
Flamara (German) = Amara, Amar, Lamar, Ara
Pyroli (French) = Py, Pyrol, Li, Oli
Fletchinder / Fletchling = Fletch
Frillish = Frill, Rilli, Lish, Illish
Galvantula = Gal, Galvan, Tula
Glaceon = Glace, Eon, Ace, Ceon, Lace
Fresh Snow (species name) = Snow, Esh
Glacia (Japanese) = Cia, Acia, Lacia
Glaziola (German) = Glaz, Glazi, Ziola, Ola, Zio, Lazio
Geulleisia (Korean) = Geulle/Guel/Guell, Leisia, Eisia, Sia, Euelle/Euel/Euell
Givrali (French) = Giv, Rali, Ali, Li, Givra, Vral, Vrali, Ivra, Ivral, Ivrali
Goldeen = Goldee/Goldie
Gothitelle = Elle
Siderella = Ella
Hariyama = Hari, Riya, Yama, Hariya
Jolteon = Jo, Jol, Joel, Jolt, Teon, Eon
Blitza (German) = Blitz, Itza, Litz, Za, Blita, Blit
Jupithunder (Korean) = Jupi, Jupiter, Thun, Pith, Pithund, Pithun, Jup, Jupith
Thunders (Japanese) = Thunder, Thun, Ders
Voltali (French) = Volt, Ali, Tali, Li, Olta, Oltali
Karrablast = Karra
Kleoparda (Liepard in German) = Kleo
Kyurem = Kyu, Rem/Remy, Kyur/Kyure
Landorus = Dory, Lan/Lanie, Lando
Demeteros / Démétéros (German / French) = Demetreus, Demeter, Dem
Leafeon = Leaf, Eaf, Feon, Eon, Eafie/Eafe, Leafe/Leafie
Folipurba (German) = Foli, Oli, Pur, Purb, Purba, Urba, Lipur, Lipurb, Folipur
Leafia (Japanese) = Leaf, Fia, Eafia
Lipia (Korean) = Ipia, Pia, Lipi, Ipi
Phyllali (French) = Phyll/Phyll, Ali, Lali
Lileep = Lilee/Lily, Lil, Lee, Li
Litleo = Leo, Litly
Lumineon = Lumi, Lumie
Luxio = Lux
Luxray = Lux, Ray
Medicham = Medi, Dich, Dicha, Edi, Cham, Dicham, Medich
Charem (Japanese) = Char/Chare, Rem, Arem, Em
Charmina (French) = Charm, Mina, Armina, Armin, Charmin, Charmi, Armi, Min, Ina
Meditalis (German) = Tali, Talis, Alis, Dit, Ditali, Ditalis
Meditate (species name) = Tate, Medit, Dit
Yogarem (Korean) = Yo, Yoga, Rem, Garem, Em
Mienshao = Mie, Mien, Shao, Ao, Miensh, Miensha, Enshao
Bizodo (Korean) = Bi, Bizo, Zodo, Iz, Izo, Izodo, Odo, Biz
Kojondo (Japanese) = Kojo, Jon, Jondo, Jon Do (?), Kojon, Kojond, Jond, Ko
Shaofouine (French) = Shao, Shaofou, Fouine, Fou, Shaof
Shifùyòu (Mandarin) = Shifù, Fùyòu, Yòu
Wie-Shu (German) = Wie, Wiesh, Shu, Eshu
Mightyena / Poochyena = Yena
Milotic = Milo, Loti, Ilo, Oti, Otic
Panpour = Pan
Pansage = Pan, Sage, Pansie/Pansy
Pansear = Pan, Pansie/Pansy (possibly)
Pichu = Pi, Chu, Ichu, Ich
Pikachu = Pika, Achu, Pik, Pi, Chu
Pyroar = Py, Pyro, Ro, Roar, Oar
Pyroleo (French) = Pyro, Roleo, Leo, Rol
Raichu = Rai, Chu, Ai, Aichu
Roselia = Rose, Rosie, Elia, Eli
Roserade = Rose, Rosie
Sableye = Sable
Zobiris (German) = Iris, Zo, Biris, Ob
Sawsbuck = Saw
Haydaim (French) = Hay, Haydm, Daim, Haydem
Shelmet = Shely
Sprigatito = Sprig, Gati, Gatito, Tito, Titi, Rig, Gat, Spriga
Felori (German) = Fel, Feli, Lori, Ori, Eloro, Felo
Grass Cat (species name) = Cass, Grat, Cat
Myāohā (Hindi) = Myā, Myāo, Yāo, Yāohā, Āohā
Naoha (Korean) = Nao, Ao, Aoha
Niaoha (Thai) = Nia, Niao, Aoha, Iaoha, Iao
Nyahoja (Japanese) = Nya, Hoja, Nyaho
Poussacha (French) = Sacha, Acha, Poussa, Poussach
Sylveon = Sylvie / Sylvester, Veon, Eon
Feelinara (German) = Fee, Feelin, Linara, Nara, Ara, Lin, Inara, Inar, Eelin, Elina
Nymphali (French) = Nymph, Nym, Pha, Phali, Ali
Nymphia (Japanese & Korean) = Nymph, Nym, Phia, Phi
Tauros = Tau, Taur, Ros, Tauro, Auros
Kentaros (Korean) = Ken, Kent, Kentau, Kentaur, Kentaro, Taro, Aros
Kentauros (Japanese) = Ken, Kentau, Kentaur, Kentauro, Enta
Terrakion = Terra/Terr/Terry, Kion, Erra, Raki, Ion
Terrakium (German & French) = Kiu, Kium
Togekiss = Toge, Kiss/Kissie, Gex (I don’t know ok), Gek
Jubilee (species name) = Lee, Jubi
Torterra = Tor, Tort, Terra, Erra
Chelterrar (French) = Chel, Chelt, Terra, Terrar, Rar, Erra
Umbreon = Umbre, Reon, Eon, Bre, Breon
Blacky (Japanese & Korean) = Black, Lacky, Blac
Nachtara (German) = Nach, Tara
Noctali (French) = Noc, Noct, Tali, Octa, Octal, Octali
Vaporeon = Vapor, Va, Reon, Eon, Oreo, Oreon
Aquali (Japanese) = Aqua, Li, Ali, Quali
Aquana (German) = Aqua, Ana, Quana
Bubble Jet (species name) = Jet, Bubble, Blej (I don’t know okay)
Shamid (Korean) = Shamie, Amid, Sham, Mid
Showers (Japanese) = Ower, Shower
Wooloo = Woo, Woolie/Wooly, Loo (like Lou)
Moumouton (French) = Mou, Moumou, Mouton, Ton
Wolly (German) = Wol, Olly
Yanmega = Yan, Mega, Meg, Anme
Ogre Darner (species name)= Darner, Ogie
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denny1416 · 5 months
Dopo tutto questo tempo passato a guardarsi dentro, scoprendo che il pozzo è sempre più profondo se guardi meglio, mi aspetto che 'sta vita vada un po' meglio tra qualche anno.
Qualcuno di molto caro mi ripete che è tutto nelle mie mani, che capirò come sbloccarmi, ma qualsiasi cosa è una scommessa. Scommetti oggi e domani o tra dieci anni poi sai se hai vinto o no.
Manderò tutto a puttane? Boh, può essere... oppure questa è solo una prova di merda, tipo Hunger Games e io sono la fottuta Katniss e quindi alla fine c'è il canto della rivolta e vaffanculo Snow.
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