Severus survived, moved abroad in a muggle neighborhood and wrote 7 "Potions for Dunderheads" books, one for each year he taught at Hogwarts, using his own recipes.
He put wayyyyyy too much indications on every steps : color, potential dangers (risk of irritation, toxicity, etc), developed a mortality /100 scale for each step, indicate the margin of safety (3 more or less drops and you're 3rd degree burned dunderhead) .
By the seventh book, he learned biochemistry and organic chemistry, and added the pH, reaction equations, active ingredient, what protections to use (gloves, glasses) and progress tables.
Then he wrote "Muggle Techniques Applied to Magical Potions", in which he explains how to take off your gloves in safety, how to sterilize the supplies (including dragon leather gloves), when and how to use an autoclave, a centrifuge, and everything you can find in a muggle lab.
Through the years, he wrote many books :
Fresh, Dried, Fermented or Chopped : a proper use of plants in magical potions ;
Raw, Rare, Blue, Well done or Burnt: a proper use of animal parts in magical potions ;
Healing Spells and Potions for Daily Life ;
Why Using Your Wand While Brewing is the WORST IDEA EVER ;
You Blow Your Cauldron : Healing Spells for Dunderheads
Ancient Runes and Alchemy: How to Make the Lab Dunderhead-Proof
Starry Sky and Unicorn Poop : Potions for Toddlers and Children (under a pen name)
Easy Peasy, Potions Easy (under a pen name)
Those Legal Potions That Should Be Worst a Dementor Kiss (very controversial, includes Amortentia)
He also published many papers in potions magazines, all controversial, and that's how the word "Snience" started to spread.
He has been offered many jobs in potion labs, but never accepted it. However, he agreed to teach some summer camps when he's short of money, where he met very skilled wizards in herbology, magical creatures, spells and alchemy, whom he befriended.
They called themselves The Mad Snientists Team, since they all started to use muggle knowledge to improve their research.
And then, from above, he watches the first prom of students of the Severus Snape Magical Institute for Very Skilled Witches and Wizards attend their first class.
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moonlightdancer26 · 1 year
Thanks to the wonderful people of the snapedom, I have now started saying ‘snose ’ instead of nose. I didn’t even realize it until my sister pointed it out 💀
You’re very welcome
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Guys they found the snitorus
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sevlucsimp · 2 years
Counting the number of Snape’s buttons for Snience
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In total there are 38 buttons. 9 on each sleeve, 4 on each pant leg, and 12 on the front of the frock coat.
I imagine he switches between using magic or just manually buttoning and un-button based on his mood. If he’s in a hurry, then magic. If just wants spend a little more time by himself before heading out for the day, then he does it with his hands. The process of manually fasting each one helps clear his mind and brace himself before heading out in the morning.
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deathmchandsome · 1 year
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Snience Guy (Snake Science Guy) and a random assortment of pals.
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clockworkflicker · 4 years
I have a soapbox to stand on for a second
Every single scenario where someone gets sick from being out in cold weather is valid and here’s why:
Rhinoviruses (a family of viruses responsible for the majority of colds) prefer to replicate at 32°C (89°F), which is an oddity among infectious agents because most human pathogens are adapted to work best closer to our normal core temperature 37°C (98°F). Hence why they almost exclusively infect the respiratory tract - this is one of the coolest parts of the body due to air exchange.
Studies have demonstrated that at least part of this preference to replicate at nasal cavity temperature is due to a less efficient antiviral defense response of infected cells at cool temperatures.
To quote another article, “Most of the available evidence from laboratory and clinical studies suggests that inhaled cold air, cooling of the body surface and cold stress induced by lowering the core body temperature cause pathophysiological responses such as vasoconstriction in the respiratory tract mucosa and suppression of immune responses, which are responsible for increased susceptibility to infections.”
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snarent · 6 years
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Jormungandr is 1924g (though that’s with one smallish r.at in him) and 4 foot 7 inches according to snience!
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snynth (snail synth)
indistinguishable from regular snails, has snience (snail science) gone too far?
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hl2 · 7 years
i don't know snience im just Ow
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kiwi · 7 years
actually the wobble of guitar strings is caused by the cameras rolling shutter! when you take a picture or video, the camera doesnt take the whole video at once but instead slides from top to bottom or side to side. when things are moving very fast, they get distorted because they're in a different place by the time the shutter gets there (this is most popularly seen with airplane propellers)! so the strings dont actually wobble, they just vibrate faster than the shutter can get them.
verie interesting
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clockworkflicker · 4 years
I am SO into the science behind kink, particularly snz kink, and those theories were fascinating!!! I truthfully think it has someone else to do with besides simply environment tho bc so many snz fuckers show interest in illness media far before they would be exposed to a larger environment or form any sort of non familal relationships !! The idea of opposing immune systems seems v intriguing tho!!
Yeah, I absolutely agree that this kink is more than just environmental factors. Not too long ago I made a post about how interesting it is that there are so many autistic snzfuckers out there (myself included), and, more broadly, how a disproportionate number of snzfuckers have some kind of auditory processing abnormalities. (I think I forgot to get that post reblogged to this new blog. I’ll fix that in a second.) As far as I’m aware, neuroatypicallities like those are largely genetic.
I can’t claim to have ever studied kink science (which is a goddamn shame, given how many evolution and animal behavior courses I’ve been through), but this all makes me think that there isn’t a single specific snz kink gene. There are probably several genetically coded factors that make it likely for the kink to develop early on.
And if that’s the case, you’re right and we’d rule out hypothesis 1 because it assumes that the same genetics underpin all kinks.
So if we assume that the genetic factors contributing to having a snz kink are unique-ish, it comes down to two possibilities. Either the kink is beneficial for survival and reproduction, or the kink is neutral/slightly negative, but there’s not enough selection pressure to remove it from the gene pool.
The kink being just kinda neutral/not detrimental strikes me as the most likely situation. Evolution is such a chaotic mess of a process, and most mutations are, in fact, neutral or deleterious. There’s also the complication of the genes that underpin the snz kink also being linked to other traits, and selection will act on those traits as well.
But I do have yet another fun explanation for why having a snz kink may be evolutionarily beneficial. So with non-dangerous illnesses (like the common cold), the vast, vast majority of symptoms and just feeling shitty are not due to the virus. They’re due to your immune system’s response. Snotty? Your body’s making mucus to flush out the virus. Sore throat? Your throat’s inflamed, which is something your body does to get white blood cells to the site of infection faster. Exhausted? All your body’s energy is focused on this immune response right now, you don’t have energy to spare.
And here’s the thing. People with stronger immune systems, ones that would adequately protect them from from illnesses that are actually dangerous, also tend to be the same people who are more symptomatic from regular colds.
This is a long winded way of saying that maybe the kink is The Pinnacle of Human Evolution (lmao imagine) because it encourages us to go for partners who definitely have, uh, more reactive immune systems, which happen to also be the people who are least likely to die of plague or something.
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thlpp · 8 years
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Scientists have found a surprising explanation for snakes’ effortless slithering: A mind-bogglingly thin coat of fatty lubricant embedded on the snakes’ scales.
The findings not only explain the reptiles' eerie slickness, but they also point the way toward new kinds of industrial lubricants and coatings, not to mention improved designs for snake-inspired robots.
“You know at county fairs, when you have the greased pig contest?” says Joe Mendelson, a herpetologist at Zoo Atlanta who wasn’t involved with the study. “These guys just showed that snakes are self-greased pigs.”
As entertaining as the notion of a slippery snake may be, the finding goes a great deal toward explaining how snakes smoothly weave their limbless bodies over terrain. Snakes can climb trees, scurry across scorching-hot desert, swim, and even “fly," gliding from tree limb to tree limb. (SeeNational Geographic's amazing snake pictures.)
But none of snakes’ amazing moves would be possible if their outermost scales—the product of millions of years of evolution—couldn’t take the beating.
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deeplyspaced · 9 years
Nothing is ever actually "cold", it's just really not hot. 
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