#snapshots and character studies
A Conversation: A Post-Season 6 Snapshot
Katelyn sits on the bed, hugging her knees to her chest. What have they done? She tried to kill her love. They don't deserve Lucinda's forgiveness.
Lucinda comes in with a mug of hot chocolate. "I thought you might want something comforting, Kitty-Cat."
Katelyn doesn't know what to do. Does she take Luci's offer?
"You're still in bad shape, aren't you?" Luci whispers. "Don't worry, I understand. It's horrible to be like that, trapped in your mind while you hurt those you care about."
How could Luci know that? "What?"
"Oh... We never did talk about what happened at the Lodge, did we?"
"No, but what does that have to do with anything?"
"I was controlled too, you know."
"Ein... he captured me, trapped me in my mind, made me make those horrible potions."
"No..." Katelyn gasps. How dare he hurt their Luci?
"Yes. It was horrible. I couldn't even do a thing. I had to watch everything... as Aphira was forced to hate Aaron, as Aphira tried to kill Aaron... And so much more."
"Oh, Luci..."
Katelyn takes the hot chocolate from her Luci. They need to relax, they think. Ein is dead, and she can't kill him.
That night, they fall asleep in each other's arms.
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mad-hunts · 2 months
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' i thought about you all the time, even though i've lived longer now without you than with you. even though i can't remember your laugh or the way you held my hand. these days, you're no longer a face to me. just a blurry picture that i carry in the pocket of my heart. i remember everything and nothing at all. i don't remember your voice. i don't remember the last time we spoke or what your favorite song was. i don't even know if you knew mine. but, i remember what you taught me very well. that there is never enough time, and i will always wish i spent more of mine with you. that every year i grow older... more people become memories, even the ones that still speak. i forget their voice, too. and i remember you taught me very well that no one can live without grief they carry in the pocket of their heart. you taught me that grief lives in the heart because it is just the price of having one. and now? i have to miss you until i am a memory in someone else's. '
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spaciebabie · 9 months
Hi hello I’m the one who sent that angsty Springtrap ask a while ago and I would like to know your favorite tropes because I may or may not have,,, made an ao3 acc.
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MY favorite tropes??? 😳 honestly in regards 2 springtrap if hes in any amount of pain i enjoy it. a bit sadistic of me yes, but i hate him.
but on a more serious note, i enjoy most tropes when it comes ta him truly!! monster who only has a soft spot for the person of his affections? good. oooh the a fell first b fell harder trope is something i think would fit him too (where he falls harder). i dunno! theres a lot 2 think abt X3
uhhh i dont really think abt characters in tropes so im sorry if this wasnt helpful hgfhgfhgvkhkh
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I’ve got one more character portrait I wanted to get out of my system before I need to work on other projects, so here’s Derek for ya! I honestly wasn’t sure how Sourwolf was going to turn out, but he actually exceeded my expectations. He was thankfully easier to draw than I thought he would be (the grumpy characters I do draw are hard AF to get right), so he was a breath of fresh air. I could definitely get used to drawing him more (and maybe doing some really cool things with his eyes). Also, swooning over that facial hair and the shadows, and this general colour palette was really great to work with. You can view Derek as part of the work Snapshots of Time on AO3. Thinking about maybe working on Scott or Lydia next, but we’ll see!
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archergray · 1 year
I woke up one day with a wolfstar brainrot again and so I've been writing this fic for weeks. Anyway, here it is, hope you'll enjoy it!
Summary: “This was one of Remus’ favourite (worst) memories: it was an August evening and the weather had been glorious. Their flat was illuminated in a soft, golden light and Remus couldn’t tear his eyes away from Sirius.
He was dancing all over their living room with a drink in his hand (it was a cheap whisky, they only had a muggle brand in their cupboards, because Sirius insisted it was better, but Sirius also never outgrew his rebel–fascinated–with–all–things–muggle phase). Despite his movements, he was surprisingly steady – not a single drop of liquid left the glass. It was mesmerising.
He was like a dream. Remus loved him so much he would die for him. He would also keep living for him, so he could find himself being held in his caring arms once again.”
Or: Things that Remus remembered (and some that he never get to know) from his life, in a random order.
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pen-of-roses · 2 years
Character Study: Oliver Rook
The meadow is a normally quiet and peaceful place, tucked away from the busy world around it, where the only life tends to be the passing griff, the mischievous hexies dancing amongst the brightly colored flowers, or an escaped goat that had wandered far. A cool wind carries the distant birdsong here, and takes the sweet scent away to equally distant parts of the isles. Part of that peace comes from the strange air that settles over the area, warning off most travelers and unsettling to the locals who whisper of curses. They’re right in so far as it is magic that they feel in the air here, and could see too, if they bothered to be here this early, the sun just beginning to rise, with her light catching on spiderweb thin strands of silver Cast. A starry field within reach.
There wasn’t just birdsong on the wind now though, nor just the usual creatures flitting about. Instead, the haunting notes of a half forgotten lullaby were drifting from the figure playing a flute in the meadow’s heart, and an amphithere circled overhead.
They never dreamed that a slice of heaven such as this could be cast-touched, but here it was and here they sat.
A heavy dark blue cloak, like those worn by mourners, obscured most of their body. The loose brown shirt they wore and baggy cargo pants added to the effect of hiding their frame. From their thin hands and face, most assumed the rest of them followed suit. Though most strangers’ eyes were drawn either to the simply carved wooden cane at their side, the heavy scars that crawled up their neck and left side of their face, or to the silvery left eye that so differed from its dark brown, near black counterpart. Some of the scars made it to the back of their left hand too.
Like so many of the Korryn inhabitants, white freckles dusted their tan skin. Though unlike most, their brown hair was short, barely reaching past their chin, and a mess of tangles from their recent travels.
Their bag lay next to the cane, a heavy thing for most to carry, but rather light and small for it containing everything they owned but what they wore. Its contents were enough coin to buy travel and food in the next town, a couple well worn shirts and pants that had been clumsily repaired, letters that weren’t ever read, a small threadbare blanket, a canteen, a needle and some thread, a carved figurine of a wyvern carefully wrapped in a scarf—also usually untouched—, rope, and a case for the flute they played.
Here, they seemed as close to relaxed as possible. They swayed slightly with their music, their eyes were closed, and their body was loose, though their long Sharial ears twitched with every new sound and movement around them, and their eyes moved rapidly behind their eyelids. Every so often, their face would contort with pain, though it was there and gone in a second. Still, it was more honest than most of what they showed the world.
As the last notes of their lullaby were carried away, they opened their eyes to the early light of dawn over the meadow. They would have to start moving soon. On to the next town, the next crowd to get lost in, always having to stay several steps ahead.
For now though, for just these few seconds they could rest.
The amphithere settled around their neck, her feathers and scales changing from the same deep blue as their cloak to a calmer green reminiscent of the flower stems. With her familiar weight pressed against them, their body relaxed the rest of the way, and Oliver Rook lowered their flute, and shed the tears they had been holding back.
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sadiesingssongs · 53 minutes
The more I think about the Sam Mendes Beatles biopics, the more I hope they get shelved.
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txttletale · 1 year
and also, unrelated, what about homestuck?
i think homestuck is worth reading. however, if you do so in 2023, i also really recommend listening to homestuck made this world, a podcast where two media academics read through homestuck while contextualizing it in the context of the fan response and the development of internet cultures both in general and around media specifically. hsmtw while reading along with the hosts is imo a really good way to read homestuck because huge segments of homestuck only really make sense when understood as being in direct and ongoing and sometimes v. v. antagonistic conversation with the fanbase. it's very very interesting in that regard and i think that's the angle from which you can get the most of value out of reading homestuck in 2023.
if you do read homestuck don't read it on the website because the website is Not Very Good. download the unofficial homestuck collection instead. some people will recommend you download the slur replacement patch which edits out the slurs used in the comic--you can do that if you like, i'm not the homestuck cops, but i would strongly advise against it. an integral part of, like, what homestuck Is is imo a vivid snapshot of what the internet was like at the time--it is culturally inseparable from shit like somethingawful and people saying 'retard' to each other all the time and i think something is very strongly lost by reading homestuck with any changes that make you less sharply aware that you're reading something from 2009's internet
is homestuck good? yeah, probably. a lot of it has aged badly. it is racist and ableist and homophobic and all the other bad things the 2009-2016 era internet was. the back half and the ending kind of drag to a halt. but there's some great imagery in it, hussie's talent for character voice is genuinely incredible, and a lot of it is (in my opinion) still funny as all fuck. it's fun to experience and see how many left turns it takes and how many drastic shifts in tone and genre it pulls off. and--again, this is the primary reason i'd recommend reading it--it's a really interesting case study in the embryonic development of a reactive, in-conversation-with-online-reaction media production method
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sl-vega · 1 month
pairing: Hiori Yo x [FEM!] Reader
genre: fluff, first crush, oneshot/drabble, hiori character study if you squint, classmates to lovers, pre-bluelock au, canon compliant
synopsis: hiori knows something is wrong with him when he can't focus during practice, or during games, or during anything really. he initially pins the blame on you, you're the only thing occupying his mind whenever he tries to do anything. karasu says hiori's got it bad (aka he's in love) but there's no way, ...right? (or in which our cyan haired prodigy tries to figure out his very obvious feelings for you, and karasu teases him like the amazing friend he is)
CW: mild language, potentially ooc hiori and karasu, mentions of toxic/controlling parents (I mean it's hiori what do you expect?) 
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The whistle sounded, and the match came to an end, and Bambi Osaka Youth had...
Lost actually.
Normally Hiori would've been worried about his parents' reaction. How they would make sure he got even more practice than usual, and how his mother would put him on another excessive and controlling diet.
Normally Hiori would be dreading the walk back home, already feeling the disappointment radiating off of his father, even if they weren't present at the match itself. The fear that maybe today would be that day that his parents would stop loving him, the day where his facade would finally shatter. The day that he would finally fall off the thin tight rope that he had been clinging to his whole life.
But today, his thoughts were anything but normal.
The only thing plaguing his mind was you, some pretty girl that became his seatmate in school a few weeks ago.
He spotted you before heading to the change rooms with the rest of his teammates today, and his mind reverted to the dumb fantasies he always got whenever your were around.
They usually consisted of him holding your hand, giving you your favorite flowers, or sometimes they were just snapshots of you.
Your smile, your voice, anything and everything about you drove him crazy.
Not that he would ever admit it.
Hiori's developed a sixth sense to your presence, even during the short time that's he's known you. He doesn't know why, nor does he know the name of the feeling that makes his heart jump to his throat whenever he hears your laugh, but he's always certain whenever you're nearby.
He decided to risk a glance, and lo and behold, there you were, chatting with a friend about something. Your face lit up at something that she said, and you playfully swatted her arm in retaliation to something.
"It's rude ta' stare ya' know."
With a mere brush of shoulders, Hiori's attention was drawn away from you, and to his raven haired teammate instead. Karasu leans forward to get a better look at you, quickly analyzing your behaviour and mannerisms before turning back to his teammate.
"So that why you've been so distracted lately."
Karasu looked at Hiori with that shit-eating grin of his. That same face he always makes whenever he sees right through him. It was almost concerning how well his upperclassman seemed to know him.
"If ya' like her so much, you should just talk to her."
"I- I don't like her."
"Those starry eyes of yers' say otherwise."
Hiori looked away and tried his best to hide the red hue that spreads across his face. Of course there was no point in doing so since he was dealing with the ever-so-lovely Karasu Tabito, but he didn't need his teammates calling him out.
Not yet at least, he didn't even know what was going on in his own head, or heart for that matter.
Their coach called them over, everyone was about to be granted leave, the two of them walked over and positioned themselves next to the rest of the team, and coach went on about how they shouldn't slack off during practice or somethin'
Not that Hiori could care, seeing as how you were only a few meters away from him, some cheaply painted fence being the only thing standing in between the two of you.
Coach kept lecturing and scolding them, but Hiori's gaze kept wandering back to you.
Why were you here? Were you watching the game? Were you watching him? Did you like soccer? Had you watched his other games before? If you did, how has he not noticed yet? Maybe one of his teammates knew you personally. Wait- what if you were dating someone on the team?-
Hiori doesn't know why, but the thought of you being taken gives him a sinking feeling.
Suddenly he felt a blunt kick against his ankle. It's Karasu, of course.
"What the fu-"
"Not my fault yer' too busy ogling at her to concentrate, consider this a favour."
The older boy quickly cut him off before any crass language could fall from his lips, and Hiori's focus returned to whatever their coach was saying, but his superior's words simply entered one ear and exited the other.
His mind was still filled with thoughts of you, and only you, and when he saw you leave with your friend from the corner of his eye, he felt that same sinking feeling again.
When their coach finally dismissed them, Hiori was tempted to try and catch up with you, but he doesn't dare, Bambi Osaka lost, which was already enough to get a scolding from his parents, but coming home late? 'Cuz of a girl no less?
Yeah, he wasn't that reckless, even when it came to you
Though that same sinking feeling returns when he saw your figure slowly leave his vision, already missing your presence.
Apparently his gloom was evident, because the second he returned his focus back to his teammates once more, he was met with Karasu and that God forsaken look of his.
It was still incredibly concerning of how easy it was for his senior to pick him apart with a simple glance.
"She's gonna think yer' some creep if ya' keep staring at 'er like that."
"Shut up ya' stupid crow."
Karasu took a few steps forward, but slowed down his pace because he was waiting for Hiori to follow him. He had actually gotten the approval of his parents to take the train back home with Karasu. Hiori didn't know how, but he wasn't complaining.
The younger boy followed him, as they walked off the field with the rest of their team.
Everyone exchanged farewells before dispersing into their own groups, some walking home and others heading to a local convenience store or cafe to wind down.
And that left Hiori and Karasu to walk to the station, Karasu leading the way, and Hiori following him like a puppy.
The walk was silent for quite some time, the only prominent view being Karasu's back facing towards him.
Of course, Karasu couldn't keep that big mouth of his shut, and it seemed like today was no different.
"So what's she like?"
"What do ya mean?"
Karasu rolled his eyes and gave him an unimpressed look.
"That girl."
Hiori paused for a second, he actually didn't know that much about you, he thought you were really nice, and pretty, and you always lent him your stationary, even though you forgot it on some days. You even let him keep a turquoise glitter gel pen of yours since he seemed to like writing with them so much.
"It matches your eyes."
He distinctly remembers your words from a couple weeks ago, when your hands brushed as you gave him the pen, and the way you smiled when you pulled it out of your pencil case. The pen's ink was halfway finished but there was still a substantial amount left.
"Lemme know if you need another!"
He wouldn't admit it but he exclusively used that pen for all his assignments from that day forward.
Suddenly he heard Karasu clear his throat, snapping him out of his daydreams and back to reality.
"Uh, she's..."
Hiori paused once more, trying to think of a word that could actually do you justice.
"So ya don't know anything about 'er other than the fact that yer' whipped for 'er?"
He was taken aback by the blunt statement, but it was true, other than the fact that he knew that you were nice, he didn't know much else about you.
"Must be one hell of a gal if she can get the attention of our local prodigy without tryin'"
Hiori playfully swatted his shoulder.
"I told ya not to call me that! But yeah, she is."
Maybe Hiori didn't know much about romance, or about you, but there was one thing he knew for sure.
If it came to you, he was willing to change that.
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critterbitter · 5 months
Do you think you'll draw the nimbasa trio catching their first Pokemon that's not their starter on their journey?
Definitely! It’s just a matter of getting there, haha. I am but one vaguely man shaped blob with a hyperfixation. Mortal needs like sleep and hand pains stop me from vomiting every brain idea I have.
I actually got this question multiple times, so to answer! I am not going to be drawing the nimbasa trio getting another pokemon until their late teens unless a brainworm strikes. (So no new pokemon during the current snapshot series haha.)
From a canon perspective, well:
Most npc trainers you meet on route have 2-4 pokemon, so I’m gonna try to keep within that amount until the trio settles in Nimbasa and have the revenue/space to upkeep a full pokemon team.
From a meta perspective, wellllll:
Another caught pokemon means character development, and I, ah... right now, I just wanna draw a candle, a zebra, and an eel. I love painting. But fitting seven or more characters on a canvas is, er… Make me draw more guys and I’ll melt like a vanniluxe on a summer day.
If people are curious for some pokemon headcannons though (note that this is not canon— pokemon gave me a puddle of information, so I’m taking the shovel to dig an ocean.)
- ingo saw a colony of dwebble collecting rocks while in the desert, and he’s been enamored ever since. He’s been trying to convince a dwebble to join his team for a while. Unfortunately, Ingo’s very excited and dwebble are naturally shy. (It doesn’t help that litwick can get mean when jealous.)
- emmet loves double battles and teams up with a lot of wild pokemon— but he doesn’t click with anybody until much further in the future. Me thinks his expectations are a tad too high from having such a good start with tynamo. He’s worked with multiple growlithes and thinks Helping Hand is the coolest shit ever.
- emmet’s first “caught” pokemon would be archen. More like “lab grown” and “lovingly hatched”, but it’s the thought that counts. Thinking once again about squab archen…
- elesa found her two emolga in the trash. She was going to release them after fostering, but got attached.
For future plans:
(The pokemon the twins live with and are officially part of the team (named at what stage the twins meet them! Note that everybody becomes fully evolved at somepoint.)
Ingo— litwick, dwebble, drillbur, and axew.
Emmet— tynamo, archen(lint roller), joltik, and durant.
They also have pokemon coworkers that don’t live with them, but agree to help in battles for exp and wages— kliklank twins, garbadore, shelmet and karablast, boldore (atlas), and gurdur)
And for our favorite electric gym leader:
Elesa— blitzle, the emolga twins (em and molga), stunfisk, mareep
(She has pokemon coworkers Eelektross (eela), zebrastrika (motorbreak), and Galvulanta (Lanta) who have a similar set up to the twins— the pokemon agree to work with Elesa for exp and wages, but otherwise have their own lives.)
(Fun headcanon: pokemon who are raised by humans tend to keep human nicknames. It’s not always the case, but it’s a common enough trend for research studies.)
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Secrets: A Kim Brenner Character Study
Kim knows better than to mess with things she doesn't understand. After all, her mother had always told her that there were some things people weren't meant to understand.
Perhaps this is one of those things. This ghost, this spirit... it's unlike any she's ever seen. And she knows spirits. Her family is from a long line of mediums, stretching back to Cadenza Metali. She still doesn't know what to do about her friend with the same name.
Perhaps she should just skip over that. Just like all the other names. Just like Aphira, who has more in common with the old Lady than just her name. Just like Aaron, with his strange secrets.
Kim is very good at finding secrets. Especially these days, now that her mind is not only her own. She knows there's something wrong with the Lycan family's sudden fortune.
She doesn't expect what she hears when she actually chooses to eavesdrop on the conversation between Derek and Melissa.
A small voice in their head, a small twinge of memory, simply says "of course it's him."
She and Ghost simply skip over that, as well. After all, it's better to just discard things like that, things you can't hope to understand.
Kim doesn't want to go onto that cannon. Those twinges of memory from Ghost tell her that what happens there is always bad. But she has no choice. Besides, whatever secrets lie there, they may explain what happened to Ghost, and neither of them can risk losing that information.
What they remember is horrible.
Emmalyn weeps inside her head, while Kim decides that they have to face these things neither of them can understand.
For their Lady, for Kenmur, and for those poor victims of the Demon Warlock, their names now lost to time. This infernal cannon cannot last for anymore time. It is the creation of a kind people, intended for kindness, but...
There is no kindness here anymore.
Kim cannot understand it, but she can destroy it.
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mad-hunts · 1 month
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[ TRANSCRIPTION: I don't understand I don't understand I don't understand Why did you leave me, Marcy? We were supposed to be together forever. Is it true that you're an angel now? ]
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yandereorg · 1 year
Characters included are the Batboys + Roy Harper and this is just snapshots of angst
Warnings: self mutation in Tim's part,
Dick Grayson
Your key, it sat there haunting him, it was the only thing left of you, you had cleared out, he had been gone for a week and you were acting completely normal, until Friday. You had blocked him. Your last text saying "im sorry, i do have a lot of love for you, but you're just too much and I knew that you'd blow up if I told you I wanted to end it, and it's really scary when you get like that." You tried to break up with him over text. Taken all your things, apart from that stupid key. Dick sat there, empty, rejected, his heart felt barbed wires wrap around it, your face would appear in his mind and the wires would tighten. Dick knew where you were, he hoped that you would come home and you would, he just wanted you to be willing. He had resources and time, he'd be kind, this is your first offence after all, as long as you batted you're pretty eyelashes at him. Dick just wanted to please you.
"Pick up the phone y/n, I can play these games all day but it's gonna be you crying when I win." A few photos attached two of them being of you, sat at an unrecognisable desk, the third a screenshot of your bank account, completely drained. You'd have to run back to him, nothing in Gotham was free.
Jason Todd
"Jason, you're making everything so hard, I can't watch you knock on death's door every night." Jason was getting more reckless. He was so indifferent about his own safety, it was like he wanted to die, he was throwing his life away and it made you feel sick. Every time he walked out your home, you feared that it would be the last time. Jason knew this, your affections given out more freely, your hugs tighter, desperate for him to stay, your kisses were so full of need, worry and worth. Jason adored desperation and fear suited you so well.
"What do I make hard?" Still he was completely calm, like the crimson stains the surrounded him that they didn't exist. he didn't care that his life style made you sick with anxiety. Jason wasn't dumb, he knew how scared you were, he liked that you cared, you stayed up all night and when he was late you'd spam his phone and when he came back achey and hurting you were there, you made a pretty cute nurse. And yeah sometimes he'd wait a little longer so he could get that welcome, but all your worry made him feel loved, like a real hero.
"To love you." as soon as those words left your lips you knew it was a mistake, spoken out of frustration and a growing anger, you had wished these feelings away so often yet, the fear to replace it was so much worse. Jason's empty glare haunted you.
This was going to be a rough and very long night.
Tim Drake
Crimson stained the sink and iron filled the air, the pictures that had flashed up on your phone broke you away from studying, your ex boyfriend was acting a lovesick fool. You broke up with Tim because he was intense, even insane but they wouldn't believe you. You had ended it, but he needed help.
“You’re scaring me.” you had no need to be scared, Tim would protect you from anything, he has already. He'd often hang out with you as red robin, he was more confident that way, he was able to flirt and see your cute reactions, see you squirm like prey under the gaze of a predator.
"why? I'm your boyfriend? Am I not allowed to show off my love? I did this for us, angel." Tim was deranged, he had lost his mind, for him he was just proving his love, proving himself worthy of your love. Who else carved your name into their skin?He was so desperate for your validation, so he showed you, it still bleeding when he took the photo. The smile stapled on his face was unnatural, different from the man you loved, eventually your body gave you an ultimatum, fight or flight, soon enough you went running out the room, screaming for Alfred trying to explain Tim's actions but before you could notice the emptiness of the manor Tim had caught up with you.
Damian Wayne
“No feelings involved though.” Your voice repeated this, it echoed in his head,  Damian had thought that this was a better starting than nothing, until he realised that his plan wasn't happening, bodies were beginning to pile up, every time he deleted your dating apps they were soon reinstalled, he was right here, waiting for you to call, but instead you choose some random man off of the internet, Damian knew Gotham, and you inviting these men in, wasn't good for you and it was even worse for Damian who watched it, closely trying to mimic their words, trying to improve for you. he wasn't even your first choice anymore. just a body.
You were being reckless, you weren't but Damian's mind was set in stone, and he wasn't just gonna give up on you.
The man had been a quick visit, Damian couldn't believe the piece of filth was so casually, a god laid besides him and he was all too eager to leave. But that was a problem for later, right now he just needed to get you home.
This was the only way, Damian should have seen past his lust, it was unbecoming, he should have convinced you, proven himself more, but it didn't matter because now you were safe. You would awake in his arms, far away from Gotham, safe and sound.
Roy Harper
"we aren't anything, we've never been anything.” Roy was clingy, needy and full of yearning, these traits made for a good situationship, he was so eager to please, desperate for your validation and it was Roy who had no shame and it was infectious, he had no time to hide all his kinks. His face changed, soured at your rather blunt reminder of the agreement.
He didn't say anything, just took away his arms, and turned away. He had hoped that you would spoon him, say sorry. He was in the middle of talking about wanting to see you swell with his seed, picturing you as a perfect house spouse, but you didn't. Opting to get some sleep.
It hurt. You reignited all his insecurities, he had hoped this situation would help you realise that you wanted him, he always took such great care of you. the pain he felt was similar to the one that shot through his body when Oliver abandoned him, when he needed him the most, the rejection still stung, and you had re-opened this wounds.
He just wanted love, both to be loved and to love you and he'd make a great boyfriend. He'd do anything to prove that.
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This week has been chaotic and frustrating AF. Since I’ve been lost in the Teen Wolf black hole lately, thanks to @nerdherderette, I thought I’d make some art to see where I can throw that energy. Parameters...pick a colour palette, do a character portrait, and must be something that can be finished up in a few hours. The result? Let’s draw Stiles first, and ohhhh boy! I think I found a new fav person to draw. It really helps his wardrobe is equivalent to mine, so that’s a plus! Yay for hoodies and plaid shirts! If you know me well, then yeppp, I accidentally started a new art series. Looks like I’m just going to draw more of the McCall pack now. You can view Stiles as part of the work Snapshots of Time on AO3. We’ll see how many other portraits come out of this!
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snek-eyes · 8 months
Good Omens fic recs
Hello all! Wanted to share a few of my longtime faves. These are all pre-s2, might do another with my post-s2 recs? Narrowed it down to 10, since that's the max links tumbl lets you have in a post.
Any Way You Want It
Author: Justkeeptrekkin Words: 27,500 Chapters: 5/5 Rating: Mature Mood: Vacation, soft but introspective After finally getting heaven and hell off their backs (at a cost) Crowley and Aziraphale go on holiday to a cottage in Scotland. Fluffy with fun snappy dialogue, the two really feel like best friends here! Aziraphale struggles with his tendency to go slower than even he wants.
Instructions Not Included
Author: Atalan Words: 68,000 Chapters: 13/13 Rating: Teen Mood: Detective / Gen (There are feelings but it earns that slowburn tag) My "if season 2 isn't good, this is my season 2" fic. Now, I liked season 2, but this is still SO good. After the notpocalypse, Aziraphale and Crowley start a detective agency investigating supernatural happenings together. New characters include Raphael (who totally missed the apocalypse haha whoops), and a big spooky dog (whomst I adore). Note that while this fic stands just fine on its own, there is an unfinished sequel that imo doesn't leave off anywhere stressful.
When in Rome
Author: Kedreeva Words: 4,000 Rating: General Mood: The liminal space of nighttime conversations What happens after Aziraphale invites Crowley to oysters: Wings and reading. Tentative and innocent in those early days.
the deft, sweet gesture of your hand
Author: deadgreeks Words: 12,000 Rating: Explicit Mood: Hurt/Comfort, introspection A few years after the failed apocalypse Crowley shows up badly injured at the bookshop. Aziraphale has to help heal Crowley and save them both, and still finds the time to knit his feelings.
Author: Twilightcitysky Words: 122,000 Chapters: 19/19 Rating: Explicit Mood: Y'ever want a side of learning something with your romcom? After realizing they might need their own corporations to heal themselves now that they're not working for heaven and hell, Aziraphale and Crowley turn on all their bodily functions. All of them. What could be a silly premise is played out very satisfyingly, the actual biology of hormones at play here is fascinating. (this is not really at all related but: has anyone else read Peeps by Scott Westerfeld? Because the format reminded me of this in that it did a similar thing of playing straight the concept of "what could cause vampires to be real" that drew on inspiration from real life parasites interspersed between the chapters. I dig it. Anyway!)
Author: AnnetheCatDetective Words: 10,000 Chapters: 3/? (Technically unfinished, but leaves off in a satisfying spot) Rating: Not Rated Mood: Meta (Character study as story) “There's some competition for Aziraphale and Crowley's usual table at the Ritz…” A couple of miracles bend reality and, well… you ever been like, “The boys need therapy, but who could possibly give it to them?” I love crossovers where the TV boys meet other versions of themselves, this one is my favorite.
i can't say the words, so i wrote you into my verse
Author: mygalfriday (BrinneyFriday) Words: 5,000 Rating: Teen Mood: Snapshots through history "Crowley has tattoos and every few centuries, Aziraphale discovers a new one." Simple and paints a lovely picture.
By Definition
Author: idiopathicsmile Words: 3,000 Rating: Explicit Mood: Smutty but fond A night together after the Ritz fic where Aziraphale is asexual and Crowley isn’t and how that works for them. The dialogue here is positively delightful.
Bark Dust
Author: rfsmiley Words: 8,000 Rating: Mature (mostly for injuries) Mood: Whump, Hurt/Comfort, Historical Crowley is very badly injured in a battle, and Aziraphale has to figure out how to save his life.
Tell Me A Story
Author: brilliant_or_insane Words: 5,000 Rating: Teen Mood: Soft and warm Aziraphale likes telling stories and Crowley likes to listen. But when the demon is dissatisfied by sad endings and can't relate to the happy ones, Aziraphale decides to move them forward by telling a new story. (Of course, Crowley isn't entirely satisfied with the angel's perspective on that one either.)
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onathinker · 4 months
masterlist 🔞🤍
*note: i only write player x player. no player x reader here, sorry!*
find me on ao3
published works:
a note heard in heaven (ona/lucy, teasing & dry humping smut, 2.7k words)
starry eyes sparking up my darkest night (ona/lucy, jersey wearing smut & slight hurt/comfort, 5.6k words)
don't turn away, i'm still awake (ona/lucy, fluffy facetime sex & praise kink, 3.2k words)
bittersweet sixteen suddenly (ona/lucy, getting together fluff, 1.4k words)
carve your name into my bedpost (ona/lucy, foreplay & dirty talk, 1.3k words)
fic recs
wip snippets
requests *note: i won't be churning out fics for every single request, but if you rq something that i've already been working on/if inspiration really strikes, i will move it up on my list of priorities*
wips: (*these will go out very slowly so feel free to ask questions*):
untitled 30k~ fic - fwb to lovers. smut, fluff, angst, anything you can think of. timeline spans first half of 2023 with flashbacks to dec 2022. due: april at the earliest -- no promises!
change me at all costs / dom/top ona smut - ona straps up. getting my whipped bottom lucy agenda underway
born for loving you / domestic bliss fluff - lucy finally comes home to ona after a trip. inspired by lucy's breakfast ig story
all i get is wild thoughts / "tank top fic" - smut. bit of clothes sharing. tw brief discussion of body image (*might take out*)
surprise visit hurt/comfort - lucy surprises ona in manchester when she’s having a tough week. early relationship vibes
me pone cachonda, me pone mal / "papi fic" - smut smut smut
she likes a boy - solo ona coming of age/coming out character study
necklace fic - london trip gift giving fluff (*not the smiley face necklace sorry*)
untitled hurt/comfort - post-benfica draw hurt/comfort
untitled pool sex - short & sweet vacation smut. pretty much written but will come out when the weather is warmer to set the ~atmosphere~ lol
you should find another guiding light - snapshots from euros through lucy stan’s wedding ft. lucy/keira & feli/ona (includes hen party hookup) (*may be split into two fics/parts*)
i can only love you more - smut. jealous lucy after barca xmas dinner
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind au - post-breakup future angst
jenni/alexia angst with background ona/lucy
patri/pina/cata throuple fic - slice of life/fluff
[last updated may 13]
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