#sleeby bois inc
eepylimes17 · 2 years
SBI as the Diamond authority (Steven universe AU)
Tommy: Pink Diamond
Techno: Yellow Diamond
Wilbur: Blue Diamond
Philza: White Diamond
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sleepy bois hp au
-sorted into slytherin and didn’t really fit in at first
-came out of literally nowhere and kicked the shit out of everyone
-when he first came to hogwarts no one knew who he was
-”technoblade? who dat??”
-muggle-born!techno bc it just makes sense to me
-like no one knew who this guy was
-he swoops in and he’s doing wandless non-verbal magic
-has a muggle brother and 2 muggle sisters and he loves them more than anything; be pureblood supremacist all you want just don’t talk about his siblings  
-technoblade refuses to die. duel him, please, he wants violence
-doesn’t actually play quidditch (despite being absolutely cracked at it), but he is the dueling club mvp
-dude actually studied, though he worked very quickly, so he achieved more than everyone else in the same amount of time
-actually really likes divination, don’t tell anyone, he’s really good at it
-dyed his hair pink in 5th year in celebration of becoming a prefect despite having dueled everyone
-to be fair it wasn’t his fault everyone wanted to see if he was truly untouchable
-he’s only in 6th year but he has a legacy already
-sorted into gryffindor, fit in perfectly
-halfblood with a very large family (the soothouse boys)
-everyone loves this guy, he gets along with everyone, but they’re also lowkey terrified
-no seriously he has an uncanny ability to get along with anyone
-likes the idea of plants but despises herbology
-loves DADA (hence how he first met techno, when he dueled him and was like “woah pls teach me”) and joined the dueling club
-wilbur you need to help ur friends with transfiguration ur the best at it nO STOP MAKING INSTRUMENTS 
-was never a prefect but is in 7th year and the gryffindor headboy
-may or may not be a sweetheart, may or may not be a dirty dirty crime boy
-freshly graduated 3 years ago
-there is stupid amounts of debate on whether or not he should’ve been a hufflepuff, but we’ll stick with gryff for now
-has one of those kool quidditch plaques for best keeper of his generation
-works as an auror; specializes in rescue-based missions/survival missions
-techno is interning under him, and through techno phil met wilbur 
-the dad and also the BEST
-is a light family pureblood, so he’s anti-pureblood supremacy
-very VERY good at charms stuff, and is happy to tutor you if you need it :)
-was also gryffindor headboy during his 7th year
-famously went missing while in America for 5 years starting just before he started hogwarts to the spring break of his fifth year but managed to survive and eventually made it back to hogwarts
-only actually went to hogwarts for half of year 5 and 6th and 7th year but still made headboy (damn)
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immortalcoelacanth · 3 years
Beyond the Walls, Chapter 1: Seeking Shelter (Of the Emotional and Physical Kind)
*does a little dance*
As I slowly work through chapter 5 of Between the Walls, I decided to give into the immense urge and create a oneshot/bonus content spin off called Beyond the Walls! Prepare for fluff! Hurt and comfort! And an eventual Hermitcraft crossover because I will generate the content I wish to see in the world!
Word count: 2128
Summary: Not long after settling in with Techno, Tommy discovers an unfortunate side effect of being a borrower in a tundra environment. The unbearable cold. 
Tommy had a problem.
Well, it would be more accurate to say that Tommy had many problems. He lived with someone who could very easily kill him. He still needed to find a way to reunite with Tubbo and get back to Borrowton. He had no idea how to get back to his old home, if he could even call it that, and still needed to come up with a plan to get to his friend.
And, perhaps the worst problem of all, he didn’t have a proper source of heat.
Despite living pretty close to the fireplace that Technoblade had made the borrower could not actually create his own source of heat, unless he wanted to risk accidentally burning everything down. If that did end up happening he knew for a fact he would get kicked out with barely a moment’s notice for lowering Techno’s “property value”, or whatever that meant. This left him relying on the fireplace in the corner of the main room as his source of heat to fight off the chill of the tundra.
Unfortunately for him, there were times where the fire went out and that chill started to sneak in again.
Technoblade was, understandably, not at all bothered by these moments. He was either outside doing… something, or was perfectly fine thanks to his fancy cape, layers of clothing, and the immense amount of heat he seemed to produce.
The hybrid was like a living furnace, while Tommy was the exact opposite.
He got cold easily, really easily, and had always hated it when it snowed at Borrowton. He had many memories of huddling with Tubbo around their furnace, wrapped in many layers of blankets, and still shivering. Now that he was stuck here with his pathetic collection of resources, primarily things he had snagged from the hybrid’s chest, and no real way to keep himself warm. Sure, he had stolen some wool and used that to make a nest, as well as wrapping himself in the too thin blanket that he had been given while being exiled, but it failed horribly and he still felt cold.
Which was why Tommy was currently staring at Techno, sleeping away in his warm bed, and thinking about what he should do.
The fireplace was out, he had no means to light the giant furnaces in the main room or the flimsy furnace he had made for himself, and he did not dare risk trying to light a fire in his own home, so that left him with one option. An option that could easily lead to his death and put him in one of the most embarrassing situations he had ever been in.
Getting closer to Techno and stealing some of his body heat.
… Just thinking about his stupid idea filled him with a mixture of dread and shame. He had no problem with physical contact, he had hugged Tubbo many times and gotten an equal amount of hugs from his friend in return, but this was different. This was him putting himself in danger, exposing not just a physical vulnerability that could result in him getting crushed, but an emotional vulnerability too.
These worries filled his mind as he got closer and closer to Techno’s bed. Several times he froze when the hybrid shifted in his sleep, fearing that he was on the verge of waking up. Every creak of the floor and natural groan of the house left the borrower cringing. He felt scared, but the promise of warmth kept him moving. After climbing up the bedpost connected to the headboard of the bed, he found himself standing in front of Techno’s face.
There was, thankfully, space between them, but the borrower still froze as the reality of what he was about to do dawned on him. He quietly wondered to himself when he would get used to being around someone so… so incomprehensibly massive.  
Slowly, Tommy crept across the bed and approached the slumbering hybrid. The soft surface dipped beneath him with every step he took, and he could feel each exhale, the warm breath ruffling his hair. Anxiety built up in him. At this point he had not physically been close to Techno all that often and he was still more than a little intimidated by his presence. And if the hybrid ended up waking up while he was nearby…
He didn’t want to think about what might happen, the teasing or what retribution might look like if he ended up angering Techno.
However, he needed to do this. He needed to get at least one good night’s sleep instead of the sporadic naps he usually had. He was tired, cold, and more stressed than he would like to admit.  
And so very, very lonely.
Once he reached the edge of the blanket he slipped under it, heart stuttering in his chest as his perspective shifted. After laying down, and seeing how much more Techno’s still form loomed over him, he curled up while deliberately facing away from the hybrid, and tried to sleep.
This… this was better. The blanket was nice and heavy, locking in the heat around him, but it failed to generate its own warmth and just resulted in the borrower continuing to tremble thanks to the cold.
It sucked!
He let out a frustrated growl as he tried, and failed, to dramatically fling the heavy blanket off him. All he ended up doing was slapping at the bulky fabric before squirming out from under it. Feeling colder than ever now that he was back out in the open air, he promptly wrapped his arms around himself and tried to ignore the chattering of his teeth as he continued shivering.
Shivering, until another gust of warm air rolled over him.
Ooooooh noooooo.
Absolutely not! There was no way in hell he was going to try getting any closer to him than he had to be! Besides, the thought of… of cuddling someone other than Tubbo was absolutely humiliating! He would rather spend the rest of the night dealing with the cold than resort to such a desperate measure.
However, another gust of warm air quickly had him changing his mind.
For once in his life, Tommy carefully took his time as he got closer and closer to his target. The tension that left his hands trembling and shoulders rigid started to fade as the heat radiated by Techno started to sink into him. Reluctance replaced by an eagerness that begged him to get as close as possible, the borrower paused and weighed his options. He could, of course, just lay down beside the hybrid, but that left him open to being crushed if Techno rolled over in his sleep. Using the pillow would probably result in a similar fate, or him being immediately seen and getting in trouble.
But then he noticed where one of Techno’s hands was.
Curled up close to the hybrid’s chest, yet still having more than enough space for someone his size to lay there, it was the only spot where Tommy didn’t see himself getting crushed or caught instantly.
Which was pretty iconic all things considered.
He was hesitant, who wouldn’t be, at the thought of essentially sitting in Techno’s hand and trying to get some decent sleep, but the choice was looking more and more tempting as he thought about how warm and cozy it would be. Besides, he had to be a heavy sleeper, right?! None of his nighttime tunneling had ever seemed to disturb the hybrid while he slept, so surely he wouldn’t notice anything!
Plan now firmly in mind, Tommy set out to complete his mission. Still being as careful as he could make himself be, he slipped over Techno’s forearm. Landing in the open space and partially trapped by the arm behind him and the chest in front of him, the borrower was relieved to realize this would function as the perfect escape route in case anything happened.
As long as Techno didn’t move, of course.
Now feeling more comfortable and confident, he crept towards the hand in front of him. He stared at it, eyes narrowing as he tried to think of the best way to execute his plan. There was the obvious option of climbing into the partially open hand, but just thinking about it made him feel so weird.
Just… fuck!
This whole thing was so weird! Weird and foreign and a situation he never thought he would find himself in, and it left his stomach feeling like it was doing flips! He felt so nervous, full of energy, and strangely excited at the same time. The anticipation fueled by adrenaline left him frozen in place, legs practically vibrating as he struggled to both move and not move. And there he stayed, frozen in place by his own buzzing anxiety, until a loud snore that startled him resulted in him stumbling both literally and figuratively into Techno’s clutches.
Unfortunately, this was the moment where things started to go wrong.
A quiet, fearful whine escaped Tommy as everything around him moved, Techno once again shifting in his sleep. The hand behind him was pressed against his back, forcing him closer to the hybrid’s chest and nearly cutting off his escape route in the process. Shadows closed in around him, encasing him in darkness. Finally, he heard what would have been a quiet rumbling noise were it not for the fact that he was basically being cradled against Techno’s chest. The sheer volume of the sound was something he could feel in his lungs-
“What the fuck.” He quietly whispered to himself, unable to see how one of Techno’s ears flicked in response to the noise. For a moment, he contemplated making a break for it and sprinting back to the walls, getting away before the hybrid woke up. He was too vulnerable here, his choices were limited if something went horribly wrong, so many things could go wrong, he could die-
And yet, he felt so warm.
Tension slowly seeping out of him, Tommy let out a sigh and clung to the expansive shirt in front of him. His eyes shut and he listened to Techno’s steady breathing and the slow pounding of his heart. Even the hand behind him, something that could easily kill him, seemed to be nothing more than a protective barrier hiding him from the rest of the world as it was, very gently, pressed against him.
Despite all the anxiety and fear that had previously bubbled up in him, he felt… safe.
Truly and genuinely safe for the first time since he had been exiled.
So, it was no surprise when he quickly found himself falling asleep. He did not fight the welcoming embrace of oblivion as it engulfed him, nor did he stir when the hand cradling him shifted. A thumb was pressed against his back and slow circles were traced into it. It was a soothing gesture, something that caused the sleeping borrower to smile in his sleep as he listened to the gentle rumbling that acted as a lullaby.
For the first night since arriving at the cabin, Tommy found himself getting a good night’s rest.
Hours later, the light of the afternoon sun shone through the windows, one of the beams hitting Technoblade in the face. He let out annoyed huff and slowly opened his eyes, wincing at the bright light. For a moment he contemplated on whether he should try and fall back asleep, retirement was not all that exciting and he could afford to sleep away a few days, but ultimately decided not to. Just before getting up, he glanced down at the hand cupped against his chest, seeing-
It was empty.
An amused snort escaped him and he shook his head. His hearing told him enough about where Tommy was, hidden under the bed based on the sounds of his panicked yet muffled cursing, but he ultimately chose to ignore the borrower. As Techno sat up, stretched, and got ready to start the day, Tommy sprinted towards the hidden hole in the wall and ducked inside, hoping that his quest for warmth during the night had gone unnoticed.
It was a hope that died when, as the night drew closer and the cold grew stronger, he noticed Techno adding more logs to the fire than he usually did. His hope died further when the hybrid smirked at him and spoke.
“Don’t want it getting too cold at night.”
Coincidently, this was the greatest amount of regret that Tommy had ever experienced in his life. Regret that would only be surpassed by a decision he would make at some point in the future.
But that is a tale for another time.
I’m legally obligated to allude to angst every time I write! Please bear with me as my scatterbrained self navigates how to best write these oneshots without spiraling into spoilers for the main fic, or just going total Hermitcraft as the urge is immense. 
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fillyreports · 3 years
Indulging in Sbi content and fanfics has made me realize just how much romantic shipping there is involved with fandom - and don’t get me wrong, I love romance as much as the next hopeless romantic, but sbi has made me realize that I don’t care for it NEARLY as much as family dynamic/letting two characters just be die-hard FRIENDS who never feel anything romantic for one another, but absolutely do have the dedication to the FRIENDSHIP they have to rival that of a romantic relationship. 
I just think we should appreciate those kinda relationships more without instantly assuming they’re lovers idk - obviously no hate to people who ship romantically a lot (I feel you I really do) but. The friendship. The family dynamic. They’re so so important to me. 
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puppy-lovee · 3 years
Anyways here's a dump of self ship drawings I'll never fully finish because I am a tired mans.
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strawberiitea · 3 years
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He sleep
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420technoblazeit · 3 years
sleeby deeby bois inc
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nho-jungle · 3 years
This might be a stupid thing to ask but can you explain all of the groups with in the dream smp? Who is sbi? Bench bros? Been duo? Allium? And all of the others I cant remember
oh boy i can totally give some of them a shot but I cannot give u all of them (follows feel free to add on).
SBI is Sleeby Boys Inc, which consists of Wilbur Soot, Technoblade, Philza, and Tommyinnit.
Bench Trio is Tubbo, Tommy, and Ranboo.
Bee Duo is Tubbo and Ranboo, Allium Duo is Ranboo and Tommy, and Clingy Duo is Tommy and Tubbo.
Dream Team is Dream, Sapnap, and Georgenotfound.
Feral Boys is Dream, Sapnap, George, Quackity, and Karl Jacobs.
Eternal Duo is Foolish and Eret.
I really can't think of anymore off the top of my head lmao.
Additions welcome!
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eyelash-stealer · 4 years
Things I thought while watching season one of Lego Ninjago for the first time since I was a kid during quarantine (part 2)
Episode 3
That's called Backne Cole
Honestly the outfit designs need a lot of work. I think they fix it eventually though
Free my mans from the floor
Nya hands out with sensei a lot what's that about
He is freed
Who is going to watch that garage sale of someone comes by. You're gonna get robbed
The writing on the Garage Sale sign I'd nice though
The ice effects are sick
Okay that's cool-
Pirate boiz
They got video games >:/
Race car
How did they know where they moved if they JUST moved and send lets
The accents omg
Jay is such a dick to his parents
How do Jay's parents know his type what the actual fuck
How do they understand everything so soon
Cappuccino machine? That was Cole's idea
T h e b u t t o n
Jay you don't have watch
He's do mean to his mom and dad they seem so sweet
Sensei is so sassy I'm crying
What a sweet realation ship:)
Lloyd be honest with yourself and go back to school
Fangpyres? What the hell?
That's not how dust works
He deserved that
The fangpyres are thicc
Oh I hate that. The double head talking thing
Jay's dad: the grind never stops
They love their son so much and Jay barely shows them any love it makes me sad
Oh no :(
The fangpyre are slow
What the f u c k ?
Are these snake people italian?
Edna and Ed deserve better
The ninja crew needs to learn respect for their friends oh my god
Honestly jay deserves the guilt tripping a bit
Nya that god
Dragon puberty
Kai is wonderful
Who gives a shit about flutes
Jay is almost like Leo Valdez but so much more of a dick. He shows zero sympathy
That wrecking ball looks like a Jack-o-lantern
Omg Jay is caring about his parents
Lloyd you bitch
I really wish they didnt need to yell "Ninja go!"
O h
I'd love to live in Jay's junkyard
"Wasnt there four of us?" Kai for the live of god
There it is again with the poor animation. Specifically on his face mask
Also why do they need masks of everyone knows who they are
Ew teeth levers
o h s h i t
That's cool ngl the whole weapon transportation
Cole's is the coolest
Poor rocky
Poor sensei
Damnit Jay
Straight to headquarters while yoite being FOLLOWED!?!
Bad animation
Parent love :)
Their ship is litterally the Argo II it flies, holds heroes
Awww they're so proud of him :)
Episode 4
The theme song slaps. When I was little I could recite the whole thing and I've still got it ;)
The falcon :D
"Little friend" aww
Bye bye falcon
Is this still a dream I'm so confused
Zane is so bad ass
Loving the electric guitar
The music and fight in this scene are gold
We stan. Green ninja and the falcon
I remember that Lloyd is the green Ninja and I love him but he was such an annoying kid
B i r d s
"Some dream"' that sounded suggestive
Hell yeah Cole
I love Kai honestly
They need to train more so I'm with Sensei
"We're smart"' u h n o
This show moves too quickly
Oh my god they're friends
The snakes:"They were roommates!"
Lloyd:"Oh my god they were roommates"
Dang, shade
Bye bye Lloyd get going
Did any of the Ninjas look at the scroll? It showed all for of then with the green ninja in the middle. It's obvious not one of them!
I think the camera went from Lloyd's POV and I think it's funny because it shows when. He starts walking and *snort*
The snake guy reminds me of the purple guy from Monsters inc.
"Chumsworth" LMAO
They're bonding over having no friends-
Ooo Cole look at those moves
They're gonna scooter omg-
This is top notch bonding
Those babies are HUGE
Aww how sweet
*Quietly*"six schools in six years, been kicked out of every place"
So mean to a kid
Why would they kick Lord Garmadon's son out
Also better question: why is the government allowing there to be a school for evil masterminds
Sleeby boy
Oooo sensei is a artist
The Argo II sets sail
Classy as hell school right there
Those skeletons are great
Is Lloyd skateboarding? Either that or they didnt animate his walk
Don't trust Jay
That's one way to do it
Those kids are probably murderers
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