#skin mooboard
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silm smut week @silmsmutweek: indis/miriel.
day 7. prompts: femslash. alternate universe. friends with benefits.
Image Description Below:
a moodboard with a purple background, titled 'INDIS AND MÍRIEL rulers of tirion-upon-túna'.
to the left of a mooboard, a column of text reads 'in a time of turmoil and uncertainty, the first dead queen of the noldor comes back to rule at the side of indis of the vanyar'. underneath, more text reads 'torgether, they recall each other to life with voice & dance & touch'.
to the right of the moodboard, seven images, divided in two horizontal rows of four/three. on the upper one, an image of coils of straw-yarn to the left, followed by the half-dressed back of a white person putting on or putting off a white gown, followed by the image of bundles of undying wool yarn, and to the uppermost right the image of a two people sitting down with one leg pressed together and holding hands, one dark-skinned and the other pale. the three lower images consist of two people touching each other's hands over their bare torsos, one dark-skinned and the other pale, followed by a close-up of a weaving in purples and yellows, and to the right the image of a solitary mountain against a dark blue sky'.
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Halloween Headcanons 2023: Mutant!Maneskin Au: Victoria De Angelis as Rogue
A/N: This is heavly inspired by the X-men saga with some of my original twists, so it will both be very similar but also different from the Marvel version. Click here to check out the other mooboards: Damiano, Ethan, Thomas.
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 -Victoria is born in Denmark from an Italian dad and a Danish mom, who is unfortunately sick and dies when Vic is 15, leaving her the number of an Italian friend of hers to call  in case of emergency. 
- A couple of weeks later, while she is kissing her current boyfriend, she feels electricity running through her, an insatiable hunger takes over while the boy becomes paler and paler, eventually dropping to the floor dead.
- Scared to death, she starts running towards her house and doesn't think twice about calling her mom's friend and packing her bags, because it was a matter of time before they would start to target her family. She doesn’t know her but she trusted her mother and she knows she has to leave the country.
-" I'll come pick you up at the Fiumicino airport, okay? My name is Maria."
- Once landed in Italy, Victoria discovers that Maria also had a power, controlling the light, and a son named Damiano who also seems to not be like others.
- The woman explains to her that those powers are a genetic mutation, there is nothing wrong with it and that she works in a special school for people like her, where she would learn to control and use her power.
- "You don't have to be afraid to be a freak, we all are at that school." Damiano says during her first day of school. "I still don't know what's your power." She asked. "You'll see."
-Victoria can absorb energies, memories, knowledge, talents, personality, and physical abilities through physical contact of her skin with the skin of the other person.-
-In the case of a mutant she can also absorb their powers until she interrupts the contact. It’s not clear if she can permanently absorb the power by killing the other mutant. 
- Slowly the school becomes her second home, while her friendship with Damiano gets tighter. He would always look after her while she would help him with school and learning English better, they even share a love for music and want to start a band in the future. Maria even gifts her a bass for her birthday.
- She also gets to know Ethan and Thomas, Damiano’s other friends, even if they don’t spend much time with her. The three of them seem to have a secret but Vic isn’t interested in finding it out.
- She has to wear gloves but quickly finds them incredibly fashionable, she starts to sew them and match her outfits which makes her quite the talk of the school. All the girls start to be less intimidated by her and she becomes the official makeup artist of the school, making few girls fall for her.
- Slowly a dark patch of hair starts to grow over her blonde one, dye doesn’t seem able to cover it so eventually Vic just accepts it as a new part of her.
- She gains the nickname “Kiss of death” due to her powers, however it is incredibly useful whenever someone tries to approach her against her will, even if Damiano’s burning gaze is usually enough to keep any unwanted person at bay.
- Sometimes Victoria almost forgets how dangerous she can be until someone didn't show interest in her or tried to gently touch her, in that case the sadness would come back. In moments like this she starts to miss her mother and the rest of her family even more, finding herself to wish to never have received those powers during her weakest moments.
-Beside gloves she also starts to train to channel her power to absorb a specific amount of energy, even if the downside is that the other’s personality or memories will linger in her for a while. 
- Damiano is in charge of training her during the holidays to make her ready to join her first mission, however they end up waiting for someone in front of a garage.
-" What's going on, Dam?" " I think we are ready to tell you our secret." “ Who’s we and what secret?” “ You already know them but you don’t know that we want to form a band and you’ll be our bassist.”
- That was the day Victoria, Damiano, Thomas and Ethan played for the first time together.
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For the prompt words...Heal and the Insatiable boys? (Please tell them I love them!)
They love you too, they told me so 😘
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Mooboard by @acrossthesestars Insatiable Series Masterlist
“Ow ow ow,” you hiss under your breath as you slip the salt-stiffened straps of your tank top off your aching shoulders. The rasp of that simple movement scrapes against your inflamed skin and you grimace as you pull the garment over your head and drop it onto the tiled floor.
“Deseito? Santi’s got dinner almost ready, you coming?”
“Uh, yeah, one sec!” Looking wildly around the bathroom, you consider your options. Putting your clothes back on, sandy and damp as they are, is a non-starter. The only towels you can see are the old beach ones the three of you had brought to the rental cottage and you wince just looking at their stiff, coarse weave. With a sigh, you crack the door open. 
“I need you to do me a favor and I need you not to tell Santi.” 
Frankie’s dark eyes go wide when he realizes you’re standing there completely naked, but he heroically keeps his gaze (mostly) on your face. It only takes him a moment to put the pieces together and a grin spreads over his face. 
“You stayed at the beach too long.”
“You got sunburned.”
“Santi is going to do his 'told you so' face.”
“I knowwww.” You hide your face in your hands, the image already vivid in your mind. You’d left the cottage hours ago with a book, a blanket to lay out on, and a blithe, dismissive wave when Santi had yelled for you to bring sunscreen. You weren’t going to be long, you’d said. It would be fine, you said. And it *had.*
At least, until you’d fallen asleep under the broiling hot sun. 
“Pobrecita,” Frankie croons in a sympathetic tone of voice only somewhat undercut by mild amusement. He kisses the top of your head, careful to avoid anywhere that might be more painful to the touch. “Wait there, I’ll get the aloe and a robe.” 
At least the side of the porcelain bathtub is cool. You sit there for a few minutes idly reading the backs of shampoo bottles and leap up with relief when you hear footsteps outside the door. 
“Finally, what took you so -” You come up short when you realize it’s not Frankie standing there holding up the shockingly green plastic bottle.
“What did I say, leoncita?”
Frankie appears behind him a moment later, slightly winded and mouths “Sorry” when you glare at him over your mates’ shoulder. “He was in the kitchen when I went to get the bottle out of the fridge and he wrestled it away from me.” 
With a sigh, you resign yourself to Santi’s smug expression. “Can we do the ‘I told you so’ song and dance later? I'm *hurt*.” You let a whine creep into your voice, hoping it will help plead your case.
“Yeah, yeah,” Santi chuckles, but he looks you over with concern anyway, making sure the sunburn isn’t too bad. “Dinner can wait. Take a cold shower and then meet us in the bedroom.”
You raise an eyebrow at that. “Well those are some mixed signals.”
“Very funny. “He nudges you towards the bathtub with a gentle push. “Go on, cool off and then you can have this.”
With a longing look at the cooling green gel, you let yourself be propelled past the shower curtain and into water so chilly you let out a little yelp. 
When you step out of the shower a few minutes later, feeling moderately better, the robe Frankie had gone to get for you is within easy reach, its silky material gliding over your skin and eliciting only a small whimper.
Santi meets you at the bedroom door with an assessing gaze. “Feeling better?”
You grumble something vaguely affirmative and flop onto the white cotton comforter next to Frankie. 
“Aloe please, now. Please?”
They take pity on you without any further teasing. Frankie’s large hands are gentle as he peels the robe from your wet skin and Santi settles carefully beside you. The first cooling caress of his aloe-coated fingers over your shoulders feels so good it drags a wicked moan from your lips. 
“Yeah, you like that?” 
“Uh huh.” You nod helplessly, going boneless beneath his touch. 
Santi works the aloe, still cool from the fridge, into your heated skin in slow, easy strokes. Frankie, once he’s swept your damp hair away from your face, grabs the bottle and goes to work on the rest of your sunburn. Between the two of them, they rub, caress, and soothe you into a hazy trance. It’s only when you feel their combined weights lift from the mattress that you crack an eyelid and mumble “Where’re you going?”
“We’re gonna bring some food up and eat here with you. Unless you want to sleep?” Frankie gives your upper thigh, one of the few spots you aren’t sunburnt, a gentle squeeze. When you not-so-subtly let your legs splay wider he groans.
Santi chuckles and climbs back onto the bed beside you, running a hand up your other thigh. 
“Naughty thing. Dinner it is.” 
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nuralscolorfulart · 4 months
New OC: Vanessa Goldencharm
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💛👗 NEW OC 👗💛
Here's my new OC in the Valentine's Day season of 2024, her name is Vanessa Goldencharm. She has a tan skin, dark gold eyes, and dark brown hair.
Hope you like it! ✨💕
Digitalized by me, on ibis Paint X (01/26/2024).
Title: New OC: Vanessa Goldencharm
Character: Vanessa Goldencharm ♀️
Type: OC fanart, Mooboard challenge on Instagram
Day 40, 2024
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thespiritoflife · 10 months
Hello i'm here for your exchange game:
My inicial is S and my pronouns are She/her
(I have 19 years old )
Pronouns for my FS: He/Him (male)
Exchange for you:
Love Story: You will have a good relationship with them from the begining,i feel that day will be friends first, not because they are not attracted to you, but because they want to know you better before. They will be very funny and they will like to makes with you and both of you can go on dates like amusement parks and go to games. I feel the serie Summer I Turned pretty can resonate with you.
Appearance: I feel that they skin is tanned but i feel that it is because, they like to spend time at the beach, their eyes maybe light, they maybe have freckles and they hair maybe light brown. They have an atletic body and can know how to surf.
I keep thinking about Jeremiah by the serie Summer I turned pretty
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Meeting: You can meet them in the near the beach maybe acquaintance or someone in the circle knows them. You can meet they between this years and 5 years probabily. Althrough i keep seeing thinking about number two probabily in two years.
1. Maybe they like have sex public probabily in the bathroom.
2. Oral sex a lot
3. Slow a sensual sex
4. Expect longs rounds
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Thank you
Hello, thank you so much for wonderful reading, I love it so much! That moodboard is so gorgeous wow, I love these quotes. And I've never watched Summer I turned pretty but I read books and Jeremy is boy I liked! Thank you so much, I love your reading.
Here goes yours ♡
love story: i think you'll find that man attractive immediately. you certainly don't know him yet. i feel like he will give you such majestic vibes. it may seem to you that he doesn't want to open up, that he's reserved and conservative, but don't worry. i feel like he was hurt and maybe he had a toxic ex? but when you get to know each other better, he will find out that you have a good soul and that you don't plan to hurt him. i also have the impression that he will be very protective.
appearance: he will definitely be older than you. maybe even 5 years older? he will have a beard. he will definitely have brown hair and i have a feeling his eyes will be dark too. he will be such a dark type overall. old money style is something he may like. i think you still need to be alone for a while, learn to really love yourself and then he will come. i think it will be in 3 years? maybe it seems late, but it's not!
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NSFW - minors dni! + moodboard
this man loves sex. he likes quickes! maybe he will bother you at night because he will be needy lol. he will be very dominant, but you will like it. sex with him will be passionate and definitely not boring.
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k-realm-scenarios · 7 years
Sun Shower
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In which you spend a pleasant spring date with Wonho.
1154 Words
The day was perfect. It was exactly what a spring day should be like: bluest of skies, gentlest of breezes, puffiest white clouds, and a date with Wonho.
After an exhausting week, you’d both planned for a date on a Sunday. Wonho liked Sundays. He said it was both a beginning and an end depending on how you looked at it. According to him, there was no better way to ending and beginning a week than by being in each other’s company.
Before Wonho, Sundays had just been like any other day of the week. Sometimes you worked, sometimes you didn’t. Now, Sunday was Wonho day. It had been like that for the better part of a year.
Wonho loved to do things. He would wake you up early, encourage you to go on jogs with him and then treat you to a delicious breakfast. At first, Wonho had carried a bag with a change of clothes to change into after jogging, but now, half of your closet was filled with his stuff. You weren’t living together, but he did spend a lot of time at your place during the weekends, especially because he shared his place with two of his friends.
You’d met Wonho while trying to learn how to ice skate. Your friends had all planned the day, disregarding the fact that you had never once in your life set foot in an ice rink. The prospect of falling on hard ice and breaking a bone terrified you. And you had been in the process of doing just that when Wonho had skated up to you and practically saved your life—or, well, at least kept you from breaking a wrist and your neck.
He’d ended up falling with you. Opening your eyes to the sight of someone like Wonho, pale skinned, platinum haired, and with the body and face of a demi-god—well, you were sure you had cracked your head open. You tried apologizing and leaving the ice rink, but Wonho would have none of it.
He spent the better part of two hours trying to teach you how to skate. At one point, you suggested that maybe ice skating just wasn’t for you. Wonho had taken great offense at this, muttering that you had to learn because “I would like to come back here on a date with you.”
Ten months later, you’d been ice skating, hiking, swimming, dancing, and bungee jumping. Wonho’s fear of heights had crippled him from doing things that he wanted to do, such as rock climbing, so he’d attempted to rid himself of that phobia once and for all. Seeing him weep in honest fear and then go through with the challenge had made your heart swell.
But outdoor and athletic activities were not the only things Wonho did with you. He took you to watch the movies you wanted to watch, held your hand across the table at cafes, baked you cookies and crème brûlée, started your own private book club of two, and was simply the best boyfriend in the world.
Today, he had suggested a picnic, a day under the vast blue spring sky to soak up some sun. You felt Wonho’s touch on your jawline, a soft caress that traced the curve of your neck. Opening your eyes, you smiled down at him, running your fingers through his hair. His dark roots had started to show, but the blue tinge on the ends remained vibrant, a striking contrast that made you breathless.
A soft smile appeared on his face. He shifted his head, settling comfortably on your lap. “What are you thinking about?”
Wonho’s ears turned pink and his smile consumed his whole face. You loved it when he smiled like that, pure and innocent and lovely. He pushed himself up on his elbows. You met him halfway in a simple yet charged kiss.
“Am I the best boyfriend you’ve ever had?”
“You’re the best boyfriend I’ve ever had.”
Wonho laughed, nudging you with his shoulder. “Am I really?”
You nudged him back, laughing as you took his face in your hands, squeezing his cheeks. “You’re the best boyfriend I’ve ever had.”
Wonho’s cheekbones were in the brink of exploding, his smile wider than wide.
Hearing such things made Wonho happy. It made you happy to see him smile, so you told him everything he wanted to hear and more. You lived for the moment in which Wonho’s grin would spread so wide it seemed almost painful. He would giggle and hide his face. This time, he turned on his side, hugging your waist, and burying his face in your stomach.
You laughed, stroking his hair and neck. Wonho squeezed you and you laughed again. For such a massive man, he really was soft and adorable.
A big, fat, cold raindrop landed on his bare shoulder, making him jump. He looked up as you wiped it away.
“Was that rain?”
The sky seemed mostly clear and the sun still shone, but there were some clouds that had turned dark in mere seconds. You both tried to read the weather, wondering if it had been a fluke or if maybe a sudden spring storm had snuck up on you.
“Maybe we should pack up, just in case?”
Wonho nodded. “Good idea.”
You had just finished folding the blanket when it started pouring. You squealed at the icy touch of the raindrops on your skin, laughing as Wonho sent a flurry of colorful words and phrases. They weren’t crude, just funny, and it made you laugh even more when he hopped around, swinging his arms.
The event was a sight to behold. The sun was still shining and its light made the raindrops sparkle as they fell. Thunder clapped overhead and the rain fell harder. Wonho whooped and spun, taking your hands in his, spinning you along with him. You laughed, letting him lead you in a strange dance that was more jumping and whooping than anything else.
Wonho’s hair clung to his face, his tank top plastered against his torso. He stood with his arms and legs spread wide open, his face turned up to the heavens, eyes closed. You mimicked his pose, feeling the cool rain splash on your face, drench your clothes and stick them to your body.
Before Wonho, standing out in the rain and letting yourself get soaked, the sensation of wet fabric pressed against your skin, was not something you would have done. Neither had been ice skating or bungee jumping. Or falling in love.
You turned to look at Wonho, admiring his beautiful existence with a soft smile. He felt your eyes on him and turned to face you.
“What is it?” he grinned.
“Catch me!”
You flung yourself at him. Wonho caught you mid jump. Holding you against his body, he laughed as he spun around. You laughed too.  
Sundays were Wonho day.
-Admin Lockette
Find the mooboard here!
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channary · 6 years
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tlc mooboards: scarlet benoit & winter hayle-blackburn
❝ winter’s eyes sparkled. there were times when scarlet felt like she’d hardened her heart to the girl’s impeccable beauty — her thick hair and warm brown skin, her gold-tinged eyes and rosy lips. but then the princess would give her a look like that and scarlet’s heart would skip and she would once again wonder how it was possible this wasn’t a glamour. ❞
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Halloween Headcanons 2023: Mutant!Maneskin Au: Thomas Raggi as Nightcrawler
A/N: This is heavly inspired by the X-men saga with some of my original twists, so it will both be very similar but also different from the Marvel version. Click here to check out the other mooboards: Victoria, Damiano, Ethan.
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-Thomas is raised by his aunt Manila in Rome. His parents abandoned him at birth after discovering he was a mutant due his blue spots, which will make his life among humans very difficult. 
- One day the ringmaster of the circus where Manila worked decided to hurt her in her tent, while Thomas was hidden under the bed. He decides to come out and takes his aunt’s hand. For a split second he thinks about the woods not far from the circus and by magic they both end up there. 
-He seems quite stunned but not too hurt, while his aunt warns him to use his power only if necessary. They change cities and find a new circus to work at.
- His powers are:  Ability to teleport himself and within limits a certain amount of additional mass which is in contact with him. (Teleportation), however he typically teleports only to places he has been to before or knows, to avoid any injury caused by an unknown solid object. His teleportation is accompanied by a *BAMF* sound and a cloud of smoke.
- Thomas wants to work at the circus with his aunt, to help her with the money, but she accepts only on the condition that he continues his education. 
- He gets bullied because everyone thinks he is a freak or a monster. He tells everybody his blue spots are a rare skin condition but some people still suspect he might be a mutant. Over the years, he learns to conceal his spots but not always successfully.
- Thomas has tremendous natural agility which makes him an acrobat. The circus audiences don't suspect he is a mutant and just assume that his blue skin is makeup.
- During his teenage years, a big crowd of protesters storm into the circus and interrupt the evening show. Their leader, a man called Matteo, accuses all of them of being filthy mutants and to hide between them to slowly kill all the humans.
- The confrontation turns into a brawl and the protestors set the circus on fire. Thomas tries to save Manila but the police are too close.
- “ You have to go, piccolo. But we will see each other again, I promise you.”
- Thomas starts to live on the streets, scouting for several jobs and hopping from shelter to churches. He manages to find good people but also lots of bad ones, especially once his blue spots or his history comes to surface.
- Even under lots of stress, his power still seems to fully be under his control, however Thomas discovers that the longer is the distance over which he teleports himself, the harder and more exhausting it is for him to make the teleportation "jump".
- While sleeping in a church, he gets approached by Ethan who promises him a safe place in a school for mutants. He is hesitant at first but Ethan’s gentle manners and the fact he didn’t attack him make Thomas accept his offer.
- During his first meeting with the principal, he tells him his story and asks for news about his aunt, without any results.
-” By the way, you don’t have to hide your skin here. I can assure you, you’re not the first blue mutant your classmates have seen.”
- Damiano proves to be just like Ethan described him but he is also incredibly protective and supportive of him, while teasing him all the time. Thomas confesses to him that he always wanted to play guitar but has never been consistent due lack of money and a house.
- A week later both Ethan and Damiano show up with a wrapped guitar for Thomas.
- “ Well we need a guitarist for our band, Puffo!” “Dam, c’mon don’t call him that.” “ Nah, he knows I’m kidding, Popsicle.”
- Thomas seems to be the main attraction of the younger students, he is used to having all eyes on him since his circus days but the kids are nothing but respectful towards him.
- He works on building his endurance to be able to teleport further without draining himself too much, in the hopes of finally finding his aunt again one day.
- During the holidays, he and Ethan receive a text from Damiano to meet him at an unknown address. After a while they get there, Damiano arrives with a confused Victoria and a key for the garage behind them. 
- “ Hello raga, you already know Vic but you don’t know that she’ll be our bassist. Let’s practice, I’ve set up all the instruments here.”
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