duskhallowed · 1 year
For muns with multiple muses, past and present, on any blog.
Rules: Fill out the form according to which muse suits each title best. (The same muse can have multiple titles.) Repost and tag. Feel free to add more!
Favorite Muse: I wish I could say no one……. but we all know Tai is my Blorbo to end all blorbos.
Most Character Development: Tai has the most character background and the most his of his timeline written but… Development as in changing over the course of the story? Etienne!! Her story is about learning strength. (and understanding that strength can be soft.)
Trash Muse: ??? NO ONE, THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS BLORBOS — oh wait, it’s Gioven. always Gioven. pure trash that man is ( and that makes him so fun to write tho, I hate it ajdjsjsj )
The Meme-Lord: many of them, bc I am a memelord and it’s very hard to contain it. I’d say Samira and Addie the most, though. also Tai, of course, ajsjjs but they outrank him
Most Likely to Start a War: Xing. xing xing xing she basically does start a war in canon ajsjjs
Worst Personality: well they all have flaws, so it depends ?? that’s very subjective 😅
Best Singer: Rushi! but Sion is very very good, too
Most Attractive Muse: again, incredibly subjective, but to me: Sion.
Biggest Heart: I think Addie is the one with the most love in her heart. many of my muses have big hearts and/or can love HARD and very deeply, but I think Addie has the most love— she has so much that she can give it to many people and still never run out 🥹
Falls in Love Quickest: Etienne, but I think she may grow out of that lol.
Most Likely to Drop Their Phone in the Toilet: my first instinct was Grayson because he’s so ADHD so he probably checks it while he’s peein ajjdjsj and he’s a klutz so I can see him dropping it and panicking and then making the situation even worse with his panic 😭 someone help him
Ice Ruler: Angel!! and Xing. but Angel more
The Edgelord: oh I have many… sorry ahdjsj. but Angel the most… Tierney, too.
Most Tragic Backstory: Tai, maybe… ? that’s why he has so many issues ajsjjs. but Kat’s is the most dramatic-tragic by far ajsjsj
Best Case of Puberty: idk wot this means
Most Awkward: Angel… well, she makes other people feel awkward, at least sjsjsj. Etienne is pretty awkward and feels pretty awkward. Nico FEELS the most awkward and self-conscious of them all, but he’s actually not and most people don’t find him awkward to talk to or be around— he’s just too in his head and convinces himself he is 😭
Busy Bee: Xing! She somehow manages to balance being a 4.0 student, extracurriculars, having a social life, and working… she doesn’t know what ‘rest and relaxation’ means
Most Clueless: I really think everyone is smart in their own ways??? A couple characters comes to mind as being the most “ditzy”, but they have things they’re very knowledgeable about, so idk. I wouldn’t call any of them clueless!!
Most Likely to Forget Their Wallet at Home: maybe Kat because she’s not used to paying for things on her own??? jasjjs princess problems
Best Dressed: Etienne is a fashion expert and aspiring designer: she is very on-trend and good at coming up with great outfits. Personally though, I like Tai, Rushi, and Angel’s sense of style hehe. Tai likes fashion and has an eye for it, and is good at putting together cool outfits. Rushi just dresses pretty and unique and is good at finding unique and vintage pieces and thrifting. Angel… doesn’t really try. But has a comfy, cool style that says “I don’t care I just want to be comfortable” and idk I stan that too ajsjsn
Biggest Flirt: Sly!! Lee and Evie are second place. Sonora and Tai love to flirt, but more so with friends or other people they’re comfortable with in a joking/complimentary way— but not rly seriously with strangers sjsjsj
Most Dramatic: Xing, when her emotions got stirred up. It’s rare but when it happens… it’s big drama. Solaire is quite theatrical, but not as emotionally dramatic
Least Likely to Show Up Late: Itzel. She’s organized, responsible, and also doesn’t take that long getting ready in the morning
One with Weirdest Habit: this could be a lot of them; many of them have weird habits… but my instinct tells me Angel would have the most weird habits out of them, lmao
Most Likely to Be Caught at the Gym: Gioven. Kat is a close second, but I think she’d prefer a private gym if she could use one !
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velvetineblue · 5 months
idk if anyone else can Relate or get this, but... is it weird that I feel cringey and self-conscious sometimes about being a mostly single muse blog… ? because 99% of my rp friends have multi’s or run multiple blogs and I've only known a couple people like me who almost entirely write one muse…… and most aren’t active anymore. so sometimes i'm like “what’s wrong with meeeeee” shshsjja
formal apology for being like this ajsjjsj I really wish it wasn’t so tbh— I have so many other muses I’d like to give more spotlight to, and I also want to write a bigger variety of things with my moots, things that don't apply or work for Tai. but… I just can’t motivate myself to rp my other oc’s consistently. and this fact annoys me too tbh ajsjjsj perhaps more than it annoys anyone else … this is probably why I bully tai so much: it gets on my NERVEs how he monopolizes most of my rp muse 😒😒 MAYBE IT'S WHY I PUT HIM THROUGH SO MUCH ANGST. it's what he deserves for being an attention-hungry brat.....
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gentil-minou · 11 months
I havent actually seen that many posts about the ml finale and im not sure if thats a good or a bad thing sjdnjajf (they've all been filtered of course because I follow good people who spoiler tag)
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achingly-shy · 1 year
i’m rewatching the eichen house plot from s5 of teen wolf and i completely forgot how good it is
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ilovealexisness · 1 year
Ohmygod on sae's trivia it says that he thinks his only weakness is that he doesn't know anything besides soccer and I'm just sjdjjsjs like inexperienced!sae getting treated like a princess and just all whiney and rrrr this man does things to me 😵‍💫
Ty for the ask anon ♥︎ I'm sorry if this is short
Contains: m masturbation(pillow humping), ooc sae(?), mentions or reader being away,
♥︎Gn reader but mentions or reader having a cock♥︎
Ugh imagine being away from Sae and he gets soo needy while you're away. He humps your pillow but he just can't get do it right, he's whining and tears are forming in the corners of his eyes.
He's dragging his cock along your pillow like a dog in heat, small cries and whines formed in his throat as his thrusts sped up. Pre-cum formed at the tip of his cock, he wished you were fucking him, imagining your dick sliding in and out of him. He's so incredibly inexperienced that he needs you to do all the work<3. He huffs and whines loudly, he wishes you were here♡
Ty again for the ask 💗 I apologize if this is bad <//3
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spohkh · 2 months
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SJDJJSJS hes so real
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majachee · 1 year
Now I want to know about your oc named Weed. What fandom is Weed in? Are they a boy, girl, non-binary? Any pics? I bet Weed is just adorable. Is Weed a human? Plant person? If they are a plant based lifeform named "Weed" I'm going to need to have a little discussion with thier parents because what mom sprouts a baby and thinks "hmmm... I shall name this kid Weed even though thier father and I are purebred flower types."
Weed is male, and he's a cat!
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He's a character from the Viking era xenofiction story I mentioned once or twice on this blog! His story takes inspo from the darker areas of xenofiction, like Watership Down, The Plague Dogs and the original Fox and the Hound, death oriented stories really, with some Gahoole and Tailchaser's Song inspo when it comes to mythology!
I'm unsure how dark I can really go on my main blog, sorry ;; But!! He is, overall, a nice dude who did bad things out of desperation.
Also, I hope you guys all know that whenever I say "[something], if u even care" i'm referencing a meme. I don't wanna accidentally guilt anyone into asking questions lol sjdjjsjs questions are encouraged! But i dont wanna force em!!!! Ty for showing interest in my boy 💗💗
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justicescreaming · 1 year
“Ѡ" (( for tannis?? sjdjjsjs ))
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[text: Khan] Your lighting is terrible
[text: Khan] If you're going to send me a dick pic, make it look good
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moomoomooing · 2 years
RIGHT im graduating in like two years so i can have sick hair then :throws confetti:
also yeah that makes sense :0 !! i bet u look super duper cool >:]
ive nvr actually seen / played hallow knight before but ive heard of it :o what exactly is it abt :thinking: ALSO I FO THAT SOMETIMES SJDJJSJ sometimes i just . dont like the streamer idk
OOOO! may it be a smooth ride to graduation-
hollow knight is a really good game!! i suggest watching rtgame for it (im very biased but-) i think the story is vv cool and the world is gorgeous to look at, tho if you really dont like bugs maybe this game would be a bit hard to get through -v-;;;
tho it is very stylized (there is a spider section where they have small spiders crawl across the screen as a visual effect so if that isnt your jame you can skim through those parts)
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flowerhotpot · 1 month
running a gimmick account while never really engage in its fandom space is so sjdjjsjs
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angeltism · 3 months
I'm THE Trophy Spouse but others can also be trophy spouses if they want I guesss (once again a joke just to be clear sjdjjsjs)
~ 🏳️‍🌈
HEHEHEHEHE judging by the poll uu have a little bit of competition !! /silly but it's okie 🏳️‍🌈 anon will aaaalways have a special place in my heart 😙🫶🫶
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schumacherburrow · 8 months
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achingly-shy · 9 months
remember when i voted in the ezra hair poll and said his hair was blue sjdjjsjs
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lesbianhidemi · 3 years
I would kill for the amuro skin 🥺🥺🥺🥺 also omg someone who's into idv and detective conan , aaaah
gosh let's really hope we get these skins 😭😭😭😭
also HIII omgg
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spideyspeaches · 3 years
No better feeling than your mutual saying I love you the most at midnight and feeling all giddy and giggly cause you love them so fking much and it's so pure and sweet and-
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pinkiegiu · 2 years
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