#sister nyx
asksisternyx · 2 days
*When he woke up Nyx wasn't in the room anymore and it was cold again... He could've sworn he seen Kai... Maybe he was imagining it while his mind was still foggy with sleep*
*Nyx was still curled up next to him, reading quietly when she suddenly felt him tense up and heard his whine. She tried to push some Quintessence into his mind to calm him, but something blocked it.*
Hey, hey sweetie, you're alright. Just breathe, it'll be okay.
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nikethestatue · 10 months
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Archeron Sisters and Nyx
Art: dudledudlesss
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jmoonjones · 1 year
I hope we see Nesta, Elain, and Feyre do some sisterly bonding and healing in the next books. They're all quite different from each other but their hobbies are perfect for them to share together:
Nesta gives them dance lessons! (They use the shiny magic iPod that Cassian got her for Solstice, and Feyre starts a huge leg warmers trend in Velaris)
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Elain shares her favourite recipes with them! (It's mostly Elain explaining a new technique she discovered while Feyre and Nesta monch all the batches to "taste test")
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Feyre teaches them how to paint! (It's a handy way to get Nyx's nursery decorated too! They'll make a huge mess and have Rhys clean up)
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I know I’m super corny but what is tumblr if not a corny safe space?
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nesta-is-autistic · 3 days
Elain eating at the family dinner: guess what
Nesta: what
Elain: I am a MOTHER
Feyre and Nesta: WHAT
Nyx: 😮
Elain: I adopted a kitten
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ivymoonstudios · 2 months
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feyre & elain (ft nyx) as lizzy & jane (night edition)
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Nesta and Rhys- Let's Talk About it
Right off the bat I want to make it very clear that I am a fan of Nesta, I was not a fan of her portrayal in ACOSF which is nothing against her character, her healing journey was poorly portrayed. I think HOFAS is just a taste of the Nesta that we have coming in later ACOTAR books, and I am excited.
So let's get to it, this is how I look at the Inner Circle, it has two parts
Inner Circle (Family)
Inner Circle (Work) I use the word employee to describe the characters, Rhys does pay them but it is mostly just to make the difference in roles more visible– I am not trying to start a workers rights debate.
Inner Circle Family: This is the love, family and friendship part of the IC. This is dinners, and joking around, solstice and fun. This is what we probably most like to think of when we’re reading about the IC. In this, Rhys and Feyre are just members of a found family that love and respect each other. They have a bit more power and sway, but ultimately they are family. This is also where we have just: Cassian, Azriel, Nesta, Mor, Elain, Amren. Just as they are.
Inner Circle Work: This is where your hierarchy comes in. This is where Rhys is the High Lord and Feyre is the High Lady. This is where the roles the others fill out come into play, and this is where Rhys and Feyre can call the shorts without question. Cassian is Lord of Bloodshed, General to the Courts Army: answers to his high lord/lady. Azriel is the Spymaster: answers to his high lord/lady. Nesta is a warrior: answers to her high lord/lady. Mor: answers to her high lord/lady. See where I am going with this? Family and work are separate.
When the different members of the IC are in their role as "employees" of the NC, they answer to Rhys and Feyre, and follow the commands of Rhys and Feyre, High Lord and High Lady of the Night Court. If they choose to not, there are consequences.
So in HOFAS Nesta gives the Mask to Bryce, who brings it back to Midgard to save her world. Is Nesta wrong? Morally, absolutely not. In the sense of what her High Lord has asked of her as a warrior and "employee" of the NC? Yes she is wrong. She put the NC, and everyone in it, including people she loves, in danger. 
(Her trust in Bryce would be a whole other post.)
So yes, Rhys, as High Lord and Protector of the Night Court, is f*cking pissed because Nesta gave away a weapon to someone they barely know, to go take on other worldly monsters who could easily take the mask and not only come back and kill everyone Rhys loves and cares for in the NC, but also in Prythian. Nesta went against orders, as "employee" of the NC, and disobeyed her High Lord. He’s not mad at his sister-in-law, he is mad at one of his warriors/employees. His reaction and anger is justified at that moment.
Misogyny: dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women. 
This is also where I am going to point out that this is not misogynistic because Rhys is mad at a member of his IC for making a poor choice that could have horrible consequences, not because she is a woman. He was furious with Azriel when Az fought him on having feelings for Elain. He gets mad when his employees don't follow orders.
We have seen Rhys and Feyre make decisions because they are High Lord/Lady, and their choice was final. In ACOSF, when Azriel said he was going out spying on Koschei, both Rhys and Feyre said no. Az says he wasn’t asking, challenges Feyre, and Rhys shuts him down because the High Lady said no. Is Az happy? No. Feyre then walks off with him, clearly comforting him, but he ultimately respects the call of his High Lord and Lady.
We have also seen Rhys using his status as High Lord in murky areas, such as in the infamous BC of ACOSF. When Rhys catched Azriel with Elain, he forbids Az from pursuing a relationship with her. Az points out that as a High Lord he can’t dictate that. Rhys counters this with all the political reasons why he can, but realistically he crossed the line of family IC and work IC. Is Azriel going to listen to Rhys? No because his High Lord cannot command who his "employees" love.
And I am not saying I liked reading a scene of Rhys biting Nesta’s head off, I did like reading Ember coming to her rescue and biting off Rhys’, he needs that to happen more. The point is that both characters are acting out and butting heads. That’s normal in both work and family matters. There wouldn’t be a story if Rhys (who we all forget is morally grey btw) goes “Oh well shoot Nesta, I am upset you did that but that’s ok it will work out.” 
Tidbit I can’t fit anywhere: I really wish we did see more of a bite from Cassian when Rhys was biting her head off, General or not, Nesta is his mate, and letting Rhys yell at her is not mate energy. The whole scene between Rhys, Nesta, Cassian and Feyre could be its own BC.
Nesta is a complicated character, who deserves her own trilogy to shine in a way that ACOSF did not let her. HOFAS showed the other side of her, the side that was able to snap out of a death trance when she heard the name of her nephew (I felt that so hard.) When she was able to forgive someone who was complicit in her confinement to the HOW, how she was able to see beyond what had been commanded of her and make her own choices.
Nesta is an excellent character, and SJM is working hard to bring out the best in her.
At the end of the day as well we all need to remember that THIS IS A MAKE BELIEVE STORY WITH MAKE BELIEVE PEOPLE AND NONE OF THIS MATTERS! These books are literally like cocaine for our overworked, dopamine searching brains. 
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lunamond · 7 months
In light of my recent post about Acotar, I wanted to gush some about my favourite Beauty and Beast and Ballad of Tam Lin (and a sprinkle of Bluebeard) YA retelling.
Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge ❤️
This is mostly going to be a gush fest and recommendation for anyone who was also excited by the idea of meshing Beauty and the Beast with Tam Lin and ended up utterly disappointed with Acotar.
Some very mild spoilers (mostly Worldbuilding)
Cruel Beauty is a fun and easy read: YA Fantasy Romance with plenty of popular tropes and archetypes, like the arranged marriage, forced proximity, enemies to lovers, etc
This book still manages to engage in such interesting ways with the original tales it's based on.
Instead of stealing the aesthetic of the Og fairytales and other folklore and mythology like in Acotar.
Any defining fae feature of Sjm's characters is immediately removed in the very beginning of Acotar (the lieing, the iron, etc), turning the characters in what amounts to hot magic people. Even their supposed long lifespans barely impact their behaviour or culture.
Cruel Beauty continuously builts on its roots, making them an intrinsic part of its narrative.
In Acotar outside of the very shallow narrative skeleton of the Beauty and the Beast tale, you could strip away the faerie and folklore elements, and you're left with the same story. The only changes you might need to make are to find a new name for Tamlin (while not that serious, I considered it quite offensive when I first read this series as a teenager that Sjm would take that name and then turn that character into an abuser).
In Cruel Beauty, however, both the defining elements of the Beauty and the Beast story and the Tam Lin story are crucial to the development and resolution of its plot.
The Beast of the story is cursed, as are the inhabitants of his castle. Nyx, our Beauty character, is offered in exchange for a mistake her father made. As she is unknowingly about to break the curse, the Beast lets her go back, but when she returns, it's too late to break the curse.
This is when the story morphes into the Ballad of Tam Lin, and Nyx has to win her lover back from the Faerie Queen in much the same manner as Janet did in the ballad, even saving him from a very similar fate.
The Bluebeard elements, which to me always seemed more like references than an actual retelling, are still really apparent and well integrated.
The representation of the fae is also great in this book. This is especially remarkable due to the fact that the actual words fae or faerie are never used once.
Instead, they are referred to as the Kindly Ones.
However, they are clearly trickster folk who make bargains with unwitting humans that always end up going wrong in cruel ways. They are fair, never directly lie, and always keep their end of the agreement. They place a lot of importance on names, are otherworldly, eerie, etc.
Basically, they actually seem Other, instead of talking and acting like frat bros from the 21st century.
This book differs from a lot of other Fae Fantasy, however, in the way it mixes Greco-Roman Myths with more Celtic Germanic Folklore. It creates a really fun interplay between these cultures, both in-world as well as on a meta level.
First of all, there are some other (in my opinion, more mediocre books) that do throw a lot of mythologies together. CB sets itself apart with the fact that it does so with a lot more purpose than others do.
In many people's minds, different cultures and mythos tend to be viewed as very separate. However, just looking at the Greek and Roman myths, it's already pretty clear that every time cultures clashed, so would their myths and stories.
This is a well studied phenomenon. The romans especially were well known to basically mash up their deities and myths with those of every new culture they interacted with.
And CB uses this brilliantly. The story is set in an alternate timeline, in which, after the fall of Rome, a kingdom known as Arcadia was created by former Roman generals/nobility. This mirrors actual history, during which many early medieval kingdoms would seek their legitimacy in their connections to the Roman Empire (see the Holy Roman Empire aka Germany).
But in CB, the fantastical elements are meshed up in this as well. This allows Rosamund Hodge to create an interesting interplay between the Greco-Roman Mythology imported by the elite in Arcadia and the more Celtic/Germanic Folklore elements native to the land and its population.
So, yeah. Go read Cruel Beauty, please.
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asksisternyx · 1 month
*throws a knitted blanket at the door to knock on*
-the knitter anon
*Flings open the door*
AHA! GOT YOU- oh this is lovely!
*Picks up the blanket*
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nikethestatue · 10 months
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The Archeron sisters and Nyx
Art: dudledudlesss
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jmoonjones · 1 year
Honestly, at this point, I have an AU of the story and characters in my mind that has replaced canon entirely.
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Some things are the same, but some things got a good and proper overhaul when I took mental custody of ACOTAR for my personal AU That said, there are some truly talented writers [on here and ao3] who have really taken that untapped potential to the next level. Especially when it comes to Illyrian lore, character nuance, and expanding secondary characters. I hope you writer folks know how deeply appreciated you are ❤️
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illyrian-dreamer · 1 year
Changing Shadows Part 21
Azriel x Reader
Summary: When returning from your mission, Rhys and Feyre share some devastating news with the rest of the Inner Circle. 
ACOSF spoilers warning!! This chapter is a retelling of events from ACOSF from Rhys’s sisters’ perspective. Heavy angst, but what is angst without some fluff? 💔☁️
Thank you for the support of the story so far!! It means so much 💕
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Image by koike9023
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5* | Part 6* | Part 7* | Part 8 | Part 9* | Part 10 | Part 11* | Part 12* | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15* | Part 16* | Part 17* | Part 18*| Part 19* | Part 20
Warnings: Mentions of death, mentions of suicide, swearing. ACOSF SPOILERS!!
Word count: 1,457
Part 21:
You returned to Velaris at sunrise, heading straight to Rhys and Feyre’s house on the river. You and Azriel would deliver the book together, as a team.
You found your brother and Feyre in the large sitting room, hands intertwined and their faces grave.
“Mission success!” you cheered happily, Az a few steps behind you as he placed the record book on the table, his shadows swirling with energy.
“Thank you,” Rhys replied quietly, not looking up as he stared at the ground. Your brother’s own night shadows were no where to be seen.
“What’s wrong brother?” Azriel asked, the first to notice how still the couple were.
You spun around to them, eyebrows pulling in concern. “Is everything alright?”
Feyre rested a hand atop her belly, the other still intertwined with Rhys as her knuckles whitened. “We’re waiting on the others to arrive. We have something we need to share.”
Your stomach dropped, now seeing her tear stained cheeks. This was not good.
It didn’t take long for the rest of the circle to arrive, none of you greeting the other as you anxiously waited, gathering around your High Lord and Lady. 
You fidgeted, exchanging a quick glance with Mor who returned your look of concern, as if to say she didn’t know anything.
Rhys started. “As you know, the pregnancy poses health risks to Feyre due to the fact our child has wings.” Yes, you had been aware there were complications, but had trusted the healers had a solution proposed. Neither Rhys or Feyre had said otherwise.
“After an extensive search for a cure or healer who could offer any experience, we have come up short,” Rhys said flatly. 
You gulped, tears threatening your eyes. Why hadn’t they told you the situation was so dire? You swallowed and tucked your wings in, determined to not lose hope.
Before you could offer a word of support, your brother continued. “It is at this time…," he took a deep breath, face agonised with what he had to say next. Feyre continued to stare down at her stomach, tears flowing freely. Rhys cleared his throat. “It is at this time that we must share with you, after the war with Hybern, Feyre and I made a death pact.”
There was a piercing ring in your ear. No one moved, no one dared to breath.
“We made a promise to leave this world together,” Feyre said softly, clutching his hand even tighter.
Rhys raised his violet eyes as they welled with tears, circling the group before they finally landed on you. “I did not think it would turn out like this,” he whispered, voice breaking.
The ringing in your ears turned to a roar.
“What did you just say?” Your voice was laced with ice as your mind raced to connect the dots. Your eyes, at first wide with disbelief, now hardened on your brother.
“You idiotic, romantic fools,” Amren cursed, pinching the bridge of her nose.
“So if Feyre dies giving birth, you’ll also die?” Cassian asked with regret, raising his hand at Rhys.
Rhys looked down, pained by the answer. “Yes.”
Some small gasps, and a quiet moment of realisation.
You stared at Rhys, stared at them both, icy rage now filling your veins.
“How could you,” your voice broke, nose scrunching in hurt as your eyes stung with hot angry tears. Your heart pounded and you started to shake, your fists clenched as your nails dug so hard into your palms they bled.
Feyre cried softly, hands rested atop her belly. Rhys put his arm around her, comforting her before raising his head to you again, his face etched with agony.
“I’m so sorry sister. We–,” he started, but you cut him off.
“How could you –,” you snapped, practically growling as your night magic started to build. “How could you do this to us.” Magic was now gathering at your palms, well out of your control.
Azriel was suddenly behind you, his arm wrapping around your waist with a firm grip, unsure of what you’d do next. Rhys stood up, positioning himself between you and Feyre.
“Y/N, please, please understand–,” Rhys begged. Before he could say another word, you had winnowed from the river house.
Launching into the clear morning sky, a scream of despair ripped from your lungs. Dark swirling night erupted from you at an uncontrollable force.
How could he. How could they. Your brother, the only family you had left, your guardian and most powerful High Lord of all of Prythian, had vowed to die alongside his mate.
And with the pregnancy close to the end, and no solution for the birth to guarantee Feyre’s survival, that time was almost certainly close.
The thought made you sick. You could not lose Rhys, could not lose them both in one day. And the babe. Fuck.
You shot higher into the sky, where the air became thin. It choked you, helping to calm the storm rippling from your body.
Up there, in the highest of altitudes, you sobbed an excruciating cry of grief.
Azriel was always good at hiding his feelings, but this time it was pure shock that kept him as still as stone, his shadows wild as they swarmed anxiously.
Amren had scolded the Rhys and Feyre, immediately dashing to her apartment to sort through her books for a way to undo the death pact.
Nesta had swallowed her tears, while Cassian and Mor both let theirs flow freely. Mor pressed the couple, trying to understand the extent of the situation. Cassian grasped Rhys’s shoulders, overwhelmed with emotion as he promised to find them a way to survive. Rhys held the arms of his brother, thanking him.
Azriel couldn’t move. Couldn’t think. He didn’t know what to do. He desperately wanted to save them, his High Lord and Lady. But he was furious. How could they agree to something so selfish, when they each meant so much to their family? And how could Rhys do this to Y/N, his sister? How could he hurt her so? Azriel’s anger burned for her.
Suddenly, he felt an urgent tug in his gut, a familiar feeling he had felt that night so long ago. Find her, his shadows whispered.
As he turned to leave, Rhys called to him. “Brother?”
Az threw his answer over his shoulder, not bothering to face his High Lord. “I need to find Y/N.” His tone was cold.
Rhys nodded, not in a position to push. Azriel stalked off.
He knew where to find you. It was the same pull, the same rope that helped guide him to you the night you were attacked.
You threw your night magic against the cliff wall of the lookout. This was a private place of yours, a clearing in the cliffs on the Sidra that served as a place of tranquility and respite. It offered you no comfort today.
Your magic burst into dark flames on impact, rage continuing to burn within you.
Your hands shook as you examined the markings your magic left on the rock. You had never having seen your power take this form. You fingered the ash it left behind, and the rock crumpled under your touch.
It was a metaphor you did not want to acknowledge. Everything ends eventually. Everything turns to ash.
Tears poured down your face as you clawed at the rock, your hands burning as your magic began to build again. Ash continued to pull from the rock, your fists now full of it.
You let out a frustrated scream, throwing a punch at the cliff wall only to jump out of the way as a solid part came crushing down.
You huffed a shaky breath, moving to the clearing edge. You looked down, a steep fall onto a bed of sharp rocks that would surely end your life. This is what Rhys and Feyre would do without one another? They would rather die?
Suddenly, you were yanked you back from the edge, strong hands gripping you by your clothing, giving you a firm shake.
“Don’t you dare,” growled Azriel.
You blinked, shocked. How in the hell did he find you?
Your face softened as you realised what thought you were about to do. “I wasn’t–.” You looked in his eyes, their colour dull as they held so much pain. Azriel’s sadness broke your heart.
You placed a soft hand on his chest, his fist still gripped your clothes on your back.
You eyes welled with the same agony.
“We can’t lose them,” you sobbed.
Azriel nodded, tears streaming down his cheeks. He shared the same grief.
He let go of your clothes, placing a scarred hand over yours and the other around your waist, pressing his forehead to you.
You both cried, clinging to each other. Something familiar and comforting tethered between you, the warmth that shone through on one of the darkest days you had ever known.
Part 22 >>>
AN: What do you think of this chapter? When I read ACOSF, I didn’t understand why the IC weren’t more angry with Rhys and Feyre about their pact, so worked it in for our reader. I really hope you’re enjoying the story, comment to join to tag list! 💕
Tags: @slvtherinseeker @judig92 @kennedy-brooke @hyacinthoideshispanica @brekkershadowsinger @its-me-meg @acotar-thirst @5moremin @honeyrydernot @azzydaddy @lucyysthings @highladyofillyria @paasrin @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @littleshopofwhoress @blurredlamplight @hanasakr @bookish-dream @fall-myriad @aistheamazing @jazmin2211​ @xenlynn​ @iangelofmusic​ @hades4life @solossweater​ @whatupmydudes01​
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You know we don’t get a lot about Rhysand and his sister, but I always wonder if he taught her to fly. If he gathered her up in his arms and flew side by side with her until she got it right, always with the promise to catch her should she fall.
Do you think he snuck her extra chocolates at dinner, or misted the vegetables she hated when their parents weren’t looking?
I bet he did.
I wonder if he teased her.
I bet he would ruffle her hair, and she’d aim a kick at his shins, and he’d dance back on his toes and their laughter would bounce across the Sidra.
I bet he made puppets out of shadows for her, performed entire tales of adventure and happily ever after until she fell asleep.
I bet he missed her so much the first night in that Illyrian war camp.
I bet she cried and raged that she couldn’t go too, and I bet her tears hurt him so badly that he learned to conjure notes between them so she wouldn’t have to be alone with just their father in the house.
I wonder if he thought about her as he wrote that first note to Feyre.
I wonder if he sees her when he looks at Nyx, if the way his baby’s nose crinkles reminds him of the little sister he lost.
I bet it does.
I bet on late nights, when he joins his friends at Rita’s, he imagines her sitting between Mor and Feyre, imagines the laughter that would bubble between them, the little jokes and whispered secrets that they’d share,
I wonder if he imagines what life would have been like if he could’ve protected all of the women he loved.
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thatpurpledudetrey · 7 months
even tho i never liked feyre and hated some of her terrible actions. I feel pity for her bcs her character got stripped away and reduced to revolved around a disgusting, musty, crusty, rusty 0 star man who SA'd her UTM and broke her arm to force her into a bargain and then proceed to brainwashed her into thinking his a good guy (idc what yall say its fucking canon that feyre got brainwashed by rice shit) and trapped in fantasy version of america for the rest of her life. Like i wouldnt wish that upon a girl i dont like bro, that sounds like an absoulete nightmare.
So thats why im neutral feyre instead of anti feyre, we need more ppl who is neutral with feyre!!!!!!!
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kellyvieiraarts · 1 year
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Archerons Sisters 🔥🌠🌺
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silvreflames · 2 months
everybody: god nesta is such a fucking bitch she’s so mean for no reason
nesta, taking on the role of auntie like it was made for her: my little baby 🥰 my sweet little nephew my favorite little guy in the whole wide world 🥰 look at how big you grew look at your pretty wings 🥰 and so strong too just like your mama 🥰 my sweet boy yes i love you so much 🥰
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acourtofquestions · 2 months
Every time I picture baby Illyrian/Faerie Nyx with his lil wings I just think about this babysitting chaos😂
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