Heyo!! Im really awkward at this stuff, but here are my main jellicle Ocs!!
Louis | Louttetté | Loliharp
His three words are: Cheeky, Tart, & Nimble!
Art done by @nunsongici ! 💛
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He’s known as the Candy Store Cat (hence my user!) and is a rather flirty munchkin cat who’s just spoilt rotten. I imagine him having his own little song at the ball, with an apron covered in candies as his song costume!
Valdoma | Romaquin | Elysium
Her three words are: Eclectic, Etherial, & Restrained.
Art done by @jelliclecatastrophe (kept the watermark as that was how they publicly posted it!)
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She’s known as the Oracle Cat, and is the daughter of Macavity, though most people assume her father is Munkustrap. She is magical, and receives visions ranging from the mundane, to the death of her fellow jellicles. She’s a very large Maine coon, but is very soft spoken, and devoted to the tribe that practically raised her when Macavity abandoned her.
Genevieve | Aurora | Freya
Her three words are: Adoring, Delicate, & wide-eyed.
Art done by @sillybub!
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She’s a small Turkish angora kitten who is completely deaf, and was found by several of queens in an alleyway, after mistaking her large tail for a soaked scrap of carpet. She considers Corcicopat and Tantomile her aunt and uncle, and stays with them whenever her mother is away at cat shows! Her fur is dyed by her mother so that she’s easily identifiable, and doesn’t get confused with Victoria, who isn’t a fan of the little kitten.
So sorry for all my rambles, I just get super excited to share my lads and lasses! 😭💛/gen
all of their designs are so cool and unique and i'm obsessed with them 😭😭😭😭
Hestia's making grabby hands for her new sister, she's prepared to aggressively adopt her 😤
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tending-the-hearth · 3 months
☁️ 🎨
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
hestia has always, always been my favorite goddess, and hearth-goddess was my url for a WHILE before i decided to change it! i like the vibe of tending-the-hearth so much more, and i feel like it just fits for me!
🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
to none of my mutuals' surprise these are all for cats the musical!
for those who don't know, i have a cats the musical OC named Hestia (again, Hestia is my favorite goddess, and the use of Greek mythology names has become a bit of a joke between some mutuals and I), and she's my main OC whom i love so dearly, so 3/4 of these fanart pieces include her!
first off is the Encanto AU art and ohhhhhh this au art is honestly everything to me, it's by @hufferysnuffery, based on an AU we made together using our OCs, and every so often i look back on this and fall even more in love like can you LOOK at the detail in these???? LOOK AT MY BABY ANTHEA SHE'S SO SWEET AND PRECIOUS 😭
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NEXT IS THE HESTIA ART EVER DONE BY MY BELOVED MUTUAL AND WONDERFUL FRIEND @soh-da-meatball EVERYONE BEHOLD MY GORGEOUS GORGEOUS GIRL HESTIA (her outfit was inspired by my own fit that i wore to see cats the musical and when soh posted her i was literally sobbing on my bed because SHE'S SO PRETTY)
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more hestia art, this time with her bf tumblebrutus by one of the most fantastic artists in the cats fandom, @sillybub!!
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my amazingly talented bestie @storyweaverofgondor (aka the only other person besides @queen-with-the-quill to know my cats OCs better than anyone else) drew the most FANTASTIC art of my beloved con quintet, the designs for which were stolen directly from the phineas and ferb episode when they had a cats parody
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these five specifically around phineas and ferb they are my children they are feral and i love them so very very much <3 their names are (in order of the photo below) crash, charcoal, anomaly, pebble, dove <3
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shatterstaar · 4 years
So essentially it’s just the plot of Scott Pilgrim but the cats are in there instead! Here’s the main character chart:
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- Everyone’s about the same age as the SP counterpart; almost all of them are in their twenties
- Plato is pretty much the same dipshit that Scott is (since he really doesn’t have a personality in canon) and he’s still in band with munkustrap (Stephen stills, the poor stressed bastard) and Electra (Kim pine ? maybe)
- Victoria is a lot nicer than Ramona but she’s still a little bitchy. as a treat. She used to be a ballerina but has to work as a delivery person to make ends meet
- Most of the cats are the exes bc the vibes match! Pouncival and Matthew are both really immature, Alonzo and Lucas are both cool and kinda aloof, tugger and Todd are the dumbest men I’ve ever seen, etc.
- Tugger, Bombalurina (envy <3), and misto are the clash at demonhead. Misto’s the drummer and also Demeter is Julie but she’s not a bitch
- Jemima is Knives only bc she’s the youngest cat. I didn’t want to cut knives from the au :(
- and macavity is Gideon. I hate them both and didn’t want to draw them alhslsbd
That’s about it so far!! Sorry this is so long
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chunkecheeks · 4 years
What's the most underrated ship in your opinion?
victeazermile but that’s really only underrated cause it’s just me and like two other people shipping it and i still havent made content for it 
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OOOH Jemima in B3?
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oh hell yeah :D
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Top three favorite things to pull out of a hat?
1. Comically long lines of underwear
2. The tumblr post “Do You Love The Color of The Sky?”
3. Mother Russia
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While we're in the subject do you have any tasty Demeter/Alonzo headcanons 👀
Ack, I am so bad with interesting headcanons, buuuut - 
-Demeter and Alonzo initially bonded over their trust issues, as both of them had experienced abandonment (Alonzo being a stray, Demeter by her mother, etc.). They became tentative friends, which the rest of the tribe kinda side-eyed as being an odd pair due to their drastically different personalities, but didn’t question it. 
-Demeter is good at verbal comfort, but bad with physical comfort gestures, and Alonzo is good at physical comfort but really bad at verbal comfort. Alonzo is very protective of Demeter, but he has no idea how to actually approach her to make her feel better, and that frustrates the heck out of him. 
-Demeter gathers shiny things she finds around her house and leaves them out for Alonzo on the back porch for when he comes to visit. Alonzo isn’t sure why she does that, but he keeps every piece in a secret hiding spot.
-Alonzo has been “taking her to the ball” for several years as her friend because he’s too much of a chicken to ask her to the ball as a date (Plus, like, he doesn’t think he deserves her). They have a lot of fun together, and Alonzo’s gotten good at figuring out when she’s been overstimulated and needs a break (he mostly goes off to do his own thing and checks up on her throughout the night). He’s too afraid (and proud and vain lbh) of rejection to get anywhere near her during the coming of age dance. Demeter has gotten mixed signals because of all of this. 
-Alonzo’s favourite thing is to bury his face in the fur of Demeter’s neck when she takes her collar off, because it’s the softest part of her, where her scent is strongest, and she rarely lets anyone near it (He’s poked his eye several times going for it sans collar removal).
There’s a couple from off the top of my head!
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stawbebbiess · 4 years
OTP, I’m Gonna Be (500 miles) by the Proclaimers OBVIOUSLY
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What kind of dates do you think qpp Alonzostrap would go on? 👀👀👀
Ship asks! || Accepting
Oh man listen.... listen.
I think Munk prefers quieter things? Like Munk is happy just going to the park and watching all the birds, I think Alonzo has a much more adventurous spirit. He likes going to escape rooms or laser tag.
One thing I think they BOTH like though is theatre. They like... going to see plays and stuff
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thirdplanet · 4 years
Actually you're super cool and have good opinions and ILY ❤️ I love having a brain while I watch a goddamn cartoon television show
LMFAOOOOO same and I LOVE U TOO THANK U ;_; <3333
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I want to know the answers to all the questions.
Pick your favorite 5 :D
ok so if i remember correctly this is referring to the oc questions i rb'd a little while ago!!
Your first OC ever?
Emma Katherine, an OC for my very first fanfic i ever wrote and posted on ff.net! She was for my RotG/Frozen crossover, and i love her very very much!
Do you RP as any of your OCs? If you do, introduce one of your RP OCs here!
i miss rping so much, honestly. i have rp blogs for my four main OCs (Hestia, Quasi, Miela, and Jitterbug), but i don't do much rp'ing anymore. there's a lot of feelings associated with certain storylines that make me kind of emotional when i look back on those blogs.
i used rp as a way to help me through some very difficult times in this fandom, so because of that, a few storylines that i did bring back some of those not great feelings from that time, hence why i haven't rp'd in quite a while. i do really want to start back up, though!!
Name an OC that isn't yours but who you like a lot
JUBILEE JUBILEE JUBILEE JUBILEE!!!!!!!!! @queen-with-the-quill's Jubilee is the BEST girl, i love her more than anything, she's so lovely and wonderful and UGH my favorite!
also also also literally ANY of @storyweaverofgondor's OCs, they're all amazing and iconic and so well-created!!!!
Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)
i mean, just looking through my blog, it's quite obvious that Hestia is an OC that's extremely near and dear to my heart. for one, she was my very first Cats OC, as well as the first OC i had made in a WHILE. because of her, I ended up getting to meet some really lovely friends within the fandom who i'm eternally grateful to have the chance to know, and overall, her character is so important to me
Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share!
oh, Hestia has such a happy memory linked to her!! she's the reason i met @queen-with-the-quill on this sight, we found each other because of our two girls, and started chatting, and she's become one of my best friends!!!! very grateful that our OCs caused me to meet my IRL Jubilee <3
Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!)
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first row (all drawn by my insanely talented bestie @storyweaverofgondor):
the Con Quintet (Crash, Pebble, Charcoal, Anomaly, Dove)
Tumblebrutus and Hestia
Hestia + her dads
second row:
Hestia by @soh-da-meatball
Hestia by @lucifersimpp
Quasi by @storyweaverofgondor
third row (both by the amazing @hufferysnuffery!):
Encanto AU feat. Coricopat, Apollo, Anthea, Hestia, and Hermes (who belongs to hufferysnuffery!)
fourth row:
Hestia by @thedragonchilde
Hestia by @lepoppeta
Tumblebrutus and Hestia by @sillybub
fifth row:
Jitterbug, Quill, and Quasi by @rainbowratsstuff (Quill belongs to Rainbow)
Muffin, Henry, and Hestia, also by @rainbowratsstuff (Muffin belongs to @is-it-mungojerry-or-rumpelteazer, Henry belongs to Rainbow!)
Hestia by @platothefluffbutt
sixth row:
Miela by @thedragonchilde
Miela by @rainbowratsstuff
Miela and her Uncle Shucks by @thedragonchilde (Shuckleford belongs to dragonchilde!!)
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razzzmytazzz · 4 years
☆ for Demeter, ♦ for Alonzo, and▼ for Bombalurina???
☆ - happy headcanon
Demeter adores Jemima and is just a very happy mother who loves watching her daughter grow and be happy
♦- quirks/hobbies headcanon
Alonzo as we all know is a slinky/flirty bastard but besides that he is a hopeless romantic who adores love stories and just being in love, this makes him popular with the female kittens as they love Uncle 'lonzo's love stories
🔻 - childhood headcanon
she was born into the tribe near enough the same time as Munkustrap and were close friends/brief childhood sweethearts until Demeter came along
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crimsonfireboltart · 4 years
Hello! I've got that ask and I'm obligated to give it to you now >:3. List 5 things that make you happy then put this in the ask box of 5 blogs that make you happy!
hasfgsdhjfd ohymyGOD im so sorry i just saw this now. I am honored to be one of the blogs that make you happy!  (ノωヽ)
well, currently, rn, all my distractions (like everyone else) Musicals, Cats ofc, crossing with animalsss, even more video games, and taking a nap 
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shatterstaar · 4 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! I hope you're having a wonderful day!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you!! I hope your day is great as well 💓💕
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chunkecheeks · 4 years
send me a 🌻 and ill just tell you whatever the fuck i want
when i was in elementary school back when computers were big and clunky my computer lab teacher used to ask me to help fix computers bc i knew more about them that she did but the way i “fixed” them was by kicking them when her back was turned and then the computer would unfreeze
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👀 - Cassandra!
how much i like this character: i adore her. i love how any time eyes are mentioned she just pops up like 'thats me bitch i have pretty eyes and i know it.' she also has such a beautiful design!
who i ship this character with: theres multiple really 1 is alonzo, because i think theyre cute when they dance in the jellicle ball, but also tantomile because they both radiate the same energy
my favorite au for them: idk if it counts but au where we get to see cassandra pop up wherever mistoffelees sends her when he summons old d sends her and then she beats up macavity and runs back to the ball in time to come back and celebrate
a random headcanon i have for them: i think that cassandra has a bit of magic and thats why she is mistoffelees assistant like maybe she doesnt have as much magic as him but she def has something
🌟 - Tantomile!!
how much do i like this character: oh i love her shes very mysterious but also powerful. her vibes? immaculate.
who i ship this character with: as previously mentioned, cassandra because i feel like they would vibe together but also rumpleteazer because they are opposites and i think that would be very chaotic but also very sweet
my favorite au: i dont quite know? there arnt many aus that ive seen with tantomile unfortunately.
a random headcanon i have for them: ahhh theres alot i have that relate to magic
1- tantomile has a psycic connection to coricopat. i still dont know if this is canon or not so ig its a headcanon for now
2- i think tantomile has more powerful magic then coricopat, probabily close to mistoffelees level, she just uses it for other things.
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