#silly intersex
losergendered · 10 months
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ID: a set of two images. the first is of nyan cat with a white outline in front of a flag splice of paws listed identities. the second is a blank flag splice. END ID
Nyan Cat is a dogboygender, ambonec, boygirl, clutterboy, catgender, pupgender, sillything, autithing, tripgender, sillygoofygender, cringecoric, intersex transfem, intersex transmasc, silly intersex, kingender, queer, arospec, acespec, abrosexual, lesbian, lesboy who uses he/it/rot/mutt/pup/bark/rainbow/neon/star/thing/paw/that thing/🐾/🐶/👾/🌈/🍭/🧁 and has autism, ADHD, AVPD, DPD, Social Anxiety Disorder and DID!
For anon!
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nightwhight · 1 year
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Cheers! 🎃🏳️‍⚧️
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wheredidalltheusersgo · 5 months
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Do you think he feels like a fem queen yet
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aropride · 11 months
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disabled queer pride flag edits !!
gilbert baker pride + progress pride / gay + lesbian / pan + bi / trans + genderqueer / genderfluid, agender / bigender + nonbinary / aromantic + asexual / polyamorous + aroace / queer chevron + intersex
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floorsauce · 5 months
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Yeah, I like nonbinary Springbonnie/Springtrap as much as the next person, but has anyone else ever brought up intersex Springbonnie before?
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darlin-djarin · 1 year
i should sleep but i need to talk about the skywalker family and their chromosomes
it starts out a little silly but i promise i get deadass once i start talking about luke and how he was born.
now, it all starts with anakin.
anakin had no father, his mother birthed him like he was jesus (jesus intersex representation?? 😨 that’s another story) and she could only give him X chromosomes. that means either anakin didn’t have chromosomes, he had two X chromosomes, or he had just one X chromosome. considering his mother birthing him and his fatherlessness (loser), it’s most likely that he had a single X chromosome. therefore he was intersex.
now he probably still had cock and balls (derogatory), otherwise he couldn’t have had kids with padme. if the jedi order had a sex ed class (they probably did tbh), then anakin would probably know or realize that he only had one X chromosome, and therefore he realized he’s intersex.
as much as i love the idea of non-binary anakin- let’s be real guys. anakin would be those types of dudes who, when asked what their pronouns are, would answer with “nor/mal”. people would mention his beauty or his feminine demeanor and he’d be like “i’m not gay”. or something like that. i’m projecting my homophobic brother’s personality onto him. they’re very similar and i’m not particularly fond of either of them. at least, not anakin in the prequel movies.
my big boy chad master anakin in the clone wars had ultimate lightskin rizz.
anyway so onto luke.
it gets serious here.
since anakin only had one X chromosome, and padme had XX, then both of them contributed an X chromosome to their children. they literally couldn’t be able to make a biological male child. if they did end up having a male child, they would either have to be also intersex, or trans.
leia and luke were both born with XX chromosomes.
“but olly! in the movies, they said luke was a boy when he was born!” ah wonderful observation, my silly little padawan.
obviously star wars “humans” aren’t clearly “humans”, rather aliens as well. so likely their biology might differ from irl. but if we were to ignore that and consider all the possibilities, we could come up with a logical explanation.
obviously the technology in the star wars universe is very advanced, at least more advanced than the options we have available. i think the topic of gender and sexuality isn’t even a real thing in the universe. gender is a social construct, right? and clearly with the different aliens, races, and religions in the universe, the discussion of what “gender” is wouldn’t technically apply anywhere because gender isn’t real.
back to the technology part- i’d like to think the universe at that time would be able to find out a child’s “gender” or orientation by examining their brain when they are born. according to this study by Dr. Julie Bakker in how trans peoples brains correspond with the gender they identify as, regardless of how they were born, it can be understood that even from a young age, trans people think and process the same way cis people would within their respective identity/gender.
i think it would make the most sense that when luke and leia were born, they were given brain scans or something of the sort to determine what their gender/identity would be, regardless of how they were biologically born.
therefore we get luke’s “gender reveal” in the movies, even though he was likely born as a biological female.
basically trans luke is canon, y’all are just cowards.
so the whole skywalker family only have X chromosomes. until we get to ben solo. because of Han’s Y chromosome, ben would’ve been born as a cis male (derogatory).
that’s why he became evil. it’s bc his whole family is trans and he was kicked out for being cis.
hope this made sense
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cluepoke-archive · 1 year
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dullahandyke · 11 months
I do enjoy being bad intersex rep. Like it is a bad thing that intersex people are so often viewed as half-boy half-girl and a gross freak, and it's bad that cis women can't grow beards without it being assumed that they're a man. That is me tho
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fleshdyke · 7 days
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missing them rn
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ghostthostt · 1 year
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bitches love his cringefail swagger
click for quality, please reblog my art if you like it <3
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badolmen · 8 months
the thing is my ocs all sound like completely ridiculous Mary Sues out of context but once you realize everyone has the exact same level of insane bullshit going on its like oh thank god someone normal (said about someone who has committed acts of terrorism, murder, and espionage before they were 26)
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hedonicghost · 9 months
peeps into here for your post on drawing characters in mspaint... would love to see a hsr stelle if you're feeling it !!
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boo! have the whole trio!!!! sorry im incapable of not redesigning characters it will happen again </3
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intersexshez · 1 year
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himbo pride flag set
please reblog & credit to use!
in order: lesbian, gay, bi / trans, intersex, nonbinary / ace, aro, agender
if you use this for horny content or for underage characters (or, god forbid, both) i’ll fucking kill you
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meows-on-you · 12 days
My ocs Charlie and 01111000 [or Null]! Charlie uncovers Null's AI on an old phone. They slowly fall in love and uncover the secrets of the company that created Null!
I was originally gonna make em evil but i decided to go down the conspiracy route instead =3 [theyre still abit feral tho, as a treat]
Also the seperate gifs and some design concepting =3
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himbo-the-clown · 1 month
Thanks for posting about intersexism. I would never have learned even a quarter of what I know about intersex people without you 💙 honestly it's SUPER underrepresented in intersectionalism and I usually see it intersex people when talking about other topics. (For goodness sake, even my phone keeps autocorrecting intersex to intersection =_=)
I'm glad it's helping to educate people! I'm just tired of facing intersexism from the people I'm supposed to be in community with. But yeah, the erasure of intersex people is so widespread that it's hard to even have it recognised as a word in a lot of autocorrects. Not to mention how often it gets censored for having the word sex in it :/
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tahkawtistic · 1 month
It's lesbian visibility week and uhm im my favorite lesbian so . Happy lesbian visibility week to me and uhm everyone else I guess /j
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