#silly boy 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
boothillssugarmomma · 9 hours
sunday likes shiny stuff bc ravens likes shiny stuff, its just an idea
I love that idea! Birds all like shiny stuff so I could see him sneaking away with your jewelry and trinkets!
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Shiny Treasures
(Sunday x Fem!Reader)
cw-: lying Sunday, fluff, embarrassed boy, nervous boy 🤭
🎀 authorsnote: I literally was supposed to post this three weeks ago I'm so sorry 😭
please don't steal my work!
Taglist🎀HSR Master List🎀 Other Lists🎀
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Sunday had...a certain fondness for shiny things...a rather childish and unanticipated flaw to his character, really. No matter how small, insignificant or worthless they were.
Perhaps it had something to do with the halovians' innate desire for attention and glory, that would explain it. Or maybe it was because he was like a bird. But whatever the case, he was rather drawn to the gleam of precious gems and glittery accessories.
He sometimes tries to snatch your jewelry, thinking that you wouldn't notice, but fails miserably and you find that adorable.
"Hey hon do you know where that necklace I was wearing yesterday went?" You hum, peeking into his office.
Your boyfriend is hard at work, staring at some papers with concentration as he writes on them.
Sunday looked at you through the corner of his eye. His eyes looked a bit panicked before he started to concentrate on his papers again, but at this moment, he was just pretending.
"No, I don't...why my love?"
He answered with a simple reply. He thought that might work, right?
"Oh really?" You smile as you lean against the doorway. "I was going to wear it to that event we need to go to tonight."
Sunday stayed silent. And for some reason, his face started to redden a bit.
He knew that you weren't a fool. Why did he even think that you didn't know he stole your jewelry? Sunday sighed.
He opened his left drawer to carefully pick up your necklace and hold it out to you. Blushing as he looks away.
You snicker walking forward to lean down and kiss his forehead. "I know you like shiny things baby...but try to work on it?" Your voice soothes his embarrassment a bit.
Sunday looks at you, his face going even redder when you kissed his forehead.
"Mhm...I will...sorry"
He answered softly. He definitely didn't want to admit that he had an unhealthy obsession with shiny things, but he knew you already learned his secret anyways.
"Now...do you know where my rings are?" You glance into his eyes, yours have a hint of amusement while his are just plain panic.
Sunday looked away. You knew he was lying again. He was bad at it, and he knew that you probably knew he was acting. You couldn't help but find that adorable.
"You must have placed them in our room...maybe on the nightstand!" He stammers a bit with his lie.
This wasn't like him and he hated it, the lying was killing him even if it couldn't be helped. He knew you weren't mad, you were amused, you loved his obsessions. But he still felt out of control with himself.
"Okkk..." You hum before kissing his nose. "So if I were to...check my nightstand in an hour...would they be back?" Your eyes narrow playfully as they gaze into his.
He blushed again. He really wasn't good at lying. Especially to you...his lovely girlfriend.
He replied. Sunday still found it quite difficult to look at you in the eyes while he was embarrassed like this. Why did he even steal them in the first place?
"Alright my little dove..." You smile softly, walking to the door before stopping and looking over your shoulder. "Oh and I wanted to tell you that I hung the suit you'll be wearing up on your door for when you get ready."
"T-Thank you, darling."
Sunday sighed of relief. He thought that you were going to keep asking him for jewelry back, reminding him of his little habit for the rest of the day. Sunday stood and followed to the door to grab his suit.
He quickly decided to give you a kiss on the cheek as a way to apologize for his silly behaviour.
"Let me know when you want me to help tie your tie. I'll be in our room." You smile before walking down the corridor out of his sight.
"Mhm, will do."
Sunday let out a heavy breath. Now that you're out of his sight, he has time to collect himself. He can't stop thinking about the feeling of your skin on his lips.
His thoughts always go crazy when you're around.
After he starts to prepare himself for the event, reading over his speech, making quick changes. He finally slips his suit on before glancing into his office mirror and remembering his tie.
He walks down the corridor where you had walked a bit previously into your shared room.
Glancing in he notices you sitting at your vanity, clearly doing your last preparations as well. His eyes soften as he watches you, his beautiful dove.
Finally he cleared his throat and spoke. "Hey, darling? Do you mind helping out a bit?" Holding the tie up he blushes embarrassed.
"Hmm?" You hum looking over your shoulder and glance at his undone tie. A warm laugh escapes your lips before you nod. "Cmere honey."
He walked over to you and wrapped his arms around your back. He looked at your neck, and decided to give a little peck to it. He then hid his face in your shoulders.
"I don't know why, but I feel quite embarrassed right now. I mean I should be able to do my own tie..." Sunday sighs softly. "Please Help me out, will you darling...?" He asked softly, his hot breath against your neck.
"Of course my love..." You hum, making quick work to turn around and start tying his tie.
His eyes catch a glint of light out of the corner of them. Glancing to your vanity he notices a pair of sparkly diamond earrings, ones he bought for you no doubt.
He caught himself looking at the earrings. But he was just so tempted to take them right now, but decided to try to restrain himself.
Sunday waited patiently for you to tie his tie. He found this kind of bonding with you wholesome...if only he wasn't thinking about those damned earrings.
He couldn't handle it anymore, so when you were distracted he used his arm length to his advantage and swiped the earrings, putting them in his pocket.
Sunday felt a sense of guilt, stealing your earrings, but he also felt satisfied. He had to act normal now, and hope you didn't notice he pocketed your earrings.
"All done!" You smile brightly as you turn to the mirror to show him. "God you look so handsome..."
His blush returns, even though he's used to your compliments...he can't ever get used to the notion that you're his. "Thank you, darling. You look absolutely stunning yourself."
He said, and gave you a smile. He wrapped his arm around you and kissed your hair lightly.
You both stand there for a few minutes, gazing at the mirror and at each other. But eventually the silence had to be broken.
"Ok! Go grab your speech and we can head out!" You smile patting his chest. He nods softly before you watch him walk to the door.
Sunday was obviously trying to rush out of the room, with a sense of panic in his mind that maybe you somehow noticed the earrings he just swiped.
"Oh and Sunday?"
His body tenses as he places a hand on the doorway. He gulps a bit before turning to you. "Y-Yes honey?"
"Earrings please." You snicker before holding your hand out. Eyes amused instead of angry.
"You noticed...?"
He asked, looking at your hand nervously. He slowly reached for his pocket and took out the earrings, reaching to hand them to you while looking away. He was as red as a flame spawn...
"It's hard not to when you bumped my waist with your hand while trying to reach for them..." You roll your eyes playfully.
He looks down at the ground, his wings drooping a bit. You gently cup his face and tilt his head upwards a bit.
"I could never get mad at my cute little dove..." You kiss his cheek. "Its kinda cute..."
"Heh...you mean that?"
He let out a sigh of relief. At least you didn't get mad at him for stealing your jewelry. He still had a hint of curiosity in his eyes though, wondering just how much jewelry you had.
Instead of asking he just gave you a small peck on the nose.
"My little Halovian..." You chuckle softly. "Such a jewelry snatcher." Walking to the front door, slipping your heels on. "Is your sister also like this?"
"Oh believe me...hah, she's worse."
"...remind me to never bring jewelry around her."
"Noted, my dear."
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tmnt-reticent · 1 day
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I was rereading Chapter 10 of Ret (through @starlaindisguise ‘s beta reading notes because that is the superior way to read ret chapters 🔥🔥🔥) and I went WAIT HOLD ON I CAN USE THIS 😈😈🔥🔥🔥
Setting up stuff for Season 5 in Season 1 has short term benefits too because now Mikey can talk about Big Mama to Prodigy Donnie HELL YEAH‼️‼️🗣️🗣️💯💯🔥🔥‼️‼️ He is yapping so much bro isn’t even giving Prodigy a chance to get a word in 😭😭
Silly little script for the second image below the cut because I knew if I hand wrote this without a plan before hand it would not go well WHAJBSJAND
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The Venus slander was uncalled for fr 😞💔
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liaa--qb · 2 days
can i say something?
Ewan girlies or Aemond wives... Please don't jump on me without any thought.🙏🏻🙌 I really adore him really adore him but....
Can I say he need to hire some decent stylist ? I am not against Davey and all but sometimes he makes Ewan so over which doesn't even look good on him
Sorry I had to say this but this hair is not giving, I need his old ones back. They were so fine. Why he did this 😭 ?
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I hated this one , if you ask me this was his worse one and please don't hate meee😬 bc I like him , I find him really fine when he's simple like see how good he looks when dresses normal
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There was no need to go that extra which doesn't even suit one. Not only Ewan but it would not suit any other person in the cast as well. But he still managed it ok
Like see what were these ? 😭 This is not style or met gala
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He would have cleared easily with his normal decent look as compared to this one
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just compare how he is looking on left one 😑 and so simply cute in other one on right
Nothing beside this, it was just my lil😓 complaint like I love my boy but it's also fine to point out some silly things too.
Pls pls pls don't take it any wrong way Ewan or Aemond wives
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tae-rhymeswithslay · 2 days
i am SICK and TIRED of ppl making 2012 splinter so serious and so hateful (esp towards my boy mikey:( let him rest jeez) because like, did we even watch the same show?? 2012 splinter runs on a fucking HAMSTER WHEEL and has a godamn CHEESE PHONE that he answers all like “moshi moshi? ☺️” hes SILLY and hes WHIMSICAL and keeps his fridge stocked with CHEESICLES
stop making him so mean 😭😭
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thingintheroad · 2 days
now lets do a silly one! how the hell did nigel get the cross to the greenhouse 😭 that boy either has an astronomical pain tolerance or he doesn't feel pain because that would Destroy His Back and Spine
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u3pxx · 7 months
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i didn't realize you could ask lilienne out not alone
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Dead Boy Detectives | 1.02: The Case of the Dandelion Shrine
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todosauce · 8 days
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The Sun Is Often Out (ref)
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russellius · 4 months
GEORGE: Blimey, you gotta see this! Hold on!
aka 10 more years of Silverstone
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carebeardean · 24 days
dead boy detectives saw supernatural have a gay man go to hell for confessing to his “straight” best friend and said hold my beer. all that love is returned to you tenfold. BITCH
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rick-ety · 2 months
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Looove old men in dresses. Giggle
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thecinnamonr0ll · 3 months
There is no stronger community than Ao3 readers when the site goes down
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arsoniiii · 10 months
in my books, he’s definitely alright.
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mci-writing · 1 year
heyy~ may i habe, hcs nsfw of senku, tsukasa, and gen fucking their s/o in the kitchen? like senku you guys fucked up something and waiting on an order, tsukasa takes you while youre making breakfast or something, and gen uses cream from a pastry youre making to lick it off your body? thank you ily i hope i did this right lol.
This has been years in the making, huh?
Sexy Kitchen Times (w/ Senku Ishigami, Tsukasa Shishiou, and Gen Asagiri):
TW: smut, modern/no petrification/post petrification au, small bit of bondage in Gen's part (he ties reader's wrists to the bedpost), no beta whoops, overstim in Senku's part, Tsukasa fucks his s/o next to a still hot stove 🤷🏾‍♀️
Ishigami Senku:
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You had tried warning him from the get-go that substituting the recipe's ingredients with chemicals from his lab would be a horrible idea (esp when he pulled his Bunsen Burner seemingly out of thin air), but nooo he wanted you to trust the science process bc he was more than 1 billion percent sure it would work
Now you were standing in the middle of a nearly destroyed kitchen while ordering from the noodle place down the block, sending your lover a glare he knows a little too well when science experiments that involve you go horribly wrong
He hugs you from behind after cleaning up most of the mess, burying his face in your neck as he pulls you closer to him
This was what your friends deemed the affection maneuver, a move Senku only makes when he knows he might be sleeping on the couch for the night
"Y'know, it's so sexy when you get mad like this, dragonfruit" He'll teasingly whisper along the shell of your ear, pressing soft kisses into your skin while his fingers rub sensual circles into your hips
And for the moment, you completely forget about the kitchen debacle when his lips meet yours, turning you in his hold and helping you settle on the counter. He tugs your top off between kisses, nipping at whatever skin he can reach while his one of his hands happily move to fondle your chest
And, like always, it ends with you riding his cock (bc his stamina maxed out smh), your hands gripping onto his thighs for dear life as his tip nudges at a certain sensitive spot while he times the delivery guy through calculating the speed of your rocking and the pitch of your moans, who is definitely 10 minutes late this time
Your brain is mush by the time the food does get there, Senku happily coaxing orgasm after orgasm out of you with a sweet "Just one more? So I can make it up to you?". It's the closest he can get to you forgetting the whole conundrum and he gets to watch your face shift in overstimulated pleasure
He does still sleep on the couch later that night, but it's only for a couple minutes before you cave and make him eat you out as payback (which you both know is just going to lead to a round of competitive sex, but I'll mind my best)
Asagiri Gen:
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You'd already had an idea this would happen when Gen kept making innuendos about the glaze you'd made for your donuts earlier in the day, but a part of you wasn't really taking his words seriously until he'd told you to wait on the bed
I mean, you couldn't really go anywhere with your wrists tied to the bedpost, but you could hear the small happy pep in his step as he made his way back to you with the icing bag nuzzled snuggly in his hold
"Baby, look what I've got," He eagerly coos as he towers over your body, setting his knee beside you as he slides in closer on the bed. He holds the tip over your lips, squeezing enough for a little bit of the sweet concoction to spill out.
After your tongue swipes the small bit away, he gets to work setting a small dollop on each of your sensitive parts, stopping to admire his work once he finishes
He ensures that you've been licked clean of any stick sweet residue by the time he's finished, keeping track that you're thoroughly prepped before nestling into your welcoming heat
And he happily covers certain areas of your body with the cream again before fully allowing himself to go to town, enjoying the way his cum mixes with the sugary substance on your skin
Shishio Tsukasa:
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"Ts-Tsukasa..." You manage out in an airy tone, tightly gripping the counter as the head of his cock nudges at your entrance. The small sounds you make as he pushes the head all the way in only make him smirk
He leans forward as he pushes fully inside, taking the time to cut the stove off before his hand softly grips your hips and drags you back against him.
"You shouldn't have teased me so much," He softly states into your ear, tugging on the lower back tie of your apron so it hangs freely from your body by the tie around your neck. His right-hand moves to grab at the plush fat of your ass, a smack sounding as he brings his heavy palm down and squeezes as soon as he gets a good grip on it
He easily slides in and out from the perfect combination of spit and lube, the tight hold on your hip allowing him to push and pull against you as he pleases
Each spill of his name from your lips only encourages him to go faster, the breakfast you'd been hard at work creating forgotten with each deep thrust he made inside, stars clouding your mind
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25 days till more Wilmon moments to make us scream.. ❤️❤️
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evilbeing · 5 months
I really wanted to read what the boi wrote about Angrboda in his secret diary for shipping purpose
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Then I kept laughing for 15 minutes because he wrote the same thing about Skjöldr
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