tatatale · 3 years
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He would probably be curious about that Sans and his daily life ≧▽≦)
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OH BOY HORNS ARE LONG. Yeah, they're too disgusting to die.
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They'll try to destroy them. They won't succeed. Then they'll curl into a ball on the ground and cry.
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Lynsans: No, he is sanscidal.
Lynsans: LMAO.
Lynsans: Hilarious.
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Yeah that was awesome!! • ω • )
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Hiya! º◡º)/ Tatatale is the silly name I gave to this blog, but the AU is called "A L I V E" (I don't mind if it's also called Alivetale).
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Insans: Awww what a sweet human. ♥
Insans: But still human. So give me the hug and the food and die.
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Both of them! The mind is shared and their thoughts are mixed, so IRL Lytta controls the character influenced by Insans. Also yes, their memories and emotions are shared!
Don't worry, I can understand you perfectly! > ◡ ・)
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Haha not really I always use this image but basically it all depends if Insans can recognize him. If he does, he will be scared. If he doesn't.... He will kill him.
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Alphys at first, Alive now!
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YAY I'm happy you liked the Part42 and Promise Part2!! ≧◡≦)♥ ALso for Lynsans I had in mind something a little different, more monster-like, bUT Lynsans are 7 humans and 1 monster, so they had to be human-like. But I still wanted them to have some Insans’ traits, so there are the horns and stuff!
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azeriaa · 4 years
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@ask-alpha-sans-and-friends @silheedil 
Thank you for the asks!! (★≧▽^))★☆ Present already makes their appearance in the comic.
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under-tomb · 4 years
I just got to this blog and I have no idea what's going on (・・ ) ? Can someone please send me a link that explains what this AU is about?(〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ
Hello there! If you are on mobile you should open these links in chrome or your internet browser.
Hope these help! <3
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cats-artbag · 4 years
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@theauimaginative​ @silheedil​ @instert--username--here​ @geno-animations​ @glitchymiscalculation​ @silverryu25​ @lemathehuman​ @huyosumi​ @dragon-tamer-1​ @fuckit20ships​ @oki-joki​ @cali-the-temmie​
thank you thank you thank you ♥♥♥
thanks for all the love ♥ somehow for the times whenever i post about how i’m feeling down, i’d get all your messages and i’d get some energy to work on things again and see it through, it really helps. although if i did that every time i was down, it’d get old really fast haha ;; so i try to keep it to myself until i feel i’ve been silent for too long and need to show i’m still alive. thanks always for continuing to support me
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new swapout page going up in the morning! (cos i forgot to upload it tonight, was playing games with my sis follery) (5.30pm pdt apparently, wha have i been uploading at that time for you guys all this time wow, when do you guys browse tumblr most so i can get the page up, i’m still not sure)
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tatatale · 4 years
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Hahaha nope!! IRL Lytta is safe!! ≧▽≦)
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THAnk yoU SM!!!!! FSAASDAS the answer to both questions is Mettaton! ≧▽≦) I like drawing MTT's rectangle form, is really funny to do! But MV Mettaton is too fabulous and that's pretty difficult for me to draw!
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Good! `◡´)
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Yeeee heheheh thanks, glad you like them!! ≧◡≦)♥
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Alive: First to all... I've never been in the anti-void, just in this part of the void, and I guess spending so much time alone in this place made me a bit...
MV MTT: Grumpy.
Alive: ...I WASN'T GOING TO SAY THAT. Also, I'm sure this has something to do with Undyne's determination on my arm.
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Alive: I don't care about their reactions.
MV MTT: Don't talk like that about my fans, please Doc.
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Alive: What am I supposed to do??
Insans: Kill them.
Alive: I'M NOT YOU.
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THANK YOU!! ♥ (Auto correct is like "do you mean double idiot")
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They're disgusting.
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OMG thank yOU SO MUCH, your ask is so sweet it made me smile!! T▽T)♥♥♥ I never know what to say in this kind of situation, it just make me happy! ≧◡≦)
Good luck with your comic, I hope you're fine! Have a nice day/night!!
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It's possible • ω • )
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That's really cool!! ≧◡≦) And good luck with your AU!!
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Of course.
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Ooh thANK YOU, I'm really happy you like it!!! ⊙▽⊙)♥♥♥ Welcome, and I hope you have a good time reading!!
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If they look like a human, the first thing he'll do is try to kill them. If not, it all depends on when he finds out they are human... If there's already a friendship between them or not, but surely he won't take it very well at first.
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Thank you!! ♥ And... sorry, but I don't take request/commissions, I only draw what I want and can >﹏<)
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tatatale · 4 years
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Roleplay is my weakness fdsafsd ; ▽ ; )
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Oooh I love them too! I use SAI and this is the one I use to ink and color and... mostly everything:
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MV MTT robot wasn't supposed to let the ghost out, because if it happen, he would get his memories back. He has already his memories and everything is alright now, so Alive recently installed this feature (and another one... *eyes emoji*) so he could go out whenever he wanted. ♥
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He doesn't hate humans because of their determination, it's an irrational hatred driven by his insanity. Y◡Y) If he sees what looks like a human to him, he tries to kill them.
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You can post it on your tumblr account and mention me so I can see it, then I'll reblog it! Tumblr doesn't show me all the mentions, so if I take a long to see it you can send me a private or an ask with the link ⊙◡⊙)♥
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Insans: I don't hate Sanses, they're cute.
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OMG I hope your laptop can be fixed! >﹏<)
Also of course, your drawing was AMAZING!! ♥ I'll be really happy to see more of your art!
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I fixed it >▽<) Thanks to all of you who let me know when I misspell, I'm still learning English fdsfdsaf
(This is going to follow me all my life just like the "MY CHILDS" thing fdsafsda)
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I have no idea what are you talking about since every time I post something is a big OH NO.
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Sí que se parecen algo ellos dos ≧▽≦) Pero Sans se detuvo porque acabó reconociendo de alguna forma a su amiga U◡U)
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Yo! Well I think the key is the thickness of the lineart! If you want to give depth to the image you have to play with that. Make the characters with a thicker line than the background, give more thickness to the foreshortening, or to the edges of the character. You can even shade by making finer lines to the areas where you want to give volume!
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Have a wonderful day/night you too!! ♥
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Lytta watched someone else doing a pacifist run and they loved the game so they played just to know what would happen by killing the characters. They wanted to see Sans protecting his lil bro, and... Lytta got dissappointed. And angry. And they taking it out on him.
They've never played pacifist or neutral. •́ ω •̀)
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If he can recognize Papyrus between the two of them, he would be scared. If not he'll be like "???????? oh boy" >◡<)
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YEY!! It was actually in two days for me but YEAH! I wanted to catch up a little, I would like to finish the season 2 for Christmas but... I think I won't be on time Y◡Y)
Also, thank you so much!!!♥
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You think so...
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Thank you!!! ;▽; ) I love Waterfall and this scene was cute so I needed to give it color!
And yeah, they opened up a little! ≧◡≦)
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• ω • )
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I... can't choose ;▽; ) A-LOVE them all.
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tatatale · 4 years
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He kills humans when he sees them and doesn't think about repercussions :''''''') 
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Oooh cool!! * ^ *) I would love to see that! Thank you, I'll work hard on it!! >◡<)♥
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Soul is also a dork, so we have four dorks now!!
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REVENGE. But Alive is the shipper queen (?).
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I'm still not sure how to draw him but here you have a little tutoriel~
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Yep, his AU had a reset •́◡•̀) If he hadn't been a robot, when Lytta tried to hack him they would have realized that MTT is out-code and they couldn't have done so. (The ghost is out-code, but the robot isn’t).
And thank you so much!!!♥
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¡Muchas gracias! ≧◡≦)♥♥♥
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Hahaha a little! ⊙◡⊙) Omg ok I'm gonna try to draw something ≧▽≦)
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Meet Spear! A strong nerd who loves to eat snacks and read manga. She screams a lot so isn't allowed to enter libraries. (Soul choosing names is almost as original as Asgore fdsafsda).
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tatatale · 3 years
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Alive: Genki desu.
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Insans: I don't care about balance I care aBOUT ME.
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¯\_( • ω • )_/¯
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Alive: 過去を悔やんでばかりでは前に進めないぞ弟よ!
MV MTT: I don't know why I know it, but that's another anime quote...
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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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OH fdsafsd thank you, I'm gonna fix it!!! ♥
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Hahahaha I hope you can appreciate Lytta in the future then! ≧▽≦)
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Taurus • ω • )
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Oh? It doesn't happen to me Σ(⊙A⊙ ) Guys does it happen to any of you and knows how to solve it?
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Yeah, little by little! ≧◡≦)
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Yeah •̀◡•́)
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If he thinks they're a human, he'll try to kill them!
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¡Genial! Espero que les guste ≧◡≦)♥
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No that easily but yeah •́◡•̀)
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Lynsans: Cool/badass.
(Is they/them XD)
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Nunca lo sabremos (?).
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Si l@ prendes fuego, mucho. ⊙◡⊙)
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tatatale · 4 years
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-Undetale by Toby Fox
-UnderSwap by AU Community
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tatatale · 4 years
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Hahaha worst thing is that they can also afford BOTH.
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No hablo portugués aunque hay cosas que pillo porque es muy parecido al español. No me importa que me escribáis en español o en inglés porque entiendo ambos, así que no te preocupes!  ≧◡≦)
I don't speak Portuguese but there are things I get 'cause it's very similar to Spanish. I don't mind if you write in Spanish or English 'cause I understand both, so don't worry!  ≧◡≦)
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Tendrás tu dosis de ship en la siguiente parte y puede que en la segunda temporada  ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 
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FDSAFDSAFDSA gosssh thank you, you're always so kind! ♥ Well I needed a Sans to come to Alphys' "call" and before creating him I thought about a hacker who tortured him until he went insane. The rest came naturally while I was writing the scenes about the characters and their stories, I had a good laugh while thinking about stuff like the backpack or the horns > ▽ < ) 
The "oh boy" thing was a tribute to this scene (yes I made screenshots fdsafsdafsd XD):
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About the story, it all started with "I want a Multiverse Mettaton Show and open asks". Then Alphys come and I did their stories! 
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azeriaa · 4 years
Hi!! these are some asks that has been in my inbox since September— I will answer them now!!
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@mmangaboi​ Oh, I- I don’t know??? I honestly don’t know?? Why is it there?? Well, never mind... maybe its “time” has stopped since nobody really remembers them anymore. Also congratulations! You have found one of the Easter Eggs I planted in the comic hahaha. More importantly, a crucial one.
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@silheedil​​ That’s literally everyone after Part 9 has been released for 2 months. (*´艸`). Have you all been thinking that as a grammar error??? Well, there’s a story to why he speaks in Past Tense, and it may doesn’t make a lot of sense. Basically, his future is taken away.
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*attempts bad mouse drawing on ms paint* Well, I would like to know what’s your thought on that last question ( ̄∇ ̄)
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HI!!! I love you a lot too!!!! What happens when past rewinds himself?? He goes back in time of course!! Ya big dummy!! (`▽´)/ *bonk*
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And your ask give me more serotonin than you ffffffffffffffffffffffff <3 <3 I’m glad you love it so much!! I will continue to do my best!~ (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و
Im taking a wild guess — kingofk1nk is that you?? Sorry if I’m wrong ahahhah.
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Oh no, you’re not dumb! I’m very sure I confused you on purpose and I have successfully done so! No just kidding I have no idea what am I doing as well despite I know how the story goes.
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Neverland was actually a place where “forgotten” things go, where nobody has remember that AU, not even the creator themselves, It is basically a graveyard for ideas. So no, Hard mode wouldn’t be here.
Again, still a heavy draft, don’t count too much on it. (★uдu)σ
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@k0re-drawings​ HIIIIII !!!!!!! I MISS HANGING OUT ON TUMBLR TOO AHH H H H H EXAM IS KICKING MY BUTT but I kicked it back. ( • ̀ω•́  )✧
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*attempts another bad mouse drawing on ms paint* I am doing well hasdsdf <3 thanks for asking asdfasdf 
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@pistachio-mint-puppet​ Hello! Just passing by to tell you that— TAHNK SDYFASDFODJF THANK YOU!!! and I wish you a wonderful, fantastic day!!
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@owizy​ I will never stop making the comics until I have finish telling my story!! Season 2 is coming next year February!! Though, there may be a delay because the cases in my country are rapidly growing and there’s a good chance the exam will be delayed until May or April ;n; I wanna draw!!!!!!!!!!! *slams table aggressively*
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no... (´・ω・`) The only way to enter the Neverland is to erase your existence from everyone’s memory. That’s a comic idea for one of the mini-series but I’m not sure if I have time to draw/continue it hahaha. Nothing goes in or out. 
These interactions with other Sans(es) are not canon hahaha. Well, you can probably hack your own existence so nobody remembers you and access the Neverland? Who would want to do that, honestly. Abyss.
asdhfdf my hands are so itchy to tell you about this comic idea, let’s see if it will be drawn out or not.
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tatatale · 4 years
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He knows they're just avatars and can't reach to kill them so he just interact with them ¯\_( • ω • )_/¯ ...And kill their avatars. (?)
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It depends, maybe less than 6 hours...?
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YAYYYYYY!  ≧◡≦)♥
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Hahaha yeah she can talk with them! But they shine for other reasons too. You’ll know more about Soul eventually!
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Oooh I didn't know that much about Dusttale, that's cool! (I though the Papyrus was actually a ghost or something, I don't know why > ▽ < )) Thank you sm for the information, I'll follow calvateyla! >◡<)
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THEY DON'T CARE, THEIR FAMILY HAS A LOT OF MONEY > ▽ < ) But it doesn't matter, the computer was broken anyway because Soul's power ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ And thank you!!!
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Don't have to sorry!! I haven't watched anime in a long time, there's none that catches my attention right now. The last one I watched was Kimetsu no Yaiba, and before that maybe Mob Psycho 100? I loved those. I also love One Piece but I'm too lazy to keep watching the anime, I prefer to read the manga, it's my fav! And about favorite scenes... Dunno, I like lots from One Piece º ^ º) Especially of Marineford’s arc.
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¯\_(  ̄◡ ̄)_/¯
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A lot ó◡ò);;;;
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slylock-syl · 4 years
OMG if not even Maestro kissing Necros and saying in his face that he loves him will make Necros realize that Maestro F##K LOVES HIM!!! I don't know what can be done anymore!!!
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slylock-syl · 4 years
Sorry if I'm late but...Happy Birthday!!! Never stop doing what you love !
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slylock-syl · 4 years
You Americans and your emperial measurements always trick me. Paps I was like I'm seven feet tall, So I thought OMG seven feet SEVEN he is tall as hell, So I went to Google and found that it was only two meters -_-, I mean it's tall but not so much
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It’s pretty uncommon to meet anyone over 6ft in the wild. (182.8cm / 1.82m) XD
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