#shut up mu qing
dandelion-roots · 1 year
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it's PROFESSIONAL making out, alright?!
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symphonyofsilence · 1 year
At all times, I'm thinking about how Mu Qing who for almost 800 years thought that Xie Lian despised him, who was always prone to misunderstanding and when not a single heavenly official would believe that Xie Lian's third ascension's incidents were unintentional & not even Ling Wen believed that Xie Lian really didn't recognize Mu Qing, he must have been certain that Xie Lian threw the clock on him and pretended not to know him in the communication array on purpose, mere hours later the moment that XL asked for aid volunteered to help him! In disguise! Because he just wanted to help! He expected nothing in return! No gratitude, no forgiveness, no making amends, and even though he wanted to be His Highness' F word for 800 years (HIS NAME LITERALLY MEANS TO YEARN FOR AFFECTION!), no friendship. In fact, he must have been sure that his help was unwanted & made an extra effort to make it anonymous since the last time he tried to help XL he got chased out by a broom (& still he left the rice with them). But none of it mattered because he didn't want Xie Lian to go on a mission alone & without his spiritual powers. he wanted to make sure that XL was safe. he just genuinely wanted to help! As he always does!
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t0yearnf0r · 2 years
Realistically, the next chapter of my fic isn’t going to be out this month because I’m going on my holibobs✨🌈🎉✨✨💅💅 but I just wanted to let you know that I have just come up with an AWFUL headcannon that I may or may or add. I won’t tell you what it is, but trust me when I say it’s HORRENDOUS. The absolute PERFECT angst vessel.
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fengqingtrashgolbin · 2 months
Feng Xin finishing mouth to mouth on Mu Qing
Xie Lian: Feng Xin? You know you're both Gods right? You could have just transferred spiritual energy to him without anyone having to kiss him.
Feng Xin:
Feng Xin: I just saved his life Dianxia!
Mu Qing: Yeah! He just saved my life Xie Lian! Shut up!
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theballadofmars · 6 months
12. QI RONG: dies in night 1 at 12:30 A.M because doesn't listen to Phone Guy's instructions and wanders around the pizzeria. Probably kicked an animatronic because he's bored.
11. LANG QIANQIU: tried to be calm and serene about the situation, but gets anxious and angry and goes fight the animatronics. Leaves the security office and Foxy inmediatly kills him.
10. BEEFLEAF: if they're together they die in night 1 because sqx gets braver at hx's side and is curious, goes to explore and brings hx along. Obviously, they get killed.
9. HE XUAN: they go to the kitchen for a midnight snack at 5:00 A.M and finds Chica there. She kills them.
8. FENG XIN: survives night 1 (he didn't listen to the instructions so is a miracle), but runs out of patience in night 2 and fights the animatronics when they try to enter the office instead of closing the door. He loses.
7. SHI QINGXUAN: if they are alone, they will just panic. They talk to the animatronics and scream. Survives two nights (yeyy!!!), but the third night they're so afraid that they close the door and run out of power.
6. QUAN YIZHEN: doesn't listen to Phone Guy's instructions, falls asleep and somehow survives night 1 and 2 like that. Third night is when he can't sleep because of the noise, fights the animatronics to shut them up and ends up getting killed by the Cupcake.
5. PEI MING: so, this may seem a weird placement, but pm is actually pretty competent in his job. Plus, he makes Chica uncomfortable so he only has to fight three animatronics. But by night 4 he becomes too confident in his surviving skills and forgets to check Foxy as much as he should and dies.
4. FENGQING: they would go together, because is fengqing and they're a dynamic duo. They yell all the time, but also work great together. They die at night 4 because they're in the middle of an argument, forget about the animatronics (it's not the first time this happens) and Golden Freddy kills them because he can't deal with them yelling / making out anymore.
3. MU QING: almost survives 5 nights, but after 4 days of this he gets a bit cocky and he's killed at 5.00 A.M by Golden Freddy.
2. XIE LIAN: ok, listen. Xl is about to die every night, but somehow survives at the last minute. The animatronics are pretty confused about this. He ends the week without problem, but when he goes for his paycheck he is bitten by one of the animatronics and spends the rest of his life paying the hospital debt and dealing with ptsd, which you could argue that is worse than death.
1. LING WEN: she's lw. Job with terrible hours, with lots of multitasking where they don't pay you enough to deal with this shit? That's her territory. Survives 5 nights + the extra night + custom night 20/20 mode.
HONORABLE MENTIONS for characters that didn't make it to the ranking because they're just like that:
-HUA CHENG: he's not trapped with the animatronics, the animatronics are trapped with him. This bitch would survive the first night and come back the next day with a bat made of steel and break every animatronic. Then burns the place down. If this is after xl gets bitten, the animatronics don't survive even a day.
-HUALIAN: they fuck in the security office. The animatronics are uncomfortable and don't approach them.
-SHI WUDU: works one night, then sues the company. He's now the owner of Fazbear Enterteiment. And maybe William's next victim.
-YUSHI HUAN & PEI SU: spent one night there, don't come back because it's not worth it.
-YIN YU: is Phone Guy. He dies at night 4 but special mention anyway because Phone Guy.
-JUN WU: would be the fucking killer. Gets springlocked and makes it everyone's problem.
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xiaoaluo · 5 months
I will NEVER shut up about how funny was xie lian saying no no it’s not a string of fate on my finger ofc not it’s way more sophisticated and it actually allows me to know that hua cheng is safe!!! and then mu qing just went like so…it is a string of fate
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svsss-fanon-exposed · 6 months
Exposing SVSSS Fanon: 7/∞
The common depiction of Shen Yuan in fanworks is that he was an antisocial shut-in who never left his room, spending all day reading and commenting on webnovels, and always focused on his computer or phone screen or a book. This is frequently coupled with the depiction of Shen Yuan as chronically ill, as something caused by this illness, but it is also generally used even when such illness is not featured, likely as part of the stereotype of someone chronically online who has the time to spend on making long-winded comments on online forums and reading a 20 million word novel in a short span of time.
However, while canon does not directly state otherwise, the depiction of SY!QQ's personality conflicts with this interpretation and portrays him on multiple occasions as someone who enjoys going out into the world, exploring, and interacting with others, to the point where it is used to deliberately contrast his nature with Shen Jiu's:
At the same time, how could he not want to go out and play? Up until now, he’d been hunkered down inside Qing Jing Peak’s Bamboo House, forced to fake being an awesome master of arts and literature, meaning everything he did had to be done “blandly”: blandly speaking, blandly laughing, blandly practicing the sword, blandly being a poser—bland to the point that he often had the urge to scatter a handful of salt over his head! What a damn pain! And now when he finally got a break to take a trip down the mountain, he was still trapped in his room because of the System’s stance that “the original Shen Qingqiu liked quiet and would be unwilling to mingle.” (7S Ch. 2)
During the years that Luo Binghe is in the Abyss, Shen Qingqiu spends most of his time off the mountain:
During these three years, other than occasionally asking Liu Qingge for assistance in clearing his meridians to treat his poison, requesting medicinal prescriptions from Mu Qingfang, and briefly visiting Qing Jing Peak to arrange leveling missions for his disciples, Shen Qingqiu spent most of his time wandering about the outside world. He passed the days leisurely until an urgent notice from Yue Qingyuan arrived to suddenly summon him back to Cang Qiong Mountain. (7S Ch. 6)
For someone who is a shut-in, especially when fearing (what he thinks is) his inevitable death, it would be far more likely that Shen Qingqiu would shut himself inside the bamboo house as much as possible. Instead, he copes by going out and exploring the world.
After he wakes up in his mushroom body, instead of going off to hide away in seclusion somewhere (which would have been in line with a shut-in, antisocial personality), he instead thinks to immediately try to establish relations with the demon realm:
The first step to starting his all-new life would, of course, have to be proceedings with which Shen Qingqiu was most familiar. First, for a prop, he needed a folding fan, one with a white silk base, decorated with an ink wash painting of mountains and rivers. Shen Qingqiu snapped the fan open and waved it before his chest, sending his long hair and whiskers flying. Perhaps his image wasn’t ideal and was slightly unsuited to said prop, but that didn’t matter. With a folding fan in hand / Badass act at my command... ...this actually opened up a new line of thought. These minor demons had never dared to do more than snoop and thieve here and there. But if he could supply them with an honest channel for small goods, perhaps within this world that revolved around cultivation and monster-fighting, he could forge paths into a new frontier based on farming and amassing capital? Shen Qingqiu irresponsibly fantasized for a while, then felt that if he were to accept underlings, they needed to understand each other’s cultural practices. (7Seas Ch. 9)
He has established good relations with his martial siblings and frequently spends time with them:
Whenever the sect siblings from Cang Qiong Mountain got together, the conversation never stopped, and any little remark could get played on forever. But today, their conversation was extremely short. They usually headed off to Zui Xian Peak to have a meal together... (7Seas Ch. 32)
He even goes so far as to invite Shang Qinghua to visit Qing Jing Peak, before he is aware that SQH is a transmigrator:
“They were harvested from the tea fields of my senior disciple Ming Fan’s family,” Shen Qingqiu said affably. “As for whether they’re high-quality, won’t Shang-shidi know if he comes for tea at Qing Jing Peak?” (7Seas Ch. 26)
Instead of simply hiding away in a house while waiting for Luo Binghe to recover from his deaging, Shen Qingqiu instead goes to get a teaching job:
Shen Qingqiu soon got so bored that his bones began to itch, so he casually took up work at the largest academy in the city. (7Seas Ch. 28)
Throughout the novel, Shen Qingqiu's characterization is consistently established as someone who gets bored when he is forced to stay in one place and do nothing. Unless there is someone providing him with adequate companionship (he didn't travel as much when LBH was on Qing Jing Peak, for example), or he is indisposed in some way, Shen Qingqiu is almost always going out to explore the world and meet people.
Because of the way that he is stressed and bored when stuck inside, and how he goes out to cope with that, it's fairly easy to say that Shen Yuan/Shen Qingqiu is an extroverted person.
Now, does this completely deny the possibility that he was a shut-in in his former life? Not necessarily. It does, however, make it far more likely that he is not a shut-in by nature, and that if he did spend all day in his room, it was likely due to some other factor, such as depression.
Shen Qingqiu is characterized as an extroverted person with an attractive personality, and while his internal monologue can be at times somewhat awkward, the way he is perceived by others is not so. He expresses no desire to hide away in his room all day and becomes unhappy if he has to. He likes to go out and experience new things and meet new people.
The idea that for no other reason than his personality Shen Yuan spent all his time in his room or was antisocial in any way is not supported by canon, and in fact there is far more evidence to the alternative.
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crazydaymycrazyway · 2 months
Mu Qing: Hey
Feng Xin: What
Mu Qing: ...there's someone I really like, but I don't know how to tell them
Feng Xin: Why are you telling me this?
Mu Qing, agitated: Just shut up and give me some advice!
Feng Xin, shrugging: Invite them out, ask if they're free
Mu Qing: Are you free?
Feng Xin: No, ask them
Mu Qing: I did!
Feng Xin: Really?! What did they say?!
Mu Qing, shouting: YOU TELL ME!!
Feng Xin, hysterical: WHY ME?!!
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yea-baiyi · 7 months
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someone just posted this quote and it just hit me that it wasn’t that nobody loved xie lian after knowing how far he’d fallen and everything he’d done. it was xie lian who was too terrified to lean on them and share what he was going through, or he tried and they didn’t have the full context to understand him, and it just made xie lian feel more alone which made him push them away even more. he had feng xin and mu qing the whole time and they never ever stopped loving him even when they saw him falter and fail. and it wasn’t that hua cheng was unique in loving him anyway but it was hua cheng that happened to be present for all of xie lian’s worst moments and none of it made him love xie lian any less, and hua cheng is not the exception to the rule but the proof that xie lian was always loveable and always deserving and always loved despite despite despite. and after finding hua cheng he opens his heart up to his friends once again and accepts their love back into his life when he had shut it all out for centuries. i am in TEARS rn when i said i can’t think about feng xin and mu qing this is one of the reasons why
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yayyyy 💕 then can i ask for a scenario in which the reader, who’s a trans guy, volunteering to be the bride in the ghost groom scenario and threatening to stab anyone who says anything about him looking like a girl with platonic feng xin + mu qing and romantic hualian? (or just xie lian, since technically hua cheng is only there for like, .5 seconds lol)
(💥 anon)
Masculine Bride?
HuaLian x ftm(?)reader
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☀️Feng Xin didn't want to be in this ridiculous mission at all. He has to deal with Mu Qing in disguise and he has to see Xie Lian who was once his best friend. So it feels a little awkward to him but he gets to see you too! So he's quite happy to see you and Xie Lian again
☀️When he finds out that the plan is to disguise as a bride he immediately says Nuh uh. No way he's doing that, Mu Qing would never live it down.
☀️But when you offer to disguise as the bride, since you do looke somewhat androgynous he's like great!
☀️He doesn't have to do it and he can protect you if you all get in harms way
☀️Honestly he's surprised you volunteered so quickly. Feng Xin knows you'd rather stay in your male form and he knows you don't like appearing feminine much these days. Gods do it all the time so Feng Xin doesn't mind. Have you seen Shi Qingxuan?
☀️So everything was going great, they got you dressed and the one village girl did your makeup so you didn't look like a clown. But then they ran into those annoying men again.
☀️ They were congratulating Xie Lian, Mu Qing, and Feng Xin for finding a pretty bride and even wanted to join up, but they all knew the men just wanted to eat off their success.
☀️So when you laughed and explained you did make a good bride even though you're a man, No one really laughed. The men had genuinely thought you were a woman sooo they try to call your bluff.
☀️You did in fact change forms to look more like a bride but it doesn't feel good to have every single feminine feature to be pointed out. You're used to it so you weren't going to say anything but the group of men freeze and their skin pales when you hear a crack behind you
☀️Feng Xin may or may not have broken a pillar. May or may not have damaged his own temple. . .
☀️it succeeds in shutting the men up because what man is able to just break a God's pillar?!
☀️Feng Xin has to admit he's pretty irritable, but hearing the group of men bully you just pisses him off. He knows he's supposed to be in disguise and not gain your attention but he can't stand by and watch you be passive about it.
☀️ When the men practically evacuate the area you only laugh softly and link arms with him saying, "I found my guard!" You already know it's Feng Xin🙄
🌕Mu Qing was also your best friend and you never really gave him the chance to distance himself from you like he distanced himself from Xie Lian.
🌕Mu Qing has been with you a long time and he knows you're more comfortable identifying as a man. He has no issue with it. It took some time getting used to but he doesn't care as long as you're happy.
🌕so hearing the group of men start pointing you out so blatantly ticks him off. He knows he can't harm mortals but he sure wishes he could.
🌕It's not against the rules to threaten them though, so when he threatened to cut off their hand because it's rude to point isn't against the rules either.
🌕You were surprised honestly, Mu Qing doesn't care about a lot of things and doesn't usually get violent unless it's with Feng Xin.
🌕but you laugh when the group of men run off and you lean on Mu Qing. Saying you're so happy to have your own personal protector
🪷Xie Lian doesn't really fight. It's not that he can't he just doesn't see a point to do so.
🪷but that doesn't mean he'll let people bully you either
🪷 You've stuck with him for awhile so you're used to just taking mean words in stride. Xie Lian has never let them get away with it though.
🪷So it comes as a Surprise to you all when Xie Lian uses rou'ye to tie the group of men up together and he "advised them to go away before something unfortunate happens"
🪷You smiles and kiss his cheek, linking arms with him with a smile.
🪷"You're cute when you're protective"
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juicedpeachy · 9 months
Xie Lian: *returns to heaven some time after his honeymoon with Hua Cheng, smiling and so so happy*
Mu Qing: wow dianxia is practically glowing today. maybe too much…
Feng Xin: is it really so hard for you to be happy for him?
Mu Qing: of course I’m happy for him! I just don’t see why he’s walking around with such a look on his face.
Feng Xin: Hm well I guess you wouldn’t know. You’re the last one who would know how he’s feeling
Mu Qing: oh yeah? And what would that feeling be?
Feng Xin: you know I’m not going to say anything… indecent concerning dianxia!
Mu Qing: I know what sex is you idiot
Feng Xin: *gasps*
Mu Qing: what? Are you afraid of that word? Just like you’re afraid of women!
Feng Xin: I’m not afraid!
Mu Qing: yeah? well when was the last time you boned?
Feng Xin: …
Mu Qing: *folds arms* that’s what I thought
Feng Xin: you think you’re so clever huh? I bet you couldn’t even get it up if you wanted to.
Mu Qing: pfft. I bet I could fuck better than you!
Feng Xin: YOU still have yet to lose your virginity!!!
Mu Qing: Well, that’s easy to explain. I don’t lose. Period.
Feng Xin: Shut up! I’m saying, you have no experience!
Mu Qing: some people actually are born talented. not that you’d know
Feng Xin: *steps up into mq’s face* fuck you!
Mu Qing: yeah. Do it. I dare you. I’ll fuck you right after.
Feng Xin: oh, yeah?
Mu Qing: yeah!
Feng Xin: fine! if I fuck you better, then you have to write my reports for a month.
Mu Qing: and if I fuck you better, then you have to polish every one of my statues in all of my temples!
*from a distance away*
Xie Lian: should I say something?
Pei ming: no no, this is just getting interesting…
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I just had a galaxy brain fengqing fic idea, hear me out
So the palace of ling wen asks for help for a mission to find some super elusive, super ancient war artifact hidden in the mountains of some quaint little village
And since it just so happens that literally everyone else is magically busy, general nan yang and xuan zhen are the only ones available
The catch is, the artifact is hidden in a temple for lovers/marriage, and in order to enter it, couples have to prove their love for one another through various trials, like answering various questions about each other, how they met, doing various trials to prove they can work together etc
Both mu qing and feng xin think this is all bullshit and shouldnt xie lian and hua cheng do this kind of thing anyway?? Theyre a couple already so this is their turf right??
But it turns out theyre nowhere to be found and this is super important to do so... fake relationship it is.
So yeah maybe my qing knows exactly what to say when asked about how feng xin likes his tea or whats his biggest fear
And feng xin doesnt blink when he has to say what he admires about mu qing and whats his favorite type of food
And maybe they do come up with the same fake story for their perfect date because they talked about it drunkenly some eight centuries ago and agreed they'd like the same thing
And maybe they do get a bit protective of each other when faced with these strange trials because even though theyre both martial gods, its difficult to think of the other getting hurt
"We're going through way too much for a fake relationship." Mu Qing mumbles as they tread through the forest as the trials finally end.
"...maybe its not that fake for me." Feng Xin replies, not having been able to shut up quite fast enough, the weight of all that happened earlier settling on him, the way its so obvious they fit like missing puzzle pieces.
Mu Qing stares at him, and thinks about how he was ready to tear the forest apart when one of the beasts they faced as part of the trial attacked Feng Xin and bit into his leg. About how much he knew about Feng Xin, and Feng Xin about him, about things he had never thought before.
"..its not fake for me either."
(It turns out, the whole premise was bullshit xie lian and hua cheng set up with the rest of the heavens bc everyome was sick and tired of those two acting like 800 years of being obsessed with each other wasnt a very slow burn romance between two prideful idiots. Theyre angry about it at first but hey - it finally brought them together, didnt it.)
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Could you please do prompt 17 with Mu Qing of Heavens Official’s Blessing?
Trouble {Mu Qing}
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Most of the time Mu Qing actually thinks before he speaks but after you find yourselves in a dilemma, he finds it hard to keep his mouth shut
A/n: okay so, besides this being the first time I write about Mu Qing, I am in book 3 of Heaven Official's blessing so... do with that as you please. (also send help, this book is slowly killing me). I am sorry this took so long. It sucks but there is pressure because of my uni exams so hopefully you'll understand
A/n: Mu Qing x mortal!reader
Trigger Warning: mentions of death
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Gods aren't allowed to present themselves in front of humans. Those are the rules and Mu Qing follows them. And just like every god, when he has to decend in the mortal realm, he usually picks a small disguise: Fu Yao.
He had met you as Fu Yao during a mission with Feng Xin, Xie Lian and Hua Cheng. You were mortal and that was all it took for him to start denying himself even the slightest form of affection towards you. You were going to die someday and he was going to live a long long life without you and if he were to be honest, he was not sure if he could do that.
It had been your boldness and the way you chose your words carefully in order not to be misunderstood that grabbed his attention first. He came to appreciate this before even learning more about you. It was a good thing because Mu Qing thought a little too much and it always caused arguements between him and Feng Xin; arguements that Xie Lian had to solve.
You only spent a few days with the group, showing them around your small village that had a very dark and sinister past, leading ghosts and evil spirits to be attached to it.
Yet those few days had been enough for Mu Qing to just crave a little more of your company since that was the only thing he would allow himself to want when it came to you.
"We should built an array." Xie Lian wore his bamboo hat. "Protecting the village should be our first priority."
Since what he said was pure logic and building an array was a good idea, everyone agreed. You just stood there, watching them building the array, not knowing if and how to help. It didn't take them much time to do it and as much as you wanted to stay with them in case they needed you for any further information on the village or the forest, Feng Xin turned to look at you.
"Why don't you stay with us?" The martial god asked, his gaze lingering between you and Mu Qing. Immediately Mu Qing shot a death glare at him before Xie Lian could step in.
"Why would a commoner stay?" His words were harsh yet you could understand where he was coming from.
"As a bait."
Now... Feng Xin's suggestion had a point. The ghosts in the forest abducted mortals so there were very little chances that if any of the four men tried to act as bait they would succeed. You didn't answer at first, turning to look at Xie Lian and Hua Cheng for permission.
"Absolutely not." Mu Qing growled.
"I don't mind. Think about it-"
"I refuse." The martial god was trying to stay calm and even though you had no idea why he was being so adamant on making this process harder than it had to be, the three men surrounding you knew.
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng had been the first to notice that Mu Qing's gaze was lingering longer than it had to be on you, how in the few days they had stayed at your family's inn and had dinner with you, he would refill your plates in what he thought was a discreet way. Feng Xin picked up on the strange behaviour not long after and even though he had said nothing so far, he couldn't help but want to tease his rival.
"I insist." You lifted your gaze to meet his but even then, he just shook his head. Why you took his hand to lead him a few metres away from the rest, you didn't know. But you did. "You should really think about this." Your voice was so soft and apart from his mother he was sure than no one else had spoken in such a soft voice to him.
It almost felt as an obligation to reply to you in the same soft way he never would have used if it was anyone else. "When it comes to you, I don't think, I just act."
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yeonslayjun · 4 months
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NO shut up Mu Qing what's up with you? You sick? got a fever? this is so not like you.......
Anyways for someone like Mu qing to say this is a miracle honestly
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Dayum Bro came thru too ig
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fengqingtrashgolbin · 2 months
Feng Xin: Do you think the universe brought us together on purpose? Do you think we were always meant to be soulmates?
Mu Qing: OhmyGods shut up and go to bed! We have a mission in the mortal realm in the morning you fucking oaf!
Mu Qing:
Mu Qing: *whispering* But yeah, fine, we're soulmates ok? But don't make it weird.
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sugar-bi-scuit · 5 months
Xie Lian: Okay, can we all stop saying stupid shit for a moment, please?!
Mu Qing: Alright.
Feng Xin: Hey, I-
Mu Qing: SHUT UP!
Mu Qing: It was bound to be stupid.🙄
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