#shower brunch invitations
medusasbush · 1 year
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perfectcandyfest · 1 year
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moongreenlight · 9 months
Headcanons for Captain John Price and his VERY young housewife.
Mdni. Nsfw below cut.
Like unsure if you’ve graduated university yet young. Like he’s gotta be 13 years your senior at minimum. And he eats that shit up. Loves the way people stare and whisper when he parades you around, massive hand planted just above your ass
He’s like Simon in that he prefers you stay at home where he can keep you safe. Hires maids and housekeepers and cooks so your only responsibility is lounge and look pretty. You’re his biggest trophy. Like a prize show cat. Keeping you groomed and pampered and happy. Purring into his hand the moment he comes home.
Lowkey gets so sour when you send the cook home for the day and make dinner yourself. Not that you aren’t a fantastic cook, he just doesn’t want you to lift a finger. Doesn’t like the idea of you accidentally cutting yourself with a kitchen knife or burning yourself on a hot stove. Wants you to just be a trophy on his shelf.
Doesn’t even like the idea of you showering by yourself. Gives you bubble baths so that he can be sure you’re perfectly preened because obviously he’s the only one that knows exactly how to take care of you.
LOOOOOVES that even though you’re so young you fit in perfectly with the other housewives in the neighborhood. Going to spin classes in the early morning, book club, brunch, shopping at the most expensive grocery stores.
Literally treats you like a pedigreed cat. Weekly manicures and pedicures that he’s put his card on file for. You just walk in and they know you’re Price’s wife and that your appointments are prepaid.
And pre-tipped obvi. GENEROUS with his money when it comes to you. And there’s probably a note under your profile that you’re to be paid careful attention. God forbid they accidentally graze your skin with the nail file and hurt his pretty kitty.
Facials and hair appointments biweekly that are the exact same way.
Your picture is posted at the gate of the base because all the guards are expected to know their chain of command and wave them in without question. He just loves that your status as his wife is enough to get you the VIP treatment you deserve.
His ultimate goal is to make you a young mom. Even though you’ve only been married for a year and you’re like 22 he’s actually so pissed that you’re not bouncing a baby on your hip.
Bet he loves the idea of his kids getting bullied because their mom is hot.
Brings you around base for the sole purpose of showing off. Purposely leaves his lunch at home just so you come see him.
The first time you ever met the task force boys he’d asked you to bring something DUMB up. Like a water bottle or something. Who cares. You end up accidentally interrupting the meeting they’re having and Price pulls you onto his lap before introducing you as his wife. Soap and Gaz are kicking each other under the table. Swear to god Gaz does that cartoon gulp. Soap looks like he’s about to explode.
Probably calls you his ‘old lady’ but with the most disgustingly smug smirk on his face.
Btw if you even care you’re such a trophy to him and he’s so invested in his team that he wants to share you with the guys. There’s no ‘I’ in team. So confident in knowing that he’s the only one that can truly pamper you properly that he doesn’t mind using you as leverage to get them to perform well.
Oh Soap did really well on the last mission? He can come to dinner with you guys. Price will dress you up nice and let Soap wrap his arm around your waist when you walk in. Then Price will invite him back for a nightcap and instruct you to drop down between his thighs. Coaching you through the process of palming him through his trousers, unzipping them, springing his cock free from his underwear, taking just the tip into your mouth. Being soooo nice about letting you take your time adjusting your throat. “It’s different, doll. I know. Being so good.” Until he finally snaps and fists the back of your hair, pushing you all the way down so that the room is echoing your lewd, wet gags and moans. He doesn’t let Soap come in your mouth, though. That’s a luxury only he can afford.
And you’re soooooooo happy to do whatever John asks. He treats you so well. The least you can do is oblige his requests every once in a while. He asks so little of you. Plus no other cock compares to his. Even after getting fucked dumb by Ghost, drooling down your chin, you find it in you to look for him. Pupils blown-out, whining softly up to him. Weak and slurring “Need you, daddy. Need you.”
That last part is only if you care tho. I’m normal about it. It’s fine.
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eternalxvenus · 3 months
⇢ ˗ˏˋ broken promises pt. 1 ࿐ྂ
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summary: Rafe promised to take you out and spend your birthday with you, but you don’t hear from him all day and then suddenly he shows up at your door trying to explain. (angst version to my first birthday girl blurb) (title changed for series — previous title “birthday girl angst version”)
cw (for whole series): 18+, rafe x f!reader, mentions of drug use, angst, eventual smut, violence
wc: 0.6k
notes: honestly i’m thinking about making this particular blurb a series but i’m not sure though
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You woke up on your birthday excited to get your day started. Your boyfriend Rafe told you the day before he would pick you up for brunch, and then you would spend the day doing whatever you wanted.
By the time you showered and were ready to go, your stomach was growling, prepared to have some delicious food. You checked your phone and saw the time read 10:45. Rafe said that he'd be here by 11:00.
30 minutes later, you hadn't heard anything from Rafe, so you decided to call him. Each of your calls went straight to voicemail. You were starting to get worried, so you decided to check social media and see if he may have posted anything. You clicked on Kelce's close friend's story and saw a party happening at his house. A few videos later, you saw one of Rafe doing coke off the table in front of him.
Your eyes start to water. He had promised you that he would stop doing drugs when you guys started dating. You knew it made him irritable and hard to be around. It also made him forgetful, which means he was probably high out of his mind somewhere and probably doesn't remember he promised to take you to brunch. Or the fact that it's your birthday.
You wipe the few stray tears off your cheek, careful not to ruin your makeup, before calling Sarah, inviting her and the pogues to have breakfast with you at your place. When you asked her about Rafe, she said she hadn't spoken to him and didn't know where he was.
The time was currently 10:22 pm, and you had just gotten home from your birthday dinner with your family. Rafe was supposed to be there too, but you had to lie and say he hadn't been feeling well. You could barely enjoy yourself. You still hadn't gotten so much as a text from him.
You slipped off your heels, but before you could make it up the stairs there was a ring at your doorbell. You opened the door to see Rafe standing there with flowers in hand.
"What do you want, Rafe?" You really didn't want to sit around and listen to his excuses.
"Baby, I'm sorry, really. Just please let me explain."
You scoffed but leaned against your doorframe, prompting him to keep going.
"Okay, so Kelce was throwing this party, and I wasn't going to go, but everyone kept messaging me saying I should at least swing by and everything since they hadn't seen me in a while. I went and it was supposed to be no more than 15 minutes, but things got out of hand..."
"Yeah Rafe, things got out of hand as in you stayed at the party and started doing fucking coke? Out of hand as in you got so high you didn't text me all day, on my birthday, while I'm worried sick about you?"
Rafe's eyes widened, obviously not expecting you to know about that. He outstretched his hand that was holding the flowers to you. "Baby I... I'm sorry. I can take you shopping to make up for-"
You smacked the flowers out of his hand and he flinched. Your voice was shaky as tears pooled in your eyes. "No Rafe! Money isn't going to fix this. Obviously, I'm not important enough for you to keep your promise. Getting high means more to you than being there for your girlfriend."
Before he could speak again, you slammed the door in his face and made your way upstairs even as he started to talk to you through the door before moving on to blowing up your phone. You blocked his number and went to bed, unsure of what was next for your relationship.
part 2
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lnfours · 9 months
welcome home | l.n
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summary: he finally asks you to move in with him
warnings: fluff, fluff and more fluff. i need him so bad.
masterlist | ask box
the sun shining through the curtains is what woke lando up, the smell of your perfume engulfing him when he lazily threw the pillow from your the other side of the bed. he had tried to go back to sleep, but failed. so, he threw the covers off his legs with a soft sigh, getting up and looking around the room for any sign of you, but you weren’t there. only your things remained on the dresser, your clothes folded in a pile on the top.
when he walked into the bathroom, your toothbrush was sitting next to his in the cup, your face wash and hair brush on the counter next to your overflowing makeup bag. he didn’t mind the mess. actually, he liked when you left things around. it gave the other wise empty apartment life. it was like you were leaving your own personal touches throughout his home, and he couldn’t help but smile at every single one.
the towel you had used to shower that morning was sitting on the rack, still damp. your shampoo, conditioner and body wash sitting on the built in shelf. it pulled at his heartstrings to see it, how he wished the things would find a permanent place rather than a temporary one every few weeks.
as he brushed his teeth, he racked his brain trying to think of where you had gone, but remembered that you mentioned something about getting brunch with a few friends. he had hoped you were having fun, much needed ‘girl time’, but all he wanted to do was crawl back into bed with you and continue the show the two of you had started the weekend before.
despite his feelings, he finally wandered into the kitchen. he smiled softly at the coffee cup sitting in the sink, the white mug stained with your lipstick on the rim. he could picture you fixing your lipstick in the mirror before walking out the door in a hurry, because you were almost always running late.
he made himself a cup of coffee, sitting down on the couch and scrolling through his phone. he saw that you had posted on your instagram story about an hour ago, a picture of you and your friends in the mirror of the bathroom at the cafe downtown.
girls day <3
his heart almost leapt into his throat at how brightly you were smiling. he caught himself smiling back at the photo, your smile being too infectious. he couldn’t help himself as he slid up on the picture, typing back a response.
can i be invited next time? i’m one of the girls 😕
he watched as your icon appeared in the chat, your side illuminating with the ‘typing…’ in the lower corner.
i think the girls would disagree, hun. i’ll be home soon, and then i’m all yours 🤍
he smiled softly, double tapping the message.
deal. have fun, baby ❤️
you double tapped his message in return and he swiped out of instagram, checking his email. when it was done refreshing, only one had caught his eye. he placed his coffee down on the table in front of him as he turned his entire focus to reading the email.
dear mr. norris,
i’d like to congratulate you as your offer for the home on willow lane has been approved! i’ll be in contact soon to talk about settlement and move-in dates.
in all, congratulations on being a homeowner! look forward to speaking with you!
best wishes,
sam parker
keller prime realty
“no way, mate!” he laughed softly.
max had decided to come downstairs at that exact time, “you alright?”
he nodded at his friend, “remember that house i showed you? the one i said i was debating on putting an offer on?”
max nodded, “yeah, what about it?”
“well, i may or may not have put an offer on it,” lando continued, “and it may or may not have gotten approved.”
max smiled, patting his best friend’s shoulder, “congrats, mate. when do you and y/n move in?”
lando’s face fell and max rolled his eyes, “you haven’t asked her yet? you literally just bought the house and you still haven’t asked her?”
lando bit down on his bottom lip, “it’s not that i don’t want to, it’s just, i don’t know if she’s on the same page. i mean, she spends the weekends here, but whenever i wake up on sundays she’s normally about to leave.”
max shook his head, “or what if it’s because you never told her how much you like her staying here? i mean, sure we both know you love having her without saying anything, but maybe she just needs that reassurance.”
lando nodded, catching onto what his best mate was on about, “and i haven’t reassured her…”
“right,” max nodded, “now you get it.”
“so, what? i’m just supposed to be like ‘hey, i love having you here so much that i bought a house for us to move into, if you want’?” lando joked, taking a sip from his mug.
max rolled his eyes, “not exactly like that, you div.”
the door opened and you smiled as you kicked your heels off by the door, the two boys’ eyes landing on yours, “hey,”
“hey,” max smiled.
lando smiled at you as your feet padded against the hardwood floor heading towards the kitchen, your keys and purse hanging on the hooks by the door, “how was brunch?”
“good,” you nodded, placing the white takeout box on the shelf in the fridge, “they had really good matcha lattes, i think you would’ve liked it.”
lando hummed, “maybe we can go sometime soon.”
you nodded, plopping next to him on the couch, chin leaning on his shoulder, “sounds good, baby.”
lando smiled and leaned down to press a soft kiss to your lips. you smiled into the kiss as max groaned, which only made you pull lando closer by his hoodie. you laughed when max fake gagged and got up from his seat, the both of you breaking apart and laughing as he made his way back up the stairs, “yep, that’s enough. sick of you two swapping spit near me.”
“cheers, mate,” lando called back up the stairs before looking over at you. you smiled at the brunette.
he shook his head, “just thinking.”
your eyes found the curl that had fallen out of place, your fingers moving to brush it back, “about what?”
“how much i love having you here,” he said and your lips turned into a smile, “i have someone to annoy max with now.”
you giggled, “that’s my favorite pastime and you know that.”
he smiled, nodding, “i do.”
there was a moment of silence before he spoke up again, “do you like coming here?”
you furrowed your eyebrows, “of course i do. what makes you ask?”
he took in a deep breath before looking back at you, “i bought a house.”
his words came out all of a sudden and you looked at him confused, “you… bought a house?”
he nodded, swallowing before he continued, “for us.”
your heart skipped a beat as he looked down at you, softly smiling, “i found the perfect house, and i put an offer on it and it was accepted. i know i should’ve told you, but, i really really want you to move in with me. like yesterday,”
you laughed softly as he smiled, “when did you put an offer on it?”
“a few weeks ago,” he said, “i know i should’ve told you, but when i say it’s perfect it’s literally perfect. everytime i look at it i just keep seeing you dancing around the kitchen or us watching a movie in the living room, i don’t know…”
you placed your hand on his cheek, “i love you,”
he smiled back, “i love you, too,” his nose brushed against yours, “will you please move in with me.”
you brushed through the curls on the nape of his neck, biting down on your bottom lip as you tried your best to hold back the smile threatening to breakout on your face, “since you asked so nicely.”
he snorted before kissing you sweetly, pulling you into his lap. you giggled as he held you close, your arms wrapping around his neck.
“do you have any pictures?” you smiled against his lips. he nodded, reaching between the two of you before fishing his phone from the pocket of his hoodie. you watched as he pulled the listing up on his phone, a smile on his face as he handed it to you.
as you scrolled through the pictures and smiled about all the little things he had thought you’d like about the house, all he could think about was what you would look like in a white dress.
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iajicollection · 2 years
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Checkout our latest collection. This Sets consist of 10 Outstanding Olive Branch Collection Invitation https://iaji.net/collection/432
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bloomingdayswithyou · 3 months
It's my birthday today can you write how LDS boys would celebrate their s/o birthday?!?
Birthday Celebration for his S/O
Pairing: Zayne, Xavier & Rafayel x gn!reader (separately)
Warnings: none!
A/N: happy birthday! hope you like these scenarios🫶🏻
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As you wake up on your birthday, you find a note by your bedside table. It's written in Zayne's elegant handwriting, inviting your to meet him at your favorite café for breakfast. When you arrive, you're greeted by a table adorned with your favorite flowers and a small gift wrapped in delicate paper.
After a cozy breakfast together, Zayne surprises you with tickets to a live performance of your favorite artist in the evening. Throughout the day, he showers you with subtle gestures of affection, like a gentle touch or a reassuring smile, always mindful of your surroundings.
In the evening, Zayne takes you to a secluded spot overlooking the city where he's set up a picnic under the stars. He prepared all your favorite foods and even brought a portable heater to keep you warm. As you both enjoy your meal, Zayne presents you with a handcrafted piece of jewelry, a symbol of his love and commitment, whispered softly rather than declared loudly.
You spend the rest of the night cuddled up together, watching the stars and sharing stories until the early hours of the morning. Zayne's birthday celebration for you is filled with understated affection, intimacy, and thoughtful gestures that reflect his deep love for you.
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Xavier starts the day by surprising you with breakfast in bed. He's prepared a delicious spread of your favorite foods, complete with freshly brewed coffee and a single red rose placed beside the tray.
After breakfast, Xavier takes you on a spontaneous road trip to a secluded cabin in the mountains. Along the way, you stop at picturesque spots to admire the scenery and take photos together. Xavier even packs a picnic lunch, complete with gourmet sandwiches and champagne to toast to your special day.
Upon reaching the cabin, Xavier reveals that he's planned a romantic evening under the stars. He lights a fire in the fireplace, sets up a cozy blanket outside, and prepares a candlelit dinner for two. You spend the night talking, laughing, and reminiscing about your favorite memories together.
Before you go to bed, Xavier presents you with a handcrafted journal filled with notes, poems, and sketches he's made over the years. It's a thoughtful gift that captures the essence of your relationship and the depth of his love for you.
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Rafayel wakes you up with a burst of energy, showering you with kisses and playful tickles. He's already planned a full day of adventures, starting with brunch at a trendy café followed by a visit to an art gallery showcasing his latest paintings.
Throughout the day, Rafayel surprises you with spontaneous activities like a pottery class, a scenic hike, and a sunset picnic by the beach. He's arranged for a local band to serenade you as you enjoy your meal, adding to the romantic ambiance of the evening.
As the night falls, Rafayel takes you to a rooftop bar with stunning views of the city skyline. He's organized a surprise party with all your friends, complete with music, dancing, and plenty of laughter. You spend the rest of the night celebrating, surrounded by the people you love most.
Before the clock strikes midnight, Rafayel presents you with a canvas painting he's been working on for weeks. It's a portrait of the both of you together, capturing the joy and love you share in vibrant colors and bold strokes. It's a fitting end to a day filled with excitement, adventure, and the unmistakable warmth of Rafayel's love.
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vax-merstappen · 3 months
press delete pt.2 (cl16)
summary: even though he’s dating a new girl, charles still keeps the pictures of you on his phone.
warnings: breakup, general angst
hope you all enjoy this highly requested part 2! i actually liked writing this one more than the original lol
part 1
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Charles had spent all day with the supermodel he had been seeing ever since your breakup. She was good company and had known Charles when he was a kid. He got along fine with her, but they were just friends. Someone he could talk to, even if they would never dance in the rain together or stay up late at night drunk on his balcony.
Just someone to fill the void.
After he had dropped her off back at her place, Charles had driven home himself. He had taken a shower before collapsing on his couch. As soon as he opened his phone, he saw that pictures of them together were already on social media. He wondered whether you had seen. Whether you had cared.
He opened his camera roll, looking back at all the pictures he couldn't bear to delete.
It was the first time he had invited you to come watch him race, his personal guest in the Ferrari hospitality. You had shown up wearing a T-shirt with his name and number on it, a red Ferrari cap on your head. He remembered how just seeing you in his team gear had made his heart flutter.
You had run over to him in the paddock, pulling him into an embrace. The cameras were flashing, but he knew you didn't care. Charles hugged you back, whispering in your ear how glad he had been to see you. He vowed then and there that he never wanted to let you go.
He gave you a tour of the paddock, showing you the places he knew the cameras wouldn't follow and the best places to grab food before the race. He had spent so much time in various tracks like this that he knew it like the back of his hand. He only hoped you would one day feel the same, having come to many more races of his.
When it was time to head on track, he had given you one last embrace. And before he went, he asked if he could take a picture with you. Him in his race suit, you in Ferrari gear. You happily obliged and he took his favorite picture of the day, just the two of you in his garage.
He would look back at that picture whenever you couldn't make it to a race, remembering that you were cheering him on from home. Even though he hadn't won that day, getting to spend it with you had been its own sort of victory.
As he looked at the photo now, all he felt was regret. Regret that maybe you didn't understand how much you had meant to him and how much better he felt with you around.
He couldn't make himself delete the picture and so he scrolled on.
A few minutes later, he found another picture that brought back memories. He chuckled to himself, remembering that day.
It had been Christmas time. You both had spent Christmas Eve with Charles family, as they celebrated the holiday. On the actual holiday, you had asked him to spend a cozy day in instead of celebrating in an extravagant way. He had agreed, wanting nothing more than to spend the day by your side.
But he had to still get you a present, no matter how many times you had insisted the only gift you wanted was to spend time with him, away from everything. He had searched endlessly for the perfect present for you, finally settling on something he knew you would appreciate. It was tickets to see a band you both listened to in concert. One of the first things you bonded over as a couple was your love for their music. It was perfect and he was so excited to see the look on your face when you opened the tickets.
Christmas had rolled around and as promised, he spent the morning cuddling with you in bed. Around lunch time, he had got up to make the two of you a brunch. His cooking skills were lackluster to say the least, so you had joined him the kitchen a few minutes later. He could still remember how you looked in the soft morning light and how you sounded when you laughed at how poorly he had chopped the ingredients of your favorite dish.
About halfway through the meal, he had handed you the envelope with the tickets. He had tried to hide how excited he was, but he knew you could read his emotions like a book. You opened the simple card he had bought and your eyes had widened when you saw the tickets.
But instead of getting all excited as he imagined, you burst into laughter. He felt his face getting red and he started to panic. Had he messed up? What was so funny?
"Mon amour," you had said, finally pausing in your laughter. "Go look under the Christmas tree."
Not knowing what else to do, he had stood up from the table and walked over to the tree. There was a small box underneath. He grabbed it and walked back over to you with a look of confusion. You nodded and he opened it.
Inside were two tickets to the same concert.
"You bought the same thing?" he had asked incredulously.
"Yes. I thought you would love it."
"Well I love it so much that I bought you the same thing," he laughed, now understanding what was so funny.
He had taken a picture of the two of you together each holding the tickets the other had bought. Your smiling faces stared back at him now from his phone. You had known each other so well. How had a relationship so deep crumbled?
He couldn't bear to let go of the memory. He scrolled to the next photo, stopping himself from pressing delete.
He had finally reached the last photo from your relationship. It was you, standing on his boat. One of his oversize shirts was on your shoulders. He always thought they looked better on you. With the image, the circumstances under which he took them came back to him. That he would delete it when you two got back together.
He thought back to that fateful day.
You had gone out together on his yacht. He had hoped it would be a lighthearted and relaxing break from the stress that had been plaguing your relationship. He saw you standing close to the edge of the boat and he had remembered a time where you had pushed him into the water, jumping in after him yourself. He walked over with the intention of recreating the fun moment.
But the second he pushed you, he knew he had misjudged the circumstances. You had shouted at him.
"Mon amour, it was just a joke Don't take it all so serious. We are here to have a good time, no?" he said, trying to smooth over the situation and bring some brightness back into the day.
"Not if you are going to throw me in the ocean."
He had sighed, wishing you could just appreciate the day with him. You two had descended into an argument afterwards. He didn't remember what he had said, only that he had wanted to make you see that he wasn't always the villain. Sure, he had neglected you in the past in favor of his career. But he was here now, wasn't he, trying to make it all better?
The rest of the argument was a blur in his head. Up until the point you had uttered the words that finally broke him.
"I don't think this is going to work anymore."
He had tried so hard for you. But his best wasn't good enough and he could see that now. Somewhere along the line you both had lost your understanding of the other person. Your relationship had become built on memories of the past and differing ideas of the future.
He had blinked back tears behind his sunglasses. He didn't want you to know how bad you had hurt him. Charles knew he had his fair share of blame for how things had turned out. He didn't want to cry in front of you now. He could hold it in until he got home, as much for your sake as his own.
The words he said next were crystal clear in his mind.
"Okay. We can take a break. But let me get one last picture of you to remember you by. And when we get back together, I will delete it off my phone so we don't have to remember this day? Ok, ma cherie?"
Charles had taken the picture that stared back at him now. Even now, he could tell how unhappy you were in the picture. It was clearly a fake smile that you had given him.
But even though the picture and the memory of how it all fell apart had pained him, he couldn't bear to delete the picture off his phone. The hope and the promise that he could still end up with you were too much to throw away.
Instead, he clicked onto your name in his messages. He selected the picture of you on that boat. His finger hovered over the send button. He had a choice to make.
But surely if you had wanted to see him again, you would have said something. You were probably happy now without him. He didn't want to ruin your peace. So he clicked out of your messages and into hers.
He sent another text back to the model, asking if she wanted to see him again next weekend. If you had wanted him out of your life, he owed it to you to make that happen. Even if he couldn't make himself delete your memories from his phone.
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sunsetkerr · 5 months
THE SHOWER | s.kerr
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summary: caitlin, alannah and mackenzie have taken it upon themselves to plan yours and sam's baby shower.. what could go wrong?! [1.9k words]
pairing: fem!reader x sam kerr (sweet nora universe)
notes: trying to cheer myself up after sam doing her acl, I hope it cheers you all up too. I missed nora lots and lots.
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august 2019, 3 months pregnant
IF THERE WERE THREE PEOPLE THAT you would never trust to plan literally anything, it would be Alanna, Mackenzie and Caitlin. The three of them together are like a taking time bomb that just cannot wait to go off. They are loud, messy, chaotic and almost always in disarray.
So when Sam came to you in the third month of your pregnancy and say that the three of them wanted to be the ones to plan your baby shower, you could've fainted then and there.
Sure, Sam had known the three of them for a long time. They were all really close friends of both you and Sam. Sam had been playing with Caitlin since she was 15, she was in your wedding for god's sake- it wasn't a far fetched idea to have them want to do something so big for you both. But with the three of them together, you weren't really sure how successful your baby shower would be.
You and Sam were completely shut out of the planning side of things. They told you nothing, and you mean literally nothing. Alanna had made the invites before even asking (or telling) Sam if they could plan the shower, claiming that she had an untapped passion for graphic design or something like that. All the information on there was all you got.
The shower was going to be held at your home in Perth during Matildas camp for the World Cup. That way all of Sam's teammates could be there and so could your families. A few of Sam's teammates from Chicago would fly out, Mackenzie ensuring their arrivals. By the time the shower came around you had been shunned away to Sam's parents house to get ready for your day.
Alanna had taken the liberty of finding you a dress, knowing exactly the kind of clothes that you would feel comfortable but confident in at 3 months pregnant. You slipped on your outfit and were subtly impressed with what Alanna had chosen for you.
"Wow, hello you" You couldn't help yourself but to let a smile fall upon your lips as Sam wolf-whistled at you as she came into her old bedroom. You were stood in front of the mirror, fixing up your hair before you left for the baby shower. Sam was dressed in a beige button up shirt with a pattern on it paired with some white linen shorts that you loved her in. She looked so gorgeous.
"Do you like it?" You asked, giving her a little spin.
"You look incredibly beautiful" She nodded softly as she grabbed hold of your hips and pulled you in closer. She placed a quick kiss on your lips before pulling away and hovering over them again. "Like stunning" She whispered, before kissing you again.
"I love you" You leant your forehead against hers, not wanting this moment to pass from you both.
"I love you more" She smiled.
"Are you two ready to head off?" Rox called up the stairs. You were driving in with Rox and Maddie, who were both waiting for you two downstairs.
"Yep! Give us like five minutes" Sam called back. You chuckled and leant into her embrace, leaning against her as she held you tight.
"Are you excited?" Sam said quietly, trying her best to saviour your time together before you went into a sea of people for the late morning.
"I'm more so nervous to see what they've done to our house" You closed your eyes and imagined the chaos that could only be caused by Cait, Alanna and Mackenzie.
"It's just a brunch babe" Sam kissed your forehead, already knowing what you were thinking. "Worst thing could be that they haven't put coasters out on the table" She admitted.
"It's really nice timber, Sam" You defended yourself and your over-protectiveness of your breakfast bar. Sam had it custom made for you when you said that you had always wanted one. It really was your first child in a way.
"Don't worry, I already warned Cait about the timber" Sam droned, rolling her eyes at you. "She's said she'll protect it with her life".
"She better" You raised your eyebrows.
"I doubt she would mess with Mrs Kerr" Sam smacked your bum lightly before leading you out from her childhood room and into the car.
"Oh I love it when you call me that"
You couldn't stop the butterflies in your belly from fluttering around, although you weren't sure if you baby was just moving around more than usual. The house looked amazing when you pulled up at the front. The garden had been decked out in balloons, a sign next to the front door that said 'Y/N & SAM'S BABY SHOWER' in a beautiful handwritten font.
You held your hands over your mouth in shock as you got out of the car with Sam's help. "Oh my god it looks so good," You could've sworn that there were tears welling up in your eyes.
Before you could even take it in fully, Alanna, Mackenzie and Caitlin opened the front door and cheered for your arrival.
"It looks so good!" You exclaimed, bringing all of them in for a bone-crushing hug. You were beyond impressed and far past grateful.
"We clean up nice" Macca chuckled, hugging you tightly.
"Do you wanna like have some faith in us?" Alanna laughed, rolling her eyes at you.
"I was nervous" You admitted, shrugging awkwardly.
"She was so nervous" Sam reiterated.
"Trust the process, Y/N" Caitlin said before leading both you and Sam inside.
The house looked amazing. There were fresh flowers throughout the entry way with more decorations strung up. You spied a few games set up on various tables before entering the back garden. You had to have had over thirty girls waiting for you and Sam in the back garden. Your close friends were there, as well as lots of Sam's teammates, members of your family sprinkled throughout.
You squealed as you spied some of your older friends who you hadn't had the chance to see in a while. Sam smiled as she watched you catch up with your mates, looking radiant.
"It looks just amazing guys," Sam brought the three of her friends in for a hug. "Thank you so so much" She smiled.
"We need to start charging for events I reckon" Macca chuckled.
"Oh yeah, definitely" Cait nodded in agreeance.
"So what do you need from me?" Sam asked, ready to go into mum-mode and help out her girls for the morning.
"Nothing" Cait shrugged. "Can you relax skip? It's your baby shower. Go sit with your wife and chill. Brunch will be out soon"
"How did you manage to order so much food for so early" Sam asked, the curiosity eating inside at her.
"We're making it" Caitlin said.
"Wait, what?"
You would be lying if you said you weren't nervous that Caitlin might burn down your kitchen. There seemed to be lots of raised voices coming from inside your home, majority coming from Lani telling the girls that they had been cooking the bacon for too long. A few of Sam's teammates offered their help. Emily headed in and started to bring out what was hot (and not burnt) with Steph running inside to save the day- her mimosa in hand.
Everyone was determined to not let you inside and look at the carnage you were convinced was happening in your kitchen. Instead, Sam just held your hand and distracted you by talking with your friends and family.
Soon enough, brunch was served and you were pleasantly surprised. Macca ended up coming out late to eat, still with an apron on, claiming she was just tidying up a little. You knew there was probably more than a little bit of tidying to do, and you were okay with that.
Since being pregnant, you found yourself needing more control over situations, but right now in this moment you were grateful that you and Sam had such beautiful friends who were willing to, not only put on such events for you both, but to make sure you were relaxed and enjoying yourself as they did.
After brunch the games began. Caitlin had the idea of a blindfolded nappy change race. You never thought you would see Hayley Raso facing off against Lydia Williams in who could change a baby doll's nappy the fastest. Lydia smoked her for the record.
Alanna had hidden baby photos of you and Sam around the garden for guests to find. To say you were shocked to have a picture of two-year-old sam sitting in your esky was an understatement.
Mackenzie wanted everyone to decorate a one-suit for your bub. You had Clare Polkinghorne claiming hers was the best as she drew a little tillies kit with her number on the back on hers. Sam tried her best to draw little hearts all around hers, but ended up with some red splotches more so than hearts- you loved it.
The shower went on for a while, way longer than you would have anticipated. It was an absolute hit and you were so grateful to have had to thrown for you.
As the night was winding down you found Cait, Macca and Lani cleaning up the kitchen together so you and Sam wouldn't have to.
"Hey," You said as the girls all turned around to face you. "Thank you so much for today. You have no idea how much it means to me that you guys did all of this"
"Stop it!" Macca exclaimed, reaching out to put a hand on your growing bump. "This is our niece of nephew we're talking about! Of course we wanted to do this" She gave you an extra squeeze before grabbing her dishes again to wash.
"I'm just so so happy" You looked at them all.
"So you had a good time?" Alanna asked, bringing you in for another hug.
"Such a good time" You smiled as you leant against her shoulder. You were so grateful.
"Good we're glad," She smiled at you once you pulled away, "Now get out of the kitchen so you don't combust watching Mackenzie attempt to wash dishes" She nodded over at Mackenzie who was trying her best to scrap at a pan that had definitely seen better days.
You offered them all another thank you before heading out into the garden again. You could here Mackenzie start to bicker with Alanna as you left.
"I'm actually really good at washing dishes" She defended herself.
"Not sure if that's really a brag there Macca" Lani shot back.
It became late in the afternoon before everyone had really started to head off. You and Sam were left sat in the back garden together, watching Macca, Caitlin and Lani as they picked up the last few things around the house.
"They're so good to us" You smiled, leaning your head against Sam's shoulder.
"They're good chicks" Sam nodded, never having felt so content that she did in that moment.
"Can't believe in six months we'll have a baby" You marvelled.
"Can't believe in six months our baby is going to have more than three aunties" She scoffed.
"That's on you there skip" You raised your eyebrows at her as a smirk grew on her lips.
"What can I say?" She shrugged, "I've got good teammates".
"The best teammates"
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gurugirl · 11 months
A Good Boy | 2. No Panties?
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Summary: Harry goes to visit Y/n and his father for dinner. He tries to be on his best behavior in front of Leo but Y/n is the one that can't hold back.
Note: This is stepmon!reader x stepson!harry - proceed with caution and don't read if you don't like it. Read Part 1 first!
Word Count: 8,857
Warning: 18+ only, NSFW, smut, inappropriate & forbidden relationship, age gap, cheating, lying
A Good Boy Masterlist
think I interrupted your dad and yn having sex when I was leaving yesterday. so embarrassed :(
Harry sat in the library at the University and grinned to himself at the text from Leslie. He was scrambling to finish up his essay that was due later that day. He’d slacked off a bit on Sunday. But he felt that had been worth it. He’d already mostly had his paper done anyway. He just needed to format it and add his citations. Maybe an extra sentence or two and clean up his conclusion. But yeah. Worth it.
He felt like his face was still burning hot and he definitely had a hickey on his clavicle. His t-shirt covered the blue mark but he could still feel her lips on his skin and… well… he could also still smell her. Her perfume. Traces of sex. He hadn’t had time to shower before he left that morning. He’d gotten a little sidetracked when he had her sitting in his lap on the kitchen stool and they were coming together one last time before he had to go. It was as if they hadn’t been sharing their bodies with one another for the better part of the day on Sunday and into the wee hours. He loved that she enjoyed him so much. That she’d been able to come (massive ego boost). That she liked his cock (great big, huge ego boost). He really liked her voice when she was panting dirty words to him and the way she used her tongue to get him off and to paint saliva over the inked designs on his skin.
He swallowed hard as he clicked to save the document and sighed. He knew he was in trouble. Because she was his stepmom and he couldn’t really have her. Couldn’t pursue her and invite her to his dorm. Couldn’t visit her on a whim and beg her to do that thing she did with her-
“Harry,” his thoughts were interrupted when he heard Jay and looked up to see his friend, “Tried calling you yesterday, dude. We all went out to brunch. The one that you were supposed to come to. For your birthday? Remember?” Jay sat down across from him with his own laptop.
“Ahh shit. I forgot man. Sorry.” He did forget. He had been quite preoccupied with Y/n all day. And even if he had remembered he wouldn’t have peeled himself away from her to join his friends for an overpriced, subpar brunch to drink away their hangovers. He could do that on any Sunday. But the chance to have his stepmom in her bed all day with her smooth skin and her soft voice in his ear and her tits in his face… well that was not such a common Sunday activity.
“Got hung up with Leslie then?” Jay raised a brow and smirked before looking at his screen.
Harry scratched the back of his neck and blinked his eyes. He hadn’t thought of what he’d say about what happened. And he really wanted to brag that he’d finally had sex. Over and over again. But he couldn’t, “Uh… sort of. I just drank a lot. But… yeah. The hangover was brutal. Spent most of the day in bed.” At least that last part was true.
“You didn’t get laid? Leslie would’ve you know. And she’s a nice girl too. I know you’re looking for someone sweet. She’s into you, H,” Jay shook his head.
Harry decided to not entertain that line of thinking, “I am sorry, though, man. Just completely slipped my mind. Barely made it here this morning. It was a long day yesterday.”
.           .           .
Y/n threw her sheets into the wash and showered Harry’s scent off her body. Which was a shame because she liked the reminder of him. Her little secret. Not so little really, but quite massive in fact. The secret that is. Of course.
She hated that he needed to go. That he was such a good student and that he took his studies seriously. He had an essay to finish. But also, on the other side of that feeling, she was glad he’d gone when he did because it gave her time to freshen up and get her mind on straight before Leo got home.
Harry had been an absolute surprise to her. Hell, she was a surprise to herself. She’d never done anything so… forbidden. But god was it erotic and it felt so good. Better than good. She was fucked. Even then, she couldn’t wipe the smile off of her face as she sat on The Stool™ and picked at her eggs. Not two hours prior she was coming around him and giving him permission to come inside of her. In that very spot. She wiggled over the stool remembering how his fingers dug into her thighs as he held her steady and moaned into her mouth.
“Ms. Y/n?”
She jumped when she heard Linda’s voice from behind her. She’d nearly forgotten that the housekeeper came on Mondays, “Yes! Hi Linda.”
“I noticed your bed covers are gone. Would you like the satin or cotton?”
“Oh… The cotton is perfect. But with the silk pillowcases, please. Thank you.”
Yes. It was a very good thing that Harry had gone when he did. She couldn’t imagine having to deal with Linda catching them in the act. In the kitchen. On the very stool, she was sat upon.
When Leo came back he left his suitcase near the door and asked Linda to take care of it for him. Y/n greeted him with a hug, “How was it?”
“It was… fine. How was everything here yesterday? We’ll have that all cleaned up today?” He gestured with his chin toward the front door to indicate the yard that still had chairs and tables and lights and a dancefloor in place from the party.
“Yes. In about an hour, they’ll be arriving to pack up everything. And everything was fine here too yesterday.” She smiled.
Leo walked off, presumably to go to his bedroom and shower.
That was easy. Too easy, Y/n decided. She bit her lip and remembered how Harry promised her that no one would need to know. How easy it would be. He was right. Easy peasy.
It all felt like a dream to her as she stepped out into the yard and was reminded of that night. How excited she was but then how confused she felt when they kissed. And then the anger that coursed through her when Harry tried to make her jealous. That had worked. She had been jealous. She didn’t like to admit that but she was. Even with Leonardo, she didn’t care all that much about what he might have been doing last night. But with Harry… her stepson… she shook her head as she walked back inside and decided to do something, anything, to get her mind off him. Because she was already missing him. Missing his dimples and his voice. His pink lips and tattoos. The way his breath smelled like her and his curls that were wild after they showered and he let it air dry.
And she could still feel him too. An entire day of sex was exhausting in the best way. But her body knew where it had been and who it had been with. She still tingled with need despite how satisfied she felt.
Then her eyes roved the kitchen island and she spotted a ring. His ring. A simple thick white gold band. She suddenly had an idea.
.           .           .
It felt good to turn his fully completed essay in on time despite how rushed it had been last minute. But then that only reminded him of why it was last minute and he was left grinning as he walked back to his dorm.
He figured he was due for a shower as he took a piss after looking down over himself and catching her scent again. Remnants of her were matted into the bit of hair at the base of his prick. It was a pity to wash away her soft feminine perfume but it would have been weird if he didn’t bathe himself. Right?
Turning on his shower he heard his phone ding and he plucked it up quickly, his heart pounding heavily in his chest when he realized it was Y/n.
Left something here. Guess we’re gonna have to figure out a way to get it back to you.
Attached to the message was a photo of her pretty thumb dawning said something. His ring. But that wasn’t the intent of the photo he realized when he took the whole picture in. She was naked behind it. Blurred just enough as a background image but he could see the curve of her waist and her tits and the color of her flesh uninterrupted by any fabric. The details weren’t clear but he knew what it was.
So Harry smirked to himself and took a photo of his own bare finger, sans the ring, and used the focus to keep the details at the forefront clear but have the background with his naked frame blurred.
you’re right. feel naked without it. any suggestions on ways i can have it returned?
He sat his phone down and already his prick was thickening up. From a single fucking text with a photo of blurry flesh tones.
Licking his lips he waited for her to text back but after a minute he decided he could just wash off and rub one out in the meantime.
And perhaps it was all the sex he’d had the day prior, and even that very morning, but his quick shower where he was meant to just come in under two minutes took a little longer. He stroked and stroked and moaned (thank god he had no roommates) and his thighs shook as he was reminded of how Y/n had bent herself over and bared her ass to him just the night before.
“Let’s try it like this. Use your hips to just rail me. Fuck me like you want me to remember you for days, Harry.”
So he did. His thighs were burning as he steadied himself in a hasty rhythm and used his hands to squeeze her bottom and watched as he stuffed his cock into her repeatedly. She rubbed at her clit and cried out each time he bottomed out.
“Spank me. Really hard. Both sides.” Her words were panted as she turned her head to look over her shoulder at him. Her tits swayed at each of his heavy thrusts and he brought his palm down over her ass and she hissed with a grin, “Harder. I know you can do it better than that…. FUCK!”
He guffawed as his next strike caused her to shriek and she moaned and then melted into the mattress as he continued swatting her bare bottom, “God yes. Just like that. You are so good, Harry. Such a good boy.”
He placed his palm onto the linoleum shower as he came. His orgasm poured out of his tip in spurts as he groaned and spoke her name between breaths.
With the towel wrapped around his waist, he smiled when he noted two new texts from her after stepping out of the shower.
Tit for tat I see. I deserved that.
Leo’s leaving this weekend. Friday morning. Won’t be back til Monday night. Perhaps we can arrange something for you to come pick up your ring then?
Harry took a deep breath as he read over her words. He didn’t have classes on Fridays so he could potentially go there Thursday night. But then his dad would still be there. But of course, the sooner he could see her the better. Even if Leo was around.
How’s Thursday night? And I feel like it’s gonna take a few days for me to get over the loss of the ring so if you don’t mind me staying until Monday morning then I think that can work.
.           .           .
She hated deleting the texts. But it was necessary. It wasn’t as if Leo would ever go through her phone but still. He didn’t care if she had a sidepiece. He would, however, care that her sidepiece was his son. She was certain of that. Even though he hadn’t said specifically, don’t have sex with Harry, he didn’t need to. It was something that went without saying. A moral boundary. She knew better. But she wasn’t sure that she wanted to stop. No, she was sure she didn’t want to stop. Harry was… tender and fun and sexy. He was eager and vibrant. Confident without being egotistical.
There were more photos and suggestive messages over the following days. Until he finally arrived Thursday evening after his last class.
He’d called Leo and told him he was coming over for dinner that night and that he’d stay and leave the following day.
So that’s how Y/n found herself with her little apron floating across the kitchen making dinner for the three of them. She had a little music playing and felt the nerves bubbling out of her tummy. She couldn’t wait to see Harry again. Just to lay eyes on him. To hear his voice. There could be no funny business that night, but she had him for the entire weekend and it was like a dream. She felt like she was in high school again. Heart thumping in her chest, head spinning and swimming. She kept getting interrupted by her thoughts. Wooden spoon in hand, hovering over the bowl with her head in the clouds. Images of what they’d done together, what they would do together.
He seemed to really enjoy eating her out. And his enthusiasm for it was obvious on Sunday when they were curled up together on the couch watching a movie and he dragged her legs over his lap and then asked…
“Can I try again? Want to see if I can make you come.”
His fingers reached up underneath her shorts and slowly dragged along the seam of her panties with his eyes growing dark as he licked his lips, “Please?”
He’d been trying. The first time he hadn’t made her come because she stopped him to have him play with her tits while he was fingering her. The second time she nearly came. Was so close but he couldn’t quite get her to tip. She reassured him that was normal. Most guys couldn’t really make a woman come if they didn’t know her body well enough, “No one has ever made me come from only eating me out. Ever. Don’t feel bad about it, Harry.”
But he wanted to try again. Third time’s a charm and all. So she nodded and he quickly rid her of her shorts and panties and dug in. He did everything he learned she liked and went slowly and softly at first. Watching her intently and moaning into her pussy.
She’d long forgotten the movie they were watching in favor of enjoying the scene with Harry’s mouth and fingers trying to work her to her end.
“Please… I need you to come. What do you need? Tell me exactly what you want so I can be good. Want to be the best for you.”
She thought for a moment. Since she’d never come from cunnilingus she figured maybe it was because she’d never sat on anyone’s face before. Perhaps a change in position…
Harry lay flat on the couch as she straddled his face and put her palms on the cushioned arm as he pulled her down over him and got back to lapping and sucking.
That was good. That felt… really good. The more she settled into the position of having her thighs around his head as she sat over his mouth she began rolling her hips slowly and realized that also felt really good. His nose was perfectly big enough that she could use it on her clit every time she shifted her hips up, but then each time she tilted her pelvis down Harry’s lips and tongue would stimulate her clit. It was perfect. The right amount of soft licking and sucking along with that healthy friction she got from his nose.
When she felt that initial tingle, the spark of her orgasm snaking around to her center she was surprised and relieved. She was finally going to come. And she was glad it was Harry who was doing it.
But Harry was beyond glad. He loved the idea that he could be her first for something. When he felt her quivering and her gasps turned into soft moans and chants of his name as she yanked his hair and ground herself over him his eyes fluttered into the back of his head. She was coming on his face and it was all he ever wanted. He didn’t even know it was anything he’d been missing out on but to have a woman coming from oral sex, from the way he flicked his tongue and kissed her pussy made her lose it and that was the best thing that happened to him all day. Yes, he’d lost his virginity but this was a notch on the belt of experience. This earned him bragging rights.
She collapsed over him when she began to come down and he caught her by her hips before she fell off the edge of the couch, “C’mere. I wanna hold you.” He laughed as he pulled her into his arms before she toppled over the arm of the couch.
She realized how beyond fucked she really was in that moment. With his eyes on hers and his arms holding her to his chest and their hearts beating in synch. He was special to her. His genuine care had her filled with butterflies and confusion, but she knew she wouldn’t be able to resist him ever again.
She sighed as she shook that memory from her mind. Stay on track, Y/n.
Leo hadn’t made it back from his appointment that afternoon yet but it was LA and traffic was rotten at that time of day. She hoped Harry wasn’t too caught up on the 101.
When her phone chimed with the notice that someone had arrived at the gate she swallowed and tried to keep calm. It could be Harry. It could be Leo. She had her hands deep in soggy flour so she couldn’t check to see which but either way. Harry was going to be there.
She heard the door close and her heart rate picked up. SZA’s Snooze was playing and she grinned to herself at the irony and before she could call out to see who had come in she saw him enter the kitchen. It wasn’t unlike last week when he came in with his duffle bag and that sexy smirk. Except this time it held so many other layers.
“Leo’s not back yet. Had an appointment downtown. How was traffic?” Small talk. That’s how she’d start. Her nerves were on fire as he raised a brow and placed his bag on the floor and sauntered toward her.
She tried following him with her eyes as he walked behind her without a word. Her hands were still stuffed in the flour mixture as Harry pressed his chest to her back and put his arms onto the island on either side of her, “Like this song.”
His voice in her ear was sultry and she knew that drop in his tone. She gasped as he pressed his warm lips to her neck and then swayed her with his crotch glued to her bottom. She closed her eyes and let his proximity and his touch filter into her bones and her veins and her cells. His lips were soft as he moved up toward her cheek and she felt him smile, “Nobody do body like you…” he sang the words quietly and nosed at her cheekbone as he rocked them to the slow beat.
God, she hadn’t been with anyone that was just so naturally good at being sexy and dreamy like Harry. He was a dream. He might have been a virgin before but he was sensual and flirty and exciting in a way she’d never known. He might have not had all that much experience, but he was a natural lover. Thoughtful and romantic without even needing instructions.
“How long til he’s back?” He spoke his words against the corner of her lips as she turned her face toward him. Her lips were already parted and her eyes were closed.
“I don’t know. Traffic is bad. He said he’d be home at five but it’s already six.”
Harry’s hands found her waist as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her mouth. She swooned. She actually swooned, nearly falling and passing out in his arms like one of those Victorian women who wore their corsets too tight and any little excitement would have them fainting.
Harry laughed against her lips, “You okay?”
She nodded and looked at him as he craned his neck to see her eyes, “I need to wash my hands. I’ve got wet flour all over them.”
The grin on Harry’s face was devious as he looked from where her hands were stuffed into the flour and then back to her face. He wasn’t budging at all, “So pretty with this apron on. Didn’t think you could be any prettier but here we are.” His fingers moved down to her hips.
She was wearing a dress. A little short. She wanted to look cute. And her plan to not wear panties was suddenly dawning on her as she felt the tiniest bit of slip on her thighs. She grinned back at him, “Thank you, Harry. Always so polite.”
He nodded and stepped back an inch as he moved his hands from her hips down to her bare thighs, “I try. I do my best to please you, ma’am.” His smirk remained as his finger slowly pushed the hem of her skirt upward, “You don’t mind if I just take a peek?” He tilted his head as he looked at her, his fingers inching up slowly, “To tide me over til tomorrow? Missed you.”
Y/n bit her lip and felt her neck grow warm. He was about to see what she didn’t have on underneath but she nodded, “Okay. Go ahead.”
The fabric of her dress was pulled upward and the air of the kitchen was cool over her backside. Harry groaned as her supple bottom came into view, not a single shred of material to cover herself from him, “Fuck. No panties?”
Her chest rose and fell deeply. She could have him just quickly fuck her. Who knew when Leo would return? It would be risky-
Harry dropped to his knees, “Please… can I have a little taste. Just a…” he smushed his fingers into her bottom and kneaded her flesh apart to get a better glimpse, “Please?”
“God, Harry. Okay.” It was insane. Absolutely nonsensical for this to be happening but it was. His tongue roved her folds as he moaned and lapped at her from behind. Slick and warm with his fingers biting into her skin. But when he slid his fingers over her clit she gasped and leaned forward to allow him more and Harry dug his face into her deeper.
It was quite the scene. From the front of the kitchen, one would only see Y/n leaned over the counter with her apron and hands in the bowl of dough, her eyes closed and mouth dropped open as she panted his name. But just behind the island, hidden from view, there was her stepson, eating her out with her ass bared to him and his tongue plowing through her labia.
Suddenly they heard the door close and Harry quickly stood up and wiped his arm over his face as he backed away from his stepmom and turned to the sink to wash his hands.
His cock was so hard but luckily his dark jeans would hide what he had going on.
Y/n was still panting with dark eyes as Leo stepped into the kitchen, “My son!” He crossed the room and wrapped Harry in a quick hug before backing away.
That was a close call. Y/n tried regulating her breathing as she pulled her fingers out of the dough and smiled at Leo, “He just got here. You both have great timing! Dinner will be ready in about an hour.” She lifted her sticky fingers and moved to the sink to rinse her hands off as Harry said something to his dad about traffic and then excused himself to go up to his room for a bit. Her teeth dug into her lip as she looked down into the sink at her flour-covered fingers and imagined Harry taking care of himself in his bedroom as he thought of her. She didn’t miss the way his prick started to stiffen when he was pressed into her back as he kissed her neck.
It was crazy to Y/n how quickly she could shift from being blushy and hot to being composed and cool in front of Leo. Dinner was plated and the three of them sat outside in the garden overlooking the pool.
Leo picked out a nice cabernet for them to share and Harry sipped a glass of tequila. She tried not to pay too much attention to Harry’s hands as he ate and grasped his glass. Or his lips as she spoke. She glanced at his jaw a few times as he chewed his bites and she spoke about the tennis club and then they got onto the topic of the war in Ukraine.
As cold as Leonardo was, he was at least of sound mind when it came to politics. He was liberal and he was quite a forward thinker. He was fair in his opinions. At least.
Her second glass of wine had her ears warming up and she felt more relaxed. No one would have guessed she was a ball of nerves but she was. Harry being at the table with his soft green eyes finding hers every few minutes as they spoke felt especially weighty when Leo was there too.
But on the surface, everything appeared as normal.
“And how are your grades?” Leo asked his son.
Harry perked up and nodded, “Good. All A’s. Nearly missed turning in a complete essay on Monday after that party but got it in just in time and got a 90 on it. Felt pretty good.” He pulled his lips inward to hide the grin that threatened to make its appearance as he caught Y/n’s gaze on him. Their expressions were similar. A knowing look. A secret only they shared.
“Figured. You’re always an excellent student. Never have to worry about you mucking it up do I?” Leo boasted.
“He is a great student. I even offered for him to stay longer on Sunday to relax but he was so intent on getting his schoolwork done instead. It’s quite impressive.” She didn’t need to chime in. Her words were a lie. Though she did know he was a great student, and that was impressive.
Harry smiled down at his plate before letting his eyes wander up to Y/n’s, “Thank you, ma’am. I take pride in learning and being good at what I do.”
She clenched her jaw and stifled a small titter she nearly let out. His innuendo wasn’t missed by her, “It shows too,” she spoke wryly and then bit into her roasted cauliflower.
His nostrils flared as he mimicked her by biting into a forkful and chewing hastily.
When they’d finished up dinner, they all made their way to the heated pool after changing into their swimwear.
It was… a task. A task to not look at Harry’s lean muscles and tattoos. The soft part of his hips that gave way to the elastic of his yellow trunks. His strong thighs. She swallowed to moisten her throat at the sight of him with dimples as he laughed at something Leo said.
But she felt his eyes on her as she stepped into the pool. She pretended not to be bothered by knowing his eyes were scanning her in small increments. He couldn’t gawk at her in front of his father, but he could take subtle glances to feast on.
To Harry, though, he wasn’t getting enough. He wanted to paste his eyes onto her body and allow himself to splurge on her tummy and her back. He was already keyed up a bit at the idea of having his brains fucked out all weekend. He knew he could be patient. He had to be. Leo joked around with Harry about Leslie a bit. Even he thought his own son was getting girls left and right. He had no idea that Harry had been a virgin until only days prior.
“I’m glad you came over today so I could spend a little time with you. Haven’t done anything like this in a while. And your birthday party doesn’t count either.”
The sun started to go down, oranges and pinks covering the horizon toward the Pacific Ocean, as they listened to music over the blue tooth speakers, and the subject of conversation had started on sports. Y/n zoned out a little. It wasn’t that she didn’t enjoy sports, but in comparison to Leo, she was nearly clueless. She watched the dusk take over what had been a bright blue sky only thirty minutes earlier and smiled to herself as Harry’s voice floated over the water toward her as he spoke to his father.
“I’m gonna run to the bathroom. Be right back!” Harry spoke as he pulled his wet body out of the pool, climbing up onto the patio, his body dripping with water as he padded his way toward the back of the house.
Leo placed his back toward the edge of the pool and rested against it, “What do you have planned this weekend? Going out tomorrow with the girls?”
“Oh… I might. I’m not sure. Actually, Cyndee wasn’t feeling well this morning so we’re just playing it by ear. Tennis club Saturday. Maybe just hang out here in the pool. Relax. Not much. Bet you’re gonna have a good time in the Hamptons.”
Just as Leo was about to respond his phone rang and he cursed under his breath as he pulled himself out of the pool, in much the same way Harry had only moments before. He wiped his hands on his towel before lifting his cell phone up to his ear and holding a finger out to Y/n as he walked toward the back of the house to take the call.
Looking out to the horizon, the pinks had turned purple and the sky grew darker. The music on the speakers was some sort of slow hip-hop song she wasn’t familiar with but she liked the beat. Easy and a little sexy. From her peripheral, she saw Harry walking toward the pool.
She turned her head and grinned, “That was fast.”
Harry wore a small frown and slid into the water right next to his stepmom, “Yeah. Just went to the pool house. And um…” he turned to look back toward the house and lowered his voice, “Is he cheating on you, Y/n?”
The breath in her lungs stilled at his question. She wasn’t sure how much Harry knew about her and his father’s situation but she knew she hadn’t told him everything. And she knew that it was unlikely he would be privy. It wouldn’t have been his business in any normal circumstance. But theirs was not a normal circumstance.
Shaking her head she let out the breath she was holding and looked at his kind eyes brushing her fingers in between his under the warm water, “Not really. We have an agreement… But we don’t discuss the details with each other. We are free to see other people. But don’t tell your dad I said anything.”
Harry’s frown remained as he shook his head, “Of course, I would never say anything. Are you… seeing other people too?”
“No. God no. Since I married Leo I haven’t been interested in seeing anyone else. Until you.”
The frown lines slowly disappeared as his soft lips curved up, “Yeah? Really? You’ve been free to be with anyone? But it’s just me?”
Harry’s hand grasped her thigh as he stood only inches from her in the pool. Definitely closer than appeared innocent.
Nodding her head and letting him pull at her leg she spoke in a murmur after looking over Harry’s shoulder to make sure they were in the clear, “Just you, baby. You’re all I want.”
His demeanor changed back into his bright and confident self at her words, “So if I ask you really nicely you’ll give me anything I want, right? S’what you said Sunday.”
Y/n breathed out a laugh and cocked her head, “Depends. Tell me what you want.”
Harry’s fingers moved up her thigh slowly as he spoke in a whisper, “Let me come to your room tonight.”
She raised her brows and scoffed, “Well that certainly wasn’t asking nicely was it? Sounded more like you telling me.”
He licked his lips and dropped his gaze to her mouth, “Please, ma’am,” the smirk on his face deepened his adorable dimples, “Can I come to your room tonight? After he’s asleep?” He motioned with his chin toward the back of the house indicating his father.
“And what do you think is going to happen if you are allowed to come to my room tonight?” She tried hiding her own grin but it was futile. Harry’s smile and the way his hand was pasted to the inside of her thigh, only a hand’s distance from the crotch of her bikini bottom was making her feel dizzy.
“Whatever you want ma’am. I’ll do anything. Even if it’s just to hold you.” His tongue swiped over his bottom lip and his eyes were hooded. He was turned on.
Letting her hand drift toward his swim shorts she grazed her fingers over his crotch and sucked in a small breath as she kept her eyes on his, “Poor thing. When was the last time you came Harry?”
A laugh puffed out of his nose as he continued speaking in a low whisper, “This morning.”
Looking at the house and back to Harry she cupped him in her hand and moaned lightly, “Oooh… I see. A horny thing aren’t you? What did you think about?” She slid her hand into the waistband of his trunks and wrapped her palm around his smooth shaft and watched as his lips parted and he closed his eyes to take it in.
“You. You’re all I think about, Y/n.”
“Me?” She spoke into his ear as he opened his eyes to look at her, “I’m so flattered. What do you imagine? Am I sucking you off in your fantasy? Are you fucking me? Tell me about it?”
She was surprised by the way he was looking at her. As if he were the dominant. The aggressor, yet she knew he’d bend immediately if she told him to. She loved his moxie. Loved how he oozed confidence despite the way he’d beg her and whimper for her.
His fingers found the edge of the fabric of her bikini at the lower part of her hip and poked a finger in, moving it down toward her inner thigh, “This morning I imagined I was eating you out. Came all over myself in my bed wishing you were sitting on my face smothering me with your pussy.”
She’d met her match. Harry was not shy to say dirty things. He was submissive to her but he was still very much able to keep her on her toes. She swallowed and nearly pulled him down so she could kiss him but she saw Leo return and quickly released Harry’s dick and leaned back into the edge of the pool to act as if they’d only been talking.
Both Y/n and Harry were a mess until it was bedtime. Harry was thankful his boner went down before he got out of the pool and Y/n was just glad that the wet between her legs was disguised by pool water.
“I’ve got to get up at like 5 am so I’m gonna go to bed. Harry stay up as late as you like bud,” he leaned in and kissed Y/n’s forehead as they all stood in the kitchen, “Probably won’t see you in the morning. I’ll call you later after I land.”
When Leo had gone upstairs and Y/n put away the clean dishes from the dishwasher Harry was seated at the island quietly.
“You gonna go to bed? Or are you not tired?” Y/n asked as she pulled out a stool to sit on.
Harry glanced down at the empty stool between them and back up to his stepmom, “Not particularly tired no. Was hoping you had an answer for me. About the question I politely asked you earlier.”
Sighing she put her elbows onto the marble and kept her gaze on Harry’s, “You know this can only work if we don’t get caught.”
He nodded, “We won’t. I’ll be quiet as a mouse.”
She smiled and sat up, “Do you smoke weed?”
Harry blinked his eyes at the sudden change of topic and nodded, “Yeah. Not like every day but often.”
She bit her lip and looked at the corner of the room. Contemplating whether she should or not. She should. She definitely should. And why not? It was just a little weed. And she needed to calm down. As composed as she appeared, she was vibrating with nerves and her body ached for him but she knew they couldn’t do anything tonight.
“Come with me.” She jumped down from the stool and Harry followed her upstairs to her room. She closed the door and locked it before crouching down in front of her dresser and opening up the bottom drawer, retrieving a box and lifting it upward, “My stash. If you ever need some and I’m not here, you’re welcome to it.” She spoke as she stood up and opened the lid.
“Wow. My stepmom’s a stoner. Had no idea.” Harry laughed quietly as he stood behind Y/n and looked over her shoulder down into the box.
“I’m not! I just like a puffy treat once in a while. Something to help me sleep and calm my anxiety.” She pulled out a joint and a lighter.
“You have anxiety?”
She shrugged as she walked across the room toward the large window that looked out to the backyard, “Kind of. Not diagnosed or anything but low level. I get anxious sometimes. This helps to make my mind chill a little.”
She sparked up the tip and inhaled as she unhooked the window lock and pushed the glass outward to open up before blowing the plume out into the night air.
Harry nodded at her words. He supposed it was the same for him. Low level. Normal levels he imagined. He took the joint she passed him and drew the cannabis into his lungs.
After a few lungfuls each Harry could feel the softening of his nerves and yet, it did nothing to calm how aroused he was around Y/n, “So does this mean you’re gonna let me stay in your bed with you tonight?”
She stamped out the joint and placed it on the windowsill before turning to look up at Harry. She was ready to jump his bones but she knew they had to be quiet. They could get to the juicy stuff tomorrow. Perhaps that evening would just be about being close and talking in whispers.
“Yeah. But no sex. It’s too loud. We have plenty of time for that all weekend,” her grin was adorable and Harry couldn’t help himself when he grasped her chin and kissed her lips.
It took her by surprise but she melted into him quickly as she wrapped her arms around him. Harry walked her backward to her bed and pulled her in with him before parting from the kiss, “Like I said. I’ll take anything you give me. No sex is fine with me.”
The problem with lying in a bed naked (Harry didn’t want to go and get his sweatpants from his bedroom and since he was naked he insisted that Y/n be naked with him and she easily obliged) with your brand new lover after having smoked a little weed is that it’s hard not to be horny. It’s hard to keep a ‘no sex’ rule when you still have so much to explore and the person you’d love to explore is lying right next to you without a shred of clothing covering anything.
Harry tried not to let his hands wander. He kept his palm over her hip, only letting his thumb travel over her skin softly as he spoke. And she kept her hand a safe distance from his cock, which was thick and hard, ready to be used.
“Well, when I graduated last year it was the same. All the professors really just wanted their students to get a good grade so they were always helpful and then would offer extra credit. You’ll be fine, Harry. You’re so smart.”
“Feels that way. Which is nice. I like having a little bit of a break.”
Y/n kept her eyes on his as he spoke and then they were quiet for a moment when Y/n was reminded of something, “What did you hear Leo saying that made you ask me if he was cheating?”
Harry didn’t stop his slow touches over her sides as he spoke, “I heard him say that he had to keep his voice down because his wife and his son were nearby. Then he said he couldn’t wait to see them either, but it sounded like he was speaking to a woman or like a lover. Not a friend.”
She nodded and squinted her eyes. She hadn’t known Leo to be sneaking away for calls to lovers. She always imagined that anyone he might have on the side would be a once or twice sort of thing. Someone who might not even have his number. But perhaps she was wrong.
But she wasn’t upset. She had Harry in her bed and his dark curls were messy with the way she ran her fingers through it earlier. She scraped her nails lightly over his pecs.
“Can I kiss you?” His voice barely came out above a whisper.
“Harry…” she looked into his eyes and then down between them and moaned softly, letting her hand travel down just a little, “If you kiss me it’s not gonna stop there. And you know it.”
The smirk on his lips edged upward on the right side of his mouth, “So you’re saying you can’t resist, is that right?”
She laughed and rolled her eyes, “No. I’m saying you can’t resist.”
Harry shook his head and rounded his eyes innocently, “Ma’am, with all due respect…” his nostrils flared as he spoke in jest, fingers digging into her hip, “I will do literally anything you tell me to. And if you say we’re not going to have sex, then I will resist. It’s you who makes all the decisions here. I’m simply following your lead. And all I’m asking for is a kiss.”
He had a point and she knew that was the truth. She wanted to fuck his brains out, that was the reality. And if his pillowy lips wrapped around hers and his tongue lapped at hers she’d be climbing over him and attaching herself to his cock.
Instead of answering she continued pushing her hand down his abs and toward his heavy cock, softly ghosting her fingers over his tip and he keened.
“Fuck…” Harry breathed out his words and he closed his eyes.
“I wish we could, Harry. But we can’t. It’s too risky.” She wanted to grasp him in her hand but she only brushed her fingers over him. Just to touch. Just a little.
His hand moved up from her hip and over her arm to her neck and then her face, “Fine with me. Love just being here with you. What would you do with me if we could right now?”
Y/n licked her lips and pushed her face into his touch as she scooted into him closer, “I’d have you creampie me and then I’d climb onto your face and make you eat your come out of my pussy until I orgasm.”
Harry’s mouth dropped open and the tiniest whine from the back of his throat sounded, “Fuck. I want that. Can we try that first thing in the morning?”
Nodding her head she felt his fingers drop to her jaw, gently rubbing his knuckles over her skin, “Definitely. Yeah.”
His face was so close to hers. She was throbbing already, clenching tight as her skin heated up under his gaze. He looked like he could devour her and it made her heart thrash in her chest.
“Yeah? Want me to fill you up? You like that, don’t you? Then I’ll let you smear it all over my face, clean you all up with my tongue and make you wish you were married to me. There’s no way I’d ever want anyone else if I had you.”
Y/n’s eyes went wide for a moment but she actually couldn’t be mad at that. If she wasn’t so far gone and horny out of her mind she might have scolded him for that but instead, she groaned softly and pulled him in for the kiss she’d been desperate for.
She hadn’t meant to. Not really. She was going to just lie with him and fall asleep and keep things quiet and tame. But she couldn’t stop it. She needed him. Needed him to soothe her ache and her heart.
Harry trembled as he pulled her in closer and opened his mouth for her, kissing her back wetly as his mouth was already watering. He was going to get what he wanted. He smiled into the kiss knowing where it was leading as she pulled him on top of her and she spread her legs, “Fuck me and come inside of me. If you make one peep we’re stopping.”
Harry breathed in and out slowly to ground himself as he lined his tip up to her sodden entrance. She was soaked. And puffy. Her clit was standing at attention because of how aroused she was. How aroused he made her.
He plunged into her and dropped his mouth wide as she closed her eyes and panted at the feel of him, “Yes…” she whispered.
Harry’s face was set in anguish as he rocked into her. His cock had been so hard and already leaked from the tip before she even kissed him. It was only going to be a matter of minutes before he was going to fill her up like she wanted.
Wet, sloppy sex sounded in the room and her mattress gave way to their weight at each of Harry’s thrusts. He was good to keep quiet but Y/n was struggling the most as she peeped the tiniest moans and then breathed his name softly as she felt him throbbing inside of her.
“Come inside of me, baby. Give me your come. Want it…”
Harry was quivering and his eyes rolled to the back of his head as his penis was sheathed in her tight pussy. It was warm and wet and his cock felt so good moving inside of her that he couldn’t hang on one moment longer. He clenched his teeth and his balls tightened as he fucked into her, his orgasm filling her to the brim. His ears rang as he came and his chest heated up from ecstasy.
Y/n watched in awe. Harry was good. He stayed quiet but even better was the way he felt when he was orgasming inside of her. His heavy cock pumped and throbbed and she felt every one of his ridges and shot of come that poured out from his tip. Perhaps it was the weed that made her so sensitive but it was an incredible feeling.
And Harry was blown away by having an orgasm inside of Y/n while he was a little high. He’d never trembled so hard in his life but he couldn’t stop shaking as he came and eventually calmed from his orgasm. He was shivering still as he held himself up over her with a grin. Proud that he’d managed to stay completely quiet.
“Good boy. Just like I told you. Now, you ready to use that mouth to clean me up? I need to come so bad, Harry.”
He nodded as his shaky limbs steadied himself, pulling out and then quickly grasping her ankles and lifting her legs upward to see it. To watch the bit of his creamy come drip from her pussy.
“S’pretty isn’t it?” She asked as she watched his face. He’d gotten lots of eyefuls of his creampies on Sunday. He nodded and then released her legs before plopping down on his back and scooting himself into position so she could climb on.
Before lowering her pussy to his mouth she watched as his come dripped over his lips and kept her hands at the headboard, “Eat it.”
Harry licked his lips and swallowed before opening his mouth again and looking up at her eyes. He just wanted her to sit on him so he could make her come.
The moment her cunt covered his lips she gasped when he pulled at her clit and his tongue lapped up her messy pussy. Swallowing his come mixed with her sticky arousal he moaned softly into her.
She grasped onto his hair as she gyrated over him, rubbing herself on his lips and over his nose, her pussy was on fire from need and desperation and the prickle of his facial hair.
“Fucking gonna make me come, baby. Oh my god, Harry…” she panted her words as quietly as she could while she used his face for her pleasure. Harry tried to keep his eyes open but she was riding his face roughly and it was almost impossible. He wanted to watch her tits bounce and the way her lips parted, wanted to watch her come as he ate her out. He forced his eyes open every few moments to see her riding his face as he held on to her thighs.
She began to spiral into a boiling-hot orgasm as her thighs nearly gave out from the exertion of her muscles. Looking down at where she was rubbing herself on him she was struck by his vibrant green eyes on hers as she began to come. The tight cord inside of her snapped and she gushed over his face. His nose was amazing. She kept bumping her clit into it and riding over the tip of it but being sure to give him air in between.
His face was shiny and pink and his eyes were droopy by the time she caught her breath. She shakily moved herself to lie over his body, pressing her chest into his and nuzzling into his neck. She was spent. He was spent.
Not only was it late, but they were both a little high from the joint they shared. Tired was an understatement.
She could have fallen asleep right over his chest like she was. Harry wrapped his arms around her and spoke quietly, “We should clean up. I’m all sticky and wet.”
Y/n groaned and smiled as she looked up at him. The handsome young man with her wet arousal smeared all over his face, “You’re right. Then we’ll go to sleep.”
The moment they were cleaned and snuggled under the covers with limbs intertwined Harry drifted off into a dreamless sleep. Y/n was sure that having Harry in her bed was the best part of their affair. His warm limbs loosened and his heartbeat slowed as he began to lightly snore with his mouth open. He was adorable. Not just adorable. He was striking and self-assured. He was smart and gentle. He was affectionate.
She hadn’t realized how much she missed affection. She’d been without it for so long that she thought the affection her friends gave her was quite enough. But now that she had a taste of Harry’s sunny smile and his tender heart she wasn’t sure she could go back to the once-per-week schedule of sex and then separate rooms after. The occasional hug and kiss. That just wouldn’t do anymore. Harry was forbidden but she was already hooked.
A/N: The next part will be their “quiet” weekend together 👀
3. Overheard
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Tags: @becauseheartsgetbroken-hs @shishcabobsworld @daphnesutton @spinnerswife69 @michellekstyles @golden-hoax @a-strange-familiar @yousunshineyoutempter @tenaciousperfectionunknown @swiftmendeshoran @luvonstyles @tiaamberxx @lukesaprince @dirtytissuebox @closureesny @lhharrylilpumpkin @justlemmeadoreyou @harrysmimi @itsgigikay @angelbabyyy99 @lllukulele @lanadelharry @novasblogofstuff @gills-lounge @damnasstyles @malwtilda @0oolookitsme @babybunharry @anothermannharry @love-letters-to-uranus @itjustkindahappenedreally @kelly-fushiguro345 @harrys-foxy
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nolita-fairytale · 1 year
Carmy as Your Baby Daddy | Social Media AU & Headcanon Series | part six
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part five | masterlist | part seven
your third trimester & meeting baby bear
your third trimester fatigue really starts to set it, rendering a slow-down on you and carmy's sex-a-palooza (era coined & named by @starbritestarlite). the less-than-desirable symptoms come back: extreme fatigue, smell/food sensitivities, and your back and feet are almost always tired/sore.
sugar insists on throwing you a baby shower, and you let her because you know how happy it makes her. you can't believe she actually wants to throw (and host) the party, even though she has a fourteen-month old, but like she said, she insists. sydney offers to cater it and with that addition, you and sugar are both game.
it's there at the baby shower that sugar finds she's pregnant AGAIN and sydney cannot fathom what she must've done in a past life to deserve two pregnant best friends who can't even drink.
sugar gets pastries from your favorite bakeries around the city: marcus' croissants, mochi donuts decorated like baby bears, cupcakes, while sydney takes care of the rest of the food. it's the sweetest thing and carmy is grateful yet a little overwhelmed by the huge celebration that sugar has orchestrated because you swear she's invited everyone you and carmy have ever known.
most sundays when you host brunch at your place, you whip up a great brunch spread and fantastic playlist, and after all of your guest are done, you and carmy spend the afternoon napping, making out, and dreaming up the rest of your life together.
i'd just like to reiterate the pregnant people in overalls concept because i did in fact go to a ceramic sale and see so many pregnant people in overalls. it's a thing. it's a vibe. i'm not sorry. just picture it: you, pregnant in overalls, painting the second bedroom and turning it into a nursery. you and carmy tag team this huge diy project. while you paint, carmy can't stop checking in: "are you sure you're supposed to be around these paint fumes? you feeling okay? you want to sit down, sweetheart? how's baby bear?" and it's so endearing that he's worried but you're having fun doing this with him and you'd really like for him to stop worrying for a second.
shopping. for. baby. clothes. one day you come home from the office with a tiny little denim baby jacket. "i know baby bear won't be able to wear it for a while but..." and carmy is just in tears.
baby bear pajamas. baby bear bed sheets. baby bear wall decals. baby bear everything.
one day when carmy has a night off, he's made dinner for you by the time you get home from the office. while you insist on doing the dishes, he cuddles up with you on the couch later that night. without warning, he begins giving you a foot massage, and it's the best one you've ever gotten. "baby, if you ever decide to change careers, you might have a future in massage." he blushes, reluctant to tell you, but inevitably shares that pete took him to a prenatal massage class. you are speechless. "i'm sorry. you went to a prenatal massage class with pete?! better not let richie find out." but all of your teasing falls by the wayside as you more than happily accept his foot and back rubs night after night.
on top of talking to baby bear, you and carmy begin reading to baby bear. you buy baby bear a few children's books to start and while you prefer to read them to baby bear, carmy has another idea. one afternoon when you fall asleep, he begins reading (and commenting) on a few cookbooks he's owned for most of his career. things like: "hmmm that seems like a little too much salt." and "2 oz of carrots, shredded, then pickled with-. would you pair carrots with jicama for an escabeche, baby bear?" some days you pretend you're still sleeping just to hear him do it because it truly is the most precious thing you've ever heard in your life.
carmy is terrified that he'll be a bad dad, considering his dad left and his mom is... his mom and freaks out one day. in an effort to calm him down, you finally admit that you've been listening to him read to baby bear when you fall asleep. "a man that a works on a recipe with his unborn kid... that's dad material if i've ever seen it." while he still has his worries and anxieties, it makes him feel loads better when you remind him that more than anything, you believe in him.
when you go into labor, carmy drops everything to get to the hospital as soon as possible. while not planned or preferred, you end up having to have a c-section with baby bear. it's the strangest experience (did you know they literally have to take your organs out to get to the baby?!?!?!) and it's not what you pictured, but the minute you hear baby bear cry, it doesn't matter. it is emotional: army is crying and you're crying and baby bear is crying, and you both know your lives have just changed forever.
"welcome to the world, josephine antonia berzatto," you whisper as you hold your baby girl in your arms for the very first time.
a/n: my heart exploded writing that last part. rip to me.
in a wild turn of events, i WILL be writing a 'your life with baby bear' headcanon for this series NEXT, and then eventually a 'carmy as a dad/you and carmy as parents' headcanon.
i forgot to add... i just want to say that @carmensberzattos did in fact call it, insisting that baby bear be called antonia. which is insane considering in season 2 we learned that carmy's middle name is anthony. and that's on being psychic. name was edited bc it flowed better this way!!
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uneditedidiot · 1 year
this love is ours - jamie tartt x reader
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jamie tartt x gn!reader
summary: after officially starting to date Jamie, the media figures out who you are. Judgment comes in from all places - news outlets, social media, family members - but Jamie puts all that doubt out of your mind. based off the song ours by taylor swift. features appearances from Keeley and Roy.
word count: 2.5k
Warnings: language, angst, fluff social media bullying & hate, reassurance and comfort from Jamie
A/N: This could technically be part two to gold rush but you don’t need to have read that one to understand what’s going on in this imagine. Hope you enjoy!
Seems like there's always someone who disapproves
They'll judge it like they know about me and you
And the verdict comes from those with nothing else to do
The jury's out, but my choice is you
Even on a beautiful Saturday afternoon out on the Richmond Green, you and Jamie somehow attracted the attention of a few invasive paparazzi.
“I thought the hat would be enough,” said Jamie, pulling the brim of his ‘icon’ hat further down his forehead.
The two of you walked off quickly down the path, keeping the photographers and their bright flashes at your backs.
You couldn’t help but giggle, tugging at his hand in yours. “Jamie, you wear that hat everywhere. People recognize it pretty easily.”
“I’m not the only person in the world with this hat.”
“Maybe not, but you made it popular.”
He sighed. “Yeah, you’re right.” He smiled at you. “Well now that we’ve left those annoying arseholes behind, what do you want for dinner?”
“Keeley invited us over for a couples night with her and Roy,” you reminded him. “Remember? We talked about it with Roy this morning after your training.”
“Nah, the granddad has a tendency to ramble on with ya about random stuff so I just thought ya were chattin’ with him.”
“Yeah, I was chatting with him about dinner with him and Keeley, which you agreed to, by the way, even in your post-workout haze.”
Jamie grumbled like a little kid. “Ugh, but I’d rather just stay home with you, get pizza or some takeout, and make out on the couch.”
You lifted your head up to his cheek to kiss it. “And we can do that – tomorrow night. Which is a night we didn’t agree to have dinner with Roy and Keeley.”
That seemed to satisfy him for the moment and the two of you made your way back home to your shared house.
“I’m going to go shower, babe!” he called as he headed upstairs.
“I’ll be here!” you called back.
You kicked off your shoes by the front mat and strode into the kitchen to grab some water. As you filled a glass from the filtered pitcher from the fridge, you scrolled through your instagram.
After making it official with Jamie, the two of you had decided to keep it quiet in terms of posting on social media. You’d told close friends and everyone at Richmond. Jamie’s mom and stepfather obviously knew, since it had been at their house that you’d made things official. But your family hadn’t taken it quite as well.
Being from the States, your family’s only impression of Jamie was the Richmond matches they streamed and his arc on Lust Conquers All, which hadn’t painted him in a flattering light. Of course, Jamie freely admitted that he was an all-out prick on the show and had publicly and privately apologized to those he had hurt while filming. But your family couldn’t exactly see past it. They were protective of you and worried about what Jamie might do in the relationship.
Thankfully, Ted and Beard, who knew your parents quite well, had reassured them that Jamie was not the person the media portrayed him as. This had seemed to quell their anxieties about their kid dating a superstar footballer with a notorious reputation for being a (as your mother so kindly put it) “man-whore.” But you, as well as everyone around you, knew that Jamie had changed.
Now the instagram comments you saw as you scrolled on your latest post of you and Jamie getting brunch together were of similar nature. 
There were a few comments from your friends at Richmond – Keeley had commented, “I love you both so much and you are too cute together!” Sam had said, “the queen and king of Richmond;” while Rebecca put it plainly, “you are the best people and these photos are my new favorite of you both.”
Despite the many loving and supportive comments from friends and now people who had deemed themselves ‘fans’ of you (which felt quite strange, as you were merely the head physical therapist for the team and didn’t do anything that warranted ‘fans’), there were a good handful that were not quite as kind.
One person had written, “Jamie’s back in his pretending to be monogamous era - wonder how long that will last.”
You shook your head. You knew who Jamie had become and this wasn’t a phase for him. You scrolled on.
Another comment caught your eye. “Ew who are they? Jamie is way out of their league.”
And then more continued to pop up.
“Fuck them.”
“Why do they even bother? Jamie is going to dump them in like a week bet.”
“What are they wearing?”
“Jamie and Keeley will forever be endgame.”
“I liked it better when he was with Keeley.”
“Whatever happened to celebrities dating out of their league? This person is clearly a big step down for him.”
It was a rabbit hole of discouragement and darkness. And even after you exited out of Instagram trying to shake off the hate, more seemed to appear as you opened twitter. You’d been tagged in numerous disgusting tweets from multiple accounts.
“Go die no one likes u.”
“Why is your face like that and why does Jamie like it.”
“I bet he thinks of Keeley when they fuck. Lol I would.”
“You’re literally nobody and the fact that Jamie Tartt of all people is dating you is really pathetic.”
You shook your head, exiting out of twitter with a huff. You tossed your phone on the other couch cushion. It was difficult seeing so many people who thought they had a right to comment on your relationship saying such things on the internet. You knew coming into this that dating Jamie would be difficult in terms of hate on social media, but your fears were resurfacing.
Jamie wouldn’t actually believe all that stuff said about you. You knew that. But what if other people you knew saw it and agreed with it? What if you had to start dealing with people in real life saying that? Were you not good enough to be dating someone like Jamie?
The self-doubt began to creep in, like a mist slowly dragging itself over a hill. Your thoughts began to spiral.
You recognized the anxiety beginning to escalate and decided to watch something to distract yourself. You turned on the TV and tried to tune out the online ruckus.
About a half-hour later, Jamie came barreling down the stairs.
“Babe, Keeley just texted - I think we’re late for dinner,” he said, rushing to put on his shoes.
“Shit!” you cried, slamming the TV power button and quickly going back over to do the same as Jamie.
You both grabbed what you needed and quite literally ran out the door to Jamie’s car which was right next to the gates of your home.
As you sprinted to the passenger side door, a white light suddenly blinded you from beside the front gates. 
It was like they appeared out of nowhere – two photographers with large lenses. And they were yelling your name.
“Hey, what’s it like to be with someone who clearly can’t commit?” one laughed.
“Getting tired of this one already, Tartt?” the other bellowed.
“Just fuck off!” exclaimed Jamie, waving his hand at them. “This is private property! Fuck off!”
You jumped into the car, shutting the door as fast as possible. You watched as Jamie flipped off the photographers, who took the last few pictures they wanted, and trudged away.
Jamie closed his door with more force than necessary and buckled his seatbelt. “Arseholes.” He turned to you, putting his hand on your leg gently. “Are ya okay?”
No. No, you weren’t okay. After reading through all those hateful comments and then being berated by paparazzi not just for pictures, but also with hurtful questions didn’t help your self-doubt. It seemed to be bubbling up from below into your heart.
But you didn’t want to ruin the mood more by admitting you were not okay, so all you could do was nod.
“Don’t let them get to you, alright? I love you and nothing’s gonna change that,” confirmed Jamie tenderly. His hand slid into yours.
Neither of you let go all the way to Keeley and Roy’s. 
“Heya!” greeted Keeley from the front door as you and Jamie exited the car.
You forced a smile. “Hi, Keeley.”
“How ya doing, Keeley?” grinned Jamie. He gave her a big hug, and then you gave her one, too.
“Just peachy,” she replied, holding the door open for the both of you. “Roy’s inside getting the chicken all prepped. I think he’s trying something fancy tonight - chicken cordon bleu!”
“That is fancy,” you agreed. “He’s really upping his chef skills.”
“I’m not buyin’ that,”Jamie joked. “He’s making beans on toast.”
“Have some faith,” you nudged him playfully.
“I’ll put my faith in nothing until that chicken cordon bleu is sitting on my dinner plate.”
“You two are so cute,” awed Keeley as the three of you made your way to the kitchen.
You swallowed the lump in your throat at the comment, feeling sweat on your palms.
“Ey, if it isn’t the granddad himself!” cheered Jamie. “Making us something fancy, are ya?”
Roy was bent over the kitchen counter, slamming a meat tenderizer into pieces of flattened chicken. He turned with a scowl on his face and gestured at the younger man with the meat tenderizer.
“I’ll be flattening more than this fucking chicken if you keep that up, Tartt,” he growled.
“Aw, I’m terrified,” mocked Jamie.
“Stop it, you two,” ordered Keely good-naturedly as she kissed his cheek. “No one is flattening anything else ‘round here — especially body parts. Right, Roy?”
“I certainly wouldn’t be happy about it and neither would they,” Jamie chuckled, nodding his head at you.
Your smile was tight. You tried to make things light hearted as you wrapped an arm around Jamie’s bicep. “Yep. That’d be…tragic.”
Jamie peered down at you with a questioning glance. He knew something was up, but didn’t want to push it in front of Roy and Keeley.
Keeley gave you both drinks and you all went to sit outside on the patio as Roy finished up cooking in the kitchen.
Jamie and Keeley launched into immediate conversation and you tried your best to keep up and add things in here and there, but you were unusually quiet. Your mind kept drifting back to what you’d read online and what the paparazzi had screamed at you.
It was an endless circle of disappointment in yourself, anxiety, and self-consciousness. This infinite loop of darkness continued to crowd your mind, taking up all the space inside. A storm seemed have come into your psyche and it was doing a number on you.
You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket as Jamie and Keeley chatted about the towels in the locker room at Nelson Road.
Puzzled, you checked your texts. It was from your mom with a link to an article from a tabloid website.
“This doesn’t seem like a good thing, honey. What are you doing with a celebrity like that?”
That was the message your own mother had sent you about Jamie. You internally groaned. Then you clicked on the article. The headline was atrocious: HOW LONG WILL TARTT’S NEWEST FLING REALLY LAST? The pictures associated with it were from that very day on Richmond Green with you and Jamie walking hand-in-hand, clearly trying to outrun whoever was taking the photos. And then the worse ones – the paparazzi from outside your house had sold the pictures to this tabloid. They were grainy and ill-lit and had been very obviously edited. They had added weird width to your arms and even your head. The caption was “Tartt’s Partner has Gained some Weight!”
That was it for you. The dam had broken. 
Tears were already spilling over by the time you’d suddenly stood from your chair and raced to the bathroom.
Both Jamie and Keeley called your name after you, and Roy had said it, surprised, from the kitchen as you rushed past.
You closed the door quietly, but didn’t have the willpower to sit anywhere else but on the floor next to the sink. You sobbed into your hands as silently as possible, but that didn’t work for long.
“Babe?” came Jamie’s voice through the door. “Babe, what’s going on? Talk to me.”
The desire to be alone was rapidly replaced by the need for Jamie.
You opened the door slowly, still seated by the sink. You kept your blood-shot gaze away from his for a moment as he stood there in silence. 
When you looked up a moment later, your heart broke at his worried expression. His hands were shaking slightly.
“I’m just…overwhelmed,” you admitted hoarsely.
Jamie got down on the floor next to you, patting the space between his legs and reaching for you. You shuffled over to sit in his lap, your legs swung over one of his, arms going around his body and face sliding to nestle in his neck.
His arms wound around you protectively, rubbing your back and rocking back and forth slightly.
“Why are ya feeling overwhelmed, love?” he wondered gently.
You inhaled shakily, your face still buried in him. “I just…I’ve been getting a lot of hate comments and mean tweets lately. And then those paparazzi incidents today were awful and then my mom just texted me saying things like ‘why are you with him’ and ‘you shouldn’t be with someone like that.’ Then there was a link to this article that had pictures from today and they’d edited me to look horrible.”
Jamie sighed, his voice soft. “I’m so sorry, love. I’m truly so sorry. People are arseholes.”
“Why do they hate me so much?”
“They hate what they don’t have. They see us happy and they’re miserable, so they want to make us miserable. People throw rocks at things that shine.”
You moved your head off his neck so you could look him in the face. You smiled through your tears. “Did you just quote Taylor Swift at me?”
“I did,” he smiled. “But I’m not kidding. Media is fucked up. People on the internet are fucked up. They’re bored and feel the need to stick their stupid opinions where they’re not wanted.”
“It’s just so frustrating.”
“I know. But what matters is you and me. That’s it.”
“You’re right. You and me. That’s it.”
Jamie smirked mischievously. “Besides, they’re probably jealous you get to sleep with a hot footballer and they don’t.”
You laughed. “Jamie, I don’t know how to tell you this, but I’m not sleeping with Roy.”
Jamie laughed in return. “Oi! Ya don’t need to be an arsehole about it.”
You gazed happily at him. “I love you.”
“I love you, too. And I promise, forget all that shit. If you’re ever feeling this way again, just talk to me. I’ll make sure to let you know that all I need is you and you alone. This love is ours. They don’t know what they’re talking about.”
You pressed your lips to his for a sweet kiss, feeling much more reassured.
“Now come on,” Jamie encouraged when he pulled away, “I’ve gotta see if Roy actually can cook.”
“I think he can, Jamie.”
“We’ll just see about that, won’t we?”
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koolades-world · 2 months
One bed troupe w/ Asmo
As darling as Asmo was, sometimes he could be a bit much. But, at least he knew it. When he invited you to head around the Devildom with him, since he was touring with a sponsorship from Magolish to promote their latest line with fashion shows, he didn’t expect you to say yes for that reason.
Upon hearing your response, he was overjoyed, and immediately began filling you in on every detail he knew, from the big things, like when you’d leave, to all the little things, such as the planned dinners. Of course, he let you know he wanted at least one private meal with you, as a sort of date. Not like you were about to object. The idea of having a cute breakfast with him made you excited for this trip.
Before you knew it, the day you were set to leave arrived. Asmo had insisted on packing together and planning out your outfits so you could match. He even presented you with matching pajamas sets he’d gotten just for this trip. You knew every time you had a sleepover after this trip, you'd both be wearing these pajamas.
Since he was traveling with Majolish, everything was covered by them. This meant Asmo really felt no need to hold back with his spending. On night one alone, he ordered a very expensive bottle of demonus, a bottle of champagne, and whatever he felt like snacking on while the two of you got ready for bed. This pattern carried in every night, even if you’d gotten back from a dinner where you’d done the exact same thing. The two of you only went to a party once, and it was less of a party and more like expensive networking. He tried to make things more lively but gave up soon in favor of just spending more time with you instead.
The rooms you got were always the nicest that hotel had to offer. It was honestly a little scary how much money they were dumping into the whole endeavor. But Asmo was overjoyed, and was constantly taking pictures. A couple times he joked and asked you if you wanted to walk the run way with him.
You also had your nice meal together. It ended up being a brunch. He went out of his way to ensure the environmental was adorable and that you would enjoy yourself, as a thank you for accompanying him. Again, Asmo overordered because neither of you were footing the bill, so that night after he was done with everything he needed to do, which thankfully didn't that night, you were both able to head back to your room to enjoy those leftovers.
"Sweetie, will you please bring over the sugar? I didn't add enough to my tea." Asmo was snuggled up on the sofa with a large, cuddly blanket with the remainders of that morning's food on a plate.
"Yes." Since you were already in the kitchen, you brought over the packets of sugar you'd collected over the course of your trip along with your warmed up food. You sat beside him and set the sugar on the table.
"Thank you!" He happily picked them up and added a couple to his tea before tasting it again. You weren't exactly sure what was on the TV but Asmo seemed to be enjoying it. You sat beside him and got just as into it as he was. At some point once you'd both finished your food, he offered you space into his blanket. The two of you ended up cuddling for a while under his blanket. Eventually, you decided it was time to go to bed because you had to be up early the next morning.
Asmo had already showered, so that just left you. The bathroom was large and spacious, and while not as nice as his bathroom at home, it sufficed for him temporarily. His various products were organized neatly on the counter, and divided by morning and evening. For the trip, you both decided together that it would just be easier for you to just share his products and only bring along the things for yourself that you couldn't share, like a toothbrush. If you didn't know Asmo as well as you did, sorting through all of the products would be significantly more intimidating. But, you knew your way around.
You didn't spend too long in the shower because you wanted to get to bed. You hurried and quickly changed to climb into bed. The beds were very nice, and while they were kind of far apart from each other, you were still able to see Asmo, on his side in his own bed, on his D.D.D.
"Night, Asmo. See you tomorrow." You shut the last remaining light off and threw yourself into the many pillows on the bed. You were asleep for, you're not sure how long, but you're awaken with a start in the middle of the night. It was pouring outside, and the wind was howling. You jumped at the crack of thunder. You sunk as deep as possible into the bed, trying to ignore that sound. But, fear had already gripped you and there was no way you'd be able to go back to sleep at this rate. Lightening lit up the room from the crack in the curtains. You lifted your head from the pillow, looking for Asmo. He was asleep, as expected, curled up under the covers. You considered going over to join him in his bed, like you would as a child, but before you could veto that thought, another clap of thunder made that decision for you. Quickly, you threw back the covers and scurried the short distance to Asmo's bed. You didn't try to be quiet, or gentle, so at some point, he woke up.
"Mc? What's the matter?" He sleepily brushed his hair out of his face and propped himself up on his elbows. More thunder answered the question for you. "Here." Without saying much more, he lifted the covers and let you in on the spot he'd been sleeping in. You took him up on his offer. He put his arms around you and hid your face in his chest. He muttered some words of comfort and stroked the back of your head. Despite how out of it he was, he was able to lull you back to sleep.
The next morning when he awoke, his memories of the previous night were fuzzy. But, the way you were cuddled into him, he had a vague idea of what had happened. He smiled at how cute you looked when you were asleep. He knew you were deep asleep based of the way you were slightly drooling in your sleep. But, he found it endearing and the domesticity made him want to squeal. He figured he'd give you more time to wake up on your own before he had to do it himself, so he shut his eyes again, significantly happier. What a great way to start his morning.
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spidybaby · 1 year
Ur fics r so good! If u can,can you do a part 2 to be quiet please with kylian sobering up and not remembering what he said so his mom teasing him or smth like that
Now you be quiet, please
Summary: After the events of last night, Fayza chooses to make Kylian pay for his words.
Warnings: Slightly cursing.
Thank you for reading ❤️‍🩹🥺 hope you like this ✨️ part one
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"Turn that off" he says as he heard the alarm go off. "y/n, turn it off" he shake you a little to wake you up.
You sit up in bed and look at him confused, a few seconds later you turn your attention to the loud alarm turning it off. Taking the covers out you made your way to the bathroom to get ready for the day.
After a nice cold shower to wake you up, you did your skincare routine, indecisive about wearing makeup or just a tinted sunscreen. Deciding on a little bit of concealer to cover your sleepless "Kylian, amour wake up." you call him as you make you way to your vanity. "Amour, wake up" you repeat as you sit and prepare you products.
Melissa reminded you of the brunch before leaving, causing Kylian to invite himself. When his mother and you said no, he made a fuss, leading to him actually getting invited so you decide to actually wake him up.
"Five more minutes" he says as he place his pillow on top of his face "Five more nothing, please wake up" you say as you throw the covers off of him. "Go shower, please" he whines but wakes up and walks to the bathroom, slamming the door on the way.
Once your makeup and hair is ready, you walk to the closet and pick a simple outfit. Deciding for the two of you, you picked Kylians outfit, matching with yours. "Bébé, your clothes are ready on the bed" you say before leaving the room, looking for your purse.
You sit on the big couch you have at the living room, texting Melissa for her to know you and Kylian will be on your way soon.
After a few minutes you hear kylian walking into the room "let's go" he says putting his hand out for you, you take his hand in yours and walk out to your car. "J'ai faim" (I'm hungry) he says while putting on his seat belt "vous avez toujours faim" (you're always hungry) You laugh at him.
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"Bonjour, vous êtes enfin arrivés" (Hi, you finally arrived) Melissa says as she saw you walk to the table. "Bonjour à toi aussi" (hello to you too) Kylian says smiling at the two women at the table "Lana, Comment ça va, mon bébé?" (How are you, baby?) He kissed his niece cheek.
You two sit and order breakfast, making small talk as you wait for your food. You notice the look his mother is sending you. Remembering his words last night you feel your face blush and try to hide it by talking to Lana.
"Kylian, how was your night?" Fayza ask "You had a good time?" She drinks her coffee waiting for him to answer "Oui, I needed that so bad" You want to laugh. He was referring to the party but his mom wasn't. "Oh I'm sure you did, I mean you were so desperate for everyone to knew" the way his mother is playing with him makes you and Melissa laugh.
He has this neutral expression. "I mean, I couldn't help it" he shrug eating his croissant "So it was like the one at the morning or was better?" Melissa asks, making you hide your face in your hands. "What?" Is all he can ask, confused at what they mean.
You groan and turn your body to him "You don't remember?" You wanted to laugh because his face is a whole poem. "Je suis si confus en ce moment" (I'm so confused right now) he stops eating to pay full attention to you. "Lana, Vous savez ce qui passe?" (Do you know what's going on?) He asks his niece. She shrug her shoulder not caring as she enjoys a macaron.
"y/n, what's going on?"
You can't help but laugh. "Ask your mom, I have to go to the bathroom" you get up and make you way to the bathroom. Not wanting to be there when his mom explain the situation.
His eyes follow you until you dissappear from his sight. "Maman?" He asks her now. "Dites-moi juste ce qui se passe ici." (Just tell me what's going on). Fayza just smile and look at Melissa.
"Omg, Kylian. Last night you announced to your mom and I how good y/n made you feel that morning and how good you were going to make her feel as soon as you hit home." Melissa finally explains the situation to him. "Oh" is all he can say, not sure how to answer.
"The weather is good today, don't you think?" He's trying to change the subject, embarrassed about it. "Oui, very good weather. Kind of cold, good for the type of activities you like in the morning. Don't you think?" His mom can't help but tease him. "Yeah, a good warm up, good for before training stretching" Melissa join the teasing. "Arrêtez, s'il vous plaît" (stop, please) he can feel the heat on his face, hiding it with his hands.
You return happily, noticing the way the two women are laughing and the way his face is hiding behind his hands, you can't help but feel sorry for him.
"I'm back" you grab one of his hands and intertwine your fingers with his. "So, you understand now?" You tease. "Last night you were so comfortable expressing this, why so embarrassed now, bébé?" You want him to feel a little bit of the shame you felt yesterday. Enjoying it.
"Don't" he begged. "Remember how I asked you to be quiet, you told me your mom knew about it. Why are you so shy now, Kylian?" You smiled continuing with the mocking.
"Now you be quiet, please." He hides his face in the crook of your neck.
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call-me-eds · 1 year
Steve Harrington x Reader
Snapshots of your relationship with Steve through his most used nickname.
wc: 3.6k
“Hey, Baby!” a voice blurted out at you as you tried to flag down a taxi. Your body was tired, and your mind was far too clear to ignore it. All you wanted to do was get home and go to sleep; the promise of brunch with friends the next day all too alluring.
On most nights out you were hell-bent on making friends with anyone who looked your way. Tonight, after a long and painful work week, you didn’t have the patience to entertain anyone long enough to even buy you a drink, so you definitely didn’t have the mental capacity to talk to someone you yelled at you on the side of the road.
“He’s cute,” your friend smiled, not giving you much of a choice in ignoring the guy that called out for you. She grabbed your shoulders and turned you around so you were facing him.
The long-haired man was cute, but you were sure he was just yelling out the generic pet name to see who it stuck to. His attention was already turned back toward his clearly more mild-mannered friend, who was helping to keep him on his feet.
“How can I help you?” you asked with more bite in your voice than normal, the evening of drinking and dancing sucking up your already depleted energy.
“See, I told you, Harrington, all you have to do is put yourself out there.” You finally broke your gaze from the drunk embarrassment to really look at his friend, who was red enough for the both of them. He was holding much more of the weight of his buddy than the girl on the other side of him, barely taller than you and certainly skinnier.
‘Harrington’s’ arm was flexing impressively, and you couldn’t help but think that your friend meant he was the cute one of the bunch. Although cute didn’t really describe him. He was gorgeous.
“He belong to you?” you asked, although you assumed they wouldn’t have such a firm hold on someone they had just met.
“Unfortunately,” he nodded, barely even looking at you.
“What do you mean, unfortunately? I’m getting you the girl!” Your eyes widened in amusement, suddenly in a much more agreeable mood to be flirted with.
“Shut up, man,” the stranger sighed.
“Baby, he’s been talking about you all night, I couldn’t believe he was going to leave without making a move.” You laughed harder than you would have if you were sober, along with the girl they were with.
“Eddie!” he chastised. “I’m sorry, he’s clearly very drunk and does not have boundaries.”
“Oh, please, he’s like this when he’s sober,” the girl said.
“No, it’s working,” you shook your head, shocking them both. “You should thank him.”
“See,” Eddie beamed. He did not get the chance to receive gratitude from his friend, though, before throwing up all over your shoes.
You found out later that the friend’s name was Steve. He didn’t have any siblings, his favorite color was blue, and he was even better-looking in the daylight. Now, at golden hour, while he’s laying on his side on a picnic blanket licking a drip of strawberry juice from his thumb, you can barely stand to look at him.
Steve had been your boyfriend for a total of two weeks. It was new, you were still trying to figure out how much affection to give him, so you settled for staring.
“Do I have something on my face?” he asked, teasing. His wickedly long eyelashes fluttered against his cheek as he sent you a wink, and your blush deepened. It did not take long to figure out that Steve loved to tease.
“The least you can do is get if off for me, Baby,” he grinned, lifting his arm to welcome you into his space. You gladly took the invitation and slid toward him, pressing your lips all over his cheeks, nose, and lips, making more of a mess.
“You’re beautiful,” you smiled. Steve got embarrassed when you tried to pay him compliments, even though he showered you with them. You could tell it was not just the newness of your relationship; you had seen him hype up Robin, the only friend of his you’d met so far that wasn’t on the brink of alcohol poisoning, to the point where she had enough confidence to tell a barista that actually, she was a fan of live music, and did she mention she was a friend of Dorothy?
To put it plainly, Steve was magic.
You were happy to bask in it, letting him take center stage so you could stand back and watch him be magnificent.
The nickname started as a joke; a cute reminder of how you’d been mushed into each other’s lives. Steve said he had to take the endearment for himself, otherwise Eddie would happily stick to using it instead of your name to get under his skin.
As your relationship grew you would flit between ‘honey’, ‘sweetheart', 'babe’, but Steve stuck to ‘baby’ like it was on your birth certificate. It became more than your name, it was a mantra, a bargaining chip, a threat, and a promise all rolled into two syllables. Coming from Steve, you were happy to take them all.
The day had been all too overwhelming. The expectation of getting a promotion with a savings-insulating raise. The company-wide meeting where you watched it go to a man who did half of the work you did. The champagne toast to celebrate him. The disappointment.
You tried to muster up the energy to go on your planned date with Steve, but when he walked into your apartment and greeted you hello with a bouquet of flowers and a warm hug, everything flowed out of you.
He laughed initially when it seemed like you were trying to squeeze the air out of his lungs, but your strength didn’t fade, even though you were shaking.
“I didn’t get the promotion,” you cried. He knew this already, you called him from your desk to break the news while your coworkers were in the conference room.
“I know, Baby, I’m so sorry,” he sighed, rubbing your back. You didn’t have the chance to overthink the fact that this was the first time you had been so emotionally vulnerable in front of Steve. Sure, you’d sniffled at movies and whined to him when you were hit with a bad headache, but nothing like this.
The realization hit you like the stapler you imagined throwing at your boss’ head earlier that afternoon. This was too much, he would get freaked out. You were being dramatic, and he certainly didn’t want to see you like this when you were supposed to be wearing a pretty dress with your makeup done.
“I’m sorry, I was supposed to be ready by now,” you said, gracefully wiping your nose with the back of your hand. “Let me just wash my face.”
Steve grabbed your wrist as you tried to flee to the bathroom.
“Hey, are you kidding? We’re not going anywhere except the couch,” he pulled you back to him, putting his hand on the back of your head to almost force you into his chest. “Maybe the shower if you want.”
“Are you trying to tell me I smell?” you asked through sharp inhales, conceding and melting into him.
“No, I’m trying to tell you I want to see you naked,” he joked, succeeding in his attempt to coax a smile out of you. You stepped on his foot gently and he allowed himself a laugh, deciding you needed a little bit of light-heartedness.
“I’m really disappointed,” you sighed after a few minutes of silent swaying back and forth, your thoughts and Steve’s touch battling it out to see who would win in the battle of your mood.
“It sucks,” he agreed, and it felt even better than his arms. It did suck, and you were sad, and needed the space to have that recognized. “But, Baby, you’re so much better than that guy, they’ll regret their decision in a week and offer you the job. Probably even more money, too. Then you can take me out,” he said, so sure of it that you almost believed him. His faith in you was sky high, and having Steve Harrington tell you how great you are and pressing kisses into your neck did wonders for the ego.
It felt silly to be this excited for Steve to come home after only being gone for a long weekend, but there were no payphones in the wilderness so he couldn’t exactly call you from the campsite. If you were at your place, you’d have a bit of time to prepare for his return with a phone call, but you were at Steve’s.
An increasing bug problem meant your building had to be fumigated, and you needed to get out for a few days. Steve disguised you staying at his place as a favor to him while he was gone, although you thought his two plants would be just fine without water for a few days.
It was odd to be there without him at first, but it was comfortable. He cleared a drawer for you a few weeks back, and you thought it might be nice to finally fill it while you were staying here.
Not a minute after you were done making sure any trace of you was cleaned up after, you heard his key in the lock.
“Honey, I’m home!” You didn’t have the resolve not to scamper to the door and meet him before he could even step into the kitchen. He caught you easily as you threw yourself at him and pulled you tightly against his chest.
“I missed you,” he sighed, warm breath igniting goosebumps on the skin of your neck. You nodded and attempted to breathe in his scent, despite being surrounded by it for the weekend, but were met with pine and dirt and nothing like the normal clean scent of your boy.
“Want to take a shower and I’ll order dinner?” you asked.
“What, you don’t like the rugged smell of the woods?” he asked, pulling away so you would have a clear view of his teasing, cocked eyebrow.
“No, it’s fine, just not you,” you said, smoothing down his windbreaker like you were getting creases out of a dress shirt. You sent him off with another kiss and fluttered around the kitchen, feeling like you were walking on air. Steve was intoxicating.
He came back to you after a longer shower than normal, taking the time to scrub underneath his fingernails no matter how badly he was itching to be by your side again.
“What’s this?” he asked, sliding the key that you left on the counter into his palm.
“I didn’t want to forget it on my key ring,” you explained, unboxing the chinese food that came to the door while Steve was in the shower. Your place was ready to be lived in as of yesterday, but you stayed until Steve was back.
“Hm,” Steve nodded, sitting at his counter and playing with the key in his hands. “Come here.” he extended his arm to you and you flew to it like a magnet, happy to snuggle into his side and give him all of the affection that had been building up over the last few days.
“Why don’t you hang on to it?” he said into your hairline. A shocked exhale on his neck gives him the wrong idea for just a second that you might not accept.
“Really?” you asked, pulling back just enough to look into his eyes. His affirming nod was so slight, but your stare was so intense that if Steve moved just a millimeter you could clock it.
Tears were dangerously close to giving away just how much this meant to you, even though you knew Steve could tell. Still, you had to attempt to lighten the heavy but wonderful air around you.
“Giving me a key, letting me stay here,” you listed. “Be careful, you might give a girl the wrong idea,” you joked.
“What idea? That I love you?” he asked, sucking you right back into the beautiful reality he created and allowed you to live in. You swallowed the lump in your throat and nodded, not trusting your brain to be able to form the correct words.
Steve tightened his grip on your waist, not able to portray his feelings any other way.
“Come on, Baby, you know how much I adore you. Of course I love you,” he said softly.
Maybe the loneliness of the woods had gotten to him, or he had been bitten by some sort of lovebug out there that scientists had yet to discover. Either way, you wouldn’t fight him on it.
“I love you, too.”
The silence in the back of the cab was suffocating. Even the poor driver caught Steve’s bite when he simply asked if he had caught the Reds afternoon game. It was the last time anyone spoke until you and Steve were climbing out.
“Thank you.” It was more curt than you intended, but the man was spared from the true rage you were feeling. It increased with every passing moment, and you could have torn the door off of its hinges once Steve dropped the keys trying to unlock it.
You planned on going up to his apartment, getting the things you left there before leaving for the fateful dinner that sent you two into one of the smaller, but nastier, fights you had had, and going back to your own place.
It wasn’t anything serious that set you both off, but boy did neither one of you know how to pull a punch. It would have been easy to blame the comment he made about your makeup looking different, or that you always picked the same restaurant, but you went after his lack of planning being the reason for having no choice but to take the late reservation, and how he forgot to pick up your jacket from the dry cleaner so you were cold. It went past the point of return when he brought up your ex-boyfriend, and you sent out one last jab about his longest relationship barely lasting a year before you demanded the check and threw money to cover your dinner down on the table and waited outside for a cab. You barely got through a glass of wine, you wish you had driven.
In Steve’s apartment, now, usually filled with so much love, you were stomping around each other. You were collecting your toothbrush from the bathroom when, still in your heels, you took a small misstep over your own feet and Steve’s instincts grabbed your waist to steady you.
“Don’t touch me,” you snapped, pushing his hands off of you; he held them up like he was being arrested.
“Jesus, fine,” he muttered. You shoved the few outfits you had tried on earlier haphazardly into your bag, not taking the time to fold them. The thought of taking out the iron tomorrow curdled your blood even further.
Just like most other things tonight, Steve ruined your plan of a quiet escape (save a slam of his door) by blocking the doorway before you could leave his bedroom.
“What are you doing?” he sighed, clearly reaching the point of the argument where he just wanted to kiss and make up. He always got there before you, and instead of waiting insisted on reaching his hand out to drag you there.
“I’m going home. I don’t want to be here, and you don’t want me here,” you explained. Trying to push past him wasn’t too well thought out, but you braved the physical contact and scooted him out of your way.
“I never said I didn’t want you here,” he corrected, the smugness still in his voice that made you want to rip his vocal chords out. Your boyfriend had an incredible talent to be the nastiest girl you knew.
“Oh, my bad. Why would I have thought that when you’ve been so loving tonight?” you sneered.
And of all things, he chuckled. Your eyes nearly burst out of your head.
“Do you even know what you’re mad about? Baby, come on, this is so stupid,” he sighed. That was the last straw.
“You can’t do that!” He jumped a little at the screech in your voice. You hadn’t even expected the noise that came out of you, but the steam coming out of your ears softened the blow.
“What?” he asked, not daring to come closer to you now.
“Call me ‘baby’ and be charming to make me forgive you. It’s not fair.” The muscles twitching under his cheeks made it obvious that he was trying his damndest not to smile.
He didn’t like that you were angry, no, he just loved that you couldn’t stay mad at him. Steve thought that this is what a healthy relationship was. Annoying each other to the point of ending the night early wasn’t great, but that’s all it was: annoyance. If he couldn’t be suave enough to pull you out of it then he had no business being your boyfriend.
The words left your mouth and melted the tough exterior you were trying to maintain. Your shoulders dropped, crossed arms following. Your traitorous feet inched closer to the hunk in front of you, still in his dinner clothes.
“I’m sorry,” he pulled you into his arms once he thought you wouldn’t pull away and pressed his lips to the top of your head. “Please stay. Let me make it up to you, Baby.”
His whispered promises always had a talent of coming true.
His sweat dripping on your collarbone sizzles off in a nanosecond. You’re both slick with it, with the friction between your bodies.
“Baby,” he gasps, neck slightly twitching as he tries to stave off what you’ve been trying to pull from him. You're shaking beneath him, yourself, grounded only by his dull fingernails digging into your calf.
There’s no need to respond, you just nod your head and wrap your arms around his neck, hoping to be smothered by him. Steve obliges just slightly, insisting on holding his own weight above you and only letting your chests mush together and his stomach rub against yours at the discretion of his hips.
The whine that comes from his throat sends a shiver up your spine. He’s so strong all of the time, seeing him let go and be completely inhibitionless drives you closer to the edge.
“Almost, Steve, almost,” you warn him, although he takes it as incentive.
You were generally in charge in the bedroom, and Steve was more than happy to be bossed around, but something was different this evening. Steve shifted his grip from your leg to your wrist, almost pinning you to the mattress and tacitly communicating that he didn’t want you to flip him over and ride him like a mechanical bull.
Change was good, it certainly felt good, so you just leaned into his movements and met his hips, forcing stray hairs missed by a razor to get acquainted with his moles that were for your eyes only. Well, yours and the fertility doctor you had been going to.
Once he was confident that you would stay beneath him, he moved his hand between your bodies, and started to massage you in the way only he had been able to do.
The euphoria he brought you drowned out all noise, so you weren’t sure what Steve called you, if anything, when he came. But he did stroke your hair and call you sweet things for long enough afterward that you were fine with whatever he said.
“I think that was the one,” you whispered.
“Yeah?” he grinned. “Think I put a baby in my Baby?”
“Ew, don’t say it like that,” you laughed, pushing his chest hard enough that in his tired state, he flopped from his side onto his back. You tossed a leg over him and rested your head on his chest for a nanosecond before he had you flipped like a pretzel, expertly shoving a pillow under your hips so they were elevated like he had every day for the last month.
“Maybe if you let me cuddle you my hormones will get the point,” you frowned, missing the hours of pillowtalk you were used to by now.
“Well, we need all the help we can get. So gravity it is,” he said, lying next to you again, so close but too far.
“Is that why you wouldn’t let me be on top?” you laughed, but he refused to be embarrassed.
“I’ve done, research, Baby! It’s for real,” he ensured, and you believed him with everything you had. So much so that you stared at the ceiling for over an hour until he was satisfied that if his swimmers were going to reach your eggs, they had enough time to get there.
It wasn’t too hard of an ask, though, with him by your side the entire time chatting through every sweet thought that came into his head.
In three months time, after a blood test and some crossed fingers and toes, he would start putting those plans into action, molding them to any desire you had for the perfect combination.
In three years, when you had a sibling for your baby boy on the way, when asked what his mother’s name was, he thought it was “Baby.”
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