dragonballnewstar · 1 month
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Current designs for Renga and Shiverah! Still WIPS but I can at least move along to digital designs~
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(They're designs are more solid than Botan's...this may change entirely ;u;)
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nadialosse · 6 years
Sept 2nd, 986 AB (Nov 23 986)
After being teleported to the Shiverah region, sitting in their make-shift cave, staring at the dimmed Elven Castle.
I need to go back to the castle. So much has happened since I left, and it’s only been just over a month… Everything that I have done since I left has ended in ruin. I feel as if leaving the castle the way I did, everything I put my hands to on my journey ended in chaos. My dear Fiona, who was like a big sister to me, died. Marco is lost, and I fear something bad surrounds him. I met up with some amazing people for whom I care dearly now, which is the shining light of my journey. But along with that is the release of Lashul, which is solely hanging on my impatience and insolence of going to that forest alone. The whole world is going to pay for my choice that day, it already has… So many towns have already been destroyed. In every battle I faced with my dear friends, I feel as if I have been a burden more than an aid. Everyone has to protect me. Silvyr has come to my aid more times than I can recall, as has Arcana. Since meeting even more of this extended group, Leo, a good friend of Marle’s, has done the same. Marle… The whole reason for leaving the castle, or at least that’s what I tell myself. Partly, I wanted to go, to see the world, to do something unexpected… But I did want to find my sister more than anything. To bring her back. To aid her in restoring Sivneal into the glorious place it should be. To end this racist, classist, and awful time. But as I have come to learn… She left of her own free will. She chose to leave. To leave our Father. To leave her home. To leave me… Upon learning of her choice, my quest is null and void. There is nobody to bring back to the castle, as she chose to leave. There is no wrongful exile to fix. Therefore, I must go back. I must do all in my power to amend this civil war. To send aid to the Halflings capital, all available elves, to rid the world of Lashul. He is an elf. Twas I who released him. There is no way elves can escape taking responsibility for this. My decision is made, my course it set. I will return home and meet my Father and do all I can to fix this world.
I fear for myself, but I will not let that stop me. I have a feeling I will not escape this trip back home, one way or another… I know my Father well. He will want me secured, safe, guarded… With those restrictions in place, if another assassination attempt is made… I don’t know if I can protect myself. With Fiona and Marco gone, I do not know who to trust any longer. How deep does the seed of rebellion lay? How deep does this racism go?
I plan to leave this journal with my dear friends. I do not want it to get into the hands of someone at the castle, to damn any of my loved ones. It contains many private thoughts, but feel free to read it. Though I will have no way of knowing if you do or not, lest with meet again.
But I fear that is unlikely.
I hope you all get this message. I cared very much for all of you, even those I did not get to know well. I heard about all of you. What did they call us? The Paragons of Fate? Something of that...
I fear this is goodbye.
Silvyr, Arcana, Tau, Gli, Oren, Leo, Lars… I enjoyed my time with you. I wish you all the best of luck. I will miss you. Let my love be with you.
Silvyr, if you’re reading this… I think I did it again. I swore to myself I would be honest and not go off alone, but I think I broke that oath already. I cannot let you join me, however, as it would put you in too much danger. You need to go back to everyone else, to protect them, to defeat Lashul. I believe in you. I’m going to leave you some of my items, if I get a chance... They will do more use in your hands than mine. The mirror... The mirror was a gift from my Mother. It saved me once, from assassination. I hope it can also help protect you, in my stead...
Arcana, I am sorry that I could not help you with your unique problems. I wanted to. I wanted to save you more than anything. I am sorry.
I will do all I can for all of you.
-Nadia Losse
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dragonballnewstar · 21 days
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// New banner for the page!
[Left to Right:: Shiverah, Valla, Renga, Botan, Leche, Spencer]
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dragonballnewstar · 1 month
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"Salutations~ I am Shiverah! My lineage matters not - Your next princess shall be me!"
::Muse Focus:: Shiverah
Likes: Expensive food, proper self care, vintage wines, herself.
Dislikes: Chores, difficult people, dust.
With the weakening of the Frieza Force decades into the future and the absorption of the Shado Empire, Shiverah aims to create her own Shiverah Empire. She acts in a way that a 'princess' would, despite not having any sort of status. Part of Team 3 of the Time Patrollers with her teammates Valla (Majin) and Gastro (Namekian), Shiverah uses powerful ki attacks and speed to her advantage.
Pompous and full of herself, Shiverah boasts that she will "Take everything for herself". However, she's easily flustered when people undermine her 'authority'.
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dragonballnewstar · 1 month
Valla :
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dragonballnewstar · 13 days
Random headcanons to spice up people's interests lol
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Ampa plays dating sims when there's nothing going on. She's considered making her own SETH unit (a common trend in her family is making a companion unit) but hasn't decided yet.
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Shiverah enjoys Shojo manga and if she likes a guy she will "shojo"-ify them. She currently is crushing on a Galactic Patrolman and she calls him "her knight" (since she's "the princess").
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Valla's little brother is her most precious person ever. She is also into buying clothes to change up her style so her wardrobe is constantly changing.
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It's stupid sweaty where I live rn and Spencer would be dying because he hates extreme temperatures due to his abilities. If it's too cold his cells are "stiff", and if it's too hot his cells side around too easily and it feels like he's not in complete control.
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Renga thinks romance is dumb and that if you confess your love to her, YOU are dumb. We made the joke that years from now, her and TJ could be taking care of their new infant and it would click in her head and she'd say "You domesticated me!"
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Botan is constantly studying/training to keep up with her team. She's ended up learning different merc techniques to be more Brain over Brawn (though she's not a lot of Brain....). She even has a custom made gun made by Musu - Leche's twin brother!
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dragonballnewstar · 19 days
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Renga ♡ Shiverah
The feeling isn't mutual.
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dragonballnewstar · 17 days
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"Sin-day, eh? How...simple. Dedicating a day to primal desires when they could be dedicating it to something actually meaningful. Perhaps celebrating the brilliance of a particular individual?" She mused, tail swaying idly as she sipped her Cheval Blanc, swirling it in it's crystal glass. A pleased hum escaped her smiling black lips.
Yes - a day to celebrate Shiverah! Truly a better use for their time than all this tasteless perversion.
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dragonballnewstar · 1 month
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How depressing that the plebeians have resorted to savagery and cannibalism to satiate their unruly appetites! Clearly these brutes need guidance - and once she finally establishes the Shiverah Empire, their worries of food scarcity shall be eradicated~
'Hold on for a bit longer'. She smiled to herself.
"Your princess shall satiate you all in due time so long as they fall in line~ fufufu!"
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dragonballnewstar · 1 month
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"The name's Valla. Hm? I seem familiar? Oh, you probably know my predecessors - the Majins Caatli and Aajaye. They're my great, great, great....something-or-other. Don't sweat on the details."
::Muse Focus:: Majin Valla
Likes: Family, food, animals, music doing her own thing.
Dislikes: Dishonesty, having to put in extra effort, bugs.
With a mom who runs the legacy restaurant and her father in shipments, Valla comes from a line that puts family first. Part of Team 3 of the Time Patrollers with her teammates Shiverah (a frost demon/frieza race) and Gastro (Namekian), Valla keeps her attacks versatile to cover her team and can tank numerous attacks.
Blunt, a bit rough around the edges but cares for her friends - Valla would describe herself as "I like what I like."
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dragonballnewstar · 19 days
❥ + Shiverah and Leche?
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Are you a living organism? Do you have sentience? Can you consent? Are you somewhat attractive in some sort of way? Congrats - Leche can be shipped with you.
Cell? Bug daddy. Frieza? What's that mouth do? Nappa? Muscle dad with goatee. Elder God? Sounds like a party. Be warned, she may ship you with OTHER people and wouldn't want to interfere with her OTP. Crushed by Broly, sure - but wouldn't it be BETTER if he got Goku and just went to town? She has actively ruined Botan's relationship crush already.
Leche may be named after tres leches, but it's also short for lecherous...
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dragonballnewstar · 1 month
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Spring Cleaning!!
Heyyo so sorry I've been absolutely dead on this blog! Life got crazy busy but I'm slowly carving out more time!
That being said, I am thinking of changing the muses around. Fang and I are starting a new chapter with "decendants" of our original cast - so that way we don't have to worry about relationships/family trees. I think it also keeps things easier since everyone is in the same generation (Ampa's gen is after Kali/Boba's)
That said, if you have a particular favorite I'm still happy to plot things out!
Currently the WIP line up is:
- Valla (Majin, bit rough around the edges but cares for her friends)
- Shiverah (Ice Demon/Frieza Race. Decendant of Frieza/Kuriza, bit up her own ass and wants to start her own empire)
- Botan (Cheelai's race. Literally nothing special but she wants to be a hero and get stronger)
- Renga (Saiyan.....sheeee's a Saiyan)
**Spencer is still staying since he's his own thing**
I may reduce things down to Spencer and 2 others...still unsure. Once again, if you still want to plot with the current muses, I'm open to to plot!
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dragonballnewstar · 6 hours
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// Got all my drafts and inbox cleared~ Now ....the real question.
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dragonballnewstar · 7 hours
📋! Give us... three, maybe, distributed among whichever of your muses you'd like? ( + 🌟 if you've got any... I would love to know! )
// HMM I think it would be funny having Frost running from Galactic Patrol and dragging Shiverah through whatever chaos they have to get through. I headcanon that females of their race are rarer (like a 1:3 ratio, so Shiverah often refers to herself as a "treasure", so he maybe kidnaps her thinking she actually has treasure...but you're dealing with little miss delusional instead lol)
I am still rooting for Ranger Ampa coming across Cleo, or Ampa doing a collaboration with Chandra.
I guess for a third, evil Kali. Or at least, Kali pushing to have her own empire. Thing is, Kali is hard to write sometimes so I'd need a partner to probably plot things out and be patient with me on that front because she's supposed to be cunning and mischievous - and my brain is very smooth and doughy so I feel like I don't write that sort of personality well.
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dragonballnewstar · 5 days
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// Make decendants of the Dragon Ball New Star cast (Valla, Shiverah, Leche..)
Including Nonna's family decendant (Ampa's grandma). However, there is a complete lack of moth genes....
Because they're not from Mango/Hikki/Ampa's line....but her aunt's (Kanna). We even had a Hive/Seth decendant to pair with her.
Brain: Ampa never got with her childhood friend and died alone
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dragonballnewstar · 19 days
❥ Ampa and/or Shiverah, if you've got any?
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Send "❥" and I will share a ship I have a bias for with my muse!
With all my muses I've never really gotten to explore many ships outside of their canons so this is more for the lulz
Shiverah is...dumb. Like she could be so strong if she wasn't a dumb princess. That being said, she works best for someone who tolerates her quirk of "I'm a Princess and you're all living in my story". Off the top of my head, Tien & Yamcha would be funny "knights". Maybe Future Goten/Trunks. Maybe Frost as a "villain to lover" type of trope. She's just very trope-y lol
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Ampa is a softie, so my first thought was the Gammas. I just think it'd be super cute. Other ships could potentially be Future Trunks or Future Gohan - since her relation to 17 could be like closure or something. I've thought about Cell or Cell Jr's (who would probably be grown when her time rolls around), but Cell would be a toxic relationship lol I've also thought of Broly but Ampa is afraid of him so that'd be a "conquer the fears" type of thing
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