#shirtless roofer
mens-backs · 1 year
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hot roofer is laying asphalt roof and has a great back viewed from above
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shirtlessworking · 4 months
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tin roof, rusted
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drearyd0ll · 7 months
must you be drilling im trying to have my fall wake and bake with the window open, im scantily clad, have my smoke blanket and hot chocolate, and i'm listening to csh and thinking about my ex
(i like to pretend the construction guys are stealing the wires from underneath the pizza pizza sign) (i miss summer when i could watch shirtless roofers) (men in carhart jackets and smoking darts will have to be enough to live by for these cold months)
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fandomfluffandfuck · 2 years
Stopppppp those tags are too funny! What happens next 👉👈🥺 they date don't they 🥺🥺
related to this post/my tags on it:
"my cat is meowing thru the window at the middle aged men working on the roof rn and they're meowing back at her"
"she's obsessed w these guys i should have put her through trade school"
#stucky au anyone? 🤣 #<- no but literally!! #Bucky works from home and so he is around constantly during construction not paying much attention to the workers because yeah #he's trying to work too #but Alpine keeps meowing #and someone is meowing back at her out there #just one #like- #one very Manly Timbre making the cutest little sounds again and again whenever Alpine starts the conversation back up lol #and the ONE TIME Bucky looks out the window to see who the fuck is doing that it's when he's making making himself lunch #mid-day #the hottest part of the day... #and the guy that is meowing at Alpine is SHIRTLESS STEVE #sweaty and massive and- #again shirtless with workboots beat-up blue jeans and a goddamn tool belt around his hips #he's still got his gloves on #stained from shingle sealant #but- #as he meows at Alpine Steve stands up from Whatever The Fuck he was doing to the roof and slips those gloves off #Bucky feels like a Victorian maiden seeing a man for the first time #watching him take off those gloves is like watching him strip 😳 #his skin is sweaty and glistening his chest is heaving and he is reaching for a fucking water bottle #gulping down mouthful after mouthful #his throat exposed to Bucky's hungry eyes... Bucky watching the way his adams apple bobs as he swallows #Bucky moans Out Loud in his kitchen #it makes Steve choke-laugh #getting water all over his chin throat and chest #Steve is now literally wet and Bucky is metaphorically getting wet
I mean...
The only natural next step is for hot-roofer guy to knock on Bucky's window, right?
And Bucky has to face his embarrassment and walk over to the goddamn window because it's not like this model-looking dude can't see him. He just heard him do that and can currently see where his jaw is on the tile kitchen floor still. So, Bucky swallows as much of his mortification as he can, stumbling over to slide the window open from the bottom. His hands shake as he unlocks and lifts...
The second he steps back, a little too far, nearly landing on his ass with window now fully open, the guy leans down onto the frame, sticking his blond head right into Bucky's kitchen. His hair would be darker if not for sweat dampening it. Leaning into his home. Bucky is being killed in his own home because mystery-hot-yet-cute-roofer man has forearms that are perfectly muscular and hairy. There is sweat clinging to the hair. Bucky didn't know forearms could be so attractive. His hands are large. His fingers thick and long.
His face is even more attractive. Strong jaw. Delightfully crooked nose. Bright eyes. Sculpted cheekbones. Faint freckles from working in the sun. Swest running in little rivers down his skin.
Bucky could not be more stunned. Well, actually, he regrets thinking that when the guy opens his mouth and says-
"You got a towel I could use sweetheart, since you made me spill my water and all?"
His. Voice. Deep with just the perfect amount of gravel. A hint of roughness. Oh.
Bucky doesn't exactly manage to say words back to the man. The worker who has been charming his cat and is now charming him, calling him sweetheart.
Swooning in his kitchen, he sputters and then nods, jerking his head up and down too fast. It must look stupid and uncoordinated. But mystery man just smirks and taps his fingers on the window frame where he's perched, I'm waiting, his fingers and single raised eyebrow say.
Bucky takes the gilded invitation to turn away and hide his burning face, fetching him a kitchen towel from a lower drawer. And- ohgodohgodohgod- is he looking at my ass? I hope he's looking at my ass. I hope he's not too though, these shorts don't to anything good for me! Of all the days to not wear leggings around the house! Bucky thinks frantically, bending over, grabbing his best kitchen towel.
He stands up. Turns around. Watches Steve quickly drag his eyes up to his face. Smirk still strong on his face.
Bucky can feel his embarrassment rise back up like a rising tide, threatening to drown him.
Handing over the towel, Bucky realizes his mistake. Now he has to watch the ridiculously attractive and ridiculously built man wipe his chin, chest, and stomach down. Then he even has the audacity to wipe his sweaty forehead with it, swiping the gathered sweat and grime away... looking at him unashamed all the while.
Bucky doesn't know if he can will himself to not have a nosebleed but he's thinking about it. And he's also half focused on willing himself to not combust spontaneously.
Once he's done teasing Bucky horribly drying off, he lays the towel limp over the window frame and sticks a hand out for Alpine to sniff. She sniffs. Then instantly lifts her chin - up on the little table Bucky has set next to the window - begging for scratches. The daeker pink bell on her light pink collar jingles cheerily as she rolls over for him.
The man chuckles quietly, asking, "does this princess here got a name?"
"Alpine," Bucky pushes out, a cat has his tongue. And it is not Alpine.
"Mm, cute name," he barely even pauses, swinging his eyes up from her white, fluffy form to meet his eyes, "and what about yours, darlin'?"
Darling-! Bucky feels like he's been hit by lightning. He has never swooned so hard in his goddamn life. Never in his life has he needed a fainting couch other than right now. Today. "M-mine-?" He finally squeaks.
"Mmm-hmm," the other man says, mouth turned up easily.
"Uh, um-" he fumbles, "Bucky. My name is Bucky."
"Bucky?" He repeats, an eyebrow raised, saying it slow and careful. Bucky nods, heart beating out of his chest. "Bucky, that's an even cuter name than Alpine."
"Well, Buck, my name is Steve-"
Buck! Buck-! He's already given his nickname a nickname! Who is this guy! Why is this man so- everything?
"And I was wondering if once I'm done fixin' your roof you'd be fixin' to go out with me?"
Bucky processes the words, swept up in the unending charm of this guy, and instantly his mouth is running away, cut loose from the cat and getting him into trouble.
"W-we don't have to go anywhere to go out, y’know? You, uh, could climb in and I could... could make you dinner here. Now that the roof doesn't leak. I'm-" Bucky fumbles, fiddling with his own fingers, looking at Steve's hands as they scratch Alpine, not at his way too handsome face, "-I've only got one arm but, um, I... I cook just fine. I promise."
Steve cracks up, "oh, I bet you do," he winks, "I'd like that though, sweetheart, in fact-"
Steve doesn't get to the end of his sentence though, the charm and golden honey is cut off by someone over his shoulder yelling, "ROGERS! QUIT CHASING THAT PUSSY AND GET YOUR ASS BACK TO WORK!"
A few of the other workers milling around behind Steve (not that he can see them, Steve's shoulders block all of his view of them, he just assumes they're still there) crack up. Hollering there own remarks after the boss.
And it's Buckys turn to choke-laugh then. Bending over and slapping his own chest with his hand. Breaking down into hysterics between the perfect timing, word choice, and his own nerves.
Bucky cooks for him and Steve compliments his cooking. They talk. They get along fantastically. Steve treats him like no one else has since he had his arm amputated- he treats him like a person. More than that. Like an incredible person. A worthy person. Steve woos him through their next dates, buying him flowers, wine that should go good with another homemade meal, and he makes Bucky a little wooden house just for Alpine. As it turns out Steve is incredibly good with his hands, roofing, construction, carpentry, and- 😳😳 other things that require a firm grip from strong hands.
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tradies2000 · 7 years
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Super muscley tradies
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two-bitches · 3 years
The Curtis gang on TikTok…
Darry: Posts videos of him roofing, only has like 1,000 followers, just men that are also roofers, once in a blue moon he will post something not involving his job, only joined because Sodapop and Ponyboy told him to, 20 going on 42.
Dallas- just a bunch of thirst traps, half of his videos have the red LED lights on, always shirtless, has like 20,000 followers though, only horny teenage girls with daddy issues, definitely gets some of his videos taken down.
Steve- a mixture of car videos and dumb videos of him doing stupid shit with Sodapop, always really random, has 10,000 followers, either guys who know a lot about cars or girls who only watch for the occasion when Sodapop comes up, posts random videos of him doing flips.
Sodapop- REALLY random videos, never know what you are getting next, doesn’t even try with the quality, has 150,000 followers, again just teen girls who are obsessed, doesn’t even check his notifications, doesn’t realize that everyone is falling for him, girls use the “🤰🏼” emoji his is comments.
Two-bit- almost as bad as Sodapop with a mixture of Mickey Mouse, again just random videos, only has like 5,000 followers though, posts his friends a lot, does a lot of pranks on his friends too, mostly Darry because “he is funny when he is mad”, Darry hates it (obviously).
Johnny- doesn’t post at all, is to self-conscious, only watches, follows like 500 people though, likes every video he sees because he feels bad if he doesn’t, keeps up with all his friends accounts though, still somehow has like 100 followers, the gang hyped him up to post and he is working himself up to posting one day.
Ponyboy- has a really artsy account, only videos of the recent books he has read or the pictures he draws, has like 1,500 followers, definitely on BookTok, Johnny always compliments his drawings in his comment section, TikTok is where he gets all his new book recommendations.
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izzy-b-hands · 5 years
Fictober 2019, Oct. 19th, “Yes, I Admit It, You Were Right.”
Fandom: The Pacific
Pairings: Eugene “Sledgehammer” Sledge/Merriell “Snafu” Shelton
Rating: G (though there could be a D for aDorable Dummy makes Dumb Decision too lol)
Warnings: None, unless ladders and climbing on roofs makes you nervous (which like, fair if it does tbh.) 
556 words
These boys are both very stubborn when they want to be, and tbh I love writing fics where their hubris sometimes catches up with them in little, not horribly dangerous ways. This one is one such moment for Eugene.
“You finally gonna admit it? Honest and true?” he called up to Eugene. 
“Yes, please, just please put the ladder back up,” Eugene fussed. He was on the roof, shirtless, surrounded by new shingles and tools. 
“I’ll put it back,” Snafu replied, hauling the ladder up from the grass where it had fallen. “But what was that? My hearin’ ain’t so good, after all, being around those mortars for so long.” 
“You were right!” 
“C’mon, Gene,” Snafu teased as he set the ladder back up against the edge of the roof of their house. 
“Fine! Yes, I admit it, you were right! I don’t know enough about the roof to fix it, and yes, I might be a little more afraid of heights than I used to be!” 
“Need me to get you down?” Snafu asked, half teasing, half serious. It was funny, but all the same he didn’t want Eugene getting hurt. 
Before Eugene could answer, Queen hopped the short fence of the pen Snafu had built for when they needed to keep the pets away from any outside work they were doing, trotted over to them, and bounded up the ladder like it was nothing.
Snafu could hear her purring all the way from the ground as she rubbed against Eugene, then carefully hopped her way back down the ladder, turning briefly to look at Eugene as if to go “See? Look how easy that is!” 
“That’s mean, Queenie, don’t tease him like that,” Snafu snickered as Eugene sighed in frustration.
“Why the hell was I so stubborn about fixing this on my own? Why does it have to be so damn hot up here? And why are roofs so tall?” Eugene moaned. 
“Cause that’s just how you are. Cause it’s August. Cause if they were short, then they’d just be floors, not roofs,” Snafu replied as he moved Queen back to the safety of the pen. 
“You’re the worst...I love you,” Eugene called down. 
“Love you too. Now, get down before you end up too scared to climb back down this thing. Already called the roofers your dad recommended; they’ll be here next week to fix things up.” 
“You’re an angel,” Eugene said as he crept slowly back down the ladder. 
“I know it, and don’t you forget it,” Snafu teased as he helped Eugene down the final few rungs, and wrapped him in a hug as soon as he was on solid ground. “Does the angel get to choose dinner tonight for being so right, and so angelic?” 
“Of course,” Eugene replied. “And for being slightly insufferable in his rightness.” 
“Just the same as you can be, baby. S’why we get on so well,” Snafu smiled as he pressed a soft kiss to Eugene’s lips. 
More insufferable was the idea of anyone or anything getting stuck on the roof, so Snafu was more than happy to go back out after settling Eugene inside to wrangle the cats and dog inside, and to put the ladder away. Better safe than sorry, even if getting a cat off the roof was probably easier than getting Eugene off of it. Even so, he wasn’t going to chance it. Better to leave their pride and stubbornness aside, and leave the job to people who knew what they were doing, while he could relax with Eugene inside.  
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thesvenqueen · 7 years
How about a roofer Kristoff in the middle of summer? Anna's neighbor is getting their shingles redone and Kristoff is up there shirtless and sun-kissed and sweaty, working his ass off. And Anna is enjoying watching him work 😂
She best be enjoying that cause good looooord yes
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shirtlessworking · 4 months
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fixing the roof
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lunchboxpoems · 7 years
Roofers scrape the scaly lid of an auto shop beside the house where I live. Where I live shirtless men tear at the black scabs of a roof's old flesh, toss scraps into the back of a truck parked in the lot next to a house where I live. Where I live a tarp rattles at night, plastic rustles, and trash is kicked along pavement by wind. Roofers curse and shell the tire shop's peeling lid beside the house where I live. Where I live a tarp shakes all night; cans land on pavement, tossed from windows of cars that blur by where I live. Where I live windows are ladled red with light your sun leaves me with. Repairs are made to roofs which will never cover me. As I read the road between us, tire tracks unscroll their tawdry calligraphy. Any day now you shall arrive, roar into my eye with your mountainside. Where I live when I live where landscape cannot survive you.
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leakfixroofer · 7 years
Shirtless roofer in very tight shorts offers AR-15 rifles with every installation – Idaho Statesman
Idaho Statesman
Shirtless roofer in very tight shorts offers AR-15 rifles with every installation Idaho Statesman This free-with-purchase offer from an Alabama roofing company is making a big bang. On the Fourth of July, Zach Blenkinsopp posted an offer on his company’s Facebook page. Buy a new roof from Digital Roofing Innovations, and he’ll give you an AR-15.
Click here to read the complete article…
To read more news like – Shirtless roofer in very tight shorts offers AR-15 rifles with every installation – Idaho Statesman, visit www.leakfixroofers.com
from WordPress https://leakfixroofer.wordpress.com/2017/07/08/shirtless-roofer-in-very-tight-shorts-offers-ar-15-rifles-with-every-installation-idaho-statesman/
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shirtlessworking · 4 months
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roofer going red in the sun
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shirtlessworking · 4 months
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ready with rafters
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shirtlessworking · 1 year
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It's hot on the roof and he's enjoying the sunshine
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