omgkatsudonplease · 2 months
jsyk the content of that "male dogs have false heats" post is entirely fictitious, as is the "periods have very little to do with organs" addition.
always remember to fact check, or if you can't be bothered then just don't share it (or bookmark it for later, so you can go back to it and check it before sharing) – otherwise disinformation can become widely accepted as true
The false heat thing seems iffy, but male dogs can have adverse physical reactions to overproduction of oestrogen in their systems.
Also, it’s already well-recorded that trans women on HRT experience the hormonal indicators of a period even if no actual uterine lining is shed. The wording might not be perfect, but decoupling the “period” from “shedding uterine lining” can be more inclusive for trans individuals who experience one but not the other. That’s why I reblogged the post.
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saintvamp · 5 years
shetagged by @prettyferalprince
Rules: answer 21 questions, tag 21 people who you want to get to know better.
Nickname: Milady, Hito (irl friends from spain) Lou (dearest wife)
Sun Sign: Cancer
Height: 5′8
Last Movie I Saw: I am not a serial killer
Last Thing I Googled: Five strings banjo price
Favourite Musician / Band: my chemical romance and leonard cohen
Song Stuck In My Head: When the chips are down hadestown
Other Blogs:corpselovingcorpse
Do I Get Asks: Yes but i do not answer them
Blogs Following:  737
Amount of Sleep: Between 6-9 hours
Lucky Numbers: 9
Dream Job: Book store owner
Dream Vacation: Train tour around europe
Favourite Food: Lemon pie
Play Any Instruments: the recorder, some guitar, some piano, some violin
Language: Spanish, englis, portuguese,  latin, ancien greek
Favourite Songs: cocaine blues, mama, suzzanne, in a week
Describe Yourself As Aesthetic Things: mistreated books, cinnamon bubblegum, ozone before a stormshadows in the edge of your vision, dog pawprints, black pepper
Eye Colour: brown
Current Hobbies: Drawing, composing music, dog training
i tag: @roseloverbi @dumbassrights @uruguayanabombada @atrperro @rosewaterbanshee @she-jo @jewishkvothe @anissapierce @catholickabuto @cannabiscomrade @catullus16 @toxicbolts @antifamutantdown @deceased
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haurchef4nt · 5 years
shetagged by @santsebastian
Rules: answer 21 questions, tag 21 people who you want to get to know better. 
Nickname: Spence
Sun Sign: Capricorn
Height: 5′4
Last Movie I Saw: apostle??? i think
Last Thing I Googled: cowboy hat
Favourite Musician / Band: right now i rly like the cure....
Song Stuck In My Head: soul in isolation by the chameleons
Other Blogs: dont have any
Do I Get Asks: nope!
Blogs Following:  180
Amount of Sleep: usually 7-12 hours
Lucky Numbers: 15
Dream Job: full time freelance artist
Dream Vacation: i just want to visit as many countries as possible one day
Favourite Food: pad thai
Play Any Instruments: no
Language: english, spanish
Favourite Songs: i don’t rly have any!
Describe Yourself As Aesthetic Things: dark woods on a full moon, fog, flashing bright lights, creaking wood, the sound of rain and the smell of petrichor, also the stupidest thing u can think of currently
Eye Colour: blue
Current Hobbies: drawing, reading, video games, i guess reading mp100 counts as a hobby at this point too... oh i got back into cosplay?
im not gonna tag anyone but if u see this u can say i tag u. i tag YOU !
0 notes
omgkatsudonplease · 6 years
hi so i saw you reblog a post about they/them pronouns being correct grammar? i'm totally for using they/them pronouns even if its not grammatical... but how is it grammatical? they/them "grammatically" refers to a plural noun, which a single person cannot be...
Well, sometimes in casual conversation people will also use they/them to refer to a single person whose gender is unknown, like, for example – 
“Someone left their bag behind.”
“Did you get the mail from the post officer today?”“No, they haven’t come by yet.”
“Did you remember to tip the server?”“Yeah, I tipped them five bucks.”
All of these are grammatically correct and still refer to a singular person with they/them – someone who uses they/them pronouns are simply making the choice to refer to themselves this way on a regular basis. 
Everyone knows their own gender and preferred pronouns best, even if they’re still in the process of figuring it out. Using the pronouns they’ve chosen for themselves is just polite.
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omgkatsudonplease · 6 years
i recently took the SATs, and all those examples would have been questions where we would need to circle those "their/they/them" pronouns as incorrect in favor or using him/her... and i agree that having this be the official rule is shitty, but as of now, using they/them in those contexts is still technically incorrect. and in casual conversation, that's perfectly fine - people hardly ever speak with 100% correct grammar. (1/2)
but i’m sure a lot of young people who still need to take these standardized tests look up to you, so saying that “they/them” is grammatically correct might get them in trouble on their tests/with teachers that grade strictly on these matters. again, i’m totally in favor of using gender neutral language even if its not “correct”, but a lot of kids are still subject to these stupid rules, so i think it might be better to point this out… i don’t mean to argue or pick a fight tho! (2/2)
First off, the Oxford Dictionary and the Merriam-Webster Dictionary have cited historical instances of the usage of singular ‘they/them’ dating as far back as the 1300s. According to Merriam-Webster, the development of singular ‘they’ ties in with the development of singular ‘you’, and I don’t see a similar grammatical ruckus over thee/thou versus you in our current society.
Secondly, as a linguist, I don’t subscribe to prescriptivist grammar as the ‘right’ way to do things. I prefer to focus my attention on descriptivist grammar – which, in this case, refers to the increasing usage of ‘they/them’ as a personal pronoun as well as a general gender-neutral marker in response to words like each, every, anybody, somebody, etc. Considering the historical usage of the singular they, perhaps the sudden influx of controversy surrounding this pronoun has more to do with society’s discomfort over nonbinary individuals than anything particularly ‘grammatical’ so to speak.
I, too, have clashed with professors over the usage of ‘they’ versus ‘him/her’, to which I say, I prefer the construct that is more concise, which for me is ‘they’ versus ‘him/her’. However, I do agree that in academia – especially the public school system – it may be easier to prefer to stick to the teacher’s guidelines. Nevertheless, I don’t wish to dictate the thoughts of my followers, so I’ll just leave it at that.
Perhaps in a couple generations we will have accepted the ‘grammatical correctness’ of they/them like we have already done so historically. In the meantime, I find it in bad taste to run around correcting people’s grammar when they haven’t asked for me to do so.
(I too apologise in advance if this comes off as defensive; I don’t mean to pick a fight, either. As for the comment about young kids looking up to me – I find that rather discomfiting to hear, considering the contents of my blog. I don’t consider myself any sort of mentor to children that I am not being paid to mentor, and I can’t control what any given student will do on their standardised test.)
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omgkatsudonplease · 6 years
What to do when a relationship's honeymoon phase end and now struggling to even stay together?
nonny, a relationship takes at least two people to want to struggle and endeavour together. if your partner doesn’t want to try as hard as you, please talk with them and ask if being in a relationship is right for the two of you. 
even if they say they’ll try, sometimes people still revert to old habits and patterns. it’s up to you then whether to keep giving them second chances or to walk away, but either way you wouldn’t be in the wrong. 
if your partner is, however, actively malicious and/or abusive towards you, i strongly suggest you seek help -- but i really hope this isn’t the case! i wish you all the best, nonny!
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omgkatsudonplease · 6 years
grammar anon again: sorry, i didnt mean to be rude. i actually sent that first ask because i know you're a linguistic and was wondering (hoping) that they/them is now widely accepted to be grammatically correct... also i didnt mean to make you uncomfortable with the young people comment either - sorry about that. thanks for humoring me! (feel free to not publish this if you would rather not clutter your blog further).
like i said, nonny, the dictionaries have also cited instances of the historical (and continuing) usage of singular they; the only real change is that people now adopt it as a personal pronoun as well, which in turn has led to backlash in prescriptivist circles. 
standardised testing like the SATs are always rather resistant to change, and as any teacher worth their salt will tell you, teaching to a test is not the best way to foster intellectual curiosity in people. 
i’m glad we had this talk, though! and i hope you found the links helpful.
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omgkatsudonplease · 7 years
I hope this isn’t rude, but can you explain autochorissexual? I’ve research a little, but I just wanted to make sure I’m getting the right information. I’ve never heard of this before, but I love learning new things.
this is a pretty good post about it imho but basically it’s just… there’s a disconnect between yourself and the object of your attraction. you’re very much okay with exploring things in theory (and even then not with you as a hypothetical participant) but not so much in practice.
it took me a really long time (and some practice lmao) to realise what a complicated and lengthy process it gets for me to actually be comfortable with sexual contact with people and the fact that i tended to get attracted to people who remind me of favourite fictional characters was a bit of a tip off lmao but even then the attraction was more like… sensual or romantic rather than sexual lol
anyway that’s tmi time with lily 😉
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omgkatsudonplease · 7 years
Is autochorissexual on the ace spectrum?I have been trying to figure things out because I knew something different was up and this term pretty accurately describes how I feel. I've heard some say yes and some say no. I am so confused. It has kept me up at night. Side note: some people complain that people are making up sexualities to make themselves feel special but I think it is actually amazing how complicated sexuality is and finding terms that resonate with a lot of people! (pt 1)
I think it helps people to realize that they are not abnormally weird and other people are experiencing the same things. Anyways, I was just wondering if you could give a few of your thoughts because I am just trying to figure things out and I have seen a ton of hateful comments around the internet. Sometimes I wish there was like a class you could take in school or something that studies gender and sexuality. Thank you for anything you can tell me lily ❤ (pt 2)
I’ve personally always understood autochorissexual as under the ace umbrella as something that happens in addition to a-spec identities – like my bio mentions that I’m demi, which means that I only develop sexual attraction after a strong emotional connection (which hahaha is a bit awkward because this usually results in crushing on friends, some of whom aren’t interested in dating people they’ve been close friends with for a long time RIP) 
but i also mention autochoris tendencies because i find i do get intensely attracted to people in sexual situations (like, for example, fictional characters in smut fics) but that is very clearly delineated as “this sex is not happening to me” and so i’m comfortable with consuming and enjoying that kind of content and may even get off to it once in a while. 
from what i understand some people utilise explicit content to project themselves into the situation (at least, for visual mainstream pornography) but that is definitely not what’s happening with me, and so there’s a definite disconnect between my own feelings and the content i’m consuming, therefore i find the label helps me understand myself better.  
and that’s what i think is happening with people who are using so-called “fake identities” -- they’re just looking for a word that’ll best describe them and their experiences because if you put something to words, you might be able to find others who share your experience more easily. personally i don’t want to gatekeep the dissemination of sexuality labels. i feel like people’s sexualities/gender identities are valid no matter what words they choose for it and that other people shouldn’t hate on them for those choices. shitty people will be shitty people no matter how many minority labels they place on themselves.
as far as i know, autochorissexuality seems to occur more often in people who identify somewhere on the ace spectrum, so afaik it should be included amongst the ace community’s experiences. i wouldn’t know anything about allosexual people’s experiences with autochoris, so i couldn’t tell you anything regarding that. but from what i understand it’s just the disconnect between oneself and the target of one’s sexual attraction so that the attraction isn’t borne out of a desire to have sex with the target, but is still a fairly sexual feeling.
in any case, i also do wish there were more spaces both online and offline where people would be free to ask questions and educate themselves about gender and sexuality without other people taking offense and jumping down their throats! we’re all learning here, and we all make mistakes in our wording sometimes. tumblr has not always been the most supportive of places to do this kind of soul-searching, so i wish you all the best in your exploration.
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omgkatsudonplease · 7 years
ok lily so im having an identity crisis. i identify as bi because ive been in relationships with both guys and girls before but as of late ive been finding myself more attracted to girls? id always had a stronger attraction to guys and i don't know if it's a coming of age thing because im in my senior year and just turned 18 but is it like weird for me to identify as bi instead of gay when im significantly more attracted to girls? i still like some guys, just not as much as before...
sexuality is fluid and confusing! (and so is gender, tbh, gender’s so fake tbh) so there really is no shame in changing what you identify as, if you do want to change. also i know a lot of bi people who identify as such but also have stronger preferences for one gender over another. afaik bisexuality is the attraction to one’s own gender as well as another gender/genders. the only real criteria is the attraction to more than just one gender, so yeah!
ultimately you’re the one responsible for finding an identity that feels the most comfortable for you, and don’t let anyone else try to tell you otherwise
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omgkatsudonplease · 6 years
I didn’t know what autochorissexual was until I saw it on your profile. When I googled it, it described me perfectly. I was always unsure of where I was on the sexuality spectrum, so thank you for that. If it’s not too much to ask, how did you come across the term and realize it kind of described you?
i personally find autochoris to be like…. sort of an add-on to how i experience demisexuality? it’s come sort of at the end of a long period of realising i only get sexually attracted to people who are 1) good friends and 2) remind me of fictional characters i am also emotionally invested in. which ofc makes for really awkward crossed wires and that is 900% of the reason why i’m single 😂
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