#sheena x zelos
annon-guy2 · 10 months
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World Question
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Fandom: Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World
Sample Size: 197 stories
Source: AO3
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kohakhearts · 5 months
For the ship ask game: Sheena/Colette and Ash/Gladion? 👀
sheelette: ship it!
what made you ship it?
ok so imagine. you are in ninth grade and you are a lesbian but your favourite game's fandom is a) old and dying and b) oversaturated by a particular m/m ship (not shading because you KNOW i love that ship lmao). these days i'm pretty meh about them, but as of the last time i replayed symphonia, i actually found their sylvarant arc interactions in particular really cute! clumsy idiot x clumsy idiot <3 but colette also just...tries really hard to make sheena see all the good in her world and it leads to some really lovely conversations. sheena has such a strong loyalty to her late-game that seems to stem from this and i do like the dynamic!
what are your favorite things about the ship?
clumsy idiot x clumsy idiot is adorable. one of the rare times you will hear me say i like a ship primarily because it's Wholesome lmao
is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
it's kind of overrated in the sense that like...it feels like a large number of people ship it just so that they can pair off the typical het love interests for lloyd and zelos together and put them in the background. many such cases with f/f ships sadly </3
trustedpartnershipping: ship it!
what made you ship it?
ash x rival ships are all really solid, but i think just the whole. gladion delivering a note to ash in the middle of the night was kind of. well.
what are your favourite things about the ship?
actually i'm pretty obsessed with the way that gladion seems to mostly care about ash via lillie in the sense of like, ash seems capable so he's like ok you can be her acting older brother now <3 meanwhile ash is just like battle me battle me battle me :pleading: :pleading: :pleading: it's just....a hilarious dynamic. but it has the side effect of ash in a way helping gladion realign his values with respect to Family, which i like! would love to like. put them under a microscopic post-sm after lei is born and ash suddenly has something to relate to gladion about (because i don't think he ever really sees lillie as a sister, per se)
is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
honestly not really? weirdly not a very popular ship, so i guess i've just never seen enough of what people have to say to know what the popular opinions could be lol
send me a ship!
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mannatea · 1 year
🔥 ToS
Nonsense spicy takes just 4 u:
Kloitz or Virginia should have gone through the Gate with their children and that neither of them did that SAYS SOMETHING ABOUT THE KIND OF PEOPLE THEY ARE.
The hot/cold scene is both hilariously memeable AND deeply moving and meaningful for the characters and the story.
Mithos got Raine sick on purpose to try and get onto Genis's good side by just haaapppppening to know the cure; it was all part of his master plan don't @ me I know I'm right.
Half the fandom thinks Raine merely gets seasick because they weren't paying attention to the fact that it's actually a trauma response to nearly drowning as a child and seasickness is by itself not even a factor in the usual way. This has been true since 2004.
Sheena battles intense boob sweat every fucking day and nobody ever gives her credit for that. She is a queen.
The OVA gave us the best Regal x Raine scenes we could have ever hoped for and the entire fandom slept on that shit SO HARD. WAKE UP!!!!
While I'm at it, the OVA "half-elf" reveal was an unexpectedly delicious food.
ToS gave us the beefiest eye candy man imaginable and he's always been one of the least popular characters?? I'm sorry but is this because he's not a himbo?????? ??? ???? ? Is it because his in-game model is terrible??? Because the timeline of his story has confused the entire fandom since 2004??? Where's the beef? Regal has literally all of it. The core muscles this man must possess. Don't try to tell me you're not thinking of some depraved shit right now. I know better.
I love how the fans collectively pretend the Katz don't fucking exist because like, big same actually. ghghghhgsjdfdsa
DotNW is literally evil. For what you ask? For trying to say Raine has a split personality because she gets excited about things. Let our autistic queen enjoy her trauma-induced special interest. God forbid women enjoy anything!
Palmacosta is filled with rats and they didn't even show me one rat in the game which is disappointing.
I want to fold Zelos up like a paper airplane and throw him into the wind.
Presea grows up to be so fucking buff, and I love that for her. The best lumberjack ever. I am right.
The game gave us a grand Meltokio ball but I propose that we go back in time and convince the creators to also give us a ball in Sylvarant because I want to compare the barn raising to the ball. For science. And also research purposes. Zelos's costume reward for this should be a pair of overalls without a shirt. No I am not accepting criticism.
And finally one spark of hatred: I hate how difficult AUs are for this series, since it feels like even if you can do one ship/character storyline justice you can't do everyone's story justice. (But you know me, I always have ideas anyway. I just want to complain.)
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eternalidealist · 1 year
@iirvings continued from X
He had ran off from his group for a moment. He volunteered to scout the Gaoracchia Forest to make sure that there were no Papal Guards chasing after them on one side of the forest while Sheena had sent Corrine to scout the other path.
Then he spotted someone wearing that red outfit. That red outfit he had since ditched after he revealed to Colette, Raine, and Genis that he was an undercover Renegade who had been planted to act as a villager in Iselia.
It was just...odd...even with their back turned and they had brown hair too...
He had one of his twin blades out and positioned right at the stranger’s neck. His eyes then narrowed at hearing the voice so exactly like his own.
What sort of hellish illusion or mockery is this? Is this part of the Gaoracchia Forest’s illusions? This forest was famous for causing problems for travelers after all...not counting that one lame horror story Zelos told earlier.
Then he finally walked around to get a better look. Expecting the illusion to warp into something twisted or turn into a monster.
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“What the hell is this?! Whatever this is, it’s not funny and I would never wear that dorky outfit after I finally ditched it!” Lloyd finally demanded now face to face.
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moldy-mold · 2 years
Dunno how often you get asks like this, but... Do you ever sometimes wonder what kind of Mobile Suits, Gundam or otherwise, the Symphonia cast would pilot, whether it's as part of a strictly Gundam-style AU, or something closer to the Build Fighters/Build Divers series with them using a custom Gunpla?
@penn-inkwell nope this is the first question of its kind haha I've actually done a crossover before for Xillia x Gundam but I never posted it!
Though I haven't thought about specific MS's because I'm not super familiar with their specs, but I can certainly try! I'm most comfortable with the Zeta universe since I've seen it a bunch of times. I have not watched Build Fighters. 8) Lloyd: Zeta Gundam - duel wielding two beam sabers because that doubles his power. it's also very fast and can transform which i think fits his personality.
Kratos: Hyaku-shiki - i mean... it has wings! all around good offensive unit and can operate the mega bazooka launcher (i'd love to see him do that)
Colette: Palace Athene - she needs the high defense over mobility tbh... but she packs quite a punch, as her artillery can sink a warship. perfect!
Genis: G-Defenser - he's smol and that will fit him LOL
Raine: commander
Sheena: Gundam Mk-II - for the high mobility (low defense tho)
Zelos: Qubeley - i imagine Zelos would have a knack for operating funnels
Presea: Psycho Gundam - because she'd definitely be a cyber-newtype. and it's really OP and tanky
Regal: Methuss - pretty mobile and tanky, also directly supports the Hyaku-shiki (Kratos) and i always thought they'd work well together
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kisant · 1 year
Annon-Guy: Feel free to correct me on this, but what do you think drew Emil and Marta to each other and made them fall in love with each other? In my views; Emil - Marta always supported him and changed her views in regards to him. Marta - When she began to see Emil for who he really is, she admired that he gives everything he has in spite of his fears and came to love his kind nature. This can also be extended to Ratatosk Emil too.
Continued Annon-Guy: Outside of Emil X Marta, what do you think of the other major romance pairings (Canon and Fanon)? Lloyd X Colette (Canon), Zelos X Sheena (Semi-Canon), Genis X Presea (Fanon, but I wish it was Canon), Raine X Regal (Fanon) and Alice X Decus (Canon). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, that's a good summary about what I like about the Emil x Marta relationship dynamic and storyline. This may be an unpopular opinion, but I think the devs made a risky but smart choice by having the new party be reduced to three characters (Emil, Marta and Tenebrae) with the OG Symphonia cast coming and going depending on plot events. That way, they could dedicate more time to flesh out Emil, Marta and Tenebrae along with their character dynamics and their relationships with each other. Emil and Marta's romantic storyline also benefitted from it, because we can see it develop and mature throughout the game, just like Emil and Marta do. That way, we get a small core of important new characters that the game can take a lot of time developing (Emil, Marta, Tenebrae, Richter, Alice and Decus), while still bringing in the old favourites from Symphonia that players were already familiar with.
About the other pairings, I enjoy all of those as well! Lloyd x Colette is excellent. Symphonia's character and plot writing is top-notch in general, and they dedicated a lot of love and care to writing Lloyd, Colette and their relationship with each other. Their growing closeness feels natural, and so does that they are willing to go to the ends of the earth to save each other, while still saving the world. Refusing to make Colette into a sacrifice while also refusing to forsake the world is the most difficult path to follow, but it is the one that eventually allows Lloyd to find a REAL solution to a problem that had stumped Mithos and the Kharlan heroes for 4000 years. Colette's journey is equally impactful. Because Colette is usually portrayed as being a cheerful, heartwarming, all-loving girl. But we can easily forget that Colette was groomed since she was born to have no care or regard for herself other than in her role of a self-sacrificing Chosen, that she had fully accepted that her fate was to "become an angel" (aka commit ritual suicide) so that the world can flourish. She was just sixteen years old when she was sent on her journey towards her own death, and she hid what the rituals were doing to her body until the final temple so that Lloyd and Genis could continue being happily oblivious to her ultimate fate. It takes the entire Sylvarant arc and most of the Tethe'alla arc for Colette to heal from what the Church of Martel and Cruxis had done to her sense of self and her self-esteem. That's how long it takes Colette to value her own life and want to live for herself, to be able to say no to the Church of Martel and the people of Sylvarant demanding that she kill herself for their sake, to not gracefully accept that she is a terribly selfish and cowardly failure of a Chosen for wanting to LIVE.
And Lloyd is the one who is willing to fight and argue with the entire world that Colette is a person who deserves to live for herself just like anyone else does. Lloyd cares, and the fact that Loyd cares and refuses to give into cynicism or accept sacrifices is what ends up not just saving Colette, but the world too. Because his care for Colette, the girl he loves, end up encompassing the Sylvarant and Tethe'alla, humans, elves, half-elves and dwarves. And that allows Lloyd to bridge the gap between worlds and cultures in order to save everyone, not just save his own group while condemning his "enemies".
Lloyd and Colette are also very fun together, and they are allowed to have fun and be childish when the occasion allows it. The game also gave them a lot of opportunities to dress up and go on little dates, which is adorable. I could talk about Lloyd and Colette forever, but the entire game is a giant Lloyd x Colette ship manifesto.
Zelos x Sheena is also an interesting potential ship because they are dealing with similar issues. It's no coincidence that Mithos made Zelos and Sheena face the same kind of illusion once he trapped them in Welgaia during the last stretch of the game. Both of them struggle with GUILT, Sheena because of the Volt incident and because she was sent to be an assassin in order to save her land when her heart is too kind to ever be one. And Zelos started struggling with guilt after the incident between his mother and Seles' mother, and especially Seles' house arrest. That's also the moment where he truly started to stuggle with and resent the role of the Chosen.
Zelos' other big struggle is whether to be selfish or to be selfless, to continue being the Chosen or allow Seles to be given the burden when he knows all it entails is suffering, to betray the group or risk his neck to save them. He was also the spy, and once the group accepts him, includes him, believes in him and allows him to be himself rather than the Chosen, he starts to feel guilty about his role as Mithos' spy.
Sheena and Zelos also end up in positions of leadership among their respective people, and they have a compatible dynamic. It's fun to see them play off each other, andthey had history together even before they met Lloyd's group. So it makes for some interesting potential relationship dynamics. Especially because Sheena is the one Tethea'lla woman who is very much neither fooled nor impressed with Zelos' fake playboy act. She gets mad at it, and reacts positively when Zelos is genuine and serious.
Genis x Presea is cute, but I can also see it as Presea being Genis' first serious crush that eventually fades. Genis' crush is intentense in the Tethe'alla arc, but it takes a backseat once Genis has to come to terms with Mithos' reveal and Presea has, likewise, to process Alicia's death. Neither of them are anywhere ready for a serious relationship at the end of the game, which doesn't mean that they can't develop some mutual feelings a few years later. And Presea haivng being exposed to an experimental Cruxis Crystal for ten years may actually make her be able to match Genis' half-elven lifespan, so they could have a lot of time for potential feelings to be developed in the future.
Raine x Regal are a good potential pairing as well, as they took the part of "Responsible Adult Team" in the symphonia group, they were the ones to take precautions that the younger members of the team overlooked, and they are on a similar wavelength. Dawn also gave some ship-tease with the letter writing between Regal and Raine.
Finally, Alice x Decus is a good tragic villain pairing, as we can easily see the potential for what it could have been if their circumstances and lives had been different. And they are also an excellent narrative mirror/foils to Marta x Emil, as they showcase nearly all the pitfalls either of them could fall into if they didn't put the work into growing as people and overcoming their character flaws. Instead, Alice and Decus allowed those character flaws to devour them, not even being able to truly communicate how much they cared for each other until they were dying for their beloved. And that's not even getting into what they DO to people they don't care about.
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goron-king-darunia · 2 years
DotNW Remake/Remaster - Anime Cutscenes
Annon-Guy: In a DotNW Remake/Remaster, there SHOULD definitely be more Anime Cutscenes throughout the Game. I may list too much, but give me thoughts if the following scenes should be an Anime Cutscene or not. I'll save the idea of cutscene ideas for Alice and Deucs Mode, Marta DLC and Richter DLC for another time.
P.S. This is going off the original game, even if a reworked script and some reworked scenes are involved.
1. Opening Movie (Should it be the old Wii/PS3 Opening or should it be a new Opening while the Wii/PS3 Opening is a special unlockable?)
2. The Blood Purge
3. Emil's Awakening (The Knight of Ratatosk Pact scene)
4. Lady Alice (First scene with Alice)
5. Colette (First scene with Colette)
6. Zelos (First scene with Zelos)
7. Professor Sage/Fall Out (First scene with Raine and when Emil tells Marta to stop seeing him as a fantasy knight.)
8. Genis (First scene with Genis)
9. Regal (First scene with Regal)
9A. An Old Friend (Ending of the second Richter Sidequest where he talks about his old friend.)
10. Decus (First scene with Decus)
11. Marta Killed!?/Sheena (Temple of Ice Ambush and First scene with Sheena)
12. The Real You (Emil X Marta scene in the Temple of Ice after getting separated from Sheena)
13. Tenebrae's Sacrifice
14. Ain Soph Aur and Eternal Recurrence
15. The Twin Lloyd's (Lloyd vs. Fake Lloyd)
16. Reconciliation (Ratatosk Emil X Marta scene)
17. Brute, Commander of the Vanguard (First scene with Brute)
18. Presea (First scene with Presea. One sadist down for the count!)
19. Memories (Ratatosk scene with Richter and Aster)
20. Ratatosk's core (Continuation of the above)
21. Coming into Being... (The Blood Purge scene after hatching Lumen)
22. Life as Ratatosk (Emil and Ratatosk Emil scene)
23. Never Apart (Emil X Marta Altimira scene. Please have an ACTUAL on screen kiss, please!)
24. The Death of Hate (Alice and Decus death scene)
25. The End of His and Her Journey (Farewell Scene)
26. Broken Heart (Bad Ending)
27. Sealed Heart (Normal Ending. Different dialogue at the end instead of continuing into the True Ending)
28. Symphony of the Heart (True Ending at Palmacosta)
What do you think?
GKD Here! 1. I actually think it would be cooler if the Opening was a new animation but you had to unlock it. Perhaps it could be related to the DLC? 2. Blood Purge definitely needs an animated cut scene. There's so much more you can say with animation that could subtly hint to the truth of "Lloyd" and "Emil" that new players wouldn't be able to pick up on but that people who played before or new people could pick up on on the second playthrough. I love really subtle foreshadowing. 3. I want the scene given all the gravitas of a magical girl transformation and I'm not joking. I want overly complicated rotating camera, sparkles, clothes manifesting on his silhouette from nowhere. 4 - 6, 8, 9, 10, 17, 18. I honestly think every initial encounter with a significant cast member should get an animated cutscene. There's a lot more you can do with subtle or exaggerated expression and animation to convey who a character is as opposed to just having models show up, have one of a dozen emotes, and another dozen preset gestures.
7. YES. Again, it's way easier to convey this kind of thing where you can see subtle expression. 9A. It'll split my heart right in half seeing Richter being allowed to have very subtle emotions. I want it so bad.
11. Even juicier if there's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment (I'm talking 2 frames at best honestly) where you can just barely see Richter show regret when he stabs Marta. Or a leaf out of Onshuu where you can see a split second relief like in Chapter 10 where Sheena steal's Marta away. Or there could be a complete fakeout with new players where it REALLY looks like Marta got killed.
12. Even though my OTP will always involve Emil being with Richter rather than Marta, I can appreciate a good mushy scene, especially if it fleshes out Marta more and makes her less insufferable.
13. I'm imagining it with the gravitas of Pell's sacrifice in the One Piece movie "The Desert Princess and the Pirates." Where Tenebrae just goes "It's been an honor serving you, Emil. You and Marta take care of each other." and there's just this slow scene of Tenebrae hoisting this massive monster into the air as Marta and Emil reach into the sky after him before this MASSIVE explosion happens. Honestly, if the scene made me cry it could make me care about Tenebrae the same way that scene made me care about Pell. Pell has very little presence in the movie despite the opening scene trying to set up a sort of tenderness between him and Vivi, but the self-talk, the subtle smile right before the end, Pell fully expecting to die. Even though I know he survives by the anime powers of plot armor and the writers having the grace to, er, NOT kill someone in a cartoon bombing so close after 9/11, the scene still makes me cry because, man, unbridled loyalty. I wish they played that up for Tenebrae more than his comic relief snarkyness. Tenebrae is (allegedly) dog-shaped because this is supposed to convey the loyalty we see from him in the bad end and the sacrifice scene. Play that shit up and I'll love him loads more. I'd show you the scene I'm talking about from the One Piece movie, but I think due to copyright reasons it's hard to find. You can watch the full movie on Netflix right now though.
14. The thought of seeing all the intricacies of Richter REALIZING something and seeing it on his face instead of having him hamfist it like "This arte! This timing! So indeed, you ARE Ratatosk!" That slow shift of surprise to understanding to sadness to RAGE as he realizes this kid he's had so much affection for is 100% Ratatosk is just... intense. And how much could be said with Ratatosk's expression?! Rage? Bloodlust? Or the subtle disgust he might have shown when swatting Aster with the same arte like Aster was a fly. Fear, even? We know from the nightmares that Ratatosk has some modicum of fear for the first mortal to ever come close to killing him. Even if Richter isn't particularly strong, Ratatosk sees him as a sort of symbol of his own rare, conditional mortality. Ratatosk realized for the first time, because of Richter, that even with his tree gone, he has something left that he CAN lose, even if it's almost impossible. Whatever the writers and artists choose to portray of Ratatosk in that scene could tell us a lot. Also watching the two of them fight, a wounded and vulnerable god-like being fighting like an animal because he, too, has vulnerabilities, the mortal with nothing left to lose that will stand against unfathomable power for the love of another and a concern, however small, for the world that dead friend loved so dearly? Fucking poetry.
15. Again, getting to compare the two before the big reveal instead of just getting one model that smirks and another model that doesn't would be amazing. 16. Again, Marta's not really involved in the ships I like, but even I can appreciate good mushy character-building content and its importance to the story that the developers wanted to tell. Fully rendered scenes that can be paced out slow and tender would do wonders for all the character development the game misses out on.
19. As undeniably funny as the original scene is with Aster getting ragdolled across that bridge in the 'Gap, yes, YES, 1000% yes. I really want to see this scene with the INTENDED weight to it. Especially if we get to see Richter cry. I've seen other people talk about it, but Richter's actions, good and bad and objectively evil at times, being dictated by LOVE is such an underutilized thing. And maybe Richter crying would hamfist it a bit, but it was done SO well in the Onshuu manga and I really want that carried over into the game in a cutscene because, like. Richter isn't wrong or evil or bad because he LACKS love. The reason he's wrong is because his love is so strong and so painful for him that he CAN'T see the harm he's about to cause until the gravity of it smacks him in the face with an entire city on fire or a girl almost dying by his hand. Obviously I find Richter much more sympathetic than Ratatosk, but the fact remains that both of them have that sort of fatal flaw. Ratatosk loved his tree and the planet so dearly that he was blind to the important role humans and half-elves had in the world, or, barring that, even if he was "objectively" right that humans and half-elves are a net harm in a way elves aren't... He still looked at sentient beings with the capacity to be good and do good and help the world, who loved the planet like he did, and decided "No, these creatures get to die." And seeing them be foils of each other and have love at the center of the narrative in ways that AREN'T the main romance between Emil and Marta is SO, SO good. Because it really sells the whole message that LOVE ISN'T INHERENTLY GOOD AND PURE AND RIGHT. But the intention usually is a good one. And that you have to learn to make your love SELFLESS and not selfish. At least, that's what I think the relationship with Marta and Emil was SUPPOSED to symbolize. If they had continued as they were at the start, their selfish love would have failed just as Ratatosk's and just as Richter's. Their love succeeds because (allegedly) they learn to love selflessly.
20. Probably not intended but I'm fully imagining the Onshuu scene where Richter just... with the deadest eyes and most tired/lonesome expression just examines the core and Tenebrae just "YOINK." And just... comedy to undercut the batshittery and tragedy that just unfolded. But I presume you're thinking more of the conflict between Tenebrae and Aqua and what it says about each of them that this scenario divided them. It's suggested that Tenebrae also thinks what Ratatosk did was wrong, but because he's thinking about the world at large and is also more loyal, he concludes that the best course of action is to basically convince Ratatosk to be better. Meanwhile, Aqua is thinking about the world, but she's also thinking about the people in it, Richter being one. And her loyalty to HIM because he and Aster saved her leads HER to conclude that the people of the world are more important than preserving the life of her master because she views Ratatosk slaying one of her saviors which did irreparable emotional damage to her OTHER savior as a betrayal toward her from Ratatosk and a betrayal to the world. And neither of them are WRONG, really. Aqua is sort of the perspective of restorative justice and Tenebrae is the perspective of rehabilitative justice and both are necessary for the fairest possible world. People who are wronged should have things made right (as much as realistically possible) and people who have done wrong should have a chance to improve.
21. I want to see Ratatosk struggle a moment to figure out how the whole pretending to be human thing works and then bump into poor Lana and just decide in the most traumatizing way possible that he's Emil now and he must suffer the way Emil ought to suffer. Ratatosk literally didn't have to do that. But he did. What a drama king. 10/10, giving your alternate persona immediate trauma to sell your new fake-identity.
22. I haven't played the game in years or seen a playthrough in years so you're going to have to refresh me on this specifically because I keep thinking of the actual final battle and I know you don't mean for that here. But I'm going to preemptively say yes, more Ratatosk/Emil figuring themselves and each other out. I'm assuming this is the hotel scene where Emil talks with Tenebrae?
23. Not gonna reiterate too hard but yes. Not my ideal smooch but if they're gonna sell us a romance, sell us the whole romance and show us the passion! (I'm imagining in my head that Marta's trying to use tongue and Emil just very confused about having the inside of his mouth licked. Not a suggestion of course. I would want it played straight and not for comedy. But my brain cannot take them seriously as a couple. XD Not without an improved final product at least.
24. Not sure how much blood they can show and still get a teen rating, but yes. Alice and Decus deserve to go out in a horrendous blaze of glory. Simultaneous Romeo and Juliet tragedy and also "you two are toxic heinous war criminals and you kind of deserve this." The conflict of emotions. Hell yes.
25. I think this is probably the scene that will benefit most from an animation. Marta's optimism and refusal to say goodbye is cloyingly naive. I think if we can maybe see her subtly holding back tears or something that it would be a massive improvement.
26. Watch Emil commit seppuku in glorious 2D animation? Yes please. Especially if we get some genuine emotion out of Marta for it.
27. For some reason I just have Unus Annus flashbacks of the ticking noise and just an ending shot of Richter's forehead as he turns toward the door at the very end and things fade to black as Ratatosk follows him.
28. As much as the true ending hurts me and my little Richter-centered heart, yes. A nice long heartwarming reunion for Marta and Emil. Richter would want Emil living a life Aster never got. So it better be a beautiful one. Fully animated and rendered skits would be amazing. With how well DotNW did in Japan, I really REALLY hope it eventually gets an anime. I would pay every red cent I have to see it. What little I got to see of Richter in Rays and other media was NOT ENOUGH. (Even with all the stills we get as card art and cut-in art and event art in other titles, we never get to see Richter's abominable cooking, and despite getting to see Emil and Aster eat, Richter never eats in any official art. Beanpole needs to EAT! (Grandma instincts out here telling me that Richter's not getting nourished, damn it! And I want official confirmation on what he enjoys eating besides herbs!)
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kumeko · 4 years
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Title: take a chance on me
A/N: For @princerazzie​, for the @talessecretsanta2019​! I like Zelos/Sheena a lot myself and went with a bit of an AU for them. Hope you like this!
Sheena stared at her physics textbook, at the carefully labeled diagrams of triangles and circles and odd-sided shapes. It was confusing, sure, but it was a comfortable confusing. She knew where she stood with physics and that was on the border of failing or passing the class.
 What was more uncertain, however, was the red-head smirking at her cheekily from across the table. There were many adjectives she could and would use to describe him—lazy, flippant, skirt-chaser. Smart was never one of them and she wasn’t sure what was worse, that he was tutoring her or that somehow, somehow, she was stupider than the guy who spent all of class flirting.
 Maybe it was a mistake. Maybe the teacher had swapped their papers by accident. She glanced at the textbook once more and sighed internally. No, she was definitely failing the class. Unfortunately, that meant Zelos was actually useful for once and she didn’t know what to make of that. He’d never shut up about it, that much she was certain. Every conversation carried forward would mark this day down. Considering that she’d known him since kindergarten and would probably, unfortunately, never stop knowing him, that was a lifetime of nose rubbing.
 She had to make new friends.
Zelos’s smirk grew wider as he caught her eye and shit, she’d been staring too long. “What’s wrong, beautiful? Can’t look away?”
 Her ears went red. It was a small miracle this was after school and no one was in the classroom right now. Or maybe that wasn’t such a good thing; it literally was just the two of them in a classroom, all alone. Sitting straight, she crossed her arms and scowled at him. “Of course not. I just…can’t believe it. How do you have the highest marks in class?”
 “Hey, I’m not just beauty, I’m brains too.” Zelos winked. He curled an arm and patted his bicep. “Maybe not brawn yet, but brawny isn’t nice to look at anyways.”
 “Ugghhhh,” she groaned. This was the nitwit she chose as her first and, for some reason, best friend. This was the man she was going to know for the rest of her life. No, not the rest of her life; she was never going to make it that far. Maybe even as soon as today, she was going to murder him. She’d been making progress with her juniors, with the air-headed pair of Colette and Lloyd. She didn’t need him anymore.
 Maybe she could learn physics just to hide his body.
 Stranger things have happened.
 “Hey, don’t groan so much.” Zelos tapped on the book to get her attention again. “It’s not my fault you’re failing.”
 “I’m not failing,” she snapped back, indignant. She crossed her arms defensively. “I’m just not passing.”
 “That’s the same thing,” he pointed out, his expression deadpan.
 He had a point. She didn’t want to admit. Sheena glared at him, before gesturing at the classroom windows. It was a surprisingly warm fall day, almost t-shirt weather, and she asked, “I thought you’d be out flirting or something on a day like this. Why’re you even here?”
 “And miss the chance for some alone time with you?” His tone was light, but his expression was serious. Sheena swallowed as he looked at her. “Never.”
 He was just flirting. It was like breathing to him. That’s all there was to it and Sheena tried to remember her skyrocketing heart that this meant nothing to him and even if it did, she didn’t care about it. She didn’t. Not in the least. “S-sure,” she managed, finally, her voice hitching slightly. “How many times have I heard that line before? You say it to everyone.”
 Zelos studied her for a moment. Did he see right through her? And what did that even mean, if he did? He broke into an easy smile and shrugged. “Caught me there.”
 Yep. That was to be expected. Sheena released the breath she didn’t know she was holding. Pushing forward the textbook, she tapped on the first problem. “Explain. The sooner we get through this, the sooner we can leave.”
 “So gung-ho.” Zelos chuckled, leaning closer to the textbook to read. His long hair brushed against her fingers and she resisted the urge to jump back. How had they done this when they were kids? She felt so much more self-conscious of him these days. He read the book, his lips mouthing the problem silently, and sat back. Cocking his head, he asked, “So…you don’t get what, exactly?”
 “Everything.” Sheena rolled her eyes. She’d thought it was obvious. “The whole thing. All that stuff about volts and watts and circuits and the funny diagrams. None of it makes sense.”
 “I thought you were paying attention in class. You didn’t even understand one thing.” His brow furrowed and he shot her a pitying look. “I knew you were an idiot, but I underestimated how much.”
 She bit back a scream. Every conversation they had left her feeling like this: mildly annoyed and frustrated. “It’s not like you’re much smarter.”
 Zelos snorted derisively. “I am.”
 “Ok, fine, you’re better in class, but you know what? Out there, in the streets? You wouldn’t last a minute,” Sheena growled, her hands curling on the desk. Her nails dug into the wood, as though she could transmit her irritation into the furniture.
 Now Zelos looked at her sadly. Reaching out, he tenderly covered her hand, his touch light. “I’m also better there too, honey.”
 She yanked her hand away, her skin burning. His touch was seared onto her skin and she could still feel his fingers brushing against her wrist. Flushing a bright red, she leaned forward and yanked on his tie, forcing him to her eye level. “Just. Teach. Me. Already.”
 Now that she was this close to him, she could see that his eyes weren’t quite as light blue as she thought. There were flecks of dark blue, a more haunting colour, and with his eyes as wide as they were now, they were impossible to miss. No, that wasn’t why, it was because she was so damn close. She hadn’t realized just how much she’d leaned forward. Their noses were almost bumping and she could feel his breath on her lips. There was a slight blush on his cheeks and she felt irrationally proud of that, of getting him to turn red instead of her for once.
 But he was close, too close, and Sheena felt a familiar flush colour her face too. Her grip on his tie loosened and she swallowed. “I…”
 His lips moved and she was aware of it, so keenly aware of it. “You…”
 She had to back away. This was a danger zone, the area she didn’t thread with him no matter how many years they knew each other. No, maybe it was precisely because of how many years they knew each other—she didn’t want to be his next conquest, his next short-term fling.
 But he was close, too close, and when he moved forward, closing the gap, all she could do was close her eyes as she forgot how to breath. As his lips crushed hers. As his hands threaded through her hair, pulling her impossibly closer. The desk pressed against her stomach and his chair scrapped as he tried to get nearer. His hair was softer than she’d thought, she realized idly as she gripped his head back. Her body seemed to have a will of its own, knowing just what to do, where to move.
 Finally, running out of breath, he let go, and she sank back into her seat. Her breathing was shallow, rapid, and she stared at him with wide eyes. At least he looked like she did; she didn’t know if she could handle being smirked at right now. She watched as he raised a hand to his lips, as he stared from his finger to her, and then back again.
 “This isn’t a dream, is it?” he asked finally.
 “A nightmare, more like,” she managed, closing her eyes. “This was a mistake.”
 “A mistake?” he repeated, and she could hear the undisguised hurt in his voice. “You didn’t want it?”
 “Of course I—” She cut herself off before she could say anything else. Cracking an eye open, she froze at the frown on his face, the way his shoulders slumped, at how small he looked at her words. Sometimes, she forgot he had a heart.
 Sometimes, she forgot that he did actually care about things. About people. About her. For all of their headbutting, he was one of her closest friends and she never knew what that said about her.
 “I didn’t mean it that way.” Sheena sighed, pinching her nose. Some honesty couldn’t hurt. Just a little, at least. “I…it was nice…and I…” Oh god, no, she was wrong, honesty could hurt. The words were like taffy in her mouth and she forced them out. “I liked it.”
 Zelos was caught entirely off-guard and his mouth fell open. “Hhh?” he managed unintelligibly.
 Sheena shook her head. “I’m not repeating that.”
 It was too late. She should have known better than to give him even the smallest indication that she maybe-kinda liked his attention. Zelos bounced back to his usual level of enthusiasm and leaned forward onto the desk. Resting his chin on his hands, he smirked at her. “You liked it.”
 “I…” She couldn’t even tell him to not put words in her mouth, those were the very words and phrasing that she’d said it. Sheena clicked her tongue, sitting back as far as she could in her chair. With a frown, she added, “But that doesn’t make it any less of a mistake.”
 “How so?” he asked and maybe he didn’t understand what mistake meant, because his smirk was only growing bigger with every second.
 “How is it not?” she growled back, trying not to gesture with her hands because when she did, she’d lean closer, and if she did, they were definitely going to kiss again.
 She just knew it.
 Taking a deep breath, she calmed herself. “You know how you are with girls. I know how you are with girls. We both know this is going nowhere. All this did was make our friendship awkward.”
 Zelos stared at her unblinking. “Hmmm,” he hummed, considering it all. She felt her cheeks redden again at the attention; the way he studied her did dangerous things to her heart. “Right. I see.” He sat up now. “But what if that isn’t what happened.”
 “What?” Sheena looked at him owlishly.
 “What if I don’t act like I do normally?” he said slowly, each word deliberate. “I told you before, I’m serious about you.”
 “That was teasing,” she managed to reply, falling back to her old defenses.
 “It wasn’t. It never was.” He held out a hand, palm up. “I’m serious about you. I always have been.”
 And for once, she had to admit the honesty of his words. There was no teasing lit, no flowery words. She can’t remember the last time she saw him like this, so earnest, so open. Never, really. No, that’s not quite right—he’d always been a little vulnerable with her, a little open. Not quite the player he always pretended to be.
 Sheena stared at his open hand, at his hopeful eyes, and swallowed. “You’re not kidding.”
 “I’m not,” he repeated.
 This was a mistake. Sheena was ninety-percent certain about that—she’d known Zelos for years. She knew his moves, what he did, how he left girls.
 She took his hand anyways.
 Zelos broke into a wide smile and she stared, transfixed. Even if it was a mistake, it was too late. They were always heading here, she’d just been too stubborn to admit it.
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annon-guy2 · 7 months
Tales of Symphonia: Successors of Hope - Chapter 7: The Power of Faith
Chapter Protagonist: Zelos Wilder
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Special thanks to tumblr user, The Science of Aster, for download to the Novel.
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kindlystrawberry · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Tales of Symphonia Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Lloyd Irving/Zelos Wilder, Colette Brunel/Sheena Fujibayashi Characters: Zelos Wilder, Lloyd Irving, Colette Brunel, Sheena Fujibayashi
Additional Tags: no beta read we post first drafts and cringe at the typos together like a family, Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Road Trips, Hangover, Alcohol, Love Confessions, Sort Of, Cuddling & Snuggling, Fluff, Character Study, Zelos has an inner monologue and it won't shut up, Morning Cuddles, Explicit Language, sfw, Bisexual Zelos Wilder
Summary: Zelos wakes up with a hangover, a best friend who's finally confessed to her crush, and a guy on top of him. Overall, this is an average morning for him.
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kyaruun · 5 years
For some reason I dreamt of one of my old OTPs from a game that's like 15 years old and I'm here, sobbing on a corner because I love them so much _(:_」∠)_
S-Should I draw them...
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stray-tori · 6 years
look, I did a productive thing.
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yume-x-hanabi · 2 years
Colloyd for 001 of the ask meme!
001 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
when I started shipping it if I did: So I have a weird history with it because I shipped it on first playthrough because of the Flanoir part in the Opening, but then after that I shamefully let fandom's opinion of Colette influence me so I had a period of "ugh Colette is annoying and always in the way" (i know...). Thankfully that stopped and I went back to loving Colette and Colloyd, especially when I played in Japanese (because Nana. can't resist Nana).
my thoughts: They're so cute and sweet and tbh so perfect for each other? like they're on the same wavelength in their own dorky way and it's wonderful
What makes me happy about them: Everything.
What makes me sad about them: Nothing really? Like the few issues they had were resolved pretty satisfyingly in the game so...
things done in fanfic that annoys me: ngl it's been way too long since I was actively in ToS fandom so I don't remember anything I hated in fics. Aside maybe for non-Colloyd fics demonizing Colette/making Lloyd not care about her ig
things I look for in fanfic: As I said I'm not really active in ToS fandom anymore so I don't really seek out fics. ig them being their adorkable selves is always great to see?
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Zelos, Sheena. For both tbh XD
My happily ever after for them: A peaceful life with plenty of kids and dogs.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: They alternate.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: Helping people. Going around town helping out with this or that, playing with the local kids, petting dogs, stuff like that x)
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xhda1449x · 3 years
ALRIGHT my ship list
I decided to list all of my ships after all. If you don’t like any of them but don’t mind that I enjoy them, cool! I probably like your ships as well, these are just my favorite and the ones I post about a lot. The only ships I don’t like are incest and 10+ years age difference + Axel x Kairi for personal reasons. But if you do ship them, good for you! Just don’t tag me in posts about them I guess
if you want my opinion on a specific ship, you can send me an ask (I’d prefer that instead of a message, again, my messages are a mess)
Ace Attorney
narumayo (Phoenix x Maya)
justicykes (Apollo x Athena)
trupearl (Trucy x Pearl)
klema (Klavier x Ema)
blackmadhi (Simon x Nahyuta)
Iris x Franziska (if you know someone who ships these two, please let me know, I literally can’t find anyone else)
Ema x Kay
Kay x Sebastian
junipollothena (Juniper x Apollo x Athena)
junithena (Juniper x Athena)
Kingdom Hearts
sokai (Sora x Kairi)
sorikai (Sora x Riku x Kairi)
rikunami (Riku/Repliku x Naminé)
rokushi (Roxas x Xion)
akusai (Axel/Lea x Saïx/Isa)
terraqua (Terra x Aqua)
xehaqus (Xehanort x Eraqus)
akuaku (Axel/Lea x Aqua)
namixi (Naminé x Xion)
xiolette (Xion x Olette, not sure if that’s the actual ship name)
Hayner x Pence
Hayner x Seifer
Olette x Fuu (again, if you or someone you know post about them, please let me know, I can’t believe it took me this long to get into this ship but I really like it)
marlar (Marluxia/Lauriam x Larxene/Elrena)
skulmera (Skuld x Ephemer)
venlitzia (Ventus x Strelitzia)
Persona 5
almost all of them, my favorite are
Joker x Futaba
Makoto x Haru
Joker x Sumi
Sumi x Futaba
Joker x Ryuji
Ryuji x Ann
Yusuke x Hifumi (started as a joke then I read a fanfiction and just. yeah.)
agent 24 (Three x Eight, any genders)
pearlina (Pearl x Marina)
nekushiki (Neku x Shiki)
Rindo x Shoka
Joshua x Hazuki
I don’t really have ships I’m too crazy about? But these are some that I sometimes reblog
sonamy (Sonic x Amy)
silvaze (Silver x Blaze)
SNK/Attack on Titan
I also don’t really reblog these, the main ones that I’ll reblog sometimes are beruani and ymihisu
beruani (Bertholdt x Annie)
yumihisu (Ymir x Historia)
springles (Conny x Sasha)
minannie (Mina x Annie)
eruri (Erwin x Levi)
mobuhan (Moblit x Hange)
falgabi (Falco x Gabi)
reibert (Reiner x Bertholdt)
aruani (Armin x Annie)
marujan (Marco x Jean)
eremika (Eren x Mikasa)
Tales games (Tales of games whatever you want to call them)
Lloyd x Colette
Zelos x Sheena
Velvet x Eleanor
Genshin Impact
Bennett x Fischl
Keqing x Xiangling
Venti x Lumine
Beidou x Ningguang
Zhongli x Ningguang
Itto x Sara
Thoma x Ayaka
Xiao x Yanfei (for Reasons)
devil may cry
nerokiri (Nero x Kyrie)
Lady x Trish (do they have a ship name??? idk. I feel like they should though)
I’ll update this post whenever I find a new ship that I really enjoy! Also I started tagging ships now so you can block the tags if you don’t want to see them
I wrote this in the other post but here is it again: I tag ships with the name, if it doesn’t have a name or it’s something less known I’ll tag it like “character 1 x character 2″
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seleniahanabira · 4 years
[AC] Tales of Costume QR Masterpost
[Will be Updated - for Animal Crossing games compatible with the QR code system; in New Horizons, these can be obtained by downloading the Nintendo Switch App, activating NookLink and scanning in the QR codes]
Tales of Phantasia
Arche (Halloween)
Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon X
Tales of Destiny
Tales of Destiny 2
Tales of Symphonia
Masterpost (Lloyd, Colette, Genis, Raine, Kratos, Zelos, Sheena, Regal, Presea)
Masterpost (Colette, Lloyd, Kratos)
Lloyd (Formal)
Colette (Formal)
Colette (Beach)
Colette (Cheerleader)
Colette (Christmas)
Presea (Little Madam)
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World
Emil (School Uniform)
Marta (Cheerleader)
Tales of Legendia
Tales of the Abyss
Masterpost (Luke, Tear, Guy, Natalia, Jade, Anise, Asch)
Masterpost (Luke, Tear, Guy, Natalia, Jade, Anise)
Masterpost (Asch, Ion, Legretta, Sync, Arietta, Largo, Dist)
Fon Master Ion
Sync the Tempest
Luke (Formal)
Guy (Formal)
Jade (Butler)
Natalia (Princess)
Anise (Halloween)
Tales of Hearts
Kohaku, Ines
Beryl, Kunzite
Tales of Vesperia
School Uniforms (Yuri and Flynn)
Yuri (various outfits)
Masterpost (Yuri, Flynn, Estelle, Rita, Karol, Raven, Judith, Patty)
Yuri (Halloween)
Rita (Waiter)
Rita (Halloween)
Patty (Great Pirate Successor)
Patty (Beach)
Tales of Graces
Asbel (shirt)
Asbel (Dress)
Asbel (Child)
Asbel (Christmas)
Hubert (Child)
Richard (Child)
Pascal (School Uniform)
Sophie (School Uniform)
Sophie (Lolita)
Sophie (Raincoat)
Tales of Xillia
Jude (Shirt)
Jude (Dress)
Jude (Christmas)
Leia (School Uniform)
Elize (Alt Colours)
Elize (Christmas)
Elize (School Uniform)
Elize (Halloween)
Milla (Christmas)
Milla (School Uniform)
Tales of Xillia 2
Ludger (Rollo Hoodie)
Ludger (Alt Colours)
Ludger (Chef)
Elize (Alt Colours)
Elize (No Jacket)
Masterpost (Elle, Ludger, Ludger Variation)
Tales of Zestiria
Epilogue Mikleo
Mikleo Variation
Edna (Alt Colours)
Presa (ToX), Luke Variation (TotA), Ludger Variation (ToX2) x2, Raven Variation (ToV)
Sophie (ToG), Alt Milla (ToX2), Elle (ToX2), Natalia (TotA), Reala (ToD2), Elize (ToX2)
Rutee (ToD), Chat (ToE)
Reid (ToE), Sophie (ToG)
Richard (ToG), Meredy (ToE), Alt Milla (ToX2)
Various incl costumes from Phantasia, Destiny 2, Symphonia, Symphonia: DotNW, Legendia, Abyss, Vesperia, Graces, Xillia/2, Zestiria, Link, Radiant Mythology, World
Update 1: 20/3/2020 23:10 GMT [Zestiria, Phantasia, Vesperia + Xillia/2 Add-on] Update 2: 21/3/2020 13:45 GMT [P, P:NDX, D, D2, S:DotNW | Multiple Addons]
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