#she's so slay she's so swag she's so hot
penofwildfire · 16 days
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Here's your wife @nyaskitten, as requested
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The reference image Raine sent me
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sailorsleepymoon · 11 months
I’m reading a book called The Black Witch and I’m 52% of the way in. And so far the story seems to be girl from backwater town in the middle of nowhere goes to diverse university and almost becomes a nazi but doesn’t and becomes leftist instead
Which. Yknow. Based lmao
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totaldrama-showdowns · 6 months
Submissions that didn’t make it into the Best Outfit Showdown! Including invalid ones. With the amount of characters nominated, the requirement to enter became three separate submissions! Apologies if a character you submitted didn’t make it in!
“it's very cute! cute colours and it's realistic. her boots are a little off but her jacket makes up for it #millie sweep”
“he's got that garden gnome-type swag. that spellcaster rizz. look me in the eyes and tell me this absolute LARPing chad isn't drowning in [REDACTED].”
“he looks more like a teenager than anyone else. I look at him and think "yeah that's a 13 year old". they peaked”
Bear Suit Izzy
“Go girl, you slay in that fursuit”
Izzy (in her swimsuit)
“Her outfit fits her personality pretty well already, and i think her swimsuit's even better! Especially when she has a harpon. She would have a harpon.”
pilot chef
“he didn't go to flight school but he DID buy a pilots outfit and that's what really counts :)”
“she was so real for showing up to an internationally broadcasted reality TV show in a hoodie and sweatpants”
“Her dress is actually pretty! Also her dress behind above her knees fits the environment she's in”
anne maria
“she slays idk”
the ice dancers, both of them.
“they served”
“idk I like her”
“It just really works for her”
“I would wear that”
Lindsay's up the creek outfit; José; Jasmine
“It's sooo awesome I fucking love it.jkirt (jean skirt) and a cool red top?? Slay I love her sooo much
José has blue and black which slaaaays Alejandro's colour scheme I'm sooo sorry but also not really
Jasmine. Nuff said yeah boyyyyyyyyy!!!”
The local from bjorken telephone
“She SLAYED that swan. We all know that. No one else dresses better than her”
“Her outfit is totally cute and I think it holds up today :D”
“The colors look really good on her and work well with the environment (A female character with proper shoes! wow!) and her personality. The attention to detail that since shes so tall she doesnt really properly fit into her clothes is funny”
“It's cunty. It's iconic. It screams "early 2000s" and it's so HEATHER”
“really really fucking cute. Highlights aspects of her character which is especially good for her being a twist villain. The colors harmonize well especially in scenes with dark colored backgrounds”
“What can I say? She's hot. The outfit works”
“her outfit makes sense, unlike all of the others on this show”
Princess Courtney
“It’s purple and Courtney is pretty and I like her :)”
Drama Brothers Harold
“idk why he was in the last poll his fit goes hard”
“her outfit is so cute. i love her sweater. plus she’s literally a fashion blogger”
“the color scheme is nice and idk she looks cute i love her”
“she looks so nerdy it fits her character so well. and her outfit is just adorable”
courtney’s human cricket costume
“the little antenna are so cute. and she was so smart for coming up with it. she deserved to win that challenge”
courtney in the weird blonde wig
“the outfit isnt that special but it’s so iconic. that moment changed lives”
“ok largely this is because i had a crush on her when i was 11”
Gwen’s pajamas
“How come Gwen goes to sleep wearing an awesome fit but when she wakes up she looks at her 3 shirts and goes "Yeah this is perfect"”
“His outfit is good. Only his outfit. I'm a big fan of it. Chase himself sucks tho”
“shes soooo cute!! why didnt they keep those i luv u heather it was nice to see.. heather that likes pink bunnies she tries to keep that side of herself secret too often<3”
military tank top chef
“tom of finland slay”
Prison fit duncan
craptry sugar
“SUGA HOLLA!!! it was sooo cute i loved it the pink jeans looked great and i definitely prefer the pink and white color scheme to her regular outfit and i love her regular outfit too! but pink jeans!! i luv u sugar”
Intern Dakota
“slayed what else is there to say <3”
Cowboy Chris
“bro’s got the drip”
“I love their cat headphones and their gamer chair. super swag”
“Love the gaming chair :)”
“Her hoodie is super cute imo”
“i have vague memories of a camel slaying in rr”
“They rock my world like a hurricane”
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livvyofthelake · 9 months
um ok so basically. i need rachel sennott so bad. like biblically. carnally. * **** ** *** ** *** ******* *** ***** *** ***** **** *** **** **** **** *********. don't worry about what any of that says. anyway so her character in bottoms was crazy she sucked so bad she was so pathetic she spent half the movie having a broken nose or black eyes it was sexy it was hot it was massive. her lesbian femcel realness. her cunt swag. she was just a real fucking bitch. i want her in me. who said that. oh my god anyway.... yeah and then of course ayo edebiri slayed crazy hard. she was like every nerd loser boy character in every high school comedy for the past thirty years but she was a lesbian, unparalled character writing. i loved the part where she ****** ****** **** ***..... i loved the part where. sorry i had to stop typing to gigggle about that scene again. i can't get into the specifics but the climax of the movie involves her essenitally firemans carrying nicholas galitzine. it's hard to explain you'll get it when you see it. but it was funny as hell... she also has this monologue at the very beginning of the movie that had me absolutely cackling... speaking of, this movie was SO GODDAMN FUNNY. we were laughing up a storm, we laughed more than any of the other people in that theater, all 6 of them. big crowd.... anyway we were sitting in the back row just fucking cackling and screaming and giggling up a storm i don't even care if it was annoying i deserved to be seeing that movie more than any of the other people there... you don't understand there were men there. i HOPE i ruined their experience fr. like it was 90 minutes long and i'm telling you i spent at least half that time laughing i've never seen a funnier movie in my life i'm so so so serious...
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auxiliarydetective · 8 months
Who has the biggest Slay™? Tie-breaker!
Yes, there was another tie. So, let's settle this once and for all!
Donald Malarkey as Roger Rabbit (funny guy with hot girlfriend)
Anita Reed as Jessica Rabbit (she IS Jessica Rabbit, hot as all hell, and her boyfriend is a jester, thus he has to be Roger Rabbit)
Tasha Yar as Ruby (hot-headed, head-over-heels for her girlfriend)
K'Rala as Sapphire (seemingly calm and collected but will get pissed if angered, would melt for their girlfriend)
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astraleras · 1 year
Well. It's 12:30 might make a post that's been simmering in my head for.... a hot minute
FFXIV x Guilty Gear AU, anyone? :3c
Currently I don't know how to plot this as its me just kicking my feet and giggling making designs for characters and fitting them into the world OK! Let us start with our party (Might not even be in the Seventh Astral/Umbral era!!)
I dont have much ANY tangible sketches for Sol but he's going to be a Xaela subspecies Au'Ra (Draconic features and that hourglass shape? Very Sol.) adventurer, who wields a Gunblade (making him a Gunbreaker!) He's not too far off Guilty Gear canon, most likely to be protagonist since references to the sun hahahah :) (Maybe Order Sol having the role that Ardbert had??!?!?!!?!?!)
Ky is an Ishgardian Elezen for sure, it just, works. And he fits being a Red Mage SOOOOO much (Lightning magic, cool sword/rapier and the acrobatics) The design below isn't set in stone it's just a maybe place holder, looks nice tho!!
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Justice/Aria is also here. She is girlbossing so hard, I think she'll swap to Sage or maybe stay as a Paladin after her whole Justice alias is known since she can do that. Raen Au'Ra this time, so cool. I think Asuka might do his gay magic and muck up Arias memories (or not) Also design below woooo!!!
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Axl, I am pushing the cat boy Axl agenda making him a Mi'qote, Seeker of the Sun since of course he is. BUT. He's a Reaper!!! His Voidsent is named Megumi hehehehe (Im so mean and cruel to him sorry Axl :() Also I-No is there too, she is a Miqo as well, but a Bard (They have the guitar from that one crossover, I think) look at how bad I am at drawing witch hats haha
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Dizzy!! She's a mix between a Xaela and Raen Au'Ra!! Ponytail for the hair this time, she looks nice in a ponytail :) She fits being a SCH so, she be Scholaring woohoo!! The clothing is so badly drawn and just a place holder but you get the gist
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This. This Venom design is so slay, he's a Viera AND a Dragoon, how homosexual of him!! I think the Assassin's guild would be up in Ishgard since maybe Slayer is Ishgardian, I don't know!! But look at this design, I'm so proud of my creativity (Should Robo-Ky be a dragon? Hmm....)
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Asuka. Hyur, Midlander (since he's mid, KIDDING!!) Though, I might make him a Mi'qote later if I feel like it. He is a Summoner, he be summoning. That's it, it's an Asuka.
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Raven :) there is no bird races in FFXIV. A pity. So, he's a Padjal, their cool and live for a while and I have a few Vieras already so ja. Black Mage since he is EVIL not really, just is good as magic and big ol robes, so swag.
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Zato. Probably just going to make him a Hyur (Maybe Garlean???) since he is boring (affectionate) and he is a Dark Knight!!! I already have like two Reapers so yeah. Also big chunky armour, finally he isn't slutty lol.
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Sin- Au'Ra/Elezen . Dragoon
Ramlethal - Mi'qote . Dark Knight
Elphelt - Viera . Machinist
Leo - Hrothgar . Paladin
Testament - Au'Ra . Reaper
Happy Chaos - Au'Ra . Machinist
May - Lalafell (From somewhere in Doma) . Warrior
Chipp - Mi'qote (Limsa, says he's from Kugane) . Ninja
Millia - Viera . Dancer
Johnny - Hyur . Samurai
Anji - Hyur (Doman) . Dancer
Jam - Hyur . Monk
Baiken - Hyur (Doman) . Samurai
Potemkin - Roegydn . Monk
Bridget - Viera . Astrologian
Nagoriyuki - Roegydn (somewhere from Othard, Gosetsu did it lol) . Samurai
A.B.A - Hyur . Warrior
Bedman - Lalafell . Summoner
Slayer - Elezen . Monk
Giovanna - Mi'qote . Monk
Goldlewis - Hyur (Highlander) . Warrior
Faust - Elezen . White Mage
Answer - Viera . Ninja
Yaaaay :)
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i have another mb list
note: adam is the drill director, cole is the music director, jon is the pt instructer, carly is drum major :)
theres lots of swearing, sex jokes and crude humor, read at your on risk.
"ref femington" "f remington?"
"do u think mr gessel is here" "mr gaslight??"
"carly ur killing it as drum slayjer"
"i come from a drum major growing farm" "did you grow on a tree" "i did"
"i am going to get humoungus shoulder bones"
"why are tou fingering my trumpet"
"do what i say not as i mean" "waot no"
"brain brain brain brain says yes i can okay"
*cries in reed wall*
"i got a dimple bc i got hit by a truck"
"blessinfs of the flying spagetri monster"
"do the rhing"
"nate was like i talked to Micheal after we stopped being friends bc he didnt choose jazz"
"dick and balls"-mason
"it looks like a jail"
"by the double doors-" "dumbledore??"
"where the fuck did my phon-" "WOAH THERE." "on the stage?" "watch ur fuxking mouth"
"grant cant be rushing the trumpets to the field while toris takin a smoke break"
"colby does my music inside my bell look sexy" "hot"
"kachow?" "KACHIGGA"
"was bernie sanders in dci"
"do as i mean not as i say"
"if you summon a demon you must make thrm a sandwich" "im wanna be a demon so people make me sandwiches"
*metranome noises*
/uh/ "tqkes me back" "wHAT" "STORYTIME?!"
"in the beginning, there was cole lobdell"
"are we not allowed to have fun" "AbsoLuT lY nOt"
*nods to george laying dead on the ground* "he does that a lot, doesnt he?" *nods*
"mellos stop showing off"
"stab wm like oj" "alledegy"
"are you dancing to the abulance siren-"
"you guys are starting to sound like a decent mb" "YEAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
*look9ng at uneven lines* "those lines are straighter then me"
"was that dupposed to be british sxottish or Australian?" "good question"
"theyre both boring" "exCusE mE dId yOu jUst dIreSpEct oUr nAtIonAl aNtHem"
"we need to slay harder" ".. yes that"
"why do drugs when sprinkles"
"i hope that you achieve your wildest dreams neighbor"
"jon is mean sometimes neighbor" "jon is really a terrible person neighbkr"
"ill venmo you my soul"
*cries in hardware store*
"i want to kiss a woman" /whispering/ "yea"
"you cant be late if adam isnt out here before you are" "that is a correct statement"
"aAron" "what" "shut up" "no i will die on thr british hill"
"oh blimey its adam"
"oh poppycock its the razzers"
"wer we gonna slat the whole way" "mercilessly slaighter"
"slay target queen adam" "target princess"
"forkcus- oo forkus- FOCUS"
"/chucks shoes across the field to show a better demo/"
"you better slay bitches"
"can we talk for a minute abt the strange journey of the word dope-"
"we should build a wall and make jazz 1 pay for it"
"im gonna need an algebraic expression for ur straightness"
"the queen is being reincarnated as trisha payatas kid"
"i am sorry for bringing the vibe down"
"is that gonna be a slack channel-"
"bring the beat in" "ANYTHING FOR YOU BEYONCÉ"
"we are taking the hypetrain to slaytown"
"phillip the metranome boi"
/addy with a sousa/ "colby do you think it fits me?" *aggressively shakes head no*
*aggressively yell counts* "how do you guys FEEL"
"do you like men or do you like women" "yes. /silence/ wAIT-"
"#do not drag #slay #swag"
"im sure its important info but youre hearing THE SOURCE"
"im sorry i neglected you" "remember when cole neglected us? pfft. loser."
"shes giving dead but shell alwats serve; june, probably"
"and without further adue the hmb present the national anthem" "from memory" "from memory" "with skyrim"
/skyrim ambiance/
"that is not a joke it is just straight facts"
"did you feel good abt listening to us ballade"
"im not even white lying" "are you saying youve done that before"
"see if we shame them enough shame becomes fear"
"cheese grater 2.0!"
"mom alex is being kinky"
"you are only half a woman"
"see so i have a kink for men and /blank/ has a kink for women" "it cancels out"
"see so i dont like children and i dont like sex so no more sex no more sex no more sex"
"i want to get mentally better so men can hit on me so i can get mentallt better"
"i dOnT hAvE thEm dAnG proNounS iM an AmerIcAn"
"i forgor my pronouns"
"ladies lads and non binary chads"
"oh by the way /blank/ im sexist now" "nice"
"hi im sexost" "gello felloe sexist"
"sarah i dont think ive ever heard you say smth as relatable as "im going to eat smth flr my mental health""
"a wood made of reed" /couple seconds/ "wAIT-"
"just march brass and then youll never have that problem" "respectfully no."
"not to be political or anything but honosexual... is kinda gay" "woah"
"activate yoyr slat switch"
"trumpets" /dramatic pause/ dayummmmm"
"colby do you agree that john loves balls"
"if i see another person climb a fence i will be a very sad boi"
"learning the rest of the salad'
"loop doop doopity loop doop"
"well /pause/ if the sparkplug fits"
"colby did you like my trill" "i was not... mentally prepared for it"
"wait no it was a del taco" "fre sha vac a do"
"i am not touchin yalls sweaty ass hands'
"/takes addys hand/ /knees down/ "queen? /gasp/ /sniffle/ i do" /arron plays the beginnings of careless whisper/
/in the middle of a rep/ "FUCK"
"what the absolute fuck is that every time i look over here you two are doing whatever thr goddamn fuck that is what even-"
"so like vocal ideA: snares sing the first verse of i am a gummy bear. like i think its actually a really good idea"
"that was very intimate" "uH *confused straight noises*"
"sarahs just laughing at us"
"like cockwork" "tee hee"
"remy!" "yea?" "you have been promoted to stick boi"
"me when split squat"
"tue ghost of george was playing a beat early"
"tenors one of yoy is coming in early" "YEAH GEORGE" /george is not there/
"adam hancock is draco malfoy" "POTTAH-"
/dutdut dah daht/ "sports"
"they locked us out of the school :("
*plays careless whisper really loud and scream sings half of the lyrics over loud band noises*
*spontaneously plays half of 7 nation army with only bass line as an entire band*
"sorry me and cole have like 0 brain cells combined-"
"nobody leaves until weve falcon prided"
"ate my grandma ans call my daddy oat lawd"
"i beg of thee to pls unlock thy band room door"
"guys omg were still winning"
"prep step on god"
"imagine flirting with the drumline" "imagine not flirting with the drum line"
"bloody stumps on the yard line"
"you ever just look at drum line and are like w o a h" "are you calling me sexy" "i mean-" "I MEAN-C
"thanks queen" /over speaker/ "hashtag slay"
"yo team that was hashtag slay"
"are they really homies if you dont kiss rgem goodnight"
"band ten slay"
"if you do that i will be sad boi hours"
"see im supposed to give all my organs to carly but you can have my balls"
"shhhh i like phillips legs"
"where did stick boi go he forgor his stic"
"not only will i go against your wishes i will go thr complete opposite direction"
"talk less!" "...smile more" "dont let them know ehat your against or what your for?" "you cant be serious" "you wanna get ahead?" "yea" "fools who run their mouthes off wind up dead" "STOP QUOTING HAMILTON"
"if you dont stop i will slay you with a spear"
"I A M F I R S T" /but said like i am spartus/
"jesus christ-" "you called?"
"i have a social life during marching band"
/gasp/ "adam!" /gasp/ "aADAM"
"mw when fruity"
"bro im goung on the second bus"
"adams head just swung open and out popped out colby thr drum major so no he did not grow on a tree"
"oh dear the contible you must find yourself a place to hide"
"you blew my wig off"
"i need a will to live" "same i think theyre 23 cents at 7/11"
"ngl i didnt see that correctly and i thought colby and jon were holsing hands"
"its like a bunch of bb birds" ..kinda gross lowkey"
"you can decline but idk why you would liek honestly get ur life together"
"hey bandits c:"
"its a conga line" "but like an intimate conga line"
"jack you look- .. i was gonn say hot but im nkt sure if thatd allowed"
*sad band hours*
"yo that was cRISPY"
"a little curvy is okay" "a little,,, fruity,,, if you will "
"guys their show is twitter" "that is an interesting show name"
"YO THEY MADE A TRIANGLE I LOVE TRIANGLES" "personally i like potatoes"
"i think we should have a band get to tegther where tougrt kicked out if you dont make xomments on everything"
"guys at the end of the show you should light me on fire" "like in a cute way"
"cole do you feel at home in the choas kf marching band" "yea 😌"
"you ever just throw a colby in ur carly"
"ill be the colby to your carly"
"drunk driving best driving'
"work harder, not smarter"
"sax section vocab section"
"sax section smoking section" "sax section SOBER SECTION"
"gay eighth notes"
"sax section consenual sex section"
"mr lobdell do you want to babysit adams kids"
"cwrly whar are you doung to natilias hands" "shes gently caressing them"
"have them make it into a jif and send it to you" "its gif" "i will fight you"
"I am first" "i will slay you with a spear"
"thr whole band is in a polygamous relationship"
"-my man tights-"
"we should go back to confederacy and the whole bus goes WOAHHHGG-"
/walks up/ "perry the platypus is a slut" /walks away/
/during a band performance/ /several peopl/ "CIRCLE DRILL???"
"bro look at those sexy feet theyre so in time"
"yo why is the sun on dark mode"
"i got shaken baby sydrom for real"
"i strongly suggest that all of you go sit in thr bus snd take a nap"
"that was a certified my bad"
"sup baby gender"
"top of the toe"
"when i grow up i wanna have a kid and name him georg" "name him what"
"bro you just got tondID"
"heres an idea: bring edibles" "W O A H T H E E R E "
"cosmic brownies are crack cocoaine"
"anything for the good of the order?" "slay" "actually slaying is against the law"
"when she puts the 7th over the 5th uts just really heartwrenching, it is"
"two dollars for any coffee at mcdonalds were gonna get liIiiIiiTtt"
"girl is he rich thats the real question men objectify us so we should o jectify them"
"slay bitch"
"miss slayness-"
"bro i slayed in 78 better then anyone slayed in 84"
"flip phone is the new asians"
"we should kiss" /silence/ "no response?"
"she made fun of dom- which is respectable but-"
"i think i would understand you better if you were speaking spanish" "you would understand me if i was a lesbian"
"stab it like ceaser" "allegedly"
"adam can we go fraterinize with the other tubas"
"sex more like cringe stay virgin boys"
"do you like meaty balls" "OH YEAH"
"you look like kurt coban if kurt coban was logan"
"its cold but its like crisp.... newbury"
"i just sucked up all of laurens diseases- do you have aids?"
"yo wheres the candy id like to accept candy from strangers"
"im gonna go home and- make out with my mom"
"sax section jiggity section"
"noah for person"
"so we like draft people for mb-"
"step one: kindly ask them to stop. step two: curse at them. step three-" "hold on can we go back to step 2 i like step 2-"
"mason how do you like your men" "logan" /blows kiss/
"im cold" "hi cold im logan"
"and you all slay with logan"
"ash stop gently caressing me with a leaf"
"now you have a little leaf hat :D" -tori
"what does period blood taste like like would it taste different"
"saxes!!!!! sexiessss!!"
"sax section make out section"
"sax section sex saxtion"
"i got out cuz i wanted to kiss grant"
"we should go get milk ans then we should go to lexs house and make out"
"im sorry i spaced out and heard sneaking out and doung drugs"
"no mom i swear im not sneaking out and doing drugs im going to a jazz festival"
"if that does not work, Joshua quintana's feet would be a suitable replacement"
"sax section toris section"
"max" "doo do do doo do doooo" "jUsT sAY hERe"
"what was discontinued?" "ur mom" "OOOOHHHHHHH"
"when you tell someone ur having a baby ur badically telling them IM HAVINF SWX EVERY DAY" "im sorry what"
"what are yoy high on" "ur mom" "you look like someone whod be high on their mom"
"sax section sleepover section"
"sax section geocash section"
"idk maybe i have foodborne illness disease on my hands" "that sentence made 0 sense"
"color gaurd obama be like lemme be gear"
"attendence obama: let ne be here'
"gay obama: let me be queer"
"ur literally just making out with her leg"
"sax section cuddle section"
"bAcK in My dAy we dIdNit nOne oF thEm daGnAb PrnoUns"
"up two boogaloo-"
"ill give you both 5 bucks if you kiss rn"
"we might not be thr bret band vut we will always be the most radioactive band"
"yknow with all the singing you guys do during marching band youd think youd be better at it-"
"love at first kiss"
"mr lobdell really said i support the gays"
"have you seen logan shirtless hes a mermaid"
"what is up my original gangster"
"jesus was homosexual"
"the hdmi is powered by love"
"check that you are connected to the correct wifi w t f mates"
"hes a google fanboi"
"POW right in the kisser"
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dollsorwhatever · 5 years
LOL Surprise: OMG review
Alrighty so I’m off work and I got a chance to sit down and take my time, unboxing these ladies, and thought I’d take a few photos with my thoughts. Spoiler alert: I am VERY IMPRESSED LMAO Everything is below the cut!
Ya’ll have probably seen the box a few times, so I never took any photos of it- but basically the way it works is that you pull a tab on the right side, then pull the box out from the left side to reveal the doll and all of the surprises/clothes and accessories (this will all be demonstrated on Swag, since I deboxed her first): Sidenote- the box clearly states, on the outside, which character you’re getting! 
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One compartment has the surprises, which consist of two garment bags with hangers attached (one has a bottom piece, the other has a jacket), a plastic shoebox (it even has a little label and barcode!) and a larger cylindrical container with the accessories (jewelry, belts, sunglasses, hats etc). The second compartment is the doll, her purse and a stand. Swag is gorgeous
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Personally, I think her makeup would’ve been better if the eyeshadow was white and her eyes were brown, but she’s gorgeous.  Her head is fully rooted with nylon braids, and it’s ridiculously heavy and thick. Despite that, her scalp is visible at the top of her head and the thatching is an afterthought (like it’s barely there lol). The braids are rooted with a lot of space between each plug, and imo this gives the impression of a realistic braided style and I love it tbh. Even as a hair nut, I’m fine with this rooting pattern and the braids are stunning:
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I didn’t take photos of the naked body, but I think there’s one floating around somewhere. These dolls are thicccccccccc, with rubber click knees and articulated arms.  Here’s a photo from my friend to show the amazing, detailed hand sculpt bc I forgot to take one! It looks so delicate, and look at the little dimples on her knuckles! So cute.
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The garment bags are made of a papery fabric and open very easily (but I still ripped them oops lmao), the hangers are hard plastic. The tops and bottoms come in their own garment bags with a hanger, but here’s a picture of the top and bottom she comes with:
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These pieces are VERY nice, exactly what you’d expect from a good MGA doll. realistic, stylish, well made. Pants are very well made, studs aren’t falling off (lol @ bratz 2018), and they have slits on either side. V nice! The sweatshirt is very nice too, the only issue is that the collar was flipped up in the package and it’s hard to keep down, and the fabric of the collar looks tattered- though I think this is a design choice, since they all seem to be like that! Swag comes with a necklace, earrings, a belt and sunglasses, wrapped in tissue paper in the cylindrical container (which is V useful for storage):
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All unique sculpts, the earrings are electroplated and look amazing! Side note, the accessory count is not the same for each character. Some of them have extra pieces, or they’re missing a belt etc. Shoe box has a cute little pair of Stilleto Timbs (which made me chuckle, bc I have a pair of heeled Timbs and they’re my favorite shoes lol)
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Here she is all dressed up! I love herrrr:
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Each doll comes with a C-clasp stand, and underneath the base you’ll actually find an extra, smaller base for the stand, JIC you want to display them closer together or run out of room lol. Lemme just breeze through the other characters rather than show the same box and etc over again! Lady Diva prob has my favorite face and her hair is amazing, soft shiny nylon ponytail that goes down to her ankles (except for the puff in the front) it feels so silky and gorgeous:
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She comes with an extra necklace and a headset (the little choker says ‘Slay’ lmao I love it) I aesthetically hate her skirt and purse because I do NOT like animal print, but the skirt is still well made (though it barely fits around her butt), her fur coat is shedding a little bit and the sleeves go past her hands.  Her two-piece undies are stunning though! You’ll also notice her belt is falling off- this is the only design flaw, the bels don’t have clasps, you just basically drape them over and they hang on in the back. But Diva’s is warped, so it  doesn’t drape correctly. Will have to fix that with boiling water.  I haven’t decided if I want to keep the hair puff, or comb it into a pompadour like Dynamite Girls Electropop Jasper. Will def be washing the gel out of her ponytail though. Royal Bee is STUNNING, her hair is incredibly thick and the little curls are so well done. The nylon is incredibly smooth and shiny, the blonde highlights are SO shiny that they look like tinsel. It’s really, really amazing hair. Her thatching goes all the way to the back of her head and it’s V thick.
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Her lips are glitter, but it’s such a fine glitter that she just looks like she’s wearing a metallic liquid lip. I love her lil baby hairs and the metallic eyeshadow! I honestly didn’t think I’d like her makeup, but I think she’s one of my top favorite dolls of the bunch. She’s soooooo nice. The metallic cord around her buns is a nice touch, they really went there with every detail for this line.
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I love her sheer pants and the incredibly detailed jacket, with the little metallic shoulder pads! I’m gonna leave her hair as-is for now, but I may eventually take down the buns and wash her hair.  My only issue with her is that her choker is really hard to put on lmao.  Neonlicious is super cute (but needs the most work hair-wise)
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She has the most detail in her face, with two different eye shadows, star freckles and wiggly brows. The fact that she has wiggly brows is, imo, a sign that MGA really, REALLY spent a lot of time looking at current trends while designing these dolls, like they did in 2002-08 for Bratz. Her hair is very nice, my only issue is the sheer amount of product in it. The sides and fringe are drenched in it. Her short bangs kinda terrify me because it’ll be hard to even them out without making them too short, but the quality of the hair is amazing and she has a full set of crimps.  I’ll also probably cut the side pieces to match the rest, they’re annoying tbh. Her undies are very nice and will definitely be useful, versatile pieces for restyling. I hope we get fashion packs!!
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Her glasses are awesome lmao, it’s such a weird design. The vinyl over-dress is very well done, with studs and stitching in place, and her jacket is very well tailored- you can even close it at the waist! She only has earrings and a bracelet jewelry-wise, likely because she comes with an (awesome) hat. She’s very like.. if Leloo from Fifth Element was a runway model, doing a show for a Moschino x Rugrats collection lmao. Very that, and I love it.  Group photo (with bad lighting):
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Overall thoughts...ya’ll I hardcore LOVE this line. The level of quality and attention to detail is something I haven’t seen in playline for almost a decade, the designs are current, trendy and well tailored, the dolls themselves are gorgeous and unique, the body is well made, the hair is amazing quality and thickly rooted, literally not a single problem with these dolls, even the QC is great. Worth every penny, and I’ll definitely be buying the next wave. Highly, HIGHLY recommend. And as a very picky collector, that means a lot coming from me lmao.  ETA: codes and sales info DPCI and UPCs for each of the LOL OMG dolls:
Royal Bee-
Lady Diva-
DPCI-086-02-9906 Retail price: 26.99 The dolls come one of each in a case and the street date (July 7th) was lifted yesterday, so the dolls are coming into stock and put on the floor immediately for sale! The DPCIs aren’t on Brickseek yet, but you can tall your local Target and they’ll know (however they’re not doing holds because it’s a ‘hot item’)
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yourkimjaejin · 4 years
Comments of the “Welcome To The Jungle” MV
“All these girls......ATE THIS CONCEPT UP!!”
“As a fellow MiMiFam, I thought we were getting fed when we saw Moxy in Make A Wish. Moxy was saving the real food for this video!”
“AWWW AG’s sons were in this video!! I hope Shotaro and Sungchan had fun with their group mates”
“Did anyone else notice Haechan in the background reaching for Moxy when she walked by...”
“I wonder why the yellow light didn’t show up in this video.”
“*fans face after Moxy did her body roll* is it hot in here or just me???”
“This dance looks like so much fun!”
“Can we talk about our Hawaiian queen SLAYING THE OUTRO!!! They need to let Hannah sing more...”
“Is no one talking about Hannah and Juno RAPPING!!! LIKE WHERE DID THIS TALENT COME FROM!!!!”
“Hannah and Juno were holding back from us. They bodied their rap parts.”
“TIME FOR A LORE DUMP!!! Now It’s pretty much confirmed at this point that videos from AG don’t take place in the NCT timeline. It’s seems the girls are taken, by the yellow light, to where their other videos take place.”
“I really enjoyed the dance this time around. I feel like I was able to really see all the girls dance abilities thru this video.” 
“AS PER USUAL!!!! Our NCT AG members look fantastic.”
“I knew this video was finna be cray cray after hearing the song on the album and SM did not disappoint.”
“I can’t wait to see the stages for this!!!”
“COME ON SM!!! You have a concept when the girls are in the jungle and you don’t let Moxy’s natural hair fly free???”
“Guys....I think Aurora is finally grown up.”
“You guys!! Hannah and Juno were feeling themselves during their rap parts”
“Like I knew Moxy had this much swag, but the other girls have just as much and its honestly too much for one group to have.”
“When we say their is no dance hole in either Dream or AG, THERE IS NO LIE!!!”
“Juno voice is just amazing like I want her to have a solo soon.”
“AGzen’s!!! Lets get ready to vote for our girls cause they deserve a win for this song!!!” 
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jayatisvaid · 2 years
50 Boss Babe Motivation Quotes and Captions For Instagram
Are you looking for epic boss babe quotes? Well, you are in the right place. It seems that you are a boss girl like me that runs her business and need some inspiration. Believe me, it is not easy to be your own boss, but hang on there, and you will come out with flying colors, girl. These ultimate boss babe quotes will sure ignite the much-needed fire in your belly to keep you going.
‘Create the highest, grandest vision for your life, because you become what you believe.’ – Oprah Winfrey
‘The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.’ – Ayn Rand
‘I realized it was only me that was stopping myself from living my life.’ – Jennifer Aniston
‘In politics, if you want anything said, ask a man; if you want anything done, ask a woman.’ – Margaret Thatcher
‘The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity.’ – Amelia Earhart
‘Nothing will work unless you do.’ – Maya Angelou
A woman is like a teabag. You can’t tell her how strong she is until you put her in hot water.’ – Eleanor Roosevelt
‘Focused and Fabulous.’
‘Today’s forecast – 100% chance of winning.’
‘No time for bullsh*t.’
‘Stop waiting girl. Get what’s yours.’
‘I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life’s a bitch. You’ve got to go out and kick ass.’ – Maya Angelou quotes
‘Strong women don’t have attitudes. They have standards.’
‘I’m not lucky. I just work hard and create my own luck.’
‘Shout out to my coffee, phone and sunglasses.’
‘The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.’ – Coco Chanel
‘Stop trying to prove it to other people. Prove it to yourself.’
‘You kinda owe to yourself to do all the things you dreamed.’
‘I know for sure what we dwell on is what we become.’
‘I am so happy I followed through with my goals.’ – You in the Future
‘To you who’s not feeling like you’re enough today. Remember everything you feel isn’t true. And everything you feel isn’t you. You are enough just as yourself. Don’t accept anything less.’
‘I’m not even going to talk about my goals for the new year, just sit back and watch boo.’
‘I started treating myself as a boss and it let others with no choice but to treat me like one too.’
‘I don’t need you to be proud of me. I’m proud of myself.’
‘I am currently creating the woman I want to be. Excuse me while I become super selfish with my time and energy.’
‘I’m chasing happiness. Everything else is a bonus.’
‘Divas don’t do dramas. We do business.’
‘Be the woman that fixes another woman’s crown without telling the world it was crooked.’
‘Women who invest in themselves go further.’
‘Slay the day.’
‘Life is good because I decided to make it that way.’
‘Actually, I can.’
‘Who cares if it hasn’t been done before.’
‘Keep ’em guessing.’
‘Don’t be a lady; Be a legend.’
‘My soul’s too lit to give a sh*t.’
‘Onto the next one.’
‘I chose to make the rest of my life the best of my life.’
‘Practice what you post.’
‘I just want to hustle in peace, surround myself with positive vibes only, eat good food, and define my own version of happiness and success.’
‘Don’t be afraid to be the full package.‘
‘I’m just a businesswoman with some swag. It’s okay. I won’t hurt you.’
‘It’s always a great day to look cute and make money.’
‘The main reason why people don’t have what they want is because of their own procrastination.’
‘There is a purpose in the struggle because it unleashes your full power. You are being pushed to thrive.’
‘I know I changed baby. That was the point.’
‘Even on my worst day, I’m killing it.’
‘You can find me somewhere between inspiring others, working on myself, dodging negativity, and slaying my goals.’
‘Be the girl who smiles politely when people look at her. Be the girl that says positive things when everyone is complaining. Be the girl that gives advice from the heart. Be the girl that tips generously. Be that girl.’
‘Don’t make excuses. If the plan doesn’t work don’t change the goal, change the plan.’
Original Source: Boss Babe motivation quotes
0 notes
alvertesongdiary · 6 years
Lil Uzi Vert - New Patek
Hmm New Patek on my wrist, white diamonds them shits hit pink Ight I'm ready
New Patek on my wrist (gang) White diamonds them shits hit pink (gang, gang) Got cold, had to go get a mink (gang) New finger ring sit like a sink (gang, gang) You a bad bitch, then we can link (what?) Hit the shower, you might stink (gang, gang) Bitches bad, yeah, they on my grape (uh) And she said "Lil Uzi so great" (uh, uh) How you deal with all that hate? (uh-uh) Shut up, bitch, don't give me migraine New Patek on my wrist White diamonds them shits hit pink Got cold, had to go get a mink New finger ring sit like a sink You a bad bitch, then we can link Hit the shower, you might stink Bitches bad, yeah, they on my grape (uh-uh) And she said "Lil Uzi so great"
Ok, your girlfriend like my drip (drip, uh) Happy birthday to that bitch (bitch) Yeah, the one that suck my dick (dick, uh) Triple S got that extra grip (grip) So you know I cannot slip That jeweler made part of my wrist (wrist) Franck Muller made part of my wrist (wrist) Franck Muller made part of my wrist (wrist) My shooters gon' shoot, can't miss My shooter got 30 on his hip Yeah I need my fix Was that a pair of boots from Rick? Had to tell that lil girl don't trip Cool blood, but my money crip Got clap on lights no flick Can't take no pic, no flick (no cap) Fuck that bitch in my new whip (skrr) Her ass so fat can't fit Her ass so fat it's amazing (amazing) Her ass so fat it's a miracle (miracle) Her last man money hysterical She from the six one nine, Rey Mysterio I'm the same nigga bustin' their stereo Yeah, My boys on the block selling O's, no cheerios I don't wake up in the morning for cereal Flip the brick make the whole shit do a aerial Bang the shit out and make the hoes sing Ariel Silencers so they really can not hear me though Killing these beats Lil Uzi a serial Clean up the body prepare for the burial Burberry pants I got Burberry tennis shoes I got the swag probably, I'ma finish you I am a octopus I cannot breath without water So I put diamonds on my tentacles How is you stoppin' us, they is not toppin' us You know I had to cop that shit just by the twos Blood in my chakra, I will not pop at ya Put money on my head just for your album bruh Tell me lil boy if it's beef I get to choppin' shit up like it's prime and treat you like you Optimus My chain white gold your shit look like copper bruh MCM yeah that shit made of ostrich bruh But I don't wear that, give that to my hoes Yeah I swear that lil nigga my clone I had to do this shit all on my own Yeah, slime shit lil baby, put diamonds in my nose
New Patek on my wrist (gang) White diamonds them shits hit pink (gang, gang) Got cold, had to go get a mink (gang) New finger ring sit like a sink (gang, gang) You a bad bitch, then we can link (what?) Hit the shower, you might stink (gang, gang) Bitches bad, yeah, they on my grape (uh) And she said "Lil Uzi so great" (uh, uh) How you deal with all that hate? (uh-uh) Shut up, bitch, don't give me migraine
And your girlfriend like my drip (drip, uh) Happy birthday to that bitch (bitch) Yeah, the one that suck my dick (dick, uh) Triple S got that extra grip (grip) So you know I cannot slip
Franck Muller made part of my wrist Franck Muller made part of my wrist New Rollie made a part of my wrist AP made part of my wrist New Richard on my wrist Got a millie down sellin' my bank
New Patek on my wrist (gang) White diamonds them shits hit pink (gang, gang) Got cold, had to go get a mink (gang) New finger ring sit like a sink (gang, gang) You a bad bitch, then we can link (what?) Hit the shower, you might stink (gang, gang) Bitches bad, yeah, they on my grape (uh) And she said "Lil Uzi so great" (uh, uh) How you deal with all that hate? (uh-uh) Shut up, bitch, don't give me migraine
Throw up gang signs, Naruto Put metal in my nose like Pain Man, I never saw this bitch before How the fuck she know my name She said "Lil Uzi, Hello" I looked at her, "Oh, hey" (Hello?) You ain't never seen pastry dough, well lil bitch I got cake Gettin' money, I'm the man Gettin' money had to count the advance Saint Laurent all on my shoes they not Vans Need a fan, in case a nigga get hot Remember she ain't want me back, I was popped On the block back before I had locks Red dot for a chicken eat pop MC told the bitch give me cop Motorcycle days, bitch young jock That's what I call her, she all on my top Rapstar or do he sell rock? He got files so he beatin' the trial Couple racks let them niggas run wild Super filthy man they livin' so foul I got some real niggas that is locked up Tryna shade the bar just for the foul All my bitches want me to take a foul Live off verbs, and I live off of nouns He get money, then I had to say how? New rug, and it's made of wolf New rabbit yeah I use as a towel Lil bitch, yeah I run through the city Different spots in it just like a cow Yeah, I'm talkin' 'bout a mansion, no house Yeah, my closet yeah that shit got a house Four years, I ain't even see a mouse Please stop talking bitch put dick in your mouth We get money, what the fuck is a drought Makin' rain 'cause I'm up in the clouds Had to tell that lil bitch get from around 'Cause that little bitch be fuckin' with clowns
Let's go, let's go, had to tell that lil bitch, yeah let's go Yeah, that lil nigga stole my swag, and he's tryna steal my flow I had to switch it up one time just like I switch my phone I could try one more time, I can give this shit one more go I put hundreds in my safe (ayy) I throw twenties in her face I put the M in a J (ayy) I got a bae in the bay (ayy) I fucked on that nigga little bitch that's the reason he tryna' say that I'm gay (ayy) Way more coochie the kid slay (ayy) I sell a mil in a day (ayy) All of my bitches they grade A I do not get it in Canada, but when I'm in Toronto they treat me like Drake This a light jet, this a flight day Had that lil bitch that's on Myspace I can feel this shit in my veins Look at my neck thats an ice tray Come on tell me, what you sayin' (what you sayin', what you sayin', what you sayin')
And your girlfriend like my drip (drip, uh) Happy birthday to that bitch (bitch) Yeah, the one that suck my dick (dick, uh) Triple S got that extra grip (grip) (Oh yeah)
Franck Muller made part of my wrist Franck Muller made part of my wrist New Rollie made part of my wrist AP made a part of my wrist New Richard on my wrist Got a millie down sellin' my bank
New Patek on my wrist White diamonds them shits hit pink Got cold, had to go get a mink New finger ring sit like a sink You a bad bitch, then we can link (what?) Hit the shower, you might stink Bitches bad, yeah, they on my grape (uh) And she said "Lil Uzi so great" (uh, uh) How you deal with all that hate? (uh-uh) Shut up, bitch, don't give me migraine
Throw up gang signs, Naruto Put metal in my nose like Pain Man, I never saw this bitch before How the fuck she know my name She said "Lil Uzi, Hello" I looked at her, "Oh, hey" You ain't never seen pastry dough, well lil bitch I got cake (ayy) Gettin' money, I'm the man Gettin' money had to count the advance Saint Laurent all on my shoes they not Vans Need a fan, in case a nigga get hot Remember she ain't want me back, I was popped On the block back before I had locks Red dot for a chicken eat pop MC told the bitch
Yeah, that's it
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careycuprisin · 6 years
Mudpocalypse, the Sequel: Bighorn 2018 race report
Running a 100-miler is an exercise in narcissism.
Everything is about you — your feelings, your problems, your grit, your triumph, or your defeat. It’s like being Donald Trump, but for a limited time. Most ultrarunners are crazy, but we’re otherwise contributing members of society who care about other people. We would get creeped out if the narcissism of the 100 didn’t end quickly after the race was over.
So as I get day-by-day further out from my Bighorn finish, and as my legs slowly recover and I regain the ability to get in and out of my car without groaning, it’s nice to feel the narcissism of the race slipping away. It’s time for me to do the dishes. It’s time for me to feed the cat. It’s time for me to go to work. Others make demands of me again, like in normal life. It’s a good feeling.
Only one more bit of narcissism is left: this race report.
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The start,waving goodbye. I’ll see you at Dry Fork!
I knew from my past attempts at Bighorn that it would suck and that I wouldn’t enjoy it. So I needed as many things to motivate me as possible. Chief among them was that if I finished, I wouldn’t have to come back next year to do it again. But also, I held out the hope that I might be happy. I thought about the two years of Bighorn swag in my closet — t-shirts, socks, windbreakers — that as a DNFer I hadn’t allowed myself to wear, and thought I’d be happy putting that stuff on. I thought about the big belt buckle, a staple of 100-mile races, and how good it would feel to own one of those like most of the people I hang out with in my running club. I thought of all the people who encouraged me and how they’d be happy to see me get this done, and how that would make me happy also.
I started the race determined that nothing that happened in the first half would matter at all, vis-a-vis my happiness at any rate. I would just focus on steady progress, ignore my splits, stay as warm and dry as I could, and remember to eat and drink. No highs or lows. So when the rain started I said “Meh.” When it became obvious that the trail conditions would be exactly as shitty as last year, I said “Meh.” When it started hailing, my answer was “Meh.” There was a brief moment in the climb up to Jaws when I thought about how good my feet were feeling that I slipped a little and felt a little bit happy, but I caught myself quickly and went back to “Meh.”
Arriving at Jaws in the rain I was a bit wet and cold, but nowhere near as bad as last year. I was generating heat and was far from hypothermic. I had been running with a cheap ($4.50 at REI) poncho instead of a jacket as my rain protection, and it had been working beautifully. Although I took a good long time at Jaws to change clothes and to eat and drink, I never considered dropping. After all, once I left that aid station it would be the Second Half of the race, and as such I could allow myself to be Happy. I was lucky enough to be getting the chance for an almost exact do-over of the 2017 conditions at Jaws, and I was doing everything right this time. 
Next, I slayed the bad memories of 2016 where my race basically came apart below Spring Marsh on account of profound exhaustion. My trip from Jaws to Footbridge this year was slow because of mud, but I was feeling steady and moving well, passing a lot of people. I had a brief physical low point just before the aid station because of nausea, but I got into Footbridge suspecting that for the first time at Bighorn I was going to be able to run the rest of the course back to Dayton. I was happily surprised to see Joe C. from the Salomon Run Club crewing for Eric L. in Footbridge, and happy to see Eric run through in the lead of the 52-miler. Go Eric!
As I headed out, I briefly asked an aid-station worker what the cutoff time was at Footbridge, just to get an idea of how far in front of that I was. Here’s what I remember her saying: “Ten a.m. here, and 3 p.m. at Dry Fork, then three more hours to Dayton.”
I was nowhere near the cutoff time in Footbridge. An inconsequential bit of chatter, it seemed.
Several times during my weekend in Wyoming, the question came up of whether Bighorn is worse in the hot years or in the wet years. My own opinion is that both are very bad, without advantage to either one. The heat will kill you in a cardiovascular way, bleeding your energy, making you slow. The mud will kill you in a musculoskeletal way, beating you up, making you slow. There have been no easy years in my three trips to Bighorn, and I have enormous respect for anyone who’s done it in either kind of year. I’m very willing to argue about this with anyone, so hit me up if you disagree. I love to argue.
Back to the action. I managed to get up the Wall in good shape. It’s a brutal climb period, but especially brutal at mile 70 when it’s coated with mud. I got to Bear Camp and just continued rolling - a bit more hiking now than running, but that’s to be expected at that distance.
Another quick aside: I give the award for the Best Mud to the 50-yard section just to the Footbridge side from Bear Camp aid station where the mud was mid-calf deep. It was simply the most spectacular mud on the course. Texture, color, quantity and quality. Anyone has a problem with that, you can take it up with my manager. I don’t want to hear it.
So at this point, I’m moving well (enough), I’m Happy, I’m done with the Wall. What could go wrong? Well, sprained ankles, bear attacks, bees, diarrhea, lightning, chafing… OK, a lot could go wrong, but that’s not what did go wrong.
I kept looking at my watch and thinking about getting to Dry Fork before 3 p.m. As I got slower, it started to grow as an Issue. My sleep-deprived mind slowly became consumed with calculating how many minutes per mile I would have to run in order to get to Dry Fork before the cutoff. And remember how that aid-station person back in Footbridge said that I had three hours after the Dry Fork cutoff of 3 pm to finish? Or, at least, remember that that’s what I heard her say? (She may have said no such thing.) Well, it started to dawn on me that I’d need more than three hours to run from Dry Fork to the finish.
My mind was thinking like this: “It usually takes me just over three hours to run from the start of the race to Dry Fork going uphill, but that’s when I’m trying not to run fast because that’s stupid at the beginning of the race. So now I’ll be going overall downhill (faster), but it’s at mile 80-something (slower), but I’ve got more distance to run along that stupid flat road to Dayton (slower), and I’m no freak like Alberto who will be putting down 9-minute miles on that road after 95 miles (slower), so UNLESS I GET TO DRY FORK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, I’M SCREWED AND I WILL MISS THE CUTOFF AT THE FINISH.”
So here I was, having done so well through this whole race, at a time when I should have been feeling Happy about finally finishing Bighorn and never having to sign up for it again, at a time when I should have been feeling grateful for being able to do this (if not fast than at least respectably well), at a time when the clouds were thinning and the sun was peaking through and I could take off all the wool layers I’d put on at Jaws and revel in the crisp mountain air… Instead I was convinced that I was running too slow, that I had to run FASTER, or it WILL HAVE ALL BEEN FOR NOTHING. No buckle, no celebration, no congratulations, no hundred-mile burger at the Sun, no wearing the Bighorn socks, and the worst thing: having to decide whether to come back for another attempt next year.
Let me tell you that these thoughts made my very Not Happy as soon as they entered my mind. “This is a shitty situation and I would rather not be in it” was how I put it to myself. 
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The weather at Dry Fork on the way out reflects my Not Happy feelings on the way in.
Now let me explain why all of this is somewhat funny, if also sad and pathetic. I knew that the overall cutoff time for Bighorn is 34 hours. The race started at 10 a.m. the previous day, so any adult human who could add and subtract would know that 24 hours from the start was 10 a.m. on the second day, and that 34 hours from the start was 10 hours past 10 a.m. on the second day which would be…. 8 pm. The number of hours from the 3 p.m. cutoff at Dry Fork to the cutoff at the end of the race is therefore 5 hours. Even if I scraped out of Dry Fork at the very last second I would have five hours to get to Dayton. Not three. Five whole hours. More than enough time. And I was going to get out of Dry Fork before 3 p.m. so I’d have even more buffer. Missing the cutoff time was never a real danger.
THIS is where a pacer would have been helpful. Someone to do this basic math for me and tell me to chill out and enjoy myself.
If I had not been afflicted with end-of-hundred-mile-brain, I would have noticed things around me and realized my mistake. No one at Dry Fork, when I got there, seemed desperate to get out, as I was. People on the trail were chatting with their pacers and weren’t weeping softly as I felt like doing. “Why are these people not worried about the cutoff?” is what I should have asked myself. Instead, I assumed the worst of them (a weakness of mine) and chalked it up to them not caring. I figured they all knew they would be cut off but because they were probably so earnest and uncompetitive, they didn’t mind. I told myself that they hadn’t chosen to drop because they were stupid and satisfied with merely ‘running it in’ to ‘challenge themselves’ even if everyone in Scott Park would have packed it in and left by the time they got there. “These back-of-the-packers just plod along for vacuous reasons and I despise them because they have no competitive fire and they live for participation trophies. They all suck.” What can I say, I’m a misanthrope and that comes out at the end of 100-mile races, who knew?
The ironic thing is that I was the stupid one; the only person who was wrong about the cutoffs. Also ironically, at the same time that I was showering contempt on my more-functional race-mates, I was the one throwing in the towel. Because I ‘knew’ I wouldn’t finish, I took time to sitting on the side of the trail, contemplating the beauty of the Bighorn Mountains but also feeling sorry for myself. I walked when I could have jogged and jogged when I could have run. 
Even when I got to the Tongue River Road and the last flat 5 miles of the race, I just plodded along, hoping that my wife and dog would have realized that I failed and would have driven out to pick me up in the car. Even when I saw Heidi and Pele, I didn’t notice that they were happy, I was just disappointed that they were there without the car. I kept walking, and walking, surrounded by other runners, feeling Not Happy. It’s hard to believe now, but I got to Dayton and took Pele at the corner of Scott Park and jogged along the fence with people cheering and complementing Pele (“Beautiful dog! Nice pacer!”) and ran around the corner and under the big FINISH banner, and still thought I hadn’t finished. Heidi said she’d go pick up my buckle and I said “Great, if they’ll give one to you.” She came back and handed me a buckle and a finisher’s hoodie, and ONLY THEN did I start to get a little suspicous. “The cutoff time is 8” she said. “Huh,” I said. “Well then, I guess I finished.”
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Pup licks! Along the Tongue River Road at mile 98.
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Finishing Bighorn with Pele. 
Now that it’s been a few days, the intellectual knowledge that I actually finished Bighorn has finally set in. But the emotional satisfaction hasn’t arrived yet, and I don’t know if it ever will. Emotions aren’t rational after all, and I wonder if spending those final hours of the race feeling that I failed are replaceable by feelings of Happiness and Satisfaction just because my intellectual brain knows I finished.
At any rate, I am happy that I don’t have to sign up for the Bighorn 100 again. I’m still kind of a cranky grump about 100s generally and I’m not excited to ever do another one. However, the Bighorn 18-mile sounds FABULOUS! I think it’d be fun to run from Dry Fork to Dayton down that beautiful huge hill feeling fresh and able to run fast. Or even the 52-miler, a good solid day in the mountains for sure, but nothing too crazy. Getting this 100-mile monkey off my back feels great; like I again have no obligations in mountain running and can pick and choose what I choose to do because it sounds fun. And if it doesn’t sound fun, I can say “Nah.”
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These are the same pair of shoes from the starting-line picture above. Now destroyed!
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The 100-mile buckle!
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junker-town · 4 years
‘The Bachelor’ Recap: We have ourselves a champagne crisis
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Drama hits the next level with a case of mistaken bottle identity.
We at SB Nation realize that The Bachelor is very much sports. Therefore, each week we’ll recap all the heartbreak, drama, and excitement. If you missed anything, catch up on last week’s action here.
Welcome back to another week of Pilot Pete’s “turbulent” season of The Bachelor. When we last left our main man, he had invited former love interest/Bachelorette Hannah B. back into the house to vie for his heart. Thankfully, this discussion was short-lived, not even making it to the first commercial break.
It’s easy to feel for the new ladies. If you’re on a date with a new guy you’re trying to impress, it’s already a pretty crummy situation for there to be approximately nine other women there also trying to date him. You certainly don’t want the woman he was madly in love with who sent him home after an epic night of sex to show up.
Honestly, though, I’d probably rather watch the guy I like canoodle with his ex than actually go through with this crap-tastic date of telling sexy-time stories in front of an audience. Luckily for everyone, Peter was so bummed out about re-breaking up with Hannah B. that he canceled the horribly awkward part of the date.
Thanks to last week’s episode ending mid-group date, we got an early cocktail party and tons of shenanigans revolving around duplicate bottles of champagne, giving us the biggest scandal in Bachelor history*.
*don’t verify this.
Here’s what we know. Kelsey, our professional clothier, apparently brought a bottle Dom Pérignon with her from Des Moines, IA. Thanks to Twitter, I was able to assess that it was a 2009 bottle, meaning it clocks in around $200. Not insignificant!
Ok, this is where it gets unnecessarily complicated. Kelsey received said bottle for her birthday, and was saving it for a special occasion. She decided that some one-on-one time would be the perfect time to pop that bad boy and set up the Dom chilling by an outdoor fireplace with a couple glasses. Well, due to some confusion and the fact that not everyone knew that she had brought said bottle from home (and also that this whole thing is pretty ridiculous), Hannah Ann and Peter ended up popping the bottle with Kelsey in ear-shot.
Look, it’s easy to see how this could happen. Apparently the show interns — or whomever sets up these little date havens around the Bachelor Mansion — had set up a bottle with a couple glasses in another spot nearby. They sat at the wrong one, and bam. Disaster.
Kelsey confronted the pair, but stormed off in tears like Peter had run over her dog while Hannah Ann cheered him on. Eventually, Peter got Kelsey to calm down and escorted her to the other (lesser) champagne oasis.
Everything seemed to be chilling out as Peter popped the cork. They decided to drink it from the bottle, then this happened:
— Steph Driver (@StephaliciousD) January 14, 2020
Tough day for our girl Kelsey.
Before the end of the night, Kelsey confronted Hannah Ann, refusing to believe that she didn’t know about the special bottle of bubbly. Hannah Ann used a lot of language like “I acknowledge your feelings,” but Kelsey wasn’t buying it as she dropped a lot of bleeped-out words at the doe-eyed champagne thief.
Tammy summed it up pretty well: “I don’t want to be involved in this champagne crisis anymore.”
Kelsey received the last rose of the evening, and both Hannah Ann and Kelsey were selected for the group date because if there’s one thing we can all count on in these tough times...it’s Bachelor producers.
The Group Date
Peter meets the ladies in LA at a Revolve store (aka the brand that every Bachelor/ette former contestant has been hawking on Instagram). No, really. Hannah Ann seemingly did a couple posts promoting the brand before the season even started:
Doesn’t really seem fair considering Hannah Ann is literally working with Revolve. #TheBachelor pic.twitter.com/qtarnH5EAN
— Bachelor Chirps, MBA (@BachelorChirps) January 14, 2020
Carson Kressley (of original Queer Eye fame), Janice Dickinson (the first supermodel), and Raissa Gerona (the Chief Brand Officer of Revolve) tell the ladies they’ll be participating in a fashion show. The prize? A shit ton of Revolve clothing (and probably some time with Peter, BUT LOOK AT ALL THE STUFF).
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The ladies take to the runway before our panel of professional models/judges narrow it down to Hannah Ann and Victoria F. After an ending that just made me want to watch Zoolander (WE’VE GOT A WALK-OFF), actual model Hannah Ann wins the competition and therefore the swag.
Victoria F. gets the final laugh, however, when she snags the group date rose. Hannah Ann snitches on Kelsey to Peter, calling her a bully. The episode ends with Kelsey storming off in tears after hearing this info, so we’re sure to be in for a good one next week.
Let’s get to the highlights!
Consecutive weeks of making out with someone on a piece of furniture: 2
Last week, Peter put Kelley on the bar at the hotel. This week, Mykenna got some action on a...credenza? We need a bingo card of surfaces Peter can make out with women on. Please note her oddly flexed feet. I don’t have a joke, I just wanted to point it out.
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Most relatable: Peter forgetting everything about every woman
Peter struggled immensely remembering who was who and what their stories were, which...same. We at home have the benefit of helpful chyrons that remind us that her name is Sydney or that it’s spelled Mykenna. Luckily, Peter has a handy group of producers to help out.
1. Peter did not remember this girl 2. A producer gave him that hot wheels right before he talked to her #TheBachelor
— Demi Burnett (@demi_burnett) January 14, 2020
Best reaction faces: Tammy
Keep Tammy forever; she’s the Jim Halpert of reaction faces.
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Quit what you’re doing and become a model, immediately - Victoria F.
Hannah Ann may have won the challenge (which is a little unfair considering, you know, she’s a model), but Victoria F. slayed. Her first pass down the runway she sported a cute lace top and jean shorts. Victoria showed none of the nervousness she talked about before hitting the spotlight, and she certainly looked confident her second time out as she rocked a long jacket over lingerie.
Victoria’s confidence prevented her from winning the challenge (don’t let Hannah Ann sassily toss her dress towards you), but my goodness, girl. You rocked that.
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Most uncomfortable looking hug - Peter and Hannah B.
What is happening here? There is a zero percent chance this is comfortable for either one of them.
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Best runway accessory - Mykenna
This almost went to Kelsey, who brought Peter a bottle of Andre champagne (college me loved this), but Mykenna went with just a glass of white wine. She took it with her, did an awkward crouch, and made eye contact with the camera. It was perfection.
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Gone Too Soon
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chiefbrody · 7 years
so here are my riverdale thoughts, seeing as i just finished the episode (i’m probably gonna do this every week):
again with the eerily close cheryl/jason relationship
betty hon if ur texting archie then ur up
good.... i want miss grundy to go to jail tbh she’s a fuckin pedophile
so jughead and archie snuck to jug’s treehouse when they were young. swag.
betty’s mom is trying 2 make her isolated.
“no archie” 2 seconds later “HEY ARCHIE WALK ME TO SCHOOL????” ok betty i see u girl
awwww i’m really rooting for this betty/archie friendship
“sorry coach i’m just too depressed and freaked out right now to do pull ups” “sardonic humor is just my way of relating to the world” jughead is legit me
i’m just wondering if cheryl had something to do with jason....... but cheryl referencing the green mile ok girl u a’ight in my book even if u did kill ur twin
archie my boy you’re acting suspect as hell
YES JUGHEAD SUSPECT HIM FOR DITCHING UR PLANS MY GUY i mean even tho he more than likely had nothing 2 do with it he could at least catch on to the Gross grundy/archie affair
i agree with cheryl’s friends. it’s very suspect, plus she’s acting way too fucking defensive
“you’ve got more demons than the exorcist” these one liners slay my life
cheryl: unless u know were at sweetwater river and know who shot jason archie: *FLASHBACKS*
i dig this ginger convo
why the shit is mrs. cooper there what does she have to do with this??? tbh i bet either her or cheryl did something to him
is this sugar sugar????
poor betty getting flashbacks to her heartbreak ://// I LOVE MY SWEET LITTLE CINNAMON ROLL TOO MUCH
weatherbee my boy you have shit timing but omfg HE IS ONTO ARCHIE I LOVE HIM
archie and grundy are actually making me want to vomit like idk if i can watch these scenes because he’s sixteen and she’s much older than him. like it genuinely makes me extremely uncomfortable and she’s admitting that she’s in love with a child like???
but seriously tho i live for juggie’s creeped out expression at archie/grundy
idk i thought the girls were doing well???
“stay loose and limber, ladies” well shit that sounds oddly sexual, cheryl
i love that ronnie’s trying to be friendly with betty again
i mean........ ronnie’s right. it isn’t her fault that archie doesn’t like betty, but archie and ronnie did kiss knowing full well that betty had the hots for him. tough situation
HERMIONE IN A WAITRESS UNIFORM FUCK SHE’S GORGEOUS. definitely joan crawford mildred pierce except more like mildred FIERCE
so betty’s had the hots for him since second grade. but seriously that story’s really cute
cheryl and betty friendship???? i can get behind this shit especially since cheryl actually seems kinda genuine..... except as the scene goes on she seems to be more bitchy and less genuine
i doubt that it was polly. go after mrs cooper tbh she’s the more likely suspect
jughead’s lookin like “i saw u about 2 kiss grundy fam.” jughead in this scene is absolutely me about grundy and archie. just like “WHAT THE FUCK BOY.”
wow archie’s a fucking douchecanoe i don’t really like him at all
hey mrs cooper YOU’RE fucking evil
dude i want betty to visit polly i wanna see her she seems like a sweetie
i want more reggie tbh he seems cool as hell........ except he’s being a little fucker about a serious situation
archie’s got quite a shiner
i love fred andrews though ok???? he’s such an a+ dad i hope they don’t make him a dick
i’m 2 ready for this homecoming
jughead’s sass is the reason i breathe tbh
here comes a cheesy as fuck speech
i really fucking love josie and the pussycats and this is actually a good rendition of sugar sugar
i still love that it’s the bulldogs bc my high school symbol was the bulldogs
o shit fam there she goes run cheryl run
ronnie is too sweet for this world, too pure, we don’t deserve her
what in the hell is cheryl talkin about he was supposed to come back for
aww that was A Tender Moment 
“i’ve had my share of emotional breakdowns” ronnie becomes more and more relateable by the second
god i hope this vow actually stays in place
so....... juggie wasn’t there??? bitch what????
oh fuck weatherbee looks pissed what’s gonna happen
wait................. so what happened during the week between july 4 and the week later???
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omacagee · 7 years
I totes realized I was gay because of Britt and Sophia in John Tucker must die😂 britt in those behind the scenes gifs tho. Slayyyyyy
YOOOOOO! I’m not OKAY. She is literally going to be the death of me in the behind the scenes. So hot and so much swag in her dancing. Take me away, she slayed me SO hard.
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kadobeclothing · 4 years
Where was the style at the Hum Style Awards?
On Saturday night, some of our brightest celebrities descended to Karachi’s Expo Centre to strut their stuff down the Hum Style Awards red carpet.
While a lot of big names were missing, the red carpet was still buzzing. Now, when you’ve got the word style literally in the name, can you blame us for expecting some fun fashion? We were disappointed. Not all the looks we saw were terrible, just most of them. Here’s the lowdown on who should’ve gotten a better stylist, and a handful of those who look hot, no matter what (we’re looking at you, Kiran Malik!): Nay: Kubra Khan Just us or does this look like a Christmas tree in mourning to you guys too? This could have been salvaged if more effort was put into styling this; the rust shoes and silver earrings just looked dated and mismatched. Speaking of looking dated… Meh: Sonya Hussyn Another winner from the night who wore something less than inspiring, which is surprising because we usually look to Hussyn to mix things up on the red carpet. Ruffled dupattas are so two years ago. Meh: Ayesha Omar We love experimental looks. But as the saying goes, ‘go big or go home.’ Even though Omar ended up bagging the Style Icon of the Year accolade, we felt like this gothic mummified ballerina vibe wasn’t one of her bests. Sure, the makeup and hairdo worked and we liked the minimal yet striking accessories, but all in all, this Elan creation was a fairly forgettable number. Nay: Mansha Pasha From the stockings to the one-shoulder trench coat dress with tacky embroidery, we couldn’t find a single redeeming quality in this Barbie gone bad look. Not Shamsha Hashwani’s best work. Also, would it kill the ladies to work a bright lip? Yay: Zara Abid We see a red lip, yes! This monochrome look by the model was simple yet classy without being dull. Telling you, a bold pout does wonders. Yay: Mahnoor Baloch Finally! Mahnoor Baloch doesn’t attend many award shows but when she does, she gives the other starlets some serious competition. She wore a gorgeous silk ombre sari by Menahel and Mehreen with a velvet halter blouse, looking like the most beautiful peacock we’ve ever seen! Now if she could just point us to the fountain of youth that she’s been drinking from, that’d be great… Yay: Zara Shahjahan Clearly a solid sari was the way to go. We loved how the designer kept the makeup minimal, her hair in a snatched ponytail and topped her maroon sari with a leopard print blazer. So chic and right on trend! Meh: Momina Mustehsan There’s just too much going on here: the feathers, the frills, the belt, the red shoes. Mustehsan is a repeat red carpet offender. Sad to report, she missed the mark this time around as well. Yay: Sahad Sajal and Ahad were twinning in black but to be fair, we’re not even really looking at the fashion here. The best accessory these two were rocking was each other as arm candy. Nay: Zara Noor Abbas So. Much. Chiffon! This Asim Jofa dress looks like it was some serious work to walk around in. Unfortunately, it wasn’t worth it. If you’re wearing a ball gown, go all out. Make sure it fits like a glove, be savvy while accessorising and maybe do something more interesting with your hair than just a regular blow-out? This just screams poofy and boring. Meh: Mira Sethi Mira Sethi clearly hasn’t been skipping the gym! While the top half slayed, the skirt was ill-fitting and not so flattering; pants would have looked better. We approve of the dangly earrings though! Meh: Nausheen Shah Shah usually always ends up on our best-dressed list but this enemble was a little disappointing, especially because we’ve seen this outfit on Hania Amir before. Personally would have skipped the in your face emblem belt and OTT earrings. Yay: Kiran Malik Malik could wear a potato sack and still make it work. Any one else would have faltered in this quirky, print on print Ali Xeeshan sari. Not the Pinky Memsaab actor. Coupling the sari with slicked back hair, a statement ear cuff and choker, she somehow made it work without looking outlandish. How does she do it?! Yay: Mikaal Zulfiqar Again, someone who pretty much rocks whatever he wears. The Ruswai actor paired a black tee with a grey blazer; casual but also full of swag. Classic Mikaal.
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source https://www.kadobeclothing.store/where-was-the-style-at-the-hum-style-awards/
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