#she's really misunderstood
antiqua-lugar · 8 months
tav being canonically so attractive that people just throw themselves at them is super funny as a galemancer because like so many people in-game (and the game itself at times) call gale either annoying or pathetic straight up to his face but tav is turning down all of faerun for him. everyone desires them carnally and they are busy getting ready to be introduced to gale's cat over dinner.
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normally-blue · 3 months
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Marcille im lov you <333
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stuckinapril · 2 months
It really is so true that you never know what someone’s going through behind closed doors. I’ve made being gentle and kind my default bc I’ve had super put together friends disclose the most harrowing time of their lives to me and it’s like oh?? You were going through that???? I would’ve never guessed
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woeismywaffle · 4 months
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Y'all remember this scene in the pilot where Charlie calls Lilith and says that 'dad was right about me'? I desperately need to know what exactly he said to her because even tho the pilot is technically still canon, show Lucifer doesn't seem like the kind of guy to outright call Charlie a failure/disappointment to her face
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tornoleander · 21 days
Nya has the best writing out of anyone in skybound an I will not hear otherwise
(this is just a rant but I will finish my argument with evidence soon but I was feeling like yelling at phone)
Just watched a video completely butchering her character.
I’m fuming about Nya’s treatment in general like RRRRR SHE IS LIKE THE BEST WRITTEN. Most people I see talk about her never tried to see Nya’s motivation.
And because she’s grumpy and won’t take bullshit treatment. And a large part of the audience Treat her like she’s a brat for it like…
Her ark against all odds is great. The only reason so many people don’t get that is ALL because of the awful framing and them focusing on Jay at all the wrong times I PROMISE YOU.
The audience is made to focus on Jay’s feelings in moments that should’ve been about her.
Nya always thought she would end up with Jay like she said later on. She always loved him She wasn’t trying to hurt or play with his feelings but she had bigger problems, and she simply didn’t want to be dating him. Because she hated how that would make her be perceived. Which was the issues that she overcame by the end.
She is frustrated by way she’s perceived by the city. They only see her as her gender. A self insert of sorts. (There’s a scene about it first ep subtle but boils my blood) Not a person. She HATES IT.
Nya has A lot more going on like it was never her Job to walk on eggshells around Jays feelings. She was having a lot harder of a time that first episode but more screen time was dedicated to Jays moping about her.
Just AAA ggghg
LIKE EVERYONE REWATCH SKYBOUND AND FOCUS ON NYA Specifically. Ignore how much the narrative drags you to look at Jay. I swear Nya’s struggle is shockingly the most well written bit
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foreverppl · 2 months
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Moodboard for Jinnah Beatty (they/she), lead singer of ethereal wave band Mayday Malady.
#romancing august I think but we’ll see what oriana is saying when the updated demo comes out hehe#some quick facts:#they usually go by their last name#her goal with her style is to be constantly mistaken for a beautiful ghost#lots of long skirts/dresses + layers. gossamer looking fabric etc. only ever wears black or white#on stage she’s also usually wearing a mourning veil bc of course she is#half of her love of music comes from the spectacle of it. like being able to construct a persona and exist in it for a little while#like playing make believe#they make a lot of their own clothes. if they weren’t doing music they’d definitely be doing something in fashion.#she deeply deeply hates being misunderstood or having her words/actions be twisted so she’s like pulling her hair out rn lmao#the band’s songs are pretty high usually so she always secretly finds it funny when fans try to sing along and are off key or something lol#the only tattoo they have is seven’s initials and she doesn’t really plan on getting any others#they’re hesitant abt being a positioned as the leader bc sometimes she has issues with reeling in her emotions#and responding reasonably in the moment.#anyway she can’t relate to the loser mc allegations she’s the coolest mf on the scene tbh#but I am sorta… scared for them.#on account of the horrors that are yet to come#bc truthfully they don’t know any coping mechanisms that aren’t just ‘ignore it until it goes away’ lmao#one of the things she is currently ignoring to the best of their ability is seven#if: infamous#mb#mc: jinnah beatty (infamous)
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rythyme · 1 month
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ok the director of Thame - Po: Heart That Skips A Beat is Mui Aticha Tanthanawigrai, who was one of three screenwriters for Girl From Nowhere, a screenwriter / director on F4 Thailand, AND the lead screenwriter and director for The Shipper. a super interesting track record!!
honestly if anyone was going to try to make a more serious boy band bl romance show, i'm glad it's her
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yuzuna123 · 3 months
Watching a blog I follow rebloging catradora really reminded me how much i LOVE the "Childhood Friends to Enemies to Lovers" tropes 😭😭 three of my all time favorites canon ships have it.
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Bonus one is a MM ship, the other a FF and the other a MF ship. The holy trinity indeed. 😭😭🫶🏻🫶🏻
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roseworth · 3 months
Wait ok I'm not knowledgeable on anything Wilson family. Slade drugs Rose???
yeah <///3 before tt03 they had met like once ever (and it went poorly) so to get rose on his side slade injected her with a super soldier serum
in #0.5 he kidnaps her after buying a hit on her (many such cases) and goes "cmon rose we can be a family lets be a family <3333" and she agrees (because shes angry and slade is the one handing her a weapon to kill the man that killed her mother)
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then theyre on the same side for a while! the first time we hear about the serum (and iirc only time its specifically mentioned while shes being drugged) is in #12 (BART 🥺)
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we also see some flashbacks in fresh hell of slade giving her the serum too
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anyways then she joins the team and everything is alright (lie). this is the first confirmation that she was being drugged, plus also showing that shes staying on the team just bc shes afraid slade will get her again :(
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in any story that takes place from 2003-2006 that includes rose & slade (bg #63-64, nightwing #112-115, etc), rose is being drugged :(
basically the writers needed an explanation for why she would choose to work with slade and wanted an excuse for why she would be able to join the titans later on and honestly? rare johns banger. this plotline fucks to me. completely defines rose's relationship with slade and gives her a concrete reason to hate him but also have very complicated feelings about her place in his life ouuughhhh
but in conclusion slade sucks so heres some panels of rose beating him up
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ch1d1xx · 6 months
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kokomi :((
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miraculouslycool · 8 months
It has been 16 years since Gilmore girls ended and I still think the Rory Gilmore hate bandwagon is forced, ridiculous and misogynistic.
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angelmush · 6 months
i got a goose tattooed on the inside of my forearm today and it was a flash piece but it's my favorite tattoo already it means everything to me i could sob
#i love geese so much and so deeply i named my dog after them#goose is my black dragon dog and my loyal faithful companion and my entire world#i just love these birds#they are so misunderstood as aggressive and scary when really they just are sensitive to spatial pressure#and they need a wider diameter than humans are often willing to give#but they are so beautiful i love their long graceful necks and how i can recognize their sounds anywhere#and that no matter where i live i see their little v's in the sky#and of course wild geese by mary oliver is one of the first poems i fell in love with#my english teacher deborah read it aloud to us in high school and it made me want to go outside and to stay alive#and when my gf and i first started dating i knew i loved her for lots of reasons but one of them was that she also loved geese#she told me she had a shared folder with her family members titled “geese i've seen” that she would put her goose photos in#so her entire family could witness them with her#i remember when i was sick with anorexia a few weeks before i was hospitalized a v of canadian geese flew over me on my way into work#and these big fluffy snowflakes were falling down and i could hear them calling#and it made my eyes well up#and i hoped they would get somewhere warm enough for winter#whether or not people have respect for them is a wonderful metric for gauging somebody's character#at the grocery store i worked at when i was 18 the only coworker i grew close to had a similar affinity for geese#she had a necklace of one#a little silver glinting goose in flight :'')#personal
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clonerightsagenda · 2 months
The entity who considers herself Avrana Kern accidentally tuning into her original body's desperate stream of consciousness begging for death: I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that.
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ryssbelle · 3 months
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My cousins made their own troll Ocs and I drew them in my style.
They were very excited about it
#my art#not my art#both#trolls#dreamworks trolls#they had a lot of fun making these#i actually really love the color palette for princess i think my cpusin did a very good job on that#claw is something else#he is a unicorn troll#neon green was an interesting choice but hey claw is an interesting guy#is it obvious idk how to draw country trolls lmao#ever since i told them i also liked trolls we have had our own little club#im their person who they can talk to about it#they will also just sit and ask me to draw tiny diamond and guy diamond over and over and over and over and over again#they really like tiny diamond#but hey i love those little guys so i draw the trolls they demand of me#they also asked me to draw poppy and branch so they could color them#i still have to finish my viva coloring page for them#the younger of the two who made princess is really good at color picking and color matching#she colored poppy without a ref and its p accurate to her colors#the older one who made claw used the ref for every color but he got pretty close when he tried to guess#the older one also misunderstood me when i said id been practicing art since i was 5 and thought i was this good since i was 5#he was very depressed for about 15 minutes#it was really funny but dw i assured him that was not the case#but like for those 15 min he did not believe me#even his sister was like 'nono you didnt hear it right' but he was already in the emo zone#he was fine later tho and continued on making his troll#and also proud teacher moment but i had taught princesses creator some art techniques off handedly#not expecting her to remember any of it but then she did and apparent shes been using it ever since#im like omg i actually taught another human bsing something its insane
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medusa1597 · 26 days
my coworker said she wanted to go on break later than what was planned so i came up to her to say she could do so if she felt like it and she told me to mind my business ....... i can't get over it what the hell
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vulpixhoney · 4 months
why does Rick Riordan hate the original myths so bad 💀
the Asphodel stuff?? regret? where is that coming from? you fully just made that shit up? out of his ass fr. the fields of Asphodel are specifically an area of neutrality, where the pretty much all mortals go when they die. it's for anyone who lived a normal life, who isn't a hero or a literal monster. it's specifically a neutral zone for people to exist once they die, it has nothing to do with ~your regrets in life~. it's like, a peaceful field of flowers where all your life's troubles are left behind on the surface.
the closest things to that is the fields of mourning/sorrow, but that's specifically for unrequited romantic love and also not called the fields of Asphodel (and also I'd bet money that rr doesn't know what that is) (and also only in Virgil's The Aeneid and not the Odyssey with the rest of what we know of the underworld)
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