#she's a witch and can absolutely suck my trans ass
kmclaude · 10 months
How much do you want your own unique personality to come through in the art that you make? How much do you want people to separate your art from the artist?
Can anyone separate the art from the artist? And if so, when?
Take J. K. Rowling -- fucking cunt. Absolute shithead. Singlehandedly lit on fire all goodwill and went right to goose-stepping. Regardless of how intrinsically linked Harry Potter was to my childhood and adolescence (and to me creating online! Literally!) like...her as a human being actively championing destruction of trans rights not just sours the media for me, it makes it radioactive to me. It cannot be separated. She is shit and as such her art reeks of it.
...but then again she has literally stated that support of her art is support of her views (she's already made her money anyway) so is it her attitude? Would it be different if she was a shit human being who didn't actively link artistic support to moral support? Is attitude all that makes it separable? Would it be different if she didn't profit (and at this point again she's made her money -- it's about the same as if she were dead and not making money, you know? Drop in a bucket.) Would it be separable then? Would I be just as hard pressed to separate her the artist from her art if she were Joanne, just Joanne, self publishing and writing blog posts and making a wee side hustle?
(Would I be just as hard pressed to separate art and artist if her views and shitfuckery didn't directly impact me, a filthy little transsexual?)
Not to get all philosophical. I just tend to sometimes ask myself this. Hell, listening to Marilyn Manson's been kinda hard to do post the latest accusations -- yet I can listen to some of the earlier stuff that really just SLAPS -- and is it because besides Pale Emperor, most of the albums past Holywood bar some songs just don't do it for me? Is it because it's hard to reconcile the artist whose art meant a lot to a weirdo like me and who became the face of a witch hunt because of his art (which means a lot to an artist like me) WITH the person who allegedly was basically telling on himself with his art? Is it a sense of personal betrayal (its own bit of parasocial relationship) that causes the separation?
And of course this is all with the assumption of separating art from artist purely as a "this guy sucks ass but I like what they make, how do I cope" POV but obviously there is the general idea of Death of the Author which your question seems more geared on: how much of my corpse should influence, if at all, a reader's reading of my corpus?
So back to your question -- some of my art (think diary comics for example as they're autobiographical) you really could not separate from me the artist. You couldn't. It's impossible given the nature of autobiographical works. Who I am, who I was, what my intent is -- very much intertwined there. At the same time, there is the room and space to separate out the autobiographical art as a pinpoint in time for the artist from the artist as a living being, ever changing in spacetime.
Most of my work...you could, I think, separate art from the artist. I'd encourage it in the sense that like...it'd be foolish to read into many of my comics or illustrations and think they are 1:1 expressions of me, my feelings, my experiences, etc. I think of it like the speaker of a poem vs the poet -- this is like basic English Lit class concepts, right? The speaker is not the poet. The artist is not the character. It'd be actually dangerous (and stupid) to scour my works, my illustrations, my writing, and try to make assumptions on me; I also think it'd be rather punishing for all involved to desperately need a listing of my pedigree, my biography, the minutiae of my intent to be able to interpret my works. They can stand pretty OK on their own; their neck muscles are firm enough to hold their head upright.
But...at the same time... my person informs my work. My intent informs my work (whether I succeed or fail at what I intend is another matter.) The works did not form fully grown from the ether onto your computer screen. They came from a person, me, about whom you (general you -- you specifically Idal know a bit more about me by virtue of our friendship) know some tidbits of information I've given here and there. These things inform it all. Those bits of information may be relevant in your interpretation; they may not be.
That's all intent however. In terms of my personality coming through: I think all artists' personalities come through in a work. Something of it. Maybe it's the character they play -- but even that is telling. There are people who write my characters better than I, and with their writing they leave a part of their personality in the words; likewise, there are people who draw my characters better than I and leave part of themselves in the linework. Those works imbue a part of their creators in them, even if my work (with part of me in it) provided the dolls to play house.
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flatfootedfiend · 4 years
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gay bitches
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crystallic-moon · 3 years
I’m reading Blood Like Magic so here’s my live comments
There will 100% be spoilers
Is she sitting in a pool of blood?
A lot of blood.
Ok but the whole Voya not being able to make a decision thing is exactly like me.
Fuck Uncle Cathius.
Wait- Alex’s bleeding came from her eyes and ears, but it was said that that’s how it is for the guys since they don’t have a period. Soo.. is Alex trans?
Aww i love what Voya’s mom said to her when Voya was becoming insecure about her hips.
Luc may be mean but he sounds hot ;-;
Holy shit- Mama Jova’s scars— my heart hurts for what she had to go through
Holy shit I think we’re watching how Mama Jova died
The year 2049, I’d be 44 years old in this story
Nooo Eden 🥺
Ok but maybe Mama Jova didn’t mean kill him? But also I get why she’d want bloodshed because of the way she died...
Voya just exposed Luc :0
Omg why am I starting to like Luc
I’m a Luc simp but I shouldn’t be
I suck at remembering to write in this. This whole mystery with Auntie Elaine is confusing.
I also loved that scene at the Night Market where Luc gave her a temporary tattoo. It felt like their first real raw bonding moment.
I wonder if Lucs secretly a witch. Like what if he is but he doesn’t know about it.
Aww Luc called over Voya while he was workinggg she’s growing on him.
Priya holding Edens hand hurts because she’s probably scared it may be the last time she might get to.
Why was that cute omg
Oh they’re definitely starting to like each other
*clears throat* Lucs letting her get into his personal space
Justin did something to Elaine I know it.
I think Elaine had something to do with Justin discovering the genetic modification thing.
I like Luc and Alex kinda bonding over both being trans.
Are they really talking about her when they know she’s in the house or near it?? Y’all are witches I’d assume you’d be a bit smarter about this.
Omg he went after her crying, my heart.
Dammit she has to kill him.
“‘I think you make him flustered.’” MHM YES SHE DOES
I feel so bad for Alex she didn’t deserve to find out that way.
I don’t know if I love or hate that Voya said yes to dinner.
“Every day, more and more cracks in our family get exposed” - my theory is that the whole ‘destroy your first love’ thing is about her family. Voya’s family is her first love and the has to destroy its secrets.
Can we not kill Luc please
Oh shit she killed Juras-
Oh he survived
*cough* they definitely like each other
Man, fuck Justin.
“If I give it back, what excuse will I have to keep inviting you places to return it?” STOP HES SO CUTE
I really love the representation of both Luc and Alex being trans. And Keisha being a lesbian.
He’s definitely given her profile more than a ‘glance’
I know I’ve said it before. And it’s probably getting repetitive. But I love the trans representation in Luc.
I feel like Luc is being more soft with Voya, when Voya was like examining his body cuz he told her about how often he eats, he awkwardly was like could u not examine my body. But like with other ppl I feel like he wouldn’t been more snappy with it, cuz as we’ve seen he’s not afraid to be a little mean.
Honestly I get Lucs thing about speaking Spanish to his family and being told he has an accent every time. Happens to me a lot, it’s irritating but I try.
Yes u like him and he likes u it’s so obvious now kiss.
They are so adorable please don’t make her kill him.
I am so worried about her watching this.
stop the man was wipping them like how Mama Jova died is that meant to be a sign???
Luc came to see her???
Okay okay but how tf is she supposed to explain to Luc that she got whipped by a magical man or whatever that wat because she wanted to watch a ritual so she could prepare to kill him?? - not even the killing him part, how is she supposed to explain the some magic dude whipped me part?!
No it’s a vision girl don’t believe it.
Omg can this girl catch a break she just got badly injured and almost died she doesn’t need this.
I’m upset.
Watching Voya and her dad bind is bittersweet cuz I know he still hurt her despite this bonding moment.
Mama Jova better have a good ass lesson to teach Voya with this task cuz girl is going through it.
I want to see Luc again.
I am so anxious to keep reading cuz I genuinely don’t know what’s going to happen.
I feel like Lucs gonna show up to her cooking competition especially since he can easily find her location.
Fuck Justin man.
At least he’s the successor
Ok I get Voya wanting to be honest but why would admit that he still considering killing him ;-; for all you know he could be recording this and take it to the cops.
“Are you breaking up with me?” STOP STOP RIGHT NOW
I hate that he blocked her but like -he has a very very valid reason. Surprised he didn’t get a whole restraining order.
Wait wait since Voya broke the circle when they were casting the spell to protect caribana that means there will be no protection and that has to mean something??
I’m betting that something bads gonna happen at the Caribana
I feel like her mom told her until to stay until they got back for a good reason
Omg I thought Voya got shot—
Ok yes technically Voyas partially to blame for breaking the circle but it’s not entirely her fault
No no no u could’ve just gotten rid of her internship or something but trap her in the house forever? Sorry girl I wouldn’t forgive u either.
I like that Lucs back but it hurts
Holy shit things have gone very south
Ofc he was gonna trap u in glass cage with Eden what did u expect Luc ;-;
Mf I swear to fucking god if u kill granny
Aww Luc and Voyas little moment through the glass. I can tell he feels guilty and still loves her...
He’s still trying to protect her.
Oh shit he’s known since before Luc and Voya even met
They’re not a legitimate genetic match-
I like Voyas thing about him thinking what he had with Elaine was love, because wat they had wasn’t love if he expected her to do anything he asked just because she loved him.
Granny to the rescue
Granny is not to the rescue.
Yes Luc he’s a lying cheat.
Please I thought Luc was destined to die, not Granny 🥺
“Who will by my grandma is she’s gone?” STOP IT RIGHT NOW
“Does it also not matter that I can’t even have a conversation with my parents without arguing? That I’ve forgotten how to speak my own language because you told me it wasn’t important? If the outcome of good, are the consequences irrelevant?” STOP LUC MY BABY DOESNT DESERVE THIS.
Stop that actually hurts cuz Luc sees how great of a relationship Voya has with her family and he’s just there without a relationship with them besides shared genes.
Yes Luc argue with the asshole.
Even tho u were once an asshole.
Edennn 🥺
Omg u love Luc fighting for them
Like I love how Luc fought for Justin to let Granny hug her granddaughter goodbye. It shows he cares and how this really does hurt him especially the way Voya described him wiping away his tears and screaming.
“Granny puts Eden back down on the chair and pauses to stare at Luc. ‘Thank you. ‘Please don’t,’ Luc croaks. ‘Too bad. I already thanked you.’” - Luc probably feels like this is his fault, that’s why he doesn’t want Granny to thank him.
:0 granny was the one who saved Luc from Voya stabbing him in her vision.
I like that Granny respected Voyas wishes of not killing him by saving him herself.
Keis is eternally trapped in the house for nothing.
I mean I’m glad Eden was saved by that but still.
“Why would you tell me this now? Why would you make me sparked as shit with you right as your about to die?” 🥺
She regrets not trusting Voya 🥺
AWW STOP “That means you can’t die. You have to make it up to me. Borrow someone else’s gift. Fix this.”
Granny was always planning making Voya the matriarch.
Omg omg omg it’s Auntie Elaine.
Wait that’s so smart, turning him into the prototype
Omg her killing his body’s was intense—
“Why couldn’t you listen to me? Why couldn’t you find another way?” Luc still cared about Justin but of course he did, he wasn’t the best but it’s still the man who basically raised him.
Aww he tried to save Eden regardless
Omg she almost collapsed
Oh shit. “It’s the Luc I imagined once he knew the truth. That hateful twist to his mouth and narrowing of his eyes.” He hates her.
Wait that’s so sad, him only having the bionic lenses to remember Justin by.
“‘For what it’s worth, I’m sorry. But don’t forget that we both lost someone today.’ Luc shakes his head. ‘You lost someone. I lost everyone.’” - Stopp that’s so sad. Voya lost her granny but she still has her family, but Luc doesn’t have anyone else. He’s absolutely done with Voya, he doesn’t have any other friends, his sponsee siblings seem to hate him, and he argues with his family. Justin was all he had and now that’s gone too...
Sorry I’m mad a Voya too for trapping Keis in the house.
“Alex said that now her ID brings up XX the way it should.” I LOVE IT
“I like to think it’s because he’s better than that.” I think he hasn’t threatened or punished them for what happened because deep down he still wants to protect Voya and he’s aware they did it to save themselves and their family.
Woahhh Justina dads death
“The ancestors must love irony.” 💀
I guess she sort of did listen to Luc cuz she’s interning at Roti Roti for Johan.
I hate that Granny’s gone :(
Voyas showing Rena, Lauren’s mom, how she died 🥺
Wait I love that.
“I bring the intent. They bring the blood. We both pay for the gift of magic.”
This was a good book.
I loved the different genres blended together. I loved the magic side of it, it’s witches, and how they had this whole system with a matriarch, and a whole community. I loved the sci fi parts, with the genetic modification and this huge new company NuGene. I loved loved loved the romance between Voya and Luc and how they didn’t get their traditional happy ever after, and how they also weren’t a legit genetic match but they still fell for each other. And I loved the mystery side with figuring out who Mama Elaine was and what important role she played.
I’ll admit the story felt slow in the beginning and I almost decided to turn around and return it for another book but I’m so glad I didn’t because it was a good and eye catching book. But it does upset me and Keis really got the short end of the stick, she spent the whole book working to get a NuGene internship only to end up trapped in the house by the person who pushed her to get the internship.
This was a good book tho I do recommend.
Also Luc never returned Voyas food container.
4/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Finished July 15, 2021 at 2pm
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splendidlyimperfect · 4 years
written for @geraskierweek​ 
chapter one - don’t stop me now
The last place Geralt expects to come across an incubus is at Pride. 
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title: if the apocalypse comes, beep me author: splendidlyimperfect prompt day #: 2 (monster hunt) summary:  Geralt's a Witcher - one of few monster hunters that are trained to fight the nightmares that the modern world doesn't know exists. The only people who know are his Watcher Vesemir, and Yennefer, his ex-girlfriend who happens to be a witch. Geralt's doing just fine balancing hunting and college courses, but when he runs into an unusual man with a (literally) magical voice, his world gets a bit more complicated. word count: 2333 books/netflix/show/video game: netflix triggers/warnings: none rating: M (eventually) additional notes: buffy inspired, modern au with magic/monsters, monster hunting, siren!jaskier, trans!jaskier, yenn and jaskier get to be catty friends
The last place Geralt expects to come across an incubus is at Pride.
In retrospect, he should have seen it coming. A crowded, dark bar full of horny college students grinding against each other is the perfect environment for a demon of lust. It’s also the last place Geralt wants to be.
“Can we leave now?” he grumbles, elbowing Yennefer and tipping his head toward the door. She rolls her eyes at him, then tosses back a shot of something bright blue and smacks his shoulder.  
“Oh, come on,” she shouts over the din of the music. “You promised you wouldn’t be a grumpy asshole tonight.”
Geralt grunts, crossing his arms over his chest and staring down at the crowd. They’re on the second floor of the club, sitting at a tiny table with a plate of chicken wings and several beers between them. Geralt’s had four now, and he’s still not buzzed enough to deal with this shit.
Continue reading on AO3
“At least I’m not making you dance,” Yenn says as she kicks his shin under the table. Geralt rolls his eyes. He’s already put up with a parade today, and if Yenn thinks there’s any way in hell she could convince him to dance, she’s got another thing coming.  
The music from the band on stage fades out and Geralt winces at the squeal of feedback as someone steps up to the microphone. “Give it up for The Witching Hour!”
Yennefer cheers, uncharacteristically excited as she stares down at the stage. Geralt rolls his eyes – he knows she’s checking out the lead singer, some redhead whose name he should probably know, but doesn’t. Yenn talks about her constantly, and Geralt tends to tune her out.
“Now, please welcome our Queen tribute band – It’s A Kind of Magic!”
A new group takes the stage – some other band dressed in bright colors that Geralt doesn’t pay attention to. He turns back to his beer, sipping it and wishing he could close his ears as well as his eyes.
Then the music starts, and Geralt’s medallion starts to thrum.
His eyes fly open and he leans forward on the table, immediately on edge. His gaze jumps between the members of the band, dismissing them all until he gets to the lead singer. He’s dressed ridiculously – bright red pants that look like they’re nearly painted on and a black leather jacket with nothing underneath – and he looks vaguely familiar.
“Isn’t that the guy from your Latin class that you have a crush on?” Yennefer asks.
Geralt glares at her, then taps at his medallion and nods back at the stage. Yenn’s eyes widen and she’s immediately vigilant as well, eyes scanning the crowd.
“It’s him,” Geralt says, gesturing to the singer. Yenn’s right, the man – Jaskier – is in his Latin class, but Geralt absolutely does not have a crush on him. He’s got ridiculous, floppy hair and baby blue eyes, and talks so much that his voice grates on Geralt’s nerves. His singing, however… well, it’s magical. Literally.
I’m a shooting star leaping through the sky like a tiger defying the laws of gravity…
Jaskier’s voice is clear and flawless – and, Geralt has to admit, he does sound quite a bit like Freddie Mercury. He’s grinning at the crowd, gyrating his hips ridiculously and winking at everyone in the front of the crowd. And everyone is staring at him, still dancing in a frantic revel, but seemingly unable to look away, as if enchanted by him.
Geralt’s pretty sure they are. Jaskier’s voice is hypnotic, jumping octaves as he tugs the microphone towards him and belts out the lyrics.  
“Are you sure?” Yenn asks, nudging Geralt’s elbow. “He doesn’t look very dangerous.”
“Monsters aren’t always sharp teeth and claws,” Geralt mutters. “Stay here.”
Yenn starts to argue but he ignores her, standing and moving toward the spiral staircase that will take him down to the main floor. Even he can feel the pull of whatever magic Jaskier is radiating, which is both unusual and worrying.
Don’t stop me now I’m having such a good time I’m having a ball Don’t stop me now if you wanna have a good time just gimme a call
Geralt’s made it halfway to the stage when the song ends. The entire room seems to exhale, and it takes a minute for everyone to come back to themselves and start to applaud. Jaskier grins at them, waving and taking a small bow before grabbing a bottle of water and taking a swig.  
He’s not singing anymore, but Geralt’s medallion doesn’t stop humming.
Jaskier waves to the crowd one last time before disappearing backstage with the rest of the band. His sweaty hair clings to the back of his neck and he’s breathing heavily, still high on the excitement of the performance.
“They loved you!” Jenna, the guitarist, claps Jaskier’s shoulder and grins at him.
“They always do, darling,” Jaskier says with a wink. He runs his fingers through his hair, shaking out the sweat, then steps toward the fan at the back of the room, exhaling in relief as the cool air touches his face.
“Hey, gorgeous.” Jaskier raises an eyebrow, turning to see a young man leaning against the door to the back room. He’s the one that Jaskier should be calling gorgeous – tight shirt dipping down to show off a collarbone dusted with glitter, dark eyes, dark hair tied back in a ponytail with a few strands escaping to frame his face.
“Hey, yourself,” Jaskier says, moving toward the man and making it very obvious that he’s eyeing him up. “Enjoy the show?”
“Absolutely,” he murmurs, reaching out and touching Jaskier’s cheek. “Couldn’t keep my eyes off you.”
The press of fingertips on his cheek sends something pulsing through Jaskier, but it’s not the arousal he was hoping for. Instead, it thrums through him, dark red and dangerous.
Of course, he thinks. Can’t ever just be a pretty boy, can it?
“You’re not too bad looking yourself,” he says out loud, stepping into the man’s space and sliding a hand into his hair. The man bites lip, looking up at Jaskier as his hand drifts down to his hip. “Wanna go somewhere a little more… private?”
The man doesn’t answer, just pulls away and grabs Jaskier’s hand, tugging him out into the dark hallway that leads to the club’s washrooms. Half the lights are burnt out back here, and Jaskier catches glimpses of the man in the sharp pulses of neon light from the front of the club. He really does have a nice ass, and Jaskier sighs mournfully.
At least the rest of the club is filled with other attractive men – and women – that he can fool around with once he’s taken care of this.
“Come here,” the man purrs, turning and grabbing the lapel of Jaskier’s leather coat and pulling him close. He stumbles forward, letting the man tug him into a kiss that’s hot and messy and not at all unpleasant. Jaskier kisses back, sliding one hand down to the man’s hip until he’s pressed up against Jaskier’s bare chest.
A slight pull of magic appears wherever the man touches him, and Jaskier pushes back against it, shoving him against the wall. He gasps, and Jaskier feels a smile against his lips – and then there are sharp teeth behind the kiss, and the magic pulls harder.
“I really wish you wouldn’t,” he sighs, before dropping the dagger from the sleeve of his coat and thrusting it into the man’s chest.
Geralt growls, pushing people out of his way as he stalks through the crowd, trying to find the source of the magic that’s affecting his medallion. He’s still suspicious of Jaskier and his enthralling voice, but the band is gone now and he’s still sensing danger. It tugs at him like a thread, pulling him away from the stage and toward the washrooms.
He sighs, pulling out his phone and sending a quick text to Yenn.
It’s near the washrooms, might need a memory spell or two if it gets messy.
All he gets back is an eyeroll emoji.
The lights start to flash around him as a new band starts up, bass pounding in his chest and making it hard to focus on the magic. Geralt growls, shoving another group of people with their hands all over each other to the side. Eventually he makes it to the hallway with the bathroom, and the thrumming of the medallion gets stronger. He’s about to open the washroom door when he looks down the hallway.
It’s Jaskier, making out with some guy against the wall, and if seeing that does funny things to Geralt’s stomach he ignores it. What’s important right now is that the guy that Jaskier is kissing is not, in fact, a man – he’s an incubus. Geralt can see through the ponytail and the tight pants to the demon underneath, and the incubus is getting ready to suck out Jaskier’s soul through the kiss.
“For fuck’s sake.”
Geralt takes a step forward, hand going to summon his sword, when suddenly Jaskier drops a dagger from his sleeve and stabs the man in the chest.
Geralt freezes, watching as Jaskier gives the incubus an apologetic look and twists the blade. The demon shudders, eyes wide as he stares down at the handle of the dagger, then curses as his body starts to dissolve into thin threads of black smoke. It only takes a second for him to disappear completely, sucked into the blade and banished back to the netherworld.
“What,” Geralt says, staring at Jaskier, “the fuck.”
Jaskier jumps, quickly sliding the dagger back up his sleeve and turning to Geralt with an uncertain smile on his face. Up close, Geralt can see that he’s wearing makeup, glitter smudged down across his chest, and a trans pride button is pinned to the lapel of his jacket.
“Look,” Jaskier says, “that definitely wasn’t what it looked like.” Geralt doesn’t answer, just stares at him. He’s certainly not a Witcher – Geralt would recognize him if he was – and Yenn would have told him if Jaskier was a sorcerer.
“What are you?” Geralt growls.
“Nobody,” Jaskier says quickly, giving Geralt a wan smile. “I mean, not nobody, obviously, but it’s a very long story that you probably aren’t going to believe. And I don’t think we have time for it, because that demon probably came with a partner and I need to find them before some poor idiot gets their soul sucked out through their mouth. Or cock. Neither would surprise me at this point.”
Geralt frowns, tilting his head to the side in puzzlement. His medallion is still thrumming faintly and Jaskier is right – incubi and succubi usually travel in pairs. But Geralt’s supposed to be the only one who knows about this kind of stuff.
Jaskier sighs. “I hate doing this,” he mutters, taking a step toward Geralt and murmuring under his breath. “Heed my voice and listen well, on this memory you’ll not dwell, take the vision fraught with fear, forget the things that you’ve seen here.” His voice is low and quiet, and the hypnotic melody is back. A heady magic mixes with the words, tugging at Geralt’s mind and making the medallion thrum harder.
“What the hell,” he growls, taking a step toward Jaskier, “do you think you’re doing?”
Jaskier frowns, gaze skipping from Geralt’s eyes to his hand that’s hovering over his hip, waiting for the incantation to summon his sword. Then Jaskier sees the outline of the medallion under Geralt’s shirt and his eyes widen.
“You’re a Witcher,” he says, the magic in his voice replaced by excitement. “My Gran told me about you. That’s why the magic doesn’t work.”
Geralt hesitates, bewildered by the fact that Jaskier knows what he is, and that he isn’t frightened by it. “How do you—”
“I’ll explain as soon as we find the other one,” Jaskier says quickly, looking over Geralt’s shoulder and back into the crowd. “Do you know where it is? That’s what the necklace is for, right? You can use your… Witcher senses or whatever you call them to find monsters.”
“I found you,” Geralt growls.
“Well, yes,” Jaskier admits, putting his hands on his hips. “But I’m not a monster. Well, I guess if we’re being technical, I am, but it’s more complicated than that, and we don’t really have time for my whole tragic backstory right now.”
“I can’t trust you.”
“I just killed a demon for you,” Jaskier argues. “Clearly I’m on your side. And if I was planning on committing some monstrous atrocity, do you really think I’d be wearing this—” he gestures at his leather pants “—while singing about fat bottomed girls?”
“The only monstrous atrocity here is that outfit.” A voice comes from behind Geralt and he turns, relieved to see Yenn standing behind him. She’s got her arms crossed over her chest and her expression is more amused than concerned.
“You take that back,” Jaskier says indignantly. “I’ll have you know this is a replica of the exact outfit Freddie wore on—”
“Enough.” Geralt grinds his teeth. “We’ll deal with the demon first. Yenn, bind him.”
“Hmm, try again?”
Geralt sighs. “Yenn, can you please bind the unidentified monster so he can’t run away?”
“Better,” Yennefer says. She holds out one hand, palm towards Jaskier, and quickly murmurs, “By air and earth, by water and fire, so be you bound as I desire.”
Jaskier laughs. “That’s cute, darling,” he says, then shakes his head. “It won’t work on me, but I promise I won’t run.”
Yenn doesn’t react, but Geralt’s known her long enough to catch the twitch of annoyance and surprise in her jaw.
“You’re sticking with me,” Geralt says, stepping forward and grabbing Jaskier’s arm. “Once this is over, you and I are having a talk.”
“Looking forward to it,” Jaskier says lightly. “Now, are we going to kill a demon or not?”
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underbananamoon · 5 years
It’s still Women’s History Month (I write this on the last day of March) although every day is a good day to remember women. I think of my mother, a gentle laughing spirit and her mother, a fragile sprite of a woman with a mischievous aura about her. I think of my birth mother too, who I met a few times before she passed and found out later she loved to tell stories about faeries and little people. My biological grandma who I met twice, an artist who grabbed my cheeks gently, the first time we met and said “I love you already.” I think of Starr, who has had to face way too much havoc and to whom I send love healing intention every day- she deserves happiness. I am often drawn to autobiographical accounts of women in particular although my fave author Augusten Burroughs has a new book due out and I am very happy to have that on pre-order. Some interesting women’s stories (artists, writers, leaders…) a few that stay with me, of the very many I’ve read:
Her beau: the well-known-died-too-young-Jackson Pollock gets the attention but Lee is fascinating!
It stays with you. As tragedy and remembrance does.
While books like this are rarely “juicy,” and words are carefully chosen, it is a fabulous insight into what shaped and directed the Obama trajectory.
What can I say? I just didn’t know autism is a broad spectrum. I didn’t know stereotypes I’d been fed were largely untrue. I was always picking up memoir in my 30s, as I still do, in an attempt to know how people tick, so to speak, to get a grasp on my own different brain. I saw the title Nobody Nowhere on a Caldor store shelf and I thought, “Sounds interesting. I don’t have autism, I mean I don’t bang my head all day…but it should be an interesting read.” This is the first book I read from an autistic POV. Page one, I said, “So that’s what I’ve got.” Epiphany. The rest is history. Errr….. herstory.
Speaking of herstory, I’m going to recommend my own book to you and while I can’t say I am a leader or a mover-shaker, I can say that it is from the heart and that the late author of Nobody Nowhere became a sister at heart friend and wrote my forward free of charge, because she offered and I was honored. Every single human being has a story. I have a mountain of books at my bedside that I step around when I rise in the morning, to prove that. And for a long time I didn’t think I even had a voice. While my voice and what I have to say is unconventional, I do have one and this little book I wrote proves that:
Oh, someone give me a kick in the writer-ass to get going on my next book! Art is something I am immersed in however. I’m planning a series of women-inspired paintings/collages of women (real, bumpy, curvy, diverse, empowered) and as such, I was looking at the extraordinary work of Goya’s women and witches, of which I’m sharing a little here…
  Awestruck by olden images/sketches of woman, I had a specific search engine that brought up image drawings. I entered the search words “Old Woman” so I could inspire my own art creations with images that came up in the search results. Here’s what happened:
Bags! Bags came up when I searched old women? A derogatory outdated term for women? Interesting, because that’s the opposite of empowerment isn’t it? LOL as they say.
So, Women’s History Month has Marched by and the next theme-designated-month is….drumroll….Autism Awareness! It’s a month many dread. Fact is, we are all going to see news, TV, docu-features, articles, etc. and community happenings and all manner of things in April related to what many of us live with EVERY day of the year. Walks. Stunts. Blue lights.
I’ve read that blue was chosen for Autism Awareness Month because autism supposedly disproportionately affects males (…actually girls hide it better and fall under the radar, so is that really true?…) and we all know blue is the assigned color for males… Really though? In a 1918 Ladies Home Journal article, the following was said: “The generally accepted rule is pink for the boys, and blue for the girls. The reason is that pink, being a more decided and stronger color, is more suitable for the boy, while blue, which is more delicate and dainty, is prettier for the girl.” Hmmm I’m digressing. That in itself is disempowering in itself. Girls: dainty. Boys: Strong. It’s like that old Betty White quote I adore.
But I digress. While some feel that designating a month for autism awareness is a great soapbox from which to express autism related topics, others absolutely despise it and are triggered by it. Autism is no “walk in the park” for those affected, says Kim Stagliano, Washington Post.
According to the Autism Society, the initiative was created “to promote autism awareness, inclusion and self-determination for all, and assure that each person with [Autism Spectrum Disorder] is provided the opportunity to achieve the highest possible quality of life.”
On that note, here is what I’ve been up to…in part, as an instrinsically actually autistic woman: Truth is, I’m up to a lot.
Wednesday Al and I went to Manhattan with my son Silas and gf Kat to be filmed for our part in the anthology docu-film Desire, which Keri Bowers is directing on a shoestring. I destroyed a cuticle or two along the way. My nerves. They sing too loudly.
My now-son Silas had top surgery and used to be my daughter Kerry Annie and if you’ve read my book you recall a little girl who loved classical music, daredevil activities, kitties and motorcycles…. Now I have three sons. Silas and Kat bravely talk about their love story, in this film. I’m proud to be a small part of a big thing. Maybe it was easier to talk about other people’s sexuality than my own?
When we arrived (early) at the highrise where filming was taking place I saw these marvelous doors.
Al and I took a seat in the library room to wait our turn, as filming was running late. Al can get curmudgeonly when things go unexpectedly and while I am not happy with unexpected change, I often try to take the stance that it’s an adventure after all and meant this way. Al did hold it together patiently, to his credit! Our unruly dog has taught him patience!
So, waiting in the library for our turn, Al settled in to an iPhone game and I picked up Neurotribes and skimmed through for an hour. Someone had put a Post-it note inside. Steve’s book reminds me of me when I was “shiny” which is my term for newly diagnosed, and in that awestruck and happy period of newly-diagnosed-revelation. At least that was my experience. At the time I was diagnosed (1990s), I got library books (much of what is in Steve’s book) and copied and copied info that I recognize in Neurotribes as part of what I researched, into a red binder which I still have, handwritten. Truly, Steve’s book is a go-to, a culmination of autism knowledge that is a gathered place for invaluable information. Inspired! (This library had jarringly noisy glass doors…for a library one doesn’t expect to grit teeth every few minutes while someone enters through said noisy doors…)
  While Keri got great shots of Al and I walking, and even kissing on the busy street, it should be noted, alas, that filming is not my forte. I have RestingFrownFace. I suppose to focus on communication (selective mutism sucks) AND my facial expression is not cohesive, one always suffers. Plus side? I got to meet members of my tribe, Keri’s assistants Mark and Michelle. Here is lovely Michelle who had a very sore foot (and a trans child in common with me). My foot wasn’t sore. 🙂
Keri wanted footage of my hometown and planned a trip to visit us on Saturday by train,(yesterday) … Unfortunately Keri and Mark got lost on the way and we are rescheduling the trip for the future. She had a rose for me but never got to deliver it. Here are she and Mark who is delightfully shiny 🙂 mugging with my rose. At least I got to see it!
Had planned to take them to one of my favorite trees when they got in by train, but Al and I decided to go to the tree anyway even if Mark and Keri weren’t there to see it in person. Here we are:
  Here is a shot of the filming of my son (left) and his gf Katerina. They held hands the whole time.
I have probably shared these before, but here is a “before” of Silas and a shot of ‘she’ and I miming.
  It’s warming up here in the east. 60 degrees! woohoo. I plan to get a lowBattery-refill from nature as often as I can. My low power light is blinking. I’ll leave you with some art I’ve made, old and new- most collage, some acrylic, a lot of them unfinished. Poor quality quick iPhone photos.
  See Alex Trebek in her calf muscle? These collages and paintings are more vibrant in person. They came out rather dark here. Images copyright me of course.
Go see your favorite tree. If you don’t have one, find one. Find your tribe, whoever it is. Make art. Catch Pokemon. Life is short. Maybe you’ll catch a shiny like me! Did you know Pokemon Go was created by someone with Aspergers? Of course you did.
  CNN article about dreading autism awareness month.
  Gender, Desire, Art, Journey (not in any particular order) It's still Women's History Month (I write this on the last day of March) although every day is a good day to remember women.
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subtletyislost · 7 years
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1. Tell us about your WIP!Currently I’m working on a lesbian romance novel about two girls in college,one is a double majoring in business and english education, the other doublemajors in computer science and astrophysics (the college she goes to doesn’t do“rocket science” or aeronautical engineering, so this is probably as close asshe’s going to get for programing rockets and theoretical space flightpaths/devices). The other major part of the story is that the MC (the rocketscientist) is searching for her missing brother at the same time.
3. What is your favorite/least favorite part aboutwriting?My favorite part about writing is that moment hen someone tells me eitherthat they like my writing or gives me some kind of critique/encouragement (yes,I actually like receiving constructive criticism). My least favorite part aboutwriting is trying find people to give that critique/trying to stay focusedenough to actually finish a story.
5. Top five formative books?I don’t know what this means but the books I read as a child that made mewant to write were: 1. The Magic Treehouse Series 2. Molly Moon’s IncredibleBook of Hypnotism 3. Bloody Jack 4. The Tale-Tell Heart (and other Edgar AllenPoe things) 5. The Little Princebooks that shaped my writing style/preferences though were 1. Molly Moon’sIncredible Book of Hypnotism 2. Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witchof the West 3. Welcome to Night Vale: The Novel 4. The Hitchhiker’s Guide tothe Galaxy 5. Martin the Warrior
6. Favorite character you’ve written?Fandom: Sera, Leliana, Josephine, Cole (Dragon Age), Jack, Liara, Peebee (MassEffect), Pharah (overwatch), Raven (Teen Titans), Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)Original: Cassandra Tesla (the MC of the wip from question 1), Scion, Xia,Sage, Ruka, and Nvros
8. Do you have anywriting buddies or critique partners? yes! @wardenpharah @snowstorm-thirteen @uswhovianswillholdasiton and acouple others who I mostly talk to on discord
9. Favorite/leastfavorite tropes? Favorite: I don’t know trope names, but there’s trope that I didn’t know was atrope until I came across it in a few fics and a podcast where basicallysomeone is separated from their spouse and when they meet back up with themthey’re like “I missed you so much! Btw I kind of accidentally adopted thiskid/[wayward character]”; that trope “remove your weapons” *pulls a ridiculousamount of weapons out of nowhere* “ALL of them” *reluctantly hands over one ortwo more*; “will this work?” “I have no idea” *thing explodes* “was it supposedto do that?” “I don’t know but it was awesome!”Least favorite: that trope where they destroy the MCs hometown/house/familyjust so the MC has nothing tying them back to where they began and then proceedto do absolutely nothing with that plotwise and it affects nothing but gettingthe MC to actually leave their town
10. Pick an author(or writing friend) to co-write a book with@snowstorm-thirteen or @wardenpharah or one of my new friends from discordwhose tumblr I’ve forgotten
12. Which story ofyours do you like best? why? Original Works: either Light in the Dark or The Forgotten Realm of Dreams orThe Invisibles, because they’re all really really gay and really really nerdyFanfic: Is This Home Yet is without a doubt my best work ever. I’m consideringrewriting it as a novel. Wouldn’t be hard because the only thing making it afanfic and not an original work is that I used the two mcs to basically justget more attention.
13. Describe yourwriting processIt tends to be: sit down, open a notebook/grab paper/open scrivener/word/googledocs, stare at the page, start writing, erase things, write different things,listen to music, check tumblr, write more, somehow things get done or they don’tget done.
15. How do you dealwith self-doubt when writing? look at paper, say “I hate this”, cry, complain to anyone who will listen,stop writing for however long that takes, go back to writing, say “this is bad”,complain more, talk shit out, then it branches: if feel better, keep writing! Ifnot, stop writing and play video games then come back to writing two or threedays later!
16. Cover love/dreamcovers? I love me some good book covers, but professional ones are expensive orrequire talent that I do not have. Light in the Dark would be good with eithera mysterious cover, cover with a bunch of letters and envelopes, a soft gaycover with two girls that fit Cass and Ruka’s descriptions, or a cover that’s likethe soft gay cover but with space and video games/a computer incorporated intoit.
17. What things(scenes/topics/character types) are you most comfortable writing? scenes: anything not smut or fightingtopics: I’m comfortable writing about anything except incest/ddlg|mmlb/anythingthat falls in the realm of ‘not my thing to talk about’ (ie. I will write transcharacters, but not specifically about trans issues—nonbinary/agender issuesthough I will; I’ll write mlm characters but not specifically about theirissues; I’ll write poc or religious characters but I won’t write specificallyabout the issues that they face-without a lot of research and talking to peopleand such—because it’s just not my place. To explain a bit, I mean that I’llwrite characters that are not like me, and will do research to make sure I don’taccidentally do that in an offensive manner, but I won’t tell their stories forthem because I am not them. I hope this makes sense.)character types: women or nonbinary individuals, rebels, nerds, autistics,abuse victims/survivors, lesbians, ace people, the secretly nerdy femme, thesecretly nerdy butch, the secretly nerdy anyone,the tough girl who likes soft things, the soft girl who will kick your ass, thereptile person (person who likes reptiles), pirate, scientist, explorer, ectthere’s a lot of character types I love to write
25. What’s yourworldbuilding process like? this deserves its own post
21. What aspect ofyour writing are you most proud of? characterization
22. Tell us about thebooks on your “to write” listmost of them are in some way all part of the same series, but not necessarilyconnected, and not necessarily linearly or direct successors. Some/most can be stand-alonethat just happen to take place in the same universe as the others
27. Every writer’sleast favorite question - where does your inspiration come from? Do you docertain things to make yourself more inspired? Is it easy for you to come upwith story ideas?Dreams. Most if not all my story inspiration and ideas come from dreams, therest come from songs or random thoughts that just get stuck in my head. To getmore inspired I play games, bounce ideas off my friends, listen to music, orsleep. It’s fairly easy for me to come up with ideas, almost as easy as comingup with characters *shoves my like 300 ocs into the closet*
28. How do you stayfocused on your own work and how do you deal with comparison?I don’t focus, that’s the problem that’s why there’s so much unfinished shit onmy ao3. Tbh I’m usually the one doing the comparing and I deal with it bylearning from the work I’m comparing mine to and improving.
30. Do you like toread books similar to your project while you’re drafting or do you stick tonon-fiction/un-similar works?I don’t read. I can’t focus long enough to read. Instead I play video games inthe same genre or daydream or occasionally relisten to the Welcome To NightVale novel audiobook. I’m starting to branch out and try to find otheraudiobooks to listen to, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is a pretty goodone on Audio.
33. What’s yourrevision/rewriting process like?draft one on one side of the screen, draft two on the other side of thescreen and literally rewriting draft one in draft 2. Sometimes I’ll rewrite onthe same document using markups like strikethrough instead of deleting thingsand other colors for the new additions, also lots and lots of sleeping andcrying, and soda (I don’t drink coffee).
34. Unpopular writingthoughts/opinions? Ernest Hemmingway sucks. He’s a terrible writer and you should not aspire towrite like him nor should you look up to him. Said is a perfectly valid word.The Oxford Comma is required not optional. Adverbs are not bad, use them if youwant. First person is a valid form to write in. Parenthetical asides (likethis) are just as valid as hyphenated asides—like this—and should be used if itfits the story/narration style. If your pov character doesn’t understand theforeign language the other character is speaking, putting the words in theother language in the text with a footnote translation is just as valid as “hesaid something in [language] but MC didn’t understand it.” Stalking is notromantic. Unhappy endings do not belong in the romance genre. Your charactercan be gay without complaining about it or it making their life hard. You canhave more than one minority character! You characters never going to thebathroom is unrealistic. Mosquitoes are a thing and if your character isoutside in the summer they had better damn well be protecting themselvesagainst them or slapping at at least one. A romance story with a character whowon’t take no for an answer, who isn’tthe antagonist/big (or little) bad, is not romantic. A romance story where thecharacters kiss or have sex when one of them clearly doesn’t want to, is notromantic. BOTH characters in your romance story need to change by the end ofthe story, that’s just good characterization. You can have polyamorouscharacters, but we are not a kink/fetish, if you don’t actually support actualpolyamorous people in real life don’t write about us in your fiction it’sdisrespectful and you’re probably going to do it wrong. Cheating is notromantic. Asexuals exist, Aromantics exist, Bisexuals exist. Romance doesn’tneed sex. … I’ll stop now, I have a lot of things I could say here.
35. Post the lastsentence you wroteShe blinked them back, willing herself not to cry.
36. Post a snippetCassandra had never been one for plans, if she had she might have actuallytalked with her roommate before move-inday. Even so, despite not planning things much, she did have goals. Her goal onmove-in day was simple: move in, preferably alone. She’d been under theimpression that she was the first one to arrive and that her roommate wouldn’tbe coming until later in the day. So, it was a shock to her when she arrived ather dorm room and found it was already open. She tapped her foot against the doorto get the attention of whoever was inside the room. She couldn’t quite see whomight be in there through the boxes that she was carrying.
“I hope you don’t mind,” a soft voice from inside the roomsaid, “it’s just that it was easier to leave the door open than to have to keepunlocking it.”
Cassandra tilted her head as she walked into the room,lowering the boxes just enough to see over them as she did so. “It’s notrouble,” she replied. “Who are you?”
The girl she was addressing, that she assumed was herroommate, was probably the most delicate looking girl she’d ever seen—wearing alight blue sundress with a ribbon around her waist and matching Mary Janes. Inher mind, the girl gave the impression of the enchanted rose from Beauty and the Beast; almost more likean idea than a person. She had long dark blonde—or was it light brown—hair withfaint, but still visible, red and dark brown streaks running through it, asthough it contained a fire within its French braid. Her smile was soft, barelyeven visible, and she looked like she might have played a sport in highschool—probably archery or fencing. Her brown eyes sparkled in the light fromthe window, like a stone of topaz against a blanket of snow. Never in her life,had Cassandra ever seen a girl that made her wonder if she was staring, but shehad now.
37. Do you ever writelong handed or do you prefer to type everything?100% depends on the story, and the day, and whether or not my eyes hurt.Sometimes ideas flow better on paper, sometimes typed, sometimes they flowbetter when I talk them out those days are bad for writing but good for gettingideas.
42. How many draftsdo you usually write before you feel satisfied? 100% depends on if it’s original work or fanfiction. Original works I’m usuallynot satisfied even after 6, 7, or even 10 drafts. Fanfiction, sometimes I justpost up the first draft without caring, sometimes I’m more satisfied with a seconddraft. It usually doesn’t go beyond that.
48. Do you prefer towrite skimpy drafts and flesh them out later, or write too much and cut itback?I just write. Usually my second draft is longer and more detailed than thefirst, and by the 5th or 6th everything has changedbecause of added or removed details.
51. Are you asecretive writer or do you talk with your friends about your books?I don’t shut up about my writing, not with my friends.
52. Who do you writefor? Myself., or anyone who pays me.
54. Favorite firstline/opening you’ve written? Absolutely nothing could go wrong, she thought just exactly as everythingwent wrong.
50. Do you share yourrough drafts or do you wait until everything is all polished?I share them, if I waited until they were polished no one would ever get toread them
55. How do you manageyour time/make time for writing? (do you set aside time to write every day ordo you only write when you have a lot of free time?) I have no job and no life. 0/10 do not recommend my method of having writingtime
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