#she only hates lucifer bc mephisto does
caindiis · 1 year
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ok everyone say hello to my new cutie patootie named flauros 😁💚💚💚
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l3viat8an · 1 year
Datables joining in anon here again bc I FUCKING FORGOT MEPHISTOPHELES OMFG! I didn’t mention 13 or Raphael bc idk ANYTHING about them and tbh idrc abt them, but I have no idea how I forgot poor Mephistopheles bc he’s my favorite🥺! ANYWAY, to make up for that, have some poly!Mc X Mephisto thots! (Also TW for a mention of caning towards the end! Idk how you feel abt that so I figured I’d mention it just in case.)
Mephistopheles obviously knows what’s going on, bc of course he does; not only is it quite literally Mephistopheles’ job to know these sorts of things, but the polycule makes it so obvious they’re dating that the entire school knew even before Mephisto ran the big scoop about the prince regent of the Devildom being in not just a throuple, but a polycule and sharing one of his partners with 10 other men, one of which is his butler and another of which is literally an angel. (Mephisto was so mad when found out the news broke before he released the article-)
So the article is released, and MC is obviously pissed he’s not only spying on her and prying into her personal life, even going so far as to release a spreadsheet of the polycule including who’s involved and who has tag teamed MC with who, but also speculating on it and sharing his opinions of who she favors and who he thinks she fucks the most!
So MC decides to go to the newspaper office to give him a righteous piece of her mind (and also to warn him so he can avoid being ripped limb from limb by her lovers).
Ofc it starts out as an argument, but then Mephisto accidentally blurts that he’s really, really, fucking jealous and just wants to be included in the polycule
So naturally MC decides, “What the hell,” and starts making out with him.
He jumps her bones almost as soon as her lips crash into his, lifting her up onto his desk and shoving his hands up her shirt and down her skirt to fondle and stroke her.
It ends with them both naked, MC covered in cum and draped over his desk, quivering and covered in bruises on her ass and legs from where he’d spanked her with his cane.
Diavolo walks in, probably with intention of requesting Mephisto take down the article, right as Mephisto had finished cumming across MC’s ass cheeks.
Dia smirks and snaps a picture to send on the group chat.
He eyes Mephisto with a look in his eyes that tells Mephisto he isn’t going to be able to walk straight tomorrow.
Anon!!! You are feeding me today ahhh-
I honestly love Mephisto! (Raphael and Thirteen too but this isn’t about them rn) And Mephisto in the polycule!!!
This also makes a lovely setup for a Mephisto X You X Lucifer hate fuck-
Or Mephisto fucking you in-front of Simeon (or Raphael-) To “Show the angel how to properly fuck a human!”
Oorrrrr Simeon fucking you in-front of Mephisto!! Just making Mephistopheles sit there and watch not being able to touch you or himself-
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alexxncl · 1 year
more random obey me hcs
masterlist more drabbles/hcs | pt 1
my mc is black
platonic or romantic, however you view them
mainly the brothers
nb and og based, some theories towards the end
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luci loves receiving forehead kisses more than he likes giving them but will never admit it (esp if mc is shorter than him and has to pull him down to kiss his forehead)
if mc has a pet, mams will go out of his way to buy toys and treats and matching outfits for the baby
beel is the first you should go to if you're feeling homesick, he'll pull up a list of your favorite foods and go on a grocery run to cook them for you, especially if it means going to the human world for a few hours
despite having the bigger and more comfortable bed, asmo loves sleeping in mc's room whenever they're at the HOL bc it's an excuse to be close to them
dia never had anyone except barbatos wash his hair until mc came around, now wash day is one of his favorite times of the month
belphie buys the most comfortable and high quality bonnets he can find, and he keeps some of them in his room in case mc forgets to bring it when they sleep over
levi can do hair with his tail ??? (don't ask how) and can do it while reading or gaming, it freaks mc out
satan reads colleen hoover books just to laugh at how bad they are, and the first time mc saw one they almost beat him over the head with it until he explained
solomon's fabsnap name is an obvious star wars ripoff, but nobody knows that bc star wars doesn't exist in nb yet
i've probably said this before but mephisto has the fattest crush on lucifer and hates himself for it
the main reason the brothers annoy lucifer or cause trouble around the HOL is so that he'll put his work down and spend time with them. mc picked up on it really quickly and joins in sometimes, but tells them to knock it off if they're doing too much
thirteen kept a close eye on mc as soon as solomon took them on as his apprentice thinking she'd hate them, but she was interested in how different they were from him
mams is secretly a musical fanatic and is beyind excited when he finds out mc is a theater kid
the brothers were raphael's favorites, and that's why he reprimanded them so hard and got on luci's ass about everything [mc still hates him (mc is me)]
thirteen loves doing nails just as much as asmo and they argue all the time over who gets to do mc's nails
(they each get a hand and a foot and mc does their nails in return)
asmo taught all the brothers how to paint nails, and beel is the best at it, but they let asmo do it for nostalgia
satan will never admit it, but when asmo asked to paint his nails the first time, he felt like he truly belonged in the family
when she first came to RAD, thirteen subconsciously clung to solomon despite hating his guts bc he was the only sense of familiarity she had
he teased her endlessly, but being close to him meant she got close to mc and she gravitated towards them more as time went on
don't know how much this aligns with canon, but luke was born right after the celestial war and simeon took him under his wing moreso than michael bc he knew how badly michael was fucked up after losing luci and his brothers after the fall
barb didn't send mc back in time, michael did bc he's a bitch and is too scared to disobey god to check on the brothers on his own
(barb was the first one to notice their absence despite not living with them bc he felt a shift in the timeline, but he can't pinpoint their location or bring them back)
also probably said this before but simeon is from the future, idk how far in the future bc he's still an angel, but his pfp is literally one of the "miss 'em" things and that's from season 2 of the anime which was in between seasons 2 and 3 of the og game
*ahem* my bad y'all
we've barely heard any characters talk about god at all except for mainly the brothers' discussion of their lives in the celestial realm, is he asleep like dia's dad??? like where is he
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