#shangri la flower
elinerlina2 · 26 days
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Ten of thousands of hydrangeas bloom on the cliffs by the sea, creating a view worthy of being called a paradise
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thewildbelladonna · 1 year
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Q. Where would you like to live?
A. Anywhere near the ocean.
Q. How would you like to die?
A. In the same place I want to live—in a house on the ocean.
—Stevie Nicks, Vanity Fair, June 2001
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mat2modblog · 5 months
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I just googled it and well...
"The spider lily, also known as the Higanbana flower in Japanese culture, symbolizes death, loss, and abandonment. In some cultures, it is also associated with reincarnation and remembering the dead."
"The red spider lily (scientific name: Lycoris radiata) first appeared sometime around 700 A.D. It’s a flower native to Nepal, Korea, and China. It was later introduced to Japan and the U.S. This flower is also known as manjusaka and there are many myths surrounding it.
One story talks about unrequited love. It goes like this: the devil fell in love with a girl, but she feared him. To win her over, he imprisoned her. He assumed she would eventually return his affection for her. However, she did not and one day, a soldier saved her from imprisonment. Eventually, the devil died and when he did, he returned to hell but not without his blood splattering the earth. In the spot where he died, a red spider lily emerged — it became like a portal connecting the Earth to hell.
The perspective of the red spider lily being connected to loss and death is not helped by the environment it prefers to grow in. This flower thrives in moist, acidic soil where it has shade and lots of organic matter. It’s not uncommon to see these flowers flourishing near graves. Despite the dark and dreary associations with the flower, it is also used medicinally."
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vgperson · 7 months
Vocaloid Highlights: October 2023
No talking, only eating poison mushrooms.
Highlights Archive
========== Stand-Outs ========== NEO Wanna Die Eating a Poison Mushroom I'm Mine Daybreak Night Flower Electric Forecast Sunny-Spot Days Gamble Shangri-la Gray Sea What Kind of Future (Mirai-Donna Darou) Eyes Closed Maple Airy Osmanthus Only Heart-Piercing Words Traveling Asia Desire for Leeway The Pokémon Inside My Heart Phantom Zero Talking Grave Jack Night Cherry Cherry Emerald Tablet Pitohui Hyudoro
(For many more songs that are still Worth Your Time, view all this month's highlights on my site!)
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lephamquynhnhu · 6 months
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Chapter 2: Storm before the Blushing Morn
Dan Feng x Fem!Reader
WARNINGS/ TAGS: The reader has a default name, OOC, mentioned of blood. (This is a work of fanfiction, events are not aligned or relevant to the original work)
Word count: ~2k
Summary: He met you on a drizzling day when hydrangea fully bloomed on its field. Amidst the sea of mild pastel petals, Dan Feng never thought the flowery domain that intertwined your fate was the precise thing withered with you. They said he was a dragon, a hero, a sinner, but never a person with love, hatred, sorrow, or joy like everyone else in this world. However, it was a demi-truth. He committed the cardinal sin because of you.
Note: Do you like...pain?
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He revisited on a sprinkle day, his signature ambergris aroma mixed with the freshness of humid forest note. You did not know why, but the High Elder seemed to be into rainy days because every time he came, water definitely showered outside. It has been weeks since you met him for the first time, and thanks to the frequency of his visits, you learn that the nonchalant Imbibitor Lunae gradually displays the other side. Although Dan Feng never clearly shows his emotion, you can tell his mood through the draconic tail. When he feels happy, his tail swings side to side and stands still as its owner is interested in or concentrates on whatever your information. In addition to your surprise, he sometimes even punchlines on your venting stories.  
Under the Mulan's foliage, you slowly gaze at the kaleidoscope sky after rain. A mid-summer breeze that carries the scent of white flowers softly blows through, driving the ripples to gleam on the water's surface. 
Immersing in your haze, you forget what was going to do until the Long Scion gives out his curiousness about the bush of Datura Metel in a corner garden. 
"I have studied an organic pesticide which extracts from their active agents." - The elegant smell of lotus still glistens in the morning dew perfumes in your lungs when nudging into them. Suddenly, you shove the flower cart into his arms and tell him to wait for you at a nearby wooden bench. Dan Feng thinks eternal Spring never leaves this sunlit Shangri-La as he wipes the Mulan's petals out of the seat because the flora seems to blossom in four seasons. 
While idly watching Koi fish under silky leafages, the High Elder does not notice you snicker behind. A forgotten raindrop stagnates on the lotus leaf trail like a lost pearl, arousing the quiet pond like his emerald orbs rising in astonishment. Amid the multi-colored palette, Dan Feng finds your smile is the most gorgeous flower when you abruptly pop up with a posy of Emperical Peony. The beam you flashed him still lingering in his mind as Dan Feng reluctantly takes the gift. Your hands lightly brush together via the exchange, reminding him of the existence of those black gloves since he has not seen you take them off once. Nevertheless, he lets it pass and dances his slender finger around the ombre corolla instead.  
"Thank you, Yi Ting." - Imbibitor Lunae softly mutters under his breath, and as the lost ray shines through frost winter, a faint smile stretches on his usually glacial face. 
On that day in the summer season, Dan Feng realizes that he does not return to your place because of its spectacular. He wants to revisit the Shangri-La because he likes spending time with you.
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On an Autumn afternoon painted in a burnt orange hue and wafting with a ripe persimmon scent, you are leisurely proceeding to the Dan Feng's residence while absentmindedly grazing a bunch of white chrysanthemums in hand. Looking at the High Elder Statue at the Dragonvista Rain Hall, your mind winds up reminiscing about the previous conversation.
"Yes?" - Transfering your focus toward his position, you represented the confusion as if hearing him wrong. The quiet Long Scion might befriend you and be your custom guest, but it was an extraordinary phenomenon since Dan Feng has not asked you to deliver flowers to his estate before. He patiently repeated the order while reading his scroll in one hand, and the other halfway was lifting the teacup with expressionless features. Looking at his relaxing manner, you unknowingly realize this house became Imbibitor Lunae's office. 
When immersing thought in the past, you are suddenly pulled back to the present by a low thud of a light collision with a follow-up painful cry. Tears are bubbling in the Vidyadhara child's doe eyes as she feels the pain. You swiftly support her to stand up and inspect the body while trying to comfort the child, which results in two news in this situation. A good one is a scratch, and the bad is her cry getting louder even though you used up all your tricks. 
"Pain, Pain goes away!" - You singsong to conjure an apple lollipop appearing in hand, and tears stop falling as she eyes your apologetic smile with compensation. When you clean the last drop of trail wet on her chubby cheekbones and apologize with head patting, other Vidyadhara children circle you to admire the little show. A defeated sigh escapes your breath as you look at their twinkle glims and secretly count the remaining candy's quantity. Unfortunately, in addition to your trouble, with an invitation from a brunette-haired boy, the group of children tugs your sleeves to play blind man's buff with their puppy eyes. 
"Alright, but I won't be lenient." - You confidently state when settling the bouquet on a stone bench. And you keep your line.
Once darkness invades the vision, you start to track down the children. By listening to their footsteps and sensing the airflow, you catch all of them except Ma Tian, the boy with sheen eyes who cleverly outclasses your skill. Finally, thanks to your florist's exceptional technique, you discreetly declare the endgame while detecting his fabric detergent in the wind's stream. 
"Catch ya, little brat!" - You happily exclaim your victory when circling your arms around Ma Tian's figure. However, you immediately realize something is wrong as a familiar ambergris cologne lingers on your nose, and you are hugging a lean body. Hurriedly removing the blindfold, you see Dan Feng mimic your shocked expression while Ma Tian lolls out his head behind the Long Scion. 
"How long do you intend to embrace me?" - The High Elder clears his throat with a light reprimand nuance laces in but does not seem annoyed. If there is anything you would admire about Imbibitor Lunae besides his glorious feats, the quick recovery from an embarrassing situation is one of them. As soon as you two detach, Dan Feng grabs the bouquet and leads you out of the Scalegorge Waterscape, leaving the cheerful goodbyes of those children behind. You do not understand why Dan Feng is rushing in his strides until you see a pink tint on his tip ears. 
When the sunset light turns golden on the greenery beneath, which gets everything basked in the look of burnished copper, you two arrive at the military memorial area where illustrious warriors rest in peace. Passing through hundreds of black marble graves glides their name, Dan Feng unravels your holding hands as he crunches down to place the chrysanthemum bouquet in front of a stone-carved Bai Heng. 
You know that name. She was once a High-Cloud quintet member and a gifted pilot who sacrificed in the third Denizen of Abundance. People say Imbibitor Lunae is never a person with love, hatred, sorrow, or joy like everyone else in this world, but now you can shout out they are all wrong because of the unfathomable somber besieges in his orbs.
"Life is so short when it comes to mortal organisms'' - He mouths in a calm and unwavering tone after a long silence - "No matter what you do, they definitely die." With his back turned to you, it is challenging to figure out its meaning, yet you can degust a longing taste entangled in that clause. Forgotten fragments of sunlight slowly die on your heels while trekking to the way out, and the crescent vaguely takes place in the saturated navy sky. Although the High Elder rarely shared his thoughts with someone else, you hardly agree with this viewpoint.
 "Even if it is short-lived, even if fate sometimes turns tragic, limited longevity creates the beauty of lives and valuableness because we learn to cherish life, and not all farewells are regretful. Sometimes, death is also an extrication, and I believe we will rendezvous on another horizon." 
Dan Feng follows your graze to the glitter crepuscule, causing the mellow ray to cradle his features. - "Someday, you also turn into ashes?" - A sliver of bitterness in the question soon morphed into those cyan irises as you confirmed with your bright smile. When the two of you pass through the gate, Imbibitor Lunae abruptly informs you of his next arrival with special requests that combine with osmanthus cake and jasmine tea. It is the first time he proactively reserves in advance because Dan Feng neither notices his attendance nor does he appear on sunny days.  
"Do I have to wait for the rain to meet you?" - Only one sentence, it has changed your relationship ever since. You guess that might be the way he expresses his feelings. 
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In a dream, I see myself in my childhood state with a bouquet of blue hydrangeas. Strolling by the seashore, the shells confound in golden sand rustles underneath my bare feet as I search for someone. End then, an abnormal bloodred butterfly hovers around to lead me toward that person; we have passed zillions of landscapes and territories, from glacial rivers where white snow permanently coats mounts to the vast rug crafted by countless vivid blossoms. From the nameless barren deserts with magnificent starry nights crown aloft to the rich prairie possesses coast breezes. I keep going, going.
"Hydrangeas is the soulmate of rains." A distant voice echoes from those feeble wings in the entire journey. It feels like Amber Periods have flown until we reach a field with full-bloom hydrangeas that unfold our presence. Suddenly, my companion disappears into thin air, and I notice a nostalgic glimpse waving his hand from afar as if he has been waiting for me for an astronomical long time. 
"You got my wish fulfilled... Thank you, my comrade." - The boy says in a gentle demeanor. His blue eyes shine brighter than any stars I have ever known, and he also disappears like the bloodred butterfly. His silhouette dissipates into thousands of flower petals as he flashes a warm smile toward me. 
"Wait, H...H..." - A tsunami of impuissant waves brews into my heart when I try to call his name, but none of the syllables come out, and tears continuously cascade from my eyes while I witness the lost world fading.
You wake up from a soothing noise of hot steam oozing out of your old kettle and forget the dream cleanly. "You had a fever." - A low tone voice diagnoses as soon as Dan Feng senses your consciousness. Slightly lifting the heavy eyelids, you see him situating beside your headboard with a botanical book in hand. The glorious sun is far high hanging in the sky to pour its honeyed light through your window, which informs you to oversleep impliedly. You do not notice tears rolling down until the Long Scion points out in skimming your complexion and uses his thumb to caress the trail wetness. Sensing no engagement in conversation, Dan Feng shifts his hand to cover your eyesight and tenderly leans forward.
You only feel a pillowy touch on your forehead afterward. 
"Please do not leave the bed today, and take the medicine on time because this is a prescription from the High Elder." - He faux-orders when rendering your vision. Astoundedly grazing the lingering sensation, you did not know that Imbibitor Lunae has a bizarre way of assessing the temperature. 
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Winter at Shangri-La never experiences snow, yet it takes some seasonal features such as the gloomy weather all day with northeast wind seething through every direction. Inspecting the murky clouded skyward, you tug the scarf closer when your breaths dimly turn into silver smoke. As soon as you attempt to lift the white lily cart, a hot stream of fluid smelling like rusty iron runs down your chin, which the soil absorbs its falling drops. When you bring your hand to clean the water, it takes a moment to process it is blood. Your irises squeeze as you dumbfoundedly stare at the ivory gloves tainted with the crimson hue. Just as you intend to step forward, the surrounding spins around as though Earth and Heaven are twitching position, and you kneel only to cough out blood that permeates the fabric. The pollen sparkles in the ether after the collapse, and the shivering lily's petals in chilly winds are the last things in your blurring vision.
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foxes-that-run · 4 months
Harry said Daylight is about infatuation with troubled things. He sings about a long distance relationship where his muse, to me Taylor, keeps him at a distance, he wants to be with them and wants more than his muse gives him. In a theme for his work at that time Harry sings of cocaine, travelling the world and romantic encounters but he really just wants his muse to love him back. Yet knowing they keep him at a distance Harry can't help wanting to be with them.
The lyric video has Sunflowers with their heads are dropped :( this happens when they don’t have water, a reference to Taylor Swifts Clean (When the flowers that we'd grown together died of thirst) and Sunflower Vol 6.
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Music video
The music video for Daylight is fantastic and full of Haylor easter eggs in these:
@womanexile has detail in part 1 and part 2,
@this-daydream-is-dangerous-13 post about the timeline for making the video and the James Corden $300 video showing it was made May 22 before it’s July 23 release. The Olivia tattoo is seen in it. and
This post about seven and the video
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Title and Track list
Daylight is also the name of the last song on Taylor Swift's album Lover. It was originally the title track, and Taylor hinted at it in the Red Liner notes while she was still dating Harry. Taylor’s Daylight is about true love, the last sung verse of Taylors Daylight is [love] "it's golden like daylight". Harry then opened Fine Line with Golden. Daylight is track 5 of Harry's House.
What Harry has said
Howard Stern (8:10) Harry said:
"Daylight was quite an early song on the album, it's one of my favourites and it was kind of a stream of consciousness writing that happened kind of late. It was one of those songs that very much captures a moment of what was happening in the studio. We were kind of all talking about going to bed and then we started this song and it felt like if we go to bed and do it tomorrow it's not going to be the same as it would be if we finished it now. So you found a way to stay up. I think sometimes there are things that can feel like we have to find a way to finish this now. We did an all nighter, finished it and went out the beach to watch the sun come up and it was a nice moment of this album." Stern 'this is about some woman that didn't pay attention to you. He reads the line with cocaine before asking. There is a frustration in this song' Harry confirms it is about one woman. And responds "I think it is kind of like an infatuation with chasing troubled things"
Stern continues, 'You know Taylor Swift has a song called Daylight, maybe she's the girl in the thing?' To which Harry says "here we go, mm hm." and looks away. Stern, seeing the answer, offers, 'or am I reading too much into it.' which Harry agrees with, Stern comments on his smile Harry adds "You know I'd love to tell you that your spot on, but I can't" smiles and exchanges a knowing look with Mitch. Call me as convinced as Stern, what Harry said was he couldn't confirm that, especially after Stern read the cocaine line.
To Zane Lowe Harry (41 mins) told a similar story about staying up to complete it and told the surfing/song writing metaphor. Zane approached it along with As it Was and Grapejuice as a suite he sees as expressing pain and vice dependency. Harry moved on to talk about As It Was.
Harry was in LA promoting Fine Line when the COVID travel ban was introduced 17 March 2020. Harry told Zane Lowe (24 Mins) he stayed home for 6 weeks then booked and went to Shangri-la studio to record. LNT, Daylight, Keep Driving and Sushi were in this group, to Stern and Lowe he said Daylight was one of the first. That places these songs between 28 April 2020 and 18 July 2020 (when Harry was back in the UK) Daylight at the earlier end of that time. The leaked too much sauce was recorded and Taylor wrote Folklore in that period also. See 2020 timeline.
Live Performances
Daylight was the 4th song on the Love on Tour Setlist, once Harry's House was released. Harry replaced it with Stockholm Syndrome for 18 shows from 18 May 2023, appearing in a handful of shows in June and July. The only shows with both were Wembley and the last show.
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The tour visuals have a blue bird flying between LA and London. Harry also had a cloud background. Showing LA rather than NY is interesting when the song mentions NY.
What is the Bluebird Reference about
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Bluebirds appeared in the opening to Love on Tour and may refer to:
Charles Bukowski's has a poem Bluebird, Harry is read Bukowski books and poems on stage. In the poem, the bird is a metaphor for Bukowski's emotions, articulated that he weeps in private. He keeps it hidden with whiskey to protect his image that sells books of misogynistic poetry, he opposes weeping with strength and cleverness. If Harry is referencing this, this is it is consistent with the reference to Harry's own work:
In "If I could Fly" Harry shared his vulnerability with his muse for their eyes only and hoped they would not run from him. In this same HH recording period, Harry has a series of songs that describe a rockstar lifestyle, referring to choking and cocaine, (Daylight, Keep Driving and (leaked) Too Much Sauce and (leaked) Make My Day) but that Harry actually just wishes his muse reciprocated his feelings and wanted to settle down and be happy.
When she was 14 Taylor Swift's was given her first record deal and performed at a writers night at the Bluebird Cafe in Nashville. She talks about it in this video when she returned to the cafe, there are photos of her 2004 performance with Scott Borchetta in the audience. The cafe has a chair with a plaque she included in the Taymoji set. Harry would have known this, however the Grammy museum also covered when she played there in 2018. Taylor also had a bluebird in the WANGBT video and on 17 June 2023 uploaded a single image to youtube with bluebirds promoting Eras in Mexico. This was a few weeks before Harry’s daylight MV was released.
This link lists songs about bluebirds. I think Paul McCartney's "Bluebird" and Joe Ely's "If you were a Bluebird" are both plausible.
In Summary I think the bluebird is a metaphor for Harry's inner feelings that he is someone who loves and wants to be loved back. He sees his rockstar trappings are a salve, not a life goal.
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I'm on the roof, you're in your airplane seat I was nose-bleeding, looking for life out there Reading your horoscope, you were just doing cocaine In my kitchen, you never listen, I hope you're missing me by now
The opening verse expresses the frustration Stern referred to. Harry's muse and he are apart now, and he is missing them, almost indigently hoping they miss him too, yet he cares, he’s reading their horoscope. This sounds to me like a disagreement or unsatisfying parting and Harry wants to be with them.
I hear the first lines as a double meaning:
Harry is high (on the roof, nose-bleeding) but his muse is higher (in the sky).
his muse has also now flown away in their own airplane seat and left him waiting - they are separated by distance.
'Nose bleeding, looking for life' reminds me of Kiwi "Holland Tunnel for a nose, it's always backed up" and Satellite's name and "You got a new life". "Out there" and the tour visuals showing LA rather also remind me of Satellite's 'L.A. Mood'.
In the music video here Harry climbs down from a ladder to the sky, which reminds me of Story of My Life's "But, baby, runnin' after you is like chasin' the clouds". Clouds appear in several of their videos, including Lavender Haze, where, on the Eras tour, Taylor climbs up a ladder to one:
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If I was a bluebird, I would fly to you You'd be the spoon Dip you in honey so I could be sticking to you
To me, this lyric is most reminiscent of Harry's One Direction song, If I Could Fly and it has the similar meaning, Harry is separated from his muse and wishes he could fly home to them. While If I could fly is about sharing vulnerability and hoping they don't run from him, in Daylight his muse keeping him at a distance.
I love dip you in honey so I could be sticking to you, it's adorable and bittersweet and very Harry. Bittersweet because Harry wants to be with his muse, who at the start of the song was not listening to him and he was hoping was missing him. He wants to spend all his time with them and he doesn’t feel that is reciprocated.
In this part of the video, the muse in Red (Taylor's colour) takes shots at him (songs, antics in media) he is resigned that it may kill him, his muse gives a flirting smile when it doesn't. Harry then walks past muses in pink with a bored look. A Grapejuice reference "I'm so over whites and pinks" Harry only has eyes for his 'old and Red' muse, even though they enjoy taking shots at him.
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Daylight, you got me cursing the daylight (ooh) Daylight, you got me cursing the daylight (ooh) Daylight, you got me calling at all times (ooh) Ain't gonna sleep 'til the daylight (ooh)
This lyric reminds me of Harry talking about staying up to finish the song, but also he's staying up late night talking and wanting to be with his muse all the time. Calling at all times could be a muse on a different timezone, or maybe one he can't keep from.
In the video Harry is trying to get to his muse, clowns (read: us) are in the way. He cries and we are on his side, because we are! Harry is commenting on fans getting in the way of his love. Sorry Harry. He is too loud for his muse dressed as Miss Americana (& the Heartbreak Prince) who leaves. This scene reminds me of Story of my life "holding on too tight"
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Out of New York, I'm on the comedown speed We're on bicycles, saying, "There's life out there" You got the antidote, I'll take one to go, go, please Get the picture, cut out my middle You ain't got time for me right now
This verse is similar to the first, Harry is a parting from his muse, he feels incomplete when they are apart, but his muse is keeping him at a distance. The verse has similarities to several of Harry's songs:
Out of NY, comedown speed, I hear as Harry leaving NY and coming down, or feeling sad to be away from his muse.
Harry does refer to Bikes in Matilda, however to me, where Harry rides a penny farthing here in the video emphasises that this is a winding wheel reference. The spinning and 'life out there' also remind me of Satellite again. In the first verse Harry was looking for life out there and he has now found it.
Antidote is also in Golden "I can feel you take control (I can feel you take control) / Of who I am, and all I've ever known Lovin' you's the antidote", and Ever Since New York "Choose your words 'cause there's no antidote" a Medicine is also similar to an antidote. Also in End of the Day "Twenty minutes later, wound up in the hospital / The priest thinks it's the devil, my mum thinks it's the flu / But, girl, it's only you" Here Harry takes one to go because he's parting from his muse.
Finally, the last 2 lines are also reminiscent of Satellite "(Spinning out, waiting for ya) / I'm in an L.A. Mood / I don't wanna talk to you/ She said, "Give me a day or two"
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14thsyndrome · 2 years
Skz masterlist
Back Door
you console them through a break up
Twisted Karnival
two birds
songs i associate them with
speaking your native language in their presence
Tainted Daisies
Stray kids as 90′s boyfriends
Stray Kids Reaction | Uses Your Insecurities Against You
Stray Kids Reaction | You Disappear For A While
shopping with skz
Stray Kids Reaction ¦¦ You Have Acne Scars
Soulmate link
crack texts w/ skz
Stray Kids Reaction || You're A Pianist
Stray Kids Reaction || You’re An Author
you never ask for help
Valentines gifts with Stray Kids
little things that matter
Stray Kids Reaction | Going All Out For Pride Month
skz as romantic tropes
Stray Kids | S/O Coming Out As Pansexual
Scary Movies with Stray Kids
Would I lie to you
the epic highs and lows of jyp-u
Waiting On You
Partner has depression.Hyung line.
almost romantic moments with skz
moments he would kiss you
wiping off their kisses
You Finally Break Down
how they react to a bad day
Oh Sheet
of all things good and evil
how skz react when you call them pretty
When They Miss You
Train To Busan
Prom commitee
Imagines: SKZ members reactions to your silent cry
saying ily for the first time
The 8 tragedies
about love
waiting on you
technical difficulties
waiting for us
song for you
in this world, it’s just us
when in manila
face the music
lost letters
Yellow Wood
love yourself, as I love you
bullet to the heart
the wedding planner
Maze of Memories
The one where No One’s ready
Blue Book
Wolf Chan headncanon
finding you asleep on the sofa after an argument~
Chan thoughts
Brother’s best friend
Touch the stars
I Will Always Wait
shitty fanfiction
all about you
beautiful liar
[11:14 p.m]
dance with me
For the record (player)
Mistletoe Kiss
witch hunter x witch
Blue Hour
the eight stages of falling in love with him
spidey kiss
And Yet
grocery shopping with minho
Blood & Water
Isn’t it delicate?
Go Higher!
my sunshine
lost journal
Don’t Hate The Player, Hate The Game
Lost on you
first love
heroine’s manual
unnatural love
i love every part of you, lee minho.
by my side
When he snow clears
Don’t Let the Letters out
Maybe, I’m Afraid
Roger Rabbit
Sunshine is far away, clouds linger on
5 Star restaurants are a pain
as the world caves in
Yellow paint
trust fall
Meant To Be
A Better Match
pink letter
i like you, loser
day dream
Nets and Bandaids
prompt oneshot
Arcade Date with Changbin
Recipe for Disaster
Lover of Mine
work of art
My Favorite Moment
weight on my shoulders
Sugar, Spice and Everything else..? 
bring in the loose mistletoe
Late Night Drive
the interview with the exes
lost and found
dance to this
sweet like candy
youre my bestfriend
coffee time
all i know is your name
i fell for you by accident
only fools fall for you
No Other Way
Maybe it’s not our fault
class president
Behind Closed Doors
deja vu
his last song
Only for you
In My Dreams
Plough the sea
I don’t remember me before you
Three Words: Bubblegum Brain
secret santa
High society
Never enough
sun & moon
My Favorite Camera Woman
9:29 AM
dont shoot me
number neighbour
set up
someones someone
love sketched on skin 
Bird Is the Word
apple of my eye
Jisung’s adventures in college.
Welcome, Something Different
In every cosmos
the interview with the exes
An Introverts Dream
Rythm and Rhyme
Poker Night
Into your arms
Isn’t It Tragic How Far You’ve come
For a long time
Rule Breaker
falling in love
cherry blossom season
not true
knock on wood
so this is love
Happy Death Day
Safe Place
it was my fault
Misfortunes to Blessings
The View
so not worth it
just one yesterday
White Christmas
felix felicis
those who wander
It’s complicated
Something New
never be alone.
freckles and constellations
Comfort cafe
to spill blood and tears
Bite Me
The Heir and the Library of Secrets
Choking on your alibis
So Not Worth It
crush culture
truth untold
10:01 AM
Dance with me
Silent Cry
Something to look forward
one was enough
buzzfeed quiz
too late
tomorrows with you
It Just Is
But I Am Your Confidant
Three Heartbreaks & a Rose
They Don’t Know We Know
Modern Day Persephone
Warm Feelings...
I Choose You
operation: get the crush
lie to me
definetely twice
Roses are Red
u r my favorite everything
Jeongin Dating Headcanons
Star lost
I wish the world would stay as it is
Countdown to love
i’m crazy just like you
Sunshine and Roses
soul sanctum
Stray kids au
in his embrace
I Can Be Your Superhero
Not What I Expected
Beautiful Nights
art of intimacy
Two Steps Away
beyond the horizon
before sunset
Looks can be Deceiving
First Rule Of Kpop
ideals of love
Having a crush on the shy one in class
Remembering The Good Times
Spa Night
don’t overthink it
I Won’t Be Gone Anymore
feet dangling in the snow
Day 25
all seasons come to one
Wet Cement
i like u
Step forward
For The Future
Rainy Day
the picture
yang jeongin as your boyfriend
Podravska Moslavina
long way home
grocery fun
you’re worthy, you know
Coffee date
First Impressions
memories of past
come home to my heart
As the Snow Fell
exes confront each other
amusement park with jeongin
Lovely Evenings
Soulmate AU
Good Enough
Not a Trick
Fox, wolf, close enough, right?
2:13 am
Thanks to the Potions
that’s not even ramen
Flower Shop Boy
Tim McGraw
Cat’s fault
The Matchmaker’s Match
Speaking in Tongues
A Bunch of (Oxy)morons
Disneyland AU
10:00 am
floral kisses
silver rose
for fox sake
camp w/ jeongin
Ink stains
crush culture
you & me, ultra pro max besties
A pair of cupids!
Give Love a Try
Chaos & Quiet
jeongin + college bf
Did you just ask me out on live stream?
ugly crier
Garden Song
we are not soulmates!
identity crisis
Smile, For it Suits You
desert rose
of coffee and numbers
Flower Boy
little crimson puffs
pretty boy
Real life beauty
one good movie kiss
Stupid presentation
Taking a nap while I.N is on vlive
24 to 25
Get off the plane
mixtape:on track
Quick flirt
love language
Forgotten keys
score a goal
Feel free to send me fic recs wether it’s your own or others! No smut though please.
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viagginterstellari · 1 year
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Flowers - somewhere in Shangri-La county, 2019
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saintmeghanmarkle · 5 months
What would come with a Tig re-launch? by u/Mickleborough
What would come with a Tig re-launch? A Tig promotional video!Full disclosure: I know nothing about The Tig other than that it was a lifestyle blog put out by Meghan. Alone or with assistance? In the video she implies that she contributes. Did it merch in return for commissions? No idea, but very possibly.I just didn’t realise that The Tig advertised itself / had a promotional video.The video I think was made in collaboration with upmarket Canadian retailer Holt Renfrew. Apparently it featured her in its ‘Muse’ column (which seems to be / have been a feature on its website) wearing the clothes in the video. So basically Holt Renfrew supplied the clothes in return for photos and a video which also promoted The Tig. So far, so scratch-my-back-and-I’ll-scratch-yours.In the video Meghan has 4 changes of clothing and name-drops a few places - were they paid in cash or in kind?- The Shangri-La Toronto, specifically its spa. It seems unlikely that such a well-known, upmarket chain would need her services - my guess is that she’s literally namedropping.- The Soho House Toronto. She’s being so ho here - it’s where the ‘one tear, left eye, go!’ line comes from. There’s probably an element of quid pro quo - her connections with Soho House are known.- The Harbord Room. The head chef and co-owner was Cory Vitiello - now what’s the connection here?Meghan‘s quite engaging in the video:Meghan being photographed for her video. My favourite outfit! It’s so bad, but not so bad that it’s good.From it we can glean / confirm some insights into Meghan:- She thinks she’s cutting-edge stylish.- She believes she’s attractive. There are lots of shots of her looking attractively arch, beautifully bashful, charmingly coy. Sideways glances, being caught lovelily unawares. And hair flicking.- She carries flowers to show…what? Beauty, femininity, grace?The Express had a body language expert assess Meghan’s behaviour in the video: archived / unarchivedSo when / if The Tig re-launches, can we expect more of this? post link: https://ift.tt/GtcKbJ5 author: Mickleborough submitted: January 02, 2024 at 11:00PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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mihai-florescu · 8 months
Hello there tumblr user Mihai-floresuco.
I would like to ask of thee which stories you’d recommend of fine? I do not like the unit but I would like to like them so perhaps a better understanding of the characters shall aid me in this quest, thank you in advance and have a truly lovely day.
Yours truly,
Secret mutual :3
I am going to assume you've read the war era reminis, you are familiar with ex fine, what and why things happened, and your question is regarding current fine. I will also hope you've read Daydream and Blackbird as they explain a lot about the moments right after the war, from Eichi and Wataru's perspectives. Plus Eichi calls Yuzuru sexy, never forget.
Now, let's see, from the beginning. Flower fes is the first story with fine as we know it (minus Eichi as he was in the hospital), it's about Tori and Yuzuru meeting Wataru for the first time (among other things. It's also a good look into the state of things in the beginning of the next year right after the war. There's a good bit with Valkyrie as well)
Then other early ! Era stories would be Circus (fine perform at a circus, the scene that stood out the most to me is that of Eichi and the lion) and Quarrel Fes (Eichi Keito showdown mostly, it's good for understanding Eichi better)
Then Milky Way (fine and valkyrie, personally i'm due a complete reread), Jingle Bells (the one where Tori's illusions of fine as a perfect savior unit that can do no wrong and that hasn't done wrong in the past start dissipating), EP:link......i assume that if you follow me you've read eplink, but if not, i will not spoil it. The last story before the change of eras and it deals partially with fine's future.
Then for other stories i recommend when you have time: Magnolia (the best bridal enstars story imo, focused on Tori working around the school to buy Eichi a brooch for a gift exchange event), Dance Floor (they go to the park and then do karaoke at the end...), Triumph of the Emperor (an old story where Tori takes lead to prepare for a future where Eichi wouldn't be in fine anymore. This is all before we or they knew we'll have !! Era where the units stay together), Summer Live (undead and fine. Very unfortunate a good story is overshadowed by orientalist cards)
From the !! Era... um. I think there are some good one off idol stories, like the one with the parfait i remember seeing a tl for, but i dont know the name of it (i suspect it's somewhere in tori or eichi's idol stories). The best fine story in !! imo is Tempest. I also recommend if you end up enjoying fine Fist of the shangri la idol. And Sanctuary.........i feel like you should only read it after you already like Eichi or you might not have the best time... If you want to read anything else go ahead, but I can't guide you (I was unsatisfied with Primavera, and haven't yet read Ghostic. I enjoyed the livetweets for Atlantis but you can't find a full tl of it anywhere yet afaik and I'm not gonna recommend the !! climax to someone who is just getting started with fine as a whole anyway)
I hope I haven't talked for too long... if you need ex fine recs too, i'd say Element first and foremost, Checkmate for Eichi & Tsumugi's early relationship, and Wonder Game. Oh and Altered Origins. It's still a fever dream of a story to me personally, i haven't fully wrapped my head around the fact that we are getting the remini animes and extra stories yet. I mean I have, but you know, it still feels a bit surreal.
If anyone feels like I forgot any important fine stories please add to the conversation. If you end up interested in Wataru and Eichi in particular I'd also recommend Diner Live, but it is not a fine story. I've heard Toyland is good for Tori (Yuzuru too?) but I haven't personally read it yet. If you want more Wataru and Tori interactions, Amusement Live has some good scenes, but it is not that much about them, the story's about Ra*bits and 2wink. A story i enjoyed of fine members shenanigans sans Wataru is Noble Game. We shall see when White Brim gets translated, I know it has some good bits with Tori&Eichi. Hm hm hm. That's all I can think of at the top of my head rn, but I think I've already said more than enough...
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learnersband · 7 months
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ラーナーズの8年半。 215本の全ライブ記録です。 あ〜!あの時!!とか、 酔いすぎた夜!とか、、 パートナーと帰り道で喧嘩した!とか、、、 良いことも少しほろ苦いことも、、、 それぞれに思い出があったりしますよね。
その全てが愛おしい。 ラーナーズはみんなを愛しています。ありがとう。 2015年 (13本) 6/15 新代田 FEVER 6/23 渋谷 UNDER BAR 7/29 下北沢 THREE 8/2 渋谷 ORGAN BAR 8/28 新宿 LOFT 9/2 下北沢 CLUB QUE 9/22 下北沢 THREE 11/5 下北沢 BASEMENT BAR 12/1 渋谷 CLUB ASIA 12/13 新大久保 CLUB VOICE 12/16 青山 CAY   12/19 恵比寿 LIQUID ROOM 12/26 渋谷 THE GUINGUETTE by MOJA
2016年 (42本) 1/8 下北沢 BASEMENT BAR 1/11 新代田 FEVER 1/28 下北沢 CLUB QUE 1/30 下北沢 SHELTER 2/2 新代田 FEVER 2/21 渋谷 CLUB ASIA 3/6 下北沢 SHELTER 3/7 下北沢 GARDEN 4/1 新宿 ANTI-KNOCK 4/16 大阪 NOON 4/17 京都 METRO 4/29 豊橋 CLUB KNOT 4/30 名古屋 lounge&live vio   5/1 下北沢 SHELTER 5/4 川崎 CLUB CITTA 5/14 福岡 KEITH FLACK 5/28 下北沢 ReG 5/28 中野 MOON STEP 6/3 新代田 FEVER   6/18 宮古島 MIYAKO ROCK FES2016 6/18 宮古島 2nd show 6/25 代官山 UNIT 6/26 下北沢 ERA 7/3 下北沢 THREE 7/13 渋谷TOWER RECORD 7/29 新宿 LOFT 8/2 代官山 LOOP 9/27 新宿 LOFT 10/11 下北沢 SHELTER 10/25 代官山 UNIT 11/3 下北沢 BASEMENT BAR 11/6 大阪 PINE BROOKLYN 11/16 下北沢 BASEMENT BAR 11/16 渋谷 Beaujolais Nouveau Party 11/19 新宿 RED CLOTH 11/24 渋谷 ORGAN BAR 11/26 青森 SUNSHINE 11/27 仙台 PARK SQUARE 12/17 台北 APA mini 12/18 台北 REVOLVER 12/22 名古屋 CLUB UPSET 12/23 下北沢 BASEMENT BAR
2017年 (28本) 1/7 新代田 FEVER 1/14 渋谷 WWWX 1/23 下北沢 SHELTER 2/10 新代田 FEVER 2/18 下北沢 THREE 2/24 渋谷TOWER RECORD 2/25 金沢 CLUB MANIER 2/26 新潟 WOODY 3/24 銀座 HUNTER 3/30 新宿LOFT 4/15 GO OUT CAMP FES 4/25 新代田 FEVER 9/1 名古屋 QUATTRO 9/10 大阪 SHANGRI-LA 9/11 名古屋 QUATTRO 9/15 渋谷 WWWX 9/26 下北沢 THREE 10/1 新木場 STUDIO COAST 10/10 日本橋 三井ホール 11/3 KOYABU SONIC 2017 11/8 渋谷 7th FLOOR 11/19 下北沢 CLUB QUE 11/21 下北沢 CLUB QUE 12/1 下北沢 THREE 12/2 恵比寿 LIQUID ROOM 12/10 札幌 PIGSTY 12/22 新宿 LOFT 12/29 恵比寿 LIQUID ROOM
2018年 (34本) 1/27 新代田FEVER 2/22 下北沢 CLUB Que 3/18 志賀高原 SMBL 2018 3/23 京都 磔磔 3/25 渋谷 WILD ROVER 2018 3/31 新宿 Red Cloth 4/3 銀座 HUNTER 4/8 恵比寿 LIQUIDROOM 4/17 下北沢BASEMENT BAR 4/27 渋谷 Club Malcolm 4/29 大阪CONPASS 5/5 広島 CLUB QUATTRO 5/6 福岡 EARLY BELIEVERS 5/10 新代田FEVER 5/24 柏CAMPASS FES 5/31 下北沢SHELTER 6/1 下北沢 THREE 6/15 下北沢 THREE (100回目) 6/16 新代田FEVER 7/16 大阪 味園ユニバース 7/21 佐賀 LIVING ALOHA 2018 7/25 渋谷 club asia 8/6 新代田FEVER 8/10 下北沢 CLUB Que 9/15 NEW ACOUSTIC CAMP 2018 9/21 代官山 UNIT 9/26 渋谷 WWWX 9/29 日比谷野外音楽堂 10/9 代官山 UNIT 11/22 下北沢 THREE 12/1 下北沢 GARDEN 12/8 新代田 FEVER 12/16 渋谷 club asia 12/22 横浜 BAY HALL
2019年 (47本) 1/6 新代田 FEVER 1/13 苫小牧ELLCUBE 1/14 札幌 Spund Lab mole 2/1 新宿LOFT 2/2 仙台 CLUB SHAFT 2/16 四日市 Club Chaos 2/17 大阪CONPASS 2/24 下北沢BASEMENT BAR 3/9 下北沢BASEMENT BAR 3/24 渋谷 WILD ROVER 2019 3/27 東京タワー CONVERSE PARTY 4/13 福岡 SKALA ESPACIO 4/26 渋谷 Club Malcolm 4/28 湯河原 音泉歌謡祭 5/10 宮古島 FUNKY FLAMINGO 5/11 宮古島 MIYAKO ROCK FES 2019 5/12 千葉 GROOVE TUBE FES 5/18 ACO CHiLL CAMP 2019 5/19 恵比寿 LIQUIDROOM 5/21 下北沢BASEMENT BAR 6/11 新代田FEVER 10周年 6/12 新宿 LOFT 6/15 豊橋 club KNOT 6/16 京都 CLUB METRO 7/15 味園ユニバース 8/3 広島 因島 SETOUCHI BEACH JAM 9/8 下北沢 SHELTER w/DOBERMAN 9/15 扇島東公園 BAYCAMP 2019 9/22 島根 松江 AZTIC canova 10/1 下北沢 SHELTER 10/6 渋谷 club asia 10/13 下北沢 BASEMENT BAR 10/13 渋谷LA MAMA 全感覚祭 10/19 大阪 NOON 10/20 名古屋 神前津 zion 10/26 京都 METRO 10/27 幡ヶ谷 RE:BIRTH STUDIO 11/3 静岡 焼津 FEVER OF SHIZUOKA 11/15 下北沢 SHELTER 11/17 下北沢 THREE 11/21 渋谷 WWWX 11/30 新宿 LOFT 12/7 長野 CLUB JUNKBOX 12/8 下北沢 BASEMENT BAR 12/21 渋谷 CLUB QUATTRO 12/27 名古屋 JAMMIN’ 12/28 江ノ島 OPPA-LA
2020年 (14本) 1/11 新代田 FEVER 1/15 新代田 FEVER 1/16 横浜 F.A.D 1/26 新代田 FEVER 1/28 下北沢 SHELTER 2/11 新代田 FEVER 2/16 大阪 CONPASS 3/2 名古屋 CLUB QUATTRO 3/3 大阪 梅田 CLUB QUATTRO 3/8 水戸 LIGHT HOUSE 3/10 渋谷 CLUB QUATTRO 7/27 新代田 FEVER 配信 10/31 渋谷WWWX 12/19 新宿LOFT URASUJI
2021年 (12本) 1/25 WWW 配信 3/6 大阪 SUNHALL 5/22 吉祥寺WARP 7/10 下北沢 SHELTER 8/6 広島 CLUB QUATTRO 8/22 苗場 FUJI ROCK FES 2021 9/4 新代田FEVER 10/16 富山 MAIRO 10/26 下北沢 SHELTER 11/27 川崎 CITTA 11/28 横浜 F.A.D. 12/4 福岡 天国
2022年 (15本) 2/18 FLOWERS LOFT 3/12 高崎 5/15 横浜 F.A.D 5/20 渋谷 LEVI’S SHOP 配信 6/4 大阪SUNHALL 6/5 和歌山 NO’11 7/2 新宿 LOFT 7/23 軽井沢 舞鳥祭 7/24 名古屋 UPSET 8/30 下北沢 SHELTER 9/12 下北沢 CLUB QUE 11/6 川崎 CLUB CITTA 11/12 吉祥寺 CRAFT ROCK 2022 11/30 原宿 RUIDO 12/2 渋谷 WWWX
2023年 (10本) 1/8 新代田 FEVER 2/25 荻窪 TOP BEAT CLUB 3/26 大阪 CONPASS 4/16 下北沢 BASEMENT BAR 5/3 新宿 LOFT 5/14 千葉 GROOVE TUBE FES 2023 6/17 新宿 LOFT 7/21 四日市 CHAOS 7/22 神戸 VARIT 1st.Season LAST 12/15 新代田 FEVER
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tragicomic-a · 7 months
I've been tagged...
...by @miyakuli! thanks for my musical dosis of serotonin, lola <33
🎶✨When you get this, put 5 songs you actually listen to✨🎶
This one has a fun bop that I really like! :3
2. Have been listening to Hozier a lot lately, this one has a funkier vibe. And, as always, Hozier serves lyrics.
3. Very soothing vibes with one of the loveliest lyrics in brazilian music in my humble opinion
"There's a small village there, where a good wind airs In the veranda who rests sees the horizon lie in the ground To calm the heart There the world has reason, land of heroes, homes of mothers Heaven has moved there Above the houses, chalk. Fruits in any backyard Full breasts, strong sons. Dream sowing the real world Every people fits there. Palestine, Shangri-la Come walk and fly (x3) There time waits. There is spring Doors and windows are always open for luck to enter In all tables, bread. Flowers embellishing the paths, the dresses, the destinies And this song has a true love for (you to carry) when you go" (loose translation by me x])
4. Underrated and fun
5. Some of her unreleased songs are actually my faves of hers
Send this to your favorite followers/ mutuals (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)
I'm gonna tag @drakshadow666 and @luxxfr (pls feel free to do it or not ^^')
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violettranslations · 10 days
Monochrome Shangri-La (モノクロームシャングリラ)
「こんばんは」銀河のお祭り 望遠鏡で眺めて 星巡りの口笛は 銀河を繋ぐ合言葉
"Good evening." As I gaze out at the Galaxy Festival through a telescope, this star-hopping whistle is the keyword that connects me to the galaxy.
夜空に溢した宝石の山は 小さな世界を包み込む。 金色の林檎 宝石の河原 君と白い闇 カシオペア
A mountain of jewels spilling out from the night sky envelops this small world. A golden apple, a riverbed of jewels, you and the white dark, Cassiopeia.
いつか読んだ世界は 二人同じ夢だと おとぎ話のような 「二人の名前はなんだっけ?」
That world I'd once read about was almost like a fairy tale, a dream that two people shared. "What were their names, again?"
月夜の野原に身体を投げ出し 約束の唄を口ずさむ 緑の瞳に シグナルの灯り オリオンの右手 北十字
I fling my body into the plain on a moonlit night, humming the promised song. The signal lamp is reflected in those green eyes. The right hand of Orion, the Northern Cross.
水晶で燃える炎と 夢から薫りだした花は 空の旅のお供達 あればいいのにね、と笑った
Flames that burn up quartz and flowers with scents spilling over from dreams are my companions on this stellar journey. "I wish," I laughed.
思い出せない君と夢 銀河に想いを寄せたのさ 何処かから声が聞こえる 「銀河ステーション 銀河ステーション」
Though I can't remember you or that dream, I've given my all to the galaxy. I can hear a voice calling from somewhere: "Galaxy Station, Galaxy Station."
夜空に響いた汽笛の音色は 銀河を優しく彩り 旅人は居ないけれど 君 夢 星 私だけだね
The timbre of the steam whistle that echoed through the night sky gently adorns the galaxy. There are no other travelers, it's just you, a dream, the stars, and me.
宝石みたいな七色の空は 悲しく美しくもあり 「ねぇ?空の果てには…」 あぁ、何色の世界
The sky, studded with seven colors like jewels, has its sad parts, and its beautiful ones, as well. "You know what? Far beyond the sky..." Aah, what color is that world?
「こんばんは」銀河の旅人 切符を見せて訊ねた 銀河の果ての停車場は かつての約束の場所だと
"Good evening," I displayed my ticket to the travelers of the galaxy and asked if the stop at the end of the galaxy is where we'd promised to meet long ago.
何処までも進む銀河鉄道は 小さな世界を包み込む。 十字架の停車場 鳥の群れ達 「僕を許して、カムパネルラ」
This galactic railroad that stretches on endlessly envelops that small world. When we stop at the cross, the birds gather. "Forgive me, Campanella."
忘れかけた記憶の欠片が 物語の最後を閉めた 夢の続きは見れると 私の手を握ったんだ
The fragments of a memory that had begun to slip away drew the end of the story to a close. In order to see the next chapter of our dream, you grasped my hand.
思い出した 君と夢 銀河に想いを寄せたのさ 何処からか声が聞こえる 「銀河ステーション 銀河ステーション」
I remember, both you and that dream, I've given my all to the galaxy. I can hear a voice calling from somewhere: "Galaxy Station, Galaxy Station."
夜空の旅に悲しみは無いのさ そんな顔しないでおくれ 旅人は少しだけど それはきっとうれしい事だ
There is no sorrow on a journey through the night sky. So please, don't make that face. We may have few traveling with us, but that is surely a wonderful thing.
宝石みたいな七色の空は 悲しく美しくもあり 「ねぇ?空の果てには…」 あぁ、何色の世界
The sky, studded with seven colors like jewels, has its sad parts, and its beautiful ones, as well. "You know what? Far beyond the sky..." Aah, what color is that world?
旅の終わりは切なくて 涙浮かべた君の笑顔 優しく霞む世界は 君が居ない事に気付いた
The conclusion of our journey was bittersweet, and tears surfaced in your eyes as you smiled. I realized that, in this world, gently misting over, you no longer exist.
思い出せない 君と夢 銀河に想いを寄せたのさ 何処からか声が聞こえる 「次は、終点。銀河ステーション」
Though I can't remember you or that dream, I've given my all to the galaxy. I can hear a voice calling from somewhere: "Next stop, end of the line. Galaxy Station."
真夜中野原に身体を投げ出し 涙が頬を流れてく 一人きり天気輪は 空 夢 星 私だけだね
I fling my body into the plain in the dead of night, tears flowing down my cheeks. A lone headstone stands among the sky, a dream, the stars, and me.
バイバイを言った君のお墓はね 悲しく美しくもあり 「ねぇ?銀河の果てには…」 あぁ、天の川の唄
You told me goodbye, and your grave has its sad parts, and its beautiful ones, as well. "You know what? Far beyond the galaxy..." Aah, the song of the Milky Way.
夜空に響いた汽笛の音色は 銀河を優しく彩り 旅人は居ないけれど 君 夢 星 私だけだね
The timbre of the steam whistle that echoed through the night sky gently adorns the galaxy. There are no other travelers, it is just you, a dream, the stars, and me.
宝石みたいな七色の空は 悲しく美しくもあり 「ねぇ、ずっと友達だよ。君に幸せを」
The sky, studded with seven colors like jewels, has its sad parts, and its beautiful ones, as well. "You know, we'll be friends forever. I wish you happiness."
*While I'm not entirely unfamiliar with Night on the Galactic Railroad, my knowledge of the plot and main characters is very general, so it's entirely possible that I've missed some references here. I do, however, have a copy of the novel, so once I get around to reading that, I'll review this translation for anything that slipped through the cracks.
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vgperson · 1 year
Vocaloid Highlights: March 2023
Traveling a thousand lightyears at the speed of sound. Highlights Archive
========== Stand-Outs ========== One Sheep Look, Look Drowned Corpses Want Love Venomous Snake Great Actress Hot Wind Mannequin Kardia Theater Recklessly And I Waved to "___" Makeup Breath Despair. Copyright A Thousand Lightyears Mr. Showtime Dust Trail Dyeing MOVING ON Blowing Raspberries at You Notorious Dinner Bell On Spring My and Your Otherworldly Reincarnation
========== Worth Your Time ========== Magical Girl Revolution Practical Usage Andromedanaut Clear Red Eyes Extermination Eric Bad Shark Paladin Swallowing Balancer So What Lonely Night Sky Don't Resolve Me Poisoning ROOK Lycoris Memoria Night-Talking Sleep-Blue Song Craft Soda Craft Clear Memory Imagination∞BLUE Fiction Nobody Was Here Goodbye Hairtie Light Club GLACIES Transformation Syndrome Future For Two I Wanted To Be a Vocaloid Producer Living. Song of a Flower Daydream Fantasia Taking Over Here The Person More Precious Than Me Night Revolves Float Planner Teleport Diverging-Together Zero Ghost Disco Reparody Amaryllis, Sunrise. Incomplete Egoism Short Hand Strong Wind Blown-Back TransPOP Retry Helter Skelter LIGHTNING Rust-Iron Rain and Bonfire Mid-Life Reincarnation Airy Cherry Bomb!! Original Whoopsie Funk Smile to Smile Secret Iris New Humanity call sign Beast Sensitive Ghost Apocalypse Tokyo Lamenting Shima Enagirl So Long As It's Changing Stardust Medley Anguish, Fans're a Fantasy Umbrella If You Say You'll Slay That Dragon Margaret My Speakers Broke Corrupt Heaven Uber-Cute☆Creature Who Am I ^^? Leon Shaka Brainwash Dance Deggee Drizzle Spring Song Offer I've Come to Hate Darkness The Finale to You. Trash Rule Chewing Candays Fantasy Theory Lastamberger Idea Roll I Laugh. Mare? shangri-la Brain Dead Monster blanc. Salutations Ni! Although It's Ironic Hyper Sign It Was a Definite Spring The Retina's the Silver Screen, All People Are Cinema Ethos Teacher, Hey The World is Part of Us Skew, Forget Reincarnation Instant Music Starflight Program Discovery The Love That Ended Today Deeds, not words!! See-Again Romanesque
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lingweihao · 1 month
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When the early summer breeze blows across the earth, the sea of flowers in Shangri-La blooms with brilliant colors, like a picture scroll of the earth, outlining a beautiful landscape. Walking in the sea of flowers, the endless sea of flowers is like a dream, with flowers blooming and exuding charming fragrance.
In this sea of flowers, all kinds of flowers complement each other, including purple lavender, pink roses, red tulips… They are clustered together, competing for beauty, making people dizzy and amazed. The breeze blows, and the fragrance of the flowers spreads, making people intoxicated and forgetting the troubles of the world.
In the sea of flowers in Shangri-La, we can not only feel the beauty of nature, but also the power of life and the beauty of life. Every flower has its own unique story, and every sea of flowers carries countless dreams and hopes.
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