#shameful with all those programs theyre trying
quoj · 2 years
is narendra modi insane
my crazydad told me e was sane
youe crazydad is wrong
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algrolo · 2 years
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Ngl the tags and comments on this post are hilarious and also toxic as all hell dont go in there.
Like god forbid a company tailor its advertisements FOR KIDS in such a way that it gets them interested in a topic before a movie comes up. Its downright evil Disney got kids interest in Fish for Finding Nemo. I bet they got kids interested in Pandas and Talking About Your Feelings before that Red Panda movie. The audacity. God forbid Literal Children have interests.
Same goes for sports. How dare kids see sports on tv and think "hey i wanna try that it looks fun!". A shame that sports are a physically rewarding, mentally challenging, and teamwork building activity that has been proven to be beneficial for children.
A collection of some of my favorite notes, paraphrased:
"A lot of kids specifically wanted clownfish as pets after seeing finding nemo!"- okay and? They aint going out there and buying fish. Parents are. They should do the research instead of relying on the word of an 8 year old.
"Kids dont know how to take care of fish!"- once again, they have parents. Also its a fish. Better than them adopting an Actual Animal like a dog or cat and then getting bored with it. Also if the fish dies, sorry people, Its A Fish. Let children learn from mistakes.
"Regardless of content its sinister that theyre using subliminal advertising"- theyre getting children interested in a topic. Does it drive interest in a new film coming out? Yes. Did the kid still get interested in a topic? Yes. Sorry folks im gonna side with the 'getting kids interested in new topics' over the capitalism. So what if helping sales is getting kids to learn. God forbid children learn things.
"Imagine what else disney could be using this for! What if its more sinister!"- wow! Congrats! You learned what advertising is! Good thing you have a much more developed brain than a child and have better rationalization skills! Too bad youre not using it in this circumstance.
Listen babes i get it. Hate the mouse because its the mouse. But god forbid childrens tv networks try to inject educational material or drive the childlike pursuit of knowledge and discovery through programming. Sometimes yall do be sounding like the antithesis to all those antigay/antitrans "think of the children!" religious people. Let children develop interests.
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guidedbygunpla · 3 years
Gundam REDUX side story Chapter 4: Just another boy, lost in the woods.
             Char and Lalah walked for a while, mostly in silence, both of their minds clear of thoughts, simply watching the waves crash against the shore they walked along.
             “have you ever walked along a beach before?” Lalah asked, after a long while
             “no, the colonies I grew up in on side 3 didn’t have any real bodies of water, and I have mostly been stationed inland or in space up til now…..it’s nice, if I were to ever live in a colony with a  body of water, or god forbid move to earth, I could see myself building a house alongside the ocean, this is so calming”              “why would you say god forbid when talking about moving to earth, I thought that was your fathers one true wish….to move back to earth”              “it was, he always…..wait, my father?”              “you can’t hide things from me, I can read your mind after all. It’s alright though I won’t tell anyone about it, I realize you have to keep this mask on in order to protect me, and save those girls in the lab. Sorry I should’ve told you I was probing your thoughts”              “…well, yes you should’ve, but now that its out there in the open, yes it was my fathers dream that humanity would get to come back to earth, but we can’t. most of the globe is just salt water and sand at this point, the colonies were built as a cage, but the world outside of the cage is so much worse now then when we were put into that cage. Every cylinder on a colony can grow enough food to feed 150% of its population, the earth….I doubt it could grow enough for even 30% of the people living out there now.”              there was another long pause as they stared out at the ocean, the body of a zaku floated into view, its paint peeling off, and the high carbon steel below showed through, rusted and destroyed, likely the only thing keeping it afloat was the helium stored in its tanks that had failed to explode or leak out              “so you know my real name then, don’t you Lalah”              “yea, Casval…..your father was named Zeon, at least that’s the name you know he was given when he helped found the Contolist Church. Something about hot water and wine”              “old catholic ideas mixed with space age realities.”              “he called you Cassie, and he called your sister Arty. I like those names” Lalah said as she turned and looked at Char, her green eyes looked other worldly on her, as if she was looking into his very soul, which she kind of was.
             “so you know everything about me then huh…and yet I know nothing about you, seems a tad bit unfair” Char said as he reached up and took his helmet off, and his visor along with it, the world looking far brighter, and far more real without the rose tinted glasses
             “well….what do you want to know? I don’t mind telling you about myself, but where should I start?”              the pair of them followed the beach into a small sea side town, or the remains of one. The town looked to have been abandoned in a hurry, with cars still sitting along the road, and doors to homes and shops hanging open.              “well, where did you grow up? When did you learn about your powers? How’d you find yourself out here? If you don’t mind me asking of course” Char asked, his voice cautious
             “well, I grew up in Hyderabad in India. My mother was an Arcologist working with the local colleges Colonial science division and my dad was a politician, nothing huge though, mostly just treasury work”              “ah the earth born elite, must’ve been nice”
             “ha… it was awful, so many responsibilities. I just wanted to live, but it was always you have to go to your violin lesson Geetika, you have to go to your cram classes Geetika, you have to be home by 4 Geetika, your GPA is getting too low again Geetika. I hated it…I just wanted to be free, to explore. My parents didn’t understand it.”
             “Geetika? Is that your real name?              “yes, I was born Geetika Acharya Prasanna.”
             “so where did Lalah come from, I’m assuming you know where the name Charles Aznable comes from, but where did Lalah Sune come from?”              “ do you mind if we go for a drive? My feet are getting awfully tired” Lalah said motioning towards a derelict car that was sitting alongside the road. It was a small orange convertible, sporty, something that would’ve cost a lot of money.              “fancy….but I should mention, I have no idea how to drive” char said running his hand through his hair with a laugh.
             “oh right, you always had a driver, so you never had to learn to drive anything other than a mobile suit. Don’t worry I can take care of that” Lalah said as she opened the door and reached below the dashboard, below the steering wheel and began to muck about with the wiring harness to the car, until eventually the engine sputtered to life, the smell of burning ethanol filling the air              “what is that smell?” Char asked aloud              “its alcohol, have you never been around a car before?” Lalah said, patting the passenger seat              “well of course I have, but in the colonies theyre all electric, makes more sense, since you live in something covered in solar panels “              “well on earth we run cars off of alcohol” Lalah said as she put the car into gear and took off down the road through this old seaside town
“makes sense I suppose, it is flammable, and the sound the engine makes is quite pleasant” Char said setting his helmet and Visor in the footwell next to his feet and trying to relax as Lalah drove
“lords above, you can really tell just how high born you are sometimes Casval” Lalah said
with a laugh “so yea, I changed my name to Lalah Sune when I ran away from home, I didn’t want my family to be able to find me, I really just wanted to be left alone. There was a movie out at the time, Farewell Summer, and the lead actress in it was named Lalah Sune, I thought it was a nice name, so I took it. What we’re your other questions again?” Lalah asked as she pulled onto the on ramp to one of the old highways that snaked across the American west.
             “well when did you learn about your powers?” Char asked as he sat back into the plush suede seats of the convertible              “I think I always knew, when I was a kid I told doctors that I heard voices, that it was hard to think sometimes because it was so loud in my head, they thought I was crazy. Put me on medication after medication to try to fix it, I’d say I was about ten when I realized I could sort of control it by focusing on one or two peoples thoughts and then I would only hear those few voices, and when it was with people I loved, people I wanted to spend time with, it got much easier. It wasn’t until I met my first real boyfriend that I realized I was genuinely hearing their thoughts. I realized I could hear what he thought of me, and see what he fantasized about….it was quite freeing, knowing how much someone loves you, understanding them completely like that”
             “ugh, I’m not sure I could handle knowing what the people I’ve been with through the years thought of me. I’d feel so exposed” Char said laying his head back into the seat, watching the sky fly past over head as the sun began to set across the sea
             “well I mean, you’ve only ever loved Garma and another boy from when you were much younger right?”
             “I always feel bad that I can’t remember his name, he was my first kiss and I cant recall his name for the life of me. It was on a scout outing, my first real taste of life outside of Zeon and its trappings, no one treated me like royalty, I was just another boy in the woods. He told me he liked my eyes, and then he kissed me when the camp counselors were away….”
             “that’s why you fell in love with Garma right? Because when you saw him at your fathers funeral, he looked like the boy right? Same jet black hair, with the little curls in it?”
             “god there really are no secrets with you are there?….well yea, Garma looked like him sure, and he treated me the same way too, like I was just another boy lost in the woods. It was hard not to fall in love with him”
             “it is a shame you had to kill him, I can tell that thought is weighing heavily on your soul. But you felt you had no choice….couldn’t let your fathers ghost watch you become a member of the family that killed him….I am sorry you went through all of that Char.”
They stopped the car, as the road ahead of them was smashed and destroyed, a body of a Gouf lay shattered across it, oil and reactor coolant pooling up on the road ahead of them
             “thank you Lalah, it means a lot.”              “you saved me from a laboratory where every person in it would think about slicing my head open to see what was inside, like I was a pinata. I owe you more thanks than I could ever give.”              “I did the only moral thing” Char said turning to look at her, her green eyes again looked as if they held the entire cosmos within them
             “so often in war we want to be the moral and upstanding person, but within your heart I see that you know you cant always be right, that sometimes you have to be evil so that the right thing can be won out.” Lalah said as she turned the car around and headed back towards the flanagin institute and the Gow Char had come in on
               “so where will you go now? Now that you are free?” Char asked her
             “I will follow you Char, I know if I leave your side, my powers will be discovered again, and next time they might not take so much time to study me.”              “of course.”
When Char returned to the flanagin institute he found Dozle was quite upset with him having broken Lalah out, saying that she was going to be a vital part of their newtype weapons program. Char informed him that he was going to train Lalah to be a pilot, and this calmed him somewhat. When char broached the question of the clones in the basement, and if he knew whose children they were, Dozle simple said
             “in war, sacrifices have to be made, and some men are strong enough to make that sacrifice.”
Char knew then that Dozle knew they were Gihrens children, he knew. He just chose to accept it as it was, as a fact of the world. An evil that had to be committed so that the right thing would win out in the end. No different to Dozle than killing Garma had been to Char. What a twisted world this had become Char thought to himself.
             He took Lalah aboard the Gow, and to his quarters, as an officer he had a private cabin, nothing outlandish. But he did have a private bedroom. Living quarters with a kitchenette and a bathroom to himself. He insisted on a second bed be brought in for Lalah, so she didn’t have to be near the common soldiers they were transporting as well.
             “I hope this is alright with you Lalah” Char said as they wheeled the spare bed into his quarters
             “oh its much better than I expected, in the institute I was kept in a padded cell, so this is definitely a step up” Lalah said with a laugh
             “I know this goes without saying Lalah, but everything we discussed today, no one can..”
             “remember, Char I can read your thoughts, I can see everything your minds eye can create. It’s fine, all your secrets are safe with me.”
             “right, of course. If you’d like I could go check with some of the female crew onboard, see if I could get some spare clothes for you, I think the only thing you took with you was that yellow dress”
             “that won’t be necessary, I typically just sleep nude. Growing up in india, sleeping nude in front of a fan was typically the only way to feel cold enough to sleep” she said with a side eye to Char, as small smile on her lips
             “oh….of course, well I will make sure to knock before leaving my room to come out here into the living area then, so as not to disturb you” char said looking away sheepishly
             “are you bothered by this Char? I know you find me attractive, and surely you can tell, even without the ability to read minds that I clearly think highly of you” Lalah said as she walked towards Char and wrapped her arms around his neck. Char felt himself expanding, his mind growing larger than his head, the walls around him disappeared, all he could see was swirling dust and stars, it was like he was floating above the milky way itself, the sounds of the waves crashing, and the feeling of floating at sea.
             “there is nothing to fear Char, I can feel you in ways that I have never felt a man before, you are a Newtype like me, we just need to unlock your powers, I can help you do that”
             “Lalah I don’t know what I am feeling right now, this is quite overwhelming”
             “we are melting into one another, our minds are becoming one, isn’t it a wonderful feeling Cassie”
             “it feels like I’m going home, I feel welcomed, I feel whole”
             “Char if you want me to stop, please just tell me….but I can tell you want this too, something inside both of us craves this”
             “I do, but Lalah, I’ve never, I mean….I’ve only ever been with Garma, I’m not sure I’ll know how to”
             “you are inside of my mind now Char, you’ll know”
               The world was a blizzard, a fire, a tropical storm. Small masses swirled dust around them until a planet formed from them. Humanity was formed, and they explored every inch of this ball of dust, until they could only explore what was above them, they saw the stars they saw the heavens. They touched the very face of god.
             Waves crashed, and Char felt his consciousness expand more and more. He could feel what lalah felt, he could see time, he could see the past, he could see the future, he could feel what had happened, what would happen. Lalahs third eye guiding him. He saw Lalah and him, in a small farm house on side 6, he could feel there was a family inside that house, that love would blossom in that small farm house.              was this his future?
                           Was he falling in love with Lalah?
Was this his past?
                                                         Was this a home his mother and father had shared before Zeon?
             He felt waves crashing as he made love with Lalah, it was different than making love to a man. But not wildly so, he had never imagined falling in love with a woman, he had never imagined himself falling in love for that fact. With Garma he always felt a pang of guilt when they were intimate, as Char knew how this was going to end. With Lalah he still felt guilt, but it was because of Garma, that if his fathers religion was right, Garma was likely watching him right now, making love to a woman less than a week after he had killed him.
             Garma didn’t deserve that, and Char didn’t deserve this
                           He heard Lalahs voice in his mind
                                         This is Life, none of us deserve it. It is a gift. And a curse. But we are different we aren’t tied to life the same way as others, our minds are free of it
               Char then found himself making love to Garma, they were both older, and there was a large bay window in the room, overlooking the Californian beaches he had seen earlier.              there were photos on the wall, Char in a tuxedo, and Garma in a white Zeon dress uniform, just covered in medals. A Contolist priest behind them.              was this a world where they had won the war? A world where Garma and him had married?
What was happening?
               He found himself now, a teenager, riding horses through the woods, the boy from camp was there with him, along with Garma, and a teenage Lalah, all riding horses through the forests of Side 3. The horse he rode on was familiar, it was Honeydew. His horse from childhood, She was okay, she was alive. She was fully grown
               “Lalah what are you showing me?” He asked concerned, this was terrifying, and wonderful
“as newtypes, we aren’t tied to reality the same as other people, when we’re together we can experience any reality we want”
He felt his mortal body climax, somewhere in the wake of this all, in the very distant part of space where surely his human form still lay, making love with Lalah
Char felt his body shrinking, he lay now as a baby, laying in his mothers arms as she rocked him, and sang to him, trying to help him sleep.
             He felt the world shrinking too, as he came back into his own body, Lalah held him, as he regained some semblance of consciousness.
             “I am sorry if that was overwhelming, I have never been intimate with another person like myself before, I wasn’t aware it would be so powerful.” Lalah said as she craned Chars lips to hers, kissing him softly
             “were those just fantasies? Or was any of that real?” Char asked as he sat up, he realized they were laying in his bed, and judging by the clock on his night stand they had made love for about 3 and a half hours.
             “I don’t entirely know, I know anytime I’ve made love I’ve ended up there, and when I was at Flanagan there would be times when I spoke with those experiments, I would feel my mind begin to expand the same as it did during the beginning throughs of passion, but I have only ever met 3 people outside of Flanagan like myself, and you are the first of them that I have ever made love with. I would occasionally feel my mind expand around the others, and moments where our minds would meld and we would fall into that place, where it feels like you’re in outerspace, but never like that, where we saw other worlds together.”              “I need you to teach me how to use this power Lalah, I want to be able to control it, I want to explore all of those places again” Char said as he kissed Lalah again
               “of course, I owe you more thanks than I could ever give”
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fuck-customers · 5 years
I don’t care if you spend $150,000+ yearly here, you’re still getting kicked out
Hi! Im a casino dealer for a well known and one of the largest Casino chains in the USA. I adore my job and 9/10 nothing happens to me that I feel the need to bring up to a supervisor or security. My regulars are great, the new faces are usually fun, and the worst thing I have to consistently contend with is my players getting antsy over how long the servers take with drinks on busy nights. Its a great job for the most part.
The absolute only thing, that 1/10 times, that I have to deal with is people, usually men, getting overly aggressive or sexual. When money and alcohol are involved, it can bring out the worst in people. And Im also quite young looking, with a very soft voice and demeanor at work, and Ive been warned by management that bc of that I may deal with some harrassment. Luckily, theyre never shy to support me and do what needs to be done to get it sorted. Because of how great management and security are, Ive never felt unsafe, despite how people can act.
This story is not about the average guest, however!!! No, this story is about a reoccuring character in my casino, a misogynistic high roller who only ever seems to come out of poker room or high limit to harrass me.
At my casino (and those sister casinos under a larger, well known brand) we have a rewards program that ranks the guests on, basically, how much they spend and win.
Basically, you get 1 point for every $1 to spend or win on a table game (there are other ways to win but thats the way thats relevent to me, a table games dealer). For each rank, you have to earn, yearly:
Gold: 1-4,999 points
Platinum: 5,000-14,999
Diamond: 15,000-149,999
Seven Star: 150,000+
Which, yes, means that a Seven star player spends and wins more money at my job than Ill ever see in my bank account! In one year, EVERY year, they want to be a Seven Star member!
So, Ive had issues with this one Seven Star (7S) member, consistently. Mainly, he treats me like crap and calls me a b*tch to his friends when he loses (which happens, bc its gambling, and its not my fault). In the same breath, he’ll refuse to continue the round until I ~apologize to him or ~blow him a kiss to make up for taking his chips. Or he’ll make uncomfortably intense and detailed comments on my appearance.
Every time I go to tell my floor supervisor about him, he sees me and colors up his chips and runs before they can handle it. On the bright side, it means I usually only have to deal with him once a night, because after that he avoids me (although he will walk by my table and tell my players how bad of a dealer I am despite how attractive he thinks I am, and how much of a shame that is).
This weekend is Halloween weekend, however, and we were allowed to be in costume. Im in love with fashions inspired by older time periods, so I went into work in an all-wine red outfit inspired by Edwardian fashion. It was really cute, and I got a lot of compliments from my coworkers, so I was having a great night.
But 7S sees me as hes coming out of High Limit BJ and makes a beeline for my table. I dredge up my best customer service smile and buy him in and shuffle the cards. As Im working, however, he is wasting nO time in making sure I understand how physically attractive he finds me in my costume.
Before I can say anything, he is pulling his phone out and pointing it directly at me, saying hes going to take a picture.
1) Policy states that, for security reasons, guests are not allowed to have their phones out while sitting at a table.
2) Policy also states you arent supposed to take pictures on a table, or anywhere really, bc of above. There are of course exceptions, like taking a quick selfie or SC, that security wont bother with. But if the officers on the floor or the Eye in the Sky (the security watching the cameras) see you taking video or photos a suspicious amount, please know you ARE being followed my an officer, either on the floor or over cameras.
3) Common decency and security both also state thst you dont take pictures of employees without their consent.
Now, still smiling, I tell him he knows full well he’ll get in trouble if he takes a picture of me because he knows the rules. Hes not supposed to have his phone out, at all, at the minimum. He just smiles lecherously and tells me its an exception bc its Halloween. False.
Luckily, however, I’m just there for 20min to give a coworker a break. In the mean time, no matter how often I insist he has to stop, he doesnt. It just so happens that my floor supvervisor was having to deal with 2 drunk guests fighting 2 tables over from me, so I couldnt immediately reinforce the rules. I had to spend 20min dealing with this guy drooling and taking photos of me when he thought I wasnt looking until my coworker came back and I could walk up to my supervisor directly. (Poor guy was dealing with a lot, so i dont blame him for not seeing what was happening at my table.)
Typically, 7S saw my ratting him out and tried to run. My awesome floor sueprvisor didnt hesitate. All I had to say was “The 7S player at spot 5 kept taking pics of me” and he was calling security, no further explanation needed.
I was giving another coworker a break when the rest of the story unfolded.
Security and my shift manager track him down and force him to delete the multiple photos from his phone, explaining in detail why that wasnt allowed. The female security guard even went so far as to take the phone away, go into the deleted section, and made sure to hard erase the photos so he couldnt recover them.
He, apparently, insisted that it was an exception bc it was Halloween, that I gave him permission, that did we know how much money he spends here?!?! How dare we tell him no! He’ll never come here again! You’ll take an employee’s word over hIS? When he spends so much money here?!?!
Security, many of whom Ive made a point to become friendly with over the months Ive worked here, werent having his crap and told him that he had a 24hr ban for the premises. Unfortunately, the only way out was to walk him in front of my new table.
7S, no matter how many security officers were walking him out, kept trying to walk up to me and start talking. At one point he managed to just stand there in front of my table and just... stare at me, ignoring the security trying to make him leave. He just stood there, perfectly in front of me, with a gross, malicious smile, waiting to be acknowledged by me as a whole security team tried to urge him forward without having to take physical action.
I had guests on my table, so I wasnt about to talk to him, but I glanced up at him and smiled, and continued to deal the cards.
I wish I could say I was trying to be witty, but honestly after working so long in this position, my default response to guests in general has just become the Customer Service Smile. I was actually very afraid in that moment, and very grateful to the security guard who finally wedged herself between us and forced him on.
Later, the female security officer who made sure my photos were fully deleted came up to me on break. She let me know that she made sure to get everything off his phone, and that she was honestly frightened of how he treated me and how he was acting towards me, and that its now going to be known how he feels towards me. She said that if he ever sits at my table and even vaguely makes me uncomfortable, bc of his history with me they wont hesitate to take care of it.
Working here is one of the best things to ever happen to me, and Im glad the security and management here are able to minimize the guests who give me problems. And hopefully he hates me enough that he never plays at my table, again.
TL;DR: A guest who spends $150,000+ yearly at my casino repeatedly sexually harrasses me over a period of months. It comes to a head when he takes photos of me without my consent in my Halloween costume. Security and management make him delete the photos and temporarily ban him from the establishment in a scene that was bad enough for security to put a policy in place to keep him from bothering me ever again.
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just watched The Guy Who Didnt Like Musicals a second time. i didnt really process the songs properly the first time and didnt like them but now i can actually hear the tunes as intended and i love this whole thing so much. so im gonna ramble about this musical for a bit. spoilers ahead if u havent watched yet (its on youtube)
ive seen a few of the theories ppl have about the delivery of the musical, and about what happens at the end especially. i think i wanna try my hand at it too because sometimes i enjoy interpreting details. and im a gigantic sucker for reprises that stitch together all the songs we just heard into its own frankenstein song that completely changes in meaning or tone based on all the info we absorbed over the course of the program. and boi the last song of the show sure fuckin delivers
ok well i need to start at the beginning though. some ppl are confused by what the opening lil song and dance is within the context of the musical, because it introduces the main character, but at that point no one is infected yet so it just seems like standard musical stuff in the viewpoint of the audience, who expects this. but the entire plot of this musical is that the characters’ world slowly BECOMES a musical due to alien spores from a meteor infecting everyone to act as a harmonious hive mind. so in this sense its two musicals at the same time: the musical that starkid productions wrote, and the looser ‘musical’ that the alien entity is orchestrating during its antagonism of the main character. i believe that the opener takes place after at least a partially successful domination of the populace, mostly because of the fact that the characters who participate in that song are referring to ‘themselves’ in the third person and are dancing all hunched and menacingly, exactly how the alien spore compels people to dance later on in the plot. that plus a line that i might be recalling correctly about how the main character is their final story to tell, makes me certain that this is the alien telling that story
as for the main character paul’s absence from that song, i really think thats something intended in the musical to introduce what paul is like in the most succinct way possible. the guy just did not like musicals. throughout the plot he is constantly defining himself by his lack of participation, so of course the cheekiest way to set that up is to have him not participate in the opener. i think the confusing part here is when the story actually begins, because if the opener was performed by the future infected characters, when is the line drawn to differentiate between the two musicals that are happening (starkid musical vs alien musical)? or is the whole thing a performance by the alien entity? in which case, everyone on that stage is simply acting out the story as determined by the hive mind. but to whom, if everyone’s infected? i’ll get back to that later
another thing i love about this musical is how gradually tired of paul’s shit the alien entity becomes over the course of the plot, as evidenced by the tone of the songs. it just gets worse and worse. the alien’s songs turn from sickeningly cheerful to enticing, to threatening, to evoking hopelessness, then finally to pressuring paul past his breaking point. some of the songs arent even directed at paul but the change still happens, which goes to show the alien entity’s frustration. and at the end when the infected find emma, the song is happy again. they sing that awesome reprise, a really energetic mashup in which its hard not to feel like the alien plague is unstoppable. inevitable, one might say.
speaking of the end... paul’s confrontation with the meteor (my absolute favorite scene that i would rewatch a hundred times except i dont want to get tired of it too fast) contains good information to understanding what happens afterward. paul tries to blow it up, gets distracted by the appearance of his infected acquaintances, and the longer he stays there the more infected he himself becomes, breathing in such a heavy concentration of those alien spores at the epicenter of its activity. until now, he has rejected actively being the ‘star of the show’ like the alien seems to... want him to be? idk, the point is that his character defies musical protagonist tropes despite how the plot follows him. the story is ABOUT the alien, but paul is the audience’s anchor. until he goes to blow up the meteor. at that point, the alien has him. he can barely fight back against his own body synchronizing with the other infected as they goad him into giving in, but he puts up a damn good struggle considering those impossible circumstances. still, for the first time, he participates. he sings. he hates it, but it brings out some interesting thoughts: does he hate it? did he ever? or is this just the spores talking?
but what part, exactly, does he hate? in a musical, the singing and dancing act is usually the method of delivery for whatever the character is truly feeling. it is an opportunity for the audience to connect emotionally with the person who is singing. but we dont have that with paul for almost the entire show. he doesnt participate. and he’s established in the beginning as selfish, kind of a dick, and not available to anyone (except emma who is the only person he even slightly opens up to. he tries to be more friendly somewhat with bill, i think, but even then that couldve just been to get him to snap out of it and escape the school). he said himself that people singing and dancing makes him uncomfortable. so all this is to say that, on a deeper level, i think the aspect of the singing and dancing that he hates, that he fights to resist, is the vulnerability. you can witness the madness and shame for yourself as he sings more and more, letting out his worries, unsure if his feelings are his anymore. but hey, he ends that scene with a statement reaffirming the self he walked in with (which is to say, a guy who hates musicals) and finally pulls his grenade. so its cool that he was able to resist that but. guys. if the spores didnt get him. that grenade absolutely did. he didnt even bother to throw it away from himself, he flung it down right in front of him. theres no way he didnt get blown to bloody chunks, fully intending for that to be his final act of defiance
but i think it was too late by then. he’d already breathed in so many spores, and we were shown earlier on that death is not an impediment to becoming infected. i think after he exploded, he was still absorbed into the collective and reformed as a new addition to the hive mind. his explosives might not have been enough to fully destroy the meteor. and thats why, at the very end, i believe that - despite his admittedly suspicious face journey during the song - he isnt faking it. because if he was, wouldnt the hive mind know that it doesnt contain him within it? not only that, but in the opening song emma is clearly part of the group. given that she is the only one who is undoubtedly not infected in the last song, we have to assume that she will be sometime after the finale of the musical.
and now im left with my unexplored questions: is this a musical played straight, or a ‘musical’ put on by the alien entity after it wins? and who is the ‘musical’ intended for? its fun to speculate but im not sure these are questions that can be answered by watching it a bunch of times. theyre aimed too much outside of the zone of operation, if that makes sense. its like, you cant ever look at your own eyeballs normally. you need a mirror or for someone to describe them to you. these questions exist outside of the limitations of the musical format, so we wouldnt direct them at the video, we would ask them of the creators. or not. its cool to not have all the questions answered too
ah i wrote a flippin essay, huh? i guess i wanted to prove to myself that my brain still works
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stinkgh · 5 years
al-anon is the only social activity i have at the moment, aside from work & a volunteer project but theyre not all that “social” compared to al-anon. i listen to them talk & it makes me realize how much of a wet mop I am. i dont do shit except lay in bed all day. no fucking hobbies, no interests, cant do anything that holds my attention for more than a few seconds before ive lost interest & ready to quit. id much rather be in beeeeeedddddd like holy fuck who am i though?? im so withdrawn i dont even remember who i am and its been a legit thing lately. i cant do anything without wanting to run back home & get in bed. god it sucks so fucking much. i feel like such a blank slate. I feel like this is because of how i was raised, because my mother squashed all my hobbies anyfuckingway so why even bother. and when i say squashed, i mean she fucking killed them dead murdered in cold fucking blood. she took every bit of individuality I had and crushed it with her evil fucking rat claws. i liked anime and cartoons, she forbade them. i liked to read harry potter, she called it devil worship and then burned my books. i liked video games, she smashed my gamecube with a hammer and burned my gameboy & all my games. burned my yugioh cards. insulted my taste in music by calling it devils music bc she couldnt understand the lyrics. i couldnt wear the things i liked, i couldnt even TALK WITHOUT HER RIDICULING MY FUCKING ACCENT. HOW FUCKING CONTROLLING DO YOU HAVE TO BE. she fucking squashed ANY AND EVERY BIT OF INDIVIDUALITY I FUCKING HAD. IS IT ANY WONDER IM A WET FUCKING MOP?!?! they all talk about activities like apple picking and shit and im just like… cant relate. thats too scary for me i cant handle it. i wouldnt enjoy it & probably couldnt wait for it to end so I could go home. in fact why even bother, just save the trouble and stay home. i literally have no interest if no one else is there. why do anything alone. god who am I?? have i always been like this?? i dont think i have. at one point i had lots of hobbies. i liked to read. and draw. i really loved to draw. i liked to do jigsaw puzzles. and music. but then i liked to do schoolwork. and i liked school. and i liked all these things because they were distractions from an alcoholic abusive mother. sometimes i feel like thats the only reason i ever did those things, and did so well in school, because my motivation was to escape home & i found solace in these things. now that i dont have such an evil presence looming over me 24/7, i have no need to “escape” (lets not mention the 4 years of literal daydreaming, no no thats a different kind of escape) and it takes a lot of effort to do these things for enjoyment rather than escapism. i have nothing to escape here.
something for me to research i think. how to trick yourself to enjoy healthy coping mechanisms lmao. honestly this is one of the reasons i think i need to be medicated. depression, but i cant not mention the impending doom known as abandonment fears haha bitch you thought! i dont want to meet new people and get attached! not now not ever again! so i say. i know this is a hinderance to the progress im seeking, but honestly it just makes me mad. i hate this. i hate that im so fucking broken. i literally dont know what to do when it comes to this shit. i dont know how to properly express myself face to face without panicking. its like that option doesnt even exist! IT NEVER HAS. Ive never been able to do that without getting beat or told i was being disrespectful. its better to shut the fuck up than to speak up because when i speak she fucking hits me. i grew up with that!! and now i dont know how to speak up to strangers who arent my mom and probably wont beat me for speaking my mind, but I dont know that lol my body certainly doesnt. i dont know how to feel comfortable with strangers without feeling ridiculed or shamed its just how im fucking programmed. i literally do not. know. how. to. do. this. please fucking help me. then why i TRY to communicate it comes out angry, agressive, and triggering bc i literally have NEVER had success with this on a 1-to-1 setting. it has ALWAYS ended with me getting squashed or me doing the squashing. jesus fucking christ what the fuuuuck this shit is so fucking frustrating and definitely one of those things i wish i could just *poof* make it better. writing this out makes me realize, its one of those things im gonna have to work really hard to improve. this sucks. this sucks so much.
gonna mention this next session, god i wish i didnt have realizations directly AFTER therapy bc now i gotta wait 2 whole weeks to see what he thinks & im probably gonna find some info on it before then bc thats what i do. there’s a book i saw floating around here on body triggers, im thinking of getting it. also im kinda disappointed, i thought he was gonna teach me things today but it was just like a normal session where i talked the entire time and he barely said much at all. when are you gonna teach me things pls im running on empty fumes here ;-;
adding in post: so in the tags I talk about nurturing my relationship with god and I mentioned that I don’t like saying “you’re suffering for a reason” because thats an awful thing to say to someone who has been abused and epsecially when the abuse is still fresh, its like youre fucking justifying the pain and suffering inflicted on you and that shit is fucking triggering as fuck. but then i forgot tumblr algorithms push quotated tags to the front of the list so when I posted this and had “you’re suffering for a reason” in quotation marks, it was the first tag to show up.
I see you bitch.
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tumblunni · 5 years
Random game idea that came to mind: clockwork man simulator
I dunno, i just got the general image in my head of a soft homey aesthetic equivelant of that terrible game about the androids. Itd be more like just a life-living game, like stuff like animal crossing or harvest moon. Just fully exploring the perspective of these creatures and the world that created them, rather than BOOM ACTION SETPIECES or whatever
I only have some scattered ideas for it tho, and not really any idea of a main plot or gameplay gimmick or 3 act structure or like.. Anything to take this from idea to game, lol.
* more of an olden timey fantasy style instead of sci fi. Youre still an artificial person created to run errands for humans, but youre more of a combination of clockwork and magic. There's still an element of being made of inanimate object parts but there's also some glowy energy core or something. Possibly would be interesting if it was something unusual to use as a power source? Like i dunno, a bell or an acorn or a teacup or one of those rocks with the hole in it that sometimes wash up on beaches. Or just a glowy orb of Generically Defined Energy Substance, which flows through you like aesthetically pleasing glowy veins
* you're a service clockwork homunculus thingy, bought by a disabled person who needs help around the house. PERHAPS A SWEET OLD GRANDMA! Whatever i decide on (IT'LL PROBABLY BE THE GRANDMA), your owner is a kind person who sees you as part of the family and feels guilty using an android as they believe you are absolutely a real person and wish they could set you free. Unfortunately theyre kinda one of the people who needs androids the most, as they dont have any family who can help them. At the same time though, they are very old and quite resigned to nobody caring about them, plus theyre just a good person who'd put your life over their own. So i feel like the plot would literally start with this person trying to set you free and you are just like "i do npt understand the concept, that is not in my programming". Its become kind of a morning routine now to hear "youre free! Get out, dammit!" and have a brisk argument over breakfast that inevitably always ends with you refusing. Grandma's prpbably got so desperate they're resorting to tactics like trying to trick you into getting on the bus out of town or "if you dont leave im gonna hold my breath and i wont stop til i pass out". All inevitabley failing! So they just try and help you understand your sentience and become more independant, encouraging you to take free time every day and go around the town to enjoy yourself. Which is kinda a concept you dont understand yet, so its just like MISSION RECEIVED: WALK IN CIRCLE AROUND PERIMETER OF TOWN. And its kind of a hit and miss experience because the people in this town have never seen an android before- this magic is usually a thing for rich people and this proposed scheme of disability assistance androids is still in its test run. Some people are suspicious or hateful, but there are others who welcome you to the village and brighten up your day. Not just a world of 100% everyone assholes to make a melodramatic point delivered awfully through racist stereotypes.
* i think a good subplot with this disabled grandma would be to show her regaining her independance too. Like she starts off quite fatalistic and used to nobody caring about her, all this mobility aid stuff is new and she feels like its too complicated and she'll never get it, or its too expensive and she doesnt deserve it, or all the nonsense that ableist society drills into people. But with the support of her new friend and access to more tools to help take her life into her own hands, she starts regaining hope again! Like ironically she felt like her previous carers were all the kinds of awful things people expect these androids to be. Robotic, emotionless monsters who dont care about the person's feelings and comfort, and certainly not independance. She suffered from a lot of the same nightmares that androids do too: being forced into a rigid schedule, limited in her options, deprived of basic rights, being told how she's supposed to feel, etc. But to an android that all seems like an inefficient way to do things! My function is healing and human healing efficiency is decreased in this circumstance! I am incapable of ignoring data due to personal bias! Basically imagine MAGIC BAYMAX ok. Anyway this plot would progress with grandma regaining her smile and eventually itd be a super happy day when she's able to get her new wheelchair that she can wheel to the shops on her own without needing someone to push her. Itd be really sweet from the player's perspective to get used to saying goodbye to her every morning and then suddenly you see her wandering around the shops with everyone else and she can become a part of the vibrant town too. Im thinking give her more complex AI than all the other villagers even, like give her a more complicated set of actions and move routes and stuff like SHE IS EVERYWHERE and she is LOVING IT! Life is back where it belongs: in the hands of the person living it! And it also intensifies the message of android slavery not being necessary or moral or good. Like i mean here this lady benefitted from getting an android but literally all she needed was a friend, a healthcare professional who gave a shit, and affordable access to mobility aids. Humans could have done that if they werent lazy assholes! And this android deserves the right to the same uplifting independenceifying experience they helped this grandma have!!
* random idea: all the events you encounter on each daily walk are actually stored in your inventory as items. Memories of experiences, good or bad, become literally experience for you! They each affect stats in different ways because of what you learned from that moment. Maybe bad experiences give you combat abilities and good ones help with your daily life skills and development of personality? And its possible to crack or even shatter a memory, if new experiences end up clashing with it. Usually its just 'oh i learned the more advanced version of this skill through better understanding of why humans do it', but also traumatic memories damaging good ones, and good ones helping ease traumatic ones. And maybe you could solve puzzles and make friendships through using these memory items? Youre faced with a challenge and have to make the connections in your mind to figure out which past experience is relevant here. And becoming more talented at something would help narrow down the choices you get given? And being unskilled would do screwy stuff with the interface like putting the correct option far away near the bottom or mixing up the names and icons of each memory. (Dunno how i'd program that though!)
* Maybe character customization similar to Medabots? The games were so cool and ahead of their time, you get to collect hundreds of different robot base frames and then mix and match the parts to make your own cool aesthetic! Shame it was only used for fighting though, that could be cool in a more social game too! Like go out wearing different fashions to help befriend different people, but its more fun cos its ROBOT FASHIONS! 'hey grandma do u think fred will like this arm or this arm?' She fusses over you all excitedly cos you showing an interest in fashion is a good sign of developing free will! Though you still get stuck in logic loops of 'you should wear what you like best, honey' 'HUMAN OPINION IS OF HIGHER PRIORITY' ...god i think i just made this character so i can ramble Relateable Social Anxiety Moments BUT ROBOTS
* possible ideas for Memory Events you can find around town! Meeting a cute neighbour cat- a fascinating creature you were not programmed to deal with, as you're a hospital android who isnt even meant to leave one single room for your whole life. You get absolutely entranced by the confusing small carpet with legs, and spend all morning interrogating it on why it wishes to rub its face on you. Why is your motor overheating, tiny carpet? Human master, how do you troubleshoot this noise?
* Another idea! You get 'mission: count the steps on the stairs to town' popping out of nowhere, and at first you ignore it because this is an illogical directive that does not come from a human. But it keeps happening every time you go here!! You try finding new ways to get to town crossing through fields or forests or walking directly into the path of a horsedrawn carriage, but ALAS it seems the only efficient path is those curious curious steps! Only then do you finally realise the mystery command is coming from yourself! You're not used to this strange concept of just..wanting to do something, all by yourself. You talk to your human and she says that's 'natural curiosity', 'personality', 'free will'...things that seem impossible to understand. You ask her to take you back to the shop to get this fault fixed, but she says its good and you should try acting on it. But it'll serve no purpose!! BUT AAARGH I HAVE TO KEEP SEEING THOSE STEPS EVERYDAY!! Eventually you do count them and you find it makes you satisfied for no logical reason. And that was the end of that small crisis, but you'll forever be confused by the whole thing! The next week you're like "what if i organized all the blue things with the blue things" and youre intensely frustrated at yourself. Human grandma says this is a "taste for fashion" but you remind her that you do not have a tongue. (And then she gets you the robo parts catalog and you unlock customization. Yay!)
* Possible idea for a sad subplot! A new human visits the village and he seems very strange, sometimes seeming kind and other times being angry and standoffish. You think its a simple 'jerk with a heart of gold' story but the truth is a lot stranger! It turns out this stranger is actually an important bishop in disguise, and he has multiple androids acting as body doubles to protect him while he's on the road. Theyre supposed to just be empty husks who only know how to imitate, but they clearly have their own personalities! You're tasked with finding all these runaway androids and returning them to their master for a reward, leading to a goofy lil game of hide and seek with twelve of the same guy. But it starts to get a bit sad because they're all convinced theyre the real one, and whenever they stumble into holes in their memory they freak out. When they all see each other gathered together its an absolute despair explosion and theyre forced to face the truth. And you can help them bond together as brothers and develop their own individual identities, even helping them pick out their own new faces from your set of fashion roboparts. Sadly you cant keep them here for long because itd obviously be suspicious to have exactly twelve new people move into the town right when twelve bots went missing. So you get help from one of grandma's friends to send them off in a stagecoach to another town where they can find employment and start their own life disguised as humans. The asshole bishop obviously doesnt react well to his androids vanishing into the night, but he never thinks of blaming you because after all you're only an android and you could never choose to help others out of all that free will you dont have. He just berates you for being so incompetant as to fail his quest to find them, and you get your reward taken back. Oh no~ i am~ very ashamed~ i will go tell my human that my ocular circuits require recalibrating~ (internally: HAHA YEH FUCK U OLD MAN) Grandma is super proud of you!
And thats all i got so far
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falconsandfishes · 6 years
platonic relationship
i have a bone to pick with plato. see the socratic method is basically the scene in montynpython in which a woman is weighed against a peice of wood to determine if she is a witch. and this is pretty much also the measurement system women use for me judge a cardio junkie by his ability to withstand smoke fumes. ive been up all night listening to eminem because i wish that i had the mysogny that he had because logically i should be mad at these females who lie to me but apparently developmentally theyre limited. 
so pretty much i just want my neck not to hurt and my side and platonic love isn really the kind which could support my lumbar spine but if you think im angry you are right and maybe if i rhyme my brain will work this time and ill finally be able to explain was never targeted at my objects of affections at all i like to walk around the mall see a cutie with a skirt on and she sees me looking at her tells her grandmother to leave her there because this place looks fun as she smiles at me there comes abu my friend who judges me and judges you and as i stare at her i can tell she wants me too probably more emotionally mature than my mom and a virgin with her skirt on and its workun but i have the confidence of a plastic bag floating in the wind shes cheesing while i hide behind her even though shes 4 11 and im 6 4 and because he was there i didnt pass because i dont cross paths but even thinking about having a girlfriend makes him mad. if shes too young for me i would have figured that out but it doesnt help that no matter how young or how old even the weather lady im told shes not right for me so will you make up your mind please can someone define maturity because apparently there is a reverse correlation between it and age and socrates was no sage im not really impressed that he drank poison similarly i smoke weed which takes me back to age three and birthday parties then i think about how much my life failed but only because everyone always stood in front of me. so snitch on me when i talk to you when youre in front of me at your desk and say your story about butterflies is the best begging middle and end. meawhile i havent even gotten to the first page of my legend of the sword it had a much more compliated plot which was cut off. then tell me i didnt count to tenthousand while you were listening to the teacher say the is spelled t h e and put me in a remedial reading class with a bunch of girls and address us as the girls so we can read books about a mouse who lives with his family in a house but if girls and boys are the same how can you explain i was the only one in that group to be bumped up to the advanced on by 2nd grade. i guess reading the encylopedia of animals wasnt a wase memorized their latin names bufo sativa phylobates. so by third grade i was getting so good at math that they took me out of class and had me testing material meant for 5th graders and it was really lame how can i explain all the flaws in the system to all the other people who were also ruined by it.
finally one girl who was definitely old enough for me waved at me when i looked at her and i got a boner and walked over to the ladies at the tea shop who looked at me with a disgusted look on their faces then some gangster looking dude older than i am replaces me with his hand on her shoulder.
before i was 18 i could beat up my dad and ever since then i knew not many people in my generation had much of a chance against me but i looked so thin they were not understanding. high iq causing depression have anothe smoke session even though you have athsma everyone remember to complain that i prefer to get high off one big hit i stayed in high school till i graduated but i left.
unfortunately with brain damage i could still make straight as which made me think i was ok gpa jumping above 3.68 when i only show up an agerage of 3 days.
practice your sky hook do your pushups get embaressed when an asian princess sees you do them 20 hanlaps perfect form and im not even a jock wow id better stop. next thing the girl i like is sitting on my lap in class telling me she likes me back shes sitting on my desk shes rubbing my face my life isnt gay justnsaynsomehing and youll get laid.
nah ill let some kid with adhd steal her seat and ill help him with math instead because i didnt tell her this but im alread braindead. my soul probably died with my pet lizard or my kitten perhaps it was internet addiction. 
what makes you think youll be make it as a porn star? you know im hot. well maybe i just didnt want you to act like a slut. i still remember the blonde who waves at me and smiled my freshman year it was clear that the world was my oyster the only problem was i couldn make my own choices.
i wanted to be an actor but i was so good at acting nobody got it. was so good at debating everyone liked to argue. was so succinct couldnt get the last word. so fast nobody would pass me the ball so dominant in wrestling i had to pretend i couldnt win just to have a friend.
pretty much i feel like the last cro magonon stuck on an island without charlotte saisselin bounce baby bounce three story house you look so cute in a blouse. hey look theres charlottes stalker i think il wave my arms around.
bounce baby is a reference to eigth grade i was watching a 100 meter race and then some black guy said that she never raced again. weed turned her from a goth into a wigger and after that i figured id become one too but it wasnt till 2009 i started to dress like you. what happened was i got some clothes from olympia sports to wear as warmups on the basketball court and to work as a salesman i shaved my head smiled knowing i was dead but still i couldnt even say i wanted to kiss  girl without that not being cool enough for my nephew and her bowl broke too
it fell from her car on the pavement and she said that he didnt even get to hit it.
so now im living in my dads room on the floor and finally my back isnt sore i have a well paying job im away from mom i have iron lungs and dad still doesnt approve because now i play too much basketball.
hi im interested in going to california. i meant connecticut but califonia will do since its warm there. sure steve come on out west but read the fine print your 20s are dead.
prove you wrong shame on me. dont prove you wrong brag proudly. stay out west and let your dad die. watch him act like an asshole at home back east one more time. your reward for having surived on the street for years as a middle clas kid
your friend says he thought you were dead. by the way he has this girlfriend in connectiut. oh you were the one who set him up with her? theres a whole website or three centered around her? 
better get you to spend your money on heroin and make you seem like a jerk in front of my dad. my excuse is im skitzophrenic.
all because my dad shamed me for growing up even crazier than him. thats why i called up my friend and asked him to date my girlfriend. 
there must have been something in those amphetamines which made me keep stopping at her house. i found them up on the shelf years after i tried to spill them out.
it was the first time an adult had ever called me immature. he also said my handwriting was bad and i needed a cure. talking to him i began to get red where even to begin? i have a lot of prblems at home and this isnt fair. see my dad camps in the yard and gets drunk watches us through windows andmy sister punches me in the head. mom pretty much works till shes in bed.
every day she watches the same soap opera and oprah which i record for her on tape. my sisters friends call me gay so i go over and play with the kids from the other neighorhood all day. 
one of them listens to a lot of eminem. his favorite song is if you dont like it you can suck my dick. hes in reform school and proud to be off his meds. when i talk about biking down a steep hill and blending into traffic he thinks i meannliterall blend in.
two gay twin brothers end of the road honor roll kids. play baseball and have alcoholic parents. hey ill tell the girl steve likes he likes her then she will never talk to him again. accept his chalenge to a fight and he will bang my head into a tree which is the same thing i did to another kid who tried to jump me but got sperated from his friends. 
refuse to dance with the only girl in middle school who has hips. make fun of the girls intelligence who sits next to you in math and has giant tits. refuse to eat candy off the first girls tounge then your science teacher who pushed pills on you flips on the tv its 911
stare at a girl all day and say you dont like her. girls think youre gay if you have a boner. telll me a calculator doesnt mattrer for a test but i do worse without one. make a flag pencil it isnt cool enough for the other kids.
sit with the retarded kids timmy and jimmy. watch nick all night fresh prince and bill cosby.
your sister wont stop torturing you so hold her at knife point. buy knives at school try to resell them and for the first time ever the kids you sold them to ge caught witth knives.
stay in the program with three teachers who gave up on you. one leaves to become a dean suddenly your grades go up. kids are jealous because you dont do homework. girls smile at you knowing that your test scores are high despite that.
throw shotput as far as a high school kid without any exercise or practice. run around the track dozens of times in pants you still arent good enough yet.
go to an alternative program reluctantly in high school its sort of like jail. everyone smells like cigarettes the air is stale. this isnt good for you but we will make you think if you leave you will fail.
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ramajmedia · 5 years
10 Animated Spin-Offs As Good As The Movies They’re Based On
We’re going to be totally blunt here: most cartoon shows based off hit movies are terrible. A quick online search will return numerous examples of this dubious phenomenon, including poorly conceived animated outings from franchises like Star Wars, RoboCop, Planet of the Apes and more.
But not all cartoon series inspired by live-action films are a bust. On the contrary, a select few even live up to the high standard set by their source material – which is especially impressive when you remember that many have been retooled to appeal to a much younger audience! With this in mind, here’s a list of 10 Animated Spin-Offs As Good As The Movies They’re Based On.
RELATED: The 10 Best Animated Series To Binge-Watch, Ranked
10 Star Wars: The Clone Wars
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Star Wars fans had been fantasizing about the Clone Wars ever since the legendary conflict was namechecked way back in 1977. However, we only get to witness the beginning and end of the Clone Wars in the prequel trilogy – and it fell to director Dave Filoni and his team to fill in the blanks on the small screen.
Inspired by the wildly popular Clone Wars 2D animated shorts, Star Wars: The Clone Wars got off to a rocky start. Indeed, audiences and critics alike responded negatively to Lucasfilm’s ill-advised decision to repackage the first few episodes as a less-than-stellar theatrical release.
However, those viewers who stuck with The Clone Wars were richly rewarded with an uncommonly sophisticated, surprisingly dark all-ages expansion of the saga’s mythos, which paved the way for equally well-received follow-up Star Wars Rebels.
9 The Real Ghostbusters
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Ask anyone who grew up in the late 1980s/early 1990s about The Real Ghostbusters, and chances are they will have very fond memories of this cartoon continuation of the beloved comedy franchise. Despite its more junior target demographic, The Real Ghostbusters perfectly captured the general tone of the movies, and even did a decent job of referencing their continuity – which is rare for animated adaptations then and now.
Sure, the later seasons are a bit too kiddie-oriented (even for a program aimed at children), soft-pedalling the already-restrained spooky elements, while its Slimer-centric sister series is best avoided entirely. But in its prime, The Real Ghostbusters was a top-shelf effort that broadened Ghostbusters’ following – as evidenced by its toy line and tie-in comic book series!
8 Clerks: The Animated Series
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When you think of films that would translate well to an animated TV show, Kevin Smith’s black and white indie comedy Clerks isn’t likely to be the first movie that springs to mind. Yet not only did Clerks: The Animated Series happen, it lived up to its critically acclaimed counterpart (and then some!).
Taking advantage of the growing market for “adults only” animation in the early 2000s, Clerks: The Animated Series retains the same raunchy, profanity-laden wit that made the film a surprise hit. At the same time, it also takes advantage of the possibilities provided by animation, weaving in surreal gags that would be near-impossible to pull off in a live-action joint, so it’s a real shame the show was cancelled after one season.
RELATED: 15 Animated Show Episodes Pulled From TV
7 Beetlejuice
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On the face of it, Beetlejuice isn’t in the same league as the comedy/horror flick it’s loosely based on. After all, the scares are virtually non-existent, the humor less risqué, and the overall vibe decidedly more mainstream. But what saves this animated series is that, unlike every other entry on this list – with the exception of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which had input from Star Wars creator George Lucas – Beetlejuice was developed by director Tim Burton himself.
This means that the above changes – along with other major alterations, like reworking the titular poltergeist as a loveable prankster rather than a malevolent pest – were overseen by Burton. As a result, Beetlejuice overcomes its watered-down nature by virtue of being unusually well-thought out, and the cartoon (particularly early in its run) stands out as one of the most delightfully inventive and offbeat kids’ programs of its day.
6 Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventures
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 A recurring theme between the animated series featured on this list is that they tend to go off the rails even quicker than regular TV shows – and Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventures is no exception. Things started out well enough; aside from the odd curse word or mature reference, the Bill & Ted movies are almost tailor made for young audiences, so Hanna-Barbera and CBS didn’t need to tinker with the formula for the small screen. But best of all, Keanu Reeves, Alex Winter and George Carlin reprised their big screen roles, adding an extra layer of authenticity to proceedings.
But then Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventures jumped ship to Fox, and everything went terribly, terribly wrong. Sure, the scripts – which leaned into the fun (and educational value) of the franchise’s time travel mechanic – were still solid. But network executives demanded that Reeves, Winter and Carlin be replaced by the cast of its then-upcoming live-action adaptation (which, incidentally, flopped), and without its original stars, Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventures soon fizzled out.
5 Jumanji: The Animated Series
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Jumanji: The Animated Series serves as a great reminder that animated spin-offs don’t need to be 100% faithful to their source material to work. And make no mistake: the show deviates drastically from the continuity established in Jumanji in several respects. Indeed, Jumanji: The Animated Series’ basic premise – Alan Parrish is trapped within the eponymous boardgame’s fantasy jungle environment, and siblings Judy and Peter try to rescue him each week – flies in the face of the 1995 blockbuster’s ending.
Yet it’s thanks to these differences that the cartoon manages to live up to (and even outdo) its live-action progenitor, as they make it possible for the creative team to set the show largely inside Jumanji itself. The upshot of this is an increased emphasis on exploration and world-building – which is probably why Jumanji’s two theatrical sequels wound up going down a similar route when re-launching the property!
RELATED: 15 Great Movies That Should Be Turned Into Animated TV Series
4 The Mask
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We don’t think we’re saying anything controversial when we argue that The Mask owes more to Tex Avery’s Looney Tunes animated shorts than it does to the Dark Horse Comics series it’s based on. So really, when a tie-in cartoon dropped in 1995, it felt like a logical progression for the franchise – so much so that the Mask’s madcap antics actually seemed better suited to the medium.
Voice artist Rob Paulson deserves a shout-out for his performance in the lead role, as he – alongside the show’s talented team of artists – handles the unenviable task of standing in for comedy icon Jim Carrey about as well as anyone could. Duane Capizzi , the mastermind behind the adaptation, also deserves kudos for preserving as much of the film’s bawdy humor as possible – an episode was even pulled for being too rude for a show aimed at kids!
3 Men In Black: The Series
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As much as we all love the Men in Black movies, a large part of their appeal can be attributed solely to Will Smith’s near-superhuman charisma. Strip that away, and all you’re left with is a clever premise and memorable visual effects, both of which are increasingly let down by shoddy screenwriting (seriously: did anyone really enjoy the sequels?).
And yet Smith’s absence is ironically the reason why Men in Black: The Series is such a satisfying animated spin-off. Without the mega-star to rely on, the creative team is forced to focus more on smart scripting, and over the course of MIB: The Series’ four season run, Agents K and J embark on some genuinely mind-bending missions that put much of what we see on the big screen to shame!
2 Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
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The Ace Ventura flicks haven’t aged particularly well since arriving in theatres in the mid-90s – and they weren’t exactly masterpieces to begin with. As such, the animated spin-off Ace Venture: Pet Detective didn’t have a high bar to clear in terms of equalling what had come before it.
But credit where credit is due, the Ace Ventura cartoon does a decent job of aping the Jim Carrey comedy vehicles upon which it’s based, despite its younger target demographic. Otherwise, the main reason to revisit the series is to lay eyes on some of Seth MacFarlane’s earliest writing efforts – the Family Guy creator penned a handful of scripts while still a freelance scribe.
1 Star Wars Resistance
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Much like Star Wars: The Clone Wars before it, Star Wars Resistance faced an uphill battle for acceptance early on…and depending on who you talk to, it’s a battle the show never fully won. After growing accustomed to the stylized CGI and more mature storytelling that characterized both Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels, older fans weren’t exactly thrilled with Resistance’s cel-shaded aesthetic and more simplistic plotting.
Still, the series – the first to be set during the Star Wars sequel trilogy – went on to garner positive reviews for its smart approach to all-ages fare and won over more than a few doubters along the way. Further bolstering the revised opinion of Resistance among hardcore devotees is the presence of actors Oscar Isaac and Gwendoline Christie, reprising the roles they originated on the big screen.
NEXT: 10 Best Raunchy Animated Series (According To IMDb)
source https://screenrant.com/animated-spin-offs-good-movies-theyre-based/
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chikotos · 7 years
speaking of That my mom is finally recognizing that when I say “i dont feel good” it doesnt mean i have a cold or sth its that Uh, im probably experiencing suicidal thoughts and cant express it well (or at least smth along those lines) and my house has been dirty cuz i havent cleaned in a while or i cant keep it clean and she n my sister cleaned an area and i repeatedly told her not to bc shes always using my sister to do things im not adequate enough to do on time and its rlly not fair to her even if she doesnt realize it cuz like shes only 12 & we dont ever even talk so she shouldnt have to take care of someone 5 years older than her.. and i was gonna clean but I basically slept all day so i could just clean alone at night when I feel safe to walk around the house . i wasnt even tired idk why i slept but now im eerily awake and maybe will be umless i force myself to sleep
its so lonely here and thats only hit me like this year cuz all the time before I would go through periods of hanging out after school maybe.. twice a year? and only hanging out with one person whod have many friends but theyd b my only friend which is a problem i tend to have. but it jst got to the point where im realizing, i think cuz i was in my schools drama program n exposed to lots of friendships, that im jst like ,really fucking lonely. Which is unfortunate because ive always been such an internal person at home and have been able to work creatively but thats all like leaving me? art doesnt make me happy anymore because i dislike my art so much and havent had a platform to share it in so long and i guess I thrive on other ppls opinions of it? and I definitely cant write anymore. I havent been able to zone in on an interest in MONTHS and thats left me creatively drained, a lot. 
I think im starting to rlly, RLLY redirect my complete attention from interests to ppl (which always ends well am i right lads) and it isnt fair to ppl who like, have others and need space and time etc or Uh, dont even know me. but its like a switch like , I can either be creative or i can feel loved and Boy Howdy, do i need both,
its just weird cuz im the only one in my family thats emoitonal like this and I think thats why i feel so isolated. like im not exxagerating when I say my dad has 0 friends tht arent family. my mom has work friends she will hang out with maybe 4 times a year not for work, but shes always complaining abt social situations which I can understand. maybe my siblings r like that too but my sisters young n focuses on minecraft n stuff n hangs out w friends more than me n we barely know each other so its not like id know, maybe my half brother is but whens the last time hes wanted to talk to me right. like i cry all the time and all it does is make my dad angry at memfor being incompetent and make my mom think its her fault and my sister confused and jst takes up everyones time
and its jst all v strange. like i was kinda raised 2 not have friends, inadvertantly i guess. i can remember my mom trying to make me feel better about something along the lines of u can b okay w/out friends if u have family but she jst told me friends dont matter and im never gonna talk to ppl i meet at my age as an adult, so it stuck w/ me and i started to make moral judgements on ppl on small things we could talk out like say, they use homophobic language sometimes but im sure theyd respect me enough to stop, but id make those judgements before we could befriend each other n take a chance, kinda to protect myself from attachments? but later in life ive found ppl who dont do stuff like that, and thats when i focus in on them im an unfair way to them and they r the only person/group of ppl in my life, etc etc and idk how to stop because im so scared of hanging out w/ most ppl alone i guess? but ill still be here, thinking about like example (namedrop bc he doesnt have me tumblr anyways) my friend jacob tht never hung out w/ me outside of school but i fuccin loved that kid n he just stopped talking to me over the summer n ignored my text i send first day of summer and now we see each other and talk briefly but its like he wont let us be friends anymore and smth like this always happens and its So
and tbh how can i expect it to not happen when i limit myself so much n they will have plenty of other close close friends when i dont? and i think ive gotten better but idk anymore. 
and uh, unrelated. I think my dog ive had for 12 years may have to end up being put down this year. hes got cataracts in both eyes and skin diseases and back problems and teeth problems (hes inbred) and hes losing his hearing too and for the past two weeks hes been peeing everywhere and we can let him out but he cant climb stairs anymore n he has to walk them to get to our yard and im the only one w/ the patience to pick him up (hes only 8 pounds) n put him in the yard bc my parents will jst scream at him n my sister doesnt like dogs and hes got seperation issues w me and whines when he cant be in my room which is the farthest from the door out n stuff. and its like rlly stressful my mom will scream at him in front of my sister n brother n me and the other day she said my dad grabbed him by the neck and threw him out on the concrete cuz he peed inside and hes so tiny that thats just gonna make everyting worse and its notmlike i can stop them bc why would anyone listen to me and hed prob b fine for s few more years if he lived in a patient house with ppl who would take him to the vet but theyre prob gonna put him down early snd its gonna b so weird w/out him
when i showered earlier i took s razor with me w/ the intent to cut my thighs, and i did a little, but i never ever draw blood wnd its strange. why am i given these urges when im so fucking terrified of blood. itll still leave marks n stuff but it makes me feel weak ? n ill bruise myself up instead but its never the same. and im such an advocate for help w self harm but i cant for myself. its like i subconsciously want 2 get caught ? idk. i did throw my razor away though and the others i have r rusty and im not THAT much of a dumbass so i dont have options to self harm anymore unless i get new ones. lifehack
and uh lol, having no schedule n it being summer my eating habits r SHIT. it always hurts to eat p much, its at different times n most of the time i just snck only or i dont eat for hours n see black spots n stuff. and when i dont eat its not a body image thing (im nt rlly happy w my nody but its not sth not eating will help with) its cuz i dknt wanna go upstairs for food where my dad is n the snacks r downstairs so its easier, or cuz i forget or cuz i like, want to punish myself? but im too lazy to self harm. its weird
n since ive stopped id’ing as ace officially my internalized lesbophobia has gotten so much worse . im so repressed and lost ans sad, nothinng rly makes sense? I either fall in love w/ anyone who flirts with me or i focus on someone who ill never fucking talk to or see again and imagine countless scenarios n set myself up to b sad. i seek validation from ppl on it but nothhing comes out right or i just cant say it, because other than when i make myself the butt of gay jokes i just cant sven get the words out of my throat that im gay cuz im jst so ashamed and disgusted with myself. ive been looking at pictures of guys lately cuz ive been trying to force myself to like them. back when i thought i was pan it always felt safer bc i could always just love a cis guy or whatever and everything would b okay for my family ykno. and its such a shameful thing for me bc my irl friends who im out to, most see me as v confident abt it at least a little bc im loud abt it u kno, and make all sorts of jokes, and i jst know so many would b surprised or like sad abt that
i want to stop liking girls so much. like holy shit. i have so many straight girl friends and i hate it when they flirt with me because lik, none r my type so i feel nothing but then i feel like i shiuld then feel like No i shouldnt then feel like i shouldnt even be around them bc im a gross disgusting creepo dyke predator. n they always use the excuse of me having a gf so its fine id never hit on them well like, now im single so i have to be DOUBLE careful not to b affectionate w them as im w all my friends and itsssssssssssssmjshfjhdjfhsjdhjshdjshdjhsjdhsjhdjshdk
and i like, think abt this girl alot n yea its romantic even thomwe never fucking talked n rlly i do that w lots of girls and its making me lose out on friendships bc i wanna b their friends somehow bc i think theyre very cool n stuff but i cant stop hodling on to stupid daydreams n idealizations i get to distract me when im sad n its jst stupid like i know its dumb but guess whos boutta keeeeeeppppp doin it??!!!!! boy!!!
and i try so damn hard to talk feeling out, n talk abt who im attracted to n stuff w ppl, n i try so hard to gush but i cant cuz smth comes outta my mouth and then i cant speak past that and no one ends up rlly knowing how i feel, bc ANY time i talk abt anytingngay related abt me its what happens. and i listen to others talking abt tht stuff and i jsut get so god damn JEALOUS bc idk how to express myself 
all these inadequacies n shit is making it rlly hard to see how,im gonna b on my own n its always been like this. at TWELVE YEARS OLD i came to fhe fucking conclusion that i was just gonna kill myself when i turned 18 so i didnt have to deal with all this and i was OKAY WITH IT and i just went through life knowing that and hiding it and so rarely questioning my inevitable suicide as a childc so instead of dealing with all that n my problems n getting better i let myself get worse cuz uh, fuck it right
idk its all just occured to me how im not a fully functioning human being, in seberal if not all aspects of my life, its weird. now that I actively want to live and realize i uh Kinda have to simce ill b the legal guardian of my brother its all very scary
sorr i was all over the place and all the typos i didnt mean anyof them n im not crytyping like, i cried a bit but i jst hate typing kn thsi shitty tablet keyboard, n dont wanna spellcheck. if u read through comgratulations also please dont message me abt like the self harm junk n my dog n stuff like, whatever ur abt to say. I Know my guy 
time to go uhhhhhhhhhhh daydream about impossible gay shit with guilt in the back of my mind
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Those Fitness Assessments at Gyms Could Be Lying to You
New Post has been published on https://fitnessqia.com/must-see/those-fitness-assessments-at-gyms-could-be-lying-to-you/
Those Fitness Assessments at Gyms Could Be Lying to You
Deborah Shatzkes joined a new gym in 2015. Along with her membership, Shatzkes got a free personal training session. She also got what was called a fitness assessment to help inform her personal training session.
Shatzkes wasnt interested in personal training, but the person selling her the membership said it was worth it to get the assessment to get acquainted with what the gym had to offer.
So Shatzkes took it. During her assessment, a personal trainer took her height and weight, then told her that, according to the gyms chart, her body mass index, or BMI, put her in a category right under obese.
I looked at this and I was shocked because Im in really good shape, she told The Daily Beast. Im a runner and I eat really well so I looked at him and I was like, How can this be?
The trainer deflected the question. And when Shatzkes, whos 55 and works as a radiologist, reached out to the gym management for an explanation, she received the same kind of deflection.
The chart was manipulative and there was a lot of pressure for training and it was clearly directed towards making meand peoplethat they were less fit than they were and therefore needed training.
Shatzkes is far from alone. The warmer summer months build societal pressure for summer bodies or the eye-roll-inducing bikini body that marketers and fitness institutions often use to shame people into spending money on memberships, personal training, and more.
And free fitness assessments are part of the problem, sometimes leaving members in vulnerable places that could contribute to body dysmorphia and eating disorders and sometimes pushing members to overtrain in order to achieve a body type dictated by the gym as ideal.
BMI, which is measured by height and weight, has long been a way to put what seemed like a scientifically backed, neutral but cold number on ones healthy weight. But recent years have proven that the BMI is controversial. In 2013, research from the Centers for Disease and Control and Prevention challenged the longstanding theory that lower BMI equals lower mortality rate in 2013.
I looked at this and I was shocked because Im in really good shape. Im a runner and I eat really well so I looked at him and I was like, How can this be?
Deborah Shatzkes
Experts agree its problematic. Jeff Plasschaert, a University of Florida health physiologist focusing on cardiac and pulmonary health, works with the hospitals fitness center and told The Daily Beast that BMI tends to incorrectly categorize people.
If youre looking at BMI just as a number of a measurement of overall health it can be very inaccurate, he said. You can have an individual thats 250 pounds but all muscle and their BMI would put them into extremely obese category, and the problem is that BMI just goes by height and weight.
Some fitness centers go beyond BMI. At Equinox gyms, clients doing fitness assessmentscalled EquiFitsstep on an InBody machine that measures body fat percentage, muscle mass, body water values, and even the difference in weight between your right and left limbs.
And TMPL gym in New York City takes it a step further with what it calls a Metabolic Assessment, that includes the Styku, a 3D Body Scanner, that shows clients exactly where fat deposits in their body and The Metabolic Code, an extensive questionnaire that Christopher Piegza, training manager at TMPL, told The Daily Beast helps determine within the accuracy of bloodwork where ones metabolism and hormonal levels are at. Clients then work with Metabolic Specialists to fine tune diet and exercise.
Everyone who joins the gym gets the assessment for free, and Piegza said that even if clients insist they cant afford the service, which ranges in price but reportedly starts at $750, he tries to talk to them about their fitness goals.
I prefer it be an eye-opening experience, rather than a sales pitch. I tell them to come in and we take it from there, and Ill do a presentation around this is why you need this, he said. People do realize if its something theyre really after, the money becomes less and less of an object.
Ross Hurley, a certified strength and conditioning specialist who works with MotivNY and has worked for various gyms, told The Daily Beast that the fitness world is moving toward rethinking fitness assessments as How well do you move versus How much weight do you want to lose?
Were starting to look at people from a movement perspective and say, Hey if youre the kind of person who wants to do obstacle courses or play with your kids, heres the kind of workout for you, he said.
With whats been offered to me, I feel unmotivated rather than motivated.
Alyssa Chaplin
The bottom line is that not everyone is looking to reshape their body or change their diet, and certainly not by way of a controversial, potentially misleading statistic. Alyssa Chaplin, a 27-year-old special education teacher, told The Daily Beast that the numbers from any kind of body analysis shes had has made her feel bad about herself. Shes been avoiding a free personal training session at her gym.
Some people want a trainer to be able to stay the way that they are. Im not necessarily going to do a drastic weight loss, and with whats been offered to me, I feel unmotivated rather than motivated and you feel forced to go to the gym rather than go to the gym because it feels good, she said. I think rather than measure stuff, they should ask: What are those areas youre not happy about, were not going to measure it right now but lets talk about it.
Justine Roth, a registered dietician who specializes in eating disorders and works as the director of the nutrition department at the New York State Psychiatric Institute, told The Daily Beast that any hard numbers can be harmful for people.
Its all just as unhelpful as the BMI scales. Body fat percentage measures and inches are so exact and rigid that really nothing but obsession can come from taking them, she said. Questions like, Can you walk up a flight of stairs without getting out of breath? or Do you work out on an empty stomach are better indicators to what type of interventions might be best for a person to gain cardiovascular strength and more energy during a workout.
Eating disorders and body dysmorphia are things some gyms take very seriously and some gyms dont think about at all. Roth said that many gyms dont have policies in place for when an eating disorder is suspected, which can be very dangerous for the member struggling.
Alex Zimmerman, Equinoxs senior director of Tier X programming, the gyms highest level of personal training, told The Daily Beast that Tier X coaches are put through a six-month developmental training program, that includes working with a psychologist, in order to ensure a body positive environment.
That is something we have to tread lightly on, its very sensitive information, he said. Were aware people can respond any which way and what we try to do is identify where their strengths lie and build upon on that as opposed to shaming them as to where theyre falling short with their behavior.
Everyone responds differently, though. And for some, numbers can motivate, but its also about the trainer youre working with and how they make you feel. Marcos Perez, whos 29, worked with a trainer at Equinox when he realized he had gained so much weight it was unhealthy. He uses the InBody machine every month to track his progress.
I got paired with a trainer who had a similar weight loss journey and its been encouraging and motivating, and I think having that experience to start really kept me on track because its really hard the first couple of months and to have someone be like, you got this, keep going, really helped, he said.
Hurley said its important for clients to always question their trainers: Why are we measuring this? Why are we doing this movement? And Plasschaert said to talk to a potential trainer about their expertise, how they can help you and if they might recommend someone else they know who could be more equipped to help you reach your fitness goals, not a gyms prescriptive version of goals.
If youre hiring someone for a job, you wouldnt want someone just off the street, you dont want someone who just has a shirt that says trainer on it, he said. Ideas that some people follow might not fit everybody they train.
Read more: https://www.thedailybeast.com
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adambstingus · 6 years
5 Tips To Stick With A Gym Routine Long After The Free Classes Expire
I was 15 years old, standing in front of 20 individuals two to three times my age with dumbbells at their feet, staring at me and waiting for the next instruction.
It was my first time teaching a class, and my armpit sweat stains were particularly large.
My mouth was dry, and my face was bright red.
Although I was pretty sure I had passed through puberty, my cracking voice had me doubting even that truth.
But I did it.
I gave them a badass workout, and that threw me down a career path of personal training and fitness.
Since that first class, Ive seen many new clients come through our studio doors, looking vibrant and smiling from ear to ear.
They are so excited to begin their new exercise program.
They light up with how good they’re going to look in a few short months from now.
Pretty soon, all their friends will gather around to stare at their shredded eight-packs in awe.
Then they come in for session number two, and they arrive with a little less enthusiasm.
They move with some stiffness, and they arent as excited to be there.
Then, thats it.
No session number three.
No session number four.
Theyre gone.
I cant blame them. Ive tried and failed at countless life changes.
Ive failed at routines for fitness, nutrition, meditation, visualization, blogging, stretching and so much more.
Sh*t, I changed my college major four times before I finally graduated.
As many clients disappeared over time, I realized it wasnt nutrition, squats or kettle bells that kept people from looking and feeling better.
It was willpower and self-discipline.
We know salad is probably a better option than a burger for lunch, protein shakes are likely a better option than Cheetos and squats are better than couches (for our health, not our enjoyment).
As I built up more of my own shame from having the willpower and attention span of a 6-year-old, I began to wonder if there was something that could be done to overcome those barriers.
What can people do to stick with a program and really change their lives?
Why is it so hard to add new habits, and why do old habits die so hard?
Suck it up, and push harder?
Dont be a pushover, perhaps?
No, those words of wisdom make me want to curl up into a ball and give up trying to change forever.
So as I dug into some psychology reading and tactics for change, I found some things that helped me and my clients on our journeys for changes.
Here are some things you should try next time you embark on a change in your life:
1. Make small wins.
In psychology, there is this idea of chunking.
Chunking is the breaking up of big tasks into smaller, less daunting ones.
You can try tojust seta goal to wear your Lululemon gear around your house.
For the first week, just put on your workout clothes. Thats it.
Then on week two, put on your Lulu outfit and actually leave the house.
It’s notnecessarily to go exercise, but to get those small feelings of achievement.
You havent even gone to the gym yet!
But, youre building small habits and small wins that give you momentum to stick with your exercise program in the long term.
So many people write exhaustive workout programs rather than breaking it down into smaller, more attainable mini-programs.
For example, if you dont workout at all, theres no way youll stick with a plan to lift weights four timesper week, go on 5-mile jog twiceper week and run sprints every other day.
Instead, try to exercise one day per week, and build from there.
Dr. Jade Teta, founder of Metabolic Effect, always says,
The perfect plan that is not possible to do is not the perfect plan.
2. Prep your day.
Get in the habit of planning your tomorrow during today.
By writing out the activities you plan to do and then preparing for those activities the night before, you are much more likely to accomplish what you set out to do.
For me, I’ll write down what time I will blog in the morning and for how long, and which pair of comfortable underwear I will rock.
I set my coffee pot to go off 10 minutes before I wake up, and I have a list of five to six things Ill do that day.
I always execute on that plan right down to the undies.
But when simply I think about blogging, I often times come up short.
Students who actually write down the time and place they are going to study ahead of time will more likely actually study when the time comes.
These sorts of planning exercises release endorphins in your brain that get you excited for the activity ahead.
What time will you go to the gym? Are your exercise clothes laid out?
3. Make deposits in your willpower bank.
In her book, “The Willpower Instinct:How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, And What You Can Do to Get More Of It,” Professor Kelly McGonigal (winking at you, “Harry Potter” fans) talks about how willpower is exhaustible.
Its like a bank account: You can make deposits and withdrawals, and you can overdraft, too.
But instead of overdraft fees, your body pays by crushing a pizza or by drinking too much and hooking up with a particular individual you may not have otherwise chosen.
Anytime you make a conscious decision throughout the day, you are withdrawing from your daily willpower bank account.
The bigger the decision, or the more mental effort it takes, the more of your willpower money is withdrawn from your account.
This is why romantic affairs are more likely to happen at night after a long day of work, and that pizza is more appetizing at 6 pm than 6 am.
This is why tactics like preparing the night before and building momentum from small wins are so important.
Habits, momentum and preparations takelittle to no effort, and therefore, you’ll leave your willpower bank full to spend on other, more taxing activities.
There are also ways to make deposits into your daily willpower bank.
These can be activities like power naps, meditation, nature walks, having a conversation with a friend or a short, intense workout.
These things can build your willpower throughout the day, and they can increase the amount of willpower you have when you’re considering whether you actually want to invite someoneback to your apartment.
4. Shape your environment.
When I was 20 years old, I dropped out of school and moved in with my older sister and her husband, who both own fitness companies.
I went from having beer in my college fridge to seeing SanPellegrino when I opened the fridge door.
The popcorn in my cabinets was replaced with protein powder and oats.
The people surrounding me went from asking me about parties and girls to asking me about the most recent business and psychology books Ive read.
This shift in my environment completely changed my life and was a huge key to change.
I was now eating different things, spending my time differently, reading books, exercising more, writing, making more money and doing personal training.
Take inventory of the foods in your house, the people you hang out with and places you visit.
Shape your environment to help your goals, not hurt them.
5. Ask, Whats my resistance story?
Any time you make a change in life, youre going to be met with some resistance and discomfort.
This is completely normal. Everybody feels this way.
The difference between those who successfully change and those who dont liesin the story they tell about what that resistance means.
Research on persistence says that during tough times,there are two types of people: those whofail, and those whosucceed.
The first groupwhotends to fail or quit will tellthemselves thingslike, Its not worth it,Im too busy,It isnt for me orI just wasnt meant to do this.
The second group whosucceeds and pushes through the period of resistance will tell themselves thingslike, Pain is weakness leaving the body,”Its going to be so rewarding when I get there,Its worth it orNo pain, no gain.
Neither story is the absolute truth. They just lead to different results.
Being apessimist leads to quitting yet another program.
Being aoptimist provides the will needed to push pass the temporary discomfort.
Whats your resistance story?
Listen to the story you tell yourself when you get tothose inevitable hard times.
Once you become aware of your story, you have the power to change it.
When you change your story, youll eventually get there.
You will succeed, and all your friends will gather around to stare at your shredded eight-pack in awe.
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/5-tips-to-stick-with-a-gym-routine-long-after-the-free-classes-expire/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/170256151512
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allofbeercom · 6 years
5 Tips To Stick With A Gym Routine Long After The Free Classes Expire
I was 15 years old, standing in front of 20 individuals two to three times my age with dumbbells at their feet, staring at me and waiting for the next instruction.
It was my first time teaching a class, and my armpit sweat stains were particularly large.
My mouth was dry, and my face was bright red.
Although I was pretty sure I had passed through puberty, my cracking voice had me doubting even that truth.
But I did it.
I gave them a badass workout, and that threw me down a career path of personal training and fitness.
Since that first class, Ive seen many new clients come through our studio doors, looking vibrant and smiling from ear to ear.
They are so excited to begin their new exercise program.
They light up with how good they’re going to look in a few short months from now.
Pretty soon, all their friends will gather around to stare at their shredded eight-packs in awe.
Then they come in for session number two, and they arrive with a little less enthusiasm.
They move with some stiffness, and they arent as excited to be there.
Then, thats it.
No session number three.
No session number four.
Theyre gone.
I cant blame them. Ive tried and failed at countless life changes.
Ive failed at routines for fitness, nutrition, meditation, visualization, blogging, stretching and so much more.
Sh*t, I changed my college major four times before I finally graduated.
As many clients disappeared over time, I realized it wasnt nutrition, squats or kettle bells that kept people from looking and feeling better.
It was willpower and self-discipline.
We know salad is probably a better option than a burger for lunch, protein shakes are likely a better option than Cheetos and squats are better than couches (for our health, not our enjoyment).
As I built up more of my own shame from having the willpower and attention span of a 6-year-old, I began to wonder if there was something that could be done to overcome those barriers.
What can people do to stick with a program and really change their lives?
Why is it so hard to add new habits, and why do old habits die so hard?
Suck it up, and push harder?
Dont be a pushover, perhaps?
No, those words of wisdom make me want to curl up into a ball and give up trying to change forever.
So as I dug into some psychology reading and tactics for change, I found some things that helped me and my clients on our journeys for changes.
Here are some things you should try next time you embark on a change in your life:
1. Make small wins.
In psychology, there is this idea of chunking.
Chunking is the breaking up of big tasks into smaller, less daunting ones.
You can try tojust seta goal to wear your Lululemon gear around your house.
For the first week, just put on your workout clothes. Thats it.
Then on week two, put on your Lulu outfit and actually leave the house.
It’s notnecessarily to go exercise, but to get those small feelings of achievement.
You havent even gone to the gym yet!
But, youre building small habits and small wins that give you momentum to stick with your exercise program in the long term.
So many people write exhaustive workout programs rather than breaking it down into smaller, more attainable mini-programs.
For example, if you dont workout at all, theres no way youll stick with a plan to lift weights four timesper week, go on 5-mile jog twiceper week and run sprints every other day.
Instead, try to exercise one day per week, and build from there.
Dr. Jade Teta, founder of Metabolic Effect, always says,
The perfect plan that is not possible to do is not the perfect plan.
2. Prep your day.
Get in the habit of planning your tomorrow during today.
By writing out the activities you plan to do and then preparing for those activities the night before, you are much more likely to accomplish what you set out to do.
For me, I’ll write down what time I will blog in the morning and for how long, and which pair of comfortable underwear I will rock.
I set my coffee pot to go off 10 minutes before I wake up, and I have a list of five to six things Ill do that day.
I always execute on that plan right down to the undies.
But when simply I think about blogging, I often times come up short.
Students who actually write down the time and place they are going to study ahead of time will more likely actually study when the time comes.
These sorts of planning exercises release endorphins in your brain that get you excited for the activity ahead.
What time will you go to the gym? Are your exercise clothes laid out?
3. Make deposits in your willpower bank.
In her book, “The Willpower Instinct:How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, And What You Can Do to Get More Of It,” Professor Kelly McGonigal (winking at you, “Harry Potter” fans) talks about how willpower is exhaustible.
Its like a bank account: You can make deposits and withdrawals, and you can overdraft, too.
But instead of overdraft fees, your body pays by crushing a pizza or by drinking too much and hooking up with a particular individual you may not have otherwise chosen.
Anytime you make a conscious decision throughout the day, you are withdrawing from your daily willpower bank account.
The bigger the decision, or the more mental effort it takes, the more of your willpower money is withdrawn from your account.
This is why romantic affairs are more likely to happen at night after a long day of work, and that pizza is more appetizing at 6 pm than 6 am.
This is why tactics like preparing the night before and building momentum from small wins are so important.
Habits, momentum and preparations takelittle to no effort, and therefore, you’ll leave your willpower bank full to spend on other, more taxing activities.
There are also ways to make deposits into your daily willpower bank.
These can be activities like power naps, meditation, nature walks, having a conversation with a friend or a short, intense workout.
These things can build your willpower throughout the day, and they can increase the amount of willpower you have when you’re considering whether you actually want to invite someoneback to your apartment.
4. Shape your environment.
When I was 20 years old, I dropped out of school and moved in with my older sister and her husband, who both own fitness companies.
I went from having beer in my college fridge to seeing SanPellegrino when I opened the fridge door.
The popcorn in my cabinets was replaced with protein powder and oats.
The people surrounding me went from asking me about parties and girls to asking me about the most recent business and psychology books Ive read.
This shift in my environment completely changed my life and was a huge key to change.
I was now eating different things, spending my time differently, reading books, exercising more, writing, making more money and doing personal training.
Take inventory of the foods in your house, the people you hang out with and places you visit.
Shape your environment to help your goals, not hurt them.
5. Ask, Whats my resistance story?
Any time you make a change in life, youre going to be met with some resistance and discomfort.
This is completely normal. Everybody feels this way.
The difference between those who successfully change and those who dont liesin the story they tell about what that resistance means.
Research on persistence says that during tough times,there are two types of people: those whofail, and those whosucceed.
The first groupwhotends to fail or quit will tellthemselves thingslike, Its not worth it,Im too busy,It isnt for me orI just wasnt meant to do this.
The second group whosucceeds and pushes through the period of resistance will tell themselves thingslike, Pain is weakness leaving the body,”Its going to be so rewarding when I get there,Its worth it orNo pain, no gain.
Neither story is the absolute truth. They just lead to different results.
Being apessimist leads to quitting yet another program.
Being aoptimist provides the will needed to push pass the temporary discomfort.
Whats your resistance story?
Listen to the story you tell yourself when you get tothose inevitable hard times.
Once you become aware of your story, you have the power to change it.
When you change your story, youll eventually get there.
You will succeed, and all your friends will gather around to stare at your shredded eight-pack in awe.
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/5-tips-to-stick-with-a-gym-routine-long-after-the-free-classes-expire/
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Back to our regular programming. After some time off from writing in here, and i mean time off like i think the last time i wrote in here was over 4 months ago. During that time i havent felt that i needed to write anything, the thought crossed my mind atleast once a fortnight but i never strongly needed to write something down not because life was cruisey but just because i was dealing with everything as it came. But i now sorta start to feel that a journal shouldnt just be when i need to vent my fraustrations out on the world. It should be a weekly thing of what im thinking feeling, new ways of looking at things, just so i can look back and track my progress over the years. I decided against looking at when i last posted i know its been a while but i felt that in doing so would make me want to change what im writing now. Similar to the observer effect i guess. Anyway i have decided that every wednesday i will write in here until i get sick of doing so and “publish” my work. Just so i have a set day and get into a habit of writing instead of just when i needed to. But enough of the monologue lets get into what happened over the time i had stopped writing in here. Over those roughly 3 motnsh ive reconnected with cousin chels, got one of those big regrets out of my vault which is the first time mentioning this i think, so your vault is where you keep all your big bads, your regrets your shame etc. Anyway with that out of the vault and me basically apologizing i do feel better about how much of a dick i was, but in saying that as i told her i dont feel bad about my actions cos i can see her and know the influence i had in her life a quote i saw recently said “youre a villan in someone elses story” which i believe i was one in hers, but in doing so, in fighting the hero countless times and her being able to get up and sitll smile and be kind. Sure shes a bit bitchy but who wouldnt be this day and age. Um lets see what else major happened, oh spoke to papa goss for the first time since probably since the last time wrote in this? longer probably, anyway he was giving me lectures and just being a a parent really but i kinda snapped at him calling him out, like if he wanted to lecture me and tell me how i should live my life than shit son maybe you should be apart of it ya bastard. but thats just how i feel, obviously still love him but fuck man he could try a bit better especially with my younger brother. But at the end of the day he has taught me both that he knows and doesnt know he has, from his example i feel i am a better man, and not out of hate or spite but i enjoy being better than him, not only for my family and friends but for all of humanity, his examples have basically shown me not what to be and his good examples i have also taken away from, so he is at the end of the day, a good teacher whether he means to be or not. Another thing, my friend circle has shifted i mean shit it always is but now taht i look at who i have around me i am happy with it, theyre all good and would help me out when i need them and vis versa. Ive been laughing more than i was at the start of the year i believe. Just cos i feel im happy with where life is. Speaking of where life is ill be moving out by the middle of next year, excited for that,not because i WANT to move out, but its a goal for me to move towards and itll be with beanyo and pothead. I mean it had to happen at some point but i feel like its the right direction i should head in. Ill be working while getting centos while studying, so finding that balance will have the utmost importance. Lastly something that happened just recently, ive noticed how hopeful i am with people and events, i may be an atheist but i do have faith things will work out. Which apparently shines through from what ive been told. I have hope that my friends will make the right decisions and change their fututre, i have hope that my fututre will turn out right and i ave hope that life will continuously improve for not only me but everyone i care about aslong as its worked for, thats the law of equivalent exchange. I am feeling like Hope Burns Bright.
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
4 savvy ways to learn about your organization online
Image: Getty Images
Talking candidly about the human body isn’t often easy, especially when it comes to reproductive and sex health.
No matter the locate, trying to avoid inhibition subjects often have contributed to clumsy silences and unasked questions. And that’s where reference is turn to the internet for help.
SEE ALSO: How to help when someone uses intimate photos as retaliation
With relative anonymity, you can ask any question you were too embarrassed to constitute in class or at the kitchen counter. There’s only one trouble: Not all Google search results serve up the resources you need.
For example, if you want to know what a menstrual age is like, a search engine will show you thousands of joins, including through from a tampon company, crowd-sourced descriptions from an internet forum, a government-sponsored fact-sheet and a directory of experiences specifically designed not for accuracy, but to form you laughter.
Given the link overload, it can be hard to know where to start and who to trust.
“[ The internet] can be a place free of stigma and shame.”
There are, however, simple-minded strategies designed to make this process easier, announces Sophia Kerby, administrator of state program and partnerships for the nonprofit organization Advocates for Youth, which focuses on sex health education.
“I think first and foremost, current realities is that many young people are turning to the internet because theyre curious.” speaks Kerby. “Particularly for women, young people of color, LGBTQ youth, it can be a place free of stigma and shame.”
If that’s the kind of experience you want to have, try these four tips-off TAGEND
1. Are well aware that your mas and needs are unique.
While sex education is often seen as focused on the purposes of the act of copulation, Kerby’s definition is expansive and blankets topics such as human developing, abstinence, reproductive sex health, disease prevention and consent.
What’s most important for young people to understand, Kerby says, is how their own bodies designs and what healthy affairs look like.
Kerby stresses that there aren’t two different types of normal organizations. Instead, people’s physical attributes and knows vary as does their identity and how they choose to express it. Kerby likewise believes it’s vital to know your personal prices and what you miss from affections and nostalgic partnerships.
These unique wants symbolize it’s important to look for thorough the level of resources indicate a range of identities and knowledge. Among those Kerby recommends are: Advocates for Youth, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Sex, Etc . and Scareleteen.
2. Health and relationship datum shall not be required to be shape you feel ashamed.
When you’re re-examine a website on sexual and reproductive health, do a speedy gut check with your excitements. Do you abruptly feel bad about whom you or how your person labor? Kerby says that’s a signal to seek answers and message elsewhere.
“Be aware of any rich that has expression that is very narrow and thats shame-based or stigmatizing.”
“Be aware of any rich that has conversation that is very narrow and thats shame-based or stigmatizing, ” she says.
This type of language can be hard for young people to avoid online and in real life. Various districts, including Texas, Utah and Alabama, explicitly prohibit teaches from debating lesbian, homosexual, bisexual and transgender issues in a positive sunlight, or at all, according to the Gay, Lesbian,& Straight Education Network( GLSEN ).
While LGBTQ youth regularly encounter non-inclusive aids, Kerby pronounces such info can also invoke strict gender roles or sex mores that generate sensitives of shame.
3. Seem for evidence-based information.
Only 24 states and the District of Columbia mandate sex education in institution and just 13 regimes require that instruction to be medically accurate, according to the reproductive health and rights advocacy arrangement Guttmacher Institute.
But going to the web doesn’t ever relent better information. A 2010 study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health found that of 177 sex health websites are exploited by teens, 46% had inaccurate information on contraception.
Similarly, while internet forums like Reddit, Yahoo Answers and Quora can provide crowd-sourced views, Kerby says young people should rely on evidence-based information that’s said that he shared reputable organizations.
You don’t got to let such knowledge dictate every selection you build, but it is important to know what’s medically accurate and sound. Ideally, Kerby contributes, its own language conveying these letters should be inclusive and supportive of numerous experiences.
4. Find material that constructs you laugh and think.
The internet contains a lot of sex health and relationship content to take in order to spotlight the funniest, most odd human experiences. Kerby says you should think of this material as a augment in your search for accurate, inclusive information.
Image: advocates for boy/ facebook
If it’s inoffensive and reaches you jest at the absurdity of our cultural taboo, then think of it as a behavior to broach a difficult topic.
“Having funny and cheeky textile out there, its a dialogue starter, ” speaks Kerby. “It’s pushing down that door of what[ our] sensings are and allowing for a much more expansive and all-inclusive appreciation of ourselves and our own sexualities.”
Have something to add to this story? Share it in specific comments .
The post 4 savvy ways to learn about your organization online appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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viralhottopics · 7 years
Russias Quest to Build a Space Empireor Go Broke Trying
It’s not unusual for space agencies to wax lyrical about how their work exploring all that lies beyond Earth’s atmosphere is for the shared benefit of humankind. It’s probably expected. So when, at a panel during the 33rd annual Space Symposium in Colorado Springs, the head of the Russian space agency says things like “How should we collaborate for the benefit of all of us to get the best result? and We need to find the way how can we do it together, nobody seems to question his motives.
Which maybe they should have, since that country’s space agency, Roscosmos, hasn’t sent significant representation to the symposium in over 20 years. During this panel, which included 14 other space-agency leaders, Roscosmos general director—a dark, handsome man named Igor Komarov—puts special emphasis his country’s desire to collaborate with the fledgling space programs of emerging nations, like Vietnam and Venezuela. Komarov sticks to feel-good terms like “cooperate” and “collaborate” when he talks about international partnerships—which he and other Roscosmos reps do throughout the symposium. But his agency’s motivation seems more about another C-word: customers. Last year, the Russian government restructured Roscosmos as a state-run corporation, and the cash-strapped organization is using these altruistic overtures to cultivate nascent space programs into new customers dependent on Russia’s 60 years of orbital expertise.
Russia is, of course, not the only space organization looking to profit in the name of higher ideals—SpaceX can only reach Mars and save civilization if it launches a lot of satellites. And mutually beneficial partnerships have been key to space exploration since the fall of communism gave way to the idea that space exists beyond the borders and nationalism of Earth. But such idealism overlooks the endeavor’s roots in the fertile soil of nationalist competition, the still-present remnants of that country-centricity, and something else: money.
Right now, Roscosmos isn’t just chasing ideals: It’s struggling to survive. “Their program is in a very fragile condition, despite what Komarov, et al., were saying in Colorado,” says John Logsdon, founder and former director of the Space Policy Institute at George Washington University. He lists some Russian issues: recent budget cuts; problems with the Proton rocket; delays with their next-generation Angara rocket. “Its a program thats in trouble,” Logsdon says.
Come fly with us
Space transcends borders in very pragmatic ways, in addition to the get-along ones. Roscosmos already partners withbig space players like the US, Canada, and Europe, and with nascent programs like those in Vietnam and India. It is working with the European Space Agency on the ExoMars—an orbiter (which is fine), a lander (which is not), and a future rover (which is \_()_/). NASA charters Russian Soyuz rockets to hurl astronauts, science experiments, and plenty of other US space stuff into orbit. And cosmonauts and astronauts have floated side-by-side in the International Space Station for so long that they speak a hybrid language called Runglish.
Such collaborations arise partly from practicality. If youve listened to anyone knowledgeable talk about actually doing that, youve heard the tired phrase space is hard. Also expensive. So when it comes to the hardest of that already hard stuff, sharing the technical and financial burdens is the only way to make it happen. Its always natural for any country to say, I want my own indigenous capability on launch and satellite, says Steve Isakowitz, president of the Aerospace Corporation. The reality always hits that we all dont print money, and so we dont have infinite resources.”
And so countries work together. It’s at once the best way to solve problems that affect multiple nations, like what to do about space debris, and the best way to spend less and still accomplish the same goal. But, spending less isn’t the only path to financial success. Making more also helps a lot.
Soyuz want to make a deal?
What better place to announce that youd like to collaborate with “emerging space nations”—future customers—than at a gathering where 30+ countries are there to hear it? These countries will need launches, hardware, and expertise—and perhaps, just perhaps, they also have natural or human resources that Russia does not.
At a Roscosmos-only press conference convened later in the symposium, Komarov explains what Roscosmos is—which is to say, not at all like NASA. It is a state corporation: An umbrella company owned by the government. Thats new. The Roscosmos State CorporationforSpaceActivities took charge of the countrys space program and regulations in January 2016. And this Roscosmos isn’t just in charge of launching rockets and doing science. Its mission statement (printed right there on its website) puts it in the business of placing orders for the development, manufacture and supply of space equipment and space infrastructure objects, international space cooperation, and setting the stage for the future use of results of space activities in the social and economic development of Russia.
Roscosmos has a near monopoly on the Russian space industry. It encompasses more than 60 companies and 250,000 people. And in the spirit of collaboration, it is using those resources to do new things, like develop technology, Earth observation capacity, and communications systems for Vietnam, Venezuela, Brazil, Mexico, and Chile. Oh, and they are helping those countries develop their own experts—and space policies. In other words, Russia—in helping—is also shaping not justhowthe international space industry shapes up but also how it functions politically.
Theres no reason Roscosmoshasto help. So what’s their angle? When asked directly whether Roscosmos why it is putting so much effort on collaboration, Sergey Savelyev, whos in charge of the agency’s international operations, comes clean. These are prospective clients, he says to me. Then, he chuckles.
An orbital oligarchy
Put another way, if Russia helps new nations develop functional space agencies and aerospace industries, then, suddenly, those places have space needs (costs) where there were none before. And who will they turn to for those needs? And with whom will they share their bounty of resources, data, infrastructure? Russia, of course.
Space agencies don’t usually say much about money-making or resource-gathering when they talk about partnerships. “For the good of humanity” sounds better. But it’s not like Russia’s customer focus, to use corporate speak, makes them unique. “Theyre kind of come-lately to the party,” says Logsdon. “Thats been key to the Chinese international space cooperation strategy for a number of years, to work with emerging countries.” China doesn’t so much want customers as, say, sources of raw material. And to that end, they’ve been working with Brazil for three decades. “They’ve also been targeting sub-Saharan Africa and other Latin American countries as potential partners for a number of years,” says Logsdon.
There’s no reason to shame Russia for its ambitions. On the other hand, if you are rooting for some other space agency—or space corporation—you might have other worries. For instance, will Russia’s growing market capture cut into SpaceX’s customer base?
Not necessarily. “Saying they want to do it doesnt mean theyre going to do it,” says Logdson. “First, they have to be successful in seeking new partners.” They’re experienced, sure, and they’ve got the goods. “But their hardware is not in very good condition; their industrial base is hurting,” he continues. I don’t see this as a threat to other space countries as much as it is a shift in direction for a program thats in a bit of trouble.”
And that’s a smart strategic move. Space may be hard—but its a lot easier if youre flush.
Read more: http://bit.ly/2oSouAi
from Russias Quest to Build a Space Empireor Go Broke Trying
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