#sh: maddox and hunter
silassinclair · 1 month
i just have a request about Maddox but i want to start with saying english is not my first language and secondly i LOVE your writings, they are sooo good like i just read them again and again and again......
so about my request, its like a story but i just hope you will understand what im trying say
So darling and him while running away from the law Maddox face some other outlaws or having a duel he gets shot, some bad wounds or whatever and darling has no choice but runaway. Before running away darling says that she loves him and will wait for him, something like that.
After two years darling and Maddox meet again (can be when he is leaving a saloon or when he is stealong from the people on the road who is just moving from town to another town) Darling doing really great, she has a small but cute house, she has a great job paying her greatly BUT darling carrying a child
BIG SUPRISE its his child
When darling was runing away she was pregnant but didnt tell him cuz she was afraid of his reaction
Anyway him and darling talk about what happened after she runaway, how she manages to live, about the child
so the thing is how he will react about all of this, i mean he has a child and a cute house he can live with darling but he has to run from the laws. Would he somehow live with darling or will he take darling and his child with him and keep runing
I know its long but i tried so hard to make it short and i hope you undertand it AND if you want you can ignore it
💙🤍 I LOVE YOU 💙🤍
UWWAAHH THIS IS SO CUTE <3 I’m about to cook so hard with this one ya’ll aren’t ready 🥶
Masterlist Here!!
Yandere Wild West Outlaw x Long Lost Lover Reader
CW// Pregnancy, Gun Violence, Blood, Suicide Mention, Maddox kills pedophiles, Pedophilic comments
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“Shhh! Just stop! Stop talking!” Y/n wept as her s/c hand put pressure over Maddox’s oozing bullet wound. Her skin was stained with his crimson blood. The whole world was collapsing down on her. Maddox, her husband, was dying. He was losing so much blood and those damn bounty hunters were getting closer.
Coming to this town was a mistake. It was a fucking trap and they walked right into it. It was a false rumor spread to lure Maddox to the bank. It was supposed to be unguarded; and instead of cash and gold in the vault there was a lethal group of bounty hunters unloading their bullets in a barrage right at Maddox.
The masked outlaw coughed, hacking up some blood. Y/n and Maddox were lucky to get away. Using all her strength she pulled his body into a neighboring saloon and hid with him behind the bar. The outlaw's tearing brown eyes looked into Y/n’s with a mixture of emotion. Adoration and despair. Because he knew this will be the last time will ever see her again.
“Sweetheart, princess please look at me..” He utters. Y/n can barely hear him over the gunshots and screams from around. But her ears are honed to only listen to his voice at the moment. He is all she sees and hears.
“Untie my bandana… Use it to pack the wound.” The paling man says.
Her eyes widen at his request. Her and Maddox have been in so many life or death situations. All of them they have escaped narrowly. Maddox has had mortal wounds, he’s bled countless times over the years. But never, never has he taken that bandana off. Even when they kissed he would tell her to shut her eyes and she would obey, respecting his privacy. When they made love the lights would be off or she would be blindfolded. His face was a mystery that she always wanted to solve.
She imagined the say he showed her his face they would be watching a sunset. Or maybe laying underneath the star in a romantic setting. But now… It’s different. She doesn't want to see him. Not now, not like this. He was dying and this was a desperate attempt to extend his life. This was the end.
“Maddox…” Y/n sniffles. Her vision blurs as tears cascade down her cheeks. She knows this is the end for them. She can feel it.
The woman’s hands go behind his head as she shakily unties the burgundy bandana. And when she takes it off what she sees has her crying even harder.
He’s gorgeous. This is the face of her husband.
“Why Maddox? Why does the first time I have to see you also have to be the last?” Her voice cracks as she stuffs the wound with the bandana.
He smiles and for the first time she can see it. His cracked lips, stubble of facial hair, his crooked nose from being broken so many times, and the scar above his top lip.
“I love ya’ Y/n.” Is all he says in reply. His hand comes up to cradle her cheek. “I need you to do one last thing for me..” He takes her hands in his one hand as the other holds the cloth to his wound.
“Anything… I’ll do anything for you.”
“Run far away baby… Run away from here and don’t look back. Don’t come back for me.” Maddox peeks over top the bar counter they’re and sees the bounty hunters about to enter the saloon they’re hiding in.
Y/n bites her lip as she shakes her head back and forth. “I’m not leaving you! I can’t! You can’t die, I need you! You’re..”
Y/n freezes. She wants to say it but she can’t. Not now, not when he’s going to die.
“You’re going to be a Father.”
“Y/n.” Maddox smiles. “Jasper should be outside. Get on him and get outta this town.” He brings his lips to her hand, kissing her blood stained skin.
The sobbing woman can’t bring herself to move away from him. If she leaves she will never see him again. But she has to leave, she has to survive and save their baby. It’s what he would want.
“I love you.” Y/n pulls him into a passionate kiss. One which he returns as he tries not to wince in pain.
Maddox is the first to pull away for the first time. And it only breaks her heart even more.
“Now go princess… Go live ya’ life to the fullest. And I’m… I’m sorry for killin’ your old man back then…”
Y/n stands up silently and nods. So after a full year he finally apologizes. Honestly, Y/n forgave him long ago. Was it Stockholm syndrome? Was it love? It didn't matter, her love for Maddox was true. But now he was dying... If she turns around and faces him now she’ll never want to leave.
Without facing him she lets her tears fall and hands form fists, “Goodbye Maddox. And I forgave you long ago. Back when I fell in love with you for the first time.”
She runs to the back of the saloon and leaves out the back entrance. Once the woman is outside she hears shouts from inside, along with gunfire.
“NOOO!” She screams and clenches her hair in her fists. Her vocal cords strain from her guttural scream. The pain of losing Maddox feels unbearable. She can’t feel her legs, so she drops to the dirt ground. All she can do is cry and curl up alone. The trotting sound of a horse is heard from above. Looking up she sees Jasper, Maddox’s loyal horse and best friend.
“Jasper…” She weeps. The horse looks down at his owners lover with sympathy behind his dark eyes. The animal can tell she’s in pain. He neighs and uses his nose to nudge her.
“L-Let’s go bud.” Y/n says and stands up from the ground. She gets on Jasper’s saddle and rides out of town, leaving behind the painful memories of losing Maddox. The ring on her finger has never felt so heavy.
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"I help! Rosie help Mommy!" A small two year old girl says as her chubby little hands reach out towards Y/n who is carrying a pail of milk.
Y/n Graves; widow and single Mother, smiles down at her daughter. When she lost the love of her life she gave birth to a new meaning to go on. When Maddox died Y/n felt alone. She contemplated ending the pain permanently but she knew she could never do that to him and their baby. So she lived, and thank the lord she did.
The past two years were hard. Being pregnant, working a job, finding a place to live, and raising a newborn all by herself. Life was hard but that's just how it is. Being a Mother is a sacrifice that Y/n took the day she decided to keep on living after Maddox's death.
Now she has a beautiful baby girl. And her resemblance to him brought tears to the Mother's eyes.
She has his dark brown hair that almost looks black and his brown eyes that Y/n would find herself lost in. At the young age of two and a half Rosie even knew how to speak and understand English. She has her Mother's smarts and her Daddy's looks.
Rosie was a gift from Maddox, a parting gift so she wouldn't have to be alone anymore. Just thinking about how she almost killed herself and Rosie destroyed Y/n. The thoughts she had during those dark times were regrettable. She hates herself for possibly thinking such things.
"Mommy? Why sad?"
Y/n blinks a few times and doesn't even realize she was crying. Rosie tugs on her Mother's dress, big brown doe eyes creased with worry. Giggling, she wipes her tears and puts the heavy pail down. She reaches for her daughter and picks her up and holds her instead.
"Because you look just like your Daddy princess. You remind me of him and I miss him a lot." Y/n kisses Rosie's cheeks, making the little girl squeal and kick her little legs.
"Now let's finish up our chores yeah? We need to get this milk to a cool place." Y/n reaches down and grabs the pail to take it to the cellar.
"I carry it Mommy!" Rosie pouts and reaches her arms towards the pail in Y/n's hand. But the woman only laughs softly at her daughter's antics.
"It's too heavy for you baby. Besides, princesses don't do chores like this yet. Rosie's only job for now is too behave and listen to Mommy."
The little girl pauses and leans her head on her Mother's shoulder. "Okay.." She mumbles.
Sensing her daughter's sadness Y/n decides to compromise. "How about we go into town and get ice cream?"
In an instant the little girl perks up. "Really?!" She says in her baby accent; unable to pronounce the 'R' well and instead it coming out more as a 'W'.
"Yes princess. You've been good all this week so you deserve a treat."
Y/n finishes her work in the cellar with the help of her daughter. Who really was just following her around and pointing at stuff, asking what each thing was. But now that everything was done Y/n rode into town on Jasper and her daughter on her lap.
It wasn't often that the single Mother came into town. Every time she was there she could feel the stares on her and her daughter when she did bring her. And she knew why. She has a daughter yet no husband. Y/n knows what the townspeople say behind her back. Calling her a whore, trollop, and an ex prostitute. But nobody knew jack shit about her. They were all making assumptions. They didn't know her life and the pain she's been through.
Not only that but being in town just felt unsafe. The hungry stares of the men made her feel nauseous, which was why she always carried a double barrel shot gun on her back. It was her own way of silently saying "Don't fuck with me and my daughter."
Y/n tugs on the reins a little and Jasper stops in front of the ice cream parlor. She gets off of Jasper and little Rosie clings to her Mother's back as she fastens the reins to the wooden pole.
"We won't be long bud. Come on princess, let's go."
Y/n pets Jasper on the head before holding her daughters hand and taking her into the parlor. Once inside the conversation around them immediately dies down as all the patron's eyes are on Y/n and her daughter; who goes to hide behind her Mother's leg.
"Why staring Mommy?" The little girl asks. Y/n pats her hair and answers back with a reassuring smile.
"They just think your dress is pretty and can't help but look at it."
Rosie grins and giggles, her cheeks pinkening with blush.
"Now let's go get ice cream yeah? What flavor do you want?"
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Since we're in town I may as well grab a few things so I won't have to come back. After finishing our ice cream I take Rosie with me to the hardware store across the street. While in there I grab a few things from the shelves. Life shot gun shells, a new steel file, and soap.
I go up to the clerk and put my things on the counter. The old man looks at me with his usual unimpressed look, just like how any other person in this miserable town looks at me.
"Will this be all?" He asks. I nod silently and hand him the appropriate amount of cash. After bagging my things he hands me my change and I grab the paper bag.
"Come on Rosie, let's go." I say and look down by my side at Rosie. But instead of my daughter I see the hardwood floor. My heart drops to my feet.
"Rosie?" I say again and perk up, looking around the store and down the aisles. Briskly walking to the store clerk I place my things back on the counter.
"Can you watch my bag? I need to find my daughter."
The old man nods with a grunt and opens up a newspaper. I ignore his careless attitude and I practically search the whole store for Rosie. Where the hell did she go? She was right next to me! I took my eyes off her for one second and this is what happens to me? I'm a horrible Mother.
Running outside the store I approach the first person I see. A blonde woman with a green dress and matching lace parasol.
"Excuse me? Have you seen my daughter? She's about this tall and has dark brown hair. She's also wearing a white dress." My words pour out of my mouth so fast that even I can barely understand what I'm saying. But the woman only shrugs.
"I do not know. Maybe you should keep a better eye on your child and you never would have lost her."
I glare at the prissy bitch and shoulder check her as I strut past her to ask the next person if they have seen Rosie.
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"I can already see the potential in her Davis. Look at those beady little eyes. She'll be beggin' to suck cock in no time."
Rosie is shaking in fear, the poor girl has no idea what's going on. One minute she was in the hardware store looking at shiny things on the shelf, the next a hand was clamped over her mouth and she was being dragged outside the back entrance. She tried to scream but the hand over her mouth was too big. She tried to fight but her body was too small and weak.
There are three men standing above her. What they are talking about? She doesn't know. But her Mother taught her that strangers were dangerous. So their intentions were bad; these men were bad news. They had her tied up and gagged, her shivering body laid curled up on the ground as she silently sniffled.
"We'll take her to Alabama. She'll go for a hefty price there. I know a guy who likes em' younger." One of the men says. The same man hacks up mucus and spits in out on the ground right next to Rosie. Making the girl whine and cry even more.
"Quit your fuckin' cryin' or I oughta' give ya' somethin' to cry bout'" The scrawniest man of the group says. But his loud voice only makes the two year old cry more.
"Fucking hell, people will hear if she keeps this shit up. Someone hit her in the back of the head an' knock her lights out."
"She looks no older than two Marty. That'll kill her you dumb oaf!"
"Then wha do we do?"
The three men bicker back and forth. Arguing about how to silence the little girl. But as the three criminals argue they don't hear the approach of footsteps. It isn't until the girl stops crying that they turn around. A man with his faced covered by a bandana has Rosie in his arms. His brown cowboy hat is tilted low, casting a dark shadow over his eyes.
"Who the fuck are you?! Put her down!" The biggest man of the trio says. He reaches for his gun but the mysterious man tuts and wags his gloved index finger back and forth at the criminal.
"I wouldn't do that if I were ya' big guy." The man holding Rosie says in his smooth, accented southern drawl. The little girl is scared stiff as she clings to the man holding her. She doesn't know what it is about this stranger but he makes her feel safe unlike the three men who made her cry.
"Don't tell us what to do. There's three of us and one of you, we oughta fill you full of lead and piss on your corpse for thinkin' you can FUCK with us!" The scrawny man draws his gun and aims it right at the masked man's head.
Rosie cries and hides her face in the stranger's neck. He rubs her back and reassures her with a gentle coo.
"You'll be okay, just trust me alright? I'll get ya back to ya Momma and Poppa."
Rosie doesn't understand what he said, but she does understand that this stranger is protecting her.
"Keep your eyes closed honey, can you do that for me?"
Rosie shuts her eyes and holds onto him tighter. Beneath his dirty red bandana the man smiles. Then he looks back at the three scum bags in front of him. He heard everything they said about the girl. All of the disgusting things about how she had "potential" and wanting to sell her.
Men like them didn't deserve to live.
"Hand over the brat you fuck-"
The masked man draws his silver revolver in the blink of an eye and cocks back the hammer. He shoots the scrawny man right between the eyes. Rosie cries out at the loud burst of gunfire but he shushes her gently as he cocks back the hammer another two times and shoots the other two men dead before they can even draw their guns or speak. The three bodies lay stark still on the ground. The life from their eyes is gone as blood pools from each of their heads.
"Burn in hell ya' nasty bastards." The mystery man walks away from the scene to go somewhere safer, the little girl still in his arms. She has her hands over her ears because of how loud the three gunshots were. But with a pat on her head from the man she lowers her hands and looks up at him.
"It's over honey. Those bad men won't touch ya' ever again." He says and sits against a tree a little bit outside of town. The little girl sits crisscross applesauce on his lap. Her chubby little hands rest on her thighs as she stares at him.
The man reaches behind her head and unties the rag around her face. Those men treated her like livestock. If not worse. Abducting a little girl and tying her up like cattle? How disgusting. Men like that didn't deserve to see the light of day.
"What's your name little girl?" He asks her. Rosie sniffles and rubs her puffy eyes.
"R-Rosie.." She stutters, still shocked from the whole ordeal.
"Hey now, no need to be scared anymore okay? I won't harm a hair on your head. And your name is really pretty. Matches ya' rosy lil cheeks." He pinches her plush cheek, making the girl smile.
"Name?" Rosie says and pokes the man's chest with a little finger.
"Maddox. Maddox Graves."
Rosie only nods. Maddox can still tell she's scared. So he asks her some questions to get her mind off things.
"How old are you?"
"Two and half."
"You got a family?"
"I have Mommy!"
"Got a Daddy?"
"Mommy said Daddy in heaven."
Maddox sighs when the girl says she doesn't have a Father. Growing up Maddox didn't have a Father figure either. He only had his Mother who worked tooth and nail to provide for him when he was younger. It was a shame she died of tuberculosis. He was only 16 when she passed. And after her death he was born a new man. When his Mother died so did Manuel Gonsalez. And he was reborn Maddox Graves, the west's most feared gunslinger and outlaw.
"My Daddy's in heaven too Rosie. But my Daddy was a bad man, he had it comin' to him."
Rosie looks at Maddox with a sympathetic expression. Though she couldn't see his face she could see his eyes under the shadow of his hat. He seemed... hurt.
"Married?" Rosie asks him. She sees his eyes crease. He's smiling.
"Yeah, to the most beautiful woman in the world."
"Where she?"
"I don't know honey. I'm looking for her. I hope I find her.."
Maddox stiffles a gasp when the little girl suddenly hugs him. Her little arms go around his neck. It's been years since he was last shown any affection. the last person to give him a hug was Y/n. This little girl just had no idea how much her warm embrace meant to the man. He hugs her back and shuts his eyes, letting his years long guard down. Maddox parts from the hug and pats Rosie's head.
Maddox goes to ask the girl another question but the feeling of a cold hard object on the back of his head makes him pause. The outlaw doesn't flinch at the familiar feeling of a barrel of a gun being pressed against his head.
"You have three seconds to get your filthy hands off my little girl." Y/n growls out, her finger on the trigger of her double barrel shotgun. But Maddox feels his heart skip a beat when he hears the little girl's Mother's voice. How badly he wants to turn around and confirm his suspicion. But the slightest movement on his behalf may result in his brains being splattered onto the grass.
"Mommy!" Rosie squeals and jumps off Maddox's lap, making him wheeze and cradle his gut.
Rosie runs to Y/n and hugs her leg. Tears form in the eyes of the distressed Mother. She drops her gun and falls to her knees to embrace her daughter in return, completely forgetting about the man.
"Oh princess you had me worried sick! What happened?! Who is this man? Did he hurt you?"
Rosie shakes her head back in forth and parts from the hug. "He saved me Mommy! From bad men!"
Y/n feels her heart squeeze in pain. She couldn't even protect her own daughter, let alone keep an eye on her. Instead a stranger had to save her. Speaking of the stranger, Y/n looks up and sees the man standing above her and her daughter. They make eye contact and the man's brown eyes widen as Y/n's lips part. Something about him is familiar.
"Thank you for-"
"Princess?" He says in utter disbelief.
Y/n feels her words get caught in her throat at the oh so familiar pet name. Only one man has ever called her that.
The outlaw removes his bandana. A scar, stubble, and crooked nose. The same face Y/n saw before she ran out of that saloon years ago. He drops to his knees and pulls his wife into a tight embrace. His long search for his wife has finally come to an end.
"My wife, my beautiful beautiful wife. Mmm I was searching every end of the country for you. I thought you were gone forever." Maddox buries his face into her neck and inhales her familiar lavender scent. Even her skin has the same softness it had years ago.
Y/n though, is silent. She doesn't return the embrace her long lost husband gives her. Her mind and heart are racing. It's like she's witnessing a paranormal encounter with a ghost. If this is a trick then it is a cruel one. That wound should have killed him. But no, he survived and came back to her. After about three years he returns looking more alive than ever.
"I thought you died..." Y/n utters softly. Her eyes are wide with shock as tears form from her tear ducts. Hesitantly, she hugs him back. Arms moving slowly up his back she rests her hands on the blades of his shoulders and sinks her body into his. The two are like snakes, their bodies constricting and melting into each others warmth.
"I got you sweetheart, I got you. Just let it out princess. Everything's gonna be okay." Maddox soothingly coos and rubs her back as her tears finally fall. A shrill cry leaves the depths of Y/n's soul. Her hands grip the fabric of his jacket. She's afraid if she let's go he'll die again.
But no. He never died. He survived, and he's here in her arms. All her sacrifices have led her to this moment. In the end, living was worth it.
Y/n blinks the tears from her eyes and looks to her daughter who stands there with the hem of her dress in her tiny fists. The little girl looks like she wants to cry too.
"Why crying?" She asks in a wobblily tone. Y/n smiles and pulls her daughter in with her and Maddox's embrace.
"Mommy's just happy that Daddy came back from heaven."
Rosie's brown eyes light up with wonder. The man who saved her is her Father? She opens her arms as wide as she can and hugs Maddox with all her two year old might. However Maddox is frozen.
"She's... she's mine?" He whispers.
Y/n nods. "Mhm... I had her eight months after I ran out of that saloon. She's about to turn three."
Maddox's jaw is on the floor. Not only has he found his wife but he has a little girl too? His heart hurts at the thought of Y/n going through the pain of pregnancy and childbirth all alone. The outlaw looks down at the little girl. And he looks to Y/n for silent permission and she nods with a light chuckle.
"She's your daughter, you can hug her silly."
And with that the Father hugs his little girl close to his chest. He doesn't even know that he's crying right now. And he doesn't care, all he cares about are his two girls right in front of him. Nothing matters anymore except for this. He isn't going to run anymore, he's tired of running. Running is what made him lose everything in the first place. Running is how he lost Y/n. And he never wants to lose his wife again. Especially not when he has a daughter too.
It's time to settle down and raise his family. Maddox never considered having a family before, let alone no longer being an active criminal. But for Y/n? He'd walk on glass through the depths of hell.
"I'm never leaving you alone ever again, you hear me?" He says in a firm tone to Y/n, his eyes piercing into her own. "We're gonna be a family. No more running baby, I promise."
He pulls his wife in by the back of her neck and kisses her passionately. This moment was one he would photograph into his memory; his daughter in his arms and his lips on his wife's.
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Being a Father was NOT something Maddox thought he would ever be. Hell, he’s Maddox fucking Graves, the most threatening man in the west. A guy like him raising a kid? Yeah it’s unimaginable.
He’ll never admit it but fatherhood scares him. And nothing scares him (well except for losing Y/n again.) because he’s just that damn tough! Or so he thought.
Rosie is a little bundle of joy. She’s smart, funny, and damn fast. Too fast.
How did Y/n raise her all on her own!? It’s like the girl wants to die or something because why is she always getting into shit!?
“Rose! Get ya’ little mitts out of the knife drawer!”
“Hey! Jesus Christ kid you’re gonna kill yourself if you get too close to the edge of that cliff!”
“You’re giving Daddy a heart attack sweet pea. I just got ya, ya can’t leave me yet.”
Y/n has been through so much so he never asks her for help when it comes to little Rosie. He can figure it all out on his own no problem. Maddox is a man so he’s the tough guy of the house. There isn’t anything Y/n can do that he can’t do.
“Y/n! Rosie done gone and crapped herself!”
Loves kissing Rosie’s cheeks. They’re so chubby! Maddox is so happy that his little girl is healthy and happy.
Rosie may have his looks but she has her Mommy’s smile and attitude. It’s adorable.
Now back to Maddox and Y/n…
They’ve been separated for nearly three years. So their relationship dynamic has changed a little bit.
No more lone wolf outlaw Maddox. No, he’s putty in his wife’s hand. Meanwhile Y/n has grown more independent over the years having raised Rosie and gotten a job all by herself.
Maddox needs her by his side 24/7. He’ll get grumpy at the idea of her leaving. He doesn’t want a repeat of the past either. Just the thought of Y/n not being within his vicinity makes him worry.
“I gotta go into town and grab some food.”
“Huh? Why’s that? We gotta garden princess! Whatchu need food from there for when we have all that we need here?”
Don’t think for a second that Maddox isn’t a yandere anymore just because he’s a girl Dad now. Nope, nada, zilch.
He won’t hesitate to kill anyone who poses as a threat to his family.
Maddox was crazy for Y/n before but now he’s outright insane. He’s just really good at hiding it. And he’s also insanely over protective of Rosie.
“I was thinking, maybe we can send Rosie to the school house when she turns th-”
“Absolutely not.”
“Huh? Why not? She needs an education Maddox.”
“I will not have my daughter be around those nasty town boys. No way in fuckin’ hell is that happening. We’ll home school her.”
“Aww you’re so cute when you’re protective!”
In the end Maddox ended up enrolling Rosie into school later on because he had no idea how to explain Mathematics to her.
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MAN this was a long one. Sorry for any grammar mistakes, my phone buggy as hell 😩
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lukeshemmings · 3 years
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5SOS APPRECIATION WEEK ♡ DAY FOUR angst | ex-lovers | supernatural AU: shadowhunters!sos 
i would take a bullet for you just to prove my love only to find out you are the one holding the gun
summary: maddox turns to hunter for comfort when he realizes josh will never love him back in the same way. characters: maddox fray (ashton irwin), hunter bane (michael clifford), josh wayland (luke hemmings), heather lightwood (sarah jeffery), carter penhallow (nick hargrove) ships: maddox/hunter. mentions of josh/maddox, josh/heather, heather/carter content:  angst, smut, hurt/comfort (warnings: blood play, choking, unprotected sex) playlist: motion - luke word count: 5k notes: this fic/universe is based on the mortal instruments/shadowhunters tv show. maddox and josh are both shadowhunters. hunter is a vampire. parabatai is “a pair of Nephilim warriors who fight together as lifelong partners, their souls bound together by oath and their angelic bond.” josh and maddox are parabatai. they are also forbidden to fall in love with each other.
Once again, he was greeted by the comforting presence of Hunter's body behind him. He started to stretch out his very sore limbs and rolled over onto his back, opening his eyes. Maddox found Hunter looking back down at him softly. He'd kind of broken down hard... and he might've been shy or nervous about that fact if he hadn't seen such kindness in Hunter's eyes just then. Maddox teared up again, which angered him briefly, but he smiled. Hunter reached up to cup his face, brushing a few stray auburn curls back and stroking Maddox's cheek. 
They lingered there in content silence for a long moment, simply looking at one another, before Maddox reached up to pull Hunter down for a kiss. His eyes fluttered closed and he kissed the vampire softly and slowly, with none of the urgency from the night before. It was romantic and gentle and Maddox honestly lost track of how long it lasted. He laid there on his back kissing Hunter and losing himself in the warmth of being wanted by someone completely. 
Hunter was the one to break the kiss but only so he could kiss down Maddox's jaw to his neck. He kissed him along his neck before sucking softly and nipping at his skin. Maddox whimpered. "Please."
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It happened shortly after Heather's ex, Carter, left. Maybe they hadn't even waited until then... Maddox suspected that Josh had been sleeping with Heather while they were still hooking up. He didn't really care, because he'd ultimately gotten what he wanted and needed. He saw them together again today after Carter's departure and he knew that he wouldn't be with Josh again. He wondered if he'd even realized it was the last time while it was happening. Maybe he could talk Josh into one more time, but Maddox's heart wasn't in it once he knew that Josh had Heather available to him again. He cared about her. He was falling in love with her, and Maddox would know it the entire time they were together. No. He couldn't be with Josh again.
 Although Josh pleaded with him not to push him away, he was going to have to for at least a little while. He wasn't setting foot in the Institute unless it was to report for a mission. Fuck, he deserved vacation. When the hell had any of them ever gotten a break from risking their lives? Maddox wagered that he'd saved enough mundane lives at this point to merit a fucking week to fall apart and somehow put himself back together. He arrived at Hunter's loft and didn't really give him any warning before kissing him. Just like that, Maddox was inside the door and his lips were on Hunter's. He didn't have to say anything for him to understand what was happening. Maddox told him about Josh, and they both knew this day would come. Hunter promised that he'd be there.
 Immediately, Hunter's hands were softly cupping Maddox's face as he kissed him back deeply. It was the kind of intensity that Maddox needed. He pushed the door closed behind him and started pawing at Hunter's clothes already. He tugged up his loose t-shirt and while Hunter finished shedding it, Maddox slipped out of his leather jacket. He pulled his black t-shirt over his head and finally, he was able to pull Hunter's body flush with his and feel their skin touch. Hunter was cool against his warmth, which kind of got him a little hard every time. He navigated Hunter's apartment with ease, guiding him back with every step while unzipping his pants. By the time they reached the bedroom, Maddox had pushed both pants and boxers down. He shoved Hunter hard back onto the bed naked.
 The moment they broke apart was a second that Maddox might've had to think and let his unhappy circumstances and heartbreak sink in but the sight of Hunter naked on his black sheets completely consumed him. His cock was straining his skinny jeans by now, and Maddox hissed at the pain and difficulty of unzipping his pants. He was impatient and finally pushed them down his legs along with his boxers. He stood there a moment to let Hunter look at him just like he had earlier. Maddox couldn't help noting with a smirk how much Hunter's dick twitched while looking at him. That's when Maddox couldn't stand it any longer and he crawled onto the bed. He was on top of Hunter in seconds and grabbed his hands when Hunter eagerly reached for his hips. Maddox pinned them above his head and leaned down to kiss Hunter deeply.
 "Are you gonna behave tonight or are you gonna be a little brat?" he asked against Hunter's lips, grinding down on him so he could feel his dick. Maddox made it clear what kind of mood he was in. He could've fucked him right then and there, but he was riding the high of control. It was one thing he'd never had in his relationship with Josh. Maddox hadn't chosen to fallen in love with him in the first place, and right now he hated his parabatai for making him. There was really no choice. The second Maddox saw Josh, he'd fallen hard.
 "I don't know, I guess we'll just have to see..." Hunter smirked with a devious twinkle in his eye.
 Maddox released Hunter's hands so that he could start to climb up his body to his head. He placed one knee on either side of his head looked down at Hunter with his cock literally in his face. "Lube me up if you wanna be fucked," he told him as he reached down to cradle Hunter's head and lift him up. He shivered when Hunter placed a kiss on his thigh and let out a low whine. He pressed Hunter's head there to indicate he wanted more. "Bite me," Maddox begged. He knew the blood filling his cock and pulsing hard through the artery in his thigh must drive Hunter crazy. "Please," he whimpered. He needed to lose himself in this.
 It wasn't that Hunter was trying to disobey purposefully. He would've done what Maddox asked immediately because he wanted it too, but he knew what Maddox had just gone through. He wasn't in the greatest frame of mind, and this was serious. Maddox looked down pleadingly. "Please," he whispered.
 Hunter always took direction well and he finally wrapped his arms around Maddox's thick, muscled thighs. He pulled him closer and kissed along his thigh to the point he wanted, directly over the femoral artery. Hunter was a tease, sucking on Maddox's skin and nipping it but not with his fangs. Maddox growled impatiently and tugged on Hunter's hair roughly. "Hunter," he whined and pressed his head down again. This time, the vampire gave in and pulled away just enough to let his fangs descend. He licked over the spot before he sank his teeth into Maddox's skin. Not even giving him a moment to process the wave of pleasure that hit him, Hunter reached for Maddox's cock and pumped his hand along the shaft while he drank from him.
 Maddox had to let go of Hunter's head with one hand, slamming it against the wall to steady himself. The pleasure was so overwhelming at once that he thought he might've blacked out, and he was seeing stars. As much as he would've loved to watch what Hunter was doing to him, he couldn't even open his eyes. His head was dropped back as he moaned shamelessly. It ended too soon for his liking, but Maddox knew that Hunter wanted to be careful not to take too much blood. Especially if they were planning on having more sex. Maddox confessed that he'd probably want to fuck constantly just to feel better and stop thinking for a little while. He wanted Hunter to taste him again, and that meant being careful.
 Hunter was always annoyingly persistent about it. He remembered that Maddox got hungry even when Maddox hadn't thought about it. He always kept food now since their sex usually left Maddox pretty ravenous. It was very sweet and domestic and thoughtful. Maddox liked being thought of, and that was one thing he always knew was true when it came to Hunter. He thought of Maddox constantly and always put him first. He wasn't the second choice that he'd settled with for the meantime until he found something better. Hunter was open about how special he believed Maddox was, and his attraction to him always caught Maddox by surprise.
 He was confident in his looks and even more so his skill in bed, but Hunter was so attracted to everything about him. It gave Maddox a kind of power he wasn't sure he'd ever had before, and it actually made him the slightest bit shy. Maddox was so used to the role he played with Josh that he'd never once considered the possibility that to someone else, he was Josh. He was the sexiest man they'd ever seen, the one they wanted most, the person they couldn't stop thinking about... that's how Hunter saw him. He had, from the very beginning. Maddox was the one that downplayed the seriousness of what they had, chasing an impossible fantasy with Josh that was ultimately going to leave him empty and alone.
 Hunter withdrew his fangs from Maddox's skin and sucked a little on the two small wounds, licking over them to capture the last traces of blood. He tormented Maddox with how slowly he kissed up towards his groin. It took everything in Maddox not to just force his cock into Hunter's mouth. When he finally felt the warm wetness of Hunter's mouth, he was sucking on one of his balls. He massaged the other one gently with his hand before capturing it with his mouth too. Maddox whined, clenching his hand into a fist in Hunter's hair.
 His cock was aching and at long last, Hunter licked along his length to the tip. He was taking his time to swirl his tongue around the head of Maddox's cock and suck on it teasingly. However, the moment he finally wrapped his lips around it, Maddox didn't give him a chance to change his mind. He thrust himself into Hunter's mouth and forced him to take his full length down his throat. Hunter didn't technically need to breathe, which made him excellent when it came to deepthroating. His lips were made to suck cock. Maddox thought about it the moment he'd met Hunter. He knew he'd want those lips around his dick, and Maddox eagerly fucked his mouth while cradling his head.
 "That's it, baby, choke on me," Maddox praised him. He kept himself buried down Hunter's throat sometimes, just to make him gag and feel his throat muscles clench around him. He was getting off on being in control of the pleasure, and he finally pulled Hunter's head off his cock. "Fuck, your mouth is so good," Maddox groaned. "You deserve to be fucked for taking all of me like that." He reached down to wipe the spit off Hunter's swollen lips and pumped his own cock that was now slick from Hunter's mouth.
 "Fuck me, please," Hunter begged. He helped Maddox shift back down his body and between his legs. Maddox was impatient to kiss Hunter and he was pleased to taste the faintest hint of blood in his mouth, metallic against his tongue. He sucked on Hunter's lip while he positioned himself at his entrance. Maddox didn't wait and continued to kiss Hunter while he pressed inside him.
 "Ah- ah-" he scolded Hunter when he felt him grabbing onto his body. Maddox reached for Hunter's hands again and pinned them. Now that he was inside Hunter, he kept rocking his hips down to bury himself again and again. Their bodies were pressed together and Maddox didn't stop kissing him. Hunter was moaning through their kisses and eventually, he decided that he wanted to hear more of it. He kissed down to Hunter's neck and started to suck on the skin to leave mark, all while continuing to thrust into him a little harder every time. He held tight to Hunter's wrists and kept fucking him so he could drink in the sounds of Hunter's groans and cries growing louder. "You're mine," he growled in his ear. "Say it."
 "I'm yours," Hunter repeated so quickly. No hesitation.
 "Beg me to make you come," Maddox ordered. He slowed the roll of his hips, continuing to pump himself inside Hunter but with deliberate slowness. The blond vampire whined underneath him.
 "Please, Maddox," he said in a rush. He was so shameless, so ready to fall apart for Maddox. He'd do anything this man said. "Make me come. Fuck me harder, please. I want your cock. Harder, please. Please fuck me-"
 Maddox released one of Hunter's wrists so that he could grasp his throat. He returned his mouth to Hunter's and kissed him while squeezing a little tighter on his throat. Hunter's gasps and moans were strangled and Maddox started fucking him properly again. He took him even harder this time and he enjoyed Hunter's struggles to speak with his hand crushing his windpipe. Maddox eventually had to let go so he could use his arm to help balance while he fucked Hunter faster. He was getting close to his own orgasm, but he wanted to feel Hunter fall apart first. He wanted to hit that spot inside him with every thrust, and Maddox groaned with the effort and the restraint of denying his own pleasure.
 "Maddox!" Hunter moaned loudly. They were both panting in the air between them, neither able to kiss the other anymore because they were so lost in the moment and their own pleasure. Maddox didn't relent until he felt Hunter fall apart and his release spilling between them. That's when he could finally let go, pumping a few more times into him before he came hard. He fucked him through his orgasm and drew it out as long as possible. His motions significantly slowed but he needed those last few deep strokes inside Hunter.
 Finally, he pulled out and he also collapsed on top of Hunter with exhaustion from how hard he'd gone since the moment Hunter opened the door. It seemed to take forever yet was finished in a second. Time was distorted to Maddox, and all he knew is that he wanted to stay in the moment with Hunter as long as he possibly could. He didn't want to remember that the man he loved was someone that he was actually forbidden to love. If only it worked like that, and Maddox could've spared himself this pain by simply not falling for Josh in the first place. He wasn't Josh's choice. No matter how good they were together, it was somehow not enough.
 Apparently it wasn't good enough because it wasn't what she could give him. The girl that could make Josh decide to fall in love again, even when he'd sworn to never fall for anyone again after he'd lost Audrey. Heather could do that for him, and Maddox was just someone he passed the time with. Josh swore it was special to him, and deep down Maddox knew that it mattered. The intimacy was impossible to ignore during the moments they'd spent in bed. It was personal and real, but it was also easy for Maddox to dismiss when he was bitter and hurt that he still wasn't the one Josh wanted a future with at the end of the day.
 Maddox didn't like that he was thinking about Josh seconds after his orgasm with Hunter still underneath him. How was it so hard to shake him? Maddox wanted just one moment of fucking freedom. He desperately continued kissing Hunter's neck, panting for air because of all the energy he'd just exerted. His breathlessness wasn't enough to make him slow down. He reached Hunter's lips and kissed him deeply and eagerly. He tried to get lost in those full lips and the comfort they brought him, but suddenly something wet touched his cheek. Maddox didn't fully realize he was crying until some of the tears had trickled down onto Hunter's cheeks too while they kissed.
 Once he realized what was happening, Maddox pulled away abruptly. He recoiled from Hunter and dropped over to his side in bed. He turned away from Hunter and curled tightly into a ball while sobs began to rack his body. He hadn't grieved yet since his first time with Josh. It was bound to happen eventually as the weight of everything caught up to him. He cried for the unfairness of the situation and how selfish he felt demanding comfort from Hunter when he was in love with someone else. He was embarrassed by his own emotions and his tears. Emotions were something Maddox did his hardest to bury unless they were useful to him, like his anger and ambition and determination. His fiercely protective nature and killer instincts were one thing, but heartbreak was not something that Maddox was taught to handle. Certainly not being heartbroken over his parabatai.
 Whether he deserved it or not, Hunter made the decision for him and wrapped his arm around him. Hunter curled up behind him and pulled Maddox against his broad chest. Although he felt like absolute shit for what he was doing and didn't believe he deserved this kindness, he allowed himself to sink into Hunter. He leaned back into his chest and let Hunter squeeze his arm around him. He cried until he had no tears left, for the moment anyway, and his voice had gone slightly hoarse. Silence fell between them but Hunter didn't prompt Maddox to speak.
 He drifted to sleep and awoke to the moon shining brightly through the floor-to-ceiling window. Maddox was still curled into a ball in the same position as earlier. He knew that he hadn't moved an inch because every joint in his body ached from being clenched into this tiny, constrained position. The surprising thing was that Hunter hadn't moved either. Maddox couldn't tell if he was asleep or not (he was still unclear on whether vampires actually slept the same way mundanes did) but his body was still pressed against Maddox's back. His arm was comfortably looped around Maddox's waist, and he actually smiled to himself for the first time in a long while. It felt good. He felt good.
 For the briefest of moments, waking up to find Hunter hadn't left him for even a second made him smile. He believed he was important in that moment. For a few seconds, he felt like he was special to someone who really cared whether he was okay. It wasn't even that Josh didn't care about him, because Maddox knew Josh loved him and would easily die for him. He didn't care about him in the same way. But to Hunter? Maddox was everything, and he actually believed it for a few seconds.
 That only triggered the return of tears, which Maddox had actually thought he'd completely run dry of. If Hunter had been asleep, the shaking in Maddox's shoulders told him that he was crying again. Hunter tightened the arm holding Maddox and pressed soft kisses against his bare shoulder while Maddox cried himself out again. He wasn't sure when he fell asleep, but he knew that time had passed because the blackout shades were drawn in the bedroom now indicating that it was daytime.
 Once again, he was greeted by the comforting presence of Hunter's body behind him. He started to stretch out his very sore limbs and rolled over onto his back, opening his eyes. Maddox found Hunter looking back down at him softly. He'd kind of broken down hard... and he might've been shy or nervous about that fact if he hadn't seen such kindness in Hunter's eyes just then. Maddox teared up again, which angered him briefly, but he smiled. Hunter reached up to cup his face, brushing a few stray auburn curls back and stroking Maddox's cheek.
 They lingered there in content silence for a long moment, simply looking at one another, before Maddox reached up to pull Hunter down for a kiss. His eyes fluttered closed and he kissed the vampire softly and slowly, with none of the urgency from the night before. It was romantic and gentle and Maddox honestly lost track of how long it lasted. He laid there on his back kissing Hunter and losing himself in the warmth of being wanted by someone completely.
 Hunter was the one to break the kiss but only so he could kiss down Maddox's jaw to his neck. He kissed him along his neck before sucking softly and nipping at his skin. Maddox whimpered. "Please."
 Although Hunter probably wanted to argue that Maddox should have something to eat before they did this again, he gave into him like he usually did. It was so fucking hard for him to say no to Maddox. He sank his teeth into Maddox's neck and the Shadowhunter gasped. His dick definitely twitched and he held on to the back of Hunter's neck as he drank from him. Hunter's hand sneaked down his body between them, taking hold of his half-hard cock and stroking him slowly.
 It was so easy to get the moans to fall from Maddox's lips then. He was a loud mess, and Hunter wished he could've let himself get carried away longer. He regretfully had to pull his fangs out, cleaning Maddox up with his tongue. He kissed Maddox after, knowing it's what the other man loved, and he didn't stop pumping his hand along Maddox's cock either. Maddox groaned into the kiss and let his tongue explore Hunter's mouth, licking carefully over the exposed points of his fangs. It was so hot.
 Hunter pulled away before he was really done, but Maddox couldn't complain when the blond began kissing his chest. He worked his way slowly down Maddox's body, ready to finish what he'd started the night before. He didn't taunt Maddox this time, instead wrapping his lips around Maddox's cock without hesitation. He could tell how much Maddox both needed and deserved this. Still buzzing off the high of Hunter's bite, he easily bucked his hips up into Hunter's mouth to get more stimulation. Understanding what he needed, Hunter bobbed his head along Maddox's length with increasing speed. He used his hand in combination with his mouth to keep Maddox stimulated.
 This was a blowjob for the specific purpose of getting him off as quickly as possible, and so Hunter didn't hold back. It's not like he needed to breathe anyway. He sank down on Maddox's cock deep and pulled back without much visible struggle, simply intense determination. He moaned when he felt Maddox's hand in his hair and pushing his head down. He was helping Hunter establish a rhythm the way he needed it, and Hunter let Maddox take the control he desired. Moans poured from him, and he was happy to call out Hunter's name.
 Once more Maddox had forgotten what he'd been through, if only for the briefest of times while Hunter sucked him off. He pressed Hunter's head down when he came, emptying himself down Hunter's throat and feeling him swallow. He sucked on Maddox's cock until he was finished and teased his tip even after that to help him ride out the wave of pleasure. He kissed back up the Shadowhunter's tattooed body and then kissed those beautiful lips again. Once more, Maddox was eager to taste and he met Hunter's tongue. He smirked into the kiss and deepened it before trying to speak, raggedly between kisses. "So which is better- my blood or my cum?"
 "Why can't I have both?" Hunter smarted off back.
 Maddox only smirked more, feeling the familiar rush of cocky pride that he was used to. He felt like himself for the first time in a little while. "You can," Maddox surrendered. He could've told Hunter off for being a little shit, but they both knew his answer made Maddox happy.
 "I need yours," Maddox decided and pushed Hunter over onto his back. He planted his knee between Hunter's legs and his hand beside Hunter's head. He continued kissing him for a moment longer before moving his lips down to Hunter's chest. His cool skin met Maddox's warm lips and tongue, and he took his time appreciating Hunter's body. It was something he hadn't gotten the chance to do in his eagerness last night, but now he wanted to give Hunter the attention he deserved. He wanted the vampire to understand how truly important he was to Maddox, despite the fact that Maddox was heartbroken over another man right now.
 Hunter was so expressive, giving Maddox the moans and whimpers he wanted. He sucked on the skin of his lower tummy while he deliberately ignored Hunter's arousal. He was being a little shit too.
 "Maddox, please," Hunter whined, trying to push his head down.
 Chuckling, Maddox finally pulled away and got settled between Hunter's legs. He turned his attention to Hunter's cock and grasped it firmly. He licked around the tip and took his time sucking on it, silencing any further protesting from Hunter. He was a mess now. It was almost too easy. He sank down on Hunter's cock, his own eyes fluttering shut as he got lost in the rhythm of bobbing his head along the shaft.
 It was something he knew how to do so well and didn't have to think about very hard, which allowed him to get lost in the intimacy of the moment with Hunter and listening to the other man slowly come undone. He swallowed eagerly when Hunter's release hit the back of his throat. Maddox moaned loudly around Hunter's cock and helped draw out his orgasm as long as he could. Hearing Hunter scream his name never got old. He pulled off Hunter's cock and left a wet kiss on his thigh. He planted a few more before Hunter started to whine louder.
 "Maddox!" he begged. "C'mere, I wanna kiss you."
 He was so adorable actually, lost in the haze of his orgasm. Maddox couldn't deny him any longer. He crawled back up Hunter's body so that he could finally press a kiss to his lips. Hunter tried to taste himself on Maddox's tongue, moaning into their kiss. It would've been so easy to get lost in his kisses again and forget about the time or what was happening outside of this apartment. And Maddox intended to, but he needed something else more. He abruptly broke the kiss and pulled back to look down at Hunter. The blond was visibly surprised and immediately concerned. Maddox just smiled softly, happy to look into Hunter's eyes.
 "Thank you," he whispered because he was scared his voice might crack if he tried to speak any louder.
 "Oh, baby," Hunter breathed. He melted. He reached up to stroke Maddox's cheek with his thumb. "You're welcome. I'm here for you, always."
 Maddox let himself take in Hunter's touch for a moment, breathing out shakily. When his lip began to quiver and tears threatened to fall if he looked at Hunter any longer, he leaned back down for another passionate kiss and let it speak for him.
 His dick was already getting hard again as he grinded against Hunter while they kissed. His cock was still spent from his blowjob earlier, so it was easy to press himself inside Hunter once he guided himself to his entrance. Hunter gasped into the kiss which just made Maddox kiss him harder. He started rocking himself inside Hunter but more slowly and deliberately each time he rolled his hips down. He kissed Hunter so emotionally the whole time, setting a steady pace with his thrusts.
 This time, the vampire was able to hold onto Maddox's hips with one hand and help pull him down each time he rocked his hips forward. His other hand was down Maddox's strong back, the muscles rolling underneath the touch of Hunter's fingertips, flexed to help him balance on top of Hunter while he fucked him. They were both a mix of moans and heavy breathing between every kiss.
 He'd been reluctant to say these words until now, despite knowing that he felt them. He thought it would be confusing considering the fact that he was currently heartbroken over Josh. Just because Josh was his first love, it didn't mean he was his only love.
 Maddox broke their kiss and pressed his forehead against Hunter's. "I love you," he confessed with trembling breaths. "I know it's fucking complicated cause I still love Josh but fuck, baby... I love you too. I love you so fucking much." He'd never confessed that to anyone before. He'd only said it to Josh before, and that didn't seem like such a scary thing to do when Josh already knew.
 "Maddox..." Hunter's voice cracked. He tilted his chin up and captured Maddox's lips in another kiss. "I love you too."
 The tension coiled in Maddox's chest abruptly released, and he gasped against Hunter's mouth. He kissed him with renewed fervor. "I love you," he repeated. Maddox thrust into him a little harder and deeper. He repeated the words again and again as he picked up his pace, intent on bringing Hunter to his climax now. "Moan for me, only me," he told him. "Say my name." He groaned and panted against Hunter's mouth as he pumped into him with determination. Hunter was falling apart against his lips, whimpering and moaning.
 "Maddox!" he cried out. Practically begging for more, and that's what Maddox gave him. He made sure to bottom out every time he thrust into Hunter, wanting him to feel it where he needed it most. Maddox was drinking in Hunter's screams, waiting for the one that would accompany his orgasm. He felt Hunter reach his climax in every way possible. The blond dug his short nails into Maddox's back, and he screamed his name. The air between them was so heavy that Maddox swore he felt Hunter's pleasure as his own, and he didn't stop fucking him until he spilled himself inside Hunter. Maddox moaned loud and dropped his head into Hunter's shoulder. His hips stilled with him still inside Hunter. He messily kissed Hunter's neck.
 "You have to feed me before I fuck you again," Maddox teased in his ear. He chuckled happily, and he'd actually succeeded in forgetting his pain for the moment. He was looking forward to the time he'd spend with Hunter instead of lamenting the time he'd lost with Josh.
 "Okay, then let's fix that asap," Hunter quickly decided. "Cause I need your cock, and I have at least five other major arteries to tap."
 Maddox laughed again, as he easily did when he was with Hunter. Things were always easy with Hunter. "Breakfast burritos?" he mumbled as he kissed Hunter's neck. "You know, the place around the corner that's open late. I'm always craving one after sex with you."
 Hunter reached for his phone with Maddox still nuzzling his neck and his cock still inside him. Maddox regretfully pulled out when he needed to let Hunter stretch just a little further to the nightstand where his phone was charging. He swiped to unlock it and proceeded with the order on Door Dash while Maddox left hickies all along his neck. And not once did Maddox wish he was with anyone else.
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sierradeaton · 2 years
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good in goodbye
i would take a bullet for you just to prove my love only to find out you are the one holding the gun
summary: maddox turns to hunter for comfort when he realizes josh will never love him back in the same way. characters: maddox fray (ashton irwin), hunter bane (michael clifford), josh wayland (luke hemmings), heather lightwood (sarah jeffery), carter penhallow (nick hargrove) ships: maddox/hunter. mentions of josh/maddox, josh/heather, heather/carter content:  angst, smut, hurt/comfort (warnings: blood play, choking, unprotected sex) playlist: motion - luke word count: 5k notes: this fic/universe is based on the mortal instruments/shadowhunters tv show. maddox and josh are both shadowhunters. hunter is a vampire. parabatai is means "a pair of nephilim warriors who fight together as lifelong partners, their souls bound together by oath and their angelic bond." josh and maddox are parabatai. they are also forbidden to fall in love with each other.
Once again, he was greeted by the comforting presence of Hunter's body behind him. He started to stretch out his very sore limbs and rolled over onto his back, opening his eyes. Maddox found Hunter looking back down at him softly. He'd kind of broken down hard... and he might've been shy or nervous about that fact if he hadn't seen such kindness in Hunter's eyes just then. Maddox teared up again, which angered him briefly, but he smiled. Hunter reached up to cup his face, brushing a few stray auburn curls back and stroking Maddox's cheek. 
They lingered there in content silence for a long moment, simply looking at one another, before Maddox reached up to pull Hunter down for a kiss. His eyes fluttered closed and he kissed the vampire softly and slowly, with none of the urgency from the night before. It was romantic and gentle and Maddox honestly lost track of how long it lasted. He laid there on his back kissing Hunter and losing himself in the warmth of being wanted by someone completely. 
Hunter was the one to break the kiss but only so he could kiss down Maddox's jaw to his neck. He kissed him along his neck before sucking softly and nipping at his skin. Maddox whimpered. "Please."
read on ao3 OR below the cut
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It happened shortly after Heather's ex, Carter, left. Maybe they hadn't even waited until then... Maddox suspected that Josh had been sleeping with Heather while they were still hooking up. He didn't really care, because he'd ultimately gotten what he wanted and needed. He saw them together again today after Carter's departure and he knew that he wouldn't be with Josh again. He wondered if he'd even realized it was the last time while it was happening. Maybe he could talk Josh into one more time, but Maddox's heart wasn't in it once he knew that Josh had Heather available to him again. He cared about her. He was falling in love with her, and Maddox would know it the entire time they were together. No. He couldn't be with Josh again.
 Although Josh pleaded with him not to push him away, he was going to have to for at least a little while. He wasn't setting foot in the Institute unless it was to report for a mission. Fuck, he deserved vacation. When the hell had any of them ever gotten a break from risking their lives? Maddox wagered that he'd saved enough mundane lives at this point to merit a fucking week to fall apart and somehow put himself back together. He arrived at Hunter's loft and didn't really give him any warning before kissing him. Just like that, Maddox was inside the door and his lips were on Hunter's. He didn't have to say anything for him to understand what was happening. Maddox told him about Josh, and they both knew this day would come. Hunter promised that he'd be there.
 Immediately, Hunter's hands were softly cupping Maddox's face as he kissed him back deeply. It was the kind of intensity that Maddox needed. He pushed the door closed behind him and started pawing at Hunter's clothes already. He tugged up his loose t-shirt and while Hunter finished shedding it, Maddox slipped out of his leather jacket. He pulled his black t-shirt over his head and finally, he was able to pull Hunter's body flush with his and feel their skin touch. Hunter was cool against his warmth, which kind of got him a little hard every time. He navigated Hunter's apartment with ease, guiding him back with every step while unzipping his pants. By the time they reached the bedroom, Maddox had pushed both pants and boxers down. He shoved Hunter hard back onto the bed naked.
 The moment they broke apart was a second that Maddox might've had to think and let his unhappy circumstances and heartbreak sink in but the sight of Hunter naked on his black sheets completely consumed him. His cock was straining his skinny jeans by now, and Maddox hissed at the pain and difficulty of unzipping his pants. He was impatient and finally pushed them down his legs along with his boxers. He stood there a moment to let Hunter look at him just like he had earlier. Maddox couldn't help noting with a smirk how much Hunter's dick twitched while looking at him. That's when Maddox couldn't stand it any longer and he crawled onto the bed. He was on top of Hunter in seconds and grabbed his hands when Hunter eagerly reached for his hips. Maddox pinned them above his head and leaned down to kiss Hunter deeply.
 "Are you gonna behave tonight or are you gonna be a little brat?" he asked against Hunter's lips, grinding down on him so he could feel his dick. Maddox made it clear what kind of mood he was in. He could've fucked him right then and there, but he was riding the high of control. It was one thing he'd never had in his relationship with Josh. Maddox hadn't chosen to fallen in love with him in the first place, and right now he hated his parabatai for making him. There was really no choice. The second Maddox saw Josh, he'd fallen hard.
 "I don't know, I guess we'll just have to see..." Hunter smirked with a devious twinkle in his eye.
 Maddox released Hunter's hands so that he could start to climb up his body to his head. He placed one knee on either side of his head looked down at Hunter with his cock literally in his face. "Lube me up if you wanna be fucked," he told him as he reached down to cradle Hunter's head and lift him up. He shivered when Hunter placed a kiss on his thigh and let out a low whine. He pressed Hunter's head there to indicate he wanted more. "Bite me," Maddox begged. He knew the blood filling his cock and pulsing hard through the artery in his thigh must drive Hunter crazy. "Please," he whimpered. He needed to lose himself in this.
 It wasn't that Hunter was trying to disobey purposefully. He would've done what Maddox asked immediately because he wanted it too, but he knew what Maddox had just gone through. He wasn't in the greatest frame of mind, and this was serious. Maddox looked down pleadingly. "Please," he whispered.
 Hunter always took direction well and he finally wrapped his arms around Maddox's thick, muscled thighs. He pulled him closer and kissed along his thigh to the point he wanted, directly over the femoral artery. Hunter was a tease, sucking on Maddox's skin and nipping it but not with his fangs. Maddox growled impatiently and tugged on Hunter's hair roughly. "Hunter," he whined and pressed his head down again. This time, the vampire gave in and pulled away just enough to let his fangs descend. He licked over the spot before he sank his teeth into Maddox's skin. Not even giving him a moment to process the wave of pleasure that hit him, Hunter reached for Maddox's cock and pumped his hand along the shaft while he drank from him.
 Maddox had to let go of Hunter's head with one hand, slamming it against the wall to steady himself. The pleasure was so overwhelming at once that he thought he might've blacked out, and he was seeing stars. As much as he would've loved to watch what Hunter was doing to him, he couldn't even open his eyes. His head was dropped back as he moaned shamelessly. It ended too soon for his liking, but Maddox knew that Hunter wanted to be careful not to take too much blood. Especially if they were planning on having more sex. Maddox confessed that he'd probably want to fuck constantly just to feel better and stop thinking for a little while. He wanted Hunter to taste him again, and that meant being careful.
 Hunter was always annoyingly persistent about it. He remembered that Maddox got hungry even when Maddox hadn't thought about it. He always kept food now since their sex usually left Maddox pretty ravenous. It was very sweet and domestic and thoughtful. Maddox liked being thought of, and that was one thing he always knew was true when it came to Hunter. He thought of Maddox constantly and always put him first. He wasn't the second choice that he'd settled with for the meantime until he found something better. Hunter was open about how special he believed Maddox was, and his attraction to him always caught Maddox by surprise.
 He was confident in his looks and even more so his skill in bed, but Hunter was so attracted to everything about him. It gave Maddox a kind of power he wasn't sure he'd ever had before, and it actually made him the slightest bit shy. Maddox was so used to the role he played with Josh that he'd never once considered the possibility that to someone else, he was Josh. He was the sexiest man they'd ever seen, the one they wanted most, the person they couldn't stop thinking about... that's how Hunter saw him. He had, from the very beginning. Maddox was the one that downplayed the seriousness of what they had, chasing an impossible fantasy with Josh that was ultimately going to leave him empty and alone.
 Hunter withdrew his fangs from Maddox's skin and sucked a little on the two small wounds, licking over them to capture the last traces of blood. He tormented Maddox with how slowly he kissed up towards his groin. It took everything in Maddox not to just force his cock into Hunter's mouth. When he finally felt the warm wetness of Hunter's mouth, he was sucking on one of his balls. He massaged the other one gently with his hand before capturing it with his mouth too. Maddox whined, clenching his hand into a fist in Hunter's hair.
 His cock was aching and at long last, Hunter licked along his length to the tip. He was taking his time to swirl his tongue around the head of Maddox's cock and suck on it teasingly. However, the moment he finally wrapped his lips around it, Maddox didn't give him a chance to change his mind. He thrust himself into Hunter's mouth and forced him to take his full length down his throat. Hunter didn't technically need to breathe, which made him excellent when it came to deepthroating. His lips were made to suck cock. Maddox thought about it the moment he'd met Hunter. He knew he'd want those lips around his dick, and Maddox eagerly fucked his mouth while cradling his head.
 "That's it, baby, choke on me," Maddox praised him. He kept himself buried down Hunter's throat sometimes, just to make him gag and feel his throat muscles clench around him. He was getting off on being in control of the pleasure, and he finally pulled Hunter's head off his cock. "Fuck, your mouth is so good," Maddox groaned. "You deserve to be fucked for taking all of me like that." He reached down to wipe the spit off Hunter's swollen lips and pumped his own cock that was now slick from Hunter's mouth.
 "Fuck me, please," Hunter begged. He helped Maddox shift back down his body and between his legs. Maddox was impatient to kiss Hunter and he was pleased to taste the faintest hint of blood in his mouth, metallic against his tongue. He sucked on Hunter's lip while he positioned himself at his entrance. Maddox didn't wait and continued to kiss Hunter while he pressed inside him.
 "Ah- ah-" he scolded Hunter when he felt him grabbing onto his body. Maddox reached for Hunter's hands again and pinned them. Now that he was inside Hunter, he kept rocking his hips down to bury himself again and again. Their bodies were pressed together and Maddox didn't stop kissing him. Hunter was moaning through their kisses and eventually, he decided that he wanted to hear more of it. He kissed down to Hunter's neck and started to suck on the skin to leave mark, all while continuing to thrust into him a little harder every time. He held tight to Hunter's wrists and kept fucking him so he could drink in the sounds of Hunter's groans and cries growing louder. "You're mine," he growled in his ear. "Say it."
 "I'm yours," Hunter repeated so quickly. No hesitation.
 "Beg me to make you come," Maddox ordered. He slowed the roll of his hips, continuing to pump himself inside Hunter but with deliberate slowness. The blond vampire whined underneath him.
 "Please, Maddox," he said in a rush. He was so shameless, so ready to fall apart for Maddox. He'd do anything this man said. "Make me come. Fuck me harder, please. I want your cock. Harder, please. Please fuck me-"
 Maddox released one of Hunter's wrists so that he could grasp his throat. He returned his mouth to Hunter's and kissed him while squeezing a little tighter on his throat. Hunter's gasps and moans were strangled and Maddox started fucking him properly again. He took him even harder this time and he enjoyed Hunter's struggles to speak with his hand crushing his windpipe. Maddox eventually had to let go so he could use his arm to help balance while he fucked Hunter faster. He was getting close to his own orgasm, but he wanted to feel Hunter fall apart first. He wanted to hit that spot inside him with every thrust, and Maddox groaned with the effort and the restraint of denying his own pleasure.
 "Maddox!" Hunter moaned loudly. They were both panting in the air between them, neither able to kiss the other anymore because they were so lost in the moment and their own pleasure. Maddox didn't relent until he felt Hunter fall apart and his release spilling between them. That's when he could finally let go, pumping a few more times into him before he came hard. He fucked him through his orgasm and drew it out as long as possible. His motions significantly slowed but he needed those last few deep strokes inside Hunter.
 Finally, he pulled out and he also collapsed on top of Hunter with exhaustion from how hard he'd gone since the moment Hunter opened the door. It seemed to take forever yet was finished in a second. Time was distorted to Maddox, and all he knew is that he wanted to stay in the moment with Hunter as long as he possibly could. He didn't want to remember that the man he loved was someone that he was actually forbidden to love. If only it worked like that, and Maddox could've spared himself this pain by simply not falling for Josh in the first place. He wasn't Josh's choice. No matter how good they were together, it was somehow not enough.
 Apparently it wasn't good enough because it wasn't what she could give him. The girl that could make Josh decide to fall in love again, even when he'd sworn to never fall for anyone again after he'd lost Audrey. Heather could do that for him, and Maddox was just someone he passed the time with. Josh swore it was special to him, and deep down Maddox knew that it mattered. The intimacy was impossible to ignore during the moments they'd spent in bed. It was personal and real, but it was also easy for Maddox to dismiss when he was bitter and hurt that he still wasn't the one Josh wanted a future with at the end of the day.
 Maddox didn't like that he was thinking about Josh seconds after his orgasm with Hunter still underneath him. How was it so hard to shake him? Maddox wanted just one moment of fucking freedom. He desperately continued kissing Hunter's neck, panting for air because of all the energy he'd just exerted. His breathlessness wasn't enough to make him slow down. He reached Hunter's lips and kissed him deeply and eagerly. He tried to get lost in those full lips and the comfort they brought him, but suddenly something wet touched his cheek. Maddox didn't fully realize he was crying until some of the tears had trickled down onto Hunter's cheeks too while they kissed.
 Once he realized what was happening, Maddox pulled away abruptly. He recoiled from Hunter and dropped over to his side in bed. He turned away from Hunter and curled tightly into a ball while sobs began to rack his body. He hadn't grieved yet since his first time with Josh. It was bound to happen eventually as the weight of everything caught up to him. He cried for the unfairness of the situation and how selfish he felt demanding comfort from Hunter when he was in love with someone else. He was embarrassed by his own emotions and his tears. Emotions were something Maddox did his hardest to bury unless they were useful to him, like his anger and ambition and determination. His fiercely protective nature and killer instincts were one thing, but heartbreak was not something that Maddox was taught to handle. Certainly not being heartbroken over his parabatai.
 Whether he deserved it or not, Hunter made the decision for him and wrapped his arm around him. Hunter curled up behind him and pulled Maddox against his broad chest. Although he felt like absolute shit for what he was doing and didn't believe he deserved this kindness, he allowed himself to sink into Hunter. He leaned back into his chest and let Hunter squeeze his arm around him. He cried until he had no tears left, for the moment anyway, and his voice had gone slightly hoarse. Silence fell between them but Hunter didn't prompt Maddox to speak.
 He drifted to sleep and awoke to the moon shining brightly through the floor-to-ceiling window. Maddox was still curled into a ball in the same position as earlier. He knew that he hadn't moved an inch because every joint in his body ached from being clenched into this tiny, constrained position. The surprising thing was that Hunter hadn't moved either. Maddox couldn't tell if he was asleep or not (he was still unclear on whether vampires actually slept the same way mundanes did) but his body was still pressed against Maddox's back. His arm was comfortably looped around Maddox's waist, and he actually smiled to himself for the first time in a long while. It felt good. He felt good.
 For the briefest of moments, waking up to find Hunter hadn't left him for even a second made him smile. He believed he was important in that moment. For a few seconds, he felt like he was special to someone who really cared whether he was okay. It wasn't even that Josh didn't care about him, because Maddox knew Josh loved him and would easily die for him. He didn't care about him in the same way. But to Hunter? Maddox was everything, and he actually believed it for a few seconds.
 That only triggered the return of tears, which Maddox had actually thought he'd completely run dry of. If Hunter had been asleep, the shaking in Maddox's shoulders told him that he was crying again. Hunter tightened the arm holding Maddox and pressed soft kisses against his bare shoulder while Maddox cried himself out again. He wasn't sure when he fell asleep, but he knew that time had passed because the blackout shades were drawn in the bedroom now indicating that it was daytime.
 Once again, he was greeted by the comforting presence of Hunter's body behind him. He started to stretch out his very sore limbs and rolled over onto his back, opening his eyes. Maddox found Hunter looking back down at him softly. He'd kind of broken down hard... and he might've been shy or nervous about that fact if he hadn't seen such kindness in Hunter's eyes just then. Maddox teared up again, which angered him briefly, but he smiled. Hunter reached up to cup his face, brushing a few stray auburn curls back and stroking Maddox's cheek.
 They lingered there in content silence for a long moment, simply looking at one another, before Maddox reached up to pull Hunter down for a kiss. His eyes fluttered closed and he kissed the vampire softly and slowly, with none of the urgency from the night before. It was romantic and gentle and Maddox honestly lost track of how long it lasted. He laid there on his back kissing Hunter and losing himself in the warmth of being wanted by someone completely.
 Hunter was the one to break the kiss but only so he could kiss down Maddox's jaw to his neck. He kissed him along his neck before sucking softly and nipping at his skin. Maddox whimpered. "Please."
 Although Hunter probably wanted to argue that Maddox should have something to eat before they did this again, he gave into him like he usually did. It was so fucking hard for him to say no to Maddox. He sank his teeth into Maddox's neck and the Shadowhunter gasped. His dick definitely twitched and he held on to the back of Hunter's neck as he drank from him. Hunter's hand sneaked down his body between them, taking hold of his half-hard cock and stroking him slowly.
 It was so easy to get the moans to fall from Maddox's lips then. He was a loud mess, and Hunter wished he could've let himself get carried away longer. He regretfully had to pull his fangs out, cleaning Maddox up with his tongue. He kissed Maddox after, knowing it's what the other man loved, and he didn't stop pumping his hand along Maddox's cock either. Maddox groaned into the kiss and let his tongue explore Hunter's mouth, licking carefully over the exposed points of his fangs. It was so hot.
 Hunter pulled away before he was really done, but Maddox couldn't complain when the blond began kissing his chest. He worked his way slowly down Maddox's body, ready to finish what he'd started the night before. He didn't taunt Maddox this time, instead wrapping his lips around Maddox's cock without hesitation. He could tell how much Maddox both needed and deserved this. Still buzzing off the high of Hunter's bite, he easily bucked his hips up into Hunter's mouth to get more stimulation. Understanding what he needed, Hunter bobbed his head along Maddox's length with increasing speed. He used his hand in combination with his mouth to keep Maddox stimulated.
 This was a blowjob for the specific purpose of getting him off as quickly as possible, and so Hunter didn't hold back. It's not like he needed to breathe anyway. He sank down on Maddox's cock deep and pulled back without much visible struggle, simply intense determination. He moaned when he felt Maddox's hand in his hair and pushing his head down. He was helping Hunter establish a rhythm the way he needed it, and Hunter let Maddox take the control he desired. Moans poured from him, and he was happy to call out Hunter's name.
 Once more Maddox had forgotten what he'd been through, if only for the briefest of times while Hunter sucked him off. He pressed Hunter's head down when he came, emptying himself down Hunter's throat and feeling him swallow. He sucked on Maddox's cock until he was finished and teased his tip even after that to help him ride out the wave of pleasure. He kissed back up the Shadowhunter's tattooed body and then kissed those beautiful lips again. Once more, Maddox was eager to taste and he met Hunter's tongue. He smirked into the kiss and deepened it before trying to speak, raggedly between kisses. "So which is better- my blood or my cum?"
 "Why can't I have both?" Hunter smarted off back.
 Maddox only smirked more, feeling the familiar rush of cocky pride that he was used to. He felt like himself for the first time in a little while. "You can," Maddox surrendered. He could've told Hunter off for being a little shit, but they both knew his answer made Maddox happy.
 "I need yours," Maddox decided and pushed Hunter over onto his back. He planted his knee between Hunter's legs and his hand beside Hunter's head. He continued kissing him for a moment longer before moving his lips down to Hunter's chest. His cool skin met Maddox's warm lips and tongue, and he took his time appreciating Hunter's body. It was something he hadn't gotten the chance to do in his eagerness last night, but now he wanted to give Hunter the attention he deserved. He wanted the vampire to understand how truly important he was to Maddox, despite the fact that Maddox was heartbroken over another man right now.
 Hunter was so expressive, giving Maddox the moans and whimpers he wanted. He sucked on the skin of his lower tummy while he deliberately ignored Hunter's arousal. He was being a little shit too.
 "Maddox, please," Hunter whined, trying to push his head down.
 Chuckling, Maddox finally pulled away and got settled between Hunter's legs. He turned his attention to Hunter's cock and grasped it firmly. He licked around the tip and took his time sucking on it, silencing any further protesting from Hunter. He was a mess now. It was almost too easy. He sank down on Hunter's cock, his own eyes fluttering shut as he got lost in the rhythm of bobbing his head along the shaft.
 It was something he knew how to do so well and didn't have to think about very hard, which allowed him to get lost in the intimacy of the moment with Hunter and listening to the other man slowly come undone. He swallowed eagerly when Hunter's release hit the back of his throat. Maddox moaned loudly around Hunter's cock and helped draw out his orgasm as long as he could. Hearing Hunter scream his name never got old. He pulled off Hunter's cock and left a wet kiss on his thigh. He planted a few more before Hunter started to whine louder.
 "Maddox!" he begged. "C'mere, I wanna kiss you."
 He was so adorable actually, lost in the haze of his orgasm. Maddox couldn't deny him any longer. He crawled back up Hunter's body so that he could finally press a kiss to his lips. Hunter tried to taste himself on Maddox's tongue, moaning into their kiss. It would've been so easy to get lost in his kisses again and forget about the time or what was happening outside of this apartment. And Maddox intended to, but he needed something else more. He abruptly broke the kiss and pulled back to look down at Hunter. The blond was visibly surprised and immediately concerned. Maddox just smiled softly, happy to look into Hunter's eyes.
 "Thank you," he whispered because he was scared his voice might crack if he tried to speak any louder.
 "Oh, baby," Hunter breathed. He melted. He reached up to stroke Maddox's cheek with his thumb. "You're welcome. I'm here for you, always."
 Maddox let himself take in Hunter's touch for a moment, breathing out shakily. When his lip began to quiver and tears threatened to fall if he looked at Hunter any longer, he leaned back down for another passionate kiss and let it speak for him.
 His dick was already getting hard again as he grinded against Hunter while they kissed. His cock was still spent from his blowjob earlier, so it was easy to press himself inside Hunter once he guided himself to his entrance. Hunter gasped into the kiss which just made Maddox kiss him harder. He started rocking himself inside Hunter but more slowly and deliberately each time he rolled his hips down. He kissed Hunter so emotionally the whole time, setting a steady pace with his thrusts.
 This time, the vampire was able to hold onto Maddox's hips with one hand and help pull him down each time he rocked his hips forward. His other hand was down Maddox's strong back, the muscles rolling underneath the touch of Hunter's fingertips, flexed to help him balance on top of Hunter while he fucked him. They were both a mix of moans and heavy breathing between every kiss.
 He'd been reluctant to say these words until now, despite knowing that he felt them. He thought it would be confusing considering the fact that he was currently heartbroken over Josh. Just because Josh was his first love, it didn't mean he was his only love.
 Maddox broke their kiss and pressed his forehead against Hunter's. "I love you," he confessed with trembling breaths. "I know it's fucking complicated cause I still love Josh but fuck, baby... I love you too. I love you so fucking much." He'd never confessed that to anyone before. He'd only said it to Josh before, and that didn't seem like such a scary thing to do when Josh already knew.
 "Maddox..." Hunter's voice cracked. He tilted his chin up and captured Maddox's lips in another kiss. "I love you too."
 The tension coiled in Maddox's chest abruptly released, and he gasped against Hunter's mouth. He kissed him with renewed fervor. "I love you," he repeated. Maddox thrust into him a little harder and deeper. He repeated the words again and again as he picked up his pace, intent on bringing Hunter to his climax now. "Moan for me, only me," he told him. "Say my name." He groaned and panted against Hunter's mouth as he pumped into him with determination. Hunter was falling apart against his lips, whimpering and moaning.
 "Maddox!" he cried out. Practically begging for more, and that's what Maddox gave him. He made sure to bottom out every time he thrust into Hunter, wanting him to feel it where he needed it most. Maddox was drinking in Hunter's screams, waiting for the one that would accompany his orgasm. He felt Hunter reach his climax in every way possible. The blond dug his short nails into Maddox's back, and he screamed his name. The air between them was so heavy that Maddox swore he felt Hunter's pleasure as his own, and he didn't stop fucking him until he spilled himself inside Hunter. Maddox moaned loud and dropped his head into Hunter's shoulder. His hips stilled with him still inside Hunter. He messily kissed Hunter's neck.
 "You have to feed me before I fuck you again," Maddox teased in his ear. He chuckled happily, and he'd actually succeeded in forgetting his pain for the moment. He was looking forward to the time he'd spend with Hunter instead of lamenting the time he'd lost with Josh.
 "Okay, then let's fix that asap," Hunter quickly decided. "Cause I need your cock, and I have at least five other major arteries to tap."
 Maddox laughed again, as he easily did when he was with Hunter. Things were always easy with Hunter. "Breakfast burritos?" he mumbled as he kissed Hunter's neck. "You know, the place around the corner that's open late. I'm always craving one after sex with you."
 Hunter reached for his phone with Maddox still nuzzling his neck and his cock still inside him. Maddox regretfully pulled out when he needed to let Hunter stretch just a little further to the nightstand where his phone was charging. He swiped to unlock it and proceeded with the order on Door Dash while Maddox left hickies all along his neck. And not once did Maddox wish he was with anyone else.
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luckywarner · 7 years
[Imagine this, the three permanent residents of this abode are not currently present, as it is a work day for the three of them. (Trust me, Maddox is thinking about how she pROBABLY should get a job, but she’s holding out for– YOU GUESSED IT! PLOT DEVICE.) So, as it seems to happen a lot, the two kiddos are alone today. They probably plan on going out at some point, but as of right now, they’re being lazy af and chilling. You know how it is.
But no, we can’t just lay in bed all day, can we? Especially Lucky who’s probably already read every book in this apartment, and doesn’t have a phone to keep him occupied. (He literally only has a Maddox to keep him occupied, and a boy’s gotta reST, OKAY?) Anyway, who needs silence, and watching Maddox, idk, play flappy bird, or something? No, he’s bored. He needs some distraction. And, hey, maybe he’s remembering they never talked about that whole ~band thing. Maybe he’s thinking they should do that. Maybe he’s shifting to look at her. Ya know.]
So, this band thing.
The band thing. The ~dream I heard about. You haven’t told me about it yet.
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Oh. That. Well, I’m not sure what there is to tell you about that.
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Kinda speaks for itself, don’t you think?
But I wanna know details. Sure, it’s easy enough to understand you want a band, or… something, but, I want to know why you decided that, and when.
Awhile ago, I guess.  Probably as soon as I picked up a guitar. I can’t really remember an exact moment. [S h r u g.]
Did you always want to be a musician?
I vaguely remember wanting to be something else at one point. [Shifty eyes.]
… What’s with the face?
It’s stupid and irrelevant.
I think you should tell me~.
I don’t.
Maddox. [He’s stealing her :C face again.]
Stop that.
Maddox, please. [:CCC]
[S I G H.] I wanted… to be a… [mumble.] ghost… hunter.
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A ghost… hunter?
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I was five, okay?!
You are so cute.
Shut up!
I didn’t take you for the type that believes in ghosts.
I’m not. I don’t.
Apparently little, five-year-old Maddox did.
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Stop mocking me. You’re the one that asked.
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[Still snickering just the tiniest bit, but he’s trying to hide it.] I’m sorry.
I think sometime shortly after that is when I decided to go in a different direction with my life. [Eye roll at him clearly still laughing.]
[So, he’s waiting until his snickering subsides, because he doesn’t want to choke on his own spit or something in the process of being a jackhole and laughing at her dumb childhood dreams, and once he stops chuckling to himself, he is finally calm again.
And maybe Maddox thinks the talking about herself is done now, but boy howdy, is she wrong as ever, because the talk of a childhood Maddox only made Lucky more curious about her family life. Like, it further reminded him that they’ve only spoken about her family that one time, and even then it wasn’t enough to give him an idea of what in tf her life is really like, ya know? Hm. So, here comes Mr. Curiosity, eh?]
What about… like, your parents, and all that?
[Side-eye.] What about my parents?
Exactly. You know about my parents. You’ve even seen my father at a distance, but I don’t know anything about yours.
[A snort that is supposed to be read as ‘count yourself lucky’.]
You don’t talk about them. Ever. Well, other than the time you said they don’t care about who you date, but otherwise, I don’t know anything.
What’s wrong with that?
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I’m your boyfriend. I should know something.
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You know something already. You just said what you know.
I just feel bad for never trying to know anything.
Well, don’t. It’s not like it hurts my feelings.
But I want to know!
It’s not important.
It is to me! I’m not asking for your entire genealogy, or anything.
[A put-out, clearly irritated kinda sounding sigh. She runs a hand down her face. LUCKY WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO ASK ME ABOUT MY FAMILY? Kinda thing.] I couldn’t give you that anyway, since I don’t know fucking half of it, okay?
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Wait, what?
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I’ve never met my fucking father. Never seen him. Don’t know his name. All that good shit, ya know. No big deal. Everything’s cool~.
Your… mother never said anything about him?
[Probably a choke in place of a scoff, tbh.] Only in passing~. [Bitterly sarcastic. Bet.]
Why wouldn’t she?
Never cared to ask, actually.
[This one here that’s always had the great home life with the picket fence, dog, and two children doesn’t get this at all. He’s super out of his league here. He doesn’t even know what to say, tbh. Because, guess what? Like Maddox said all those months ago, HE WAS SHELTERED AF.] I–I don’t understand.
[So, there is a struggle of a groan from this one, because she’s super tense rn, and she hates talking about KELLY, and maybe, somewhere deep down, she feels like her boy is gonna start turning his nose up at her if he realizes just how shITTY her life is lol :| But, really, she’s tried to not be a jackhole here, but it’s just not gonna work, because lbr, Maddox is a big jackhole.] Lucky, not everyone has the picture fucking perfect life you have, alright??? Not everyone has two parents who give a shit, and a sister who’ll shove around a ~bad girl because they think you’ll get hurt. Sometimes, life just doesn’t work out that way for people. And I already said it’s not important, so would you just listen to me?!
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My dad threatened to kick me out. I wouldn’t call that a picture fucking perfect life.
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And everything pre-Maddox wasn’t picture-perfect?
Nothing ever is.
Except when it is.
[Huffy Lucky turns away, and he is visibly upset, because YEAH HE WAS JUST JACKHOLED BY HIS GF. He hears her sigh.]
Look, I’m sorry, okay? I shouldn’t’ve yelled. It’s just… I live… [a pause.] lived with Stevie for all that time for a reason, alright? That’s all. I don’t want you thinking it’s a big deal, because it’s not. It’s nothing that keeps me up at night, and I don’t want to think about it at all.
I just wanna know you’re happy. With… everything.
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I am. I mean it. It’s nothing I dwell on.
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[He’s not gonna press. Not rn. (Since he’ll get a taste of what she means soon anyway. But sh.)] Okay.
[So, she’s gonna pull him into that sweet, sweet embrace of hers, and she’s gonna squeeze him there, yup.] You make me happy.
[He’s gonna smile there.] You make me happy too.
K. It’s your turn to tell me your dumb childhood dream.
I think when I was three I wanted to be a dog~.
And you laughed at me? At least my dream profession was possible.
Anything’s possible when you’re three.
Okay, sure~.
[Ok and fin.]
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